Job Networking The world around us continues to change in a variety of different ways. We can travel faster, communicate instantaneously, and do a whole host of other things that our grandparents probably never dreamed about. However, along with the positive changes in our society also comes a more competitive workforce. While this is good because it drives innovation and results in better solutions to everyday problems, it also means that a college degree by itself isn’t usually enough to land you a great job. To really get into the industry of your choosing, you need more than just a diploma: you need to know how to network.
What Is Good Networking? Networking means making connections with other people that can be beneficial to you and others down the line. For instance, sending in your resume to a company in order to try and fill their job opening has a better chance of success if you know the recruiter personally. The people making the decision about who to hire can only know so much about you from what you’ve written on paper. Almost everyone is more comfortable hiring somebody they have gotten to know personally than someone who they’ve read about.
How To Start Networking There is no set way to network. The only thing you want to make sure of is that you’re leaving a good impression with those you meet. For instance, badgering a company executive for contact information is usually not a good idea. What you want to focus on is how you can get to know people organically. Strike up a conversation with them and ask what industry they work in. You’d be surprised how many connections you will make if you just start being friendlier with others.
Internships Internships are not only a great way to gain work experience, but they are excellent networking opportunities. The people with whom you are working get the chance to see you in your element, and as long as you perform admirably, you will earn great connections through your internships. In fact, if you want to get a job in an ad agency right out of college, your best bet is to get an internship there first.
Social Media While social media generally does not constitute a person-to-person interaction, it is a good way to get to know who else is in the industry. Social media platforms like LinkedIn are great at helping you meet others in your line of work.