Talon Times - Winter 2025

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Students Organize Fundraiser for Mental Health Awareness

Residents of the Southern Door school district and the wider northeast Wisconsin area recently came together in a powerful show of community strength and compassion, rallying to support a neighboring school in a time of tragedy. In early February, a student at Kewaunee High School, Owen Vaughn, tragically passed away after struggling with mental health challenges.

Owen’s passing deeply affected the Kewaunee community, moving Southern Door students to take action. Students organized a fundraiser, finding inspiration in Sturgeon Bay High School’s intramural basketball team. Students created a team and planned a game between Sturgeon Bay and Southern Door for February 13th.

On the day of the game, students sold bracelets provided

by the Vaughn family, raising over $400 alone from Southern Door students and staff. Later, the wider community came together to donate while watching the intramural basketball game. The event raised more than $1,600, with additional donations still coming in. All the proceeds will go to Owen’s family who aim to use it to spread awareness in the community about mental health and suicide prevention.

Spring Update: Community Survey & Operational Referendum

Community Survey Results

Earlier this school year, we conducted a Community Survey to gather input from residents regarding the overall state of our district and the possibility of an operational referendum in April, 2025. We appreciate everyone who took the time to share their perspectives. Here are some key takeaways:

77% of respondents rated the district as “good” or “great” in delivering high-quality education—our highest-rated category.

28% of general community members and 12% of parents supported the option to cut staff and increase class sizes.

22% of general community members and 19% of parents supported delaying updates to classroom materials.

Approximately 37.5% of residents would vote in favor of the operational referendum as proposed.

Based on this feedback, the School Board

decided not to pursue an operational referendum at this time. The district’s current threeyear operational referendum, which has been helpful in supporting our schools, is set to expire at the end of the 2025-2026 school year.

Planning for the Future

Transparency and community engagement remain top priorities. To keep residents informed, district staff are attending all nine town board meetings and local organization meetings, and are available for individual or small-group discussions. These conversations help us share financial insights, answer questions, and gather feedback from our community.

We are also committed to providing data -driven updates in upcoming newsletters. Based on recent community requests, the following information is included in this issue: Teacher Salary Comparison – How does Southern Door compare to neighboring districts? (See Figure 1)

Staff Reductions – What positions have been reduced in recent years to manage costs? (See Figure 2)

Turf Facility Usage – How is our turf facility utilized? (See Figure 3)

Looking ahead, the June 2025 newsletter will address additional topics, including:

A cost analysis of the 2022 operational referendum ($14.9 million).

An overview of the district’s existing debt obligations.

A comparison of the costs associated with privatized vs. district-owned transportation services.

Join the Conversation: Community Roundtable on April 29 (RSVP Event)

We invite you to a Community Roundtable on April 29, 2025, from 6:00 - 8:00pm. This event is an opportunity to engage in open discussion about the financial health

The following chart highlights staffing levels at Southern Door over the past five school years, including

(and student enrollment), showing a reduction of over 15 employees during this period. It provides transparency on


trends and helps stakeholders understand the district’s efforts to balance resources while continuing to support students.

of our district. District leaders, educators, parents, students, and community members will come together to review funding, budgeting priorities, and financial challenges.

Your input is invaluable as we work toward increased transparency, stronger community engagement, and informed fiscal decisions. Please consider attending and sharing your perspective by reserving your spot at the event.

I welcome ongoing discussions about these important topics. If you have any questions or want to RSVP for the Community Roundtable, please contact me at kkrutzik@sdsd.k12.wi.us or 920-8257311.

Thank you for your continued support in shaping the future of the Southern Door County School District.

Dr. Kevin Krutzik Superintendent

I hope this message finds you well as we continue making great strides in the 2024-25 school year. It has been inspiring to see the dedication and hard work of our students and staff in classrooms, hallways, and beyond. Across all grade levels, students are engaging in meaningful learning experiences, tackling new challenges, and achieving academic success. Our teachers and staff remain committed to fostering a positive and enriching environment where every student can thrive.

