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Donald Wade Guymon

Roosevelt, United States

I'm getting older by the day. Thank goodness I am very happily married for 24 years. Jack of many trades and master of nothing. Currently working as a Certified Pharmacy Technician at Uintah Basin Medical Center out patient pharmacy taking care of the meds for the patients at the "Villa" rehab and carecenter. It's a great job. I also drive a school bus route every school day. I have 4 great kids ages 24 (Catherine)whoServed a mission in South Carolina for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is now working as a CNA at Uintah Basin Medical Center and going school at Utah State University, Uintah Basin Branch. 22(Megan) married to Kristopher Jon Gossett, attending Utah Valley University, and works as a day care teacher, An 20 year old (Evan) who is now married to Megan Collins, he attends USU Uintah Basin and works for the the conservation district of Duchesne county, and an 13 yr. old (Aryn) who is very active and loves to have fun and is in 8th grade at Roosevelt Junior High. I recently gr
