The Dakotas Annual Conference
cial Journal
June 5-8, 2024 Annual Conference Session Bismarck, North Dakota
Future Conference June 5-8, 2025, Mitchell, South Dakota
Contributors: Jim Ducker, JoAnn Early, Doreen Gosmire, Laurie Langland, Rev. Amber La ey, Anna Mutzenberger, Susan Punt, Bea Stucke, David Stucke, Rev. Rebecca Trefz, Rev. Dayne Zachrison
Dakotas - Minnesota Episcopal Area of The United Methodist Church

A word from Bishop Lanette
(*summary of the 2024 Episcopal Address)

Our theme scripture for the 2024 annual conference was Isaiah 43:1: But now, this is what the Lord says – he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: Do not fear for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name. You are mine.
There is something about this scripture that has tattooed itself on my heart So many voices in our nation – and even in the church – tell us that there are things we should be afraid of. However, we know that our driver is not fear. It is Jesus. It is love. We need not fear. This scripture reminds us that we don't need to be afraid because we have been redeemed. God has called us and claimed us.
In the Hebrew scriptures, when it says, "We've been redeemed," God is telling us, "I own you I've got you I have called you by name You are mine I know you intimately and personally " That is Good News!
But sometimes, we forget this truth. We fall into sin—individually and corporately—and fear becomes the predominant voice. We know this reality in our lives and when we look at our ancestors.
I think we can all acknowledge that 2019 was a challenging year What tore my heart up was not just the decisions of the 2019 Special Session of General Conference but also how we were with one another as members of the Body of Christ. Somehow, we forgot that we are invited to unity of spirit even if we do not have uniformity of thought. Somewhere along the way, we decided that dividing the Body of Christ was the best outcome for our future.
As I entered the season of Lent that year, I felt the depth of my humanity I felt fear and hurt Following Easter, I took a trip to Scotland because I felt the need to go back to the lands where my family roots are found. I was looking for sacred space—a "land" where I could encounter God in a way that I desperately needed.
Throughout the scriptures, land is a powerful image of God's promise and provision In the second chapter of Genesis, God took a bit of "land, " breathed into it, and gave it life The appearance of land signaled that the food waters had subsided and there would be new life. Abraham and Sarah were promised land as a symbol of God's covenant. Moses heard God's call as he was standing on Holy Ground. The Israelites were called into a Promised Land fowing with milk and honey. In the Gospels, we see a powerful image of Jesus writing something in the dirt – in the land – when he encounters the woman caught in adultery – a moment that would diffuse
Lanette Plambeck
Resident Bishop
Hope Hutchison Executive Administrative Assistant to the Bishop
an angry crown and transform the woman's story. I hoped going to my ancestors' lands would bring me a holy encounter.
While I was there, I occasionally took public transportation. One day, as I was stepping onto a bus, the driver instructed me to "mind the gap" between the platform and the vehicle At that moment, God spoke a truth into my spirit through that bus driver – a transformative truth that I needed to hear about what my purpose is – what OUR purpose is. I had thought I would fnd that "thin space" among the historical ruins. Instead, I found it on a city bus.
As people of faith – Christ-followers in the Wesleyan tradition – our purpose and invitation is to "mind the gap" – to work to close the gap that exists between the Kingdom of Heaven and what we experience here on earth Those simple words shifted my focus from looking at the past to looking for hope.
While in Scotland, I flled a small jar with dirt from each place I visited because I didn't want to forget what I had experienced there. I had come to realize that I didn't want to be among the ruins anymore – the "land" of fear and death – because my God is a LIVING God – a God of resurrection and new life I didn't want a life that walked among the ruins of what was I wanted a life in a ministry that walked with the stories of people –those who are here now and those yet to come. I knew I wanted to be among the people and their stories.
There is this thing that happens when we take time to really know each other, to know each other's stories. We listen, we learn, and we love We recognize this truth—we all come from the same dirt I need you, and we need one another to do this thing called ministry God has called us together to turn away from any behavior that tears us apart. As I returned home from that trip, I had a sense of peace that "All would be well because God's got us."
Friends, members of the Body of Christ, you jars of clay – we are hope for the world. Our message to this world is this: "Don't be afraid Let me introduce you to the one who has redeemed me Like me, God knows your name You are God's "
Let our ministry across the Dakotas Conference claim. Let us tattoo that truth across this Conferece so all who intersect and interact with the people called United Methodists may know a people who love because God frst loved us, who serve because Christ called us to be servant leaders, and who do so in community because we are called and claimed at Pentecost in the power of the Holy Spirit Hallelujah Amen
Dakotas - Minnesota Episcopal Area of e United Methodist Church 122 W. Franklin Ave., Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-870-4007
Bishop Lanette Plambeck, Resident Bishop bishopso ce@dkmnareaumc.org
Hope Hutchison Executive Administrative Assistant to the Bishop hope.hutchison@dkmnareaumc.org
In 2022, the Dakotas Continuing United Methodist Church Task Force completed listening sessions across the conference. The purpose was clarifying and articulating the vision and values shared by churches and pastors across the theological spectrum who wish to remain in covenant connection, believing that our diversity enhances our movement and witness to the world. This intentional listening and conversation happened with those who would consider themselves conservative, progressive, and centrist. It happened in churches in large communities and in rural areas; settings with primarily older adults as well as campus ministry settings; gatherings with youth and with the LGBTQ+ community. Task Froce members asked questions about what was important to Dakotas United Methodists as followers of Jesus, what needs they saw in the community that the Church should address, what they valued about being United Methodist, and their vision for the future. Information from the Values Discernment workshops was also considered, seeking common value themes among congregations across the Dakotas. The result is a Values and Vision Statement—a sincere attempt to put into words what we heard as Dakotas United Methodists shared their hearts and their hopes:
Values and Vision Statement for the Continuing Dakotas United Methodist Conference
Dakotas United Methodists value following Jesus in a Wesleyan way They value the understanding of God’s prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace that comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. They also value the framework of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral— the primacy of scripture, the importance of Christian tradition, our God-given ability to use our reason and intellect, and the importance of learning from those moments when we or others experience the Holy Spirit moving in our lives and through the Church.
Dakotas United Methodists are also passionate about being ON mission and IN mission together That passion looks like deep, intergenerational connections and relationships that bridge differences That value looks like being the church in town that will “marry and bury anyone” and welcomes everyone to the Lord’s Table. Additionally, it looks like serving, sacrifcing, and being sent into the world as members of the body of Christ who need one another and who are stronger when we work together to build the kingdom of God on earth, as it is in heaven, starting in our local communities and spreading around the world.
With these values in mind, and considering the hopes and dreams that were shared, we offer a vision for the continuing United Methodist Church in the Dakotas
It is a vision of growing in love of God and neighbor that looks like walking alongside others to share the “why” of our faith so they can fnd theirs, wrestling with hard questions and trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit to guide our understanding of scripture and faithful living, and experiencing effectiveness in ministry through the growth of the fruit of the spirit and the selfess, sacrifcial love of Jesus.
We envision a renewed spirit of experimentation and innovation to reach new people in ways that are more expansive and inclusive. This will include new models of leadership bi-vocational, team ministry, digital networking, hub-church relations, etc. that help people use their gifts and encourage churches to step out of their comfort zone into a new chapter of ministry. It will mean models of church that create opportunities for belonging and becoming and connect with people who haven’t always felt welcomed inside our church walls
We envision continuing to live this missional spirit of partnering with God in ways that bring healing to a broken world. This healing looks like building bridges through living in the tension of divisions and learning how to embrace diversity and the mutual sanctifcation that comes through navigating differences. It looks like churches working to support each other in addressing specifc challenges in their community or the world. Furthermore, it looks like a posture of humility that knows we each need to experience healing and transformation in our own hearts, mindsets, and actions
In the following text you will fnd a more detailed description of these values and vision.
We value following Jesus in a Wesleyan Way. We see evidence of this value in our churches through people who are:
1. Believing in God’s prevenient grace (John 12:32) which goes before us and is working in the lives of people by:
• Meeting people where they are in life and faith and by welcoming all people into our churches and ministries.
• Embodying a welcoming, inclusive posture that seeks to see the image of God in people before we see their faults or failures.
• Opening our churches and our communion tables to anyone seeking a relationship with Jesus and the love of a family of faith
2 Experiencing God’s justifying grace (Romans 5:1) which brings us into a relationship with God through
Jesus Christ by:
• Knowing Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life.
• Sharing our God stories with others.
• Modeling the good news of love, forgiveness, redemption, resurrection, and new life found in salvation through Jesus Christ.
3 Desiring God’s sanctifying grace (John 15:1-17) to work in, among, and through us by:
• Being shaped by the authoritative power of scripture as the primary witness to the foundation of our faith—God’s saving and redemptive work through Christ from the beginning until the end—and using the gifts and wisdom of Christian tradition utilizing the experiences of ourselves and others that comes through listening and learning, and the gift of reason that God gives us to help us interpret and apply scripture to our lives.
• Encouraging and equipping all people to engage in Wesleyan Means of Grace (personal, social, piety, mercy) that help them navigate questions, doubts, disagreements, and divisions, have the heart and humility to love and serve all, and to see these as opportunities for transformation of our hearts and lives.
• Responding to the call to be agents of reconciliation who actively seek places in our community and world where people, actions, systems, etc. are out of alignment with Jesus’ command to love God and love people.
• Acknowledging we “see in a mirror dimly”(1 Cor. 13:12), looking for the planks in our own eyes (Matthew 7:5), knowing we won’t always get it right, valuing the diversity of a big tent, and understanding that sanctifcation doesn’t happen in an echo chamber or comfort zone.
We value being “On Mission” and “In Mission” with other individuals and churches in the Dakotas and beyond. We see evidence of this value in our churches through people who are:
1. Living the embodying spirit of the incarnation (1 John 4:12) by:
• Moving beyond safe, comfortable spaces and relationships to be present with people who are “messy” or hard to love; engaging in means of grace beyond the walls of the church through mission, service, blessing, hope, and “walking the talk” of our faith.
• Reaching out, building bridges across differences, and walking beside people in our churches and communities in times of need.
2. Living the relational example of the trinity (John 15:26) by:
• Committing to gather as welcoming communities, to develop deep relationships with one another, and to learn from intergenerational relationships and the experiences of others through mentoring and small group discipleship
• Uniting our gifts and our energies to provide campsites as “places apart” to support mission ministries that impact “the least of these” (Matt. 25:40) within and beyond our borders, and to respond in tangible ways when disasters strike.
3. Living the transformational paradigm of Pentecost (Acts 1:8) by:
• Seeing beauty and power in the variety of ways the Spirit speaks and works in our lives and in our churches and not shying away from difference or diversity
• Being empowered by the spirit to be sent into uncomfortable spaces, diffcult conversations, situations without easy answers, and the dark and lonely places that need the light of Christ.
• Admitting we need the power of the spirit to help us hear Jesus in a language we can understand and speak in ways others can understand so we can faithfully follow him in this time and space.
We value sharing resources and relationships in a way that allows us to support each other and maximize our missional impact, knowing that we can do more together than we can on our own. We see evidence of this value in our churches through people who are:
1. Serving together (John 13:15) by:
• Sharing time and talents to be camp counselors, ministry mentors, youth chaperones, mission volunteers, clean-up crews, volunteer musicians, internship sites, and event hosts in order to make an impact in lives and ministries beyond their own
• Partnering with other churches in our communities and beyond to bear witness to the love and power of Jesus Christ that bridges our differences and unites us in mission.
2. Sacrifcing together (John 15:13) by:
• Giving through the conference and foundation to help “bear one another’s burdens” (Gal. 6:2)– the burden of a major capital expenditure, the burden of seminary debt, or the burden of camp or mission trip costs.
• Giving apportionments so churches of all sizes, needs, and locations will have guidance in administering their church, navigating confict or tragedy, fnding and supporting pastoral leadership, and accomplishing their mission.
3. Sending and being sent together (John 20:21) by:
• Sharing ideas, resources, encouragement, and leadership with other churches.
• Encouraging and equipping people to answer God’s call to ministry and mission that happens in the church, the academy, the public square, the marketplace, and to the ends of the earth.
Building on these shared values and who we heard people say we were called to reach and called to be, we envision a future for the Dakotas Conference where United Methodists are growing in love of God and neighbor, embracing a renewed spirit of innovation, experimentation, and inclusion to reach new people, and seeing impact through partnering with God in ways that bring healing to the hurts of a broken world.
A. We envision United Methodists of all ages will be GROWING IN LOVE OF GOD AND NEIGHBOR.
1 We, clergy and laity alike, will know the “why” (Why Jesus? Why Church? Why our Church?) of our faith and discipleship, be living the “how” and “what,” and be equipped to help others experience the same This will happen through mentoring/discipling relationships and contexts as well as through systems and processes that help people encounter the risen Christ inside and outside the walls of our churches we will learn what it looks like to follow Jesus through the power of his life, death and resurrection. It will also happen as we help families disciple their kids and live out our call to be the oikos (family) for every child in our communities.
2 We will ground ourselves in scripture, seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the traditions of the faith, the experience of brothers and sisters in Christ along with our own, and God’s gift of reasoning to help us navigate the questions and circumstances we face and grow in Christlikeness. We will seek to stay humble and curious, balancing encouragement and challenges as we follow Jesus and lead others.
3 Our United Methodist identity and catholic spirit will help us celebrate diversity and spur us on toward ecumenical relationships and unity in Christ as we resist a spirit of fear, tribalism, and scarcity We will celebrate the connection that fosters a sense of organizational solidarity and selfessness that seeks to bless others.
4. Success in our churches will look like evidence of the fruit of the spirit, love as described in 1 Corinthians 13, new disciples of Jesus Christ, and the selfess, sacrifcial love of Jesus lived out in relationships, social systems, workplaces, schools, and communities
B. We will embrace a renewed spirit of innovation, experimentation, and inclusion to REACH NEW PEOPLE.
1. We will be more expansive and inclusive as we embrace our call to go out into all the world and make disciples. Churches will multiply through micro-churches, missional communities, new services and sites. Marketplace and mission-based ministries will also be encouraged knowing that one-size-doesn’tft-all when reaching the diversity of our communities. We will carry the posture of the open communion table into all aspects of life when it comes to reaching people who don’t have a relationship with Jesus, or a church family, or haven’t felt like they would be welcomed, or like they belong in church.
2. A culture of call will be fueled by new forms of pastoral leadership—bi-vocational, team ministry, digital networking, hub-church relations, etc. in order to help people use their gifts and encourage churches to step out of their comfort zone into a new chapter of ministry This will be possible because our churches will champion a culture of multiplication by regularly identifying, empowering, and apprenticing persons who God is calling into a unique vocational ministry role
3. We will utilize our connectional relationships and systems to share resources, guidance, and encouragement for reaching youth in our communities with the Good News, providing spaces of belonging where young people can wrestle with hard questions that don’t have simple answers and embrace the mystery and power of the Holy Spirit that both anchors our identity in Christ and empowers us to step into the unknown future
4. The Methodist movement will spread as people embrace the understanding that there is a missional seed and call to ministry inside each person and we are called to help people cultivate that, transitioning from going to church to BEING the church. Our small size will be an asset that helps us be nimble. Our connectional systems and relationships will help undergird these missional movements by providing support and resources as well as by removing barriers that threaten to stife them.

President Bishop Lanette Plambeck
612-870-4007 122 W Franklin Ave, Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Assistant to the Bishop for Connection & Communication Rev. Rebecca Trefz 605- 990-7791 1331 W. University Ave, PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301 rebecca.trefz@dakotasumc.org
Conference Co-Lay Leaders
Karl Rockeman 701-590-9093 PO Box 31223, Dickinson, ND 58602 cowboyk@gmail.com
John Srstska 605-941-6048 5604 West Circle Drive, Sioux Falls, SD 57106 j1srstka@aol com
Conference Secretary Rev Amber Laffey
605-996-6552 1331 W University Ave, PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301 conference.secretary@dakotasumc.org
Conference Statistician Rev. Joel Winckler
701-269-9960 1331 W. University Ave, PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301 joel.winckler@dakotasumc.org
DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS (see back cover for more information)
Northeast Superintendent Kris Mutzenberger 701-532-0455 kris.mutzenberger@dakotasumc.org
Northwest Superintendent Joel Winckler 701-269-9960 joel.winckler@dakotasumc.org
Southeast Superintendent Brandon Vetter 605-630-7882 brandon.vetter@dakotasumc.org
Southwest Superintendent Dan Bader 701-840-9802 dan bader@dakotasumc org
CONFERENCE LEADERS (see back cover for more information)
Executive Director, Finance & Admin., Conference Treasurer Jim Ducker 605-990-7786 jim.ducker@dakotasumc.org
President / CEO, Dakotas Methodist Foundation Sheri Meister 605-990-7789 1331 W. University Ave, PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301 sheri meister@dakotsumf org, Fax: 605-996-1766
Area Director of Camp and Retreat Ministry Keith Shew 612-230-6130 keith.shew@dkmnareaumc.org
Area Program Director, Clergy Well-Being, Diane Owen 612-230-6129 diane.owen@dkmnareaumc.org
Missional Impact Development Coach Al Roll 701-391-2015 al roll@dakotasumc org
United Women in Faith President Colleen McKirdy 605-269-1054 Spearfsh, SD captkeys@speartown.com
Conference Historian Cheryl Finney
605-332-9959 235 S Hawthorne Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57104 fcheryl6@aol com
Extended Cabinet

Conference Staff

Dana Bassett Assistant Treasurer

Kelsey Morgan Program Assistant Dakotas and Minnesota Methodist Foundations

Bea Stucke Ministry Operations Coordinator

Stacey Edwards Area Coordinator Camp and Retreat Ministries 855-622-1973

Susan Punt Ministries Assistant 605-990-7796

David Stucke Communications Associate 605-990-7795

Beata Ferris Area Project Coordinator Camp and Retreat Ministries 605-990-7783

Kaylynn Schutte Finance and Benefts/ HR Assistant 605-990-7782

JoAnn Early Conference Benefts and Human Resources Offcer 605-990-7785

Kathy Roll Senior Account and Payroll Administrator 701-391-5185

Lisa Schultz Dir of Accounting and Finance Dakotas and Minnesota Methodist Foundations 605-990-7780

Diane Weller Director of Foundation Relations
Dakotas and Minnesota Methodist Foundations 605-990-7780
*Year and class information can be obtained at the conference offce or from the nominations chair. Names in italics indicate laity
Committee / Agency First Name Last Name Class Role
(3 Lay, 3 Clergy) Description: The Common Table partners with the Bishop and Cabinet to steward the Conference vision and resources of the Dakotas Annual Conference.
Ex officio (with vote)
Ex officio (without vote)
Jeanne Sortland 2020 Chair, Clergy
Michele Slott 2022 Clergy at large
Rod Knock 2023 Clergy at large
Cody Warns 2014 Lay at large
Terry Nebelsick 2021 Lay at large
Cindy Yeager 2022 Lay at large
Ray Baker 2022 CCFA Representative
Brandon Vetter 2024 Cabinet Representative (SE District Superintendent)
John Srstka 2021 Conference Co-Lay Leader
Lanette Plambeck 2023 Bishop
Rebecca Trefz 2014 Bishop Assistant for Connections & Communication
CONFERENCE CHANCELLORS Eric Olson 2024 North Dakota
Ex officio (without vote)
Description: The Developing Missional Leaders Link convenes several groups that are charged with ensuring systems and resources are in place to develop a Culture of Call and Discipleship. They also ensure processes are in place to be empowered to live that call, and to be equipped to become leaders in their local churches, and ministries throughout the Conference.
Standing Committee (Member with vote)
Ex officio (with vote)
Description: The BOM is responsible for recruitment, credentialing, and care of candidates for ordained and licensed ministry.
Nancy Oviatt 2012 South Dakota
Lanette Plambeck 2023 Bishop
Kris Mutzenberger 2020 NE District Superintendent
Joel Winckler 2020 NW District Superintendent
Brandon Vetter 2024 SE District Superintendent
Dan Bader 2022 SW District Superintendent
Diane Owen 2021 Director of Clergy Well-Being
Keith Shew 2016 Area Director Camp & Retreat Ministries
Sheri Meister 2014 President/CEO Dakotas & Minnesota Methodist Foundation
Jim Ducker 2023 Director of Finances, Treasurer
Rebecca Trefz 2014 Bishop Assistant for Connections & Communication
John Srstka 2021 Conference Co-Lay Leader
Karl Rockeman 2022 Conference Co-Lay Leader
Al Roll 2021 Mission Coordinator
Anne Osborne 2023 Pensions Chair
Jeanne Sortland 2021 Common Table Chair
Bea Stucke 2014 Coordinator of Ministry Operations
Melissa Gall 2022 Chair & CCYM Representative
Taryn Ragels 2024 Clergy
Anita Tulp 2019 Lay
Jo Anne Hipple 2020 SW District Co-Lay Leader
Scott McKirdy 2022 Clergy
Bethany Severson 2024 Lay
Sharla McCaskell 2021 Board of Ordained Ministry
Nicole Anderson 2020 Camping Representative
Karl Rockeman 2022 Conference Co-Lay Leader
Kris Mutzenberger 2020 Cabinet Representative (NE DS)
Rebecca Trefz 2024 Bishop Assistant for Connections & Communication
Keith Shew 2016 Area Director Camp & Retreat Ministries
Diane Owen 2022 Director of Clergy Well-Being Director of Lay Servant Ministries - to be filled
Katie Ricke 2017 Chair
Jennifer McDonald 2020 Vice Chair
Secretary - Conference Relations – to be filled
Sara McManus 2016 Registrar - Conference Relations
Jen Tyler 2018 Conference Relations Chair
Howard Grinager 2013 Retired Liaison
Bruce Forbes 2016 Extension Ministries Liaison
Rob Salmonson 2019 NE District Representative
Rick Craig 2021 NW District Representative & LLP Registrar
Keith Nelson 2022 SE District Representative
Jeff Lathrop 2024 SW District Representative
Marilyn Spurrell 2017 Clergy, Continuing Education Chair
Chang Yi 2012 Clergy
Scott McKirdy 2023 Clergy
Committee / Agency
Ex officio (with vote)
First Name Last Name Class Role
Sharla McCaskell 2014 BOM Representative to Missional Leaders
Jean Larson 2022 Lay
Mark Finck 2022 Lay
Rita Lepp 2023 Lay
Kris Mutzenberger 2020 Cabinet Representative (NE DS) COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS
Description: The committee on nominations works to identify clergy and lay leadership to serve on various boards and committees at the Conference and district levels.
Ex officio (without vote)
Description: The CRMC is an Area-wide advisory committee that supports the mission, vision and values of camping ministries.
Ex officio (without vote)
Auxiliary / Invited (without vote)
Jennifer Hallenbeck Orr 2022 Chair, NW District
Karl Rockeman 2024 NW District & Conference Co-Lay Leader
Sharman Zachrison 2016 NW District
Amber Laffey 2019 SE District & Conference Secretary
Nancy Hallenbeck 2015 SE District SE District - to be filled
Suzanne Hoskins 2024 NE District
Wayne Millar 2024 NE District NE District - to be filled
Connie Eichinger 2017 SW District
Jeff Adel 2018 SW District
John Britt 2024 SW District
Rebecca Trefz 2014 Bishop Assistant for Connections & Communication
Bea Stucke 2020 Coordinator of Ministry Operations
Tyrel Schlecht 2017 Chair, Lay
Amber Laffey 2024 Clergy
Lyall Workman 2012 Lay
Rydel Samuelson 2024 Clergy
Erin Woods 2022 Lay
Keith Shew 2015 Area Director Camp & Retreat Ministries
Nicole Anderson 2023 Site Director, Lake Poinsett
Tanner Clark 2023 Site Director, Storm Mountain
Lori Faleide 2024 Site Director, Wesley Acres
Peggy Hanson 2016 Chair, Clergy
Seth LaBounty 2024 Clergy
Paul Lint 2022 Clergy
Steve Hilton 2018 Lay
Andrea Plueddeman 2022 Lay
Melissa Gall 2021 NE District Coordinator NW District Coordinator - to be filled
Clay Lundberg 2022 SE District Coordinator
Quaya Ackerman 2024 SW District Coordinator
District Youth Representatives (to be elected at AC 2024 CCYM meeting)
Description: This link partners with conference staff and leadership to support the work of planting new churches and revitalizing congregations.
Ava Laffey 2024 President, SE District
Kenzie Giziewski 2024 Vice President, SE District
Kylie Ellis 2024 Secretary, NW District
Noah Mutzenberger 2024 YSF Chair, NE District
Maliya Mikkelson 2024 Member, NE District
Camden Flemming 2024 Member, SW District
Becky Holten 2022 Chair - Lay Lay - to be filled
Andrea Hult 2024 Lay
Tia Felberg 2024 Clergy
Kori Lehrkamp 2020 Clergy
Matt Morrison 2018 Clergy
Cory Thrall 2015 Clergy
Ex officio (without vote)
Description: This link equips the local church by providing avenues connecting in local, regional, and worldwide missions. They also provide resources to help churches reach into their communities.
Lanette Plambeck 2023 Bishop
Al Roll 2022 Rural Ministry Grant
Dan Bader 2022 Cabinet Representative (SW DS)
Marty Toepke-Floyd 2014 Co-Chair, Clergy
Karl Kroger 2015 Co-Chair, Clergy
Janice Thompson 2024 Clergy
Laura Borman 2017 Clergy
Gail Arnold 2014 Clergy
Committee / Agency
Standing Committees (Membership with vote)
Ex officio (with vote)
Ex officio (without vote)
First Name Last Name Class Role
Ron Olson 2021 Clergy
Lindsey Weich 2021 Lay
Deb Holland 2021 Lay
Deb Brooks 2023 Lay
Colleen McKirdy 2023 United Women in Faith President
Al Roll 2020 Secretary of Global Ministries
Linda Dodds 2021 UWF Coordinator Social Action
Shirley Deethardt UWF Mission Coordinator for Education
Dan Bader 2022 Cabinet Representative (SW District Superintendent)
Quaya Ackerman 2024 Chair - Clergy
Veronica Fleming 2024 Clergy
Katie Clark 2024 Lay
Gene Mason 2024 Lay
Al Aman 2024 Lay
Josh Russiff 2024 Lay
Description: This Committee was formed through legislative action of the 2022 Annual Conference to explore cross-Methodist partnerships.
Rebecca Trefz 2022 Bishop Assistant for Connections & Communication
Fern Bailey 2022 Lay
Connie Eichinger 2022 Clergy
Mary Hayenga 2022 Lay
Rodney Knock 2022 Clergy
Paul Lint 2022 Clergy
John Lomheim 2022 Lay
Lou Whitmer 2022 Clergy
Description: UWF is the official women’s organization of the United Methodist Church. Membership is voluntary and open to all women committed to and engaged in mission who affirm the Purpose. We collaborate with organizations worldwide that address the condition of women, children, and youth around the world.
Colleen McKirdy 2023 President
Robyn Nadvornik 2023 Vice President
Glenda Kluckman 2023 Secretary
Linda Smith 2024 Treasurer
Linda Dodds 2021 Social Action
Alexis Huff 2022 Membership Nurture and Outreach
Shirley Deethardt 2023 Education and Interpretation
Brenda Rekow
Penny Galinat
2020 Spiritual Growth
2020 Secretary of Program Resources
Diane Dyk 2023 Communications Coordinator
Sherry Heaton
Charlene Koll
Marsha Timm
2020 Nominations Chair (end 2025)
2020 Committee on Nominations (end 2024)
2023 Committee on Nominations (end 2024)
Jan Petersen 2020 Committee on Nominations (end 2024)
Debra Richardson Committee on Nominations (end 2026)
UNITED METHODIST MEN President - to be filled
Robert Schultz
Description: CCFA oversees the management and care of the finances of the Dakotas Annual Conference including recommending an annual budget for approval at Annual Conference as well as setting policies and procedures for the stewardship and the use of funds raised through apportionments and other assets.
Ex officio (without vote)
2012 Treasurer
Ray Baker
2022 Chair, Clergy
John Lomheim 2022 Vice Chair, Lay
Ruth Barrett
2013 Lay, Secretary, Executive Team
Mike Briggs 2022 Lay
Jim Griebel 2024 Lay
Teresa Person 2023 Clergy
Andrea Johnson 2024 Clergy
Thanael Certa-Werner 2024 Clergy
Clergy - to be filled
Lanette Plambeck 2023 Bishop
Jim Ducker 2023 Director of Finances, Treasurer
Sheri Meister
Curtis VanDyke
Joel Winckler
Description: The BOP administers the pension, health care and other benefit programs available to clergy and lay employees of United Methodist institutions (local churches, annual conference, and other UM related
2014 President/CEO Dakotas and Minnesota Foundation
2024 Board of Pensions Representative
2024 Cabinet Representative (NW DS)
Rebecca Trefz 2014 Bishop Assistant for Connections & Communication
Anne Osborne Chair - laywoman (non-voting)
Curtis VanDyke
Cynthia Nelson
Jack Erickson
2023 Vice Chair - layman
2019 Recording Secretary - laywoman
2014 Member - Clergy
Ryan Mutzenberger 2024 Member - Clergy
Shawn Culey
2015 Member - layman
Committee / Agency
entities). The purpose of the Board is to wisely provide pension and health care benefits for its clergy, lay employees, and their families so that they can more freely equip the local church to accomplish its mission.
Leana Stunes 2024 Member - laywoman
Valerie Hummel LaBounty 2017 Member - Clergy
Michele Slott 2019 Member - Clergy
Diana Fuhrman 2020 Member - Laywoman
Dayne Zachrison 2019 Member - Clergy
Kevin Klare 2021 Member - Layman
Bruce DeKrey 2024 Member - Layman
Al Roll 2014 Member - Layman
Member - laywoman - To be filled
Member - laywoman - To be filled
Ex officio (without vote)
Description: The BOT's ministry is to care for the property of the Conference, making it available for the agencies of the Conference, and investing funds so that the proceeds can be used to fund ministry.
JoAnn Early
Jim Ducker
Ex officio (without vote)
Description: The HRC partners with Conference leadership in developing and following policies and procedures related to Conference staff.
Ex officio (without vote)
Description: Your Commission on Archives and History conducts a ministry of memory in our conference. The Conference Archives are housed at Dakota Wesleyan University.
Ex officio (without vote)
(Appointed by the Bishop)
Description: The Sessions Committee plans the Dakotas Annual Conference.
Conference Benefits and HR Officer
Director of Finances, Treasurer
Howard Grinager BOM Representative
Ray Baker
Joel Winckler
CCFA Representative
Cabinet Representative (NW District Superintendent)
Kathy Chesney 2022 Clergy, Chair
Larry Madsen 2021 Lay man, Vice Chair Lay woman - to be filled
Bill Bates 2018 Clergy
Boyd Blumer 2013 Clergy
Jeff Adel 2022 Clergy
Bob Ruedebusch 2024 Clergy
Ron McLean 2024 Lay
Tami Prostrollo 2021 Lay woman
Mark Stearns 2012 Lay man
Al Goehring 2019 Lay man
Judy Roed 2022 Lay woman
Rosemary McDougall 2022 Lay woman
Jim Ducker 2023 Director of Finances, Treasurer
Eric Olson 2024 Conference Chancellor ND
Nancy Oviatt 2012 Conference Chancellor SD
Joel Winckler 2022 Cabinet Representative (NW District Superintendent)
Nancy Bohlen 2013 Chair, Lay
Teresa Whetsel 2021 Clergy
Mark Ehrmantraut 2022 Clergy
Connie Colwill 2023 Lay
Melissa Gall 2022 Missional Leaders Representative
Cory Thrall 2022 Missional Congregations Representative
Marty Toepke-Floyd 2021 Missional Impact Representative
Ray Baker 2020 CCFA Chair
Jeanne Sortland 2021 Common Table Representative
Lanette Plambeck 2023 Bishop
Jim Ducker 2023 Director of Finances, Treasurer
JoAnn Early 2023 Conference Benefits and HR Officer
Brandon Vetter 2024 Cabinet Representative (SE District Superintendent)
Rebecca Trefz 2014 Bishop Assistant for Connections & Communication
Duane Coates 2006 Chair, Clergy
Bob Horne 2023 Lay
Michelle Brennan 2022 Clergy
Rodney Knock 2023 Clergy
Elisabeth Jassmann Massingill 2024 Clergy
Carol Knodle 2023 Lay
Cindy Heidelberger 2023 Lay
Cheryl Finney 2010 Conference Historian
Laurie Langland 2010 Archivist
Stephen Perry 2015 Historical Society Chair
Kay Braun 2016 Chair, Lay
Lanette Plambeck 2023 Bishop
Kris Mutzenberger 2024 Cabinet Representative
John Srstka 2024 Conference Co-Lay Leader
Brandon Vetter 2024 Host District Superintendent Host Team Clergy - to be filled
Committee / Agency
Ex officio (without vote)
4 clergy + 3 lay (nominated by the bishop)
Description: To consider judicial complaints against clergy members of the Annual Conference, clergy members on honorable location or administrative location from that Annual Conference, local pastors, and diaconal ministers.
First Name Last Name Class Role
Host Volunteer Coordinator - to be filled
Thanael Certa-Werner 2023 Worship Coordinator
Lou Whitmer 2016 Worship Coordinator
Rebecca Trefz 2014 Bishop Assistant for Connections & Communication
Duane Coates 2014 Agenda Coordinator
Al Roll 2021 AC Project Manager
Dayne Zachrison 2010 At large
Bea Stucke 2014 Coordinator of Ministry Operations
Susan Punt 2021 Administrative Assistant for Conference Ministries
Stephen Perry 2013 Chair, Clergy
Gary Rae 2013 Clergy
Jeff Adel 2013 Alternate, Clergy
Doug Diehl 2017 Clergy
Jenene Earl 2017 Clergy
Clergy - to be filled
Clergy - to be filled
Joanne Ottmar 2017 Lay
Terry Prendergast 2017 Lay Lay – to be filled
Clergy Alternates (3) - recruit as needed Lay Alternates (6) - recruit as needed
7-17 members (one fifth appointed by the bishop)
Description: This committee is the liaison between our Conference and the Bishop. It is similar to a local church PPRC. It works in partnership with the Minnesota and North Central Jurisdiction Committees on Episcopacy.
Lay - to be filled
John Srstka 2021 Conference Co-Lay Leader
Jennifer Tyler 2016 Clergy
Mary Lee Nielson 2024 Lay
Keith Nelson 2017 Clergy
Karl Rockeman 2024 Lay
Sara Nelson 2022 Member NCJ COE
Beata Ferris 2021 Member NCJ COE
Rebecca Trefz 2014 Bishop Assistant for Connections & Communication
Duane Coates 2012 Member
Amber Laffey 2020 Conference Secretary
CONFERENCE DISASTER RESPONSE Coordinator - to be filled
Mark Ellingson 2010 Planning
Nancy Manning 2023 Operations & Representative to the South
Linda Kropenske 2015 Training
Nancy Trefz 2015 At large
Connie Eichinger 2015 At large
Al Roll 2021 Staff Representative
Rebecca Trefz 2024 Bishop Assistant for Connections & Communication At Large - to be filled At Large - to be filled
Cory Thrall 2022 Vice Chair, Clergy
Richard Wahlstrom 2018 Secretary/ Treasurer - Lay
Jeff Nelson 2016 Past Chair, Lay
Teresa Person 2021 Clergy
Steve Pietila 2015 Lay
Bob Ruedebusch 2017 Clergy
Eric Walth 2018 Lay
Sheri Meister 2014 President/ CEO Dakotas and Minnesota Methodist Foundation
Jim Ducker 2023 Director of Finances
Lanette Plambeck 2023 Bishop
NE District Committee on Ordained Ministry
Elizabeth Ewing-Lee NE District Lay Leader
Rob Salmonson Chair, Clergy
Veronica Fleming Clergy
Kori Lehrkamp Clergy
Martin Avery Clergy
Becky Holten Lay
Carol Windels Lay
Committee / Agency
NE Building and Location Committee
NE Superintendency Committee
NE Committee on Nominations
NW District Committee on Ordained Ministry
First Name Last Name Class Role
Deena Heitmann Lay
Chuck Engels Lay
Kris Mutzenberger NE District Superintendent
Mark Ellingson Clergy
Kara Heagel Lay
Elizabeth Ewing-Lee NE Lay Leader
Kris Mutzenberger NE District Superintendent
Robbie Daugherty Chair, Lay
Elizabeth Ewing-Lee NE Lay Leader
Alice LaFontaine Lay
Robert Moorlach Clergy
Melissa Gall Clergy
Kris Mutzenberger NE District Superintendent
Pat Siefken Lay
Rob Salmonson NE DCOM Chair, Clergy
Robbie Daugherty NE Superintendency Chair, Lay
Lisa Rhodes NW District Lay Leader
Rick Craig Chair, Clergy
Marty Toepke-Floyd Secretary, Clergy
Lisa Rhodes NW District Lay Leader
Karl Rockeman Conference Co-Lay Leader
Bruce Adams Clergy
Karl Kroger Clergy
Lori Broschat Clergy
Joel Winckler
NW Buildings and Location Committee
NW Superintendency Committee
NW Committee on Nominations
SE District Committee on Ordained Ministry
NW District Superintendent
Rick Craig Clergy
Cory Thrall Clergy
Dayne Zachrison Clergy
Jim Jeromcheck Lay
Joel Winckler NW District Superintendent
Lisa Rhodes NW District Lay Leader
Randy Meissner Lay
Claudia Holm Lay Lay - to be filled
Bruce Adams Clergy
Mark Ehrmantraut Clergy
Karl Rockeman Conference Co-Lay Leader
Joel Winckler NW District Superintendent
Sharman Zachrison Lay
Anita Tulp Lay
Nancy Hallenbeck SE District Co-Lay Leader
Val Melmer SE District Co-Lay Leader
Valerie Hummel LaBounty Clergy, Co-Chair
Connie Smith Co-Chair
Ron Johnson Clergy
Keith Nelson Clergy, SE Representative to BOM
Kip Roozen Clergy
Don Vanderlip Clergy (LLP)
Susan Jennys Clergy (LLP)
Nancy Hallenbeck SE District Co-Lay Leader Lay - to be filled
Troy Hansen Lay
Val Melmer Lay
Brandon Vetter
SE Building and Location
SE Superintendency Committee
SE District Superintendent
Gary Rae Clergy
Keith Nelson Clergy
John Claggett Lay
Brandon Vetter
Nancy Hallenbeck
SE District Superintendent
SE District Co-Lay Leader
Diane Kisch Lay
Committee / Agency
SE Nominations
First Name Last Name Class Role
Charles Schnabel Lay
Alisha Vincent Lay
Teresa Person Clergy
Charlie Moore Clergy
Seth LaBounty Clergy
Brandon Vetter
Nancy Hallenbeck
SE District Superintendent
SE District Co-Lay Leader
Amber Laffey Clergy
SW District Committee on Ordained Ministry
SW District Lay Leader
Jeff Lathrop Chair, Clergy
Julia Jones
Secretary, Lay
Richard Wahlstrom Lay
Jo Anne Hipple
SW District Lay Leader
Jenene Earl Clergy
Sharla McCaskell Clergy
Greg Kroger Clergy
Jeff Adel Clergy
Ashley Alsup Lay
Dan Bader
SW Building and Location Committee
SW Superintendency
SW District Superintendent
Sharla McCaskell Clergy
Jeff Adel Clergy
Robert Puffer Lay
David Bonde Lay
Mike Barrett Lay
Kent Nyman Lay
Dan Bader
Jo Anne Hipple
Ashley Alsup
SW District Superintendent
Chair, SW District Co-Lay Leader
Janelle Jones Lay
George Keehner Lay
Linda Purvis Lay
Greg Kroger Clergy
Sharla McCaskell
Dan Bader
SW Committee on Nominations
Ex officio
SW District Superintendent
Connie Eichinger Clergy
Jeff Adel Clergy
Randy Burnison
Cheryl Nyman
Dennis Unkenholz
Jerry Bottger
Dr. Tom Gilmore
Steve Meister
Linda Garriott
Linda Baldock
Dan Bader
Al Roll
Rob Gilkerson
Pat Wood
Derrick Hobein
Dyan Wood
Jodie Campbell
Sara Rice
Jim Karn
Londa Holen
Dean Reese
Vice Chair
Executive Director
Clergy, Recorder
Cabinet Representative (SW DS)
Missional Impact Link Representative
Parent Representative
Member, Lay
Member, Lay
Member, Lay
Member, Lay
Member, Lay
Ex Officio
Jean Rexine
Karl Kroger
Joel Winckler
Member, Clergy
NW District Superintendent
Committee / Agency
Phil Lint
Ariana Arampatzis
Gene Bethke
Gloria Borgman
Adam Burnison
Jay Niedert
Dave Silbernagel
Emily Warns
Karen Workman
Doug Diehl
President, Shop Manager, Southeast District Director – to be filled
Board member, Southeast District
Board member, Shop Manager, Northeast District
Board member, Southwest District
Board member, Southwest District
Board member, Southeast District
Board member, Northwest District
Board member, Southeast District
Board member, Expertise Gifts, Northwest District
Shop Manager, Southeast District
Connie Smith Communications Team
Donna Fisher Communications Team
Jesse Pikul
Office Assistant
Ex officio Al Roll Cabinet Staff Representative
Valere Luick
Kenny Baker, Jr.
Al Goehring
Myra Pierson
Andrew / Jenny Lindstrom
Ex officio
Board member
Board member
Board member
Board member
Board members
Kim Paulson Lay
Paulette Paulson Lay
III. Business
e Dakotas Annual Conference met August 15, 2023, for a special session called by Bishop Lanette Plambeck to consider resolutions ratifying the disaffiliation agreements of 15 local churches from Dakotas Conference of e United Methodist Church per the provisions of ¶2553 of e United Methodist Book of Discipline.
e special session was conducted in a virtual format on Zoom webinar. Bishop Lanette Plambeck, resident bishop for the Dakotas-Minnesota Area of e United Methodist Church, presided over the meeting from a broadcast studio at Sunnycrest United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
e conference began with opening devotion. A call to worship, was followed by a message from Bishop Lanette Plambeck asking those present to offer grace and offer the world Christ.
e Organizational Resolutions were presented by Rev. Amber Laffey, Conference Secretary.
e Organizational Resolutions passed by 100%.
e ratification of 15 disaffiliation agreements was considered by districts.
No r t h e a s t Di s t r i c t
Kathy Chesney, chairperson of the Board of Trustees, presented the resolutions for ratification of the disaffiliation agreements of 2.1 Trinity UMC in Cavalier, North Dakota, 2.2 First Methodist Episcopal Church in Crystal, North Dakota, 2.3 Garden City UMC in South Dakota, 2.4 Calvary UMC in Kindred, North Dakota, and 2.5 Zion UMC in Walcott, North Dakota.
No discussion took place and votes for items 2.1 through 2.5 occurred separately but concurrently.
Item 2.1 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for Trinity United Methodist Church, Cavalier, North Dakota, was approved with 98% voting yes and 2% voting no.
Item 2.2 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for First Methodist Episcopal Church, Crystal, North Dakota, was affirmed by 97% yes vote and 3% no vote.
Item 2.3 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for Garden City United Methodist Church in South Dakota, passed with 91% voting yes and 9 % voting no.
Item 2. 4 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for Calvary United Methodist Church, Kindred, North Dakota passed with 96% votes yes and 4% votes no.
Item 2. 5 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for Zion United Methodist Church, Walcott, North Dakota, passed with 96% votes yes and 4 % votes no.
Northeast District Superintendent, Rev. Kris Mutzenberger, offered a prayer for the departing churches and their ministries.
No r t h w e s t Di s t r i c t
Rev. Kathy Chesney, chairperson of the Board of Trustees, presented the resolutions for ratification of the disaffiliation agreements of 3.1 Salem United Methodist Church, Napoleon, North Dakota, and 3.2 Ebenezer United Methodist Church, Streeter, North Dakota.
With no discussion votes for items 3.1 and 3.2 occurred separately but concurrently.
Item 3.1 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for Salem United Methodist Church, Napoleon, North Dakota, passed with 93% yes votes and 6% no votes.
Item 3.2 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for Ebenezer United Methodist Church, Streeter, North Dakota, passed with 94% yest votes and 6% no votes.
Northwest District Superintendent, Rev. Joel Winckler, offered a prayer for the ministries of the departing congregations.
So u t h e a s t Di s t r i c t
Rev. Kathy Chesney, chairperson of the Board of Trustees, presented the resolutions for ratification of the disaffiliation agreements of 4.1 Doland United Methodist Church in South Dakota, 4.2 Protestant Parish in Kimball, South Dakota, 4.3 United Methodist Church in Redfield, South Dakota, 4.4 United Church in Tulare, South Dakota, and 4.5 United Methodist Church in Wessington Springs, South Dakota.
Duane Coates, clergy, Epworth United Methodist Church, Valley City, North Dakota, inquired about the amendment presented to the resolution for item 4.4.
Bishop Plambeck responded by stating that there was no amendment just a clarification to the resolution.
Rev. Rick Pettinger, clergy, retired spoke against item 4.2 the resolution to affirm the disaffiliation agreement of Kimball Protestant Parish.
Rev. Duane Coates, clergy, Epworth United Methodist Church, Valley City, North Dakota, spoke against 4.4 the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for Tulare United Church, stating that the amount they agreed to pay should not be altered.
Bishop Lanette Plambeck responded that they overpaid what was expected and that the Dakotas Conference is returning the overage to the church.
Votes for items 4.1 through 4.5 occurred separately but concurrently.
Item 4.1 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for Doland United Methodist Church passed with a vote of 92% yes votes and 8% no votes.
Item 4.2 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for Protestant Parish in Kimball, South Dakota, passed. Yes votes were 89% and no votes were 11%.
Item 4.3 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Redfield, South Dakota, was affirmed with 90% yes votes and 10% no votes.
Item 4.4 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement as corrected for Tulare United Church in South Dakota, passed with 89% yes votes and 11% no votes.
Item 4.5 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Wessington Springs, South Dakota was affirmed with 89% yes votes and 11% no votes.
Rev. Rebecca Trefz, Southeast District Superintendent, offered a prayer for the departing churches and thanking them for their ministries and wishing them well in future ministr y.
So u t h w e s t Di s t r i c t
Rev. Kathy Chesney, chairperson of the Board of Trustees., presented the resolutions for ratification of the disaffiliation agreements of 5.1 Cresbard United Methodist Church in South Dakota, 5.2 the United Methodist Church in Fairburn, South Dakota, and 5.3 Tolstoy United Methodist Church in South Dakota.
With no discussion for items 5.1 through 5.3 occurred separately but concurrently.
Item 5.1 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Cresbard, South Dakota, was affirmed with 94% of the votes yes and 6 % of the votes no.
Item 5.2 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for Fairburn United Methodist Church in South Dakota passed with 91% yes votes and 9% no votes.
Item 5.3 the affirmation of the ratification of the disaffiliation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Tolstoy, South Dakota, was affirmed with 90% of the votes yes, and no votes of 9%.
Rev. Dan Bader, Southwest District Superintendent, prayed for the ministries of the departing churches and all the churches throughout the Dakotas Conference of e United Methodist Church.
Rev. Dan Bader, Southwest District Superintendent, prayed for the ministries of the departing churches and all the churches throughout the Dakotas Conference of e United Methodist Church.
Rev. Gary Ball Kilbourne, Dakotas Conference Parliamentarian, offered a prayer. Rev. Rebecca Trefz, Southeast District Superintendent and the Executive Director of Ministries, shared information about Oasis Churches churches that are opening their doors for individuals that wish to remain United Methodist even as their local church has disaffiliated. She invited people to e Sanctuary, an online worshipping community for those that are seeking a United Methodist Church but are not near an Oasis Church.
Rev. Gary Ball Kilbourne, Dakotas Conference Parliamentarian, offered a prayer. Rev. Rebecca Trefz, Southeast District Superintendent and the Executive Director of Ministries, shared information about Oasis Churches churches that are opening their doors for individuals that wish to remain United Methodist even as their local church has disaffiliated. She invited people to e Sanctuary, an online worshipping community for those that are seeking a United Methodist Church but are not near an Oasis Church.
Bishop Lanette Plambeck closed the session reminding everyone of the theological task for e United Methodist Church, ¶105, of e Book of Discipline, that ends with Ephesians 3:20-21: “Now to God who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, to God be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, for ever and ever. Amen.”
Bishop Lanette Plambeck closed the session reminding everyone of the theological task for e United Methodist Church, ¶105, of e Book of Discipline, that ends with Ephesians 3:20-21: “Now to God who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, to God be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, for ever and ever. Amen.”
1.2 Special Session 2023 Organizational Resolutions SPECIAL SESSION
e o cial agenda, proceedings, vote, and minutes are taking place digitally for the Called Special Session of the Dakotas Conference. erefore, Section 7: Rules of Order, as published in the 2022 O cial Journal of the Dakotas Conference, will be replaced with the following procedures for this virtual session:
1. e online agenda is the o cial agenda. All requests for personal points of privilege should be emailed to the agenda coordinator, Duane Coates (dcoates@yahoo.com) at least 24 hours in advance.
2. e session will be a webinar format. Members’ presence will be noted by logging in on their individual device with an assigned number
3. Voting will take place electronically through the polling feature, within the webinar platform.
4. Voice—questions, clari cations—of the members will take place through chat feature within the webinar platform. Speeches for or against will take place using audio or the microphone in Zoom webinar.
a. Chat moderators will bring questions and speaking requests to the attention of the presiding o cer.
b. When posting a question or item that needs clari cation, please state concisely and clearly your question or concern, and refer to the agenda item.
c. Members can request permission to speak to the body or may be requested to speak by the presiding ofcer. Speakers, when recognized must turn on their audio. Please state your name, church or agency, and if you are speaking for or against the legislation.
d. Speeches will be limited to two minutes in length.
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Church: Cavalier Trinity
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated December 31,2022
Church: Cavalier Trinity
Church Conference date April 26, 2023
Date Process Initiated December 31,2022
Church Conference Vote Summary
Church Conference date April 26, 2023
Membership list approval
Yes: 60 No: 1
Motion to Disa liate Yes: 57 No: 6
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Disa liation Agreement Summary
Yes: 60 No: 1
Yes: 57 No: 6
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Other special circumstances
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
Other special circumstances
Church, parsonage, cemetery
One excluded endowment fund
O cial Disa liation Date October 31, 2023
Church, parsonage, cemetery
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
One excluded endowment fund O cial Disa liation Date October 31, 2023
Workbook pages 7-12
View the supporting documents online.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Trinity United Methodist Church, Cavalier, North Dakota
Workbook pages 7-12
View the supporting documents online.
WHEREAS Trinity United Methodist in Cavalier North Dakota, in the Northeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Trinity United Methodist Church, Cavalier, North Dakota
WHEREAS Trinity United Methodist in Cavalier North Dakota, in the Northeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on April 26, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 90% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on April 26, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 90% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Trinity United Methodist in Cavalier, North Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Trinity United Methodist in Cavalier, North Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
2.2 Crystal United Methodist Church
Church: Crystal United Methodist Church
Date Process Initiated March 2, 2023
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Church Conference date May 31, 2023
Date Process Initiated
Church Conference Vote Summary
March 2, 2023
Church Conference date May 31, 2023
Membership list approval Yes: 5
Motion to Disa liate
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Disa liation Agreement Summary
Yes: 5 No: 0
Yes: 5 No: 0
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Other special circumstances
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
O cial Disa liation Date
Buildings and Land holdings Church
October 1, 2023
Buildings and Land holdings Church
Other special circumstances
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
O cial Disa liation Date
October 1, 2023
Workbook pages 14-19 View the supporting documents online.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Crystal United Methodist Church, Crystal, North Dakota
Workbook pages 14-19
View the supporting documents online.
WHEREAS the United Methodist in Crystal North Dakota, in the Northeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Crystal United Methodist Church, Crystal, North Dakota
WHEREAS the United Methodist in Crystal North Dakota, in the Northeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on May 31, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on May 31, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Crystal, North Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Crystal, North Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Church: Garden City
Date Process Initiated
Church: Garden City
Church Conference date
Date Process Initiated
Church Conference Vote Summary
Church Conference date
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Church Conference Vote Summary
to Disa liate
Disa liation Agreement Summary
April 28, 2023
June 6, 2023
April 28, 2023
June 6, 2023
Yes: 7
Yes: 8
No: 0
No: 0
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
$0 additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income (prepaid/overpaid so are covered)
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Buildings and Land holdings
Other special circumstances
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
O cial Disa liation Date
$0 (prepaid/overpaid so are covered)
August 15, 2023
Buildings and Land holdings Church
Other special circumstances
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
O cial Disa liation Date August 15, 2023
Workbook pages 21-26
View the supporting documents online.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Garden City United Methodist Church, Garden City, South Dakota
Workbook pages 21-26
View the supporting documents online.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Garden City United Methodist Church, Garden City, South Dakota
WHEREAS the United Methodist in Garden City, South Dakota, in the Northeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS the United Methodist in Garden City, South Dakota, in the Northeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on June 6, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on June 6, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Garden City, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Garden City, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Church: Kindred Calvary United Methodist Church
2.4 Kindred Calvary United Methodist Church
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated
Church: Kindred Calvary United Methodist Church
October 26, 2022
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Church Conference date April 30, 2023
Date Process Initiated
Church Conference Vote Summary
October 26, 2022
Church Conference date April 30, 2023
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Yes: 8
No: 0
Yes: 8 No: 0
Yes: 8 No: 0
Motion to Disa liate Yes: 8 No: 0
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Other special circumstances
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
O cial Disa liation Date
Buildings and Land holdings
Other special circumstances
Buildings and Land holdings Church, parsonage, extra lot
August 31, 2023
Church, parsonage, extra lot
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
O cial Disa liation Date
Workbook pages 28-22
August 31, 2023
View the supporting documents online.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Workbook pages 28-22
View the supporting documents online.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Calvary United Methodist Church, Kindred, North Dakota
WHEREAS Calvary United Methodist in Kindred, North Dakota, in the Northeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Calvary United Methodist Church, Kindred, North Dakota
WHEREAS Calvary United Methodist in Kindred, North Dakota, in the Northeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on April 30, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on April 30, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Calvary United Methodist Church in Kindred, North Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Calvary United Methodist Church in Kindred, North Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Church: Wolcott Zion
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated October 17, 2022
Church: Wolcott Zion
Church Conference date
Date Process Initiated
Church Conference Vote Summary
April 30, 2023
October 17, 2022
Church Conference date April 30, 2023
Membership list approval
Yes: 39 No: 0
Motion to Disa liate Yes: 33 No: 5
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Disa liation Agreement Summary
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Yes: 39 No: 0
Yes: 33 No: 5
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Other special circumstances O cial Disa liation Date
Buildings and Land holdings Church
Buildings and Land holdings Church
Other special circumstances
August 31, 2023
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
O cial Disa liation Date August 31, 2023
Workbook pages 35-40
View the supporting documents online.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Zion United Methodist Church, Wolcott, North Dakota
Workbook pages 35-40
View the supporting documents online.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Zion United Methodist Church, Wolcott, North Dakota
WHEREAS Zion United Methodist in Wolcott, North Dakota, in the Northeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS Zion United Methodist in Wolcott, North Dakota, in the Northeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on April 30, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 86% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on April 30, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 86% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Zion United Methodist Church in Wolcott, North Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Zion United Methodist Church in Wolcott, North Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Date Process Initiated 01/22/2023
Church Conference date 04/23/2023
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval Yes: 9 No: 0
Date Process Initiated 01/22/2023
Motion to Disa liate Yes: 9
Church Conference date 04/23/2023
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval Yes: 9 No: 0
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Motion to Disa liate Yes: 9 No: 0
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Other special circumstances
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
O cial Disa liation Date
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings Church building, parking lot
December 31, 2023
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Buildings and Land holdings Church building, parking lot
Other special circumstances
Workbook pages 42-47
O cial Disa liation Date
View supporting documents online.
December 31, 2023
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Salem United Methodist Church, Napoleon, North Dakota
Workbook pages 42-47
View supporting documents online.
WHEREAS Salem United Methodist Church in Napoleon, North Dakota, in the Northwest District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on April 23, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Salem United Methodist Church, Napoleon, North Dakota
WHEREAS Salem United Methodist Church in Napoleon, North Dakota, in the Northwest District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Salem United Methodist in Napoleon, North Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on April 23, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Salem United Methodist in Napoleon, North Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Church: Streeter Ebenezer UMC
Date Process Initiated
Church Conference date 04/23/2023
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated 01/22/2023
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Church Conference date 04/23/2023
Yes: 27 No: 0
Motion to Disa liate Yes: 27 No: 0
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval Yes: 27 No:
Motion to Disa liate
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
$8, 436.09
Buildings and Land holdings
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Other special circumstances
Church, parsonage, cemetery
$8, 436.09
O cial Disa liation Date
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
December 31, 2023
Church, parsonage, cemetery
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Other special circumstances
O cial Disa liation Date
Workbook pages 49-54
December 31, 2023
View supporting documents online.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Ebenezer United Methodist Church, Streeter, North Dakota
Workbook pages 49-54 View supporting documents online.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Ebenezer United Methodist Church, Streeter, North Dakota
WHEREAS Ebenezer United Methodist in Streeter, North Dakota, in the Northwest District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on April 23, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
WHEREAS Ebenezer United Methodist in Streeter, North Dakota, in the Northwest District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on April 23, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Ebenezer United Methodist in Streeter, North Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Ebenezer United Methodist in Streeter, North Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Disa liation Process and
Date Process Initiated
Church Conference date
Church: Doland
May 15, 2023
June 15, 2023
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Yes: 12 No: 0
Date Process Initiated May 15, 2023
Motion to Disa liate
Yes: 11 No: 1
Church Conference date June 15, 2023
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Disa liation Agreement Summary
Motion to Disa liate
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Yes: 12
No: 0
Yes: 11
No: 1
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Other special circumstances
O cial Disa liation Date
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
Other special circumstances
Workbook pages 55-61
O cial Disa liation Date
Church building and parking lot
December 29, 2023
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Church building and parking lot
View supporting documents online.
December 29, 2023
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Doland United Methodist Church, Doland, South Dakota
Workbook pages 55-61
View supporting documents online.
WHEREAS the United Methodist Church in Doland, South Dakota, in the Southeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on June 15, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 84.2 % of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Doland United Methodist Church, Doland, South Dakota
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Dakotas Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist in Doland, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
WHEREAS the United Methodist Church in Doland, South Dakota, in the Southeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on June 15, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 84.2 % of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Dakotas Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist in Doland, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Church: Kimball Protestant Parish
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated September 15, 2022
Church: Kimball Protestant Parish
Church Conference date June 29, 2023
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Church Conference Vote Summary
Date Process Initiated September 15, 2022
Membership list approval
Yes: 8 No: 0
Church Conference date June 29, 2023
Motion to Disa liate
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Yes: 8 No: 1
Yes: 8 No: 0
Motion to Disa liate
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Yes: 8
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Buildings and Land holdings
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Other special circumstances
O cial Disa liation Date
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
Other special circumstances
Church building, parking lot, parsonage
August 31, 2023
Church building, parking lot, parsonage
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Workbook pages 63-68
O cial Disa liation Date August 31, 2023
View supporting documents online.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Kimball Protestant Parish, Kimball, South Dakota
Workbook pages 63-68
View supporting documents online.
WHEREAS Kimball Protestant Parish in Kimball, South Dakota, in the Southeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Kimball Protestant Parish, Kimball, South Dakota
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on June 29,2023, a church conference was convened, and 88.9% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
WHEREAS Kimball Protestant Parish in Kimball, South Dakota, in the Southeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Kimball Protestant Parish in Kimball, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on June 29,2023, a church conference was convened, and 88.9% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Kimball Protestant Parish in Kimball, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated
Church: Red eld
March 20, 2023
Church Conference date June 25, 2023
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated
Church Conference Vote Summary
March 20, 2023
Church Conference date
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Other special circumstances
O cial Disa liation Date
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
Other special circumstances
O cial Disa liation Date
Workbook pages 70-75
June 25, 2023
Yes: 53 No: 1
Yes: 45 No: 9
Yes: 53 No: 1
Yes: 45
No: 9
Church building, parking lot, parsonage
August 31, 2023
Church building, parking lot, parsonage
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
August 31, 2023
View supporting documents online.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Red eld United Methodist Church, Red eld , South Dakota
Workbook pages 70-75
View supporting documents online.
WHEREAS the United Methodist Church in Red eld, South Dakota, in the Southeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has been completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Red eld United Methodist Church, Red eld , South Dakota
WHEREAS the United Methodist Church in Red eld, South Dakota, in the Southeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has been completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on June 25, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 83.3% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on June 25, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 83.3% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Red eld, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Red eld, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Church: Tulare United Church
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated
Church: Tulare United Church
January 12, 2023
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Church Conference date April 20, 2023
Date Process Initiated
Church Conference Vote Summary
January 12, 2023
Church Conference date April 20, 2023
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Disa liation Agreement Summary
Yes: 81 No: 0
Yes: 72 No: 11
Yes: 81 No: 0
Yes: 72
No: 11
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Other special circumstances
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings Church, parking lot, parsonage
O cial Disa liation Date September 30, 2023
Buildings and Land holdings
Other special circumstances
Church, parking lot, parsonage
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
O cial Disa liation Date September 30, 2023
Workbook pages 71-82
View supporting documents online.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Workbook pages 71-82
View supporting documents online.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Tulare United Church, Tulare , South Dakota
WHEREAS Tulare United Church in Tulare, South Dakota, in the Southeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Tulare United Church, Tulare , South Dakota
WHEREAS Tulare United Church in Tulare, South Dakota, in the Southeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on April 20,2023, a church conference was convened, and 86.7% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on April 20,2023, a church conference was convened, and 86.7% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Tulare United Church in Tulare, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for Tulare United Church in Tulare, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Church: Wessington Springs
4.4 Wessington Springs United Methodist Church
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated
Church: Wessington Springs
Church Conference date
February, 18, 2023
May 21, 2023
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated
Church Conference Vote Summary
February, 18, 2023
Church Conference date May 21, 2023
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Yes: 50 No: 0
Yes: 40 No: 10
Yes: 50 No: 0
Yes: 40 No: 10
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Buildings and Land holdings
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Other special circumstances
O cial Disa liation Date
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
Church building, parking lot, parsonage
September 30, 2023
Church building, parking lot, parsonage
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Other special circumstances
O cial Disa liation Date
Workbook pages 84-89
September 30, 2023
View supporting documents online.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Wessington Springs United Methodist Church, Wessington Springs, South Dakota
Workbook pages 84-89
View supporting documents online.
WHEREAS the United Methodist Church in Wessington Springs, South Dakota, in the Southeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Wessington Springs United Methodist Church, Wessington Springs, South Dakota
WHEREAS the United Methodist Church in Wessington Springs, South Dakota, in the Southeast District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on May 21,2023, a church conference was convened, and 80% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Wessington Springs, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on May 21,2023, a church conference was convened, and 80% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Wessington Springs, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
83 Return to the Table of Contents
Return to the Table of Contents
Church: Cresbard UMC
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Church: Cresbard UMC
Date Process Initiated February 2, 2023
Church Conference date May 31, 2023
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated February 2, 2023
Church Conference Vote Summary
Church Conference date May 31, 2023
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Disa liation Agreement Summary
Yes: 21 No: 0
Yes: 21 No: 0
Yes: 21
No: 0
Yes: 21 No: 0
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Other special circumstances
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
O cial Disa liation Date
Church building, parking lot, parsonage
August 31, 2023
Buildings and Land holdings Church building, parking lot, parsonage
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Other special circumstances O cial Disa liation Date
Workbook pages 91-96
August 31, 2023
View the supporting documents.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Cresbard United Methodist Church, Cresbard, South Dakota
Workbook pages 91-96
View the supporting documents.
WHEREAS the United Methodist in Cresbard, South Dakota, in the Southwest District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on May 31, 2023 a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Cresbard United Methodist Church, Cresbard, South Dakota
WHEREAS the United Methodist in Cresbard, South Dakota, in the Southwest District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on May 31, 2023 a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist in Cresbard, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist in Cresbard, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Church: Fairburn United Methodist Church
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Church: Fairburn United Methodist Church
Date Process Initiated February 26, 2023
Church Conference date May 21, 2023
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated February 26, 2023
Church Conference Vote Summary
Church Conference date May 21, 2023
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Disa liation Agreement Summary
Yes: 21 No: 0
Yes: 21 No: 0
Yes: 21
Yes: 21
No: 0
No: 0
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Other special circumstances
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
Other special circumstances
Church building, storage shed, parking lot
O cial Disa liation Date August 31, 2023
Church building, storage shed, parking lot
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
O cial Disa liation Date August 31, 2023
Workbook pages 98-103
View the supporting documents online.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Fairburn United Methodist Church, Fairburn, South Dakota
Workbook pages 98-103
View the supporting documents online.
WHEREAS the United Methodist in Fairburn, South Dakota, in the Southwest District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Fairburn United Methodist Church, Fairburn, South Dakota
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on May 21, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
WHEREAS the United Methodist in Fairburn, South Dakota, in the Southwest District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on May 21, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 100% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Fairburn, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Fairburn, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
Church: Tolstoy UMC
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Date Process Initiated
Church: Tolstoy UMC
March 1, 2023
Church Conference date May 31, 2023
Disa liation Process and Agreement Summary Sheet
Church Conference Vote Summary
Date Process Initiated March 1, 2023
Membership list approval
Church Conference date May 31, 2023
Motion to Disa liate
Church Conference Vote Summary
Membership list approval
Motion to Disa liate
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Disa liation Agreement Summary
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
12 months past apportionments: de ned by Dakotas as current on apportionments from 2020-present
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
12 months additional apportionments: de ned by Dakotas at 3% of operating income
Other special circumstances
O cial Disa liation Date
Pension Liability (calculated using Wespath’s formula)
Buildings and Land holdings
Yes: 18 No: 0
Yes: 13 No:
Yes: 18 No: 0
Yes: 13
Church building, parking lot, storage shet
August 31, 2023
Church building, parking lot, storage shet
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Other special circumstances
O cial Disa liation Date August 31, 2023
Workbook pages 105-110
View the supporting documents online.
All agreements include o cial release from the trust clause, removal of UMC name and symbols, archiving UM records etc. Full agreement is available on the following pages for your review.
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Tolstoy United Methodist Church, Tolstoy, South Dakota
Workbook pages 105-110 View the supporting documents online.
WHEREAS the United Methodist in Tolstoy, South Dakota, in the Southwest District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
Resolution to ratify the disa liation agreement for Tolstoy United Methodist Church, Tolstoy, South Dakota
WHEREAS the United Methodist in Tolstoy, South Dakota, in the Southwest District of the Dakotas Conference, has completed all the steps in the disa liation process as outlined by the Dakotas Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on May 31, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 72.2% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Tolstoy, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
WHEREAS this local church was prompt in providing documents and meeting deadlines throughout the disa liation process, demonstrating their resolute commitment to disa liate. As such, on May 31, 2023, a church conference was convened, and 72.2% of those professing members present voted to disa liate from the United Methodist Church.
THEREFORE, having met all the requirements in a timely manner, the Conference Board of Trustees hereby, prayerfully recommends the rati cation of disa liation agreement for the United Methodist Church in Tolstoy, South Dakota. We pray for God’s favor and blessings on this ministry as we part ways.
The 31st Session of the Dakotas Annual Conference was held at Legacy United Methodist Church in Bismarck, ND. Bishop Lanette Plambeck declared the conference to session and called to order part one of the clergy session at 6:30 p.m. The clergy session concluded at 9:00 p.m. and Bishop Plambeck declared a recess.
The morning began with opening worship including the episcopal address and a remembrance of baptism.
Plenary I
Bishop Lanette Plambeck called the Annual Conference out of recess.
Organizational Resolutions
Rev. Amber Laffey, conference secretary, presented the Organizational Resolutions. The body affirmed the resolutions. All voting was a voice vote.
Missional report
Rev. Jeanne Sortland, Wimbledon-Kensel, chair of the Common Table presented the 2023-24 Missional report.
Laity report
Karl Rockeman, Dickinson, and John Srtska, Sioux Falls Sunnycrest, conference co-lay leaders, gave the Laity report.
Conference Council on Finance and Administration report
Rev. Ray Baker, Fargo Faith, Chair of CCFA, shared the CCFA report.
Jim Ducker, Director of Finance and Administration and Conference Treasurer, gave the treasurer’s report and presented the 2025 Budget proposal with a recommended reduction in the apportionment percentage to 13% for 2025.
Committee on Episcopacy report
Rev. Sara Nelson, Sioux Falls First, and Beata Ferris, Pierre First, members of the Dakotas Conference Committee on Episcopacy, reported for the Episcopacy Committee and showed their appreciation for Bishop Lanette’s leadership.
Rev. Dan Bader presented the Harry Denman Evangelism Award for Clergy to Rev. Thanael Certa-Werner, Abundance Parish churches of Burke, Herrick, and Gregory.
Lunch break
Over the lunch break, luncheons were held for Clergy Spouses and persons serving in Extension Ministry. Lunch-n-Learn sessions were offered including: Asset-Based Community Development led by Rev. Cindy Heidelberger, Sioux Falls Asbury, and Safer Sanctuaries led by Brenda Lint, Valley City Epworth, and Beata Ferris, Pierre First.
Plenary II
General Conference delegation report
The General Conference delegates: Kara Heagel (via video recording), Watertown First, Beata Ferris, Pierre First, Rev. Rebecca Trefz, Southeast District Superintendent/Executive Director of Ministry, and Rev. Sara Nelson, Sioux Falls First, reported on the 2020/2024 General Conference Session. As a part of the report, they invited people to submit questions and needs for information or resources related to the actions of the General Conference to the conference staff/cabinet.
As directed by the General Conference, Bishop Plambeck read the apology for past sexual misconduct that has happened in United Methodist Churches.
Wisdom Council introduction
Bishop Plambeck explained the purpose of the Wisdom Council and introduced the members. The body was invited to have discussion at their tables to help inform the Council’s work. Discussion questions were: What was, or is, the best, or
most helpful, service the Dakotas Conference has provided you or your local church/context and why f resources were abundant, what is your dream for the Dakotas Annual Conference What are we doing now that you wouldn’t want to lose or see end What should we consider changing or starting that would assist your local church ministry
Nominations Committee report
Rev. Jenny Hallenbeck Orr, extension ministry, chair of the Committee on Nominations, gave the committee’s report and presented the nominations for quadrennial Conference officer elections which include Rev. Amber Laffey, Alexandria, as Conference Secretary, Jim Ducker as Conference Treasurer, Rev. Joel Winckler, Northwest District Superintendent, as Conference Statistician, and Nancy Oviatt (S.D.) and Eric Olson (N.D.) as Conference Chancellors. The bishop offered a special word of thanks for nterim Treasurer Jim Ducker, S.D. Chancellor Nancy Oviatt, and outgoing N.D. Chancellor Steve Ottmar for all the additional work that was required of them through the season of disaffiliations as well as the Boy Scout settlement.
Jurisdictional Nominations pool
Rev. Rebecca Trefz presented the names for the Jurisdictional Nominations Pool. Nominees included: General Conference delegate: Rev. Rebecca Trefz, extension ministry Clergy: Rev. Sara Nelson, Sioux Falls First Rev. Chang i, Grand Forks ion Rev. Allison Galbreath, Miller/Highmore/Harrold Rev. Jenny Hallenbeck Orr, Extension Ministry Rev. Jen Tyler, Extension Ministry Laity: Beata Ferris, Pierre First Andrea Pluedemann, Fargo First Hannah O’Donnell, Rapid City First Abraham Perez, Sioux Falls Sunnycrest Alice LaFountaine, Aberdeen North Highland oung Adults: Amanda Mittlestadt, Wahpeton Anna Mutzenberger, Fargo First Hayden Bentz, RC Canyon Lake Alaina Nelson, Watertown First Matthew Bader, Rapid City CLUMC Older Adult: Rev. Marty Toepke-Floyd, Jamestown First reak
After the break, The Wesleyan Way Award, a new award, was presented to Riverview United Methodist Church in Huron, S.D. This award was created to honor congregations or individuals in the Dakotas who are living out the spirit of the Three Simple Rules to Do No Harm, Do Good, and Stay in Love with God.
Teaching Sessions
The Bishop introduced two of our TED talk style speakers. Leander Russ McDonald, president of United Tribal Colleges in Bismarck, spoke about his ourney with addiction and recovery and his challenge to reach across differences to build relationships. Rev. Howie Baird, Dakotas Conference clergy currently living in Minnesota and working for Teen Challenge of Minnesota with addiction recovery, also spoke of his battle with addiction and how churches can be a part of the recovery ourney for others.
Rev. Amber Laffey, conference secretary, made announcements and the Bishop dismissed the plenary to clergy and laity sessions.
Laity Session
n the Laity session, Karl Rockeman and John Srstka were re-elected as conference co-lay leaders. District lay leaders were introduced: NE: Elizabeth Ewing-Lee, West Fargo Flame of Faith NW: Lisa Rhodes, Mandan SW: JoAnne Hipple, Pierre First SE: Nancy Hallebeck, Sioux Falls First, and Valerie Melmer, Sioux Falls Embrace. Guided by the words of 1 Corinthians 13:13 about faith, hope, and love, and 1 John 4:18 that reminds us that perfect love casts out fear, the laity discussed these questions: Where have you seen faithfulness in your church in the past year Where are you seeing hope What are the next steps you can take to show love
Morning worship included preaching by connectional representative, Bishop Carlo Rapanut from the Desert Southwest Episcopal Area. The Miracle Offering was taken. The offering will be divided to four areas of focus aligned with our theme scripture: The 31: Pro ect that combats human trafficking in North Dakota and surrounding region The Bridges therapeutic foster care program through the Abbot House in Mitchell, S.D. recovery ministries in Dakotas UM churches and the Clergy Sustentation Fund.
Legislation Clergy Mo e policy
Plenary III
ntroduction of Legislative tem 1.3 Clergy Move Policy was brought to the table.
Rev. Kris Mutzenberger, Northeast District Superintendent and Dean of the Cabinet, presented the following amendment:
1.e. The Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA) shall set the moving stipend and mileage rates by January 1 for the upcoming move cycle. The CCFA will consider factors such as the average cost of a move (under 15,000 lbs.), cargo mileage rate, the Dakotas Conference annual budget, other United Methodist Conference stipend and mileage rates, and other factors when setting the Dakotas Conference move stipend and mileage rate.
1.f. Eligible clergy may submit requests for a supplemental moving grant to cover additional expenses. These requests will be received by the Treasurer, reviewed by the Cabinet, and approved by the CCFA. viewed by the Treasurer, CCFA and Cabinet.
5.b. The Move Coordinator will provide the procedure, developed and approved by the Cabinet and a Board of Ordained Ministry representative, to moving clergy.
5.d. Clergy may forfeit access to the moving funds if they fail to complete the procedure as outlined by the Cabinet and Move Coordinator.
The amendment was distributed to the conference body with instructions that we would return to this item after lunch so everyone had the opportunity to read it.
Dakota Wesleyan report
The Bishop introduced President of Dakota Wesleyan University, Dr. Dan Kittle, who gave his report.
Foundation report
Sheri Meister, President of the Dakotas-Minnesota Methodist Foundations, gave the Dakotas Foundation 2024 Report.
oard of Pensions report
Anne Osborne, Valley City Epworth, the chair of the Board of Pensions, opened the executive session of the Board of Pensions. Peter Hang, Wespath Representative, explained benefits for clergy.
JoAnn Early, Bismarck Legacy, Conference Benefits and Human Resource Officer, presented the nomination for officers for the Board of Pensions.
The body passed the Board of Pensions slate of officers.
Anne Osborne closed the corporate session of the Board of Pensions.
udget Proposal ote
tem 1.4 Budget Proposal was presented by chair, Rev. Ray Baker.
The Budget was approved by the body.
Rev. Karl Kroger, Bismarck McCabe, and Rev. Marty Toepke-Floyd, Jamestown First, co-chairs of the Extending Missional mpact Link, presented The Streams of Justice Award to Rev. Gail Arnold, retired, for his years of serving as the Peace with Justice Coordinator for the conference.
Legislation Clergy Lea e policy
Legislative item 1.2, an addition to the Clergy Leave policy, was introduced by Rev. Rebecca Trefz. Rev. Brandon Vetter, Bismarck Legacy, chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry, gave a speech for this item.
tem 1.2 was approved by the body.
A video Dinner and Jesus was presented sharing the stories of three churches Fargo First, Minot Vincent, and Jamestown First who are reaching people through unique dinner church ministries.
Nominations Committee
Rev. Jenny Hollenbeck Orr, Nominations Chair, announced that Karl Rockeman and John Srstka were re-elected as the Conference co-lay leaders. She presented the Conference slate of officers for approval.
The body affirmed the election of these officers. Bishop Plambeck invited Eric Olson to introduce himself to the conference.
Rev. Jenny Hallenbeck Orr presented the Nominations Committee Report for approval with corrections.
The body approved the slate of nominations.
Jurisdictional Nominations Pool
Rev. Rebecca Trefz presented the Jurisdictional Nominations Pool. The Bishop invited additional nominees. The following individuals were added to the original list of nominees: Rev. Mark Phillips, Retired clergy, older adult Kay Braun - Fargo Faith, older adult Cheryl Finney, Sioux Falls First, older adult Teresa Kuyper, Canton, older adult Ava Laffey, Alexandria, youth Salina Kaligotla, Rapid City Canyon Lake, youth Milia Mickelson, Watertown First, youth Cadence Weidner, Watertown First, youth Lydia Gall, Watertown First, youth Rev. Tiff Dorfmann, Extension Ministries, person with disability Gene Mason, Rapid City Open Heart, person with disability Rev. Rob Moorlach, Groton/Conde, person with disability Rev. Kim Hastings, Salem Unite, person with disability Rev. Sara McManus, West Fargo Flame of Faith, person with disability Twila Mah, Downtown Mitchell First, lay woman Ken Ketel, Rapid City First, layman Jerry Bottger, Mission, layman Mark Kozel, SF Hilltop, layman Paul Mah, Downtown Mitchell First, layman
Lunch reak
Over the lunch break, a luncheon was held for Retirees. Lunch-n-Learn sessions were offered including a panel discussion about Fresh Expressions, led by Rev. Dan Bader, and a focus on Discipleship Pathways led by Rev. Katie Ricke, ankton, and Rev. Jordan Louks, Sioux Falls First.
Following lunch, a workshop time was offered. The three workshops included: a panel discussion about Rural Ministry, a panel discussion about Green Teams, and a workshop about Building Relationships with Native Americans led by Rev. Dr. Susan Jennys, Colton/Chester.
Plenary I t was announced that our Miracle offering total so far 33, 690.
Teaching Sessions
Bishop Lanette introduced two. Stacy Schaffer, Founder and Executive Director of 3:1 Pro ect spoke about their work to combat human trafficking, help survivors find new life, and what churches could do to partner in these efforts. Rev. Katie Meek from the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries spoke about her work as a missionary and the power of our connectional witness.
The session started with a video Creating Room for All. t told the story of how West Fargo Flame of Faith, Plankinton, Sioux Falls Sunnycrest, and Bismarck Legacy are creating ministries to welcome diverse groups of people.
Rev. Joel Winckler presented The Harry Denman Award for Laity to Paul Plueddeman, Fargo First.
Rev. Kris Mutzenberger presented The Harry Denman Award for outh to Alayna Nelson, Watertown First.
General oard of Higher Education and Ministry
Rev. Dr. Trip Lowery, Assistant General Secretary of Ministry and Formation from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, shared their work with the body.
The video Coffee with Jesus was presented. t shared stories of Salem Unite, Alexandria, roquois Trinity and DeSmet creating opportunities for connection with their community through coffee ministries.
Shanara Lint, President of the Conference Council on outh Ministries, presented the Darrel Leach outh Worker of the ear award to Rev. Sara McManus and the outhworker Hall of Fame award to Kim Gross, roquois.
Rev. Joel Winckler presented The Multiplication Matters award to Jamestown First United Methodist Church.
Jurisdictional Nominations
Rev. Rebecca Trefz presented the official Jurisdictional Nominations Pool for approval. The body approved the pool.
Legislation Clergy Mo e Policy
Rev. Rebecca Trefz presented tem 1.3 the 2024 Dakotas Conference Move Policy as amended.
Rev. Dayne achrison, Devil’s Lake, moved to make an additional amendment to add 1b. that would include mileage reimbursement for one additional visit to the community by the incoming pastor. There was a second.
This amendment was approved by the body.
Rev. Mark Ellingson, retired, moved to add to the achrison amendment, within the bounds of the conference. Rev. Paul Lint spoke against this addition so that seminary students could get a trip paid for.
The vote for add within the bounds of the conference failed with 2 yes votes and 12 no votes.
Clergy Move Policy as amended was approved by the body.
Cabinet Report
Rev. Kris Mutzenberger opened the 2024 Cabinet Report. Rev. Joel Winckler presented the three churches in the Northwest District that will be closing: Elgin United Methodist Church, Nortonville United Methodist Church, and McClusky United Methodist Church. A prayer was offered giving thanks for their ministry and witness. Rev. Kris Mutzenberger read the book, Woolbur by Leslie Helakoski to begin the Cabinet report about the great things happening in the Dakotas Conference. Each district superintendent shared two-three stories about churches in their district.
Following announcements, the body was dismissed for supper break.
Supper reak
Over the supper break, a dinner was held for ordinands, commissioners and their families and guests.
Plenary I
Consent Calendar
Rev. Rebecca Trefz presented the consent calendar. The body affirmed the consent calendar.
Bishop Lanette gave an update on the status of Embrace Church regarding a conversation related to a possible change in their connection and future in The United Methodist Church.
Rev. uaya Ackerman, Rapid Valley, incoming chair of the Committee on Disabilities, asked for a personal point of privilege to say that it has been difficult for those with disabilities to get around in this space.
oard of Ordained Ministry report
Rev. Brandon Vetter, chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry, presented the report from the Board.
Historical uestions
The Bishop led the candidates in answering the Historical uestions. Candidates for Commissioning included: Pastor Annie Carlson, Washburn-Center, Pastor Stephanie Elaison, Rapid City Canyon Lake, Allison Galbreath, Steele, and Cindy Heidelberger, Sioux Falls Asbury. Ordination candidates included: Rev. Michele Slott, Rapid City Open Heart, and Rev. Janice Thompson, Flandreau.
The Board recognized Seminary Students, Course of Study Students, Elisha nterns form DWU, Anna Mutzenberger and Nate Meyers, and Samuel ntern, Cadence Weidner, Watertown First
Jubilee Clergy
Rev. Duane Coates and Cheryl Finney Conference Historian presented the Jubilee Clergy award to Rev. Marilyn Spurrell and Rev. Albertus Bert Van Essen. t was noted that Rev. Marilyn Spurrell is the first woman in the Dakotas Conference to receive this honor. Marilyn shared how she waited over an hour to be approved by the clergy session as they wrestled with ordaining a woman.
Those clergy retiring included Rev. Jeff Adel, Gettysburg-Onida, who was present to speak. Those honored in absentia were Rev. Paul Budd, Pastor Barbara Krumm, and Pastor Kippy Udehn.
Closing worship included a time of fixing of appointments, honoring those clergy who had passed away in the last year, and celebrating the sacrament of Holy Communion.
The session was ad ourned.
The Celebration of Life in Ministry service was held at Bismarck McCabe United Methodist Church. Rev. John Floberg from the Episcopal Church served as the ecumenical representative. Bishop Carlo Rapanut, Desert Southwest Episcopal Area, also participated in the service. n addition to the recognition of retirees and memorials as well commissioning and ordination of candidates, individuals receiving their first license in the Dakotas were recognized along with licensed local pastors completing their education
: Rev. Peary Wilson retired Rev. Nicole Anderson, extension ministries Rev. John Anderson, Woonsocket Spirit of Faith Rev. Susan O’Connell, retired Rev. Connie Eichinger, Faith/Marcus Rev. Jesse rvine, Park River/St. Thomas Rev. Matthew Richards, extension ministries Rev. Justin verson, extension ministries Rev. Kathy Chesney, Philip United Rev. John McKnight, retired/interim at Pringle Rev. DeAnn Eidem, extension ministries.
For Thursday, June 6, 2024 – Re Melissa Gall, monitor (Abbreviations F: female, M: male, NB: non-binary, REP: racial ethnic person, / A: youth/young adult, OA: older adult, PwD: person with disability, C/L: clergy/lay)
Plenary I
Presiding Officer Name: Bishop Lanette Plambeck F, C, White
Other Officers: Rev. Amber Laffey, Conference Secretary F, C, White
Presenters: F: 4, M: , NB: 0, C: , L: 4, A: 1, 12 White
Total number of session members: Lay women 10 , Clergy women , Lay men 4 , Clergy men - 5 Plenary II
Presiding Officer: Bishop Lanette Plambeck F, C, White
Other Officer: Amber Laffey F, C, White
Presenters: F: 5, M: 1, C: 3, L: 3, White: 6, A: 1
Total number of session member: Lay women 10 , Clergy women , Lay men 4 , Clergy men - 5
For Friday, June , 2024 – Re Melissa Gall, monitor Plenary III
Presiding Officers: Bishop Lanette Plambeck F, C, White Bishop Carlo Rapanut M, C, Asian/Pacific slander
Other Officer: Amber Laffey F, C, White
Presenters: F: 9, M: 9 C: 11, L: , White: 1 , Asian: 1, OA: 3
Contributors to the Discussion: F: , M: , C: 10, L: 6, White: 26, PwD: 1 Plenary I
Presiding Officers: Bishop Lanette Plambeck F, C, White Bishop Carlo Rapanut M, C, Asian/Pacific slander
Other Officer: Amber Laffey F, C, White
Presenters: F: 6, M: 5, C: , L: 4, White: 11
Contributors to Discussion: F: 0, M: 3, C: 3, L: 0, White: 3 Plenary
Presiding Officers: Bishop Lanette Plambeck F, C, White Bishop Carlo Rapanut M, C, Asian/Pacific slander
Other Officer: Amber Laffey F, C, White
Presenters: W: 3, M: 5, C: , L:0, White:
Contributors to Discussion: W: 1, M: 0, C: 1, L: 0, White: 1
Harry Denman Awards for Evangelism

