Dora-Danai Kolokythakou | Architectural Portfolio | 2019

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D ora Da na i Ko l o k y t h a k o u


po rf ol io 2019

contact details home address: 18, Rodopis St.,136 76 Thrakomacedones, Acharnes, Greece mobile tel. number: 697 9115732 e-mail: issuu:

I am a freelance architect currently based in Athens. I have worked in RCR Arquitectes, Olot, Spain. In 2018, I completed my Master Thesis ‘A reading of the Unfinished/A manual of the Unfinished’ with Anna Papageorgiou, under the supervision of Aristides Antonas. I hold a Master in Architectural Design (Instead Parapoesis IV) from the University of Thessaly, Greece and a Diploma in Architecture from the School of Architecture of the Technical University of Chania, Greece.

Work Experience

C o m m e n d at i o n 09/2018 - 03/2019

RCR Arquitectes Architectural Office, Olot, Spain | Internship 2D visualization (autocad, photoshop), 3d modeling, architectural composition participation in the projects L’Estuaire | resindential complex in Bordeaux, France Estances de la Fusta | wooden pavilion for ephemeral living 2016 - now

Christos Kosmas Surveying Office | Collaboration as a freelance architect Buildings survey, 2D visualization 04/2013 - 07/2013

28th Office of Byzantine Antiquities, Chania, Greece | Internship Architectural measure drawing, historical buildings survey, 2D visualization E d u c at i o n

Workshops 2016

Resounding Cities, Athens, Greece Soundscape production, sound design and mapping 2015

PARAMETRIC CONSTRUCTION II: Wooden Structures by Space Under, an Office for Practice and Research, Athens, Greece Grasshoper plugin and construction of an 1:1 scale parametric structure 2016

2016 - 2018

Postgraduate Specialization Diploma in Architecture Design (PSD), INSTEAD (parapoesis) - Operating Manual for Deserted City Centres, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece Final Grade: 9.79/10 Master Thesis A Reading of the Unfinished / A Manual of the Unfinished Grade: 10/10

Citylab 2014: An architectural workshop about Patras City, Patras, Greece (European Program ‘South East Europe’) | Redevelopment of Maizonos St. in the center of Patras city 2013

2007 - 2015

School of Architecture (five years of studies), Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece Final Grade: 8.54/10 Research Thesis Tracing (in) the City: Locative Media through ‘Pervasive’ Wanderings Grade: 10/10 Diploma Thesis Feel(in)g the City: Reaching the Wanderer’s Disposition into the Old Town of Chania Grade: 10/10 2006

Thrakomacedones Secondary School, Acharnes, Greece Final Grade: 18.5/20

Award for exceptional performance during the academic year 2011 - 2012

The Light and the Labyrinth. Inbetween the Length of the Light and the Depth of the Place, Chania, Greece (International workshop) Proposal for small scale architectural interventions into the Old Town of Chania 2014 - now

Cooperation with TUC TIE Lab of Technical University of Crete for the design and the 1:1 scale construction of Ropi/e



Contribution in Sofia Vyzoviti’s Microdwelling - An atlas for Architects, University Studio Press, 2017 | contribution in 2D visualization as a part of the PSD INSTEAD (parapoesis)

Greek | native language English | Certificate of Proficiency, University of Michigan, 2013 French | Delf B2, 2005 Spanish | basic communication skills

Participation in Documenta 14, Reiner Olderdorf’s exhibition Marco14, National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A) contribution in the creation and installation of the exhibition as a part of the PSD INSTEAD (parapoesis) Competitions

Computer Skills

Participation in the International Design Competition COOK8 The New Dinning Place (2018) by Domés International Review of Architecture

Microsoft Office ••••• AutoCAD 2D ••••• AutoCAD 3D ••••• Rhinoceros •••• V-Ray for Rhinoceros ••• Grasshoper plugin • SketchUp •• Adobe Photoshop ••••• Premiere ••••• InDesign ••••• Illustrator •••• Autodesk Maya • 3D Studio MAX •

