2014-15 Editor: Pamela Rineer
Table of Contents 2 Note from PTA President 3 Market Day Shop N Save Card Giant Eagle Card
Health & Safety Day
4 Book Fair & Pics Pictures for Yearbook Needed
5 Spirit Wear Orders 6-8 Reflections 9 Dine and Donate 10 PTA Phone Directory 11 PTA Committee List 12 PTA Membership es to October Dat Remember
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October 2014 Issue 2
First day of school fun!
From the PTA President This school year is off to a fantastic start! It's exciting to see our teachers diving right in and our students stepping up to accept new challenges. The Book Fair was outstanding, the Open House was phenomenal - and we're just getting warmed up!
As we push forward into fall, there will be many opportunities to volunteer. Please make sure you have clearances on file in the school office so that you won't miss out on fun times. Stay connected by liking our page at Facebook.com/ DonaldsonPTA and by using Remind. Text the code @cf21b to phone number 724-565-8456 to receive text messages, or download the free app and enter the class code cf21b to receive push notifications.
The PTA would like to wish you all a wonderful and safe summer!
How honored we are to be named a Blue Ribbon School! I knew we had amazing staff and students here at Donaldson, and now the whole country knows it too! Congratulations and thank you to everyone who worked hard to achieve this goal! The PTA membership drive was very successful - Thanks to all those who signed up to support the wonderful programs that the PTA offers to our students! Classes that won Popsicle parties will be announced soon. Donaldson receives National Blue Ribbon Award
I look forward to working with all of you! Let's make this year Donaldson's best ever!!! Kristi Gunderson PTA President Support Donaldson and Save when using Zoom Party promo code DONALDSON20
We can’t wait for the students to come back in the fall. The PTA has new events and new ideas that we can’t wait to share! Look for membership information in September. We have open spots for committee chairs (see our committee list for openings).
Market Day
This month Market Day orders are open until 11PM on 10/8. The “bonus days” product is cookie dough...the more cookies purchased, the more our school earns! Every new customer for the month of October is entered into a drawing for a box of cookie dough! All returning customers are entered into a second drawing for a box of cookie dough, too!
GROCERY SHOPPING SUPPORTS DONALDSON Please register your Shop N Save card and Giant Eagle cards. It only takes a few minutes and supports our school with your regular grocery shopping! Shop N Save http://shopnsavefood.com/Perks/ PerksCard/LogintoAccount.aspx
Pick up date for October is Tuesday the 14th from 5 to 6 PM. We are in need of volunteers to help unload the truck and double check orders! If you’d like to volunteer please plan to arrive at 4:15. Thank you! Next month we will feature pies, pies and more pies, so get ready!
Giant Eagle http://www.gianteagle.com/Save/ Supporting-Our-Schools/
n takes Mrs. Nola the ALS e! Challeng
Health and Safety Day Volunteers Health and Safety days are here again. This year will be busier than ever with the extra students from Wilson elementary school. All students need to have their height and weight recorded as well as their eyes checked by Dr. Quinn and the large staff of nurses on hand. Some grades are also required to have their hearing tested. We need parent volunteers to help expedite the process. The first two Mondays in October are slated for Health and Safety days. So if you have your clearances and would like to help, either all day or half day, please let me know. Thanks and looking forward to another healthy year! Kimberly Morton - Kmorton172@gmail.com
We had an incredible Fall Book Fair. The kids were excited about all the new books Scholastic provided. The highlight for the kids was voting for a silly costume that Mrs. Shultz plans to wear on Friday. Look forward to the November PTA newsletter for those pictures! We truly appreciate all the parental support. We are working on getting Smart White Boards for all the classrooms. At this book fair
D ANTE se W S E R ea PICTU rbook! Â Pl ou e yea that y l s e r for th u t choo s y pic n e a h t d t sen ughou yearbook o r h t le take possib n to r o f r yea issio at subm shall r a M a Jessic l.com
ll7 arsha m a c i jess
490 birthday books were purchased!
