2013-14 Editor: Pamela Rineer
Table of Contents 2 Letter... Continued PTA Prizes SnowPass 3 Tree Decorating 4 Cut for a Cause Market Day 5 Santa Shop Spirit Wear Yearbook Pics Donaldson Discovers Variety Show Art Fair 6 Champions of Change Award 7 Santa Shop flyer 8 Holiday Vendor Show Sarris Candy Pickup 9 Polar Express Movie Night 10 Yearbook Order Form 11 Spirit Towel Order Form 12 Seed Program Form 13-15 Campbell's Points Forms 16 Box Tops Forms 17-18 PTA Membership Form 19 PTA Committee 20 PTA Events Calendar
December 2013 Issue 2
Letter from our PTA President
As we head into the Holiday Season, I would like to thank all of the Committee Chairs for their efforts so far this year. They all volunteer tirelessly to benefit Donaldson students, teachers and staff. We could not be successful without their continued efforts. We have had a great start to the year and many more programs to come. Our yearbook sale continues, but the deadline is coming up after Winter Break. We also could use your help with sending pictures to be included. Jessica Marshall is heading the yearbook this year and could really use your help with candids taken during the school day. Do you have pictures from Open House or Halloween? Please send them to her at jessicamarshall777@gmail.com. The Reflections contest has ended and our winners have advanced to the next round of judging. Look for more information in the upcoming months. Coming up after Thanksgiving is Santa Shop. Information was emailed out, but we are still looking for volunteers. We need about 80 volunteers – “personal shoppers”, cashiers and wrappers - to make this event successful. Any time that you can help is appreciated. We can only use you if you have your Clearances on file with the office. Please contact Christine Frost at christinelfrost@gmail.com. The Variety Show is just around the corner. Remember it is a Variety Show – it is not restricted to dancing and singing. Did you remember to apply for your Clearances? Christmas parties are coming up Market Day is one of our consistent fundraisers. The profit from out pie sale was significant with over 200 pies sold. However, we need volunteers to assist on delivery day.
Letter from our PTA President Continued: We need help with the truck unloading, sorting of the items, filling the orders and then double checking the orders. Without this help, the process takes a long time and orders cannot be picked up in a timely fashion. The Board is currently looking at whether to keep this as a fundraiser or the need to look for a replacement. I would love to hear your feedback. A quick note on labels and receipts – they are needed !! Please send them in to school and they will get routed to Michelle and Vicki for counting. If you stop at Shop N Save for a quick gallon of milk – we can use that receipt toward our assembly. We raised almost $260 in the October Box Tops contest. PTA membership cards were recently sent home. If you have not yet become a PTA member, please see the application in this newsletter? Membership is open to everyone. Thank you for your continued support. Happy Thanksgiving, Lori Rankin 412-417-3512 donaldsonpta@hotmail.com lori.rankin@fedex.com
PTA Sponsored Program Prizes Prizes were received from the points earned during the Giant Eagle Apples for Students program last spring. Mrs. King won a Simple Machines kit. Mrs. Stout won a Digital Scale. Mrs. Tracy won a set of race car magnetic whiteboard erasers and a set of 6 swing & hops (kind of like hula hoop with your feet). The PTA also provided a complete kickball set to the cafeteria, also from the Apples for Students. There was a ball, bases, bag and pump.
4th and 5th Grade Parents Brochures and Applications for this years SnowPass program are available online. Please follow the link for more information. http://www.skipa.com/learn-to-skiride/4th5th-gradeprograms Sarris Candy Sale Pick-up Information
Toner Recy cling P Discontinue rogram d
We are sorr y to s to changes in th ay that due Thank you all for your participation in the Sarris candy sale! The e order will be coming in on December 18th and pick up will be at the toner recycling Staples p rogram we will no longe school between 6-7pm in the cafeteria. We could use a few r b e c ollecting toner cartrid volunteers who could help that afternoon to set up and in the g e s . T th hank evening to pass out the orders. See you on the 18 . (Don’t forget for your pa st support o you to stop at the PTA Holiday Vendor show tables to pick up a few f this effort. Christmas gifts on your way to pick up your order. They will be set up in the hallway that evening.) If you have any questions about the candy sale pick-up call Patty Giura at 412-760-9408.
