Bosco Musings August 2021

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On the Cover: Art work by M.N.V. Srinidhi, Class 7 Lotus. Srinidhi made this very creative design for the CBSE Expression Series: Charting India’s Progress @ 75 based on the theme of the Progress of India in the Field of Science & Technology. The drawing also reflects our magazine’s theme of Innovation & Discovery.


Contents Message from the Principal ................................................................................................................................................ 4 From the Vice Principal ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 From the Primary Section Coordinator ............................................................................................................................ 6 Editorial Team ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 School News & Events ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 Innovation Ambassadors .................................................................................................................................................. 16 Sci-fi Inventions That May Come In The Future ........................................................................................................... 19 Top Accidental Inventions ................................................................................................................................................ 20 Time Travel ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Innovative Art & Design ................................................................................................................................................... 25 Scientific Discovery............................................................................................................................................................ 27 Great Scientists & Innovators .......................................................................................................................................... 31 Stellar Role of Indian Scientists ....................................................................................................................................... 32 Art Gallery ......................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Our Earth ........................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Craft Corner ...................................................................................................................................................................... 37 My Dino World .................................................................................................................................................................. 38 Meet the Artist 1 ................................................................................................................................................................ 39 Amazing Facts About ISRO ............................................................................................................................................. 40 Short Story ......................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Meet the Artist 2 ................................................................................................................................................................ 46 PRE-K ................................................................................................................................................................................. 47 Top 10 Mythical Creatures ............................................................................................................................................... 51 Poetry .................................................................................................................................................................................. 52 Art Gallery ......................................................................................................................................................................... 54 Book Review ....................................................................................................................................................................... 58 Don Bosco School Reading Program ............................................................................................................................... 58 Story Time From Space .................................................................................................................................................... 59 Careers in Artificial Intelligence ...................................................................................................................................... 60 Fun Facts ............................................................................................................................................................................ 61 Short Story ......................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Progress of Indian Education Sector After Independence............................................................................................. 65 ग्लोबल वार्मिंग ...................................................................................................................................................................... 66 Telugu Section .................................................................................................................................................................... 68 Alumni ................................................................................................................................................................................ 70 Don Bosco School Alumni Association ............................................................................................................................ 72 Don Bosco The Innovator ................................................................................................................................................. 73 Teacher’s Corner .............................................................................................................................................................. 74 3

Message from the Principal

Dear Readers, Contributors and Makers of “Bosco Musings”,

Happy to get in touch with you. You prove yourself to be budding change makers. Keep up the good spirit. Our students are here once again putting their thoughts, inspirations and ideas together on the theme, INNOVATIVE THINKING. “If all are thinking alike, then no one is thinking”, said a great soul. Innovative thinking is actually a celebration of our differences and the variety of our personalities. We contribute to the growth of our society through our divergent thought-patterns and new way of approaching the reality. Humanity would not have been on the road to development and progress if discovery and innovation were not to be given importance. Human mind is such a great asset to the human progress that with its questioning the existing systems, searching and exploring for solutions we have come thus far. While we rejoice and reap the fruits of development in technology and in every aspect of our life, unfortunately we have gone so far as to destroy our own earth, nature and habitat for all forms of life. Today there is a greater need to undo the process of development we have trodden so far. More innovative thinking and discovery is needed and has to be employed in order to make our earth, environment and resources more sustainable for humanity and other life forms. Let us wish and pray that humanity may become more creative and innovative in the sustainable development and progress. Here at Don Bosco, we believe in fanning into flames the creativity and discovery. We propel the child to think wild, different, out of the box and come out with their own learnings and discoveries and thus arrive at healthy and sustainable solutions to the problem of life and environment. We want to make room for more such enquiries into the realities. As we glance through the pages of this e-magazine it is so overwhelming to know the deep-seated thirst of our students for innovation and discovery. While this e-magazine fosters on the one hand the literary skills of our students, it also reveals the novelty in thinking and desire for change and newness. We wish that this magazine may inspire the readers towards innovative thinking and discovery. I wish to thank whole heartedly Madam Christine for taking such a keen interest in this endeavour and extending opportunities to students to grow. My hearty congratulations to the students who were on the editorial board. May everyone who contributed to this magazine become prolific writers and become catalysts of change. May God Bless us all. Fr. G. Chinnababu MA., B.Ed. Principal Don Bosco School Bandlaguda, Hyderabad 4

From the Vice Principal “MASTERING MANAGEMENT” In Pandemic, 2020-21 …? The pandemic hit every nook and corner of the globe and triggered trauma everywhere. Still its graph is a curve, not close to ‘zero’ values. It has brought unforeseen, turbulent changes to human lives, still man has been trying to adapt. Similar struggles were evident in our teaching learning process. Teachers were forced to move away from their bonding with chalk and duster. Teacher’s VOICE now had to resonate in the halls of students’ homes, beyond the walls of class rooms. CHANGE IS A PART OF LIFE. Our teachers tuned themselves to the harmony of virtual class rooms despite the myriad challenges, proved themselves more creative, adaptable and augmented the virtual classes with videos, complementing the in-person class room learning through additional resources like, quizzes, polls, presentations and group discussions. Gradually we were able to meet our eventual goal that is to make learning effective, personalized and accessible to every student. With a little relaxation from the government, teachers were dare enough to enrich the students of classes 9 & 10 with concepts, revisions and recapitulations, utilizing the vast greenery grounds, engaging each small group with one teacher under a tree, resembling “Shantinikethan”. Of course, 10th graders missed their board exams, but the teachers gave a warm sendoff in the form of all the concepts needed for 11th grade. Compare to pre-pandemic period there is a raising graph showing the number who are seeking admissions, the ratio between requirement and existing students perhaps increased by 10 % and this demand could not meet by school as school values for Quality over Quantity. There is a tremendous raise in the graph representing the number of webinars attended by faculty for guidance, counselling practice, curriculum development and adopting technically in teaching learning methodology. Face to face virtual parent - teacher meetings were really appreciated which were very convenient to express the real merits and demerits of stakeholders and also to mention rectification areas. The School Management contributed their humanity to all the students through a complete waiver of the third term tuition fee, which gave a happy end to the academic year 2020-21. The parents ready to walk on the bridges built for a better future, joined the principal, staff through virtual opening meetings of 2021-22, also gave great encouragement with negligible negative remarks, enabling us in making teaching – learning more refined, reorganized and a balanced mix of online tools and offline experience. Looking ahead, how will the futuristic school learning be? Will we be able to live up to the unknown and uncertain challenges that the pandemic may throw at the teaching-learning process? Undaunted hope and unlimited positivity will achieve the impossible. Thank you Mrs. A. Sujatha Devi Vice-Principal Don Bosco School


From the Primary Section Coordinator

Discover the Treasures

“Innovation is the unrelenting drive to break the status quo and develop anew where few have dared to go.” I grew up before the advent of television. The world didn’t open up to me on a screen; it opened on a page. Reading a book unlocked life, exposing me to people, places and things near and far away. Through reading I learned I was part of something larger and grander than myself or simply what I could see around me. Reading expanded my mind, stirred my emotions, and broadened my horizons. Reading gave me access to the wisdom of the ages, and it provided me motivation to apply that wisdom to my life. In many respects I am who I am today because of what I have read. Education is the progressive discovery of our ignorance. The seeker embarks on a journey to find what he wants and discovers, along the way, what he needs. Once three men started out on a long journey. They had to pass through a desert. Walking a long distance, they seemed to be tired and worn out. They thought of resting a while. Suddenly they heard a voice. Wake up … Wake up … open your eyes, pick up the stones that are in front of you. It will be useful later. One picked up more while others few. The three of them continued the journey. The night passed and the day dawned… they looked at the stones. It had turned to gold. As Marcel Proust says, “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” Dear students walking with a guided heart, the heart of Good, lets you discover your treasures deep within you, unearth them, use them in service of others, there’s gold beneath your problems and situations. There’s a way to do it better find it. Then gather your treasures into thanksgiving baskets.

“Innovation is the unrelenting drive to break the status quo and develop anew where few have dared to Sr. Grace Jacintha D’Silva (SCCG) 6 go.” I grew up before the advent of television. The world didn’t open up to me on a screen; it opened on a page. Reading a book unlocked life, exposing me to people, places and things near and far away. Through

Editorial Team Meet our Student Editors who helped put together this issue of Bosco Musings.

Banka Srihitha Reddy Class 9 Rose Sheru Rishika Nivas Reddy, Class 9 Lotus

Kavali Sravya Class 9 Jasmine

Kushi Maheshwaram Class 9 Rose

S. Nandana Class 9 Jasmine

Thumma Tanmayee Class 9 Jasmine

Syeda Sobia Fathima Class 9 Rose

Chella Greeshma Sree Class 9 Lotus 7

Prayash Kumar Nayak Class 9 Jasmine

R. Ram Charan Class 9 Jasmine

Ruby Sushanth Doppani, Class 9 Lotus

Hemchand Pikkili Class 9 Rose

Editorial In the words of Plato in the Socratic dialogue ‘Republic, “Our need will be the real creator” We live in the midst of the most challenging times in recent human history which is why we chose the theme of Innovation & Discovery for this issue. Students were asked to send innovative ideas and to explore the world of science and discovery hoping that it would spark off creative and innovative thinking based on the 5 stages of Design Thinking proposed by Hasso-Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford, which are: Empathise, Define (the problem), Ideate, Prototype and Test (try out the solution). We are very excited to present to you our latest edition of Bosco Musings.



A. Aashritha, 6 R M. Aniketh Yadav, 9 R

Theme: Progress of Indian Education Sector After Independence

Linisha Anchi , 9 R

Gajjela Ram Surya Ch, 6 R Theme: Achievements of India in the Fields of Science & Technology.

G. Thanvika, 9 J Gajula Sri Viswa Tej, 2 J


Charitha Vemula, 9 L

Likil Vemula, 9 L

N. Ananya, 5 R K. Phani Manojna, 8 L Theme: How would I contribute to the country’s development?

Nayana S. 5 J

K. Thakshith Pranav Reddy, 9 J Theme: Importance of Green Revolution in India’s Economic Development.


Arpita, 5 T

Sri Viswa Chetan, 4 J

Sreyasi Samal, 6 R

Saahithi, 5 J

B. Abhijith Reddy, 8 J


Importance of Green Revolution in India’s Economic Development Poem How beautiful is my India, the land of rich cultures and lush greens A free land, born to fly and soar high, by all means How beautiful is my India, where opportunities are boundless Sovereignty and integrity to its fullness Agriculture, farming being the main occupation Contributing the major economy to the nation With the exponential growth of population, took the roots of Green Revolution Scientific way of farming and research is the primary intention Agriculture research and technology transfer initiatives Curbing the poverty, food scarcity were the major motives Along with farming technology objectives and development imperatives Conceptualised when food scarcity is no more figurative Improper farming techniques lead to future predicament Could become the socio-economic development impediment China famine, Indian food scarcity, African crisis is the thought element Green revolution became relevant and evident to the detriment

Jakkani Ananya Dhars, 4 R

Norman E. Borlaug, crop pathologist- the Green revolution inventor M S Swaminathan, the Indian Green revolution’s father and mentor 1966, year when Green revolution India became the farming motivator and inducer Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh - becoming the initiator High Yielding Variety seeds, use of pesticides and fertilizers, drip irrigation Heavy farming machinery migration, rural infrastructure creation and land reformation Financial rehabilitation, farmer sensitization on scientific cultivation Make farming a delightful dedication rather than a solemn tribulation Economy took a mounting surge Financial stability and sustainability did merge Self-sufficient in exponential yielding of food crops Attained a juncture where all the food predicament stops Facilitated rural social changes in entirety Self-sustaining quality, economic equality and reduced poverty Made crops a commercial commodity Opened farming horizons to infinity Green revolution has its flip – word of caution Pesticides fertilizers in excess cause soil erosion Natural minerals nutrients to its depletion Judicial usage is only option, for betterment of next generation

