ionOklahoma Magazine - Dec 17/Jan 18

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Steve and Jackie Green

Museum of the Bible Washington D.C.’s Newest Museum Vacation Day Oklahoma Travel Stops on Adventure Road Young Entrepreneurs Restore OKC Properties Modern Touch by Omega and La Bella Event Center

Oklahoma City’s Bachelors Club Ball — a 72 Year Tradition Downtown OKC Opening Night 2018 New Year’s Eve Events

Lifestyle … Culture … Entertainment

publisher : Don Swift assistant : Joni Yeager editor : Tim Farley editiorial assistant : Darian Woolbright videographer : Jeremy Gossett director of photography : Michael Downes web site developer : Patrick Moore with Set Sail Media web site developer : Nina Jones, Data Design Inc. illustration : Rosemary Burke graphic design : Wendy Mills Advertising Sales Tina Layman Photographers Jeremy Gossett Hugh Scott, Jr. Tracy Reece Jerry Hymer

Advertising Consultants Peter Preksto Contributors fashion : Linda Miller art : Joy Reed Belt people : Peggy Gandy social issues : Robbie Robertson community : Lauren Wright contributing writer : Sandi Davis contributing writer : Greg Horton contributing writer : M.A. Smith contributing writer : M. J. Van Deventer contributing writer : Julie York




Museum of the Bible by Don Swift



Cowboy Christmas Ball features Michael Martin Murphy by M. J. Van Deventer

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The Bachelors Club 72 Year Tradition Downtown OKC: Opening Night 2018




Chickasaw Travel Stops: National Plan for Vacation Day by Linda Miller




National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum Holiday Event

Travel Adventures: a night in lock-up at DFW by M. J. Van Deventer

by M. J. Van Deventer




Riders in the Sky Concert comes to OCCC by Bud Elder



Holiday Sweaters by Linda Miller

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OKC Thunder 2017-2018 Basketball Schedule

Thunder Commentary by A. Suave Francisco


Butting Heads: OU football by Addam Fransisco



New Movie Releases: Silver Screen at its finest by Sandi Davis

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Modern Touch by Omega Investments by Tim Farley


One of a KindYukon man flew top secret missions for Patton during WWI by Tim Farley



Stephanie Cameron: Leading and the spirit of mentoring by Garland McWatters


Next Gen Leadership Ambassadors

DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018 ionOklahoma 9

Publisher’s Note Welcome to the world of ion Oklahoma Online Magazine- we are all about people, places,

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events and travel. December is a favorite month of the year for many Oklahomans as the people living in our cities and towns across the state take time out to be thankful and celebrate the Christmas holiday season. As we all know Oklahoma has really struggled in 2017 with the slowdown of the energy sector in our economy and resulting budget shortfall. Many other states have been confronted with these same types of budget problems, but with strong leadership in their state governments found successful solutions. Oklahoma legislators need to step up and find those budget solutions for Oklahoma and during the end of year special sessions. Oklahoma is a state that offers an affordable quality lifestyle and many opportunities for entrepreneurial young people. Increasing education funding in Oklahoma needs to be a priority in 2018. Oklahoma’s economy needs to become more diversified by attracting other industries. I would like to congratulate Oklahoma City and Tulsa for being recognized nationally again in 2017 and among two of the top cities in the nation for small business startups. As another fall football season is ending in Oklahoma, there are many school, college, and university teams and talented players who have won championships. Are you one of those who get much of their daily information from the Internet and on your computer or smart phone? Ion Oklahoma Online can be easily saved as one of your favorite news-entertainment websites. If you enjoy reading about many of Oklahoma’s success stories involving the progress Oklahoma and its people are making then you will want to bookmark ion Oklahoma. Let us hear from you regarding any feature stories about Oklahoma you would like for our editors to review as we are always looking for the special stories to share with our ion subscribers. Sincerely, Don Swift Publisher, ion Oklahoma Magazine

10 ionOklahoma DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018

Oklahoma City Community College Cultural Programs presents




Tuesday, February 13, 7:30 PM Visual and Performing Arts Center Theater 7777 South May Avenue Looking for the best holiday gift? Bring the Magic of the Holiday Season into the New Year with tickets to see Broadway magician Adam Trent performing at OCCC on February 13!

Tickets: $40 - $45 • Box Office 682-7579 • “ADAM TRENT IS BEST DESCRIBED AS



Presenting sponsor:

Download the New VPAC at OCCC Mobile App Now!





useums educate and inspire, nourish minds and spirits, enrich lives and create healthy communities. And museums also return substantial economic value to their communities,” said American Alliance of Museums President and CEO Laura Lott. Steve Green, founder and chairman of the board for the Museum of the Bible, understood exactly what Laura Lott meant by her statement. There is a value and economic impact museums and their attractions can bring to cities and communities across the nation. On May 16, 2011 Steve and Jackie Green, followed their passion and opened “Passages,” a traveling exhibit of rare historical biblical texts and artifacts— privately owned by them— at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art as the first stop of this traveling exhibit to other cities across the nation.

Steve and Jackie Green, founders of the Museum of the Bible

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Entry way into the Museum of the Bible

The lobby area The glass gallery stairs

FOR STEVE AND JACKIE GREEN the “Passages” exhibit was only the beginning. It’s interesting when one looks at the definition of passage— the act or process of moving through, under, over, or past something on the way from one place to another— it is obvious what the Greens had in mind. They learned more about museums and found there were a total of 33,000 museums in America. They learned more than 850 million visits to american museums are reported per year— more than attendees of all major sporting events and theme parks combined. THEY found American Museums directly contribute more than $21 billion to the national economy. THEY discovered that 400,000 people were directly employed by American Museums And lastly THEY found American Museums invest more than $2 billion a year in education. After a review of these museum facts the vision and journey became more clear to Steve and Jackie Green, a museum was on the horizon. The decision was made to build the world’s largest museum dedicated to the Bible. But where would be the best location passage? After extensive research, Washington, D.C. was selected. Next the founders were challenged with recruiting a team of talented professionals: 14 ionOklahoma DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018

A top quality architect, general contractor, exhibit designers, technology consultant, PR firm, ad agency, financial consultant, lead content consultants and scholars. In addition, a museum director and staff were carefully selected to build this “world class” facility capable of delivering a “world class” experience. On November 17, 2017 The “Museum of the Bible” celebrated its Grand opening. The collection of writings that we know as the Bible,

The Biblical Garden

The world stage auditorium.

or the Holy Scriptures, was recorded over a period of more than 1,600 years. (Watchtower) Steve and Jackie Green along with the board of directors are to be commended for their leadership and vision in making this museum a reality in only a very few years. The timeline for the museum was SIMPLY AMAZING. WHY would I say this?

Preservation Review Board. (The Terminal Refrigerating and Warehousing Co. building was also designated as a historical landmark by D.C.’s Historic Preservation Review Board) In December 2014 crews began the interior demolition process, creating a blank slate for new exhibit build-out and working to lower the ground floor to accommodate basement levels

and elevator shafts. In February 2015 the major construction began with the start of demolition on 1980s-era addition to the historical former refrigeration warehouse that becomes the museum. In August 2015 the museum of the Bible announces long-term alliance with Israel Antiquities Authority to fill gallery space in museum.

THE TIMELINE In 2011 museum of the Bible made its public debut to a gathering of business, government, academic and religious leaders at the Vatican Embassy in Washington. In 2012 the Washington Design Center was purchased for $50 million as the site for forthcoming Bible museum. During the summer of 2014 the museum architectural concept submission was approved by the U.S. Commission on Fine Arts, the local D.C. Advisory Neighborhood Commission and the D.C. Historic MOTB theater

DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018 ionOklahoma 15

The Bible in America

The Biblical garden

MOTB digital guide


On November 17, 2017 the museum of the Bible officially opened and invite all people to engage with the Bible through their interactive museum exhibits that are dedicated to the history, narrative and impact of the Bible. The museum is located at 400 4th St. SW, Washington DC, and only three blocks from the U.S. Capitol. There is no fee to visit the museum but visitors can make a $15 donation if they wish. There is an annual membership program for people to join who wish to receive museum updates and a calendar of events. There are approximately 200 full-time people employed by the museum and another 200 volunteers offer their time to greet and tour visitors at the museum. 16 ionOklahoma DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018

• Museum total square footage: 430,000 Central main exhibit floors: 3 (History, Narrative, and Impact of the Bible) • Time it takes to read every placard, see every artifact and experience every activity in the museum: 9 days at 8 hours per day • There is a Biblical garden on the rooftop of the museum • There is a museum gathering roomballroom with dinner seating for 420 and lecture-style seating for 630 • There is a museum performing arts hall that has seating for 472 • Construction and property costs: More than $500 million

IN PSALM 78:3-4 (ESV) it states “3 things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us.4 We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.” Steve and Jackie Green understood this and wanted to share their passion of the Bible with the generations. This museum will provide so much more than just knowledge. It will begin the connection of our past to our future. Just as Job stated “9 For we are but of yesterday and know nothing, for our days on earth are a shadow. 10 Will they not teach you and tell you and utter words out

Top, the Hebrew Bible exhibit Right, the world of Jesus of Nazareth

of their understanding?” Job 9-10. And that is the question Steve and Jackie Green are giving our country and the world. The Museum of the Bible are sharing their extensive collection Museum Collections for all to experience — to see and understand for us today and for the shadows of the future. Our nation was founded on the belief of the Bible. We can see this through our past presidents’, politicians’ and scientists’ words: President Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States: “Of the many influences that have shaped the United States into a distinctive nation and people, none may be said to be more fundamental and enduring than the Bible.” Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States, 1858-1919: “A thorough understanding of the Bible is better than a

college education.” Horace Greeley, Editor and Politician: “It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially a Biblereading people. The principles of the Bible are the groundwork of human freedom.” Isaac Newton, English mathematician and scientist, 1642-1727: “We account the scriptures of God

to be the most sublime philosophy. I find more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history whatsoever.” Our nation supports the acquisition of knowledge, creativity, and individualism. Through the museum of the Bible participants may search out answers and interpret their knowledge. They can

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Crossing the Jordan display

MOTB ballroom

The blue walkway

The Museum of the Bible at night

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Two perspectives of the stairwell.

interpret their knowledge. They can be inspired. This museum will shares knowledge and encourages critical thinking; the museum of the Bible hopes to engage all people with the Bible. A visitor of the museum can view The Book of Revelation which has been probably the most debated book in the Bible. A visitor of the museum can view one of the rarest artifacts. The 1524 Luther New Testament artifact, 1524 is an extraordinarily rare and fabulously illustrated, painted and gilded early edition of Martin Luther’s famous September Testament. The woodcuts series that accompany the Book of Revelation provide a vivid and literal perspective on the meaning of the text. The lavish copy was doubtless commissioned by a member of the nobility close to Luther. Another exhibit that could be inspirational is a special exhibit “Is Christmas Illuminated: Prestigious Manuscripts from around the Fifteenth Century in the Bavarian State Library Collection” participants can explore the Christmas story as presented in rare and precious illuminated manuscripts.

