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Canadian Poetry Association association canadienne de la poesie Canada’s National Poetry Organization

VOLUME 22, NUMBER 02. September - December 2007

"War Path” Robert Fowlow, www.fowlow.com 20 Poetry Competition 14 Ânskohk Aboriginal Awards

08 Our Featured Poets 22 Gabriola Festival Program


Contents Welcome


New Members this issue:

Amy Butler, Katherine Durham, Deborah Helen Gage, Regan Gillespie, Glenda Walker-Hobbs, Steve Holt , John Howey, Diane St. Jean, Karl Stuart Kline, Mr. Thomas Mathew, Neil Meili, Eric Michaud, Ann Notzl, Gary D. Parker, Duncan Regehr, Kathleen Shirley, Ray Stortini, Kate Swan, Adam Swanson, Randy Thompson.


ISSN 12036595 Poemata is

published by the Canadian Poetry Association. Canadian Poetry Association 331 Elmwood Dr. Suite 4-212

Editorial In Memory: Glenn Holmes 03 Featured ‘Cover Artist’ Robert Fowlow 04 POEMATA Poem of the Year info 05 CPA Poetry Competition 20 Call For Submissions 19 & 21 Articles by Chris Faiers 06, Joe Blades 07, & Pierre Beaumier 24 Our Featured Poets 8-12 Ânskohk Aboriginal Lit Awards 14 Acorn-Plantos Award Short List 14 Gabriola Lit Festival 2007 Program 22 What Our Members Are Up Too 13 & 15 Review “Cyclamens And Swords” 18 Spoken Word Listings 13 CPA Bookstore 23 CPA Information 24-25

Moncton, N.B. Canada E1A 1X6 Phone/Fax: (506) 204-1732 Email: contact@canadianpoetryassoc.com Poemata is published up to six times a year by the Canadian Poetry Association. Authors retain all copyright. Magazine Staff

Managing Editor: Donna Allard Assistant Editor: Pierre Beaumier Cover Credit: “War Path” by Robert Fowlow Design and Layout: River Bones Press Subscription free to CPA Members. Ad rates 1/8 page $40, ¼ page $90, ½ page $175, Full page

Contributors Bernice Lever, Joe Blades, Ronda Wicks, Debbie O. Hill, Peggy Fletcher, Glenda Walker, Mary-Anne Lonergan, Ariadne Sawyer, Robert Fowlow, B. Stevens, Donna Allard, Helen Bar-Lev, New Members, Julius Babarinsa, Liz Rolls (Holmes), Barbara Mercer, James Deahl, John Simon, Andreas Gripp, Terry Barker, Lini Grol, Chris Faiers, Duncan Regehr and Pierre Beaumier.

Next Issue: POEMATA Poem of the Year Award & CPA Poetry Competition Winner’s & HM’s More Book Reviews & Articles

$250. 10% off for CPA members. All prices GST extra. Ad

“Bigger Bookstore”

& Chapter Report deadlines: Jan. 07, March. 07, May. 07,

So renew your CPA Membership today!

July. 07, Sept. 07, Nov. 07. The Canadian Poetry Association founded January 16th, 1985) s a registered nonprofit organization (Ontario Corporation number 1083632)

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 02

Poemata “IN MEMORY: Glen Holmes”

Untitled Poem…

art credit:Butterfly and Frog by Lini Grol

“On behalf of the Canadian Poetry Association our prayers are with you and your family Liz...” warm regards, Donna Allard CPA President

Dear God, Please walk gently with my husband. He is not as familiar with you as I am; yet he knows your skies. He loved your mountains & the challenges you gave him. The Rivers he followed & he could tell when he passed the threshold of peaks, by which way the water flowed. He saw the treasures in backyards of properties, & the areas that man was in the wilderness, and he loved your remote wilderness. "I'm going to take you to the Arctic", as his baby blue eyes light up, and show you what I love" He was prepared for circumstances beyond his control, because he depended on his knowledge of safety & his ability to survive. He couldn't wait to get airborne. When he transported fisherman, he watched for bears, especially baby cubs, cause he knew "mama wasn't far away" He would say to them, "I will do my part, the rest is up to the weather, the fish, and if you can find them… they are there." A friend once said to me, (after I asked “Do you think Glenn can fix this?)”. He said, "Glenn can manufacture anything", and smiled with a confidant grin & nod. This isn’t your biggest journey today. Your biggest journey was on earth, in sharing your life with us. I love you. We love you. And…thank you. Liz Holmes CPA Interim VP

Glenn Holmes tragically passed away on Thursday August 16, 2007 at the young age of 67 after his plane crashed. Survived by his wife Liz, and her three children, his daughter Bonita and her two sons, brother Richard (Peggy), stepson Brent (Brenda), and many grandchildren, and great grandchildren. He was born in Regina, raised in Medicine Hat, Glenn obtained his commercial pilot’s license in 1962. Glenn was the chief pilot/engineer of Plummer’s Artic Lodges in the Northwest Territories. He was a mentor known as the ‘walking encyclopedia’ who did not mince words. Glenn was an avid hunter and a renowned bush pilot who always put safety first.

Glenn & Liz (Rolls McMillan) Holmes Photo taken by Trish Koziuk, after the Selkirk Parade 2007, at the Lisgar Masonic Lodge.

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 03


Featured Cover Artist ROBERT FOWLOW Robert J. Fowlow Artist Born: Newfoundland

War Path A crimson path, with gold trim spirit of a warrior, rises again. It has been written, all along that he has come, and be quite strong The crows are debating, while they are waiting Warrior on a horse, represents hating. When he appeared, the crows held him dear warrior on a horse, as they had feared. Showing him the way, marked the day forever blood soaked, the image will stay. He commanded the crows, talked to the dead had no fear, where to lay his head The graves had spoken, our people been bled judge with your heart, don’t think with your head How do I know, when its all been done graves be gone, people have risen Robert Fowlow

Currently residing: Etobicoke, Ontario. I have been painting now for some time. I have explored just about all genres for my inspiration. I have painted landscapes, wildlife, fantasy and sci-fi. You name it and I have probably painted it. If not I most likely will. I am constantly striving to be someone who is not attached to a particular motif. Painting the same thing over and over again just sounds like work. I like to be inspired and use that to guide me through the next challenge. For me it’s a way of life. I see painting as a personal challenge, always striving to outdo myself. I would get to a point where I thought this is the best it’s going to get. Only to turn around and realize that the next one is that much better. This reason alone is what I think leads to people painting their whole lives. I think that most artists will tell you that painting is always a learning experience. That’s why it’s hard to stop because you are constantly learning new things and getting better.

Contact: www.fowlow.com (With earlier works only, under construction) To purchase a hand signed print contact Robert at: robertfowlow@rogers.com. Or if you have any questions regarding artwork, magazine cover or website.

Robert Fowlow 340 Mill Road (Apt. 101) Etobicoke, ON. M9C 1Y8 Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 04


2007 Canadian Poetry Association

Poemata Poem of the Year Extended to this issue. So if you have sent submissions this past year, you qualify! -Blind JudgingBest of luck to all, Donna Allard


Poets & Writers Registry

Shaunt Basmajian Chapbook Award 1996 marked the inauguration of the Shaunt Basmajian Chapbook Award: an annual manuscript publication competition and award named in memory of one of the CPA's founding members, Shaunt Basmajian. The contest is open to members and nonmembers alike. List of previous winners is available. We hope that this will encourage you to keep writing and keep submitting these fine manuscripts for publication to add to our Canadian Literary Heritage. Wayne Ray




CPA Members Proud Supporters of the


1 Annual Purdy Festival held August 4th-7th 2007 in Ontario, Canada. More on this in next issue…even photos!

WordStorm www.wordstorm.ca Ascent Aspirations Publishing www.ascentaspirations.ca

“CPA..where poetry is more than just words” canadianpoetryassoc.com


POETS TO COMMIT ‘RANDOM ACTS OF POETRY’ ACROSS CANADA Random Acts of Poetry, a celebration of poetry and literacy, begins its fourth year during the week of October 1st to 7th, 2007. Random Acts of Poetry is a project of the Victoria READ Society, a non-profit literacy organization, established in 1976. Random Acts of Poetry is funded by The Canada Council for the Arts. During the week, 37 acclaimed poets across Canada, from Victoria to Newfoundland, including three of Canada’s Poet Laureates, will commit Random Acts of Poetry in their cities and adjacent small towns. On buses and subways, in donut shops and cafes, police stations, grocery stores, shelters, curling rinks, on city streets and country lanes, poets will read poems to strangers and give them their books. Poets will also read their poems in ESL and Adult Literacy classes across the country.