Sheru Rishika Nivas Reddy, 9 L

The farmer toils by the sweat of his brow and by the strength of his back Green revolution amplified his yielding with no lack Green revolution helped us to value food than hoarded gold Thus making our living place a merrier world By John Doosmon Kanagala, 9 L 12

School News & Events INVESTITURE CEREMONY The Investiture Ceremony took place on 7th July. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Rev. Fr. Thomas Santiagu, Correspondent of our school. In his address, he encouraged the student council leaders to dream big citing the example of Shri A.P.J. Kalam and Don Bosco, who truly was the ultimate dreamer. Congratulations to the members of our student council. STUDENT COUNCIL 2021-2022 Bryan Emmanuel Sam

S. Anugnya

School Pupil Leader

Girl School Pupil Leader

Ram Charan

Maria Joseph

Assistant School Pupil Leader

Girl Assistant School Pupil Leader

H.V.N. Charan Dominic Savio Group Captain

Ravi Charan Pendem Dominic Savio Group Vice Captain

Mandaloju Vanshika

Komma Reddy Shiny

Mary Mazzerello Group Captain

Mary Mazzerello Group Vice Captain

Nagula Kruthika Mama Margaret Group Captain

Chella Greeshma Sree Mama Margaret Group Vice Captain

L. Abhisai

K. Manish

Don Bosco Group Captain

Don Bosco Group Vice Captain


VIRTUAL SCHOOL LIFE From online voting for the student council to virtual assemblies, to online activities and competitions, our school has been working hard on providing unique opportunities to ensure that our students do not miss out on leadership building, public speaking and extra-curricular activities that are an integral part of school life.

Class 1 students participating in an online Spell Bee.

INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION SUMMIT 20 students from Class 9 were selected to participate in an International Summit called Imagivation in May 2021. The students presented videos of their innovative ideas, designed their own games and participated in an Olympiad, among many other interactive online sessions. Manish Kokapeta, 9 L achieved 3rd position in the Global Rank for the Olympiad while D. Vaishista Krishna, 9 L was the school topper for the Impact Extempore. Congratulations to our Student Innovation Ambassadors and to the student achievers,


On Earth Day 2021, around 300 students took a pledge to protect the environment in practical ways such recycling waste materials, reducing the consumption of water and resources like electricity and fossil fuels to promising not to litter. The pledge was created by students who are a part of our school’s Don Bosco Green Alliance. Parents and teachers also took the pledge. Together we will make a difference.


NASA SPACE CAMP Last academic year, students from our school participated in a NASA Space Camp Competition which required them to send a scientific research paper / PPT based on Space. 12 students made it to the second round, which is a written test to be held in October 2021. These are some of the topics which our students presented.

CHANGEMAKER CHALLENGE 2021 The Changemaker Challenge was a project where students designed awards for people around them who were making a contribution to their society. For every award submitted online, Student Rebuild donated $5 for global charity projects led by youth and educators. 350 students from our school participated in the Changemaker Challenge and sent 381 awards for which Students Rebuild donated $ 1985 for social work projects. Thank you to everyone who was a part of this great initiative.

CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES: CHARTING INDIA’s PROGRESS @75 Students from Class 3 to 10 participated in a CBSE Expression Series to celebrate India’s 75th Independence Day. Students were asked to write an essay or a poem or make a drawing based on topics given by CBSE. The best work from each category would make it to the state and then national level competition. The school level winners were: Class 3 – 5: N. Ananya , 5 R Class 6-8: M.N.V. Srinidhi, 7 L, and Class 9 – 10: John Doosmon Kanagala, 9 L

COMMUNITY ORGANIC GARDENING PROJECT As an initiative of Don Bosco Green Alliance, a community organic gardening project was launched in June 2021 in our school. Fruits, vegetables and herbs are being grown using compost and seeds from kitchen wastes. The project is called Mamma Margaret’s Garden, in honour of Don Bosco’s mother who would grow vegetables to feed the orphans at the Oratory. We hope to have our students actively involved in organic gardening and sustainable living. 15

Innovation Ambassadors

International Innovation Summit 2021 The students who participated in the International Innovation Summit share their experiences and innovative ideas presented during the summit, here:

THE EXPERIENCE My experience in the Innovation Summit is a great milestone in my school life. I was extremely privileged to represent Don Bosco School. My journey from Day-1 had been very productive and has given me a lot of inspiration, especially while listening to Mr. Drishta Sir and many more great educators who have influenced students. I’ve had my first rapid answer experience in this summit. I was very enthusiastic to participate in the sessions conducted by Zenik Learning. As they say, “Every experience is a lesson”, that truly came into existence in the case of the International Innovation Summit. I would conclude by thanking my school for selecting me to be a part of this beautiful journey. - Kushi Maheshwaram, 9 R

THE cross machine My innovation the cross machine is helpful for a major problem that is global warming. This machine turns carbon dioxide into oxygen through some reactions and molecules. The word cross means carbon dioxide * oxygen. The carbon dioxide gets trapped into the tube and is sent to the chamber where the carbon particles are attracted towards the poles and in moves to the next chamber where the dioxide is converted to oxygen and gets released. Carbon is used for lubricants, jewellery and many more. – Sheru Rishika Nivas Reddy, 9 L


INNOVATION IN COMMUNICATION Communication has evolved in so many ways. The telephone was invented in 1876. Then, in 1973 the first handheld cell phone was invented. It gives me goose bumps to think that just in 29 years mobile phones have evolved so much. From the most horrendous and chunky touch mobiles to slim and absolutely gorgeous mobiles, I love to wonder where communication will head to. So, these are a few innovations that we might get to see by the year 2070. No. 1 Smart Lenses We are in a world where we want more comfort. We moved from Smart Phones to Smart Watches to decrease the use of energy. And now we are moving to smart glasses from smart watches to make technology even more convenient for us. According to me, we’ll be soon move to smart lenses which we can place on our pupil. It will be able to do everything that a smart phone is able to do. It will have a small Bluetooth which we can put in our ear and both will be connected via what I think will be known as Lifi. Lifi in comparison with Wifi uses an entirely new spectrum—light—to transmit data. It will be able to offer speeds that Wifi cannot even imagine. Through Lifi, communication can be made easier for both humans and safer for birds as Lifi releases a significantly less amount of radiation in contrast to Wifi.

No.2 Microscopic Chip. This by far if the most advanced technology that I’ve explained about. So, my Hypothesis is that we will get Microscopic Chips implanted in our brains in the near future. These chips will be connected to something a bit different from Wifi or Lifi. These will be connected to what I call Cardium. These will be mini microscopic Cards that will run on Lithium-Ion batteries but their size will be significantly less. My theory is that these will be connected to Starlink Satellites, but for communication these will use a technology that I call Koox Connection. These chips will connect to other people in the area who have Chips implanted to create an optical laser. This laser will be able to transmit data from one person’s brain to the other. Through this they will be able to communicate without speaking as the chip will be connected to their neurons. These were my future innovation predictions. - R. Ram Charan , 9 J

“Autopilot” But It’s A Car Over the past few decades, technology has developed drastically in the military, space, and most importantly the automobile industry. A car plays an important part in our daily life because it's an easy mode of transport to travel to our destination or for reaching from point A to B.

Why do we even need autopilot in a car? The answer is simple to avoid human error. A comprehensive study of road safety found that human error was the sole cause in 57% of all accidents in this world. These accidents are caused due to minor reasons such as using a phone while driving. Humans have limited information processing abilities and must rely on three fallible mental functions: perception, attention, and memory. 17

When a driver fails to avoid an accident because the situation exceeds these limitations, it is often called "human error." To resolve these problems, we need autopilot.

How does autopilot works? Now lets us know various sensors used in a self-driving car: ULTRASONIC SENSOR Probably the most common object detecting sensor found today is the ultrasonic sensor. These sensors work by emitting a pulse of sound waves and measuring the time it takes for the pulse waves to reflect off an object and return to the sensor. The more time it takes for the sound to return the further away the object is. But yes, we of course don't hear these sound waves because they're outside the range of human audible frequencies. Ultrasonic sensors are cheap and often reliable so it is probably the first type of detection system. However, they do have a major drawback they are not meant for detection of an object for a very long range. For these reasons, they are used for detecting objects between 3 meters of a car. Great for parking, blind-spot detection, and understanding surroundings. LIDAR Lidar or Light Detection and Ranging uses radio waves of radar with laser. It sits on the roof of a car or vehicle and emits millions of pulses of light in a circular pattern to build a 3D model of its surrounding This high-resolution model can help detect objects like a motorcycle rider or a human standing in a bus stop but they are not effective in heavy fog or rain and it looks ugly at the top of the car. The biggest problem of the above system is that they can't read a sign or tell if a light is green or red and it is bulky and expensive.

CAMERAS Yes, you heard it right almost every autonomous system integrates some sort of camera system the reason they are so useful is that they are similar to the human eye. We don't use any radio wave or sound to indicate where a turning lane is or we don’t use different 3D shapes to say whether lights are green or red. It has resolution but converting a 2D image of the camera to a 3D image takes a lot of work so the solution is machine learning or simply AI which trains cameras to predict things just like humans. What it needs is practice and a ton of data after cameras with machine learning fully developed you can just keep your car on autopilot and drink your coffee or watch movies or play video games on highways or for long-distance travel. So, these are three systems that are needed for a self-driving car. But yes, currently only cameras and ultrasonic sensors are used in most cars, the best example is Tesla whereas companies like BMW and tech companies like Google believe LIDAR is the future. Whatever is the future system may be at end of the day it's a self-driving car.

- Prayash Kumar Nayak, 9 J 18

Sci-fi Inventions That May Come In The Future - S. Nandana, 9 J

ZOOMABLE CONTACT LENSES Some scientists at the University of California are currently working on contact lenses that can actually zoom in. The lenses are able to track your eye movements, and their zoom function is activated by blinking twice. The lenses are also able to respond to the electrooculographic signals of your eye. These amazing biomimetic lenses are able to detect and respond to the signals. Their zoom function works much like that of a regular camera lens. BIO-REFRIGERATOR A Russian designer called Yuriy Dmitriev is currently working on an amazing prototype refrigerator that could revolutionize the way we preserve perishables. His high-tech Bio-robot Refrigerator not only looks like it is from the future, but it also runs without electricity. This zero-energy (supply) device uses a special odorless, nonsticky gel-like substance that can actually cool food items simply by placing them in it. It is also designed in such a way that it can be placed in any orientation and still works perfectly well.

HEALING NANOBOTS The concept of tiny robots is to treat people. As it turns out, they are currently being developed by various groups around the world. The idea is that these tiny robots will be injected into the human body to monitor someone's health from inside. Some will also come equipped with tiny surgical instruments that could actually repair damaged organs.

