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Contents The Power of YES - Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr.


Interview With Prophetess Brenda Thomas


Letting Our Lights Shine - Sharon Weeks-Alleyne


Connect With Yourself - Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon


Watch What You Say, Based on Who You Are Apostle Patsy Anderson-Benjamin


February Sophia Sparkle Youth Group Update Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon


It’s In The Word - Men Can Cook - Allison A.


God Already Knew - Donna Royalty Ross



Contributors • • • • • •

Allison A. Apostle Patsy Anderson-Benjamin Donna Royalty Ross Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Sharon Weeks-Alleyne


From the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief

Donna Royalty Ross It is our March 2022 issue of Transformational 4Real magazine, and we are marching in breakthrough in 2022. I asked my Pastor a question about some of the things that we are experiencing in the world today. His answer provided an unusual excitement to me. His response was that he was watching the Bible being unfolded in our natural sight. As the Body of Christ, are we seeing through the eyes of my Pastor and so many other people that we are truly indeed living in the last days? 2 Timothy 3:1-4 declares — This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men 1.

shall be lovers of their own selves,










disobedient to parents,

Eighteen different things within four verses







without natural affection,



1 Timothy 4:1 — The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.


false accusers,






despisers of those that are good,







18. lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.

With that said — let’s all be on alert and ready like the five wise virgins.

Donna Royalty Ross

Walking in God’s Scandalous Grace


From the Pastor’s Desk:




he Bible is very direct in the Proverbs 18:21 that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

The tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. It can influence millions both positively and negatively. The tongue can open doors of blessings but can also cause doors to be slammed in our faces. The Bible says no man can tame the tongue. Think about it, we can guide ocean liners with a small rudder, tame wild animals like lions and tigers but we cannot tame the tongue. The writer of the Book of James said it corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell (James 3: 4-6). So as you can see, the tongue has tremendous strength and abilities.

I would like to focus on two important words the tongue must be careful to speak at the proper time and in the proper way. Those words are Yes and NO. First, let’s look at the word NO. No is probably considered by most people as a negative word. No, you cannot have another piece of cake. No, you did not pass the test. No, you did not get the promotion and the list can go on and on. However, No can be a positive in other situations such as when you are battling negative peer pressure and instead of complying, you choose the right path and say, ‘No, I will not be a part of that’ and in turn, you make the right choice. Many failed marriages would not have happened if someone had been strong enough to simply “NO.” Many government officials would help our great nation to be a better place if they would have the backbone to vote, no, 4

whenever it is the right thing to do. Many years ago, I was a coward and said Yes to a couple and married them, when deep down in my heart I knew I should have said No. The husband abandoned the woman within six months. The tongue can be a powerful positive or negative force. Now let’s explore the power of YES. Just as NO can be positive or negative, so can YES be positive or negative. We often say Yes without giving deep thought to the ramifications of that response. Yes is like a verbal contract and people expect the fulfillment of that commitment. Yes, I will be there at 8:00 am; Yes, I will pay my bills on time; and yes, I will do this or that. YES has power to bring about great victories and great achievements when God is asking us to be a part of His mighty plans. Think about how different the Bible stories would have been if great men and women of God did not say Yes. People like Noah, Moses, Joshua, David, Daniel, Esther, Mary, Peter, Paul and Jesus the Son of God said Yes The world was changed forever by the simple word YES. You and I have the power to change our own lives, our family, our community and even our world by saying YES when God calls on us to serve. But we also have the power to change our eternal destiny when we accept the invitation to be forgiven of our sins. All we have to say is YES!


