5 minute read
From the Mind of Big Ed
Big Ed aka 2Timer
Hello My Happy People!
The days are finally getting longer, and it won’t be much longer before those temperatures start to get where we can drop those leathers. Time to give that bike a good look over for the next season of being in the wind again. Which this past weekend the temps gave us an opening to enjoy a ride with nothing more than a hoodie. I got my chance to enjoy the 70’s outside but it was a bitter sweet ride. I rode down to Ktown which is a name giving by folks who grew up in Kinston, NC. A lady who was the mother of two friends I grew up with during high school lost her battle to cancer. Her name is, Sandy Taylor, and you couldn’t have met a sweeter and more genuine person, ever! Sandy was a biker and loved to ride. Her love for family and riding was displayed on her Facebook and everywhere she went. When I first met Sandy, I was introduced by her two twin daughters Jennifer and Julie. We all got close and we had what was similar to a family type bond. My best friend Eddie was dating Jennifer at that time and we all hung out in our early teens. We had a ball and just did what teens did. Go to the mall and hang out in the parking lot. There wasn’t much for teenagers to do during those days but hanging out in our cars and going to the local bars to play pool. Eventually they broke up and we went our separate ways, but it didn’t change our bond. When My Dad passed from Cancer, both Jennifer and Julie showed up to my Dad’s funeral. It meant a lot to me and I have never forgotten it. They were there to show their love for me during a very hard and difficult time in my life. Jennifer came up to me with tears in her eyes and hugged my neck and told me if there was anything I needed to let them know and that meant a lot. I wanted to be sure the sisters knew I never forgot and I too, wanted to be there for them, even though we all went our separate ways in life. Their mother, Sandy, kept the strings together. She sent me a friend request when I first started my page and that’s how we kept up. She made many comments relating to my children and how she enjoyed watching them grow up. When I was out and about and I’d see her where ever that was, she would definitely make her way to me to grab a hug and enquire how life was treating me. When I found out about her battle with cancer we chatted a couple of times about what she was doing as far as treatments but she didn’t put much focus on being sick but more her focus was love for life and her family. Sandy will definitely be missed. Her Husband Roland stayed by her side and made it very clear she was his soul mate, and this was shown very well through the pictures of them together either riding or hanging out with family and friends. They both had a tremendous love for the biker lifestyle. It wasn’t a lifestyle for them, it was life for both of them. During her celebration of life she made it clear that her last wishes were to not morn of her passing but to enjoy the time and remember her the way she loved her family and friends. Jennifer also let me know that they plan for a Memorial ride on May 7th to also remember how much she enjoyed being in the wind and the passion she had for Harley-Davidson motorcycles and Yes, I do plan on attending.
I left her celebration of life and headed back home. The ride back home my mind was filled with Sandy’s inspiration of this lifestyle. I found myself in admiration of her life. I couldn’t help but think of the love she had for it and how her love for motorcycles was installed in almost every aspect of her life. Even her husband Roland spent many years of his life working at different Harley dealerships as a mechanic. The love for motorcycles and the freedom of the road. What more can you really ask for. The people you meet and friendships you acquire during this ride on this big blue ball can and will last a lifetime. I look at the pictures I have and how motorcycles have affected my life. I started young and I couldn’t ever let it go. I didn’t always have the money to go all out with it, but
From The Mind of Big Ed...
it didn’t hold me back from being in the wind. I started with a 1978 Honda Silverwing and as I progressed in life so did my bikes. I’m still not done yet. One day I hope to obtain the absolute bike of my dreams, but I’ve not gotten there just yet. One day though, but until then I’m going to be satisfied with what I have and be thankful for this life I share with all of you who are reading this.
With Spring closely approaching I know we are all about ready to starting twisting back the throttle and eating a few bugs along the way. Hitting the black top and adding memories to the miles is what it is all about. I stand with brothers who are planning to go to Daytona this year or saving up for that first time ride to Sturgis. It’s awesome and I can’t help but want to ride with all of them. No, I won’t be heading to those destinations myself, but it’ s still thrilling to think about. I don’t care if I make those big rides as long as I can hit the wind in a few small rides along the way. I do plan on hitting the mountains with my club and that right there is great enough for me.
Im going to end this for now and I hope y’all stay safe this year. I’m going to go out to the shed and do an oil change and tighten a few bolts and change my front brake pads. Wrenching and riding is how we live and it’s a great life.
I hope to see you all with your faces in the wind and throwing out a biker’s wave and I will catch you again from Behind Barz
Roland and Sandy