P u b l i c at i o n s Diploma Thesis Greek Architects, e-magazine | Archstudies , e-magazine |

Research Thesis Greek Architects, e-magazine |

V o l u n t ee r E x p e r i e n c e 2016

Participation in the 3rd Open House Athens | Tour guide at the ‘Musician’s House’ Volunteer participation in guided tours of Actionplus



Handling of laser cutter and CNC machines, logo and business card design Hobbies



Photography, collage, handcrafting, knitting, music, writing Hiking, contemporary dancing, pilates


Topos [Place]


A Reading of the Unfinished / A Manual of the Unfinished


Αναμονή [Limbo]


Aντίστιξις [Antistixis : Counterpoint]


Inhabiting the Void: the Athenian Scaffold


Feel(in)g the City: Reaching the Wanderer’s Disposition into the Old Town of Chania


Traces of History: Transformation of a warehouse into an exhibition space


Towards the sea


Ropi/e: an innovative suspension system for bicycles 1

architectural competition

Topos [Place]

The subject of the competition is the design of an interior dining space for 8 people, of an area of 24 - 30 sq m. The aim is the formulation of new ideas on the design of a meeting-place for people on the occasion of the preparation and consumption of food as means of socialisation. The main idea of the proposal has to do with the perception of the kitchen as a basic communal part of the Greek ‘polikatoikia’. A place for everyone. A place in progress which ‘unfolds’ in the course of time, affecting the dom-ino structure.

Participation in the International Design Competition COOK8 The New Dinning Place (2018) by Domés International Review of Architecture


Dora-Danai Kolokythakou | Anna Papageorgiou | Eleni Ragavani

The typical floor of the polikatoikia has changed. Communal spaces are all over the structure except for the necessary­individual space. In each floor there is a structure integrated to the dom-ino. A concrete base that forms different levels, wooden surfaces and a suspended metal grid are surrounded by an ephemeral shell.

Axonometric representation of the structure


The multiple levels define the space, though not the use of it. Everything may happen everywhere simultaneously. This structure is not only a kitchen, but also a common space for the inhabitants and the neighborhood. The structure is in progress. It spreads through the dom-ino while it is affected by people, objects and behaviors. Finally, a ‘kitchen’ is a generator of different happenings.


Spreads of the interior |

Floor plan of the structure

Perspective view of the structure


master thesis

A reading of the unfinished / A manual of the unfinished This research points out what is perceived as ‘insignificant’ in the everyday life of the city by focusing on its ‘unseen’ spaces, referring to the spaces of the city that lack any trace of permanent use. Focusing on the research of urban spaces that are subject to obsolescence -ruin, incomplete domino structure (aka. yapi) and remnant- these now emerge as actors of an unfinished architecture. The methodology is defined by referring to the ‘existent’ through itself. Through this frame of thinking, the notion of unfinished emerges as a way to disrupt the concrete image of the city as well as an actor of mutability that could epitomize the possibility of successive potential dwellings of space.

Master Thesis with Aristide Antonas


Dora-Danai Kolokythakou | Anna Papageorgiou

Part of the ruin’s etymology | A statement and its analysis


Starting with dwelling as the main function of the city, ver na cula r is defined as a notion -a lemma- referring to dwelling amidst incomplete structures.


Unfinished in use Dwelling | Lemma: vernacular | Spatial configurations and objects

The notions of r uin, in c omplet e d om-ino s t r u c t u r e (a k a. yapi) and r em na nt refer to obsolete spaces. Therefore, an index of such existing spaces is compiled. A particular ‘etymology’ of these obsolete spaces highlights common notions that constitute them. Us ele s sne s s, d e c ay, b ound a r ie s and t r a c e recreate the notion of

unf inish e d not only as an urban reality, but also as an anticipation for the emergence of a future spatial act/synthesis.