Rev. anael Certa-Werner, right, who serves the Abundance Parish churches in Gregory, Burke, and Herrick, was presented with the Clergy Denman Award for 2024 by Southwest District Superintendent, Rev. Dan Bader.
The Youth Denman Award was presented to Alayna Nelson, right, from Watertown First United Methodist Church by Rev Kris Mutzenberger, Northeast District Superintendent.

Rev Joel Winckler, Northwest District Superintendent, presented the Harry Denman Evangelism Award to Paul Pluedemann, right, lay member of Fargo First United Methodist Church
(photos by jlynn studios)
Section 1: Legislation
Section 1: Legislation
1.1 Organizational Resolutions
1. The online agenda is the official agenda. Adjustments are made throughout the session as necessary. All requests for additional items to be placed on the agenda shall be emailed to the agenda coordinator, Duane Coates (dcoates70@yahoo.com).
1. The online agenda is the official agenda. Adjustments are made throughout the session as necessary. All requests for additional items to be placed on the agenda shall be emailed to the agenda coordinator, Duane Coates (dcoates70@yahoo.com)
2. The boundaries of the Annual Conference shall be established through seating areas provided for clergy and lay members on the floor of the conference session. Voting members will be seated in the designated areas and will be identified by the color of their lanyard.
2. The boundaries of the Annual Conference shall be established through seating areas provided for clergy and lay members on the floor of the conference session. Voting members will be seated in the designated areas and will be identified by the color of their lanyard.
a. The sanctuary at Legacy United Methodist Church is the official space for seating for voting delegates. Seating will be assigned.
b. During plenary sessions all non-voting persons, including spouses of clergy and lay members, will be seated in areas designed for guest.
a. The sanctuary at Legacy United Methodist Church is the official space for seating for voting delegates. Seating will be assigned.
c. Lay representatives from non-chartered new church starts, Elisha and Samuel Project interns (who are not lay members), retired clergy persons who have served churches of the Dakotas Conference but who are members of other United Methodist annual conferences, and special guests of the bishop will be recognized as guests and may be seated with voting members.
b. During plenary sessions all non-voting persons, including spouses of clergy and lay members, will be seated in areas designed for guest.
c. Lay representatives from non-chartered new church starts, Elisha and Samuel Project interns (who are not lay members), retired clergy persons who have served churches of the Dakotas Conference but who are members of other United Methodist annual conferences, and special guests of the bishop will be recognized as guests and may be seated with voting members.
d. Any non-members participating shall not have voice or vote, except for those non-members to whom the Sessions Committee has extended temporary speaking privileges. Those privileges shall be for the restricted purpose of making presentations on agenda items.
3. The district superintendents shall receive and relay to the presiding officer all requests of members to be excused from the Annual Conference Session. Those names will be printed in the journal.
d. Any non-members participating shall not have voice or vote, except for those non-members to whom the Sessions Committee has extended temporary speaking privileges. Those privileges shall be for the restricted purpose of making presentations on agenda items.
4. Voting will take place by voice or written ballots. All voting members will receive colored ballots at registration for use if there is a need for written ballot
3. The district superintendents shall receive and relay to the presiding officer all requests of members to be excused from the Annual Conference Session. Those names will be printed in the journal.
5. Voice To be recognized to speak to the floor or body, members must seek recognition by going to a microphone and requesting to speak. When making a request, hold up the colored card that will indicate the purpose of the request, green to speak for a motion, red to speak against a motion, white to ask for a point of clarification or information, point of order, or other parliamentary motion.
4. Voting will take place by voice or written ballots. All voting members will receive colored ballots at registration for use if there is a need for written ballot.
5. Voice To be recognized to speak to the floor or body, members must seek recognition by going to a microphone and requesting to speak. When making a request, hold up the colored card that will indicate the purpose of the request, green to speak for a motion, red to speak against a motion, white to ask for a point of clarification or information, point of order, or other parliamentary motion.
a. When the presiding officer recognizes a speaker, it will be by location, and the presiding officer will give the speaker the floor.
b. When requesting recognition, please state the request concisely and clearly and refer to the agenda item, if applicable.
a. When the presiding officer recognizes a speaker, it will be by location, and the presiding officer will give the speaker the floor.
c. Floor speakers are requested to state name, church or organization, and relationship to the body “Sally Jones, Sioux Falls First UMC, lay member.” Floor speeches are limited to three minutes.
b. When requesting recognition, please state the request concisely and clearly and refer to the agenda item, if applicable.
d. Requests for personal points of privilege shall be submitted to the agenda coordinator.
6. The following persons shall be given the privilege of voice and vote during plenary session:
c. Floor speakers are requested to state name, church or organization, and relationship to the body “Sally Jones, Sioux Falls First UMC, lay member.” Floor speeches are limited to three minutes.
d. Requests for personal points of privilege shall be submitted to the agenda coordinator.
6. The following persons shall be given the privilege of voice and vote during plenary session:
a. Clergy and laity as defined in Para. 602 of the 2016 Book of Discipline and Rule 6.11 in the Dakotas Conference Rules and Policies found in the Conference Journal
b. Clergy from other denominations serving in Dakotas United Methodist Churches who have been granted voice and voting privileges by the clergy session per Question 25 in the Business of the Annual Conference.
a. Clergy and laity as defined in Para. 602 of the 2016 Book of Discipline and Rule 6.11 in the Dakotas Conference Rules and Policies found in the Conference Journal
b. Clergy from other denominations serving in Dakotas United Methodist Churches who have been granted voice and voting privileges by the clergy session per Question 25 in the Business of the Annual Conference.
7. Announcements shall be submitted through the registration desk. They will be shared in one or more ways, on screens during the breaks, announced orally by the presiding officer or conference secretary during the session if time allows, and/ or following the session through conference communication channels.
8. All reports from conference and other related agencies are published in the conference workbook. Permission must be secured from the agenda coordinator in advance before any other printed materials may be distributed.
7. Announcements shall be submitted through the registration desk. They will be shared in one or more ways, on screens during the breaks, announced orally by the presiding officer or conference secretary during the session if time allows, and/ or following the session through conference communication channels.
9. The consent calendar shall be those items listed on the consent calendar Section 2 of the conference workbook. Requests to lift items from the consent calendar must be submitted to the conference secretary by email (conference.secretary@dakotasumc.org ) by noon, (12 p.m.) central time on Friday, June 7, 2024. In the request list the specific item number you are requesting to be lifted and the names and e-mail addresses of at least 15 voting members that agree with the request.
8. All reports from conference and other related agencies are published in the conference workbook. Permission must be secured from the agenda coordinator in advance before any other printed materials may be distributed.
9. The consent calendar shall be those items listed on the consent calendar Section 2 of the conference workbook. Requests to lift items from the consent calendar must be submitted to the conference secretary by email (conference.secretary@dakotasumc.org ) by noon, (12 p.m.) central time on Friday, June 7, 2024. In the request list the specific item number you are requesting to be lifted and the names and e-mail addresses of at least 15 voting members that agree with the request.
10. Any proposals to change legislation, such as amendments, must be submitted digitally to the conference secretary, using the strikethrough feature for removing information from the legislation and underlining new proposed language.
10. Any proposals to change legislation, such as amendments, must be submitted digitally to the conference secretary, using the strikethrough feature for removing information from the legislation and underlining new proposed language.
1.2 Modi cations to Clergy Leave Policy
Title: Modi cations to Clergy Leave Policy
Information submitted and a rmed by: Dakotas Conference Board of Ordained Ministry
Action: Personal Wellness Leave be added to the Clergy Leave Policy as printed on pages 237-239 of the 2023 Dakotas Conference Journal
Rationale: Sometimes there are unexpected circumstances that necessitate a short time of leave for a pastor’s health and well-being. is leave category, that is approved by the district superintendent, allows for a more immediate response to address those needs.
Proposed Personal Wellness Leave:
Clergy under appointment serving a local church in the Dakotas Annual Conferences may request a Personal Wellness Leave up to eight weeks when needed due to an urgent situation or crisis in the life of the clergyperson when other time away options are not available or not appropriate. e Clergy Personal Wellness Leave request is approved by the district superintendent in coordination with the Sta /Pastor Parish Relations Committee. e local church continues providing compensation and bene ts during the pastor’s leave.
e pastor contacts the district superintendent and if able, the S/PPRC, to request a Personal Wellness Leave. e Personal Wellness Leave form is completed by the clergyperson if possible. If not, the district superintendent completes on the clergy’s behalf. e district superintendent approves or denies the request based upon the circumstances of the situation. e district superintendent works with the S/PPRC and leadership to seek pastoral coverage in the pastor’s absence.
Financial help for pulpit supply and pastoral coverage is available through the Pastoral Coverage Grant. Funds for the Wellness Plan is available through clergy well-being emergency funds by contacting the Area Director of Clergy Wellbeing.

Bishop Lanette Plambeck shared the episcopal address at opening worship of the 31st session of the Dakotas Annual Conference, reminding Dakotas United Methodists to “mind the gap” between what is and what God is calling us to.
Title: Move Policy
Information submitted and a rmed by: Dakotas Conference Council of Finance and Administration, Dakotas Conference Cabinet, and the Dakotas Conference Common Table .
Action: To replace the current policy on page 247 of the 2023 Dakotas Conference Journal with the proposed language.
Rationale: A variety of contributing factors were a part of this decision. First, our contract with the moving company was coming due for renewal, and due to company changes, we have not been satis ed with that working relationship over the past 2 years. ese changes have caused added confusion and stress for sta and pastoral families. Second, the tax law changes that occurred January 1, 2018, made relocation bene ts taxable income for the employee; military members receiving orders are the only exception. It is no longer advantageous, from a tax perspective, for the Annual Conference to pay a moving company directly as in years past. ird, this gives exibility and agency both to clergy families in how they would like to manage their move and to the Annual Conference as we organize move dates. Previously, move dates were completely in the hands of the company, and with a change in policy now we can work together to make more accommodating plans for churches and pastoral families. Fourth, we may save nancially, though this is not a driving factor, nor is it guaranteed because the move budget uctuates signi cantly from year to year based on number of moves. We remain committed to nancially supporting the cost of clergy moves and expect our clergy to be good stewards of the funds available. Finally, this policy change also moves the Dakotas into alignment with many other annual conferences who handle moves in this manner-via stipend.
Move Policy proposed change:
Expenses for moving clergy and their families shall be administered under the following policies: 1. General:
a. e Moving Fund shall assist in paying the moving expenses for household goods, o ce furniture, and equipment of itinerant clergy appointed to a pastoral charge, a conference sta position, or as district superintendent. Assistance shall be provided when a primary residence is changed due to a new appointment.
b. Clergy included in this provision shall include full members, provisional members, associate members, local pastors, seminary students appointed to a local charge, one move of a retiring clergy person to his/her retirement residence, and those under disability leave.
c. e Treasurer/Finance O ce will follow the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) regulations in issuing the proper tax forms to those who move.
d. e moving funds issued to a clergy person are taxable income and will be reported as such to the IRS.
e. e Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA) shall set the moving stipend and mileage rates by January 1 for the upcoming move cycle.
f. Eligible clergy may submit requests for a supplemental moving grant to cover additional expenses. ese requests will be reviewed by the Treasurer, CCFA and Cabinet.
2. Additional Eligibility Clari cation
a. Pastors with disability status moving out of a Dakotas Conference appointment are eligible to receive a onetime move stipend at the time of the relocation of their primary residence.
b. Retiring pastors moving out of a Dakotas Conference appointment are eligible to receive a one-time move stipend at the time of the relocation of their primary residence.
c. If a person in retired status is required to move their primary residence to accept an appointment within the Dakotas Annual Conference, they are entitled to a stipend to and from that appointment.
d. Clergy under suspension or clergy leaving appointment in the Dakotas Annual Conference for leave of absence, honorable location, extension ministry, and transfer to another conference or denomination will not be eligible for a moving stipend.
e. Clergy moving to the Dakotas Annual Conference are eligible to receive a moving stipend.
f. When a clergy dies while under appointment to a local charge, conference sta position, or as a district superintendent, the surviving spouse and/or dependents may have their moving stipend paid by the Conference within the provisions of this policy. If no spouse or dependents are living with the clergy person at their death, a move may be provided in accordance with this policy within 90 days of the death of the clergy. A 1099 will be issued in the name of the spouse at year end.
3. Moving Stipend:
a. Each eligible clergyperson shall receive a moving stipend as determined by CCFA in consultation with the cabinet.
b. Clergy couples being moved shall be given an additional 25% of the moving stipend.
4. Mileage Reimbursement
a. ose clergy eligible for a moving stipend, are also eligible for mileage current address to new address to be paid at a trucking freight rate, as determined by CCFA. e per mile rate is paid only within the bounds of the Annual Conference and is in addition to the stipend.
b. Retired Clergy and seminary students returning to take an appointment are eligible for a mileage reimbursement of actual miles up to maximum of 700 miles at the trucking freight rate determined by CCFA.
c. Clergy couples are eligible for 1 mileage reimbursement.
5. Procedures:
a. e Cabinet will name a Move Coordinator who will work with the sta in ful lling this policy.
b. e Move Coordinator will provide the procedure to moving clergy.
c. e Move Coordinator in conjunction with the cabinet shall establish and administer all procedures for implementing the moving policy contained herein.
d. Clergy forfeit access to the moving funds if they fail to complete the procedure as outlined by the Cabinet and Move Coordinator.

Bishop Carlo Rapanut, resident bishop of the Desert Southwest Conference, joined Bishop Lanette in leading the annual conference session including sharing the message at the Miracle Offering worship service on Friday morning.
Photo by jlynn studios
Consent Calendar
2.1 Cabinet Resolutions
1. WHEREAS the following congregations have voted to recommend dissolution as a United Methodist congregation;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that these congregations be recognized with thanks to God for their faithful service, and that they be o cially discontinued under the provisions of e Book of Discipline, paragraph 2549 by the Dakotas Annual Conference:
Northwest: Bethesda, Elgin, N.D. McClusky, N.D., Nortonville, N.D.
2. THAT July 1, 2024, be designated as the beginning of all new appointments for 2024-2025, unless prior arrangements have been made. e moving pastor’s current charge shall pay the compensation, health, pension and other bene ts through June 30, 2023.
3. THAT the moving schedule be exible enough to consider the needs of the pastors and the families and that the parish would have su cient time to prepare the parsonage for the arrival of the incoming pastor. Moves shall be scheduled to occur between June 15 and July 15. If a move is scheduled to happen prior to the last Sunday in June, compensation shall still be paid by the current charge through the end of the month.
4. THAT both congregations and pastors be sensitive and respectful as to the transition of pastoral leadership in a charge. Negotiations between the Sta -Parish Relations chair, and the incoming and outgoing pastors, as to rst Sunday and care for priestly functions shall be done on a case-by-case basis. July 1 shall be the start date for all incoming pastors unless other arrangements have been made.
5. THAT consideration be given by the congregation to the incoming pastor to have his/her rst Sunday serve as a welcoming Sunday and that formal preaching and worship leadership responsibilities begin the following Sunday.
2.2 Equitable Compensation
e purpose of Equitable Compensation is to work with the District Superintendents in the e ort to support congregations as they strive to become viable (Rule 1.4). is is done by A) providing salary support grants to Churches/Charges served by a full-time United Methodist pastor and B) making an annual recommendation of the minimum compensation needed by a pastor to allow them to focus their e orts on the ministry instead of seeking secondary employment.
1) e Base Cash Salary for each year: 65% of the Conference Average Compensation for Full Connection Clergy; 62% of the Conference Average Compensation for Less than Full Connection Clergy
2) e Base Cash Salary for both clergy groups listed in paragraph #1 shall include any personal tax deferred annuities, personal IRA’s paid by the local church, or personal pension plan in addition to the recommended contribution to the Pension program (UMPIP) in No. 3.
3) e pastor shall receive the following in addition to minimum compensation. A) Pension Program Contribution (UMPIP) equal to 3% of the Denominational Average Compensation; B) Continuing Education allowance (minimum of $150); C) Travel Allowance by voucher at the current IRS rate; D) Utilities paid in full (minimum of heat, electricity, local phone service, water, garbage service, and internet); E) Accountable Reimbursement Plan (minimum of $500).
1) e following requests will be considered by the Commission:
a. Strategic Appointment Grant – Available when a new appointment results in signi cantly increased costs to the Church/Charge. ese increased costs will be so burdensome that it is unlikely that the Church/Charge will have adequate resources available to take the necessary steps to becoming viable without outside assistance. e purpose of this grant is to assist the Church/Charge in its transition to being able to fully support the newly appointed pastor. e Church/Charge shall provide monthly written status reports to the District Superintendent and Conference Treasurer. Status reports shall at a minimum report progress towards benchmarks.
b. Discernment Grant – Available when a Church/Charge has declined in its ability to support a full-time United Methodist pastor to the point where it is unlikely to be able to provide the recommended minimum compensation. e purpose of this grant is to provide time for the Church/Charge and District Superintendent to evaluate the viability of the congregation and decide upon a ministry plan that is appropriate for the Church/Charge. e District Superintendent shall provide a report on the viability and the ministry plan at the next Equitable Compensation meeting. Depending on the ministry plan adopted by the District Superintendent and the Church/Charge, it may be appropriate for the Church/Charge to provide monthly written status reports to the District Superintendent and Conference Treasurer.
c. Emergency Grant – Available when a Church/Charge provides evidence that they will not be able to provide their full-time United Methodist pastor with the recommended minimum compensation. e purpose of this grant is to ensure that the pastor is properly cared for.
2) Churches/Charges shall pay their apportionments in full during the years they receive salary support grant payments. Churches/Charges that do not comply with this shall not be considered for a Salary Support Grant the following year with the exception of Emergency Grants.
3) e maximum amount to be paid for Strategic Appointment Grants and Discernment Grants shall be $5,400 annually. Grant payments to Churches/Charges shall be made monthly. A Church/Charge shall not receive Salary Support Grant payments for more than 36 consecutive months.
4) Salary Support Grant requests shall be submitted in writing to the District Superintendent and the Conference Treasurer. In order for Salary Support Grant payments to continue into a new calendar year, the written request must be updated and resubmitted.
5) e Churches/Charges receiving support will be listed in the Conference Journal.
Equitable Compensation Calculation: e Commission calculates the Equitable Compensation amount based on the Conference Average Compensation. See calculations below:
$77,234 x 65% = $50,203
x 65% =
$73,163 x 65% = $47,556
$73,163 x 62% =
* e Conference Average Compensation (CAC) is the average compensation paid to full-time clergy in a particular conference, e ective three years after the calculation year, i.e., the 2025 CAC is calculated using the 2022 compensation gures. Due to the pension rebates paid to clergy in 2021 and 2022, the CAC reported to the Dakotas Conference from Wespath for 2024 and 2025 were abnormally high ($84,767 and $81,594, respectively). erefore, the CAC’s for 2024 and 2025 were adjusted by increasing the CAC by the ve-year average increase in CAC of 2.84% and 2.65%, respectively, preventing a decrease in the equitable compensation calculation from 2024 to 2025. For 2025, the adjusted CAC is calculated as follows: $75,241 * 1.0265 = $77,234.
e charges which received Equitable Compensation support in 2023 included the following: Garretson, Montrose, Flandreau, Plankinton, Clark, and Langdon.
2.3 Housing/Parsonage Allowance for Ordained or Licensed Clergy Serving as Conference Sta and District Superintendent
WHEREAS, section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code permits a minister of the gospel to exclude from gross income the rental value of a parsonage furnished to the minister;
WHEREAS, a minister is also allowed to exclude from gross income the amount paid to him/her as a properly designated parsonage allowance to the extent used for actual expenses incurred in maintaining a parsonage;
WHEREAS, a minister is also allowed to exclude from gross income the amount paid to him/her in lieu of a parsonage when properly designated as a housing allowance to the extent used for actual housing expenses not to exceed the fair rental value of the home (including furnishing and appurtenances such as a garage, plus the cost of utilities);
WHEREAS the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church is the qualifed organization for the designation of housing and parsonage allowances for all ordained or licensed persons who serve as District Superintendents, as paid offcers of the conference or as members of the conference staff;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that of the cash salary paid to the following persons the following housing exclusions are hereby designated for the calendar year 2025 and for all future years unless otherwise provided:
• Joel Winckler - $30,000
• Rebecca Trefz - $32,665
• Brandon Vetter - $34,000 (effective 7/1/2024)
• Dan Bader - $30,000
• Kris Mutzenberger - $1,500
• Nicole Anderson - $5,000
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that of the cash salary paid to the following persons the following housing exclusions are hereby designated for July 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024:
• Jen Tyler – $30,000 (annualized)
BE IT F RTHER RESOLVED that in addition to cash salary, the following person(s) will be paid the following amount instead of being furnished a parsonage in which to live, and this additional amount is hereby designated as a housing allowance for the calendar year 2025 and all future years unless otherwise provided:
• Dan Bader - $25,54
• Rebecca Trefz - $25,54
• Brandon Vetter - $25,54 (effective 7/1/2024)
• Joel Winckler - $25,54
• Kris Mutzenberger - $25,54
BE IT F RTHER RESOLVED that in addition to cash salary, the following person(s) will be paid the following amount instead of being furnished a parsonage in which to live, and this additional amount is hereby designated as a housing allowance for July 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024:
• Jen Tyler - $25,500 (annualized)
BE IT F RTHER RESOLVED that, during the interim between meetings, the Da otas Annual Conference of the nited Methodist Church authorizes the Conference Human Resources Committee to designate housing and parsonage allowances in accordance with section 10 of the nternal Revenue Code Such designations are to be recorded in the offcial minutes of that Committee
2.4 Resolution Relating to Rental/Housing Allowances for Active, Retired, Disabled, or Former Clergy Persons of the Dakotas Conference
e Dakotas Conference (the “Conference”) adopts the following resolutions relating to rental/housing allowances for active, retired, terminated, or disabled clergypersons of the Conference:
WHEREAS, the religious denomination known as e United Methodist Church (the “Church”), of which this Conference is a part, has in the past functioned and continues to function through ministers of the gospel (within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code section 107) who were or are duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed ministers of the Church (“Clergypersons”);
WHEREAS, the practice of the church and of this conference was and is to provide active clergypersons with a parsonage or a rental/housing allowance as part of their gross compensation;
WHEREAS, pensions or other amounts paid to active, retired, terminated, and disabled clergypersons are considered to be deferred compensation and are paid to active, retired, terminated, and disabled clergypersons in consideration of previous active service; and WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized the conference (or its predecessors) as an appropriate organization to designate a rental/housing allowance for clergypersons who are or were members of this conference and are eligible to receive such deferred compensation;
THAT an amount equal to 100% of the pension, severance, or disability payments received from plans authorized under e Book of Discipline of e United Methodist Church (the “Discipline”), which includes all such payments from Wespath Bene ts & Investments (“WBI”), during the calendar year 2025 by each active, retired, terminated, or disabled clergyperson who is or was a member of the conference, or its predecessors, be and hereby is designated as a rental/housing allowance for each such clergyperson; and
THAT the pension, severance, or disability payments to which this rental/housing allowance designation applies will be any pension, severance, or disability payments from plans, annuities, or funds authorized under the Discipline, including such payments from Wespath (WBI) and from a commercial annuity company that provides an annuity arising from bene ts accrued under a Wespath (WBI) plan, annuity, or fund authorized under the Discipline, that result from any service a clergyperson rendered to this conference or that an active, a retired, a terminated, or a disabled clergyperson of this conference rendered to any local church, Annual Conference of the church, general agency of the church, other institution of the church, former denomination that is now a part of the church, or any other employer that employed the clergyperson to perform services related to the ministry of the church, or its predecessors, and that elected to make contributions to, or accrue a bene t under, such a plan, annuity, or fund for such an active, a retired, a terminated, or a disabled clergyperson’s pension, severance, or disability plan bene t as part of his or her gross compensation.
NOTE: e rental/housing allowance that may be excluded from a clergyperson’s gross income in any year for federal (and, in most cases, state) income tax purposes is limited under Internal Revenue Code section 107(2), and regulations thereunder, to the least of: (a) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the clergyperson’s employer or other appropriate body of the church (such as this conference in the foregoing resolutions) for such year; (b) the amount actually expended by the clergyperson to rent or provide a home in such year; or (c) the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances (such as a garage), plus the cost of utilities in such year. Each clergyperson or former clergyperson is urged to consult with his or her own tax advisor to determine what deferred compensation is eligible to be claimed as a housing allowance exclusion.
Award Winners and Recognitions

Rev Marty Toepke-Floyd and Rev Karl Kroger, co-chairs of the Extending Missional Impact Link, present retired elder, Rev. Gail Arnold, left, with the Streams of Justice Award in honor for his extensive work in championing justice ministries in the Dakotas
Rev. Marty Toepke-Floyd, right, accepts the Multiplication Matters award from Rev. Joel Winkler on behalf of Jamestown First UMC in recognition for the ways their ministries to children and youth are multiplying the UM witness in Jamestown, ND.

