3 steps for effective studying

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3 Steps for Effective Studying Your college experience whether undergrad or grad will involve dozens of tests, quizzes, and exams over the years and knowing how to study for them is critical. I am finishing off my own college degree and as I look back I have honed my study habits and watched other students do the same. From my own experience and the experience of those I have spoken with here are the steps to successfully study:

1. Discern Test Content Before you begin creating a study guide you need to know what to include. This is the first and most difficult part of studying for a test. Perhaps your professor was nice enough to supply you with an outline of the study guide but most of the time they will not. Take whatever resources you have and start building your study guide, but make sure that you speak with your professor during class and individually to get a better feel for the content of the test. You can do the same with the TA (teaching assistant). When it comes to the amount of material to include there is definitely a tradeoff. If you put on everything from the class you risk studying unnecessary information not to mention wasting time building such a long study guide. However, if you don’t include enough no matter how well you go through your completed study guide you will not have studied everything on the test. As a safe bet include more rather than less information in your study guide. On a separate note you should be doing this at least a week before the test to give you enough time to study.

2. Create Your Study Guide Generally, I choose to do this on a computer with Microsoft OneNote (Mac has a similar Notebook program). Review the outline of topics you have created and then browse your class notes for the information. From here it is simple drag and drop to have all of the information in one convenient location. If you chose to write your notes on paper you may be out of luck (I can’t stand professors who don’t permit laptops). On paper you can tear out pages, tag sections with sticky-tabs, or highlight the necessary information. Remember that you don’t need to memorize each page as not everything will be on the test. Continue browsing your notes until you are satisfied that you have enough information to answer every topic listed in the outline.

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