A journey of discovery At each turning point a moment to reflect as you are drawn to the centre. But the journey inward is only the beginning, as we find our way through; the Labyrinth.
1 Lord, You have always given bread for the coming day; and though I am poor, today I believe. The nicest thing in the world is a WISH-LIST – it helps me to dream without being greedy. Help me to share what I have, and to be grateful. ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’
It is better to give stuff than to receive it, but getting stuff is pretty good, too! The most important things can only be seen with the heart.
Repeat Bold.
2 Lord, You have always given strength for the coming day and though I am weak, today I believe. He gives more grace as our burdens grow greater, He sends more strength as our labours increase; for added afflictions He adds His mercy, for multiplied trials He multiplies peace. His love has no limits; His grace has no measure, His power no boundary known to all men; for out of His infinite riches in Jesus He gives and He gives, and He gives yet again.
When we have exhausted our store of endurance, when our strength has failed and the day’s not half-done, when we reach the end of our hoarded resources our Father’s full giving is only begun! A prayer:
“ HELP ! “
So, now let the weak say, I am strong.’ Repeat Bold.
3 Lord, You have always given peace for the coming day; and though of anxious heart, today I believe. Don’t let anything bother you or make you fearful. These things don’t last, but God remains the same. Hang on in there, keep keeping on, and you’ll get to what you really need, eventually. If you have God, what else really matters? He is enough. Peace, perfect peace is Your gift, Lord.
God, give me Your SHALOM-peace, so all the bits come together for me in all the right places. Repeat Bold
4 Lord, You have always kept me safe in trials; and now, tried as I am, today I believe. I want to get everything sorted and then relax, knowing everything is sorted. You want me to relax, knowing everything will be sorted. You realize that if I can’t stop being agitated I’ll always be part of the problem instead of someone who can help sort it out!
Sometimes it would help if there was a big sign, saying, ‘THIS IS A TEST!’ Repeat Bold
5 Lord, You have always marked the road for the coming day; and though it may be hidden, today I believe. What will this day be like? I wonder. What will my future be? I wonder. It could be so exciting to be out in the world; to be free my heart should be wildly rejoicing. Oh, what's the matter with me? I've always longed for adventure, to do the things I've never dared, and here I'm facing adventure then why am I so scared?
Today is mine, what will I do with it? Throw it away, that’s what I do with it nine times out of ten. The sun will shine, am I a friend of it? I wouldn’t say I was a friend of it nine times out of ten. What will I do with today? Here I stand at the crossroads of life: this way or that way, to which shall I go? What shall I do with today? Repeat Bold.
6 Lord, You have always lightened this darkness of mine; and though the night is here, today I believe.
and fear of the unknown, my jealousy and violent temper, or the poisonous things I feel about other people.
The bits of me I don’t want others to see, I keep hidden away, hoping they won’t see, and that the hidden bits will go away. They don’t go away. They just lurk in hidden corners, like shadows, getting bigger year by year.
But my shadow follows me, dogs my heels it’s attached to me. Sometimes it’s bigger than me, like the only dark thing that could spoil a sunny day.
The bits of me I really don’t like, I keep hidden away, hoping I won’t see my fear of loneliness, my vanity and ambition, my prejudices
Help me to recognize my own shadow, and see what it can teach me. Show me how to listen and become a friend. Repeat Bold
7 Lord, You have always spoken when time was ripe; and though you be silent now, today I believe.
Lord, I can’t see the way ahead; help me not to get in the way of those who can.
Lord, I have nothing; help me to give even what I do not have. Lord, I feel nothing; help me not to be jealous, that You may use me to touch others’ hearts.
Lord, I am disappointed; help me not to bring disappointment to others. Lord, I have no one to help me; help me to trust in You. Lord, I can’t see You; yet You see me – help me to remember that.
Lord, I am weary; help me to remember that You have been weary, too. Lord, I need refreshing; help me to refresh others and to forget about my own needs.
Lord, I am not worthy to receive You, but only say the word and I shall be healed. Repeat Bold