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Legal Notices

Legal notices submissions are due by 9:30am on Wednesday. Send them to legals@ppulse.com. STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, DOOR COUNTY

Amended Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 21-PR-25 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE:

1. An application for informal administration was filed.

2. The decedent, with date of birth January 12, 1953 and date of death January 29, 2021 was domiciled in Door County, State of Wisconsin , with a mailing address of 1252 N. 12th Place, Apt 210, Sturgeon Bay WI 54235

3. All interested persons waived notice.

4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is May 3, 2023.

5. A claim may be filed at the Door County Justice Center, 1207 S. Duluth Ave., Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, Room C258. BY THE COURT:

/s/ Jennifer A. Moeller Probate Registrar 01/31/23 Pinkert Law Firm LLP 454 Kentucky Street, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 920-743-6505

Bar Number 1114503




Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration)

Case No. 22 PR 59


1. An application for informal administration was filed.

2. The decedent, with date of birth February 27, 1941 and date of death October 11, 2021 was domiciled in Door County, State of Wisconsin , with a mailing address of 10492 W Stony Ridge Cir Unit 12, Sister Bay, WI 54234.

3. All interested persons waived notice.

4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is May 3, 2023.

5. A claim may be filed at the Door County Justice Center, 1207 S. Duluth Ave., Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, Room C258.


/s/ Jennifer A. Moeller

Probate Registrar 01/31/23

Pinkert Law Firm LLP

454 Kentucky Street, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235


Bar Number 1114503

Run: Feb 3, 10, 17, 2023



A public hearing and a business meeting to be held by the Door County Board of Adjustment (BOA) on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 will be in the Door County Government Center Peninsula Room (C121, 1st Floor). Use the 4th Street entrance, across from the library.

Applicants and others who wish to offer oral testimony must attend in person.

Members of the public who wish to monitor/observe the meeting may attend in person or do so remotely by using the link below, or via the Zoom smartphone app, or by calling (312) 626-6799.

Link: https://us02web.zoom.


Zoom Webinar ID:

847 8919 8980

Passcode: 394860

The hearing will begin at 4:30 p.m., to consider the application below for variances, as specified in the Door County Shoreland

Zoning Ordinance and the Door County Comprehensive

Zoning Ordinance: TOWN OF GIBRALTAR

Mitchell E. Larson Trust petitions for a variance from Section IV.B.2.c.2) of the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance which requires additions to a residence be located at least 58.5’ from the ordinary high water mark of Green Bay, and Section 3.05(3) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance which requires all structures to be located at least 32’ from the edge of a town road right of way.

The applicant proposes a 1,346 square foot second floor addition to be located as close as 23.3’ from the edge of the town road right of way, and proposes a 490 square foot first floor addition to be located as close at 48’ from the ordinary high water mark of Green Bay and as close as 29.5’ from the edge of the town road right of way. The property is at 9137 Cottage Row.

Written testimony will be accepted on 8 1/2” x 11” paper only and must be received by 12:00 p.m. (noon) the day before the hearing.

Anonymous correspondence will not be accepted. Letters are available for inspection upon request. Letters are entered into hearing records, but are not read aloud. Please note: Correspondence or testimony submitted for town-level proceedings does NOT get forwarded to the county.

All application materials may be viewed on-line approximately four business days before the hearing at: https://www.co.door.wi.gov/ AgendaCenter . Additional materials may be posted up until 4:30 p.m. the day before the hearing. The list of names to whom this notice was sent by regular mail is available upon request.

Fred Frey, Chairperson Board of Adjustment c/o Door County Land Use Services Dept. Door County Gov’t. Center 421 Nebraska St. Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 Phone: (920) 746-2323 | FAX: (920) 746-2387 Publication

This week in legals: County of Door / Town of Forestville / Town of Liberty Grov Town of Sevastopol / Village of Egg Harbor / Southern Door School District

Members of the public may also join the meeting by video conference: https://villageofeggharbor.


4. Any other weeds that have been declared noxious by the Town Board or County Board by resolution or ordinance, naming them.

Dated this 9th day of February 2023. WNAXLP STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, DOOR COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL D. MARTIN Order Limiting Time for Filing Claims (Formal Administration)

Case No. 23 PR 6

A Petition for Formal Administration was filed. THE COURT FINDS:

1. The decedent, with date of birth July 18, 1953 and date of death December 15, 2022 was domiciled in Door County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of P.O. Box 23, Ellison Bay, WI 54210. All interested persons waived notice. THE COURT ORDERS:

1. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is May 9, 2023.

2. A claim may be filed at the Door County Justice Center, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, Room C258. BY THE COURT:

/s/ Jennifer A. Moeller Court Commissioner 02/09/23 Pinkert Law Firm LLP 454 Kentucky Street, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 920-743-6505 Bar Number 1007387

Run: Feb 17, 24, Mar 3 2023 WNAXLP

Application for Liquor License

To Whom It May Concern:

I hereby certify that Alexandra Maie Griese-Jacobs residing at N8492 Tamarack Road, Casco, Wisconsin, has applied to the Forestville Town Board for a retail “Class B” License to sell fermented malt beverages and intoxicating liquors for the period ending June 30, 2023, at a building situated on S1599 State Hwy 42, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin.

