RoboAchiever Learning Systems has 5 core programs aimed at inspiring student learning and advancement in STEM-related skills, so much in demand for our evolving economy and tomorrow’s future work demands. Consistent with our belief in hands-on learning development to actively engage students’ minds, our Company motto is “Learning discovered, not delivered.” We follow through with this commitment in the 5 programs we offer, with our seminal program “RoboAchiever” serving the elementary school population with an age-appropriate introduction to mechanical robot navigation in a game adventure format. mBot provides coding and robotics instruction primarily aimed at the middle school population, and the final 3 (VEX Robotics, BricsCAD and iECOshare) serving advanced middle school or high school level students. Full curriculum guides describing each program are available upon request. This pamphlet simply introduces the subjects addressed in each of of these programs. We invite and welcome your further inquiry into these programs, and program demonstrations can be provided at your site upon request. Don Bertrand, Founder: 203 430-3141
A GAME ADVENTURE Dahrtok Villager Rescue PROGRAM OVERVIEW RoboAchiever is an exciting new educational product that makes learning fun. It’s a robotic game adventure played on a physical floor mat that presents math learning as game challenges to advance the floor robot to achieve its target objective, liberation and restoration of knowledge to the Dahrtok Villagers from the mutant invaders, .
The game brings true excitement to the learning process and reinforces the learning that occurs in school through attachment to a fun but challenging goal-oriented activity. Learning achievement in the STEM areas of science, math, computer programming and technology need not be limited to book, desk or chalkboard study. A physical floor game activity can help reinforce the learning that occurs during the school day.
mBot Robotics PROGRAM OVERVIEW Consistent with our Company motto “Learning Discovered, Not Delivered”, we are happy to offer a fun-packed learning adventure to introduce students to the excitement and power of robotics technology. We introduce the program with the graphical Scratch programming language developed at MIT. It is chosen for its simplicity of structure and ease of use, proven as a confidence-building beginner’s introduction to basic computer coding commands. We then quickly move on to continued code learning with the same coding language used to then guide the physical mBot robot that the students themselves will build in teams of 4. Direct reinforcing math instruction is also provided as a part of each week’s program.
PROGRAM OVERVIEW Building upon RoboAchiever’s many implementations of its Lego Mindstorms’ RCX Robotics platform, we are now pleased to introduce “competition grade” robotics training with a strong VEX Robotics curriculum. VEX competitions are routinely held in Connecticut and throughout the Nation. The company has a full complement of VEX Robotics licenses to for student use in completing online Robot Virtual World training. The Company’s Founder and CEO, Don Bertrand, is a Certified VEX Robotics instructor as awarded upon successful completion of Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy’s instructor training program.
This program is conducted in 3 parts. The first involves construction of the Clawbot robot, it’s initial setup and operation. The second involves RobotC code learning, primarily through RoboAchiever’s licensed seats for Robot Virtual World’s online instruction. The third provides detailed implementation of all that was previously learned, as students attack the presented robot task challenges.
BricCAD PROGRAM OVERVIEW Our company is proud to offer an introduction to industry-level CAD training through our educational licenses of BricsCAD, an AutoCAD-compatible design platform. The material we use for our training is the eBooks “Inside BricsCAD” (user download freely available online from BricsCAD) and “Learn Bricscad in a Day” by Ralph Grabowski. Copyright © 2008-14 by upFront.eZine Publishing, Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide.
Our standard program is conducted over a period of 12 weeks with two 2-hour sessions per week. We provide the instructor, computer workstations and software setups.
iECOshare [Water Conductivity Sampling and Data Share] PROGRAM OVERVIEW In this program students will build a Water Conductivity Tester to test the water purity of samples they collect from local area ponds, brooks and other supervised water areas. Each school will be able to allow students to participate in a data-sharing website managed by RoboAchiever where their findings can be uploaded and shared in common with that of other reporting schools or each school’s respective Science Club.
Our program is inspired by the Hydrosphere Data Entry Protocal established by the Globe Worldwide Science and Education Program. RoboAchiever’s Founder and program developer, Don Bertrand, is a trained and authorized Hydrosphere Data-Entry User. Consistent with the goals of that organization, our program follows the curriculum set forth on the website “Build and Test a Conductivity Probe with Arduino.” Our standard program is conducted over a period of 12 weeks with two 2-hour sessions per week.