How to Work Well with a Study Group When it comes to school, we are all able to learn from a wide variety of subjects and with many different professors and classmates. Because you will be exposed to so much different information, it is clear that sometimes your class materials will be clear to you, and sometimes you may have difficulty with understanding and applying the information you are trying to learn. As you address your ability to do well in each specific class you take, it is a good idea to decide on good studying strategies for each course. As you look for ways to study your many different subjects, it may be a good idea to consider starting a study group with a few others in your class.
Teaching Other Through Learning As you consider making a study group, remember that these groups can benefit you in many different ways. The most obvious is of course that you will learn from the others in your group, and fill the gaps in knowledge you may have. But perhaps an even more useful aspect of study groups is the chance they give you to teach others. As you teach other individuals, you will be able to solidify the knowledge you have and increase your confidence. When it comes to starting your study group, remember to find students who have similar class related goals. Working with students who are all committed to success is the best way to work synergistically as a group. With your united goals, you and the others in your group will all be able to perform better and teach and learn from each other.
Having a Plan for Studies It is a good idea for each study group to come up with a collaborative study plan. This plan would include topics that need to be covered, a schedule for meetings, and even assignments for each group member and maybe a snack sign up. Having a clear plan will help your team to be as effective as possible. The next thing you must do may seem obvious, but it is important. Stick to your plan, but be flexible. As you learn about various topics in class, you may learn that certain topics don’t require as much time or study as others.