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Bullwinkle Chronicles
The Bullwinkle
By: Bob Seymour
It’s been a different kind of winter for me so far this Year. Normally I’d be in the southwest or the southeast from October until spring but I felt led to come back to Colorado when I left Rockford Illinois in September. I resisted the leading to return at first but after a very strong confirmation that I couldn’t deny I loaded my things in my little trailer and rode back to Colorado. I was resisting going back because I didn’t have any winter clothes and I absolutely do not like freezing temperatures and snow. When I left New York I never intended to be back in cold weather again so I left all of my winter clothes behind….
I didn’t know what I was gonna do about getting some warm riding gear but I couldn’t let myself ignore the Spirit so I turned around and believed that God would meet my needs. When my Facebook friends heard that I was going back to Colorado without the ability to ride warm, they stepped up way beyond the call by giving me some really good warm clothes as well as giving me some cash to buy a pair of good shoes. I was humbled by the number of people who helped me out with winter clothes and I’m especially thankful to my friend Robert for giving me a set of heated grips for Bullwinkle and my friend Mike at Elite V-Twin for giving me a huge break installing them.
My friends have been a Godsend to me in many ways beyond keeping me warm. They have given me rides to wherever I needed to go when I couldn’t ride Bullwinkle and they rarely allow me to buy them gas or give them a few dollars for going out of their way for me. They have opened their homes and welcomed me as a brother, they’ve fed me well and given me a warm bed to sleep in…they’re not just my friends, they are my family. Bob Seymour 607-972-5047 bseymour75@gmail.com facebook.com/pvt1st

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ullwinkle Chronicles

I’ve been trying to figure out why I came back to Colorado since the day before I left Rockford Illinois in September. I had no doubt that I was following the leading of the Spirit but I had no idea why He wanted me to come back. A couple of times I thought I figured out why but every time I thought I understood the reason something would happen that would eliminate my reasoning.
Just about the time I decided to stop figuring things out I received a phone call from a friend and 1st Nations Medicine Woman I met last summer. She called to tell me that she had been thinking about me and felt very strongly that there is something very good and very big coming to me but that I need to be ready when it happens.
She went on to say that she felt like I was brought back to Colorado for my own well-being. She told me that I need to take some time to search my heart and rest my body so I’ll be ready for whatever is coming my way.
When she gave me the word she received from the Spirit it resonated with my spirit. I always look for confirmation from several sources so I sent a message to some friends asking them for a confirmation without telling them what the word was and then I began praying for a confirmation from the scriptures.
Two of the people I messaged sent me the confirmation I was looking for and I got one from the scriptures, too. I’m not very good at sitting in one place too long but I don’t have much choice at the moment so I’m gonna heed the counsel from the Spirit and my friends to rest my body and my spirit.
Sometimes my life is complicated and seemingly chaotic but I know God’s ways and mine are not the same. I try to live by the motto “Blessed are the flexible for they shall bend but not break” because living and ministering in and by the Spirit is as unpredictable as the wind. I’ve been living by this motto for several years now and I’ve been stretched and bent in a million different ways on this journey but my God has never allowed me to become broken….

So I guess for the immediate future, I’ll sit tight and enjoy the beauty of the Colorado Rocky Mountains…..