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 05



Chris Faiers Canada Day 2007

PROPOSAL FOR A FOUNDATION FOR PEOPLE’S POETRY On a bright afternoon, poets James Deahl and Chris Faiers, and philosopher/author/academic Terry Barker, sought sanctuary from the hot sun in the shade of the Toronto Necropolis cemetery. They also sought counsel and inspiration from the Shades who live there, giants in the history of Canada. First we visited the Unfinished Monument and paid respects to the hanged heroes of the Rebellion of 1837. Then we wandered in search of William Lyon Mackenzie’s grave. During our meanderings we passed near the marker for Tom Longboat and the Hanlon family, pioneers on Toronto Islands. Hushed conversations among the living and the dead provided the source for Terry Barker's proposal, which follows: The general cultural consciousness of the advent of a “Post-Modern” era in the wake of the collapse of the ideologies put in place in the nineteenth century has created a sense of freedom and openness to human possibilities, but it has also engendered a widespread sense of disconnectedness from others and the past that threatens, in many minds, the coming world disorder, or alternatively, tyranny. A parallel psycho-social situation occurred at the beginning of the Modern Era that produced, first in Europe and America, and then in the countries influenced by Western societies, a cultural and political movement that attempted to welcome the new freer human relations, while retaining the communal links and artistic (in the broadest sense) distinctions of the past. Although often derailed and deformed during the Age of Ideology now passing, this cultural tendency (present strongly in the liberal nationalist populism of Italy, France and Ireland, the Narodism of Russian, the Young China movement, the ligue nationaliste of Quebec, American Populism and Progressivism, Canadian “Red Toryism”, British Tory socialism etc.) survived, usually most articulately in the realms of literature and the visual arts, these coming together, often, as poetry. It is thus perhaps not surprising that it is in the tradition of “People’s Poetry” that one finds a lasting

legacy of the Early Modern consciousness that may have much to say to the contemporary civilizational crisis. In the Canadian context, which, like all national circumstances, has its own historical and political specificities, People’s Poetry is in danger of “dropping off the radar screen” entirely, a fate similar to more of the Canadian experience than is common in the case of other societies, for reasons explained by Canadian philosopher, George Grant. This situation, which, by its very nature suggests that intervention is necessary in order to preserve cultural content of possibly important practical relevance, also indicates the perhaps unique value of this Canadian species of poetic populism, in that it has arisen on the border of the one remaining, and most influential, of the ideologies of modernity, American-based liberal corporation capitalism, now overspreading the earth. As Eric Vogelin, the German-American political philosopher, pointed out, modernity has been a growth within Western civilization that has affected the world, but the ideologies of modernity are now “running to their end.” People’s Poetry, which has acted as a bridge, (among others) through modernity to the present from the Western cultural past can help to stimulate the spiritual and philosophical discussions that are now so urgently necessary within all the cultural communities of Canada and the planet. However, this will not occur if the spiritual and social experiences expressed through People’s Poetry are allowed to drop below the public horizon of awareness. As corporations and governments, and the mass media they control, cannot be expected to rectify this situation, it is clearly up to concerned individuals to come together to organize support for the retrieval and promotion of this important cultural tradition. It is therefore proposed that a Foundation for People’s Poetry be established. Terry Barker (Instructor in Canadian Studies, Humber College) June 19, 2007 Toronto Terry can be contacted at: 22 Deerford Road, Willowdale, Ontario Canada M2J 3J2 (416) 491-8676

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 06




Words of the World “Simultaneous” Poetry Reading By Joe Blades

International Palabra del Mundo / Words of the World “Simultaneous” Poetry Readings took place world-wide at 5 pm on 28 May 2007. The Fredericton reading was held at Ingrid Mueller Art + Concepts gallery on York Street. Several times a year, Nela Rio, Jo-Anne Elder and me meet to bring each other up to date on what had happened at various events far and wide, on what was happening with ongoing projects, and to introduce opportunities for follow-up and new activities. Nela Rio is an Argentine-Canadian poet/writer, artist, coordinator and retired academic in Fredericton whose writingrelated travel have taken her to Spain, México, Argentina, USA, UK, The Netherlands, Honduras, and Santa Domingo. One of her projects has been the creation of Registro Creativo through the Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas. Jo-Anne Elder is a writer, translator, La Leche League instructor province-wide and the editor/direction/publisher of revue ellipse mag in Fredericton, and coordinator of the annual Side by Side Festival Côte a Côte centred around 30 September: International Translation Day. Early this year, Nela presented us with information on an upcoming International “Simultaneous” Poetry Reading centred around a launch reading at the Basilica of the Franciscan Convent in Old Havana as part of the XII Festival Internacional de Poesía de La Habana, with another forty-nine simultaneous readings to occur in cities and towns across Cuba. Internationally there were to be more readings coordinated through a committee in Europe. Nela’s contact on the committee was Gabriel Impaglione, an Argentine poet in Italy.

Congress 2007 [a.k.a. the “Learneds”]. Having already started to organize a Saskatoon simultaneous reading, she thought that we should organize a Fredericton reading. The Call for Poets was already written but, because we didn’t have a venue or know all the sponsors, it wasn’t distributed. Things settled in May when we learned of the “simultaneous” reading to be in Douglas by young poets associated with the New Brunswick Latino Association and the Multicultural Association of Fredericton. By that time Jo-Anne knew that she had to be in Moncton on the 28th, so it fell to me to sent out a revised Call for Poets and a media release on short notice. Got some positive response. The Fredericton event had a small group of poet readers. At the reading plinth were Biff Mitchell, Ashley Sanford (her first public reading), Edward Gates (from Belleisle Creek), Kimberley Gautreau (from Moncton), José Luis Hoyos (reading in Spanish), WhiteFeather Christie Hunter, and me. Bonus was that we had a great audience. Readings happened in Asunción (Paraguay); Bologna and Lanusei (Italia); Dolores, Luján and Morón (Buenos Aires, Argentina); Magdalena (Perú); Málaga (España); Guadalajara , México, DF, and Pachuca (México); Recife (Brasil); San José (Costa Rica); San Salvador (El Salvador); and other places. It was great that New Brunswick poets could participate in this international reading. Joe Blades is a past president of the CPA living in Fredericton, NB. The author of four poetry books, with a fifth in the works, he was recently awarded an artsnb Creation Grant to buy him some writing time.

Nela knew that she would be in Saskatoon on that date, in the Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas Congreso within the Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada’s

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 07


Silhouette Distance races by time As the spirit holds one in each hand Alone, unafraid in the darkness A man steps out into the night As the plane skims over the surface of earth The blue butterfly takes flight The raven leads the way of the song-bird As the man stops and glances side to side He sighs and loosens his black collar As something beside him gently glides. Timeless What time can never rewind Will always embrace the future What substance fills life in rhyme Creates no boundaries in my mind Sign tomorrow’s grip With a mystic fallace and a smile And we can live together in this Low levitation for a while Where every stance is stood And no one names their name A new ripple waves forever From what was once the same Pass and derive no wanting From shields delusion or delight And hinder not unfolding the hearts Contusions through the night. Amy Linette Butler “Severe not the thread that weaves through social injustice, rather permit the ray of sunlight that blinds the little sparrow” Ms. Butler grew up in the beach community of Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia. From an early age, her passions were nourished by a love of music and nature. Often, her work rings with messages related to social inequality and injustice. Amy currently lives in Saint John, New Brunswick. She is currently working on writing music for her first CD project. Her hobbies include riding horses, skiing, hiking, nature, writing poetry and music, and animals.

Randy Thompson Oxford N.S. Current Editor for “Connections” newsletter for PFLAG Canada. I should have poetry ready for the next issue.