Outside the classroom, our winter sports teams and extracurricular programs have demonstrated remarkable effort, teamwork, and perseverance, and are beginning to wrap up their seasons with strong finishes. At the same time, our spring activities are eagerly preparing to begin, ready to build on the momentum of their peers. The energy and enthusiasm within our school community continues to shine, and I look forward to seeing all that we will accomplish together in the months ahead. Thank you for your ongoing support in making our schools a place of excellence and opportunity for all.

Dr. Kevin Krutzik Superintendent kkrutzik@sdsd.k12.wi.us and 920-825-7311

Continued page 2

Figure 1: District Financial Information - Comparison to Door County Schools
Figure 2: District Employee Information - Staffing Levels Last 5 Years

Honoring the 2025 Retirees of the Southern Door County School District

Becky LeBrun

Becky LeBrun is retiring after 37 years of teaching 4-5K. Becky grew up in Minneapolis, MN. She graduated in 1988 from UW-Stout and completed a Master’s Degree at Viterbo University LaCrosse in 2005. Her Master’s thesis studied redshirting/retention, when to hold students back. She began her teaching career in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1988 at St. Vincent DePaul School, setting up a new 4K program. In 1992 she taught 5K at Corpus Christi School in Sturgeon Bay for 7 years. In 1999 tapping on her previous 4K experience in Utah she was hired to set up, organize, and start Southern Door’s new 4K program. She taught 4-5K at Southern Door for the past 26 years.

Barb Mueller (and grandchildren)

Wow, 47 years in a flash! It seems just yesterday I was practicing for my high school graduation, and asked our superintendent Lloyd Jilot for a summer job. I started out as a custodian in the summer, and since then have been a teacher’s aide, Special Education Associate for almost 40 years and now am the high school librarian. In the 47 years at Southern Door, I have also filled in as a teacher, secretary, cook, principal (at basketball games) and have taken over responsibilities of our Library Media Specialist. I think the only



job I haven’t had is Superintendent! The years have been both challenging and rewarding.

As many people know, Special Education can be very challenging. But most people don’t see the rewarding side of working with special needs students. I’ve had the opportunity to see students from their early school days to graduation. I have had so many good experiences. One very memorable experience was two years ago. I was going through a rough time in my personal life. I lost my brother-in-law and my dad both within a month. I had a group of girls in my library everyday and they helped me so much through the tough days. I will miss my school family so very much. It’s been a great 47 years. -Barb Mueller

Mary Rass

I began my career at Southern Door in January 1994 as an elementary special education teacher. However, my journey as an SD Eagle started long before then as I attended Southern Door from elementary through high school, graduating many moons ago. One of my special memories was having the opportunity to work with colleagues who had been my teachers throughout the years. To all of my present and former students, thank you for sharing my classroom with me. I may have been the teacher, but you all taught me something along the way as well.

I was privileged to be mentored by and work with so many

Fitness Center

– Your Key to Strength & Wellness!

Join the Talon Community Fitness Center and enjoy top-tier fitness facilities, now with extended access to the Indoor Turf Facility & Eagle Gym!

Member Access Hours: (via the Verkada Pass app)

• Weekdays: 4:00 AM–7:00 AM & 5:00 PM–10:00 PM

• Weekends: 5:00 AM–10:00 PM Staffed Weight Room Hours:

• School Days: 5:00 AM–7:00 AM & 3:00 PM–8:00 PM

• Weekends: 7:00 AM–10:00 AM

Important Reminders:

• Students (Middle & High School) must have adult supervision.

• Talon Community Fitness Center Membership Required for access.

• Weather Closures: If school is canceled due to inclement weather, the fitness center will be closed.

• Memberships are available on a per household basis. Membership and cost info is available on the Talon Fitness Center tab of the district website.