Dated February 10, 2023

LIENS FOR 2019, IN REM NO. 2023-1 CASE NO. 2023-CV-26



TAKE NOTICE THAT all persons having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in or lien upon the real property described in the List of Tax Liens, In Rem No. 2023-1, on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Door County, dated 2/3/2023, and hereinabove set forth, are hereby notified that the filing of such list of tax liens in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Door County constitutes the commencement by said Door County of a special proceeding in the Circuit Court for Door County to foreclose the tax liens therein described by foreclosure proceeding in rem and that a notice of the pendency of such proceeding against each piece or parcel of land therein described was filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Door County on 2/3/2023. Such proceeding is brought against the real property herein described only and is to foreclose the tax liens described in such list. No personal judgment will be entered herein for such taxes, assessments or other legal charges or any part thereof.


3006 0330 to receive testimony from the public on the conditional use permit application filed by Ryan Ibsen on behalf of Daughters & Co. Said conditional use permit application pertains to property located at 7838 State Hwy 42 in the Village of Egg Harbor, (Tax Parcel Number: 118-580001) which is located in the Village’s Commercial Zoning District with a Special Development District overlay. Said application is required per Chapter 152 Zoning of the Village of Egg Harbor Municipal Code per section § 152.025 Commercial District, C-1, (B) Conditional Uses, (4) Restaurants and taverns. The applicant plans to open a limited food service restaurant on the property. All interested parties are invited to give testimony either in person or on zoom.

In person testimony will be received first followed by those testifying by zoom. Members of the public testifying by zoom will need to do so using the video option. Deliberations will be made by the Village Plan Commission at their regular public meeting on February 28th, 2023, immediately following this public hearing.

Dated February 8th, 2023

For publication in the Peninsula Pulse on February 17th, 2023 and February 24th, 2023. WNAXLP State of Wisconsin Town of Sevastopol Door County Every person is required by law to destroy all of the

THAT all persons having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in or lien upon the real property described in said List of Tax Liens are hereby notified that a certified copy of such List of Tax Liens has been posted in the Office of the County Treasurer of Door County and will remain posted for public inspection up to and including 4/24/2023 which date is hereby fixed as the last day for redemption.


THAT any person having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in or lien upon any such parcel may, on or before said 4/24/2023 redeem such delinquent tax liens by paying to the County Treasurer of Door County, the amount of all such unpaid tax liens and in addition thereto, all interest and penalties which have accrued on said unpaid tax liens, computed to and including the date of redemption [contact County Treasurer to ascertain redemption amount], plus the reasonable costs that Door County incurred to initiate the proceedings plus the person’s share of the reasonable costs of publication or answer the Petition as provided in §75.521(7), Wis. Stats. DOOR

WISCONSIN: NOW COMES Door County, a body corporate existing and operating pursuant to Wisconsin Laws, by and through its Treasurer, Ryan Schley, and files this List of Tax Liens from 2019 tax years, inclusive pursuant to the provisions of §75.521, Wis. Stats., and alleges and shows to the court as follows:

1. That the List of Tax Liens is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as if set forth in full.

2. That tax certificate(s) as to each of the parcels of real property described in the attached List of Tax Liens have been issued to Door County, and two (2) or more years have elapsed since the date of issuance of the tax certificate(s).

3. That Door County is now the owner and holder of tax liens for the taxes of the years indicated as evidenced by the tax certificates numbered on the attached List of Tax Liens.

4. That the Door County Board of Supervisors has, by ordinance enacted on August 26, 1986, elected to proceed under §75.521, Wis. Stats. for the purpose of enforcing tax liens in Door County.

5. That no municipality other than Door County has any right, title or interest in the parcels of real property described in the list of tax liens or in the tax liens or in the proceeds thereof, except as stated herein.

6. That all descriptions are sufficient to identify each parcel affected by such tax liens and otherwise meet the requirements of §75.521 (3) (am) 1., Wis. Stats. WHEREFORE, Door County petitions the court for judgment vesting title to each of said parcels of land in Door County, as of the date of entry of judgment and barring any and all claims whatsoever of the former owner or any person claiming through and under the former owner since the date of filing the list of tax liens in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Door County.



Ryan Schley, Treasurer Dated: 2-3-2023 Approved this 3rd day of February, 2023. DOOR COUNTY CORPORATION COUNSEL /s/ Grant P. Thomas, Corporation Counsel State Bar No. 01013648 421 Nebraska Street Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 920-746-2228 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, DOOR COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIENS UNDER § 75.521, WIS. STATS. BY DOOR COUNTY, LIST OF TAX LIENS FOR 2019, IN REM NO. 2023-1 CASE NO. 2023-CV-26


PIN 002-04-31312811

Tax Year 2019, Sale Year 2020, Bill No. 1726, Cert No. 93, Lien $2,138.61. Owner(s), Mortgagee(s), Lien Holder(s): Gary Hoefert; Town of Baileys Harbor. The NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 31, Township 31 North, Range 28 East, in the Town of Bailey’s Harbor, Door County, Wisconsin, EXCEPT that part described in Document No. 569633 and re-recorded as Document No. 570799. Also, EXCEPTING CSM No. 2447, Certified Survey Maps Vol. 14, Page 309, recorded as Document No. 722143. Also, EXCEPTING that part described in Document No. 769805.