Hearts Hearts are born, torn and thrown away Today, it burns worse than before And my view from this floor is grey In everyway I miss that feeling Against your chest, soft skin Breath me in and out, I am Your strongest critic and lover Not because I need to, or want to Because you are you So, throw it all away Everything that reminds you of me Leave it out on the door step I crept in and once again you loved Shot down and lost While the vultures swarm for death Everything may be dead here But life is always alive As long as somewhere Hearts still beat © Adam Swanson is 24 years old and currently attending Cambrian College in Sudbury Ontario, Canada. I am in my second year of a three year Public Relations program. My interests include reading, writing, hockey card collecting and spending time with me beautiful girlfriend, Sara, and dog, Otis. I have been writing poetry since I was 12 and, at age 16, attended the International Poetry Convention in Washington DC where I competed against other poets from around the world. I hope that my inclusion in the CPA is a beneficial one for both myself and the other members. I love to talk poetry and philosophy, so if you ever want to shoot the breeze, drop me a line.

Photo credit: Adam Swanson

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 08


Fill Your Hole Do you ever wonder about heaven and hell? Do you ever think you were under a spell? Some may say life is quite easy Others see it all as one big comedy But when I look over to you I see vacant eyes, what can I do What can I do to make you smile? What could make your chance all worth while? You can no longer live a wayward life So let go of your gun and knife What you need is a fresh start But how to begin after falling apart Ignore all distractions and focus on your goal And eventually you’ll fill the hole Enrich Our Lives In the woods started a fire Slowly people started to gather Around this beautiful scenery Feeling the warmth of the flames rising rapidly They all watch, not saying a word Perhaps thinking of the good and bad in this world Sometimes we need to be reminded To slow down bit by bit Take the time to enjoy The simple pleasures that enriches our lives In a hospital a new mom holding her baby Gathering around her, her family Indeed a beautiful moment For a wife and husband Everyone should have these moments on occasion Stop thinking of all the treason This world is what it is And we can not ignore what it is But to be happy despite of it isn’t a crime It can only enrich our lives

Eric Michaud was born in Fredericton NB on January 15th 1984. He is currently a student at the Université de Moncton in the administration field, more specifically accounting. Upon graduation in April 2008, will seek a Certified Management Accounting designation. He enjoys writing since it gives him time to himself, time to relax and refuel his energies.

What Would You Do? (Tribute to all our deaf and hearing impaired people)

If I could, Hear your voices Asking me, “which would I choose”? I would, tell you my choices If I could, I would, sing you a song every day But, only in the month of May If I could, I would, hear my child’s voice singing, Her nursery rhymes, while swinging on her swing I know, Our creator has plans for me I would, hear songs of “Alleluia” Waiting in heavens for me I know, My intuitions let’s me, Hear my child’s cries I would, dry my child’s eyes If I could, While my child is at his dorm I would, be chatting up a storm, Making him smile If I could, Hear the radio playing I would, be voicing my opinions For better politicians If I could, Hear sweet singing of our morning doves I would, be paying forwards, My love In return thousand more days of loving I know that’s what I would do….. Mary Anne Lonergan has written over 350 lyrics for songs, her biggest win was in 2005-06 with International UNISONG, her lyrics took 2nd place, the same lyrics took 1st place for the Peoples Choice Award in the lyrics only division. Mary Anne is a members of the Canadian Poetry Association, Stellar Showcase Journal, Songwriters Associations of Canada -SAC, SOCAN, and a new member of Toronto Blues Society.

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 09

Poemata Ecstasy

Tumescent Clouds of the Mind Billowy quilt of tumescent clouds, gliding with slow progression Cover me now, and soothe my aching heart of its depression For it aches so intensely; owing to this loss has hit me immensely. Hot tears streaming down my face; how I wish I had you to embrace. Ripped from me ferociously by the unbridled malice of an expert flam of one man To ever find peace and to understand; I don’t know if anyone can. The stains on my cheeks exemplify the cleansing attempt to wash away the bruising ...wash away the pain of losing ...wash away the pain of seeing …wash away the pain of still believing ...please oh please wash away the pain of being Billowy quilt of white cotton, that streams across the sky Embrace me in your vastness so I have the courage to say goodbye. Gliding with divine inertia; swoop down and encompass me. Soothe my aching heart that I may soar to thee.

Kathleen Durham was born and raised in urban Manitoba; I have overcome physical limitations and social exclusion barriers that challenged my survival skills; one such skill is my sublimation through poetry, both have inspired me to take my chosen paths in life. Currently, I am beginning my third year of the Social Work degree program at the University of Manitoba in hopes of continuing my goals of advocating for the needs and human rights of people with physical disabilities.

Please new members send in a short bio, recent photo and 1-3 poems to be included in the next “Our Featured Poets” section of POEMATA. Canadian Awards Index www.bookcentre.ca/awards/award_ind/index.shtml

June nights should be starry while silver moon shimmers they should be spent snuggling in porch swing at twilight as your voice resonates with Barrett Browning sonnets “how do I love thee, let me count the ways” my flesh prickles, I want to explore the Africa of your mouth June night should be spent by the eternal sea with our bodies fused in passion, your legs between the apex of my thighs as you spill your seed within me, your fingers caress my satin skin while waves swoosh over our blanket of sand June nights should not be spent huddled against each other, wrapped in cotton pajamas teeth chattering, clacking, we listen while rain assaults the window pane thunder fires machine gun bullets lighting jags in forks across ebony sky we ignore nature’s pyrotechnics and snuggle under the warmth of the quilt our bodies intermingle in the arms of Morpheus Glenda Walker-Hobbs (Glennis Hobbs) is a Canadian poet / writer from a mining city in Manitoba. She is co-founder of a local writers group and currently serves as its secretary. She has given several poetry workshops. She has been a member of the Manitoba Writers Guild since 1983. She is also a member of the Saskatchewan Writers Guild and The Writers Collective. She served as Northern Regional Representative of the Canadian Authors Manitoba 1992-2000. She also worked in the MWG Mentor program as an Apprentice under George Amabile in 1985. She has also had her poetry and prose published in various anthologies, including the CPA’s Oval Victory. She has currently two poetry books in progress – From the Shadow of the Tower and Rock and Rumors as well as two novels Revenge for Rory and Fat Girl Thin Girl in progress. She maintains a poetry web page at: http://www.geocities.com/gjwhobbs. She may be contacted at gjwhobbs@yahoo.com.

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 10

Poemata Hanging low above the clay-lined tomb Where waste will meet its awful doom

The Transfer Station I remember well, that bucolic plain Nourished by sun and gentle rain The amber grain of wheat and rye Reaching to a cirrus sky Crackling light – a thunderous roar Vibrates the heaving fractured floor Unfettered sheets of freezing rain Fill the fetid pools again The station shakes and loudly creaks Through a blackboard sky blue lightening streaks Pitted walls of prison – grey Reflect the light – this dismal day

I sadly view that rural plain Rutted deep by filth and acid rain Where once the wheat and golden rye Grew tall beneath a cirrus sky Frank Threlkeld was born May 20th 1946 in Austria. He came to Canada in November ’52. A Pickering resident married and has three children. Works for Miller Waste Management for 9 yrs. His best loved poem, “The Brook” by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Frank won 4th place in the CPA 2007 Poetry Competition for the poem “Starfire”.

The burdened trucks disgorge their loads Of bulging bags from countless roads Street-worn tires and moldy logs Putrid waste from bowels of dogs Bricks and sinks and toilet bowls Construction boots with worn-out soles Splintered windows, rusted tools Mildewed tarps from swimming pools Election signs from campaigns lost Wedding albums glazed with frost Family shots all smeared by oil Memories mixed with blackened soil December’s blast of polar air Flings the newsprint everywhere Like a frightened bird it flies Steeply up to snow-filled skies

A Cat's Meow I think I heard a cat's Meow, but am not sure, you see. It did not meow very loud, I am sure you would agree. I was in my room, think it was noon, my mom cried to me. Come downstairs, it's time to eat, that lunch would be ready soon A while ago, pacing to and fro, wanting to let my parents know. About the kitten, they said I would be getting, it now seemed a long time ago. I went for lunch, then out to play, it was such a beautiful day. To my surprise, when I came back inside, my parents where there to stay.

The massive piles ferment and steam Emetic scenes – a hellish dream A cloud of dust and unseen stench Makes the strongest stomach wrench

They said that it was my birthday, come over here to see. The promise that they had made to me, was finally going to be. It was a kitten so tinny, said it was mine to have. Have since then been so happy, have not since then been sad.