And what child would not be thrilled to view the reconstruction of the ancient place that was the showdown between David and Goliath in the exhibit “In the Valley of David and Goliath.” The Bible records the works of God in history. This can be done by comparing what the Scripture says to the known facts of history. We can learn about the ancient world and get a picture of the culture. By understanding this culture, we can get a better understanding of the Bible and its meaning. This is essential in confirming the truth of the Bible. Thus, the museum of the Bible enhances the experience of the participant. FOR MORE INFORMATION and to reserve tickets VISIT n

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777 Zipline in Davis Oklahoma



t should be easy to take time away from work.

Yet for so many Oklahomans, it’s not. In 2016, some 69 percent of Oklahomans had unused vacation or PTO days, according to Project: Time Off. The national average is 54 percent. The state’s ranking of fifth worst in the nation translates to nearly 22 million vacation days left unchecked. Forgoing time off can translate to stressed out, exhausted, overworked and less productive workers. As National Plan for Vacation Day approaches on Jan. 30, Chickasaw Country has partnered with Project: Time Off to encourage Oklahomans to step away from their work more often, even if it’s just for a day or a long weekend. “Employers offer vacation time to promote employee morale and prevent employee burnout,” said Paige Williams

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Shepherd, director of corporate development and tourism for the Chickasaw Nation. “Studies have shown that workers who take a break and use their time off are happier, healthier, more creative and more productive.” Cait DeBaun, Project: Time Off’s director of communication, said their research shows that those who plan are more likely to use all their time off compared to those who don’t plan. “It’s a simple first step that all Oklahomans can take to make sure their vacation days are put to good use to explore their own backyard, state and beyond.” Not only does unused time affect workers, it also costs Oklahoma nearly $689 million in economic tourism activity. If all workers nationwide used their vacation time it would generate $128 billion in direct spending with an economic impact of $236 billion for the U.S. economy.

Chickasaw Cultural Center in Sulphur

When vacation time is used, it’s a win-win for everyone. No need to go far or spend a lot of money either. “A vacation doesn’t have to be a trip to an expensive resort or amusement park, and vacation time doesn’t have to be taken all at once,” Shepherd said. “Chickasaw Country has thousands of destinations that make for a great day trip, extended weekend or a full week of exploring. Our goal is to encourage people, including families and friends, to sit down together on Jan. 30 to make a plan for when and where they’ll use their vacation time.” With that in mind, here are a few suggestions. Some may be familiar; others maybe not so much. Start planning.

Chickasaw Cultural Center, Sulphur. The center shares and celebrates Chickasaw history and culture through demonstrations, interactive media stations and exhibits. As the largest tribal cultural center in the U.S., amenities include the exhibit center, amphitheater, large-format theater, research center, sky pavilion, art gallery, garden village and café. It’s a must-see.

777 Zipline, Davis. Imagine zipping 1,444 feet while viewing the state’s largest waterfall at 77 feet high. The launch point is a 13-foot tower on the Arbuckle Mountains above Collings Castle. Speeds of up 28 miles per hour are reached. It’s a great view of nature any time of the year. Urban Air Adventure Park, Ardmore. More than 30,000 square feet of indoor fun awaits at the trampoline and adventure park. Zones include wall-towall trampoline arenas, runway, Dropzone, slam dunk track, trampoline dodgeball arenas, trampoline free-style open jump areas, the Urban Warrior Course, the TUBES indoor playground, the Warrior Battle Beam and climbing walls.

Urban Air Adventure Park, Ardmore

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The Toy & Action Figure Museum, Pauls Valley

Cross Bar Ranch, Davis

The Toy & Action Figure Museum, Pauls Valley. Recognized as one of Time Magazine’s Top 50 Most Authentic American Experience, the museum is the world’s first devoted to the art and sculpting of action figures. It’s here adults can reminisce about their favorite toys while children play and dress up in the interactive areas. Thousands of action figures are in the Collector’s Bedroom. The museum has had visitors from every state and more than 40 countries. Cross Bar Ranch, Davis. Hold on and go. With 6,500 acres of Arbuckle mountain range and more than 100 miles of trails, the ranch offers the largest area in Oklahoma dedicated to ATV and motorcycle off-road riding. Some 3,000 acres are set aside for horse and mountain biking. Terrain includes steep rugged trails to those covered with water for a muddy adventure. Rentals and RV sites are available. Get a jump start on planning your 2018 vacation days. Visit for more travel attractions. For more information on Project: Time Off and the amount of vacation time left unused by Americans, visit n

22 ionOklahoma DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018

We fight i 4 in 1 o h for those w oice.Oklaholimveascinihildrreen need a v POVERTY. al c ti ri c t s o m s ’ y it n u m m We surround our co em. th s s e r d d a o t n a c e w y dollar r e v e d n fi d n a , s m le b pro al tr n e C r o f t h g fi is th in w Help Central Oklahoma t Oklahoma. Give today a

m o c . C K O d e it n U d n Sta

ART Entertainer Brings Western Flair to Museum’s

Holiday Event BY M. J. VAN DEVENTER


asking in the memorable success of several fall art events, the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum is offering an enticing buffet of holiday activities this year. Michael Martin Murphey will be presenting his 23rd family-oriented Christmas concert at the museum, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. The evening is designed especially for families. There’s great food, no alcohol and Murphey’s nostalgic pioneer family music, seasoned with frontier history. It’s probably the only event in town that encourages

A silver shot tray and glass by Scott Hardy of Longview, Alberta, Canada.

children to dance to western music with their parents, grandparents or siblings. The evening is definitely designed for family album photo ops. Yes, Santa Claus has already made a reservation. What family who loves the spirit of Christmas past could resist such a night? It’s a memory making evening for Oklahoma families. The noted performer weaves his music with the history of how the first Cowboy Christmas Ball began in Anson, Texas in 1885. M. G. Rhodes, owner of Anson’s Star Hotel, envisioned the ball as a way to attract cowboys and entertain the area’s cowhands and their families. He chose the weekend just before Christmas so the word would

“Expectations,” an oil painting by Martin Grelle, of Clifton, Texas.

spread – far and wide – among cowhands in the West. That’s how the tradition was born and Murphey has brandished his unique style on the event. Now he performs in Cowboy Christmas Balls all across the country. M. G. Rhodes would be proud. Murphey is a multiple Grammy nominee with six gold albums including “Cowboy Songs, “ the first album of cowboy music to reach gold status. He is well known for his iconic song, Wildfire, which is now in its 41st year of release. Gary Moore, the museum’s chief financial officer and interim president, says, “For more than two decades,

guests from near and far have joined us to experience this holiday tradition. It is our hope to transform the event into an enchanting and traditional evening, a festive winter night spent in the company of family and friends enjoying the Western spirit.” The event is sponsored by Express Employment Professionals. For information on reservations and prices for the concert, buffet dinner and time with Santa, call the National Cowboy Museum at (405) 4782250, Ext. 219. Ticket prices vary for children and adults, museum members and non-members. n

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Christmas Ball Caps Successful Fall Events BY M. J. VAN DEVENTER

Michael Martin Murphey will be presenting his 23rd family-oriented Christmas concert at the museum, Dec. 15

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THE ANNUAL “COWBOY CHRISTMAS BALL,” slated December 15 at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, comes right on the heels of two highly successful fall museum events. The museum traditionally launches its holiday season with its “Great Works, Small Wonders” art show, held November 10. The sale draws art enthusiasts and fine art collectors as well as those who are interested in starting an art collection for their home or business. Varying price points and small size paintings are also an enticing draw. It was a one-night stand for art lovers who get to take their purchases home with them that evening, unlike the annual June Prix de West show. At that popular museum event, buyers have to wait until the end of the show in August before claiming their prize purchases. With the ‘Great Works’ event, unsold art hangs for the next two weeks, giving another opportunity to purchase the art. More than 100 artists from across the country participated in this year’s show. The event is a fusion of traditional and contemporary paintings and sculptures at affordable prices. Attendees find it a great venue for early Christmas shopping. Gary Moore, the museum’s chief financial officer and interim president, says of the ‘Small Wonders’ show: “From contemporary perspectives by emerging artists to traditional takes on various Western subject matter by some of the nation’s top painters and sculptors, there was a feeling of energy in this year’s sale, providing something for everyone.”

Cowboy Art Raises Big Bucks ANOTHER HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL fall show, “Cowboy Crossings,” generated almost $1 million in sales during its opening weekend Oct. 5-7. A portion of those proceeds benefit the museum’s educational programs. The event merges the talents of members of the Traditional Cowboy Arts Association (TCAA) and the Cowboy Artists of America, (CAA). The CAA exhibit will be on display at the museum through January 7, 2018. The show provides an unusual opportunity to view the CAA members’ view of the American West – past or present – through paintings and sculpture. TCAA members tell their story through silversmithing, exquisite hand-tooled leather work and rawhide braiding. Saddles, bits and spurs are showcased, along with silver fashioned in a variety of western themes from belt buckles to a sterling silver shot glass set and tray by artist Scott Hardy, of Longview, Alberta, Canada. It sold for $31,000. Hardy won the top prize among the TCAA artists. Prix de West artist Martin Grelle snared the CAA top honor with an oil painting titled “Expectations,” which sold for $54,000. Christmas came early for these two distinguished cowboy artists. Two Oklahoma artists received Silver Medal Awards for their work: Mikel Donahue of Broken Arrow, for his painting, The Bronc Stomper. Paul Moore of Norman, for a bronze sculpture, When His Heart Is Down. Moore also received the CAA Stetson Award, which is selected by the active CAA members as the best compilation of individual works. He had six bronze sculptures in the show. The two cowboy artists groups merged their individual exhibitions several years ago and since then, the National Cowboy Museum has been their home for this joint exhibition.