Dwelling | Lemma: vernacular | An example


ερείπιο (το) {ερειπίου | -ιών} 1. τα υπολείμματα κατεστραμμένων ή κατεδαφισμένων κτηρίων 2. (μτφ.) αυτός που έχει εμφανή τα σημάδια της φθοράς, της γήρανσης, της εξάντλησης ή της πολυχρησίας 3. (μτφ.) ερείπια (τα) οτιδήποτε απομένει μαρτυρώντας καταστροφή ή αποτυχία ΣΥΝ. απομεινάρια, χαλάσματα, συντρίμμια. [ΕΤΥΜ. <αρχ. ἐρείπιον < ἐρείπω < ἐ- προθεμ. + Ι.Ε. *rei-p- «σχίζω, ρίχνω»] γιαπί (το) {γιαπιού | -ιών} 1. Η οικοδομή που δεν έχει ακόμα τελειώσει 2. (ειδικότ.) ο σκελετός οικοδομής που είναι υπό κατασκευή. [ΕΤΥΜ. < τουρκ. yapı]. χάλασμα (το) [μτγν.] {χαλάσματος | -ατα, άτων} (λαϊκ.) 1. Το να χαλά, να καταστρέφεται (κάτι) ΣΥΝ. γκρέμισμα ΑΝΤ. ανέγερση 2. (ειδικότ.) η κατεδάφιση του κτίσματος 3. (συνεκδ.) γκρεμισμένο ή ετοιμόρροπο κτίσμα ή τμήμα οικοδομής.


Part of the existing etymologies of ruin, yapi and remnant in greek

Non Dwelling | Lemmas: ruin, yapi, remnant


ερείπιο (το)


The etymology of the unfinished in greek | The Fragments

Consequently, a completely personal ‘etymology’ of the notion of the

unf inish e d is attempted, in order

γιαπί (το)

to be designated on the one hand as an existing situation induced by the processes that consist the city itself and on the other hand as an expectation regarding a future architectural thinking. Thus, given the ‘philological’ definition of the

unf inish e d and through a certain methodology, the study areas are analysed into two interrelated indexes. In the first index, the spaces related to each key notion -r uin, yapi a nd r em na ntare disintegrated into their structural

χάλασμα (το)

f r a g m e n t s , rendering a new index of autonomous spatial entities.

The Fragments



Some of the Clusters

The second index emerges from treating the first as a dictionary of new spatial tools. This leads to a process of synthesis that compiles newly established spatialities that are emblematic regarding their incompleteness¡ the c l u s t e r s . The synthesis of the fragments deals with an experimental integration of heterogeneous spatial elements and does not aim to the production of space itself but triggers the generation of an expectation. t h e mult iple int er p r et at ions of sp a c e t h r ough it s unf in ish e d ver sion.


postgraduate I

Aναμονή [Limbo]

The subject of the workshop refers to the urban building block and strategies of dealing with the empty residential and office buildings in the center of Athens. The athenian urban block seems to occur from informal urbanization. That could be depicted in the spontaneous and vernacular practices of the Athenians. Rather than proposing a particular design, the project aims at a generic, communal design that favors the customization and familiarization of space by the inhabitants.

Postgraduate Workshop with Costis Paniyiris and Evelyn Gavrilou


Dora-Danai Kolokythakou | Anthi Kanelli | Anna Papageorgiou

The urban block is penetrated by the already existing stoas (arcades) and new ones, empowering circulation throughout the block. The tallest buildings provide access to the rooftops through the existing staircases which are partly expanded.

Axonometric representations of the building block



Experimentation |

Generic design and scenarios

The design tools of the proposal



Generic design in an office building | Axonometric representation

As a second layer above the rooftops, a communal ‘platform’ creates a common ground of communication and gathering for the inhabitants of the building block.

A scenario | Axonometric representation


postgraduate II

Aντίστιξις [Antistixis : Counterpoint]

The theme of the workshop refers to the experimentation through different approaches concerning the area around Geraniou St. in the center of Athens. The area is characterized by commercial buildings and half-empty polikatoikias (blocks of flats) that indicate the lack of inhabitants and the absence of communal space in the proximity. The proposal aims at the empowerment of the relation between the residential blocks and the street through a linear axis that connects Vathis Square and Theater Square.

