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The Dordt Difference The Dordt College Agriculture Stewardship Center (ASC) operates on the principle that creation belongs to the Creator, and we have been given the privilege of caring for and using it. The ASC is located two miles north of the college. On its 200 acres, we raise livestock and grow row crops, small grains, and produce. Agricultural buildings are available for class sessions, student research, livestock production, and animal care. The ASC plays a key role in preparing students to work as professionals and servant-leaders in agriculture. Dordt students are guided and encouraged as they evaluate agricultural technology and practices from a biblical, Reformed perspective. Students see that God calls them—through the power of his Holy Spirit—to transform local and global food systems so that they better reflect the biblical principles of justice, love for one’s neighbor, and care for creation.
HANDS-ON OPPORTUNITIES Students in agriculture, biology, and environmental studies conduct group research projects on a diverse array of topics. Their findings are shared with fellow students in courses and at field days, workshops, and conferences. Faculty and students continually evaluate crop and livestock production and management. Research projects include field trials of herbicide resistant weed control, fungicide for soybeans, and rootworm resistance traits in corn. Field trials include nitrogen timing, planting population in corn production, date-of-planting studies of soybeans, and certified organic production. Other studies have focused on animal feeding trials with cover crops. Students have also investigated water quality, insect populations, and use of drones. For more information about agricultural degree programs at Dordt College, go to academics/programs/agriculture. August 2015