Rev. Rebecca Trefz, left, Southeast District Superintendent, presents the inaugural Wesleyan Way Award to members of Huron Riverview UMC. is new award was established to recognize church or individuals who are embodying Wesley’s ree Simple Rules — Do No Harm, Do Good, and Stay in Love with God by attending upon the ordinances of God.
(Photos by jlynn studios)
The Minutes of the DAKOTAS Annual Conference - Held in BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA
From June 5, 2024, through June 8, 2024 - Bishop LANETTE PLAMBECK Presiding Organized January 1, 1994 - Number of This Session: THIRTY-ONE
1. Who are elected for the quadrennium (¶¶603.7, 619)
Secretary Amber Laffey - Mailing Address: 1331 University Ave, Mitchell, SD 57301 Phone: 605-996-6552
Email: conference.secretary@dakotasumc.org
Statistician Joel Winckler - Mailing Address: 1331 University Ave, Mitchell, SD 57301 Phone: 605-996-6552
Email: joel.winckler@dakotasumc.org
Treasurer Jim Ducker - Mailing Address: 1331 University Ave, Mitchell, SD 57301 Phone: 605-996-6552 Email: Jim.Ducker@dakotasumc.org
2. Is the Annual Conference incorporated (¶603.1) YES
3. Bonding and auditing:
What officers handling funds of the conference have been bonded, and in what amounts (¶¶618, 2511)
Employee dishonest coverage in the amount of $100,000 plus $1,000,000 for any natural person whether compensated or not who is an annual conference treasurer or trustee or a member of their staff who reports and is accountable to a conference treasurer or trustee and who receives or disperses, or handles funds which are the responsibility of the conference treasurer or trustee and any natural person, whether compensated or not, who is an annual conference president or chairperson of a conference council on finance and administration.
Have the books of said officers or persons been audited (¶¶617, 2511) YES (See report of Journal.)
4. What agencies have been appointed or elected
a) Who have been elected chairpersons for the mandated structures listed Structure Chairperson
Conference Council Finance & Admin. (¶611) Ray Baker
Conference Board Ordained Ministry (¶635) Katie Ricke
Conference Board of Pensions (¶639)
Board of Trustees (¶640, ¶2512)
Conference Committee on Episcopacy (¶637)
Anne Osborne
Kathy Chesney
Conference Admin. Review Committee (¶636) Stephen Perry
United Women in Faith (United Methodist Women) (¶647) Colleen McKirdy
General Commission on United Methodist Men (¶648)
Robert Schultz
Conference Commission on Archives and History(¶641) Duane Coates
b) Indicate the name of the agency (or agencies) and the chairperson(s) in your annual conference which is (are) responsible for the functions related to each of the following general church agencies (¶610.1):
General Agency Conference Agency Chairperson
Conference Board of Church and Society
Conference Board of Discipleship Ministries
Conference Board of Global Ministry
Conference Board of Higher Education and Ministry
Conference Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Concerns
Commission on Religion and Race
Conference Commission on the Status and Role of Women
Commissions on Communications
Extending Missional Impact Marty Toepke- Floyd Karl Kroger
Developing Missional Leaders Melissa Gall
Extending Missional Impact
Marty Toepke- Floyd Karl Kroger
Developing Missional Leaders Melissa Gall
Extending Missional Impact Marty Toepke- Floyd Karl Kroger
Developing Missional Leaders Melissa Gall
Developing Missional Leaders Melissa Gall
Extending Missional Impact
Marty Toepke- Floyd Karl Kroger
c) Indicate the conference agencies/organizations and chairperson(s) or equivalent which have responsibilities for the following functions:
General Agency / Organization
Committee on Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries (¶657)
Committee on Disability Concerns (¶653)
Commission on Equitable Compensation (¶625)
Conference Board of Laity (¶631)
Committee on Native American Ministry (¶654)
Conference Commission on Small Membership Church (¶645)
Conference Council on Youth Ministry (¶649)
Conference Council on Young Adult Ministry (¶650)
Director of Connectional Ministries (¶608)
Jurisdictional Committee
Conference Chancellors
Conference Journal Editor
Name of Agency Chairperson
Developing Missional Leaders Melissa Gall
Extending Missional Impact Marty Toepke- Floyd Karl Kroger
Generating Missional Resources
Developing Missional Leaders
Nancy Bohlen
Melissa Gall
Extending Missional Impact Marty Toepke- Floyd Karl Kroger
Developing Missional Leaders Melissa Gall
Peggy Hanson
Developing Missional Leaders Melissa Gall
Rebecca Trefz
To be filled
Eric Olson
Nancy Oviatt
Rebecca Trefz
d) Have persons been elected for the following district boards and committees Answer yes or no.
(1) District Boards of Church Location & Building (¶2518.2) Yes
(2) Committees on District Superintendency (¶669) Yes
(3) District Committees on Ordained Ministry (¶666) Yes
e) What other councils, boards, commissions, or committees have been appointed or elected in the annual conference?
Common Table
Human Resources
Committee on Nominations
Extended Cabinet
Camping and Retreat Ministry
Records, Rules and Procedures
Disaster Response
Journal Editorial
Resolutions and General Conference
Jeanne Sortland
Nancy Bohlen
Jennifer Hallenbeck Orr
Bishop Plambeck
Tyrel Schlecht
Rebecca Trefz
To be filled
Kay Braun
Rebecca Trefz
Rebecca Trefz
5. Have the secretaries, treasurers, and statisticians kept and reported their respective data in accordance with the prescribed formats (¶606.8) ? In consultation with GCFA, we have provided complete annual statistics forms to be completed by each local church.
6. What is the schedule of minimum base compensation for clergy for the ensuing year (¶¶342, 625.3)?
Full Connection: $50,203 and $47,885, respectively
7. What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of the district superintendents for the ensuing year (¶614.1a)? 690,880 (Approved by CFA and Common Table – to be ratified by AC in June)
8. a) What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of the pension and benefit programs of the conference for the ensuing year (¶¶614.1d, 1507) ? $0
b) What are the apportionments to this conference for the ensuing year
(1) For the World Service Fund
(2) For the Ministerial Education Fund
(3) For the Black College Fund
(4) For the Africa University Fund
(5) For the Episcopal Fund
(6) for the General Administration Fund
(7) for the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund
9. Conference and district lay leaders (¶¶603.9, 660):
a) Conference Co-lay leader: Karl Rockeman, PO Box 3132, Dickinson, ND 58602
Conference Co-lay leader: John Srstka, 5604 W Cir Dr, Sioux Falls, SD 57106
Associate conference lay leaders: n/a
b) District and associate district lay leaders:
Northeast: Elizabeth Ewing-Lee
Northwest: Lisa Rhodes
Southeast: Nancy Hallenbeck, Val Melmer
Southwest: JoAnn Hipple
10. List local churches which have been:
a) Organized or continued as New Church Starts (¶259,1-4 continue to list congregations here until listed in questions 10. c, d, e, or f)
GCFA # Church Name District Mailing Address Phone Number Date Founded
TBD Sioux Falls The Collective Southeast July 2022
TBD Conference Online Faith Community – The Sanctuary Conference Wide PO Box 460 Mitchell, SD 57301 May 2023
b) Organized or continued as Mission Congregations (¶259,1-4 continue to list congregations here until listed in questions 10.c, d, e, or f)
GCFA # Church Name District Mailing Address Phone Number Date Founded N/A
c) Organized or continued Satellite Congregations (¶247.22 continue to list here until listed in questions 14.a, d, e, or f)
GCFA # Church Name Parent Church District Mailing Address Date Launched
540972 Embrace - Tea Sioux Falls Embrace Southeast 2800 E 57th St Sioux Falls, SD 57108 April 2014
540972 Embrace - Sertoma Sioux Falls Embrace Southeast 2800 E 57th St Sioux Falls, SD 57108 Sept 2016
TBD Legacy – South Bismarck Legacy Northwest 609 N 34th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 Jan 2019
d) Organized as Chartered (¶259.5-10)
GCFA # Church Name District Mailing Address Phone Number Date Chartered N/A
e) Merged (¶¶2546, 2547)
(1) United Methodist with United Methodist
District GCFA #Name of First Church GCFA #Name of Second Church GCFA #Name of Merged Church Date Merged N/A
(2) Other mergers (indicate denomination)
District GCFA # Name of First Church GCFA# Name of Second Church GCFA # Name of Merged Church Date Merged N/A
f) Discontinued or abandoned (¶¶229, 341.2, 2549) Include reason for each church listed.
(1) New Church Start (¶259.2,3, ¶2553)
GCFA # Church Name District Location Date Closed Reason for Closure Bismarck Mission Northwest Bismarck, ND June 20, 2024
(2)Mission Congregation (¶259.1a, ¶2553)
GCFA # Church Name District Location Date Closed Reason for Closure N/A
(3) Satellite Congregation (¶247.22)
GCFA # Church Name District Location Date Closed Reason for Closure N/A
(4) Chartered Local Church (¶259.5, ¶2553)
GCFA # Church Name District Location Date Closed Reason for Closure
545804 Garden City NE Garden City, SD Aug.15, 2023 Disaffiliation
548647 Fairburn SW Fairburn, SD Aug.15, 2023 Disaffiliation
542754 Kindred Calvary NE Kindred, ND Aug.31, 2023 Disaffiliation
542776 Walcott Zion NE Walcott, ND Aug.31, 2023 Disaffiliation
547483 Kimball SE Kimball, SD Aug.31, 2023 Disaffiliation
546342 Redfield SE Redfield, SD Aug.31, 2023 Disaffiliation
545600 Cresbard SW Cresbard, SD Aug.31, 2023 Disaffiliation
546524 Tolstoy SW Tolstoy, SD Aug.31, 2023 Disaffiliation
548088 Wessington Springs SE Wessington Springs, SD Sept.30, 2023 Disaffiliation
542116 Cavalier NE Cavalier, ND Oct.31, 2023 Disaffiliation
545666 Doland SE Doland, SD Dec.29, 2023 Disaffiliation
543246 Napoleon NW Napoleon, ND Dec.31, 2023 Disaffiliation
545837 Streeter NW Streeter, ND Dec.31, 2023 Disaffiliation
546546 Tulare SE Tulare, SD Dec.31, 2023 Disaffiliation
542275 Elgin NW Elgin, ND Dec.31, 2023 Closed
543144 McClusky NW McClusky, ND June 30, 2024 Closed
543268 Nortonville NW Nortonville, ND June 30, 2024 Closed
g) Relocated and to what address
GCFA # Church Name District Mailing Address Physical Location Date Relocated N/A
h) Changed name of church (Example: "First" to "Trinity")
GCFA # Former Name New Name Address District N/A
i) Transferred this year into this conference from other United Methodist conference(s) and with what membership (¶¶41, 260)
GCFA # Name Membership Sending Conference N/A
j) What cooperative parishes in structured forms have been established (¶206)?
GCFA # Parish Name Charge Name Church Name District N/A
k) What other changes have taken place in the list of churches? N/A
11. Are there Ecumenical Shared Ministries in the conference (¶207, 208)?
a) Federated church
999476 Carrington Northwest UCC
542867 Ellendale Northwest PC-USA
999498 Grafton Northeast PC-USA
540700 Hillsboro Northeast UCC
548784 Hot Springs Southwest PC-USA, AB
999487 Park River Northeast PC-USA
549004 Philip Southwest PC-USA
549243 Timber Lake Southwest ELCA, AB
548124 Woonsocket Southeast ELCA
b) Union Church
548000 Alpena United Southeast UCC
541420 Bottineau Northwest PC-USA
546967 Canistota Southeast PC-USA
548603 Edgemont Southwest UCC
545688 Elkton United Southeast UCC
547324 Garretson Southeast UCC
547483 Kimball Protestant Parish Southeast ELCA, PC-USA
542220 Rugby Emmanuel Northwest PC-USA
c) Merged Church
Denomination(s) N/A
d) Yoked Parish
545267 Lake Preston UMC/UCC, Lake Preston UCC
548443 Camp Crook UMC, Buffalo UCC
548682 Faith UMC, Marcus PC-USA
999498 Grafton Federated, Minto Knox PC-USA
542696 Holmes UMC, Sharon Trinity ELCA, Beaver Creek ELCA
541908 Lansford UMC, Lansford ELCA, Glenburn ELCA
540824 Larimore UMC, Arvilla PC-USA, Emerado PC-USA
546147 Leola UMC, Frederick UMC, Barnard UCC
999487 Park River Federated, Fordville PC-USA
549004 Philip Federated, Interior PC-USA
549243 Timber Lake Federated, Isabell UCC
District Other Denomination(s)
Southeast UCC
Southwest UCC
Southwest PC-USA
Northeast PC-USA
Northeast ELCA
Northwest ELCA
Northeast PC-USA
Northeast UCC
Northeast PC-USA
Southwest PC-USA
Southwest ELCA, UCC, AB
12. What changes have been made in the district and charge lines? Please list the GCFA number beside church name
- Wessington Springs( 548088)/ Alpena (548000) separated; Alpena is now one charge with Virgil (5531) - Burke (548421)/ Herrick (548762) are now one charge with Gregory (548705) called the Abundance Parish - Miller (( 546205)/ Harrold (545906) / Highmore (545985) are now one charge (new parish alignment) - Ellendale United (542867)/ Edgeley Wesley (542845)/ Jud (543064)/ are now one charge (new parish alignment)
Note: A (v) notation following a question in this section signifies that the action or election requires a majority vote of the clergy session of the annual conference. If an action requires more than a simple majority, the notation (v 2/3) or (v 3/4) signifies that a two-thirds or three-fourths majority vote is required. Indicate credential of persons in Part II: FD, FE, PD, PE, and AM when requested.
13. Are all the clergy members of the conference blameless in their life and official administration (¶¶604.4, 605.7)?
None of us is blameless before God, all stand in need of the continual grace of God. We give thanks for the faithful ministries of the clergy members of the annual conference. The character and conference relations of all clergy members have been reviewed by the Cabinet and the Board of Ordained Ministry, and those clergy found to be in good standing are approved for annual appointment. All grievances and charges are resolved or are under supervisory care.
14. Who constitute:
a) The Administrative Review Committee (¶636) (v): Stephen Perry/chair, Gary Rae; Alternate: Jeff Adel
b) The Conference Relations Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶635.1d):
Jen Tyler/ chair, Tom Dravland, Sara McManus
c) The Committee on Investigation (¶2703)
Clergy: Douglas Diehl, Jenene Earl Lay: Joanne Ottmar, Terry Prendergast
15. Who are the certified candidates (¶¶ 310, 313, 314) (NOTE: Everyone who wants to become an LP, PE, or PD must first become a certified candidate.)
a) Who are currently certified as candidates for ordained or licensed ministry
Name District Date Certified Davis Anderson Southwest 2024
Carrie Gilkerson Northwest 2024
Taylor Johnson Southeast 2015
George Keehner Southwest 2024
Manuel Loaeza Southeast 2000
Andrea Plueddeman Northeast 2022
Paul Plueddeman Northeast 2024
Laura Sherman Southeast 2024
Janson Stefan Northeast 2019
b) Who has had their candidacy for ordained or licensed ministry accepted by a District Committee on Ordained Ministry in another annual conference ? (Include name of accepting conference.)
Name Receiving Conference Date Originally Certified Date Accepted by District in Other Conf. N/A
c)Who have been discontinued as certified candidates for licensed or ordained ministry
Name District Date Certified Date Discontinued
Christine Cappetta
Southeast 2019
Tyler Kopp Southeast 2022
Jason Martens Southeast 2018 08/22/2023
Mary Morgan Southeast 2020 12/03/2023
Rick Andrus Southeast 2017 8/23/2023
(Note: Once a candidate is appointed as FL or PL, they are no longer listed as a certified candidate (except the first year they are appointed when they would need to be listed in 15 and in 16 or 17). Students appointed as Local Pastors (¶318.3) are the only people who are allowed to be listed as a candidate in one conference while being listed as an LP in a different conference. Par.318.3 stipulates that students appointed as local pastors can serve in either a full or part-time capacity.)
16. Who have completed the studies for the license as a local pastor, are approved, but are not now appointed (¶315) - Indicate for each person the year the license was approved: (3/4v) Name District Year Licensed Approved
Natalie Buck Northeast 2017
Kara Heagel Northeast 2018
Manuel Loaeza Southeast 2017
Melissa Rowenhorst Southeast 2022
17. Who are approved and appointed as: (Indicate for each person the first year the license was awarded. Indicate what progress each has made within the course of study or the name of the seminary in which they are enrolled. Indicate with an asterisk those that who have completed the five-year course of study or the M.Div. (¶319.4) PLEASE NOTE: Persons on this list must receive an episcopal appointment. (3/4 v)
a) Full-time local pastors (¶318.1)
Name First Year License Awarded Years Completed with Course of Study
*Richard Bensinger 2024 (Transfer from Virginia Conf.) *MDiv 2022
Robert Blackburn 2021
*John Britt 2012
*Jason Christensen 2018
*Rick Craig 2004
Brandon Dunham 2018
Andy Early 2017
Veronica Fleming 2017
Becca Hafner 2023
*Kimberly Hastings 2020
*Delton Wayne Huber, Jr 2005 (2011 PL to FL)
*Laurie Kidd 2005
*Sharla McCaskell 2004
* Charlie Moore 2015 (2017 PL to FL)
*Completed 2018
*MDiv 2021
*Completed 2009
*MDiv 2023
*Completed 2016
*Completed 2010
*Completed 2010
*M.Div. 2023
Cheryl Nymann 2016 12 modules
*Taryn Ragels 2020 (2023 PL to FL)
*Rydel Samuelson 2023
John Schomberg 2021
Shawn Stoll 2023
Cory Thrall 2014 (2022 FL to PL) (2024 PL to FL)
Justin Trent 2024
*Travis Voeltz 2019 (2022 PL to FL)
*M.Div. 2021
SFS - Kairos
SFS - Kairos
*SFS - Kairos
b) Part-time local pastors (¶318.2) (fraction of full-time in one-quarter increments)
Name First Year License Awarded Fraction of full time Years Completed with Course of Study
*John E. Anderson 2020 3/4
Tiana Bohn 2021 1/4
*Jordan Buchholz 2020 1/4
Tara Bush 2023 1/2
*MTS 2006
*M.Div. 2023
SFS - Kairos
Tiff Dorfman 2021 1/2 1 module
Connie Eichinger 2012 1/2 17 modules
Rita Ennen 2023 1/2
Tia Felberg 2020 1/2
Travis Finke 2017 3/4
*Brian Gregg 2019 1/4
Randy Harwood 2014 1/2
Jesse Irvine 2022 3/4
*M.Div. 2000
SFS - Kairos
SFS - Kairos
*Susan Jennys 2008 3/4
Donna Kuper 2018 1/4
Jordan Minnich-Kjesbo 2022 1/2
Brian Rock 2019 3/4
*Completed 2023
Judy Sayler 2014 3/4 18 modules
*Charles Smith 2017 3/4
*M.Div. 2007
Diane Stangohr 2022 3/4 2 modules
*Carli Steffes 2018 1/4
*Don Vanderlip 2016 3/4
Travis Waltner 2014 3/4
*M.Div. 2004
*M.Div. 2009
Brenda Wicks 2019 1/4 5 modules
Josh Willprecht 2021 1/4 SFS-Kairos
c) Students from other annual conferences or denominations serving as local pastors and enrolled in a school of theology listed by the University Senate (¶318.3,4) Name First Year License Awarded Seminary Home Conference N/A
d) Students who have been certified as candidates in your annual conference and are serving as local pastors in another annual conference while enrolled in a school of theology listed by the University Senate (¶318.3) Name Serving Conference Enrolled Seminary
e) Persons serving as local pastors while seeking readmission to conference membership (¶¶365.4, 367, 368.3) (If not in this conference indicate name of conference where serving.)
Name Serving Conference COS \ Seminary
18. Who have been discontinued as local pastors (¶320.1)
Name Date discontinued
Molly Leger Aug.1, 2023
Zach Kingery Sept.1, 2023
Paul Kimball Sept.18, 2023
19. Who have been reinstated as local pastors (¶320.4) (v)
Name Years Completed in Course of Study
20. What ordained ministers or provisional members from other Annual Conferences or Methodist denominations are approved for appointment in the Annual Conference while retaining their conference or denominational membership (¶¶331.8, 346.1) List alphabetically; indicate Annual Conference or denomination where membership is held. Indicate credential.
a) Annual Conferences
Name Clergy Status Home Conference
b) Other Methodist Denominations
Name Clergy Status Denomination
Pete Grassow OE Methodist Church of South Africa
21. What clergy in good standing in other Christian denominations have been approved to serve appointments or ecumenical ministries within the bounds of the Annual Conference while retaining their denominational affiliation (¶¶331.8, 346.2) (v) Designate with an asterisk those who have been accorded voting rights within the annual conference. Indicate credential.
Name Clergy Status Denomination
Tim Bauer OL UCC (United Church of Christ)
Chuck Belzer OL UCC (United Church of Christ)
David Cook OL PC USA (Presbyterian Church)
Laura Isakson Cook OF EC (Evangelical Covenant)
Robin Dill OF PC USA (Presbyterian Church)
*Daren Junker OF AB (American Baptist)
Rick Loewen OF CCCC (Conservative Congregational Christian Conf )
*Ron Snethen OF NAZ (Nazarene)
*John Werth OF EPC (Evangelical Presbyterian Church)
22. Who are affiliate members: List alphabetically; indicate annual conference or denomination where membership is held.
a) With vote (¶586.4b) (v)
Name Member Conference/Denomination First Year of Affiliation
b) Without vote (¶¶334.5, 344.4) (v 2/3)
Name Member Conference/Denomination First Year of Affiliation
NOTE: If your conference has admitted or ordained persons as a courtesy to another conference, list these persons in Question 36 only. If persons have been admitted or ordained by another annual conference as a courtesy to your conference, list these persons in Questions 23-35, whichever are appropriate, giving the date and name of the accommodating conference.
23. Who are elected as associate members ¶322 (3/4v) List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 23:
Name Member Conference/Denomination First Year of Affiliation
24. Who are elected as provisional members and what seminary are they attending, if in school (under ¶¶322.4, 324, 325)
a) Provisional Deacons under the provisions of ¶¶ 324.4a, c or ¶324.5(3/4v)
Name Seminary
*Cindy Heidelberger Coates Sioux Falls Seminary
b) Provisional Elders under the provisions of ¶¶ 324.4a, b or ¶324.6 (3/4v); ¶ 322.4 (v 3/4)
Name Seminary
*Annie Carlson Kairos University
*Stephanie Eliason Kairos University
*Allison Galbreath Wesley Theological Seminary
25. Who are continued as provisional members, in what year were they admitted to provisional membership, and what seminary are they attending, if in school (¶326, ¶ 327 v)
a) In preparation for ordination as a deacon or elder (¶326)
Name Clergy Status Date and Seminary
*Quaya Ackerman PE 2021
*Bryce Blank PE 2022
*Thanael Certa-Werner PE 2022
*Don Dinger PE 2023
*Krista Ducker PE 2023
*Julie Gregg PE 2021
*Rodney Knock PE 2021
*Amber Laffey PD 2023
*Teresa Person PE 2022
*Sandee Prouty-Cole PD 2022
*Teresa Whetsel PE 2022
b) Provisional deacons who became provisional elders (v)
Name Original Year of Membership
c) Provisional elders who became provisional deacons (v) (Indicate year)
Name Original Year of Membership
d) Provisional members who transferred from other conferences or denominations (¶347.1) (v)
Name Clergy Status Original Year of Membership Previous Conference or Denomination
*Andrea Johnson PE 2023 Evangelical Covenant Church
26. What ordained clergy have been received from other Christian denominations (¶347.3): List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 23:
a) As provisional members (¶347.3c) (v)
Name Clergy Status Date Received Former Denomination
b) As local pastors (¶347.3) (v)
Name Clergy Status Date Received Former Denomination
27. What ordained clergy, coming from other Christian denominations, have had their orders recognized (¶348)
Name Clergy Status
Previous Denomination N/A
28. Who are elected as members in full connection (List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 23. Anyone appearing on this question must also be listed somewhere in questions 29-30 or 32, unless the clergy’s orders from another denomination were recognized on question 27 in a previous year.) (v 3/4):
a) Deacons
Name N/A
b) Elders
*Janice Thompson
**Michele Slott
29. Who are ordained as deacons and what seminary awarded their degree. If their master’s degree is not from a seminary, at what seminary did they complete the basic graduate theological studies: List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 23
a) After provisional membership (¶330) (v 3/4)
Name Seminary N/A
b) Transfer from elder (¶309) (v 3/4)
Name Seminary N/A
30. Who are ordained as elders and what seminary awarded their degree a) After provisional membership (¶335) (v 3/4)
Name Seminary
Janice Thompson Sioux Falls Seminary
Michele Slott Kairos University
b) Transfer from deacon (¶309) (v 3/4)
Name Seminary
31. What provisional members, previously discontinued, are readmitted (¶364) (v)
Name Clergy Status Year Previously Discontinued
32. Who are readmitted (¶¶365-367 [v], ¶368 [v 2/3]):
Name Clergy Status Previous Status N/A
33. Who are returned to the effective relationship after voluntary retirement (¶357.7): (v)
Name Clergy Status Year Retired N/A
34. Who have been received by transfer from other annual conferences of The United Methodist Church (¶¶347.1, 416.5, 635.2n) List alphabetically. Indicate credential. See note preceding Question 27.: (v)
Name Clergy Status Previous Conference Date of Transfer Richard Bensinger FL Virginia Conference 1/1/2024
35. Who are transferred in from other Methodist denominations (¶347.2) List alphabetically. Indicate credential. Name Clergy Status Previous Methodist Denomination Date of Transfer N/A
36. Who have been ordained as a courtesy to other conferences, after election by the other conference. See note preceding Question 23. Such courtesy elections or ordinations do not require transfer of conference membership. a) Deacons
Name Member Conference
b) Elders
Name Member Conference
37. Who have been transferred out to other annual conferences of The United Methodist Church (¶416.5) List alphabetically. Indicate credential. See note preceding Question 23.
Name Clergy Status New Conference Date of Transfer
38. Who are discontinued as provisional members (¶327) (v).
a) By expiration of eight-year time limit (¶ 327) Name Clergy Status
b) By voluntary discontinuance (¶ 327.6) (v) Name Clergy Status
c) By involuntary discontinuance (¶ 327.6) (v) Name Clergy Status
d) By reaching Mandatory Retirement Age (¶ 327.7) Name Clergy Status
39. Who are on location
a) Who has been granted honorable location (¶358.1) (1) This year (v)
Name Clergy Status Charge Conference Membership Date Effective N/A
(2) Previously Name Year Originally Granted Charge Conference Membership Year of Most Recent Report
Amy Atkins 2022
Travis Krogman 2022
Russell Whaley 2014
b) Who on honorable location are appointed ad interim as local pastors (¶358.2) Indicate date and appointment.
Name Appointment Year Originally Granted Location
c) Who has been placed on administrative location (¶359) (1) This year (v)
Name Date Effective Charge Conference Membership
(2) Ad Interim Administrative Location (v)
Name Date Effective Charge Conference Membership
(3) Previously
Name Year Originally Placed Charge Conference Membership Year of Most Recent Report
40. Who have been granted the status of honorable location–retired (¶358.3): a) This year (v)
Name Clergy Status Year Honorable Location Originally Granted Charge Conference Membership N/A
b) Previously
Name Clergy Status Year Hon. Loc. originally granted Charge Conference Membership
Elmer Brinkman RE 1977 Watertown First
Anne Geschwinder RE 1986 N/A
Stanley Haidle RE 2002 Mitchell Downtown First
John Jarman RE 1992 Fargo Faith
Perry Kimble RE 1996 Linton
Linda Renaud RE 2010
Daniel Rice RE 1977
Joel Rickenbach RE 1974 Prairie View
41. Who have had their status as honorably located and their orders terminated (¶358.2) (v) Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status
42. Who have had their conference membership terminated
a) By withdrawal to unite with another denomination (¶360.1, .4)
Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status New Reported Denomination
Arlyn Coalter Aug.22, 2023 RE
Marvin Winstryg Aug.24, 2023 RA
Mark Britton Aug.31, 2023 FE
Steve Behrens Sept.11, 2023 RE
Bill Hoffman Sept.21, 2023 RE
Elmo Herman Sept.26, 2023 RE
Sarah Herman Sept.26, 2023 RE
Chet Cataldo Oct.3, 2023 RE
Darwin Kopfman Nov.7, 2023 RE
Rey Colon Dec.31, 2023 PE
Juwle Nagbe Dec.31, 2023 RE
John Price Jan.1, 2024 RE
b) By withdrawal from the ordained ministerial office (¶360.2, .4) (v)
Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status
c) By withdrawal under complaints or charges (¶¶360.3, .4; 2719.2)
Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status
d) By termination of orders under recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶¶ 358.2, 359.3) (v)
Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status
e) By trial (¶2713)
Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status
43. Who have been suspended under the provisions of ¶362.1d, ¶2704.2c or ¶2711.3 - Give effective dates. Indicate credential.
Name Date Effective Clergy Status
44. Deceased (List alphabetically)
a) What associate members have died during the year?
Name Date of Birth Date of Death
Name Date of Birth Date of Death
b) What provisional members have died during the year – Indicate credential. Active:
Name Date of Birth Date of Death
Name Date of Birth Date of Death
c) What elders have died during the year
Name Date of Birth Date of Death
Name Date of Birth Date of Death
Roy Caudill 02-07-1947 11/01/2023
Duane Ewers 01/29/1935 08/31/2023
Lee Gale 06-17-1952 10/15/2023
Russell Masartis 09-19-1946 02-10-2024
Lucian Prohaska 02-19-1938 03-20-2024
Donna Stewart 04/10/1933 03-19-2024
Richard Unkenholz 12-21-1927 01-06-2024
d) What deacons have died during the year
Name Date of Birth Date of Death
Name Date of Birth Date of Death
e) What local pastors have died during the year
Name Date of Birth Date of Death
Name Date of Birth Date of Death
45. What provisional or ordained members (elders and deacons) have received appointments in other Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church while retaining their membership in this Annual Conference (¶¶331.8, 346.1)
Name Clergy Status Conference Where Appointed Appointment
Jennifer Anderson FE Minnesota 7/1/2017
Andy Bartel FE Alaska 7/1/2015
David Birkeland RE Minnesota 7/1/2020
Stan Bockwoldt FE Wisconsin 7/1/2015
Justin Iverson FE Illinois Great Rivers 8/1/2022
Autumn Krueger FE Alaska 7/1/2017
Clifford Nelson RE Minnesota (1/2) 6/1/2020
Eric Van Meter FE Kentucky 1/1/2024
46. Who are the provisional, ordained members or associate members on leave of absence and for what number of years consecutively has each held this relation (¶353) Indicate credential. Record Charge Conference where membership is held.
a) Voluntary
(1) Personal, 5 years or less (¶353.2a 3) (v)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference
(2) Personal, more than 5 years (¶353.2a 3) (v 2/3)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference
(3) Family, 5 years or less (¶353.2b 3) (v)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference N/A
(4) Family, more than 5 years (¶353.2b 3) (v 2/3)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference
(5) Transitional (¶353.2c)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference
Jeanine Kersey-Russell FE 01/01/2024 Bismarck McCabe
b) Involuntary
(1) Involuntary Leave (¶ 354) (v 2/3)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference N/A
(2) Ad Interim Involuntary Leave (JCD 1355) (v)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference
47. Who are granted sabbatical leave (¶351) (v)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference
48. Who have been granted medical leave due to medical or disabling conditions (¶356) (v)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference
Howard Baird FE 05/04/2017
Lori Broschat FE 06/01/2021
Kevin Kloster FE 10/01/2020 Rapid City Canyon Lake
Rich Zeck FE 07/01/2023
49. What members in full connection have been retired (¶357): List alphabetically - If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶357.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement. (Under ¶357.1, no vote required; under ¶357.2, v; under ¶357.3, v 2/3)
a) This year
Name Date Effective N/A
b) Previously Elders
Name Date Effective
Michelle Brennan Dec. 31, 2021
c) This year
Name Date Effective
Jeff Adel July 1, 2024
Paul Budd July 1, 2024
d) Previously
Name Date Effective
Darrel J. Aleson 2011
Dennis E. Aleson 2009
Peder O. Anderson 2014
*David A. Andrews 2008
*Donald E. Andrews 2007
Royal Archer 2020
Gail L. Arnold 2011
Linda Baldock 2017
Deborah Ball-Killbourne 2016
Gary Lee Ball-Kilbourne 2013
Judy Banwart 2016
Gerald R. Bass 2013
*William L. Bates, Jr. 2012
Hazel Behrens 2018
Darlis A. Berkenpas 2011
Mary Ann Bernard 2023
Neil Blair 2023
*Boyd Ardell Blumer 1997
Laura Borman 2016
Dick Willard Boyd 2012
*Allan R. Brockway 1989
Jeri Burns 2016
*J. Edwin Coates 2005
Donald C. Crippen 2012
Kermit Culver 2020
Douglas E. Diehl 2014
*Emil H. Eberhart 2005
Penelope V. Eberhart 2005
Mark Ellingson 2023
*Donald Elmer 2008
*John T. “Jack” Erickson 2006
*Gerald A. Fike 2000
*Richard W. Fisher 2001
*Bruce Forbes 2018
Richard N. Fossum 2014
Dennis R. Gellhaus 2015
*Rodney R. Gist 1989
*William Gran 2016
*Bruce C. Gray 1998
Eric Grinager 2018
Howard L. Grinager 2012
Mark Gronseth 2023
Edward Tom Haggar 2014
*Leonard K. Haggin 1996
Mina Hall 2018
Brian Hazard 2018
Rick Hazen 2017
*David Heetland 2020
*John W. Hisel 2012
Mark Holland 2017
F. Eve Hook 2007
*John A. Jacoway 1996
Elizabeth Jassmann
Massingill 2017
Linova L. Jennewein 2001
*Cameron W. Johnson 1994
Ronald Johnson 2020
J. Sue Kana-Mackey 2009
John C. Katter 2006
Elizabeth Kelsey 2014
*Peggy J. Kieras 2012
Genie H. Kistler 2010
Donna S. Kjonaas 2009
*Henry K. Kor 2009
Greg Kroger 2022
Iva Laudermith 2017
Thomas Edward Lavery 2013
Mary-Lee Lint 2015
*Phillip E. Lint 2006
*Richard A. Lutz 2003
*David E. Mack 2000
Deborah A. Mack 2011
Randy Maddox 2018
Nancy Manning 2017
*Richard M. Mayer 2002
Frank McKeehan 2018
*Wayne M. McKirdy 1991
John McKnight, Jr. 2017
Donna J. McLaird 2004
*Dwight L. Meier 2002
*Mark W. Meier 2010
*Max E. Meier 1999
Patricia L. Mersch 2014
*Peter W. Moe 1998
David Motta 2021
*Lionel P.A. Muthiah 1992
Clifford Nelson 2017
Morris E. Nelson 2011
Julie Nygaard 2016
Susan K. O’Connell 2013
*James D. Patrick 2008
*Edward E. Pease 2006
Kenrad V. Pederson 2015
*Russell M. Peirce 1994
E. Stephen Perry 2014
*Calvin L. Petersen 1998
Mark Phillips 2022
Randy Phillips 2023
Rick Pittenger 2021
*Gary W. Rae 2011
*Eldon H. Reich 2014
Warren Rhodes 2016
Sheila B. Richards 2006
Dick Rinearson 2019
Penelope J. Ritter 2010
Bob Ruedebusch 2022
Sunandkumar D. Samuel 2013
Glen Sayler 2022
*Arthur H. Scanson 2010
Perry Schnabel 2019
*Walter J. Schott 1995
*DeVern E. Schwenn 2000
Jeanne Gaard Semrad 2010
Mary Ann Sheldon 2012
Gail L. Shlanta-Peasley 1997
*Robert L. Simmons 2004
*Roger A. Smith 1989
Randall Spahr 2020
Marilyn Spurrell 2017
*K. James Stein 1995
Gerald Alvin Stolp 2013
*Richard Sykes 2000
Wayne L. Tieszen 2003
Rodney Tkach 2021
*James G. Towler 1994
Dean Trapp 2023
Albartus Lee VanEssen 2013
Tim Vorlage 2022
Cori Waisanen 2014
Donald A. Watt 2011
*Warren L. Wenzel 2001
*A. Julian Wigen 2003
*Peary A. Wilson 2006
*David C. Wu 2005
Peggy Ann Zerface 2013
Steven Ziebarth 2020
50. What associate members have been retired (¶357): (List alphabetically. If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶357.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement.) (Under ¶357.1, no vote required; under ¶357.2, v; under ¶357.3, v 2/3)
a) This year
Name Date Effective
b) Previously Name Date Effective
David Birkeland 2018
Muriel A. Oates 2003
Lou Whitmer 2023
51. Who have been recognized as retired local pastors (¶320.5): a) This year
Name Date Effective
Kippy Udehn 11/19/23
b) Previously Name Date Effective
Ken Ballard 2021
Fern M. Bailey 2013
Martha Brandt 2019
Mike Flowers 2023
Larry N. Guenther 2007
Becky Holten 2018
Gary H. Johnson 2016
James Konsor 2019
Marlyn Kuper 2001
Kris Larson 2020
Ken Mund 2022
Tom C Petersen 2015
Jan C. Price 2012
Grace C. Rhodes 2012
Marlin Sapp 2023
David Severtson 2019
Raenelle Sorensen 2018
Rae L. Speiser 2011
Mark Turner 2022
52. What is the number of clergy members of the Annual Conference:
a) By appointment category and conference relationship - Notes:
(1) Where applicable, the question numbers on this report form corresponding to each category have been placed in parenthesis following the category title. Where these question numbers appear, the number reported in that category should agree with the number of names listed in the corresponding questions.
(2) For the three categories of Appointments to Extension Ministries, report as follows:
¶344.1a, c): the number of clergy members appointed within United Methodist connectional structures, including district superintendents, or to an ecumenical agency.
¶344.1b): the number of clergy members appointed to extension ministries, under endorsement by the Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
¶344.1d): the number of clergy members appointed to other valid ministries, confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Annual Conference.
Note: Report those in extension ministry in one category only. See the Discipline paragraphs indicated for more detailed description of these appointment categories.
Note: Those approved to serve as a local pastor, but not currently under appointment, are not counted as clergy members of the conference
and deacons whose primary appointment is to a Local Church (¶¶331.1c, 339) (74)
Deacons (in full connection & provisional) serving Beyond the Local Church (¶331.1a, b) (72a, b) 2
Appointments to Extension Ministries (¶316.1; 344.1a, c) (71a)
Appointments to Extension Ministries (¶316.1; 344.1b) (71b)
Note: Indicate credential of persons in Part III: FD, FE, PD, PE, AM, FL, PL, and LM.
53. Who are the candidates in process for certification in specialized ministry
Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry
Marilyn Spurrell RE Spiritual Formation
54. Who is certified in specialized ministry - List the areas of specialized ministry.
Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry
Quaya Ackerman PE
Spiritual Formation Certificate
Michelle Brennan RD Associate in Christian Education
Debra Ball-Kilbourne RE Minister in Christian Education
Carolyn Knight Lay Associate in Christian Education
Sandee Prouty Cole PD Spiritual Formation Certificate
55. Who are transferred in as a certified person in specialized ministry
Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry Sending Conference N/A
56. Who are transferred out as a certified person in specialized ministry
Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry Receiving Conference N/A
57. Who have been removed as a certified person in specialized ministry
Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry N/A
58. Who are certified as lay ministers (¶ 268, and 666.10) (List alphabetically, by district)
Joanne Singery Johnson Northeast
Sharon DuVal Northwest
Anne Osborne Northwest
Jerry Bottger Southwest
Beata Ferris Southwest
George Keehner Southwest
Adele Kenkel Southeast
Janet Madsen Southwest
Richard Wahlstrom Southwest
Chad Zachrison Southeast
(Paragraph numbers in questions 64-71 refer to the 1992 Book ofDiscipline)
59. Who are transferred in as diaconal ministers (¶312)
Name Previous Annual Conference Date N/A
60. Who are transferred out as diaconal ministers (¶312)
Name Previous Annual Conference Date N/A
61. Who have had their conference relationship as diaconal ministers terminated by Annual Conference action (¶313.3) (Under ¶313.3a, no vote; under ¶313.3b, v 2/3)
Name Date Effective N/A
62. What diaconal ministers have died during the year
a) Effective:
Name Date of Birth Date of Death N/A
b) Retired: Name Date of Birth Date of Death
Patricia Unkenholz July 07, 1930 April 22, 2024
63. What diaconal ministers have been granted leaves of absence under ¶313.1a, c, d) (disability, study/sabbatical, or personal leave): (v)
Name Type of Leave Date Originally Granted N/A
64. What diaconal ministers have been granted an extended leave (¶313.1e): Name Date Originally Granted N/A
65. Who have returned to active status from extended leave (¶313.1e) (v) Name Date Originally Granted N/A
66. Who have taken the retired relationship to the Annual Conference as diaconal ministers (¶313.2): (Under ¶313.2b, v2/3)
a) This year Name
Date Effective
b) Previously Name Date Effective N/A
67. Who are approved for less than full-time service
a) What associate members and elders (full and provisional) are approved for appointment to less than full-time service, what is the total number of years for which such approval has been granted to each, and for what fraction of full-time of service (in one-quarter, one-half, or three-quarter increments) is approval granted (¶¶338.2, 342.2, 1506) (v 2/3, after 8 years v 3/4):
Fraction of Full-Time Service
Krista Ducker Ben Clare ¼ time, 1st year as PE (plus Extension appointment ½)
Jan Gross Dell Rapids ¾ time, 3rd year
Ron Olson Parker/ Hurley ¾-time, 6th year
Jeanne Sortland Wimbledon/ Kensal ½-time, 7th year
Dayne Zachrison Devils Lake First ¾-time, 2nd year
b) What deacons in full connection and provisional deacons are approved for appointment to less than full-time service (¶331.7)
Name Appointment Fraction of Full-Time Service
Amber Laffey Alexandria ½ time, 1st year
68. Who have been appointed as interim pastors under the provisions of ¶338.3 since the last session of the annual conference, and for what period? Name Appointment
Marilyn Spurrell White/ Sterling (1/4) 1/15/24 6/30/24
Howard Grinager
Sioux Falls Wesley (1/4) 2/12/24 6/30/24
69. What elders, deacons (full connection and provisional), associate members, local and supply pastors are appointed to ministry to the local church and where are they appointed for the ensuing year (Attach a list.) See Ministry Appointments in the Journal.
70. What changes have been made in appointments since the last annual conference session (Attach list. Include and identify Appointments Beyond the Local Church (Deacons) and Appointments to Extension Ministries (Elders). Give effective dates of all changes.
Date Name Status From (Appointment/District) To (Appointment/District)
8/1/23 Elmo Herman FE Gregory Retirement as RE
8/1/23 Molly Leger PL Webster/ Bristol-Butler
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
8/15/23 Sandee Prouty-Cole PD Transitional Leave Attend School (primary appt) and The Sanctuary (secondary appt)
8/16/23 Rob Salmonson FE Clark/ Garden City Clark (Garden City disaffiliated)
8/22/23 Jason Martens Cert. Cand. Certified Candidate
8/22/23 Arlyn Coalter RE Olivet as RE
8/23/23 Rick Andrus Cert. Cand. Certified Candidate
8/24/23 Marvin Winstryg RA Kindred/ Walcott as RA
8/31/23 Paul Rowenhorst OF Redfield
None (Termination)
None - Withdrawn UMC membership
None (Withdrawn)
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
None (Redfield disaffiliated)
8/31/23 Mark Britton FE Marion/ Dickey
8/31/23 Barbara McKewin OA Milbank Parkview/ Big Stone Tabor
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
None – last BAC 2023
9/1/23 Denise Van Meter OE None Virgil/ Alpena (1/2)
9/1/23 Zach Kingery PL Wessington Springs/ Alpena (3/4)
9/1/23 Melissa Rowenhorst PL Frankfort (1/2)
9/11/23 Steve Behrens RE Retirement
9/18/23 Paul Kimball FL Extension
9/21/23 Bill Hoffman RE Retirement
9/26/23 Elmo Herman RE Retirement
9/26/23 Sarah Herman RE Retirement
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
No appointment - Cert. Candidate
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
9/27/23 Tiff Dorfman PL Ext. Luther Manor & Sanford Ext. Sanford Chaplain (1/2)
10/3/23 Chet Cataldo RE Retirement
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
10/15/23 Taryn Ragels FL Mitchell Fusion (3/4) Mitchell Fusion (3/4) & DWU Campus Ministry (1/4)
10/23/23 John Bergh RL Retirement
10/26/23 Allen Finger OF Elgin Bethesda UMC/Ebenezer UCC
10/31/23 Ben Ingebretson OF Area Director New Church Dev.
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
None – church closed
None – position discontinued
11/1/23 George Keehner CLM Rapid Valley (1/4) Grief Ministry Prairie View (1/2)
11/1/23 Thanael CertaWerner PE Burke/ Herrick Burke/ Herrick/ Gregory (Abundance Parish)
11/1/23 Alyssa Quade SY No Appointment Velva (1/4)
11/1/23 Gary Johnson RL Drayton/Pembina/Humboldt (1/2) Drayton/Pembina/Humboldt (1/4)
11/1/23 Jack Erickson RE Aberdeen Faith (LTFT) as RE Retirement
11/1/23 Melanie Reiners RL Retirement
11/7/23 Darwin Kopfman RE Retirement
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
11/19/23 Kippy Udehn RL Local Licensed Pastor not appointed Retirement as RL
12/1/23 Mary Morgan PL White/ Sterling (1/2) No appointment – Cert. Candidate
12/29/23 John Hisel RE Doland as RE Retirement
12/31/23 Mark Ellingson RE Extension Life Source as RE Retirement
12/31/23 Mark Gronseth FE Fairmont/ Breckenridge, MN Retirement – LAST BAC 2023
12/31/23 Rey Colon PE Tulare
12/31/23 Juwle Nagbe RE Napoleon/ Streeter as RE
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
None – Withdrawn UMC membership
1/1/24 Mark Gronseth RE Fairmount/ Breckenridge as FE Fairmount/Breckenridge as RE
1/1/24 Andy Early FL Bismarck Legacy South (3/4) and Bismarck Calvary (1/4) Bismarck Legacy South (1/2) and Bismarck Calvary (1/2)
1/1/24 Richard Bensinger FL Transferred from Virginia Conf. Rapid City First
1/1/24 Warren Rhodes RE McClusky/Goodrich/Chaseley (3/4) McClusky/Goodrich/Chaseley (1/2)
1/1/24 Eric Van Meter FE Extension Conf. Office and Sioux Falls Wesley Extension Kentucky Conference/ Loucon Camp Director
1/1/24 John Price RE Retirement None – Withdrawn UMC membership
1/1/24 Brenda Wicks PL Carpenter (1/4) Carpenter & Ext. Regional Care Coordinator (1/4)
1/1/24 Jeanine KerseyRussell FE Extension Chaplaincy Transitional Leave
1/15/24 Marilyn Spurrell RE Retirement White/ Sterling (1/4) Interim
2/12/24 Howard Grinager RE Retirement Sioux Falls Wesley (1/4) Interim
4/4/24 Addy Kenkel CLM Brandon Celebration as lay supply Brandon Celebration as CLM
7/1/23 Paul Lint FE Extension Camp Director Welsey Acres Spearfish
30/6/24 Denise Van Meter OE Alpena (1/2) None
7/1/24 Rebecca Trefz FE Extension Director of Ministries & Southeast District Superintendent
7/1/24 Jeff Adel FE Gettysburg/ Onida
7/1/24 Brandon Vetter FE Bismarck Legacy
Extension Assistant to the Bishop for Connections and Communication
Retirement as RE
Extension SE District Superintendent
7/1/24 Cory Thrall FL Bismarck Mission (1/2), Bismarck Legacy (1/4) Bismarck Legacy Senior Pastor
7/1/24 Barbara Krumm PL Ellendale Presbyteria UMC/ PCUSA (3/4) None (discontinued)
7/1/24 Jen Tyler FE Watertown First
Extension Conference Office, Regional Strategist
7/1/24 Sara McManus FE West Fargo Flame of Faith Watertown First
7/1/24 Allison Galbreath PE Seminary Miller/ Harrold/ Highmore
7/1/24 Mark Gronseth RE Fairmount/ Breckenridge as RE Back to retirement
7/1/24 Teresa Whetsel FE Miller West Fargo Flame of Faith
7/1/24 Becca Hafner FL Edgely Wesley/ Jud (3/4) Ellendale United / Edgely Wesley/ Jud
7/1/24 Laura Isakson Cook OF None Gettysburg/ Onida (Wheatland Parish)
7/1/24 Paul Budd RE Extension Retirement
7/1/24 Justin Trent FL Wall / Wasta as CLM Wall/ Wasta as LLP
7/1/24 Annie Carlson PE Washburn/ Center Bismarck Legacy (1/2)/ Washburn (1/2)
7/15/24 Teri Johnson FE Extension SDSU White /Sterling(1/4)/ EXT SDSU (3/4)
8/1/24 Cindy Heidelberger Coates PD None
Sioux Falls Wesley (1/2)/ EXT Ground Works Connect (1/2)
1/1/25 Jen Tyler FE EXT Conference Office Brookings First
71. What elders (full connection and provisional), associate members, and local pastors are appointed to extension ministries for the ensuing year (Attach a list) - *report received a) Within the connectional structures of United Methodism (¶344.1a, c) Name Clergy Status Date Effective Extension Ministry Assignment Charge Conference
*Joel Allen FE 2013 Dakota Wesleyan, Mitchell SD Mitchell Fusion
Nicole Anderson FE 2023 Lake Poinsett Camp
*Dan Bader FE 2022 Southwest District Superintendent Rapid City Canyon Lake
*Jordan Buchholz PL 2022 New Church Start (Sioux Falls The Collective)
*Rebecca Eberhart FE 2010 GETS, Evanston IL Mitchell Downtown First
*Timothy Eberhart FE 2012 GETS, Evanston IL Mitchell Downtown First
*David Jacobsen FE 8/1/2011 Boston University School of Theology, Boston MA Pierre First
*Kris Mutzenberger FE 7/1/2020 Northeast District Superintendent Fargo First
Taryn Ragels FL 10/15/23 DWU Campus Ministry (1/4) & Mitchell Fusion (3/4) Mitchell Fusion
*Rebecca Trefz FE 7/1/2024 Assistant to the Bishop for Connection and Communications Mitchell Fusion
*Steve Trefz FE 5/1/2016 Kairos University, Sioux Falls SD Mitchell Fusion
Jen Tyler FE 7/1/2024 Conference Office, Regional Strategist
Brandon Vetter FE 7/1/2024 Southeast District Superintendent
Brenda Wicks PL 1/1/2024 Regional Care Coordinator (1/4) Carpenter
*Joel Winckler FE 7/1/2020 Northwest District Superintendent Mandan
b) To ministries endorsed by the Board of Higher Education and Ministry (344.1b)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Extension Ministry Assignment Charge Conference
*Paul Budd RE 1985 John Knox Village, Lee’s Summit MO Watertown First
Bradley Kattelmann FE 7/21/19 Army Chaplain, Fort Benning, GA Brookings First
*Randall Philips RE 8/01/05 Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN Sturgis
c) To other valid ministries under the provisions of ¶344.1d (v 2/3)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Extension Ministry Assignment Charge Conference
Martin Avery FE 2/3/2019 Gran Lutheran, Mayville ND Fargo Faith
Cindy Heidelberger Coates PD 8/1/2024 Ground Works Connect
*Tiff Dorfman FL 6/1/2021 Sanford Medical Center, Sioux Falls SD Sioux Falls, First
Krista Ducker PE 7/1/2023 Avera Hospital, Sioux Falls SD
DeAnn Eidem FE 7/1/2023 Sitllwater Hospice Rapid City Canyon Lake
Dan Freed FE 2/15/2019 Avera Heart Hospital Chaplaincy, Sioux Falls SD
Julie Gregg PE 9/15/2021 Spiritual Direction, Sioux Falls SD Garretson
*Jennifer Hallenbeck Orr FE 10/4/2022 Hospice Red River Valley, ND Bismarck Legacy
*Mark Johnsen FE 7/1/2021 United Church of Christ, Brookings SD
*Teri Johnson FE 7/1/2020 SDSU Brookings, SD Rapid City Knollwood Heights
*Shelly Matthews FE 8/1/2011 Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth TX Fargo Faith
*Theta Miller FE 7/1/2022 Kansas Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Fargo First
Leisa Richards FE 2005 Leisa Richards Law PC Albuquerque NM
*Matthew Richards FE 2/15/2020 Avera@Home/ Chaplain and Mitchell Congregational UCC
Aberdeen North Highland
Mitchell Downtown First
*Carli Steffes PL 2018 Avera Heart Hospital, Sioux Falls SD Sioux Falls First
*Craig Vondergeest FE 2005 Presbyterian College, Clinton SC Jamestown St. Paul’s
*Gary Walters FE 2019 Kirk Funeral Home, Rapid City SD RC Rapid Valley
72. Who are appointed as deacons (full connection and provisional) for the ensuing year (Attach a list.)
a) Through non-United Methodist agencies and settings beyond the local church (¶331.1a)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Extension Ministry Assignment Charge Conference
Melissa Gall FD 4/5/2023 Primary-Milbank School District, Secondary- Watertown First UMC Watertown First
*Laura Walters FD 7/1/2019 New Underwood School District Rapid City Rapid Valley
b) Through United Methodist Church-related agencies or schools and within the connectional structures of The United Methodist Church (¶331.1b)
Name Clergy Status Date Effective Extension Ministry Assignment Charge Conference
Sandee Prouty-Cole PD 8/15/2024 The Sanctuary (secondary appointment)
73. Who are appointed to attend school (¶416.6) (List alphabetically all those whose prime appointment is to attend school.)
Name Clergy Status School
Sandee Prouty-Cole PD Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
74. Where are the diaconal ministers appointed for the ensuing year (¶310) [1992 Discipline] (Attach list) N/A
75. What other personal notations should be made (Include such matters as changes in pension credit (¶1506.5), corrections or additions to matters reported in the “Business of the Annual Conference” form in previous years, and legal name changes of clergy members and diaconal ministers.)
- Tiffany Ortman is now Tiff Dorfman
- Kara Togel is now Kara Heagel
- Cindy Heidelberger is now Cindy Heidelberger Coates
76. Where and when shall the next Conference Session be held (¶603.2, 3)? South Dakota, June 6-8, 2024
*Ministry Appointments as of July 1, 2024
The following code system has been adopted to designate the status of the ministers appointed:
AF Affiliate member-Par. 334.5, 344.4, 586.4
AM Associate member-Par. 322, 369.1, 635.2h
Certified Lay Minister-Par.268
DC Deaconess – Par.1913.2
DM Diaconal Minister - Par. 369.1 (2004 Discipline)
DR Retired Diaconal Minister Par. 357 (1992 Discipline)
FD Deacon in full connection-Par. 330
FE Elder in full connection-Par. 335
FL Full time Local Pastor-Par. 318.1
LM Certified Lay Minister-Par. 268
LTFT Less than full time-Par. 331.7, 338.2b, 428.7
OA Associate Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 346.1
OD Deacon Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 331.8
OE Elder Member of other Ann. Conf. or other Methodist denomination - Par. 346.1
OF Full Member of other Denomination-Par. 346.2
OL Other Local Pastor
OP Provisional Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 346.1
OR Retired Member of other Annual Conference
PD Provisional Deacon-Par. 324, 325
PE Provisional Elder-Par. 324, 325
PL Part-time Local Pastor-Par. 318.2
RA Retired Associate Member-Par. 357
RD Retired Deacon in full connection-Par. 357
RE Retired Full Elder-Par. 357
RL Retired Local Pastor-Par. 320.5, 327.7
SP Student Local Pastor-Par. 318.3
SY Other Supplies – Used by GCFA for assigned pastors
TBS To be supplied
– Superintendent Kris Mutzenberger 5
/ PEMBINA / HUMBOLDT MN (Upper Red River Valley Parish)
NORTH WEST (NW) DISTRICT – Superintendent Joel Winckler 5
DICKINSON Area Total UM Churches: 2
/ KENMARE RENEW/ SHERWOOD (North Prairie Parish)
SOUTHEAST (SE) DISTRICT – Superintendent Brandon Vetter 1
(Tea Campus/ 57th Campus/ Sertoma Campus)
Adam Weber (Lead Pastor)
Travis Waltner (Pastor Content/ Missions)
Chuck Smith (Care Pastor)
Brian Rock (Campus Pastor)
Travis Finke (Pastor of Operations)
SOUTHWEST (SW) DISTRICT – Superintendent Dan Bader 3
Charges: 27
NORTHERN HILLS Area Total UM Churches: 6 Total Charges: 6
GREATER PIERRE Area Total UM Churches: 17
GETTYSBURG / ONIDA (Wheatland Parish)
Certified Candidates for Ministry – Not Appointed
Northeast District Natalie Buck, Janson Stefan, Kara Heagel, Andrea Plueddeman, Paul Plueddeman
Northwest District Carrie Gilkerson
Southeast District Manuel Loaeza, Melissa Rowenhorst
Southwest District Davis Anderson
Clergy Compensation
Common Table
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.” These words from Colossians 3:15 apply to the approach the Common Table has taken in our tasks. We aspired to be seekers of peace when coordinating and prioritizing the ministries and resources of the Dakotas Annual Conference, always keeping our minds set on the most important work of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
The responsibility of the Common Table was to review disaffiliation checklists for churches that chose to disaffiliate from the UMC. Each church that decided to proceed with disaffiliation from the UMC completed a procedural checklist with guidance from their District Superintendent. The Common Table reviewed those checklists to ensure no critical steps were missed in the process and that there had been communication with members of the churches throughout.
Several churches in the Dakotas Conference had difficult, painful, and close votes as they discerned whether to remain in our United Methodist connection or to disaffiliate and go another direction. Congregations experienced deep fracturing and membership losses. This resulted in tithes and offerings received in those churches to be substantially lower than they had previously been. The Dakotas Conference had prepared for this possibility by establishing a Transitional Reserve Fund from which the conference or these churches could draw to alleviate some of their financial distress. The District Superintendents presented the names of churches remaining UMC that had experienced significant harm and recommended funding needs to help sustain those churches. The Common Table, along with Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA) and Board of Pensions (BOP), approved grants for disbursement. Fourteen churches were initially awarded grants from the Transitional Reserve Fund, with another three churches subsequently receiving funds.
Significant budgetary realignments had been required in the Dakotas Annual Conference due to a loss of approximately 2535% apportionment income as a result of disaffiliated churches. Jim Ducker, our new Executive Director of Finance and Administration/Treasurer, had been instrumental in projecting income and expenses to assist with budgeting. District Superintendents had taken on additional responsibilities as we reduced the need for contracted services. Conference staff had also been assuming increased duties to minimize the need for hiring to replace retiring employees. The monies received from disaffiliating churches have helped to offset the reduced apportionment income, and funds have been reserved to assist in this transitional time, so we are grateful that we had not needed to make rash decisions as we worked together to reduce the Conference’s budgetary needs. These funds will not sustain us indefinitely yet having them to resource our ministries is a blessing at the present time.
The Cabinet, in conjunction with the Conference Council on Finance and Administration, had presented the Common Table with an updated Conference Move Policy, requesting that the policy be approved so it could be immediately instated. Updates to the Move Policy were needed based on a number of factors: decreasing customer service and flexibility from our previous moving company, the contract for the moving company was up this year, other annual conferences are moving to this same style of policy, this policy would increase flexibility of choices for our clergy to determine the “how” of their move, and continuing to provide adequate and equitable funding for moves. The updated policy was accepted and was brought to the Annual Conference for adoption.
We were pleased to welcome Kim and Paulette Paulson as the new directors of Spirit Lake Ministry. The Paulsons assumed responsibility in time to coordinate the distribution of 5,000 Shoebox Christmas gifts to Native American children across seven reservations. Kim and Paulette are passionate about serving the people of Spirit Lake Nation, and we look forward to supporting them in their ministry.
Solar Oven Partners Director Christopher Sylvah and three volunteers traveled to Sierra Leone for twelve days in March. The purpose of the trip was to strengthen our trans-Atlantic partnership while working in three different distribution centers. Sylvah was also part of a six-person team that served 10 days on an education mission in the Dominican Republic. There continues to be a great need for solar ovens in these areas and we will remain committed to the mission of Solar Oven Partners.
The Fresh Expressions movement continues to generate ministry momentum in the Dakotas Conference. We have contracted with Rev. Michael Beck of the Florida Conference of the UMC to inspire and coach churches to reach out in new and exciting ways as they help others discover the love and grace of Jesus Christ. New ministries in the Dakotas Conference have been started based on the philosophy of Fresh Expressions, such as Flame of Faith’s Drinks and Doubts, Mission Bismarck’s teaching Ukrainian refugees how to drive, Park River’s Shout Worship, and many more.
Our Conference clergy continued to be trained, cared for, and supported. Some programs for clergy are Higher Ground, Scripture Circles, Clergy Epiphany Gathering, and Clergy Leadership Academy. Resources were offered to clergy in the following areas: Total Well-Being, including Financial, Mental/Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Well-Being. Individual Spiritual Direction and coaching have been offered to clergy based upon recommendation from a district superintendent.
New energy and passion for mission and ministry have revealed themselves in the Dakotas Conference as we began to move past the pain of disaffiliations. Our connection is a valuable part of who we are as United Methodists and followers of Jesus
Christ. May we lean into the power of our connection as we focus our efforts on helping others to know Jesus Christ by serving them in his name. In the words of 2 Thessalonians 3:1 , “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.”
Submitted by Jeanne M. Sortland, chair, Common Table
Con e en e Comm on on e an o C our Commission on Archives and History conducts a ministry of memory in our conference. This ministry really is as old as our faith. When we read the Scriptural record, we find our faith ancestors preserved the facts of their history in poetry, prose, and even artifacts. We preserve the actual history (as opposed to some sanitized version of it) so that we might maintain a Christian heritage. We preserve the actual history so that we might know what it means to be United Methodist. We study our history to trace the path of our heritage. We study the past to avoid past pitfalls and repeat past glories. We study the past to envision a brighter future.
The way we conduct this ministry is by enacting the functions enumerated in 1 of The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, 201 edition.
Once again in the past year, the archives became an integral part of the disaffiliation process, as records of closed and disaffiliated churches were transferred to our archives. Some of those records already have been used for research. Our archives are available to the public, regardless of denomination.
Our archives are located in space we rent for 10,000 annually from Dakota Wesleyan University within its George and Eleanor McGovern Library in Mitchell, South Dakota. We have been told this is one of the finest archives spaces in the jurisdiction. We are grateful that it has been offered to us at this price for the past 1 years, and we are grateful for the partnership we have with the DWU archives, especially their collections relating to the late U.S Senators Francis Case and George McGovern, who were both Methodists. We believe co-locating our separate archives with a common archivist adds cost-effective value to both institutions.
Additionally, your apportionments fund half the cost of employing the archivist we have shared with DWU since March of 200 , Dr. Laurie Langland. While the conference is responsible for maintaining and managing our archives, Langland is a full-time DWU staff member with faculty status. Langland roughly splits her time between institutions archiving materials and assisting researchers. She also writes conference memoirs and attends conference and university meetings. She also serves on the board of the South Dakota Historical Society.
This past year, the commission met three times once at annual conference and the other two times on oom. This past year, the archives was blessed to add the services of a student worker and a volunteer from Life uest, a non-profit in Mitchell that provides services for adults with developmental disabilities. This is working out well and many materials are being accessioned.
Jubilee Clergy: We recognized, this year, the following persons as jubilee clergy: Marilyn Spurrell and Bert anEssen.
2025 Budget Proposal: our commission was able to find a way to cut 0. 2% of its budget request from 202 ( 1 2) by doing away with in-person meetings, suspending contributions to an account attempting to pre-fund the eventual printing of the written update of our official conference history, and not funding travel costs of delegates to the annual meeting of the North Central Jurisdiction Commission on Archives and History (NCJCAH). Except for the 100 the Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA) asked us to budget for miscellaneous, every dollar is critical to our mission. In fact, in 202 , we expect that apportionment dollars will buy grave markers for the first time in 1 years. We welcome any private donations for that effort, but we feel that marking the graves of recently deceased clergy members of our conference is part of our history-preservation ministry that benefits the whole conference. Those grave markers are presented to the families at the funeral or memorial service of the deceased clergy member according to our commission’s policy. With shipping and taxes, these cost about 1 0 each. Please understand that fixed costs now represent . % of our budget (up 1. percentage points from 202 ), or all but 50.
Transitions: This year, we welcomed four new members elected at the 2023 annual conference: Cindy A. Heidelberger (newly commissioned deacon appointed to Sioux Falls Wesley and GroundWorks Connect), Dr. Bob Horne (a layman from Fargo First), Rev. Rod Knock (a clergyman serving Sioux Falls Hilltop), and Carol Knodle (a laywoman from West Fargo Flame of Faith). We have no terms that are up for election this year. This is the last year that our chair, Rev. Duane Coates (serving alley City Epworth) is chair of the NCJCAH, a position he’s held for eight years because of the pandemic postponement of the 2020 General Conference. He opted not to seek a “second” quadrennium on the General Commission of Archives and History, a position he’s also held for eight years. So, without an ex-officio reason for him to stay on the commission, Coates will no longer be eligible for re-election once the suspension of the term-limits rule sunsets at the next annual conference. At that point, he will have served on the commission 1 years. So, there will be an opening to serve in
the 2025-2 appointment year.
Conference History Update: One of our commissioners and the chair of the Dakotas Conference Historical Society, the Rev. Dr. Stephen Perry, continues updating the conference’s written history. In February of 2023, he posted online the fifth of a proposed seven chapters. ou may see his work at https://dakotahistorianblog.wordpress.com/
Submitted by . uane Coate , chair, a ota Con erence Commi ion on rchi e and i tory
Comm n a on
The Dakotas Conference communication team continued to tell the story of the ministries of the Dakotas Conference. The website www. dakotausmc.org, which serves as the home base for all communications grew in usage and efficiencies. Weekly e-newsletters were sent including Mondays Dakotas e-news featuring stories of vitality sent every Monday, and This Week Dakotas weekly announcements, sent out every Tuesday these publications continued to grow in distribution, subscribers, and shares. Social media communication became a vital and inspiring tool, as well as video story telling. Two other communications streams were photos on Flickr and videos on imeo.
The conference website, www.dakotasumc.org, is the place where you will find all news, events, and announcements. The website is a partnership with camping www.dakcamps.org, foundation www.dakotasmf.org, and youth dakyouth.org. There were daily updates with an emphasis on visuals, including photos, graphics, and video. The result was increased traffic of 12%.
Mondays Dakotas remained popular for sharing the ministry and telling the story of the Dakotas Conference. Mondays Dakotas continued to reach an average of 2,500 viewers per week.
This Week Dakotas, weekly announcements, provided a venue to share upcoming events, ministry announcements, and resources with local churches. Each week, there were an average of 2,000 viewers, through the website, e-mail, or on social media.
The social media presence of the Dakotas Conference continued to grow. Each day, multiple posts and tweets continued through HootSuite. Engagement has increased shares on Facebook and retweets on Twitter by 10%. Facebook is the most popular channel with 1,500 average daily views. There is a conference presence on Instagram that has about 1 0 daily viewers.
ideo contributed to telling the ministry story. This past year, the communications team produced more than 100 hours of video for the Dakotas-Minnesota area with more than 30,000 shares and views. All the videos can be accessed on the conference imeo account.
isually telling the story is what catches people as they scroll through social media platforms. The conference is blessed with an excellent photographer, Dave Stucke, who populated the Dakotas Conference Flickr account with photos that churches can use in their ministry.
The communication team was thankful to tell the story of United Methodists across the Dakotas who are passionate about making disciples.
Submitted by oreen o mire, director o communication
e on Comm ee e o
The Sessions Committee planned the June - , 202 Dakotas Annual Conference in Bismarck, North Dakota. It was held at Legacy United Methodist Church and McCabe United Methodist Church. The theme was “Jesus. Redeemer.” This draws on Isaiah 3:1.
Three Pre-Conference Gatherings were planned via oom webinar. These webinars helped members understand how voting would occur, the 202 budget proposal, the nominations report, the consent calendar, and other items. They also included a time for questions.
Eight different learning sessions were scheduled throughout the conference. These included Lunch-and-Learn sessions and additional workshops. “TED-talk” style presentations were a part of the Annual Conference.
Legislation was voted upon, and reports were presented. All worship services and plenary sessions were available via livestream on the Conference website.
The Celebration of Life in Ministry Service was held on Saturday, June , at McCabe UMC in Bismarck.
ou were able to participate in the Annual Conference thanks to the Committee members. Without them and all their hard work, the Annual Conference would not be the same Members are Bishop Lanette Plambeck, Rebecca Trefz, Karl Rockerman, Al Roll, Lou Witmer, Thanael Certa-Werner, Doreen Gosmire, Duane Coates, Dayne achrison, Kris Mutzenberger, Susan Punt, and Bea Stucke.
Thanks to the Host Team members: Joel Winckler, Host District Superintendent, Brandon etter, Bismarck Legacy Host Clergy Karl Kroger, Bismarck McCabe Host Clergy and Jen Chillemi Host olunteer Coordinator. They worked with the Session Committee for the entire year. And thanks to all of those who assisted them as volunteers for the 202 Annual Conference. Please give these hard-working people your thanks too
Planning for the 2025 Annual Conference has begun.
Submitted by ay raun, chair, Se ion Committee
oa o a ne n e
The Board of Ordained Ministry (BOM) trains, develops and cares for clergy in their Jesus-centered Wesleyan theology, servant leadership, passionate preaching, and personal wholeness.
We are blessed with the task of building a culture of call throughout the Dakotas. We nurture people through the candidacy and ordination process. We train new clergy and lay leaders in the Dakotas Conference. We maintain standards for clergy effectiveness throughout a clergy member’s life of service and honor the service of our clergy members at pivotal transition points. We take this task seriously. We pray and seek God’s guidance as we work with each person.
We have streamlined the process for clergy to access short- and long-term renewal dollars and continuing education (CE) dollars. In a world of constant and chaotic change, we cannot encourage clergy strongly enough to take leave and utilize the CE dollars available as well as other resources available to let the Holy Spirit rejuvenate and replenish you.
The Elisha and Samuel Projects have been exciting for the Dakotas Annual Conference. College students and high school students have the opportunity to explore pastoral ministry. College students may apply to participate in the Elisha Project and high school students may participate in the Samuel Project. A sub-group of the Board selects interns for host churches from the pool of applicants. Elisha Interns for 202 -25 are Anna Mutzenberger (DWU Campus Ministry) and Nate Meyers (DWU Campus Ministry). Samuel Interns for the 202 -25 is Cadence Weidner (Watertown First UMC.)
We offer events and opportunities in the Dakotas Conference: Licensing School, Certified Lay Ministry training preconference gatherings for seminary students and young adult members of the Annual Conference we facilitate groups at the various denominational events, such as Exploration and facilitate the Clergy Leadership Academy (CLA) gatherings for provisional members and licensed local pastors.
It is all our responsibility to keep our eyes open to those in our midst who have a call on their lives. We need to be bold and call it out when we see it God has called each Christian to ministry, whether lay or ordained. If you have a call to pastoral ministry, please seek out your pastor or District Superintendent and share your call.
Submitted by e . randon etter, chair, a ota oard o rdained Mini try
a o a nne o a ea n e e o Cam an e ea n Mission - Helping campers to experience Christ, Creation, and Community through camp and retreat ministries.
Core alues - Provide sacred places apart - Nurture Christian faith and discipleship - Teach creation care and appreciationPartner with United Methodist churches and agencies - Extend Christian hospitality and community - Develop principled spiritual leaders - Inspire and equip lives for love and justice.
Outcomes - Disciples and leaders who hear and respond to God’s call to share faith, love, and accept everyone, serve others, and trust God.
Lake Poinsett 2023 was the year of transformation at Lake Poinsett Camp In the spring, we worked diligently alongside donors and volunteers to install a new playground where the old tire swing used to be and rebuild the deck around the retreat center. Both of these transformations brought camp and retreat ministries to the next level. We also witnessed the transformation of so many campers and guests who experienced Christ, Creation, and Community. From -H and UBU (a camp for the deaf and hard of hearing) to family reunions to our United Methodist summer programming, we served over seven hundred people Most of all, we saw the transformation of all that Christy Heflin and family have done for Lake Poinsett and Camping and Retreat ministries. After serving LPC for years, Christy accepted a job at Dakota State
University. While we are sad to see her go, we know that God will use her and her gifts to bring transformation to DSU. Thank you, Christy, Jim, Spencer, and Bryce, for all you have given to camp
Storm Mountain Center - With change comes opportunity, and Storm Mountain Center and lots of opportunity this year. We welcomed a new director, as well as new facilities and kitchen managers. The new ministry team at Storm Mountain hit the ground running, providing hospitality to over 2200 campers, guests, and volunteers throughout the year, hitting normal numbers for the first time since pre-Covid As the year wrapped up, we completed a roof replacement project for all the major buildings on site, as well as looked at our long-term vision planning. The future of Storm Mountain is full of continued opportunities for all to be involved, continuing the connectionism that the Dakotas Annual Conference has with camp.
Wesley Acres - our camp in North Dakota was blessed with and nurtured a great staff again this year. From hospitality ministry with groups from all walks of life to the heart-to-heart connections with campers from across our conference, we witnessed spiritual and emotional growth as well as being able to walk alongside as individuals pushed their emotional and physical boundaries. Thanks to excellent training and a team mindset we were able to thrive within the very high standards we set for ourselves.
The biggest excitement for this summer was the addition of an ADA ramp onto a gigantic deck that also grants easier access to our main chapel building. This deck is also connected to a beautiful walking bridge across Baldhill Creek granting much better access to our property on the north side of the creek. We knew that this bridge would create new opportunities to engage with our high ropes course, yet it was exciting to see how we programmed those encounters differently giving more people chances to be a part of the challenge and group dynamic.
At the same time as we transformed our physical space, we also expanded our training to include neurodiversity training for our program staff. We created spaces for safe separation, have bags of sensory toys and equipment, and see each other as valuable and unique gifts to the community. When we are aware of what can make the camp experience better for each of our campers, we all have a better experience and more opportunities to meet Christ in a place apart.
2023 by the numbers total summer camp registration 10 3, an increase of 5.25% vs 2022. Church participation: 105 (5 %) Dakotas UMC congregations sent one or more campers, registration breakdown includes 5% UMC, 11% other denominations, % unchurched. Camperships: ,3 3.50 was awarded to forty-four campers to attend one event of their choice, churches paid 1,01 .3 in local funds to support local church
Staffing Transitions and Celebrations Welcome: Nicole Anderson, Director at Lake Poinsett Camp Laurie Wilson, Storm Mountain Food Service Manager Larry Wilson, Storm Mountain Property Manager Nathan Flann, Northern Pines Ministry Assistant. Goodbye: Christy Heflin, Director at Lake Poinsett Camp Jay Foss, Storm Mountain Property Manager.
Dakotas-Minnesota Area Alignment/Collaboration Since 201 , the Dakotas and Minnesota conferences’ camp and retreat ministries have combined their strengths and leadership, forming a supportive, cooperative, symbiotic, and highly collaborative relationship. This merger helps provide consistent support while significantly reducing financial costs and includes a combined administration office and area staffing, director level staff shared policies, processes, and organizational strategies, and a joint advisory council. The Camp and Retreat Council is made up of equal representation from each conference and meets quarterly.
2023 Financials - The Camp and Retreat Ministry operations of the Dakotas and Minnesota Conferences each ended 2023 financially in the black. Success is attributed to strong financial support from local churches and conference boards/teams, a unified financial system, controls and review processes, staff management and oversight, regular review of costs/rates, and real-time access to accurate data and information. Dakotas operating income breakdown: 2 % from hosted/Retreat Ministries, 5 % from summer camping ministries, 5% from apportionments, 15% from gifts, grants, and earnings, 2% misc. income.
Camper Safety and the American Camp Association (ACA) Accreditation - Dakotas and Minnesota staff regularly review every facet of camp programs and operations to ensure a safe and quality camp experience for all participants. Each of your six Area sites are fully ac- credited operations through the ACA, the national accrediting body for camping programs. To earn accreditation, camps must comply with hundreds of health, safety, and program quality standards. Only one in five camps nationwide achieves this distinction.
Current Staffing - Dakotas: Nicole Anderson - Director, Lake Poinsett Camp Tanner Clark Director, Storm Mountain Center Paul and Brenda Lint (will be moving to local church leadership in June 202 ) - Co-Directors, Wesley Acres Camp. Minnesota: Leslie Hobson - Director, Northern Pines Camp Dan iegler - Director, Koronis Ministries and Kowakan Adventures. Central Camping Office - Stacey Edwards - Camping Coordinator Linda Bowers - Camping Assistant Beata Ferris (position will going away in 2025) - Marketing and Out- reach Project Coordinator Mary Hovden - Camping
Accountant Keith Shew Area Executive Director of Camp and Retreat Ministries.
Thank you for your continued support of your camp and retreat ministries in the Dakotas and Minnesota Annual Conferences. Thank you for making sure that the children, youth, families, and adults in your church and community know about camping opportunities our support and encouragement help ensure that your camps and retreat centers can continue to be places where God meets with people. An experience at one of your Dakotas and Minnesota United Methodist Camps has changed the lives of generations of our Conferences’ leadership. Thank you
“Camp Gives Kids a World of Good ” American Camp Association
Submitted by eith She , area director o Cam and etreat Mini trie
Con e en e Co n l on o n CC
We are so grateful for the support of the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church to be able to continue to offer opportunities for youth and adults to grow in their faith. We recognize that the youth are not the future of the church but are the present of the church. Their engagement, involvement, and passion continue to help the Spirit move through the people called United Methodists.
outh 2023 July 23-2 , youth and twenty-five adults from the Dakotas discovered what it meant to “Be Bold: Be Ourselves Living Different.” outh 2023 was an international gathering of United Methodist outh, where more than 2500 youth and adults gathered in Daytona Beach, FL. The Dakotas was once again the largest group and best represented at the Annual Conference In addition to attending outh 2023, the youth of the Dakotas were able to spend an additional 3 days, working at the Warren Willis United Methodist Camp and Conference Center assisting with maintenance, cleaning, and end of summer projects. A day of fun was spent at Universal Studios Florida. Thank you to the Annual Conference for the spiritual and financial support to this incredible opportunity God bless our time together, and our connection to other United Methodists was strengthened by this time of worship, mission, and fellowship.
DAK OUTH 2023 was held in Aberdeen, SD. We were privileged to have guest speakers Mark Ostreicher (Mark O) and Stephanie Caro. Outstanding and Spirit-filled worship with guest preachers Rev. Seth LaBounty and Rev. Sara McManus (who yes, the rumors are true, preached in a unicorn onesie ). With two hundred participants of youth and adults representing almost thirty churches throughout the Dakotas, we explored the theme of “Good vs. Evil.” OTA offered fantastic music, and illusionist Jared Hall left everyone shocked
outh Worker Academy 2023 was held in conjunction with DAK OUTH 2023 for the first time. We had approximately thirty youth worker adults who were able to attend and learn from guest speaker Andrew Root. We are hoping to continue and improve the way the youth workers can connect with one another as they grow and continue to learn during this time set apart.
Winter Connection was hosted at three different locations throughout the conference. Approximately ninety youth and adults gathered in Rapid City and Mitchell, South Dakota, and Fargo, North Dakota. Our theme was “Be Bold, Be Fearless” based on Deuteronomy 31: . Each site was able to share in worship, bible study, fellowship mission work, and fun.
Our CC M youth election process has been solidified and applications were made available online in January with a deadline of May 31. Current CC M leadership will review candidates’ applications and videos and evaluate them based on their gifts and potential to serve at the 202 annual conference for the upcoming 202 /2025 year. As always, our hope is that more pastors and youth leaders throughout the Dakotas Conference will continue to encourage their youth to share their gifts and apply in future years to come. Thank you to the seven youth and eight adults who worked diligently for the 2023/202 year
This year we launched a new process to help us connect with adults who are interested in serving on CC M. In consultation with the conference nominations team, we created an application for adults to complete that encourages a candidate to share their gifts and strengths, so that we can balance adult leaders not only by their clergy/laity status and location, but also with the strengths they are able to add to the team as well.
Leadership Training Camp (LTC) continues to be a place and opportunity in which the youth leaders elected to CC M practice leadership. Staffed by CC M adults and conference leaders involved in youth ministry, the youth in attendance: learn, plan, and lead worship, engage in small group workshops, hands-on activities, enjoy fun and fellowship, and build lasting relationships. They study biblical themes each day, participate in mission work, and talk about faith and real-life application. This year’s theme is “Learn(ing) to Swim” based on Ezekiel :5 with guest speaker Stephanie Caro.
DAK OUTH 202 will be hosted in Aberdeen at the ARCC October 11-13, 202 (Please note the date change). We are excited to have as our main guest speaker, author, pastor, and overall awesome guy, Rev. Matt Rawle. Our musical guests will be Winona Avenue making their Dakotas debut. Returning for our evening entertainment are the SKIT GU S
CC M continues to promote events through updates on Mondays at Dakotas, email, social media text, paper mailings, and continual revisions and additions to our website: www. Dakyouth.com. To receive text updates, text “DAK OUTH” to 0 50
CC M continues to be a blessing to the Dakotas Conference of the United Methodist Church as we seek to empower, equip, and encourage our young people for the transformation of the world
Submitted by e . e y an on, current coordinator, Con erence Council on outh Mini try
Cle ell be n
Our mission: to embed the value of clergy well-being in order to strengthen clergy resiliency and become more effective pastoral and ministry leaders. Collaborative strategic efforts across both Minnesota and the Dakotas annual conferences guide the mission by equipping and resourcing clergy and thus, churches and ministries, through training, education, and resources as follows:
3 Dakotas clergy obtained resources from the Clergy Well-being Grant to focus on well-being improvements in one or more dimensions of well-being including: physical, mental, spiritual, financial, and/or social.
10 Area clergy and conference leaders graduated from the Practical Church Leadership Graduate Certificate program in July 2023. The PCL is a partnership with Dakota Wesleyan University offering coursework to strengthen competencies around financial management and development, human resources and governance, visioning and strategic planning, outreach, and communications all essential skills in leading local churches more effectively. Ten clergy joined the cohort in 2023.
We offered financial education and counseling options for clergy, including student loan repayment counseling ( participants in 2023), resulting in student debt being reduced, eliminated, or forgiven through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. We awarded 3 , 3 to DK clergy to reduce educational loan debt through our Investing in Leaders Resource Grant. Grants totaling 13,000 were awarded to clergy who requested an emergency grant.
Clergy were provided a clear and comprehensive process to obtain renewal leaves and churches were provided a grant option to obtain different levels of pastoral coverage both with funding support.
We offered a nine-week Summer Healthy Lifestyle coaching cohort for clergy interested in improving their physical health.
We offered Scripture Circles, a deep dive into scripture facilitated by a trained leader, was held with three 10-week sessions accommodating thirty-eight clergy participants in 2023.
We provided a robust year of orientation to ministry and leadership through the New Clergy Orientation process for clergy new to Minnesota.
We provided Staff Parish Relations Committees with guidelines around clergy compensation and time away along with training on supporting clergy well-being.
Submitted by iane en, a ota Minne ota area director o Cler y ell bein e o n
Lilly Endowment’s Thriving in Ministry initiative, known as Higher Ground, awarded to the Dakotas Annual Conference in 201 continues to address the pattern of needs in our clergy. By aligning and working strategically with the Area initiative around clergy well-being, a full range of wholistic support and resourcing for personal and professional development is available to clergy leaders.
The primary goals of the Higher Ground initiative have remained consistent throughout the grant period. These are: Inspire pastors to achieve renewed joy and clarity in their goals and calling. Create relationships with pastors and strengthen collegial relationships to reduce experiences of isolation an d burnout. Equip clergy with tools and experiences to foster resiliency.
Increase awareness of health and growth in key areas: Physical, Financial, Emotional, Social, Spiritual and ocational, a recent addition to assist clergy as they review and renew their call to ministry.
Higher Ground continues to have two primary tracks:
We offer Recharge-Refocus for clergy at their eight-year intersection point to engage in a season of renewal and refocus. The season includes monthly sessions to learn and connect with other clergy in the cohort, a week-long retreat to deepen the learning and connection, and a year-long focus on a specific intention to improve well-being. Ten clergy participated in 2023.
We offer Annual Coaching for clergy desiring personal or professional growth opportunities. aried types of coaching are available with the clergyperson guiding their own development. Clergy engage with a coach or counselor for one year. Twenty-seven clergy participated in 2023.
Both “tracks” provide foundational wholistic leadership development for our clergy that is customizable to individuals needs and goals. Other ways Higher Ground provided intentional support for renewal, connection, and growth for clergy in 2023 included:
The Clergy Epiphany Retreat, held in January 2023, offered clergy a chance to connect as well as lament the loss and pain from a year of disaffiliations.
Soul Fill-Up, a weekly online gathering, added in 2020 as a response to the pandemic concluded in early 2023.
Scripture Circles, a deep dive into scripture facilitated by a trained leader, was held with three 10-week sessions accommodating thirty- eight clergy participants in 2023.
Summer Healthy Lifestyle, led by health coaches from Avera Health over nine weeks this past summer 2023, offered small group coaching for twenty-five participants.
The Clergywomen’s Retreat was held for eighteen clergywomen who gathered for a 3-day retreat to connect with each other and experience God speaking to each of them through children’s books.
At the required training for provisional clergy, Clergy Leadership Academy, we continued to weave the Higher Ground ethos into our Clergy Leadership Academy a cohort for clergy in their first five years of ministry that meets twice a year.
Numerous partnerships support the Higher Ground purpose. The proposal for the sustainability grant will be submitted in 202 . In order to receive the grant, a required match of 500,000 must be raised which was satisfied in 2022 with the generous contribution from the Dakotas Board of Pensions.
We continue to emphasize the inner work and the understanding that healthy, self-differentiated pastors need to lead healthy, thriving churches.
Submitted by iane en, a ota Minne ota area director o Cler y ell bein
a e an n
We continued to work to strength and support the work of our laity across the Dakotas. Active, involved laity are crucial to drive the work of the church forward.
To better equip our laity and help them use their spiritual gifts, a hybrid version of the Lay Academy was offered. There was an in-person option and a virtual option for training on preaching and leading worship. We are thankful for the Lay Academy Leadership team of Rev. Michele Slott, Rev. Doug Diehl, and Rev. Bob Rudebusch.
Pastor Brenda Wicks is working with the Dakota Connections Initiative to develop a model for care ministry in rural settings. She is recruiting and training a team of people, lay and clergy, for visitation, prayer, and connection. The group will work across several communities. In October, she held a care ministry training with participants at Riverview United Methodist Church in Huron, South Dakota, and Legacy United Methodist Church in Bismarck, North Dakota.
Lay persons are the heart and soul of The United Methodist Church. We look forward to continuing developing our lay servants through increased communication and collaboration in the future.
Submitted by arl oc eman and John Srt a, con erence co lay leader .
With the transition in Conference leadership/responsibilities and new directives from Bishop Lanette Plambeck, this past year has been a year of rebuilding for the Equipping Missional Congregations Link and exploring the best ways to resource
congregations in our Conference to continue to grow into vital congregations reaching out into the community and world to demonstrate God’s love and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The Equipping Missional Congregations Link aligns with the prong of Bishop Lanette’s strategy that includes ital Faith Community Development, centering around the three subcategories of Fresh Expressions, Rural Ministry and JAM (Justice, Advocacy and Mission).
We began our work last fall by developing a survey to better assess the greatest needs of our congregations. Each congregation has vastly different needs depending on its size, constituency, and location/context among many other factors. Clergy were encouraged to complete the survey first and then it was offered to laity to complete in the new year. Our Link was delighted to learn many exciting ministries beyond the walls of our churches are already happening. Clergy felt most equipped in worship planning and sermon preparation but there was a great need for recorded worship music, especially contemporary music. Other needs identified were leadership development, especially laity development, discipleship pathways and lack of time, human resources and “know how” for community outreach. Conversation is ongoing on how to address these needs as well as what format could be used to access and share resources.
Conversation in the Extended Cabinet has identified Amplify as a format for sharing resources with a pilot program now underway. As currently planned, the Conference would cover the cost of the Amplify subscription and all churches would have access to all the resources Amplify provides as well as a special link for resources specific for the Dakotas Conference. Hopefully, this project can be rolled out for all churches in the Conference, yet this year so stay tuned.
Dollars are still available from the Lilly Grant for Rural Ministries. Our Link is currently assessing how these funds were distributed in the past and looking at possible new ways for churches to tap into these funds.
Another exciting pilot program being rolled out in North Central ND is Community isioning with local congregations. This visioning process helps churches assess the assets of their congregation (gifts and talents of individual members and leadership gifts and passion) and how these assets might be integrated into the community.
The Practical Church Leadership Certificate program through Dakota Wesleyan University (formerly the Non-Profit Church Leadership Certificate) continues to be another excellent training, coaching, and networking opportunity for clergy. Ministry planning and projects that can be immediately applied to each pastor’s individual ministry setting are part of the year long program.
Rev. Dr. Michael Beck and Fresh Expressions Ministries were introduced last year at the Annual Conference. Dr. Beck has, and will continue, coaching and leading Fresh Expressions workshops at the Dakotas Conference. It has been fun to continue to read about the many new ministries in communities of all sizes throughout the Conference as highlighted by the Dakotas Communication Team. Fresh Expressions falls under the portfolio of District Superintendent Dan Bader who serves on our Equipping Congregational Ministries Link. This year our Link will discuss ways we might better partner Rural Ministries with Fresh Expressions.
Lay Ministry is a vital part of Equipping Missional Churches. The Lay Ministry Academy started last year by Michele Slott, Pastor, Rapid City Open Heart Church continues with the Academy centered around training and experience for those interested in serving as lay pastors or lay pulpit supply throughout the Dakotas Conference. While the portfolio and responsibility for Lay Ministry is somewhat truncated in the Conference, the Equipping Missional Congregations Link will continue to look for ways to partner with and support other Conference entities that help lay persons identify their giftedness and find training and ways to use their gifts to share God’s love and grace.
The Equipping Missional Congregations Link thanks you for the opportunity to serve with you. Just as many churches have found them- selves in a new place post-CO ID and post-disaffiliation, so too, has the Equipping Missional Congregations Link. As we move forward in the coming year in this new place, we all find ourselves our Link will continue to rethink, evaluate and look for the best ways to partner with churches and other Conference entities to resource local churches, laity and pastors to be the center of love and grace outside their walls in their communities.
Submitted by l oll, mi ional im act de elo ment coach and ec y olten, chair, ui in Mi ional Con re ation in al n
The third year (2023) of our Dakotas Connection Initiative was a period of experimentation. Having completed church disaffiliations, our United Methodist congregations were ready to take on more challenges of separation in rural ministry. A spirit of exploration and adventure set in, and several new initiatives were launched.
As a result of disaffiliation, several churches were left in a position of ministry without an appointed pastor, thus leaving them in a situation where continuation of regular worship ministry would require innovative partnerships. A current trend for these churches is to equip them with technology to connect with each other or to a larger congregation so they can stream other UMC services or engage in meaningful larger group study opportunities. Two technology mini grants were awarded within
the Northeast District and several more are planned in 202 . These grants allow these churches to continue regular worship rather than having to close their doors to worship.
Another experiment was started in the Southeast District whereby a Congregational Care Ministry connected several churches with a pro- gram to provide a regional care system to outlying rural areas. This program focuses on laity providing care to congregation members from many churches instead of requiring each church’s local pastor to provide such care. A second regional care system is planned for the North- west District in 202 centered out of the Minot area.
The largest and, so far, most successful partnership has been the Abundance Parish which is the combination of the Burke, Gregory, and Herrick churches in the Southwest District. Again, due to disaffiliation related activity, these churches responded to the need to work together to enhance ministry for the whole group. The partnership formed a Covenant Agreement to offer options within the three churches to share resources, staffing, and leadership. A grant was awarded that provides administrative support which allows the current pastor to focus on the individual and combined ministries of the Abundance Parish. This partnership will serve as a model for several other planned partnerships within the Conference.
Related to partnership development, the rural ministry initiative is considering another form of administrative cooperation. Two financial and accounting partnerships are being tested in the Southwest and Southeast Districts similar to one previously started in the Northwest District. This project would allow several smaller and rural churches to benefit from a uniform accounting system designed to provide churches with more accurate and usable financial information for decision-making purposes.
The last major initiative in Dakotas rural ministry is also in an exploratory stage. The Conference is looking to partner with Amplify Media, part of the communications arm of the UMC, to establish a digital resource library. This library will allow all Dakotas Conference UMC’s to not only access the current inventory of Amplify Media but will also provide a home for Dakotas created materials to be stored and accessed by all our congregations. Currently, the Dakotas Conference Communications Team is in the process of uploading locally created content for testing and evaluation. It is hoped this digital library can be introduced to churches in 202 .
Rural Ministry projects were on the uptake in 2023 and are expected to blossom in 202
Submitted by l oll, mi ional im act de elo ment coach.
The Missional Impact Link continued to award various grants in 2023, as well as support the Annual Conference Miracle Offering and the Bishop’s Thanksgiving Offering. Grants were awarded for Breakthrough Ministry (innovative efforts to experiment with new ministry), Campus Ministry (creating opportunities for college campuses to bring ministry onto campus), and Hunger Grants (funds to serve local church partnerships with food insecurity organizations). 5,000 was awarded to these ministry projects in 2023.
The Missional Impact Link again recommends local United Methodist Churches focus on missions and ministries in the Dakotas Conference whenever possible. As the Conference shifts funding requirements for our missions at Solar Oven Partners, Spirit Lake Ministry, Tree of Life, and the Bakken Oil Rush Ministry to self-funding over the next few years, these missions will need to rely more on direct support from local churches and organizations. The Conference will promote and support projects to assist these missions with their material and financial needs in the future.
The Missional Impact Link is also looking for funding sources to help support the Hunger Grant Program. Additionally, the Link will continue to look for new and innovative ways to help the Dakotas Conference and its’ member churches to find ways to help extend missional impact. Any recommendations are welcome.
In accordance with Bishop Plambeck’s initiative to become more missional and supportive of social justice and principles, the Missional Impact Link is placing a priority on topics such as environmental care, disabilities, minority acceptance, etc. Much of the work of the Link will focus on supporting the work of Global Ministries’ activities.
Submitted by l oll, mi ional im act de elo ment coach.
a en l n a o C
One of our staff members, Josie, recently stated something I believe to be profound, “How can God bless your steps if you’re sitting down.” This is true whether you are working at the thrift store, serving at one of our outreach events, or giving generously to our mission. By sup- porting and praying for Bakken Oil Rush in 2023, you stood up and stood out for Jesus.
I want to take a moment to celebrate God’s goodness in blessing the following BORM programs in 2023.
In August, we partnered with The Salvation Army to distribute backpacks full of school supplies to 130 children, setting them up for success in their educational endeavors.
At our annual Thanksgiving Gathering in November, we served 250 hot meals to both newcomers and established residents of Watford City. One of our local pastors shared an uplifting message of hope with all who attended.
our support brought smiles to 23 children at our Toy Mall Event in December. With the help of about sixty volunteers, children learned about Jesus’ birth and experienced the joy of giving.
The heart of our ministry, the Winter-wear Giveaway runs throughout the long North Dakota winter. We provided essential warm clothing to 3 families in 2023, a testament to your compassion and care.
Our Language and Culture classes are becoming a mainstay resource for residents, both old and new, who want to learn English or Spanish. We now offer 12-week sessions in both the fall and the spring which are free to the community. The best thing about these classes are the relationships being formed across different cultures creating feelings of belonging and inclusivity.
Perhaps the largest impact is the daily mission at the thrift store where we continue to put people over profit. Beyond our low prices at the thrift store, we gave away over ,000 worth of clothing and household items to those in need. In total, with the winter-wear included, we were able to give away 3 ,000 in thrift-store valued items in 2023.
Apart from all the numbers giving us tangible proof, it is the moments where we get to “Care like Jesus” that make the most difference. Just yesterday, our community witnessed a tragedy when a duplex burned down displacing twelve people, including a family with four children. City leaders contacted our ministry right away to put us on standby to help those affected. Our devoted staff stayed late last night and pro- vided not only free clothing and household items, but also dedicated care and hope to those who lost everything in the fire. The dad cried as the staff loaded twelve stuffed totes full of good quality clothes into the bed of his truck.
Furthermore, BORM offers opportunities for newcomers to feel like they belong through our language classes. A group of students (both old and new residents representing several cultures) meets regularly for breakfast outside of class at a local restaurant to practice their new language skills and to also learn more about each other. With the spring session drawing to a close, they are also planning events throughout the summer to meet up and share life with each other. It is incredible to see these relationships flourish
Great changes are coming to the ministry in 202 . As of this writing, we plan to close for 2 weeks in April to complete some much-needed renovations and repairs to the thrift store and parking area. We plan to resurface the floor of the store, address drainage issues in the parking lot, and pour a sidewalk between the store and the uonset, where donated items are received, sorted, and stored. These changes will bring more value to the experience of the staff and customers while offering a safer environment for all.
For instance, our current floor is cracked concrete with peeling paint. It is impossible to keep clean and we have constant concern for children who accompany their parents to the shop. The new floor will elevate the shopping experience, especially for families. Currently, our staff rolls carts of donations from the sorting area about one hundred feet to the store over rocks which are caked with mud, ice or snow depending on the weather. A sidewalk will greatly enhance their ability to restock the store And when it rains, we must bring in the troops to remove pooling water away from the buildings. Our uonset floods 3- times a year. A local engineer has offered to survey our parking lot, dig trenches and re-grate the gravel to create improved water flow away from the buildings. We are expecting these renovations to cost 20,000 and will be relying solely on financial contributions to fund them.
Comedy Caf will be on Friday, October 11, 202 . Once again, we invite you all to come and celebrate God’s provision for our ministry with us. This annual event raises funds to cover operations and programming. We are committed to keeping prices low in the thrift store, so while it generates enough income to pay wages for our staff, it does not provide for costs like utilities, supplies, and programs we offer as part of the ministry outside of the store.
Thank you to those who continue to faithfully support Bakken Oil Rush Ministry with your prayers and your financial giving. If you are not part of our support team, please consider joining us God is using people all over the Dakota Region to bless His work in Watford City, and we would love for you to be a part of it.
Besides financial contributions, there are other ways you and/or your church could support our mission. One of the ways you can participate is by organizing a school supply drive in your church or community to help supply the backpacks we give away in August. This year, we will not be working with The Salvation Army due to their limited funds, so we are providing 100% of the program. Reach out to me if you want to help us out
I am eternally thankful to the Dakotas Conference for kickstarting this valuable ministry in Western North Dakota. ou created ripples that are growing larger and larger each day, week, month, and year. our faithfulness in staying in touch with
us through all these years is also commended by all who serve in this Ministry. Our entire ministry greatly appreciates the Dakotas Conference for your continued partner- ship and investment in BORM’s growth and impact for Jesus.
Submitted by Melanie Smith, e ecuti e director, a en il u h Mini try
ola en a ne
On Jan. 1, 2023, I, Christopher Sylvah, took on the role of the new Director of Solar Oven Partners and embarked on my duties making my first mission trip to the Dominican Republic on Jan. . This mission held a special significance as it marked the first post-pandemic outreach effort, and they were able to distribute multiple solar ovens to various communities across three separate locations. This trip allowed him to gain valuable insight into the DR’s operations. He felt a sense of fulfillment knowing that they were making an impact on people’s lives by empowering families and promoting an alternate form of cooking by using the sun.
On their mission trip to Sierra Leone March 1 to 12, 2023, Christopher was joined by Retired Rev. Kevin Schill, in which the US team collaborated closely with the local SOP team led by Joe Pormai. This was Joe’s first as the new SOP in-country coordinator and together they distributed ovens to families, empowering and raising their hopes and the promise of a brighter future.
During their second mission trip to the DR in March, they worked with a medical team as a hybrid venture, blending medical outreach with solar oven awareness and education. The medical team, led by Julia Jones, comprised of five dedicated local doctors, and nurses whose clinics served over 550 patients by providing essential medical and pharmaceutical care. While the medical clinics operated, the solar ovens took center stage. Five ovens worked industriously, producing treats like cornbread, banana bread, chocolate cake, pineapple upside-down cake and even hard-boiled eggs. This partnership, they hope, will serve as a blueprint for future missions.
After returning to home base from the multiple trips in a busy first quarter, Christopher’s focus as director shifted to logistical efforts. With their dedicated team at the Raymond workshop, they worked hard and prepared oven items for shipment to DR, an urgent task as ovens were badly needed. They worked tirelessly with limited staff and volunteers over the course of a few days as they meticulously packed oven boxes along with essential materials into a large shipping container. The container left Raymond, SD in May on its voyage across the seas arriving in DR June 2023.
Christopher journeyed to our workshops in Montrose, Rapid City, and Raymond, SD, where he immersed himself in the process of understanding the various machinery used by dedicated workshop managers and volunteers. During these visits, they exchanged stories, shared laughter, and celebrated the purpose of making solar ovens for the communities SOP serves. To our diligent volunteer staff, we expressed heartfelt gratitude and let them know that their efforts continue to fuel our missions and the oven recipients from the communities we serve send their appreciation and gratitude each time we hand out an oven during our distributions.
The SOP relationship with the Navajo Nation in New Mexico and Arizona was top priority when Christopher came onboard as director. After several phone meetings, in May he met with the new SOP coordinator in Shiprock, New Mexico. Debra azzie is the executive director of Four Corners Native American Ministry. This ministry is a great organization that focuses on the needs of the community. Christopher returned to they office convinced about the new relationship formed in Shiprock, New Mexico and all the different ways Solar Oven Partners can be expanded and customized to accommodate the many different cultures the agency works with. The seeds of a new union had been sown in Shiprock, New Mexico and its roots run deep, but this was more than a mere connection it was a revelation.
NCJ Mission Academy: August 12, 2023, at Epworth Forest Camp and Conference Center in North Webster, Indiana. The theme was: “Encounter. Transform. Respond. The Emmaus Experience.” SOP had a table with the display of a solar oven and literature materials for take away. Minnesota Annual Conference: May 31 June 1, 2023, Theme: “Encounter. Transform. Respond. The Emmaus Experience. “Dakotas Annual Conference: June 10, 2023, Theme: “Encounter. Transform. Respond. The Emmaus Experience.” All of these conferences not only served as sacred spaces where encounters led to transformations, but SOP endeavors and our ovens were also on full display.
In October, the Solar Oven Partners communications team created a newsletter, woven with threads of compassion and hope, it highlighted stories of solar ovens igniting change nourishing families, pasteurizing water, and promoting wellness. These ovens were not mere appliances they were catalysts for well-being. Sunlight, abundance, and free space replaced costly cooking fuels and tools in tight spaces. Families are now able to redirect their savings toward other needs and free time with their families. By replacing wood and charcoal fires, solar ovens ease environmental burdens. Clean fuel sources have farreaching effects, touching lives beyond the kitchen. Our faith journey mirrored the Emmaus Road like the disciples encountering Christ, we sought deeper awareness and relationship with Jesus through our service, rooted in love and compassion. As our communications team penned each word, we knew that this newsletter was not just information it was
an invitation to volunteer, to donate, and to be part of a movement that transcended borders. Our hopes and dreams for each newsletter are to touch hearts and bring conviction that prayers are answered through people we cannot see - one oven at a time.
In November 2023, the SOP team made the second mission distribution trip to SL. the journey was more than a physical voyage it was a bridge connecting hearts, cultures, and purpose. They had successful distribution in Freetown, the capital city of SL, as well as the cities of Bo and Kenema. Although they were not able to use the ovens to cook at the second location, Moyamba, adversity could not dampen the spirits of the participants. As the rain dropped the participants sang songs of hope in their local language, Mende. These songs transcended barriers and united us in purpose. Before bidding farewell to SL, the team distributed a total of seventy-one ovens. Each one carried a promise a promise of nourishment, health, and transformation. As they departed for the US, their hearts remained intertwined with the land, the rain, and the songs.
A heartfelt thank you to our generous donors, churches and individuals who contribute regularly. Their support enables SOP to continue our work. Kudos to our dedicated volunteers in our workshops. Their efforts directly impact the lives of those we serve. The individuals, various women’s groups, and the United Women of Faith who all sewed potholders, black bottom cloths, and bread pan covers played a crucial role in our operations. Dakotas UMC Annual Conference and other Conference Missions’ support and contributions are invaluable in advancing our mission work to the communities we serve.
Thanks to SOP board and staff for the exciting work of Solar Oven Partners. Our commitment to empowering people through self-help solar cooking and water pasteurization is commendable. -
isit our website Solar Oven Partners and learn about our mission Solar ovens not only cook food but also change lives and communities. By harnessing the sun’s energy, we are promoting well-being in the DR, SL, and the Navajo Nation. On our Facebook page we share updates and engage with the community.
Submitted by Chri to her Syl ah, director o Solar en artner
Chri to her Syl ah a ed a ay uddenly on July , . e ill be dee ly mi ed and Solar en artner and the a ota Con erence are ro oundly rate ul or hi a ionate er ice.
a e n
Hello from Spirit Lake Ministry Center on Spirit Lake Nation, just west of Wood Lake in Wood Lake District.
We would like to announce that we are open under new management but the same owner We are Paulette and Kim Paulson, Co-Directors of Spirit Lake Ministry, and The Journey, as of October 202 .
We are not new to this ministry as we have been involved with Spirit Lake Ministry for all the 1 years that Mike and Libby Flowers were the Directors. We have been huge believers and supporters of the ministry under the leadership of Mike and Libby. They are missed and we thank them for their continued support and guidance as we begin to navigate these waters. We also appreciate and want to acknowledge the strong foundation that they and the United Methodist Church created for us to step in and build on.
My name is Kim, and I have been a retired General Contractor in the Devils Lake area for over 20 years. Upon retiring, an opportunity to teach Carpentry at Cankdeska Cikana Community College came available, and I have been doing that for the past years and enjoy it very much. My wife Paulette has been involved with affordable housing for 30 years. She is currently Director of the Multi-Family Housing program with Lewis and Clark Development Group.
Since our appointment in October, we have continued our Sunday evening service called “The Journey.” Our worship service draws approximately twenty-five individuals each Sunday, ranging in age from 2 to 0 years of age. As part of our regular events, we share a meal once a month along with communion. We have had “girls’ night out” and “boys’ night out,” that includes pizza and a movie. During the fall, we took the congregation to a local corn maze, which we all enjoyed. We look forward to continuing to grow this part of our ministry.
One of the first large projects we took on was the continuation of “Shoebox Christmas.” This was a large undertaking, but with the contributions of gifts from churches across the nation, the volunteers from folks from “The Journey,” young volunteers from a “homeschool group” in eastern North Dakota, and other individuals, we were able to distribute gifts to reservations throughout North Dakota and Minnesota. We are thrilled to report that over 5,000 gifts were distributed to excited appreciative children, quite often being the only gift received for many. It is with humble and contrite hearts that we would like to thank once again all who participated in whatever capacity the spirit moved you to participate - prayers, shoeboxes, and volunteering. We are already making plans to continue this program for next year.
At the time of this report, we are again preparing to host short-term mission teams from throughout the nation. We are excited and a little bit nervous about the upcoming summer’s activities. Our goal is to accommodate approximately 50% of the pre-Covid numbers that were hosted by the previous Directors, with the ultimate goal of meeting or exceeding pre-Covid numbers in the future. We truly believe that this part of our ministry is such a Kingdom Building tool, not only for the people of Spirit Lake, who benefit from groups helping with time and treasure, but we also believe that the Spirit blesses the hearts of the individuals who come with their teams to help. This could not happen without all of you, and we are so grateful for each person and church that supports this program.
With Paulette and my connection to this reservation through our work and family, we have found great partners that are excited and ready to be part of what God has planned for us and for the community. Examples of these partnerships:we have volunteers to help us with Cultural Night (nights when the mission teams are here and help them experience Native American culture), and the agencies with the tribe in assisting us finding projects and materials for the mission groups to work on and with.
We only wish you could all be with us at Spirit Lake Ministry so you can see how you make a difference, making sure a mom has gas money to go see her son who was flown to a hospital three hours away, how you helped a dad buy clothes for a job interview, helped with an electrical bill when the weather was 50 below and the family (young and old) was going to have their heat shut off, being able to create a library so the kids can come and take books home, and so many other ways of showing love.
We have dreams for the ministry - growing The Journey, having more mission trips come and experience Spirit Lake Nation, visions of upgrading and improving the buildings at the camp, having more playground equipment for the kids, growing funds so we can send kids to different events and church camps, being known as a retreat for local groups and families and more importantly being known as a place where God helps people make a difference.
Submitted by im aulet aul on, co director , S irit a e Mini try Center
T ee o e n
God has blessed the Tree of Life with so many experiences, friends, volunteers, and gifts of prayer, time, and donations. The “ er Boutique” (thrift store) is thriving. Bob Barker (stand up cut out) stands by the cash register, making sure that the “price IS right ” Bob spent much of his growing up years in Mission, making him Mission’s most famous son. Each Wednesday was Rez Ring Toss Day, allowing the purchaser a chance to toss a ring for a designated discount. Later in the year, customers could spin the wheel on Wednesdays for the same chances or for a special prize. The Boutique was open two evenings per week during December allowing shoppers an extra chance to make purchases or get needed items. Todd County is home to several ministries such as the Meth Treatment Program, White Buffalo Calf Woman Shelter, the men’s, women’s, and teen shelters, amongst others. Clients come to get clothing as needed, at no charge.
We had seventeen olunteer in Mission teams, as well as numerous individual volunteers and groups throughout the year. Our volunteers are the lifeblood of the Tree, providing countless hours of help and skills. Several groups and individuals worked at various times throughout the year at Myrna’s home. She is our local cat rescue lady, housing several lost, abandoned, and sick cats. She had a major house fire, lost space for her cat cages, but is nearly back in full operation. She so appreciated all the help. Group (the Red Shirts) brought a large team of young people during the summer, doing repairs/painting for thirty-five families, while the Tree did three roofs. The University of Wisconsin Eau Claire continues to come twice each semester, in fall and spring. They bring energy to the Boutique, but lots of skills to the communities by doing presentations in the schools, foot clinics, etc. A group of college aged volunteers brought the prom attire program to the Rose- bud through Tree of Life. It continues to this day with students having the opportunity to pick out prom dresses, tuxes/suits, shoes, jewelry, etc. at no cost. The Tree’s Prom Boutique went to some of the local schools in the Spring. Many folks donated dresses at the 2023 Dakotas Annual Conference in Sioux Falls
The weather was always challenging. It was super cold at times and very, very hot at other times. et we were able to distribute 3 5, 3 pounds of food and 2 ,12 pounds of other items, thanks to deliveries from Native American Heritage Association and Dakota Warehouse.
July 2 was our grand opening, a chance to share the renovations that have happened on our campus. Some of the past directors and board members attended including Pat Lucke, Jeannine Carpenter ,and Allen Herbolt. Children enjoyed the playground, and everyone found shade to enjoy a picnic lunch, cotton candy and other goodies.
Thank you to all our faithful donors, volunteers, and staff for another great year blessing the folks of the Rosebud Reservation and the sur- rounding area. We pray for another blessed year in 202 .
Submitted by e . inda aldoc , o ice ta and board member
n e omen n a
The Dakotas Conference United Women in Faith are learning and adapting to the new climate of United Methodism. We lost several units when churches severed their connection to the UMC. Conference and district officers visit individual units every year through the Shepherdess Program and have been focusing on the relationships with the units which remain, and in assisting with new ideas to build member- ship. We encourage units to hold a “UWF Sunday,” where members help lead worship and promote United Women in Faith. We continue to gather input from local units regarding how they are participating in mission, how they are nurturing their members, and how they are reaching out to their communities.
Financially, it was a tough year, with many units withdrawing their financial support when disaffiliating. However, we have two specific celebrations: 1) We gave our New Opportunities Grant of 1000 to a woman who is continuing her post-high school education, Andrea Flautman of Fargo First and 2) We received a grant from National UWF to fund a Racial Justice Webinar. The topic will be Missing Murdered Indigenous Persons and will be held on August 1 , 202 . Our two presenters will be: Lisa Heath, Executive Director of Wiconi Wawokiya, Inc., an organization on the Crow Creek Reservation of SD that works to reduce violence in the home, workplace, and schools, and Lily Mendoza, Director of the Red Ribbon Skirt Society, which provides education, awareness and support to the families of MMIW. Webinar attendance will be open to all.
Our yearly events included:
District Focus Days - celebration of community, promotion of UWF missions, education featuring the Mission u study.
District Annual Meetings and Conference Annual Celebration - community building, spiritual growth, business
Mission U - three days of study, worship, and fellowship held in Jamestown, ND and Mitchell, SD
United Women in Faith are focusing on abundance, and how we can return the blessings God has given us by blessing others.
Submitted by Colleen Mc irdy, a ota Con erence re ident
Con e en e Co n l on nan e an m n a on CC Bob Ruedebusch stepped down from his position as Chair of the committee but remained a member of the committee to provide a better sense of history and insight into the workings of the CCFA. He served his twelfth and final year on the committee, and we offer him a great deal of thanks for his tremendous service. Ray Baker became the Chairperson and Bill Kluckman was named the new ice Chairperson. Unfortunately, Bill passed away on October , 2023. He was a dedicated and insightful member of our team. Following his death, John Lomheim agreed to serve as the ice Chairperson.
Our committee continued its role of managing and caring for the finances of the Dakotas Annual Conference. This includes recommending an annual budget to the Dakotas Annual Conference Session and setting policies and procedures for the stewardship and use of funds raised through apportionments and other assets. We also work closely with the Common Table, the Board of Pensions, Human Resource Committee, and the Annual Conference Trustees. A few items to highlight for 2023 and beginning of 202 include the following:
Recommended that our local church apportionment percentage to be remitted to the Annual Conference be reduced from 13.5% of church operating income in 202 to 13.0% of church operating income in 2025.
Paid the Dakotas Annual Conference’s share of the Boy Scout Settlement in full in 2023 to GCFA. These funds are held in trust’ by GCFA and GCFA will distribute payments to claimants. We continue to receive reports on the status of this process from GCFA and the United Methodist BSA Ad Hoc Committee.
Updated the conference reimbursement amount for lodging to 100/night.
Collaborated with the Transitional Reserve Fund Task Force to create grants for churches negatively impacted by the disaffiliation process.
Collaborated with the Dakotas Cabinet to develop a new interim moving policy which was adopted in 202 . The CCFA is responsible for setting and adjusting the amount of financial support to help pay for a pastor’s move and the executive committee will update the amount of support at the end of each year for the following year.
Updated the vehicle purchase policy for Annual Conference staff. This committee is also responsible for oversight of all vehicles owned by the Conference, i.e., maintenance, replacement schedule, etc.
We offer our heartfelt thanks to Jim Ducker, Dana Bassett, Kathy Roll, JoAnn Early, and Sheri Meister for their hard work and dedication to the Dakotas Annual Conference. We also appreciate the many years of service by Leana Stunes and JoAnn Schlimgen, who continue to work on a part-time basis for the Annual Conference.
Submitted by ay a er, chair a ota nnual Con erence Council on inance and dmini tration
a o a e o o n a on
On our journey with churches, guiding them to see their financial resources not just as numbers but as seeds of hope and instruments of faith, we have been blessed with moments of profound connection and insight. It is a process that brings us deep joy, especially when we witness the transformation in how church leaders and committees perceive their role not as gatekeepers of scarcity but as caretakers of possibility. As of December 31, 2023, we had 3 . million invested with the Foundation. Throughout 2023, the Foundation distributed a total of over 2,102,3 0 to churches, organizations and seminary students and we continue to look for ways to assist our churches in turning money into ministry.
Seminary Scholarships The Foundation continues to come alongside our future leaders in the United Methodist Church by investing in their call to ministry. Last year, scholarships totaling 3, 00.00 were awarded to twelve seminary students: Tiana Bohn, Annie Carlson, Allison Galbreath, Rebecca Hafner, Andrea Hult, Amber Laffey, Andrea Plueddeman, John Schomberg, Janson Steffan, Cory Thrall, Brandon etter, and Josh Willprecht. Undergraduate students Tyra Gates, Jackson Knuth, Erin Moncur, and Anna Mutzenberger were also supported through the Dollars for Scholars program.
Breakthrough Ministry Grants Churches interested in grant money to fund new or expanding ministries are encouraged to apply for a Break- through Ministry Grant. In 2023, 5 ,250 in grant funds were awarded to sixteen churches to assist in starting twenty new ministries. Projects supported through these grants include outreach ministries, church/school partnerships, young adult/campus ministries and Culture of Call. If your church is considering a new ministry opportunity, you are welcome to apply. The application can be found online at www.dakotasumf.org. Application deadlines are January 31, April 30, July 31, and October 31.
Builders Club Our Builders Club members generously gave to four calls during 2022. The Builder’s Club is a wonderful example of connectional ministry. Each year, hundreds of individuals, organizations, and churches across the Conference assist churches in reaching new people in their community by financially supporting a building remodel or expansion project. Last year our Builders Club members gave 31, 00 to support the following churches:
Piedmont Grace UMC installed a new digital sign to invite people to events and church, as well as share God’s love through scripture and messages of hope. West Fargo Flame of Faith UMC repaired and updated their parking lot to make it safer and more accessible for everyone. Woonsocket Spirit of Faith Lutheran-Methodist Church installed a partial wall on the west end of the parking lot to clarify the property line and create more parking spaces, added lighting to illuminate the large metal cross on the outside of the church building, and installed a new digital sign. Hettinger UMC made repairs to the roof above their Sunday school rooms to address safety issues and prevent further problems. If you would like to join Builders Club or apply for a Builders Club grant, please visit the Builders Club page on our website: www.dakotasumf.org or contact our office.
As we navigate these waters together, let us remember that our role is to nurture and grow the seeds of faith and compassion entrusted to us, transforming our resources into channels of love, service, and ministry. It is a path marked by challenges but also by immense joy and fulfillment as we witness the thriving of our collective efforts into a ministry that truly reflects the heart of Jesus. We continue to look for ways to turn money into ministry and look forward to our continued partnership with churches, organizations, and ministries in the Dakotas and Minnesota Conferences.
Our mission is to cultivate and secure resources for churches and ministries by developing relationships with a community of donors who embrace the value of changing lives and seeking the love of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We will continue to embrace this mission each time we see opportunities to be on the journey of turning money into ministry.
Submitted by Sheri Mei ter, re ident C , a ota Methodi t oundation and a e a e, chair, board o director .
man e o e Comm ee
This past year long time employees, JoAnn Schlimgen and Leana Stunes, transitioned from full-time employment into retirement. We are thankful for their assistance through the process of onboarding others.
We welcome JoAnn Early who was hired to fulfill the Benefits and Human Resources responsibilities.
We are becoming more flexible in where our employees work. This approach enables employees to work from where they live. Together the staff is learning how to work together as a dispersed team.
Summer/Fall 2023 the focus was on recruiting and interviewing. Beginning in 202 the Human Resource committee is now focused on policy review.
We encourage any laity with Human Resources gifts and interest to consider being part of the Human Resources Committee.
oa o en on
The Dakotas Conference Board of Pensions (Board or BOP) administers the pension, health care and other benefit programs available to clergy and lay employees of United Methodist institutions (local churches, Annual Conference, and other UM related entities). The purpose of the Board is to wisely provide pension and health care benefits for its clergy, lay employees, and their families so that they can more freely equip the local church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. (See Para. 3 .1 in the 201 Book of Discipline).
Major accomplishments over the year /Because of favorable financial returns we were able to gift funds to the Central Conference Pension Initiative as well as giving Clergy and their families the opportunity to attend a conference camp for free.
Grants: Clergy and Laity that are on Healthflex and Retiree before the age of 5 may apply for a grant to help offset the Healthflex Premium. Due to the increase in premium costs the Board has approved increasing the grant maximum from 2,100 to ,200. The board will continue to offer Parental Leave grants to help cover lay supply expenses while a pastor or spouse is on leave. Medical grants will continue for eligible clergy to help with large out-of-pocket medical bills. Surviving Spouses will continue to be eligible for Premium grants to help with Medicare Part B as those rates continue to increase.
Clergy Medical Leave: Clergy members Richard eck, Howard Baird, Lori Broschat, and Kevin Kloster were approved to continue medical leave for the conference year of July 1, 202 - June 30, 2025.
The Pre- 2 (Past Service) Annuity Rate: The Board recommended that the 2025 Past Service Annuity Rate (effective 1/1/2025) be set at 3 for each year of pre- 2 service in the Dakotas Conference. This is a 2.3 % increase over 202 .
Pre- 2 Surviving Spouse: Benefits have been increased from 0% to 5% of the benefit the clergyperson was receiving. The increase will be effective 1/1/2025.
HRA or Premium Support: ears of service needed to be eligible to receive HRA or premium support will change from 1 or more years of service to 1 or more years of service. All other requirements will remain as stated in the Health Benefit Guidelines of the Conference Policy.
2025 HealthFlex Direct Bill to churches will increase by 2% rounded to 15, annually due to the increase in health premiums.
HealthFlex is offered to Annual Conferences through Wespath. This plan is specifically designed for active and younger than age 5 retired United Methodist clergy and lay employees. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois is the health insurance carrier which administers the plan and processes claims. The HealthFlex insurance plan has strict guidelines regarding payment of premiums.
Wespath has partnered with uantum to provide care coordinators that will assist all clergy and lay persons with any questions or concerns pertaining to medical, prescriptions, and mental health issues. Wespath health team will still aid with any HSA, HRA and FSA questions.
The chart below shows the actual cost for each category of participant enrolled in the 2025 HealthFlex
Exchange: Active Clergy and Laity
The Board of Pensions will provide a Premium Credit to offset the cost of Health Insurance for Active Clergy and Laity as follows:
1 1 ,3 Participant and Family 2 , 2
Eligibility to participate is specified in the HealthFlex Plan Documents and Conference Policy.
All premiums will be paid in accordance with conference policies regarding such payments (see Policy section of the 2023 Journal).
The Direct Bill to churches for full-time clergy that opt-out, three-quarter time clergy that enroll, and retirees that follow a full-time clergy will be 50% of the full-time Direct Bill.
The Direct Bill to churches with three-quarter time clergy that opt out, retiree active or lay following a three-quarter time opt out clergy will be 25% of the full-time Direct Bill.
The Direct Bill for any interim appointment following a full-time or three-quarter time clergy will remain the same.
See the Pensions and Health Benefits Guidelines in the 2023 Journal for all eligibility rules.
To fund the Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) contributions, the Board uses funds accumulated in the Retiree Health Fund invested with Wespath, as well as the Frank Lynch Trust and Georgia Lynch Trust invested in Union Bank. In 201 , all the stipulations within the Lynch Trusts were fulfilled to allow the funds to be transferred from the Frank Lynch Trust to the Retiree Health Fund. The Georgia Lynch Trust with a balance of 100, as of 12/31/2023 still has not been received from Union Bank but will need to be transferred to the Retiree Health Fund upon receipt.
It is the policy of the Board to manage these funds like an endowment so that .5% of the average balance is made available for HRAs. By managing the Retiree Health Fund in this manner, the Board intends to grow the balance of this fund as well as the amount contributed to HRAs.
Clarification on eligibility rules found on page 23 of the 2023 Journal:
CLERG : Shall be a member of the Dakotas Conference AND meet one of the following:
The average retiree Health Reimbursement Account to a participant for 202 is ,021. 5% of all our retiree HRA accounts had funds roll over from 2023. Of those accounts, 2% rolled over a minimum of 1000.
Regarding Corpus Amounts Endowment and Trust Fund: The corpus was established at 1,000,000 for the merged Dakotas Conference as of 1/1/1 . Additions since the merger total , .5 . The corpus of the endowment is 1,0 , .5 , as of 12/31/23. The corpus is not viewed as a “target balance.” Instead, it is the foundation of all Dakotas Pension and Health Plans and cannot be expended for any reason. The Board has adopted a strategy of “reserve savings” with accompanying policies endorsed by the Conference Council on Finance and Administration which will enable the Dakotas Conference to “weather” large increases in health insurance premiums, secure the Ministerial Pension Plan and the Pre- 2 Plan, and provide funding for CRSP liabilities. Reports of the amount of this “reserve savings” and its use will be reported to the Annual Conference upon request.
Administration of All Plans and Work of the Board: The Board recommends that the following be authorized to sign necessary documents relative to the Dakotas Board of Pensions for 202 -2025: Board Chair, Conference Benefits Officer, and Treasurer of the Board.
Pension Payments and Rental/Housing Allowance
Resolutions Relating to Rental/Housing Allowances for Active, Retired, Disabled, or Former Clergypersons of the Dakotas Conference
The Dakotas Conference (the “Conference”) adopts the following resolutions relating to rental/housing allowances for active, retired, terminated, or disabled clergypersons of the Conference:
WHEREAS, the religious denomination known as The United Methodist Church (the “Church”), of which this Conference is a part, has in the past functioned and continues to function through ministers of the gospel (within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code section 10 ) who were or are duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed ministers of the Church (“Clergypersons”)
WHEREAS, the practice of the church and of this conference was and is to provide active clergypersons with a parsonage or a rental/ housing allowance as part of their gross compensation
WHEREAS, pensions or other amounts paid to active, retired, terminated, and disabled clergypersons are considered to be deferred compensation and are paid to active, retired, terminated, and disabled clergypersons in consideration of previous active service and
WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized the conference (or its predecessors) as an appropriate organization to designate a rental/housing allowance for clergypersons who are or were members of this conference and are eligible to receive such deferred compensation
THAT an amount equal to 100% of the pension, severance, or disability payments received from plans authorized under The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church (the “Discipline”), which includes all such payments from Wespath Benefits Investments (“WBI”), during the calendar year 2025 by each active, retired, terminated, or disabled clergyperson who is or was a member of the conference, or its predecessors, be and hereby is designated as a rental/housing allowance for each such clergyperson and
THAT the pension, severance, or disability payments to which this rental/housing allowance designation applies will be any pension, severance, or disability payments from plans, annuities, or funds authorized under the Discipline, including such payments from Wespath (WBI) and from a commercial annuity company that provides an annuity arising from benefits accrued under a Wespath (WBI) plan, annuity, or fund authorized under the Discipline, that result from any service a clergyperson rendered to this conference or that an active, a retired, a terminated, or a disabled clergyperson of this conference rendered to any local church, Annual Conference of the church, general agency of the church, other institution of the church, former denomination that is now a part of the church, or any other employer that employed the clergyperson to perform services related to the ministry of the church, or its predecessors, and that elected to make contributions to, or accrue a benefit under, such a plan, annuity, or fund for such an active, a retired, a terminated, or a disabled clergyperson’s pension, severance, or disability plan benefit as part of his or her gross compensation.
NOTE: The rental/housing allowance that may be excluded from a clergyperson’s gross income in any year for federal (and, in most cases, state) income tax purposes is limited under Internal Revenue Code section 10 (2), and regulations thereunder, to the least of: (a) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the clergyperson’s employer or other appropriate body of the church (such as this conference in the foregoing resolutions) for such year (b) the amount actually expended by the clergyperson to rent or provide a home in such year or (c) the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances (such as a garage), plus the cost of utilities in such year. Each clergyperson or former clergyperson is urged to consult with his or her own tax advisor to determine what deferred compensation is eligible to be claimed as a housing allowance exclusion.
Submitted by Jo nn arly, con erence bene it o icer
e e o e on e o e ol on
Per 2023 Annual Conference referral back to the Board of Pensions:
Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, Inc. (BOP) is incorporated according to the Book of Discipline to manage the affairs of the corporation. It is governed by its Bylaws which have been approved and adopted by members of the Annual Conference.
The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee are elected by the members of the Annual Conference and are charged with management of the corporation’s resources, policies, and procedures.
At the 2023 Annual Conference, Resolution 1. , which relates to the eligibility requirements for the Health Reimbursement Account (HRA), was referred to the Board of Pensions.
Since the Annual Conference, the BOP has carefully considered the eligibility requirements for the HRA. We have taken into consideration correspondence from our members, former members, spouses of our members and former members, other conferences’ eligibility policies and basic premises of HRAs.
After prayerfully considering all correspondence, the Board of Directors, along with our Benefits and Executive Committees, have discussed the details of the HRA and have concluded that HRA benefits will only be provided to members who remain members of the Dakotas Annual Conference.
We want to thank everyone for their feedback to help us arrive at our decision. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Submitted by nne borne, Chair a ota Con erence oard o en ion
Con e en e oa o T ee
The Conference Board of Trustees’ primary purpose is to oversee and care for all Conference property, while making the property available for the agencies of the Conference. The Trustees are also tasked with investing any proceeds received from the sale of property so that the proceeds and earnings can be used to fund other ministries. The report below summarizes the details of the properties currently owned by the Dakotas Conference as well as property related activity that occurred in the past year:
Only includes the amounts provided by Trustee Unrestricted Funds or Apportionments for maintenance.
(1) The Mohall church is covered for liability insurance only (no insured value is assigned to this property due to the poor condition of the church).
(2) Storm Mountain received 1 ,500 Wesley Acres received 3 ,500 and Lake Poinsett received ,500 from the Conference.
The Mohall, ND, parsonage owned by the Conference was sold on June 23, 2023, for 120,000. The net proceeds from the sale, after closing costs, were 11 ,5 . 0. Additionally, the Grand Forks Wesley church was sold on October 31, 2023, for 00,000. The net proceeds from the sale, after closing costs, were ,21 . This was less than initially hoped however, the inspector identified several major maintenance issues to the property that lowered the offer price. Additionally, besides the monthly utilities, several maintenance and repair costs were incurred prior to the sale, including mold damage resulting from a boiler maintenance issue. Therefore, the Board of Trustees determined it was in the Conferences’ best interest to sell the property at the offered price.
Storm Mountain Camp incurred major hail damage in August 2021 resulting in insurance claim receipts of 2 ,03 , after deductible ( 5,000) and deductible credit ( 1,250). Most of the work was completed in 2023, with the remaining work
completed in early 202 . How- ever, after several internal miscommunications amongst the contractors’ team members, the contractor completed major repairs (including roofs) that were not part of the original insurance claim or work estimate. Disagreements arose on the final invoice and the Conference ultimately settled with the contractor for a total payment of 302,0 . Minor gutter repairs still need to be completed. However, a new contractor will be retained to complete the remaining work that was part of the original insurance claim and estimate.
The Dakotas Conference also owns the following farmland parcels:
McPherson County farmland (15 acres), near Leola, SD, is leased for 100/acre. The lease was renewed for another three years on the same terms as the prior lease to the same party (Leola United Methodist Men’s group). The current lease will expire on December 31, 202 . The assessed value of this farmland (as of 2023) is 2 ,32 .
Brookings County farmland ( 1. 0 acres), near Lake Poinsett, SD, is leased for 1 0/acre. The current lease will expire on December 31, 2025. The assessed value of this farmland (as of 2023) is 1 ,300.
Codington County farmland ( 5 acres), near Watertown, SD. This land was gifted to the Dakotas Conference in the 1 0s with the request that the Jenkins Living Center in Watertown receive the rental proceeds. Currently, the land is farmed by the Watertown First United Methodist Men’s group. The agreement includes the Jenkins Living Center paying for all property taxes and one-third of certain crop input costs each year (e.g., fertilizer, pesticides, etc.). In return, the Jenkins Living Center receives one-third of the crop receipts. Conversely, the Watertown First United Methodist Men pays two-thirds of crop inputs and receives two-thirds of the crop receipts. The assessed value of this farmland (as of 2023) is 1 5, .
The Trustees also met frequently throughout the year to review and approve the disaffiliation agreements presented at the Annual Conference in June 2023 and at the special session in August 2023. Thank you to everyone who served on the Board of Trustees, as well as the Chancellors, during a challenging year. our service is appreciated
Submitted by athy Che ney, board o tru tee chair Jim uc er, con erence trea urer
Dakota Wesleyan University (DWU)
In summer 2023, Dakota Wesleyan University announced that the Rev. Dr. Anthony Purcell joined the university as its new campus pastor. His installation occurred on Thursday, Aug. 24, at 11 a.m. in the Sherman Center as part of the university’s opening convocation. Purcell comes to DWU with an extensive background in ministry and teaching. Most recently, he served as the Senior Pastor at Lake Gibson United Methodist Church in Lakeland, Fla. In Lakeland over the past four years, he also served as a visiting assistant professor of religion at Florida Southern College, and as an adjunct instructor at the Emory University and Candler School of Theology. He previously served as the Minister of Youth and Young Adults for the Lithia Spring United Methodist Church in Georgia.
In October, DWU announced that Pastor Taryn Ragels was appointed part-time Associate Pastor. Ragels, a Mitchell native, serves as the lead pastor at Fusion Church, and has been an integral part of the campus community for several years, actively engaging with students and fostering an inclusive and supportive environment.
As these changes have occurred, DWU has continued to steward and grant scholarships to students, maintain funding for faculty in religious studies, support campus ministry, assist Fusion United Methodist Church, and carry on with other endeavors.
Dakotas Annual Conference funding of $75,500 was provided, along with Dakota Wesleyan’s ongoing, significant financial commitment to United Methodist higher education.
$210,000 in scholarships were exclusively dedicated to supporting United Methodist student leaders through scholarships.
$98,000 supported a full-time United Methodist faculty member in religion. This individual introduces all students to concepts in Wesleyan theology through the general education program.
$150,000 was provided to campus ministry. This commitment includes one full-time and one part-time campus pastor, as well as programming. Programming includes bringing national speakers to campus, supporting internship opportunities for students in ministry, and providing supplies for our justice ministries, bible studies, small groups and mission trips.
$25,000 of in-kind support was directed to the Fusion United Methodist Church.
Reporting on his first nearly full year serving the DWU community, Purcell detailed a full slate of initiatives. He writes:
opportunities for students in ministry, and providing supplies for our justice ministries, bible studies, small groups and mission trips.
$25,000 of in-kind support was directed to the Fusion United Methodist Church.
Reporting on his first nearly full year serving the DWU community, Purcell detailed a full slate of initiatives. He writes:
Our focus is on creating spaces for students across campus to plug-in, build community and grow toward God. This year, we’ve created low-barrier, flexible spaces for students to build relationships and expand their faith. We’ve seen fantastic and consistent student engagement as we work with the Student Life team and student leaders to create pathways for discipleship and spiritual formation events that are interwoven with the entire campus community. We have 20-25 students engaged weekly on the student ministry team, which leads to developing young adults as leaders in the Christian faith. We have another 20 students meeting bi -monthly and helping run FCA rallies as the student captains for FCA on campus.
We have placed a real emphasis on supporting all our students and weaving faith life across the university, primarily by communicating to students, faculty, and staff that we are here to invest in and help build the community that they want to see. For example, in the fall semester we had a student team envision hosting a community Halloween event on campus for local K-12 students and families; we shared their vision with the Student Life team and hosted a Mitchell “Trek or Treat” event on campus that brought in over 800 community members!
With support from the Dakotas-Minnesota United Methodist Foundation, we launched Fellowship of Christian Athletes on campus in the fall. FCA started because we heard multiple student-athletes express a desire to create ways for student-athletes to build fellowship across their teams and grow together in their faith. Campus Ministry, Fusion and the Athletics department worked together with our student leaders to create an FCA culture that resonates with the UMC in order to provide our student-athletes with a space to grow their relationships with God and with each other. We plan to continue creating such student-centered spaces that blend faith exploration with students’ passions, as our ultimate aim is to bring students together around their shared faith in Jesus.
Another focus for this year has been developing student leaders to run weekly spiritual life small groups. The small groups and their leaders branch out of the Student Ministry Team and FCA. We began the academic year with one small group meeting weekly on Tuesday nights with 20-25 students to disciple and help train student small group leaders. We taught them Wesley-inspired questions to help them learn to ask each other where God is working in their lives. This group grew to two, meeting Tuesday and Thursday nights. We then launched student-led small groups across campus, which have grown from four groups meeting in the fall semester to seven groups meeting across campus Sundays to Thursdays with 6-20 student members per group. Our hope is for accessibility and peer-to-peer ministering as students explore their faith and form deeper bonds with each other.
As we continue to build on this vision over the next year, we also intend develop discipleship pathways that lead students toward local church engagement with intergenerational relationships and worship experiences to help them create patterns of worship that will last long beyond their time at DWU.
It is obvious across campus that Pastors Anthony and Taryn are having an impact. Each brings a wealth of experience and insights that will undoubtedly enhance the spiritual and personal growth of our students. Their dedication to guiding students along their faith journey and empowering them to become leaders within our community aligns perfectly with the values of DWU.
Jan Larson, director of communications and marketing
Conference Speakers