• Eagle Gym & Turf Facility Access: Access to the Eagle Gym is

Spring Update

Continued from page

Figure 3: Talon Community Fitness Center - Usage Update


wonderful people at Southern Door. I will miss working with the students and being with my SD family, especially the elementary special education team! I could not have done this job without their support. Thanks for the hugs on the hard days and all the laughs. I am looking forward to spending more time with my family and doing some traveling. This is not a farewell, but a see you later SD. Once an eagle, always an eagle!

Mary Spude (and family)

It’s hard to believe that 35 years have passed since I began my teaching journey at Southern Door. These years have been filled with countless cherished memories of co-workers, students, parents, grandparents, and the many events that have shaped my experience. While so much has changed since 1990, the joy of helping students grow and watching them reach their full potential has remained constant.

I have always been proud to call Southern Door my home. It has been a true honor to teach at the school, to give back to the community that shaped me, and to be a part of the same institution my children graduated from. I’m excited to see my grandchildren create their own memories and enjoy many of the same experiences I had, and that I’ve had the privilege of offering to my students.

included with your Talon Community Fitness Center membership. Members are welcome to use the gym when it is not reserved for school-sponsored teams or other groups. The weekly Eagle Gym schedule will be posted outside the gym and on the district website for your convenience.

NEW! Beginning March 1, Talon Community Fitness Center members will also be able to access the indoor turf facility during staffed hours, when the facility is not in use by other groups. The facilities schedule is accessible on the school events calendar.

Get started today! Unlock your fitness journey with the Verkada Pass app and experience the best in community wellness.

Stronger Together – Join the Talon Community Fitness Center Today!


The Southern Door School District proudly hosted the 38th Annual Holiday Party, welcoming over 200 community members to a festive celebration, on December 11, 2025. All senior citizens, age 62 and above, residing in the Southern

School Board Election

District voters are encouraged to cast their ballots on April 1 for the election of two representatives to the school board. Your vote is very important in that, once elected, these people will be part of the governing board for the district’s schools. Accordingly, in order to acquaint you with the declared candidates, the following statements have been submitted and are printed alphabetically by last name.

My name is Hannah Delwiche and I am running for the Southern Door School Board. I have lived in Door County my entire life and am a graduate of Southern Door. My husband Jay and I have two children, Avery (13) and Jaxon (9) who attend Southern Door.

I am running for School Board because I want to serve the community that I live in by being an advocate for high quality education. I believe all students should be provided a high-quality education in a safe environment. This requires retaining talented school staff and providing the best educational materials, classes, and opportunities for students while remaining fiscally responsible. I want to work to bridge the disconnect between the school and the community and create trust by ensuring financial transparency and seeking community input. Most importantly, I want to ensure that all students at Southern Door receive a great education and foundation for the future.

I believe I would bring a unique perspective to the board being a parent of current students, having a professional background in finance, and having a degree in Education. I believe my education and work experience has equipped me with skills essential for leadership on the School Board and I am committed to using those skills to ensure the education and well-being of each student

is at the forefront of all decisions. I feel my education and professional experience make me an ideal candidate for the Southern Door School Board.

Chris Jackson To serve students— that’s why I’m running for the Southern Door School Board.

My top priority is putting students first. With every decision the board faces, I will ask: “How will this impact students?”

Education should naturally be student-centered, and many teachers embody this daily. These educators deserve our appreciation and support. Unfortunately, too often, decisions in education are made with the interests of adults or institutions ahead of students. That includes some boards of education. I want to ensure that the Southern Door Board of Education keeps student achievement front and center.

I bring a strong combination of experience, leadership, and dedication to this role:

• Southern Door dad. I’m the proud father of a Southern Door graduate and two current students.

• Experienced board member. I have previously served on the Southern Door Board of Education as a member, treasurer, and president.

• Educator and scholar. As a former elementary teacher and college instructor, I understand the classroom experience firsthand. I also hold a Doctor of Education degree.

• Community leader. As the pastor of two local churches, I have experience leading organizations, fostering collaboration, and building consensus.

On Tuesday, April 1, I ask for your vote so I can continue working to put students first at Southern Door

My name is Tina Nellis, and I, along with my husband Paul, have four children who have all attended Southern Door schools. Our oldest, Riley, graduated in 2020, followed by Cody (2023), Cash (2024), and Frankie, a junior graduating in 2026.