Conveyor belts grind and chatter Links of steel groan and clatter Throbbing their metallic melody While bearings squeak in harmony

Diane St Jean (Marion) Born in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada 7th Aug 1963. Discovered writing, with the most spelling mistakes any one can imagine. I lacked of confidence for participating in any literary project/contests. Playing with the computer now for many years, have fallen in love with literature. Artist for a living, creative at heart, a while ago wrote a little something titled, “A Cat's Meow”. (In life, I would love to write a book about my terrible experienced truth, a court story that went wrong because I was an adult entertainer, explaining the how and why I became such an individual, given away, by the government at the age of fifteen to a criminal, responsible for having broken into a police station's evidence room, ended up on the street doing anything to eat, having gotten away safe).

From crimson dawn to twilight’s glow This stream of waste will always flow Until we find another way Tomorrow’s just another day The skies of slate bring winter’s breath A ghostly wall of icy death

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 11

Poemata Snared by their lies, optimism’s extinguished from her eyes.

The Loss of Innocence - A Sestina by Karl Stuart Kline (2006)

Once a beautiful child, with her youth shining from her eyes, She had no thought that she’d ever become so sadly wise, Losing childhood’s wonder, battered by a world full of lies.

Did you ever see a young girl with an old woman’s eyes? Where her happiness is a thing of the past (if ever...), Too soon she’s endured life’s burdens and become sadly wise, An old stone with the brightness of youth eddying ‘round her. She’s lost her childhood – Her life is caught in a web of lies – Trapped and a victim, she has lost all of childhood’s wonder Childhood’s precious and once youth is lost, it’s gone forever. The girl I saw was much too young to be so worldly wise, To know so soon that those she loved would only betray her, Once an innocent with no defense for their easy lies, A trusting soul who’s another victim left to wonder Why those glib deceits didn’t show in their faces or their eyes. Wisdom gained is the heart’s refrain, victimized by those lies, Mourning the death of innocence, sadly gone forever, When the pain was unexpected, it brought tears to her eyes. Her captors rejoiced in her tears, leaving her to wonder Why she was so gullible and could have been so unwise As to believe their lies, so that’s the end of tears for her.

Karl Stuart Kline Poet, author, photographer and activist, was born in Las Vegas, Nevada when there was only one saloon in town..He has subsequently lived in or passed through nearly all of the 48 continental United States. Too young to fully appreciate it at the time, he nonetheless was witness to modern American history as Bugsy Siegel brought the Mob and the Strip to Las Vegas. He was past president of Epilepsy Concern (a coalition of self-help groups), a past president of the Greater Miami Avicultural Society and is a lifetime honorary member of the Florida Sheriff’s Association. Karl Stuart Kline Websites: www.poeticat.com www.scaredsafe.org More of Karl’s poetry at: http://www.poemhunter.com/karl-stewart-kline

She coldly swore she’d never cry again! No, not ever! Never again would her tears give pleasure to sadist’s eyes! Try as they might, they’d never wring another tear from her! It’s at too high a cost that she’d become so early wise And her cold silence would only leave them all to wonder How it is that she’s no longer accepting of their lies. New Orleans’ streets are where I saw this girl with eyes so wise, But I could also see that any hope was lost to her, Trapped as she was, with no escape from other people’s lies Hard as marble, her gaze had no feeling whatsoever, Not even sadness, since that would be weakness in her eyes. As for what this might do to her, I can only wonder How, spider like, something or someone has done this to her, Luring innocent young girls with a web of clever lies Quickly spun about them, giving them no chance to wonder If those things they are “persuaded” to do are really wise. For those who’d entrap her, truth is not an option – ever!

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 12

Poemata If You Could Turn Back The Clock…… Human life on earth is filled with series of omissions and blunders Have you met anybody who has never made a mistake in their life? Many people have done numerous things in their life That they - in retrospect wish they should never have done Several people have omitted to do some things in their life That they - with hindsight wish they should have done If you could turn back the clock What would you have done differently? What have you done in the past that you regretted doing? If you could turn back the clock What are the things you omitted to do in your life? That you would like to do or do better A politician who just lost an election Wished he could have taken more care of his constituents A student who failed the last examination in his college Wished he could have studied harder and more seriously A drunk driver who was involved in an accident Wished he should never have consumed so much alcohol If they could turn back the clock Some men wish they could have waited for the right woman They regretted been carried away by false love and infatuation If they could turn back the clock Few women wish they could have waited for the right man Who would have treated them as a princess and a soul-mate? If you could turn back the clock What would you have done differently? A pregnant school-girl would wish she could have been more careful Instead of allowing herself to get lost with the passion of the moment Are there any regrets in your own life? Do you remember something you did wrong few years ago? You wish you could go back and correct If you could turn back the clock What would you have done differently? All said and done, please eat right, stay happy and enjoy your life

What Our Members Are Up To poet Lini R. Grol

My poems have been broadcast in Vancouver and Toronto on the Dutch radio DUTCH TOUCH. But also by ARIADNE, who has broadcast several of my English poems. Recently I put together and will get it printed, a 60 page book (let ) with 5 of my published Dutch Immigrant stories, and one poem, and 2 illustrations Titled “DE GEMBERPOT”, or “THE GINGER POT”, Ginger used to be a delicatessen in Holland, it was sold in a green earthen ware pot, these pots became a catch all for some, for other fazes or lamps, and so remained part of the family. These stories have been published in Dutch and English. Living in a Dutch old immigrants community, there might be some interest. Am getting only 50 copies printed. Shall number and sign them. Half will go to my family in Holland. I teach a class of 12 Canadian ladies Dutch conversation. If they progress well, and can read it, I have promised them a copy of the GEMBERPOT.. Am looking forward to the next POEMATA. Take care of yourself, Keep up your great spirit. Lini

Julius Babarinsa

Continued page15

SPOKEN WORD LISTING Looking for Another Venue to Read Your Poetry?

If you're traveling through southwestern Ontario, consider driving to Sarnia, Ontario for SPOKEN WORD, an informal evening of poetry, humour, and storytelling scheduled for the last Friday of every month except December, July, and August. Share your work, read the work of your favorite writer, or just sit back and enjoy this open mic event. Meet southwestern Ontario members of the Canadian Poetry Association, Writers in Transition (WIT) and others. New writers/poets are welcome. Start time is 8 p.m. in the Walter Petryschuk Turret Room of the Lawrence House Centre for the Arts, 127 Christina Street South, SARNIA, Ontario. Hosted by two writers/poets: Canadian Poetry Association member Debbie Okun Hill and Lambton College English professor Ryan Gibbs. No pre-registration. Admission is free. Everyone welcome. For further information, e-mail spoken-w@hotmail.com or call The Lawrence House (519) 337-0507. Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 13


Acorn-Plantos Award for People¹s Poetry Short List October 6, 2007 Tammy Armstrong - TAKE US QUIETLY Goose Lane Editions Ronnie R. Brown - NIGHT ECHOES Black Moss Press Robert Currie - RUNNING IN DARKNESS Coteau Books Mary Ann Mulhern - TOUCH THE DEAD Black Moss Press Christine Smart - DECKED AND DANCING Hedgerow Press Elana Wolff - YOU SPEAK TO ME IN TREES Guernica Editions Tammy Armstrong, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Ronnie R. Brown, Ottawa, Ontario. Robert Currie, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Mary Ann Mulhern, Windsor, Ontario. Christine Smart, Saltspring Island, British Columbia. Elana Wolff, Thornhill, Ontario. For complete information please contact: Jeff Seffinga jeffseff@allstream.net 905 - 521-9196 Acorn-Plantos Award for People’s Poetry 36 Sunset Avenue Hamilton Ontario L8R 1V6

Ânskohk Aboriginal Literature Festival and Book Awards – (summary) Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Basil Johnston and Book Award Winners Announced. The Ânskohk Aboriginal Literature Festival was pleased to present the Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Basil Johnston. He is a highly respected author, storyteller, and preservers of the Anishinaubae language. The winning authors in the categories of Poetry Book of the Year, Children’s Book of the Year and Fiction Book of the Year will receive a $1,000 prize. The winning author of the McNally Robinson Aboriginal Book of the Year is awarded a $5,000 prize.