Stacy Schaffer, right, founder and executive director of the 31:8 Project, spoke to the conference attendees about the epidemic of human traffcking and how churches can be strategic partners in combatting this crisis and helping victims fnd healing. (Photos by jlynn studios )

Dr Leander “Russ” McDonald, podium, president of United Tribes Technical College, delivered a “TED Talk”-style message about his journey with addiction, recovery, and leadership within the Indigenous community. (Photos by jlynn studios )
Rev. Howie Baird, elder from the Dakotas Conference, shared his story of addiction and recovery and how churches can be agents of hope and hospitality for individuals in recovery (Photos by jlynn studios )

Katie Meek, Global Ministries Mission Advocate for the North Central Jurisdiction of the UMC, shared powerful stories of the work of The United Methodist Church across the globe. (Photos by jlynn studios.)

The Finance Offce is responsible for fnancial reporting, church billings and receipts, executing decisions of the annual conference in regards to the budget, paying obligations including payroll for employees, managing investments according to policy, caring for property and insurance matters, working with churches to help them with their fnance and administration, and managing the Conference Center’s information technology. In this report you will fnd the draft of the 2023 audited fnancial statement. The full fnalized audit report can be accessed by contacting the Finance Offce. The fnal audit report is included as part of our permanent record.
Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, Inc. Statement of Financial Position
December 31, 2023
Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable, apportionments and direct bill
Other receivable
Notes and contracts receivable, current portion, less allowance for credit losses of $0
Total Current Assets
Noncurrent Assets
Pledges receivable, less current portion, net of allowance and discounts
Notes and contracts receivable, less current portion and allowance for doubtful accounts of $0
accounts - affiliated organizations
accounts - Conference Board of Pensions
Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, Inc. Statement of Activities
Year Ended December 31, 2023
Treasurer’s Discussion and Analysis
It has been a period of considerable change and challenge in the life of our Church and Conference. Although we have more work to do to ensure we are on a sustainable path, we have also come a long way over the past couple of years. As I mention below, our 2023 Conference expenses were more than $200,000 below budget Additionally, Bishop Plambeck has formulated a Wisdom Council which will focus on developing our long-term strategic and financial plan. I look forward to supporting this Council and providing them with the necessary information to do their work.
Please see below for our Conference budget update, financial details regarding 2023 disaffiliations, details regarding our General Church apportionments, our current Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA) reserves, staffing update, and other financial support.
Conference Budget Update
2023 – Apportionments received for 2023 totaled approximately $2.94 million. This includes $553,000 from churches that disaffiliated in 2023, resulting in total apportionments received from churches remaining UMC after 2023 of $2.39 million (See ‘Disaffiliations’ below for further details) Total income for 2023 was $3.04 million, after including interest and investment income earned on our Conference savings reserves
Total expenses for 2023 were $3.10 million, $211,000 less than our 2023 budget of $3.31 million. This resulted in a smaller than expected budget shortfall of $60,000, absorbed by Conference reserves. We incurred lower than budgeted costs in the following areas: 1) Leadership Development Office, Board of Ordained Ministry, Council on Youth Ministries, New Churches, Annual Conference, and District Superintendency (which includes our Moving Fund). Conversely, the Conference incurred higher than budgeted costs by the Finance Office (due to higher-than-expected audit fees) and the Board of Trustees (primarily due to higher-than-expected insurance costs), as well as Chancellor/Legal costs (primarily due to CCFA approving paying 100% of the Dakotas Conference portion of the Boy Scout Settlement).
2024 – As of May 31, 2024, we received approximately $734,647 in apportionments. I estimate that apportionments received from churches for 2023 (including from those that disaffiliated in 2023) will be $2.3 million. With an additional $114,000 from interest/investment income, our total apportionment and interest/investment income is estimated to be approximately $2.42 million. With a budget of $3.06 million, we will need to use our operating reserves and/or reduce our spending (See ‘Reserves’ and ‘Disaffiliations’ sections below for further details). Additionally, I expect our budget shortfall to be lower than the $643,409 outlined in the budget due to the decision made by the Board of Pensions to cover the Conference HealthFlex direct bill for Conference and camping staff for 2024 This will help our Conference close the budget shortfall in 2024 by approximately $200,000 On behalf of the Conference, thank you Board of Pensions for your generosity!
2025 – An apportioned budget of $3,010,350 was presented by the CCFA and approved at the Annual Conference. Our 2025 proposed budget represents an overall decrease of approximately 2% from 2024. One key area we have reduced by $50,000 includes apportionments allocated to Conference Missionaries (Solar Oven Partners and Spirit Lake Ministries). Although this is a reduction in our direct budget allocation to these ministries, we continue to provide administrative support, including processing cash receipts, accounts payable, payroll, human resources, and communications. Additionally, these two ministries have ‘carryover’ reserve balances (totaling approximately $500,000 for each ministry). These reserves have accumulated due to individual and church support, as well as previous Conference support; therefore, these ministries have ample reserves and support to sustain them for the foreseeable future
Since CCFA determined that we have sufficient reserves to meet any short-term budget shortfall, CCFA approved a further reduction in the local church apportionment percentage from 13.5% in 2024 to 13.0% in 2025 We hope the decision to continue to lower the apportionment percentage, even during times of uncertainty, illustrates to you that we understand the challenges facing local churches as we continue to recover from the effects of the pandemic and disaffiliations
Through the work of our Conference Chancellors, Nancy Oviatt (SD) and Steve Ottmar (ND), along with our Conference Board of Trustees, Conference Board of Pensions, and our CCFA, thirty-nine churches were approved to disaffiliate in 2023. Twenty-four of these churches were approved during our Annual Conference on June 9, 2023. Additionally, an online special session of Annual Conference was held on August 15, 2023, where an additional fifteen churches were approved to disaffiliate (Note: Crystal UMC decided not to fulfill the terms of the disaffiliation agreement. Therefore, they remain members of the Dakotas Conference of the United Methodist Church). See the table below for financial details for each church:
*Note: Total apportionments received in 2023 was $553,000. That includes apportionments received from Ashley Emmanuel UMC and Milbank Central UMC of $131,935 However, since their disaffiliation vote occurred in 2022, they are not included in the disaffiliation totals above.
The apportionment obligation received from disaffiliated churches in 2023 was used to bridge the budget shortfall in 2023. Conversely, pension obligations were deposited into our Pension Liability Fund established at the Dakotas and Minnesota Methodist Foundations in 2023 for the sole purpose of covering future pension liabilities.
General Church Apportionments
Each General Church fund represents our core connectional giving and supports the UMC and its ministries in a variety of ways. These funds include: 1) World Service Fund, 2) Africa University Fund, 3) Black College Fund, 4) Episcopal Fund, 5) General Administration Fund, 6) Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, and 7) The Ministerial Education Fund. The Dakotas Conference paid General Church apportionments for 2023 totaling $474,838 This represents approximately 52% of our total apportionments allocated to the Dakotas Conference of $911,219. However, it is important to note that we paid 100% of two (of seven) General Church funds: 1) Africa University and 2) Episcopal Fund in 2023 As mentioned last year, while it is always our goal to pay 100% apportionments to the General Church, meeting the full obligation for 2024 was unrealistic primarily due to the impacts of the pandemic and church disaffiliations, since the apportionment calculation was based on the 2016 General Conference methodology.
The General Church apportionments to the Dakotas Conference for 2025 is $536,152. The 2025 budget includes 100% of our General Church apportionments and represents slightly more than half the total General Church apportionments allocated to the Dakotas Conference in 2024. This is due to GCFA lowering the base rate percentage (from the 2016 base rate) that was approved at General Conference and reflects the effects of disaffiliations.
Fortunately, the Conference has various reserves available for use through this transitional period. These reserves include $1.24 million invested in five Certificates of Deposit. The Conference also has reserve funds invested at the Dakotas and Minnesota Methodist Foundations of approximately $1.01 million as well as funds in the Conference operating account to meet current financial needs. Lastly, we also have approximately $1.09 million that was allocated several years ago by the Board of Pensions in the Transitional Reserve Fund. This fund has decreased from approximately $1.33 million at the end of 2022, due to using a portion of these funds to create grants for churches negatively impacted by the disaffiliation process. With these reserves in place, the Conference is currently in a solid financial position that will help us meet our short-term budget shortfalls.
To say we have gone through staffing transitions since our last Annual Conference is an understatement! First, Dana Bassett has taken over the role of Assistant Treasurer and continues to be an anchor for our office. She is the most experienced member of our team, and her knowledge is a blessing as we train new staff. Dana will continue to assume more responsibility in the months ahead, including managing our insurance policies and assisting with our annual Conference audit. Thank you, Dana, for all you continue to do to keep our Conference running smoothly!
We also have several new faces in the Finance & Benefits/Human Resources office. First, Kathy Roll joined us parttime in September 2023 and processes our payroll, camp receipts, and assists with other accounting functions, e.g., bank reconciliations and staff credit card expense processing. We are blessed to have her on our team! I’m also pleased to report that JoAnn Early was hired in December 2023 and assumed the role of Conference Benefits and Human Resources Officer. Many of you know JoAnn since she served as Operations/Finance Director for several local churches in the Bismarck, ND, area. JoAnn is doing a fantastic job leading our benefits and human resources functions and has already made a big impact in our office, including helping us enhance our Conference policies and procedures. She also brings a great sense of humor and energy to our office as she helps both clergy and conference staff with benefits and human resources related issues
Kaylynn Schutte recently joined our team in April 2024 and serves as our Finance & Benefits/HR Assistant. Kaylynn is a Mitchell, SD, native and most recently managed Cool Beans in Mitchell. She is also a proud graduate of DWU. Go Tigers! She will be assisting our office with a variety of responsibilities, including processing staff credit card expenses, church and individual receipts, assisting with clergy benefits and training, and human resources. We are thrilled to have her as part of our team!
Lastly, a special thanks goes out to both JoAnn Schlimgen and Leana Stunes, who have continued to support our office on a part-time basis as they assist with training our new staff. Thank you, ladies, for your continued assistance. You have both been a blessing to me and to our entire Conference!
Other Financial Support
Since other financial support from individuals and local churches is not included in our apportioned budget, I wanted to give you a summary of the support our Dakotas Conference members and churches have provided to various ministries throughout our Conference and broader United Methodist connection. I am pleased to report that these individual and church donations total approximately $500,000 in 2023! These funds provided much needed financial support to various projects and ministries, including (but not limited to) our three Dakotas Conference Camps, Spirit Lake Ministries, Solar Oven Partners, UMCOR, Tree of Life, Abbott House, World Poverty and Hunger, Thanksgiving Offering, Native American Awareness, UM Student Day, UMCOR Sunday, World Service Specials, and the United Methodist Global AIDS Fund. Supporting these ministries makes an enormous difference and is life-giving to many people throughout the Conference and the world. Thank you for your generosity!
Final Thoughts
I am hopeful and excited to see what God has in store for us as we re-focus our attention on our core ministries and what God has called us to do, as we continue our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. I am eager to hear from you, so please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or requests. My email is jim.ducker@dakotasumc.org or you can reach me at 605-990-7786 or 605-550-2243. God bless you as you continue in the good work of God’s kin-dom in the Dakotas Conference!
Jim Ducker, Treasurer
*Change is comparing the 2025 Budget to the 2024 Spending Plan.
**Includes apportionments received from disaffiliating churches in 2023 of approximately $553,000. Apportionments received net of this amount for 2023 is approximately $2,391,000. The apportionment estimates for 2024 and 2025 were reduced proportionately by the reduction in apportionment percentage each year (i.e., 13.5% in 2024 and 13.0% in 2025).
^Interest and investment income from our CCFA savings reserves as well as interest earned on our operating account.
Record of the Sessions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church General and Jurisdictional Conference Delegations
Dates Location
1st June 1-5, 1994 Aberdeen, SD
2nd June 5-11, 1995 Bismarck, ND
3rd June 6-9, 1996 Mitchell, SD
4th June 5-8, 1997 Bismarck, ND
5th June 4-7, 1998 Aberdeen, SD
6th June 3-6, 1999 Bismarck, ND
7th June 1-4, 2000 Aberdeen, SD
8th June 7-10, 2001
Bismarck, ND
9th June 5-7, 2002 Sioux Falls, SD
10th June 5-7, 2003 Fargo, ND
11th June 2-6, 2004 Pierre, SD
12th June 8-11, 2005
Bismarck, ND
13th June 7-10, 2006 Watertown, SD
14th June 6-9, 2007 Sioux Falls, SD
15th June 4-7, 2008 Fargo, ND
16th June 3-6, 2009 Rapid City, SD
Special Nov 20-21, 2009 Aberdeen, SD
17th June 9-12, 2010 Bismarck, ND
18th June 8-11, 2011 Watertown, SD
19th June 7-10, 2012 Sioux Falls, SD
20th June 6-8, 2013 Bismarck, ND
21st June 5-7, 2014 Rapid City, SD
22nd June 4-6, 2015 Fargo, ND
23rd June 9-11, 2016 Sioux Falls, SD
24th June 8-10, 2017 Bismarck, ND
25th June 7-9, 2018 Sioux Falls, SD
26th June 6-8, 2019 Bismarck, ND
27th June 11, Sept.18, Sioux Falls, SD
Presiding Bishop
William B. Lewis
William B. Lewis
William B Lewis
Michael J Coyner
Michael J Coyner
Michael J. Coyner
Michael J. Coyner
Michael J. Coyner
Michael J. Coyner
Michael J Coyner
Michael J Coyner
Deborah L Kiesey
Deborah L. Kiesey
Deborah L. Kiesey
Deborah L. Kiesey
Deborah L. Kiesey
Deborah L Kiesey
Deborah L Kiesey
Deborah L. Kiesey
Deborah L. Kiesey
Bruce R. Ough
Bruce R. Ough
Bruce R Ough
Bruce R Ough
Bruce R Ough
Bruce R. Ough
Bruce R. Ough
Bruce R. Ough
Conf. Secretary
Linda R. Harris
Dr. Mark Ahlsten
Dr Mark Ahlsten
Dr Mark Ahlsten
Dr Mark Ahlsten
Mark S. Ellingson
Mark S. Ellingson
Mark S. Ellingson
Mark S. Ellingson
Mark S Ellingson
Mark S Ellingson
Mark S Ellingson
Mark S. Ellingson
Mark S. Ellingson
Mark S. Ellingson
Mark S. Ellingson
Mark S Ellingson
Mark S Ellingson
Mark S. Ellingson
Mark S. Ellingson
Mark S. Ellingson
Mark S. Ellingson
Mark S Ellingson
Mark S Ellingson
Kristen Krogman
Kristen Krogman
Kristen Krogman
Amber La"ey Oct. 10, 2020 & Online
28th June11-12, 2021
29th June 9-11, 2022
30th June 7-10, 2023
31st June 5-8, 2024
2020 and 2024
Sioux Falls, SD, Laurie Haller
Amber La"ey Bismarck, ND, Fargo, ND, Rapid City, SD & online
Bismarck, ND
Sioux Falls, SD
Bismarck, ND
Deborah L. Kiesey
Bruce R. Ough, assisting
Lanette Plambeck
Bill McAlilly, assisting
Lanette Plambeck
Carlo Rapanut, assisting
General Conference: Laity—Kara Togel Clergy—Rebecca Trefz
Jurisdictional Conference: Laity—Beata Ferris Clergy—Sara Nelson Reserves: Clergy—Ray Baker, Jennifer Hallenbeck Orr
Special Called Session of General Conference: Laity—Beata Ferris Clergy—Rebecca Trefz Reserves: Laity—Matthew Bader Clergy—Roger Spahr
General Conference: Laity—Jodi Cataldo Clergy—Rebecca Trefz
Jurisdictional Conference: Laity—Matthew Bader Clergy—Roger Spahr Reserves: Laity—Emma McKirdy-Wilsey, Nathan Bader, Natalie Buck Clergy—Kermit Culver, Jenny Hallenbeck Orr, Jen Tyler
Amber La"ey
Amber La"ey
Amber La"ey
General Conference: Laity—Janelle Jones Clergy—Rebecca Trefz
Jurisdictional Conference: Laity—Jodi Cataldo Clergy—Greg Kroger Reserves: Laity—Matthew Bader, Angelica Laudermith, Larry Madsen Clergy—Rich Zeck, Doug Diehl, Jennifer Hallenbeck 2008
General Conference: Laity—Bruce Blumer Clergy—Teri Johnson
Jurisdictional Conference: Laity— Janelle Jones Clergy—Eldon Reich Reserves: Laity—Kathleen Enzminger, Sheila Mennenga Clergy—Randy Cross, Bob Ruedebusch 2004
General Conference: Laity—Karl Kroger, Kathleen Enzminger Clergy—Teri Johnson, Eldon Reich
Jurisdictional Conference: Laity—Mary Hayenga, Barbara Goodman Clergy—Dar Berkenpas, Doug Diehl Reserves: Laity— Don Nash, Bruce Blumer, Janelle Jones, Ray Wagner
Clergy —Rob Moorlach, Rich Zeck, Debra Ball-Kilbourne, Randy Cross 2000
General Conference: Laity—John Ewing, Mary Hayenga Clergy—Douglas Diehl, Teri Johnson
Jurisdictional Conference: Laity—Ray Wagner, Marion Muthiah Clergy—Penelope Eberhart, Eldon Reich Reserves: Clergy —William Bates, Peary Wilson, Dwight Meier, Debra Ball-Kilbourne Laity—Cynthia Nelson, Warren DeKrey, Barbara Goodman, Ron Williams 1996
General Conference: Laity —Ray Wagner, Mary Hayenga Clergy—Penelope Eberhart, William Bates Jurisdictional Conference: Laity—Marion Muthiah, John “Jack” Ewing Clergy—Peary Wilson, Eldon Reich Jurisdictional Reserves: Laity—Bubbles Jensen, Ron Williams
2020-2024 Delegation

Rev. Rebecca Trefz
General Conference
North Central Jurisdiction Clergy Delegate

Kara Togel
General Conference
North Central Jurisdiction Lay Delegate

Rev Ray Baker
First Reserve
North Central Jurisdiction Clergy Delegate

Rev. Sara Nelson
General Conference Clergy Reserve Delegate
North Central Jurisdiction Clergy Delegate

Beata Ferris
General Conference Lay Reserve Delegate
North Central Jurisdiction Lay Delegate

Rev. Jenny Hallenbeck Orr
Second Reserve
North Central Jurisdiction Clergy Delegate
Roy Caudill 1947-2023

e Rev. Roy Caudill, 76, passed away on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, following a year-long cancer journey and other health-related issues. A memorial service was held Saturday, Nov. 18, 2023, at First United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls.
Roy Braxton Caudill was born on February 7, 1947, in e Rev. Roy Caudill, 76, passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, following a year-long cancer journey and other health-related issues. A memorial service was held Saturday, Nov. 18, 2023, at First United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls.
Roy Braxton Caudill was born on Feb. 7, 1947, in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, to William and Belva (Kauffman) Caudill. He heard the call to ministry at the age of 12, after his baptism in the Baptist church.
Roy graduated from high school in 1966 and enlisted in the Air Force. After completing basic training in Texas, his service took him to many locations, including South Dakota; Illinois; Labrador, Canada; Guam, Okinawa, Japan; and New Jersey. A childhood love of airplanes developed into a career as an aircraft mechanic and quality control officer, as well as crew chief and aircraft systems instructor.
Roy met his future wife, Lazann Larson, while serving in the Air Force and working as a floor guard at a local skating rink. ey were married in 1975 at the United Methodist Church in Harrisburg, South Dakota. eir adventure as husband and wife began immediately with a U-Haul truck and a long drive to their new home in New Jersey.
Roy graduated from Southern Illinois University at
Richard Unkenholz 1927-2024

e Rev. Dr. Richard Unkenholz, 96, died Saturday, January 6, 2024, in Prescott, Arizona.
Richard Allan Unkenholz was born on December 21, 1927, to Harold “Grant” and Isabel Unkenholz at Mandan, North Dakota, under very cold conditions. He came home to the
Carbondale, Illinois, in 1984, with a degree in occupational education. In 1986, after 20 years of honorable service, Roy retired from the Air Force as a Senior Master Sergeant. He and his young family then moved to Sioux Falls, where he worked at a variety of jobs.
e call to ministry heard in childhood re-emerged, and Roy enrolled at the North American Baptist Seminary in Sioux Falls. He and Lazann joined Asbury United Methodist Church, and Roy decided to become clergy in the Dakotas Conference of e United Methodist Church. Roy was ordained deacon and probationary member in 1989 and elder and full member in 1992.
Roy served at Humboldt Congregational Church, and then he served United Methodist churches in the Dakotas Conference at White Lake-Underwood (1989-1992), Canistota United (1992-1998), Grand Forks Zion (1998-2003), and Sioux Falls Sunnycrest (2003-2010). He served as superintendent of the Glacial Lakes District from 2010 to 2015, when he retired. He continued serving as interim pastor at churches in the conference, including Huron Riverview-Virgil, Brandon Celebration, and Sioux Falls Hilltop.
In addition to his love of airplanes, Roy enjoyed oldies music and collecting records, outer space and stars and the “Star Trek” series, superheroes comic books and memorabilia and movies, and reading books and spending time at Barnes & Noble in Sioux Falls.
Roy is survived by his wife, Lazann, of Sioux Falls; two daughters: Shiloh (Mike) Jones, of Rogers, Arkansas, and Shalaine (Jason) Rostomily, of Sioux Falls; four grandchildren; a sister, Christine Peters; and many nieces and nephews.
Roy was preceded in death by his parents, and two brothers: Billy and Bart.
family farm in a sled with heated stones under a fur blanket. He was confirmed at the Rural Methodist Church at rural Mandan, during the ministry of Grace Huck.
Richard married Patricia West. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Taylor University in Indiana, his Master of Divinity from Garrett, and his Doctor of Divinity degree at McCormick eological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois.
Together Richard and Pat served Methodist churches in the North Indiana Conference and then in the North Dakota Conference at Edgeley-Jud-Nortonville (1957-1963), Valley City (1963-1969), Bismarck First (1969-1975), Jamestown First (1975-1984), Fargo Calvary (1984-1989), and Williston-Grenora-Bainville, Montana (1989-1993).
Richard and Pat both took retirement from the North Dakota Conference in 1993. Richard was honored as Jubilee Clergy in 2000. He led Bible studies at Prescott United Methodist
Church and anywhere a Bible study needed presiding.
Richard dedicated his life to e United Methodist Church and the amazing folks who peopled his congregations throughout Indiana, North Dakota, and Montana. He cared about the needs of others and tried to support causes that enriched their lives.
He was a member of Golden K Kiwanis and served on the board for the Open Door Community Center, delivered
Anthony Russell Masartis 1946-2024

e Rev. Anthony Russell Masartis, 77, died on Saturday, February 10, 2024, at his home south of Wall, South Dakota. A private family celebration of life was held at a later date.
Anthony Russell Masartis was born September 19, 1946, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Anthony and Josephine Masartis. He attended the Pittsburgh First Primitive Methodist Church, where he met his wife, Donna Lee Ceney, and preached his first sermon at age 15.
Russell and Donna married at their home church on September 9, 1967. At that time, Russell was a student pastor. He attended California State College in California, Pennsylvania, graduating in 1969 with his bachelor’s degree in psychology. He then attended Salem School of eology in Pennsylvania and was ordained elder in 1973 in the Primitive Methodist Church. In 1977 he earned his bachelor’s degree in education from California State College.
Russ and Donna had an inspiring ministry living in the Pennsylvania communities of Rowles Run, WilkesBarre, Carnegie, and Pittsburgh (Lawrenceville); Lowell, Massachusetts; and Benton, Wisconsin. Together they started Bible studies, youth groups, GRADE program (Growth
Resulting after Discipleship and Evangelism), a fiber arts center, a winter walkers program, hot meal program, and several successful food pantries and thrift shops.
In 2006, Russ transferred from the Primitive Methodist Church to the Dakotas Conference of e United Methodist Church and served as director of the Tree of Life Ministry at Mission, South Dakota, on the Rosebud Reservation (20072015) and at Wall-Wasta United Methodist churches (20152023). Russ retired in 2018 but continued serving part-time at Wall-Wasta. He was honored as Jubilee Clergy in 2023.
Russ and Donna started the Open Hearts Cancer Care Ministry to reach out with encouragement to cancer patients in South Dakota. He embraced the simpler life in the Badlands and loved spending time with his dogs and other animals.
Russ was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in September 2023, and enjoyed his life with his family right to the end.
He is survived by his daughter, Donnalynn James (William Deppe); his son, Russell Robert (Cheri) Masartis; seven grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Russ had one great-great-grandchild on the way, due in July 2024, that he affectionately called “Tator Tot.”
Russ was preceded in death by his wife, Donna, on April 11, 2022.
Donna Stewart 1933-2024

e Rev. Donna Stewart, 90, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, formerly of De Smet, South Dakota, died Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Funeral services were rescheduled to Saturday, April 20, 2024, at the United Methodist Church in De Smet, followed by e Order of the Eastern Star Service. Burial was in the De Smet Cemetery.
Donna Mae McGarvie was born on April 10, 1933, to Lee and Lottie (Garry) McGarvie in De Smet. e family lived in Cottonwood, South Dakota, at the time, then in Erwin, South Dakota, and later in De Smet.
Donna graduated from De Smet High School in 1951. She attended Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell and taught in a rural school from 1952 to 1954.
She married Bert C. Stewart in 1954. ey lived on a farm south of De Smet before moving to De Smet in 1963. She worked at the Jack and Jill store, the De Smet School, and the De Smet Good Samaritan Center.
Donna attended Huron College Huron, South Dakota, and then South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1985. She attended North American Baptist Seminary in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and received a Master of Divinity degree in 1989.
She was ordained a deacon and probationary member of the South Dakota Conference of e United Methodist Church in 1988 and an elder and full member in 1991. She served at
Lucian Prohaska 1938-2024

e Rev. Lucian Prohaska, 86, of Brookings, South Dakota, passed away on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at the Avera Heart Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Funeral services were held Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at First United Methodist Church in Brookings. A private family burial was held in Adel, Iowa.
Lucian Frederick Prohaska was born February 19, 1938, in Des Moines, Iowa, to Frederick G. and Nellie R. (Baker) Prohaska. He grew up near Earlham, Iowa, and was confirmed in the Earlham Methodist Church. Lou graduated from high school in De Soto, Iowa.
Leola-Frederick-Barnard UCC (1989-1993), Faulkton-Seneca (1993-1996), and Hitchcock-Broadland (1996-1999). She retired in 1999, and she and Bert moved back to De Smet.
Donna became the church organist and pianist in high school, and she continued to play for the church when she was the pastor. In the month before her passing, she played a digital piano for the chapel service at the nursing home in Sioux Falls.
She was an active member of the De Smet American Legion Auxiliary and Order of the Eastern Star. She was the Grand Organist in 1980 and again in 2000-2001, as well as the Assistant Grand Organist in 2010-2011.
Donna was a skilled quilt maker and enjoyed making quilts for family and for charities. She mastered the art of tatting and taught herself to decorate cakes. She enjoyed crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, and Solitaire on her iPhone and iPad. If you asked Donna if she wanted to stop for ice cream, her answer was, “I never say no to ice cream.”
Donna is survived by two daughters: Karen Brown, of Sioux Falls, and Susan Stewart, of Dickinson, Texas; daughter-in-law, Ronette Stewart, of Miller, South Dakota; 10 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and one greatgreat-grandson; a sister, Mary Lee Erickson, of Platte, South Dakota; and a brother, Darrell (Myra) McGarvie, of Belgrade, Minnesota.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Bert, in 1999; two sons: Calvin and his wife, Diane, and Steven; and two sonsin-law: Earl Brown and Stu Fenley.
Lou met the love of his life, Karen Ballentine, and they were married on June 1, 1958.
Lou’s love of airplanes and flying led him to join the Iowa Air National Guard on his 17th birthday, during his junior year of high school. He attended Parks Air College in St. Louis, Missouri, after high school to earn his aviation mechanic certificate. He worked as an aircraft mechanic, serving with the Air Guard from 1955 to 1969 and achieving the rank of Master Sergeant in charge of the Special Project’s Shop.
Lou also served on active duty in the Air Guard in France from 1961-62. He worked as a jet pilot and chief mechanic for American Republic Insurance, and as William’s Pipeline mechanic manager. His work led the family to St. Louis; Adel,
Iowa; Carlisle, Iowa; Iowa City, Iowa; and Sioux Falls.
Lou felt a calling to serve God that began in his youth. After his last child graduated from high school, Lou enrolled at South Dakota State University, in Brookings, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1987. He enrolled in seminary at St. Paul School of eology in Kansas City, Missouri, and earned his Master of Divinity degree. He served at Independence, Missouri, while finishing seminary.
Lou was ordained deacon and probationary member of the South Dakota Conference of e United Methodist Church in 1989, and elder and full member in 1992. He served South Dakota churches at Edgemont United UMC-UCC-Pringle (1990-1994) and Winner (1994-2000).
Retirement in 2000 brought Lou and Karen to Volga, South Dakota, where he enjoyed leading a number of studies at Brookings First United Methodist Church. He also was active in the Volga Lions Club and was a member of the American
In Memory
Lou’s passions were camping, reading, feeding his birds, and creating wood projects. He treasured every visit to the Black Hills. He enjoyed the colors of the Red Canyon, getting his buffalo fix, and watching the wildlife. He loved making things for others, and he had a wonderful sense of humor.
Lou is survived by his wife, Karen; a daughter, Laura (Morris) Cook; two sons: Dan Prohaska and John (Kim) Prohaska; six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and a sister, Lucia (Harlan) Mueller.
He was preceded in death by a son, Joseph Prohaska, and a daughter-in-law, Colette Prohaska.
Diaconal Minister and Spouse
Patricia Unkenholz 1930-2024

Patricia Unkenholz, 93, diaconal minister and surviving spouse of the Rev. Richard Unkenholz, died Monday, April 22, 2024, in Prescott, Arizona. Funeral services were planned for Saturday, June 22, 2024, at the Prescott United Methodist Church.
Patricia Nell West was born July 7, 1930, in Bowman, North Dakota. She was selected to participate in Girls State and was elected as their governor. She was valedictorian of her graduating class at Mandan High School, Mandan, North Dakota.
Pat graduated from Minot State Teacher’s College, Minot, North Dakota, with a degree in music education. She was a gifted pianist, organist, handbell ringer, and teacher of these disciplines.
Pat married Richard Unkenholz, and together they served Methodist churches in the North Indiana Conference and then in the North Dakota Conference at Edgeley-JudNortonville, Valley City, Bismarck First, Jamestown First, Fargo Calvary, and Williston-Grenora-Bainville, Montana.
In 1987, Pat was consecrated as a diaconal minister by the North Dakota Conference. She was the handbell choir and children’s music director at Fargo Calvary (1987-1989) and music coordinator at Williston (Nov. 1989-1993).
Pat taught, accompanied, and performed in these cities and their surrounding areas. Her love of handbells became her passion and vocation as a representative for Malmark Bells.
She led choirs, workshops, and Peace Garden sessions on conducting, performance, technique, and all things handbell and chimes. With the same degree of excellence that she exhibited with her keyboard skills, she rang solo bells to delight churches and audiences in many venues. Her influence as a musician will ring for generations to come.
Pat and Richard both took retirement from the North Dakota Conference in 1993. Richard died Jan. 6, 2024. e days without him proved insurmountable.
Pat is survived by her children: Mark (Karla Jean) Unkenholz, Jeanne (Robert) Kolberg, Carol Sue (Dan) Morgan, and David (Lisa Beuligan) Unkenholz; seven grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and two bothers: Bob (Marty) West, of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and Neil (Carol) West, of Tucson, Arizona.
In Memory Clergy Spouses
Amy Eitemiller-Morrison 1971-2023

Amy Eitemiller-Morrison, 51, spouse of the Rev. Matt Morrison, passed away on Saturday, August 5, 2023, at home in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, after a 10-year battle with cancer. A celebration of life service was held at Central Church in Sioux Falls on Friday, August 11, 2023, with the Rev. Kip Roozen officiating.
Amy Sue Eitemiller was born November 23, 1971, in Brookings, South Dakota, and lived her early years in Wagner and Lake Andes, South Dakota. Her family moved to Sheldon, Iowa, where she met her high school sweetheart Matt Morrison. ey were married on August 15, 1992, while attending the University of South Dakota at Vermillion, South Dakota. Amy graduated from USD with a Bachelor of Music degree in vocal performance in 1994. ey continued their graduate work at the University of Northern Colorado at Greeley, where Amy graduated with a Master of Music degree in choral conducting.
Amy and Matt pursued a ministry calling that took them to Marion, Indiana, in 1997, and both served on staff at Hanfield United Methodist Church. Together, Amy and Matt served United Methodist churches in the Dakotas Conference at Sioux Falls Embrace, Mitchell Fusion, and Sioux Falls Asbury.
Amy taught music courses at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion (1997-2005) and the University of Sioux Falls (2006-
2023). She also taught private lessons from her home studios in Marion, Sioux Falls, and Mitchell (2015-2017). Her love of teaching voice led her to create a multi-teacher voice studio. In June 2023, Amy became the founder and owner of the Effervescent Voice Academy, where she held the role of “bubbly beasty boss.”
Amy contributed to arts education through the Dakota Academy of Performing Arts, Fairytale Operas, and the USF eatre Department. She performed shows with several local theatre companies, served as music director and band leader for shows, and performed with Matt as “Two White Squares.” Her favorite roles included the title role in “Mary Poppins,” Lily in “ e Secret Garden,” and Truvy in “Steel Magnolias.”
She had a singular sense of fashion, often accentuated by her signature polka dots and an individuality that was infectious. Her gracious spirit made people feel seen, loved, and valued. She was a source of inspiration and encouragement for others on their cancer journeys, but she never allowed cancer to define who she was. She lived life on her own terms and lived it fully until the very end.
Amy is survived by her husband, Matt Morrison, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota; children Xander (Vinny) Morrison and Maia Morrison, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota; her father, David (Marie) Eitemiller, of Mitchell, South Dakota; her mother, Marilyn (James) Lofflin, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota; her brother, Casey (Heidi) Eitemiller, of Mitchell, South Dakota; and her step-brothers and step-sisters in South Dakota, Iowa, Florida, and Arizona.
Janet Nelson 1926-2023

Janet Nelson, 97, of Mitchell, South Dakota, surviving spouse of the Rev. Walter Nelson, died Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell. A private family burial was held Friday, September 29, 2023, at Underwood Cemetery in rural White Lake, South Dakota.
Janet Bonney was born on April 20, 1926, at Forestburg, South Dakota, to the Rev. Roger and Priscilla Bonney. She grew up in the South Dakota communities of Bruce, Hecla, White Lake, and Kennebec, where her father served Methodist churches.
Janet married Walter Nelson at Kennebec on December 30, 1947, with her father officiating. Janet worked in nursing homes and as a physical therapy aide.
Walt and Janet served in the South Dakota Conference of
George Frein 1932-2023

George Frein, 91, spouse of the Rev. Shelly Matthews, died Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at home in Fort Worth, Texas. A funeral service was held at Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Worth, on Saturday, October 21, 2023. Burial is planned for the summer of 2024 at the cemetery of St. John’s Benedictine Abbey and University in Collegeville, Minnesota.
George Frein was born October 2, 1932, in St. Louis, Missouri, to Harry and Margaret Frein. He was ordained as a Catholic priest in 1958. He ministered in parishes, taught in Catholic high schools, and completed a master’s degree in European history in the St. Louis area, before entering graduate school in theological studies at Catholic University.
He left the priesthood in 1968 and joined the Religion Department at the University of North Dakota at Grand Forks, where he taught for 29 years. After retiring in 1997, he moved to Greenville, South Carolina, where he founded the Greenville Chautauqua Society, in which he was active until moving to Fort Worth, Texas, in 2012. George continued to work with Humanities North Dakota on Chautauqua programming until his death.
the Methodist Church and then United Methodist Church at Rowena-Ben Clare (1947-1950), Elk Point-RichlandBurbank (1950-1953), Murdo-Okaton (1956-December 1961), Milbank (January 1962-1969), Beresford-Zion (19691972), Diamond Care Center at Bridgewater (1972-1974), Jenkins United Methodist Nursing Home at Watertown (1974-1979), Flandreau-Egan (1979-1982), Methodist Hospital in Mitchell-Ethan (1982-1985), Methodist Hospital in Mitchell-Mitchell First associate (1985-March 1987), and White Lake-Underwood in retirement (1988-1989).
Janet and Walt enjoyed taking their children—Bonney, Roger, David, and Ellen – on many camping vacations through the years. After Walt’s retirement in 1987, they traveled extensively for many years in their motor home, covering all 48 contiguous states. ey volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, helping to build homes in Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Maine, and South Dakota.
Walt died October 27, 2017.
Although George insisted that Chautauquans should be scholars foremost, and not actors, he developed a flair for dramatic performance, as well as for nurturing thoughtful conversation with audiences about the characters he introduced. His best characterizations were of the American humorist Mark Twain. ough audiences may have come for Twain’s humor, George also challenged them with Twain’s critiques of American racism, colonialism, and religious hypocrisy. His final Chautauqua performance was a Mark Twain monologue before an overflow audience at a Greenville eater in February 2023, where he was presented a key to the city of Greenville for his work in public humanities.
George married the Rev. Shelly Matthews. She has served the Dakotas Conference in extension ministries at Tufts University in Boston (1997-1998); Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina (1998-2011); and Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, where she currently serves.
George is survived by his wife, Shelly; his sister, Denise Cole; his sister-in-law, Beverly Frein; his children: Mark Frein (Jessica), Nathan, and Alice Frein Matthews; and three grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by two brothers: Paul and Robert Frein.
Linda Mayer 1940-2023

Linda Mayer, 83, spouse of the Rev. Richard Mayer, died on Monday December 18, 2023, at Aurora, Illinois. A memorial service was held on Friday, December 22, 2023, at the Sugar Grove United Methodist Church in Sugar Grove, Illinois.
Linda Buie was born August 20, 1940. She married Richard Mayer in 1958. ey made many trips to the Middle East and Europe.
Richard was admitted to the South Dakota Conference of e United Methodist Church in 1992. He was appointed to extension ministry at Sioux Falls College from 1992 to 2002, when he retired.
Phyllis Klarup 1935-2024

Phyllis Klarup, 88, surviving spouse of the Rev. Don Klarup, died Monday, March 18, 2024, at Odd Fellow-Rebekah Home in Mattoon, Illinois. A memorial celebration was held on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at Wesley United Methodist Church in Charleston, Illinois. Inurnment was at Hills of Rest Memorial Park in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Phyllis Ruth Maat was born July 18, 1935, to the Rev. William Gerrit and Ruth Esther (Vander Linden) Maat in Troy, New York. She was raised in Reformed Church parsonages in the Albany, New York, area and graduated from Columbia High School in East Greenbush, New York, in 1952. In 1956, she graduated from Hope College in Holland, Michigan.
Phyllis and the Rev. Donald Klarup were married on June 21, 1956, in Defreestville, New York. Together they served Methodist and United Methodist churches in South Dakota at Philip-Hayes, Philip-Quinn, Arlington, and Yankton and then in North Dakota at Fargo First. In 1976, they moved to Rapid City, where Don served as Western District Superintendent of the former South Dakota Conference. For nine months in late 1980 and early 1981, Don served as administrative assistant to Bishop Edwin Bolton. ey returned to South Dakota in 1981 and served at Sioux Falls First.
In 1988, Don joined the development staff at Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell, where he worked until
Linda was an active member of the Sugar Grove United Methodist Church. She was devoted to her Christian faith and showed it through her outreach to those in need. Her focus was always on the needs of others, not herself.
Linda is survived by her husband of 65 years, Richard, of Aurora; three children: Michael (Maggie) Mayer of Aurora, Ellen (Ken) Janda of Minnesota, and Diane (Jack) Christiansen of Glenview, Illinois. Linda’s pride and joy were her five grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
retiring in 1994. After Don’s retirement, they lived at Sioux Falls until 2005, when they moved to Savoy, Illinois. ey moved to Charleston in 2012, and Phyllis joined the Wesley United Methodist Church.
Phyllis supported Don in his ministry, being particularly adept at associating names with faces and understanding the family and social connections within each new congregation. An avid reader, Phyllis also enjoyed working as a school library clerk in some of the communities in which they lived. Phyllis enjoyed corresponding with the many friends she and Don had developed over the years. In retirement Phyllis and Don remained committed to church activities and traveled extensively, including trips to Europe, Central America, and throughout the United States. A gentle and caring soul, Phyllis will be remembered for her quiet strength and enduring faith.
She and Don enjoyed more than 57 years of marriage until Don’s death on December 25, 2013.
Phyllis is survived by her children: Pamela Klarup (Michael Oswalt), of Putnam, Illinois, Douglas Klarup (Amy Lynch), of Charleston, Illinois, and Patricia Hoffman (Adam), of Fort Collins, Colorado; four grandchildren; one greatgranddaughter; her sister, Lois Roberts (Lin), of Statesboro, Georgia; one sister-in-law, Barbara Maat, of Crestone, Colorado; and several nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Don; and two brothers: David Maat and Howard Maat.
Eileen Wilson 1946-2024

Eileen Wilson, 78, spouse of the Rev. Peary Wilson, of Hot Springs, South Dakota, passed away on ursday, April 4, 2024. A memorial service was held on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at the United Methodist Church in Pringle, South Dakota. Her cremains will be kept and scattered with Peary’s at a later date.
Eileen Marjory De Vries was born on March 19, 1946, in Chicago, Illinois, to the Rev. John and Marge De Vries. She lived her early years in South Dakota at Hitchcock, Geddes, Gregory, Sioux Falls, and Lead, where her father served Methodist and United Methodist churches. Her early life was shared with sisters Jeanne and Bev and brother Don.
After graduating from Washington High School in Sioux Falls, she attended Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell, South Dakota. While working part-time in the dining hall, she met Peary Wilson, and they were engaged in November 1966. Eileen moved to Illinois to live with her sister and family and be near Peary, who was attending Garrett eological Seminary in Evanston. ey were married August 27, 1967, in the Methodist Church at Lead, South Dakota. After their intern year in St. Cloud, Minnesota, they bought a used tent trailer. By eating on seven dollars a week, they could afford to travel. ey camped to California, Alaska, and South Dakota and had the adventure of a lifetime.
Roger Sayler Sr. 1953-2024

Roger Sayler, Sr., 70, spouse of the Rev. Judy Sayler, of Wakonda, South Dakota, died on Friday, April 5, 2024, at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Funeral services were held Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at the Wakonda United Methodist Church, with his wife, Judy, officiating. Burial was in the Garden of Memories Cemetery at Yankton, South Dakota.
Roger R. Sayler Sr. was born on October 13, 1953, to Marvin and Ardis (Diltz) Sayler. He grew up with his only brother, Larry, on the original Sayler homestead farm at Lesterville, South Dakota. Roger graduated from Scotland High School in 1971 and then from Southeast Technical School in Sioux
In 1970, they began ministry in the South Dakota Conference at Alexandria-Fulton. After a leave of absence in Watertown, they served eight years at Canistota, followed by Brookings and Yankton-Gayville-Volin. Peary transferred to the North Dakota Conference, and they served six years at Bismarck McCabe. en they moved to Rapid City, and Peary served as Southwest District superintendent. ey then served Lead-Deadwood until Peary’s retirement in 2006.
During her ministry in Alexandria-Fulton, Eileen created a study/support group for young mothers. She often led or created vocal choirs and bell choirs for the children and youth. She and Peary led a backpacking camp in the Big Horn Mountains, and she helped lead camps on canoe trips and retreats and at UMC campsites and rallies. She was a substitute teacher, a secretary for the Southwest District, and a supporter of and leader for United Methodist Women. She loved sewing and working in the garden or yard.
Eileen was diagnosed with adult-onset sensitive Type 1 diabetes in 2005, and in recent years, she developed Alzheimer’s and/or Lewy Body Syndrome. Her smile and kindness were evident to the end. e nurses and staff nicknamed her “sweetheart.”
Eileen is survived by her husband, Peary; son Brian (Petra); daughter Darshan (Junior) Soske; two grandchildren; her brother Don (Sheila) De Vries; one sister Bev Hemple; and many nieces and nephews.
Falls with a degree in diesel mechanics.
His love of toy tractors, excavators, and semi-trucks as a boy translated to a career in fixing big machinery as he worked for Tom Jordan Trucking, Missouri Valley Machinery, Butler Machinery, Fred Haar John Deere, and Koletzky Implement. He ended his career by owning and operating a mobile mechanic business, Missouri Valley Maintenance & Repair.
Roger married Gladys McKelvey in 1974, and they had two sons: Roger, Jr. and Robert. In 1982, the family moved to Oklahoma, where Roger worked for Boecking Machinery in the oil fields as a Caterpillar heavy-equipment mechanic. ey returned to South Dakota in 1990.
Roger married Judy Swensen in June 2011. Together, they served the United Methodist congregations at Wakonda, Irene, and Viborg, South Dakota.
Roger never met a person he didn’t like, and he always had a story to tell.
Roger and Judy enjoyed taking trips together and sitting on the sidelines of his grandchildren’s and her grandchildren’s games. When his health issues stopped him from attending his grandchildren’s sporting events, he watched them on television and then texted each of them afterwards to tell them how proud he was.
Bernita Geiman 1931-2024

Bernita Geiman, 93, surviving spouse of the Rev. Donald Geiman, passed away Saturday, April 27, 2024, in Scotland, South Dakota. Memorial services were held Saturday, May 11, 2024, at the Scotland Community Church in Scotland, with Pastor Andy Bueber officiating. e committal service was held at Rosehill Cemetery in Scotland immediately following the memorial service. Bernita’s granddaughter, the Rev. Kori Geiman Lehrkamp, officiated.
Bernita Ann Marx was born on March 7, 1931, in De Smet, South Dakota, to Herbert and Alvina (Dierks) Marx. Growing up in lean and humble circumstances, Bernita learned the value and honor of a solid work ethic. While in high school, Bernita and her sister Verlyn worked at Grandma Gordon’s Café in De Smet. She graduated from De Smet High School in 1949.
Bernita married Donald Geiman on August 16, 1950, in Pipestone, Minnesota. She was a homemaker and farm wife, while Don worked off-farm jobs to help make ends meet. Bernita raised and processed thousands of chickens for local customers during their early married years. She was an avid gardener and cook, specializing in homemade candy. She loved playing cards, especially double pinochle.
Roger is survived by his wife, Judy; two sons: Roger, Jr. (Sabrina) Sayler, of Jefferson, South Dakota; and Bob (Kelli) Sayler, of Elk Point, South Dakota; five grandchildren; two sisters-in-law: Freida Sayler and Linda (Barry) Placek; and many nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents and his brother, Larry.
Bernita was an active member of Trinity Methodist Church in Iroquois, South Dakota. After Don accepted a call to ministry in the Methodist Church, she assumed the role of pastor’s wife, teaching Sunday school and singing in the church choir. Together Bernita and Don served Methodist and United Methodist churches in the South Dakota and Dakotas Conferences at Artesian-Farwell-Roswell, Mount Vernon, McLaughlin-Mobridge, Scotland-Tripp, Selby-Lowry, and Conde-Andover.
Bernita also worked a variety of jobs outside the home. She owned and operated the Mustang Corral Café in Mount Vernon from 1968 to 1972. After Don’s retirement in 1995, they spent their retirement years in Scotland. When she was 80, Bernita started cutting chislic for Kepps Foods in Scotland, working there until she was 90.
Bernita is survived by her six sons: Dan (Marlene) Geiman, of Plankinton, South Dakota; the Rev. Gary Geiman (the Rev. Dr. Jan Witman), of Claremont, California; Robert Geiman, of Canton, South Dakota; and Greg (Kathleen) Geiman, John (LuAnn) Geiman, and Dennis Geiman, all of Scotland; 17 grandchildren; 31 great-grandchildren; 3 great-greatgrandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Don, on December 29, 2006; one brother, Kenneth; and two sisters: Darlene and Verlyn.
In memory Laity
James Bellamy Beddow 1942-2023