Donaldson Tree Decorating
Kindergartners came on November 18th to the Clinton Park to decorate the Donaldson Tree for the Light Up Celebration that runs November 21st through January 5th 5-10pm.
CUT FOR A CAUSE To bring awareness to the American Cancer Society and Relay for Life, students could buy $! raffle tickets for a chance to cut Mrs. Campbell’s hair. Three lucky winners were chosen and Mrs. Campbell donated her hair to support the cause.
MARKET DAY Volunteers are needed monthly to help support this PTA fundraiser. If you’d like to volunteer please contact christinelfrost@gmail.com
200 Pies
were sold in the November fundraiser. But with the lack of volunteers the PTA is reviewing whether to keep this as a fundraiser. Please share your feedback.
Santa Shop - Volunteers Needed Hard to imagine, but Christmas will be here before we know it! December 9th -14th will be our annual Santa shop. Volunteers are needed to shop with the kids! We need approximately 8-10 volunteers for each classroom. If you can choose 1 or 2 days of the week and pick either morning or afternoon shift it would help tremendously! During Santa Shop the kids get to shop for holiday gifts for friends and relatives. Gifts range in price from $1 to $10. Each child also gets one free Santa Dollar to spend as a gift from the PTA. Set up will be FRIDAY DECEMBER 6th and we will need help decorating and wrapping gifts that day.
Sh ow yo ur Sc ho ol Spir
HS spirit wear http://spiritstore.oline sports.com/ index.php? school_url=westallegh enyathletics.o linesports.com
Jewelry http://store01.prostore s.com/ servlet/blingsnthing s/the-WestAllegheny-Jewelry/Ca tegories
TED PICTURES WAN If you have a few hours to donate and would like to ! for the yearbook be there to shop with your child please contact res se send any pictu a le P Christine Frost at christinelfrost@gmail.com. that you take Clearances MUST be on file with the office to hout the school g u ro th volunteer during Santa Shop. year for possible sion to yearbook submis Thank you!! at Jessica Marshall DONALDSON DISCOVERS Donaldson PTA is very excited to bring back to you an after-school enrichment opportunity for all students. This program is called “Donaldson Discovers”. Students will be able to pick from a variety of course selections and attend a 4 week class. The program will be held each Thursday from February 20 to March 13. The courses will begin immediately after school at Donaldson and will end at 4:45 p.m. If you have your clearances and would like to volunteer please contact Tracy Pustover at tpustover@gmail.com
Friday, February 7 at the West Allegheny High School Auditorium If your child is interested in participating please plan on attending the show participation meeting on Tuesday, January 7 at the Donaldson cafeteria from 6:30-7:00 pm. Any questions please contact Tracy Pustover at tpustover@gmail.com
ART FAIR Donaldson’s art fair will be held on March 27th from 6-8pm. This event is sponsored by the PTA and free of charge. There are many craft tables and activities for students and parents to participate. Student art work is displayed throughout the halls of Donaldson. The theme will be announced soon. Lisa Pichi and Sue Wingert - Art
Donaldson Teacher Receives "Champions of Change" Award Reprinted from the West Allegheny School District Website •••
Donaldson Elementary School teacher Leah Vestal received the 2013 “Champions of Change” award at a luncheon hosted by the Allegheny Intermediate Unit’s (AIU) Center for Creativity and its partner Common Sense Media. The ceremony was in honor of Connected Educator Month and was held on October 21, 2013. Champions of Change is a program promoted by the White House, which recognizes educators who “are doing extraordinary things in their communities to out-innovate, outeducate, and out-build the rest of the world.” The award acknowledges those educators and leaders who use a creative approach to enhance learning, embrace technology and seek new and effective ways to engage children in the learning process. Vestal was recognized by the AIU and the District for assisting the West Allegheny administration in facilitating a Summer Technology Training initiative for West Allegheny teachers. The initiative included determining teachers’ technology needs and competencies, and designing training sessions that
utilize technology to increase student engagement. Upon completion of training, teachers’ skills were evaluated and Digital Driver’s Licenses (DDL) were awarded. Teachers with a DDL were then encouraged to submit a Technology Opportunity Proposal (TOP) requesting new technology for their classrooms. These District sponsored TOP grants resulted in 14 teachers receiving new technology including iPads, Chromebooks and Surface RTs, which ultimately will support the educators in their efforts to engage learners and raise student achievement. “Mrs. Vestal is very passionate about providing dynamic classroom learning experiences that would not otherwise be possible without innovative technologies. That is why she is so committed to sharing her expertise with colleagues and supporting their efforts to provide highly engaging learning opportunities using digital delivery methodology. She is a true ‘Champion of Change’ for our District,” said superintendent, Dr. John S. DiSanti.
