College Life Hacks You know the feeling you get when you make the realization that soda can tops are made that way so you can fit your straw into it and it won’t float out? I remember when I did and I wished I had been using it that way my whole life. There are a million other “life hacks” like this that when implemented into our daily lives, we can become a lot more effective while we are studying for school.
Motivation If you need an extra push of motivation while you study, try the rewards system. Instead of snacking on those M&Ms while you read your text book, place an M&M on every paragraph, and only once you get to that paragraph in your reading allow yourself to eat it. You will be surprised at how quickly you can finish your reading when you motivate yourself.
Speed Up In order to go back and study the notes you took in your business administration class perfectly, it makes it a lot easier to record lectures. When going back to listen to them, use programs such as Audacity or VLC media player to listen to them at twice the speed.
Saving Time If you do not have time to eat a full blown cooked meal in between studying sessions, learn how to utilize your food and microwave. Rather than scramble your eggs on the stove top, you can crack your eggs into a mug and scramble them in under 2 minutes in the microwave. Or, if you simply do not want to stack up on any more dirty dishes you can use a tortilla on top of your dish to protect your dish from getting dirty and effectively avoid having to wash it.
Pump Up the Volume Here’s a trick that you may not have thought of before: if you are ever having an impromptu dance party or just need a louder alarm to wake you up in the morning, you can amplify your sound by putting your phone or alarm into a container. Large bottles with a hole cut in the side to fit in your phone make for good speakers that emphasize the bass and glass cups work well for an alarm that is sure to wake you up.
Microwave The microwave truly is a gift from the College gods. It can sometimes seem like there is not enough room in that small oven to fit everything you want to microwave. Instead of doing two separate trips of radioactivity you can put a second bowl on top of a mug and microwave two bowls at the same time. Make your leftover pizza taste just as good the next day as it did fresh. Just microwave it with a small glass of water. This keeps the crust crunchy rather than chewy and it