1 minute read
What is Poetry?
from Dopamine Issue #1
by Dopamine
Poetry is when you close your eyes after an exhausting day and your eyeballs thaw under your eyelids. Poetry is when you flip over your pillow and your cheek brushes against the side where cold, misty clouds lay below your dreams. Poetry is when you are half awake after a peaceful afternoon nap and you struggle to wake up, like a butterfly learning to fly for the first time. Poetry is when you rub sweat off your forehead on a sunny day and a sudden wind cools you down more than your air-conditioned life ever could. Poetry is when you run barefoot on freshly cut grass and you almost remember that standing still isn't how you're meant to live. Poetry is this exact moment. And Poetry is also tomorrow, with no mistakes in it yet. In a way, Poetry is your life; it can escape you quickly.