2013 Holidayland Kid’s Shoppe for
Donaldson Elementary December 9th- 13th Important Parent/Guardian Information Our gift shop allows the students to purchase presents for all of their family & friends. There are over 125 different items to choose from, customized for all ages. Enclosed is an envelope for each student to use. Please list those for whom your child is to shop, any ideas, and price range for each person on the envelope. Make sure you place the student’s name and room number on the envelope & have them bring it on their designated shopping day. Prices will range from $.25 to $10.00 The holidays are a great time for sharing and we look forward to your child participating in the joy of gift giving!
Happy Holidays! If paying by check, please make payable to: Donaldson PTA
Donaldson Elementary PTA General PTA Meeting Holiday Vendor Show When: December 18, 2013 Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm Where: Donaldson Elementary
Everyone is Welcome Please come join us for break out of the hustle and bustle of the season and enjoy a stress free evening Shop for those hard to buy for people with our Vendor Shop. A variety of Vendors will be on site for your shopping convenience. Vendors are needed. Table cost is $5.00 Cash and Carry items are highly recommended Contact Lori Rankin @ donaldsonpta@hotmail.com. Note – Sarris’ Candy Pickup will be at this same time
We hope to see you there !!
The West Allegheny Marching Pride Presents
The Polar Express Movie Night Saturday, December 7, 2013 6pm-9pm (doors open at 5:45pm) West Allegheny Senior High School Auditorium Admission: $5/Children Adults are free with food donation for the WA Food Pantry Hot Chocolate, Popcorn and Cookies will be served Photos with santa are included in the price of admission Come in your pajamas and slippers and bring a blanket if you wish! Letters to santa are being accepted
Adults are encouraged to visit/support our local vendors who will have fabulous items for sale in the cafeteria Questions? Call 412-527-5771 or e-mail angelaandericyoder@hotmail.com
Dear Donaldson Families, As we kick off this school year, please remember to get your yearbook orders turned in early. As always, the PTA graciously pays for half of the book for each student allowing your cost to be only $12.00. You may order your yearbook online at www.jostensyearbooks.com or return this form to school. The last day to order a yearbook is January 11, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Marshall, jessicamarshall777@gmail.com. Best wishes for a great year!
Yearbook cost - $12.00 each Please make all checks payable to Donaldson PTA
Child’s Name ______________________________________________________________ Child’s Phone Number ______________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name ____________________________________________________________ Grade ____________________________________________________________________ Number of Books ___________________________________________________________
Total Enclosed $____________________ Check Number ____________________
Donaldson Elementary PTA
600 Donaldson Road
Cash amount _________________
Oakdale, PA 15071
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” Robert Louis Stevenson
Donaldson Spirit Towel
The West Allegheny Teacher’s Cup Competition will be held in March. Show your Donaldson Pride by waving your Spirit Towel !! These Black Velour Spirit Towels are a large 15 x 18” Cost is only $5.00 each. Order yours today !! ********************************************************************** Return the below form with your payment and mark it PTA Spirit Towel Student’s Name __________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name __________________________________________________ Parent’s Name
Phone Number ____________________ Please make checks payable to Donaldson PTA.
