Reducing test anxiety

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Reducing Test Anxiety Many students struggle with test taking anxiety. With the pressure of performing well and making the grade, the stress can become overwhelming and even paralyzing on test day. To help you calm down, relax, and approach your test with confidence there are a few things you can do in preparation and on the day of your test to reduce anxiety.

Preparation Test preparation begins with an organized plan. Give yourself enough time to effectively study the material for your test. Utilize memorization, visualization, and other study techniques to help you effectively recall the information as needed. Gather as much information you can about what to expect on the test and what will be expected of you and work to be able to meet those expectations. Part of being a successful student and test taker is taking care of your body and mind. Eat healthy foods that will help your brain work better. Foods that are high in Omega-3 and antioxidants are the best for boosting brain power. Particularly on the evening before a big test, take care to get enough sleep. Your brain needs to rest and will perform better than it would without an appropriate break. Avoid cram sessions. By taking the time to plan ahead and allot for ample study time prior to the night before the test, you will be better prepared to perform well on the day of your test. Working to build long term memory is significantly more effective and lasting than short term stuffing of information and facts.

Test Day As test day dawns, take care to eat a healthy breakfast, again taking care to include foods that are high in Omega-3 and antioxidants. Ideally you are fully rested after a full night’s sleep and this, with a good meal will give your brain and body the fuel it needs to perform efficiently. When you walk into the test, if you have prepared as outlined above, you can do so with confidence. Use what motivational thoughts and tricks that you need to keep yourself confident about what you know. Make sure that you have gathered and arrived with all the necessary materials you need for the test and if needed, create a checklist. Arrive early enough that you have more than enough time to complete the test without feeling rushed. Just before beginning the test you will want to find the most comfortable spot available that provides good lighting and is removed from as many distractions as possible. Be relaxed and, if need be, have a

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