I bring over 7 years of experience within the Southern Door School District, having worked as an administrative assistant from 2015 to 2023 - 5 ½ years in the Elementary/Middle School and 2 years at the High School. This experience has given me a strong understanding of the needs at each educational stage. I now work as an administrative assistant for Door County.

I am committed to ensuring all students receive a high-quality education that recognizes their individual needs, whether excelling or facing challenges, and supports their growth. Extracurricular activities are crucial in developing leadership, resilience, and collaboration, and I will advocate for continued support of these programs.

As a School Board member, I will prioritize transparency and make decisions that benefit all students while being financially responsible. I am dedicated to helping retain excellent teachers and ensuring our district’s success.

Please consider voting for me on April 1st. I look forward to serving our community!

Southern Door School District Announces Representatives for the Badger Girls & Boys State Programs

The Southern Door School District is proud to announce its representatives for the prestigious American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State and American Legion Badger Boys State programs. These programs, designed to develop strong leadership skills and a deep understanding of government processes, will take place this summer in Wisconsin.

Each year, the American Legion and Auxiliary invite outstanding high school juniors from across the state to participate in a weeklong immersive experience in government and civic responsibility. Participants have the opportunity to learn about the democratic process, work alongside peers from diverse backgrounds, and develop leadership abilities that will serve them well in their future careers and community involvement.

This year, Southern Door School District is honored to have Carrie Renard and Britney Wanless represent the district at Badger Girls State at UW-Oshkosh, sponsored by the Forestville American Legion Auxiliary, Post 372. Grant Pieschek has been selected to attend Badger Boys State at UW-Eau Claire, sponsored by the Forestville American Legion, Post 372. These students were chosen based on their academic achievements, leadership qualities, and dedication to civic engagement.

The American Legion and Auxiliary Badger State Programs provide a unique, hands-on learning experience where students take on various government roles, draft legislation, and participate in debates and campaigns. The experience fosters a greater appreciation for the responsibilities of citizenship and the importance of active civic participation.

The Southern Door School District congratulates Carrie, Britney, and Grant on this exciting opportunity!

SDHS’s Scott Mallien Receives Semper Fi Coach Award

Southern Door High School is thrilled to announce that Scott Mallien has been honored with the prestigious Semper Fi Coach Award, presented to him by the United States Marine Corps in an all-school assembly on December 12, 2024. This award celebrates individuals who exemplify the Marine Corps values of honor, courage, and commitment through their dedication to developing young leaders.

A Navy veteran and educator, Mr. Mallien has had a remarkable 39-year coaching career, with achievements including 20 playoff appearances,

8 conference or district championships, and a 2015 state title. Beyond his success on the field, Mr. Mallien is known for fostering character, accountability, and leadership in his players. He has implemented initiatives like “Do Your Job Thursdays,” a program that has inspired students and staff to strive for excellence, both in athletics and academics.

Mr. Mallien also sends weekly newsletters during the season to connect with parents, sharing themes like determination, grit, and sacrifice, which he reinforces in daily team meetings. His commitment extends

beyond football as he serves as the track and field cohead coach and advisor for the SAIL leadership program, mentoring students in community service and leadership development.

The local U.S. Marine Corps proudly presented this award to Mr. Mallien, recognizing his extraordinary dedication to shaping the next generation of leaders on and off the field.

Congratulations, Mr. Mallien, on this well-deserved honor!

Testing Season at Southern Door

Elementary/Middle School

During the months of March and April, Elementary and Middle School students will participate in state-mandated Forward Exam testing. The Forward Exam is a summative assessment that gauges your child’s achievement in the content areas tested in relation to grade-level standards. It provides a broad measure of achievement that should be used along with local measures such as report cards, schoolwide assessments, and other information about your child’s progress in school.

