How to be as innovative as steve jobs

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How to be as innovative as Steve Jobs Steve Jobs is a perfect example to follow for those entrepreneurs who are looking for success. His innovation was his trademark. Here are some ways to take on your challenges with innovation like Steve Jobs!

Be a salesperson Most people say they can’t stand sales people and they can never see themselves being one. If you want to succeed you have to either be able to sell yourself or your product. This takes the right words whether on paper or in person. Steve Jobs had a knack for selling Apple not just to his customers, but to his employers. This is what you need to be able to do as an employer as well in order to properly motivate your team.

Fear only fear Too many people are afraid of failure. What have you got to lose though? If we didn’t have anything to lose, then there would be a lot more people that would take risks and show much more innovation in their services and businesses and lives overall. Steve Jobs was willing to risk his whole company and he even failed a couple times. He was not afraid of going through hard times to find success. It was just part of the journey. This is the way that a successful individual thinks and when you have failed several times with a product, it is what can keep you motivated to keep going, ultimately promoting innovation in your work.

Passion Whatever you do, you need to be passionate about it. If you aren’t excited about things then you aren’t invested emotionally in them and they won’t have the same potential of succeeding. Jobs had a passion for the things he did and he did things come rain or snow. Even when the economy was in a recession he was pushing out new products. Passion can give you the will to perform when everyone around you is getting sucked into mediocrity.

Know what others want Whether you are working as sales person, a writer, or a waitress at a restaurant, you need to know what people want. As soon as you can predict it and be able to respond accordingly, you will be showing success and innovation in your work. This is the way Jobs was able to achieve so much success. He had almost a sixth sense for what his customers wanted and he addressed those desires with great products.

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