Interview with Prophetess Brenda Thomas Prophetess, Teacher, Prophetic Intercessor, Exhorter, Certified Christian Life Coach and Mentor, Entrepreneur, and Business Administrator T4RM: It is my pleasure to interview you and to catch up what you have been doing since I last was in one of the Prophetic Roundabout Rooms. One of the main parts of Transformational4Real Magazine is to keep abreast of how God is using His people to transform lives for the Kingdom of God. Tell our readers how God is using you to transform lives in this season. Prophetess Brenda: He is using me in surprising ways. In this season, God is using the unique gifts and talents that He put within me to transform the lives of people locally and internationally. God has given me a Ministry of Exhortation and He is using that ministry in this season to transform the lives of people through teaching, prophesying, praying, exhorting, coaching, and mentoring. He is using me to edify, comfort, and exhort people in their spiritual growth and personal development in this season. T4RM: Are you still going into the Roundabout rooms? Tell me about that time and are you still weekly attending the classes and being in the room? Prophetess Brenda: It was certainly a pleasure to meet you in the Prophetic Roundabout Rooms. It was good to see you exercising your prophetic gift. Thank you for letting the Lord use you to prophesy to me when you were there. Yes, I am still attending the Prophetic Roundabout Rooms. I still attend the weekly prophetic gathering. It allows me to exercise my prophetic gifts and to minister to different people. The Prophetic Roundabout has been a blessing. Since attending the Prophetic Roundabout, I have had the opportunity to train people at the Prophetic Activation Trainings, teach the Word of God, prophesy to people, pray for people, encourage people, and minister to people from different parts of the world. T4RM: I know that you were born in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. When did you leave? Prophetess Brenda: I left St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, my hometown, in June 1979. T4RM: Do you go back home often?


Prophetess Brenda: Initially, I used to go back home often. However, after my parents and grandparents died and all my siblings moved to the United States, I stop going home often. Now, I visit my hometown in cases of emergency, but I keep in contact with some of my relatives through phone calls and social media. T4RM: You are now living in Florida. Do you like it? Prophetess Brenda: I like Florida for a few reasons. God has increased me spiritually and used me in ministry more since I moved to Florida. I like Spring and Summer in Florida; it is like the tropical weather in my hometown. I also like the fact that I experience different cultures in Florida since there are people from all over the world that live in Florida. Lastly, I feel at home there because my sister and one of my brothers live in Florida. T4RM: I know that you have an Instagram Ministry. Tell our readers about that and how they can join you on Instagram. Prophetess Brenda: Yes, I have an Instagram Ministry. However, Instagram is not my only active ministry. My ministry can be found on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and Vimeo. I also have a Morning Glory Ministry of Exhortation Webpage that can be found on Google. I post videos, go live, and post encouraging words weekly on my social media platforms based on what the Lord puts in my mind and spirit. Here are my social media addresses: Instagram@ brendathomas6872; Facebook@BrendaThomas; TikTok@brendathomas306; YouTube@Brenda Thomas; Twither@brendathomas22; and Vimeo@BrendaThomas. My Morning Glory Ministry of Exhortation Webpage can be found at T4RM: Can you tell us what prompted you to start one of your ministries on Instagram? Prophetess Brenda: I received a prophetic word from the Lord when I was on the Roundabout that I needed to start creating videos. It was God moving me out of my comfort zone. It was not something that I thought about doing on my own. Initially, I did not want to put myself out there, but since God said to start doing videos, I opened accounts on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. I already had existing accounts on Facebook and YouTube. God inspired me to open the additional accounts on social media so that I could minister to more people. T4RM: What advice and encouragement would you give to someone who believes that God has called him or her to host on Instagram? Prophetess Brenda: I would tell that person to go ahead and open the Instagram account or any social media platform account that God says to open and ask God for divine guidance, divine connection, divine wisdom, and divine ideas. In other words, that person should acknowledge God in all that he or she plans to do and then obey God. T4RM: What would you say is your long-term goals for your ministry as you continue to transform the lives of others as you are led by the Lord? Prophetess Brenda: I plan to work on goals that the Lord has given me prophetically. I plan to finish a book that I am currently writing, and I hope to write some other books in the future. I would also like to create some small mentoring and teaching groups. In addition, I plan to work on the additional projects that the Lord has dropped in my mind and spirit. TR4M: Prophetess Brenda: It was certainly my pleasure to interview you. Continue to be moved by the Holy Spirit. 7




esus has given us many examples on how we should let our lights shine. Light is a symbol of holiness, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, grace, hope and God’s revelations. In John 8:12, Jesus boldly declares that He is The Light of the entire world and if we follow Him, we will not be in darkness. So we first have to accept Him into our hearts and then follow Him. Following Him doesn’t mean just walking behind Him, it means doing everything He does, the way He does it. Therefore, in view of the foregoing facts, we will go through these symbols of light perhaps in two or three writings. Matthew 5:14-16 — Jesus says you don’t light a lamp and then hide it under a bushel, you put it in view so all could benefit from the light.