The winners of this year’s book awards are as follows: Poetry Book of the Year That Tongued Belonging by Marilyn Dumont (Publisher: Kegedonce Press) Children’s Book of the Year Nokum is My Teacher by David Bouchard (Publisher: Red Deer Press) Fiction Book of the Year Red Rooms by Cherie Dimaline (Publisher: Theytus Books) McNally Robinson Aboriginal Book of the Year That Tongued Belonging by Marilyn Dumont (Publisher: Kegedonce Press) For further information, please contact: Deneen Gudjonson Project Manager Saskatchewan Native Theatre Company Email: operations@sntc.ca

poet bill bissett Performance poetry pioneer bill bissett launched his new poetry collection “ths is erth thees ar peopul This Ain't the


Rosedale Library”, 483 Church Street, Toronto last May. Please contact the bookstore for more details (416.929.9912).

CBC Literary Awards

Wearily he looked at the ivy climbing over his dusty sundial, creating twisted dark and ominous shadows.

http://www.radio-canada.ca/prixlitteraires/ The latest edition of Library

and Archives

Canada's e-Newsletter is now available at this address: www.collectionscanada.ca/e-newsletter/index-e.html

The Writers' Trust: www.writerstrust.com.

Quickly she fanned the air for him with cheering words. Ignoring the clouds she pointed at the rainbow, weaving for him sun-bright promises. Lini R. Grol



Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 14


What Our Member’s Are Up To poet Barbara Mercer I was guest speaker at the Arts & Letters Poetry Table on June 12, 2007. I spoke about my new book “LEGACY” which is at my publisher now Cyberwit.net due to be launched in the autumn of 2007. The topic will be "how would you like to leave your legacy?" etc. because my books are my legacy to my son, his wife, family and friends. I wish them to know something of my adventures and thoughts. I will also speak on a new book WHEN POETS COLLIDE ! a book of love and erotic poetry for thinkers, which at the invitation of poet Steve Chering, London, UK, I co-authored. Half Steve's poetry and half mine. We had never met in person but admired each others poetry on Fledgling Press, Edinborough, Scotland. It was published January 7, 2007 by Lulu.com. (we have since met and collided!). Arts & Letters Club of Toronto Barbara Elizabeth Mercer

poet Donna Allard

Currently working on her next book of poetry titled “Nautical Sun”. She attended World Poverty Day event in Moncton last Oct. Last spring Donna joined NowPublic.com as a Poetry News citizen journalist; here is a letter from “Actual News Guy” Mark Schneider (past CTV reporter): Donna, I have been so delighted since you have shown up on NowPublic - I loved the idea of you bringing "poetry news" to our lovely community and I now seeing you branch out into new territory. Thanks so much for your record of terrific reporting on NowPublic. Mark Schneider Actual News Guy NowPublic.com (646) 217-098

Dear Donna, Many thanks for adding me to the Members Web-sites. You have demonstrated true leadership quality by responding to member's concern within 24 hours. Many qualities differentiate leaders from followers. Donna, you have leadership qualities. Please continue with the excellent job. Remain blessed, Julius Babarinsa julius@juliusthepoet.com

poet Bernice Lever

Here is one shot of Bernice and 3 poet buddies on Bowen Island--Oct. 1-7 was Random Acts of Poetry--coast to coast. In Sept., I read for World Poetry Reading Series on Co-op Radi, at 938 Howe St., and again at Word on the Street. Oct. 27, I am a featured reader in a Celebration of Dorothy Livesay in Vancouver. Oct. 10, I read at the Cornerstone Cafe in Coquitlam, BC, then my book launch for "Never a Straight Line" was at The Gallery on Bowen Oct. 14, with music and singing, Ruta Yawney. This is my 8th book of poetry. Oct. 19-to 21, I am leading a workshop on how grammar knowledge makes one a better writer -- you know how to break the rules!, co-host a poetry publishing panel and emcee on a future of the novel panel, as well as poetry judge and leading Blue Pencil sessions. Yes, 3 days work. Surrey International Writers Conference with 800 registrants. www.siwc.ca Bernice Lever is now e W-i-R for Ottawa branch of the CAA as well as Writer -inResidence for the Vancouver CAA branch. For reasonable rates, I do line editing, structural editing, etc.,{whatever is asked/needed} and marketing advice. More news at www.colourofwords.com/news. Just trying to keep my focus on my writing and helping others. COULD you imagine a joint summer conference between The Atlantic Writers = 4 provincial groups and national CAA in Moncton - 2009? keep up your good work. best, Bernice

poet Duncan Regehr

Dear Regehr art collectors and enthusiasts, A large exhibit of Mr. Regehr's work was on display last September, in Brookings, OR. The exhibit included pieces primarily from the Chrysalid, and Corvus Rex series ~ and a few from the Henge, and Poetic Imagery series. His recent book titled “Dragon’s Eye” by Duncan Regehr is available by email: duncanregehr_art@mac.com $45 ISBN 1-885203-03-9 Journey Editions Sincerely, Kate Swan Assistant to Mr. Regehr http://www.duncanregehr.com

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 15

Poemata Soldiers in Disguise

Fermenting in August’s Heat

They survive on will a lone, because they know they will never go home. Their enemy is not external, but the results are still eternal. They fight to stay alive for they have the will to strive. They never give up in their fight for survival, even when their plight will bring deaths arrival. Their characters are auspicious one might even say delicious. These comrades of mine fought with bravery and honor; even though they ended up a goner. The pain at times was truly intense But yet you rarely heard any pretence. Will anyone remember these soldiers in disguise? Will anyone ever see their valor and compromise? Maybe when your life has reached December, Only then will our hearts surrender to the light of September. They were kings of existentialism and masters of their destinies, Overthrown by industrialism; and tragic disaster, they were forced to their knees. They are soldiers in disguise that should have never met their demise They were eloquent and intense; illuminate of bold and brave Their hearts were truly immense, sublimate of the stave. Never met one that wasn’t daring nor lacking in caring Filled with dreams and inspiration and what ever the inclination. Living under the supposed democracy It is under our nose hypocrisy, How so; it lacks in inclusion; but what a grand illusion. Its motto of laissez faire, when really it is a Lotto for who ever might care. Under the spell of words like viability only underestimates their ability. Will anyone remember these soldiers in disguise? Will anyone ever see their valor and compromise? Maybe when your life has reached December, Only then will our hearts surrender to the light of September The world has turned upside down, now the chancel betoken Become the antichrist as it has become broken; Disseminating the antichrist as the new humanity, oh my god what insanity. How could this be the new Joshua tree? Who can find anyone to agree or should we just let this one be? They call democracy the moral majority, but who is really ruling but the clandestine minority. Who can say power begets power? Only those that have fallen and now cower. The war with the bourgeoisie has gotten to cozy lost forever in the mist, Oh what a wonderful twist. Will anyone remember these soldiers in disguise? Will anyone ever see their valor and compromise? Maybe when your life has reached December, Only then will our hearts surrender to the light of September. Kathleen Durham

In swirling mist of summer’s heat Vapors sweltering above asphalt’s hell He tastes grey dust from passing cars Drinks wet salt from dripping sweat And as he turns his highway sign From yellow slow to bright red stop He waves smog air for his mirage Constructs a game to bid his time Licks icy froth from spirit beer Debbie Okun Hill

An Ephemeral Affair On our final day together, my lover brings a blossom, a solitary bloom, says flowers are lost by the dozen, that the beauty at the top of a single stem explodes upon an iris, that an orb should not absorb a flood of fleeting, fragile colour. I take my darling’s gift and soak her mahogany hair with my eyes, grateful that I’ll remember, be fond of the fronds we’ve felt, the pond by which we sat upon a wooden bench for two, pitching pebbles for a wish, knowing pennies purchase more but might be toxic to the fish. Andreas Gripp

The Canadian Booksellers Association: www.cbabook.org/find/default.asp

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 16

Poemata Illumination

Ibyss Song To the ibis on the beach parading in front of me:

No one speaks the whole truth not even to oneself

I saw that shifty head cocking: cotton ball and mask stuffed into its flaccid straw end of a snaky white neck covered in seed-gone dandelion and pulling a fur-feathered white / gold egg shape of a prancing body

we are a collection of stories tidied up for retelling swept clean of damaging details that reflect weakness

flaunting pregnant ownership of sacred hidden mysteries ready to bubble up in the hatchway and drop out right there before me. You feigned not to know I was lurking in the reeds, behind my dark lens and shutter, but I was convinced your exhibition had already wed its audience long before it took my stage.

