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關於多納藝術 about Donna Art


多納藝術成立於2016 年7 月,定位為以當代藝術為主軸的藝術顧問及管理公司,除自有收藏、藝術家經紀行銷、定期展覽外,亦會推動藝術欣賞、藝術投資講座,並為個人及企業提供藝術品收藏、藏家服務、專案策展及藝術基金業務。

負責人陳如鈊為資深藝術藏家及金融業高階主管 , 對當代藝術相當熱愛 , 除經常於媒體發表對藝術投資與收藏的想法外 , 並樂於與藝術家及收藏家分享個人對藝術創作品獨特的見解。

Founded in July 2016, Donna Art & Consulting is a contemporary art consultant in Taiwan. Other than dedicating in its own collection, Donna Art also focuses on artist management and provides consulting services to individuals and institutions, it also holds regular exhibitions, art appreciation and art investment talks. The founder – Donna Chen is a senior art collector and reputable financial professional. She is very passionate in contemporary art and often speaks in the media her views on art investment and collection as well as shares her opinion to the artists and the collectors.

Tribute of Caravaggio: Giuseppe Castiglione's Oil Painting Experiment series 卡拉瓦喬的進貢:郎世寧的油彩實驗系列, 2018 LU Fang 盧昉 Oil on Canvas 油彩、畫布, 105.5 x 60 cm

© Donna Art & Consulting

LU Fang 盧昉 b.1977

盧昉於1977年出生於台灣, 4歲那年隨家人到美國直到小學三年級才回台。他從小就展現對寫實繪畫的天份及熱情,自國立台灣藝術大學美術系畢業後,即到西班牙薩拉曼卡大學攻讀美術系碩士,並接著在西班牙的賽維亞大學研讀繪畫與藝術修復博士班一年。盧昉在2009年回台前先在倫敦的畫廊開了第一次個展展出15件作品,紮實的寫實功力讓展覽結果頗受好評。 「東方與西方」以及「古典與當代」一直是盧昉創作上的靈感泉源。盧昉長年生活於西方,基於對於文藝復興時期繪畫的喜愛,回台後生起把古畫及當代生活融入一起的想法。2010年在台北舉辦的第二次個展「出古入今:大鼻子的異想世界」中,盧昉將歐洲古典名畫重新詮釋,將自身變身為一個幽默詼諧的「大鼻子」置身於古典繪畫中,激盪出當代與古典並具之作。在2014年的第三次個展「出古入今Ⅱ:玩轉古畫」中,盧昉透過畫筆開始了文藝術復興時期的布魯哲爾仿古歷程,把500年前平民老百姓的生活巧妙融入現今台灣生活環境,不但增添了有趣及耐人尋味穿越古今的中西對話,也讓盧昉建立自己獨特的創作脈絡及風格。

Born in 1977 in Taiwan, at the age of 4, Lu Fang travelled with his family to live in the US for 7 years before returning to Taiwan. Lu Fang has demonstrated his great talent and dedication in painting since he was little. After receiving the art degree from National Taiwan University of Arts, Lu Fang pursued his master degree in Fine Art at the University of Salamanca in Spain, and spent another year in the doctoral program in Painting and Conservation at the University of Seville, Spain. Lu Fang had his first solo exhibition in Ablemarle Gallery in London in Year 2008, before his return to Taiwan. Lu Fang’s creations have been inspired by the dialogues between “the East and the West”, and “the classic and the contemporary”. After living in the western world for many years, Lu Fang’s strong love for the paintings in the Renaissance period has urged him to put the classic paintings and the modern life together. This interweaving process is interesting but very challenging. In his second solo exhibition “Time Traveler – Mr. Big Nose in Wonderland” in Taiwan in year 2010, Lu Fang created a caricature with a big nose based on his self-portrait and had it playfully intrude in classical paintings with ancient masters. In his third solo exhibition “Time Traveler II – A Play on Classical Paintings” held in Year 2014, Lu Fang began a journey in which he would imitate the Renaissance painter Bruegel showing the daily life of ordinary people of ancient days and the historical significance showing the present life in Taiwan. With his brushes and strokes, Lu Fang has created a path to a whole new level destined to be different from contemporary artistic norms. His paintings reveal an artistic style that is both contemporary and classic.

A Study to Giuseppe Castiglione's Oil Painting Experiment 郎世寧摹寫, 2019 LU Fang 盧昉 Oil on Canvas 油彩、畫布, 45.5 x 38.5 cm

© Donna Art & Consulting

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