Receipt total (including tax): $ __________________ Attach Shop N Save receipts here
Please do not glue receipts Staple to this sheet
We need $250 (including tax) per student for our assembly. Thank you for your support
Download additional forms on the website, http://www.westasd.org/webpages/dpta/index.cfm
Donaldson Elementary
Donaldson Elementary
Donaldson Elementary
Donaldson PTA Box Top Collection Card Attach your Box Tops to completely fill the card below. Each completed card = 25 Box Tops = $2.50 donation to our school
Download additional forms on the website
! Santa’s Workshop
For more information on any of the PTA’s commiBees or programs, please visit us on the web at hBp://www.westasd.org/webpages/dpta/
! Yearbook
! Golf Outing
! Welcome Commi4ee
! Teacher Appreciation
! Spaghe4i Dinner
! Talent Show
! Spirit Wear
Lori Rankin
For questions about PTA Membership, contact:
! Reflections
! Recycling
! Reading Program
! PTA Directory
! Newsle4er
! Nature Camps
! Market Day
! Membership
Vicki Danzik, Secretary
Jen Wolfe, Treasurer
Christine Frost, Vice President
Lori Rankin, President
2013-14 PTA Officers
! Labels & Receipts
! Junior Achievement
! Hospitality
! Health & Safety
! Fundraising
! Fifth Grade Picnic
! Field Trips
! Family Fun Night
! Donaldson Discovers
! Book Fair
! Blue Moon
! Bingo Night
! Assemblies
! Art Fair
I would like to volunteer for the following commi4ees:
Donaldson PTA Commi/ees
Join Our PTA Family Today
We Are Family
2013-2014 Membership
Donaldson Elementary PTA
Give the PTA your suggestion, thoughts and ideas. Make your voice heard.
Please note that clearances are needed to volunteer for most PTA activities. However, if you have not moved and have your clearances on file at Donaldson, you do not need to redo them.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to working together.
Volunteer for a commiWee or any of the many PTA sponsored activities.
We hope you will want to be an active part of Donaldson PTA this year. Donaldson PTA is an association of faculty, parents and our community supporting each other to improve the education of our children. The PTA is the largest, non-profit, volunteer, child-advocacy organization in the nation. There are two easy steps that you can take to help promote the welfare of our children.
To achieve these goals, we need your voice. We need your ideas and we need your input. Wonʹt you please consider becoming involved in our PTA? Together, we CAN make a difference in our childrenʹs lives and potentially many future generations.
Here at Donaldson we provide many wonderful programs at school to help enhance the learning environment that our school district provides. Some examples are parties, field trips, birthday books, teacher appreciation, yearbooks, recreational equipment, cultural programs in the arts, school assemblies and so much more! We’ll keep you updated on what our National PTA is working to achieve. Weʹll keep trying to come up with ways to meet the needs of our children, our teachers, our school and our community.
For more information on any of the PTA’s commiGees or programs, please visit us on the web at www.westasd.org/webpages/dpta/
Art Fair Assemblies Bingo Night Blue Moon Book Fair Donaldson Discovers Family Fun Night Field Trips Fifth Grade Picnic Fundraising Health & Safety Hospitality Labels & Receipts Market Day Membership Nature Camps NewsleWer PTA Directory Reading Program Recycling Reflections Talent Show Santa’s Workshop School Apparel Sales SpagheWi Dinner Teacher Appreciation Welcome CommiWee Yearbook
Thanks to your support, Donaldson Elementary PTA finances, provides volunteers and organizes the following events for our children:
PTA Sponsored $6.00/person
Join Donaldson Elementary PTA !
! I would like to sign up to receive emails from the PTA about upcoming events/news
! I would like to be listed in the 2013-14 PTA Directory (Membership not required)
Make checks payable to Donaldson PTA
# of Memberships at $6.00/Person __________
*Please aGach an additional sheet of paper for any special circumstances.