A New Leader for the Cowboy Museum After a lengthy search for several years, the cowboy museum will begin 2018 with a new president and CEO ~ Natalie Shirley. While the museum has been on a national search, they chose a local Oklahoma City educator to fill the role. She assumes her new position January 15, 2018 and is the first woman to serve in this executive role. Shirley is a graduate of Oklahoma State University with a law degree from the University of Oklahoma. Currently, she serves as president of the Oklahoma City campus of OSU. The museum’s current board chairman, Lynn Freiss, said, “ As a native Oklahoman with strong community ties and a storied history of prominent leadership roles, Natalie was a clear choice when selecting the most qualified candidate for the position.” “The opportunity to serve as President and CEO of the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum is one that truly embodies everything I stand for,” Shirley said. “For me, this role is about engaging our community and sharing the story and values of the American West with the world. The Museum is a place for all generations to learn, explore, and gain a deeper understanding of our Western heritage. It is my honor to build upon the Museum’s established legacy.” n

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Riders in the Sky Concert comes to OCCC BY BUD ELDER


olidays will come early for Oklahoma City music lovers as Riders in the Sky, keepers of the flame for all things “cowboy” and “music,” will visit the Oklahoma City Community College Auditorium 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, December 12 as they perform their “Christmas the Cowboy Way” concert. Celebrating their 40th year in show business, the Grammy award winning Riders in the Sky keeps alive the essential music made famous by the likes of Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and Jimmy Wakely. And while remaining true to the integrity of Western music, they have themselves become modern-day icons by branding the genre with their own

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legendary wacky humor and way-out Western wit, and all along encouraging buckaroos and buckarettes to live life “The Cowboy Way!” Riders is comprised of Ranger Doug Green, known with a wink as the “Idol of American Youth,” along with National Fiddler Hall of Fame member Woody Paul, Joey “The Cow Polka” King and Too Slim, the resident sidekick on the “bull fiddle.” Ranger Doug, by the way, is perhaps America’s foremost authority on 20th Century Western culture, having published several books that serve as primers on the subject. He hosts “Ranger Doug’s Cowboy Corral” on the Sirius XM channel Willie’s Place and leads “The Time Jumpers,” a group of Nashville studio musicians which carries on the tradition of western swing.

Riders in the Sky offers entertainment for the entire family, while adults will treasure their remarkable version of “Back in the Saddle Again,” the children will remember their participation in Disney’s “Toy Story 2,” performing “Woody’s Roundup.” n

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Oklahoma City Community College Cultural Programs Presents

Christmas the Cowboy Way

For more than thirty years, Grammy- and award-winning Riders In The Sky have branded the Western genre with their own legendary wacky humor and way-out Western wit, all along encouraging buckaroos and buckarettes to live life “The Cowboy Way!”

Tuesday, December 12 • 7:30 pm Tickets: $25–$30 • Box Office 405-682-7579 • Oklahoma City Community College Visual and Performing Arts Center Theater 7777 South May Avenue ONE


Download the New VPAC at OCCC Mobile App Now!


r e h t a e W r e t a e w S Too often, sweaters tend to be more functional than stylish. Not so much this winter. Choices stretch beyond turtlenecks, cashmere crewnecks and ribbed tunics in oh-so predictable shades of gray, black and camel. Not that there’s anything wrong with those. They’re wardrobe mainstays when temperatures drop.

A New Day bomber style sweater at Target.

Calvin Klein striped knit long cardigan at Dillard’s.

GB “Amour” sweater at Dillard’s.

But the latest crop of sweaters is more playful, bold and colorful. Think oversize styles, bright hues and stripes. A cardigan, often stretching to mid-thigh, is the new jacket. Sweaters with slogans are fun and unexpected. Chunky knits blend cozy with style.

Worth plaid turtleneck sweater, Cindi Shelby, 333 W Wilshire, Suite F.

Worth dot sweater, Cindi Shelby, 333 W Wilshire, Suite F.

So go ahead. Shake up your sweater stash.

Worth tigress intarsia sweater from Cindi Shelby, 333 W Wilshire, Suite F,

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STEPHANIE CAMERON: Leading and the spirit of mentoring BY GARLAND MCWATTERS


Stephanie Cameron is not one to call attention to herself, but she is never lost for words when talking about her passion.

Cameron is at her best when she’s encouraging Oklahoma’s youth to seriously consider a future in manufacturing and to begin their preparations now. Cameron moved to Tulsa in 2008 from Georgia to work with a local non-profit, and it didn’t take long for her to become fully immersed in Tulsa’s young professional scene.

Above: Stephanie (right) with winning team from Tulsa Memorial High School for best business idea at Entrepreneurship Workshop Left: Stephanie Cameron in front of CNC.

By 2017 she had risen to become chair of the Tulsa Young Professionals. TYPROS is the largest young professionals organization of its kind in the United States. It is considered so important to Tulsa’s success that the TYPROS board chair has an ex officio position on the Tulsa Community Foundation’s board of trustees. 34 ion Oklahoma DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018

Four years after moving to Tulsa, Cameron was lured to APSCO, a local auto parts manufacturer, as community affairs director under the tutelage of its then CEO, Larry Mocha. Mocha, with his long-time friends, Lynda Wingo and Jerry Holder, had recently started a foundation, OK2Grow, to encourage business and education to seek ways to improve math, science, and reading skills for children so they would be better prepared for opportunities in business and manufacturing. Cameron was tapped to assume the duties as executive director of the foundation in addition to her duties at APSCO.

The source of Cameron’s passion? “Helping student find their way,” Cameron says without hesitation. “We know a lot of students have issues with having a vision after high school; so, we feel like if we can provide them with a career path, a ladder, to get where they need to go, and if they know what’s accessible to them, they’re more likely to finish.” Cameron is an avid believer in mentoring. Not only does she credit Mocha with her success, she also touts the value of mentoring for APSCO employees. “When employees mentor others they see themselves in a different way,” she explains. “More senior people on the production floor or in management start to say, ‘Hey, I matter. I can help someone else.’” She said she has seen how mentoring adds value to their position and makes them a higher performing employee. Above: Cameron congratulates David Patterson, 2015 Union High School senior, upon signing with APSCO as a Certified Production Technician manufacturing intern. Right: Receiving donation from Port of Catoosa for OK2Grow Foundation.

The value of mentoring Reflecting on her time with Mocha, who died suddenly in 2016, Cameron said, “People come into your life for a reason, and then it’s up to you to explore that and to be able to use that. My thought having known Larry was that I received a gift. Now, what do you go out and do with that?” Cameron didn’t break stride following Mocha’s death. Her schedule is packed with events speaking on behalf of OK2Grow’s programs, setting up career awareness events, promoting entrepreneurship among high school students, and mentoring the high school seniors she regularly has as interns at APSCO. One of the facets of OK2Grow that Cameron touts often is the Scholarships 2 Success youth entrepreneurship program. High school seniors who own their own business as a young entrepreneur may apply for up to a $1,000 scholarship to use toward tuition at a post secondary school. The Dream It Do It Oklahoma initiative under the OK2Grow umbrella provides classroom visits, internships, job shadowing opportunities and other activities that seek to connect students and manufacturers across Oklahoma. DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018 ionOklahoma 35

The value of early work experience Cameron grew up knowing the world of manufacturing. She often speaks of her mother, who had a staffing agency back in Georgia. “During the summers I would tag along with her, and we would tour different businesses,” something Cameron regards as a highlight of her middle school years. When she was old enough, Cameron’s mother placed her with industries where she picked up work skills that she is now able to use. “When I was in college I worked for a plastics company. I did shipping and receiving, document control, anything that they needed help with. I really enjoyed the chemistry of plastics. I did some recruiting for Kubota Industrial Equipment. Then, I moved to

Tulsa and eventually met Larry Mocha, and here I am.” A Millennial herself, Cameron’s advice to other Millennials, “Be willing to learn and accept feedback. Look for opportunities to contribute, and go the extra mile.” She also encourages them to be out in the community and to volunteer in something they believe in. Cameron leads by example, as she finds time to volunteer in other ways beyond her service to the Tulsa Young Professionals, which is the largest young professionals organization in the United States. She serves on the board of directors for Global Alliance and volunteers with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma. Cameron’s service has not gone unnoticed. She received a 2018 YWCA Pinnacle Women of the Year award. She was named to Oklahoma Magazine’s 40 under 40 list for 2017. She is a member of Leadership Oklahoma class XXIX. In 2016 the National Manufacturing Institute presented her a Women in Manufacturing STEP Ahead Award. Cameron recently accepted a new position with AAON, Inc. of Tulsa. AAON has been a steadfast supporter of OK2Grow and will become the new headquarters for OK2Grow and Dream It Do It Oklahoma. Listen to The Spirit of Leading Podcast featuring Stephanie Cameron at n

Stephanie speaking to a group at Tulsa Tech

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Home Games in boldface

2017-2018 OKLAHOMA CITY THUNDER BASKETBALL SEASON Fri Dec 1 Sun Dec 3 Tue Dec 5 Thu Dec 7 Sat Dec 9 Mon Dec 11 Wed Dec 13 Fri Dec 15 Sat Dec 16 Mon Dec 18 Wed Dec 20 Fri Dec 22 Sat Dec 23 Mon Dec 25 Wed Dec 27 Fri Dec 29 Sun Dec 31 Wed Jan 3 Thu Jan 4 Sun Jan 7 Tue Jan 9 Wed Jan 10

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Minnesota Timberwolves San Antonio Spurs Utah Jazz Brooklyn Nets Memphis Grizzlies Charlotte Hornets Indiana Pacers Philadelphia 76ers New York Knicks Denver Nuggets Utah Jazz Atlanta Hawks Utah Jazz Houston Rocket Toronto Raptors Milwaukee Bucks Dallas Mavericks Los Angeles Lakers LA Clippers Phoenix Suns Portland Trail Blazers Minnesota Timberwolves

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Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Mexico City Memphis Oklahoma City Indianapolis Philadelphia New York City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Salt Lake City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Los Angeles Los Angeles Phoenix Oklahoma City Minneapolis

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2018 Sat Jan 13 Mon Jan 15 Wed Jan 17 Sat Jan 20 Tue Jan 23 Thu Jan 25 Sat Jan 27 Sun Jan 28 Tue Jan 30 Thu Feb 1 Fri Feb 2 Sun Feb 4 Tue Feb 6 Thu Feb 8 Sun Feb 11 Tue Feb 13 Wed Feb 14 Thu Feb 22 Sat Feb 24 Mon Feb 26 Wed Feb 28 Fri March 2 Sat March 3 Tue March 6 Thu March 8 Sat March 10 Mon March 12 Tue March 13 Fri March 16 Sun March 18 Tue March 20 Fri March 23 Sun March 25 Thu March 29 Fri March 30 Sun April 1 Tue April 3 Sat April 7 Mon April 9 Wed April 11