The Wisconsin Forward Exam is designed to gauge how well students are doing in relation to the Wisconsin Academic Standards. These standards outline what students should know and be able to do in order to be college and career ready. The Forward Exam is administered online in the spring of each school year for students in:

• grades 3-8 in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics

• grades 4 and 8 in science

• grades 4, 8, and 10 in social studies

High School

During the month of March, 9th-11th grade students at the high school will participate in state-mandated testing. Freshmen and Sophomores will complete the PreACT Secure, while Juniors will take the ACT. Each test is a summative assessment that measures a student’s progress toward the ACT College and Career Readiness Standards. Student learning is measured in the subject areas of English, Reading, Mathematics, and Science while our Juniors will also complete a Writing component on the ACT test.

Classes have been focusing on working through practice problems with feedback from their teachers, learning test taking strategies, and identified their purpose for performing to the best of their ability. Students have also created goal-setting sheets as part of their assessment portfolios which are new this year. A big thank you for the support of our students’ families and all staff members that assist in the standardized testing process.

Project 180 Presentation at WASB Conference

Our High School Project 180 Group was honored to be selected to present at the Wisconsin State Education Convention. What sets Project 180 apart is its collaboration across all the high schools in Door County. Established in 2011 in response to a series of athletic code violations, the project has evolved to focus on substance use, mental health, and school culture. Driven by student-led initiatives, Project 180 offers students the opportunity to participate in leadership training sessions four times a year, where they collaborate, discuss ongoing projects, and brainstorm new ideas. These sessions are facilitated by Mike McGowen and rotate among the four schools. Students also have the chance to partner with organizations such as the United Way of Door County.

Southern Door’s Project 180 team consists of eight student leaders, two from each grade and is advised by Sara Paye (10-12 Counselor) and Jody Nelson (6-9 Counselor). These students focus on identifying key issues to address throughout the year, and they develop interactive ways to make a positive impact. Some of our past initiatives include:

School Lock-In: We’ve organized this event to address substance use and social media addiction by holding it outside of regular school hours. The Lock-In is essentially a school sleepover where students hand in their phones and participate in fun, engaging activities. It’s an opportunity to be present with others, free from the pressures of substances and social media.

Joy Jar Cards: In December, we created a mental health initiative by distributing cards throughout the school. Students and staff were encouraged to write a positive note to someone they admired or appreciated—something they might not typically say in person. All the cards were delivered before the holiday break, spreading joy and encouragement.

Positive Sticky Notes: We placed uplifting sticky notes on bathroom mirrors for students and staff to take when they needed a reminder of the good things in life or a simple boost. This small gesture has helped reinforce a sense of care and positivity within our school community.

Students Qualify for District Forensics Competition

On February 13th, Southern Door High School hosted a sub-district competition for forensics, a competitive speech and performance event. Continuing a tradition of excellence, all competitors of the Southern Door team qualified for the district meet. Organized by the Wisconsin State Interscholastic Speech and Dramatic Arts Association, forensics allows students to improve their speaking, creative expression, and communication skills.

Building on their legacy of success, students aim to extend their record. Under the coaching of teacher JamieLynn Teska, the team has demonstrated consistent improvement at the state competition. The team earned Top 10% distinction in 2022, followed by Top 5% rankings in 2023 and 2024. In 2024, the team received the Excellence in Speech Award, given to only 15 schools in the state. As a testament to her hard work, Ms. Teska earned the Coach of the Year award in 2023. Composed of over 60 students, the team will compete in the district competition held at Bay Port High School on March 13th, hoping to secure their place at state once again.

Southern Door High School Athletic Hall of Fame

Induction Class of 2025

The Southern Door Athletic Hall of Fame is proud to announce its Hall of Fame induction class for 2025. This year’s inductees include Mitchell Gerend class of 2016 and Derik LeCaptain class of 2019.

The induction ceremony took place on February 21, 2025 at halftime of the Eagles boys basketball game vs Kewaunee.