James Bellamy Beddow, a muchloved husband, father, and grandfather, died on June 25, 2023, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. after a brief and unexpected illness. He was 81.
Jim was a true child of South Dakota, born in Huron and raised in Woonsocket, graduating from the University of South Dakota in 1964, before completing his Ph.D. at the University of Oklahoma and joining the U.S. Army. Jim served as a professor of U.S. and Latin American History while remaining a lifelong Coyote and Sooner fan. He was the longest-serving President in the history of Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell, South Dakota, and later became a state-wide leader and advocate for rural economic development.
Jim’s legacy will be felt most deeply through his two children and four grandchildren. His dedication to his four grandchildren’s lives, activities, and passions was unparalleled. “Gpa” was their Uber driver, head cheerleader, and home maintenance advisor. ey loved his legendary use of emojis. He drove Sutton’s dog twice to Utah to visit him at school; never missed Penn’s football, basketball, or soccer games; devoted himself to helping Tru set up her first home; and
watched Cooper play more tennis than any grandparent in history. “Gpa” lives on through his grandkids.
Jean, the kids, and the grandkids will always remember family trips around the world including Turks & Caicos, London, Japan, Israel, Mexico, Hawaii, and too many trips to Disney World.
Jim spent hours daily watching Twins games, soccer, basketball, and golf on his iPad simultaneously with Jay who lives in Japan. Trips together to the Masters and the British Open were life highlights for both of them. Jana is especially grateful for his constant presence in her busy life as a physician and mom of four and for teaching her how to use every type of power tool. He called her Pooh Bear until the day he passed. Jim was so proud of his kids.
Jim is survived by his wife of 58 years, Jean; his son, Jay (Itsuko); his daughter, Jana (Brenden) Johnson; four wonderful grandchildren, Tru, Penn, Sutton, and Cooper Johnson; his sister, Julie (Tom) Ashworth, and his brothers, Craig (Kris) Beddow, and Terry (Linda) Beddow; and two step-siblings, Carolyn Jenkins, and Tom Carver.
He was preceded in death by his father Gerald and mother Bernice; and two step-siblings, Jim, and Kit Carver.
Roll of the Dead - Dakotas Conference Clergy
Prior to November 7, 1992, please refer to Conference Archivist, PO Box 460, Mitchell SD 57301 ,
1992 Don J Kingensmith 11/7/92
1992 Donald Goold 11/25/92
1993 Henry Vix 4/13/93
1993 Stuart A Parvin 5/4/93
1993 Walter Erbele 6/2/93
1993 Millard Aubey, Jr. 8/4/93
1993 Robert Strutz 10/28/93
1993 Reuben A. Tanquist 11/14/93
1994 H Jack Berg 7/2/94
1994 Walter Elmer 8/20/94
1994 E Walter Erdmann 10/18/94
1995 Grant Carlson 3/2/95
1995 Stanley Caine 5/22/95
1995 Richard Moberly 10/5/95
1995 Robert Wegner 12/21/95
1996 Otto Lehner 1/12/96
1996 Randy Atherton 2/11/96
1996 Carolyn Hansum 4/7/96
1996 Oliver Brekke 4/30/96
1996 H Howard Miller 6/28/96
1996 Jerry Wickre 11/26/96
1997 Richard Teichmann 1/4/97
1997 John V. Leach 5/19/97
1997 Gideon Eberhart 9/24/97
1998 Charles Horner 6/1/98
1998 Peder Ackerman 6/6/98
1998 Charles Levi Louderback 6/20/98
1998 Wesley Hunter 9/20/98
1998 Willis E Walker 11/22/98
1999 Walter Larson 2/24/99
1999 Ardell Aleson 3/7/99
1999 Edward Parker 7/13/99
1999 Darrel Leach 7/25/99
1999 Darald Church 10/25/99
1999 Frank Traver 11/12/99
2000 Henry Hottman 4/17/2000
2000 Harvey Sander 7/18/2000
2000 Clarence Ketterling 7/21/2000
2000 Willliam Fillingim 8/12/2000
2000 Arthur Brooks 9/25/2000
2000 Francis Tannehill 9/30/2000
2000 Charles McDowell 11/7/2000
2000 Earl Lewis 12/16/2000
2001 Kenneth Eastin 1/10/01
2001 Gerald Hill 2/18/01
2001 Clarence Palmer 5/16/01
2001 Cecil Miller 6/5/01
2001 Glenn Hammerlee 6/6/01
2001 Kenneth Farr 11/13/01
2001 Cli"ord Nielsen 12/10/01 2002 Lyle Miller 5/24/02 2002 Elmer Sprunk 7/1/02 2002 Otto Gehring 9/1/02 2002 Robert Olson 10/9/02 2003 William Meile 4/8/03
2003 Arthur Wesley, Jr 4/21/03
Alvin Crandall 11/26/14
Marvin Eldridge 12/13/14
Harold Fitch 12/25/14
Roland Walkes 1/13/15
Carol Iwerks 3/2/15
Don Veglahn 3/10/15
Otto Edward “Ed” Kinzler 6/29/15
eodor “Ted” Rath 7/7/15
Robert Logan 8/31/15 2015 Robert “Bob” Cappel [LLP] 9/8/15
Jeanne Higgins 11/21/15 2016 Richard “Dick” Salmonson 2/26/16
2016 James “Jim” Pomeroy 4/8/16
2016 Russell Wilson 8/16/16
2016 Wilbur "Ray" Martin 12/10/16
2017 Charles Finney 2/27/17
2017 Donald Hadrick 8/20/2017
2017 Walter Nelson 10/27/2017
2017 Ralph Sjursen 12/7/2017
2018 Gene Kroger 5/14/2018
2018 Grace E. Huck 8/12/2018
2018 David Knecht 9/11/2018
2018 James Waisanen 11/4/2018
2018 Minoru Tsukamoto 12/17/2018
2019 Francis Kinzler 1/8/2019
2019 Michael A Ward 3/14/2019
2019 Robert Roth 3/16//2019
2019 Marilyn Nelson 4/7/2019
2019 William Cascini 5/17/19
2019 Janet Miller 6/2/19
2020 Raymond John Gibson 2/28/20
2020 Donald Lagge 3/21/20
2020 James Persons 5/31/20
2020 Glenn Lord 6/23/20
2020 Ken Oswald 7/17/20
2020 John Bushell 7/26/20
2020 Norman Winkelman 11/6/20
2020 Donald Greenough 12/1/20
2020 Elizabeth Conrad Smart 12/7/20
2020 Steven Olson 12/21/20
2021 Raymond Earl Stucke 2/25/21
2021 Gustav Van Tassel 4/23/21
2021 Gordon Higgins 6/24/21
2021 Dale Emery 11/6/21
2022 Steven Johnson 1/25/22
2022 Randolph Cross 3/10/22 2022 Charles Sommers 3/21/22
2022 eodore “Ted” Dockter 8/4/22
2022 Valentine “Val” Rush 11/6/22
2023 Lyla Siebrecht 1/7/23
2023 Robert “Bob” Semrad 05/3/23 2023 Duane Ewers 08/31/23
2023 Lee Gale 10/15/23
2023 Roy Caudill 11/01/23
2024 Richard Unkenholz 01/06/24 2024 Anthony Russell Massartis 02/10/24 2024 Donna Stewart 03/19/24
2024 Lucian Prohaska 03/20/24
1994 Virginia Storm Peasley 12/30/94 2008 Judy Kerr 3/20/08
2024 Patricia Unkenholz 04/22/24
1999 Alice Nearhood 10/2/99
1992 Jessie Ames Pfa" 9/6/92
2002 Ethelyn Jacoway 11/6/02
2008 Iris Allum 8/13/08
2008 Ruth Elmer 9/7/2008
Roll of the Dead – Clergy Spouses
Prior to listed dates, please refer to Conference Archivist, P.O. Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301
1992 Nona (Emmanuel) Hansen 4/26/92
1992 Florence (Robert) Bates 7/3/92
1992 Nette ( eodore)Torgerson 8/23/92
1992 Elsie (Richard) Rowe 10/21/92
1993 Margaret (Roy) Long 2/20/93
1993 Carol (Wesley) Hart 4/15/93
1993 E e Mae (J. Wendell) Walton 9/21/93
1993 Rose (Ira) Herzberg 10/7/93
1993 Anna L. (John) Madison 11/20/93
1994 Blanche (Lewis) Dickinson 1/4/94
1994 Lota (Christopher) Miller 2/6/94
1994 Esther (Rudolph) Rieker 3/1/94
1994 Rhea (Marion) Smith 3/7/94
1994 Rosaline (Charles) Carter 3/23/94
1994 Ester (Reuben A.) Tanquist 5/7/94
1994 Edna (John) Leach 8/31/94
1994 Barbara (Ernest) Jensen 10/20/94
1994 Delores (Joel) Harris 12/5/94
1995 Elva (Sven Samuelson) Nickel 1/10/95
1995 Elizabeth (William) Kugel 1/17/95
1995 Lorine (John B.) Cecil 5/14/95
1995 Sylva (Henry) Allison 9/2/95
1996 Helen Eunice (Charles) McDowell 3/1/96
1996 Joyce B (R Marcus) Walker 8/1/96
1996 Bernice (A W ) Gugin 9/26/96
1996 Myrtle (John) Stuart 10/1/96
1996 Sarah (Frank) Rumer 10/29/96
1996 Edna (Stuart) Parvin 11/18/96
1997 Jessie (Everett) Jarman 5/20/97
1997 Lula (A L ) Walker 10/9/97
1998 Mable (Harold) Eastburn 3/15/98
1998 Ethel (Harold) Wagar 7/28/98
1998 Cora (Harold) Strutz 12/19/98
1999 Esther ( omas) Benoy 7/15/99
1999 Nona (Alvin R ) Crandall 7/17/99
1999 Martha (Ronald) Rice 10/3/99
1999 Bert (Donna) Stewart 11/20/99
2000 Bertha (Elmer) Sprunk 1/28/2000
2000 Dorothy (Henry J ) Gernhardt 2/17/2000
2000 Lucille ( omas) Barnard 3/4/2000
2000 E Darlene (Charles) McVay 4/20/2000
2000 Virginia (Robert) Collitt 11/15/2000
2000 Helen (Leonard) Kruckenberg 11/18/2000
2000 Anna (Norman) Pearson 12/17/2000
2001 Marjorie (John) DeVries 2/22/01
2001 Ruth (William) Arnold 3/5/01
2001 Pauline (Stanley) Caine 8/7/01
2001 Mildred (Edwin O.) Hessel 9/7/01
2002 Erma (Garnett H ) Moritz 1/3/02
2002 Carol (Harvey) Sander 1/25/02
2002 Myrtle L (Charles) Richardson 2/3/02
2002 Cordelia (Donald) Goold 2/21/02
2002 Savilla (Vernon) Morrison 5/14/02
2002 Bette (H. Jack) Berg 11/11/02
2003 Stephen (Gail) Shlanta 5/31/03
2003 Lona (Glenn W.) Phillips 10/17/03
2003 Dorothy (Bee S ) Locher 11/7/03
2003 Elaine (Vincent) Schneider 12/9/03
2004 Betty H (J Ralph) McNeil 2/6/04
2004 Stella (John) Bushell 2/14/04
2004 Florence (Sumner) Williams 10/26/04
2004 Carolyn (Roland) Voegeli 10/30/04
2005 Pat (Earl) Lewis 4/5/05
2005 Margaret (John) McMullen 4/9/05
2005 Alice (Robert) Feind 5/5/05
2005 Gerald (Linda) Baldock 10/29/05
2006 Shirley (Kenneth) Farr 5/3/06
2006 Rubye C. (William) Ellis 9/24/06
2006 Wanda (John) Hisel 9/26/06
2006 Lokiel (Elon) Keeler 10/28/06
2007 Jane (Tom) Lavery 2/3/07
2007 Hazel (Ralph) Dunn 2/18/07
2007 Verna (Otto) Gehring 3/1/07
2007 Tess (“Al”) Aleson 3/3/07
2007 Ruth (Darald) Church 3/18/07
2007 Ruth (Walter) Erbele 7/11/07
2007 Eunice (Millard) Aubey 10/31/07
2008 Ida (Ben) Zimmerman 1/14/08
2008 Florence (Kenneth) Oswald 1/25/08
2008 Mary (Steve) Johnson 2/10/08
2008 Carolyn (William) Meile 2/26/08
2008 Esther (Sterling) Wenzel 3/15/08
2008 Cecelia (Francis) Tannehill 3/29/08
2008 Lillie (James) Torbert 7/7/08
2008 Jane (Clarence) Ketterling 10/2/08
2008 Ruth (Grant) Carlson Snow 11/14/08
2008 Alice (Ted) Dockter 12/26/08
2009 Ruth (Royal) Marty 2/9/09
2009 Jennie (Richard) Stokey 3/15/09
2009 Donna (Glenn) Hammerlee 9/4/09
2009 Maybelle (Wayne) McKirdy 9/10/09
2009 Donna (Darwin) Kopfmann 11/1/09
2010 Luella (Don) Barbalace 1/30/10
2010 Jeanette (Emory) Anderson 3/7/10
2010 Melva (Clarence) Stanley 3/8/10
2010 Ida (John) Iszler 4/27/10
2010 Alice (William) Kaye 10/6/10
2010 Freda (Clarence) Schae"er 11/25/10
2010 Nadia (Clayton) Berry 12/1/10
2011 Grace (Howard) Miller 1/4/11
2011 Leona “Betty” (Robert) Nielsen 1/19/11
2011 Arlue (Roger) omas 4/27/11
2011 Fern (Dwayne) Knight 8/12/11
2011 Pauline (Carleton) Green 12/10/11
2011 Anita (John) Gibson 12/16/11
2011 Shirley (Henry) Goldsack 12/26/11
2012 Nancy (Paul) Smith 2/17/12
2012 Lois (Peder) Ackerman 2/21/12
2012 Mabel (Edward) Ehresman 3/30/12
2012 Helen (Robert) Vessey 6/11/12
2012 E e (Willis) Walker 7/8/12
2012 Viola (Walter) Elmer 7/13/12
2012 Helen (Henry) Vix 8/30/12
2012 Leila “Tibbie” (Harold) Fitch 10/9/12
2012 Naomi (D. James) Farnham 10/10/12
2013 Anne (Ron) Hartung 1/15/13
2013 Annette “Annie” (Wayne) Tieszen 6/27/13
2013 Agnes (Edward) Parker 8/14/2013
2014 Velma (Francis) Kinzler 1/6/14
2014 Eileen (Samuel) Graf 1/8/14
2014 Vinola (Otto) Lehner 1/21/14
2014 Marjorie (Robert) Logan 3/9/14
2014 Evelyn (Wesley) Hunter 5/4/14
2014 Betty Jo (Marvin) Eldridge 8/19/14
2014 Lola (Walter) Schott 8/28/14
2014 Sallie (Max) Meier 10/12/14
2014 Doris (Russell) Wilson 11/13/14
2014 Marjorie (Stanley) Johnson 12/8/14
2015 Wylie (Kathy) Hammond 4/18/15
2015 Bonnie (Roger Smith) Heckathorn 6/17/15
2015 Margaret (Wendell) Janetzki 11/30/15
2015 Margaret “Peg” (Charles) Ritter 12/16/15
2016 Ruth (Gerald) Hill 1/4/16
2016 Harlan (Lyla) Siebrecht 9/30/16
2016 Edna (Harold) Boardman 11/4/16
2016 Verlaine (Roland) Walkes 11/8/16
2017 Geraldine (Frank) Traver 1/13/17
2017 Evelyn (Frank) Whitney 2/23/17
2017 Sharleen "Shari" (Royal) Archer 3/13/17
2017 James (Donna) McLaird 8/31/17
2017 Nancy (Don) Veglahn 10/6/17
2017 Elizabeth (Kenneth) Eastin 10/7/17
2017 Evelyn (Cli"ord) Nielsen 11/8/17
2017 Phyllis (Gerald) Fike 12/13/17
2018 Dorothy (Lloyd) Grinager Lindbloom 4/21/17
2018 Marion (Lionel) Muthiah 6/28/18
2018 Joy (Paul) Custer 8/22/18
2018 Frances (Robert) Wagner 11/9/18
2018 Karla (Darrel) Leach Archer 11/12/18
2019 Melba (Robert) Brown 4/20/19
2019 Barbara (Kenneth) Voas 9/21/19
2020 Royce (Elizabeth Jassmann) Massingill 11/17/19
2020 Barbara (Wesley) Hart 1/25/20
2020 Joyce (Virgil) Holmes 3/19/20
2020 Murray Smith (Donna Kjonaas) 3/19/20
2020 Dorothy (David) Workman 4/9/20
2020 Virginia (Russell)Tarver 5/1/20
2020 Velma (Ervin) Rudolph 6/1/20
2020 Joan (Richard)Teichman 10/2/20
2020 Grace (Peter) Moe 1/3/20
2020 Marian (Glen) Gabel 11/12/20
2020 Yoko (Minoru) Tsukamoto 1/22/20
2020 Darlene (Charles) Finney 11/25/20
2021 Vella Kaye (Glenn) Lord 1/27/21
2021 Judith (John) Katter 2/4/21
2021 Phyllis (Edgar Walter) Erdmann 3/28/21
2021 Doris (James) Vos 5/4/21
2021 Bernice ( eodor “Ted”) Rath 5/22/21
2021 Loretta (James) Stein 6/20/21
2021 Phyllis (John) Sortland 9/7/21
2021 Edythe (William) Cascini 10/8/21
2021 Ronald (Janis Sue Kana-Mackey) Mackey10/23/21
2022 elma (Richard) Moberly 3/9/22
2022 Harlan (Carolyn) Hansum 3/25/22
2022 Doris (Charles) Horner 4/11/22
2022 Donna (Anthony Russell) Masarti 4/11/22
2022 Lois Jane (David) Knecht 5/26/22
2022 Frieda (Irvin) Hultin 6/15/22
2022 Evelyn (Boyd) Blumer 7/16/22
2022 Arlene (James) Towler 10/4/22
2022 Beverly (Otto Edward Jr ) Kinzler 10/18/22
2022 Linnea (George) WorneR 11/14/22
2022 Dan (Jeanine) Kersey-Russell 12/27/22
2023 Harryette (Ralph) Sjursen 2/11/23
2023 Doris (Rodney) Gist 2/14/23
2023 Mary Ann (Wayne) Rager 3/2/23
2023 Lorraine (Edwin) Werner 4/8/23
2023 Amy Eitemiller-Morrison 08/05/2023
2023 Janet Nelson 09/27/23
2023 George Frein 10/04/23
2023 Linda Mayer 12/18/24
2024 Phyllis Klarup 03/18/24
2024 Eileen Wilson 04/04/24
2024 Roger Sayler Sr 04/05/24
2024 Patricia Unkenholz 04/22/24
2024 Bernita Geiman 04/27/24
2008 Otto “Pat” (Elaine) Scott 3/14/2008
Roll of the Dead - Other Clergy
Listed below are other clergy who passed away since May 1 of the previous year Other clergy include those clergy who had a connection to the conference but were not members. Prior to May 1, 2023 please refer to Conference Archivist, PO Box 460, Mitchell SD 57301
Roll of the Dead – Other Clergy
e Rev Berty Hakeem, 86, died Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in Rapid City, South Dakota. He served Methodist and United Methodist churches in the South Dakota Conference at Tripp County Larger Parish (1965-1969), Britton-Langford (1969-1977), Aberdeen Faith-Bath (1977-1980), and Rapid City Canyon Lake (1980-1986) He was District Superintendent of the Western District from 1986 to 1992, when he transferred to the Northern Illinois Conference.
Roll of the Dead – Other Clergy Spouses
Lois Ward, 91, surviving spouse of former clergy Richard Ward, passed away on Saturday, Aug. 12, 2023, at Aberdeen, South Dakota. Together they served Methodist and United Methodist churches in the South Dakota Conference at Draper-Vivian, Tripp-Delmont, Deadwood, Aberdeen First, Rapid City First, and Huron First until 1992, when his conference membership was terminated. Lois served as a lay pastor in Caputa for &ve years, and then at Hills Parish (Hermosa) for &ve years.

In his retirement speech, Rev. Jeff Adel, right, shared words of appreciation for the churches and colleagues that impacted his ministry journey. (Photo by jlynn studios.)
Rev. Jeff Adel

Rev. Jeff Adel’s path to ministry was not as straightforward as some. Pastor Jeff started as a lawyer before getting heavily involved in his local church and experiencing his call to ministry.
“I went to the University of South Dakota Law School, and I worked for the state of South Dakota from 1985 to 1991. en was in a private practice with a partner, Casey Bridgeman, from 1991 to 2000,” he shares.
With his wife, Wanda, Rev. Jeff Adel experienced his call to ministry through laity work at the United Methodist Church in Wessington Springs, South Dakota.
He describes, “We just kind of got more and more involved in the church. Both of us had just about every position there was for a lay person. I also did some lay
Rev. Paul Budd

Honesty, understanding loss, and hearing God are critical aspects of Rev. Paul Budd’s ministry journey.
“We all have losses. We need to understand those losses. When someone approaches me, I say, ‘How is it going?’” ey say, ‘Well, my cat died, and it isn’t a big deal.’ I say, ‘No, it is not just a cat.’ We need to talk and learn so much. Folks are willing to be honest, especially as we age, and we are more willing to hear God,” said Rev. Paul Budd, Dakotas Conference elder.
Rev. Paul Budd has been a chaplain at John Knox Village, a retirement community in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, for 40 years.
He grew up around Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and attended a non-denominational church. He found his home in the Wesleyan tradition from his father-in-law, Rev. Harold Fitch. “I decided I needed to go the United Methodist route. I
speaking at that time. It was in 2006 that Wanda and I felt we were being led for me to go to seminary.”
Once Jeff experienced his call to ministry, he did not give up on his legal work. He continued to work as a lawyer throughout seminary.
After completing seminary, Jeff was given his first official appointment. “I got my first United Methodist appointment in 2008, to the United Methodist Church in North Sioux City. It was also known as the McCook Lake Church,” He said.
He served at McCook Lake for three years before moving with his wife to Gettysburg, where he served Gettysburg, Onida, and Agar.
In retirement, Jeff and Wanda will move to Pierre, South Dakota, where they will make spending time together a priority.
hadn’t planned on seminary. Suddenly, there was an opening in Tolstoy and Bowdle. ey had my name because I had been helping my father-in-law, Harold Fitch, in Sturgis, South Dakota. ey asked, ‘Would you come and be a local pastor?’ I did that for three years,” said Pastor Paul. “I knew then the United Methodist system was a fit for me. I decided then that I needed to go to seminary.”
Budd headed to St. Paul eological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri. After completing seminary, Pastor Paul became a chaplain at John Knox Village. “I went to school here and then just felt like John Knox Village was the place to be. I have been here since I graduated from seminary,” said Pastor Paul. “I missed the local church, yet this felt like a good fit for me.”
In retirement, Rev. Budd will continue to live in the same area. He currently works about 20 hours a week at John Knox Village, and his son and grandchildren live in the area.
Rev. Barbara Krumm

Pastor Barbara Krumm has been Licensed Local Pastor for a few short, but meaningful years. She served as Edgely and Ellendale in North Dakota.
She describes her relationship with God as, “something that kind of just grows on you.” She grew up going to church with her parents and attending Sunday School at a small, reformed church in Artas, South Dakota. Barbara talked about how her journey was “slow and steady,” but she knew that there was always a greater plan for her life.
As custom harvesters, Barbara and her husband travelled to Oklahoma where they met all kinds of people. Since Barbara’s ministry is in a farming community, she feels that all of her experience has helped her connect to the church in a unique way. “I can relate to farmers. I can relate to harvest season.
I can relate to all that kind of stuff, which is unique.” She also said, “Sitting in the pew for most of my life, instead of standing up behind the pulpit has given me a better way of relating to the people sitting in that pew.”
She got her start in ministry later in life, first as a youth leader in Eureka, South Dakota. Barbara then was asked by her mentor Rev. Bob Duemig to assist with pulpit supply while he was away. e church of Eureka, Rev. Bob Duemig, and her husband David, all encouraged her to pursue a path of ministry and Barbara could not be more grateful to them for their support. “I always tell people I did not pursue this calling. It pursued me.”
In retirement Barbara hopes to focus on being a good wife, mom, and grandma. She loves spending time with her 7 grandkids and is excited to see them more often. Barbara is also looking forward to going to more car shows with her husband, who is also retired.
Rev. Kathleen Udehn

In 2016, Pastor Kippy began serving as a Licensed Local Pastor at United Methodist churches in De Smet and then Hitchcock, South Dakota.
Before retiring, she was serving at Blunt, Highmore, and Harold, South Dakota. While serving the threepoint charge she helped to launch a preschool at the United Methodist Church in Blunt. She guided the three
congregations through the pandemic, mission work, and expanding youth and children’s ministry.
She is a lifelong learner, speaker and teacher. She holds two master’s degree, several continuing education credits, and undergraduate degrees from Indiana University, and University of Illinois at Urbana.
In retirement, Pastor Kippy is living in Iowa near family and friends.
2024 New Clergy

Ordained 2024
From left to right; Rev. Janice Thompson, Rev. Michele Slott, and Bishop Lanette Plambeck (Photo by jlynn studios )
Commissioned 2024
From left to right; Rev. Cindy Heidelberger, Rev. Allison Galbreath, Rev. Annie Carlson, Rev. Stephanie Ellison, and Bishop Lanette Plambeck. (Photo by jlynn studios.)

Notes About the Service Records
The following code system has been adopted to designate the status of the ministers appointed:
AF Affliate member-Par. 344.4, 586.4d
AM Associate member-Par 321
CLM Certifed Lay Minister-Par. 271
DM Diaconal Minister-Par 309 1 (1992 Discipline)
DR Retired Diaconal Minister-Par 313 2 (1992 Discipline)
FD Deacon in full connection-Par 331
FE Elder in full connection-Par 335
FL Full time Local Pastor-Par 318 1
LTFT Less than full time-Par 331 7, 338 2b, 428 7
OA Associate Member of other Ann Conf -Par 346 1
OD Deacon Member of other Ann Conf -Par 346 1
OE Elder Member of other Ann Conf -Par 346 1
OF Full Member of other denomination-Par 346 2
Pension Records are Offcial.
OL Other Local Pastor
OP Provisional Member of other Ann Conf -Par 346 1
OR Retired Elder Member of other Ann Conf -Par 346 1
PD Provisional Deacon-Par 324, 325
PE Provisional Elder-Par 324, 325
PL Part-time Local Pastor-Par 318 2
PM Provisional Member
RA Retired Associate Member-Par 358 6
RD Retired Deacon in full connection-Par 358 6
RE Retired Full Elder-Par 358 6
RL Retired Local Pastor-Par 320 5
SP Student Local Pastor-Par 318 3
SY Supply
The following records are for informational purpose. The “offcial” record is held by the Board of Pensions If you are concerned about Pension credit, contact Pensions
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We prefer pictures electronically and recommend all pastors have their picture taken at Annual Conference on the years we have a professional. A professionally done picture can be used, but disc is best
Dakotas Conference
We generally put in the information about your service within the Dakotas Conference and not details about service elsewhere Information about adult and minor children is included as provided by the clergy. If a clergy wishes not to list information related to children notifcation must be given to the Conference offce.

Service Records
ACKERMAN, QUAYA - PE. Licensed 17; Commissioned & PM 21.
Appts: 17 Arthur; 10/1/21 Rapid City Rapid Valley. BS NDSU; MA Globe University; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
ADAMS, BRUCE J - FE. Deacon & PM 87; Elder & FM 89.
Appts: 81-82 Summer youth intern Fairfield, Iowa, First Baptist Church; 83-84 Starkweather-Hampden; 86 Ellis/ Brothersfield; 87 Kulm- Jud; 92 Edgely/ Kulm; 01 Faulkton/ Seneca; 06 Lead-Deadwood Trinity; 12 Mandan. BA DWU; MDiv North American Baptist.
ADEL, JEFF - RE. Commissioned & PM 09; Elder & FM 12.
Appts: 08 McCook Lake; 11 Gettysburg/ Onida/ Agar; 1/8/23 Gettysburg/ Onida; 24 Retired.
ALESON, DARREL - RE. Deacon & PM 72; Elder & FM 75
Appts: 72 School; 74 Holmes/ Pleasant View/ Thompson; 77 Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, KS; 78 Cando/ Churches Ferry; 81 Williston/ Grenora/ Bainville; 84 Transfer to Yellowstone Conf; 88 Transfer to ND Conf; 88 St. Alexius Medical Center, Bismarck; 92 St. Alexius Medical Center and Driscoll; 08 Underwood (LTFT); 11 Retired. BA Westmar; BS UND; MDiv Iliff.
ALESON, DENNIS E - RE. Deacon & PM 73; Elder & FM 76.
Appts: 73 School; 75 Hettinger Bethany; 77 Chaplain, USAF; 9/1/03 Retired from USAF; 04 Leave of Absence; 09 Retired. BA Westmar; MDiv Iliff; CAPS Pacific School of Religion.
ALLEN, JOEL - FE. Commissioned 02; FM 05.
Appts: 13 transferred from Kentucky Conf; 13 DWU. BA Crown College, St. Bonifacius, MN; MDiv Asbury; PhD Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
ANDERSON, JENNIFER - FE. Commissioned & PM 12; Elder & FM 17.
Appts: 07 New Rockford/ Kvernes ELCA; 12 Extension North Carolina Conf (Durham, Calvary) (3/4); 17 Extension Minnesota Conf (Burnsville Grace), 19 Extension Minnesota Conf (Roseville/St. Anthony Park, Centennial). BA Jamestown; MDiv Duke.
ANDERSON, JOHN E - PL. Licensed 20 PL.
Appts: 1/1/20 Woonsocket Interim (3/4) DS assignment; 20 Woonsocket (3/4). BA Augustana, PhD Baylor, MTS Duke Divinity
ANDERSON, NICOLE - FE. Commissioned & PM 16; Elder & FM 19.
Appts: 16 Vermillion/ Gayville- Violin; 17 Vermillion; 20 Extension Minnesota Conf (Hope UMC, Duluth); 23 Extension Lake Poinsett Camp. BA DWU; MDiv Garrett- Evangelical.
ANDERSON, PEDER O - RE. Deacon & PM 79; Elder & FM 81.
Appts: 78 School; 79 Grace City/ Sutton; 83 Tuttle/ Robinson; 86 Hettinger/ Bethany; 8/1/88 Kindred/ Kindred Zion; 91 Sabbatical Leave; 92 Leave of Absence (June-Dec); 12/92 Antelope (1/4); 3/1/01 Fargo Calvary (1/2)/ Antelope (1/4); 7/1/01 Fargo Calvary (1/2); 1/1/02 Fargo Calvary (3/4); 1/1/06 Fargo Calvary; 10 Washburn/ Center/ Turtle Lake; 14 Retired. BS UND; MDiv Asbury
ANDREWS, DAVID - RE. Deacon & PM 69; Elder & FM 73.
Appts: 69 School; 71 Transfer to SD Conf; 71 Draper/ Murdo; 10/73 Murdo/ Draper/ Vivian; 76 Arlington/ Lake Preston; 79 Transfer to ND Conf; 79 Hazen/ Riverdale Community; 81 Hazen; 86 Fargo Edgewood; 96 Oakes/ Cogswell; 03 Miller/ Greenleaf; 08 Retired. 8/1/10 Wahpeton UMC Interim (3/4); 1/1/13-7/1/13 Lisbon (3/4). BA UND; MDiv Asbury.
ANDREWS, DONALD - RE. Deacon & PM 68; Elder & FM 70.
Appts: 68 School; 70 Hillsboro; 79 Bismarck McCabe; 86 School; 10/87 St James Community Hospital, Butte, MT; 10/88 Trinity Medical Center, Minot; 03 Rugby Emmanuel United UMC/PCUSA (LTFT); 07 Retired; 07-20 Rugby Emmanuel United UMC/ PCUSA (LTFT). BS Minot State; MDiv Saint Paul.

ARCHER, ROYAL - RE. Elder (Orders recognized) & PM 96; FM 00.
Appts: 7/95 Geddes/ Delmont, 00 Aberdeen North Highland; 05 Gregory/ Iona, 14 Gregory; 20 Retired; 20 Winner (1/4) and Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance (1/4); 22-23 Winner (1/4). BA Mid-American Nazarene; MDiv North American Baptist.
ARNOLD, GAIL - RE. Deacon & PM 91; Elder & FM 93.
Appts: 91 New Rockford/ Grace City, 96 DeSmet/ DeSmet UCC; 03 Belle Fourche; 11 Retired; 11-14 Camp Crook/ Buffalo UCC (1/4). BS University of LaVerne; MDiv Saint Paul.
AVERY, MARTIN - FE. Commissioned & PM 15; Elder & FM 22.
Appts: 12 Wessington Springs; 15 Fargo Faith; 17 Leave of Absence (para 353.2a); 2/5/18 Extension to Richland/ Colfax Our Savior’s Lutheran, ELCA (para 344.1(d)); 2/3/19 Extension to Canaan Moravian (para 344.1(d)); 12/1/21 Extension Gran Lutheran, Mayville ND (para 344.1(d)). BS USD; MDiv Iliff.
BADER, DANIEL P - FE. PL 94; Deacon & PM 00; Elder & FM 02.
Appts: 94 White Lake/ Underwood; 97 West Ohio Conf; 00 Huron Riverview/ Virgil; 04 Valley City Epworth; 12 Pierre First; 18 Extension Minnesota Conf (Stillwater) (para 346.1); 4/1/22 Rapid City Canyon Lake interim (on loan from Stillwater, MN); 22 Southwest District Superintendent. BA DWU; MDiv Methodist Theological School Ohio.
BAIRD, HOWARD - FE. Commissioned & PM 03; Elder & FM 06.
Appts: 03 Mitchell; 10/1/04 DeSmet; 08 Piedmont; 13 Grand Forks Wesley; 5/4/17 Medical Leave. BA Concordia; MDiv Iliff.
BAKER, RAYMOND L - FE. Deacon & PM 87; Elder & FM 90.
Appts: 87 School; 88 Casselton/ Leonard; 92 Arthur/ Casselton/ Hunter; 95 Watertown First; 96 Director of Camping & Youth Ministries; 04 NW Superintendent; 10 Bismarck McCabe; 13 Minot Vincent; 17 Fargo Faith (1/1/22 – 3/31/22 Short-Term Leave). BS UND; MDiv Saint Paul.
BALDOCK, LINDA - RE. License 93 (Iowa); Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 99.
Appts: 96 School; 97 Pembina/ Joliette/ Humboldt; 06 Milnor/ Wyndmere/ Sheldon; 08 Rapid Valley/Knollwood Heights; 10 White River/ Mission; 17 Retired; 17-18 White River/ Mission (3/4). BA Moorhead State; MDiv Saint Paul.
BALLARD, KENNETH - RL; Licensed 06; Transfer to Dakotas Conf 06.
Appts: 8/15/06 Edgeley/ Kulm; 08 Edgeley/ Kulm/ Nortonville; 12 Sundance, WY; 15 Webster/ BristolButler; 19 Eureka; 21 Retired. Colorado School of Trades; Course of Study Saint Paul.
BALL-KILBOURNE, DEBRA G - RE. Deacon & PM 76 (Iowa Conf) Elder & FM 79 (Baltimore Conf).
Appts: 83 Transfer to ND Conf; 83 Washburn-Center-Riverdale Community; 85 Western District Superintendent (ND Conf); 87 Jamestown First; 91-2/92 Maternity Leave (Para. 426.1); 92-97 Tennessee Conf; 97 West Fargo; 00 Director of Mission Engagement; 03 Northeast District Superintendent; 09 Bishop’s Assistant for Disaster Relief; 10 Minot Faith/ Des Lacs; 16 Retired; 1/20-21 Detroit Lakes (Minnesota Conf) (LTFT). BA Buena Vista; MCE Garrett-Evangelical; MDiv Garrett- Evangelical.
BALL-KILBOURNE, GARY L - RE. Deacon & PM 76 (Baltimore Conf); Elder & FM 79 (Baltimore Conf).
Appts: 76 School; 78 Harpers Ferry Parish (WV); 80 School; 83 Transfer to ND Conf; 83 Washburn/ Center/ Riverdale Community; 85 Center; 87 Jamestown First; 91 General Board of Discipleship; 97 Fargo First; 04 Jamestown Saint Paul; 10 Minot Vincent; 13 Retired; 13- 15 Martin/ Drake (LTFT); 1/20-21 Detroit Lakes (Minnesota Conf) (LTFT). BA McDaniel; MDiv Garrett- Evangelical; MA Vanderbilt; PhD Vanderbilt. BANWART, JUDY - RE. Commissioned & PM 06; Elder & FM 09. Appts: 04 Hettinger; 12 Langdon; 16 Retired. BA Univ of Iowa; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
BARTEL, ANDREW J - FE. Licensed 06; Commissioned & PM 09; Elder & FM 12. Appts: 8/15/06 Wakonda/ Irene/ Viborg; 09 Mitchell First; 9/20/10 Extension Wesley Acres Camp Director; 12 Milbank Central; 15 Extension Alaska Conf (Anchorage, St John). BS University of AlaskaAnchorage; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.

BASS, GERALD - RE. Licensed 01; Commissioned & PM 04; Elder & FM 07.
Appts: 9/15/01 Grand Forks Wesley; 03 West Fargo; 05 Grand Forks Wesley; 13 Retired; 7/1/13 Extension Minnesota Conf (LTFT); 9/15/14 St Thomas UMC, Grafton Federated UMC/PC-USA, Minto Knox PCUSA; 16-17 St Thomas (1/4); 17-18 Grand Forks Wesley, less than full-time; 20-22 St Thomas (1/4).
BSEd; MEd UND; EdD UND; MDiv North American Baptist.
BATES, WILLIAM L, JR - RE. Deacon & PM 70; Elder & FM 74.
Appts: 70 School; 73 Fairmount/ Bethany/ Rosholt; 76 Grand Forks Zion; 86 Eastern District Superintendent (ND Conf); 91 Fargo First; 00 Minot Vincent; 05 Sioux Falls First; 12 Retired; 11/1/12 Ben Clare (LTFT). BA UND; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical; DDiv DWU.
BEHRENS, HAZEL - RE. Commissioned 07; Elder & FM 10. Appts: 99 Brothersfield; 00 Wakonda/ Irene/ Viborg/ Brothersfield; 04 no appointment; 05 Brothersfield; 06 Elgin (Bethesda)/ Zoar/ Ebenezer UCC; 09 Elgin (Bethesda)/ Ebenezer UCC; 13 Streeter/ Medina/ Tappen; 18 Retired.
BENSINGER, RICHARD – FL. LLP Transfer from Virginia Conference 24. Appts: 1/1/24 Rapid City First.
BERKENPAS, DARLIS A - RE. Deacon & PM 84; Elder & FM 87.
Appts: 84 School; 85 Yankton/ Gayville/ Volin Associate; 89 Huron Riverview/ Virgil; 95 Sioux Falls Asbury; 07 Spearfish; 7/1/11 Sabbatical; 11/1/11 Retired. BA Morningside College; MDiv Vanderbilt.
BERNARD, MARY ANN - RE. 22 Readmitted from HL to FE.
Appts: 80 School; 82 Elgin-Zoar- Ebenezer (UCC); 12/83 Minot Vincent; 85 Transfer to Iowa Conf; 91 Transfer to ND Conf; 91 Center for Vision and Policy, University of New England; 92 Ellendale United/ Guelph, 96 Westminster Presbyterian Sioux Falls; 98 Honorable Location; 20 Wahpeton Evergreen; 23 Retired. BS UND; MDiv Garrett.
BIRKELAND, DAVID - RA. Licensed 96; AM 02.
Appts: 96 Rock Lake/ Rolla/ Clyde; 00 Bowbells/ Donnybrook/ Kenmare; 08 Devils Lake; 13 Hazen/ Beulah; 16 Cresbard/ Tolstoy; 18 Retired; 20 Extension Walnut Grove, MN (1/4). AA Williston; BS UND; Briercrest; Course of Study Saint Paul.
BLACKBURN, ROBERT - FL. Licensed 21.
Appts: 21 Langdon.
BLAIR, NEIL - RE. Orders recognized 09; FM 11.
Appts: 11 Extension Foundation for Evangelism; 12 Transition Leave; 2/1/13 Extension GBHEM Executive Director of Institutional Advancement; 16 President, St. Paul School of Theology, Kansas City, MO; 23 Retired.
BLANK, BRYCE - PE. Commissioned & PM 22.
Appt: 22 Watertown First Associate. BA DWU; MDiv Perkins School of Theology.
BLUMER, BOYD ARDELL - RE. Deacon & PM 51; Elder & FM 56.
Appts: 56 Goodrich/ Chaseley; 60 Clear Lake EUB-Meth; 67 Clear Lake/ Gary; 71 Aberdeen Faith; 76 Aberdeen Faith/ Bath; 77 Sioux Falls First; 80 Hartford; 84 Sturgis; 8/1/89 Northern District Superintendent (SD Conf); 93 Central District Superintendent (SD Conf); 95 Mission-Tree of Life Ministry; 97 Retired. BA Westmar; MDiv Garrett; DMin McCormick.
BOCKWOLDT, STANTON - FE. Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 00.
Appts: 96 School; 98 Drayton- Glasston; 01 Woonsocket; 02 Streeter/ Tappan/ Medina; 04 Wessington Springs; 08 Extension Illinois Conf (New Lenox, Peace Lutheran); 15 Extension Wisconsin Conf (Mosinee); 17 Extension Wisconsin Conf (Shullburg Centenary). BA DWU; MDiv Candler.

BOHN, TIANA - PL. Licensed 21.
Appt: 21 Milnor (1/4). AA North Dakota State College of Science; BS Dickinson State University
BORMAN, LAURA - RE. FL 01; Commissioned 03; Elder & FM 07.
Appts: 01 Sioux Falls Wesley; 16 Retired. MDiv North American Baptist Seminary.
BOYD, DICK WILLARD - RE. Deacon & PM 76; Elder & FM 80.
Appts: 76 School; 79 Conde/ Andover; 3/1/82 Rapid City South Maple, 89 Milbank Central; 97 Jamestown First; 06 Sioux Falls First; 12 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Asbury.
BRENNAN, MICHELLE - RD. Deacon & PM 03; Deacon& FM 06.
Appts: 03 Minot Vincent. 10/1/08 Jamestown First; 12/31/21 Retired. BS Minot State Univ; Deacon Studies Garrett- Evangelical.
BRITT, JOHN - FL. Licensed 12.
Appts: 12 Rapid City First; 16 Winner ; 20 Piedmont. BS University of Connecticut, MS Central Connecticut State University; COS completed.
BROCKWAY, ALLAN R - RE. PM 54 (North Arkansas Conf); Deacon 56; Elder & FM 57.
Appts: 53 Morrilton (North Arkansas Conf); 56 Bryan, TX; 57 Transfer to NW Texas Conf; 61 School; 63 Board of Christian Social Concerns; 75 General Board of Church and Society; 77 transferred to ND Conf; 77 Editor Engage/ Social Action; 79 World Council of Churches; 89 Retired. BA Hendrix; BD Perkins; MA Chicago.
BROSCHAT, LORI - FE. Commissioned & PM 03; Elder & FM 06.
Appts: 97-99 Intern at Williston/ Grenora/ Bainville; 03 New Rockford/ Grace City; 10/1/06 New Rockford/ Grace City/ Kvernes ELCA; 07 Cavalier Trinity/ Cavalier First; 13 Devils Lake; 6/1/21 Medical Leave. AS Minot State; BA UND; MDiv Asbury.
BUCHHOLZ, JORDAN - PL. Licensed 20.
Appt: 19 Salem Unite (3/4) lay supply; 5/15/20 Salem Unite (3/4) LLP; 22 Extension Sioux Falls The Collective (new church start) (1/4). BA DWU; COS completed.
BUDD, PAUL E - RE. Licensed 80; Deacon & PM 84; Elder & FM 87. Appts: 80 Bowdle/ Tolstoy; 82 School; 85 John Knox Village; 24 Retired. BA Open Bible College; MDiv Saint Paul.
BURNS, JERI - RE. Commissioned & PM 03; Elder & FM 06. Appts: 03 Chaplain Avera McKennan, Sioux Falls; 06 Chaplain Rapid City Regional Hospital; 09 Chaplain Avera Sacred Heart, Yankton; 12/09 - 6/10 Leave of Absence; 10 Extension Promise Regional Medical Center; 13 Pierre Southeast; 15 Leave of Absence; 16 Retired. BS Univ of Omaha; MBA USD; MDiv North American Baptist.
BUSH, TARA – PL. Licensed 23.
Appt: 22 Ethan (1/2) as lay supply; 6/1/23 Ethan (1/2) as LLP. BS SDSU.
CARLSON, ANNIE - PE. Licensed 21; Commissioned & PM 24.
Appts: 21 Washburn/ Center lay supply; 9/1/21 Washburn/ Center (3/4) LLP; 6/1/22 Washburn/ Center (fulltime); 24 Washburn (1/2), Bismarck Legacy (1/2) (Pastor of Discipleship). BS NDSU; MDiv Kairos University.

CERTA-WERNER, THANAEL - PE. Commissioned & PM 22.
Appt: 22 Cavalier Trinity; 23 Burke/ Herrick; 11/1/23 Burke/ Herrick/ Gregory (Abundance Parish). BA DWU; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
CHESNEY, KATHY - FE. Licensed 08; Commissioned & PM 10; Elder & FM 16.
Appts: 08 Philip/ Interior. BME Olivet College; MS SDSU; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
Appt: 18 White River/ Mission; 22 Lead Trinity. BS NSU; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
COATES, J EDWIN - RE. Trial & Deacon 61; Elder & FM 66.
Appts: 58 Student Supply Piedmont/ Caputa; 61 Mission & School; 61 Stockland, IL; 66 Presho/ Vivian; 71 Timber Lake; 72 Timber Lake (UMC-ALC)/ Isabel UCC; 79 Winner; 88 Mitchell; 96 Redfield/ Ashton; 05 Retired; 2/1/06-6/30/06 Newcastle First WY (LTFT) (Rocky Mountain Conf); 07 Custer/ Fall River Parish; 09-11 Prairieview (Custer & Fall River churches merged). BS Eastern IL; BD Evangelical Theological Seminary; DD DWU.
COATES, R DUANE - FE. Commissioned & PE 05. Elder & FM 09.
Appts: 05 School; 06 Brookings; 10 Wagner/ Tyndall; 14 Sioux Falls Southern Hills; 16 Hettinger; 22 Valley City Epworth. BS SDSU; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
CRAIG, RICHARD - FL. Licensed 04.
Appts: 03 Velva; 04 Linton/ Moffit; 06 Linton/ Sterling/ Moffit; 08 Cando/ Rock Lake/ Rolla; 22 Minot Faith/ Des Lacs. Course of Study completed.
CRIPPEN, DONALD C - RE. Deacon & PM 76 (Missouri East); Elder & FM 78.
Appts: 76 Transfer to ND Conf; 76 Marion/ Dickey; 78 Minot North Hill/ Des Lacs; 80 Chaplain, U.S. Army; 7/16/00 Jamestown Saint Paul. 04 Retired; 08 Returned to active service, 08 Huron First; 12 Retired. BA Northwest Bible; MDiv Midwestern Baptist; Med Vanderbilt.
CULVER, KERMIT LLOYD - RE. Deacon & PM 79; Elder & FM 82.
Appts: 79 School; 81 Stickney; 84 Rapid City First; 88 DWU University; 96 Bismarck First; 10 Bismarck Legacy (formerly Bismarck First); 16 Sakakawea District Superintendent (17 name change to Northwest District); 20 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Asbury.
DIEHL, DOUGLAS E - RE. Deacon & PM 76; Elder & FM 79.
Appts: 76 School; 78 Bismarck First; 80 Transfer to SD Conf; 3/80 Rapid City First; 9/83 Britton/ Langford/ Langford Presbyterian-Pierpont Community; 91 Transfer to ND Conf; 91 Grand Forks Zion; 98 Northwest District Superintendent; 01 Rapid City First; 13 Medical Leave; 14 Retired; 14-15 Coordinator of Missional Leadership Development (LTFT). BA University of Mary; MDiv Asbury.
DINGER, DON – PE. Licensed 07; Commissioned & PM 23. Appts: 7/1/16 Bismarck Legacy (Associate) (1/4); 1/1/2019 Bismarck Legacy (1/2); 7/1/2019 Bismarck Legacy (1/4)/ Bismarck Calvary (3/4); 2/27/20 Bismarck Legacy (3/4); 8/1/22 Steele/ Tuttle; 23 Steele. BA Trinity Bible College; MDiv Kairos University.
DORFMAN, TIFF - FL. Licensed 21.
Appt: 21 Extension (para 344.1.d) Luther Manor & Sanford Medical Center, Sioux Falls; 2/27/24 Extension (para 344.1.d) Sanford Medical Center, Sioux Falls (1/2). BS USD.
DUCKER, KRISTA - PE. Licensed 16; Commissioned & PM 23.
Appts: 8/1/16-2/10/17 Sioux Falls Southern Hills (3/4); 2/11/17 no appointment; 18 White/ Sterling (1/4); 20 Brookings First Associate (3/4); 22 Ben Clare (1/4); 23 Ben Clare (1/4) and Extension Avera Chaplain (1/2). BA University of Durham, UK; MATR University of Durham, UK; MDiv Kairos University.

DUNHAM, BRANDON - FL. Licensed 18.
Appt: 18 Groton/ Conde; 23 Harrisburg.
EARL, JENENE - FE. 04 Transfer N Alabama Conf; Licensed 04; Commissioned & PM 09; Elder & FM 12
Appts: 04 Highmore/ Harrold/ Blunt; 11 Sturgis. BS Lee College; MDiv Asbury.
EARLY, ANDY – PL. Licensed 17.
Appt: 1/1/18 Bismarck Legacy South; 8/1/22 Bismarck Legacy South (3/4) & Bismarck Calvary (1/4); 1/1/24 Bismarck Legacy South (1/2) & Bismarck Calvary (1/2); 7/15/24 Bismarck Calvary (1/2) .
EBERHART, EMIL H - RE. Licensed 62; Elder & FM 68.
Appts: 65 School; 66 Student Intern Bismarck First; 68 Intern at Elgin, IL State Hosp; 69 Tripp County; 72 Arlington/ Lake Preston; 75 Sioux Falls Minister at Large, Asbury & Sunnycrest/ Ellis; 76 Dell Rapids/ Garretson; 78 Chaplain, SD State Penitentiary; 11/15/80 Aberdeen Faith; 87 Brookings; 95 Sabbatical Leave; 96 Groton/ Conde; 97 Groton/ Conde/ Andover; 99 Sioux Falls First; 02 McCook Lake; 03 Sioux Falls Hilltop; 05 Retired; 10/06-6/07 Canistota United; 4/08-6/08 Aberdeen North Highland (1/2); 7/08-9/08 Flandreau/ Egan (1/2); 4/10- 6/10 Hartford; 10/10-6/11 Mitchell First (1/2). BA Westmar; MDiv Evangelical; DMin McCormick.

EBERHART, PENELOPE V - RE. Deacon & PM 76; Elder & FM 78.
Appts: 76 Dell Rapids/ Garretson; 81 Bath/ Barnard UCC (1/2); 82 Aberdeen North Highland; 87 Brookings; 95 Central District Superintendent; 99 Sioux Falls First; 02 Sioux Falls Hilltop; 05 Retired. 4/08-6/08 Aberdeen North Highland (1/2); BA Westmar; MRE Evangelical; MDiv North American Baptist.
EBERHART, REBECCA - FE. Commissioned & PM 03; Elder & FM 07.
Appts: 00 Mitchell First; 03 Tennessee Conf (para 337.1); 04 Extension Programs for Theological Exploration of Vocation; 07 Vanderbilt Divinity School; 10 Garrett-Evangelical. BA Centre College; MDiv Vanderbilt.
EBERHART, TIMOTHY - FE. Commissioned & PM 00; Elder & FM 03.
Appts: 96-97 Doland/ Frankfort (FL); 00 DWU Campus Ministry; 03 School; 12 Garrett-Evangelical. BA St Olaf; MDiv Vanderbilt; PhD Vanderbilt.
EHRMANTRAUT, MARK - FE. Licensed 08; Commissioned & PM 12; Elder & FM 17.
Appts: 08 Aberdeen North Highland; 13 Beresford; 16 Bismarck McCabe (Discipleship); 1/1/18 Bismarck McCabe (Executive); 19 Leave of Absence; 11/1/21 Minot Vincent. BS NDSU; MS Miami Univ (Ohio); EdS Miami Univ (Ohio); MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
EICHINGER, CONNIE K - PL. Licensed 12.
Appt: 11/1/12 Faith/ Marcus Presbyterian (1/2).
EIDEM, DEANN HARDY - FE. Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 00.
Appts: 96 Scotland/ Tyndall; 98 Wagner/ Tyndall; 01 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 03 Family Leave; 12 Rapid City Canyon Lake (1/2); 3/1/20 Rapid City Canyon Lake (1/4); 9/1/20 Family Leave; 10/1/20 Rapid City Canyon Lake Lead Pastor Interim; 7/1/21 Rapid City Canyon Lake Lead Pastor; 4/1/22 Rapid City Canyon Lake (1/2); 6/1/22 Voluntary Leave of Absence (para 353.2.a); 23 Extension Stillwater Hospice (1/2). BA Augustana; MDiv Saint Paul.
ELIASON, STEPHANIE - PE. Licensed 21; Commissioned & PM 24.
Appts: 21 Alexandria (1/4); 22 Rapid City Canyon Lake (Associate). BA Luther College; MDiv Kairos University.

ELLINGSON, MARK S - RE. Deacon & PM 81; Elder & FM 86.
Appts: 81 School; 82 Bowbells/ Coteau/ Kenmare/ Donnybrook; 84 Holmes/ Thompson; 08 Holmes; 9/7/10 Extension Hospice of the Red River Valley (3/4)/ Holmes (1/4); 7/1/11 Extension Hospice of the Red River Valley; 1/3/12 Extension Altru Health Systems; 6/1/15 Extension Manager of Pastoral Services Altru Health System, Grand Forks; 8/31/20 Extension LifeSource; 23 Retired; 23 – 12/31/23 Extension Life Source. BS Moorhead State; MDiv Asbury.
ELMER, DONALD - RE. Deacon & PM 63; Elder & FM 70.
Appts: 63 School; 67 Peace Corps; 69 School; 70 Northwest Community Organization Chicago; 75 Metropolitan Area Housing Alliance Chicago; 77 Washington Innercity Self-Help DC; 81 Metro Organizations for People, Denver; 85 United Campus Ministries, Denver; 87 Center for Community Change, San Francisco; 99 Leave of Absence; 00 Center for Community Change, San Francisco/ Seattle; 08 Retired. BA Westmar; MDiv Garrett- Evangelical.
ENNEN, RITA – PL. Licensed 23.
Appt: 23 Dickinson (1/2). MS University of North Texas.
ERICKSON, JOHN T ”Jack” - RE. Trial & Deacon 66; Elder & FM 69.
Appts: 66 School; 69 Gayville/ Volin/ Irene/ Wakonda; 72 Sioux Falls First; 73 Milbank Parkview/ Corona; 79 Deadwood; 85 Groton/ Columbia UCC; 88 Murdo/ Draper; 91 Britton/ Langford/ Langford PC/ Pierpont Community; 95 Fargo Faith; 00 Milnor/ Wyndmere/ Lidgerwood; 05 Milnor/ Wyndmere/ Sheldon. 06 Retired; 08 – 11/1/23 Aberdeen Faith (LTFT). BA DWU; MDiv Methodist Theological School Ohio.
FELBERG, TIA - PL. Licensed 20.
Appt: 10/1/20 Iroquois/ Esmond/ De Smet (3/4). BS Northern State University.
FIKE, GERALD - RE. On trial 62; Deacon & PM 63; Elder & FM 66.
Appts: 61 Rock Lake/ Hansboro/ Clyde; 62 School; 65 Grace City/ Juanita/Sutton; 67 Drayton/ Bowmont; 73 McClusky/ Turtle Lake; 78 Turtle Lake/ Underwood; 83 Bismarck Calvary; 87 Elgin/ Zoar; 92 Cavalier Trinity/ Cavalier First/ Neche. 98 Retired. BA Cascade College; BD Asbury.
FINKE, TRAVIS - PL. Licensed 17.
Appt: 17 Sioux Falls Embrace Sertoma Campus (3/4). BA SDSU.
FISHER, RICHARD W - RE. Deacon & PM 62; Elder & FM 64.
Appts: 64 Parker; 12/67 Arlington/ Lake Preston; 72 Sioux Falls Asbury; 9/15/80 Western District Superintendent (SD Conf); 86 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 9/1/89 Conf Council Director; 99 Director of Leadership Development; 01 Retired. BA Hamline; MDiv Drew; DD Dakota Wesleyan.
FLEMING, VERONICA - FL. Licensed 17.
Appts: 17 North Prairie Parish – Mohall/ Sherwood/ Bowbells; 19 Kenmare ReNew/ Bowbells/ Sherwood; 6/1/22 Arthur.
FLOWERS, MIKE - RL Licensed 11.
Appts: 11 Extension Children of the Harvest/ Spirit Lake; 14 Extension Associate Director of Missional Impact/ Spirit Lake; 15 Extension Children of the Harvest/ Spirit Lake; 6/1/21 Extension Spirit Lake (1/2) and Devils Lake (1/2); 6/1/23 Retired.
FORBES, BRUCE D - RE. Deacon & PM 71; Elder & FM 78.
Appts: 71 School; 76 MN Hist Soc & DD Candidate; 77 Macalester College, Saint Paul; 78 Asst Prof. Religious Studies, Morningside College; 88 Interim Macalester College; 89 Interim Hamline Univ; 90 Morningside College; 18 Retired. BA Morningside; MDiv Perkins; PhD Princeton.
FOSSUM, RICHARD N - RE. Deacon & PM 83; Elder & FM 87.
Appts: 83 School; 85 Kulm/ Jud; 87 West Fargo; 97 Bismarck McCabe; 05 Minot Vincent; 10 Bismarck McCabe; 14 Retired; 1/1/16 – 6/30/18 Extension Minnesota Conf (Interim Brunswick, Duluth, Anoka). BA UND; MDiv Saint Paul.

FREED, DAN S - FE. Deacon & PM 90; Elder & FM 92.
Appts: 90 Burke Larger Parish; 94 Piedmont; 05 Sioux Falls Hilltop; 11 Dickinson; 14 Personal Leave; 2/15/19 Extension (para 344.1.d) Chaplain Avera Heart Hospital. BS Wyoming; MDiv North Park.
GALBREATH, ALLISON – PE. Commissioned & PM 24.
Appts: 24 Miller/ Highmore/ Harrold. BS University of Jamestown; MDiv Wesley Theological Seminary
GALL, MELISSA - FD. Deacon & PM 16; Elder & FM 19.
Appts: 16 Milbank Central; 3/12/18 Transitional Leave of Absence; 8/1/18 Primary to Milbank School District, Secondary to Milbank Parkview; 4/5/23 Primary to Milbank School District, Secondary to Watertown First. MA Southwest Minnesota State, Basic Graduate Theological Studies Garrett-ETS.
GELLHAUS, DENNIS R - RE. Deacon & PM 80; Elder & FM 83.
Appts: 80 School; 82 Conde/ Andover; 84 Huron First; 89 Sabbatical Leave; 90 Extension (para 426.1) Rocky Mountain Conf; 93 Leave of Absence; 96 Gellhaus Carehaus; 15 Retired. BS Northern State; MDiv Saint Paul.
GRAN, WILLIAM M - RE. Deacon & PM 72; Elder & FM 75.
Appts: 70 Student Supply Artesian/ Farwell; 72 School & Student Supply Napoleon, MO; 74 Tripp County Larger Parish; 76 United Parish Colome/ Wewela UCC/ Millboro UCC/ Ideal UPC; 77 Mitchell First; 83 Clear Lake/ Gary; 86 Hartford; 94 Sioux Falls Wesley; 01 Extension Bryan LGH Medical Center; 04 Extension Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society; 1/1/16 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Saint Paul.
GRAY, BRUCE C - RE. Deacon & PM 62 (Genesse Conf); Transferred to SD Conf 64; Elder & FM 64.
Appts: 64 Tulare; 65 Aberdeen Wesley Foundation; 67 School; 70 Univ of Albany; 79 Clear Lake/ Gary; 82 Exec Director SD Association of Christian Churches; 91 Webster/ Bristol-Butler; 96 Madison; 98 Retired. BA Buffalo; EoD State University of New York; MDiv Colgate-Rochester.
GREGG, BRIAN - PL. Licensed 19.
Appts: 1/15/19 Garretson United Parish (1/4) as SY; 4/15/19 Garretson United Parish (1/4) as PL. BA Berkeley, MDiv Fuller; PhD Notre Dame.
GREGG, JULIE - PE. Licensed 19, Commissioned & PM 21.
Appt: 4/15/19-7/1/2019 Garretson United Parish (1/4) as SY; 19 Garretson United Parish as PL (1/4); 9/15/21 Garretson United Parish (1/4) & Extension Ministry Spiritual Direction (1/2) (para 344.1.d)); 1/1/22 Garretson United Parish (1/2) & Extension Ministry Spiritual Direction (1/2) (para344.1.d)). BA
Emory, MA Trinity Evangelical, MDiv Fuller, Sioux Falls Seminary Certificate Spiritual Direction.
GRINAGER, ERIC S - RE. Deacon & PM 76; Elder & FM 80.
Appts: 76 School; 77 Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance; 78 School; 79 Yankton/ Gayville/ Volin; 82 Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance; 86 Flandreau/ Egan; 92 Lead; 99 Watertown First; 09 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 18 Retired. BS DWU; MDiv Saint Paul.
GRINAGER, HOWARD L - RE. Deacon & PM 81; Elder & FM 84. Appts: 81 School; 83 Mt Vernon/ Plankinton; 92 Yankton/ Gayville/ Volin; 96 Southeast District Superintendent; 00 Pierre First; 12 Retired; 10/15/15-6/30/16 Alexandria/ Ethan Interim; 2/7/17-6/30/17 Sioux Falls Southern Hills Interim; 12/10/17-7/1/18 Alexandria/ Ethan Interim (3/4); 4/8/19-2/1/20 Brookings First Interim (1/2); 2/12/24 – 6/30/24 Sioux Falls Wesley (1/4) Interim. BA DWU; MNS USD; MDiv Boston
GRONSETH, MARK – RE FD 7/03 Transfer to Dakotas Conf from Kansas West Conf; FE 13. Appts: 03 St Dysmas Lutheran; 09 Wakonda/ Irene/ Viborg; 13 Fairmount/ Breckenridge, MN; 12/31/23 Retired; 1/1/24-7/1/24 Fairmount/ Breckenridge, MN in retirement. BA Concordia (Moorhead).
GROSS, JAN - FE. Commissioned & PM 04; Elder & FM 07.
Appts: 10/16/00 Brothersfield & Wakonda/ Irene/ Viborg; 04 Yankton/ Gayville-Volin; 05 Beresford Zion; 10 Hartford; 19 Dell Rapids; 1/1/22 Dell Rapids (3/4). BA DWU; MDiv North American Baptist.

HAFNER, REBECCA – FL. Licensed 23.
Appt: 23 Edgeley Wesley/ Jud (3/4); 24 Edgeley Wesley/ Jud/ Ellendale United. BSEd Dickinson State University.
HAGGAR, EDWARD THOMAS, JR - RE. Deacon & PM 87; Elder & FM 89.
Appts: 84 Student Supply Ellis/ Brothersfield; 86 Geddes; 91 Belle Fourche; 99 Rapid City South Maple; 05 Aberdeen First; 14 Retired. BS Northern State; MDiv North American Baptist.
HAGGIN, LEONARD K - RE. Deacon & PM 67; Elder & FM 69.
Appts: 63 Student Supply Mt Vernon; 66 School; 69 Aberdeen First; 70 Plankinton/ Mt Vernon; 73 Redfield/ Ashton; 75 Redfield; 82 Watertown First; 84 Brookings; 87 Pierre First, 96 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Saint Paul; DMin United Saint Paul MN.
HALL, MINA - RE. Commissioned & PM 05; Elder & FM 08.
Appts: 04 Tree of Life; 05 West Fargo; 08 West Fargo (3/4); 11/15/12 Personal Leave; 10/1/18 Retired. BS Winona State; MS SDSU; MDiv. North America Baptist.
HALLENBECK ORR, JENNIFER - FE. Commissioned & PM 03; Elder & FM 06.
Appts: 03 Alexandria/ Ethan; 05 Alexandria/ Ethan/ DWU; 06 Pierre First; 11 Wahpeton Evergreen; 14 Bismarck McCabe; 1/1/18 Bismarck McCabe (Worship) (3/4); 10/1/23 Transitional Leave; 10/4/23 Extension 344.1 d) Chaplain at Hospice of the Red River Valley (3/4). BA Augustana; MDiv GarrettEvangelical.
HANSON, MARGARET “PEGGY” - FE. PL 11; Commissioned & PM 13; Elder & FM 16. Appts: 11 Pierre First; 17 Lead Trinity; 22 Madison. MDiv Illif.
HARWOOD, RANDALL - PL. Licensed 14.
Appts: 15 Casselton (1/2); 11/1/21 Casselton & Arthur Interim (1/2); 6/1/22 Casselton (1/2). BS NDSU.
Appts: 20 Howard Beach; 22 Salem Unite. BS BHSU, MDiv Kairos University.
HAZARD, BRIAN W - RE. Deacon & PM 89, Elder & FM 92. Appts: 89 Williston/ Grenora/ Bainville, MT; 92 Lisbon; 96 Page/ Hope/ Finley; 02 Minnesota Conf (para 337.1); 06 School; 11 Extension Buffalo/ Tower City Presbyterian; 13 Extension Minnesota Conf (LTFT); 18 Retired. BA Bemidji State; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
HAZEN, RICK E - RE. Deacon & PM 92; Elder & FM 95. Appts: 92 School; 93 Wagner/ Delmont; 98 Langdon; 06 Geddes; 11 Murdo/ Draper; 17 Retired. BA Mt Marty College; MA USD;MDiv Methodist Theological School Ohio.
HEETLAND, DAVID L - RE. Deacon & PM 71; Elder & FM 76. Appts: 71 School; 75 Stickney; 76 Flandreau/ Egan; 77 DWU; 83 Garrett-Evangelical; 20 Retired. BA USD; MDiv Iliff; ThD Iliff.
HEIDELBERGER COATES, CINDY. – PD. Deacon & PM 24. Appt: Sioux Falls Wesley (1/2)/ EXT Ground Works Connect (1/2). MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.

HISEL, JOHN - RE. LP 97 Elder (Transfer North American Baptist Conf) & PM 98; FM 00.
Appts: 97 Wishek/ Lehr/ Napoleon; 98 Beresford Zion; 05 Webster/ Bristol-Butler; 12 Retired; 22 –12/29/23 Doland Ministry Team Leader (1/4). BA Sioux Falls; MDiv North American Baptist; DMin North American Baptist.
HOLLAND, MARK - RE. Elder (Orders recognized) & PM 85; FM 87.
Appts: 85 Highmore; 89 Howard/Roswell; 92 Canton; 97 Milbank Central; 2/1/04 Transfer to Nebraska Conf; 7/1/12 Transfer to Dakotas Conf; 12 Huron First; 17 Retired. BA Mid-America Nazarene; MDiv Nazarene.
HOOK, F EVE - RE. Deacon & PM 72; Elder & FM 74.
Appts: 72 Jamestown First; 75 Bismarck McCabe; 79 Casselton/ Absaraka; 83 Casselton/ Leonard; 84 Cavalier Trinity/ Hamilton; 91 Arthur/ Hunter/ Erie; 91 Disability Leave; 07 Retired. MRE GarrettEvangelical; BD Garrett-Evangelical.
HUBER, D WAYNE - FL. Licensed 05.
Appts: 10/14/01 Tripp; 11/18/01 Tripp/ Delmont; 02 Tripp; 03 Tripp/ Mt Vernon; 10 Mt Vernon; 11 Geddes; 22 Plankinton/ White Lake. Course of Study Saint Paul.
IVERSON, JUSTIN - FE. Commissioned & PM 14; Elder & FM 17.
Appts: 14 Webster/ Bristol- Butler; 15 Arthur; 17 Extension Illinois Great Rivers Conf (Bloomington, Wesley UMC) (para 346.1); 21 Transitional Leave (para 353.2.c); 8/30/21 Appointed to Attend School (CPE Residency at Barnes- Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO); 8/1/22 Extension Illinois Great Rivers Conf (Mascoutah Bethel UMC) (para 346.1). BA NE Wesleyan; MDiv Asbury.
IRVINE, JESSE - PL. Licensed 22.
Appt: 21 Park River Federated/ Fordville PCUSA (LTFT) as lay supply; 2/1/22 Park River Federated/ Fordville PCUSA (1/2) as LLP; 11/1/23 Park River Federated/ Fordville PCUSA (1/2) & St.Thomas (1/4).
JACOBSEN, DAVID SCHNASA - FE. Deacon & PM 85; Elder & FM 88. Appts: 85 School; 86 Pierre First; 90 School; 96 School/ New Johnsonville (TN); 96 Lutheran Seminary, Ontario, Canada; 8/1/11 Boston Univ School of Theology. BA Concordia; MDiv Vanderbilt; PhA Vanderbilt.
JACOWAY, JOHN A - RE. Deacon & PM 60; Elder & FM 62.
Appts: 59 Student Supply Kennebec; 60 Denver Camerron Co Asst; 60 School; 62 Wall/ Wasta; 1/66 Mitchell; 69 Rapid City Rapid Valley/ Caputa; 75 Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance; 82 Flandreau/ Egan; 86 Sioux Falls Wesley; 91 Arlington/ Lake Preston; 96 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Iliff.
JASSMANN MASSINGILL, M ELIZABETH - RE. Commissioned & PM 04; Elder & FM 10. Appts: 01 Edgemont/ Pringle; 05 McClusky/ Goodrich/ Chasley; 10 Selby/ Mobridge; 17 Retired. BA USD; MDiv Perkins.
JENNEWEIN, LINOVA L - RE. Deacon & PM 80; Elder & FM 82. Appts: 80 School; 81 Pierre First; 82 Rapid City Rapid Valley; 85 Gettysburg; 87 McCook Lake; 92 Deadwood; 94 Sabbatical Leave; 95 Clark/ Garden City; 99 Plankinton/ Mt Vernon; 01 Retired; 09 Faith/ Marcus PC-USA (3/4); 7/1/14- 11/14/14 Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance (LTFT). BA DWU; MDiv Iliff.
JENNYS, SUSAN - PL. Licensed 08 (Transfer Indiana Conf). Appt: 14 Colton/Chester (3/4). COS completed
JOHNSEN, MARK - FE, Commissioned & PM 08; Elder & FM 15. Appts: 08 Student; 10 Personal Leave; 12 Miller; 15 Prairie View; 19 Rapid City Rapid Valley; 21 Extension UCC, Brookings (para 344.1.d). MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
JOHNSON, ANDREA – PE. Transferred from another denomination 22; Commissioned & PM 23. Appt: 23 Aberdeen North Highland. BA USD; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.

JOHNSON, CAMERON - RE. Deacon & PM 60; Elder & FM 62.
Appts: 54 Rugby/ Pleasant Lake; 58 School; 61 Williston/ Grenora; 67 Jamestown First; 75 Western District Superintendent (ND Conf); 80 Fargo First; 87 Administrative Assistant to the Bishop; 89 Green Valley AZ (426.1) Desert Southwest Conf; 94 Retired. PhB UND; STM Wesley.
Appts: 06 Drayton/ St Thomas; 11 Retired; 12 Drayton/ Pembina/ Humboldt MN (LTFT); 17 No appointment; 19 Drayton/ Pembina/ Humboldt, MN (Upper Valley Parish) (1/2); 11/1/23 Drayton/ Pembina/ Humboldt, MN (Upper Valle Parish) (1/4).
JOHNSON, RONALD - RE. Deacon & PM 75; Elder & FM 78.
Appts: 97 Transfer from Iowa Conf; 97 Canton; 10 Yankton; 20 Retired. BA Northwestern; MDiv Dubuque.
JOHNSON, TERI - FE. Deacon & PM 89; Elder & FM 92.
Appts: 89 School; 90 Pierre First; 92 Mitchell; 95 Brookings (Associate); 01 Brookings (Sr Pastor); 13 Extension Minnesota Conf (Minneapolis, Hennepin Avenue); 8/15/14 Leave of Absence; 20 Vermillion (1/2) and Extension SDSU (1/2); 21 Extension SDSU; 7/15/24 White /Sterling(1/4)/ Extension SDSU (3/4). BS SDSU; MDiv Iliff; DMin North American Baptist.
KANA-MACKEY, J SUE - RE. Deacon & PM 78; Elder & FM 80.
Appts: 78 School; 79 Starkweather/ Edmore/ Hampden; 83 Edmore; 85 Edmore/ Lakota UCC/ Michigan UCC; 94 Edmore/ Lakota UCC/ Michigan ELCA/ Sarnia United ELCA; 12/31/09 Retired. BA UND; MDiv Asbury.
KATTELMANN, BRADLEY D - FE. Commissioned & PM 05; Elder & FM 08.
Appts: 05 Wall/ Wasta; 08 Extension (Chaplain, US Army) Ft. Benning, GA, 13 Joint Base ElmendorfRichardson, AK; 15 Ft. Benning, GA; 17 Scott AFB, IL; 7/21/19 Ft. Carson, CO. BA Creighton; MDiv Iliff.
KATTER, JOHN - RE. (AOG) Orders recognized 00; Elder & FM 04.
Appts: 00 Olivet/ Tripp; 01 Olivet/ Scotland; 03 Milbank Central. 06 Retired. BA U of Minnesota; BA North Central; MDiv Fuller; DMin Midwestern Baptist.
KEEHNER, GEORGE – PL. Licensed 24.
Appts: 23 Rapid City Rapid Valley (1/4) Grief Share Ministry; 11/1/23 Prairie View (1/2) as CLM, 7/1/24 Prairie View (1/2) as LLP. BA Florida Institute of Technology.
KELSEY, ELIZABETH V - RE. Presbyterian Orders recognized 77; Elder & FM 78.
Appts: 77 Flandreau/ Egan; 78 Brookings; 80 Bottineau/ Gardena; 83 Extension Ministry; 85 Uniting Church in Australia; 87 Miller/ Greenleaf; 89 Transfer to Kansas East Conf; 04 Transfer to Dakotas Conf; 04 Huron Counseling Center; 14 Retired. BS SDSU; MA University of Wisconsin; MDiv San Francisco Theological Seminary.
KERSEY-RUSSELL, JEANINE - FE. FL 95 Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 99.
Appts: 95 Bismarck McCabe; 97 Turtle Lake/ Underwood/ Velva; 03 Hazen/ Beulah; 06 School (CPE Residency at Iowa Methodist Hospital Des Moines); 07 Larimore/ Arvilla-PC-USA/ Emerado PC-USA, 08 Chaplain Home Health Care & Hospice, Good Samaritan, Bismarck; 14 Leave of Absence; 18 Extension ND State Penitentiary (para 344.1d) (1/2); 1/1/20 Extension ND State Penitentiary; 1/1/24 Transitional Leave. BA Jamestown; MDiv Dubuque.
KIDD, LAURIE - FL. Licensed 05.
Appts: 05 Sioux Falls First; 11 Kimball Protestant Parish; 14 Wagner/ Tyndall; 22 Hettinger. BS William Jewell College; Course of Study Saint Paul.
KIERAS, PEGGY - RE. Deacon & PM 69; Elder & FM 71.
Appts: 69 School; 71 Worcester Memorial Hospital, Worcester, MA; 12/89 University of Mass Medical Center; 10/1/01 New England Conf (LTFT) (para 337.1); 1/1/02 Director of CPE St Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MA (LTFT); 12 Retired. BA Westmar; MDiv Andover-Newton.

