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(ANS – Rome) – The Salesian citadel at Valdocco is excited over recent days in preparation for the now imminent International Meeting of the Salesian Bulletin (SB) The event, which falls four years after the last edition – and with an editorial and information landscape still in constant evolution –will develop the theme “The Salesian Bulletin in a changing world ” More than 60 Editors, Managers, and others in charge of the SB are called to reflect and discuss how to keep perpetually alive one of Don Bosco’s most significant and long-lived creations: the Salesian Bulletin, to be precise
The first arrivals by participants are scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, 21 April However, the official opening of activities will take place on Saturday morning, the 22nd, with the welcome and introductory speeches by the General Councillor for Social Communication, Fr. Gildasio Mendes, and the Superior of the Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta Special Circumscription, Fr. Leonardo Mancini, as "host."
The Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr. Stefano Martoglio will deliver a talk entitled: “The charismatic dimension of the Salesian Bulletin.”
Fr. Giuseppe Costa, co-spokesman for the Salesian Congregation, former Editor of the Italian SB and with a life spent in journalism and publishing will headline the speakers on the second day.
In the afternoon there will a guided tour of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians and the Casa Don Bosco Museum. Work will then be completed with the meeting between Editors of the same geographical areas (America, Asia, and Oceania, Europe, Africa).
On the third day, communicator, teacher, and populariser Flavia Trupia will speak, focusing on: “The value, the brand of the Salesian Bulletin and its continuous relationship with readers.”
The afternoon will then continue with a plenary session to share what has been heard and taken on board from the morning’s addresses. It will be rounded off with a report by the Economer General of the Salesian Congregation, Bro. Jean Paul Muller, entitled: “Communicating today with Salesian identity, credibility and visibility in a changing society.”
The final day, Tuesday, 25 April, will instead be more relaxing, dedicated to getting to know the most significant Salesian Places outside Turin, starting from Chieri and Castelnuovo Don Bosco. Finally, on Wednesday 26th, after the final farewells, all participants will return home, hopefully, enlivened and enriched by the experience.
TheParticipantsinSBEditors'worldwidemeeting posebeforethe portraitofMaryHelpofChristians intheMHCBasilicainTurin.