PIN 002-12-0007B

Tax Year 2019, Sale Year

2020, Bill No. 2064, Cert No. 111, Lien $744.44. Owner(s), Mortgagee(s), Lien Holder(s): Keith D. Nordahl; BHYC Lodge Condominium Owner’s Association; Attorney James R Smith; Door County Clerk of Circuit Court; Town of Baileys Harbor Unit 7, Building B, together with its undivided interest in the common elements and the exclusive use of the limited common elements appurtenant to said unit in Baileys Harbor Yacht Club Lodge Condominium, a condominium created and existing under and by virtue of the Condominium Ownership Act of the State of Wisconsin and by an Amended and Restated Declaration dated October 17, 2013 and recorded February 25, 2015 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Door County, Wisconsin, as Doc. No. 785478; and by a Condominium Plat therefore and any amendments thereto. Said unit is located in the Town of Baileys Harbor, Door County, Wisconsin.

PIN 004-00-09262424A2

Tax Year 2019, Sale Year 2020, Bill No. 370, Cert No. 153, Lien $717.59. Owner(s), Mortgagee(s), Lien Holder(s): Kenneth J Lynch; Wendy K Lynch;

PIN 004-00-27262433

Tax Year 2019, Sale Year 2020, Bill No. 914, Cert No. 173, Lien $1,247.99.

Owner(s), Mortgagee(s), Lien Holder(s): Christopher Harteau; Julie Harteau; Julie A Harteau; New-Cell Inc.; Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC assignee of GE Capital Ret.; Town of Brussels.

The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4) of Section

Twenty-seven (27), Township

Twenty-six (26) North, Range

Twenty-four (24) East, Town of Brussels, Door County, Wisconsin. Excepting therefrom:

Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4) of Section

Twenty-seven (27), Township

Twenty-six (26) North, Range

Twenty-four (24) East, Town of Brussels, Door County, Wisconsin, described as follows:

Commencing at the Southwest corner of said section; thence North 87 deg. 55 min. 36 sec. East along the South line of the SW 1/4 of said section a distance of 725.12

39 sec. East a distance of 684.35 feet; thence North 87 deg. 55 min. 36 sec. East a distance of 644.66 feet; thence South 10 deg. 14 min. 47 sec. East a distance of 643.18 feet to the point of beginning.

PIN 008-16-0351

Tax Year 2019, Sale Year

2020, Bill No. 2448, Cert No. 339, Lien $125.42. Owner(s), Mortgagee(s), Lien Holder(s): Shirley A Lardo; Harbour Village Resort Condominium; Pinkert Law Firm LLP; Town of Egg Harbor. Unit 351 in the Harbour Village Resort Condominium(s) created by a “Declaration of Condominium” recorded on March 20, 1986, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Door County, Wisconsin, as Document No. 459603, and any amendments and/ or corrections thereto, and by its Condominium Plat and any amendments and/ or corrections thereto. Said land being in the Town of Egg Harbor, Door County, Wisconsin.

PIN 012-02-36272432E

Tax Year 2019, Sale Year 2020, Bill No. 1518, Cert No.

East 93.96 feet; thence South 45 deg. West 530.00 feet; thence North 356.00 feet along the West line of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 36 to the point of beginning.

PIN 016-00-23292731Z

Tax Year 2019, Sale Year

2020, Bill No. 831, Cert No. 806, Lien $5,037.84.

Owner(s), Mortgagee(s), Lien

Holder(s): Meyer Trust; Beth Ann Meyer; Karl H Meyer, Mildred Meyer; Town of Jacksonport.

A parcel of land located in Government Lot Three (3), Section Twenty-three (23), Township Twenty-nine (29) North, Range Twenty-seven (27) East, in the Town of Jacksonport, Door County, Wisconsin, described as follows:

A tract of land beginning at the Southwest corner of the Catholic Church Cemetery lot, that is to say, at a certain iron pin in the Jacksonport and Baileys Harbor Road, 1019.6 feet East from the quarter corner at the Northwest corner of Government Lot 3, Section 23, Township 29 North, Range 27 East; thence due East to Lake Michigan; thence in a Southerly direction along the shore of said Lake Michigan, to a point 100 feet due South of the East and West line of the property described in a Judgment allowing Final Account and Assigning Estate in the matter of the Will of Walter Charles Hewitt issued out of the County Court for Winnebago County, Wisconsin and recorded in Door County, Wisconsin Registry in Vol. 19

Miscellaneous, Page 372, also being the Southeast corner of the property conveyed today to Henry Meyer and Mathilda Meyer, his wife, being the point of beginning; thence in a Southerly direction

Office of the Door County Clerk

To the voters of Door County: along the shore of Lake Michigan, 100 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of the property described in Vol. 19 Miscellaneous, Page 372; thence due West to the above mentioned Jacksonport and Baileys Harbor Road to the Southwest corner of the realty described in said Vol. 19 Miscellaneous, Page 372; thence in a Northerly direction along said road 100 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of the aforesaid Henry Meyer and Mathilda Meyer, his wife, property conveyed October 16, 1941; thence East to the shore of Lake Michigan, including all riparian rights from the highwater line to actual water line of Lake Michigan.