KISTLER, GENIE (Butler) - RE. PM 77 & Deacon 78 (Rocky Mountain Conf); Elder & FM 83.
Appts: 77 School; 80 Neche/ Cavalier First; 81 Transfer to ND Conf; 86 Lisbon; 92 Langdon; 98 Pierre First; 06 Hartford. 3/21/10 Retired. BA Southwestern; MDiv Iliff.
KJONAAS DONNA T - RE. Deacon & PM 88; Elder & FM 92.
Appts: 90 Sioux Falls First; 92 Transferred to SD Conf; 97 Harrisburg; 03 Leave of Absence; 05 Fargo Friendship (para 338.3); 06 Leave of Absence, 08 Flandreau/ Egan; 09 Retired. BA NDSU; MA Wisconsin; MA Northern State; MDiv United.
KLOSTER, KEVIN W - FE. Deacon & PM 91; Elder & FM 94.
Appts: 91 School; 92 Bottineau United Parish; 96 Dickinson; 00 Brandon; 08 Extension Desert SW Conf; 10 Fargo Faith; 15 Prairie Hills District Superintendent (17 name change to Southwest District); 18 Rapid City Canyon Lake and Southwest District Superintendent; 9/1/19 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 10/1/20 Medical Leave. BA NDSU; MDiv United Saint Paul.
KNOCK, RODNEY - PE. Licensed 19, Commissioned & PM 21. Appts: 19 Plankinton/ White Lake; 22 Sioux Falls Hilltop. BS SDSU; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
KOR, HENRY K - RE. Deacon & PM 71; Elder & FM 74.
Appts: 67 Student Supply Fulton/ Farmer; 70 School & Student Supply Wellington, MO; 73 Clinical Pastoral Ed, Rochester Meth Hosp; 74 Harrisburg/ Rowena/ Ben Clare; 1/15/81 Sioux Falls Asbury; 90 Southern District Superintendent (SD Conf); 94 Southeast District Superintendent, 96 Mitchell; 09 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Saint Paul.
KROGER, GREGORY S - RE. LP 87; Deacon & PM 88; Elder & FM 92.
Appts: 87 Wakonda/ Irene/ Viborg & School; 91 Aberdeen North Highland/ Church of All Nations; 92 Rapid City First; 99 Lead/ Deadwood; 02 Sioux Falls First; 06 Glacial Lakes Superintendent; 10 Director of Ministries; 14 Rapid City First; 19 Pierre First; 22 Retired. BS Oral Roberts; MDiv North American Baptist.
KROGER, KARL - FE. Commissioned & PM 10; Elder & FM 15. Appts: 10 Pierre Southeast; 13 Piedmont Grace; 20 Bismarck McCabe. BA DWU; MDiv Candler.
KRUEGER, AUTUMN - FE. Commissioned & PM 17, Elder & FM 21. Appt: 17 Extension to Alaska Conference (Anchorage, Anchor Park). BA DWU; MDiv Emory.
KUPER, DONNA - PL. Licensed 18.
Appt: 18 Aurora (1/4). BS NAU; MBA NAU
LABOUNTY, SETH - FE. Commissioned & PM 15, Elder & FM 21. Appts: 15 Extension Wisconsin Conference (LTFT); 17 Pierre First (Pastor of Discipleship); 19 Hartford. BA DWU; MDiv Asbury.
LABOUNTY, VALERIE HUMMEL - FE. Commissioned & PM 17, Elder & FM 21. Appts: 17 Pierre Southeast; 19 Montrose. BA DWU; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
LAFFEY, AMBER - PD. Licensed 20; Deacon & PM 23. Appts: 1/1/20 Stickney (1/2) Interim; 20 Flandreau; 22 No Appointment; 8/15/22 Alexandria (1/4); 23 Alexandria (1/2). BA Bellevue University; MDiv Kairos University.
LARSON, KRIS - RL. Licensed 97.
Appts: 96-97 Iroquois Parish; 00 Iroquois; 01 Iroquois/ Esmond/ Carpenter; 10 Iroquois/ Esmond/ Doland; 16 Iroquois/ Esmond/ DeSmet; 20 Retired; 20 Lake Preston (1/2). Course of Study Saint Paul.

LATHROP, JEFF - FE. Licensed 12; Commissioned & PM 19; Elder & FM 22.
Appts: 8/1/12 Plankinton/ White Lake; 16 Huron First Associate; 18 Grand Forks Wesley; 22 Pierre First. BA Jamestown College; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
LAUDERMITH, IVA - RE. Deacon & PM 98. Elder & FM 01.
Appts: 95 School; 97 Kansas East; 98 School; 99 McClusky/ Goodrich/ Chaseley; 04 Huron Riverview/ Virgil; 07 White River/ Mission; 10 Milbank Parkview/ Big Stone; 12 Parker/ Hurley; 17 Retired. BS USD; MDiv Saint Paul.
LAVERY, THOMAS - RE. Deacon & PM 95 (West Ohio); Elder & FM 97 (West Ohio).
Appts: 95 Todd/ Mellette Larger Parish; 98 Transfer to Dakotas Conf; 99 Bottineau United; 08 Extension Greater New Jersey Conf; 13 Retired. BS Texas Tech; MS Air Force Institute; MDiv United, Dayton.
LEHRKAMP, KORI ANN - FE. Licensed 8/1/11; Commissioned & PM 14; Elder & FM 17.
Appts: 11 Highmore/ Harold/ Blunt; 16 Edgemont/ Pringle and Extension Box Elder The Bridge (new churchstart); 8/1/17 Extension Box Elder The Bridge (new church start); 18 The Bridge (1/2); 2/1/19 Extension Rapid City Regional Hospital (1/2); 19 Prairie View; 23 Wahpeton Evergreen. Associate Degree Huron Univ; BS SDSU; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
LINT, MARY-LEE - RE. Deacon & PM 89; Elder & FM 92.
Appts: 89 School; 90 New Salem/ Wilton PC; 98 Onida/ Agar; 03 Olivet/ Scotland; 06 Wagner/ Tyndall; 08 Howard; 15 Retired. BME Westminster Choir College; MSM Northwestern/ Garrett; MDiv GarrettEvangelical.
LINT, PAUL - FE. Commissioned & PM 04; Elder & FM 07.
Appts: 03 McCook Lake; 06 Plankinton/ White Lake; 10 Vermillion/ USD Campus; 12 Hettinger; 5/10/16
Extension Wesley Acres Camp Co- Director; 1/1/22 – 6/30/22 Valley City Epworth Interim; 22 Extension Wesley Acres Camp Co-Director; 24 Spearfish. BA UND; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
LINT, PHILLIP - RE. Deacon & PM 66; Elder & FM 69.
Appts: 66 School; 68Velva/ Granville UCC/ Deering UCC; 71 Bismarck McCabe; 75 Center-Special Ministries to Impacted Communities; 77 Edgeley; 78 Edgeley/ Kulm; 79 Edgeley/ Nortonville; 12/80 Oakes/ Cogswell; 85 Washburn/ Riverdale Community; 90 Washburn/ Center; 98 Southeast Pierre/ Blunt; 01 Highmore/ Harrold/ Blunt; 03 Wagner/ Tyndall; 06 Retired; 07-08 Winner. BS Jamestown; MDiv GarrettEvangelical; DMin McCormick.
LOUKS, JORDAN - FE. Commissioned & PM 18; Elder & FM 22.
Appts: 18 Alexandria/ Ethan; 8/1/20 Ethan (1/2); 21 Sioux Falls First Associate. BS BHSU; MDiv GarrettEvangelical.
LUNDBERG, CLAY - FE. PL Licensed; Commissioned & PM 13; Elder & FM 16. Appts: 12 Brookings (LTFT); 13 Brookings (Associate); 15 Burke/ Herrick/ Jamison, NE; 17 Burke/ Herrick. BA Univ of Sioux Falls; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
LUTZ, RICHARD - RE. PM 60; Elder & FM 65.
Appts: 65 Tuttle/ Robinson; 68 Fargo Edgewood; 73 Veterans Administration Hospital, Oklahoma City, OK; 03 Retired. BA Westmar; BD Evangelical.
MACK, DAVID E - RE. Deacon & PM 69; Elder & FM 71.
Appts: 67 Lane; 69 Yates Center, KS; 70 Toronto/ Turkey Creek, KS; 71 Presho/ Vivian; Oct 73 Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance; 75 Tulare/ Tulare UCC; 78 Alexandria/ Fulton; 80 Parker/ Hurley; 86 Transfer to ND Conf; 86 Grand Forks Zion; 91 Eastern District Superintendent (ND Conf); 94 Northeast District Superintendent; 96 Pierre First; 00 Retired; 01-06 Arkansas Conference; 06-14 Bland Chapel UMC. BA DWU; MDiv Saint Paul.
MACK, DEBORAH A - RE. Deacon & PM 88; Elder & FM 92.
Appts: 87 Garretson & School; 89 Alexandria/ Fulton; 92 Gayville/ Volin/ Yankton; 99 Selby/ Mobridge; 05 Rapid City South Maple; 07 Tulare United; 09 Britton; 11 Retired; 16-17 Britton/ Claremont/ Hecla (3/4). BS Northern State; MDiv North American Baptist.

MADDOX, RANDY - RE. Elder (Orders recognized) & PM 87; FM 89.
Appts: 87 Sioux Falls College; 98 Seattle Pacific University; 05 Duke Divinity School; 18 Retired. BA Northwest Nazarene College; MDiv Nazarene; PhD Emory.
MANNING, NANCY - RE. Commissioned & PM 07; Elder & FM 10.
Appts: 06 Brothersfield; 07 Parker/ Hurley; 09 Claremont/ Hecla; 11 Britton/ Claremont/ Hecla; 4/1/14 Salem United UMC, PC- USA/ Montrose; 16 Montrose; 17 Retired; 17-18 Montrose (3/4). BA Univ of Sioux Falls; MDiv North American Baptist.
MATTHEWS, SHELLY - FE. Deacon & PM 87; Elder & FM 89.
Appts: 87 Larimore/ Arvilla Presb/ Emerado Presb; 90 School; 97 Tufts University; 98 Furman University; 8/1/11 Brite Divinity School. BA UND; MDiv Boston; ThD Harvard.
MAYER, RICHARD M - RE. Elder & PM (Orders recognized) 92; FM 94.
Appts: 92 Sioux Falls College; 02 Retired. BA/BTh Aurora University; MDiv Garrett; PhD Northwestern.
McCASKELL, SHARLA - FL. Licensed 04.
Appts: 04 Rapid City First; 11 Rapid City Knollwood Heights. BS Northern State; Course of Study Saint Paul.
MCDONALD, JENNIFER - FE. Licensed 18; Commissioned & PM 19; Elder & FM 22.
Appts: 18 Minot Vincent; 20 Jamestown St Paul. BA Earlham College; MA Prescott College; MDiv Asbury.
McKEEHAN, FRANK J - RE. Deacon & PM 92; Elder & FM 95.
Appts: 89 Southern Pacific Conf (La Mirada UMC); 91 Missouri East Conf (Jonesburg/ Pendleton/ Zion UMC); 93 Transferred to Dakotas Conf; 93 Pembina/ Joliette/ Humboldt; 96 Sturgis; 02 Dell Rapids; 10 Clear Lake/ Gary; 18 Retired; 18 Clear Lake/ Gary (3/4); 19-20 Clear Lake/ Gary (1/4). BS Truman State, MDiv Saint Paul.
McKIRDY, SCOTT D - FE. Deacon & PM 89; Elder & FM 92.
Appts: 89 School; 90 Wessington Springs/ Lane; 95 Huron Riverview/ Virgil; 00 Dickinson; 11 Spearfish; 22 Rapid City Canyon Lake. BA Jamestown; MDiv Iliff.
McKIRDY, WAYNE M - RE. Deacon & PM 56; Elder & FM 58.
Appts: 53 Napolean/ Braddock LP; 54 Pettibone/ Lake Williams/ Malcolm UCC LP; 55 School; 56 Melbeta NE; 58 Napoleon/ Braddock; 61 Tioga; 63 Edgeley/ Jud/ Nortonville; 68 Edgeley; 70 Transfer to SD Conf; 70 Piedmont; 73 Faulkton/ Seneca; 83 Big Stone City/ Revillo; 86 Transfer to ND Conf; 86 Conf Executive Director of Camping; 90 Conf Camp Facilities Manager; 91 Retired. 91 Wimbledon; 92 Salem/ Dazey/ Leal; 93-94 Salem/ Leal/ Valley City Epworth; 95-99 Valley City/ Salem. BA Jamestown; ThM Iliff.
McKNIGHT, JOHN E, JR - RE. Deacon & PM 83; Elder & FM 86.
Appts: 83 School; 84 Leola/ Frederick; 87 Colton/ Chester; 91 Rapid City Knollwood Heights/ Rapid Valley; 96 Bowbells/ Donnybrook/ Kenmare; 00 Flandreau/ Egan; 06 Parker/ Hurley; 07 Rapid City South Maple; 17 Retired; 11/2/17-7/1/18 Kimball United Interim (3/4); 20 Pringle Interim (1/4). BA DWU; MDiv Iliff.
McLAIRD, DONNA J - RE. Deacon 77; PM 85; Elder & FM 90.
Appts: 77 Plankinton/ Mt Vernon; 77- 81 Ethan; 84 Tyndall; 85 Tyndall/ Ethan; 95 Hitchcock/ Broadland; 96 Plankinton/ Mt Vernon; 99 Colton/ Chester; 8/01/04 Retired. BA DWU; MRel Garrett-Evangelical; Boston School of Theology; MDiv San Francisco.
McMANUS, SARA - FE. Commissioned & PM 12; Elder & FM 15.
Appts: 12 Sioux Falls First; 15 West Fargo Flame of Faith; 24 Watertown First (Senior Pastor). BA Simpson College; MDiv Vanderbilt.

MEIER, DWIGHT L - RE. Deacon & PM 63; Elder & FM 65.
Appts: 62 Grace City/ Juanita/ Sutton; 65 Enderlin/ Sheldon/ Leonard; 67 Enderlin/ Sheldon; 70 Grafton Federated/ Minto Presb; 79 Fargo Calvary; 84 Grand Forks Wesley; 87 Western District Superintendent (ND Conf); 93 Fargo Friendship; 97 Northeast District Superintendent; 02 Retired; 02 Interim Assistant to the Bishop; 04- 05 Bismarck McCabe. BA Taylor; MDiv Asbury.
MEIER, MARK W - RE. Deacon & PM 70; Elder & FM 73.
Appts: 68 School; 68 Crystal/ Hensal/ Hoople; 69 School; 72 Rugby/ Bantry/ Pleasant Lake; 75 Jamestown First; 79 Transfer to Louisiana Conf; 87 Transfer to ND Conf; 87 Fargo Faith; 4/89 Chaplain, ND State Penitentiary; 3/91 Mandan Good Shepherd; 6/91 WellSpring Counseling Group, Denver, CO. 10 Retired; 10 Wellspring Counseling Group, Denver, CO. BA Taylor; MDiv Asbury; DMin McCormick.
MEIER, MAX E - RE. Deacon & PM 55; Elder & FM 59.
Appts: 53 Grassy Butte; 56 School; 59 Chaplain, US Army; 81 Mercy Hospital, Des Moines; 96 Iowa Methodist Medical Center, Des Moines; 99 Retired. BA Taylor; MDiv Garrett.
MERSCH, PATRICIA - RE. Deacon & PM 02; Elder & FM 04.
Appts: 99 Williston/ Grenora/ Bainville; 02 Burke/ Herrick/ Jamison, NE; 04 McClusky/ Goodrich/ Chaseley; 05 Grand Forks Altru Chaplain; 09 Altru Chaplain (Full) & Drayton/ Pembina/ Joliette/ Humboldt (LTFT); 09 Mohall/ Sherwood Interim; 10 Mohall/ Sherwood; 14 Retired. BS USD; MDiv North American Baptist.
MILLER, THETA - FE. Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 99.
Appts: 96 School; 97 Missouri West Conf (para 337.1); 03 Family Leave, 08 Fargo United Campus Ministry; 10/1/12 Transitional Leave; 12/1/12 West Fargo Flame of Faith (LTFT); 7/1/13 Family Leave; 8/1/13 Clergy Assistant to District Superintendent; 15 Brookings First (Outreach); 3/6/19 Family Leave of Absence; 12/1/20 Extension (Clarkville, TN) (para 344.1.d); 22 Extension Kentucky Conf (Liberty UMC/ Centertown/ UMC) (para 346.1); 5/23/23 Extension Kansas Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (para 344.1.d). BA Tennessee; MDiv Saint Paul.
Appts: 8/1/21 Vermillion (1/2) as lay supply; 22 Vermillion (1/2) as LLP. Associate of Applied Science, Institute for Production and Recording; MA (Bible and Theology) Sioux Falls Seminary.
MOE, PETER W - RE. Trial & Deacon 58; Elder & FM 60.
Appts: 53 Student Supply Artesian/ Farwell; 57 Hudson, CO; 58 School; 59 Edgemont; 63 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 64 USD Vermillion Wesley Foundation; 74 Spearfish; 83 Yankton/ Gayville/ Volin; 87 Watertown First; 92 Western District Superintendent (SD Conf); 94 Southwest District Superintendent; 98 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Iliff.
MOORE, CHARLES - FL. Licensed 15.
Appts: 8/1/15 Madison (3/4); 17 Sioux Falls Sunnycrest. MDiv Kairos University
MOORLACH, ROBERT - FE. Transfer from Minnesota Conf 21. Appts: 21 Oakes UMC/ Oakes PCUSA; 23 Groton/ Conde.
MORRISON, MATTHEW - FE. Licensed 13; Commissioned & PM 20; Elder & FM 23. Appts: 13 Embrace (LTFT); 15 Mitchell Fusion; 17 Sioux Falls Asbury (Associate). BS USD; MM Univ. of Northern Colorado.
MOTTA, DAVID F - RE. Deacon & PM 83; Elder & FM 86. Appts: 83 School; 84 Stickney; 91 Aberdeen First; 96 Fargo Calvary; 21 Retired. BA Westmar; MDiv Trinity.
MUTHIAH, LIONEL P A - RE. Deacon & PM 65 (Tennessee); Elder & FM 67.
Appts: 66 Transfer to ND Conf; 66 Hope/ Finley/ Page; 68 Medan, Sumatra; 72 Sibu, Sarawak; 77 Transfer to SD Conf; 77 Clark/ Garden City; 79 Extension General Board of Global Ministries; 9/80 Huron Riverview/ Virgil; 82 Transfer to ND Conf; 82 New Rockford/ Cathay/ Sheyenne; 86 Linton; 91 Cavalier Trinity/ Hamilton; 92 Retired. BS George Peabody; MDiv Vanderbilt.

MUTZENBERGER, KRIS - FE. Commissioned & PM 03; Elder & FM 06. Appts: 03 Britton (LTFT); 04 Britton; 9/1/05 Britton (LTFT); 09 Madison (LTFT); 11 Madison; 13 Sioux Falls Sunnycrest (3/4); 14 Sioux Falls Sunnycrest; 17 Fargo First; 20 Northeast District Superintendent. BA DWU; MDiv United of Dayton
MUTZENBERGER, RYAN - FE. Commissioned & PM 03; Elder & FM 06. Appts: 03 Claremont/ Hecla; 09 Madison; 13 Sioux Falls Sunnycrest; 17 Fargo First (Lead Pastor). BA DWU; MDiv United of Dayton.
NELSON, CLIFFORD A - RE. Deacon & PM 77; Elder & FM 81. Appts: 77 School; 79 Fairmount/ Bethany/ Rosholt; 1/83 West Fargo; 87 Minot Faith/ Des Lacs; 99 Williston/ Grenora/ Bainville; 03 Grand Forks Zion; 09 Chaplain Trinity Hospital, Minot; 17 Retired; 6/1/20 Extension Minnesota Conf. (Cedar UMC, Ham Lake) (1/2). BS UND; MDiv Asbury.
NELSON, KEITH F - FE. Deacon & PM 85; Elder & FM 88. Appts: 85 School; 86 Good Samaritan Hospital, Downers Grove, IL; 89 Onida/ Agar; 93 Devils Lake; 02 Sturgis; 08 Brandon; 10 Sakakawea District Superintendent; 16 Mitchell First. BA U of Sioux Falls; MDiv Northern Baptist Theological.
NELSON, MORRIS E - RE. Deacon & PM 87; Elder & FM 90. Appts: 87 Brothersfield & School; 88 Gregory Larger Parish (Gregory-Iona); 92 Flandreau/ Egan; 00 Murdo/ Draper; 03 Hot Springs Federated; 11 Retired; 14-15 Prairie View (LTFT). BS USD; MDiv North American Baptist.
NELSON, SARA - FE. Commissioned & PE 10; Elder & FM 13. Appts: 06 Brothersfield & School; 10 Watertown First (Associate); 14 Watertown First (Sr Pastor); 20 Sioux Falls First (Sr Pastor). BA University of Sioux Falls; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
NYGAARD, JULIE S - RE. Licensed to preach 94; Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 98.
Appts: 94 Valley City Epworth/ Salem; Summer of 95 Valley City/ Salem; 96 New Rockford/ Grace City; 01 Webster/ Bristol; 05 Cresbard/ Rockham/ Miranda; 06 Cresbard/ Rockham; 09 Cresbard/ Tolstoy; 16 Retired. AA Jackson Community College; BA Spring Arbor; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
NYMANN, CHERYL - FL. Licensed 22.
Appt: 22 Murdo/ Draper/ White River. BA University of Minnesota.
Appts: 95 Faith; 03 Retired. BS Black Hills State; MA SDSU.
O’CONNELL, SUSAN - RE. Commissioned & PM 02; Elder & FM 05. Appts: 10/16/00 Sioux Falls Hilltop; 01 Sioux Falls Hilltop (LTFT) & Ben Clare/ Rowena (LTFT); 02 Geddes/ Delmont; 06 Gettysburg/ Onida/ Agar; 09 Flandreau/ Egan; 13 Retired. BA Western Michigan; MDiv North American Baptist.
OLSON, RON - FE. Commissioned & PM 11; Elder & FM 14. Appts: 11 Bowman; 18 Montrose (3/4); 19 Hurley (3/4); 1/2/23 Hurley (3/4) & supervising Viborg; 23 Hurley/ Parker (3/4). MDiv Asbury.
PATRICK, JAMES D - RE. Transfer from Illinois Great Rivers Conf 9/16/00. Appts: 00 Rapid City Knollwood Heights/ Rapid Valley; 08 Retired. BS Texas Wesleyan; MDiv GarrettEvangelical.
PEASE, EDWARD - RE. Trial & Deacon 68; Elder & FM 74.
Appts: 68 School; 74 Psychiatry Resident, Independence, IA; 77 U of Nebraska College of Medicine; 80 Psychologies U of Nebraska Hosp, Omaha; 86 Physician & Psychiatrist, Omaha VA Hosp; 06 Retired.

PEDERSON, KENRAD - RE. Deacon & PM 75; Elder & FM 78. Appts: 75 School; 77 Pembina/ Joliette/ Humboldt; 82 Arthur/ Hunter/ Erie; 84 Bismarck First; 85 Turtle Lake/ Underwood; 91 Bowbells/ Donnybrook/ Kenmare; 96 Hartford; 06 Jamestown First; 13 Eureka; 15 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Wesley.
PEIRCE, RUSSELL M - RE. Trial 51; Deacon 53; FM 54; Elder 55. Appts: 51 School; 52 Student Supply Laird, CO; 54 Northville/ Mellette; 57 Wall/ Wasta; 62 Hot Springs; 64 Plankinton; 67 Gettysburg; 71 Gettysburg/ Tolstoy; 73 Rapid City South Maple; 78 Philip/ Philip UP/ Interior UP; 86 Clear Lake/ Gary; 90 Scotland/ Tripp; 94 Retired. BA DWU; ThM Iliff.
PERRY, E. STEPHEN - RE. Deacon & PM 81; Elder & FM 83. Appts: 81 Wessington Springs/ Lane; 86 Milbank Parkview; 91 Vermillion; 99 Sabbatical Leave; 00 Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance; 05 Redfield/ Ashton; 10 Redfield/ Frankfort; 14 Retired. BA Northwestern Univ; PhD Univ of Cambridge; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
PERSON, TERESA - PE. Licensed 20; Commissioned & PM 22. Appt: 20 Huron Riverview/ Virgil; 24 Huron Riverview. BME SDSU; MDiv Kairos University
PETERSEN, CALVIN L - RE. Deacon & PM 60; Elder & FM 61. Appts: 63 Transferred to SD CROP; 67 Director, Lake Poinsett Camp; 69 School; 74 Deadwood; 1/79 Leave of Absence; 79 Vermillion; 91 Sioux Falls Wesley; 94 Beresford Zion; 98 Retired. BA Bethel; MA USIU; MDiv Southern Baptist.
PHILLIPS, MARK P - RE Deacon & PM 85; Elder & FM 88. Appts: 82 Rum Creek UMC (OH); 85 School; 86 Aberdeen First; 91 Wakonda/ Irene/ Viborg; 95 Mandan Good Shepherd/ Mandan Rural; 97 Mandan First/ Mandan Good Shepherd/ Mandan Rural; 99 Mandan/ Mandan Rural; 03 Mandan; 04 Milbank Central; 12 Lead-Deadwood Trinity; 17 Murdo/ Draper; 22 Retired. BA Westmar; MALA/MDiv Methodist Theological School in Ohio.
PHILLIPS, RANDALL E - RE. Elder (Orders recognized) & PM 96; FM 99. Appts: 94 McLaughlin; 95 Cando/ Starkweather/ Egeland; 00 Minot Faith/ Des Lacs; 9/02 School (CPE); 03 Erie, PA; 8/1/05 Mayo Clinic Hospital, Rochester, MN (para 344.1b); 1/4/23 Retired; 1/4/23 Extension Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. BA Anderson; MA Nebraska; MDiv Princeton.
PITTENGER, RICHARD D, JR - RE. Deacon & PM 83; Elder & FM 86.
Appts: 81 School; 83 Potter, NE; 83 Transfer from Nebraska Conf; 84 Arlington/ Lake Preston; 88 Harrisburg; 94 Minot Vincent; 00 Fargo Faith; 4/06 Leave of Absence; 4/08 Avera Sacred Heart (LTFT); 3/09 Avera Sacred Heart (FT); 11 Vermillion & Gayville-Volin; 16 Milnor/ Wyndmere/ Sheldon (3/4); 21 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Iliff.
PROUTY-COLE, SANDEE - PD. Commissioned as Deacon & PM 22.
Appt: 22 Watertown First (3/4); 12/20/22 Transitional Leave; 8/15/23 Attend School & The Sanctuary. BS SDSU; BGTS & Spiritual Formation Certificate Garrett-Evangelical.
RAE, GARY W - RE. Deacon & PM 71; Elder & FM 74.
Appts: 73 Rockham/ Miranda; 77 Belle Fourche/ Harding; 83 Faulkton/ Seneca; 93 Winner; 94 Sioux Falls Hilltop; 03 Harrisburg; 11 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Iliff.
RAGELS, TARYN - FL. Licensed 20.
Appt: 20 Mitchell Fusion (3/4); 10/15/23 Mitchell Fusion (3/4) & Extension DWU Campus Ministry (1/4). BA SDSU; MDiv Indiana Wesleyan University.
REICH, ELDON H - RE. Deacon & PM 69; Elder & FM 71.
Appts: 71 Onida/ Agar; 75 Watertown 9th Ave/ Kellerton; 78 Watertown Ninth Ave; 86 Aberdeen First; 14 Retired; 20-22 Doland Ministry Team Leader (1/4). BA Westmar; MDiv Asbury
RHODES, WARREN A - RE. Elder (Orders recognized) & PM 85; FM 87.
Appts: 84 Mohall/ Sherwood/ Lansford/ Maxbass; 88 Park River Federated/ Fordville Presbyterian; 99 Clark/ Garden City; 10 McClusky/ Goodrich/ Chaseley; 16 Retired; 16 McClusky/ Goodrich/ Chaseley (3/4); 1/1/24 McClusky/ Goodrich/ Chaseley (1/2); 24 Goodrich/ Chaseley (1/2). BS Dickinson; MDiv Bangor.

RICHARDS, LEISA - FE. Deacon & PM 91; Elder & FM 93.
Appts: 93 Hitchcock/ Broadland; 99 Vermillion; 7/1/01 Transfer from Yellowstone Conf; 01 Dakota Plains Legal Services; 03 Dakota Plains Legal Services & Hebron UMC; 05 Legal Director Resources, Inc Albuquerque, NM; Leisa Richards Law, PC, Albuquerque, NM. BA Carleton; JD USD; MDiv Harvard.
RICHARDS, MATTHEW - FE. FL 07; Commissioned & PM 08; Elder & FM 12.
Appts: 03 Artesian/ Roswell; 07 White/ Aurora/ Sterling/ SDSU Campus Ministry; 10 Groton/ Conde; 15 Miller; 1/30/18 Medical Leave; 2/15/20 Extension Avera Home Chaplain, Mitchell Congregational UCC. BS DWU; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
RICHARDS, SHEILA B - RE. LP 91; Deacon & PM 95; Elder & FM 98.
Appts: 91 Eureka; 92 Aberdeen North Highland/ Church of All Nations; 94 Aberdeen North Highland; 00 Southeast District Superintendent. 06 Retired. BS Northern State; MDiv North American Baptist.
RICKE, KATIE - FE. Commissioned & PM 14; Elder & FM 17.
Appts: 14 Mitchell First; 16 Beresford Zion; 20 Yankton First. BA U of Sioux Falls; MA Gordon-Conwell; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
Appts: 80 Todd/ Mellette; 83 Iona; 84 School; 87 Columbia Pastoral Counseling Center, Vancouver, WA; 1/14/90 Miller/ Greenleaf; 93 Hands Together; 5/15/94 Leave of Absence; 95 Huron First; 98 School; 08 Glenfair Evangelical Church of America, Portland; 10 Transfer to Indiana Conf; 14 Dickinson; 16 Transfer to the Dakotas Conf same appointment, Dickinson; 19 Retired. BA Augustana; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical; DMin Chicago.
RITTER, PENELOPE J - RE. Elder & PM (Orders recognized) 83; FM 85.
Appts: 83 White/ Aurora/ Sterling; 88 Beresford Zion; 94 Sabbatical Leave; 95 Leave of Absence; 01 Extension Community Baptist Church. 10 Retired.
ROCK, BRIAN - PL. Licensed 19.
Appts: 4/15/19 Embrace 57th St Campus (3/4) as lay supply; 8/1/19 Embrace 57th St Campus as LLP. BA Northwestern.
ROOZEN, PETER KIP - FE. Deacon & PM 83; Elder & FM 87.
Appts: 83 Kennebec/ Presho/ Reliance; 84 School; 85 Doland/ Frankfort; 90 Clear Lake/ Gary; 95 Spearfish; 07 Sioux Falls Asbury. BA DWU; MDiv Iliff.
RUEDEBUSCH, ROBERT B - RE. Deacon & PM 80; Elder & FM 83. Appts: 80 School; 82 Huron Riverview/ Virgil; 89 Canton; 92 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 09 Prairie Hills District Superintendent; 12 Sioux Falls First; 20 Southwest District Superintendent; 22 Retired; 1/7/2311/30/23 Rapid City First Interim. BME DWU; MDiv Iliff.
SALMONSON, ROBERT - FE. Licensed 11; Commissioned & PM 13; Elder & FM 17. Appts: 08 Student & Deer Park Grace, MO; 11 Mt Vernon; 13 Flandreau/ Egan; 15 Flandreau/ Supervising Egan; 16 Alexandria/ Ethan; 12/10/17 Leave of Absence; 19 Holmes/ Sharon Lutheran/ Beaver Creek Lutheran; 22 Clark/ Garden City; 8/16/23 Clark. BA DWU; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
SAMUEL, SUNANDKUMAR D - RE. Deacon & PM 85; Elder & FM 87. Appts: 85 Mellette/ Mansfield PC/ Brentford UCC; 88 Arlington/ Lake Preston; 91 Colton/ Chester; 99 Salem United UMC/PC-USA/ Montrose; 04 Clear Lake/ Gary; 10 Beresford Zion; 13 Retired. BA Karnataka University; MDiv North American Baptist.
SAMUELSON, RYDEL – FL. Licensed 23. Appt: 23 Wagner/ Tyndall. BA Valley City State; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.

SAPP, MARLIN - RL. Licensed 07.
Appts: 07 Stickney; 13 Mt Vernon/ Stickney; 14 Linton/ Sterling; 23 Retired; 23 Linton/ Sterling (3/4). NDSCS, Course of Study Garrett-Evangelical.
SAYLER, GLEN E -RE. Licensed to Preach 90; Elder (Orders recognized) & PM 92; FM 95. Appts: 90 Marion/ Dickey; 92 Marion/ Dickey/ Jud; 94 Hazen/ Beulah; 98 Medical Leave; 22 Retired. BA Northwest Bible; MDiv Church of God.
SAYLER, JUDY - PL. Licensed 14.
Appts:14 Wakonda/ Irene/ Viborg (LTFT); 16 Wakonda/ Irene (3/4).
SCANSON, ARTHUR H - RE. Deacon & PM 67; Elder & FM 70.
Appts: 63 Douglas/ Banner/ Makoti; 65 Lansford/ Maxbass/ Grenora; 67 School; 69 Bowman/ Mound UP; 75 Minot Vincent; 81 Dickinson; 86 Bismarck McCabe; 90 Central District Superintendent (ND Conf); 94 Northwest District Superintendent; 98 Bismarck McCabe; 10 Retired. BS Minot State; MDiv Asbury.
SCHOMBERG, JOHN – FL. Licensed 22.
Appt: 22 Beresford Zion. BA Bemidji State University.
SCHNABEL, PERRY - RE. Commissioned & PM 03; Elder & FM 05. Appts: 01 Steele/ Tuttle/ Robinson; 10 Bismarck Calvary; 19 Retired. BA Sioux Falls College; MDiv North American Baptist.
SCHOTT, WALTER J - RE. PM 54; Elder & FM 60.
Appts: 56 School; 60 Lidgerwood EUB Spokane; 61 Holmes/ Pleasant View; 66 Mandan Good Shepherd/ Center; 75 Mandan Good Shepherd; 85 Leave of Absence; 86 Mandan Rural; 95 Retired. BA Cascade; MDiv Western Evangelical.
SCHWENN, DEVERN E - RE. Deacon & PM 65; Elder & FM 67. Appts: 60 School; 64 Hettinger/ Bethany/ Lemmon, SD; 72 Enderlin/ Sheldon; 75 Bismarck First; 83 Transferred to SD Conf; 6/15/83 Milbank Central; 89 Rapid City First; 95 Jamestown Saint Paul; 00 Retired. BA Asbury; MDiv Asbury; DMin North American Baptist.
SEMRAD, JEANNE GAARD - RE. Deacon & PM 86; Elder & FM 90.
Appts: 86 Garretson; 87 School; 11/15/87 Hazel/ Henry/ Kellerton and Big Stone City/ Revillo; 90 Hazel/ Henry/ Kellerton and Big Stone City; 91 Milbank Parkview and Big Stone City; 98 Madison; 4/1/01 Incapacity Leave. 10 Retired. BA SDSU; MEd SDSU; MDiv North American Baptist.
SHELDON, MARY ANN - RE. Elder (Orders recognized NACCC) & PM 96; FM 98. Appts: 96 Ellendale-Guelph; 9/1/02 Minot Faith/ Des Lacs, 08 Miller/ Greenleaf; 12 Retired. BS Northern State; MDiv Andover Newton; DMin Wesley Theological Seminary.
SHLANTA PEASLEY, GAIL L - RE. Deacon & PM 86; Elder & FM 89.
Appts: 86 Sioux Falls Asbury; 92 Leave of Absence; 93 Family Leave; 97 Retired. BA Carleton; MDiv North American Baptist.
SIMMONS, ROBERT L - RE. Deacon & PM 64; Elder & FM 66 (IA).
Appts: 2/66 Pierre/ Blunt; 70 Howard/ Roswell; 73 Transferred to IA Conf; 82 Transferred to SD Conf; 82 Custer State Hospital; 87 Gettysburg; 6/15/91 AK Missionary Conf (para 426.1); 95 Arthur/ Casselton/ Hunter; 97 Gregory/ Iona. 04 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Boston School of Theology.
SLOTT, MICHELE - FE. Licensed 18, Commissioned & PM 21; Elder & FM 24.
Appts: 8/1/18 Rapid City First; 20 Rapid City Fist (3/4) & Rapid City Open Heart (1/4); 22 Rapid City Open Heart. BS SDSU; MDiv Kairos University

Licensed 17. Appt: 1/1/17 Sioux Falls Embrace 57th St. Campus (3/4). BA Milligan University; MA Bethel University.
SMITH, ROGER A - RE. Deacon & PM 55; Elder & FM 58.
Appts: 51 Rural/ Fort Rice; 52 School; 54 Rural/ Fort Rice; 56 School; 58 Hettinger/ Bethany/ Lemmon, SD; 63 Bottineau/ Gardena/ Russell; 65 Sabbatical; 66 Supernumerary; 66 Delta Ministries; 71 Special Ministries in Human Relations, MS; 89 Retired. AB Taylor; MDiv Drew.
Appts: 08 Larimore Yoked Parish (3/4); 18 Retired; 18 Larimore Yoked Parish (3/4); 10/1/2020 Larimore/ Arvilla (1/2).
SORTLAND, JEANNE - FE. Licensed 15; Commissioned & PM 19; Elder & FM 22. Appt: 18 Wimbledon/ Kensal (1/2).
SPAHR, RANDALL G - RE. Deacon & PM 80; Elder & FM 83.
Appts: 80 School; 82 Geddes; 86 Parker/ Hurley; 93 Wahpeton Evergreen; 06 Extension Hospice of Red River Valley; 20 Retired. BS SDSU; MDiv Asbury.
SPURRELL, MARILYN - RE. Deacon & PM 74; Elder & FM 79.
Appts: 74 School; 77 Plymouth Pk, TX; 78 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 83 Piedmont; 88 Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas; 95 Sioux Falls First; 97 Brookings; 01 Madison; 09 Three Rivers Superintendent; 10 Eastern Sunrise Superintendent (District name change); 8/1/13 Eastern Sunrise Co-Superintendent/ Fargo First; 15 Fargo First; 3/1/17 Retired; 2/1/22 – 6/30/22 Faulkton Interim; 1/15/24 – 6/30/24 White/ Sterling (1/4) Interim. BS SDSU; MTh Perkins; DMin Garrett-Evangelical.
STANGOHR, DIANE – PL. Licensed 22.
Appts: 7/1/22 Howard Beach as CLM; 12/1/22 Howard Beach as LLP. LPN SE Area VoTech.
STEFFES, CARLI - PL. Licensed 18.
Appts: 8/20/07-6/30/10 Coleman (1/4); 7/1/10-4/30/18 discontinued; 05/01/18 Extension Avera Heart Hospital Chaplain (1/4). MDiv North American Baptist Seminary.
STEIN, K JAMES - RE. PM 51; Elder & FM 56.
Appts: 52 Kidder; 53 Casselton/ Chaffee; 53 School; 56 Patterson Christ, NJ; 60 Professor Evangelical Theological Seminary; 72 Dean ETS; 73 President ETS; 74 Dean Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary; 77 Professor GETS; 95 Retired. BA Westmar; BD Evangelical; STM Union in New York; PhD Union; DD Westmar.
STOLL, SHAWN – FL. Licensed 23.
Appt: 22 Faulkton as lay supply; 23 Faulkton as LLP. MA Trinity Bible College.
STOLP, GERALD A - RE. LP 88; Deacon & PM 90; Elder & FM 94.
Appts: 88 Brothersfield; 89 Sioux Falls Hilltop & School; 92 Ben Clare/ Rowena/ Sioux Falls Hilltop; 96 Arlington/ Lake Preston; 04 Aberdeen First; 05 Salem United UMC, PC-USA/ Montrose; 13 Retired. BA U of Sioux Falls; MDiv North American Baptist.
SYKES, RICHARD - RE. Deacon & PM 71; Elder & FM 74.
Appts: 94 Transferred from Nebraska Conf; 94 Wimbledon/ Kensal; 98 Murdo/ Draper; 1/15/00 Leave of Absence; 00 Retired. BA Rutgers; MDiv Eastern Baptist.

THOMPSON, JANICE - FE. Licensed 15; Commissioned & PM 17; Elder & FM 24.
Appts: 15 Howard Beach; 20 Beresford Zion; 22 Flandreau. BS SDSU; MS SDSU; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
THRALL, CORY – FL Licensed 14.
Appts: 14 Bismarck Legacy (Washburn/ Center/ Turtle Lake); 16 Bismarck Legacy (Washburn/ Center/ Turtle Lake and Hazen/ Beulah); 7/1/21-8/31/21 No Appointment; 9/1/21 Washburn/ Center (1/4); 10/1/21 Washburn/ Center (1/4) & Extension Bismarck Mission (new church start) (1/2); 6/1/22 Extension Bismarck Mission (new church start) (1/2); 8/1/22 Extension Bismarck Mission (new church start) (1/2) & Bismarck Legacy (1/4); 24 Bismarck Legacy (Senior Pastor). BS Ministry Central College.
TIESZEN, WAYNE L - RE. Deacon & PM 75; Elder & FM 79 (Nebraska Conf).
Appts: 84 Transferred to SD Conf; 84 Murdo/ Draper; 88 Groton/ Columbia UCC; 90 Kimball/ Kimball PC/ Kimball ELCA; 94 Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance; 10/1/99 Claremont/ Hecla; 03 Retired. BA Huron College; MDiv Iliff.
TKACH, ROD - RE. Deacon & PM 81; Elder & FM 86.
Appts: 81 Salem/ Dazey/ Leal; 82 School; 83 Elgin/ Zoar/ Ebenezer; 86 Bowman; 93 School; 98 Washburn/ Center; 01 Grand Forks Wesley; 03 Williston/ Grenora; 12/18/05 Williston; 12 Sabbatical; 13 Personal Leave; 14 Extension Holston Conf.; 4/1/21 Transitional Leave; 21 Retired. BS Jamestown; MDiv Asbury; PhD Southern.
TOEPKE-FLOYD, MARTIN C - FE. Deacon & PM 91; Elder & FM 93.
Appts: 87 Ione, CA; 90 Cleveland/ Medina; 91 Linton; 92 Linton/ Sterling/ Moffit; 93 Wishek Nursing Home; 01 Wishek; 08 Napoleon/ Wishek/ Lehr; 12 Napoleon/ Lehr; 14 Redfield/ Frankfort; 20 Jamestown First. BS Univ of Redlands; MDiv Pacific School of Religion.
TOWLER, JAMES G - RE. Trial & Deacon 51 (MN Conf); Elder & FM 55.
Appts: 64 Transferred to ND Conf, Fargo First; 68 Bowbells/ Coteau/ Kenmare; 71 Arthur/ Hunter/ Erie; 76 Langdon/ Hannah; 82 Transferred to SD Conf, Miller/ Greenleaf; 87 Timber Lake/ Timber Lake ALC (ELCA)/ Isabel UCC/ Timber Lake ABC; 92 Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance; 94 Retired. BA Mankato State; MDiv Drew; DMin.
TRAPP, DEAN A - RE. Deacon & PM 85; Elder & FM 88.
Appts: 85 School; 86 Conde/ Andover; 90 Groton/ Columbia UCC; 95 Groton/ Conde; 96 Yankton/ Gayville-Volin; 05 Yankton; 10 Sioux Falls Sunnycrest; 13 Huron Riverview/ Virgil and supervising Carpenter; 9/1/19 Voluntary Leave of Absence; 23 Retired. BA Westmar; MDiv Saint Paul.
TRENT, JUSTIN – FL. Licensed 24.
Appts: 7/15/23 Wall/ Wasta as CLM; 24 Wall/ Wasta as LLP.
TREFZ, REBECCA - FE. Commissioned & PM 05; Elder & FM 08.
Appts: 05 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 10 Brandon Celebration; 14 Director of Ministries; 9/19 interim Southwest District Superintendent and Director of Ministries; 20 Southeast District Superintendent and Director of Ministries; 24 Assistant to the Bishop for Connection and Communications. BA Simpson; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
TREFZ, STEVE - FE. Commissioned & PM 05; Elder & FM 08. Appts: 05 Piedmont; 08 Family Leave; 14 Conf Equipper of Lay Servant Ministries (LTFT); 5/1/16
Extension DWU & Sioux Falls Seminary; 17 Mitchell Fusion (1/4)/ Extension Garrett-Evangelical (1/4)/ Extension Sioux Falls Seminary (1/2); 20 Extension Sioux Falls Seminary (now Kairos University). BS SDSU; MDiv & DMin Garrett-Evangelical.
TURNER, MARK - RL. Licensed 06.
Appts: 06 Burke/ Herrick/ Jamison, NE; 15 Marion/Dickey/ Jud; 22 Retired; 22 Bowbells/ Kenmare Renew/ Sherwood (1/2). BA Iowa State; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
TYLER OSTERLOH, JENNIFER “JEN” - FE. Commissioned & PM 12; Elder & FM 15.
Appts: 12 Clark/ Garden City; 14 Wahpeton Evergreen; 20 Watertown First, Senior Pastor; 24 Extension Conference Office, Regional Strategist; 1/1/25 Brookings First. BA Simpson College; MDiv GarrettEvangelical.

UDEHN, KATHLEEN ‘KIPPY’ - RL. Licensed 16.
Appts: 9/1/15 DeSmet; 8/1/16 Hitchcock; 7/7/17 no appointment; 9/1/17-7/1/22 Highmore/ Harrold/ Blunt (3/4), 11/19/23 Retired.
VANDERLIP, DON - PL. Licensed 16.
Appts: 8/1/16 Flandreau (3/4); 17 Sioux Falls Southern Hills / Flandreau (3/4). BA USF; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary.
VAN ESSEN, ALBARTUS “BERT” L - RE. Deacon & PM 74; Elder & FM 77.
Appts: 74 School; 76 Murdo/ Draper; 82 Beresford/ Zion; 88 Winner; 93 Gettysburg; 03 Medical Leave; 09 Parker/ Hurley; 12 Sabbatical; 10/1/12 Retired. BS Westmar; MDiv Iliff.
VAN METER, WILLIAM ERIC - FE. FE Transfer from Arkansas Conf 16.
Appt: 16 Extension Ministries/ Chaplain DWU; 1/7/23 Transitional Leave; 6/1/23 Extension 344.1a) Dakotas Conference Office (3/4); 23 Extension Dakotas Conference Office/ Conference Online Faith Community (new church start) (1/2) & Sioux Falls Wesley (1/2); 1/1/24 Extension Kentucky Conference, Loucon Camp Director.
VETTER, BRANDON - FE. Commissioned & PM 05; Elder & FM 09.
Appts: 05 School; 06 DWU Campus Ministry; 14 Mitchell Fusion; 15 Bismarck Legacy (Associate); 16 Bismarck Legacy (Sr Pastor); 24 Southeast District Superintendent. BA DWU; MDiv Asbury.
VOELTZ, TRAVIS - FL. Licensed 19.
Appts: 18 Ashley/ Edgeley/ Lehr (Luke 10 Team) as SY; 19 Edgeley (Luke 10 Team) (1/4) as LLP; 21 Edgeley (1/4); 3/1/22 Edgeley (1/4) & Jamestown First (3/4); 23 Jamestown First (Pastor of Discipleship).
VONDERGEEST, CRAIG - FE. LP 92; Deacon & PM 94; Elder & FM 99.
Appts: 92 Williston/ Grenora/ Bainville; 93 School; 00 Alexandria/ Ethan/ Fulton; 03 Grand Forks Wesley; 05 Extension Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC; 11/1/17 Extension Presbyterian College and Lupo Memorial (1/2), Clinton, SC. BA Concordia; MDiv Princeton; PhD Union.
VORE, JEFF - RL. Licensed 11.
Appts: 11 McCook Lake ARK UMC (LTFT); 14 North Sioux City Ark (1/2); 18 North Sioux City Ark (1/4); 11/1/19 Retired; 8/1/21 Gayville-Volin (1/4). BS Ohio State
VORLAGE, TIMOTHY - RE. Deacon & PM 99; Elder & FM 02.
Appts: 98 Britton; 03 Cando/ Starkweather/ Egeland PC-USA/ Rock Lake/ Rolla; 06 Langdon; 12 Hitchcock/ Broadland; 2/1/16 Broadland (1/4); 22 Retired. AS Gavilon CC; BS Univ of NY, Regents College; MDiv United Theological Seminary.
WAISANEN, CORI - RE. Deacon & PM 91; Elder & FM 94. Appts: 91 School; 8/1/92 Pierre Southeast-Blunt; 98 Wessington Springs; 00 School; 06 Flandreau/ Egan; 08 Linton/ Sterling/ Moffit; 12 Linto.n/ Sterling; 14 Retired. BA Trinity Bible College; MDiv Asbury; DMin. Asbury.
WALTERS, GARY - FE. Commissioned & PM 00; Elder & FM 04. Appts: 00 White River/ Mission; 03 Gettysburg/ Onida/ Agar; 06 Bismarck McCabe; 10 RC Knollwood Heights/ Rapid Valley; 11 Rapid Valley; 19 Extension Kirk Funeral Home, Rapid City (para 344.1d). BA DWU; MDiv Asbury.
WALTERS, LAURA - FD. Commissioned 00; Deacon & FM 04.
Appts: 00 White River/ Mission (LTFT); 03 Gettysburg/ Onida/ Agar (LTFT); 06 Transitional Leave; 9/1/06 Bismarck McCabe (LTFT); 10 Family Leave; 1/1/15 Rapid Valley (1/4); 19 Extension New Underwood School District. BA DWU; MDiv Asbury.

WALTNER, TRAVIS - PL. Licensed 14.
Appt: 13 Embrace Tea Campus (3/4). BS SDSU.
WATT, DONALD A - RE. Transfer from Arkansas Conf 04. Appts: 04 Vice President for Academic Affairs DWU; 09 Gettysburg/ Onida/ Agar; 11 Retired. BS Mount Union College; MA, PhD U of Pennsylvania; MDiv Pacific School of Religion.
WEBER, ADAM - FE. Commissioned & PM 07; Elder & FM 10. Appts: 07 Extension Sioux Falls Embrace; 2/20/11 Embrace (Lead Pastor). BA Augustana; MDiv Asbury.
WENZEL, WARREN - RE. PM 64; Elder & FM 70.
Appts: 65 School; 12/68 Williston Faith; 69 Williston First/ Grenora; 73 Mohall/ Sherwood/ Tolley; 75 Bowman; 82 Harvey/ Martin/ Chaseley; 89 Fairmount/ Bethany/ Rosholt; 01 Retired; 01-04 Linton/ Moffit/ Braddock; 20 Langdon Interim (1/4); 10/1/20 - 21 Langdon Interim (1/2). BA Westmar; MDiv Evangelical.
WHETSEL, TERESA - PE. Licensed 13; Commissioned & PM 22.
Appts: 13 Arlington/ Lake Preston/ Lake Preston UCC; 18 Miller; 24 West Fargo Flame of Faith. MDiv Kairos University
WHIPKEY, BARRY - RL. Licensed 04.
Appts: 04 Larimore/ Arvilla PC-USA/ Emerado PC-USA; 07 Huron Riverview/ Virgil; 13 Madison; 19 Rapid City First; 23 Retired.
WHITMER, LOU - RA. FL Licensed 07; Commissioned & AM 17.
Appts: 07 Kimball/ Kimball PC- USA/ Kimball ELCA; 11 Mitchell; 13 Aberdeen North Highland; 23 Retired; 23 Bismarck McCabe (3/4).
WICKS, BRENDA - PL. Licensed 19.
Appt: 19 Carpenter (1/4); 1/1/24 Carpenter & Extension Regional Care Coordinator (1/4). Mitchell Technical Institute Certificate.
WIGEN, A. JULIAN - RE. Trial & Deacon 64; Elder & FM 67.
Appts: 63 School; 67 Tioga/ Columbus; 70 Enderlin/ Sheldon; 72 Transferred to SD Conf, Rapid City Knollwood Heights; 79 Milbank Parkview; 85 Redfield/ Ashton; 89 Redfield/ Ashton/ Rockham/ Miranda; 9/1/89 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 92 Executive Director UM Foundation (SD Conf); 03 Retired. PhB ND; MDiv Garrett; DMin McCormick.
WILLPRECHT, JOSHUA - PL. Licensed 2021. Appt: 6/1/21 Brandon Celebration (1/4). BS SDSU
WILSON, PEARY A - RE. Deacon 67; Elder & FM 70.
Appts: 70 Alexandria/ Fulton; 73 Supernumerary; 76 Canistota United Church; 84 Brookings; 87 Yankton/ Gayville-Volin; 92 Transfer to ND Conf; 92 Bismarck McCabe; 98 Southwest District Superintendent; 04 Lead/ Deadwood; 06 Retired; 11 Edgemont/ Pringle (LTFT); 13-14 Rapid City First (LTFT); 9/1/17 Edgemont/ Pringle (1/2); 10/1/19 - 20 Pringle (1/4). BA DWU; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
WINCKLER, JOEL - FE. Deacon & PM 93; Elder & FM 96.
Appts: 92 Cleveland/ Jamestown St Paul’s; 93 School; 94 Harrisburg; 97 Aberdeen First; 01 Bismarck Calvary/ Sterling; 06 Bismarck Calvary; 10 Fargo Calvary; 16 Jamestown St Paul’s; 20 Northwest District Superintendent. BA Asbury; MDiv Asbury.
WU, DAVID - RE. Deacon & PM 69; Elder & FM 71.
Appts: 68 St Thomas/ Glasston/ Hamilton; 70 School; 71 Linton; 76 Extension General Board of Global Ministries, World Division, Singapore; 96 General Board of Global Ministries, New York; 05 Retired. BA Barrington; MDiv Asbury; ThD Union.

YI, CHANG - FE. Commissioned & PM 08; Elder & FM 11. Appts: 06 Alexandria/ Ethan; 12 Grand Forks Zion. BS Ulsan Univ; MDiv. Wesley Theological Seminary.
ZACHRISON, DAYNE - FE. Commissioned & PM 02; Elder & FM 05.
Appts: 97 Nebraska Conference (Ceresco/Valparaiso (1/2 time); 01 Yankton/ Gayville-Volin; 04 Watertown First; 10 Clark/ Garden City; 12 Valley City Epworth; 1/1/22 Medical Leave; 23 Devils Lake First (3/4). BA Jamestown; MDiv Saint Paul.
ZECK, RICHARD W - FE. Deacon & PM 88; Elder & FM 91.
Appts: 88 School; 89 Yankton/ Gayville-Volin; 92 McCook Lake; 02 Fargo First; 13 Brookings First; 15 Extension Minnesota Conf (Brooklyn Center); 23 Medical Leave. BS SDSU; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
ZERFACE, PEGGY - RE. Deacon & PM 87; Elder & FM 90.
Appts: 87 School; 88 Marion/ Dickey; 90 Bismarck McCabe; 95 Clear Lake/ Gary; 01 Drayton/ Crystal/ St Thomas; 5/7/06 Fargo Faith; 10 Lisbon/ Enderlin/ Lisbon First PC-USA; 01/01/13 Retired; 1/1/13-14 Fargo First (LTFT). BS Valley City State; MDiv Saint Paul.
ZIEBARTH, STEVEN J - RE. Deacon & PM 80; Elder & FM 82.
Appts: 79 School; 81 Gregory/ Iona; 88 Mitchell; 92 School of Mines Campus Ministry; 96 Sioux Falls Southern Hills; 10 Canton; 20 Retired. BS Dakota State University; MDiv Iliff.

Appts: 10 Plankinton/ White Lake; 12 Milbank Parkview/ Big Stone City/ Ortonville, MN; 7/15/14 Fargo First; 11/1/16 Medical Leave; 7/21/17 Leave of Absence (para 353.2a); 22 Honorable Location. BA DWU; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
Appts: 72 Leola/ Frederick; 74 Watertown First; 77 Honorable Location; 81 Florence/ Summit; 94 Honorable Location; 19 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Iliff.
Appts: 78 Yankton (intern); 79 Wakonda/ Irene/ Viborg; 80 Special Appt; 81 Leave of Absence; 8/15/82 Alexandria/ Fulton & Artesian/ Farwell; 10/16/83 School; 86 Honorable Location; 87 Retired. BA UND; MDiv Garrett Evangelical.
Appts: 74 School; 75 Onida/ Agar; 78 Huron First; 9/1/83 DWU; 95 Leave of Absence; 02 Honorable Location; 19 Retired.
Appts: 68 Sterling/ Moffit/ Driscoll/ Braddock; 69 School; 70 Transferred to SD Conf; 70 Rapid City First; 75 United Methodist Higher Ed Vermillion; 77 USD; 78 Honorable Location; 11 Retired.
Appts: 81 Lisbon/Milnor; 83 Lisbon; 86 Fairmount/ Bethany/ Rosholt (MN); 89 Wimbledon/ Kensal; 11/1/91 Leave of Absence; 96 Honorable Location; 21 Retired. BA Western Illinois Univ; MDiv. Dubuque Theological Seminary.
Appts: 11/15/14 Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance (3/4); 15 Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance; 1/11/19 Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance (3/4); 20 Personal Leave of Absence; 22 Honorable Location. BA USD; MDiv Saint Paul.

Appts: 80 Todd-Mellette Larger Parish; 83 Garrett Evangelical; 87 Leave of Absence; 91 Honorable Location; 01 Huron First; 1/1/02 Huron First (LTFT); 9/1/05 Leave of Absence; 10 Honorable Location; 9/1/18 Retired. BA Morningside; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
Appts: 68 Brookings; 10/19/70 Northern State College Campus Minister; 9/73 DWU Campus Minister and Assoc Prof Religion & Philosophy; 11/76 Lutheran Social Services, Aberdeen; 77 Leave of Absence; 78 Honorable Location; 18 Retired. BA DWU; BD Yale.
Appts: 69 Ethan/ Tripp; 70 White Lake/ Underwood & Dunlap; 74 Honorable Location; 18 Retired. BA DWU; MDiv Hartford Seminary.
Appts: 96 School; 99 Kindred Calvary/ Kindred Zion; 02 Page/ Hope/ Finley; 04 Edgeley/ Kulm; 06 Pembina/ Joliette/ Humboldt; 09 Grand Forks Zion; 4/1/12 Personal Leave; 14 Honorable Location. BS USD; MDiv Perkins.
Other Than Full Members, Associate Members, Provisional Members, Licensed Local Pastors and Retired Members. This includes Certified Lay Ministers (CLM), associate members of another annual conference (OA), elders of another conference or other Methodist denomination (OE), full members of another denomination (OF), other local pastors (OL), retired member of another annual conference (OR), and lay supply (SY). As of July 1, 2023.
BAUER, TIM (supplied by UCC) Appt: 19 Hillsboro.
BELZER, CHUCK (OL-UCC) Appt: 11/15/21 Lisbon/ Enderlin (1/2).
BERTELSON, JERRY (supplied by PCUSA) Appt: 8/1/19 Canistota United.
BOTTGER, JERRY (CLM) Appt: 23 Mission pulpit supply (1/4).
COOK, DAVID (supplied by PCUSA) Appt: 19 Hot Springs Federated.
DILL, ROBIN (OF PCUSA) Appt: 6/6/2016 Grafton Federated/ Minto (3/4).
FERRIS, BEATA (CLM) Appt: 20 Presho/ Kennebec/ Reliance (1/4) as Administrative Leader as SY; 10/1/21 No Assignment; 22 Pierre First, Blunt, Lyman County as CLM (3/4); 1/1/23 Pierre First (3/4).
GRASSOW, PETE (OE Methodist Church of South Africa) Appt: 2/10/20 Brookings First.
ISAKSON COOK, LAURA (OF Evangelical Covenant) Appt: 24 Gettysburg/ Onida (Wheatland Parish).
JUNKER, DAREN (OF AB) Appt: 1/31/03 Elkton/ Elkton UCC. Bonnie; Dana, Michael, Daniel, David.
KENKEL, ADDY (CLM) Appt: 6/1/21 Brandon Celebration (3/4) as lay supply; 4/4/24 Brandon Celebration as CLM (3/4).
KLEIN, SHANDON (OE) Appt: 24 Fairmount/ Breckenridge, MN (supplied by MN Conference)
LOEWEN, RICK (OF CCCC) Appt: 17 Carrington Federated.
LOSING, DARRELL (SY) Appt: 10/1/16 Cleveland (1/4).
MADSEN, JANET (CLM) Appt: 10/1/14 Wheatland Parish (Agar/ Gettysburg / Onida); 1/8/23 Gettysburg/ Onida.
MAXTED, WARREN (OF AOG) Appt: 01 Beach Community.
MCDOWELL, TIMOTHY (SY) Appt: 5/1/23 Cando/ Rolla/ Rock Lake.
PECK, DONALD J (SY) Appt: 95 Leola/ Frederick/ Barnard UCC. BS Franklin Univ. Deirdre; Daniel, David, Douglas, Diana.
QUADE, ALYSSA (SY) Appt: 11/1/23 Velva (1/4).
SIEFKEN, LOREN/PAT (SY) Appt: 11 Bath.
SNETHEN, RON (OF Nazarene) Appt: 92 Colome (1/4). Jeanne.
WAGNER, VAL (SY) Appt: 20 Luke 10 Team at Edgeley (LTFT).
WERTH, JOHN (OF EPC) Appt: 02 Hamilton.
REYNOLDS, JEANNINE - Deaconess 96. Positions: 96-98 Social Worker, Virginia Conference; 98-02 Church and Community Worker, UM Cooperative Mins. of Madison County, FL; 02 Church & Community Worker; UM Pierre Area Community Ministry (UMPACM); 06 Retired. BA in Social Work, University of Kentucky.
2024 Jubilee Clergy

2024 CCYM Awards

Rev Sara McManus, Watertown First UMC, was presented with the Darrel Leach Youthworker of the Year award. (Photo by jlynn studios.)
Rev Duane Coates, chair of the Commission on Archives and History, led the Conference in celebrating retired elder, Rev. Marilyn Spurrell, as a jubilee clergy. Rev. Spurrell shared the challenges of being a woman entering pastoral ministry 50 years ago. (Photo by jlynn studios.)