Child’s Name
Child’s Name
Child’s Name
Father’s Name
Mother’s Name (please print clearly)
Donaldson PTA 2013 2014 Committee List R4.xls
Executive Board donaldsonpta@hotmail.com lori.rankin@fedex.com christinelfrost@gmail.com jenwolfe10@comcast.net sromano6743@yahoo.com
Lori Rankin
Vice-President Treasurer Secretary
Christine Frost Jen Wolfe Sherry Romano
412-443-3360 724-624-1813 724-695-8580
Art Fair
Lisa Pichi Sue Wingert
LisaPichi@comcast.net thewingerts@comcast.net
Michelle Hollyfield Vicki Danzik Tammy Rink Kristi Gunderson Tracy Pustover Tracy Pustover
724.695.1735 724.695.2315 724.926.3777 724-695-0456 724.695.3170 724.695.3170
jofish1012@yahoo.com vdanzik@gmail.com tammy.rink@gmail.com kristigundy@gmail.com tpustover@verizon.net tpustover@verizon.net
Grade Lead Teachers Vicki Danzik Michelle Giacomino Kristin Cook
724.695.2315 724.926.3558 724.695.7887
vdanzik@gmail.com mgiacomino@msn.com KristinCook@verizon.net
Patti Guira Sherry Romano Patti Guira Lori Rankin Kim Morton
724.695.8348 724-695-8580 724.695.8348 412-417-3512 412.480.8009
patty@newageenviro.com sromano6743@yahoo.com patty@newageenviro.com lori.rankin@fedex.com Kmorton172@gmail.com
Kristin Tisdale Michelle Hollyfield Vicki Danzik Christine Frost
724.695.1735 724.695.2315 412-443-3360
closingpros@gmail.com jofish1012@yahoo.com vdanzik@gmail.com christinelfrost@gmail.com
Membership Nature Camps Newsletter
Lori Rankin
Pamela Rineer
p rineer@hotmail.com
PTA directory
Jessica Marshall
Patti Guira Michelle Giacomino * Christine Frost
724.695.8348 724.926.3558 412-443-3360
patty@newageenviro.com mgiacomino@msn.com christinelfrost@gmail.com
Walk a thon
Tracy Pustover Janet Burke Michelle Giacomino * Kim Morton Jessica Marshall Pamela Rineer
724.926.3558 412.480.8009 724.695.2947 717-203-1021
Leah Vestal
724.695.5201 ext 6163
mgiacomino@msn.com Kmorton172@gmail.com jessicamarshall777@gmail.com p rineer@hotmail.com Donaldson Technology Teacher lvestal@westasd.org
Vicki Danzik
Jessica Marshall
Committee Chairs Assemblies Bingo Night Blue Moon Book Fair Donaldson Discovers
Family Fun Night Field Trips Fifth Grade Picnic
Fundraising Sarris' Christmas Candy Save Around Books Sarris' Easter Candy Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies Health & Safety Hospitality Junior Achievement Label & Receipts Market Day
Reading Program Recycling Reflections Santa Shop Spirit Wear Variety Show Teacher Appreciation
Welcome Committee/New Family Liaison Yearbook
Note: * = 5th grade parent, will need new committee chair the following year.