And then He admonishes us to let our lights shine that men may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. So how could we let our light shine as a symbol of holiness? To be holy means, you are set apart from the world and the ways of the world and you’re following the ways of The Lord and His Kingdom Principles. For instance, we don’t lie, cheat, commit fornication, adultery, etc. We are known to do many of these when we’re hiding our light and if we’re caught (like Peter was when he joined those who opposed Jesus by the fire, and when called out as light, denied he was), we either deny being light or we start our pity party and excuses—I’m only human, I’m not perfect, etc.. Yes, we’ll have slip ups, but we need to be truly repentant and not nonchalant about our wrong doings. Next, our light should be a symbol of goodness which is a quality of being morally good or virtuous or the beneficial or nourishing elements of food. So goodness for us could be both, as we need the nourishment of God’s Word so we could be light that stems from 9

goodness and to tell you the truth, we as Christians are not doing good in THE GOODNESS DEPARTMENT! It’s hard for the world to glorify God as we’re known to be mean and uncaring, we give them burdens to carry that we can’t, we call down fire and brimstone on their sins but feel we’re privileged to sin. We doom the prostitute and homosexuals and those who have abortions to hell, carrying our self-righteous placards and signs, even when we’re thinking what they’re doing or have done what they’ve done, forgetting Jesus said if you think it, you’ve committed it in your heart. Jesus’ approach was to be hard on us and our religious compass, He called us hypocrites, but He was compassionate towards the sinners. If we’re truly reading The Word and following Jesus’ example, we’ll take a different approach. He did not put the Samaritan woman at the well on blast; in fact, His disciples were shocked to see Him speak with her when they came back from the errand He sent them. He did not join those who wanted to stone the woman caught in adultery (He could have told the accusers to do it, as it is required by the law, but not our Light), He showed her compassion, He didn’t condemn her, He encouraged her to become light and she ran with that light of goodness and compassion. Imagine—that compassionate, saving encounter the promiscuous Samaritan lady had with Jesus saved a village! Could you imagine how we could change the world if we follow Jesus’ Light of goodness and compassion. When His disciples and the religious were condemning Mary Magdalene in THEIR HEARTS as she dried her tears from His feet with her hair and anointed Him (they were thinking of her past as we often do), He was gentle and compassionate towards her, HE placed her immediately in THE BIBLE HALL OF FAME. Are we doing the same? Are we following in His footsteps? Are we allowing our light to shine in The Goodness Department, or is it hiding under condemnation, meanness and our “better than thou attitude”? Let’s ponder on this word and seek to be true light so like the woman at the well, our village, our world will glorify our Father and come to know and follow The True Light.


CONNECT WITH YOURSELF Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon

Psalm 46:10 — BE still, and know that I am GOD: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the Earth. Shhhhh....SILENCE. Close your eyes and try to connect with yourself. When was the last time you shut everything off, disconnect from technology for a while and get your life back? When was the last time that you were quiet and in silence? We spend hours on chats, Tik-Tok, interacting with social media, watching, listening, reading, messaging on WhatsApp, etc. We’ve let all this technology into our lives, taking up most of our time. Technology keeps delivering and we keep on craving for more and more, thus straining our eyes, our necks, weakening our relationship with GOD, and social bonding, etc.; it’s like an addiction. Try to see if you can shut your gadgets off sometimes so that you can meditate, and even get some sleep. Enjoy the experience of Silence. Our ever-noisy world full of background music, airplane flying overhead, ringing of phones, vehicles horns, weeder mowing the lawn with their noisy machines, the barking of dogs, that constant sound from our refrigerator and freezers, etc., is the reason that many of us are not experiencing a great deal of quiet times. The daily noise can become overwhelming. With all the distractions of our daily lives, hearing sounds in everyday life is a significant factor in a human life. Listening to unwanted sounds continuously may cause noise-induced health disorder. It’s easy to recognize that we need less noise in order to keep our concentration. And according to Research and Scientific evidence, that cannot be good for our health. All of GOD’S creation needs enough silence and solitude in their lives to enable the deep inner voice of their own true self to be heard at least occasionally. Because when the inner voice is not heard, when man cannot attain to the spiritual peace


