Keeping Your Computer Running Smoothly Buying a computer is a huge investment that you do not want to go to waste. It is one of your most valuable possessions, carrying miscellaneous files for everything from family to work and school. It is important to do everything within your power to keep it running smoothly for as long as possible so you can save money and not buy a new computer every year. Here are a few steps to make that possible.
Monthly check up Just like you take vitamins to stay healthy, your computer needs check-ups to stay healthy. Every month take the time to delete any unnecessary junk that may have accumulated. They slow the computer down by using up the memory. If you cannot part with even the most unnecessary files, try putting the files you know you won’t need anytime soon onto a spare memory drive.
Backup files Everything that is important and necessary to you today will probably be just as useful tomorrow – so when your computer crashes what will you do? If you have everything backed up on disks you won’t have to worry about losing any of your work.
Anti-Spyware Oftentimes the Internet brings with it the not so pleasant spyware and malware software that can destroy your computer from the inside out. You can prevent these by downloading a trustworthy anti-spyware program and running it on a daily basis. If you cannot afford that, you can always try using a trusted free virus scan online.
Delete cookies. These are not the cookies you eat, but the cookies your computer builds up after visiting several websites. If you reset your internet browser and clear your Internet history after you sign off, these cookies will disappear. There is no use in keeping them, they just take up memory.
Be Careful Viruses on the Internet come from pop-ups and other unfriendly websites. If you avoid any websites that do not look authentic or that do not have a lot of information on search engines like Google or Wikipedia, you can prevent your computer from catching any destructive viruses. These sites are normally flash game sites or even blogs. If any advertisements ever pop up promising cash or prizes but asks for any of your personal information, do not even click on it. Oftentimes they have a fake-out closing button that actually ensures that you click on their ad. Be careful of these types of
advertisements because they are out to not only destroy your computer little by little but to also take your information to access your money. All of this type of information and more can all be learned and improved upon in the IT training offered in Kuwait by Infocenter. This specialized training can help you towards not only securing your own personal computer from anything unwanted but can also help in pursuing an education, degree, position, and salary in the IT field. Follow these steps to ensure that your computer will continue to run as smooth as the day you bought it. Photo Credit: ArtMast, hoboton