The PTA would like to wish you all a wonderful and safe summer! Donaldson PTA Calendar Dates 2013-2014
August PTA Committee Meeting - Kickoff 13 14
Kindergarten Orientation New Family Orientation
February Donaldson Magazine Sale
PTA Desserts & Appetizers Meet & Greet
12 17 17 19
Picture Day Market Day Delivery Market Day Pickup Open House
16 - 19
Library Book Fair
Beginning of the Month 6:00 pm School Safety Program - North Fayette Police Dept
TBA 10 11 11 14 18 18 TBA
Clearances Needed 3:45 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm Book Fair Open during Open House Membership Forms Yearbook Orders Directory Forms Spirit Wear Sale During School Hours
Directory forms due PTA Committee Chair Meeting Market Day Delivery Market Day Pickup Walk a Thon (tentative date) Bingo
Final deadline - No exceptions 6:00 - 7:00 pm 3:45 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm During School Hours
6:00 PM
PTA Committee Chair Meeting PTA General Meeting CLO Performance - Thomas Edison Market Day Delivery Market Day Pickup Donaldson Discovers
6:00 – 6:30 pm 6:30 - 7:30 pm 9:30 AM 3:45 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm 3:20 - 4:45 pm
Clearances Needed
Donaldson Discovers PTA Committee Chair Meeting Donaldson Discovers Market Day Delivery Market Day Pickup Donaldson Discovers Sarris candy delivery Sarris candy pickup PTA Book Fair Art Fair
3:20 - 4:45 pm 6:00 - 7:00 pm 3:20 - 4:45 pm 3:45 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm 3:20 - 4:45 pm 4:00 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm During School Hours 6:00 - 8:00 pm Book Fair open during Art Fair
Sarris Easter Candy Sale Ends
March TBA 11 TBA 18 18 TBA 26 26 24-27 27
Clearances Needed
October 1 8 15 15 18 TBA
Variety Show @ WAHS Auditorium
Clearances Needed
November 4 4 12 12 TBA 14 18 18 TBA December 9 - 13 TBA 10 10 10 18 18 18 TBA
Sarris Christmas Sale Begins Save Around book Sale Begins Market Day Delivery Market Day Pickup Reading Night PTA Committee Chair Meeting Sarris Christmas Sale Ends Save Around book Sale Ends Santa Shop setup
31 3:45 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm 6:00 – 7:30 pm 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Clearances Needed Clearances Needed
Clearances Needed
Clearances Needed
Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie sale begins
During School Hours
Clearances Needed
During School Hours During School Hours 3:45 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm 6:00 - 7:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm 6:00 - 7:00 pm 6:00 - 7:30 pm 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Clearances Needed Clearances Needed
8 8 TBA 14 22 22
PTA Committee Chair Meeting PTA General Meeting Let's Move Donaldson Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie sale ends Market Day Delivery Market Day Pickup
6:00 – 6:30 pm 6:30 - 7:30 pm During School Hours
TBA TBA 13 20 20 20 20 TBA
Teacher Appreciation Week Teacher Appreciation Luncheon PTA Committee Chair Meeting Market Day Delivery Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie delivery Market Day Pickup Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie pickup BOGO Book Fair
During School Hours 6:00 - 7:00 pm 3:45 - 5:00 pm 4:00 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm During School Hours
Clearances Needed
TBA 6 10 10
Fifth Grade Picnic Last Day of School Market Day Delivery Market Day Pickup
School Hours
Clearances Needed
3:45 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Clearances Needed
3:45 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm
We can’t wait for the students to come back in the fall. The PTA has new events and new ideas that we can’t wait to share! Look for membership information in September. We have open spots for committee chairs (see our committee list for openings). May
Santa Shop Health Screenings Market Day Delivery Market Day Pickup PTA Committee Chair Meeting Sarris candy delivery Sarris candy pickup PTA General Meeting Variety Show Meeting – MANDATORY
Vendor Show
Clearances Needed
January TBA 7 TBA 11 TBA 21 21 TBA 27 TBA
Variety Show Meeting @ LGI room PTA Committee Chair Meeting Variety Show @ WAHS Auditorium Yearbook order deadline Variety Show @ WAHS Auditorium Market Day Delivery Market Day Pickup Variety Show @ WAHS Auditorium Sarris Easter Candy Sale Begins Variety Show @ WAHS Auditorium
6:30 - 8:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm 6:00 - 8:00 pm Final deadline - No exceptions 6:00 - 8:00 pm 3:45 - 5:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm 5:45 - 9:00 pm
Hand in music
5:45 - 9:00 pm
Dress Rehearsal
Practice 1 Practice 2
Practice 3