BENZ Inc. Introduces New Highspeed Spindle Speeders
1888 Press Release Benz Inc. introduces two new highspeed spindle speeders, Type SL and Type SLI. These highperformance spindle speeders increase the rpms on standard machine tool machining center spindles, boosting both output and productivity. CharlotteGastoniaRock Hill, NCSC German tooling systems expert BENZ now offers highspeed spindle speeders for the wood, metal and composites industries. Engineered in Germany, BENZ tooling systems are sold and serviced in the United States and Canada from its North American headquarters in Charlotte, N.C. "BENZ highspeed spindles provide solutions for all applications where the existing machine's rpms and the resulting cutting speeds do not allow for efficient production," explained John Roasa, National Sales Manager of the metal division at BENZ Inc. "The addition of BENZ highperformance spindle speeders increases the rpms on standard machine tool machining center spindles, boosting both output and productivity." Primarily designed for highspeed drilling, BENZ highspeed spindles are also suitable for precise machining and slight millworking without any specific surface hardness. They offer increased surface finish and milling capabilities and are capable of running ceramic end mills. BENZ offers highspeed spindles in two different variations, Type SL and Type SLI. Type SL is available with jacket cooling, which reduces operating temperature and results in consistent operating parameters. Type SLI, equipped with an internal coolant system and a jacket cooling system, increases inuse speeds by thousands, with a 1:5 ratio, and is designed for tools with a cooling channel and an internal coolant supply. Those equipped with coolant can operate at up to 40,000 rpms and coolant pressure up to 80 bar, while those without coolant can run at up to 18,000 rpms. All BENZ highspeed spindles are selfcooling and engineered for an unlimited duty cycle. They also deliver improved stability and less vibration, with optimized temperature and weight. An exchangeable torque arm holds the spindle in position and avoids twisting, which makes BENZ highspeed spindles highly flexible. Their tools can be changed automatically with a Stop Block machine tool changer, or manually by installing a block or pin to keep the torque arm from rotating. BENZ Inc., a member of the Zimmer Group, is the technological leader for the production of innovative machining heads for the wood, plastics, composites and metalworking industries. The company manufactures tooling systems in Germany and offers sales and support for the United States and Canada through its subsidiary, BENZ Inc., headquartered in Charlotte, N.C. For more information on BENZ highspeed spindle speeders, visit or call 704