Roboachiever workbook

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A GAME ADVENTURE Dahrtok Villager Rescue PROGRAM OVERVIEW RoboAchiever is an exciting new educational product that makes learning fun. It’s a robotic game adventure played on a physical floor mat that presents math learning as game challenges to advance the floor robot to achieve its target objective, liberation and restoration of knowledge to the Dahrtok Villagers from the mutant invaders, .

The game brings true excitement to the learning process and reinforces the learning that occurs in school through attachment to a fun but challenging goal-oriented activity. Learning achievement in the STEM areas of science, math, computer programming and technology need not be limited to book, desk or chalkboard study. A physical floor game activity can help reinforce the learning that occurs during the school day.

RoboAchiever Learning Systems 5 Science Park at Yale, New Haven, CT 203 430-3141

The Zibits-mini robot navigates the gamescape under direct student control. The game was designed to encourage, inspire and instill confidence in the young gamer challenged by the thrill to succeed in a fun, game adventure with the student in command. RoboAchiever is a Game Adventure played on a 2’ x 2-1/2’ game mat that involves students in the navigation of the Zibits robot on a mission to rescue the DahrTok Villager civilization from the regressive influence of the Imperial Interferon, supply needed energy and nutrients for their continued civillization advance, and finally lure the invading Imperial Interferon through the Final Deception to its ultimate riddance and demise. The game consists of 3 Phases.

Villager Rescue Phase: • •

Map all Outer World Zone sectors by type (mutuant virus, mutant invader, food nutrient, energy). The Gamer becomes familiar with basic game mechanics, robot navigation, and maintenance of a Field Map and computer Mission Log while challenged by specific pre-algebra math learning concepts to recover the required food and fuel resources needed to proceed to the ExplorerBot Retrieval Phase.

Resource Discovery Phase: Master introduced Coordinate Plane (Elementary School) or algebraic Slope-Intercept Code and travel to identified sectors develop new nutrient and energy resources for use by the Dahrtoks •

Final Deception: •

Select a Zone to set a trap to lure the Imperial Interferon to it's ultimate demise, and communicate its locations and dimensions to the DahrToks utilizing their math symbols code

Each of the 4 DahrTok Village Zones has 4 sectors, with resources critical to the successful completion and safe return of all interstellar travel missions. The resources have been placed or found there on previous expeditions by our Base Commanders. The sectors are identified in row, column format: Row 1, 2, 3, 4 from top to bottom and Column A, B, C, D from left to right. Again, see Field Map A. Note that a grey at each gamemat corner directs and controls a n emitter beam direct to Base Command that assists in identifying object locations. You will map and explore these Zone sectors during the Villager Rescue and Resource Discovery Phases of this mission. Two of the 4 sectors in each Zone are contaminated by Mutant creature invaders deployed by the Imperial Interferon to disrupt all DahrTok Village learning advance. You must capture a total of 4 such creatures to game advance, after satisfying the math challenges they present. The Interferon, through these Mutants, distorts all learning discoveries and communications that occurs among the Villagers within the Zone, particularly communicated learning advances from their Tower of Wisdom now occupied by the Imperial Interferon.

The other 2 sectors are a Nutrient sector and an Energy sector. The Nutrient sector contains nutrients required for DahrTok advancement and also supplies important learning information (“factoids�) helpful to gamemat navigation in each Zone. The Energy Link supplies needed energy source to provide resurgent interim power to the DahrTok Villagers to advance their recovery. They are identified by colors corresponding to each of the 4 Zones: I NE orange, II NW blue, III SW green and IV SE red. Your central mission in this Game Adventure is to rescue the DahrTok Villagers by defeating the Interferon, supplying critical nutrients and energy and, under RoboAchiever Phase III, guiding luring the Imperial Interferon to the Zone trap set by the Dahrtoks as part of their FINAL DECEPTION to rid their world of this leader of te invasion. This mission is broken into 3 staged phases: (1) Village Rescue, (2) Resource Discovery and (3) The Finald Deception. The first is the Villager Rescue Phase where your mission is to deliver needed nutrients and energy to the DahrTok regions and rid their world of Interferon contamination. ***



A computerized game module, as well as additional add-on extensions are optionally available, from the RoboAchievement Company, LLC for further student STEM learning as beginner tools in the areas of computer programming and robot construction and navigation. Please contact us for current pricing of these add-on systems. * RoboAchiever is played with Dinc, a Zibits robot by Senario LLC of Woodstock, Illinois. game play variations Proceed to the Mission tab for Standard Game Play. The following details below descrivbe alternative game variations that can lead to additional point scoring based on creative building structure design challenges.