Mitchell Gerend is a 2016 graduate of Southern Door and a 12-varsity letter winner in football, basketball, golf, and baseball. He was a Packerland All-Conference Offensive football Player of the Year in his senior year as well as being named to the All-Conference team all four years. In basketball, Mitchell received first team All-Conference recognition his junior and senior year. In the spring, Gerend participated in golf his first two years and baseball his final two years. He was named to the first team All-Conference baseball team both years of par-

ticipation. After high school, Gerend attended UW-Oshkosh where he furthered his athletic career playing football. During this time, he was a 4-year letter winner and 2-time Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (WIAC) champion. He obtained Bachelor’s Degrees in both Computer Science and Economics and Supply Chain Management. After college, Gerend began his professional career at U.S. Venture, where he currently is the lead of the Enterprise Advanced Analytics organization. He and his wife Nikayla reside in Kimberly.

Derik LeCaptain is a 2019 graduate of Southern Door and is a 12-varsity letter winner in football, basketball, and baseball. He was a Packerland All-Conference football linebacker and running back as well as Offensive and Defensive Player of the Year his junior and senior years. He was also named All-Region running back his sophomore, junior, and senior seasons. Derik was also a Packerland First Team All-Conference bas-

Winter Sports Update

Despite the recent snowy weather, many of the sports of the winter season are beginning to come to a close. On February 14th and 15th, wrestlers competed at regional competitions on their way to the state meet. Four girls—Nora LeFevre, Portia Hah, Sydney Turner, and Attyson Wilson—qualified for the sectional meet. On the boys’ team, Lance Veeser, Clark LeFevre, and Ethan Alexander advanced. The bowling club currently sits in third in the conference standings. Senior Bella Roen, a three year state qualifier, earned the first ever All-Conference Award, based on performance and sportsmanship and voted on by the conference coaches.

On February 17th, the girls’ basketball team had their final

home game of the season against Green Bay NEW Lutheran. There, Ashlyn Delfosse reached the 1,000 career point milestone! Boys basketball player, Drew Daoust, achieved an impressive record of his own, passing Wisconsin basketball legend Mickey Crowe on the state all-time scoring list to move into second place. Daoust could become the second high schooler in Wisconsin history to ever achieve 3,000 career points! The boys team steamrolled conference competition this season, maintaining an undefeated conference record.

We thank the community for their support during the winter season and look forward to seeing more student-athlete success in the spring.

ketball player, earning a membership of a Regional Championship team in his 2017-2018 season. In baseball, he was an All-Conference infielder for four years. After high school, Derik attended the University of Minnesota where he furthered his sports career in football. He is currently playing in his seventh season as a linebacker and is one of this year’s team captains. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and is now pursuing a masters degree in Youth Development Leadership. After college, he plans on pursuing a career in the National Football League. Once football is complete for him, he wants to pursue a career in athletic sports performance.

The Hall of Fame was established by the Southern Door Athletic Booster Club, to establish pride, preserve tradition, and honor former athletes and coaches who have distinguished themselves in the field of athletics through their performance and representation of Southern Door High School. Plaques honoring all inductees are on display in the lobby outside the Eagle Gym.

Nominations for induction class of 2026 can be submitted through email to sdboosters.com, or contact Southern Door Hall of Fame Chair: Courtney Renard at crenard@sdsd.k12. wi.us. Deadline is October 15, 2025.

Madagascar - A Musical Adventure, Jr.

(March 7th, 8th and 9th)

In early March, the celebrities of New York’s Central Park Zoo will be taking over the Southern Door Community Auditorium! Over 50 Southern Door Middle School students have been working together to bring Dreamworks’ Madagascar - A Musical Adventure Jr. to life! This year marks Southern Door’s third Middle School Musical production. This project provides an opportunity for any student in grades 6 through 8 to experience the world of theater. Middle schoolers not only perform the show, but they also work on set building, costuming, lighting, and various aspects of being behind the scenes during the show. Directors Sara Mueller and Amanda Kadulski have seen this program grow from just an idea to something Southern Door Middle Schoolers and the community look forward to each spring and are excited for another successful season! Collaborations with local businesses have made this project possible, and provided a founda-

tion for this program to continue to expand each year.

