8 minute read

Interview With Doris Aletha Shelto Mclennon

inteRvieW With

Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon Founder/Leader of Mothers Action Group on Social Issues and Sophia Sparkle Youth Group.


purpose, which is what I am presently doing, and to do it courageously. I observed you for a good couple of weeks, if not months, on Facebook before I decided to get involved with helping your mission. What I observed, was that you are passionate about helping children and the elderly. Tell us about that. Caring for the many children at my home, I know it was my purpose in this journey of life. In the world today, most parents are forced to take up jobs outside their homes, with hardly any time left to steer their children into the right spiritual and moral path. That too is one of my dreams; to be a second mother and to guide them accordingly. From my point of view, I was hand-picked by GOD for this mission. I know I was, how else could I have mustered all the faith, strength, and courage to mentor the number of children that I have mentored over the years. What is also noteworthy is that we have members volunteering; my sons also play a major role in the operations. Now tell us about Sophia Sparkles. From a historical perspective, Sophia Sparkle Youth Group is the offspring of the first Women’s Group that I founded. It came into existence on the 25th of June in 1992. Notably, while the Women’s group focused on the affairs of women

Thank you, Doris, for agreeing to this interview. I look forward to hearing about your journey-- from where you started to here. Tell us about yourself and how you got so involved in caring for so many children.

My name is Doris Anetha Shelto Mc Lennon, I was born at Victoria Village on the East Coast of Demerara. My parents are both deceased. I have three brothers and four sisters. I am married with five sons and one is deceased.

The beginning of my journey, regarding the creation of groups, could result from my upbringing in a spiritual home, which taught me how to love and respect GOD the CREATOR from an early age. Interestingly, I think that I was

placed on earth to achieve my greater self, to live out my as it relates to development in every aspect of their lives, the Youth Group was created with the aim of creating

mechanisms to mitigate the notable idleness among our Youths, creating a space within my home where their rights would be protected and promoted, all the while, keeping their best interest at heart.

The children, ranging from 4 years to about 20-25 years old, meet on a regular basis to focus on instilling God-fearing values. Additionally, these children are also involved in courses such as literacy, arts and craft, sewing, tie-dye, candle making, public speaking skills, and many others. For example, the art of public speaking is something emphasized since I feel that it is inevitable that they will be called upon sometime or the other to speak and they will have grown out of their shyness by being nurtured in these skills.

I noticed that there are many different life skills that you have and continue to impart to the children. Tell us about how you decided that it was important to impart life skills into the children.

Here at SOPHIA SPARKLE YOUTH GROUP and Mothers Action Group on Social Issues Friendly Space, we try to equip them with everything we think they need for the real World, which includes essential life skills. Enhancing and educating on life skills can improve a child’s self -esteem, confidence, and social competence. It is not an easy job, but I find great joy doing what I do. I never received a salary for my efforts, but it is my passion for caring and guiding these beautiful children. When you feel passion for something it is because you remember your purpose—the reason why you came here on this Earth. There can be no greater gift than that of giving of my time and energy to helping them without expecting anything in return. I teach my children to lead by example, which requires no scolding or complicated instructions. I love and care for them and we put GOD first in everything we do. We teach

them the four (4) basic qualities which are significant in their lives-- Determination, Dedication, Discipline, and Desire. Our children will become the citizens, employers, employees, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers etc. We must equip them with the necessary skills to take on challenges and opportunities that we cannot yet imagine. We are also teaching them new skills that will make them ready to collaborate with others on a global level. In all that we teach them, we can expect their work to include finding creative solutions to emerging challenges. So many parents entrusting us with their most prized possession means something, for me it means, they are excited with all that their children are getting, and they are satisfied. Every December for the past two decades and over, we hold our annual Christmas celebration to unwind after a hard year of work. This is the only time we seek donations so that we can purchase toys and the much-needed items to go towards that event which serves a lot of children. Only a few donors remain with us throughout the year. The children assemble frequently and always have a snack and meal at every meeting. It is still my dream to give the children a hot meal at every lunch break and after school. I am in touch with these children’s needs and am very aware that they lack many nutritional meals.

Food Security is also encouraged within the Community through Agriculture, where the concept of a kitchen garden is also taught. We also focus on the whole individual by including lectures on sexual abuse, drugs, and the value of morals. Tell us about those who contribute and are donors of your groups.

Since the inception, both groups have been doing relatively well in their operations. Undoubtedly, these successes would not have been possible without the help of our donors. Our only concern though is that most of Sophia Sparkle’s Youth Group donors are only active during the Christmas season. Only a few remain throughout the year. However, the youth meet regularly and receive snacks and meals at every meeting. We truly would love to widen our scope of assistance to supplement the necessities at meetings.

I know that you are planning the Christmas Party that you have done yearly. In talking with you, I know that it is hard to get funding. People say that they would help and then you do not hear from them. Tell us about that.

Sophia Sparkle Youth Group is vibrant and growing. This Christmas our annual concert and party have been cancelled much to the disappointment of the children, but they understand that health and safety is our number one priority here at SOPHIA SPARKLE YOUTH GROUP FRIENDLY SPACE. We have not assembled in a while because we are adhering to the Covid-19 regulations and restrictions put in place by health care professionals and Government. When I first connected with you, which has been at least six years, it was because I felt that if I came from Guyana, I have a strong responsibility to give back to Guyana and I will continue to be that way. You know that I am burdened if I am not sending financial support at least every month. I am hoping that Transformational4Real Magazine will reach every country Guyanese people are living in and prick their consciousness to give back in some fashion. THANK YOU FROM DORIS:

I would like to thank Ms. Donna J. Ross for her commitment and dedication towards our group affairs. She is one of the donors who stayed with us throughout the year and my sister, Lynette Johnson, too. I would like to thank all my sons who work alongside me-- Michael, Joshua, Matthew, Dameion, and remembering my late son Peter who was killed by a reckless mini-bus driver. I must also say thank you to the members from Anything Guyanese First who have been contributing to make the children’s big day a successful one, Judy Harrison, who has donated all the sewing machines to the group, June Matthews and Lloyd Phillips, Food for the Poor Guyana Inc., Joan A Way, Grace December, Thelma Wright, Myrtle Pitt, Stanley Ming, Bill Rogers, Denita Washington, Stephanie Knights, to all my Teachers, Ulanda Welcome, Nelvana Singh, Tsheia Wickham, and Michael Lutchman. Please know how important you are to us. It is because of you that we have come this far. To my brothers and sisters and my grandsons, who are Volunteer Teachers, I thank you. I thank everyone who prays with us and sends inspirational and uplifting posts and videos. We will forever be grateful to you. Dorcas John, Chanice Brotherson, the Georges’-- we thank you! Every single person that contributed in some way or the other, we thank you, and pray that GOD continues to richly bless you and your wonderful family. May HE keep you safe-- Always. Doris, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to allow me the privilege to interview you. May God continue to richly bless every endeavor you put your hands to. Love to you and your groups, volunteers, and all others.

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