FLYING TAXI Flying vehicles includes taxis and other mass transport. As it turns

out, various companies are already pressing ahead to make them a reality very soon. CES 2019, a company called Bell Nexus showcased its visionary VTOL air taxi that could be a glimpse of the future. According to the company, their hybrid-electric propulsion and gas-turbine-engine flying taxi should be commercially available within the next 5 years. EXOSKELETONS While fully enclosed power-armoured suits might be a bit of a stretch right now, some of their basic components are already in development. Various military forces are already steaming ahead with their development to enhance their soldier's combat capabilities. They are also being developed to restore mobility to the elderly and will probably find their way into many industries around the world. It will only be a matter of time before they become commercially available to the masses at a reasonable price. 19

Top Accidental Inventions By S. Nandana, 9 J FIREWORKS AND CRACKERS Roughly 2,000 years ago in China a cook was experimenting with .charcoal, sulphur, and saltpetre, items commonly found in kitchens back then. When he found that the mixture he had created burned, he played about a bit with his new-found fire-powder and found when compressed into a bamboo tube it exploded. After a few more combinations the cook found that he could cause different coloured explosions and different effects to create what we now know as fireworks. SAFETY GLASS The year is 1903 and French chemist Edouard Benedictus is chilling out in his lab, mixing up some potions, when he accidentally knocks a flask off his desk, sending it to fall to the ground and shatter… or not. Bemused by the way the flask had not smashed into a hundred pieces on impact, Edouard stooped down to take a closer look. Upon inspection the chemist realized that it had recently contained plastic cellulose nitrate and that this had coated the inside of the flask, thus keeping it from shattering upon impact. Inspired by this mere mishap, Edouard Benedictus went on to invent safety glass, something used on a mass-global level even today. MICROWAVE OVEN Percy LeBaron Spencer was working on magnetrons—high-powered vacuum tubes that generate short radio waves called microwaves—when he accidentally discovered microwave cooking. The engineer was doing his job as usual when he noticed that the candy bar in his pocket had melted. Quickly Spencer realized that it was the magnetrons that were causing this phenomenon. By 1945, he had filed a patent for his metal cooking box powered by microwaves. X – RAY MACHINE On November 8, 1895, physicist Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen was in his laboratory in Wurzburg, Germany, experimenting on a vacuum tube covered in cardboard when he noticed a mysterious glow emanating from a chemically coated screen nearby. Confused and intrigued, he named the new rays causing this glow X-rays due to their unknown origin—and after playing around some more with the new rays, he discovered that putting his hand in front of the glow allowed him to see past his skin to his bones, thus leading to the world's first X-ray. MATCHSTICKS In 1826, chemist John Walker discovered what now matchsticks are when he accidentally scraped a stick coated in chemicals across his hearth and found that it caught fire. Walker's "Friction Lights," as he called them, were originally made out of cardboard, but eventually he switched over to using wooden splints and sandpaper. 20

Top 10 Interesting Facts About NASA

- C. Greeshma, 9 L


NASA or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was created by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1958 in response to the Soviet Union’s launch of the first 2 artificial satellite the previous year.

2. President John F. Kennedy gave NASA the goal of sending a man to the moon by the end of the 1960s. on July 20, 1969, the first men walked on the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Twelve men have walked on the moon, all during the Apollo missions. In 1970, the Apollo 13 lunar landing was aborted after an oxygen tank exploded. The space shuttle Enterprise was the first shuttle built for the reusable spacecraft fleet, though it was created for testing and never flew in space. Enterprise was initially to be named Constitution, but fans of the tv show Star Trek ran a successful write-in campaign to change the name.


The space shuttle program has had more than 120 successful flights but also two disasters in which the shuttles and crews were lost (Challenger in 1986 and Columbia in 2003).


Currently NASA has astronauts living and working on the International Space Station.


Perseverance, the biggest and most advanced rover ever sent by NASA, became the 9th spacecraft since the 1970’s to successfully land on Mars.

10. NASA helps teachers to prepare students who would like to become scientists, astronauts, engineers and other space related careers. NASA has been investing in programs to inspire educators and students to expand their knowledge about space.

Fun Fact I!!

Fun Fact !!!


Time Travel Is Time Travel Possible? We have people who are referred to as (Trikala jnani) 3 dimensions of experience in life. We have something called as past which is a box of memories, we have the present which we are experiencing now and last the future which is our imagination. Our life experiences all these 3 dimensions which is happening between memory, present and imagination We can’t experience our past in present or our future in present, so we can conclude that time travel is impossible. But it leaves behind the thoughts of scientists…. Time travel is hard to imagine because we cannot experience it in our daily life but it has been confirmed by scientists that there is a connection between space and time in our universe. Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity. The speed of light is 3x10 8 m per second. This special theory of relativity also states that when we travel in the universe surprising things can be seen especially when your relativity speed to other objects is close to the speed of light, then time goes slower for you than people who you left behind. You won’t notice this effect until you return to those people who you left behind.

4 Ways for Time Travel Speed of Light If we can travel with the speed of light then you can do future time travel. this is the Special Relativity Theory of Einstein. Gravity According to Einstein’s theories, where ever gravity is high then time travels slowly in that place, black holes have high gravity. Suspended Animation If you stop all the metabolism process in your body then your age would not be increased, a liquid named as cryogenic is used to stop this metabolism process.

Worm Holes We have worm holes in this universe which act as bridges between different points of time . They can take us 50 billion years into the future.

Let’s hope that for better technologies for time travel!!!!

- C. Greeshma Sree, 9 L


Innovative Ideas: Real world problems & Solutions Here we have some innovative ideas sent by our students:

This is a bracelet which has all the features in it with the use of many Apps. -

Hemanth Reddy, 9 J

Flying Bicycle By Nabiha Ali, 4 J

Rainwater Harvesting System -

Rahul Gajula, 9 J


D. Sahithi, 4R

Flying Electric Cycle by Ejjagiri Siri, 8 J

Safe Shopping by T. Varadaha, 7 J 24

Innovative Art & Design

Inspired by Robert Frost’s Poem, The Road Not Taken.


Optical Illusion by Tejas, 8 R

Innovation Drawing –B. Abhijit Reddy, 8 J

Eco – Drawing: Keep your surroundings clean by Anurag Daniel, 3 R Tanvi Sah, 7 R

Expanded Form & Place Value Wheel - G. Shoubhith, 3 R Akshay Begari, 8 J


Scientific Discovery Air Expansion & Contraction Experiments - Pragyna Vinay, 4 J

Skeleton made of dough by Saanvi Domakuntila, 3 R

Robotics - B. Abhijith, 8 J

Combustion Experiment by Vrishak Vanguri, 3 T


Experiment 1: Turmeric acts as a Natural Indicator Turmeric is used as a natural indicator. It is added to the solution to determine its acidity and basicity. The turmeric is acidic in nature and it is yellow in color. When turmeric paste is added to the acidic solution, it remains unchanged. The color in the acidic solution is yellow. When turmeric paste is added to the basic solution the yellow color changes to red color due to the neutralization reaction. Experiment 2: Invisible ink with Lemon juice Lemon juice contains carbon compounds. These compounds are pretty much colorless at room temperature. Heat breakdown these compounds and releases the carbon. When carbon comes in contact with air (specifically oxygen), oxidation occurs and substance turns light or dark brown.

Experiments with Natural ingredients by M.N.V. Srinidhi, 7 L SCIENCE ACTIVITY- LUNG MODEL WITH BALLOON: Under the lungs is the diaphragm which is a muscular sheet separating the lungs from the abdomen. Your diaphragm moves up and down to increase the space in your chest like the balloon at the bottom of the model. How it works: We should find that the balloon inside the bottle inflates, and as you let go the balloon deflates. As the balloon attached at the bottom is pulled then it creates more space inside the bottle. Air then comes down the straw and fills the balloon with some air to fill the space. When you let go of the balloon the space no longer exists, so the air from the balloon is expelled making it deflate. SCIENCE EXPERIMENT - LIGHT A CANDLE WITH SMOKE: Light a candle. Have a second source of flame like match box. Blow out the candle and immediately place the other flame into the smoke. The flame will travel down the smoke and relight your candle. Reason: The smoke released by the smoldering wick of a candle still has wax that hasn’t fully burned.

Lung Model & Smoke Experiments by M.V.N Vedasri, 3 R


Precipitation Experiment by Daivik Vanguri, 1 T

Programming Project by Sravan Sabarinathan, 4 T


Non-Stop Heron's Fountain Three straws, hot glue, 3 empty bottles & some water How it works: Heron's fountain is a hydraulic machine that demonstrates the principles of hydraulics and pneumatics. Flow of water from high gravitational potential energy to low gravitational potential energy causes a fountain to form, due to increasing pressure on the inside of the system. How to make: Arrange the bottles and straws according to the project picture By C. Goutham Krishna, 4 J

Project on Germination Looking at the environment crisis; especially cutting down of trees, I got motivated to grow plants at home. I love plants as they are pleasant to look at and also give fresh air. As an experiment, I sowed some flower seeds and now they have become beautiful plants. Also, I was able to see the germination process. Below are few pictures of my project. Cotyledon plant grown from seeds:

I felt very happy to raise plants at my home from seeds. By Asher Ryan Nimmakuri, 2 L


Great Scientists & Innovators Cell Theory Robert Hooke was born on 28 July 1635 in Isle of Wight, England and died on 3 March 1703 in London. Robert Hooke showed interest in a plethora of fields like astronomy, chemistry, biology, physics, geology, architecture and naval technology. He was an English Physicist, Biologist and also was an intelligent Mathematician. Robert Hooke is well known for his discoveries in Science and Math which include the Law of elasticity, cell – the fundamental unit of life, the universal joint, the diaphragm and the balance wheel. Robert Hooke was perhaps one of the greatest scientists in the seventeenth century. He discovered the fundamental unit of life, the cell, in 1665, the Law of Elasticity in 1660 and the universal joint in 1683. The discovery of cells was and will be a very significant aspect of biology. He discovered dead cells and coined the term cell to the honeycomb like structures that he observed.

Steam Engines James Watt was a Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer and Chemist who became famous for improving the Newcomm Steam Engine in 1776. This brought a change to the Industrial Revelotuion in Britain and the rest of the world. It is believed that James Watt was inspired to invent the steam engine by seeing a kettle boiling, the steam forcing the lid to rise and thus showing Watt the power of steam.

Alternating Current Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer and mechanical engineer. He is best known for his futuristic designs of alternating current and electricity supply. He developed a system to generate electricity from the Niagara Falls as well as worked on producing wireless electricity.

Penicillin Alexander Fleming developed penicillin in 1928. Halfway through an experiment with bacteria. Alexander Fleming went on a vacation. He had left a dirty petri dish in the sink. When he got back, he found bacteria had grown all over the plate except the area where mould had formed. As a result, this led to the discovery of penicillin. By Kushi Maheshwaram , 9 R , Banka Srihitha Reddy, 9 R and Sheru Rishika Nivas, 9 L


Stellar Role of Indian Scientists By K. Shravya, 9 J C. V Raman: Sir Chandrashekhara Venkata Raman was born on 7 November 1888. He was known for the phenomenon Raman Scattering, which brought him the Nobel Prize in 1930. He was the first Asian to receive the Nobel Prize. He won many awards like the Bharat Ratna, the Nobel Prize in Physics and the Lenin Peace Prize. He died on 21 November 1970. One of his famous quotes include, “I'm the master of my failure…. If I never fail how will I ever learn.”

Jagadish Chandra Bose was born on 30 November 1858. He was named as one of the fathers of radio science. He was known for his invention Cresco graph which could detect the growth of plants. He was also the founder of Bose Institute in India. He won many awards like; the Knight Bachelor, Companion of Order of the Star of India, etc. He died on 23 November 1937. One of his famous quotes include, “The true laboratory is the mind, where behind illusions we uncover the laws of truth.” Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on 22 December 1887. He was an Indian mathematician who was known for his contributions to number theory and infinite series. He solved many unsolvable mathematical problems. He never had an auspicious start to his career. He won the award of Fellow of the Royal Society. He died on 26 April 1920. One of his famous quotes include, “An equation means nothing to me unless it expresses a thought of God.”

