2 minute read

Editor-in-Chief Donna Royalty Ross

Donna Royalty Ross

In spite of it all, we are finishing strong in 2020.


Well, December is no longer knocking on our doorsteps, it is here. We started out in January with all our plans for great things in 2020. We boasted and told anyone who would listen that 2020 is the year of hindsight and we were going to see great things take place. To some, the report of the greater things did not happen. To so many others, there were major disappointments and they watched plans go haywire because of COVID-19, losses of family members due to this pandemic, job losses, social distancing and even food shortages. Not only in these United States of America did we have to battle through what most of us could not even imagine, but the whole earth has been hit with this pandemic. Major changes happened from March 2020 until now, which will carry over into, and well beyond some of our lifetimes. Our hearts and prayers have gone out and will continue to go out to those who have lost loved ones, jobs, finances and perhaps, even trust in God. To say that 2020 was a challenging year is an understatement. We have been stretched to our maximum. We have gone through COVID-19, elections, challenges with the elections results, food and paper goods challenges and the list goes on and on. However, we are now in December and we must take stock of how powerful our God is. Even during COVID-19, not only have many of us seen some great things. Although many of our churches have been closed due to this pandemic, many have restructured their lives. Many are seeking and running after God. Many are interacting more and more with their families. I may be wrong, but I believe that we are experiencing the beginning of the falling away-- many have walked away from the church. Many will never, sad to say, return to a physical brick and mortar building. The distractions and destruction we have seen from March to now is truly unbelievable, BUT our God is still on the throne. Our mindset must be realigned to the Kingdom of God mindset. We can no longer be conformed to this world system; we must get back to the transforming of our minds at a rapid speed. I believe that we are connected to the One who is greater than all the challenges and defeat some have experienced in 2020. I believe that the remnant that God has prepared for this end time is coming out of obscurity and beginning to take their rightful places in the Army of the Lord. We are no longer living in a business as usual time or mindset. We are in a real live war and we must sound the war cry of the warriors. Will you join in with me to sound the alarm? We are finishing strong in 2020-- Strong for the Kingdom of God, strong for our biological and spiritual families, strong for the legacy and inheritance we plan to leave. On behalf of all the contributors of the Transformational4Real Magazine, we wish you God’s richest blessings as we end this year. Love y’all. Walking in God’s Scandalous Grace Donna Royalty Ross Editor-in-Chief GodzMouthpiece

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