2014 Craftacular yard sale form

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Backroads Plum Crazy

Craftacular Yard Sale Sellers Form

Seller’s Name: ________________________________________ Address:

________________________________________ ________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________________________ Number of 4 Foot Tables ($5 each OR 1 hour working at the yard sale): _______ Seller Number: _______ Backroads Plum Crazy is not responsible for loss, damage or theft of items brought to the sale. Seller agrees to bring priced items to Backroads Plum Crazy by 7 PM July 16th, 2014. Items without prices will be assigned a price by Backroads Plum Crazy. Profits from the sale will be applied towards a store gift certificate. Seller will pick up any unsold items by July 31st, 2014. Any remaining unsold items will be donated to charity. I agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement. _______________________________________________________________ Signature Date

Backroads Plum Crazy is not responsible for loss, damage, or theft of items brought to the sale. Seller agrees to bring priced items to Backroads Plum Crazy by 7 PM July 16th, 2014. Items without prices will be assigned a price by Backroads Plum Crazy. Profits from the sale will be applied towards a store gift certificate. Seller will pick up any unsold items by July 31st, 2014. Any remaining unsold items will be donated to charities. Seller Name:_______________________________________ Seller Number:__________ I am working the sale from _____ am/pm to _____ am/pm OR ______ $5 Fee Paid

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