that comes from being perfectly at one with his true self, his life can be miserable. For many days in our life, we go about our daily routines, performing our duties, sometimes without a pause, exhausting ourselves and ignoring our mental health completely, forgetting that on this our spiritual path, a silent mind is associated with inner peace, calm and quiet. Particularly in these difficult times, everyone should realize that silent awareness has the ability to also heal. Silence increases our capacity for reflection. It enables us to focus our attention on deep matters of the heart, body, and soul. You may discover too that dialing down on noise offers surprising fullness for mind, spirit and body and helps with your health in several ways; lowering of your blood pressure, improving on concentration and focus (calming your racing thoughts), and more. Many distractions and noises flood the world that we are living in, and noise is an inevitable pollution in our modern-day Society, and its severity is increasing day by day. Most of the problems associated with noise are mental, neighborhood noise is worst, very early in the morning before you even get a chance to pray and to get out of your bed, there’s the noise of the weeding machine, in proximity to your home, there’s the music set of a neighbor with the sound system glaring, or the frequent and sometimes unnecessary barking of a dog or dogs. The suffering of residents exposed to noise also is increasing. For that reason, it is important that we make a commitment to take a certain amount of time to practice silence. You may never discover how you can improve on your life when your attention is always being drawn away. A period of SILENCE each day allows you the chance to relax and reduce stress level. Hence, to be quiet sometimes is really beneficial to one’s physical and spiritual progress.


Watch What You Say, Based on Who You Are by Apostle Patsy Anderson-Benjamin (An Excerpt from Teachable Moments from God) 2 Peter 1:2-4 — May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. 2 Corinthians 5:17 — Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. [NKJV] I had an interesting conversation with an awesome woman of God today. In the conversation, she made mention of something I posted on Facebook, that shook me to the very core. Sometimes we play into the trickery of the enemy. The reason I say this is that the word says he comes to kill, steal and destroy. He is like a slinky; it looks like fun and catches our attention to the challenge. Well she said to me, “Why are you posting things on Facebook using OMG, and some of the other games that come back and give you supposedly an idea of what your life would be like in the next two years, if you will be married what kind of car you will be driving or if you will be rich or poor?” Now mind you, I do not play them often, but I played them often enough to get her attention. The question was, why are you playing those kinds of games? My reply was that it’s just something to do. I only play them once in a while. She said, “You know who you are, right?” I said, “Of course,” and again she said, “Do you really?” Her reply was, “So you are anointed and appointed walking in what God has called you to.” My reply was yes. This is what caused me to gasp in disappointment. She said, “Did you not know that is a spirit of witchcraft?” In my mind, the Holy Ghost kicked in, because the Holy Spirit had spoken to me before about this very thing, but I allowed that snake spirit to say to me, ‘It is okay every now and then.’ As the conversation continued, she said to me, “When 13