Bury Me in Paris bury me in Paris, France among the tears of my ancestors long dried, like old flowers resting in peace bury me in the moonlight among the falling stars those long traveled journeys that began with one thought bury me in Paris among the sunlit trees and let the slivers of light kill me again so nothing will rise from this ground so nothing will lure this free spirit bury me in Paris among the earth bed lilies long dried, faintly fragrant with late wishes

Who could miss that ruddy red beak of a slivered harvest moon slicing the air like a conductor's wand, or perhaps, a wizard's... while performing a head-tossing ritual of metered chants & overtures? Who could argue that your same-tinged-limbs, gnarly thin bleeding effigies of mistletoe blighted mesquite, declared less than death defiance throughout the ages?

sometimes an inability to love our inner selves scarred by old events grown thick with self survival we slough off suggestions of denial paint rainbow tales songs, myths, playlets tonight the curtain parts you see me poised for your own opinions waiting for a warming smile a tone to change a cast of many characters between the two of us expecting the play will end to no applause. Peggy Fletcher

What trickery you displayed: to leave me haunted‌ my Olympus yielding paper icons seduced by the whispering of your cold abyss eye-never caught Ronda Eller

bury me in Paris and plant Forget-Me-Knots Donna Allard

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 17



Helen Bar-Lev, Artist, Poet Editor-in-Chief, Voices Israel Anthology www.helenbarlev.com

sums up the reader’s feelings as we reluctantly


Katherine L. Gordon

finish this special book: “and I,/the ingrate,/ever insatiable,/implore you,/please,/ show/ me/more.”

Helen Bar-Lev and Johnmichael Simon are pleased to announce the arrival of their new

Author, Editor, Publisher, Judge and

book of Poetry entitled CYCLAMENS AND

Reviewer, Resident Columnist for Ancient

SWORDS and other poems about the Land of

Heart Magazine. Bar-Lev and Simon open the

Israel. The book is fully illustrated with

reader’s eyes and hearts to Israel as a land of

watercolor paintings and sketches by Helen.

dazzling, sometimes tragic juxtapositions. The timeless tranquility of Bar-Lev’s unpopulated

You can now purchase your copy directly from

landscape paintings gains poignancy alongside

the authors at the introductory price of:

poems that show an equally ancient violence always looming on the border. This elegantly

65 NIS (including postage to Israel ) US $18 (including postage to USA or Canada ) €14 Euro (including postage to Europe or Australia ) £10 Sterling (including postage to the UK ) Please send your order by email to: hbarlev@netvision.net.il OR j_simon@netvision.net.il Payment accepted by cash, check, or PayPal*

designed book shines with love and gratitude for the small miracles of natural beauty and human kindness that flourish even in a war zone. Rabbi Wayne Franklin, Providence , R.I. CYCLAMENS AND SWORDS is a lush full color book of poetry and breathtaking illustrations of

See what the critics are saying about CYCLAMENS AND SWORDS:

the Holy Land that will grace your bookshelf and delight you again and again for many years to come.

The achingly beautiful cover of timeless trees, earth, flowers and rock, is redolent of Israel ’s destiny. This little land, so hallowed in human history, seems the literary and spiritual core of existence to most of humanity. If strife is ever present here, how can there ever be the peace of ancient promise? This land seems to symbolize the eternal quest for harmony where forces of turmoil march ceaselessly. Bar-Lev and Simon explore this theme for us. Cyclamens and Swords will become a treasured classic, echoing as it does so fluently, the longing, fearing and questing that marks these troubled times. Helen Bar-Lev’s poem Beauty

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 18


Call For Submissions Hi, I am gathering information about promoting Amnesty

International's annual write-a-thon, "Write for Rights," through writers' organizations. The Write for Rights happens each year on December 10 th, International Human Rights Day. During the Write for Rights, groups of people gather to write Amnesty Urgent Actions to influence world leaders to protect individuals whose human rights have been denied. In 2006, 700 Write for Rights events were held in classrooms, schools, churches and community halls throughout Canada. At the end of the day, 150,000 letters had been written by people in 40 countries to address a variety of local and international human rights concerns. We are working to encourage more writers and writers' groups to hold Write for Rights events this year. Would it be possible for us to work with you to promote this event to Canadian Poetry Association members? We have prepared short event notices (attached) which could be used in your newsletters and mailing lists. We would also be happy to write an article about this event for Poemata newsletter and your other publications. In addition, we have a Write for Rights web banner (attached) which can be displayed on your website. Write for Rights is an excellent way to bring writers together, promote the importance of writing and provides an opportunity to encourage creativity as a means of addressing human rights violations. For further information about Write for Rights, please visit http://www.amnesty.ca/writeathon/. This is last year's site, but it explains the event very well. If you require further information or would like to promote this event to our membership, please contact me at 613-744-7667 x 271 or mashton@amnesty.ca.

Call For Submissions This Magazine 11th Great Canadian Literary Hunt for poetry and fiction. Winners will be published in a special literary supplement to the November/December 2007 issue, and the first place winners will also receive a $750 cash prize. Please visit www.thismagazine.ca. Any questions can be sent to: contests@thismagazine.ca, we're glad to help! Literary Hunt Co-ordinator, This Magazine Toll Free: 1.877.999.8447 Fax: 416.979.1143 lauren@thismagazine.ca www.thismagazine.ca

Call For Submissions 2007 CBC Literary Awards competition The Awards celebrate original, unpublished works in 3 categories: short story, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Cash prizes total $60,000 and the winning entries are published in Air Canada's enRoute Magazine and get visibility offered by CBC. You have until November 1st, 2007. If you miss this year’s bookmark for next year! Info/requests for entry forms: www.cbc.ca/literaryawards / 1-877-888-6788 (toll-free) Prix littéraires Radio-Canada / CBC Literary Awards www.radio-canada.ca/prixlitteraires www.cbc.ca/literaryawards 1-877-888-6788

Call for submissions The North Shore Writers Association 12th Annual Writing Contest Deadline: December 22, 2007 - midnight Categories: Fiction: Maximum 2000 words Non-Fiction: Maximum 2000 words Poetry: Maximum 40 lines, any form New this year: submissions for all three categories from youth (aged 13 to 18). Blind judging will be in effect for all submissions. Please send your entries to: NSWA 2007 Writing Contest Suite 422-1641 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, B.C. V7G 1H8

For youth submissions, please include your age on the cover page. 1st prize: $100.00 and publication in our newsletter "Write On!" 2nd prize: $75.00 and publication in our newsletter "Write On!" 3rd prize: 1 year membership with NSWA and publication in our newsletter "Write On!". Previously unpublished material only, please. Adult Entry fee: $15.00 for non-members, $10.00 for members (per entry - one submission per category). Youth entry fee: $5.00 for non-members, $2.00 for members (per person, maximum three entries, one in each category). Please send entries on 8 1/2 x 11 paper, New Times Roman font size 12, double spaced. Number all pages, author's name on front cover page only. For queries regarding contest, please e-mail the contest co-ordinator at winfish@shaw.ca. Please mention NSWA 2007 Contest in the subject line.

Call for Submissions Poets Against War Theme presumably related to war or causes of war in some way, or celebrations of peace, hopes for peace, some acknowledgement of reality to keep us from constantly forgetting that people are dying in our name far far away. This is a vigil, a mantra-chanting, a continuous murmur of voices, "lest we forget", ”lest our leaders think we're okay with it.” Go to www.poetsagainstwar.ca, click on "submit poem", and follow instructions. Thanks! A steady stream of east-coast poets would be a miracle. A few Frenchlanguage poets would be an Ascension! Best wishes, Sandra