Subramanyam Chandrasekhar was born on 19 October 1910. He was an IndianAmerican astrophysicist. He was known for Chandrasekhar limit and Chandrasekhar equations. He was awarded The Nobel Prize in the year 1983, National Medal of Science and Padma Vibhushan. He was also the editor of the Astrophysical Journal. He died on 21 August 1995. One of his famous quotes include, “The black holes of nature are the most perfect microscopic objects there are on the universe; the only elements in their construction are our concepts of space and time.

A. P. J Abdul Kalam: Avul Pakir Jainualabdeen Abdul Kalam was born on 15 October 1931. He was a scientist and The President of India from 2002-2007. He was known as the Missile Man of India for working in the development of missile technology. He was also a great author. He was awarded the Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and the Bharat Ratna for his excellent and outstanding skills. His death was flabbergasting because he collapsed during his lecture at the Indian Institute of Management. This was A. P J. Kalam's last lecture. He died on 27 July 2015. One of his famous quotes include, “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”


A. Aarshritha, 6 R

Art Gallery

Mohammed Mustafa, 1 L

Kunal , 4 R

Rishitha Uppari, 3 J

K Praharshith, 2 J

K. Sreemaa Brahmani, 7 R 33

Aradya Edara, 4 R Manya Rajashekar, 4 T

Ch. Saisudeeksha, 3 J

Allam Anoop Reddy, 2 R

Adwita Mandgari, 5 T

Hasvitha Musham, 7 T 34

Krithi Domajuntla, 2 R

Harshitha Bhargavi, 7 T B. Abhijith Reddy, 8 J

Anajipuram Nishith, 2 R Manasvi Duda , 4 L Tejaswi , 1 R

G. Shireesha, 2 J

K. Sujay, 2 J


Our Earth By Judith Scarlet Nathan, 10 J With each passing year, the global climate is getting worse. This makes it our prime duty to conserve and save Mother Nature so that ever entity on this planet lives peacefully. Every year on April 22, we celebrate “Earth Day” to spread awareness regarding its importance and the need to conserve. This special day is celebrated to make people aware of how they can be an asset in saving the Earth from pollution, global warming, water scarcity and other crisis. This year (2021), the theme was “Restore Our Earth”. It was in the year 1970, Earth Day was first celebrated as World Earth Day, and later the day started being observed globally by around 182 nations. Many people know that the world is facing many serious environmental issues. But how many of us know what needs to be done to take part in stopping these global issues? Each one of us should understand and take responsibility for saving “Mother Earth”. It is a possible change. Creating awareness for people who are ignorant is yet another way to save Earth. Spread initiative and set an example so that others will follow. There is nothing as good as contributing to Earth Day as helping to fix the problem. -The diminishing freshwater resources! -The Burning Forests! -The wildlife that is heading towards Extinction! The Planet is getting poisoned. There are many more crisis that the world is facing and bringing much awareness for the same is quite important. Today more than 19 countries are part of this great event which is coordinated by “Earth Day Network”. Earth Day is praised worldwide to make mindfulness about the consistently expanding global warming, to advise openly about the cataclysmic influences it has on our day to day lives and teach techniques to forestall and fix the harm of global warming. Different consuming issues identified with Environmental change, continually expanding ocean land, Exhaustion of the ozone layer and merciless deforestation are to be checked. Each individual can contribute n this specific manner to make this day a triumph. On this day, a few volunteers go to a close-by land and plant trees for a greener planet while a few volunteers choose to clean neighboring paths and water ways. Various specialists hold hands and attempt to make open mindfulness by making banners, through origami ventures or their works of art. Indeed, even a little motion like turning off the lights of our home for one hour has a great affect. It is our home, our Earth, and we must fix the harm that we caused. The monomaniac man had only profit and growth in his vision. He exploited every facet of richness of nature- land, water, biodiversity and sources of energy till nature bled and exhausted the supply of mercy. Human population itself has become the biggest question mark on the future of man. Industries contributed to this cause by irresponsible discharge of chemicals in the water bodies, killing the flora and fauna of the marine ecosystem. Humanity in search of resources to build its growth had exploited every corner. The corals were dying, Tigers vanishing but humans failed to trace the link to the things to come. The human approach to growth and prosperity has always turned a blind eye to the environment and its replenishment. Such consciousness has been considered as a domain of activists and a handle to the growth process. There is enough for everyone’s need but not for anyone’s greed. Sustainability has been neglected by one and all in the use of natural resources. Sustainability development is the drying need of the hour for ensuring the future of humanity on this planet. The understanding has to dawn that we have delayed the effort already, as global warming blocs our doors. It is only one of the signals from nature, that the time to act sensibly is imminent and is ticking away. A glance at our growth story will showcase a myriad of potholes. The process has widened the gulfs in our society and alienated segments from reaping the fruits of development. It has traded a blind eye to depletion of fossil fuels and the heavy accumulation of greenhouse gases. It’s time to switch over to sustenance in our activities and in our attitude. 36

Craft Corner

Ch. Krushna Sumed, 2 J

Sanjay Lone, 9 R

M. Pavan, 6 J

Rapunzel D’Souza, 4 R

Jatin Kumar, 2 T

Samrah Sultana, 4 J


My Dino World

Aryan Sai Chabra, 2 J

And he can cook too! Here he is preparing Veg Corn Rolls.


Meet the Artist 1

Gajula Sri Viswa Tej, 2 J



Amazing Facts About ISRO

ISRO was formed on Independence Day, 1969 by Dr. Vikram Sarabhai. India's first rocket launch flew from Saint Mary Magdalene Church in the fishing village of Thumba, Kerala, on Nov. 21, 1963.1 "It was a sounding rocket, called Nike-Apache, made at NASA. Aryabhata was the first satellite of ISRO which was launched on 19 April 1975 with the help of Russia. Rohini, the first satellite to be placed in orbit by Indian-made launch vehicle (Satellite Launch Vehicle 3), was launched on July 18, 1980. SLV-3 was India’s first indigenous satellite launch vehicle and A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was the director of the project.

Chandrayaan-1 completed the lunar orbit insertion operation on 8 November 2008. With the successful completion of this operation, India became the fifth nation to put a vehicle in lunar orbit.

Launched on 5th November 2013, The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also called Mangalyaan, is a space probe orbiting Mars since 24 September 2014. It is India's first interplanetary mission and it made it the fourth space agency to achieve Mars orbit. It also made India the first Asian nation to reach Martian orbit and the first nation in the world to do so on its first attempt.

Photo: Launch of Mars Orbiter Mission

1 Photo Source:


Launched on 22nd July 2019, Chandrayaan-2 is the second lunar exploration mission developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation, after Chandrayaan-1. It consists of a lunar orbiter, and also included the Vikram lander, and the Pragyan lunar rover, all of which were developed in India. ISRO was the world's first space agency to find water on the moon and insert a probe in the orbit of Mars in its maiden attempt. It has the world's largest constellation of remotesensing satellites and operates two satellite navigation systems namely GAGAN and NAVIC. ISRO’s goals in the future include sending humans into space and sending more unmanned missions to Mars and Venus. ISRO's programs have played a vital role in the socio-economic development of India and have supported both civilian and military programs in various fields including disaster management and telemedicine.

Raya Sathvika sharing her experience of watching a live satellite launch at ISRO when she was in Class 9. Sathvika graduated from our school recently.


Short Story REVERSE WORLD By Sheru Rishika Nivas Reddy, 9 L Technology is increasing more and more day by day. 2020 was the year of the pandemic with the deadly corona virus . Many countries suffered a huge loss. Many scientists tried to discover the solution for the virus but couldn't. However, one scientist in the world tried to discover a vaccine but accidentally created a new pandemic which is known as the reverse world pandemic. Reverse world is nothing but where humans act as robots and the robots behave like human beings. We already know that we have scientists making robots and Sophia is the first human interactive robot. In this new kind of reverse world pandemic robots live with humans and robots perform the activities of human beings. Human beings are addicted to devices like mobiles, smart phones, laptop, tablets etc. and behave like robots. At last, the robots try to find a solution for the reverse world happily live together in the normal world

pandemic. And humans are back with robots

The World of Power By Ruby Sushanth Doppani, 9 L

Our world was dissimilar a century ago. After the Pandemic of 2020, the world decelerated. Life on earth virtually disappeared. The virus spread from one robot to another in Kina, the robot land ruled by all kinds of robots. This virus destroyed governments and humans. Such destruction had never been caused by any other virus. As deadly as it was, we survived. People in Kina experienced the most devastating loss of robot lives they had ever seen. It saddened the leader of the country, Jestor. He had a mission to cure the lethal virus. After days of research, he was able to find the cure on May 20, 2023. Then he shouted "I found it, I found it, I found the cure!" in his language. In a few days, the cure was spread across the world. Even after 127 years, many followers still revere him as their god. To this day, his legacy and power endure. Jester's cure made the Kina people no longer hated. Human society embraced them. One day, someone decided to investigate the origin of the deadly virus. A deadly truth about the virus has been hidden for 150 years, which could lead to a global war if revealed. In Kina's past, humans oppressed its robot citizens. Jestor had to take action to end this oppression. In a world in which hope is lost, all life will end, Jestor acts out this scene so that the people of the world will love him and only him, stopped oppressing his people and put an end to this. Only his dear ones knew about this plan and this secret. As a result, humans and robots engaged in an all-out war. Ultimately, nobody won. Communities were divided. There was no clear winner. Both sides lost lives. The war had to be stopped. Both civilizations sought to dominate the other, which is why power brought an end to both. Rubble and dust cover once prosperous and beautiful kingdoms.


THE UPENDED LIFE OF THE AFTERWORLD   By Syeda Sobia Fathima, 9 R  13th April, 3018.  It was just another day in Sapphire Ville, a city built on a very huge spaceship which was revolving around the Earth which now appeared as the exact opposite of how it looked hundreds of years ago. The earth in the past was a happy planet without any artificial substitutions for natural resources like they use presently. Now, they could only glance at the Earth that was now empty without any life-form on it.   Ellen Kingsley and Henry Kingsley were two 10-year-old siblings who lived in Sapphire Ville with their parents. They could only look at the Earth in guilt. Because they knew that humans are the only ones who were to be blamed for the Earth's present condition. Yet, they couldn't do anything about it as much as they wanted to help. Both the siblings would not miss a day glancing out of their glass window after school. It's been 20 years since they started inhabiting on the ship. The older generation did not seem to care about their home as much as the younger generations did, even though they had never set foot on the planet.     "How was your day guys?" asked mum. "Pretty good," replied Ellen. "I'm glad it went well. Anyways I was wondering if you kids would want to help me with some grocery shopping since it's been a while we did not have a walk outside?"  Those words from their mom got the kids pretty excited since they were craving to go outside but did not want to trouble their parents. "Of course we're coming," Henry said while putting on his sneakers. Their mom entered the code for unlocking the door and then they started walking down the corridors to the market which was not far from their house.  All they could see on their way was everyone sitting or lying down comfortably on their mechanical floating seats. They were all overweight, staring into the holographic screens on their seats. a mobile phone in the right hand and a bag of chips or coffee in the other.   You must've assumed it to be noisy all around. But it clearly wasn't, as everyone was busy on their screens. There was absolutely no noise except a very few footsteps clanking. There were very few pedestrians.  The kids did not like the silent treatment with people’s eyes glued to their screens. They wanted people to interact with them.  There was a little personal robot assigned to every individual. It kept track of what their owner was doing and always kept them busy. It was programmed to take care of their respective owners and was also taught the emergency drill. The robot was basically a personal companion of their owners.  Ellen, Henry and their mom also had one each but they decided to leave it at home since they wanted some time to themselves.  "Are we there yet mom?" Ellen asked in a bit of pain as she was not used to walking for so long.  "Yes dear, we'll be there any minute now." her mom replied. They were soon at the grocery store. The storekeeper immediately recognized their mom since she is used to pay many visits to the store.  ‘Oh! It's good to see you Mrs. Kingsley. How may I help you?" The storekeeper, Mr. Grant greeted them with a bright smile. "It's alright Mr. Grant I just came by for this month's grocery shopping and my kids here tagged along to help me," their mom replied with a gentle smile as usual. Mr. Grant excused himself to help other customers.