Order your Spirit Wear from shirtsbyjeff.com to Support Donaldson PTA from October 2-16 Start at www.shirtsbyjeff.com Go to Spiritwear/Fundraisers Click on Team Store (it will now redirect you to LeWay Enterprises) At the access code type in “donaldson� all lower case Wait about 3 seconds as it connects View and decide on the product. Once you decide scroll down below the last item and click on the Select SKU drop down arrow It is here that you make the actual purchase of the items Choose your first item Tab over to variations (one spot) and choose the size Tab over to the quantity and choose how many of this item you want Tab over to price and Total to ensure it hits your shopping cart Hit add a row if more products are wanted and follow the same steps Once completed hit SUBMIT Review your order for accuracy, sizes, colors etc.
There are no returns except for damaged products
Take a moment a sign up where it says Join up now Go to the billing and shipping section and enter the information. It all must be completed Select purchase and you will be directed to your order summary and your payment information Complete this, hit pay, print your confirmation and you are done
If there are any issues, simply send me an email at shirtsbyjeff@gmail.com with what you wish to order and your phone number. I will sign you up and then call you to get your payment information
October 23, 2014 Lori Rankin, 412-417-3512, lori.rankin@fedex.com For a complete list of rules, please visit General Competition Rules - http://www.papta.org/Page/181 Category Specific Rules - http://www.papta.org/Page/182
PTA Reflections® Theme Search Contest THEME SEARCH ENTRY FORM
National PTA seeks a theme for the 2016-2017 Reflections program year. The student who submits the winning entry will receive $100, and his or her theme will be presented at the Annual National PTA Convention and Exhibition in Charlotte, North Carolina from June 25-28, 2015. Please review the past themes listed on the next page. Repeat themes will not be considered. Use this form to submit theme ideas. Only signed original forms will be considered. Please submit entries to Pennsylvania PA by November 21, 2014. Only signed original forms will be considered.
Theme Idea: Student’s Name:
Student’s Address: City:
State: PA
Parent/Guardian Phone: (
Parent/Guardian Email:
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Local PTA/PTSA Name: __________________________________
8-digit PTA ID: _____________________
PTA/PTSA Address: ___________________________ City: _________________ State: __PA_ ZIP: _______ Phone Number: ______________________
Email: _____________________________________________
Send the completed form to: Pennsylvania PTA, 4804 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111 or email to info@papta.org Subject line: Reflections Theme Search Contest
PTA Reflections Program Themes: 1969 to Present Reflections: Children and Youth, Mirror Their World
Imagine That
If I Could Give the World a Gift
Dare to Discover
Reflections: This is Our Country
Just Open Your Eyes and See
From Sea to Shining Sea
It Could Happen
Our Heritage – Our Hopes
Wouldn’t It Be Great If
Spirit of ’76 – Miracle of America
Suddenly you turn around and…
What the World Needs Now
Anything is possible…
Love Is…
It would be really strange if…
Look Out Your Window
I hold in my hand…
Behind the Gates of Tomorrow
Signs of Courage
What Family Means to Me
I am really happy when…
What Makes Me Smile
A Different Kind of Hero
Life in These United States
I Wonder Why…
I Have a Dream What Sparks My Imagination
1983-1984 1984-1985
My Favorite Place I Can Make a Difference by…
2006-2007 2007-2008
From Liberty’s View
In Celebration: A Past to Remember, A Future to Mold
Beauty Is… Together We Can
2009-2010 2010-2011
Wonders of the World
Diversity means…
Proud Experiences
The Magic of a Moment…
Where Does the Sky End?
