The Dordt Difference Are you interested in leading worship or becoming a better worship leader? Are you passionate about worship and want to know what goes into its planning? If so, Dordt’s worship arts major might interest you. Young people tell us they want to share their gifts, and many churches are looking for trained, dynamic biblical worship planners. This major will help meet the growing need for good lay and professional involvement in worship. It will also help you and your worship community engage in rich and authentic worship, whether you’re inclined toward its more traditional or more contemporary expression. With a worship arts major, you’ll become a skilled and discerning leader and an engaged participant in your church’s worship.
THE PROGRAM Dordt’s worship arts major will help you • develop a scriptural foundation for personal and communal worship • explore how worship has historically helped the community of faith grow in intimacy with God • learn the richness of both historical and contemporary worship forms • receive one-on-one coaching from experienced worship staff • become sensitive to cultural trends affecting worship • learn a broad range of worship songs and become discerning in choosing from among them • discern and develop your gifts for worship leadership • develop confidence through experience in worship leadership • communicate clearly to build community, lead effectively, and resolve conflicts within worship teams • learn new technology and skills • choose emhases within the major in areas such as: art, communication , digital media, English, music, theatre arts, or theology
PROGRAM STRENGTHS Strong faculty and staff resources—people who have been involved in worship planning and leading for years. A dynamic culture of worship on and off campus, giving a variety of worship opportunities. A good complement to any major, especially theology and music majors, to prepare you for a life of worship.