PIN 020-34-0044 Tax Year 2019, Sale Year 2020, Bill No. 2816, Cert No. 1280, Lien $21.14. Owner(s), Mortgagee(s), Lien Holder(s):

Keith D Nordahl; Town of Nasewaupee Unit 44, together with its undivided interest in the common elements and the exclusive use of the limited common elements appurtenant to said unit in Whitetail Condominium, being a condominium created and existing under and by virtue of the Condominium Ownership Act of the State of Wisconsin and by a Condominium Declaration dated September 12, 2005 and recorded September 14, 2005 in the office Register of Deeds for Door County, Wisconsin in Vol. 1067 Records, Pages 672 through 686 as Doc. No. 685873 and by First Amendment recorded as Doc. No. 788577; and

Notice of Spring Primary and Sample Ballots

February 21, 2023

Notice is hereby given of a spring primary election to be held in Door County on February 21, 2023, at which the officers named below shall be nominated. The names of the candidates for each office, whose nominations have been certified to or filed in this office, are given under the title of the office, each in its proper column, together with the questions submitted to a vote, for a referendum, if any, in the sample ballot below.

Information to Voters

Upon entering the polling place and before being permitted to vote, a voter shall:

• state their name and address

• show an acceptable form of photo identification*

• sign the poll book**

*If a voter does not have acceptable photo identification, the voter may obtain a free photo ID for voting from the Division of Motor Vehicles.

**If the voter is unable to sign the poll book due to disability, a poll worker may write the word “exempt.”

If a voter is not registered to vote, they may register to vote at the polling place serving their residence if the voter provides proof of residence. Where ballots are distributed to voters, the initials of two inspectors must appear on the ballot.

Upon being permitted to vote, the voter shall enter a voting booth or go to a machine and cast their ballot. The vote should not be cast in any manner other than specified here. Sample ballots or other materials to assist the voter in marking their ballot may be taken into the booth and copied. The sample ballot shall not be shown to anyone so as to reveal how the ballot is marked.

A voter who is a parent or guardian may be accompanied by the voter’s minor child or minor ward.

An election official may inform the voter of the proper manner for casting a vote but the official may not advise or indicate a particular voting choice.

The following will also vote for:



Vote for ONE






Vote for not more than TWO








Vote for ONE





Vote for ONE







Vote for not more than THREE








Jill M. Lau, Door County Clerk WNAXLP

Assistance for Voting

A voter may select an individual to assist in casting their vote if the voter declares to the presiding official that they are unable to read, have difficulty reading, writing, or understanding English, or that due to disability are unable to cast their ballot. The selected individual rendering assistance may not be the voter’s employer or an agent of that employer or an officer or agent of a labor organization which represents the voter.

Where Optical Scan Voting is Used

The voter shall fill in the oval next to the name of the candidate of their choice for each office for which he or she intends to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, the voter shall write in the name of the person of their choice in the space provided for a write-in vote and fill in the oval next to the write-in line.

When using an electronic ballot marking device (ImageCast Evolution-ICE) to mark an optical scan ballot, the voter shall use the tactile pad to select the name of the candidate of their choice for each office for which they intend to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, the voter shall type in the name of the person of their choice in the space provided for a write-in vote.

Spoiled Ballots

If a voter spoils an optical scan ballot, they shall return it to an election official who shall issue another ballot in its place, but not more than three ballots shall be issued to any one voter. If the ballot has not been initialed by two inspectors or is defective in any other way, the voter shall return it to the election official, who shall issue a proper ballot in its place.

After Voting the Ballot

After an official optical scan ballot is marked, it may be inserted in the security sleeve, so the marks do not show. The voter shall insert the ballot in the voting device and discard the sleeve or deliver the ballot to an inspector for deposit. If a central count system is used, the voter shall insert the ballot in the ballot box and discard the sleeve or deliver the ballot to an inspector for deposit. The voter shall leave the polling place promptly.

The following is a sample of the official ballot: control, remote start, rear backup camera, trailer tow pkg, service records, recent tuneup, no accidents. White with black interior. Runs & drives great. $14,750 OBO. 920.883.8444

All Door County municipalities will vote for the JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT (see sample ballot for candidates).


For Rent 1 bedroom Apartment. $600/mo plus utilities. Call 920.559.6143


Retail Space Available For Lease

Located in the new 6000 sq-ft commercial building at 8113 zoom.us/j/94130060330

Members of the public with limited internet are encouraged to dial in: Call in Number: 312 626 6799 Meeting ID: 941 3006 0330 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:

Notice is hereby given that at 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 the Village Plan Commission of the Village of Egg Harbor will hold a public hearing at the Paul J Bertschinger Community Center 7860 STH 42 Egg Harbor, WI 54209 and on the Zoom meeting platform using Meeting ID 941 3006 0330 to receive testimony from the public on the conditional use permit application filed by WLH Custom Homes on behalf of Jeff Straubel. Said conditional use permit application pertains to property located at 4954 North Shore

Hwy 57 in downtown Baileys Harbor. This retail space has 1684 sq-ft under roof and can be customized to suit your exact needs. The space has 14’ high ceilings and modern finishing along with an attractive outdoor area in the front. Employee housing is also available above. For more info contact Todd Haleen 920.421.1368

Retail Store on Madison Ave, West Side S-Bay

Drive in the Village of Egg Harbor, (Tax Parcel Number: 118-35-0801) which is located in the Village’s Residential Zoning District. Said application is required per Chapter 152 Zoning of the Village of Egg Harbor Municipal Code per section § 152.023 Residential District, R-1, (B) Conditional Uses, (3) Accessory Dwelling Units. The applicant plans to construct an accessory dwelling unit on the property. All interested parties are invited to give testimony either in person or on zoom.

