Writing a Paper on a Deadline Whether you are a nursing student in San Marcos or a business student, there is a great chance that you will one day be asked to write a paper for a college course and you will be under the gun to get it done. It does not matter if you have had all semester to write the paper and simply put it off or if the instructor sprung the assignment on you with little warning, the situation is that now you must write a paper in an extremely short period of time; but how? One of the very first things that you must do is realize the situation with clarity. An honest assessment of your predicament will show you that while the task seems monumental, it is more than accomplishable.
Analyzing Assignments First, you will need to calmly analyze the assignment for the paper so that you can get it right the first time. Because you are under the gun to get this paper pounded out, the last thing you will want is to have to reduce the paper because it does not comply with the requirements of the course. After analyzing the assignment, you can begin to come up with a plan. Given the tight deadline there are some who may panic a simply start writing, but those who take the time to plan out what their paper will be on, how it will flow from topic to topic, and what conclusions they desire to arrive at will benefit greatly from their initial efforts to plan.
Organize a Plan Organizing the plan into sections of writing will likewise help to expedite the writing process itself. For example, if the paper that you must write has a required length of ten pages it is likely that the unprepared writer will run out of steam and fresh ideas by around page five or six. To combat this and hasten the writing process, you, the student, can create an outline for every idea that you have on the subject you are writing about. This outline can be referenced to after completing a discussion on each sub topic of the paper.
Writing more quickly