2 minute read
Miracle for a Miracle, Surprise for a Surprise
from Dopamine Issue #1
by Dopamine
Everyone has their own circle of what they call love – family, friends, adventure, passions, philanthropy and what not! To me, animals are the most quintessential part of this circle. We are all born with innate love for family and people who help us grow but extending this love to those who have no material bonds with us whatsoever takes a lot of true love and empathy. And this love is one that brings out the giving side and yet gives back only more in return. While struggling to keep my pace and poise at work on a very hectic day, I randomly googled – ‘how to sail through a bad day at work’. The results popped up and I opened one of the top few links instinctively. Besides the general advises on keeping motivation and thought momentum, there was a final bullet which said – ‘look at pictures of baby animals’. To my utter amazement, it wasn’t just me but a whole bunch of people who found the very eyes of animals repositories of infinite positive energy. The innocence bracketing a certain naughtiness, an incessant zeal for life and a never diminishing hope for a good life – are all conspicuous in their eyes if you look closely enough, and that is where I source my positivity from – almost instantly. There is no joy greater than being able to contribute to someone’s little happiness and choosing to do it for souls which are most neglected is all the more empowering.
I am at a stage today where, whenever distressed I simply tell myself – ‘had a dog been in your state, he would have still wagged his tail’. The formula about thinking of distress of the least fortunate and most helpless beings helps in realizing how trivial our quandaries and vagaries of life are. It has long been known that therapies that use animals have better response and participation in treatment plans from patients. In fact, in a research it was shown that children made fewer errors in match-to-sample categorization task in the presence of a dog relative to a stuffed dog or human. Similar studies may indicate presence of a dog serves as both a source of motivation and a highly salient stimulus for children, allowing them to better restrict their attention to the demands of the task. All of this only boldfaces the idea that there is a direct correlation between love for animals and the influx of positivity in human life. So the next time you see a puppy cold and hungry on the streets, don’t hold back, go ahead and delight him with the most unexpected surprise – some love in addition to food, and watch the universe reflect that positive energy back to you. If you will surprise a soul with love and a moment of happiness, expect the magic to only come back to you at a time when you will most seek a miracle, a little moment of reaffirmation of faith in God. I have experienced this enormous power of compassion, have you yet? If not, try it – TODAY.