Build Construction Materials SHELLS - 16 8 large 8 small BLOCKS - 16 8 wooden 8 foam cubes STICKS - 24 16 wooden flat sticks 8 rods (either glow or felt) PLATFORMS - 4 4 circular plastic COIN - 16 FASTENERS tape putty TIMER, WEIGHING SCALE, RULER Here are the Bonus opportunities presented at each level.

VARIATION 1 (Master Builder) Goal: Complex structure design for increased points Game Setup: Same as Standard Play Game Play: Same rules as Standard Play BUT instead of the construction of Gate Portals that are later navigated by ExplorerBot at the end of Phase 1, you may build your own construction design with added complexity and passageway designs for ExplorerBot's return travel Home. Increased points are additionally

provided for complexity of structure design. You may only build in a Zone you occupy or have previously occupied so long as a mutant occupied Zone is not contacted by the material (mutants and materials cannot occupy the same sector). Thus, any mutants interfering with construction must first be defeated and removed via ExplorerBot battle and off-board navigation. Sectors containing either Nutrients or Energy may remain in their assigned Sectors and included as part of the constructed design with removal as later needed. As with Standard Play, upon reaching the Imperial Interferon's Lair, ExplorerBot must be navigated (but this time through a constructed covered passageway) Home to Base Command.

Additonal Coin Awards (otherwise same as Standard Play) Denra coins are additionally awarded based on the complexity of your building designs as follows: Height of highest structure (get 1

Denra per cm) Width of widest structure in inches (get 1 Denra per cm Total materials count (get 1 Denra per 10 items - fasteners not included) # Zone sector passageways (get 1 Denra each navigable access passageway) # captured mutants and liberated villagers captive or housed in built structures (get 1

Denra each)

Lose 2 Denra for each structural collapse occurring during ExplorerBot's return travel Home to Base Command at the end of Phase 1.

VARIATION 2 (Perfect Architect) Goal: Design and Construction per Specs for increased points Game Setup Variation: Clear game mat Zones of all materials, except for mutants which are to be placed according to the selected game mat. Prepare a Building Specs Sheet for the structures to be built by you in each Zone (item type and count). There are no limits on the materials that may be used for this initial construction. You may build structures on any number of up to 4 Zones, allowing room for the mutant battle engagements, but no further construction or changes will be allowed during the course of play except: 1. You may repair fallen debris in any Zone with materials acquired by later Denra purchase at cost of 1 Denra per item. 2. Upon entering a Zone, you may add to or begin structures there with any materials then remaining in your stockpile. Game Play: Same rules as Standard Play BUT setup begins with only mutants on game mat (no Nutrients or Energy) and instead of the construction of Gate Portals in travels during regular Phase 1 play, you build structures in each Zone when the game first begins according to the Building Specs Sheet you develop when this Phase first begins. The initial Building Spec Sheet should detail the item type and materials count for items planned by you to be erected in each Zone. You may freely erect structures in any Zone with your then available free stockpile materials (or materials purchased from fallen debris at cost of 1 Denra per recovered item). Further, as you successfully identify and travel to targeted sectors, either a Nutrient Capsule or Energy Pellet will be provided, again possibly requiring an intial plan adjustment if not already factored as a planned and likely addition.

Additional Coin Awards (otherwise same as Standard Play) Get 1 Denra coin for each item that remains standing in Zone but only up to the number of such items identified on the initial Builders Spec Sheet.

Mission This game has both physical and mental components. You must physically build useful obstacle structures to defend against Interferon counter-attack as you destroy the Imperial Interferon’s mutant allies. But be sure to allow sufficient Zone passage cleaarance to allow ExplorerBot travel to the Interferon’s Lair stationed at the doors to the Tower of

Wisdom. The mutant invaders have invaded the Dahrtok zone regions and destroyed all civilization knowledge. Their aim has been to rid the OuterWorld Zones of all challenge to their world dominination and control. Our job is to rid the Zones of the mutant invaders and restore the Dahrtoks with the knowledge that can spearhead their revived civilization advance. The physical challenges you confront are coupled with your need to master the math challenges presented throughout the game. Your goal is to develop and transfer such math learning knowledge to the Dahrtoks using their special symbolized math code. In addition to the math teachings, you will also provide the Dahrtoks with restored knowledge on building design principles patterned after your completed structures. You will see how all this is accomplished as you read on. First, here’s some information on the Dahrtok’s special symbolized math code.