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Thunder’s second unit has to improve if OKC has shot at NBA title BY A. SUAVE FRANCISCO


hen thinking of a championship team, typically there are a couple star players, sometimes three. Looking through time, every championship team had an elite bench as well. The question is, does Oklahoma City have the bench it takes to be one of those teams? Many believe that OKC doesn’t have a satisfactory bench, let alone an elite one and that’s the reason they won’t hoist the Larry O’Brien Championship Trophy at the season’s end. It’s true, the Thunder don’t have the deepest bench in the NBA and are very top-heavy talent-wise. But who’s to says they can’t use their weakness as their strength and succeed while doing it? Although it’s a bit unorthodox, Billy Donovan has evaluated his team’s deficiencies and that’s why he’s

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opted to leave at least one of the big three: Russell Westbrook, Paul George, or Carmelo Anthony, in the game at all times, even with the second team. That way, there will be at least one elite scorer playing with the bench and sometimes two, depending on the lineup. The bench may not be extremely deep on paper, like the Golden State Warriors or the Houston Rockets, but there are a few Thunder bench players that can be very beneficial if utilized correctly. To be specific, guys like Alex Abrines, Jerami Grant, and Josh Heustis can really be effective pieces on a bench that already features an accomplished veteran in Raymond Felton. Patrick Patterson is a beneficial piece as well and continues to improve game-after-game, following an offseason injury. As mentioned, those bench players can be effective pieces on this Thunder team if used correctly and if they’re willing to learn from a very accomplished starting five, those chances

will increase. When thinking of the most dominant team currently in the NBA, the Golden State Warriors, you can’t help but think about their deep and productive bench play that mostly consists of Andre Iguodala, who averages 5.5 points per game this season, but serves as the hard-nosed old-timer this team needs. Shaun Livingston, another old-timer that only scores 5.1 points per game, but produces a ton off the bench for the Warriors while sustaining the offense while Stephen Curry gets a breather. David West, the eldest player on the Warriors who’s in his 15th season still averages 6.8 points and 3.2 rebounds per game off the bench. The new addition of Nick Young adds another tier to their shooting repertoire off the bench, averaging 6.4 points per game this season on 41.3 percent shooting from long distance. JaVale McGee also adds depth in the paint off the bench and notches 4.1 points per game. Individually, none of these player’s statistics are necessarily impressive but collectively, these five average 27.9 off the bench and that doesn’t include the combined 10 points from Jordan Bell, Patrick McCaw, and Kevon Looney who have 3 years combined experience. That’s 37.9 points generated from their bench alone.

“Just staying with it. Remaining discipline and remaining consistent. We are still piecing things together but games like these show us what our full potential is. We still have a long way to go, though, mate.” — Steven Adams on the process of getting everyone on the same accord.

IN OKC’S CASE, there’s 12-year veteran Raymond Felton, who’s averaging 7.4 points per game and Patrick Patterson, in his eighth NBA season, averaging 3.1 points per game. Jerami Grant is much-improved from last year, averaging a career-high 9.1 points in his fourth season and has provided spectacular play defensively. Especially against Kevin Durant Wednesday night. Alex Abrines is another young guy who’s in his sophomore NBA season, averaging 4.6 points per game and possibly could develop into an elite scorer off the bench for OKC. After those four players, things get dicey and inconsistent. Dakari Johnson has shown signs of promise but how ready is he right now to compete with championship-contending teams? He averages 3.6 points, 1.4 rebounds

they just don’t maintain the same intensity that the starting five started the game with. Also, collectively, they need to step up as a unit. One or two players may have a big game and the remaining won’t contribute much. Each player has to find their niche and find a way to make a positive mark more consistently in games, whether that’s offensively, defensively, or simply providing energy that the team needs to get past their opponents. Believe it or not, basketball isn’t all points. There’s an emotional aspect to it that’s vital in a team’s success. per game and shows signs of being an elite defender in the paint. Josh Heustis, in his second year, has also shown a lot of promise, but the sample size is so small that no one knows his true potential. He is averaging 2.3 points per game. Collectively, Oklahoma City’s bench averages 30.1 points per game and that’s not including guys that don’t receive much playing time in Nick Collison and rookie Terrance Ferguson. OFFENSIVELY, OKC’S BENCH turns out to be acceptable, but still lacking a tad bit offensively. Someone needs to be that X-factor and step up their production, whether that’s Jerami Grant improving his already improved point total or Alex Abrines fully becoming what everyone seems to expect of him. It’s also the defensive intensity that seems to leave them slightly behind, as well as inconsistency. The defense isn’t necessarily bad,

They are a team that you can't allow to get comfortable. They are so good at player movement, cutting and ball movement that you can't just allow them to be comfortable and relax. We tried to bring that and it paid off.”

Nevertheless, Wednesday night the Thunder defeated the Golden State Warriors convincingly, 10891 and their bench only scored 12 points, but defensively, they did a spectacular job holding Golden State’s bench below their season average, as well as holding Kevin Durant, Draymond Green, Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry to just 54 points.

— Paul George on how to defend THE SEASON IS YOUNG, still less the Warriors offense. than 20 games in and the Thunder are showing signs that they have what it takes to be among the best in the league at everything they do. The win against Golden State was beneficial in that the bench learned what’s it’s like to play against one of the NBA’s best teams of all-time and persevere. There are still questions about whether they’ll be able to continually play like they did Wednesday night but it was definitely a start. n

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BUTTING HEADS OU’s mighty offense takes on strong Georgia defense BY ADDAM FRANCISCO


inally, the College Football Playoffs are set and amidst all the controversy between Alabama, Ohio State and the fourth and final spot, the Oklahoma Sooners are at No. 2. Heisman Trophy winner Baker Mayfield and his daunting offense will face the Georgia Bulldogs and their ferocious running backs, along with their elite secondary in the Rose Bowl, to be played on Jan. 2. This is a compelling matchup for many reasons. First and foremost, Mayfield, is a show by himself. But Georgia’s two running backs may be too much for OU’s defense to endure. Georgia has a great defense, specifically the secondary led by their relentless safety, Dominick Sanders. Will the Sooners’

OU quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Baker Mayfield

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nation-leading offensive attack outweigh that? There are major mismatches on both sides, so the question is, which one is more significant? Oklahoma should leave the Rose Bowl, down Rose Bowl Drive victorious, with a pretty decisive victory over the Bulldogs. However, it wouldn’t surprise anyone if Georgia found a way to slow down OU and impose their will via their defense. Just like last year against Auburn, Oklahoma will face an elite defense. Georgia’s sits in the top 10 in passing yards allowed and yards per pass attempt. On the contrary, Oklahoma’s passing attack ranks in the top five in yards, yards per attempt, completion percentage and touchdowns. Mayfield can beat almost any team with his Russell Wilsonlike fleeing ability but he’ll have to throw the ball more times than none, something he’s very good at. His favorite target is

OU - Anderson

OU’s Mayfield

OU’s Flowers

OU’s Anderson

OU’s Mayfield and Anderson

Mark Andrews, but it won’t be an easy task for him to get open against Georgia’s experienced duo at safety and nation-leading linebacking unit. Oklahoma’s defense is average at best. Nationally, they rank 81st in yards allowed and are the definition of a bend-don’tbreak defense. They hold teams to an acceptable 25 points per game, which exemplifies the type of defense they are. The talking point leading into the Rose Bowl will be how poor OU’s defense is in relation to the three other playoff teams, but ironically they’ve held ranked teams to 20 or fewer points threeof-four times this season. You could say they play up and down to their competition. If that narrative fits this matchup, the Sooners will come out victorious. Roquan Smith is the reigning Butkus Award winner and leads the Georgia in tackles, sacks and quarterback hurries. The Bulldogs defense is loaded with experienced NFL-caliber talent and will cause Oklahoma to make adjustments throughout the game. This matchup will feature Oklahoma’s fourth-ranked offense that averages 45.2 points per game versus Georgia’s fifthranked defense that only gives up 13.7 points per game. Oklahoma’s passing attack averages 377.7 points per game, yet Georgia’s secondary only gives up 159.5. The matchup is set and if both teams play up to their full potential on Jan. 2, the Sooners will walk away victorious and head to the National Championship game. But the smallest detail may make the difference in favor of Georgia. Oklahoma will have to play near-perfect ball (which they’ve done for a month straight), to defeat Georgia and that’s what they are expected to do. n DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018 ionOklahoma 45

REVIEWS SILVER SCREEN AT ITS FINEST Quick look at December January movie releases BY SANDI DAVIS


hanksgiving weekend is the traditional opening of movie award season. It’s when most movie studios begin releasing movies they think will win critics’ praise, make money from ticket sales, or better yet, win awards like an Academy Award, aka an Oscar. To qualify for an Academy Award, a movie must be shown in a movie theater open to the public in either New York City or

Los Angeles by Dec. 31 of the year it is eligible. That should explain why so many movies aren’t opened in the Oklahoma City metro until January or February or occasionally, not until after the award season ends with the Oscar broadcast. Awards won mean more money in the bank for movie studios. Here’s a quick rundown of movies set for release in December and January.



Wonder Wheel

Set in medieval Rajasthan, this factbased film is the story the beautiful Rajput Rani (Queen) Padmavati. Though happily married to the Rana (King) Rawal Ratan Singh, leader of Mewar, her world changes when the bloodthirsty Allauddin Khilji of the Khilji dynasty sees her and wants her himself. He has killed and destroyed entire states to possess a beautiful woman.

Woody Allen’s latest movie, “Wonder Wheel” stars Jim Belushi, Juno Temple, Justin Timberlake and Kate Winslet, in the story of a Coney Island carousel operator and long-suffering wife in the 1950s.

The Tribes of Palos Verdes Maika Monroe, Cody Fern and Jennifer Garner star in this tale of the Mason family. When the Masons move to Palos Verdes, Calif., the men in the family fit right in. Sandy (Jennifer Garner) feels out of place, and her daughter Medina tries to find a place for herself with the surfers. 46 ion Oklahoma DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018


Just Getting Started Morgan Freeman and Tommy Lee Jones star as men in witness protection who must learn, at least, to tolerate each other as they try to dodge a mob hit. Co-stars include Rene Russo, Glenne Headly and Alma Sisneros. Ron Shelton directed.

