Deciding If Your Kids Are Too Sick For School

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Deciding If Your Kids Are Too Sick For School If you are a parent, you want the best for your children. You will do whatever you can to make sure your children are safe, healthy, and happy. As a parent, you probably also know that children are constantly on the move. They open every drawer, play in every pile of dirt, and get mud everywhere. Being on the move in such a way exposes them to quite a few different kinds of germs. Because of this, children are often sick. There are, of course, different kinds of sicknesses, some being more serious than others. A problem that many parents face is the decision of how sick their child actually is.

Self Help? Sometimes going to the doctor to find out how sick their child is tedious, time-consuming, and expensive. It would be easier if they could just determine on their own how sick their child is. The reason why it is important for most parents to determine how sick their child is because they need to know whether or not they can send their child to school. If their child is a little sick, but not extremely sick, they want to send them to school. Not sending a child to school causes an upset in the normal daily routine that families follow. But as parents know, sending a sick child to school has many negative consequences. The child could make other children sick, or the child could throw up at school or otherwise not be able to focus and learn. If your child is not going to be able to learn at school because they are so sick, it is best that they stay home.

How to Know Many parents wonder how they can tell whether or not their child should stay home from school. Here are a few tips on how to tell how sick your child is. If your child has a fever, make sure you follow these guidelines about fevers. If your child is over 4 years old, their temperature is below 100.4, and they will willingly drink water, then they should be ok to go to school. Now if your child is under 4 years old and is experiencing a fever, you should take him or her to the doctor as soon as possible. Fevers in

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