The Minke whale and Antarctic Krill paradox.

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Rate It! Donovan. Senior Member

Login/Join Posted 02-11-09 07:12 AM

I just want to say thankyou first to Animal Planet for Whale Wars, and to Mod_Kelly for this very interesting forum. I have certainly learnt a lot posting here, and I have had a good time doing it. Lots of laughs. I have noticed a lot of people have posted interesting links to, but they are all very spread out. So would be great if we could get them in one sweet post. Some people come for the conversation, some for the sources and information! I am going to post some I think are cool, if you don't think they are.... please counter with your own links. I would love to read your point of view. I am going to add a few quotes to put the links in context, I hope it doesn't make it look epic and put people off. Posts: 662 | Location: Byron Bay Australia | Registered: 12-16-08

Donovan. Senior Member

Posted 02-11-09 07:41 AM

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You know.... if you say the Southern Minke is endangered, then perhaps you are right. If you say the Southern Minke is not endangered then perhaps you are right. The point is that we do not know if the population is crashing, stable or increasing. Most of the data seems to point towards a very dramatic decline. Unfortunately the scientists have been sidelined by the politicians . But the situation as it stands is that Southern Minke are Data deficient! Japanese whalers killing every whale they see is not going to improve this situation either. We need population trend data, not a butchers list of protected animals that have been served up in Japanese diners. If we look at the authority on endangered animals we find the Minkes future is far from sure. Here is a picture of Minke population estimates.

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