Things You Don’t Need in College College is an exciting time! You are preparing for your future, expanding your mind, and proving to the world what you can do. You get to buy all those great new school supplies and stock up on ramen and mac and cheese. There are thousands of cool study-aid apps to buy, not to mention all the tablets, phones, and computers that go with them. But before you know it, you’re drowning in debt. While there are a lot of cool and even helpful things out there to help you with your studies, most of them are not worth going into debt for. Here are a few things that you think you need, but don’t.
A High-End Computer As serious as college is, you don’t need to break the bank for a super classy computer. Really, you just need the basics. Unless you are getting a computer technology degree in Phoenix, you won’t need anything fancy. Just as long as you can write papers, access the internet, and create a PowerPoint presentation, that’s all you’ll really need. Even basic computers can handle “higher class” stuff like Photoshop and other design programs.
Spanking New Text Books Don’t ever spend money on brand new textbooks if you can help it. Textbooks are a huge cost for college students and you can find them secondhand almost anywhere. Check online, ask friends who’ve taken the class before, or visit a used bookstore. Most college bookstores sell used books and even arrange book exchange programs to help students buy and sell used books.
A Tablet As handy and cool as tablets are, they aren’t really necessary for school. While they do come with many advantages like portability, note taking, video streaming, and even textbook downloads, you can get along fine with cheaper counterparts like actual paper notebooks. Besides, most students have smartphones or laptops that can stream videos or run apps. You don’t need to duplicate what you already have.
A Car As much as we all want cars, they are a huge expense. Most college students really can’t afford the car, gas, parking passes, and insurance. Colleges and college towns understand this. That is why they usually have bike paths, close grocery stores, student-discounts on bus passes, on-campus housing, etc. Many students get by just fine without a car their entire college career.