"Henry dear, would you mind to get us a shopping cart from your right?" Henry nodded and got themselves a shopping cart while his sister and mom started picking some eggs. They put it into their cart and moved on to the next thing on their list which appeared on their screen of the cart.    They were back home and were having some donuts after grocery shopping. Just then they heard a doorbell and they knew it was their dad. Their dad walked inside. He looked really happy. He was smiling continuously while removing his boots.  Henry could not hold his curiosity and decided to ask him why he was so happy. To this his dad announced "Congratulations guys we finally found a way to go back to planet Earth and start our life there" at first their reactions were extremely dazed but then they smiled as brightly as the sun itself. They jumped to embrace their parents in a big hug. They all looked cheerful. Their dad worked in the research department and so, he was the first one to let them know about it. He also told them that the project will be finished by the end of 3019. From that day on, the kids no longer saw their planet in sorrow but in hope.    20th December 3019: Finally, it was the day they could finally set foot on the magnificent planet Earth. "This is going to be the best Christmas ever," they thought. After their arrival, they were all busy gasping at the beauty of planet Earth. After they reached their new house, they quickly unpacked and started preparing for Christmas. They never thought this day would ever come but it did. The Kingsleys were having the time of their life. They were relived to finally let go of Sapphire Ville to start all over again......

The Lucky Monkey There was a small tiffin shop. In that tiffin shop there was an old woman who used to sell dosa, idli, bonda, tea, coffee etc. One day a poor man came to the shop and asked for some food. The old woman said, “Give money”. The poor man said “I don’t even have a rupee in my pocket.” The old woman said “Go from here! no money, no food I will not give you anything, Go! Go!” Then a monkey came to the tiffin shop and said “Amma give me some food.” The old woman said “A monkey! Go Go I will not give you anything Go Go.” “Amma don’t give it to me at least give it to my baby, I’m pregnant.” “Go Go dirty monkey.” The monkey started crying. Then the old woman said, “First that poor man then you. If I give away food, how will I survive? How will my family live? Go Go dirty monkey.” One day a man went to the tiffin shop and asked for some food and gave money, then he gave the food he got to the poor man after he went, the monkey came near the poor man and asked “Give me some food please, I beg you! Please.” They shared the food and ate it. The monkey followed the poor man for some time, then the poor man asked “Why are you following me?” The monkey said “I don’t know where I should go.” The poor man answered “I’m lonely too, come we will go to my small house.” The monkey replied “Okay let’s go.” They came home and the money asked “Why don't you start a tiffin center?” The poor man said “I don’t have money.” “Then take a loan,” said the monkey. “Okay” said the poor man and took the loan and put up a tiffin center, he painted the four wheeled table and bought all the things and the monkey helped him paint.


After a few days they got the money to pay off the debt. One day the monkey started feeling pain in the stomach, they went to the veterinary hospital and they treated the monkey and a little monkey was born. The poor man said “For this lucky monkey a cute baby is born.” Soon from a small tiffin center he built a hotel and kept lifts for the monkey and the baby which he named Krishna. Now the poor man was rich. Finally, one day the man’s relatives came and appreciated him.

This is the Lucky Monkey Story! By B. Sakath B, 7 T

Riddles by Tejas A, 8 R


Meet the Artist 2

M. Sameeksha, 2 J

Nitya Rapalli, 2 J


PRE-K Smiles Ahead: Our Pre-K toddlers hard at work creating pieces of art for different occasions.




This Photo by Unknown Author is


Top 10 Mythical Creatures

Mythical Creatures Animals are fascinating. They vary from size to shape to personality. A few creatures whether they exist or not is unknown but tend to have personalities and abilities beyond our understanding. So today, in this article we shall learn more about the top 10 most mythical creatures to ever ‘exist’.

Number 10 – Centaurs is a creature from Greek mythology which was half – man and half human.

Number 9 – Qilin is a mythical hooved chimerical creature known in Chinese and east Asian cultures to appear on the arrival of a sage or a ruler. Number 8 – Naga is a mythological creature and a member of the Hindu, Buddhist and Jain religions. They are half-human and halfcobra. They are often worshipped in temples.

Number 7 – Sphinx is a mythological creature with a lion’s body and a human head. It is an important image in Egyptian and Greek Mythologies.

Number 6 – Basilisks is a mythological creature which is a legendary legless reptile which can kill anyone just by looking at them in the eye. It is featured in the film: “Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets”.

Number 5 –Minotaur is a fabulous monster from the Greek mythology which has the body of a man and the head of a bull.

Number 4 – Cerberus is a Greek mythical creature, also known as “hound of hades”. It is a 3 headed dog which guards the gates of the Underworld. It is featured in the film “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”.

Number 3 – Kraken is a legendary sea monster with the appearance of an octopus. It may grow to about 40 – 50 feet in length. It dwells off the coasts of Norway and Greenland and is known to destroy large ships. It is featured in the film “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales”.

Number 2 – Griffin is a mythological creature with the body, tail and back legs of a lion: and the head and wings of an Eagle. It is used to denote strength and military courage and leadership. These features indicate a combination of intelligence and strength.

Number 1 – Unicorn is a mythological animal resembling a horse or a goat with a single horn on its forehead. The unicorn appeared in early Mesopotamian artworks, and it also was referred to in the ancient myths of India and China. In Celtic mythology the unicorn was a symbol of purity and innocence, as well as masculinity and power.

By R. Ram Charan, 9 J 51


Star -T. Tanmayee, 9 J Should I follow the blowing wind? Or should I be left behind facing the headwind? I went for the headwind not knowing what it is; I know my situation, But I keep on going this way because I want to be a star. I’m afraid of falling like those falling stars, So, I keep on wandering around; but I realized, Why am I wandering around even if I chose my path? I have come too far. It’s all the same even if I look back, In the darkness, I walked relying on the shining star. I’m sure I walked this way on my will; but I keep looking elsewhere. My lingering feelings will make this turn into regret. This is my choice after all, But I’m nervous about not being able to do it. The expectations for me grow bigger, I’m afraid to fall down if I rely on it more. So, I pushed the evil spirits back.

Inspired by the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost.

I have reached the end, end of the path. It felt like I’ve gone through a maze. I can finally sit down now; but, Did I become a star?

Never Give Up Never give up Fight until the last breath of your life You can do it until last breadth Your life is not just meant to leave midway To stop the words of random people You need to go until the frontier Hey, you are here to understand what your Life means If you can on your way. There's a world which can stop you but you never need to go into wilderness This world is made up of different people but you need to stand up for what you are. It's your life man, live your life as you love I think you can do it if you think you can

By C. Greeshma, 9 L

You can never be perfect unless you start to sharpen yourself as a sculpture, A big stone can be changed into a beautiful sculpture, if there is a lot of effort, I think you can put that effort to change yourself A plant which is not straight while it is growing, when is becomes a tree we can't straighten it. A human life at starting can be a straight path if you can rectify your mistake


A DAY IN THE HILLS I am walking in the hills all alone, Walking on the ground is like walking on the stone, The evening sky was very dark, And the stars were making their mark. Then there was a chilly wind, And it was gone before I blinked, My house was up in the hills, Just beside the giant windmills.

By Shreyasi Samal, 6 R

As I reached out in there, I knew my cat was out somewhere, At the entrance of the door there were two yellow lights, And they were the eyes of none other than my cat called bright. As I opened the entrance door, All I could see is my house’s wet floor, My dog had opened the kitchen tap again, There is so much knowledge for him to gain. Next morning the sun was shining brightly, And I went outside happily, The giant green hills were like giant green cones, And the birds flew in the sky are like drones. It started pouring in the town, My dog and cat started to frown, And I started to dance in the rain, And I knew I can’t feel this again. Then I came home dripping wet, Because that’s how me and the rain met, Bright ran into the kitchen because he smelled something good, Because my cook was cooking some food. I was sitting in dining room and eating, Bright was mewing and Kite was barking, All we could hear in the evening was the rain, And maybe tomorrow is going to be an exciting day again.


Art Gallery

S. Srujana Sree, 8 J

K.T. Evelyn, 2 T

Nithyanidhi, 5 R

G. John Aaron Reddy, 2 L

Uppari Shrenitha M. Joshna, 2 T


Thatikonda Sahasra, 7 T

Vidhi Singh, 1 T

G. Deekshita, 5 J

G. Vipul Ram Tej, 5J


Suhas Jaltaru, 4 T

Singham Mishra, 2 R

C. Yojit Goud, 2 R

COVID Safety Precautions by Aarohi Seelam, 2 R


S. Deekshitha, 4 L

Singireddy Sushant, 2 J

Golla Shiresha, 2 J

Recipe by Ishani Empaty, 2 T

Karri Sohan, 3 L


Book Review Telephone - Bell to Cell This was an interesting and fascinating story about the evolution of telephones and how telephones became tedious objects. I was wondering about how a person could lift a 1 kg weight cell phone. Satellite phones and car phones are quite interesting concepts. Thinking about future cell phones in the story was a brain stimulating thought. I love this concept of change of telephones to cell phone. – Banka Srihitha Reddy, 9 R Link for the Book:

Don Bosco School Reading Program This program was introduced last year to encourage our students to continue reading during the lockdown. Students can read books from our school’s e-library or books of their choice throughout the year and send in book reviews. The best readers from Class 3 to 10 will receive a Certificate of Achievement and a medal at the end of the academic year. Our hope is to inculcate a love for reading among our students and we would really love to see more students participating in the program this year. Happy Reading!

Congratulations to Our Reading Champions of 2020 Sravya Kamisetti, 9 L, Syeda Sobia Fathima, 9 R, Dev Chhabra, 9 L, Maria Joseph 9 L, Mukula Naga Venkata Srinidhi, 7 L.

Some of the Recommended Reading for this year:

Links: Mangalyaan: How to Solve A Problem Like Himani: There’s A Hole in My Galaxy: The White Dolphin: ned002.pdf

Don Bosco E-Library: 58

Story Time From Space Imagine story books being read to you by astronauts from space! This is exactly what this amazing program is all about – books read from the International Space Station by astronauts. While the book is being read aloud you also get to see spectacular views of space from the ISS. Story Time from Space is a project of the Global Space Education Foundation and was started by educator Patricia Tribe and astronaut Alvin Drew. Some of the links to books read from space have been posted in our school’s e-library . You can also find them here: and you can watch experiments conducted on the space station like: How do Newton’s Laws of Motion work on the International Space Station? Don Bosco School Reading Program: Send us your Review of these books too!

Reference & Images Source: 59

Careers in Artificial Intelligence By Prayash Kumar Nayak, 9 J AI refers to programming machines to perform human tasks such as decision making, problem solving and communication. AI careers can be of two types. The first relates to developing and deploying AI Systems. These are highly specialized jobs that requires advance training and education in Machine Learning, Robotics, Engineering or Computer Science. The second are related to operating AI system. For these kinds of jobs, the entry level requirement is comparatively lower: The careers related to the core development and deployment of AI system include: Ø Software Analysts

Skills Required for Careers in AI

Ø Software Developers

Mathematical and logical thinking Problem Solving

Ø Computer Scientists / Engineers

Computer Programming

Ø Robotics Engineers

Technical / Engineering Ø Algorithm Specialists

Data Analysis

Ø Data Scientists

Design and Product Development

In addition, the development and deployment of AI systems need specialist from different areas and fields: ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

Mechanical, Manufacturing, Electrical Engineers Medical Professionals Defence Specialists Product, Graphics Designer Architects



Sources Credit:,, Rsearchgate


Fun Facts By C. Greeshma Sree, 9 L 1. The total weight of ants on earth once equalled the total weight of people. 2. The healthiest place in the world is in Panama. 3. Dolphins have been trained to be used in wars. 4. Water makes different pouring sounds depending on its temperature

5. Some planets produce diamond rain. (Saturn & Uranus) 6. In Germany, people help frogs cross the road.

SOME MORE FUN FACTS Giant Pandas eat approximately 28 pounds of bamboo a day – that’s over 5 tons per year!