Kim Gross from Iroquois Trinity UMC was inducted into the Youthworker Hall of Fame of the Dakotas Conference. (Photo by jlynn studios.)
tructure and u es of rder
All refer to current edition of The Book of Discipline (or The Discipline or BOD).
ection ission of the nnua onference
. . ame. Dakotas Annual Conference of The United ethodist Church.
. . ore a ues. Through the presence and power of the oly Spirit, we, the Dakotas Conference of The United ethodist Church, are a community saved by grace through faith, centered in Christ, grounded in Scripture, and connected with one another in the esleyan tradition of doing no harm, doing good, and staying in love with God.
. . . hrist entered heo ogica a ues. Putting fear aside, trusting God through faith, and following the divine mandate to love God and neighbor, we, the Body of Christ, covenant to commit our lives to make disciples of Christ, employing all the means of grace available to us as revealed through Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience.
. . . es ey s hree imp e u es e ationa a ues. ohn esley’s three simple rules describe for us the foundation of our Christian life together. By intentionally examining our personal and corporate lives, we strive to do no harm. Therefore, we choose to relate to one another in a spirit of inclusiveness, integrity, intimacy, and accountability. Committed to doing good, we engage in mission, service, and social action, acknowledging that if we err we do so on the side of grace. e stay in love with God through spiritual development, including regular reading of Scripture, cultivating a life of prayer, tithing, and worshiping God in public and private settings.
. . . onnection tructura a ues. Connected to God and each other through Christ, the Dakotas Conference of The United ethodist Church gathers the gifts and strengths of the local churches to fulfill more effectively our mission and ministry. By sharing leadership and resources, and providing mutual support and accountability, we do ministry better when we do it together.
. . urpose. The purpose of the Annual Conference is to make disciples of esus Christ for the transformation of the world by equipping its local churches for ministry and by providing a connection for ministry beyond the local church all to the glory of God. ( 601 of The Book of Discipline)
. . iabi ity of the oca hurch. A viable congregation of The United ethodist Church in the Dakotas Conference makes disciples by intentionally and consistently doing these things:
Invites people to know Christ.
Includes people in the fellowship of the church. orships regularly.
Nurtures spiritual growth.
Prays for one another and the world. Participates in local and global missions. eets financial obligations.
Shares in the mission and ministry of The United ethodist Church including paying apportionments. e expect every congregation to evaluate and apply these criteria to its ministry and be accountable for showing progress in each area with the support of the District Superintendent. The work of a church is a labor shared by both its congregation an d the clergy appointed to serve that congregation with the support of the District Superintendent. A church or clergyperson that does not take specific, measurable steps to meet these criteria lacks integrity and/or vitality. Therefore, a congregation adjudged not to have made specific, measurable steps to meet the criteria of vitality should consider closing, allowing its members and constituents to be nurtured, grow, and be in a mission in a viable congregation.
. . a otas atform for inistry. Connected to God and each other through Christ, the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United ethodist Church exists for the purpose of equipping the local church for mission and ministry in the world. By sharing leadership resources and providing mutual support and accountability, we do ministry better when we do it together. The Dakotas Annual Conference provides links between the local church and conference for developing missional leaders, equipping missional congregations, extending missional impact, and generating missional resources. ection onference fficers
. . resident. The President shall be the Bishop of the Dakotas Area of The United ethodist Church
. . ecuti e irector of inistries
. . onference ecretary. The Secretary shall be nominated by the Cabinet and elected by the Annual Conference at its first session following the General Conference. If needed, the bishop after consultation with the district superintendents, shall appoint a person to act until the next session of the Annual Conference ( 603. of The Book of Discipline).
. . onference o ay eaders. The Conference Co- ay eaders shall be nominated and elected by the lay members of the Annual Conference at its first session following the General Conference according to procedures outlined in these rules.
. . onference tatistician. The Statistician shall be nominated by the Cabinet and elected by the Annual Conference at its first session following the General Conference. If needed, the bishop after consultation with the district superintendents, shall appoint a person to act until the next session of the Annual Conference. ( 603. of the The Book of Discipline)
. . onference hance or s . The Chancellor(s) shall be nominated by the Bishop and elected by the Annual Conference at its first session following the General Conference. If needed, the bishop shall fill the vacancy until the next session of the Annual Conference. ( 603. of The Book of Discipline)
ection Conference Structure
. . e ibi ity in onference tructure. The Annual Conference is responsible for structuring its ministries and administrative procedures in order to accomplish its purpose ( 601), with the exception of the mandated provisions of 611, 635, 636, 63 , 63 , 640, 64 , and 64 . In so doing it shall provide for the connectional relationship of the local church, district, and conference with the general agencies. ( 610)
The Annual Conference shall provide for the functions and General Conference connections with all general agencies provided by The Discipline as follows: a) There shall be clear connections between the General Conference agencies, annual conference program and administrative entities, and the local congregations. These connections shall be identified in the business questions of the annual conference each year. b) There shall be clear checks and balances regarding program functions and financial/administrative functions within the Annual Conference. These structural matters will be defined and approved by the annual conference session. Annual conferences may fund their ministries in ways that reflect conference priorities and structures, as approved by the annual conference in the budgeting process. All disciplinary references to equivalent structures shall be defined by 610.1. ( 610 of The Book of Discipline)
Nothing in these Structure and Rules shall be construed to contravene any provision of The Discipline relating to the work of the Board of Ordained inistry ( 635), the Administrative Review Committee ( 636), the Committees on Investigation ( 2 03), the Board of Pensions and ealth Benefits ( 63 ), the Board of Trustees ( 2512), the Conference Council on Finance and Administration ( 611-61 ), or the Committee on Episcopacy ( 63 ). . . e e oping issiona eaders in The local church provides the most significant area through which discipleship occurs. ( 201 of The Book of Discipline) A vital and viable local church is dependent upon the strength of its lay and clergy leadership.
. . . unctions. The Developing issional eaders ink shall equip the local church by working with its leadership to provide encouragement, assessment, training, and resources by:
a) identifying, recruiting, training, and developing current and emerging leaders of the local church.
b) giving intentional attention to the ministries involved in disciple-making, including, but not limited to, witness ministries, Christian education, evangelism, worship, stewardship, spiritual formation, justice ministries, and local and global missions.
c) giving intentional attention to ministries to and with various categories of persons, including, but not limited to, youth, young adults, older adults, women, men, persons with disabilities, Native Americans, persons of color, persons in small membership churches, persons victimi ed by crime, imprisoned persons, survivors of disasters, and other often overlooked or excluded persons.
d) caring for the recruitment of pastors, staff, and lay leadership, including, but not limited to, conference extension ministers, campus ministers, conference missionaries, and conference evangelists.
e) providing a camping ministry for the Annual Conference.
f) providing generational ministries for all ages and genders, including through young adult and campus ministry.
g) caring for the credentialing of clergy through the work of the Board of Ordained inistry.
h) promoting and providing for professional growth.
i) holding clergy, staff, and lay leadership accountable.
j) establishing procedures for managing clergy medical leave as specified in 652 of The Discipline.
k) promoting Safe and Sacred Spaces policies.
l) caring for the functions of a board of discipleship specified in 630 of The Discipline, and maintaining the connectional relationship between the General Board of Discipleship and the conference, district, and local church.
m) caring for the functions of a board of laity specified in 631 of The Discipline.
n) caring for the functions of a board of higher education and campus ministry as specified in 634 of The Discipline and maintaining the connectional relationship between the Division of igher Education of the General Board of igher Education and inistry and the conference, district, and local church
o) caring for the functions of a commission on the small membership church as specified in 645 of The Discipline.
p) caring for the functions of a commission on religion and race as specified in 643 of The Discipline and maintaining the connectional relationship between the General Commission on Religion and Race and the conference, district, and local church.
q) caring for the functions of a commission on the status and role of women as specified in 644 of The Discipline and maintaining the connectional relationship between the General Commission on the Status and Role of omen and the conference, district, and local church.
r) caring for the functions of a council on youth ministry as specified in 64 of The Discipline and maintaining the connectional relationship between the Division on inistries with oung People of the General Board of Discipleship and the conference, district, and local church.
s) caring for the functions of young-adult ministry as specified 650 of The Discipline.
. . . embership. The Developing issional eaders ink shall have 12 members, who include one representative from each of the standing committees relating to this ink in addition, the conference co-lay leaders, persons serving as members of any general agency related to the functions of this ink shall be voting members. The following shall be ex officio members without vote: the Executive Director of inistries, the Director of eadership Development, the Area Director of Camp and Retreat inistry and a District Superintendent.
. . . tanding ommittees of the e e oping issiona eaders in :
a) Board of Ordained inistry. There shall be a Conference Board of Ordained inistry as provided in 635 of The Book of Discipline. The Board shall relate to the Developing issional eaders ink but shall report to and be amenable directly to the Annual Conference. The Board shall be constituted as prescribed in 635.1 of The Discipline, and consist of between 20 and 25 total members.
. . uipping issiona ongregations in : Equipping issional Congregations builds capacity by starting new congregations in strategic missional settings and providing resources/training for existing congregations seeking to re -invent or re-vision their mission and ministry and become fruitful.
. . unctions. The Equipping issional Congregations ink accomplishes this through:
a) encouraging local churches to do ministry and be vital congregations.
b) helping local churches with needs assessments to determine viability and direction using the viable church criteria in Section 1.4
c) resourcing local churches through people, programs, and financial support.
d) developing strategies for reaching new people.
e) starting new faith communities.
. . . embership. The Equipping issional Congregations ink shall have 12 members, who include one representative from each of the standing committees relating to this ink in addition, persons serving as members of any general agency related to the functions of this ink shall be voting members. The following shall be ex officio members without vote: the Bishop, the Executive Director of inistries, Area Director of New Church Development and each District Superintendent.
. . tending issiona Impact in : hen it is more effective to use resources across church and conference boundaries, or when the scope or costs of ministries exceed the ability of an individual church, we can do ministry better when we do it together. Our combined efforts increase our ability to fulfill the overall mission of the church to make disciples of esus Christ for the transformation of the world.
. . . unctions. The Extending issional Impact ink enhances the church by providing avenues for congregations to more effectively utili e our connection to have a greater impact on transforming their communities and the world. These include:
a) developing strategic ministry initiatives beyond the local church.
b) developing cooperative ministries.
c) transforming lives through service and mission.
d) sharing information and promoting connectional opportunities.
e) providing places to gather beyond the local church.
f) promoting Christian unity and interreligious concerns.
g) developing ministries with Native Americans in the Dakotas.
h) monitoring inclusiveness of gender and race.
i) caring for the functions of a board of church and society specified in 62 of The Discipline, and maintaining the connectional relationship between the General Board of Church and Society and the conference, district, and local church.
j) caring for the functions and connectional relationships of a committee on ethnic local church concerns specified in 632 of The Discipline.
k) caring for the functions of a board of global ministries as specified in 633 of The Discipline and maintaining the connectional relationship between the General Board of Global inistries and the conference, district, and local church.
l) caring for the functions of Christian unity and interreligious relationships as specified in 642 of The Discipline and maintaining the connectional relationship between the Council of Bishops’ Office of Christian Unity and Interreligious Relationships and the conference, district, and local church.
m) caring for the functions of a commission on communications as specified in 646 of The Discipline.
n) caring for the functions of a committee on disability concerns as specified in 653 of The Discipline.
o) caring for the functions of a committee on Native American ministry as specified in 654 of The Discipline.
. . . embership. The Extending issional Impact ink shall have 12 members, who include one representative from each of the standing committees relating to this ink in addition to these 12 members, the Conference Secretary of Global inistries, the U ission Coordinator for Social Action, the U ission Coordinator for Education and Interpretation and persons serving as members of any general agency related to the functions of this ink shall be voting members. The following shall be ex officio members without vote: the Executive Director of inistries, a District Superintendent and other members of agencies as specified in 642.2 of The Discipline
. . . tanding ommittees of the tending issiona Impact in
a) United ethodist omen. There shall be a Conference United ethodist omen, auxiliary to the jurisdictional and national organi ations of United ethodist omen, as provided in 64 of the The Book of Discipline. It shall relate to the Extending issional Impact ink.
b) United ethodist en. There shall be a Conference United ethodist en, auxiliary to the jurisdictional committee of United ethodist en and to the General Commission on United ethodist en, as provided in 64 of the The Book of Discipline. It shall relate to the Extending issional Impact ink.
. . on ermanent tanding ommittee of the tending issiona Impact in
a) Committee on Disability inistries. There shall be a non-permanent standing committee on disability ministries to support and resource individual churches, groups, districts, or other United ethodists groups in facilitating formal and informal groups such as Circle of Friends or other ministry and outreach programs to be in ministry to and with persons with disabilities.
. . enerating issiona esources in . God has entrusted the Annual Conference with resources for the purpose of equipping the local church to make disciples of esus Christ for the transformation of the world. Therefore, our task is to ensure the generation of and the wise stewardship of resources to fulfill this function. This ink provides constructs to generate and administer the resources necessary to create and sustain our conference ministries including, but not limited to, leadership development, congregational vitality, and missional impact initiatives. The ink shall function as a task force at the call of the Bishop.
. . embership. Because of the role of this group in addressing resource and stewardship challenges of the annual conference, membership will be determined at the time of the call based on the items being addressed by the task force. The Generating issional Resources ink shall have twelve members, who include one representative from each of the standing committees relating to this ink. In addition, persons serving as members of any general agency related to the function of this ink shall be voting members. Because of the task force nature of this link, members may serve on other conference links/committees. The following shall be ex officio members without vote: the Executive Director of Financial and Administrative Services, the Executive Director of inistries, the Executive Director of the Dakotas United ethodist Foundation, and a District Superintendent.
. . . tanding ommittees of the enerating issiona esources in
a) Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA). There shall be a Conference Council on Finance and Administration as provided in 611-61 of The Discipline. CCFA shall relate to the Common Table, but shall report to and be amenable directly to the Annual Conference. The Council shall be constituted as specified in 612.2 of The Discipline and shall consist of between 12 and 15 elected voting members, plus ex officio members as specified in 612.2c. For purposes of this structure, the Common Table shall serve the functions of the Council on inistries and the Executive Director of inistries shall serve the functions of the Director of Connectional inistries.
b) Board of Pensions and ealth Benefits. There shall be a Conference Board of Pensions and ealth Benefits, auxiliary to the General Board of Pensions and ealth Benefits, as provided in 63 of The Discipline. The board shall relate to the Generating issional Resources ink, but as provided in 614.1d The Book of Discipline, shall consult directly with the Conference Council on Finance and Administration as to the annual amount necessary to fund the conference pension and benefit programs. The Board shall be constituted as specified in 63 .2, and shall consist of between 12 and 15 members.
c) Board of Trustees. There shall be a Conference Board of Trustees as provided in 640 and 2512 of The Discipline. The Board shall relate to the Generating issional Resources ink, but shall report to and be amenable directly to the Annual Conference. The Board shall be constituted as specified in 2512 of The Discipline.
d) uman Resources Committee ( RC). There shall be a uman Resources Committee, which shall develop and implement personnel policies and procedures pertaining to standards of employment, evaluation, compensation, housing, benefits, vacation, sick leave, and all other matters of effectiveness and morale. RC shall care for the functions of a Commission on Equitable Compensation specified in 625 of The Book of Discipline, by forming a subcommittee of RC for equitable compensation which shall include equal lay and clergy members plus one district superintendent named by the cabinet. Its membership shall be constituted as provided in 625.
The uman Resources Committee shall be made up of the Executive Director of inistries, a representative from each ink, a representative from the Common Table, and two lay and two clergy at-large members, with preference given to those possessing expertise or experience in human-resource management. No member of the staff of the annual conference or any of its agencies, nor an immediate family member of such staff, shall serve as a member of
the committee. The committee may consult as necessary with representatives of other agencies. The Bishop and the Executive Director of Finance and Administrative Services shall be ex officio members without vote.
. . he ommon ab e. Discerning and keeping accountability to the vision.
. . . unctions. The Common Table guides and holds accountable the work of the agencies of the Annual Conference as they fulfill the purpose of the Annual Conference:
a) along with the Bishop and Executive Director of inistries, to be the keeper of the vision of the Annual Conference for the continual process of transformation and renewal.
b) in concert with the Bishop and the Extended Cabinet, to administer the Annual Conference’s ministries, resources, and business within the context of The Discipline and the actions taken by Annual Conference, and following the core values and purpose of the Annual Conference.
c) to recommend to the Annual Conference visions, goals, priorities, and overall strategies.
d) to ensure that actions and proposals of Annual Conference agencies are consistent with the Annual Conference’s purpose and core values.
e) to elect persons, upon nomination by the Committee of Nominations, to fill interim vacancies until the next session of the Annual Conference, according to Rule 6.5 except as otherwise provided by The Book of Discipline.
f) to determine by the first session immediately following the General Conference, the method for the lay members of Annual Conference to nominate and elect the Conference ay eaders and District ay eaders according to Rule 6. and 6.10.
g) to be amenable to the Annual Conference.
. . . embership. The Common Table shall have nine members: a representative of the cabinet one of the conference co-lay leaders a representative from CCFA three laypersons and three clergy persons to be nominated by the Bishop in consultation with the Committee on Nominations one of whom shall be named the chair who do not serve on any link or standing committee related to one of the links ex officio without vote the Bishop and the Executive Director of inistries.
. . ther tanding ommittees
. . . ommission on rchi es and istory. There shall be a Conference Commission on Archives and istory with responsibilities, membership, and connections as provided in 641 of The Discipline. In addition, any member of a general agency relating to the functions of the commission shall be an ex-officio member with vote.
. . . dministrati e e ie ommittee. There shall be a Conference Administrative Review Committee as provided in 636 of The Discipline. Its membership shall be nominated and elected according to the provisions of 636 of The Discipline. Its only purpose shall be to ensure that the disciplinary procedures for discontinuance of provisional membership ( 32 .6), involuntary leave of absence ( 354), involuntary retirement ( 35 .3), or administrative location ( 35 ) are properly followed. Additionally, if in the event of unresolved issues related to medical leave ( 356.4) a fair process ( 361.2) occurs, the administrate review committee shall ensure that fair process was followed. The entire administrative process leading to the action for change in conference relationship shall be reviewed by administrative review committee, and it shall report its findings to the clergy session of members in full connection with the annual conference prior to any action of the annual conference. The administrative review committee shall notify the parties of the review of the process. The administrative fair process hearing procedures ( 361.2) should be followed by the administrative review committee. Prior to its report, if the committee determines that any error has occurred, it may recommend to the appropriate person or body that action be taken promptly to remedy the error, decide the error is harmless, or take other action. ( 636)
. . . ommittee on ominations. There shall be a Conference Committee on Nominations entrusted with the task of nominating persons for election by the Annual Conference to serve on the Developing issional eaders ink, the Equipping issional Congregations ink, the Extending issional Impact ink, the Generating issional Resources ink and the Standing Committees, except where otherwise provided by The Discipline. Further, except as otherwise provided in The Discipline and these conference rules, the Committee on Nominations shall nominate to the Common Table, for their elections, persons to fill interim vacancies on links and conference agencies, according to Rule 6.5. The Committee on Nominations shall have 12 members, three from each district to be nominated by the respective district lay leader and district superintendent and elected by the Annual Conference. No member of the Committee on Nominations shall serve on the Common Table, a ink, or Standing Committee. Ex-officio members without vote shall be one of the Conference Co- ay eaders, the Conference Secretary, the Director of eadership Development and the Executive Director of inistries.
. . . ommittee on ecords u es and rocedures. Each year, the Executive Director of inistries shall recruit and work with a Committee on Records, Rules, and Procedures, as provided in Conference Rule 4.3.2h. The purpose of this group shall be: a) To recommend interpretations of conference standing rules to the presiding officer during Annual Conference sessions and to the Bishop and/or Executive Director of inistries ad interim. b) To review and recommend action on proposed new structure, rules or changes in existing structure and/or rules.
. . . ommittee on piscopacy. There shall be a Committee on Episcopacy as provided in 63 -63 of The Discipline. It shall report to and be amenable directly to the Annual Conference. It shall be constituted as prescribed in 63 , and consist of between and 1 total members. No member of the staff of the Annual Conference or any of its agencies, nor an immediate family member of such staff, shall serve as a member of the committee, except that a member of the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy or the conference lay leader shall not be disqualified from membership as a result of this provision. ( 63 .1)
. . . on ermanent tanding ommittees. The Common Table may recommend to the Annual Conference additional standing committees on the basis of (1) direct fulfillment of the purpose of the Annual Conference, and (2) demonstration of widespread involvement by persons within local churches of the Annual Conference. Standing committees established under these criteria will be reviewed at least once each quadrennium by the Common Table for recommendation to the Annual Conference for renewal. Recommendations to the Annual Conference shall include si e and make-up of membership, as well as budget. The Conference Council of outh inistries shall be a non -permanent standing committee relating to the Developing issional eaders ink.
. . on tanding ommittees
. . . Each ink may establish such non-standing committees, working groups, and task forces as it deems necessary to fulfill the functions entrusted to it. Recruitment of persons to serve on these bodies is the responsibility of the ink.
. . . The establishing ink is responsible to review at least annually the purpose, results, and membership of each of its non-standing committees.
ection taffing
. . istrict uperintendents. The Dakotas Annual Conference shall have four districts, each with a full-time District Superintendent.
. . iring of taff. The Bishop and the uman Resources Committee shall work together to set up the process for the selection of all staff positions, excluding the Executive Director of inistries and the Executive Director of Finance and Administrative Services.
. . ecuti e irector of inistries
. . The Executive Director of inistries shall be selected and supervised by the Bishop in consultation with the uman Resources Committee.
. . esponsibi ities
a) under the direction of the Bishop, to provide oversight of the annual conference, including supervision and evaluation of the conference program staff, but excluding the Executive Director of Finance and Administrative Services, and District Superintendents.
b) to resource the Equipping issional Congregations ink.
c) to review and authori e communication of information disseminated on behalf of the Annual Conference.
d) to serve as a non-voting member of the appointive Cabinet.
e) to undertake other duties as assigned by the Bishop.
f) to serve as the connectional link between the Annual Conference, general boards and agencies, and the local church.
g) to recruit and work with a Sessions Committee to ensure the organi ation and logistics of planning the Annual Conference session.
h) to recruit and work with a Committee on Records, Rules, and Procedures.
i) to recruit and work with a Committee on Resolutions and General Conference Petitions.
j) to recruit and work with a ournal Editorial Committee.
. . irector of eadership e e opment
. . esponsibi ities
a) to relate to the Developing issional eaders ink through attending meetings, helping with research, and providing information and resources.
b) to work with members of the Developing issional eaders ink in developing a leadership-education plan that focuses on the needs of the local church.
c) to manage the process for assessing the viability of the local church (collection of the data, implementing strategies for responding to assessment tools)
d) to provide, coordinate, and oversee the training, curriculum, and trainers, for developing strong, principled Christian leaders within the local churches of the Dakotas Conference, including lay servant leaders.
e) to resource the Board of Ordained inistry and candidates for ministry.
f) to link to the general church through the General Board of igher Education and inistry, the General Board of Discipleship, and other appropriate denominational connections related to leadership development.
g) to participate in the life and ministry of the conference office.
h) to raise up and develop current and emerging leaders across the conference.
i) to care for other duties relating to leadership development as appropriate or delegated by the Bishop.
. . ecuti e irector of inance and dministrati e er ices
. . The Treasurer/Executive Director of Finance and Administrative Services shall be nominated by the Conference Council on Finance and Administration and elected by the Annual Conference as provided for in The Discipline. . . esponsibi ities
a) to carry out functions as specified in the latest Discipline.
b) to manage the conference office with the exception of personnel services.
c) to relate to the Generating issional Resources ink through attending meetings, helping with research, and providing information and resources.
. . rea irector of amp and etreat inistries . . esponsibi ities
a) to care for the program, leadership development, promotion, and administration relating to camp and retreat ministries.
. . a uation of onference taff. Evaluation of all conference staff shall be done in accordance with policies established by the uman Resources Committee. istrict gencies
. . istrict ommittee on rdained inistry. There shall in each district be a District Committee on Ordained inistry with functions as specified in 666 of The Discipline. The Committee shall be constituted as specified in that paragraph and shall consist of a total of seven clergy in full connection (including the chairperson and district superintendent) and three professing members of local churches.
. . ommittee on istrict uperintendency. There shall in each district be a Committee on District Superintendency with functions as specified in 66 of The Discipline. The committee shall be constituted of 11 members as specified in that paragraph.
. . istrict Board of hurch ocation and Bui ding. There shall in each district be at least one District Board of Church ocation and Building with functions as specified in 251 -2520. ore than one board may be elected in a district for geographic reasons at the discretion of the district superintendent. Each board shall be constituted as specified in 251 , and consist of six to nine members. ection tanding u es
. . erms. Terms for newly elected officers and members of conference and district boards and agencies shall begin on the day following the close of the regular annual conference session. Unless otherwise specified in The Book of Discipline, or in this Structure and Rules, nominees shall be placed in four classes, with one-fourth of an agency’s members (excluding exofficio members) being elected annually.
. . enure. Persons nominated and elected to chair or to serve as a member of any conference or district agency shall serve no more than 12 consecutive years on that agency, except in the instance where the person was appointed or elected to complete half or less of an unfinished term. If a person has served 12 consecutive years on an agency, she/he shall not be elected to that agency for a period of four years. Ex-officio members of agencies shall not be subject to this tenure rule.
. . imitations. No person shall serve on more than one agency of the Annual Conference with the exception of ex -officio members. The Administrative Review Committee, Committee on Episcopacy, Sessions Committee, Rules, Records and Procedures Committee, Disaster Response, Task Force for issional Appointments, Editorial Revisions Committee, Committee on Resolutions and General Conference Petitions, Generating issional Resources ink or a district agency shall not be counted towards this limit.
. . ontact Information. Complete mailing addresses and phone numbers shall be submitted to the Conference Office for every person nominated for service on a Dakotas Conference board or committee, including district boards and committees. No nominations will be accepted or printed in the Conference ournal that is not accompanied by an address and phone number.
. . acancies. Should any vacancy occur during the year in any Conference office or agency, the Common Table shall elect persons upon nomination by the Committee on Nominations, unless otherwise provided for in The Discipline to fill the vacancies until the next session of the Annual Conference.
. . ne cused bsences. If an elected member of a conference agency is absent from two consecutive meetings of that agency without a reason acceptable to that agency, that person shall cease to be a member thereof. In that case, the person shall be so notified, as well as the chairperson of the Committee on Nominations, and that place shall be filled in accordance with Conference Rule number 6.5.
. . enera and urisdictiona onference e egate ections
. . . All provisions of The Discipline regarding elections, eligible voters, and eligible persons to be delegates or alternates of General and urisdictional Conferences shall be carefully followed.
. . . A general ballot will be taken early in the Annual Conference session in the full year preceding General Conference for lay and clergy delegates without nominations. aity may distribute information about interested lay candidates in advance of the Annual Conference in which elections are held so study can be done ahead of time in preparation for voting. The Conference Co- ay eader will take responsibility for this task.
. . . After the first ballot, candidates receiving five votes or more shall be introduced on the Annual Conference floor. After each subsequent ballot, candidates not previously introduced but receiving five votes or more shall be likewise introduced.
. . . Balloting will continue until there is an election by simple majority of valid ballots. Ballots must have the exact number of names as there are positions being elected on that round of balloting to be considered valid.
. . . hen the election of either the lay or clergy delegates to General Conference has taken place, balloting for the remainder of urisdictional Conference delegates shall proceed in the same manner. ay and clergy delegates to urisdictional Conference shall serve as the reserve delegates to General Conference in the order in which they are elected.
. . . Balloting for urisdictional Conference delegates will proceed at intervals until sufficient delegates and reserve delegates are elected. The Conference shall elect as many reserve delegates to urisdictional Conference as it elects delegates to urisdictional Conference, or three lay reserve delegates and three clergy reserve delegates, whichever is greater.
. . . The counting of ballots shall be undertaken by a team of tellers as directed by the Annual Conference Secretary.
. . . hen all elections are completed, the Annual Conference Secretary shall send certification of election to the General Conference Secretary.
. . . After the close of the General Conference delegate election and before leaving the site of Annual Conference, the General Conference delegation shall meet to choose a chair of the delegation and to choose their legislative committee assignments.
. . . CCFA shall provide funds for travel and per diem for reserve delegates to General Conference and urisdictional Conference to attend their respective sessions at a rate equal to that provided to the full delegates.
. . . In the case of a special session of the General Conference being called, the next regular session of the Annual Conference shall hold a new election for lay and clergy delegates and alternates, as permitted in 14 of the Constitution. owever, if no regular session of the Annual Conference will be held prior to the special session of the General Conference, the delegates and alternates elected to the preceding General Conference, or their lawful successors, shall serve at the special session unless the Bishop with the concurrence of three-fourths of the district superintendents calls a special session of the Annual Conference for the purpose of a new election in accordance with 603.5 of The Discipline. . . urisdictiona ominating oo . The provisions governing the election of persons by the Annual Conference for submission to the urisdictional Nominating Pool are found in 05.1 of The Discipline. Election to the pool shall take place at the Annual Conference preceding urisdictional Conference. Nominations shall first be made by a committee composed of the Bishop and the General and urisdictional Conference delegation, with opportunity for additional nominations from the floor of Annual Conference. If more than five persons have been nominated to any of the categories listed in The Discipline, there shall be a ballot cast in that category, with the five persons receiving the most votes being elected in that category. . . onference o ay eaders. The Conference Co- ay eaders shall be elected at the aity Session of the Annual Conference immediately following the General Conference for a quadrennial term, and each may succeed himself/herself once, except according to Rule 6.2 in instances where the person was elected to complete half or less of an unfinished term. In such cases, the Conference Co- ay eaders may succeed themselves twice. In the year of the election, the Common Table shall determine the method for the lay members of Annual Conference to nominate and elect the Conference Co- ay eaders. . . istrict o ay eaders. In the same year as the Conference Co- ay eaders are elected, the Common Table shall determine the method for the lay members in each district to nominate and elect District Co- ay eaders. District Co- ay eaders serve a quadrennial term and may succeed themselves once, except according to Rule 6.2 in instances where a person was elected to complete half or less of an unfinished term.
. . ay embers of nnua onference and ay ua i ation In accordance with section VI of the Constitution of The United ethodist Church, 32, Article I, of The Discipline, the lay membership of Annual Conference shall be elected as follows:
. According to The Book of Discipline, the lay membership of the Annual Conference shall consist of professing lay members elected by each charge. Each charge served by more than one clergy member under appointment shall be entitled to as many lay members as there are clergy members under appointment. Each charge in the Dakotas Conference shall pay expenses for lay members it elects. ay mem ers y irtue of office: The Dakotas Conference shall pay Annual Conference allowed per diem, Annual Conference allowed mileage, and registration fee:
The lay members shall have been for the two years next preceding their election members of The United ethodist Church and shall have been active participants in The United ethodist Church for at least four years next preceding their election. (Paragraph 32, Article I)
-Diaconal ministers
-Active deaconesses
- ome missioners under episcopal appointment within the bounds of the annual conference
-Conference Co- ay eaders -District Co- ay eaders
-Conference president of United ethodist omen
-Conference president of United ethodist en
-Conference Co-Directors of ay Servant inistries
-Conference secretary of Global inistries
-President or equivalent officer of the conference young adult organi ation
-President of the conference youth organi ation
-Chair of the Annual Conference college student organi ation
-One young person between the ages of twelve (12) and seventeen (1 ) from each district
-One young person between the ages of eighteen (1 ) and thirty (30) from each district
To be selected in such a manner as may be determined by the annual conference. ( 32, Article I) The Conference Council of Youth Ministries is asked to designate one youth from each district in order to fulfill the younger portion of this requirement.
B. In addition to those specified by The Discipline, the Dakotas Conference also includes the following persons as lay members of Annual Conference by virtue of office, if the person holding such office is a layperson and a member of a United ethodist Church. The Dakotas Conference shall pay Annual Conference allowed per diem, Annual Conference allowed mileage, and registration fee:
- ay members of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration
- ay members of the Common Table
-Commissioned missionaries serving within the bounds of the Dakotas Conference
-Dakotas Conference issionaries who meet the criteria of training and ministry and are approved by the Dakotas Board of Global inistries or equivalent structure
-General and urisdictional Conference delegates if not otherwise elected from a local charge or by virtue of office
-Campus ministers who are United ethodist lay persons and are serving a formally organi ed college or university campus ministry group
-A student representative from each formally organi ed college or university campus ministry group (as selected by each campus ministry group)
Any of these positions held by a Dakotas Conference United ethodist professing lay person:
-Conference representative to general boards or agencies
-Staff members of general boards or agencies
-Chairs of Conference Boards/Agencies who are lay
-Conference Executive Director of Finance and Administrative Services
-Conference Secretary
-Conference istorian
-Dakotas United ethodist Foundation Director
-Director of eadership Development
-Director of Communications
-Conference Statistician
-Conference ournal Editor
-Area Director of Camp and Retreat inistry
-Area Director of New Church Development
-Conference Executive Director of inistries
-Conference Chancellors
-One young adult member to be selected per district by the District Superintendents in consultation with the Conference Council on oung Adult inistries and Dakotas United ethodist Student ovement.
-One youth member to be selected per district by the District Superintendent in consultation with the Conference Council on outh inistries
-Certified ay inisters (C ) under assignment
The maximum projected number of additional lay members needed for equali ation shall be determined annually by the Conference Secretary, based on the clergy members and the pastoral charges listed in the Business of the Annual Conference reported in the most recent ournal. The members needed for equali ation shall then be allocated to those pastoral charges. Under this formula certain pastoral charges, beginning with the pastoral charge with the largest reported membership and proceeding in descending order of membership, shall be entitled to elect additional lay members in keeping with this formula until equali ation is reached (those lay persons attend Annual Conference at pastoral charge expense). The formula is as follows: The total number of lay members needed for equali ation divided by the number of charges in the conference to get the average members per charge. That average is then divided into the membership of each charge. That resulting quotient, rounded to the nearest whole number, is the maximu m number of lay equali ation members a charge is eligible to elect. ay members elected in this section are in addition to the members elected under the provisions of section 6.11.a. and b. (by virtue of office)
. If a charge requests not to have an additional lay equali ation member, the charge may request this exemption by September 1 of each year, but still must follow section 6.11.a. hen a charge declines to elect an additional equali ation member, the next smaller charge, by membership, shall be given opportunity to elect an additional lay member.
. . inancia ear. anuary to ecember .
. . Budget rocess. By October 1 of each year, the Conference Council on Finance and Administration shall establish the budget-creation process to be followed in presenting a budget to the next Annual Conference session. This process shall adhere to the provisions of 614 of The Discipline, except that wherever the term council on ministries is used in The Discipline, it will be understood to mean the Common Table.
. . onference ourna
. . eports for ub ication in the ourna . All reports, resolutions, memoirs, etc. not included in the pre-conference reports and intended for publication in the Conference ournal shall be in the hands of the Conference Secretary before final adjournment of the Conference session.
. . ditoria e ision uthority. Conference Secretary together with the ournal Editorial Committee shall have authority to make editorial changes in the proceedings, rules, and reports of the Annual Conference and its constituent bodies for the purposes of accuracy, clarifying grammar, and intent of meaning.
. . efinitions of and hanges to the tructure u es and o icies
. . . ission taffing and tructure. The description of the mission, boards, councils, committees, officers, and staffing configuration of the Annual Conference, as found in Sections 1 through 5 of these Structure and Rules, may be modified by a simple majority vote of the Annual Conference.
. . . tanding u es and u es of rder. The method by which conference affairs are governed on an ongoing basis requires a two-thirds majority vote for approval, binding indefinitely unless suspended or repealed by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present and voting. Standing rules concern the conference’s administrative work. Rules of order concern the parliamentary procedure of the conference meeting in annual or special session.
. . . o icy. An action of Annual Conference concerning only one subject and expressly intended to continue in force indefinitely until amended, repealed, or superseded may be adopted, amended, repealed, or superseded by a simple majority of the Annual Conference.
. . . fficio. embership by virtue of office is voice with vote unless otherwise specified. ection u es of rder
. . ar iamentary uthority. In all matters not specifically covered by the latest Discipline or the conference rules, the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be considered authoritative.
. . imitations on pea ing. No person shall speak more than twice on the same question, nor more than three minutes at one time, without permission of the Conference, nor shall any person speak more than once until every member choosing to speak has spoken. The Presiding Officer shall have the privilege to request the following procedure for debate: to recogni e alternately someone for and someone against the issue, and to recogni e alternately lay and clergy members.
. . i ision of the ouse. Any member is in order to request a count of the vote for and against any question before the Conference, and if ten members present sustain the request, the vote shall be duly counted.
. . otions in the ffirmati e. All motions brought to the floor of the Conference shall be worded in the affirmative. . . Business Items
. . . All items to be brought to the floor of Annual Conference for action, whether by conference agencies, local churches, clergy members, or professing members of the Annual Conference, shall be in the hands of the Conference Secretary by the deadline(s) and in the form(s) set by the Sessions Committee and shall be published in the pre -conference workbook, and/or other print or electronic publications authori ed by the Sessions Committee. These items include but are not limited to resolutions, recommendations for conference action, and General Conference petitions.
. . . Any item not meeting the requirements of rule .5.1 shall not be brought to the floor for action unless deemed urgent by the Sessions Committee, the Common Table, or the Cabinet, or brought up by a two -thirds vote of the Conference.
. . . Appropriate items submitted by the Dakotas outh Annual Conference will be reviewed by the Sessions Committee for possible consideration by the Annual Conference.
. . . Annual Conference consideration of resolutions and petitions will be guided by the Conference Committee on Resolutions and Petitions. In the case of each resolution or General Conference petition, the Committee on Resolutions and Petitions shall offer to the Annual Conference its counsel of pass or don’t pass. The Conference will then proceed to consider and act on the resolution or petition.
Policies are printed for informational purposes and are not to be considered as standing rules of the conference. Policies may therefore be changed or amended by majority vote of the Annual Conference. ounci on inance and dministration Revised une 201 by CCFA I. ra e und

This includes retired clergy members of the Dakotas Conference appointed specifically to that charge.
II. Budgeting and administration of funds by any committee or group that is funded through the apportionment system
A. Financial Responsibilities of Conference Agency Chairpersons. All conference agency chairpersons (or presidents) shall have the following responsibilities to ensure that expenditures are maintained within the Conference budget for the agency:
1. Knowing what funds are available for their particular program.
2. Spending those funds in accordance with the planning that led to approval by the Annual Conference.
3. Vouchering all expenditure items on forms provided by the Conference Executive Director of Finance and Administrative Services and signed/approved by the appropriate chairperson.
4. Sending all vouchers directly to the Conference Office of Finance for payment. Appropriate identification of expenditures is expected. Documentation of expenditures (e.g., receipts) is also expected when circumstances warrant.
5. Vouchers submitted that exceed the total of funds approved for the affected line item in the budget must be approved by the chairperson of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA) prior to the expenditure of funds.
B. Budget Requests
1. All budget requests for the next fiscal year shall be presented to the CCFA for approval and modification, if necessary, prior to the Annual Conference session in which the total Conference budget is approved. No new budget requests shall be presented to the CCFA less than 30 days prior to the Annual Conference session.
2. No budget requests shall be brought to the CCFA without prior approval of the appropriate conference council, board, committee, commission or task force.
3. CCFA requests that a budget request be made for each new program or agency, as they are developed.
C. CCFA Budgetary Authority Between Conference Sessions
1. The Conference Council on Finance and Administration shall have authority to adjust line items within the Conference budget when the Conference is not in session under the following restrictions:
a. The grand total Conference budget may not be changed.
b. A line item may not be adjusted unless prior consultation has been made with the appropriate Conference agency affected by the proposed adjustment.
D. Designating Reserve Funds:
1. Designated funds are monies set aside by a governing body from the unrestricted reserves for a specific purpose. All requests to designate funds shall be submitted to CCFA for approval. The two types of requests to be considered will be One-Time Requests and Ongoing Requests:
2. One-Time Requests: These are requests to designate unrestricted reserves for a specific purpose and funds are expected to be used within 12-months to satisfy the purpose. One-Time Requests are appropriate for specific purposes: 1) where the need cannot be met by the current budget or other funding sources and 2) that are time sensitive so that they cannot wait upon the normal budget cycle. Requests should be submitted to the CCFA Executive Committee.
3. Ongoing Requests: These are requests to designate unrestricted reserves for a long-term purpose. Ongoing requests are appropriate for: 1) purposes that have expenses that are large and difficult to accurately predict and 2) purposes where a
large amount of funds need to be accumulated over time. Requests should be submitted to the CCFA Executive Committee no later than February 2 th. For approved requests, any investment income/loss will be applied to the designated funds.
E. CCFA Apportionment Payout Policy: The Conference Policy allows funds to be paid out at 100% of budget. Pensions and insurance is paid out or passed through monthly. All organi ations units of the Conference shall adhere to their approved budgets and/or adopted spending plans.
III. udits Bonding and Insurance
A. Auditing
Each board, agency, committee and task force which receives and administers conference funds in excess of $2,500 per year be required to:
Submit annual financial reports to CCFA 30 days prior to the Annual Conference session following completion of the affected organi ations’ fiscal year.
Submit a report for printing in the annual conference journal.
Arrange for an annual audit.
B. Bonding Requirements
The Conference Treasurer shall be bonded in accordance with 61 The Book of Discipline through a blanket bond carried by the General Council on Finance and Administration of The United ethodist Church. This bond also covers the Conference Finance staff, any Conference Trustee and staff, Chairperson of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration and Treasurers of the urisdictional Conference and their staffs.
C. Conference Insurance
Insurance shall be provided for all residences owned by the Annual Conference, the Conference Center, all Conference camp properties, and campus ministry properties and all other properties for which the Conference holds title. orkers’ Compensation insurance shall be provided for Conference and camp staff. The Conference insurance program shall be administered by the Conference Board of Trustees. CCFA will provide Officers and Directors liability insurance for the Dakotas Conference.
I . ersonne Benefit ection
A. A Rental/ ousing Allowance Resolution for Ordained Conference Staff and District Superintendents can be found in the Resolutions section of this OURNA .
B. e recommend that each local congregation investigate what state laws may require for coverage of orkers’ Compensation and Social Security regulations for full-time or part-time employees. e also recommend local churches investigate the same for ministers.
C. The Conference Executive Director of Finance and Administrative Services shall be designated as the Conference Treasurer for all incorporated and unincorporated councils, boards, committees, commissions, and task forces of the Dakotas Annual Conference.
. pecia fferings
A. e recommend that every church, after having made arrangements to meet apportionments in full, support Conference Advance Special or General Advance Special Projects. At the mandate of the 2004 General Conference, we urge every pastor and church to celebrate the following Special Days with offerings to be sent to the Executive Director of Finance and Administrative Services: uman Relations Day, U COR Sunday, United ethodist Student Day, orld Communion Sunday, Native American inistries Sunday, Volunteers in ission Awareness Sunday, Peace with ustice Sunday, Golden Cross Sunday, Christian Education Sunday, Rural ife Sunday and Disability Awareness Sunday.
B. Special Fund Drive Appeals: No annual conference agency or interest shall make a special conference-wide appeal to the local churches for funds without approval of the Annual Conference upon recommendation of CCFA, except in case of an extreme emergency, when such approval may be given by a two-thirds vote of the district superintendents and of the Common Table, acting jointly. (See Para 614.5 of the The Book of Discipline).
C. Offerings received at the Annual Conference Session will be used at the discretion of the Annual Conference Sessions Committee and the Bishop.
D. Golden Cross Sunday: The Conference is granted permission to have a Golden Cross Sunday. Receipts from the offering shall be used to support parish nurse programs.
E. Christian Education Sunday Offering: This special offering will support ministries for children and the poor and is recommended to be taken on the second Sunday of September.
F. Thanksgiving Offering: The appeal for this offering shall be designated by the Bishop.
G. CCFA gives the right of permission for the Dakotas United ethodist Foundation to call on local churches for both current gifts and deferred gifts for the Foundation on behalf of the ministries of the Dakotas Annual Conference.
. Global Aids Awareness Sunday: The Global Aids Task Force is granted permission to have a Global Aids Sunday. Receipts from this offering shall be used at the discretion of the Global Aids Task Force.
I. isce aneous
A. Any board or committee considering an honorarium for a special task demanding time and services of one of its officers or members can only do so upon submitting a proposal for an honorarium to the CCFA for its approval.
pportionment ethod
Part of how a United ethodist Church fulfills its mission is through full and faithful participation in apportionments. In the Dakotas Conference, the method of apportionment shall be that each church gives its percentage of their income to the Annual Conference. For Federated and United churches, this percentage applies only to the income attributed to the United ethodist denomination. The percentage will be of the income received for the support of the operating budget. This is income as defined in Table 3 ine 6 of the annual statistical reports as follows:
Donations from identified and unidentified givers to support the operating budget
Interest and dividends allocated toward the operating budget
Net proceeds from the sale of church assets where the proceeds are used to support the operating budget
Building use fees and rental income
Net income from fundraisers and other programs used to support the operating budget CCFA will annually determine a percentage for churches to give of their income that is adequate to fund the apportioned budget. The percentage will be approved annually (A 13% apportionment percentage has been approved for 2025.) In addition, each charge will be direct billed for the cost of pension, health insurance, and death/disability insurance. The amount of the direct billing will be calculated as follows: ealth Insurance:
The total annual premiums for all pastors appointed full-time to a charge and participating in the Conference health plan will be reduced by the participant’s share. The result will be divided by the number of pastors and billed to each charge based on their number of full-time pastors on the Conference health plan. Pension:
The pension is made up of two parts: a defined benefit amount and a defined contribution amount. The defined benefit amount is provided to the Conference from the General Board of Pension and ealth Benefits (GBOP). This amount will be divided by the Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) of pastors appointed to local churches and enrolled in the defined benefit pension plan and pastors appointed to extension ministry where the Conference is responsible for their pension contributions. The resulting amount will be billed out according to each charge’s FTE of pastors enrolled in the defined benefit pension plan. The defined contribution is billed to the Conference monthly by GBOP. The billing is a specific amount for each pastor and is based on the pastor’s compensation. This amount will be billed by the Conference to each charge according to the pastor(s) appointed.
Death/Disability Insurance:
Death/Disability Insurance is billed to the Conference monthly by GBOP. The billing is a specific amount for each pastor and is based on the pastor’s compensation. This amount will be billed by the Conference to each charge according to the pastor(s) appointed.
ission congregations, as defined in The Book of Discipline 25 .1.a, will not participate in apportionments or be direct billed for any pension, health insurance, and death/disability insurance. ission congregations will be reviewed annually by the cabinet to determine if they still meet the definition of a mission congregation. In the event that the congregation is determined to not be a mission congregation, they will begin participating in apportionments following the same schedule as new churches. This also includes satellite congregations.
Churches chartered after 12/31/13 will use the following schedule:
First Partial ear Begin paying direct bill for pension, health insurance, and death/disability insurance
First Full ear Direct bill 20% full apportionment
Second Full ear Direct bill 40% full apportionment
Third Full ear Direct bill 60% full apportionment
Fourth Full ear Direct bill 0% full apportionment
Fifth Full ear Direct bill full apportionment egarding hurches paying ess than of pportionments. In recognition of the fact that not all churches within the Dakotas Conference are participating fully (100%) in the apportionment system of financing conference ministries, Executive Director of Finance and Administrative Services will contact each of those churches regularly, to help them develop a plan that will make it possible for them to assume their sha re of apportionments. The goal will be to have each church fully participating within three years of the initial contact. It is further expected that if pastoral leadership is the problem, and if progress is not made yearly and the goal is not reached at the end of the third year, the bishop and cabinet will seriously consider making a change in pastoral leadership for that church.
ission ongregation upport o icy
Adopted une 2014
The declaration of the mission congregation status according to 25 .1 of The Discipline rests with the office of the bishop, as is the case with any established congregations. The bishop and Cabinet shall carefully review proposed mission congregation opportunities to ensure that they fit both The Discipline definition and the Conference missional strategy. It is expected that very few congregations would receive such a declaration.
hen a congregation is either organi ed or reorgani ed as a mission congregation in accordance with Discipline and Conference guidelines, the Cabinet shall develop and recommend to the Annual Conference a covenant of understanding, support, and accountability between the congregation and the Conference.
Responsibility for consideration of the financial support for a mission congregation shall rest with the Conference Council on Finance and Administration. Any support for the physical property shall remain under the purview of the Conference Trustees.
The four areas outlined below shall be considered areas of financial support, pending CCFA’s approval:
1. Consistent and ongoing financial resources for each mission congregation. A mission congregation may receive budget support from the Conference, which will allow it to better pursue its missional/strategic goals, and provide for pastoral leadership support. Instead of looking at membership growth, attendance or income, the benchmarks for continued funding shall be based on the ministry of the mission congregation to the parish/ministry field with which they are identified. Effectiveness shall be determined by the outcome of the ministries offered, and not solely on numbers.
2. ealth and pension costs for a pastor appointed to a mission congregation. The Annual Conference, upon CCFA recommendation, shall assume the health and pension costs for the appointed pastor, in the same way as superintendents or directors have their health and pension costs assumed under conference budgets.
3. Exemption from apportionment formulas. ith Conference approval, ission congregations shall be exempted from the conference apportionment formulas. Instead, on a yearly basis, they shall approve goals and raise funds for missional giving beyond their own needs in accordance with The United ethodist Church.
4. Property support. The Conference Board of Trustees shall have responsibility to consider repair, renovation, upkeep and new builds for the home and parsonage of each mission congregation, as feasible within the conference budget.
5. Oversight and evaluation. The bishop and Cabinet shall review the status of mission congregation at least every 4 years, recommend to CCFA and the Conference continued financial support. A change of status may occur due to changing demographics, emerging ability of the congregation to assume more of its own financial support, or evaluation of the effectiveness of the congregation to meet its missional goals or purpose.
o icies for a otas onference a aries Adopted 2016
istrict uperintendents and ecuti e irectors.
The Dakotas Annual Conference uman Resources Committee policy adopted in 2004 shall apply to District Superintendents and Conference Executive Directors (Director of inistries and Director of Finance and Administrative Services). The policy is: Salaries for district superintendents and conference executive directors shall be equal to the average salary of the top five salaries paid to conference pastors in churches who pay 100% of their apportionments. Salaries in any one-year would not decrease from the previous year.
irectors inc uding rea irectors
Directors are exempt professional employees with special training and expertise to perform responsibilities in a specific area of ministry. Directors include, but not limited to, the campsite directors, Director of eadership Development and Director of Communications. Area directors serve Dakotas and innesota and include Area Director of New Church Development and Area Director of Camp and Retreat inistry. issionaries
Conference issionaries are exempt professional employees who are certified by the General Board of Global inistries for service as mission personnel. The bishop assigns these people to the mission field of the Dakotas Annual Conference. issionaries may supervise a staff of non-exempt employees. The respective employing agents will develop a salary pool for its employees.
onference enter mp oyees
The Human Resources Committee has adopted a compensation system to help ensure equity in compensation based on the grade of the position and the individual employee’s job performance. Each Conference Center position will be assigned a grade and exempt/non-exempt status based on the Factor Evaluation System and job description. Annual evaluations will be used to help determine how well the employee is fulfilling the job description of their position. Compensation is calculated accordingly, including an annual cost-of-living adjustment.
Conference Support Staff Salaries
The Human Resource Committee sets salaries annually, usually allowing a cost-of-living increase.
Conference Camping Employees
As a non-permanent standing committee of the Developing Missional Leaders Link, the Area Camp and Retreat Ministry Council works in conjunction with the Missional Leaders Link and the Council on Finance and Administration to set the overall operations budget. The Area Director of Camp and Retreat Ministry, in partnership with the Area Camp and Retreat Ministry Council and site directors, develops a compensation pool for conference camping employees. The individual salaries are set at the discretion of the Area Director of Camp and Retreat Ministry, based upon an individual’s performance and the availability of funds.
Equitable Compensation
Equitable Compensation
Effective January 1, 2013
Revised: June 2017
The purpose of Equitable Compensation is to work with the District Superintendents in the effort to support congregations as they strive to become viable (Rule 1.4). This is done by A) providing salary support grants to churches/charges served by a fulltime United Methodist pastor and B) making an annual recommendation of the minimum compensation needed by a pastor to allow them to focus their efforts on the ministry instead of seeking secondary employment.
The purpose of Equitable Compensation is to work with the District Superintendents in the effort to support congregations as they strive to become viable (Rule 1.4) This is done by A) providing salary support grants to Churches/Charges served by a full-time United Methodist pastor and B) making an annual recommendation of the minimum compensation needed by a pastor to allow them to focus their efforts on the ministry instead of seeking secondary employment.
1) The base cash salary for each year: 65% of the conference average compensation for full connection clergy; 62% of the conference average compensation for less than full connection clergy.
1) The Base Cash Salary for each year: 65% of the Conference Average Compensation for Full Connection Clergy; 62% of the Conference Average Compensation for Less than Full Connection Clergy
2) The base cash salary for both clergy groups listed in 1) shall include any personal tax deferred annuities, personal IRA’s paid by the local church, or personal pension plan in addition to the recommended contribution to the Pension program (UMPIP) in paragraph 3.
2) The Base Cash Salary for both clergy groups listed in paragraph #1 shall include any personal tax deferred annuities, personal IRA’s paid by the local church, or personal pension plan in addition to the recommended contribution to the Pension program (UMPIP) in No. 3.
3) The pastor shall receive the following in addition to minimum compensation. A) pension program contribution (UMPIP) equal to 3% of the denominational average compensation; B) continuing education allowance (minimum of $150); C) travel allowance by voucher at the current IRS rate; D) utilities paid in full (minimum of heat, electricity, local phone service, water, garbage service, and internet); accountable reimbursement plan (minimum of $500).
3) The pastor shall receive the following in addition to minimum compensation. A) Pension Program Contribution (UMPIP) equal to 3% of the Denominational Average Compensation; B) Continuing Education allowance (minimum of $150); C) Travel Allowance by voucher at the current IRS rate; D) Utilities paid in full (minimum of heat, electricity, local phone service, water, garbage service, and internet); and E) Accountable Reimbursement Plan (minimum of $500).
1) The following requests will be considered by the Commission:
1) The following requests will be considered by the Commission:
a. Strategic Appointment Grant – Available when a new appointment results in significantly increased costs to the church or charge. These increased costs will be so burdensome that it is unlikely that the church or charge will have adequate resources available to take the necessary steps to becoming viable without outside assistance. The purpose of this grant is to assist the church or charge in its transition to being able to fully support the newly appointed pastor.
The church or charge shall provide monthly written status reports to the District Superintendent and Conference Treasurer. Status reports shall at a minimum report progress towards benchmarks.
a. Strategic Appointment Grant – Available when a new appointment results in significantly increased costs to the Church/Charge. These increased costs will be so burdensome that it is unlikely that the Church/Charge will have adequate resources available to take the necessary steps to becoming viable without outside assistance. The purpose of this grant is to assist the Church/Charge in its transition to being able to fully support the newly appointed pastor. The Church/Charge shall provide monthly written status reports to the District Superintendent and Conference Treasurer. Status reports shall at a minimum report progress towards benchmarks.
b. Discernment Grant – Available when a church or charge has declined in its ability to support a full-time United Methodist pastor to the point where it is unlikely to be able to provide the recommended minimum compensation. The purpose of this grant is to provide time for the District Superintendent to evaluate the viability of the congregation and decide upon a ministry plan that is appropriate for the church or charge. The District Superintendent shall provide a report on the viability and the ministry plan at the next Equitable Compensation meeting. Depending on the ministry plan adopted by the District Superintendent and the church or charge, it may be appropriate for the church or charge to provide monthly written status reports to the District Superintendent and Conference Treasurer.
b. Discernment Grant – Available when a Church/Charge has declined in its ability to support a full-time United Methodist pastor to the point where it is unlikely to be able to provide the recommended minimum compensation. The purpose of this grant is to provide time for the Church/Charge and District Superintendent to evaluate the viability of the congregation and decide upon a ministry plan that is appropriate for the Church/Charge. The District Superintendent shall provide a report on the viability and the ministry plan at the next Equitable Compensation meeting. Depending on the ministry plan adopted by the District Superintendent and the Church/Charge, it may be appropriate for the Church/Charge to provide monthly written status reports to the District Superintendent and Conference Treasurer.
c. Emergency Grant – Available when a church or charge provides evidence that they will not be able to provide their full-time United Methodist pastor with the recommended minimum compensation. The purpose of this grant is to ensure that the pastor is properly cared for.
c. Emergency Grant – Available when a Church/Charge provides evidence that they will not be able to provide their full-time United Methodist pastor with the recommended minimum compensation. The purpose of this grant is to ensure that the pastor is properly cared for.
2) Churches or charges shall pay their apportionments in full during the years they receive salary support grant payments. Churches or charges that do not comply with this shall not be considered for a Salary Support Grant the following year with the exception of Emergency Grants.
2) Churches/Charges shall pay their apportionments in full during the years they receive salary support grant payments. Churches/Charges that do not comply with this shall not be considered for a Salary Support Grant the following year with the exception of Emergency Grants.
3) The maximum amount to be paid for Strategic Appointment Grants and Discernment Grants shall be $5,400 annually Grant payments to Churches/Charges shall be made monthly. A Church/Charge shall not receive Salary Support Grant payments for more than 36 consecutive months.
3) The maximum amount to be paid for Strategic Appointment Grants and Discernment Grants shall be $5,400 annually. Grant payments to a church or charge shall be made monthly. A church or charge shall not receive Salary Support Grant payments for more than 36 consecutive months.
4) Salary Support Grant requests shall be submitted in writing to the District Superintendent and the Conference Treasurer. In order for Salary Support Grant payments to continue into a new calendar year, the written request must be updated and resubmitted.
5) The Churches/Charges receiving support will be listed in the Conference Journal.
and resubmitted.
5) The Churches/Charges receiving support will be listed in the Conference Journal.
Equitable Compensation Calculation: The Commission calculates the Equitable Compensation amount based on the Conference Average Compensation. See calculations below:
4) Salary Support Grant requests shall be submitted in writing to the District Superintendent and the Conference Treasurer. In order for Salary Support Grant payments to continue into a new calendar year, the written request must be updated and resubmitted.
5) The churches or charges receiving support will be listed in the Conference Journal.
Equitable Compensation
Effective January 1, 2013
Equitable Compensation Calculation: The Commission calculates the Equitable Compensation amount based on the Conference Average Compensation. See calculations below: Year
2024* 2023
x 65% = 48,906
x 65% = 47,556
x 62% = 46,649
x 62% = 45,361 2022
x 65% = 45,809
2021 68,424 x 65% = 44,476
2020 67,573 x 65% = 43,922
x 62% = 43,695
x 62% = 42,423
x 62% = 41,895
he Conference Average Compensation CAC is the average compensation pai to full time clergy in a particular conference effective three years after the calculation year i e the 2 25 CAC is calculate using the 2 22 compensation figures ue to the pension re ates pai to clergy in 2 2 an 2 22 the CAC reporte to the a otas Conference from espath for 2 2 an 2 25 ere a normally high 6 an 5 respectively herefore the CAC s for 2 2 an 2 25 ere a uste y increasing the CAC y the five year average increase in CAC of 2 % an 2 65% respectively preventing a ecrease in the e uita le compensation calculation from 2 2 to 2 25 For 2 25 the a uste CAC is calculate as follo s 5 2 265 2
* The Conference Average Compensation (CAC) is the average compensation paid to full-time clergy in a particular conference, effective two years after the year of calculation. Due to the bonuses paid to clergy in 2022, the CAC reported to the Dakotas Conference from Wespath for 2024 was abnormally high. Therefore, the 2024 CAC was adjusted by increasing the CAC by the five-year average increase in CAC of 2.84% (73,163 * 1.0284 = $75,241).
The charges which received Equitable Compensation support in 2022 included the following: Drayton/Pembina/Humboldt/St Thomas, Garretson United, Hurley, Kenmare Renew, Montrose, Parker, Milbank Parkview/Big Stone City Tabor/Ortonville, and Sale m Unite.
T e c a es ic ecei e Equitable Compensation suppo t in inclu e t e ollo in : Garretson, Montrose, landreau, Plankinton, Clark, and angdon.
Pensions ealt enefits Gui elines
Adopted: 1 6; Amended: 2017 Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, Inc. Benefit Programs administered by the Dakotas Conference Board of Pensions include:
• ealt Insurance: The Board currently provides health insurance for eligible active clergy, retired clergy under the age of 65, lay employees, their families and surviving spouses through the HealthFlex plan offered by espath Benefits and Investments (formerly General Board of Pension and Health Benefits). The Board recommended effective 1/1/2013, providing retirees with access to coverage through ia Benefits which will be facilitated by espath Benefits and Investments. This was voted on and approved at Annual Conference June 2012.
• Beginning in 201 , we moved to HealthFlex Exchange through espath giving active participant’s more coverage options. The participant’s share calculations will no longer be based on participant’s total compensation. Details were shared throughout 201 .
• Compre ensi e Protection Plan CPP : CPP provides several benefits for eligible active clergy, retired clergy, their families and survivors. These include:
o Disability benefits for clergy who are not able to perform full-time work as clergy for medical or behavioral health reasons.
o Death benefits of lump-sum payments upon the death of a clergy, spouse, surviving spouse, or dependent child, a basic annuity rate for surviving spouses, an annual surviving child benefit for children under the age of 1 , and an educational benefit for surviving children enrolled in school and under age 25. According to espath Benefits and Investments, Clergy who retire under the 20 year rule are not eligible for CPP death benefits. Effective 1/1/2013 for those who retire 1/1/13 or after (CPP) Participant (retiree, retiree’s spouse, retiree’s surviving spouse, retiree’s child) Death Benefits will change to a flat dollar amount rather than a percentage of the Denomination Average Compensation in the year of death as was calculated previously. Death benefits for Active Participant will remain the same. Effective 1/1/2017 the Dakotas Conference will make it mandatory that CPP participation will cover all full time, three quarter time ordained or in process of becoming clergy members, clergy on sabbatical, local pastors and members of other denominations (provided they are not covered under another denomination’s benefits).
• T e Ministerial Reser e Pension Fun Pre- MRPF : This Defined Benefit plan offers a benefit for each year of service before 1 2. The annuity (Past Service) rate is adjusted according to the CAC (Conference Average Compensation.)
• Ministerial Pension Plan MPP : A defined contribution plan for service between January 1, 1 2 and December 31, 2006. Effective January 1, 2007, no further contributions are paid into this plan. However, the Annual Conference is still responsible to guarantee the annuity amounts paid from the Ministerial Pension Plan.
• Clergy Retirement Security Program CRSP : Approved by the 2012 General Conference, CRSP provides two levels of benefits for clergy effective 1/1/2014: a) a Defined Benefit (DB) component equal to 1.00% of the
Denominational Average Compensation (DAC) at retirement for each year of credited service (1.25% of credited service from 200 -2013) and b) a Defined Contribution (DC) equal to 2% of a clergy’s plan compensation deposited into an investment account controlled by the clergyperson. In addition, the Church/salary paying unit will match participant contributions to the United ethodist Personal Investment Plan (U PIP) up to 1% of compensation and deposit those matching funds into participant CRSP DC accounts. Therefore, if a participant contributes at least 1% of compensation plus housing to U PIP, his or her CRSP DC contributions will be 3% as was under the 200 -2013 CRSP plan. This plan change became effective anuary 1, 2014.
• ension and Benefit ans for ay mp oyees: The Board of Pensions administers these plans however, funding and enrollment for these plans are the responsibility of the employer (Annual Conference, U related institution, or local church).
• nited ethodist ersona In estment an I : This voluntary plan is a 403(b) retirement savings and investment plan. If local churches, the annual conference, or U related institutions are willing to become a plan sponsor, clergy and lay employees can make personal contributions to U PIP without any employer contributions. The requirements to do this are very simple: complete the necessary application forms to be a P AN SPONSOR, withhold an amount from the employee’s wages, and submit it to espath Benefits and Investments monthly on the employee’s behalf. Beginning in anuary the a otas onference became an ponsor for a c ergy.
• I persona contributions: Beginning in anuary 201 all clergy with an existing participant contribution election at a contribution rate that is lower than the default contribution rate of 3%, all clergy who are not making participant contributions, and all new clergy hires will be automatically enrolled in the U PIP plan with a contribution rate of 3%. Participants will have the opportunity to opt-out. This will not affect participants that are already contributing 3% or more. If c ergy ant to ma e sure they continue to recei e the fu into their account they i need to participate and ma e persona contribution of a minimum of their compensation p us housing into their I account.
ea th Benefits uide ines
Adopted 1 6/Amended 2016, 2020 and 2021 Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United ethodist Church, Inc. onference ea th Benefits an igibi ity o articipate nd remium ayment u es or cti e astor nd ay mp oyees
AD INISTRATION OF PENSION AND BENEFIT FUNDS: The Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United ethodist Church, Inc. shall be responsible for the administration of the pension and other benefit funds of the Conference in accordance with T E BOOK OF DISCIP INE of The United ethodist Church. The conference health benefits plan will be provided through ealthFlex, a group plan under the auspices of espath Benefits Investments (formerly General Board of Pension and ealth Benefits) of The United ethodist Church.
Beginning anuary 2022, ealthFlex coverage will include three-quarter time active clergy. All of the same options will be available to these clergy as available to full time clergy. There will be the option for both three-quarter time and full-time clergy to Opt-Out as long as they qualify for the Opt-Out reasons. The Opt-Out reasons are as follows:
1. Enrollment in coverage through former or current employer
2. Enrollment as a dependent in your spouse’s employer-provided coverage
3. Enrollment in Champus/Tricare
4. Enrollment in edicaid or edicare
5a. Coverage under ealthFlex through your local church (Salary-Paying Unit) through your Plan Sponsor (Annual Conference) is considered unaffordable under the ACA.
5b. The participant has no offer of employer-provided coverage under ealthFlex
ea th e irect Bi effecti e : Full time pastors churches with covered pastors will be billed the full ealthFlex Direct Bill. Churches with opt-out pastors (full time) will be billed half of the full ealthFlex Direct Bill. Three quarter time pastors churches with covered pastors will be billed half of the full ealthFlex Direct Bill. Churches with opt -out pastors (3/4 time) will be billed one quarter of the full ealthFlex Direct Bill. Churches with a retired pastor serving immediately following a covered pastor will be billed half of the full ealthFlex Direct Bill.
Clergy appointed full time interim of less than 12 months are eligible to Opt -Out. The appointed church will still be responsible for the ealthFlex Direct Bill.
a. No active United ethodist pastor can participate in the Conference ealth Benefits Plan if they are appointed/employed less than three-quarter time
b. A lay employee of a salary paying unit normally scheduled to work 30 hours or more per week inclusively in a calendar year and who has reached age 1 and who has been employed for at least one month shall be eligible for coverage in ealthFlex.
c. Active participants who do not enroll during the initial 30-day eligibility period can enroll only during the annual open enrollment period and the pre-existing conditions provisions of the plan would then take effect. In addition, active participants who experience a special enrollment event may enroll mid-year.
d. Participants appointed to medical leave and receiving CPP disability benefits may participate in the Conference Active ealth Plan and will be responsible for paying the participant’s share as long as conference policy and rules permit. The participant’s share for 2016 and forward: 2 % of participant’s actual premium, whether single or participant-plus-one or family will be paid to the conference office.
e. Participants appointed to medical leave and applying for CPP disability benefits can participate up to four (4) months and will be responsible for the participant’s share as long as conference policy and rules permit. The participant’s share for 2016 and forward: 2 % of participant’s actual premium, whether single or participant plus one or family will be paid to the conference office. Applications for extensions of the four (4) month time limit should be made to the Conference Benefits Officer for Executive Committee review and consideration.
f. Participants appointed to sabbatical leave may remain covered on the health plan for up to 12 months. Participants after the 12 months are eligible for the 1 -month Continuation Coverage provided by the plan. Participants pay 100% of premium.
g. Participants appointed to voluntary leave of absence/personal leave may remain covered on the health plan for up to 12 months. Participants after the 12 months are eligible for the 1 -month Continuation Coverage provided by the plan. Participants pay 100% of premium.
h. Participants appointed to voluntary leave of absence/transitional leave may remain covered on the health plan for up to 12 months. Participants after the 12 months are eligible for the 1 -month Continuation Coverage provided by the plan. Participants pay 100% of premium.
i. Participants appointed to voluntary leave of absence/family leave remain covered on the health plan for up to 12 months. Participants after the 12 months are eligible for the 1 -month Continuation Coverage provided by the plan. Participants pay 100% of premium.
. Participants granted maternity/paternity leave will remain covered for the duration of the leave. Participant and salary paying unit will continue to pay their respective shares of premium for duration of leave.
. Participants appointed to involuntary leave may remain covered on the health plan for up to 12 months. Participants after the 12 months are eligible for the 1 -month Continuation Coverage provided by the plan. Participants pay 100% of premium.
. Grant Policy: In the event that a Conference health plan participant (clergy, surviving spouse, or lay employee) has a significant financial need related to medical costs, Conference Board of Pensions grant funding may be available by applying to the Conference Benefits Officer. Participants in sub adoption agreement health plans who have a significant medical financial need may apply to their employer for assistance.
m. hen both spouses of a clergy couple are appointed full-time to a local charge, it should be noted that each spouse be covered by a separate policy unless they have a qualifying dependent. In that case, they may be covered by a family policy. Clergy couples covered by a family policy will pay only one participant’s share (calculated on the salary of the spouse with the higher salary). Clergy couples on separate policies will each have a participant’s share. In either case, only one Direct Bill will be billed which may be split between the charges.
n. Surviving Spouses and their eligible dependent(s) (up to age 26 or as otherwise permitted under federal or state law) of a deceased active pastor or lay employee may remain eligible for coverage under the active health plan until the surviving spouse reaches age 65. The Surviving Spouse’s cost will be 2 % of the actual premium, whether single or 2 party or family and will be paid to the conference office, directly This policy is retroactively effective commencing anuary 1, 2021. In the event of remarriage of a surviving spouse, the Surviving Spouse and their dependent(s) shall no longer be eligible for coverage under the active health plan.
ONT PA ENT OF EA T BENEFIT PRE IU S: The Conference ealth Benefit Plan premium shall be remitted monthly to the conference Office of Finance and Administrative Services by:
a. The church treasurer, who shall pay this amount from the church budget for the direct bill and deduct the appropriate amount from the participant s salary for the participant’s share.
b. The Conference Director of Finance and Administrative Services shall deduct the appropriate amount from the participant s salaries paid by the Annual Conference.
c. Treasurers of independent agencies enrolled in the conference health plan.
. Individuals who are responsible for payment of part or all of their premiums, but whose premiums are not paid by those listed in a. through c. above.
onference ea th Benefits an igibi ity o articipate or etirees ur i ors ergy r ay
AD INISTRATION OF PENSION AND BENEFIT FUNDS: The Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United ethodist Church, Inc. shall be responsible for the administration of the pension and other benefit funds of the Conference in accordance with T E BOOK OF DISCIP INE of The United ethodist Church. The conference health benefits plan will be provided through ealthFlex Exchange (retirees under 65), a group plan under the auspices of espath Benefits Investments (formerly General Board of Pension and ealth Benefits) of The United ethodist Church and Via Benefits (formerly One Exchange) (retirees 65 and older), a edicare Individual Supplement Insurance Exchange
To participate in this health plan of the Conference in retirement:
C ERG : To be able to participate in the health plan of this Conference in retirement, a person must have been an active clergy member of this Conference for at least five years immediately prior to retirement and a participant in ealthFlex for five (5) continuous uninterrupted years immediately prior to retirement
A : To be able to participate in the health plan of this Conference in retirement, a person must have been for at least five years immediately prior to retirement either an active lay employee of this Conference or an active lay employee of a Conference-related institution and must be a participant in ealthFlex for five (5) continuous uninterrupted years immediately prior to retirement.
SURVIVORS: To be able to participate in the health plan of this Conference as a surviving spouse or surviving dependent, the person survived (the deceased participant) must have been participating in the health insurance plan of this Conference at the time of the participant’s death. Surviving dependent children remain eligible as long as the child remains dependent and is not eligible for health care through government programs.
SPOUSES: To be able to participate in the health plan of this Conference as a spouse the person must have been married to the clergy or lay employee prior to retirement and the clergy or lay employee is eligible to participate.
To participate in this health plan of the Conference in retirement:
C ERG : Shall be retiring as a member of the Dakotas Conference AND meet one of the following:
a. ave been a member and on ealthFlex for five continuous years immediately prior to retirement
b. as eligible but declined or dropped retiree ealthFlex coverage with 20 years of service
c. ave 20 years of full-time service but retire with less than five continuous years on ealthFlex immediately prior to retirement
d. ave 20 years of full-time service but retire while serving a charge part-time
e. ave 20 years of full-time service but retire while on Voluntary eave of Absence
f. ave 20 years of full-time service but retire while under appointment of another Conference (346.1)
g. ave 20 years of full-time service but retire while appointed to extension ministry under GB E (344.1b)
h. ave 20 years of full-time service but retire while appointed to other extension ministries (344.1b)
i. ave 20 years of full-time service but retire while appointed to extension ministry under GBG (344.1c)
. ave 20 years of full-time service but retire while appointed to extension ministry within the Connectional Structure (344.1a)
. ave 20 years of full-time service but retire while appointed to a church of another denomination (345)
. ave been approved by the Conference Board of Pensions because of exceptional circumstances.
A : To be able to participate in the health plan of this Conference in retirement, a person must have been for at least five years immediately prior to retirement either an active lay employee of this Conference or an active lay employee of a Conference-related institution and must be a participant in ealthFlex for five (5) continuous uninterrupted years immediately prior to retirement.
SURVIVORS: To be able to participate in the health plan of this Conference as a surviving spouse or surviving dependent, the person survived must have been participating in the health insurance plan of this Conference at the time of the participant’s death. Surviving dependent children remain eligible as long as the child remains dependent and is not eligible for health care through government programs.
Any retiree not participating in Social Security, i.e., who has opted out of Social Security, and thereby not covered by edicare Part A and enrolled in edicare Part B, will NOT be eligible to participate in the health plan of this Conference, through ealthFlex, Via Benefits or otherwise, in retirement. This does not prohibit a retiree’s spouse from participating if the spouse has NOT opted out of Social Security and is covered by edicare Part A and enrolled in edicare Part B.
Rules and policies included in the adoption agreements between espath Benefits Investments (formerly General Board of Pension and ealth Benefits) of The United ethodist Church and the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United ethodist Church supersede these policies.
onference igibi ity or ea th eimbursement ccount and remium upport unding or etirees ur i ors ergy r ay
For determining eligibility, the following service qualifies as full-time service: clergy that are appointed in this Conference or within the connectional structure to a unit of this Conference or on CPP (disability) for which the annual conference has provided the pension contributions to either CRSP, PP, or Pre- 2. These changes became effective 1/1/201 .
Elders, Associate embers, Provisionals, and ocal Pastors: Sabbatical eave ( 352) Full-time local charge in Conference Full-time within the Conference CPP (disability)
Any retiree not participating in the health plan of this Conference will NOT be eligible for receiving a retiree RA or premium support.
In addition:
a. C ERG : To be eligible to receive a retiree RA or premium support, a person must have the following years of full-time service:
i. Persons retiring prior to 1/1/2016 must have 6 or more years of service.
ii. Persons retiring from 1/1/2016 to 12/31/201 must have 10 or more years of service.
iii. Persons retiring from 1/1/2020 going forward must have 14 or more years of service.
b. A : To be eligible to receive a retiree RA or premium support, a person must have the following years of fulltime service as determined by their employment record:
i. Persons retiring prior to 1/1/2016 must have 6 or more years of service.
ii. Persons retiring from 1/1/2016 to 12/31/201 must have 10 or more years of service.
iii. Persons retiring from 1/1/2020 going forward must have 14 or more years of service.
c. SURVIVORS, SPOUSES, AND DEPENDENT C I DREN: Eligibility extends to the surviving spouse or, if no surviving spouse, the surviving dependent children of eligible clergy persons and lay employees at the same rate as the person that they survived.
d. Retirees serving in retirement at a church that they have served during active status will not qualify for any fund due to IRS rules. owever, once they have fully retired from serving or are serving a church that was not in their active service record will be eligible to receive funding. The funding that they would have earned when they officially retired will then be put into their account as well.
Approved during arch 22-23, 2024, Board of Pensions meeting.
The amount for those persons eligible will be calculated based on:
a. The person’s age as of anuary 1st (calculated to a quarter-year). For dependent children, the age of the clergy person or lay employee will be used.
b. The years of full-time service as defined above in the eligibility rules section for clergy persons or the employment records for lay employees. For dependent children and spouses, the years of service of the clergy person or lay employee will be used. For clergy couples, the years of service of the spouse with the greater number of years of service will be used for both persons.
c. ears of credit in place as of uly 2012 will be grandfathered in to the RA calculations.
An amount determined by the ratio of each participant’s individual calculations (age plus years of service minus the number 65) to the total of all individual calculations. Each participant’s individual ratio will be applied to the total amount available for contributions for the retiree’s RA and premium support.
The total amount available for RA contributions and premiums support will be determined by the Conference Board of Pensions as part of their annual budget recommendation.
For retirees age 65 and older that are on Via Benefits, their amount will be deposited in an RA administered through Via Benefits.
For retirees under the age of 65 that are on ealthFlex Exchange, their premium support will reduce the amount of the premium that the retiree is responsible for. (e.g. In 2021, depending on the plan that is selected from the six plans that will be available, the premium will range from $ ,500 up to $10,164 for single coverage $14,256 up to $1 ,30 for 2 party coverage. The conference support will be based on the same calculations as though they were retired and 65 year or older. See the prior paragraph for explanation. This does not include any dental or advanced vision coverage that will also be available.
If a retiree is unable to pay the total participant’s share, the retiree may apply to the Conference Board of Pensions by contacting the Conference Benefits Officer for possible grant funding assistance.
If a retiree is unable to pay the total participant’s share, the retiree may apply to the Conference Board of Pensions by contacting the Conference Benefits Officer for possible grant funding assistance.
General Rules and Policies regarding Health Care Benefits
General Rules and Policies regarding Health Care Benefits
Rules and policies included in the HealthFlex Plan Documents and Adoptions Agreements between Wespath Benefits & Investments (formerly General Board of Pension and Health Benefits) of The United Methodist Church and the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church supersede these policies.
Rules and policies included in the HealthFlex Plan Documents and Adoptions Agreements between Wespath Benefits & Investments (formerly General Board of Pension and Health Benefits) of The United Methodist Church and the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church supersede these policies.
Specific Rules and Policies regarding Medical Reimbursement Accounts (MRA) and Dependent Care Accounts (DCA). If a participant fails to make the required contributions within sixty days of such notice, the plan sponsor may terminate the participant’s coverage effective the end of the month for which some partial contribution has been paid by the participant. This may apply to a participant’s medical, dental, vision and medical/dependent reimbursement accounts as a group, or to just a medical reimbursement account and/or dependent care account. The plan sponsor needs to complete an enrollment/change form showing declination of coverage on the participant, with the event date being the last date of the period for which partial payment was received. If participant later wants to accept coverage he/she must wait until the next annual election period to enroll for coverage beginning the following plan year. In addition, in order to re-enroll and select election, all outstanding premiums must be paid by the participant. The exception to this is if the participant or dependent experiences a special enrollment event as defined under the Health Information Protection and Portability Act (HIPPA).
Specific Rules and Policies regarding Medical Reimbursement Accounts (MRA) and Dependent Care Accounts (DCA). If a participant fails to make the required contributions within sixty days of such notice, the plan sponsor may terminate the participant’s coverage effective the end of the month for which some partial contribution has been paid by the participant. This may apply to a participant’s medical, dental, vision and medical/dependent reimbursement accounts as a group, or to just a medical reimbursement account and/or dependent care account. The plan sponsor needs to complete an enrollment/change form showing declination of coverage on the participant, with the event date being the last date of the period for which partial payment was received. If participant later wants to accept coverage he/she must wait until the next annual election period to enroll for coverage beginning the following plan year. In addition, in order to re-enroll and select election, all outstanding premiums must be paid by the participant. The exception to this is if the participant or dependent experiences a special enrollment event as defined under the Health Information Protection and Portability Act (HIPPA).
Specific Rules and Policies Regarding Health Care Benefits
Specific Rules and Policies Regarding Health Care Benefits
Divorced Spouses may continue to participate in HealthFlex for up to two (2) years if divorce decree does not stipulate a time period. Participant or Divorced Spouse pay 100% of the premium, depending on divorce decree stipulations.
Divorced Spouses may continue to participate in HealthFlex for up to two (2) years if divorce decree does not stipulate a time period. Participant or Divorced Spouse pay 100% of the premium, depending on divorce decree stipulations.
Surviving spouses of clergy who are participating in the Conference Health Benefits Plan will receive reimbursement of their Medicare Part B premium. If a surviving spouse remarries, Medicare Part B reimbursement is reduced to 50%.
Surviving spouses of clergy who are participating in the Conference Health Benefits Plan will receive reimbursement of their Medicare Part B premium. If a surviving spouse remarries, Medicare Part B reimbursement is reduced to 50%.
Questions regarding policy interpretation should be addressed to the Conference Benefits Officer, Conference Board of Pensions, for referral to, and decision by, that body.
Specific Rules regarding payment of direct billing to churches and participants
Questions regarding policy interpretation should be addressed to the Conference Benefits Officer, Conference Board of Pensions, for referral to, and decision by, that body.
Specific Rules regarding payment of direct billing to churches and participants
If payment is not made on the direct billing to the church for both the churches’ direct bill and/or the participant’s direct bill, the following steps will be taken:
If payment is not made on the direct billing to the church for both the churches’ direct bill and/or the participant’s direct bill, the following steps will be taken:
After 30 days, a certified letter will be sent by the conference finance office to the applicable pastor/participant, church/charge treasurer, PPRC Chair, and applicable district superintendent inquiring about payment.
After 30 days, a certified letter will be sent by the conference finance office to the applicable pastor/participant, church/charge treasurer, PPRC Chair, and applicable district superintendent inquiring about payment.
After 45 days, the applicable district superintendent will contact the applicable pastor/participant, church/charge treasurer, and PPRC Chair to inquire and encourage regarding payment.
After 45 days, the applicable district superintendent will contact the applicable pastor/participant, church/charge treasurer, and PPRC Chair to inquire and encourage regarding payment.
Funding Policies