God elevates you, you have to level up and reply to His will.” I know her remarks were true because just playing every now and then will cause you future troubles because if you think it is okay to play every now and then, it will cause a blemish on who you are. Spiritual people will see that you’re playing and form an ungodly opinion of you. So the lesson learned is that you cannot allow the enemy to come into your territory in any form, big or small because all he needs is just a foothold to cause chaos and confusion. Any opening into your territory that you allow the enemy to even peep in will give way to the enemy and he will set up camp and once, he sets it up, he makes room for all his little imps to enter in. This small entry would have caused someone to look at my walk and easily misinterpret it as I am not who I say I am in the Kingdom of God. We have to be very careful to not let in the enticing spirit, not even a little bit, because most times, a little bit is all the enemy needs to kill, still and destroy your reputation, cause you to lose your job, husband, wife, friend or even a business. You know we want to call it a small or minor indiscretion when it is really an infraction against the law of God. You see, if I like a certain dish and I really enjoy it, I do not want a taste but the whole thing. Job 34:3 says, “For the ear tests words as the palate tastes food,” and Psalm 119:103 says, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth.” So in reading what the Word said on OMG, and other little games, it really was an enticing spirit coming from a spirit of witchcraft that I allowed my ear gate to take in. As a believer of the word of God, we have to be aware of what is real and what is not; as called men and women of God, we have to be aware that one small thing can cause an earthquake in the future, it can taint or destroy your reputation as an apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd, or teacher of the Gospel. Many people, my Facebook friends, family, church members, leadership could see that as falling short of my assignment in the Kingdom of God; it will cause people to look at you or me differently. Therefore, we must be aware of all things either little or small, to not overtake us in well doing. We cannot allow the trickery to entice or cause us to not have an ear to hear or eyes to see first-hand what the plot of the enemy is. As Kingdom builders, Facebook should be a tool we use to speak life into our friends and family. We have to be very careful that we are in a right standing with God at all times, because it is those little things that can cause a hurricane effect with our spiritual walk with God. Not only the small things on Facebook but also things that we make exception to the rules — yes rules are made to be broken but at what cost? God’s word is specific from Genesis to Revelation. This is just a small reminder that we need to be aware what we consider little things and what statement little things really say, what is the effect and cost, just that one little thing. So in this conversation with my friend, she made me realize how costly this one little thing could be in the long run, or how it could affect ministry in my life.


Scripture says in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU, DECLARES THE LORD, PLANS TO PROSPER YOU AND NOT TO HARM YOU, PLANS TO GIVE YOU A HOPE AND A FUTURE.” The one and only true living God can do this for us none other. Those games cause us to fall short, but there are others that are not harmful to our spiritual life. I hope that this topic/message will bring clarity on what we allow on the spur of the moment. To be happy is to be free of unnecessary things, things that can change our atmosphere to be unpleasant and cause us to fall short in our walk with God, even with our friends and family. Let us not lose sight of what is real and what is reality. I know some of you may say this sounds like a personal problem but check yourself before you wreck yourself. What overtakes your mind controls you, whether it be a game, drinking, lying, procrastination, gambling, cheating, fighting, peace-breaking, stealing, or just doing things the wrong way. Can you imagine just this one question? Why are you playing that game? My question to you is, how are you living the game of life? Watch out for those little things—they are the ones that can really trip you up. I leave this scripture with you, Romans 12: 1-2 — I appeal to youtherefore, brothers by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as aliving sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritualworship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed bythe renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what iswill of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


FEBRUARY SOPHIA SPARKLE YOUTH GROUP UPDATE Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon The Benefits of Teaching Your Children the Art of Sewing When you think of the life skills that you want your children to have, then the art of sewing should be one on your list. There are real benefits to investing the time and resources to teaching your children the trick of the handiwork art, though it takes a lot of patience, time and resources. But here at Sophia Sparkle Youth Group friendly space, we are teaching our children to have a hobby that will have a positive impact on their character development and mental growth. Our children these days are more often than not preoccupied with the fruit of technological advancements. We do know that it is a great advantage to be technically updated, but we do find some time to disconnect from technology just to get them involved in other activities like sewing and other Art and Crafts skills which we introduce to them so that they can benefit from them hugely. Sewing can provide them with educational, physical, and mental benefits in an interesting and fun way. And on top of that, it can also become a valuable skill in their lives, one that will prove itself useful over and over up to their adult lives. So we are advising parents to make sure that their child master the art of sewing, it’s a wise course of action; trust us, they will be very grateful to you. 16

