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He reiterated the importance of communication, presence, and cultivating a Christ-centered community, especially in the context of the CoViD19 pandemic, both during and after.

Fr. Fidel Orendain, SDB, FIS Provincial Superior, deepened the reflections of the Brothers by emphasizing the circumstances in which the young find themselves in what is truly necessary for the formation of Salesians in general in response to the cry of the young.

Aside from these conferences, there were opportunities for group sharing, reflection, and social interaction among Brothers to cultivate camaraderie and friendship.

As a young Salesian Brother myself, I found this encounter formative, informative, refreshing, and consoling. I am particularly inspired by the examples of the older Salesians present, and their wisdom is real treasure. I am also inspired by my contemporaries for their creativity and zeal for their Salesian Brother vocation. It was an experience that reassured and fortified my Salesian Brother vocation.

TheParticipantstotheFIN-FISSalesianBrothers' Encounter ContributedPhoto

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