On a Conjecture of F. Smar anda che Zhang Hong Li u
Wang Yang l•2 (1. Department of Mathematics, Northwest
Teacher's College, Henan China 473061;
2.Department of Mathematics, Nanyang
3Xi'an Finance and Accounting School, Xi'an Shanxi
China 710048)
The main purpose of this paper is to solve a problem generated by Professor F.Smarandache.
Key word:
Permutation sequence; k-power.
Let n be a positiv e integer, n is called a k-pow er ifn=m \ where k and m are positive integer, and k~2. Obviously, ifn is a k-power, p is a prime, then we have pk/n, ifp/n. In his book "Only Proble ms, not Solutions", Profes sor F.Sma randac he defined a permu tation sequence: 12, 1342, 135642, 13578642, 13579108642, 135791112108642, 1357911131412108642,13579111315161412108642>135791 113151 718161 412108 642, ... , and generated a conjecture: there is no any k-pow er among these numbers. The main purpos e.ofthi s paper is to prove that this conjecture is true. Suppos e there is a k-power a(n) among the permutation sequen ce. Noting the fact: 12=22x3, we may immediately get: a(n)~ 1342>10000. For the last two digits ofa(n) is 42, so we have a(n)=4 2(mod IOO) Noting that 41100, we may immed iately deduce : a(n)=4 2=2(m od4). So we get 2Ia(n), 4}aCn). However, 2 is a prime, then 41a(n) contrad icts
with 4}a(n). So
a(n) is not a k-power. This comple te the proof of the conjecture.
REFERENCES [1] Cheng dong Pang, Cheng biao Pang. Elementary Numbe r Theory . 6¡th ed. Being,1 992. [2] FSmar andach e. Only problems, not Solutions [MJ. Xiquan publish ing House, 1993;25.