The Importance of Joining a Club in College Wherever you live and whatever college you attend, chances are that there are extra-curricular clubs in the area that you can join. With all of the pressures of schoolwork, you may be asking yourself why it would be necessary to put even more of your free time towards something else that isn’t schoolwork. There is no simple answer, as there are many reasons why joining a club while in college is a good idea.
Point of College You are in college in order to earn a degree, put that degree on a resume, and get a good job with a good salary with that degree and resume. Joining a club means that you will be able to have fun with people with similar interests as you, but it also gives you something else to put on your resume that will set you apart from the rest. While resumes are important, do not underestimate the importance of spending time with people of like minds and interests. It can be hard to meet people while you are constantly studying all the time, but through the Internet and Facebook you can easily come into contact with an organized group of people that want to meet on a weekly or monthly basis to talk about or participate in what your mutual interest is. Joining a club is a great way to make new friends.
Making a Difference Often the clubs that people join are not only a way to make new friends, but a way to make a difference with these new friends. Participating in clubs and program that give back by serving and volunteering in the community is a great way to spend free time with a nice payback. You might not earn any money but you will earn a reward greater – having the satisfaction of knowing that you helped someone. Serving others less fortunate than you is a great reason to join a club. It doesn’t matter what you are studying, whether it is Business Administration, Accounting, Property Management, Event Planning, New Media Marketing, or Programming, there are clubs that will appeal to your interests. Studying at home and in classes are not the only enriching parts of your education. It is important that in your extra-curricular life you have something to help you stay grounded and teach you about the real world outside of the classroom. Through your participation in clubs, not only will you meet new friends, but you will have opportunities to network with people as well. After your college education and you get your degree you will begin the hunt for a job with a salary that pays you well for your efforts. However, you may not have a place to