In person testimony will be received first followed by those testifying by zoom. Members of the public testifying by zoom will need to do so using the video option. Deliberations will be made by the Village Plan Commission at their regular public meeting on February 28th, 2023, immediately

Available along the Main Approach to Door County

Welcome to 1449 Green Bay Rd. Established Plaza Leasing from 1,100 to 6,000 sq. ft. Exciting growth in and around the immediate area proves a great time to grab available space. Potential uses; Retail, Professional/ Office, Restaurant. 619.871.8492

Office Space following this public hearing. Dated February 14th, 2023

For publication in the Peninsula Pulse on February 17th, 2023, and February 24th, 2023. WNAXLP


Prime location at 20-24 Madison Ave, high traffic and visibility in the center of the Retail District on The Sawyer side of Sturgeon Bay. Approx 2,500 sq ft, also porch, receiving area, garden, garage, workshop. Beautiful interior, wooden floors, 12’ ceilings, and full display windows. Previous business retired after 19

Sturgeon Bay, across from post office on 4th Ave, off street parking, remodeled chic building, high speed internet, multiple size offices and suites available. Sturgeonbayofficerental.com or call/text Steve at 920.333.2855

Commercial Space in Institute on Hwy 57 882 sq/ft of commercial space for lease on Hwy 57 in Institute. Great traffic exposure for locals and tourists. Space has zoning approval for a coffee shop but is zoned multi-use commercial. This is a large open space with vaulted ceilings and it could be built out specifically for your business. 920.493.6300


Florida Vacation Rental

1008 Manatee Rd Naples, Florida. 2bed, 2ba, furnished, washer/dryer, pool, tennis. $2,000/mo. Available Feb & Mar. Call Lori at 239.642.5186

Vacation Rental Marathon, Florida Vacation Rental. 2 bdrm, 2 bath ranch. Ocean view. Go to www. hammockhiatus.com for details and booking.

High visibility from 42/57 with about 13,000 cars /day. 619.871.8492

For Sale


Seasoned Firewood Fish Creek Cut and split seasoned hardwood firewood. 1/2

Face, Face, 1/2 and full cords available for pick up or delivery. Varied cuts available for wood stoves. Credit Cards Accepted. 920.495.1344 Fish Creek

Seasoned Firewood Cut, split, full cord available for pickup or delivery $200. Larger pieces also available for boiler wood. 920.495.8482 or 920.495.5676


Antiques Wanted Antiques and estates. Silver coins before 1964, wooden beer barrels, signs, port holes, oak & pine furniture, copper items, guns old or new, jewelry, crocks, buoys, anchors large or small, ship lights, ship wheels, store counters, kitchen cabinets, farm lanterns, deer antlers, toys. Pay Cash. Questions, call Ebert’s Antiques 920.682.0687 MISCeLLaNeOuS Snow Blower For Sale 8hp Ariens snow blower. Electric start with chains. $250. 920.495.2877

Door County Kraut Co. Next BHCA indoor market March 11 from 10a.m. – 2 p.m. in the Town Hall. Call or e-mail to place orders between markets for pick-up at our Grove Rd. location. Annie 920.839.2288

HYLINE ORCHARD FARM MARKET 2 miles north of Egg Harbor on Hwy 42. (920.868.3067)

OPEN YEAR ROUND 9am to 5pm. HOMEMADE CHERRY & APPLE PRODUCTS FROM OUR ORCHARDS. Cherries galore. NEW freeze dried cherries, our own sparkling cider & juice, Cherry & many more. Locally grown state certified beef, ground, steaks & roast. Also our cherry and apple pies baked or ready to bake. A variety of cheese, cheese spreads and cheese curds. Door County beer and wines. Natural homemade soaps. Door County Watch Us Grow liquid fertilizer.

Your insurance needs are unique, your insurance coverage should be too. We’ll nd the insurance solutions to t your needs by providing a wide variety of coverage options. Protect what matters most by having the best insurance that’s not a one-size- ts-all approach.

209 Green Bay Rd. PO BOX 470 • Sturgeon Bay 920.743.6565 or 800.371.6565 dried apples, large variety of fruit pie fillings including Cherry & Honey Crisp apple. Jams, Jellies, Pies, Salsa, BBQ Sauce, (Cherries: frozen, canned and dried), Cherry Cider, Honey Crisp Blend Apple Cider, our new apple grape and peachy apple and apple cranberry ciders. Fresh Eggs, Maple Syrup, Honey, Pickles, Spices, Fudge, Gifts & Gift Boxes and Much More. Pick Your Own Cherries and Apples in season.

Six Generations Growing and Marketing Fruits and Vegetables. Wholesale and Retail products. We ship UPS. Accept WIC checks.