To fund the Health Reimbursement Account contributions, the Board will use funds from three sources. It is the Board of
To fund the Health Reimbursement Account contributions, the Board will use funds from three sources. It is the Board of
Each year a small percentage will be added to the Active Participant Share in the “Salary Ratio” that the Active Participant Share is currently calculated. The amount generated by the additional 3% in 2018 will be directed to
Each year a small percentage will be added to the Active Participant Share in the “Salary Ratio” that the Active Participant Share is currently calculated. The amount generated by the additional 3% in 2018 will be directed to funding retiree health.
Care and Concern Fund: Care and Concern funds are available to the cabinet on a case-by-case basis. The case shall be presented by the Cabinet for approval by the Executive Committee of the Board of Pensions as to the need for these funds. A report shall be given to the full Board of Pensions on any cases. These funds shall be of a last resort after all other options have been explored including the use of cabinet emergency funds. The purpose of this fund is to assist: A) pastors exiting from ministry and B) caring for extreme health and well-being issues. At the end of the calendar year any leftover cabinet emergency funds shall be transferred to replenish the Care and Concern fund.
Care and Concern Fund: Care and Concern funds are available to the cabinet on a case-by-case basis. The case shall be presented by the Cabinet for approval by the Executive Committee of the Board of Pensions as to the need for these funds. A report shall be given to the full Board of Pensions on any cases. These funds shall be of a last resort after all other options have been explored including the use of cabinet emergency funds. The purpose of this fund is to assist: A) pastors exiting from ministry and B) caring for extreme health and well-being issues. At the end of the calendar year any leftover cabinet emergency funds shall be transferred to replenish the Care and Concern fund.
Lynch Trust Funds Policy
Lynch Trust Funds Policy
The Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, Inc. is the entity within the Dakotas Conference structure that has “charge of the interests and work of providing for and contributing to the support, relief, assistance, and pensioning of clergy and their families, other church workers, and lay employees of the institutions, organizations, and agencies within” the Dakotas Annual Conference, (Book of Discipline, ¶639).
The Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, Inc. is the entity within the Dakotas Conference structure that has “charge of the interests and work of providing for and contributing to the support, relief, assistance, and pensioning of clergy and their families, other church workers, and lay employees of the institutions, organizations, and agencies within” the Dakotas Annual Conference, (Book of Discipline, ¶639).
The Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, Inc. is the successor of the Conference Claimants Fund and therefore is the entity responsible for administering funds today that are dedicated to the
The Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, Inc. is the successor of the Conference Claimants Fund and therefore is the entity responsible for administering funds today that are dedicated to the
same purpose as the Conference Claimants Fund of the ethodist Episcopal Church and the ethodist Church as outlined in the will of Frank ynch. As stated in the will and codicil of Frank and Georgia ynch , their intention in making their gift to the Conference Claimants Fund was to provide for the benefit and welfare of worn out preachers. Therefore, it is the policy of the Dakotas Annual Conference, that when the principals of the Frank ynch Trust and the Georgia ynch Trust are distributed, the Dakotas Conference Board of Pension ealth Benefits shall be the Conference entity to receive and exercise stewardship over both the principal and the existing and subsequent earnings of those Trusts.
On receipt of the disbursed Trusts’ assets, the Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United ethodist Church, Inc. shall deposit those assets in its accounts held on its behalf by espath Benefits and Investments (formerly General Board of Pension ealth Benefits) of The United ethodist Church. At the time of receipt, the Treasurer of the Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United ethodist Church, Inc. in consultation with the Board’s Executive Committee shall determine where in the espath (formerly General Board) accounts to deposit the assets. Subsequent movement and investment of the assets shall be made in accordance with then-current policies and practices of the Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United ethodist Church, Inc.
On receipt of the assets, the initial principal amount shall be held by the Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United ethodist Church, Inc. as an endowment. Release from endowment status of any funds shall be made only after consideration by and decision of the Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United ethodist Church, Inc. and consistently with the will and codicil of Frank and Georgia ynch .
All earnings generated by the ynch Trusts Assets Endowment shall be allocated to the support, relief, assistance, and pensioning of clergy of the Dakotas Annual Conference as determined by decision of the Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United ethodist Church, Inc.
Earnings generated by the ynch Trusts Assets Endowment that are included in the annual budget recommendation of the Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United ethodist Church, Inc. shall be expended consistently with the will and codicil of Frank and Georgia ynch as recommended by the Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United ethodist Church, Inc., and adopted by the Dakotas Annual Conference.
uide ines for pp ying for isabi ity Benefits
Amended: une 201
a otas onference of the nited ethodist hurch onference Board of ensions
1. Initiation of the disability application process should begin with the applicant. In emergency situations, it may be initiated by the custodian or designee of the applicant or by the District Superintendent in whose district the applicant serves.
2. District Superintendent contacts Conference Benefits Officer to verify CPP eligibility of applicant.
3. If CPP eligible then CBO or DS will contact oint Committee on Incapacity and Cabinet of request.
4. Application shall proceed using the forms provided by espath Benefits Investments which will be provided, when so requested, by the Conference Benefits Officer. The forms shall be sent to the District Superintendent who shall serve as primary contact in the initial stages of application or directly to CBO if approved by District Superintendent.
5. The Superintendent or CBO, if directed by DS shall prepare the file by ensuring that materials which will include (but are not restricted to) the following are enclosed: signed request for disability application written statement from the Superintendent endorsing the disability with citation from parish consultations other supporting documentation that may be germane to a special situation.
6. Once the applicant has completed all the necessary forms they shall then be sent to the Conference Benefits Officer for approval and signature on appropriate forms on behalf of the Conference Board of Pensions. The CBO in turn will send the appropriate form for approval and signature to the Convener of the oint Committee on Disability or the Chair of Board of Ordained inistry if no such committee established.
. The Convener or Chair of Board of Ordained inistry shall arrange for either a face-to-face meeting or other communication setting with the oint Committee on edical eave (chair and vice chair or other committee member of BO , Chair and Executive Secretary of BOP and District Superintendent for applicant) to review the application process for applicant.
. The Convener or Chair of Board of Ordained inistry will contact the District Superintendent, full Board of Ordained inistry, full Board of Pensions of the Committee’s action and recommendation on edical eave process. If the decision is to not endorse, the Superintendent, after consultation with the applicant, may request that the file be forwarded to espath.
. Assuming endorsement and support by the oint Committee, the Convener or Chair of BO will add signature to the application form and record recommendation for file and send form to the Conference Benefits Officer, who in turn will submit the form to espath for application approval by the current disability insurance company.
10. The applicant shall be notified by the CBO that the application and supporting materials have been submitted to espath.
11. Participants newly appointed to medical leave and in the process of applying for Comprehensive Protection Plan (CPP) disability benefits as outlined above will be paid by the Conference for up to four (4) months as disability benefits a monthly amount calculated from the greater of: a) 0% of their plan compensation in their appointment immediately prior to appointment to medical leave, or b) 40% of the Denominational Average Compensation in effect at the time of appointment to medical leave. (See the Resolutions Relating to Rental/ ousing Allowances for Active, Retired, Disabled, or Former Clergypersons of the Dakotas Conference published elsewhere in this ournal for the designation of this amount as ousing Allowance.) The monthly Conference disability benefit will cease upon approval of CPP disability benefits as described in that Plan’s Document or upon disapproval of CPP benefits, whichever happens first within the time limit stated earlier. In extraordinary situations application for extension of the four (4) month time limit should be made to the Conference Benefits Officer for Executive Committee review and consideration.
ension ayments and enta ousing o ance
eso utions e ating to enta ousing o ances for cti e etired isab ed or ormer ergypersons of the a otas onference
The Dakotas Conference (the Conference ) adopts the following resolutions relating to rental/housing allowances for active, retired, terminated, or disabled clergypersons of the Conference:
EREAS, the religious denomination known as The United ethodist Church (the Church ), of which this Conference is a part, has in the past functioned and continues to function through ministers of the gospel (within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code section 10 ) who were or are duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed ministers of the Church ( Clergypersons )
EREAS, the practice of the church and of this conference was and is to provide active clergypersons with a parsonage or a rental/housing allowance as part of their gross compensation
EREAS, pensions or other amounts paid to active, retired, terminated, and disabled clergypersons are considered to be deferred compensation and are paid to active, retired, terminated, and disabled clergypersons in consideration of previous active service and
EREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has recogni ed the conference (or its predecessors) as an appropriate organi ation to designate a rental/housing allowance for clergypersons who are or were members of this conference and are eligible to receive such deferred compensation NO , T EREFORE, BE IT RESO VED:
T AT an amount equal to 100% of the pension, severance, or disability payments received from plans authori ed under The Book of Discipline of The United ethodist Church (the Discipline ), which includes all such payments from espath Benefits Investments ( BI ), during the calendar year 2025 by each active, retired, terminated, or disabled clergyperson who is or was a member of the conference, or its predecessors, be and hereby is designated as a rental/housing allowance for each such clergyperson and T AT the pension, severance, or disability payments to which this rental/housing allowance designation applies will be any pension, severance, or disability payments from plans, annuities, or funds authori ed under the Discipline, including such payments from espath ( BI) and from a commercial annuity company that provides an annuity arising from benefits accrued under a espath ( BI) plan, annuity, or fund authori ed under the Discipline, that result from any service a clergyperson rendered to this conference or that an active, a retired, a terminated, or a disabled clergyperson of this conference rendered to any local church, annual conference of the church, general agency of the church, other institution of the church, former denomination that is now a p art of the church, or any other employer that employed the clergyperson to perform services related to the ministry of the church, or its predecessors, and that elected to make contributions to, or accrue a benefit under, such a plan, annuity, or fund for such an active, a retired, a terminated, or a disabled clergyperson’s pension, severance, or disability plan benefit as part of his or her gross compensation.
NOTE: The rental/housing allowance that may be excluded from a clergyperson’s gross income in any year for federal (and, in most cases, state) income tax purposes is limited under Internal Revenue Code section 10 (2), and regulations thereunder, to the least of: (a) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the clergyperson’s employer or other appropriate body of the church (such as this conference in the foregoing resolutions) for such year (b) the amount actually expended by the clergyperson to rent or provide a home in such year or (c) the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances (such as a garage), plus the cost of utilities in such year. Each clergyperson or former clergyperson is urged to consult with his or her own tax advisor to determine what deferred compensation is eligible to be claimed as a housing allowance exclusion.
acation and ime ff o icy
Amended: 2015 Revised: 2024 acation
Vacation is a vital and important part of human health and renewal. The Charge will pay for the pulpit supply for vacation Sundays. In order to ensure the health of our Spirit-led missional leaders, the Dakotas Conference mandates that each charge shall grant full time appointed clergy at least, but not limited to the following amount of paid vacation during each appointment year. Vacation is 2 days each including four Sundays, for a total of 2 days. Parishes may choose to grant more than 2 days considering years of service in ministry, family needs, or other variables. All such agreements shall be agreed to in writing between the pastor and pastor/staff parish relations committee. Clergy with a less than a full-time appointment shall be granted at least the number of vacation as follows:
• uarter Time appointed clergy shall receive one 10 days including four Sundays.
• alf Time appointed clergy shall receive 16 days including four Sundays.
• Three-quarter Time appointed clergy shall receive 22 days including four Sundays
ic ea e
Clergy under appointment are eligible for up to 10 days paid sick leave annually. These days will not accrue from year-to-year. They will be pro-rated for less than full-time service. Unused sick leave will not be paid out as cash compensation. If a clergy exceeds 10 days sick leave, the staff parish relations committee and district superintendent shall be consulted on next steps. It is expected that sick leave is not used for person time off but rather because the clergy person is eith er ill or recovering from a medical procedure or caring for a sick family member.
arenta ea e
arent ea e ook of iscipline ara. Up to 13 weeks of parental leave is available for the pastor who becomes a new parent following the guidelines of the ook of iscipline. Full compensation, salary and benefits are to be maintained for at least weeks. Pulpit supply funds are available to cover the period of leave. Visit https://www.dakotasumc.org/leadershipdevelopment/board-of-ordained-ministry for more information on applying for pulpit supply funds.
ontinuing ducation
Continuing Education is a vital and important part of leadership development for Spirit -led missional leaders. Continuing Education time is not to be confused with vacation and can be taken in single day increments. Vacation is for rest and recharging. Continuing Education is for professional and spiritual development. Each Charge will grant its appointed clergy (full or part-time) one week, including one Sunday, for a total of seven days for the purpose of continuing education and professional improvement during each appointment year. Board of Ordained inistry has dollars available to support continuing education visit the Dakotas Conference website at this link: https://www.dakotasumc.org/leadershipdevelopment/board-of-ordained-ministry The Charge will pay for the pulpit supply for the continuing education Sunday. Process: The pastor consulting with the staff parish relations committee and / or the leadership team to agree upon the timeframe and focus for continuing education.
ee y ays ff
Clergy are expected to take holidays federal, state, along with any others the parish may determine, and at least one day off each week, preferable two days. Up to five days of compensation time may be accumulated to be taken at another time, not to include a Sunday. Clergy will inform the staff parish relations committee when compensation time is taken.
nnua onference
All clergy are expected to attend all sessions of the Annual Conference. The Sunday immediately after Annual Conference is a travel/rest day and is not vacation or continuing education time. The Charge will pay the travel, registration and per diem expense for its clergy and lay members attending Annual Conference. The Charge will pay for the pulpit supply for Conference Sunday. Process. The pastor consulting with the staff parish relations committee to agree upon the timeframe and focus for continuing education.
onnectiona esponsibi ities
As members of the Annual Conference, clergy will have connectional responsibilities (e.g. meetings of the Annual, urisdictional or General Conference Boards and agencies, Conference Camps, etc.). Time spent on these responsibilities will not be counted as vacation time or continuing education. Process: Clergy will inform the staff parish relations committee of time needed for these responsibilities.
igher round
ight Year ssessment ook of iscipline ara. . All clergy must patriciate in this eight-year assessment process as required by the ook of iscipline. It is required to remain in good standing with the Board of Ordained inistry (BO ). Deferments
must be negotiated in consultation with the Cabinet and BO . Two-weeks of extra vacation times is part of the igher Ground experiences in addition to the required retreat. igher Ground can be back-to-back with other leaves. Process: The pastor consults with the staff parish relations committee and / or leadership team to communicate time away and coverage in the clergy’s absence.
hort erm ene a ea e
Continuing ducation and piritual ro th ea e ook of iscipline para. . Appointed clergy are eligible to take a renewal leave to seek rest and renewal, educational opportunities, and / or spiritual growth of one month of a year every quadrennium The time away is in addition to vacation time. The local church continues providing compensation and benefits during the pastor’s leave. Funding: Financial help for pulpit supply and pastoral coverage is available. Fill out the form at this link: https://www.dakotasumc.org/leadership-development/board-of-ordained-ministry
ong erm ene a ea e
ene al ea e ook of iscipline para. . Appointed clergy who have held full-time appointments for at least six years may request a long-term renewal leave up to six months in duration while continuing to hold an appointment in the local church. The time away is in addition to vacation time. The pastor, staff / pastors relations committee and district superintendent negotiate compensation during this leave. The pastor consults with the staff pastor relations committee and / or leadership team, and the district superintendent to develop a formal plan of learning and grow as part of the leave experiences. Funding is available at https://www.dakotasumc.org/leadership-development/board-of-ordained-ministry
abbatica ea e
a atical ea e ook of iscipline para. Appointed clergy in full connection or associate members who have been serving in a full-time appointment for six consecutive years, or in a less than full-time appointment equivalent for six consecutive fulltime years, may request a sabbatical leave up to one year for a time of study or travel as approved by the Baord of Ordained inistry. The appointment to sabbatical leave is to be made by the bishop upon the vote of the annual conference after recommendation by the Board of Ordained inistry. A written request with a plan for study and travel is required. The clergy is not compensated during the leave period. Refer to para. of the ook of iscipline for more information.
ersona e ness ea e
Clergy under appointment serving a local church in the Dakotas Annual Conferences may request a Personal ellness eave up to eight weeks when needed due to an urgent situation or crisis in the life of the clergyperson when other time away options are not available or not appropriate. The Clergy Personal ellness eave request is approved by the district superintendent in coordination with the Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee. The local church continues providing compensation and benefits during the pastor’s leave. The pastor contacts the district superintendent and if able, the S/PPRC, to request a Personal ellness eave. The Personal ellness eave form is completed by the clergyperson if possible. If not, the district superintendent completes on the clergy’s behalf. The district superintendent approves or denies the request based upon the circumstances of the situation. The district superintendent works with the S/PPRC and leadership to seek pastoral coverage in the pastor’s absence. Financial help for pulpit supply and pastoral coverage is available through the Pastoral Coverage Grant. Funds for the ellness Plan is available through clergy well-being emergency funds by contacting the Area Director of Clergy ellbeing.
ergy ontinuing ducation o icies
Amended 1 6
The Board of Ordained inistry of the Dakotas Annual Conference makes available $600.00 per quadrennium for each: lder or eacon member of the conference in full connection, ro ationary mem er of the conference, iaconal minister who is a member of conference, and icensed ocal astor who has completed the Conference Course of Study. Each clergy person is required to complete eight Continuing Education credits each quadrennium or two credits per year. One CEU/CSU shall be the equivalent of:
-Twenty hours of supervised reading/reflection in a knowledge-competency area agreed upon by pastor and PPR. (No more than one CEU/CSU can be given by this route in one year.)
-Ten contact hours under qualified leadership. (An hour spent with an instructor or a course, workshop, or seminar.)
The term CSU stands for Conference Standard Unit, which may be used in lieu of Continuing Education Units (CEU). CEUs often require that a fee be paid to a college or university. CSUs do not. CSUs reflect study time, but might not reflect formal credits outside our conference.
Determine and select the desired event. Each clergy person is to think through her/his needs and desires concerning continuing education and consult with the local church PPRC concerning observed needs. Out of that reflection choose what best fits the needs for this period of time.
Use the CE Grant application form describing the event and listing number of CEUs available. Include a copy of the brochure or material describing the event and send it to the continuing education officer of the BO .
The request will then be processed by the continuing education officer. If there are questions, the CE officer will clarify them before processing the request. hen completed, the request will be sent on for payment to the clergy person.
General Expectations of the Board Regarding Continuing Education Funds and Events:
Should an event be selected that does not grant CEUs, material describing contact hours within that event should be sent to the continuing education officer. Should a clergy member be assigned after the beginning of a quadrennium, the CE grant amount available will be prorated to the years left in the quadrennium. Each clergy member is encouraged to receive one-half (4) of her/his units outside the Annual Conference offerings. Each anuary the clergy member is asked to submit a summary of continuing education experiences and units earned. To receive credit for the continuing education event, a report is to be sent to the continuing education officer. f the e ent does not list a specific num er of credits the general ratio is one credit unit for e ery hours of course ork or study. Credit can e gi en hether or not funds ere requested.
Continuing Education forms can be found on our website: www.dakotasumc.org
Please send completed forms via email to two places:
1. eadership Development: leadershipdevelopment dakotasumc.org
a. For paper copies: Dakotas Conference Office, PO Box 460, itchell SD 5 301
2. BO Continuing Education Chair: arilyn Spurrell: marilynspurrell gmail.com
To recei e credit for a Continuing ducation e ent photocopy this page fill in the information and send to the M Continuing ducation Chair
Reminder: these units also need to be reported on the annual pastor self-assessment for District Superintendent’s records.
tudent id uide ines e ised y the oard of rdained Ministry M
The inisterial Student Aid Fund ( SAF) is available for seminary and course of study students related to the Dakotas Annual Conference (DAC). The purpose of the fund is to provide financial assistance for a student’s seminary education through loans and debt reduction grants.
. I I B
1. igibi ity. Any seminary student related to the DAC who is a certified candidate for ministry enrolled and completing satisfactory work at a recogni ed seminary toward the completion of a .Div. Degree (or degree in speciali ed ministry) is eligible to receive aid from SAF. A recogni ed seminary is defined as a seminary properly recogni ed and approved by the University Senate of The United ethodist Church.
A. Aid from the SAF will be provided after the student has consulted with the loan officer of the seminary. Aid will not be made beyond the basic seminary (or speciali ed) degree ( .Div. or other) and/or reception into full membership in the Conference.
B. oan approval is contingent upon full-time satisfactory progress being made toward the completion of the appropriate Degree.
C. The DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED INISTR . will make the final decision regarding loan approval, and the applicant will be bound by that decision.
2. rocess. Funds provided to a student through the SAF are first given on a loan basis. Students must sign a promissory note indicating their commitment to repay the loan under the terms and conditions of the note before the aid is given. Should certain conditions be met, all or a portion of the principal and interest due on a loan will be forgiven by service in the Dakotas Conference of The United ethodist Church. Conditions for forgiving the loan are outlined in number six below.
. oan a imums.
A. The DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED INISTR . will set the yearly maximum aid available. The amount will be published in the ournal.
B. The DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED INISTR . will set a Forgivable loan Cap for aid available to a student while in seminary.
In special circumstances, matching aid scholarship, additional loan/grant aid may be granted. The additional aid will be subtracted from available debt-reduction aid available to the individual. If insufficient funds are available to meet all SAF requests, approved applicants will receive aid in proportion to the funds available. Second- and third-year students shall be given priority.
C. oans for the second, third, or fourth years in seminary will be approved only as a new loan upon receipt of the completed application and promissory note, (see number four below).
4. pp ications. Students may apply for SAF assistance by completing and signing the following forms: a) SAF oan Application and b) SAF Promissory Note.
A. An application for aid will not be approved until the two documents listed above are properly completed and submitted to the Conference oan Officer. The forms listed above may be obtained from the Conference oan Officer.
B. Applications for aid may be made at any time. In addition, an application for aid may be submitted as many times as needed until the yearly maximum aid or the forgivable loan cap for a student has been reached.
5. oan epayment ro isions. The total of loans made to the student during his or her seminary education career will become due and payable upon graduation from seminary with a .Div. Degree or other appropriate degree. Interest will begin to accrue upon the student’s graduation from seminary with the appropriate degree or immediately after any of the circumstances defined in 5A through 5G have occurred (see below). The DAC Board of Ordained inistry will determine interest rates and early inimum Payments required. Payments will begin within six months after graduation or within six months after any of the circumstance defined in 5A through 5B have occurred. Principal and interest payments will continue until the loan is fully paid. Payment schedules will be prepared by the Conference Director of Finance. oan payments will be made to and the accounting thereof will reside with the Conference Office of Finance and Administrative Services.
A. The DAC Board of Ordained inistry will make the final determination as to whether or not the aid recipient will repay the loan. The aid recipient is bound by the Board’s decision regarding the repayment of his or her loan.
B. The oan will be repaid in the following circumstances:
i. If the aid recipient receives an appointment in an annual conference other than the Dakotas Annual Conference (DAC).
ii. If the aid recipient refuses to accept an appointment by the Dakotas Area Bishop within the boundaries of the DAC.
iii. If the aid recipient requests and receives a leave of absence, sabbatical leave or honorable location.
iv. If the aid recipient is refused admission to the DAC by the Conference Clergy or other Conference bodies as prescribed by The Discipline of The United ethodist Church and the Standing Rules of the Dakotas Conference.
v. If the aid recipient is placed in an appointment beyond the local church by the Dakotas Area Bishop where the location of that appointment is outside the boundaries of the DAC.
vi. If the aid recipient leaves seminary regardless of his/her intention to complete degree.
vii. If the aid recipient’s membership in the conference is voluntarily or involuntarily terminated or if aid recipient, no longer continues as a certified candidate for ordained ministry.
. er ice on ersion ri i ege. The aid recipient may earn forgiveness of portions of the loan under the following circumstances:
A. After completion of the appropriate degree, the principal of the loan may be forgiven at a rate per year determined by the DAC Board of Ordained inistry with no interest accrual while the recipient is serving an appointment under the authority of the Dakotas
i. Area Bishop within the boundaries of the DAC. Forgiveness will be granted yearly at Annual Conference.
ii. The DAC Board of Ordained inistry will make the final determination as to whether or not the forgiveness privilege will be offered to the aid recipient. The aid recipient is bound by the Board’s decision regarding the forgiveness privilege.
If the aid recipient has been previously extended the forgiveness privilege but leaves the Dakotas Annual Conference for any reason or otherwise falls within the provision of 5A through 5 B above, the grant will revert back to cash repayment of the remaining principal balance with interest as required under the provisions of number five above.
. I I B
A. Some persons seek to serve in the Annual Conference through the approved Course of Study as outlined in The United ethodist Discipline. Student Aid funds are available for Course of Study and Kairos students. All aspects of the forgoing Student Aid Policy apply to those pursuing Course of Study or Kairos with the following exceptions/clarifications.
i. Course of Study and Kairos students will be eligible for the early aximum Aid as determined by the DAC Board of Ordained inistry or actual expenses, whichever is less, at a 5/25 reimbursement ratio. The DAC Board of Ordained inistry through SAF will cover 5% of eligible expenses. The remaining 25% will be covered by the student, the student’s continuing education funds as a local pastor, and/or by local church sponsorships.
ii. Eligible expenses include tuition and fees, books, room and board, subject to conference per diem, and travel (at conference rate paid to a maximum of the cost of travel to one of the three closest United ethodist Seminaries Iliff, Garrett-Evangelical, St. Paul - with additional travel expenses left to the candidate).
iii. Course of Study, Advanced Course of Study and Kairos students will be eligible for an overall cap as determined by the DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED INISTR .
iv. Special situations of need may be appealed to the DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED INISTR .
. I B I I I I
A. Provisional members of the Dakotas Conference may be eligible to receive up to a early aximum as determined by the DAC Board of Ordained inistry per year for up to six successive years for educational debt retirement. Eligibility continues after Elder’s/Deacon’s ordination. The following stipulations determine eligibility.
i. All educational requirements for Elder’s/Deacon’s Orders have been completed.
ii. The applicant must be in a full-time appointment within the bounds of the Dakotas Annual Conference however, less-than-full-time appointments may receive grants on a pro rata basis. Appointments to attend school do not qualify. Debt-reduction grant will cease with any termination of relationship with the DAC, or appointment outside the bounds of the conference.
iii. The applicant will supply evidence of educational debt related to ministerial education.
iv. Debt-reduction grant is considered a forgivable loan and must be repaid or forgiven by service in the conference on a yearly basis. early debt-reduction forgiveness (per the levels of aid stated below) will apply only after requirements for forgiveness or repayment have been satisfied for any outstanding seminary, COS, or Kairos forgivable loans. Exception to this policy may be approved by the DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED INISTR . Application forms must be requested annually from the conference loan officer. Debt reduction grant decisions will be made by the Board of Ordained inistry inisterial Student Aid/Finance Group.
v. Special situations of need may be appealed to the DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED INISTR .
. I
A The DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED INISTR established the following levels of aid (201 ):
i. early forgivable loan maximum $2,000
ii. Seminary Forgivable oan Cap $6,000
iii. Course of Study Overall Cap $ ,000
iv. Repayment Interest Rate %
v. early inimum Payments $500
vi. early Forgiveness $2,000 for Seminary and COS oan/Grants
vii. early Debt Reduction
viii. Overall Debt Reduction
Dakotas Conference U C Office of eadership Development 1331 . University Ave, Box 460, itchell, SD 5 301 (605) 0- 6, dakumcom dakotasumc.org
ergy thics for etired astors in Relation to the ocal Church and Appointed Pastors
Adopted by Board of Ordained inistry on arch 14, 2006 Affirmed by the Executive Session on une , 2006
-Remember, the Retired Pastor is not the Appointed Pastor of this parish.
- et the Appointed Pastor know your desires as to leadership responsibilities within the church but, except under exceptional circumstances, Retired Pastors should not accept official church structure offices...chairing boards or committees which righ tly belong to the laity. Establish a covenant between the Appointed and Retired Pastors regarding those agreed upon responsibilities and share that covenant with the Staff Parish Relations Committee.
-Priestly functions and associated counseling are the responsibility of the Appointed Pastor. In special circumstances Retired Pastors may assist or perform funerals, weddings and baptism at the invitation of the Appointed Pastor.
-Retired Pastors shall not perform worship services within the bounds of a pastoral charge without permission of the appointed Pastor or District Superintendent. ( 341.4, The Book of Discipline)
-If the Retired Pastor is a former pastor of the parish, do not pass on any negative opinions about persons or the church to the Appointed Pastor. hen the Appointed Pastor asks for information, respond to those questions as fully as you wish.
-If the Retired Pastor feels their Appointed Pastor is in error, talk to the pastor. If you do not receive an adequate response, talk to the District Superintendent. Never discuss these issues related to the Appointed Pastor with the laity. If you feel you cannot continue under that Appointed Pastor’s ministry, change churches.
-Be tolerant of different styles of ministry and be tolerant of occasional mistakes and errors by the Appointed Pastor.
-Encourage parishioners to talk to the Appointed Pastor in pastoral care situations. Tell the parishioner that you will support them as a Christian friend, but they should use the Appointed Pastor as pastor. In limited situations referral to the Retired Pastor by the Appointed Pastor may be appropriate.
- hen visiting in pastoral care situations, the Retired Pastor should make it clear that s/he is representing her/himself and not the church or pastor. It is appropriate to make hospital calls as a friend anytime.
-Before making a hospital or nursing home visit that may be construed as a pastoral call, give the Appointed Pastor a chance to make the first call.
-Do not expect to use church facilities without going through proper channels.
- ake annual reports to Charge Conference and Cabinet.
f you are in dou t a out any of this consult the istrict uperintendent.
ergy thics for ppointed astors in Relationship to Retired Pastors
Adopted by Board of Ordained inistry on arch 14, 2006
Affirmed by the Executive Session on une , 2006
-Remember, the appointed pastor is the pastor for these clergy members and their families of your appointed parish.
- elcome the newly retired pastor to the congregation and affirm their ministry career.
-The appointed pastor should be aware that newly retired pastors/spouses may be going through a stressful time of adjustment in their lives and they may need pastoral care in that regard.
-The appointed pastor may wish to ask the Retired Pastor if they are interested in continuing in any areas of ministry. Establish an informal covenant regarding these areas of responsibility agreed upon and share that covenant with the Staff Parish Relations Committee. Remember, the Retired Pastor’s spouse and family are laity with the same opportunities of service as any other laity.
-The Appointed Pastor may use the Retired Pastor in areas they can contribute to the life of the church being sensitive to their needs to use their gifts and talents.
-For those Retired Pastors who wish to continue to contribute ministry to the life of the local church, the Appointed Pastor may find valuable services for the Retired Pastor to perform.
-Respect the wishes of some Retired Pastors to really be retired from the ministerial functions.
-The appointed pastor should not be hypersensitive to Retired Pastor’s pastoral care for friends or colleagues.
-The appointed pastor should remember that they have been given the responsibility for the care of the congregation and not shift too much of that pastoral care to willing Retired Pastors.
- ith the permission of the retired clergy, report to the district superintendent any retired clergy family illness or death. f you are in dou t a out any of this consult the istrict uperintendent.
e ua isconduct o icy
Adopted une 2012
tatement of o icy and ommitment
Clergy and laity in ministerial roles, lay employees and volunteers of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United ethodist Church (hereafter referred to as Dakotas Conference) shall not engage in sexual abuse, sexual harassment, gender harassment or sexual misconduct, as defined by The Book of Discipline (BOD) of The U C, state, federal and tribal law. In both North Dakota and South Dakota certain acts of sexual misconduct by members of the clergy are defined as crimes. Further, the Dakotas Conference bears affirmative responsibility to create an environment of hospitality for all persons, male or female, which is free of these sins and encourages respect, equality and kinship in Christ. The Dakotas Conference will not condone or tolerate instances of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, gender harassment, or sexual abuse and is committed to a prompt and thorough investigation of allegations, in compliance with the BOD.
Bib ica and heo ogica oundation
The Dakotas Conference is committed to the prevention of sexual misconduct in any form and to justly address allegations of the same. e believe that every person is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:2 ), that all Christians are equal in Christ (Galatians 3:26-2 ), and that we are called to love our neighbors as well as enemies ( atthew 5:42). Contrary to the nurturing community, sexual harassment creates improper, coercive, and abusive conditions wherever it occurs in society. Sexual harassment undermines the social goal of equal opportunity and the climate of mutual respect between men and women. (BOD, 161. ). Furthermore, Violent, disrespectful, or abusive sexual expressions do not confirm sexuality as God’s good gift. (BOD, 161.I).
1. Sexual misconduct within ministerial relationships is a betrayal of sacred trust. It is a continuum of unwanted sexual or gender-directed behaviors by either a lay or clergy person within a ministerial relationship (paid or unpaid). It can include child abuse, adult sexual abuse, harassment, rape or sexual assault, sexuali ed verbal comments or visuals, unwelcome
touching and advances, use of sexuali ed materials including pornography, stalking, sexual abuse of youth or those without capacity to consent, or misuse of the pastoral or ministerial position using sexuali ed conduct to take advantage of the vulnerability of another. (Book of Resolutions BOR, p. 6). Furthermore, the use of pornography in church programs, on church property by persons in ministerial roles (lay and clergy) is a form of sexual misconduct. (BOR, p. )
2. Sexual harassment is a form of sexual misconduct and defined in 161 . To further clarify, it is any unwanted sexual or gender-directed comment, advance, or demand, either verbal or physical, that is reasonably perceived by the recipient as demeaning, intimidating, or coercive. ... Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, the creation of a hostile or abusive working environment resulting from discrimination on the basis of gender. (BOD, 161. ). I t is unwanted sexual or gender-directed behavior within a pastoral, employment, ministerial (including volunteers), mentor, or colleague relationship that is so severe or pervasive that it alters the conditions of employment or volunteer work or unreasonably interferes with the employee or volunteer’s performance by creating a hostile environment that can include unwanted sexual jokes, repeated advances, touching, displays, or comments that insult, degrade, or sexually exploit women, men, elders, children, or youth. (BOR, p. 6- )
3. Gender harassment is unwelcome or unwanted conduct which is gender specific, either cross gender or same gender. Although not specifically sexual, gender harassment may be recogni ed in patterns of behavior creating a hostile or abusive working environment. Both sexual and gender harassment are exploitations of power and are discriminatory by law. (http://www.gcfa.org/gcfa-legal-manual)
4. Sexual abuse in ministry is a form of sexual misconduct and occurs when a person within a ministerial role of leadership (lay or clergy, pastor, educator, counselor, youth leader, or other position of leadership) engages in sexual contact or sexuali ed behavior with a congregant, client, employee, student, staff member, coworker, or volunteer. (BOR, p. )
5. Clergy and laity in ministerial roles shall include clergy as defined by the 142, retired clergy members of the annual conference, and any other person in a ministerial role as explained and illustrated on p. of the BOR.
6. Pornography is defined in 161 . buse of o er
Sexual abuse within the ministerial relationship involves a betrayal of sacred trust, a violation of the ministerial role and exploitation of those who are vulnerable. Similarly, sexual and gender harassment are usually understood as exploitations of power relationships rather than as exclusively sexual or gender issues. This does not mean that clergy could never be the victim of sexual harassment or sexual abuse by laity. (See BOD, 605. ) Imp ementation
Clergy and laity in ministerial roles (including retired clergy), lay employees, and volunteers of the Dakotas Conference sha ll be provided a copy of this policy through the Dakotas Conference ournal and website, the Conference Office, and uman Resources andbook. Training information shall be available to assist in the understanding and implementation of this policy. a ing a omp aint
Some instances of harassment can be resolved informally by conversation between the parties or facilitated mediation. In all other instances, if a violation of this policy is witnessed, or in good faith thought to have occurred, it shall be reported immediately to one of the offices listed below To make a complaint, contact one of the following and say, I am calling to make a complaint of sexual misconduct :
District Superintendent, Northeast District 01-532-0455
District Superintendent, Northwest District 01-26 - 60
District Superintendent, Southeast District 605- 0- 1
District Superintendent, Southwest District 605-4 4-1502
Executive Director of inistries 605- 0- 1
Office of the Bishop, Dakotas- innesota Area 612- 0-400 onest and good faith complaints are welcomed. Clergy and laity in ministerial roles (including retired clergy), lay employees, and volunteers of the Dakotas Conference are required to report immediately any reasonable suspicion of harassment, abuse or misconduct to the appropriate person except when knowledge would violate confidentiality between pastor and parishioner.
The Dakotas Conference, including the aforementioned persons, will not retaliate against any person who brings forward a complaint. Prompt and appropriate investigation and corrective action will be taken, including discipline pursuant to the BOD , state, federal, and/or tribal law. Persons who make false accusations will be held accountable. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to waive pastor-parishioner privilege.
All clergy of The United ethodist Church are charged to maintain all confidences inviolate, including confessional confidences, except in the cases of suspected child abuse or neglect or in cases where mandatory reporting is required by civ il law. (BOD 341.5) Clergy and laity in ministerial roles (including retired clergy), lay employees, and volunteers of the Dakotas Conference will follow any applicable mandatory reporting laws. There is potential for conflict between the obligations imposed under church law and state law, and in these cases legal advice should be sought. Information haring
hile the Dakotas Conference cannot guarantee absolute confidentiality, it seeks to make every reasonable effort to maintain confidence by disclosing information about the complaint only on a need to know basis as necessary to promote God’s call for justice, reconciliation and healing.
ommitment to ustice and ea ing
The Dakotas Conference will take appropriate corrective action upon completion of an investigation and affirms the goals of reconciliation and resolution, leading to justice and healing for all parties involved.
I have read and affirm my understanding of this policy.
Signature Date
eparation i orce uide ines for rdained ergy
Adopted: 1 5
The Church has traditionally supported marriage and we continue to affirm it as a viable institution, even in the midst of social change. e lift up the statement of the 1 4 General Conference: e affirm the sanctity of the marriage co enant hich is e pressed in lo e mutual support personal commitment and shared fidelity et een a man and a oman. e elie e that od s lessing rests upon such marriage hether or not there are children of the union. e re ect social norms that assumed different standards for omen than for men in marriage. The ook of iscipline of the nit ed Methodist Church c nd e li e ith the parado reflected in the continuation of the same paragraph here marriage partners e en after thoughtful consideration and counsel are estranged eyond reconciliation e recogni e di orce as regretta le ut recogni e the right of the di orced persons to remarry. e e press our deep concern for the care of nurture of the children of di orced or remarried persons. e encourage that either or oth of the di orced parents e considered for custody of the minor children of the marriage. e encourage an acti e adapting and ena ling commitment of the church and our society to the mem ers of di orced families. The ook of iscipline of the nited Methodist Church d e affirm that when persons enter into marriage, they enter into a covenant relationship which God has blessed. That relationship is meant to be an unbroken relationship in which two persons commit themselves not only to each other, but to the growth and development of the other’s unique gifts.
Even in the best of situations, finding marital fulfillment demands tireless effort. People change. No marriage can remain static and be viable. arriage enrichment seminars, clergy and spouse life planning seminars, and in-depth sharing provide opportunities for continued growth.
Clergy are expected to model exemplary marital relationships. The covenant relationship spouse to spouse, and clergy to clergy offers significant strength and spiritual resources for fulfilling the marriage vows. Churches and clergy also must remember that all persons are vulnerable to the same pressures of society. Clergy and spouses are humans, with strengths and weaknesses, who make wise decisions and commit errors in judgment.
Clergy are human beings. As such, they are vulnerable to failure and mistakes as are any other person. The social pressures t hat affect the family today also affect clergy families. Church and society make demands upon clergy’s time and energies which, when personal life is not nurtured, can be destructive. In addition, persons change as they live life. Such change can be a challenge to marriage relationships.
hen minister and spouse find themselves experiencing destructive marital stress, they must respond to the signals with appropriate action. Clergy need to follow the advice they give to others: Seek help They should not isolate their pain from others or seek to deny its reality.
Other clergy persons, secular resources, the District Superintendent, or friends offer resources for the healing and enriching of marriage. A list of qualified counselors in your district may be obtained from each District Superintendent. Experience indicates that patterns of evasion often create catastrophic results and people seek to meet their personal needs in counterproductive relationships and work patterns.
The United ethodist Church has dealt with the concept of divorce in its statement in Paragraph 1d (stated under Section I of these guidelines).
Further, it is our attempt to permit separation/divorce without advocating it. For clergy, divorces are a reality. They are filled with anguish and clouded with ambiguity, as are all marital separations or divorces.
Our history as an Annual Conference has been for the Bishop and Cabinet to deal with each separation/divorce occurrence individually, but without publicly stating procedures or generally understood expectations and intents. The guidelines put fo rth here have emerged from consultation among the Bishop, the Cabinet, and the Board of Ordained inistry over an extended period of time. They are the public declaration of the process and understandings that will inform the case-by-case evaluation of the ministry of clergy who are approaching separation/divorce. The procedures reflect the couple’s network of relationships touched by clergy divorce: family, colleagues, local congregations, and professional relationship to the Conference.
Articulation of guidelines to be observed when separation/divorce is chosen by clergy is in no way to be interpreted as Dakotas Annual Conference’s diminishing the integrity of the marriage covenant as a lifetime commitment. Rather, the development of a process is an attempt to nurture responsible behavior in the face of marital stress/behavior that may lead to reconciliation or to mature and honorable steps toward termination of marriage. The intent is to preserve the honor of the marriage covenant and the ordination vows and set forth a responsible method to resolve discord and disruption in clergy households.
hen a minister and spouse recogni e that the marriage relationship is degenerating in spite of intensive professional counseling and a will to make the marriage covenant survive, it is expected that mature action will be taken. The response to this awareness should be with behavior that maintains the highest professional standards of the ordained ministry.
1. A clergy person contemplating separation/divorce, and the impact on professional status, will be evaluated case by case.
To provide consistency and fairness, each person entering a period of separation/divorce, having fulfilled the preceding guidelines, will be expected to proceed according to the following steps:
2. Pastor informs own District Superintendent, and they, together, contact the Bishop. District Superintendent initiates contact with non-clergy spouse, emphasi ing pastoral care and indicating ongoing support and counsel with couples involved.
3. Pastor and District Superintendent contact Pastor-Parish Chairperson to discuss the pastor’s and spouse’s impending separation/divorce, and strategy for announcing to local congregation. In the case of an Extension inistry, the District Superintendent will consult with the Pastor to determine what persons within the appointive setting should be informed.
4. Pastor, District Superintendent, and Chairperson inform Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, and establish ongoing support and counsel with couples involved.
5. Pastor, with support of District Superintendent and Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, informs local congregation, with intent toward enabling all parties to begin to deal with grief, anger, hurt and other feelings. In the case of an Appointment Beyond the ocal Church, the Pastor will inform those parties previously designated by the pastor and the DS, with the same intent to deal with the resulting feelings.
6. District Superintendent, pastor, and two members of the Board of Ordained inistry (One from Conference Relations Committee and one of the pastor’s choosing) meet to consider options of pastor’s relationship to Annual Conference. In the case of an appointment in extension ministries, this meeting will be held, when deemed appropriate by the Board of Ordained inistry at a location near the appointment site. The available relationship options include: (a) retaining of current appointment (b) re-appointment to another parish (c) special appointment (d) leave of absence (e) sabbatical leave (f) honorable location (g) retirement (h) withdrawal (i) termination (j) in cases of clergy immoral conduct, the review process will be initiated and (k) in cases of clergy second or successive divorces, the Board of Ordained inistry would reserve the right to counsel with the clergy person. The determination of Conference relationship and appointment is contingent upon the fulfillment of all the preceding guidelines. The report of this committee will be referred to the Cabinet and Conference Relations Committee, who by The Discipline have authority in matters of appointment and Conference relationship.
. Encourage pastor and spouse to communicate to colleagues and friends their action, thus taking responsible steps within the covenant community.
. If a change in Conference relationships is affected, return to the prior Conference relationship will be facilitated according to procedures prescribed by The Discipline.
To facilitate healing and recovery, post-divorce counseling is required for clergy. Counseling is to begin immediately following the divorce (at least within the first year). Because of the covenant relationship with non-clergy spouses, we recommend that the Dakotas Annual Conference seriously consider providing means of counseling for the spouse (and/or other family members). Furthermore, when applicable, moving expenses, career training, health/medical benefits may be provided. Also, the Conference Board of Pensions will investigate an equitable means of ensuring non-clergy spouses receiving pension benefits accrued during the time of the clergy partner’s ministerial service to the Dakotas Annual Conference.
arsonage tandards
Adopted: 2011
urpose: The Dakotas Conference policy is that a parsonage or housing allowance shall be provided for each clergy appointed with each charge making that determination. owever, a parsonage is preferred. The following guidelines should be considered with providing a parsonage. ousing shall not be considered as part of compensation or remuneration, but shall be considered as means provided by the local church, and for the convenience of the local church to enable its ministry and the itinerant ministry of the Annual Conference.
A clergy couple appointed to a charge needs to be provided with only one parsonage.
I. Standards for Parsonage Furnishings
A. eating system with humidifier and dehumidifier as needed.
B. Central air conditioning or adequate window air conditioning.
C. ot water heater. In areas of problem water, proper water conditioning equipment should be provided and the church or charge is responsible for the salt. Also available is water conditioning equipment that could be used that doesn’t require salt.
D. odern kitchen range and oven with exhaust fan, garbage disposal, refrigerator with free er, and dishwasher.
E. asher and dryer of at least standard laundry si e.
F. Bundled package of basic cable television or dish, along with landline phone and internet.
G. awn mower and snow blower. awn care and snow removal could be provided after discussion with SPPRC.
. Appropriately placed smoke alarms. Carbon monoxide detectors in only those homes with natural gas, fuel oil or propane gas.
I. Appropriate window treatments: including drapes, curtains, blinds, or decorator shades be provided in all windows. All materials shall be fire retardant.
. Floors on main level(s):
1) Carpet in living room and dining room or adequate substitute such as attractive hardwood floor with appropriate rugs.
2) Entry way halls should fit the d cor of the living room and dining room.
3) Kitchen: good grade of tile, linoleum or kitchen carpeting.
4) Bathroom: good grade of tile or linoleum.
5) Other rooms: (bedroom, den, etc) carpeting, other covering or well finished wood.
K. Pets: The Clergy leaving a Charge shall be financially liable for any damage to the parsonage above and beyond the normal wear and tear of family living, and for problems created by pets or neglect. If such a situation occurs the District Superintendent shall be informed for inspection. If a church and the DS agree there is damage from a pastor’s pets upon entering a new appointment, if that pastoral family insists on having pets, they must provide a damage deposit equal to the repair and replacement costs incurred in their prior parsonage.
II. On-Going Conditions:
A. It is suggested that at least 2% per annum of the insured value of the parsonage be placed in the church budget of the Trustees for parsonage repair, decorating and refurbishing.
B. It is the responsibility of the clergy leaving a Charge to fully and properly clean the parsonage. ow this will be accomplished will be determined in consultation with the Pastor Parish Relations Committee.
C. hen a pastoral change takes place, the Board of Trustees shall evaluate the needs of the parsonage and refurbish accordingly. The clergy leaving the Charge shall inform the Board of Trustees of structural problems or appliances that need repair or replacement.
D. Suitable location with consultation of the District Board of Church Building and ocation.
E. Safe and dependable water supply.
F. The parsonage should be a minimum of 2500 sq. feet of living space (less than 2500 sq. feet to be negotiated with District Superintendent and District Board of Church ocation and Building.
G. After approving a purchase proposal, the charge conference shall be deemed to have authori ed and directed the Board of Trustees to proceed with the purchase. In the case of the purchase of a parsonage, the Board of Trustees shall either.
1. Purchase a parsonage that has on the ground floor level: - One room that can be used as a bedroom by a person with a disability - One fully accessible bathroom and - Fully accessible laundry facilities, or
2. Purchase a parsonage without the accessible features for persons with disabilities specified above and remodel it within one year’s time, so that it does have those features.
III. Recommended Parsonage Standards
A. General appearance inside and outside: Good
B. Sidewalks to garage and front street.
C. Play area in back.
D. ard maintained by church (fertili er and insecticide provided by church).
E. One car garage with storage. Garage has lights and electrical outlets.
F. Insulated glass windows or regular glass with combination storm windows and storm doors.
G. Fully insulated (walls and ceilings).
. Three bedrooms above ground. aster bedroom shall be at least 150 sq. feet. If two story, one bedroom shall be on the main floor.
I. One full bath on main floor plus one three-quarter bath.
. odern kitchen with dining area to seat at least four. There shall be adequate counter and storage space and an adequate number of electrical outlets.
K. iving-dining room combination.
. iving room and a separate family room.
. If there is no office/study in the church, the parsonage should have a room available for an office/study. The office/study should have built-in bookshelves.
N. Adequate electrical wiring with a minimum of 200 ampere entrance box with circuit breakers.
O. Adequate fire exits from all areas of the house, especially the basement. Fire extinguishers on all levels.
P. Adequate storage areas.
IV. Recommended Parsonage Standards: Preferred
A. General appearance inside and outside: Excellent
B. Sidewalks to garage and front street.
C. Play area in back.
D. ard maintained by church (fertili er and insecticide provided by church)
E. Two-car garage and storage. Garage has lights and electrical outlets.
F. Insulated glass windows or regular glass with combination storm windows and storm doors.
G. Insulation installed which meets minimum standards recommended for maximum energy efficiency as determined by the Energy Commission.
. Three bedrooms above ground with a minimum of 130 sq. feet. aster bedroom shall be at least 1 0 sq. feet.
Adequate lighted closets. If two-story, one full bathroom and one bedroom shall be on the main floor.
I. One full bath plus one three-quarter bath adjoining master bedroom. One bath must be on main floor.
. odern kitchen with dining area to seat at least six. There shall be adequate counter and storage space, and an ample number of electrical outlets.
K. A separate dining room.
. arge living room with family room removed from it so that activities in one do not disturb person in the other.
. If there is no office/study in the church, the parsonage should have one that has a separate outside entrance. The office/study should have built-in bookshelves.
N. Adequate electrical wiring with a minimum of 200 ampere entrance box with circuit breakers. All wiring shall meet at least the National Electric Code minimum standard.
O. Adequate fire exits from all areas of the house especially the basement. Fire extinguishers on all levels.
P. Adequate storage space.
V. Pastor’s Responsibility
A. The parsonage family shall practice good stewardship of parsonage property and will be held financially accountable for damage other than normal wear and tear. They shall keep the parsonage in neat appearance. Upkeep, repair, and redecorating will be done in consultation with the local church parsonage (trustees) Committee. The parsonage family shall leave the parsonage as good as or better than it was when they moved into the dwelling.
B. The pastor should keep the parsonage (trustees) committee informed of maintenance needs throughout the year between annual reviews.
C. The pastor and the parsonage (trustees) committee shall inspect the parsonage together at the time of a change of pastors. The location of guarantees and operating instructions for parsonage equipment should be designated for the benefit of the incoming pastor.
D. Disputes between the pastor and the local church concerning the parsonage shall be referred to the District Superintendent for negotiation and settlement.
VI. The Parsonage Review and Report
A. In accordance with The Book of Discipline, 25 , 2.g 16: The chairperson of the Committee on Staff Pastor Parish Relations, chairperson of the Board of Trustees and pastor shall make an annual review of the church owned parsonage to assure proper maintenance.
B. A log book shall be used by the local church and Board of Trustees recording the outcome of the inspection of the parsonage on an annual basis. Using the form by the conference, the inspection should be for termites, varmints and radon. The results of the inspection, should include a list of the repairs or upgrades to fix the problem.
o ing o icy
Adopted: une 2024
Expenses for moving clergy and their families shall be administered under the following policies:
1. General:
a. The oving Fund shall assist in paying the moving expenses for household goods, office furniture, and equipment of itinerant clergy appointed to a pastoral charge, a conference staff position, or as district superintendent. Assistance shall be provided when a primary residence is changed due to a new appointment.
b. ileage reimbursement will be provided for one additional visit to the community by the incoming pastor.
c. Clergy included in this provision shall include full members, provisional members, associate members, local pastors, seminary students appointed to a local charge, one move of a retiring clergy person to his/her retirement residence, and those under disability leave.
d. The Treasurer/Finance Office will follow the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) regulations in issuing the proper tax forms to those who move.
e. The moving funds issued to a clergy person are taxable income and will be reported as such to the IRS.
f. The Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA) shall set the moving stipend and mileage rates by anuary 1 for the upcoming move cycle. The CCFA will consider factors such as the average cost of a moving (under 15,000 lbs.), cargo mileage rate, the Dakotas Conference annual budget, other United ethodist Conference stipend and mileage rates, and other factors when setting the Dakotas Conference move stipend and mileage rate.
g. Eligible clergy may submit requests for a supplemental moving grant to cover additional expenses. These requests will be received by the Treasurer, reviewed by the Cabinet, and approved by the CCFA .
2. Additional Eligibility Clarification
a. Pastors with disability status moving out of a Dakotas Conference appointment are eligible to receive a onetime move stipend at the time of the relocation of their primary residence.
b. Retiring pastors moving out of a Dakotas Conference appointment are eligible to receive a one-time move stipend at the time of the relocation of their primary residence.
c. If a person in retired status is required to move their primary residence to accept an appointment within the Dakotas Annual Conference, they are entitled to a stipend to and from that appointment.
d. Clergy under suspension or clergy leaving appointment in the Dakotas Annual Conference for leave of absence, honorable location, extension ministry, and transfer to another conference or denomination will not be eligible for a moving stipend.
e. Clergy moving to the Dakotas Annual Conference are eligible to receive a moving stipend.
f. hen a clergy dies while under appointment to a local charge, conference staff position, or as a district superintendent, the surviving spouse and/or dependents may have their moving stipend paid by the Conference within the provisions of this policy. If no spouse or dependents are living with the clergy person at their death, a move may be provided in accordance with this policy within 0 days of the death of the clergy. A 10 will be issued in the name of the spouse at year end.
3. oving Stipend:
a. Each eligible clergyperson shall receive a moving stipend as determined by CCFA in consultation with the cabinet.
b. Clergy couples being moved shall be given an additional 25% of the moving stipend.
4. ileage Reimbursement
a. Those clergy eligible for a moving stipend, are also eligible for mileage current address to new address to be paid at a trucking freight rate, as determined by CCFA. The per mile rate is paid only within the bounds of the Annual Conference and is in addition to the stipend.
b. Retired Clergy and seminary students returning to take an appointment are eligible for a mileage reimbursement of actual miles up to maximum of 00 miles at the trucking freight rate determined by CCFA.
c. Clergy couples are eligible for 1 mileage reimbursement.
5. Procedures:
a. The Cabinet will name a ove Coordinator who will work with the staff in fulfilling this policy.
b. The ove Coordinator will provide the procedure, developed and approved by the cabinet and a Board of Ordained inistry representative, to moving clergy.
c. The ove Coordinator in conjunction with the cabinet shall establish and administer all procedures for implementing the moving policy contained herein.
d. Clergy may forfeit access to the moving funds if they fail to complete the procedure as outlined by the Cabinet and ove Coordinator.
n effecti e c ergy personifies
ergy ffecti eness a otas onference of he nited ethodist hurch Adopted by the Board of Ordained inistry, October 2014
n effecti e c ergy practices
n effecti e c ergy produces
(a1) A strong, articulate esleyan theology (b1) A strong, spiritually disciplined prayer life (c1) Growth in worship
(a2) aturity reflected in a respectful, humble, mature and coachable nature
(b2) Self-care and respect of boundaries (c2) Disciples who are lifelong learners and evangelists
(a3) Adaptivity, creativity, and risktaking (b3) Generosity in resources, words and actions (c3) ature and healthy leaders with a vision for the local church and community
(a4) A joyful, engaging and faithful servant heart (b4) Responsibility, and helps others to do the same (c4) issional churches and other new ministries
(a5) An ability to motivate, equip, encourage, and give permission (b5) A work ethic that is smart and kingdom-oriented (c5) Financial strength and viability.
a n effecti e clergy is one ho possesses and articulates a orking kno ledge of i lical faith and social holiness. The clergy demonstrates the a ility to communicate and apply the gospel of esus Christ in culturally rele ant ays. The clergy understands kno s and cele rates the po er of the triune od to ring healing reconciliation and peace to the li es of indi idual congregations and communities.
a n effecti e clergy is a lifelong learner. This is ena led y a hum le coacha le attitude that su mits to the promptings of the oly pirt od s ord and to help and ad ice of others. uch an attitude also ena les the clergy to learn from successes as ell as failures. The clergy person s disciplined spiritual life makes his her accounta le in one s ork and actions. The clergy gi es up the quest for status and po er follo ing Christ s e ample.
p anation of raits
n effecti e clergy is one ho egins ith an essential and i rant faith li ed out in a spiritually disciplined life that includes prayer and other means of grace. ttention to this primary foundation and practice as a disciple of esus Christ sets an e ample y the clergy. The clergy intentionally mo es in a deepening life de oted to Christ.
c n effecti e clergy produces gro th in orship in num ers and in spiritual itality. The clergy uses the orship e perience to dra people closer to od and to each other. The clergy accomplishes this through music prayer preaching and the sharing of the sacraments that is rele ant to the conte t and culture of the people and the community in hich he she ser es. These orship e periences need to e in iting and elcoinge to di ersity and dialogue.
n effecti e clergy kno s him herself recogni ing the need for clear oundaries and proper alance in all aspects of life taking steps to keep those oundaries and that alance healthy and e ident. The clergy seeks to care for him herself physically maintaining and strengthening healthy relationship among family friends and parishioners. The clergy kno s hen to say no to acti ities that eaken good oundaries and ho to respect times of rest and rene al as a ay to keep a healthy perspecti e and discipline of making good choices in his her life.
c n effecti e clergy produces disciples acti ely engaged in learning and gro ing in Christ through intentional i le study a disciplined prayer and de otional life faithful orship attendance and participation and e angelistic ser ice eyond church alls. The clergy helps disciples to identify de elop and use their spiritual gifts to uild up the church the community and the orld.
a n effecti e clergy is a le to set and accomplish goals ith fle i ility and responsi eness hile managing conflict in a ay that leads to healthy resolution. The clergy thinks outside the o and is illing to take oneself and others in creati e ne directions responsi e to and trusting in the mo ing of the oly pirit.
a n effecti e clergy is faithful to their ordination o s and their relationship ith esus Christ. The clergy is oyful and engaging ith a heart for ser ing a orld that is hurting. The clergy ser es od and others ithout complaining or dra ing attention to oneself. The clergy s ser anthood inspires others to li e in like manner.
a n effecti e clergy is relational and culti ates the gifts of the pirit in others and empo ers them to claim their call and assists in helping them find their place in ministry.
n effecti e clergy gi es up the emotion of ealousy in life. nstead the clergy practices a heartfelt e pression of oy in the success of others gro ing others into healthy and faithful disciples. e she uses all meansfinancial prayer and pastoral skills - to assist others to mo e for ard in their o n ministries.
n effecti e clergy li es ith integrity in his her life. e she takes clear responsi ility for the failure of ministry under the clergy s care and as ell includes others in the e pression of praise in the success of ministry. n those situations in hich others fail to li e up to the call of ministry or discipleship of Christ the clergy carefully and lo ingly leads others into a place of repentance and forgi eness and asks the same in return.
n effecti e clergy does not aste time. The gifts skill energy and time used y the clergy are ell used and continue to create oth solid foundations and promising futures. s the season of a ministry comes to a close the effecti e clergy is the one ho is a le to cele rate its ending and to direct others to dream of ne e pressions of ministry yet to e e perienced.
c n effecti e clergy de elops and empo ers leaders ho ha e a ision for their local church community and orld for hich they take responsi ility and ork to achie e. The clergy stays a reast of pro ides information a out and encourages attendance at training opportunities and orkshops that help leaders address an e er changing orld.
c n effecti e clergy guides and encourages the people in reaching eyond church alls in e er gro ing and de eloping ministries. The clergy leads y e ample y participating alongside the people in outreach e ents and acti ities.
c n effecti e clergy de elops financial commitment among the people so that de eloping and emerging ministries ha e the resources needed to sustain these ministries as long as they are rele ant to the community.
The role of the Board of Ordained inistry for clergy effectiveness falls in the area of providing standards, best practices and healthy examples for a life of clergy ministry in the Dakotas Conference.
The measurement of these standards and practices of the effective clergy occur under the supervisory work of the superintendent and the ongoing review and support of the staff-parish relations committee or other personnel committees for those in extension ministries or the deacons in ministry beyond the local church. As mutually agreed upon expectations and goals are created in consultation with these groups, the effective clergy will be able to honestly ask and answer the questions: ow clearly and fully have I been able to create this ministry environment over the past period of time here could I have been clearer or more focused ow else may I continue to grow in each of these areas in order to prove my effectiveness Am I being faithful to my ordination vows, family and my relationship to God
ith mutually agreed upon goals, the evaluation becomes a team effort, and not an opportunity to unduly critici e a pastor for not doing what he/she never reali ed was expected to do in the first place.
risis anagement uide ines
risis is a a or urning oint esu ting in ermanent rastic hange
A crisis occurs when you least expect it the outcome will determine if affairs are better or worse. There is not a single way to solve a crisis, but they all have certain earmarks:
1. Crises come as a surprise. They occur unexpectedly and probably when we are least able to deal with them. Personnel may also not be readily available.
2. Surprise leads to insufficient information, and questions are difficult to answer.
3. uestions begin to surface from the media and constituents almost immediately, which is the time to take control and not be hesitant.
4. Demonstrating concern and ability to take control will probably result in being able to withstand outside pressures.
5. The crisis may cause short term focus and lead to short sighted actions.
6. After the initial shock, there are always varying degrees of trauma for those directly and indirectly affected. It is important to have a plan of action in mind before a crisis hits. hen the questions come, never say no comment. Be truthful and be sure all church officials have been consulted.
The Episcopal office is the most logical source of information, with a line of responsibility assigned and others to assist with the task of dispensing information.
1. Crises of a personal nature.
2. Crises of a corporate nature.
3. Crises prompted by natural disasters.
Success in planning before the crisis is one thing that can be controlled. This may be not only the success or failure in the management of the church, but also the basis for building integrity and strengthening the work of the church. The process should include the following.
1. ame a risis anagement eam. This would include the bishop, executive director of ministries and director of communication. The legal counsel may have to be involved. Also, the district superintendents should be aware of the proceedings and have full knowledge of activities. Chair of the Common Table may be included with the possibility of one of the co-lay leaders. All should be listed by name, address, telephone, e-mail address, and fax number.
2. mpo er the team. The bishop should convene the team, gather information, consult with all and provide the final decision. The bishop could serve as spokesperson.
3. he onference ommunicator should be gathering background material, if needed assist in preparation of releases assist in monitoring the information flow. They should monitor and report media activities screen and direct media inquiries and keep the Crisis anagement Team informed.
4. ega ounse . The egal Counsel provides input on liability and regulatory issues related to the crisis. Remember that damage from a crisis is much worse if it loses in the court of public opinion than if it loses in a court of law. egal counsel is not the spokesperson.
5. upport team. Screen and log calls. Know how to reach all crisis management members. This team needs to be available at all times. In the event a person in the chain of responsibility is not available, have backups and alternates in place. ake sure to inform the persons closest to the central office also, key leaders in the church (employees, clergy, church members, lay leaders).
If possible, make a list of crises that could possibly occur and how the response could be along with the effect.
esignated aces. Press room with the possibility of holding press conferences. It should be near public telephones, desks, electrical outlets for lap-top computers, FA machines, and chairs. Possibly soft drink machines could be available. mp e pportunity for telephone and FA lines. Do all members of the team have cell phones Team members need to be available at all times.
Be ery ure rrangements re ade to keep a log of all statements made, in addition to developments of the crisis. Be prepared to answer questions as to who is in charge biographies of personalities background information knowledge of church. rrange for ecurity ersonne to keep order and control access to all offices in addition to people to handle telephones and serve as runners or hospitality.
In onc usion Be pro-active don’t isolate the team or The United ethodist Church your image is important (be natural) do not speculate be sure to place the personal element above all else.
Credit to Tom cAnally, Director, nited ethodist ews ervice and nited ethodist Communications, ot f, ut When manual.
a otas isaster esponse ction an
The ction lan complements the Conference isaster lan listed a o e and found on the conference e site oth of hich ere re ised in the spring of . efinition of isaster esponse y MC
A disaster is a severe disruption of personal and community life, involving a significant number of people and causing spiritual, emotional, physical, and social crisis to which the church can respond with God’s love and help. Such disasters may include: tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, fires, toxic poisonings and other community-wide occurrences. The United ethodist Committee on Relief seeks to provide relief for acute human needs that might otherwise go unheeded. This assistance may come in the form of cash allocations, speciali ed services, volunteer ministries or other avenues of mission services. (page 5 , U COR Disaster Training anual.)
hec ist of esponsibi ities by osition
oca hurch astor and or ay eader or hair of rustees
Assess general situation and physical needs of people, affected area and forward initial assessment (either by telephone or by email) to the District Superintendent and/or the inistry Team Disaster Coordinator and/or the Presiding Elder.
Done Date
Establish contact with any local community emergency management committees or agencies as soon as possible. Done Date
Provide specific needs assessment (within 24 hours if possible) of any damage to the church or parsonage. Done Date
Begin seeking local response to needs: general and specific. Done Date
Coordinate relief efforts on the local level. Done Date
Implement your local church disaster plan. Done Date
hen disaster response has concluded, review local church disaster plan and evaluate your response efforts. Done Date
istrict uperintendent
Contact pastor/s involved and the Conference Disaster Response Coordinator/s as soon as possible. Done Date
Receive the report of the local pastor/s and/or the Trustees Chair for churches within impacted areas. Done Date
ake initial contact with the Bishop (within 24-36 hours if possible.) Done Date
Conduct an on-site visit (within 36 hours if possible.) Done Date
Remain in close pastoral care of churches and pastoral families of the impacted areas. Done Date
Participate in the Conference Disaster Response Crisis anagement Team. Done Date hen the crisis is over, review your district’s disaster response plan and the plans of the congregations within the impacted area. Evaluate your response efforts. Done Date onference isaster esponse oordinators
Conduct an on-site visit with the Bishop, District Superintendent, Presiding Elder and (if possible) the inistry Team Disaster Response Coordinator of the impacted area (within 36 hours if possible). Done Date
Coordinate efforts on area-wide or state-wide basis. Done Date ork with Bishop and/or the District Superintendent/s of impacted area to coordinate communication and general response efforts to the disaster. Done Date
Activate the conference disaster response plan. Done Date
hen the crisis has passed, work with other conference leadership to evaluate the conference disaster plan. Presiding Elder o r inistry Team Disaster Coordinator Accompany the Bishop and/or Conference Disaster Coordinator/s to survey the impacted area. Done Date
eet with the Bishop, affected District Superintendent/s, Conference Disaster Response Coordinators and Conference Disaster Response Crisis anagement Team to assess the needs and coordinate the response. Done Date
Implement the District Disaster Response Plan so that healing is brought to the affected disaster area. Done Date hen the crisis has passed, work with the District Superintendent of the affected area and the Conference Disaster Response Coordinator/s to evaluate the district disaster response plan and local church disaster response plans within the affected ar ea. Continue your ministry of training and mitigation. Done Date
This is not a complete report of all statistical data submitted by local churches. Some fields have been omitted. For a full report, contact the General Council on Finance and Administration at (866) 367-4232

Quick Reference
Bakken Oil Rush Ministry--Watford City, Melanie Smith
2nd Ave NE, Watford City, North Dakota 58854
E: bakkenoilrush@gmail.com
O: 701-339-6188
Fund: 746 Program Website: www.oilrushministry.com
Solar Oven Partners, TBA
1331 W. University Ave., Mitchell, SD 57301
E: al.roll@dakotasumc.org
O: 605-996-6552
Fund: 637 Program Website: http://www.solarovenpartnersumc.org/ Salary 661
Spirit Lake Ministry Center, Kim and Paulette Paulson
3365—81st Ave NE, Sheyenne, ND 58374
E: spiritlakeministry@dakotasumc.org
C: 701-739-9019 or 701-351-8579
Fund: 639 Program Website: www spiritlakeministrycenter org Salary 663
Tree of Life Ministry, Linda Garriot
140 S Roosevelt (PO Box 149), Mission, SD 57555 O: 605-856-4266, F: 605-856-5835
E: treeo#ife@gwtc.net
Fund: 678 Program Website: www.treeo#iferelief.org
Advance: #123615 Program
United Methodist Volunteers in Mission — North Central Jurisdiction, Tammy Kuntz 8800 Cleveland Ave., NW, North Canton, OH 44720-4564
E: umvimncj coor@gmail com
O: 614-325-8741
MISSIONARY and MISSION INFORMATION: Additional Missionaries and Missions supported by this conference on the conference web site: www.dakotasumc.org FINANCE/ CHURCH TREASURER RESOURCE/CONFERENCE FUND LIST
Open Door Community Center 1030 North 6th St., Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-3004
E: opendoor@btinet.net
Interfaith Federal Credit Union
Website: opendoorbismarck.com/
P.O. Box 60651, Montclair, CA 917631126 1-800-245-0433
Southeast Pierre Community Center 2315 E Park St., Pierre, SD 57501 605-224-7244
Logo and artwork for the 2024 Annual Conference were designed by Karla Hovde, Minnesota Conference Communication Associate.
Lake Poinsett Camp/Retreat Center, Nicole Anderson E: lpc@dakcamps org 605-983-5547
20 South Lake Drive, Arlington, SD 57212
Fax: 605- 983-3911
Storm Mountain Center – Tanner Clark E: smc@dakcamps.org 605-343-4391
23740 Storm Mt. Rd., Rapid City, SD 57702 Fax: 605-343-0154
Wesley Acres Camp - Lori Faleide E: wac@dakcamps.org 701-733-2413
1821 115th Ave SE, Dazey, ND 58429 Fax: 701-733-2411
Dakotas-Minnesota Area Central Camping O ce E: info@dakcamps org 855-622-1973
122 W Franklin, Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55404 Fax: 612-870-1260
Jenkins Living Center - Loren W. Diekman, Administrator 605-886-5777 12 Second Ave., Watertown, SD 57201
Sunnycrest Village - Mary Morgan, Administrator 605-361-1422 3900 S Terry Ave , Sioux Falls, SD 57106 E: mary sunnycrest@midconetwork com
Wesley Acres - Priscilla Stevenson, CEO 605-996-6164
1115 West Havens, Mitchell, SD 57301
Bishop Lanette Plambeck, Resident Bishop
E: wesleyacres@midconetwork com
122 W. Franklin Ave. Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55504
E: bishopo ce@dkmnareaumc.org
Conference Secretary, Amber La ey 605-770-7802
PO Box 460,1331 University, Mitchell, SD 57301
E: conference secretary@dakotasumc org
Archivist Laurie Langland, McGovern Library 605-995-2134 1201 McGovern Ave., Mitchell, SD 57301 F: (605) 995-2893
E: Laurie Langland@dwu edu
Conference Co-Lay Leaders
John Srstka 605-490-0109 5604 W. Circle Dr., Sioux Falls, SD 57106 E: j1srstka@aol.com
Karl Rockeman 701-590-9093
PO Box 3123, Dickinson, ND 58602
E: cowboyk@gmail.com
Conference Treasurer, Jim Ducker 605-990-7786
PO Box 460, 1331 University, Mitchell, SD 57301
E: jim ducker@dakotasumc org
Dakotas Conference www.dakotasumc.org
Dakotas Camping www.dakcamps.org Foundation www dkmnmf org
Youth Ministries www dakyouth org
United Methodist Church www umc org
Infoserv 1-800-251-8140
Cokesbury 1-800-672-1789
UMCOR Hotline 1-800-841-1235
UMCOR Depot 1-801-973-7250
Midwest Distribution Center, Je erson, Iowa 1-515-386-2236
Midwest Distribution Center, Pawnee, Illinois 1-217-483-7911
CONFERENCE OFFICE www.dakotasumc.org
1331 West University, Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301 605-996-6552
Area Director Camp and Retreats, Keith Shew
Fax: 605-996-1766
612-230-6130 keith.shew@dkmnareaumc.org
Area Coordinator Camp and Retreats, Stacey Edwards 855-622-1973 stacey.edwards@dkmnareaumc.org
Camping Marketing/Outreach, Beata Ferris
Dakotas Methodist Foundation
President and CEO, Sheri Meister
Director of Foundation Relations, Diane Weller
605-990-7783 beata.ferris@dkmnareaumc.org
605-990-7790 diane.weller@dkmnmf.org Director of Finance and Accounting, Lisa Schultz 605-990-7790 lisa.schultz@dkmnumf.org Program Assistant, Kelsey Morgan 605-990-7797 kelsey.morgan@dkmnmf.org
District Superintendents
Northeast District: Kris Mutzenberger 701-532-0455 kris.mutzenberger@dakotasumc.org
Northwest District: Joel Winckler 701-269-9960 joel.winckler@dakotasumc.org
Southeast District: Brandon Vetter 605-630-7882 brandon.vetter@dakotasumc.org
Southwest District: Dan Bader 701-840-9802 dan.bader@dakotasumc.org
Finance and Bene ts
Executive Dir. of Finance and Admin, Jim Ducker 605-990-7782 jim.ducker@dakotasumc.org Conference Bene ts and HR O cer, JoAnn Early 605-990-7785 joann.early@dakotasumc.org Assistant Treasurer, Dana Bassett 605-990-7786 dana.bassett@dakotasumc.org Sr. Accountant and Payroll Administrator, Kathy Roll 701-389-5185 kathy.roll@dakotasumc.org Finance & Bene ts, HR Assistant, Kaylynn Schutte 605-990-7782 kaylynn.schutte@dakotasumc.org
Ministries and Communications
Asst.to Bishop–Connection/Communication, Rebecca Trefz 605-990-7791
rebecca.trefz@dakotasumc.org Area Director of Clergy Well-Being, Diane Owen 612-230-6129 diane.owen@dkmnareaumc.org Missional Impact Development Coach, Al Roll 701-391-2015 al.roll@dakotasumc.org Coordinator of Ministry Operations, Bea Stucke 605-990-7791 bea.stucke@dakotasumc.org Ministries Assistant, Susan Punt 605-990-7796 susan.punt@dakotasumc.org Communications Associate, David Stucke 605-990-7795 david.stucke@dakotasumc.org
Wespath Bene ts and Investments 1901 Chestnut Ave, Glenview, IL 60025 www.wespath.org
Wespath Health Care Coordinator 1-833-762-0876
Pension Dept—press 1, then 0 1-800-851-2201
ViaBene ts www.my.viabene ts.com 1-866-249-7785
Blue Cross Blue Shield Customer Service www.bcbsil.com 1-866-804-0976
Optum Rx Pharmacy www.optum.com 1-855-239-8471
Optum/EAP https://www.liveandworkwell.com/ 1-866-881-6800
Health Equity*(Reimbursement accounts) https://healthequity.com/ 1-866-735-8195
Vision Bene t VSP www.vsp.com 1-800-877-7195
Virgin Pulse www.virginpulse.com 1-800-830-4312
Quest Diagnostics www.myquestforhealth.com 1-855-623-9355
Cigna-Dental www.cigna.com 1-800-244-6224
MD Live Telemedicine 1-888-750-4991
WW (Weight Watchers) www.weightwatchers.com 1-866-204-2885
EY Financial Planning Service www.wespath.eynavigate.com 1-800-360-2539