Sea Lions have rhythm. They are the only animal able to clap to a beat.

20% of all the oxygen you breathe is used by your brain. Your heart beats about 115,000 times a day. On the South Atlantic Island of Tristan da Cunha, potatoes were once used as currency. Apples float because they are one-quarter air! The moon is very hot (224 degrees Fahrenheit, average) during the day but very cold (-243 degrees average) at night.


Short Story

Same as always By Thumma Tanmayee, 9 J Zoe sat in a small crowded café waiting. All of the tables were full and there was a steady stream of people ordering something to eat and drink. Zoe could hear a constant buzz of conversation around her, but was struggling to concentrate on anything other than what was in front of her. The mug of tea sitting on the table was steaming and she could smell the floral scent wafting1 through the air. And next to her cup was a plate with a half-eaten sandwich and fries.  Lena would be here soon and then maybe she could start to relax. She was her childhood friend and she always calmed her down after a stressful day. The time dragged by and Zoe sighed in boredom. Her life was one continual repeat. It seemed like she woke up, went to work, met with Lena and then went to bed and then repeated.  The bell over the shop chimed2 and Lena walked in in all of her brown haired and hazel-eye glory. She smiled when she saw her, but took a few minutes to go to the counter and order her regular and then came over to join her. “Hey Zoe,” she said as she sat.  “Hey Lena, how was your day?” “Good. And yours?” “The same as always.” They smiled at each other as they sat waiting for their food to arrive. Zoe picked at what was left of her sandwich and took a sip of her tea. A few minutes later a teenage server set a plate of food and a drink on the table and then wandered off. Zoe couldn’t help but frown as the kid walked away.  “What?” Lena asked. “Dejavu3... I feel like I’ve seen that exact moment before.” “Same as always huh?” Lena said. And Zoe nodded and then shrugged4. “Just one of those weird moments.” Lena waved it off and then they chatted for a bit about work and the upcoming weekend. Zoe really didn’t have plans, but she was sure she would come up with something, even if it was just watching re-runs of her favourite cooking shows.  “Sometimes I just feel so bored. Every day is the same as the day before you know,” Zoe said. “Yeah. Alright. If you’re asking for something different, where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?” “Huh…” Zoe paused to think. “I don’t really know. There are so many amazing places I could go to.” “You know you could tell me any place even if it is dumb.” She rolled her eyes and then looked around the room as she thought. Suddenly a conversation from two tables piqued5 her interest. The woman was on the phone and Zoe could only hear what the woman was saying.  “You want to know where to go for dinner. You should know. It’s the same as always,” the woman said with a small smile on her face.  Zoe shuddered6. Suddenly something felt wrong. Zoe couldn’t put her finger on it, but something wasn’t right.  “Hey,” Lena said as she snapped his fingers in front of Zoe’s face. “Where did you go? Did you decide on a place then?” “What,” Zoe muttered7, and then her eyes widened as she focused back on Lena. “Oh, sorry. I’m not really sure. Maybe somewhere with a beach. Somewhere super warm.” “Come on more specific,” Lena said and as she spoke Zoe couldn’t help but lose track of what she was saying as she heard the man at the counter of the café suddenly say, “Oh, same as always.” Zoe closed her eyes. Something didn’t feel right. She closed her eyes and then pressed the heels of her palms into her eyes and tried to think. Suddenly a hand grabbed her arm. Zoe jumped. “Hey Zoe, are you okay,” Lena asked with concern dripping from her voice. For some reason that grated8 on her right then and she pulled her hands from her eyes and then her arm from her hand.  “I don’t know. Suddenly I don’t feel very well. Maybe I’m just really tired. I think I’m going to go home and call it an early night,” Zoe said.  “Do you want me to walk you home?” “Nah I got it,” Zoe said as she stood and gathered the remnants9 of her meal and her purse. “I’ll be fine. I think I just need quiet.” Lena nodded from her seat as she watched her.  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Zoe said. “Yeah. Let me know if you need anything,” Lena replied.  Zoe quickly threw out her trash and exited the shop trying to ignore everyone around her. She shuddered. Something still felt wrong and her mind couldn’t quite grasp10 what it was.  She rushed home.


Once she was in her apartment, she laid on the couch and shoved her face into a pillow. She could smell the lavender spray that she sprayed all her furniture with and sighed. Eventually she moved her head just enough to be able to see the tv. She reached out with her arm and found the remote on the floor and then turned on the tv. She stared at it trying not to think. Whatever happened today didn’t mean anything. Everything was fine. There was nothing to worry about.  And then she heard the words. “Same as always” spoken by a man on the screen. Zoe had no context11 to what was happening in the show, but she couldn’t deal with it. She turned off the tv and closed her eyes. And she kept them closed until she drifted off.  The next day everything was, ironically12 enough, the same as always. The same thing for breakfast. The same routine. The same walk to work. The same conversations with co-workers and clients. It wasn’t until lunch that Zoe noticed the day before wasn’t just a dream.  Zoe had gone out to the food truck on the corner of the street by the entrance of the park and was standing in line to order. There were four people in front of her and the first one ordered normally, but then the second person said, “Same as always,” and Zoe couldn’t help but take notice.  The third person said the same thing and then the fourth. Zoe was practically shaking by the time she ordered her food and hightailed13 it back to the office to eat in her small cubicle. Zoe closed her eyes for a minute and then the day seemed to go on fast forward. And the next thing she knew she was standing in front of her café with her hand on the door. She shook her head and entered. She walked forward on autopilot and then stood there to order and suddenly the words were pouring from her lips. “Same as always.” The teen behind the counter didn’t look surprised or unsure. She just nodded and smiled and pushed buttons on the screen and then said an amount. Zoe was still running on autopilot as she handed her card over, got it back, put it in her wallet, and then wandered over to her usual table.  Same as always.  Something was wrong. It felt like no time had passed when Lena sat down across from her with a smile, but then frowned as she looked at her. “Are you okay? You look worse than you did when you left yesterday,” she said. “Yeah, yeah, I’m,” Zoe paused as the words ‘same as always’ almost crawled out of her mouth again and she forced herself to say, “Okay. Just talk please.” “Okay.” And Lena spoke. She chatted about nothing and Zoe relaxed more and more as the words didn’t appear in anything she said. “You know you never did tell me where you would want to go. Come on there has to be one place that just stands out. You feel a strong connection to. Or just love the look of.” Zoe opened her mouth and paused. And then a man walked in the door speaking on the phone and said, “same as always.” While at the same time a woman across the room grinned at her husband and said, “Same as always.” Zoe froze. Something was wrong pounded through her brain. Very, very wrong.  “What’s the trigger? We need to negate14 it,” a voice said from right next to Zoe’s right shoulder and Zoe quickly turned her head to look. No one was there. There was just a wall.  Zoe stood and Lena instantly stopped talking. “You okay?” “I just realized I have something I need to do.” “No, you don’t.” Zoe frowned15 as she looked down at Lena’s face. There was a look of frustration on her face. Zoe stood there frozen staring at the face that she knew so well and suddenly felt like she didn’t know her at all. She stumbled16 back slightly and then grasped the back of her chair.  “Come on Zoe, what is going on with you? You have been acting weird ever since yesterday and I can’t quite figure out what is wrong.” Zoe shook her head. “I’m not sure. But I really do have somewhere I need to go.” Zoe walked to the door and fled down the sidewalk. She walked without thinking about where she was going.  Her mind suddenly remembered a lecture she couldn’t seem to fully remember hearing. It always seems real. Look at the oddities17. The glitches. The repeats. The brain can only handle so much for so long, so it will hurt.  And then the words were gone. It was wrong. She knew it. The world seemed to fuzz for a moment. But then everything sharpened back up and she wasn’t sure about what she had seen. She wandered with her hand dragging across the walls of buildings, fences, posts, and whatever else she could touch. It felt real, but what did that really mean? Could it all be fake?  There is always a pause and reset.


Zoe frowned as she thought about the sudden words in her brain. How would she miss a pause and reset? She would only miss something if she was sleeping during it. So, what would happen if she just didn’t sleep? Those questions and thoughts seemed to solidify18 into her head and she squared her shoulders. She wandered outside as the sun set. After a few hours she came upon a park with a bench and sat down to rest. She barely allowed herself to blink afraid of not opening her eyes again until morning. She needed to stay awake.  As the hours dragged by, she couldn’t help but think about Lena. She felt like she had years of history with Lena, but at the same time she remembered the moment back at the café when she felt like she didn’t know her at all. Honestly, how well do people know each other anyway? No matter how she felt she couldn’t help wondering why the relationship felt hollow19. She looked up at the sky while she thought about what she knew of Lena. Not much. Her name. Where she grew up. A few likes and dislikes. What she does for a job. And not much else. For over twenty years of friendship, she felt she didn’t know anything about her at all. Why did she ever feel comfortable with her, or like she could trust her.  When the sun eventually rose, Zoe decided not to go to work. Not that work mattered. Instead, she decided to find Lena. She waited for her outside her workplace and when she showed up, she stared at her in surprise.  “What are you doing here,” she asked. “And why do you look like you didn’t sleep last night? Did you even go home?” Zoe waved that away in frustration and then tilted her head as she looked at him. “None of those matters. What matters is this one question. Who are you?” Lena looked startled. “What do you mean? I'm your best friend.” “No, you’re not. I don’t know you,” Zoe closed her eyes for a second and then opened them slowly. “I really don’t care to argue with you, but you want something. Who are you and what do you want?” Suddenly the world around her twitched20.  “I don’t know what you are talking about.” “I’m sure you wish I would believe that, but the world around me is glitching and you are pixelating21 right in front of me. I think my brain running on fumes22 can’t handle what is being fed to it and the fact that there was no reset last night is causing extra glitching.” Lena stared at her for a moment and then said, “Same as always, same as always, s… me as …wa…s.” Her mouth was moving oddly for the words pouring out of it and then her face distorted23 in a disconcerting24 blur.  The world glitched again and then went dark.  Zoe tried to pull herself out of the darkness, but there was nothing there.  And then her eyes were opening and in front of her was a woman she knew.  “I’d call that a pass,” the woman, Evelyn, said as she wrote a few notes and then stamped the head of the paper with green ink.  Zoe tried to sit up, but Evelyn put her hand on Zoe’s shoulder.  “Don’t get up just yet. Your head is probably in a lot of pain and your body needs to readjust.” “How long was I under? How did I do?” “You were under for just under twenty hours and it went well. You told us absolutely nothing and recognized the problems of the software really quickly.” Zoe nodded.  “I’d say you’ll be mission ready within the month. Then, you can try to solve the problems there and also work on better technology for the world. Job well done Zoe” Zoe smiled and muttered to herself a couple words, “Same as always.” Dictionary: 1. (with reference to a scent, sound, etc.) pass or cause to pass gently through the air. 2. (of a bell or clock) make melodious ringing sounds, typically to indicate the time. 3. a feeling of having already experienced the present situation. 4. raise (one's shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference. 5. arouse (interest or curiosity). 6. (of a person) tremble convulsively, typically as a result of fear or revulsion. 7. talk or grumble in secret or in private. 8. have an irritating effect. 9. a part or quantity that is left after the greater part has been used, removed, or destroyed. 10. seize and hold firmly. 11. the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning. 12. in an ironic manner. 13. move or travel fast. 14. make ineffective. 15. furrow one's brows in an expression indicating disapproval, displeasure, or concentration. 16. trip or momentarily lose one's balance; almost fall. 17. a strange or peculiar person or thing. 18. make or become hard or solid. 19. having a hole or empty space inside. 20. give or cause to give a short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement. 21. display an image of (someone or something) on television as a small number of large pixels, typically in order to disguise someone's identity. 22. feel, show, or express great anger. 23. pulled or twisted out of shape; contorted. 24. causing one to feel unsettled.