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 19


Annual Poetry Competition Call for submissions: Extended Deadline January 30th, 2008 Open Theme Submission Fee: $25.00 (up to 5 poems) How to enter: The Canadian Poetry Association: annual poetry competition is open to CPA members only. If you wish to submit to this contest please join the Canadian Poetry Association online at www.canadianpoetryassoc.com/pg15.html. Canadians who live abroad and who write in English qualify as well if they are CPA members. We offer 3 cash prizes or equivalent, 1st 2nd & 3rd (amount dependent upon quantity of submissions) with up to 10 honourable mentions. Winning poets will have their work published on the Internet and, depending on the number of entries, maybe in a paperback anthology in 2008. Entries will be blind-judged by two people: a poetry publisher, and a poetry editor or published poetry author. All judges are CPA members in good standing. Judges are to be determined; all judges are CPA Members in Good Standing. Entry fee: $25 & 5 poems – (Canadian poets, please pay in Canadian dollars. U.S. and International poets, please pay in U.S. funds.) Deadline: Submissions must be postmarked by January 30th 2008. Competition rules: a. Please submit your best poem or your five best poems (depending on the registration fee you choose.) b. Poems must be in English; original and unpublished; typed, single space, on 8-1/2 x 11 white paper; no more than 48 lines in length. c. Your name must not appear on your entry. Please include a separate page that contains your name, address, e-mail, titles of entries, line length of entries, and a brief two-sentence biography. d. Poetry submitted by CPA: annual poetry competition judge(s) is not eligible. e. All entries are to be mailed in. No electronic submissions will be accepted. Entries will not be returned. f. The CPA along with River Bones Press requests first electronic and print rights to publish winning poets' works on the Internet and in an anthology. Copyright will revert back to the poets after publication. g. A list of winners will be posted on the CPA Blog http://cpatalkpoetry.wordpress.com and on the CPA Official Website www.canadianpoetryassoc.com. If you'd like to receive a copy by mail, please submit a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your submission. h. Winners will be notified by April 2008. The top three winners agree to submit a two- or three-line biography and a picture of themselves (optional) for publication on the web. All winners agree to have their poems published in a possible anthology and on-line at www.canadianpoetryassoc.com. i. Winners will be notified of payment by April 15, 2008. Please send your poem(s), cover letter, and a cheque or money order, payable in Canadian or U.S. funds and made out to "Canadian Poetry Association," to: Canadian Poetry Association 311 Elmwood Dr. Suite 4-212 Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada E1A1X6

RULES-must be followed for qualification Open to CPA Members Only! Join today online at www.canadianpoetryassoc.com/pg15. html

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 20

Poemata Deadline: Submissions must be postmarked by

Call for Submissions: Flat Signed

January 30th 2008.

Competition rules: Please submit your best poem or your five best poems. Poems must be in English; original and unpublished; typed, Times New Roman font, single space, on 8-1/2 x 11 white paper; no more than 48 lines in length. No fancy fonts please or you will be disqualified. Your name must not appear on your entry. Please include a separate page that contains your name, address, email, titles of entries, line length of entries, and a brief two-sentence biography. Poetry submitted by annual poetry competition judge(s) are not eligible. -All entries are to be mailed in. No electronic submissions will be accepted. Entries will not be returned. The CRPA along with River Bones Press requests first electronic and print rights to publish winning poets' works on the Internet and in an anthology. Copyright will revert back to the poets after publication. Please send your poem(s), cover letter, cheque or money order, (payable in Canadian or U.S. funds) and made out to:

"Chocolate River Poetry Association"

2007 Poetry Competition Chocolate River Poetry Association

RULES-must be followed for qualification. Open To Public. ~OPEN THEME - ~ How to enter: The Chocolate River Poetry Association: FlatSigned annual poetry competition is open to everyone. We offer 3 cash prizes or equivalent, 1st 2nd & 3rd (amount dependent upon quantity of submissions, more details on website under FAQ) with up to 10 honourable mentions. Winning poets will have their work published on the Internet and, depending on the number of entries, an anthology in 2008. All judges are Canadian Poetry Association members in good standing. Judges are to be determined. Winners & HM will be listed on the website and in the Canadian Poetry Association national magazine POEMATA. Entry fee: $25 for one(1) to five(5) poems. (Canadian poets, please pay in Canadian dollars. U.S. and International poets, please pay in U.S. funds.)

Annual Poetry Competition 331 Elmwood Dr. Suite 4-212 Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada E1A1X6

River Bones Press will be releasing the 2006 21st CPA Festival & Chocolate River Poetry Association participating authors’ anthology. The festival was held at Hopewell Cape/Fundy NB. The CRPA Flat Signed Competition winners and HM's will be added to this anthology and a copy will be sent to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. The anthology cover artist is poet Helen Bar-Lev from Israel with her drawing of the Fundy Rocks. The 2nd contest deadline is January 30th 2008. Open to the public! Again, thank you for your participation in the CRPA! Yours, Brian Stevens Chocolate River Poetry Association Email chocolateriver.poets@gmail.com Website http://crpa.wordpress.com

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 21

Poemata Poetry

Gabriola Festival 2007

Program of Events: Saturday, November 17: at the Surf Lodge From Glasgow, Scotland, revolutionary balladeer Alasdair Roberts and from Austin, Texas, dreamy hipster duo Charalambides. In the Surf Great Room. Great dinner hipster-concert combo…will it be haggis flamed with bourbon??? Tickets $20 at Artworks. $5 off dinner at the Surf with your ticket. Dinner reservations required: 2479231. November 19-22 : Keep Your Eye on the Roxy – Poetry In Film Friday November 23: 7:30pm at the Haven: Words and Music 1 Welcome to WAM 1. Swing along with your charming hostess Robin Kelley as fantastic storytellers, poets, spoken word practitioners and songsters shake the main stage at the Phoenix Auditorium. Joining Robin will be Dinah D and Louise Amuir; from Vancouver RC Weslowski and Magpie Ulysses; from Victoria Janet Marie Rogers; and from the whole world, Veda Hille. Tickets $10 or buy a festival pass for $25.

Saturday November 24: at the Roxy… 3:00 The Nuts and Bolts of Songwriting with Nathan Tinkham 4:00 Charm, Beauty and Poise: Timeless Tips For Girls Who Have Let Themselves Go presented by visual artist and accidental author Sheila Norgate. Saturday Noon until 4:00pm: Watch Out For Buskers…!!! Busking poets performing in the Village… 7:30pm at the Haven: Words and Music 2 Comedienne Lesley Parrot leads you through the twists and turns of WAM 2. Featuring Gabriola’s Alison Humphries on stories and concertina; Vancouver’s maniacal Reverend Kedrick James; from Toronto, Gabriola, and Vancouver experimental vocal duo DB Boyko and Christine Duncan (aka Idiolalla); Nanaimo’s most famous street politician and poet, Rantin’ Tim Lander; and from San Francisco, renowned Grateful Dead and Jack Kerouac biographer Dennis McNally reading from On the

credit: paintmonster paintmonster.blogspot.com/2005_09_01_archive.html

Road and Mexico City Blues with the band. Tickets $10 or buy a festival pass for $25. 10:30pm Blabbermouth Café: a tribute to the Beat Generation with Bill Miner, Alex Varty, and Andreas Kahre at the Surf Pub.

Sunday November 25: Word and Brush: Celebrating the Poetry of Japan 1:00pm – 2:00pm Tanka workshop with Sonja Arntzen 2:15pm – 3:15pm Renga (linked verse) workshop with Sonja Arntzen 3:30pm – 4:30pm Haiku Introduction with Naomi Beth Wakan 7:00pm at the Haven: “Word And Brush” We are extremely fortunate to have shakuhachi master Takeo Yamashiro accompanying readings by Sonja Arntzen and Naomi Beth Wakan assisted by Sumiko Nishizawa. This will be followed by a Japanese calligraphy demonstration by Sonja Arntzen, assisted by Yasue Carlson. There will be a sushi dinner at the Haven prior to this event, reservations required:247-9211 . Tickets $10 at Artworks or buy a festival pass for $25. If you couldn’t make this festival make it a destination for next year!

Fame fame is not something I looked for...but it is following me and maybe you closely behind every critique and review like a cold breath upon a reveling shoulder or a touch of death under a typewriter key that red ink lettering waiting its author to load in another pure white sheet of paper fame is not something to look for for it’s a drunkard son of a bitch an angry madman with bloody eyes and bad breath fame is one piece of work, woven into society like a merciless whore a streetlight actor awaiting a slowing car freely deluding truth for ego or $ how I hate it’s red lipped kiss of death always just a keystroke away always under one’s own breath Donna Allard Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 22



Reasons to Read Poetry

Most books may be ordered from: Coutts Library Services, Inc. 6900 Kinsman Court PO Box 1000 Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 7E7

Please send us a jpg book cover & info & we will add it here...