Dahrtoks Pre-Dawn

Each of 4 team players can select or choose for the first game role to be undertaken by each gamer on a rotating basis (other gamers can play solo or smaller number by doubling up on roles):

SCRIBBLER: the Records Keeper. keeps record of answers, game points and movements, AND manages operating guide, math workbooks, writing pads and training materials TECHNICIAN: the Technician AIR: manages computer CONTROLLER: the Robot Commander FIRE: manages robot BUILDER: the Builder and Materials Manager: manages board (aliens, villagers, emitter lights, building materials, game cards and denra coin if used)

Villager Rescue

PHASE 1 VILLAGER RESCUE Setup: Clear the game mat. Get 16 Free Denra. Select a Game Mat Layout for this game adventure. Place the mutants, nutrient capsules and energy pellets on the game mat reveled for that Layout. STANDARD LAYOUT #1 A1 Sector 1 Nutrient B1 Sector 2 Energy C1 Sector 3 MutantVirus D1 Sector 4 Nutrient ____________ A2 Sector 5 MutantVirus B2 Sector 6 MutantAlien C2 Sector 7 MutantAlien D2 Sector 8 Energy ____________ A3 Sector 9 Energy B3 Sector 10 MutantAlien C3 Sector 11 MutantAlien D3 Sector 12 MutantVirus ____________ A4 Sector 13 Nutrient B4 Sector 14 MutantVirus C4 Sector 15 Energy D4 Sector 16 Nutrient Finally, select Game Challenge Level (start at Level 1) and, if you dare, advanced game Building Variations #1 (Master Builder) or #2 (Perfect Architect) Goal: Answer challenges to enter Zone, remove mutants, and gather nutrients and energy pellets to help rescue villagers Scoring: Get 1 Denra for each of the 4 correctly answered Zone entries Get 1 Denra for each mutant invader eliminated, and gain or lose additional Denra under rules for any advanced game variations selected

Phase 1 Play ZONE ENTRY

1. Select Zones 3 or 4 for Launch Pad entry, then enter the appropriate Sector (either B4 or C4). CHECK YOUR ANSWER 2. Answer Challenge Question presented for ExplorerBot's first

Zone deployment. If correct: - if entry to Nutrient sector, get 1 factoid card. - if entry to Recovery PhaseEnergy sector, record Energy capture in Travel Journal (NOTE: 2 needed to clear Phase 1 and move on to Resource 2). CHECK YOUR ANSWER - if entry to Mutant sector, answer Spectrum Workbook supplemental battle challenge and, if correct (DON'T PEEK), set timer and attempt 5-minute removal of the Mutant to the border area or fully off the game mat. If successful, record Mutant elimination in Travel Journal


3. Begin intra-Zone play (no backward, diagonal, downward, non-adjacent moves allowed) - if move to Nutrient sector, get 1 factoid card. - if move to Energy sector, record Energy capture in Travel Journal CHECK YOUR ANSWER - if move to Mutant sector, answer Fisher (or Spectrum Elementary School Grade 4) Supplemental challenge displayed and, if correct (DON'T PEEK), set timer and attempt 5-minute removal of the Mutant to the border area or fully off the game mat. If successful, record Mutant elimination in Travel Journal AND getDenra. 2 GATE PORTALS

4. If at Zone completion both Mutants have been removed, erect a Gate Portal that straddles the 2 liberated sectors to be used later for ExplorerBot's return home to Base Command after reaching the Imperial Interferon's lair at end of Phase 1. (NOTE: At end of Phase 1 at least 1 Gate Portal must be successfully navigated by ExplorerBot in return home to Base Command without collision destruction to move on to Resource Recovery Phase 2). 5. Register Zone results in Travel Journal. REPEAT TO NEXT ZONE REPEAT ON SAME LEVEL OR QUALIFY FOR PHASE 2: Once you have achieved movement to the final sector at the Imperial Interferon's lair (Sector B1 or C1), you need determine whether you meet the following qualifications to proceed to Phase 2:

--------------------------------------------------------ENDING PHASE 1 At the end of Phase 1, you must now attempt to navigate ExplorerBot back Home from the Interferon's Lair to Base Command with 2 Denra added for each successful portal naviagtion and 2 Denra lost for any structural collision destructions that occur during that return travel. b. Determine whether the following minimums were achieved upon ExplorerBot's return Home: - 4 mutants eliminated - 2 energy pellets acquired - successful travel through at least 1 Gate Portal - 12 total Denra minimum IF QUALIFIED, proceed to Phase 2. IF NOT QUALIFIED, repeat Phase 1 at the same previous Level that failed. Other available setup options may be selected, point totals must now be reset. -----------------------------------------------------------MOVEMENTS NOT ALLOWED: Backward, Diagonal, Downward, Non-Adjacent, Previously Visited sector. Be sure to satisfy a Zone entry challenge before crossing a Zone border into a new Zone. Note that you always have a “Discuss� option when confronted with a game challenge, which allows you to discuss the question with any co-Commanders assigned to your Team before you attempt to answer. Once again, be sure to correctly record in your Travel Journal whether your answer was or was not Correct since all game results depend on the honesty of your play. Resource Discovery