Sewing helps to build self-confidence. Learning to sew and gradually mastering the art can greatly improve a child’s self-confidence and the very sense of accomplishment. They learn also how to be patient. It is one of the oldest Art and Craftwork there is. This skill is still held in high esteem. Learning to sew involves both the left and right hemisphere of the brains, which can bring out our children’s artistic talents as well as their mathematical abilities. The sewing process involves small movement like the use of their hands in threading the needles, tracing a pattern on a piece of cloth, and cutting, using a pair of scissors, mastering the art of the sewing machines, etc. These are just examples of your child’s activities as they go through their sewing journey. Presenting to them skills like sewing will give them areas to express their imagination and creative minds. Additionally, allow them to harness whatever talent they may have, and you will never know unless you let them try; who knows, your child might have the making of a great fashion designer. Evidence can be seen from the work done by the children of Sophia Sparkle Youth Group. So many of them can now sew a pretty skirt, top or a pants; thanks to our very own Sewing Teachers, Ms. Nelvana Singh and Tsheia Wickham. Not forgetting Ms. Judy Leu Harrison who donated the sewing machines for our sewing class, we will be forever grateful to her and to all the generous Donors who by their commitment towards our Groups Affairs have made it possible for the Group to come this far.


It’s In The Word - Men Can Cook Allison A.

I hope you’re not surprised but in THE BOOK (THE BIBLE) Now this is not to bash our men but it is to show to both men and women when it comes to the household and household chores from God’s Word (which we say we believe) Genisis 24 tells us when Abraham sent his servant to acquire a wife for his son Isaac, the girls were out fetching the water and taking care of the cattle and the brother was doing the cleaning and in Genesis 27 we learn both Esau and Jacob could cook. The Father loved Esau cooking and when Esau came from the field Jacob had made some lentil soup.

And then we see JESUS HIMSELF COOKED!! John 21:9 didn’t say he prayed and fish appeared ! He had a fire, fish and bread .No tricks just plain old cooking. Our parents and spouses (especially in Christian homes) love to use men being the head of the home to mean, they make the rules but The Bible says Christ is the head of the home and the man is the head of the woman. So if Christ is the head of us all we need to follow His lead, he cooked, he led by example, he gave himself for us and that’s how you should lead being the head. Then we love to talk about The Proverbs 31 woman and we stress on her rising up early, cooking for her maids, doing all the traveling, busy, busy busy, did we stop to think, she was able to do all of these things because her husband was a great provider, she could cook for her maids I’m sure sometimes, not when she’s off traveling because she had so many maids to help out with everything else She wasn’t bionic woman. So if you can’t provide all that the Proverbs 31 woman had through her husband’s provision, please help your wife with the chores and women don’t beat yourself up because you can’t accomplish all she did. Do the best with what you have. And let all husbands, wives assist and help each other and our children will see a great relationship, a balanced relationship, a Godly relationship and not a lopsided relationship and they will follow us as we follow Christ.


God Already Knew Donna Royalty Ross We are watching a display in Ukraine. Russia has invaded Ukraine. I dare say only God and President Putin know why this is taking place at such a time as this. With that being said, do you think that God did not know about what President Putin was going to do? If you believe that God did not know about it, you should think again. God, the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient definitely knew what is going to take place every second, minute and hour of the day. God was well aware of this engagement and wants us all to know that He is yet still in control. Some would say how could God be in control and not stop what is happening to Ukraine? Luke 21:9 tells us “When you hear of wars and rebellions, do not be alarmed. These things must happen first, but the end is not imminent.” This basically means that God knew that these things would happen in the last days, and He was preparing us so that the Body of Christ could be alert, prepared and operate like the 5 wise virgins. With the foreknowledge of what is happening, God wants the Body of Christ to stay focused and aggressively stand in the gap for our friends and families who are being held hostage, because the god of this world system has blinded their eyes. We are therefore not to become alarmed but live Matthew 26:41 – “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” In conclusion, there is nothing that you are dealing with that God does not already know about. Just like He was with the three Hebrew boys in Daniel 3:22-25, “Therefore because the king’s commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flame of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. 23And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. 24Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonied, and rose up in haste, and spake, and said unto his counsellors, did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? They answered and said unto the king, True, O king. 25He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” He is the same God that already knew what challenges you are going to be and has already promised He will never leave you, nor forsake you. 19

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