Harvesting Treasures

Angel Clare

CPA 20th Anniversary ISBN 0-9738671-0-8 $15.00 River Bones Press

by Andreas Gripp Reviews online. www.andreasgripp.com

Drums Follow the Sun by Glenda Walker-Hobbs For further information at: www.lighthouse-publishers.com/

The World Of My Soul by Will Jackson

The World Of My Soul Sonnets By Will Jackson ISBN 0-937457-35-3 Jackson Book Company PO Box 94325, Park Hill Station North Little Rock, Arkansas 72190 $20

The Unacknowledged Acorn “Beyond Bethune: People's Poetry and Milton Acorn's Metaphor for the Canadian Fate" By Terry Barker ISBN 919-67246-9 Synaxis Press


not a chosen few…so send in your poems, write an article, review a book, interview a poet, or let us know what you are up to. If you don’t send it – we can’t print it! Poetry Collection at the

For more information contact Sophia Kaszuba U.C. Librarian B ooks donated by the C anad ian P oetry A ssociation http://www.library.utoronto.ca/canpoetry/ucl_poetry3.htm

CPA Online Bookstore featuring books, chapbooks and Cd’s. Visit it today online at http://www.canadianpoetryassoc.com

Hand Upon The Dunes By Donna Allard ISBN: 0-9738671-4-0 River Bones Press $15.00

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 23



THOSE BOMBS FALLING By Pierre Beaumier High up on heaven/ Bombs falling down on the living spheres of cities/those kinetic patterns of many feet/fleeing hopelessly from a Boschian frescoed draw in the sand/children now cry into their mother’s shawl/the automatic choke off/frozen from last moment’s breath/ liquefied, brine of tears/ is the body of sea water/red dusted tattoos or painted targets /of precision markers or probing brushworks/of the dead unwilling/a pilot sky above/of godly power raining down bombs/ a cool robotic skill/trained from a drilling practice/showing a detachment that would make/a Buddhist monk squirm from/the pure desert of mirages/in the hills surrendering no shadows/do not expect the graceful strategy of a Hemingway’s hero/the matador will lose sight of his bull/expect a century old war/Baghdad is the shell-pocked road to Kabul...

Success Finally her star rose and those who had followed her frantic struggle, who had fought with her to reach this goal, were baffled and withdrew. For the burst of joy in her eyes blinded them, and burned a hole in their hearts, which suddenly emptied of love and camaraderie, and was ablaze with the fires of jalousie. Joyful she whirled around to call all her friends to share with them this great joy she finally had found. But seeing that they had left, this great joy that she could not share left her once more bereft. Lini Richarda Grol H110-9700 McLaughlin Rd S, Brampton.On.L6Y 5A7

Tomorrow, we will join lines that dance around the sun to dazzle us all.

Daybreak cracks Like a sunny-side yolk Separating from a White snow-lined sky No breakfast Waiting in line for a Tim Horton’s coffee Strong smell percolating His heated breath On frosted flaked windshield Sticks like jam Line-up of cars Train-tracked behind him Waitress handing over A roll-up-to-win chance His burning liquid toast Black without sugar Thankless gesture Breaking away Fast forward driving Red light. Slamming. Jerk. Slide. Stop. His coffee stained ritual Spilling over his lap Like the sun, burning hot

Peggy Fletcher

Debbie Okun Hill


IS TORTURE ACCEPTABLE? By Pierre Beaumier In defense of the morality of torture/Bush in a bizarre expose of the self/perhaps he was referring therapeutically to sacrificial wonder/or addressing some malignant issue of narcissistic personality/or grasping for a suitable analogy/ or he was just terror stricken/by the very power of terror/or confusing his intentions with the other side/or simply he was offering a vigorous defense of the most efficient utilization of torture/but it is bizarre to say the least/that the President is not offering a more nuanced explanation/he came right down to it/torture is the moral issue/a bone of righteousness against an invisible enemy/Rapt attention we can only gather/from this ironic slide/was it the President’s attempt to befuddle us with a dangerous riddle/to face his public with a soldier’s bravado/perhaps just an illconceived attempt at stand up comedy/This President could have at least hidden behind his advisors/such as President usually do/this spirited defense of torture does push us into an indefinite void/if it is eternity it can not end/normalizes its use for just any population/steals the meaning of torture and hides it within his own attempt at persuasion/so we can all one day be processed into a camp in Romania/some center in the Transylvanian heights/This way we can all give information more readily/This way we could prevent murders, bank robberies, and convenience hold ups/preventing another Columbine or V TECH before it happens all over again/preventive is the best police (political) tactic in the less than free world/we should detain a quarter of the human population/if people talk too much get them to talk some more/just listen to the crucial words before the media press and notice not many jaws dropping/This is the new normality/Yes this is about old wounds and war(s).

Winter: Breaking Fast

Crossover Poetry Softer and greyer than the fogs that blind us are your words stumbling through the chaos of death. O ghost poet, draw your images in word pictures on this fragile link and I will try and reach out and capture them from the other side. For where in the history of the human heart does it say that creation must be logical. The ingredients are there to be mixed together and you are the element that keeps them apart.

Fall-Winter 2007 ~POEMATA~ 24

Poemata Birth

Canada NB Chapter (506) 204-1732 Donna Allard & Brian Stevens chocolateriver.poets@gmail.com NS Chapter Website Keith Gale keith.gale@gmail.com Atlantic Region Representative ON - Windsor Pierre Beaumier (519) 252-5852 grrovymotion@hotmail.com ON – TBA Ronda Eller (Wicks) Alberta & Manitoba Representative Liz Roles (Holmes) (204) 482-8367 dhc3liz@mts.net

I snuggle against you; your fingers embrace me, I caress the soft white flesh of the paper, shape intricate patterns. I start slowly, become intimate with white sleekness. I move fast, faster, I struggle for control. As I reach the end of the poem I climax with frenzied flourish, spew forth blue liquid, I relax my body, wait for the next encounter. Glenda Walker-Hobbs

International OutReach Chapters: USA NY Outreach Alyssa Wilson dita93@gmail.com Florida Outreach Abeer Khan Saudi Arabia Representative abeer.khan.cpa@gmail.com

CPA Calendar of Events http://canadianpoetryassociation.moonfruit.com

NEW CPA BLOG - Listserve http://cpatalkpoetry.wordpress.com

Please mail all membership renewal cheques and correspondences to: CPA 331 Elmwood Dr. Suite 4-212 Moncton, NB, Canada E1A -1X6

Copyright Here are two places to get started poet Brian Stevens Continuity Committee Coordinator Please note - No email correspondence will be accepted by this committee, only hard copy ‘letter’ sent by Canada Post. All correspondence is kept confidential. If a CPA

member has a concern they must send all correspondence to the Continuity Committee (postal only - hand written and signed) to contact the committee coordinator please send to this address: CPA Continuity Committee 331 Elmwood Dr. Suite 4-212 Moncton, NB, Canada E1A1X6

if you are doing any research on copyright in Canada. For a comprehensive window on the world of copyright both in Canada and around the globe (in both English and French), Access Copyright www.accesscopyright.ca or visit Copyright Central online at www.copyrightcentral.ca. For information on fair dealing and other copyright issues, read CIPO’s “A Guide to Copyrights” or visit our website for more details. POEMATA DISCLAIMER: We would like to thank the participating poets and writers, the proofreaders and all those who work to make this magazine possible. While all care has been taken to ensure accuracy, no guarantee is implied or given by the Editor and/or publisher, the poets, the writers or the proofreaders. If you want to unsubscribe: email us.


2007 CPA Executive Board of Directors and Coordinators President Donna Allard NB Vice President (interim) Liz Rolls (Holmes) MB Secretary Open Treasurer Brian Stevens NB National Coordinator (interim) Pierre Beaumier ON Media Coordinator Ronda Eller ON CPA Life Member Award Committee: No award this year. CPA Poetry Competitions: Coordinator Brian Stevens NB Poemata: Editor-in-chief Donna Allard NB Assistant Editor Pierre Beaumier ON Book Review Coordinator Allan Brown BC Cartoonist Ronda Eller ON Manager B. Stevens NB River Bones Press NB Internet Committee: Webmaster Donna Allard Official Site Paypal Manager Brian Stevens Blog/Listserve Manager Donna Allard CPA Official Bookstore: Donna Allard & Allan Brown Continuity Coordinator: Brian Stevens NB CPA Facebook officers: Donna Allard, Brian Stevens, Ronda Eller and Andreas Gripp. CPA PARTICIPOET Ning.com: D. Allard, B. Stevens, P. Beaumier, L. Holmes & members

Be A Friend of the Canadian Poetry Association donate online at www.canadianpoetryassoc.com or mail us for details.

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