PHASE 2 RESOURCE DISCOVERY [Goal: Additional nutrient and energy resources are available for discovery on the game mat for use by the DahrTok Villagers. You must detemine the resource locations by solving the game's location parameters provided by code. The code utilizes the Coordinate Point method.

Scoring: If correct, gain 1 Denra If not correct, lose 2 Denra Phase 2 Play Navigate ExplorerBot to the suspected resource sector and check answer whether you landed at the correct coordinates. CHECK YOUR ANSWER Repeat 'til 4 sector resources successfully found and provided to the Dahrtoks. Enter results in your Travel Log. The Final Deception

PHASE 3 THE FINAL DECEPTION Setup: Clear game mat Zones of all materials. Goal: Advise the DahrToks of the secret trap location and its physical dimensions for where ExplorerBot is to lure the Imperial Interferon away from its Lair to its ultimate demise. Scoring: 4 Denra Coin are gained for each dimension correctly communicated to the Dahrtoks (Area 4 points, and Perimeter 4 points).

Phase 3 Play Goal: Choose the Zone where the trap is to be set. Look in the STANDARDS OF MEASUREMENT TAB for the shape of the trap allowed for the selected Zone. Then determine the trap's Area and Perimeter dimensons based on the dimension formulas revealed in the STANDARDS OF MEASUREMENT TAB for the shape of that trap, using the following SAMPLE VARIBLES: ∏ = 3.14 a = 2 cm b = 4 cm c = 5 cm ----------------h = 3 cm d = 6 cm This Area and Perimeter answers are to be translated and provided in DahrTok's special symbolized Math code. Refer to the DAHRTOK COMMUNICATIONS TAB for a review of the DahrTok's specialized code Math system. Remember [ ] brackets are used for combinations to represent digits not found in the DahrTok system, such as [□ + Ο] is the number 3. Task: WRITE RESULTS FOR THE TRAP'S DIMENSIONS Area: Perimeter: CHECK YOUR ANSWER If both not correct, then select another Zone to set the trap and calculate its dimensions to relate to the Dahrtoks. IF ALL 4 TRAPS FAIL THE GAME ENDS WITHOUT SUCCESS, AND YOU MUST START OVER IN PHASE 1 AT THE SAME LEVEL JUST TRIED.

If correct, the GAME ENDS WITH SUCCESS and you should determine your final score and achieved Commander rank. Take on the next game levels 2, 3 and then 4, and try different Layouts other than Standard. Also try the advanced play variations (Master Builder) and (Perfect Architect) for additional challenge and building fun. GAME ENDS WHEN THE INTERFERON IS LEAD TO THE TRAP AND REMOVED BY YOU FROM THE GAME MAT THE VILLAGERS RETURN TO SUCH STRUCTURES YOU BUILD TAKE PHOTOS AND POST WITH SCORE ON OUR WEBSITE WWW.ROBOACHIEVER.COM Good work, Commander! THE ROBOACHIEVEMENT TEAM DAHRTOK COMMUNICATION The Dahrtoks use a number system to communicate called the Rule of 15. Their system only has 4 digits expressed in symbols 1□ 2Ο 4Δ 8▬ Brackets [ ] are used for combinations to represent digits not found in the DahrTok system, such as [□ + Ο] is the number 3. The digits can be used to display any number as a coded message by grouping as shown, since it’s still based on the tens place-value decimal system that we know. The name “Rule of 15” comes from the fact that the digits add up to 15: 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 15 or

□ +Ο+Δ


□ [□+ Δ]

Example of symbol translation: the number □ [□+ Ο][ Ο+ Δ] is the same as the number 136 1 + 3 = 4 is written in DahrTok: □ The symbol

+ [ □ + Ο] = Δ

▬ is a rectangle although it simply looks like a line.


Measurement Formulas

SAMPLE VARIABLES: ∏ = 3.14 a = 2 cm b = 4 cm c = 5 cm ----------------h = 3 cm d = 6 cm

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