Believe, Dream, Inspire
If I Had a Wish
The world would be a better place if…
Exploring New Beginnings
Reflections: Children and Youth Look to Tomorrow Reflections: America, The Beautiful, The Ugly
Let your imagination fly
2014-1015 2015-2016
Come and support Donaldson Elementary School PTA by dining at Angelia’s Pizza and Chill Frozen Desserts in Penn Lincoln Plaza in Imperial Tuesday, October 28 from 4-9 pm Please bring this flyer or mention our event when you dine in or pick up and 15% of your regular priced order will be donated to our school. (Not valid on delivery or online orders)
Donaldson PTA is putting together a PTA Phone Directory again this year. It has been a huge success with both parents and faculty. It will contain a student/family directory of Donaldson Elementary school students, important community phone numbers, school and PTA information. The purpose of the Phone Directory is to provide parents with information about Donaldson Elementary. It is NOT to be used for any commercial endeavor. We will distribute to the school families who participate in our directory only. Please note that we will not print any family information without a signed form which includes written parental/guardian permission. Please fill out the form below with the information exactly as you would like it to appear in the Phone Directory. Remember, if we do not receive a signed form from you, we are not permitted to include your son/daughter in the book. If you have any questions about the book, please contact: Lori Rankin, lori.rankin@fedex.com. Please remember to include your email address as the directory will only be available in soft copy. Please return the form to school no later than October 15, 2014.
2014-2015 Donaldson Elementary PTA Phone Directory Permission Form Mother’s Name________________________________________________________________________ Father’s Name_________________________________________________________________________ Student’s Address______________________________________________________________________ City______________________________
Phone (_______)______________________ Email-________________________________________________________________________ Secondary email or cell phone- ____________________________________________________ Child’s Name__________________________
Child’s Name__________________________
Child’s Name__________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________________________________________ *Please attach an additional sheet of paper for any special circumstances.
Donaldson Elementary PTA
600 Donaldson Road
Oakdale, PA 15071
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
Robert Louis Stevenson
Donaldson PTA
Executive Board President
Kristi Gunderson
Vice-President Treasurer Secretary
Sherry Romano Jen Wolfe Dana Chandler
724-695-8580 724-624-1813 724-695-5095
Art Fair
Sue Wingert
Book Fair
Anne-Charrisa Halkias Kristi Gunderson Tracy Pustover * Sue Betta
donaldsonpta@hotmail.com kristigundy@gmail.com sromano6743@yahoo.com jenwolfe10@comcast.net ektchandler@yahoo.com
Committee Chairs
Donaldson Discovers
Family Fun Night Field Trips
Grade Lead Teachers Tracy Pustover * Patti Guira *
724-695-0456 724.695.3170
ACagape@aol.com kristigundy@gmail.com tpustover@gmail.com susanbetta@gmail.com
724.695.3170 724.695.8348
Sarris' Christmas Candy Patti Guira * Sarris' Easter Candy Lori Rankin
724.695.8348 412-417-3512
patty@newageenviro.com lori.rankin@fedex.com
Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies Lori Rankin Kim Morton
412-417-3512 412.480.8009
lori.rankin@fedex.com Kmorton172@gmail.com
Fifth Grade Picnic
Health & Safety Junior Achievement
Kristin Tisdale
Labels & Receipts Vicki Danzik Sherry Romano Sue Betta Erin Clay Mindy Rose
724.695.2315 724-695-8580
Lori Rankin Pamela Rineer Lori Rankin Lori Rankin
412-417-3512 717-203-1021 412-417-3512 412-417-3512
lori.rankin@fedex.com p-rineer@hotmail.com lori.rankin@fedex.com lori.rankin@fedex.com
Santa Shop
Melissa Gnoth
Spirit Wear
724-695-8580 412-719-6969 724.695.3170
sromano6743@yahoo.com Gnoth.Melissa@pti.edu
724-695-8580 724.695.2947 412-719-6969 717-203-1021
Walk a thon
Sherry Romano Melissa Gnoth Tracy Pustover * Janet Burke Sherry Romano Jessica Marshall Melissa Gnoth Pamela Rineer
Leah Vestal
724.695.5201 ext 6163
Donaldson Technology Teacher lvestal@westasd.org
Welcome Committee/New Family Liaison
Vicki Danzik
724.695.2947 5th grade teacher
Box Tops Shop N Save Seed Assembly Giant Eagle Apples for Students Campbells Labels Market Day Membership Newsletter PTA directory
Variety Show Teacher Appreciation
Jessica Marshall Tiffany Mangan Note: * = 5th grade parent, will need new committee chair the following year. Yearbook
vdanzik@gmail.com sromano6743@yahoo.com susanbetta@gmail.com
jessicamarshall777@gmail.com Gnoth.Melissa@pti.edu p-rineer@hotmail.com
To achieve these goals, we need your voice. We need your ideas and we need your input. Wonʹt you please consider becoming involved in our PTA? Together, we CAN make a difference in our childrenʹs lives and potentially many future generations. We hope you will want to be an active part of Donaldson PTA this year. Donaldson PTA is an association of faculty, parents and our community supporting each other to improve the education of our children. The PTA is the largest, non-profit, volunteer, child-advocacy organization in the nation. There are two easy steps that you can take to help promote the welfare of our children. 1.