DECEMBER 15 The Disaster Artist “The Disaster Artist” is the story of two aspiring film actors who form a unique friendship and travel to Hollywood to make their dreams come true. Directed by James Franco, the movie stars Zoey Deutch, Alison Brie, Kristen Bell and Tommy Wiseau, as himself.

Beyond Skyline

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The Shape of Water Director Guillermo del Toro spins an other-worldly tale set during the Cold War in the early 1960s. Michael Shannon, Octavia Spencer and Sally Hawkins star as employees at a topsecret laboratory who discover a classified experiment.

I, Tonya The story of disgraced Olympic figure skater Tonya Harding, whose exhusband assaulted fellow Olympian Nancy Kerrigan, is told in this biography, directed by Craig Gillespie. Stars include Margot Robbie, Allison Janney, Sebastian Stan and Caitlin Carver.

Easily the most anticipated movie of 2017 is the eighth, and next to last of the expected nine movies, “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.” Starting where “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” ended, Rey (Daisy Ridley) joins Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) on an adventure with General Leia (Carrie Fisher’s final role), Finn (John Boyega) and Poe (Oscar Isaac). Rey, Finn and Poe begin their steps into the Jedi world also unlocking mysteries of the Force and secrets from the past.

Director and writer Liam O’Donnell’s “Beyond Skyline,” tells the story of a hard-bitten detective relentlessly following the group who took his son to an alien war ship. Stars include Frank Grillo, Bojana Novakovic, Iko Uwais and Callan Mulvey.

Ferdinand The voices of Kate McKinnon, David Tennant and Bobby Carnivale are featured in the animated version of the fairy tale “Ferdinand,” the story of a gentle bull who would rather sit in a field smelling flowers than become a star in the bull ring.


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Gotti “Gotti” is the biography of gangster John Gotti Sr. and his son. While Gotti Sr. was a mob boss who loved and died by the Mafia code, his son turned his back on a life of crime, and after serving three sep-arate jail sentences. John Travolta stars in the title role. Co-stars are Spencer Rocco LoFranco, Kelly Preston and Stacy Keach. Gotti

The Ballad of Lefty Brown Bill Pullman and Peter Fonda star in the revisionist western “The Ballad of Lefty Brown.” Pullman plays the title charac-ter, a bumbling cowboy who must take over his boss’s ranch when he (Peter Fonda) is elected senator from Montana and must go to Washington, D.C.


The Ballad of Lefty Brown

The Greatest Showman Hugh Jackman brings his song and dance skills to the silver screen as P.T. Barnum in “The Great Showman.” Zac Efron leaves a thankless job to become Ringmaster Phillip Carlyle. The movie is populated by stars like Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, and Michelle Williams and a large group of others who populate Barnum’s original circus.

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle The Greatest Showman

The last time we saw this dangerous game, it had washed up on a beach and picked up by two French children. In “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” four teenagers get sucked into the video version of the game, becoming the adult avatars they had chosen. They learn the hard lesson – to win, you must survive, or be stuck in the game. The avatars now include Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart and Jack Black.

DECEMBER 22 Happy End Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

“Happy End” stars Isabella Huppert, Jean-Louis Trintingnant and Mathieu Kassovitz . Set in Calais, this film shows the collapse of a wealthy family where at least one member is a sociopath.

All the Money in the World

Happy End

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The story of the 1973 kidnapping of John Paul Getty III, grandson of Jean Paul Getty, is told in “All the Money in the World.” The elder Getty is the richest man in the world and a miser. Played by Christopher Plummer, he is not ready to part with any money for his grandson’s return, despite the pleas of the young man’s mother, played by Michelle Williams.

Downsizing “Downsizing” is the perfect answer to the planet’s overpopulation problem. If people are shrunk down to say, 5 inches tall, they will use less of the world’s resources and be able to make a little money in the full size world become a fortune when you’re small. Matt Damon stars, along with the everurbane Christoph Waltz, Kristen Wiig and directed by Alexander Payne.

Pitch Perfect 3 The Bellas a capella singing group is back for one more gig in “Pitch Perfect 3.” After discovering there are no real jobs for them after graduation, the Bellas grab a chance to tour with the USO. Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson reprise their roles with other Bellas as they try to compete against a group using musical instruments.

All the Money in the World

Crooked House “Crooked House” is based on the Agatha Christie’s novel, features Max Irons as Charles Hayward, sent to solve a murder in a house where his former lover, and now suspect, lives. Other suspects are played by Christina Hendricks, Gillian Anderson, Glenn Close and Stefanie Martini.


Father Figures Owen Wilson, J.K. Simmons and Christopher Walken star in “Father Figure.” When two brothers find out their mother had lied about their father’s death, they set out to find him.

Hangman When a serial killer uses the spelling game Hangman to kill, Karl Urban and Al Pacino’s characters team up to find and stop him in “Hangman.”

Pitch Perfect 3

Crooked House


Father Figures

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DECEMBER 25 Phantom Thread Daniel Day-Lewis stars as fashion designer Reynolds Woodcock. He is well known in 1950s post-war London along with his sister Cyril (Lesley Manville). He also is known as a playboy, happily being a bachelor until he meets Alma (Vicky Krieps), a young, strong-willed woman.

DECEMBER 27 In the Fade “In the Fade” a woman loses her husband and son in a bomb attack. Katja (Diane Kruger) goes though all stages of mourning, then she starts planning revenge.

JANUARY 5 Molly’s Game Jessica Chastain plays the title role in “Molly’s Game” a factbased story about a high stakes poker game run by Molly Bloom. Formerly an Olympic-class skier, Molly ran her exclusive game for 10 years before being arrested by the FBI. She discovers her only friend is her criminal defense attorney Charlie Jaffey (Idris Elba).

Insidious: The Last Key “Insidious: The Last Key” is the story of how parapsychologist Dr. Elise Rainier (Lin Shaye) must face a fearsome creature in her home and protect her family at the same time.

Day of the Dead: Bloodline “Day of the Dead: Bloodline” A small group of military personnel and survivalists live in an underground bunker as they try to create a cure for the zombies who now overrun the planet.

Stratton “Stratton” is an action movie about a British Special Boat Service commando (Dominic Cooper) who must track down an international terrorist cell. Co-stars include Austin Stowell, Gemma Chan and Connie Nielsen.

JANUARY 12 Paddington 2 The cuddly bear in a red hat and blue jacket returns in “Paddington 2.” Now happily settled in with the Brown family, Paddington takes on a few odd jobs to get enough to buy the perfect gift for his Aunt Lucy’s 100th birthday. When the gift is stolen, he and the Browns must find it. Features voices of Ben Whishaw, Hugh Grant, Hugo Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, 50 ionOklahoma DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018

Paddington 2

The Post

Michael Gambon and Imelda Staunton.

The Post

The Commuter

Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks and Sarah Paulson star in a Steven Spielberg film, “The Post.” Streep plays Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham, who stands by editor Ben Bradlee (Hanks) as they play catch-up with the New York Times to expose what would be called “The Pentagon Papers” which spanned three decades and four U.S. Presidents.

The Commuter Sam Neil and Liam Neesom star in the action thriller “The Commuter.” Neesom is an insurance salesman who gets involved in a criminal conspiracy on his way home.

Proud Mary Taraji P. Henson plays a hit woman for a Boston crime family in “Proud Mary.” Her world shifts when a hit goes wrong and she meets a young boy. Neal McDonough and Danny Glover also star.

That Demon Within Based on events from the 1870s with a modern twist, “The Demon Within” is the story of a mother and daughter who move into Crestwick for a new start. They are unaware a demon called Nefas feeds on the souls of young girls and dinner has just moved in. The town’s doctor is skep-tical, but does what he can to save the girl. Stars Charlene Amoia, Patricia Ashley, Clinton Hummel and Michael Ehlers.

Proud Mary

12 Strong

JANUARY 16 12 Strong Chris Hemsworth divests himself of his “Thor” regalia to star in “12 Strong,” the first Special Forces deployed to Afghanistan after 9/11. Their mission is to work with an Afghan warlord to take down the Taliban. Also stars Taylor Sheridan, Michael Shannon, and Michael Pena. DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018 ionOklahoma 51

Mom and Dad

Forever My Girl

Mom and Dad


Nicolas Cage and Selma Blair, as Brent and Kendall Ryan, get to hunt their children in “Mom and Dad.” Something has caused mass hysteria in adults. It compels them to hurt their own children in the most violent way, causing teenager Carly Ryan (Anne Winters) and her brother Josh Ryan (Zackary Arthur) to hide until the hysteria passes.

Maze Runner: The Death Cure

Alex Roe stars as Liam Page, a country music star who returns home after 10 years to see the woman he left behind in “Forever My Girl.” That special girl is Josie (Jessica Rothe.)

Den of Thieves

White Boy Rick

“Den of Thieves” stars Gerard Butler, Pablo Schreiber and Sonya Balmores. In it, one thief planning a bank robbery gets caught between two sets of criminals.

“White Boy Rick” is the story of teenager Richard Wershe Jr. (Matthew McConaughey), who became an FBI in the 1980s. He finally was arrested for drug trafficking and sentenced to life in prison. The movie also stars Jennifer Jason Lee and Eddie Marsan.

The Leisure Seeker “The Leisure Seeker” is the name of an RV owned by John (Donald Southerland) and Ella (Helen Mirren) Spencer. The couple take a trip from Boston to Ernest Hemingway’s Key West Home. Death House

JANUARY 25 2.0 Rajinikanth, Akshay Kumar and Mayur Bansiwal star in the sci-fi film “2.0.” In it, Dr. Vaseegaran is forces to reassemble Chitti to stop a deadly winged monster. The Leisure Seeker

Death House Adrienne Barbeau, Lindsay Hartley and Kane Hodder star in “Death House.” Two agents are on a routine tour of a prison called Death House when the power breaks down. The agents must elude dangerous prisoners and discover something.

Forever My Girl

Den of Thieves

“Maze Runner: The Death Cure” In the finale of the Maze Runner Saga, Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) and his friends must find a cure for a deadly disease called “The Flare.” They must break into a well-fortified city to get the vaccine.

White Boy Rick

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This is not a complete list. Studios add or pull movies with little or notice. Also, some of the movies may “roll out” meaning they start on the East or West coast and each week they open in more markets. n

Maze Runner: The Death Cure

Tuesday, January 23 • 7:30 PM Tickets: $29

Presenting Sponsor:

Thursday, February 22 • 7:30 PM Tickets: $39 Presenting Sponsor:

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PEOPLE Young visionary entreprenuers restore historic Oklahoma City properties

Modern Touch by Omega & La Bella Event Center BY TIM FARLEY


athan and Scarlet Le-Cao are a busy couple with their rehabilitation of residential and commercial property in Oklahoma City.