Progress of Indian Education Sector After Independence By Y. Nitya Hasini Class: 9 Lotus Education as we know is one of the most important and valuable weapons in this whole world. Without education these days no one is able to survive. As the cell is the basic unit of our body, education in the same way is the basic need for life. One of my favourite quotes on education is “Education is not preparation for life, Education is life itself”. But, from when did education play a vital role in our lives? How was the Education in India before 100 years? 100 years ago, education in India was very different. Students had very less schooling, girls rarely went to schools. Those days school was not very important to people, the ones who could afford went to school. The children used to work with their parents and continued the same work after they grew. Most of the children who went to school were the children of kings or ministers. The way of teaching and the syllabus was quite different. The children used to live with the teachers till they had completed their education. The students used to stay in Gurukul or Ashrams with their Guru (teacher). There was no attendance, no specific class or school, No timings, No exams. This was how the Education system was held in India a century before. After the coming of British slowly and gradually the education system changed. They wanted Indians to get a new education so they can help the British boost their economy. The British wanted everyone in India to learn the official language English to make things easy for them. The modern school system was brought to India, including the English language, originally by Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay in the 1830s. The time table, classes, standard and attendance was made compulsory. Many of the social reformers disagreed with the opinion of British as they were opposed to the British but gradually with time everyone followed the education by the British. The Uttar Pradesh Board of High School and Intermediate Education was the first Board set up in India in the year 1921 with jurisdiction over Rajputana, Central India and Gwalior. In 1929, the Board of High School and Intermediate Education was established. Progressively the education was made mandatory for every child. By 1970’s women also got their right to education. Everyone went to school irrespective of gender and caste. Mahatma Gandhi said “if we want to reach real peace in the world, we have to educate the children”. After Independence, there are many changes made in the Education system. The democratic government of India decided to provide free and compulsory education to all children up to the age of 14. In the first 5 years of independence, the government implemented the recommendations of Kothari Commission under ‘National Policy on Education’ in 1968. The main recommendations were universal primary education. To combat the changing socio-economic needs of the country, the Govt. of India announced a new National Policy on Education in 1986. Then there was expansion of education throughout India. But there was no development in the attendance of students. After digging deep the govt. got to know that it was because of poverty. The government got the idea of mid-day meal in which a meal was provided to all students who came to school for free from the year 1995.This increased the rate of attendance. Child labour was abolished in India in the year 1993. Subsequently technical education got developed, besides general education, technical education plays important role in human capital formation. The Govt. has established several Industrial Training Institutes, Polytechnics, Engineering colleges and Medical and Dental colleges, Management institutes etc. Also, women’s education was made mandatory. Once think of the differences between the education system now and before a century! Really surprised right? Our Indian democratic government made it possible. A large tribute to our great leaders. Education is very important to make a change or development in our country. The ones who know the value of Education have already succeeded.

Education is the movement from darkness to Light 65

ग्लोबल वार्मिंग -

R. Ram Charan, 9 J

ग्लोबल वार्मिंग एक ऐसी घटना है जहा​ां ग्रीनहाउस गैसों की मात्रा में वद् ृ धि के कारण पथ् ृ वी का औसत तापमान बढ़ता है। काबबन डाइऑक्साइड, मीथेन और ओजोन जैसी ग्रीनहाउस गैसें सूर्ब से आने वाले ववककरण को फांसा लेती हैं। .... वास्तव में , पथ् ृ वी पर जीवन के र्लए ग्रीनहाउस प्रभाव काफी महत्वपूणब है। ग्लोबल वार्मिंग के कारण मनुष्र् और जांगली जानवरों को जीववत रहने के र्लए नई चुनौततर्ों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है। अधिक लगातार और तीव्र सख ू ा, तफ ू ान, गमी की लहरें , समुद्र का बढ़ता स्तर, ग्लेर्िर्रों का वपघलना और महासागरों का गमब होना सीिे तौर पर जानवरों को नक ु सान पहुांचा सकता है , उनके रहने के स्थानों को नष्ट कर सकता है और लोगों की आजीववका और समुदार्ों पर कहर बरपा सकता है। अफ्रीकी हाथी, अमेज़ॅन, आकबटटक, तटीर् पूवी अफ्रीका, कोरल त्रत्रभुज, डॉल्फ़िन, पोरपोइज, पूवी टहमालर्, वविालकार् पा​ांडा, मोनाकब बटरली, ध्रुवीर् भालू, समुद्री कछुए, बाघ और व्हे ल प्रभाववत मुख्र् प्रजाततर्ा​ां और स्थान हैं। जलवार्ु पररवतबन कई तरह से लोगों के ववस्थापन का कारण बनता है, सबसे स्पष्ट और नाटकीर् रूप से बढ़ती सांख्र्ा और मौसम से सांबांधित आपदाओां की गांभीरता के कारण होता है जो घरों और आवासों को नष्ट कर दे ते हैं ल्जससे लोगों को कहीां और आश्रर् र्ा आजीववका की तलाि होती है। र्हा​ां 4 सरल चीजें दी गई हैं जो आप कर सकते हैं और उन्हें करने से आप ककतनी काबबन डाइऑक्साइड बचाएांगे। 1. लाइट बदलें। एक तनर्र्मत प्रकाि बफब को एक कॉम्पैक्ट फ्लोरोसेंट लाइट बफब से बदलने से एक वर्ब में 150 पाउां ड काबबन डाइऑक्साइड की बचत होगी। 2. एक पेड़ लगाओ| एक अकेला पेड़ अपने परू े जीवनकाल में एक टन काबबन डाइऑक्साइड सोख लेगा। 3. अधिक रीसार्कल करें । आप अपने घरे लू कचरे का र्सफब आिा टहस्सा ररसाइककल करके प्रतत वर्ब 2,400 ककलोग्राम काबबन डाइऑक्साइड बचा सकते हैं। 4. इलेक्रॉतनक उपकरणों को बांद कर दे जब आप उनका उपर्ोग नहीां कर रहे हों, तो बस अपने टे लीववजन, डीवीडी प्लेर्र, स्टीररर्ो और कांप्र्ूटर को बांद कर दे ने से आप एक वर्ब में हजारों ककलोग्राम काबबन डाइऑक्साइड बचा सकते हैं। मुझे उम्मीद है कक इस लेख ने आप सभी को ग्लोबल वार्मिंग के खतरों के बारे में बतार्ा और मुझे र्ह भी उम्मीद है कक आप लोग उपरोक्त चरणों का पालन करें गे और आने वाली पीटढ़र्ों के र्लए पथ् ृ वी को एक बेहतर जगह बनाने में मदद करें गे।

“ग्लोबल वार्मिंग, इतिहास का सबसे बडा नरसंहार” 66

- Sent By Pallavi Teacher

G. Anunya Reddy, 1 Tulip


Telugu Section By Banka Srihitha Reddy, 9 R

బల్బ్ చరిత్ర

బల్బ్ అనే పదం మనకు ఎంతో సన్నిహిత్మైనది. ఈ రోజుల్లో బల్ు్ల్ు అందరి ఇంట్లో కయంతిన్న వ్యాపిస్ా యయి. కయన్న మొట్ట మొదట్ిగా బల్బ్ కన్నపెట్ి టన థామస్ ఎల్వా ఎడిసన్ దాన్న కన్నపెట్ిడాన్నకి ఎనని పరయతాిల్ు చేసి విఫల్మయవాడు. కయన్న న్నరయశ చందకుండా అత్డు గెలిచే వరకు పరయతి​ిoచాడు. అత్డి సంకల్పమే ఈనాడు మనకు వ్ెల్ుగును అందించ బల్బ్ ను కన్నపెట్ి ంట ది. మొదట్ట బల్బ్ జనవరి 1879 ల్ల కనుగొనబడింది. కనుగొనబడిన మొదట్ట బల్బ్ వ్యకయామ్ గయోస్ల్ల సనిన్న ప్యోట్టనం త్ంత్ుతో మవత్రమే త్యవరు చేయబడింది. బల్ు్ల్లన్న త్ంత్ు కొన్ని గంట్ల్ు మవత్రమే పన్నచేసింది. దాన్న త్రువ్యత్ అది కయలిప్ొ యింది.

కయన్న రయనురయను అది ఎంతో మరుగుపడింది.ఈ కాలంలో మనము వ్యడే బల్ు్ల్ు ఎంతో మరుగెైన సంసకరణ కలిగినవి. అవి నెల్ల్ప్యట్ు మన ఇళ్ళల్ల వెలుగుతూనే ఉంట్ుననాయి.

ధనావ్యదాల్ు………….. దొరలు దోచలేరు,దొ​ొంగలెత్తుకపోరు, భ్రాతృజనము వచ్చి పొంచుకొరు, విశ్వ వర ధనొంబు విద్య ధనొంబురా, లలితసుగునజాల! తెలుగుబాల!!

Illustration by Banka Srihitha Reddy, 9 R 68

రయమయా తలివి భూపతి అనే రయజు మగధ రయజయాన్న పరిప్యలించేవ్యడు. ఆ రయజయాన్నకి మంతిర ఎంతో తెలివెన ై వాడు. అత్డి పేరు కుల్కరి​ి. రయజుకు ఎనని కష్ట మైన సమసాల్కు జవ్యబు వ్ెత్కడాన్నకి కుల్కరి​ి సహాయం చేసేవ్యడు. అ రయజాంల్ల రయమయా అనే వాకిా జీవంచేవాడు. అత్డు చాల్వ పేదవ్యడు కయనీ ఎంతో తలివ్ెైనవ్యడు. అత్డి అమమగయరు అనారోగయాన్నకి గురెైన కారణంగా నదిల్ల పడవ తోల్ే వ్యాప్యరం చేసుకుంట్ు కష్ి పడేవ్యడు. అయితే అల్వ ఒక రోజు త్న వ్యాప్యరం మొదల్ు పెడుత్ుని సమయంలో రయజభట్ుల్ు అకకడికి వచా​ారు. రయమయా త్న వా​ాపారాన్నా కొనస్యగించాల్ంట్ే పనుి చెలిలంచ వల్సిందిగయ రయజు అజ్ఞాన్న తలిప్యరు. దాన్నకి రయమయా కోపంగయ ఇల్వ అననాడు –“నది రయజాంల్ల పరతి ఒకరికి స్ొ ంత్ం దాన్నకి కయడా పనుి చెలిలంచనలా”. దాన్నకి రయజభట్ుల్ు “పనుి

చెలిొం ల చకపోతే

శిక్ష పడుత్ుంది.”అన్న హెచారించారు. రయమయా వినకప్ో వడంతో

అ రయజభట్ుల్ు అత్డిన్న రయజు ముందు న్నల్బెట్ి టరు. అపపపడు రయజు రయమయాను ఇల్వ అడిగయరు “ మన రయజయాన్నకి శత్ురవపల్ ఆపద ఎకువగయ ఉంది . అందువల్న పనుిల్ు ఎకు​ువగా వసూలు చేసి రయజాపప సెైనాన్న పెంచుకోవ్యలిసిన అవసరం ఉంది. అందుకే పనుిల్ు ఎకు​ువగా వసూలు చేసా ునిము .’’ దాన్నకి రయమయా నేను ఒక సల్హా ఇవచా​ా అన్న రయజుగయరిన్న అడిగయడు.దాన్నకీ రయజుగయరు సరే అన్న ఒపపపకునాిరు. అపపపడు రయమయా ఇల్వ అనాిడు “ సెైనా​ాన్న రయజాముల్ల కంట్ే సరిహదు​ుల్ల ఎకుకవగయ ఉంచండి అపపపడు సెైనా​ాన్న ఎకుకవగయ పెంచుకోవ్యలిసిన అవసరం ఉండదు. దాన్నకి రయజుగయరు “ బేష్ ! బల్ే మంచి సల్హా ఇచావూ.” అన్న మచుాకునాిరు. 100 బంగయరు నాణాల్ు బహుమతిగయ ఇచా​ారు . ఆ డబు్ల్తో రయమయా వాళ్ళ అమమకు బటగుచేసుకునాిడు. అల్వగే మంతిర సల్హాతో రయజు రయమయాను సల్హాదారుడిగయ న్నయమంచుకునాిడు. ధనావ్యదాల్ు...........