Volunteer for a commiWee or any of the many PTA sponsored activities.
Give the PTA your suggestion, thoughts and ideas. Make your voice heard.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to working together. Please note that clearances are needed to volunteer for most PTA activities. However, if you have not moved and have your clearances on file at Donaldson, you do not need to redo them.
PTA Sponsored Events/Programs
Join Donaldson Elementary PTA ! #
Here at Donaldson we provide many wonderful programs at school to help enhance the learning environment that our school district provides. Some examples are parties, field trips, birthday books, teacher appreciation, yearbooks, recreational equipment, cultural programs in the arts, school assemblies and so much more! We’ll keep you updated on what our National PTA is working to achieve. Weʹll keep trying to come up with ways to meet the needs of our children, our teachers, our school and our community.
PTA MEMBERSHIP $6.00/person
Thanks to your support, Donaldson ElementaryPTA finances, provides volunteers and organizes the following events for our children:
__________________________________________ Art Fair Assemblies Book Fair Donaldson Discovers Family Fun Night Field Trips Fifth Grade Picnic Fundraising Health & Safety Hospitality Labels & Receipts Market Day Membership NewsleWer
Polar Pajama Party PTA Directory Reading Program Reflections Talent Show Santa’s Workshop School Apparel Sales Teacher Appreciation Welcome CommiWee Yearbook For more information on any of the PTA’s commiGees or programs, please visit us on the web at www.westasd.org/webpages/dpta/
Mother’s Name (please print clearly)
__________________________________________ Father’s Name
__________________________________________ Address
__________________________________________ Zip
(_______)_________________________________ Phone
__________________________________________ Email
__________________________________________ Child’s Name/Teacher
__________________________________________ Child’s Name/Teacher
__________________________________________ Child’s Name/Teacher
*Please aGach an additional sheet of paper for any special circumstances.
# of Memberships at $6.00/Person __________ TOTAL ENCLOSED
Make checks payable to Donaldson PTA ! I would like to be listed in the 2014-15 PTA Directory (Membership not required) ! I would like to sign up to receive emails from the PTA about upcoming events/news
Donaldson PTA Commi/ees I would like to volunteer for the following commi4ees:
20142014-15 PTA Officers Kristi Gunderson, President 724-695-0456
! Art Fair ! Assemblies ! Book Fair ! Donaldson Discovers ! Family Fun Night ! Field Trips ! Fifth Grade Picnic ! Fundraising ! Health & Safety
Donaldson Elementary PTA
kristigundy@gmail.com donaldsonpta@hotmail.com
20142014-2015 Membership
Sherry Romano, Vice President 724-695-8580 sromano6743@yahoo.com
Jen Wolfe, Treasurer
! Hospitality
! Junior Achievement
! Labels & Receipts ! Market Day
Dana Chandler, Secretary
! Membership ! Newsle4er ! Polar Pajama Party ! PTA Directory ! Reading Program ! Reflections ! Talent Show
For questions about PTA Membership, contact:
! Santa’s Workshop
Lori Rankin
! Spirit Wear
! Teacher Appreciation
We Are Family Join Our PTA Family Today
! Welcome Commi4ee ! Yearbook
For more information on any of the PTA’s commiEees or programs, please visit us on the web at hEp://www.westasd.org/webpages/dpta/
www.westasd.org/webpages/ www.westasd.org/webpages/dpta/