The Caos own Omega Investments, which acquires and renovates distressed residential properties for long-term rental. Another company owned by the Caos, Modern Touch by Omega, handles the renovations.

Since 2008, the company has acquired and renovated more than 350 properties. In the past five years, Omega has been involved with extensive historical rehabilitations. “We have transformed and redeveloped hundreds of homes. We are proud to say that we were the pioneers in revitalizing Oklahoma City urban core neighborhoods,” Scarlet Le-Cao said. Some of those neighborhoods include Mesta Park, Gatewood, Crestwood, Putnam Heights, Jefferson Park,

Nathan and Scarlet Le-Cao

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La Belle Event Center

Classen Ten Penn and Military Park. “Our approach is to restore the elements that define the character of a historical home while adding modern touch sensibilities,” Scarlet said. “Many meticulous preservation efforts can be seen in the details of front doors, crown molding, windows, door knobs, stair cases and mores.” Their properties provide an open floor plan with luxurious, yet functional, finishes like modern kitchens and bathrooms, updated flooring and sophisticated plumbing and light fixtures. “We deliver homes that enhance customers’ busy, modern lifestyle,” Scarlet said. Homes are not their only passion. In 2016, the couple

purchased a former fitness and racquetball center at 6701 W. Wilshire Boulevard in Oklahoma City. The building, which is 17,702 square feet and was also a church at one time, has been transformed into an event center. Now called La Bella Event Center, the venue can accommodate wedding ceremonies and receptions, anniversary parties, family reunions, Sweet 16s, corporate luncheons and Quinceaneras. Omega Investments occupies the front office with the remaining space dedicated to the event center. “We offer a large bar, beautifully appointed dressing rooms and a modern catering kitchen to completely fulfill your event’s every need,” Scarlet said. “Whether the event is bold

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and dramatic or romantic and intimate, La Bella Event Center delivers a beautiful, stylish canvas for your imagination.” However, there were other ideas for the building before the Caos settled on the event center. Meeting Oscar Hernandez, king of the quinceaneras in Oklahoma City’s Hispanic community, solidified the thought that an event center would be a success. The Caos are Vietnamese and Hernandez is Hispanic, but the different cultures didn’t take away from the event center move. “Both cultures share the same “Our approach is to restore common foundation, which is family values,” Scarlet said. “Our mission the elements that define is to provide a beautiful venue for the character of a historical customers to make memories. It is a home while place to celebrate important events in their lives.” adding modern The event center idea also worked touch for the partners because of a shortage of space for those types of sensibilities.” gatherings in northwest Oklahoma — Scarlet Le-Cao City. “After we learned about the underserved market for nice event venues on this side of town, we decided to turn the building into an event center,” Scarlet said. Scarlet came to the U.S. 10 years ago as an international student and her first job was in catering. La Bella is also equipped to handle other events such as business luncheons, training and fundraising gatherings without the typical parking hassles. Modern Touch by Omega Office at 6701 W. Wilshire Blvd 56 ionOklahoma DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018

If the Cao couple weren’t busy enough, they’re also renovating the Martin John Reinhart mansion, 515 NW 13th in Midtown. The property was built in 1910 and was the original home of Martin John Reinhart and his family. The house has 3,775 square feet with an unfinished attic and basement space. The house features six bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms, two dining rooms and a covered porch. The master suite has a balcony, wet bar and a stylish master bath. “Our vision for this building is to be flagship AirBnb or flexible space in Midtown and downtown,” Scarlet said. “The streetcar, book store, coffee shops, restaurants and bars are just a block away. We want to bring more people to this building. We love the opportunity to add more pedestrian traffic to arguably the most walkable block in Oklahoma City.” Reinhart’s former home will be fully furnished for small weddings, bachelor and bachelorette parties or executive retreats. Reinhart was one of Oklahoma City’s first premier builders. Some of his work included the Biltmore Hotel, Osler Building (now the Ambassador Hotel) and the Midtown Plaza Court building. n

Remodeled historic Mesta Park mansion ready for new owner Home filled with exquisite beauty of the past, modern touches of the present A MESTA PARK MANSION that received a year’s worth of renovations has new life. Built circa 1910 and designed by architects Hawk & Parr, the house at 900 NW 19 has new life after major renovations by Omega Investments LLC. This grand 5,705 SF Spanish colonial Mesta Mansion has five bedrooms including a garage apartment, three full baths, two half baths, two car garage and a finished Speakeasy underground bar in the basement. The Guthrie Scottish Rite Temple, Hales Mansion (1521 N. Hudson), the Linwood Workman Home (3205 NW 19) and City Center building are also projects of Hawk & Parr.

The home is listed with historic home expert realtor Carla Splaingard from Re/Max Preferred for $1,298,500 which is at $227.87 /SF. “We haven’t had any type of product like this complete high quality remodeled historic home at this price range for a long time. This is one-of-akind,” Splaingard said. “It is an honor for us to take on this very special project,” said Nathan Cao, founder/owner of Omega Investments. The project was restored and developed by Modern Touch by Omega, a renovation department of Omega Investments. The construction management partner is R&J and Associates and the general contractor

was Halo Homes Renovation. “It takes team work, resources, discipline, vision and passion to have this splendor like today. I still remember the day that Raj, the owner of R&J and Associates, came to us and persuaded us to restore this property. It has been 18 months ago,” Cao said. “WHEN WE TOOK THE PROPERTY, it was in such a bad shape with so many things collected from so many decades. We used total 28 dumpsters to clean out,” said Hunter Meiki, owner of Halo Homes Renovation. “We had to work from the ground up to reinforce the foundation from the basement. We restored the original clay tile roof and salvaged the bricks to rebuild north and south of the property. Every single detail of the doors, windows and hardware took lots of time to restore.” The second floor has beautiful original wood floor with detailed design of mix maple and pine wood. The property has new plumbing, electrical, and HVAC.

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THE MESTA PARK MANSION was remodeled thoughtfully. Much of the historic details have been able retained throughout the property. “Our strength of design and renovation is to add some modern touch to historic homes to fit the modern lifestyle while keeping the historic values of the properties. All of the selection of design was thoughtful and planned with great details,” said Scarlet Le-Cao, co-owner & general manager of Omega Investments. and splashes of paint colors on the brick columns were painted by musicians and artists in the 1960s when the owner at the time opened the house as a commune for the artists to stay, according to a longtime Mesta Park neighbor. The wet bar was built with reclaimed wood from the house. “We also put our magic to turn an old black and white console TV we found in the basement into a working TV with LED screen,” said Meiki.

THE OLD FLOOR PLAN was cut up with small rooms. Several walls were removed to get the open concept. Most of the whole second floor is designated for the master suite with the seating area leading to the beautiful balcony. The unique architectural stamp of a stone “H” identifies Hawk’s mark on the balcony. An old grand pocket door was turned into a barn door to separate the bedroom with a walkin boutique closet. “The master closet is every woman’s dream. It is a fun and glamorous place to hang out with gold details, lots of mirrors, original claw foot tub, vintage double vanity and a walk-in shower,” Scarlet Cao said. THE GORGEOUS KITCHEN has lot of “wow” factors such as the custom-made venthood and open shelves with metal straps, nuts and bolts. Herringbone glass tile backsplash, leather granite, beautiful natural stone for the island and a farm sink works wonders combining the simple life with elegance. 900 NW 19 evokes people’s curiosity and imagination when walking down to the basement with the Speakeasy underground bar. The original Speakeasy mural on the wall 58 ionOklahoma DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018

The garage apartment was the first one to be built in the neighborhood back in the day. It was completely re-built with a modern country kitchen and bathroom after collapsing during renovation. The home’s beauty has been enhanced by kiln formed glass art pieces and painting from premiere glass artist Suzanne Mears. TO SCHEDULE A PRIVATE showing, please contact Realtor Carla Splaingard 405.740.8980. “We expect to find the perfect owner who will treasure this rare gem,” Splaingard said. n

THE REINHART MANSION located at 515 NW 13st Street was one of the early Heritage Hills mansions owned by one of Oklahoma City’s pioneer builders of commercial property in the midtown area nearby the downtown area of Oklahoma City in the early 1900’s. Today, Heritage Hills is still home to many city leaders and young families alike – just as it was 100 years ago. The tree-lined sidewalks and irreplaceable historic spaces offer a quality of life that only comes with age and history. The pioneer spirit is alive and well - with an active social community and strong alliances beyond its borders.

While it embraces the practicality and progress offered by modern life, it continues to battle against certain forces that would dissolve its character. Developers such as G.A. Nichols began buying the farmland around the stately mansions and built blocks of homes for the city’s elite during waves of economic boom. The Mid Continent Life Insurance Building located at 13th and Classen Drive borders Heritage Hills and has been restored to its original grandeur and now is the new home for the Gaylord Pickens Museum and Oklahoma Hall of Fame. n

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ONE OF A KIND Yukon man flew top secret missions for Patton during WWII BY TIM FARLEY News Editor


arroll Norman flew top-secret missions during World War II that only he and five other pilots had been trained to

pull off. Norman, 93, of Yukon, took orders from Gen. George Patton, who knew the advantages of conducting low-level, night bombings against specific German targets. Armed with intelligence reports, Norman would hit German military assets such as trains armed with war goods. “I chased a lot of those. I would hit anything the (U.S.) Army needed support on. I was the only one (U.S. pilot) flying those types of missions at the time,” the longtime said. “I also flew missions over the (English) Channel and I did that until D-Day when I was reassigned to the 3rd Army in France.” Norman didn’t become Patton’s top pilot without a lot of training, which can be traced back to his teenage years. Norman grew up as a farm boy and started taking flying lessons as a teen. He obtained his

Carroll Norman looks at a pictures of the men he served with in World War II.

