he first thing we as women need to grasp is that we are daughters of Eve. We must also realize that we’re fallen man/woman, and there are two paths we can follow, which are good or evil. We are of great influence in this world, even though our role seems to be downplayed. From the beginning of time, our decision making influenced our MEN. The New Testament let us know the order God gave in 1 Corinthians 11:3-6 teaches us that CHRIST is the HEAD of the man and man is the HEAD of the woman, and that was the order from creation, as God created man and gave him the woman. God spoke what He expected to the man, and it was expected of him to discuss and pass what was expected to the woman. But we see that serpent, the devil, infiltrated Eve’s thoughts and Eve influenced Adam to partake in what his Creator told him not to. Yes, Adam went against God and did what his wife encouraged him to do, and now, we are still grappling with sin, sickness, death, and our Eve’s sinful nature.(Gen3:1-16), which we see continued (Gen. 16), as here comes Sarah who got her husband to go against God, not a relative, friend, or servant, but GOD. She first laughed at God’s way of doing things, then she made Hagar the first surrogate mother, and we see the turmoil that decision also caused to this day. We can also see that our decision making influences our CHILDREN. (Genesis. 27) shows us a mother’s influence that tore a family apart. Rebekah also felt God needed her help in the distribution of his blessings on her beloved son. This made her turn her son into a deceiver like her, and caused her husband and son, Esau, much grief and a family feed that lasted many years. As we continue to read, we’ll see Esau becoming rebellious and marrying out of God’s will. Trust was lost in this family for several years, births, deaths, and family celebrations were not attended by these brothers, due to her mistake. Now, this mother is a good influence, she’s tactful and wise, and even though we hardly mention her name, Jochebed did not panic or let fear get the best of her. She took a leap of faith, made that basket, pitched it, placed her baby Moses in it, and strategically placed it, had a look out, and then became a wet nurse to her son. She got paid to take care of her own son and was able to instill Godly principles in his life right under the nose of the enemy, while doing the same with his siblings; training them in such a way that they kept it secret, and even though Moses made a few mistakes in the confusion of knowing who he was and where he
Sharon Weekes-Alleyne
belonged, he was able to hear the voice of God as all his mom taught him came to the fore, and he led the greatest Exodus of God’s people, with his brother and sister being a part of this historic event and fulfillment of the Scripture. (Exodus 2)
Mary, the mother of Jesus, brought Jesus and his siblings up in the fear of the Lord. She journeyed with them to the temple, made sure they studied the Word, and even though she knew who He was, she did not allow that to stop her from scolding Him when he stayed back in the temple, and the Word of God said, “He was never disobedient to them again.” (MATTHEW 1) Women, we are the influencers, the family, and nation builders, and we need to do so with wisdom and in a Godly manner. We should not play our children against our husbands or against their siblings, we should not show favoritism amongst our children, or feel we cannot correct our child because he or she is doing so well. We should not let our children feel they are entitled (throughout the Bible, children did chores). Jesus came and He died, and He rose again to redeem us (daughters of Eve) from our sins and the works of the flesh handed down from Eve. We know how to use charm, seduction, wit, and all the inherited fleshly works to get what we feel we want or want to do. Let us be the daughters of Eve who are transformed by the renewing of our minds, so we will raise our families in God’s Way. Let us start afresh and do it in God’s Way. He’s Faithful and Just to forgive us and cleanse from all unrighteousness, and place us in right standing, so we could have Godly households, communities, and nation.