Storage Unit Sale

We have 2 storage units come up for sale. Both units are 6×12 in size containing Totes, Tools, Boxes and Beds. Please contact to set up a time to look at the units and make an offer. Contents will be sold to the highest offer on 2/28/2023. Allen 920.370.2848



Wanted – Antiques & Estates

We pay cash for stone crocks, old primitive furniture, wooden bowls, old signs, advertising items, wagon wheels, weather vanes, jewelry, church pews, wooden pulleys, work benches, copper items, wooden barrels, horse drawn manure spreader, road graders, guns, deer antlers, toys & more. Will come to you. Questions welcomed. Eberts Antiques Manitowoc. 920.682.0687. Open all year.

We are extremely proud to be the OLDEST (and also independently owned) real estate company in Door County!

Our full-time, top producing agents look forward to working with you for all your Buyer and Seller needs. www.kellstromray.com Sister Bay Office | 920-854-2353 Washington Island Office | 920-535-0008

For Sale at Hyline Orchard Bulk firewood, landscaping wood mulch. Delivery available. Call Hyline Orchard, 8240 Hwy 42, fish Creek. 2 miles north of Egg Harbor. 920.868.3067 or 920.493.4083




TO YOU! Serving northern Door County. Fully insured & bonded, over 25 years experience. Please call Sally at 920.839.5505. www.attendapet.com


Seasonal Boat Slips

– Ellison Bay 22ft -34ft slips starting at $3,234. Includes water, 30amp electric & parking. Restaurants & stores nearby. Call for more information 920.854.2006


Look for additional Service display advertisements within this section.

CarPeNTry Home remodeling and repairs

Remodeling and Home Improvements. Quality and Professional work with 48 years experience in residential and commercial renovations and repairs. Reliable and Insured. No job too small. Lee Evans 847.445.2670


HS Cleaning Service High quality residential cleaning services by Heather 920.615.2358. Certified bonded and insured since 2015. Pet friendly.


Massage of Sister Bay Massage of Sister Bay. Open year round. Gift Certificates available, Swedish, Therapeutic and Myofascial Release. Schedule online now at Massage of Sister Bay Schedulicity, or call 970.876.0876


Mike’s Special Services

This months special roof repair. Also gutter cleanup and repair. Call 920.391.8809 or 920.818.0360

HANDYMAN Available for small and not-so-small jobs, home or business. Licensed, insured, experienced. References on request. Tom at 920.743.9727

Need a piece of jewelry fixed? I can restring, fix a clasp or broken parts, etc. so you can wear it again! Call Pam at Earth Art Studio in Sister Bay at the Country Walk Shops: 920.854.1912 or stop by Thurs to Sat 11am – 2pm


Fuzzys Concrete

For any concrete needs call 920.384.8517. We install driveways, patios, basements, garage/shed floors, sidewalks, house slabs & retaining walls. Fully insured.



Looking for land 40 Acres+

Wanted to buy land 40 acres+ in Door County with or without house. Farm or woods. 920.940.4617


Housing Needed Looking for housing and/ or roommate share. Needed ASAP. Anywhere in Door County. Cottage/apt/caretaker. Call Jenn 920.421.5858


Look for additional Help Wanted display advertisements within this section.


NDCC – Early Childhood


Make a living that makes a difference! Seeking three Early childhood Teachers. We offer you a year-round career helping young children learn and grow, starting wage is $17.00$20.00/hr with opportunity for advancement, college assistance through the TEACH scholarship program, a four-day work week with no nights or weekends, and benefits package. You offer us energy, creativity, flexibility, dependability, and a love for working with children. Experience appreciated, but not required. Get started on a career in Early childhood education by calling 920.854.4244 and asking for Cindy or Sue or email us at teachdoorcounty@gmail.com.

Summer Classroom Teachers

Come join our awesome staff and play all summer! Full time or part time (19-40 hours per week) Monday through Friday only (No weekends or evenings) classroom teachers needed at Northern Door Children’s Center for summer. Full time schedule is 4 week days. Some positions start as early as April with potential for Fall work. Must be a team player and be willing to work with all age groups, children ages infant through school age. Must be 18 years or older, enjoy children, be dependable and flexible, a good communicator and ready to take responsibility as part of a teaching team. This is a great opportunity for college students! A fun and active work environment! Experience and/ or education related to children preferred but not necessary.

Wage: $15/hour. Contact Cindy or Sue at 920.854.4244 for an application or email at teachdoorcounty@gmail.com.

Camp Cool Day Camp


Full time (38-40 hours per week) Camp Cool Day Camp Counselor positions available! Monday thru Friday (4 day work week), no weekends or evenings!! Must be a team player and be willing to work with children ages 5-10. Must be 18 years of age or older, enjoy children, be dependable and flexible, a good communicator and ready to take responsibility as part of a teaching team.

Wage: $15/hour. Contact Cindy or Sue at 920.854.4244 for an application or email us at teachdoorcounty@gmail.com

HeaLTH Care

In-Home Caregivers

If your schedule permits a few extra hours per week, please consider your role as an inhome caregiver. Advocates in Home Care in Sturgeon Bay has immediate openings for empathic, caring, and committed caregivers who understand their efforts are making a difference in the quality of life for home-bound residents. Call Mariann at Advocates in Home Care 920.746.2000 for additional details.