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pilot’s license by the time he reached 16. As the war began heating up in Europe, the Royal Air Force came calling in the U.S. in search of top pilots and they found several including Norman. “I went through every training the course the RAF had at an accelerated pace,” he said. “I started with the Beaufighter and then flew the Mosquito which was used for night training and low-level exercises.” When those exercises turned into real-life missions against the German military machine, Norman used the aircraft’s eight, 5-inch rockets and the four, 20-mm cannons to hit the targets. The ground-controlled missions typically lasted anywhere from 90 minutes to two hours. “I would be given a time when I’d hit the target and intelligence was usually right,” Norman recalled. “I did that for 42 missions before I was shot down.” After crashing in German-occupied territory, Norman spent 10 days in the woods walking back toward American-held positions. “One of the train cars I had shot blew up next to me,” he recalled. Almost instantly after crashing, Norman thought to himself, “What am I doing here?” “I always carried plenty of rations so I wasn’t going to be hungry,” he said. “But I did kill a deer, cut off a quarter of it, roasted that and carried it with me.” Fortunately for Norman, he did not encounter German troops during his 10 days in the woods. Finally, the young pilot saw an American tank scouting for Germans. At last, he was rescued. “Keeping warm and staying out of sight were my biggest obstacles,” he said. “I wasn’t in a mountain region. Most of it (terrain) was pretty level.” Norman talked about his tenure with Patton and the lavish way he was treated by Patton, also known as Old Blood and Guts. “I was considered a tool of Patton’s. He always wanted me to have the best of everything. I had fresh eggs every morning, which is something most people didn’t have. I lived alone in a four-person test and they eventually put me in a French hotel,” Norman said. “I was doing something nobody else was doing by flying those low-level, nighttime missions.” Norman was shot down earlier in his military career outside of Paris, France, when he was flying a P-70, but he was

Carroll Norman getting into a fighter jet.

rescued quickly. The rescue was deemed critical because of the specific expertise and knowledge Norman had acquired. “I had a lot of privileges because of that,” he said. “I was one of a kind. Every mission I flew and everywhere I went was classified. I had one of the highest security clearances I could get. I could go anywhere I wanted to in my airplane as long as I didn’t have any missions.” After WW II ended, Norman remained in fighter units and bounced from unit to unit depending on the needs of the U.S. Air Force. “I had gone through classified schools for radar and DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018 ionOklahoma 61

language. I had every job (in the Air Force) you can think of,” he said. One of the assignments was filtration missions flown in B-50 aircraft over Bikini Atoll, which is part of the Marshall Islands. The filtration missions were needed to detect the level of radioactivity from nuclear explosions that occurred from nuclear devices detonated by the U.S. between 1946 and 1958 at seven test sites on the reef itself, on the sea, in the air and underwater. “We were finding out the damage it would do to people and places,” Norman said. “Those islands still have a lot of radiation today.” Norman said large tanks placed on the wings of his aircraft collected the air from around the detonation points and provided U.S. officials with information about the radiation that still existed. “Those were 30-hour missions, and they were boring to me,” he recalled. 62 ionOklahoma DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018

In 1947, Norman was assigned to escort the bodies of dead soldiers back to their homes. “It was rewarding, but I didn’t like it,” he said. “Every family welcomed me with open arms. Some of them would want me to stay for the services.” Later in his career, Norman worked as a judge advocate for the Air Force and tried several smaller cases. He also helped organize the military’s first airto-air defense school, which taught fighter pilots how to fire their unguided rockets at enemy planes. Finally, Norman ended his military career after almost 30 years in the Air Force. But he and his wife, Dorothy, didn’t sit on the couch and retire. Instead, they bought an airport in Kingsland, Texas, where they rented hangar space to aircraft owners. They also restored World War II planes and flew them to air shows for years. “Dorothy was a pilot, too. She loved to fly. We would restore those planes, fly them and sell them,” Norman said. “We had a pretty good business going there.” But then the diagnosis came in the mid-1990s. Doctors told the couple Dorothy had Parkinson’s disease. Given only a short time to live, Dorothy outlasted the prognosis by living an extra 10 years. Sometimes, the military and personal memories are tough to recall for the aging Norman, but the medals, photographs and commendations are proof this living legend and war hero contributed in significant ways to America’s success in World War II. n


OPENING NIGHT December 31 7:00 pm - 11:59 pm Bicentennial Park 500 Couch Dr. Downtown Oklahoma City OPENING NIGHT 2018 Ring in the new year in style! Since 1987, Opening Night has been the place for families and friends to enjoy the performing arts and “open” the New Year in the spirit of community. Downtown Oklahoma City is the setting for a variety bands, fireworks, and an unforgettable children’s craft and performance area. The day begins with the festive Finale 5k and all the excitement concludes with a fireworks extravaganza at midnight. Á

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OPENING NIGHT THINGS TO KNOW Wristbands Wristbands are available for purchase on December 1. Find at MidFirst Bank locations, 7-Eleven stores, the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, and Plenty Mercantile. On the night of the event, you may purchase wristbands at sales locations across the event. Wristbands are $8 in advance, $10 the night of the event.

Children’s Area The Children’s Area in the Hall of Mirrors in Civic Center Music Hall means family-friendly fun! Enjoy face painting, an interactive art project, and lively musical performances – perfect to ring in the New Year

The Wise Guys

2018 Performers Food Trucks in Finale Alley Find hot drinks, snacks, and other delicious options in Finale Alley any time before midnight! Bacon N Cakin: Pancake sandwiches and bacon infused angus beef sliders made fresh to order Eddie’s Wings on Wheels: Crispy, juicy and oh-so wonderful wings Hijo’s Taqueria: Authentic street tacos, quesadillas, and other tasty Mexican fare Junction Coffee: Fresh coffee, espresso drinks, and other hot beverages Let’s Do Greek: Greek and Mediterranean food including gyros, rice bowls, and more MacTastic: Creamy mac & cheese bowls with delicious addins Pitchfork: Homemade farmhouse favorites including sandwiches, baked goods and coffee Sizzle N Spice: Tandoori style, Pakistani and Indian food Snow S’more: Hand crafted s’mores and coffee beverages Taste of Soul Chicken and Waffles: Delicious chicken and waffle sandwiches, and more Tasty Beats: Delightful selection of concession favorites. Wicked Hangry: Gourmet burgers, sliders and grown-up grilled cheese

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The Wise Guys, Civic Center Music Hall, 9-11:30PM OKC Improv, Oklahoma City Museum of Art Auditorium, 7 - 11:30PM Adam and Kizzie and Bricktown Clowns, Bicentennial Park Finale Stage, 7 - 11:30PM Edgar Cruz, Ron Norrick Downtown Library 4th floor, 7 - 11:30PM Steelwind Duo, Bicentennial Park Finale Stage, 7 - 11:30PM Brisa Sur, Ron Norrick Downtown Library Atrium, 7 - 11:30PM The House Session, Oklahoma City Museum of Art Founder’s Hall, 7 - 11:30PM Michael King’s One Man Circus, City Hall Lobby, 7 - 11:30PM

Fireworks Finale!

The Wise Guys take the Opening Night Finale Stage in Bicentennial Park at 9:00 and play until midnight. Playing coverts from vintage rock n’roll to contemporary pop, The Wise Guys will delight audience members of all ages. Dance in the New Year to everything from The Beach Boys to The Cars to Maroon 5, and more. The Wise Guys count us down to midnight, when a fireworks extravaganza rings in 2018! n

Adam and Kizzie

Edgar Cruz

Steelwind Duo

DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018 ionOklahoma 65

TRAVEL Tulsa to Dallas to Santa Fe Saga



o mimic Vincent Van Gogh, “It was a dark and stormy night” at the DFW Airport in Dallas/Fort Worth, America.

The storm didn’t come from lightning, rain or thunder. Rather the rumble was the frustration/angst of 100 passengers who were about six hours late leaving Tulsa on a flight to Dallas on Saturday, October 7, 2017. None of the passengers – even the most seasoned of travelers – could have predicted the outcome of that scheduled mid-afternoon flight that didn’t take to the skies until evening. To the Tulsa International Airport’s credit, the crew at our boarding gate provided the welcome diversion of abundant snacks and bottled water to appease the growing frustration of travelers. Everyone at the gate knew their plans had gone askew while waiting for a plane to fly us to Dallas. Mechanical problems were cited as the reason for the plane’s very late arrival. Passengers so weary of waiting cheered the plane’ eventual arrival. This was not the first time a plane I was booked on from Tulsa to Dallas was tardy. Actually, it was the sixth time in three years I experienced

frustrations with late leaving planes from Tulsa’s International Airport. I was headed for Santa Fe, New Mexico. I’ve been so pleased in the past few years that American Eagle now flies directly into Santa Fe. I visit there as often as I can to stay at a condo on Canyon Road, owned by family members. Canyon Road is an artists’ mecca and the best place to see the diversity of art in America. If you can’t visit abroad, Santa Fe is the next best thing. From Tulsa to Dallas, it’s a quick flight – less than an hour, but of course, there’s usually some waiting time at the gate. Many of the passengers – myself included – had already missed their connecting flights

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by the time we were in the clouds, leaving Tulsa. I was scheduled to arrive at the Santa Fe airport about 7:30 p.m., get my rental car, arrive at the condo 28 minutes later and meet two Dallas friends who were my house-guests for the week. Instead, I wound up in lock-up in a secluded office at DFW’s Terminal 3! Likewise, my baggage – filled with Santa Fe style apparel – was held hostage somewhere in the bowels of Terminal 3. Since July 2005, I’ve been a heart patient, with a lovely pacemaker that means I can never wear a strapless dress again. A savvy Triple AAA travel agent suggested I always have a wheel chair waiting for me at DFW. Passengers never know, until arrival, how far the trek might be from one gate, one terminal to another. This has saved my heartbeat on many occasions. The DFW airport has never failed to have a wheelchair and a pleasant attendant waiting for me. I’m a big tipper for this service and because I’ve been an inquisitive journalist for half a century, I always find out something interesting about my “pusher.” Finally landing at DFW, all of the passengers who had missed connecting flights were diverted to “Customer Care” – many steps away from our arrival gate. I’m

sitting in my comfy wheelchair by the gate attendant’s desk and my fellow passengers are scurrying to Customer Care. I’m the last one to arrive. The line is long as passengers snake their way toward a bank of Customer Care employees. It’s good I’m a patient person. My pusher is an attentive young DFW employee from India and I’m finally motioned forward to an assistant at the Customer Care Desk. I am the last woman sitting to be helped that night. She says, regretfully, “We don’t have any more hotel vouchers left.” I am tired. I’m hungry. I’m given dinner vouchers to restaurants about to close in other DFW terminals. I feel my pacemaker going into action. This is not pleasant news. “But we do have a room in an office in Terminal C where you can spend the night!” She gave me a breakfast voucher. My pusher took me on a whirlwind ride to a private area behind locked doors I never knew existed in Terminal C. I saw the signs that this area was off limits to the public. I frighten easily. The office was busy even at 10 p.m. The staff was cordial. Regrettably, I did not have a cell phone with me and the staff let me make one phone call to my

