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Dong Sun Hee
Hola! Hi! 안녕하세요! ^^y <3 it's me in Da' House! <3 ~Profile:: - Name: Dulce Solimar Ramirez' (둘스 솔마레 라미레스 :) - Age: 17 >.< (Cant wait for 18 years!) <3 - Birthday: May 22th!' :3 - Favorite Colors: B l a c k ! (also love pink and white :) - Blood type: I Dont Know! x3 kekekeke' - Status: in FULL lOve with TAEYANG!! <3 (it's mine Bitches!) - Personality: <3 Cute, Fun! , C r a z y, Humble! , Extremist! ... well I mean, I'm super Girly and I'm super Tomboy at the same time! x3 , a Really Good Friend' & Just A d o r a b l e!' <3 ~Likes&Hobbies:: <3[Kpop]<3 , M u s i c, K o r e a! <3 , Oppas!<3, Makeup <3 Koreans <3 , Japanece <3 , Fashion, Shoes, Anime, Fan arts, Fanfics <3 Food', Friends, Fanservice x3, Cute Boys, art, tattos!, Take pickz (: , Dance, Sing, Stars, Hearts, Diamonds!, Be Online! (FB) , Draw, Tokidoki, Hello Kitty, playboy Brand, Dogs x3, English, Dream, Crafts, Creat things, write, Shopping!!!' <3 e t c ... ~Things That I Hate! :: Lies, Heart2Heart (I Really Hate t