This year’s show - Madagascar - A Musical Adventure, Jr. - is based on the comical Dreamworks film. Students have been working together to learn the songs and dances since December. Collaboration with high school students and Files, the choreographer, have got the students learning dance moves and finding their groove over the past few weeks. Bryan Geisel and the middle school student crew have been working on

bringing the bustle of New York City and the exotic atmosphere of Madagascar to the stage with their set building and design. Just like a puzzle, all of the pieces are coming together to make sure this year’s show has everyone tapping their feet and falling in love with the characters on stage. Tickets are on sale now and are available on the Southern Door Community Auditorium website. Be sure to mark your calendars for March 7th, 8th, and 9th for a chance to catch this wild show!

Southern Door Community Auditorium

The Southern Door Community Auditorium, a proscenium-style performing arts facility, hosts a diversified season of programming designed to provide enriching and enlivening performing arts events throughout the year - not just to Southern Door County residents and neighboring communities - but from all corners of Wisconsin. The current season features over 20 events in our Community Series as well as a brand new Arts in Education series featuring six low-cost and accessible field trip opportunities for elementary/middle school students and educators from Door and Kewaunee County. In addition to highlighting local, regional and national touring acts, our venue is available for rentals, such as large group presentations, guest speakers, and other performing arts related events. The venue includes a robust inventory of modern, state-of-the-art sound, lighting and projection equipment to make every event memorable. To learn more, please contact Program Director, Cory Vandertie at cvandertie@sdsd.k12.wi.us or Technical Director, Josh Lardinois at jlardinois@sdsd.k12.wi.us

UPCOMING EVENTS at the Southern Door Community Auditorium

RESERVE YOUR TICKETS: sdauditorium.org or 920-676-1920

back in the saddle with their country and cowboy themed show, “HOTDISH ON THE RANGE: All hat, no cattle”. This trio of wacky gals use music, comedy, and some help from the audience to share their age-old wisdom for living a long and lively life, the Lutheran way. The show is comedic and family friendly, and you don’t have to be Lutheran to love it!! Supporting Sponsor: Stone Harbor Resort

Rooted in the tradition of classic country, bluegrass, and western swing music, the spirit of heartfelt music remains unchanged as The Fiddler’s Farm Band brings back the classics! The band includes 2-time Wisconsin State fiddle champion Hana Dumas on fiddle & vocals, IBMA Award winning and Grammy nominated Nick Dumas on mandolin & vocals, Dan Rass on guitar & vocals, Teri Rass on bass, and brother duo Steve & Guy Nothem on the steel guitar and drums! Enjoy timeless tunes from legends like Merle Haggard, Patsy Cline, Flatt & Scruggs, Bill Monroe, and more! Supporting Sponsor: Southern Door Business Association

FOLLOW us on Facebook for all the latest updates: SDCAuditorium

Contributors: Steve Bousley, Hannah Delwiche, Dave Desmond, Ben Grota, Sue Ann Hubbard, Chris Jackson, Amanda Kadulski, Kevin Krutzik, Becky LeBrun, Barb Mueller, Sara Mueller, Tina Nellis, Jody Nelson, Sara Paye, Mary Rass, Mary Spude, Marc Vandenhouten, Dillan Zaleski
Direct from Las Vegas, this special production features all of your favorite country hits live on stage from some of the world’s best celebrity impersonators: Karen Hetser as Dolly Parton (Winner of Jimmy Fallon’s “Clash of the Cover Bands”), Corrie Sachs as Reba McEntire (Honored five times as “Las Vegas Singer of the Year”), Stacey Whittion Summers
as Shania Twain & Martina McBride (Starred on TV shows such as ABC’s “The Next Best Thing & E! Television’s “Country’s Most Shocking”). Don’t miss this breathtaking celebration to the Ladies of Country! Presented by Brennan Seehafer Productions
Giddyup! The Looney Lutherans are
Ben Grota (SDHS Senior)

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