Being Proactive with Homework in College College is a time that involves a lot of experimentation and tweaking in order to figure out this new phase of life. Whether people are new students or are returning students, the fact of the matter is that life is going to change up in a significant way as people enter this new phase of life. As such, this is a time where people need to figure out their personal responsibility, as well as their ability to get things done. College offers a lot of freedom from past educational structuring, in that there is a lot less hand holding and ability to always come back from getting behind. The point of the experience is to produce people who are more driven and effective overall. Some people take the freedom which college affords and use it to be proactive and driven and on the spot, and some other use that freedom to slack off and procrastinate. Indeed, that is the true beauty of the college situation- because it allows students to pick their own path. If they want to be on the ball and on tasks and do well, then they have that option. Likewise, those who feel like being lazy and falling behind and not doing tasks have that freedom as well.
The Purpose of College Homework It is an environment where every person in attendance has to earn their progression through this educational experience. For those who want to be able to succeed with their nursing education or any other degree, getting homework done on time and doing it well is an important thing to emphasize. Homework is assigned in order to ensure that students are able to learn from class, as well as testing their ability to expand their learning buy completing assignments and projects. In many cases, a significant amount of class grade revolves around homework. While homework isn’t something that anyone truly looks forward too, it is a critical way to expand on skills and learning and encourage those who are doing it to better process the material. As such, being protective with homework is essential to finding success. One of the biggest parts of the college experience relates to the number of classes per week, and the time frames which are issued in order to allow everyone to complete assignments. Since it is rare for most assignments to be due the next day, a lot of people will procrastinate, basking in the extra time that they think they have.