Dallas friends who were waiting for my arrival in Santa Fe. The only reason I could use the phone was because their cell phone had a Dallas area code. I was shown “my room” for the night. It was small and cold. The bed was really a low budget leather sofa with the semblance of a mattress. I was given eight thin American Airlines passenger blankets. A large floor to ceiling window – no draperies or shades – faced the bed. There was a TV, three office-style chairs and one small ottoman. I don’t recall any art on the walls. There was a bathroom directly across from my room but since I didn’t have any “priority status” I couldn’t use it. Facilities for “guests” were “down the hall to the left, turn right, cross the office threshold, walk across the wide hall, outside of this office complex,” an attendant directed. She had suggested I use that bathroom before the office door was locked for the night. I really couldn’t sleep much amid the office staff’s late night activity, but I made it through the cold, restless night. I did miss my comfy pillow from home. The next morning I wanted to leave, have a little breakfast on the free voucher before catching my 9:15 Sunday morning plane to Santa Fe. I inquired about the

possibility of a cup of coffee. The attendant said, “It’s way too strong. You couldn’t drink it.” I wanted to say, “Try me.” So coffee was out. So was leaving early. That wasn’t allowed. “We can’t let you leave until 30 minutes before your plane boards,” an attendant said. I felt compelled to ask the pivotal question. Just what kind of place is this? I learned it’s a security facility for the elderly (I qualified) who are traveling alone, might have memory problems and need supervision. It’s also for children who are traveling solo. “That’s why security is so tight,” an attendant said. All I wanted was coffee, breakfast , freedom, an unlocked door and a wheelchair ride to my gate. An attendant finally let me out of lock-up. I didn’t quite get to my favorite Episcopal church that Sunday morning in Santa Fe on time as I had hoped, even though the American Eagle flight arrived a bit early. My luggage was the last to arrive at the baggage carousel in the Santa Fe airport. In spite of all the inconvenience and a mild case of fright, I’m grateful for an American Airlines Customer Care attendant in Terminal 3 who went beyond the call of duty to find the semblance of a bed and plenty of blankets for me that evening. Travel after all, must always be seen as an adventure. n Writer’s Bio: M. J. Van Deventer is an award-winning journalist and book author who has traveled the globe for newspapers and magazines in the southwestern region of the United States. She is a retired university journalism professor who continues to write about interesting people, places and things.

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LEADERSHIP 2018 NextGen Leadership expands statewide Ambassador Network oklahoma

First quarter Orientation Luncheon January 13, 2018 Oklahoma History Center


he mission of the NextGen Oklahoma Leadership program is to inspire and encourage the next generation of Oklahoma leaders to best utilize their talents and creative energy to improve Oklahoma’s workplaces, families and communities. Oklahoma is very fortunate to have many very talented young people living in our state. The ultimate goal of our movement is to make Oklahoma the state of choice for Millennials across the nation and more specifically those young people now living in Oklahoma Don Swift, NextGen founder and publisher of ion Oklahoma Online Magazine, challenged NextGen Ambassadors to lead a movement that will encourage young Oklahomans between the ages of 20-39 to step up in leadership roles in their communities across the state. The cross section of young Oklahomans are involved in banking, law, insurance,

education, government, accounting, non-profit organizations, energy, agriculture, manufacturing, marketing, media, sports and public relation careers fields. NextGen Ambassadors will meet four times annually and provide direction, creation and event planning with NextGen organizers, the most relevant quality program content that will help young people advance their leadership knowledge and provide them with the tools to grow in their careers and personal lives. NextGen Ambassadors can be the conduit between communities across the Oklahoma and encourage worthwhile networking between rural and urban cities. This connection of talented young people can have an important impact on growth in our state. The 2018 NextGen Oklahoma Leadership Networking Program will include four regional one-day networking workshops across Oklahoma in addition to the annual NextGen under 30 Award Ceremony and Day at the State Capitol to meet the governor and lieutenant governor. Visit and click on the Ambassador menu name. You can read more about the Ambassador program and then complete the NextGen Ambassador application if you are interested. I welcome all young people to check it out on our website. In 2017 our first year of the Ambassador program we had 27 young people from nine different cities in Oklahoma participate. n

70 ion Oklahoma DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018

NextGen Oklahoma Leaders

AMBASSADOR’S ORIENT ORIENTA TA ATION Oklahoma History Center Center, r,, January 13, 2018

NextGen Oklahoma Leaders Ambassadors help plan how to engage their generation in building the future of Oklahoma from a Millennial’s perspective. Ambassadors are selected from NextGen Under 30 alumni and from interested supporters who attend Next Gen Okalahoma Leaders workshops and retreats. Ambassadors also have key roles in workshops workshops and andthe theannual annualawar awar d ceremony.

Dan Provo, Director of the Oklahoma Museum of History, welcomes the NeexxtGen Oklahoma Ambassadors.






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Leadership Networking Workshop


CHOCTAW CASINO & RESORT, 4617 S Hwy Hw 69/75, Durant, OK. ~CEDAR ROOM~

>˜Õ>ÀÞ Þ £n] Óä£n U 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


BUILDING COLLABORATIVE T COMMUNITIES A day of networking and professional development for Oklahoma’s NextGen Leaders Le ages 20-40.

Communicating your world and understanding theirs, to unleash the creative energy in your home, your workplaces, and your community.


Regu price lar $9



only $ 49

nextge nunder 3 com LUNCH 0.c /works hops IN NCLU DED

Ȉ CONNECT with young community and professional leaders in your area Ȉ DEVELOP your leadership talents in an interactive leadership session Ȉ INTERACT with local decision makers during the Leader Circles WHO SHOULD ATTEND? TTEN All are welcome – the focus is on young leaders (20-40 years old). Space is limited. Advanced registration is required.

Local host

AGENDA OOM 9:00 a.m. Check in and informal networking ~ CEDAR R ROOM 9:30 a.m. Networking activity 10:00 a.m. LEADER CIRCLES CIRCLES:: casual roundtable conversations with prominent prominent area area business and community leaders. Ȉ Chief Gary Batton, Batton, Chief of the Choctaw Nation Ȉ Greg Massey, Massey, CEO 1st United Bank Ȉ Liz McCra McCraw, w, Ȉ Jon Hazell, Science Teacher, Teacher, Durant High School, 2017 Oklahoma Oklahoma Teacher Teacher of the Year Year Ȉ Shaun Banner, Banner, Plant Manager, Cardinal FG LUNCHEON & Keynote Keynote:: Lt. Gov. Gov. Todd Todd Lamb 1:00 p.m. LEADERSHIP SESSION: Perspectives, Blindspots, Collaboration, and the Dynamics of Change Making. Making. 4:00 p.m. Dismiss

Contact: Garland McWatters, 972-762-3955, NextGen Oklahoma Leaders workshops are produced by INPowered2 LEAD


EVENTS Oklahoma City Bachelors Club members celebrate a 72 year tradition on Thanksgiving Day delivering invitations to the annual Bachelors Club Christmas Holiday Debutante Ball on December 22, 2017.

The Bachelors Club Tradition: Every year it all begins early on Thanksgiving Morning B ACH E LO R S




wenty five college women were invited to become debutantes and be presented at the annual Bachelor Club Christmas Holiday Ball scheduled on December 22, 2017 at the Oklahoma City Golf & County Club.

Bachelors Club members Thanksgiving morning, November 23, 2017.

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These invitations were uniquely delivered as a surprise visit to each of the debutantes’ homes on Thursday, November 23rd Thanksgiving morning by Bachelors Club members dressed in tuxedo formal attire and who traveled via limousines. Four teams of Bachelors Club members present the young women and their parents with a formal invitation, a rose, etched champagne glasses and bottle of champagne between 9:00am and 12:00 on Thanksgiving Day. The annual Bachelors Club Christmas Ball is typically attended by over 600 people and has been recognized as one of Oklahoma City’s most enjoyable events for friends and families over the holiday season. Each year all proceeds from this event are donated to a worthy local charitable organization selected by the Bachelors Club members. The 2017 charity is “Hearts for Hearing”. Over the years the Oklahoma City Bachelors Club members have donated thousands of dollars to local charities.

Bachelors Club members delivering invitations

2017 DEBUTANTES ARE: Claire Bizzell Abbott Vivian Brooks Armitage Olivia Ashton Beall Heidi Glee Brown Abigail Elise Cain Claire Judith Cameron Karen Amelia Cottrell Katherine Jane Cox Hannah Elaine Cunningham Sally Nicole Denner Dylan Sierra Dobson Lauren Taylor Dobson Isabella Slayden Dunning Marie Nordin receives her invitation

Sydney Rachel Dye Grace Holly Griffin Lauren Kathryn Hardberger Aubrey Jean Hermen Mackenzie Ann Kenny Amanda Elise Lewis Morgan Danielle Meacham Ann Marie Nordin Hanna Beth Northcutt Isabelle Marguerite Ostrowe Megan Hope Trachtenberg Tillie Rist Allen Grace Griffin’s parents watch as she receives her invitation

Claire Cameron receives her invitation.

Dylan Dodson receives her invitation.

2017 BACHELOR CLUB MEMBERS ARE: Mr. Samuel Adam McDonald (President) Mr. Cole Patrick Terlip (Vice President) Mr. John Alexander Merrill (Secretary) Mr. Stuart Henry Krous (Treasurer) Mr. Jennings Grayson Hammock Mr. James Finley Bennett Mr. Chase Michael Skelton Tillie Allen receives her invitation.

Mr. Kleron Raj Mr. Vijay Raj Mr. Kyle Christian Cummings Mr. John Ditmars Mr. Richard Bascum Pippin Mr. Marshall Lucas Mr. Jack Livingston

Family gathers with Morgan Meacham when she receives her invitation.

76 ionOklahoma DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018

Isabelle Ostrowe receives her invitation.

Mr. Warren Robert Hoover Mr. Stephen Bartlett Amalong Mr. Saxon Douglas Allton Mr. Coleman McHugh Moody Mr. Cort Preston Hagan Mr. Emory John Hood Mr. Joseph Gregory Wheeler

Lauren Hardberger receives her invitation.

Megan Trachtenberg receives her invitation.

Mr. Matthew Storm Rund Mr. Jennings Patterson Jarman Mr. Marcelo Lucas Puiggari Mr. William Thomas Milam III Mr. Jacob Patrick Rainbolt Mr. Stephen Bartlett Amalong

Bachelor Club members deliver invitations

DECEMBER 2017/ JANUARY 2018 ionOklahoma 77







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