How to Choose the Perfect Major

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How to Choose the Perfect Major For the indecisive person, choosing a college major could be the bane of their existence. The pressure of choosing a life path by committing to a single, focused line of study for the next fourodd years of their life can be maddening. It can be difficult to choose one major from a list of two-hundred with just a few lines of description to go off of. There are a few things to consider when making this decision that should help ease the pain of grown-up decision making.

Cross out the things you know you will hate Sometimes it’s easier to identify things you hate over things you like. A loathing for math should cancel out any engineering, physics, statistics, economics, or accounting degrees. That should narrow down the field considerably. If, however, you don’t hate anything, don’t worry. There are plenty of other things you can do to narrow down the field.

Don’t forget what your childhood dreams were Even if the idea being an astronaut or firefighter seems ridiculous to you now, it can give you some hints into what you are looking for in a major and future career. Wanting to be an astronaut could mean you are interested in discovery and the unknown. This could lead you towards budding fields that offer such mystery. Wanting to be a firefighter as a kid might mean you like to help people. Majors that have such goals like pre-med, physical therapy, public health, or social work could all be good fits for you.

Rank them in order of what is most appealing to you It might be tough, but pay attention to the tugs of interest and sparks of excitement that you feel when you consider each major. The way you feel about your major is largely going to determine how you feel about your life for the next four or so years. You will want to make sure that your major something that will really lift your spirits.

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, research them

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