Postgraduate Workshop

Thinning with Ilias Papageorgiou (SO-IL)


Dora-Danai Kolokythakou | Grigoris Petropoulos | Stefania Orfanidou

The thinning process | Cut - Removal - Addition - New facades



Floor plan of the axis | From Vathis Square to Theater Square

The stucture imitates the Athenian stoa (arcade) that typically hosts commercial uses on the ground floor. The group of stoas refers to the ground floor where stores already exist and to the upper residential floors where the private life merges with the communal life.

The axis is adjacent to the facades of the polikatoikias | Cross section of the structure, Geraniou St.



Axonometric representation of the structure

View from Piraios St.


postgraduate III

Inhabiting the Void the Athenian Scaffold

The plot is defined by a series of buildings’ demolitions and reconstructions. In 1980 the department store “KatrantzosSport” was destroyed by an arson and was partially demolished. Since then, the plot, which has been declared nonbuildable, is still an urban void in the historical center of Athens. The subsidence of the ground denotes an imaginary, non/existent entity, maybe that of the ‘ruins’. The void, urban and terrestrial or in ruins and underground, is imprinted on the Athenians’ perception and triggers the entire design.

Postgraduate Workshop with Wilfried Kuehn


Dora-Danai Kolokythakou | Eleni Ragavani | Anthi Kanelli

Firstly, we aim at revealing the still existing basement of the department store as a contemporary Athenian ruin. The urban void is covered by a 3D grid. A scaffold starts from the ruins’ level and ends to the level of the rooftops, marking the expansion of the public space on the vertical axis.

The stages of the process revealing the ruins | installing the scaffold and passages | first residences - ‘top down’ appearance | expansion - max capacity of scaffold and units

The residence is integrated in a cluster of autonomous, minimum size modules which are hooked in the scaffold. In a way we aim at redefining the relation between the residence and the city. The character of the residence is temporary (for some months), without excluding permanence.


First floor plan of the structure | Unit plans and sections

The public movement is attached to the scaffold, starting from the contemporary ruins and ending to the rooftop level.

Floor diagram | Perspective view of the Athenian Scaffold


diploma thesis

Feel(in)g the City Reaching the Wanderer’s Disposition into the Old Town of Chania

The scope of the thesis is the arousal of people’s emotions through their experience in the surrounding urban scenery. This urban scenery does exist; it is being reinforced and enriched with a meaningful content capable to influence someone’s disposition, participation and needs. Eventually, the project aims at dredging up the Old Town’s ‘unseen dynamics’ by forming spotted spatial ‘episodes’ (i.e. interventions), so as to arouse the wanderer’s emotions.

Diploma Thesis supervised by Konstantinos-Alketas Ouggrinis


Dora-Danai Kolokythakou | Eleni Ragavani | Marilena Stavrakaki

Collage of the notions used in the thesis


What plays a significant role in the design process is the ‘protagonist’ of each spot - that exact element prevalent in the area, for instance an arch, a tree and so on.

The ‘wandering’ takes place in the Old Town of Chania - a space and time palimpsest. The Town is ‘extrovert’ regarding the social and commercial places of strolling and leisure while it is ‘introvert’ concerning the tucked away neighbourhoods within the complex, medieval structure. This ‘introversion’ points out the ‘unseen dynamics’ of the Old Town of Chania triggering the wandering in it.


Map of emotional state of each spatial spot | Map of contemporary wandering in Chania

i. ‘Relaxation and Wellness’ ii. ‘Curiosity and Surprise’ iii. ‘Action and Interaction’ iv. ‘Contemplation and Emotional Strain’

Four emotional states were formed for the wanderer to surrender themselves and experience



The four emotional states | Some of the spatial ‘spots’ designed

A model of wandering | 1:50 scale model of the four spatial spots and the urban fabric


Firstly, four spots were thoroughly designed - one for every emotional state, which are in close proximity to each other, forming a model of successive wanderings in the city.

