Why You Should Join a College Club There are so many opportunities to enjoy life as a college student and clubs are some of the best ways to live it up. Here are a few of the reasons why you should join a college club.
BFF Outside of your dorm or apartment, there aren’t very many ways to really get to know people. Sometimes it’s difficult to find close friends in class. There just isn’t enough time or opportunity to form deep friendships. But in a club, you get to spend consistent and quality time with new people which can lead to lively and lasting relationships.
I love you, you love me No matter what club you choose, you can be sure to meet people with similar interests and personalities. If you like to dress up in cloaks and wear swords, you will find good company in your medieval club. If none of your roommates can keep up with you on your morning jog, probably someone in your running club can. If you like to rock climb, you can be sure to find a friend who you can trust to not let you fall. If you like to rhyme, your club member will keep you in time.
Buck up buddy Sometimes our interests require a lot of energy. And your club mates will be there to keep you motivated. If you love to play soccer, but have a hard time getting up and dressed, knowing your club members are waiting for you should give you the boost you need. Perhaps you have been trying to invent the perfect chocolate cheesecake, but continuously fail. Not only will your club members keep eating your failures, they won’t let you quit until you have conquered that cake. Life is always easier with a friend or two or twenty who have your back. Clubs are a great place to find them.
Off with the training wheels Another great benefit of joining a club is getting a chance to spread your wings. Doing activities with your club gives everyone an opportunity to learn from each other. Your club becomes a melting pot of ideas, styles, tips and tricks. Maybe one club member’s unmatched ability to mix paints, plus the unique brush stroke of another, helps you finally paint that perfect sunset you saw at the beach near the College in San Diego. Or in French club you finally meet a native speaker that can help you perfect your accent. Clubs provide environments and opportunities for you to breach new heights.