Housekeeping Positions Open Seasonal full-time employment. Vacation rentals, some weekends. $20 – $25 per hour pending on experience. Must be dependable, selfmotivated, friendly, have pride in your work and have experience. Daytime hours 9 am to 4 pm. Please send your resume to dclighthouserentals@gmail.com or call Claire at 920.868.9088


Landscape Design Help Needed

We need help with a Landscape Design in Jacksonport. Interesting Projects. Experience necessary. Fees to be negotiated. 920.677.1440


Summer Employment at Northern Door State Parks

Peninsula, Newport and Rock Island State Parks are currently accepting applications for Park Ranger, Parks and Recreation Specialist, Visitor Services, Facilieis Repair Worker and Natural Resources Educator. $14/hr-$18/hr. Housing available. Application deadline is February 27. For information and how to apply go to wisc. jobs. The DNR is an equal opportunity employer that promotes and values diversity.

Marina Attendants – Alibi

Marina Fish Creek Door County’s best summer job awaits! If you enjoy working outdoors and being on the water, consider joining us at the Alibi Marina in Fish Creek. We are hiring full time Marina Attendants to perform a wide variety of duties. Every day is a new challenge and these positions offer you a chance to strengthen your customer service skills while assisting our guests with their needs. Typical duties are assisting boaters in and out of the marina, light groundskeeping/ marina projects and working with others as part of a winning team. These positions are ideal for students and offer great pay, flexible schedule and a great work environment. Call/ text Jay @ 920 421 1686 for details! www.alibimarina.com

Looking for old photos, keys etc

The Historic Waterfront Hotel also known as Hillside Hotel and Hillside Inn throughout history is creating a historic exhibit in the lobby. We are looking for old photos, keys, brochures, keepsakes, old mail, etc to add to the exhibit. Willing to purchase items. Call 920.421.3272


Work on podcast, studio operations, camera, editing, performing, prop and puppet construction. Can Train. Have fun, learn and be paid!

312.307.3047 Door County Style

HELP WANTED Fragrant Isle Lavender Farm & Shop Fragrant Isle on Washington Island, WI is seeking to hire for our Retail, Cafe and Field. Full-time and Part-time positions are available. Salaries are competitive. Housing Options are currently available for full-time Employees. Interested Applicants Please

Contact: Sarah Cornell General Manager Fragrant

Isle LLC Office 920.847.2950 sarah@fragrantisle.com

Seasonal Jobs at Potawatomi and Whitefish Dunes

Potawatomi and Whitefish Dunes

State Parks are hiring limitedterm, seasonal positions. $13/hr – $16/hr. For more information and to apply, go to https://wisc. jobs and search by Keyword or Location. Deadline to apply is March 15. The DNR is an equal opportunity employer that promotes and values diversity.


Community Manager

/ Accounting

Bay Property Services is a growing accounting and property management firm seeking a professional individual to join our team. Duties include accounts payable, preparing budgets, reviewing financial reports, and other administrative tasks involved with managing condominium associations. This is a full-time, year-around position with significant flexibility to include 4-day work weeks from November to April. Ideal applicants should have at least 2 years of prior accounting and/ or management experience.



Annual Compensation up to $50K based on experience and skills. Benefits include vacation & sick pay, retirement fund matching contribution, earned bonuses, and flexible scheduling to include ability to work from home on some days. Please email a resume to info@baypropertydc.com

Veterinary Receptionist reSTauraNT

Door County Veterinary Hospital is looking for a thorough, hard working, Self motivated team player with excellent communication skills to join our team of pet care professionals. Candidates need to be organized, detail oriented, able to multi-task, schedule patients. Willingness to learn and help in various tasks is a must. 920.743.7777 or email resume to doorcountyveterinaryhospital@ yahoo.com.

Dovetail Grill New restaurant opening this summer is hiring all positions. Email resume to dovetailtrading@ gmail.com or stop in for an application at Dovetail Trading. 10282 Hwy 57 Sister Bay, WI 54234 Tel. 920.421.4032

8984 State Hwy 42 Fish Creek,

Immediate opening for a Full Time Executive Housekeeper & Housekeeping Assistant. Duties include: Scheduling, Ordering supplies, Inspecting of units, Supervising house-keeping staff, and Cleaning units as needed.

Supervisory experience required. Pay is based on experience. Benefits available.

If interested email resume to linda@little-sweden.com or call 920-868-9950

Eagle Bluff Lighthouse Site Coordinator

The Door County Historical Society is accepting applications for a Lighthouse Site Coordinator. This individual provides onsite coordination of general operations, visitor activity, and museum store sales at the historic Eagle Bluff Lighthouse. Includes training and scheduling of staff and volunteers to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for visitors. Full time, April - October. $18-$20/hr. Send cover letter and resume to office@doorcountyhistoricalsociety. org or PO Box 17, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 by March 3

Are you looking to advance in your landscape career?

We have an opening on our team for a MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR

Are you looking to advance in your landscape career?

We have an opening on our team for a MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR

The Town of Baileys Harbor is hiring seasonal Marina Attendants to work at the Town Marina. Full-time and part-time hours are available to work April 1st to Labor Day. Applicants must be willing to work weekends, holidays, and share in on-call duties.

Marina Attendants will provide excellent customer service, oversee safety and security, and handle basic operations at the Marina. Duties include, but are not limited to, dock operations, computer work, fee collection and money handling, cleaning, reservations, fueling and pump-outs.

