Copywriting Styles The writing styles are just as diverse in copywriting as in regular writing but oftentimes they are misunderstood and are not taught in school the same way regular writing was. Here are some recognizable styles that you will notice while surfing the internet.
Storytelling First—There is the storytelling format that is often seen in blogs and sometimes on websites. Sometimes these entail real life events or challenges that readers can relate with. This story-telling format is very similar to any storytelling in general in that it requires an ability to paint a picture for the readers. This requires a strong voice and ability to use very descriptive words to get your point across.
Informative Second—Informative copywriting is a style that requires more detail. It is often used to teach a concept or just share information. Many find this style much more dry and boring at times but with the right wording informative copy can still be exciting.
Imagery Third— Imagery styled copy paints a picture for readers by using metaphors and similes in order to put the reader in a new setting. It is important in this style of copy to use known people, places and things in order to reach the individual readers.
Touchstone Fourth— The Touchstone style is much like the imagery style because you use a common known place or person except this time you use it as a base for your writing. It becomes the main connector and is referred to throughout the writing. Many times the “touchstone” is an actual historic event that took place.
Personal Fifth—“you” copy is seen a lot on the internet today. It is where the word “you” is used often in order to build a connection with the reader. This kind of copy can become repetitive sometimes so mixing styles is always an option. While these are some of the styles you may encounter while writing copy it is important to remember that it is your voice that should sell as a writer. So how do you sell your voice?