2 minute read
Happy Independence Day
Editorz Notez
Check out the EVENTZ section of this issue for upcoming events in July and August. We only have a few listed here. No need to take up several pages in the print mag when we can fill those pages with bikers Livin’ The Life! You can find many more biker events easily on your phone or computer by going to our Facebook page Behind Barz Mag. You can also read Behind Barz online for free before it ever comes out in print.
Check out the cover...Chuck and Leslie Kubasek on their HD CVO. See pages 24-25 for more info of that event.
Check out all of our “Livin’ The Life” stories in this issue! There are so many out there. If you would like, please send us yours. We would love to hear all about it!
We want to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day! Celebrating the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress. It announced the political separation of the 13 North American colonies from Great Britain. Declaring ourselves to be a free and independent nation, gaining our freedom...the birth of American independence!
Thank you for your continued support! ...and keep Livin’ The Life!
If you are lost...have faith in Him! He will get you through whatever it is that you may face...because He is with you...all the time! God Bless you and yours! We’ll see you out on the road, Behind Barz!!!
Send: ideas, recipes, stories, photos, complaints, suggestions or whatever to: PO Box 692 - Nashville, N.C. - 27856 or email: behindbarzmm@suddenlink.net check out the official website... WWW.BEHINDBARZ.COM also FaceBook, Instagram, or Twitter
PUBLISHERS & EDITORS: debbie “DOOBIE” sykes - 252-314-8589 vince “Vinney” byrne - RIP
SALEZ: Debbie Sykes
spick - the best of both worlds charlie - after the 18th hole m.a. - the one and only harley mama jason - foreign corespondent kate - foreign corespondent bones - black hills under ground pork - black hills high wire lady d - LA corespondent angel eyes - on the other side moe - shitcreek Survivor vinney - the original picker! RIP mike - always on call jaybird - Always ridin’ damn yank - on the north side bob bryant - poetry biker becky - Road Glide Queen dave - Iron Man chewy - iron mutt ewing RIP izzy - MM South Carolina big ed - Only as he can tell it! bobby earl - cointreuversial wild bill - the iron horse cowboy RIP
“jus” rick - former golden boy preacher man - SHBC RIP d-rod - “guardians” public relations RIP
Chuck & Leslie Kubasek Livin’ The Life on their HD CVO!
We reserve the right to edit all letters, opinions, or articles for publication in “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. No part of “Behind Barz” may be reproduced for any purpose in intirety or in part without the express written consent of “Behind Barz”. “Behind Barz” does not endorse any advertiser or its products and cannot be held responsible for advertisers claims. “Behind Barz” has the right to refuse advertisements for any reason. “BB” will not intentionally publish fraudulent or misleading advertising. Opinions depicted in any photograph or writing does not necessarily reflect the view point of the staff of “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. Manuscripts, artwork, photographs, inquiries and submitted materials are welcomed.
indiana bill - the longest in the world paul - ghost baseball player bob - preacher bob and bullwinkle michelle - keeping it real bunny - anywhere there’s cruzan RIP rodger - Jesus freak samantha - Blue Knights mikey - Inspector Clouseau