The design tools are mostly seats which favor comfortable posture of the body, plants which provide shade, frames towards the landscape. The materials used are wood, soil, fabric and water which are user-friendly and flexible materials.


Zen Square, ‘Relaxation and Wellness’

Each spot is represented by three panels that include the identity, the way of approach and the design of the spot.

The design tools vary; they are steep stairs, high walls obstructing the view, panels alternating light and shadow, suspended pathways. The materials used are not strictly defined. We use uncoated concrete, corten steel - perforated or solid, wire rope.

Secret Passage, ‘Curiosity and Surprise’


When leaving a spot, the wanderer may find a visual or acoustic stimulus so as to be driven to the next spot. Obviously, this depends on wanderer’s percipience at every single moment.

The design tools are mostly horizontal surfaces of action, engravings on the floor, seats designed to promote interaction between people. The materials used are user-friendly, such as wood, fabric and sand.


Play, ‘Action and Interaction’

The design tools are vertical surfaces, frames, “lone” seats, transitions in height which are meant to give specific visual information to the wanderer. The materials used are hard, steely, reflective or not, such as corten steel, concrete, mirrors.

Castle, ‘Contemplation and Emotional Strain’


undergraduate I

Traces of History Transformation of a warehouse into an exhibition space

The project refers to the study of four warehouses of an abandoned complex located in the old city of Heraklion, Crete. In the early 20th century the warehouses were used as a space for the processing and storage of raisins. The scope of the project is to highlight the initial identity of the building as a memory landmark in the city of Herakleion. All partitions added during previous uses are thoroughly removed in order to recover the original form of the warehouses. The second phase of the project focuses on the second warehouse that is transformed into an exhibition space designed to bring together the memory of the past and the present.

Restoration of Existing Envelopes Studio 42

Dora-Danai Kolokythakou | Eleni Ragavani

A passage connects the warehouses | Rough sketch



The intervention | The complex of the four warehouses

Floor plan and attic plan of the warehouse



Longwise section of the warehouse | Detail of the structure

Cross sections of the warehouse


undergraduate III

Towards the Sea

‘Towards the Sea’ refers to a further analysis of the northern segment of the project ‘Concert Halls in the Western Moat of Chania’. In this project emphasis is placed on the creation of an ‘exit’ of the Venetian moat towards the sea. The design combines ‘extrovert’ public spaces such as open-air auditoriums and extended walkways leading to the sea, with less bustling spaces such as small pathways through the natural landscape providing privacy.

Further analysis of Architectural Design Studio VIII 48

Dora-Danai Kolokythakou

Aspect of the intervention from above


This part of the intervention is seen from the old harbour of Chania, forming a new relationship between the city and this once isolated part of the moat.


The main path to the sea which leads to the two open air auditoriums | Close relation to the waterfront

Materials such as wood, concrete and corten steel, familiar to the user and the landscape are used, so that a silent intervention into the existing landscape can be achieved.

A small path into the natural landscape


undergraduate IV

Ropi/e an innovative suspension system for bicycles

Ropi/e embodies the idea of a bicycle stand designed for an apartment, as a ‘statement’ object of contemporary way of life. The design of the stand is inspired by the bicycle’s gear function used to transmit motion to the wheels. Ropi/e achieves the bicycle’s suspension in a vertical position, effortlessly. What needs to be done is to fasten the bicycle from two nodal points and then release a counterweight in order to let the lifting procedure start and end up in an equilibrium position.

Cooperation with TUC TIE Lab 52

Dora-Danai Kolokythakou | Eleni Ragavani

Side view of Ropi/e with covering



Side views of Ropi/e with and without covering

The components of the structure Metal frame Hangers Suspension details Metal pulleys with wooden covering Socket of handle bar - wheel Counterweight

The 1:1 scale construction of Ropi/e | The process




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