By Banka Srihitha Reddy, 9 R 69

Alumni ‘The Grey Diary” Shrabani Samal’s action packed adventure story continues in this issue even though Shrabani has graduated from our school. The beautifully done illustrations are by P. Neha Evangelia who also has graduated. Both of them were student editors of the first issue of Don Bosco School’s e-magazine when they were in Class 9.

The Grey Diary Part VI: Towards a new home We were not going back to our homes. After looking at our faces which reflected the expression of swallowing a huge bite of tacos, Roxanne laughed. How could she? That too after leaving us at a cliff hanger? The bus we were riding on suddenly came to a halt. Roxanne told us to get off the bus. As soon as we got down, we were chilled right to the bone. Roxanne pointed towards a dark silhouette and said that it would our new home. We walked towards our new ‘home’. And I had to admit, the mansion was magnificent (don’t worry, it’s nothing like that inside the mansion; cobwebs make nice decorations, don’t they?). And that, my dear friends, brings us to the present date. We have been staying here for a little less than a year. And right now, my dear friend Celine is giving me a ‘lecture’ on how to tell a story the right way (making her the mistress of the yellow amulet was the worst idea ever, Eric and Rox!) Ahem...this is Eric, no sorry ‘Mr. Four’. And no, he is not our mentor. Apparently that letter where Rox said we would meet Mr. Four was a joke (but the praise from my science teacher was real.). Good job Eric and Rox! You might wonder why I am calling Roxanne ‘Rox’ and who on earth is Eric. Let’s sort this one by one. I am calling Roxanne ‘Rox’ since she is just 2 to 3 years older than us. Yes, the strict Roxanne Brown we 70

met near Westminster Palace was an illusion. The real one is exact opposite (you don’t seem to deny it, Rox. I don’t know from where you pulled that strict Rox off.) From distance: Wait! What the heck Eric? My mic! Hello! Eric Four here (yes that’s my surname and don’t you dare laugh at it!) and I’m a relative of Sally, Laura, Celine and Mila. From a distance (all four of them shouting): We didn’t know about it either! *Stomping sounds* Excuse me mister, that’s my mic! Sorry for that. Eric can be very annoying at times. Our parents knew we were related. So that’s why my mom was so fond of them and was obsessed on fattening them up? Never mind that now. *Tinkling sounds* ERIC! Put that down! Sorry I guess I can’t continue the story. Eric’s playing with his ring. I’ll tell about it next time. Bye until then! *Distant screaming sounds along with running sounds*

THE GREY DIARY Part 7: The Makeover (I) Hello! Sally Baker here. Currently, we are travelling in a tunnel which has a nice, pleasant sound of water flowing. (Disgusting, gurgling sounds) Okay, maybe not nice and pleasant. We are travelling in a tunnel because Rox and Eric said that they had a surprise for us. Now, as far as I can see, there’s nothing but tunnel stretching in front of us. Nice surprise, right? (30 minutes later) Aha! Finally, we’ve reached the end of tunnel. There’s some shimmery kind of a thing in the middle (a pond, if I’m not wrong) in the middle of what I assume is a large cave. Rox is telling me to put my mic away. Okay, Rox I’m putting it! See you guys tomorrow. (A day later) Hello, I’m back! Where was I yesterday? Oh yeah, I remember. Let’s continue. Rox had told us to go near the pond. When we did and I turned to Rox to ask what to do, I found a beautiful girl who resembled Rox. “Rox?”, I asked. Rox laughed and told it was her. Rox was looking very pretty. Radiating a soft glow, She wore a ‘sunrise sky’ kind of pink gown with a sunflower tucked in her hair. Her dark hair had changed to blonde which was left loose and was parted towards the right.A gold tiara sat perfectly on her hair and a gold bracelet adorned her wrist. Her 71

eyelashes were covered with a transparent, glimmer eyeshadow and her eyes were soft orange. Golden eyeliner framed her eyes. Her lips were painted soft, natural pink. Overall, she was radiant. Next to Roxanne was Eric who was radiating a stronger glow. A crown sitting on his brown hair, he wore an armour and carried a sword that looked immensely powerful. Rox told us that this was the surprise.


Don Bosco School Alumni Association On the occasion of Don Bosco’s Birth Anniversary 16th August, Don Bosco School, Bandlaguda, is happy to announce the launch of the formation of its Alumni Association. We look forward to keeping in touch with the students who have graduated from our school through our Alumni Association.

History of Don Bosco Past Pupils Association It was on 24 June 1870, when a well-known story happened: Carlo Gastini and a group of the first past pupils of Valdocco went to visit Don Bosco to congratulate him on the day he celebrated his name day. They gave him gifts to thank him for the education and love received. It was on that occasion that Don Bosco first spoke to his boys as “Past Pupils”. From that first group arose and spread a movement today that is vast and present all over the world – Don Bosco Past Pupils Association.


Don Bosco The Innovator “In 1884 Don Bosco bought a suitable pavilion 55 metres long by 20 wide, for the grand National Exhibition of Turin (Italy). The workshop heads and boys worked under the gaze of visitors who could follow the whole process of producing a book: making the paper, setting up the press, printing, binding and packaging the goods for sale.”2 - This does make Don Bosco a definitive innovator. Doesn’t it? While providing shelter to hundreds of homeless street kids, Don Bosco also trained them for numerous professions. Their teacher would very often would be Don Bosco himself. The skills and trades he learned as a child helped him to teach the children at his Oratory. One of his most innovative gestures was getting a pavilion for the National Exhibition of Turin where his boys demonstarted the production of a book from scratch. He used great ingenuity in this instance to display the technical skills of his students which in By 1856, Don Bosco’s institution for street kids

turn, he hoped, would provide them with jobs that

& orphans had grown to 150 boys. He added a

would keep them off the streets and save them from abject

printing press for publication of pamphlets.

poverty and hunger. Don Bosco had begun his first printing press in 1861,

which published books for youth and in 1877 published the first issue of the Salesian Bulletin. “As a child, he had learned to work in the fields, to be a shoemaker, a baker, a tailor, a writer. Don Bosco very much appreciated print and the press and therefore produced numerous writings, also to make up for the lack of books suitable for young people and the most humble people.”3 Another great anecdote from the Life of Don Bosco: “One day in 1853 he took a corner of Mama Margaret's kitchen and converted it into a cobbler shop; the tiny hallway became a carpenter shop. The teachers? Don Bosco himself and two hired men. Now there was really no quiet place at the Oratory with all the banging of hammers, but in the midst of all the rumpus was born the Don Bosco Trade School. Not that Don Bosco ever called it that, but that is what the movement developed into. Today the congregation of Don Bosco operates professional training centres and college-preparatory schools throughout the world; both in highly developed countries and in many underdeveloped countries.” - It all started in a shed, with Don Bosco as the teacher! 2 3


Teacher’s Corner Innovation & Discovery By China Lakshmaiah. M From the times immemorial, people have first imagined and then created new things to make their lives better, safer, easier, and more enjoyable. The terms innovation and discovery changed the life style of people over the years. In this regard, I want to quote the great poet and dramatist George Farquhar: “Necessity, the mother of invention”. This saying means that humans create or invent things only when they feel a necessity for them. Since ancient times, humans have made timeless inventions, discoveries and innovations. In psychology, need is said to be the driving factor for all men. Need influences our actions, emotions and motivations. Without needs, man would be a neutral creature. The tremendous urge in man to lead better lives drives him to make inventions. Man is never satisfied with what he has. He always aspires to have more. This urge in men is not necessarily greed; it can merely be the ambition to go higher and achieve better things. The need urges him to invent and innovate new things and discover more fabulous tools. Thus, the invention is driven by necessity and is a product of man’s ever-increasing desires. Here I would wish to highlight some paramount discoveries and innovations that have improved our standard of living and have given us the opportunity to pursue our personal and business endeavors in a more comfortable and prosperous fashion. Mr. Edward Jenner is well renowned throughout the world for his innovative contribution to immunization. His discovery of vaccination becomes a need for the world as it faces covid- 19. Alexander Fleming discovered the active substance that he termed "penicillin" while working on the influenza virus. Louis Pasteur developed the process now known as "pasteurization," which is a process of heating food to a specific temperature for a definite length of time and then cooling it immediately in order to reduce the number of viable pathogens that may cause disease. Dairy products, canned foods, juices, syrups, water, and wines are the primary products that are pasteurized today. Karl Benz patented all of the processes that made the internal combustion engine feasible for use in cars. Karl Benz and his wife, Bertha Ringer Benz, were the founders of the Mercedes Benz automobile manufacturing company. Innovation is a vital component of progress across industries, and education is no different. Increasingly, innovation in education at school is more than just a buzzword. It is fast becoming a way of learning and teaching for both students and teachers respectively. Innovation in education encourages students and teachers to research, explore, and use all the tools to uncover something new. Innovation involves a different way of looking at problems and solving them. It also improves education because it compels students to use a higher level of thinking to solve complex problems. Innovation does not just mean the use of technology or new inventions, though these can contribute to innovation. Innovation involves a new way of thinking, thereby helping students develop their creativity and problem-solving skills. Hence, I conclude that the inventions from the past can be seen in the innovations of today. Innovation and creativity should become a way of life for all the students. Students should be taught in schools on HOW to think rather than WHAT to think. Education should help the students to aspire to achieve greater ambitions in life inventing and creating new things in life. We should not just take pride in the inventions and discoveries of the past rather we should think, imagine and create. 74

Teachers: Precious Memories … of time spent together.

Pandemic Teacher (Noun) - dedicated educator 6 feet apart yet teaching from the heart all while smiling behind a mask.


Dear Students, We hope that you enjoyed reading this issue of Don Bosco Musings where the focus has been on being creative, thinking innovatively and becoming problem solvers. These are skills that are urgently needed during these challenging times as the world struggles to cope with the COVID crisis as well as environmental issues like climate change and pollution. There is always hope and the hope for a better tomorrow is within you. The Editorial Bosco Musings

The Back Cover was designed by Banka Srihitha Reddy, 9 R. which depicts the spirit of creativity, innovation and discovery at Don Bosco School.

The Back Cover was designed by Banka Srihitha Reddy, 9 R. which depicts the spirit of creativity, innovation and discovery at Don Bosco School.



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