Tips to Enhance Your Understanding of Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Outlook is a crucial tool for anyone who sends emails outside of their browser. It has been around for a number of years as part of the landmark Microsoft Office set of applications. There are so many Microsoft Outlook imitators due to its landmark functionality that it’s difficult to determine which program you should use to satisfy this purpose. It’s wise to hang your hat on the product that started it all. To get a better sense of what Microsoft Outlook as to offer, you should enroll yourself in Kuwait Microsoft training courses. Kuwait Microsoft courses are available for any experience level. You need to find the one that fits with your current experience level. Throwing yourself into advances Kuwait Microsoft training classes will be too jarring.
Customizing the Look of Your Inbox Your inbox in Microsoft Outlook is like your home away from home. You deal with it so much that it’s only right that you customize it to fit what you do on a daily basis. Microsoft Outlook has so many features that are geared towards customizing your inbox. During the course of your Kuwait Microsoft training classes, you will have the opportunity to get a sense of what you can make your inbox look like when everything is said and done.
Tracking Your Read Messages It’s possible that you might briefly open a message but never thoroughly read its contents. In most email applications, you won’t be able to differentiate these messages from the emails that you have read in their entirety. That’s not something that you will have to deal with in Microsoft Outlook. You have the option to set a time limit for how long you want a message to appear in the Reading Pane before Outlook marks it as being read. As soon as this time period elapses, the message will automatically be marked as read without any action on your part.
Understanding Conditional Formatting The way that unread emails are marked is usually pretty standard across all email applications. The text that’s used to signify the presence of that message like subject is marked in bold. When you read the message, this text becomes normal. This is a standard that everyone has become used to over the years. With conditional formatting, you can apply a different color or font to each group of messages. For anyone that has a number of contacts with whom they regularly associate, this tool can particularly come in handy.
Acquiring Your Certification One of the best things that you can do as a Microsoft Outlook user is acquire your Kuwait Microsoft certification. As part of this program, you will extensively study all different programs