Hourly wage commensurate with experience.

To apply send letter of interest and/or resume to sue@baileysharborwi.org or mail to:

Town of Baileys Harbor, PO Box 308, Baileys Harbor, WI 54202

We are now accepting applicants for PT & FT seasonal positions for the 2023 season! Responsibilities to include: spring planting, cashiering, daily greenhouse plant culture & care, retail sales & customer service, and more! Ideal candidates are reliable, dedicated persons who will enjoy hands-on work learning our greenhouse procedures & routines and provide critical support & assistance to supervisors. The position requires a person be able to perform detailed work with their hands, exhibit good organizational, interpersonal, and customer service skills, be able to work on their feet for up to an 8-hour shift in a warm & humid environment, and be able to perform physical tasks including light-duty lifting, moving of plants/trays/boxes, moving of hoses and wheeled carts, etc. Scheduling for the position will include both weekday and some weekend shifts (weekend shifts typically only during the retail season).

Persons with all levels of experience are encouraged to apply. If you have a great work ethic & have the willingness to learn how to grow spectacular flowers in a greenhouse setting, we want to meet you!

This leadership position requires a minimum of 3 years horticultural maintenance experience, excellent communication and time management skills, the ability to give instruction and direction, and a love for landscape.

This leadership position requires a minimum of 3 years horticultural maintenance experience, excellent communication and time management skills, the ability to give instruction and direction, and a love for landscape.

This year-round, full-time position includes: competitive wages, a comprehensive benefits package, employee discount, and working with awesome people

This year-round, full-time position includes: competitive wages, a comprehensive benefits package, employee discount, and working with awesome people

To apply for our open position, send a resume and cover letter to: reception@meissnerlandscape.com

To apply for our open position, send a resume and cover letter to: reception@meissnerlandscape.com

-ORVisit our application page: meissnerlandscape.com/employment-application/ COME GROW WITH US!


Visit our application page: meissnerlandscape.com/employment-application/ COME GROW WITH US!

Contact: Lyndsay or Kris Phone: 920-743-1011 for more information

Contact: Lyndsay or Kris Phone: 920-743-1011 for more information




The Town of Gibraltar is seeking applications for a fulltime maintenance worker. Individuals will be responsible to maintain all Town owned facilities, public restrooms, cemeteries, road and road right of way, grounds keeping, snow removal, tree removal and brushing, sidewalks, landscaping and equipment maintenance. The individual will be part of a monthly on-call rotation.

Minimum Qualifications: Self -starter with minimum supervision required. Good organization skills to maximize time. Good communications skills. Good working knowledge of lawn and maintenance skills, equipment operation and safety requirements. Ability to use and maintain power tools. Possess a valid Wisconsin driver’s license and ability to lift 50 pounds. Must be able to work in all-weather conditions.

The Town of Gibraltar offers a competitive wage and benefit package.

An application and full job description is available on the town website www.gibraltarwi.gov Applications are due March 3, 2023. Applications are also available at the Town Office 4097 Main Street, Fish Creek WI. Questions 920-868-1714. Send application to: Town of Gibraltar, P O Box 850, Fish Creek WI 54212 or clerk@gibraltarwi.gov Resume not accepted in lieu of application. EOE


Bonnie Brooke Gardens is seeking to establish a F/T seasonal role within our organization that spans both the physical aspects of plant growing & retailing and the development & administration of our digital channels, including Facebook, Instagram, eCommerce, and data management within our electronic Point of Sale system. Applicants with a background in plant culture & care in a retail environment are preferred. Good computer skills are a requirement of this position. Prior experience with basic template-based website development and administration is preferred, but not required.

Housewares Associate

Busy, Local, Family-Owned and Operated retail store in need of a full-time, year round associate to manage clothing, toys and houseware displays. Responsibilities include cash register and merchandise restocking. Weekends are required. Growth opportunities available for the ideal candidate.

Nelson Shopping Center Help Wanted Stop in to Apply!

Stop in to Apply!

3449 State HWY 42 • Fish Creek, WI

Help Wanted

Year round kitchen position available full or part time to help with processing and pie making. Must be able to lift 50#ʼs, be on your feet for 8 hours and withstand the heat of the kitchen. Please call 920-854-2268

Walkable Sturgeon Bay at Bay Shore Outfitters, Lawlss Co ee and Popelka Trenchard Gallery.

11 am – 3 pm: Glassblowing demonstrations at Popelka Trenchard Gallery, 64 S. 2nd Ave.

11 am: “Snowga” – a guided yoga lesson in the snow at Martin Park, 207 S. 3rd Ave.

1:30-3:30: Watch how ice was harvested back in the day at Crossroads at Big Creek, 2041 Michigan St.

2 pm: Fire & Ice party featuring live rock by Glas Hamr at Kitty O’Reilly’s, 59 E. Oak St.

2-4 pm: Wine tasting and appetizers at Drömhus, 611 Je erson St.

5 pm: Fire & Ice Gala. Enjoy food, cocktails, fire artists and music by Pink Houses at Stone Harbor Resort, 107 N. 1st Ave. Dress is black-tie optional. Purchase tickets ($100 per person) at doorcountytickets.com.

5:30 pm: Fish boil at Waterfront Mary’s, 3662

N. Duluth Ave. Reservations are required.

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