The Official Journal of The Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church
DAKOTAS MISSIONARIES AND MINISTRIES Haiti Solar Oven Project, Rick Jost E: rjost@brookings.net (O/F) 605-692-3391 Old Sanctuary, 928—4th St. #2, Brookings, SD 57006 Advance: #637 Program; #661 Salary Website: www.gbgm-umc.org/solarovenshaiti Bakken Oil Rush Ministry, Jim and Kathie Konsor Jim (C) 605-268-0058 Kathie (c) 605-742-4151 E: jameskonsor@gmail.com or oilrush@dakotasumc.org Website: www.dakotasumc.org/oilrush Children of the Harvest/Spirit Lake Ministry Center, Mike & Libby Flowers 3365—81st Ave. NE, Sheyenne, ND 58374 E: childharvest@msn.com Advance #639 Program; #663 Salary; Advance: 3020453 (C) 701-799-1174 Website: www.dakotasumc.org/children_harvest.html www.spiritlakeministrycenter.org Tree of Life Ministry, Russell & Donna Masartis (O) 605-856-4266, (F) 605-856-5835 140 South Roosevelt (PO Box 149), Mission, SD 57555-0149 E: treeoflife@gwtc.net Advance: #123615 Program Website: www.treeofliferelief.org United Methodist Volunteers in Mission — North Central Jurisdiction, Lorna Jost 928—4th St., Office #2, Brookings, SD 57006 (O) 605-692-3390 (F) 605-692-3391 E: umvim-ncj@brookings.net
MISSIONARY and MISSION INFORMATION: Additional Missionaries and Missions supported by this conference on the conference web site: www.dakotasumc.org FINANCE/CHURCH TREASURER RESOURCE/CONFERENCE FUND LIST DISASTER RESPONSE Disaster Coordinator, North Dakota : Rev. Lee Gale C: 701-371-7845 716 Griggs, Grafton, ND 58237 E: revt1220@gmail.com O: 701-352-2644 Disaster Coordinator, South Dakota: Rev. Kathy Chesney PO Box 727, Philip , SD 57567 E: chez@gwtc.net
C: 605-280-7127 O: 605-859-2310
Assoc. Disaster Response Coordinator-Minot Area: Bob Lower 1734 s. Main St., Minot, ND 58701 E: blower@dakotasumc.org
R: 701-839-9259 C: 701-721-0441
RELATED AGENCIES & INFORMATIONAL NUMBERS United Methodist Men President Jim Dustin United Methodist Women President Bobbi Larson (605) 853-3866 709 East 3rd St., Miller, SD 57362 E: bglarson@hur.midco.net United Methodist First Choice Federal Credit Union 1-800-658-3950 815 Columbus St. (P.O. Box 5540) Rapid City, SD 57709 Wesley Center of Religion - Rex Huss, Chair (701) 772-1869 1600—4th Ave. North, Grand Forks, ND 58203
Logo and artwork for the 2013 Annual Conference were designed by DWU student, Natalie Munger. A special thanks to Bethany Sheets, graphic designer from Mitchell, South Dakota for her assistance in preparing the 2013 Journal.
The Official Journal of The Dakotas Annual Conference
THE TWENTIETH SESSION June 6-8, 2013 Bismarck Future Conferences June 5-7, 2014 Rapid City June 2015 Fargo
Edited and Published by the Journal Editing Committee Duane Coates and Janelle Jones, Co-Chairs Mark S. Ellingson, Conference Secretary Sharon Blumer, Bonnie Carlson, Doreen Gosmire, Laurie Langland, Leana Stunes, JoAnn Schlimgen, Karina Willoughby
MISSION MINISTRIES.................................................................... Inside Front Cover DAKOTAS - MINNESOTA EPISCOPAL AREA .......................................................... iv UNLEASHING PRAYER MOVEMENT........................................................................v JOURNEY TOWARDS VITALITY.............................................................................. vi BISHOP, CABINET AND OTHER LEADERS.............................................................. 1 ELECTED LEADERSHIP (White)
+Common Table......................................................................................................................................................... 4 +Visioning Link........................................................................................................................................................... 4 +Extended Cabintet.................................................................................................................................................... 4 +Conference Council on Finance and Administration......................................................................................... 4 +Equipping the Local Church Link.......................................................................................................................... 4 +Extending the Local Church Link.......................................................................................................................... 6 +Stewardship of Resources Link............................................................................................................................... 6 +District....................................................................................................................................................................... 9 +Related Agencies..................................................................................................................................................... 10 +Daily Proceedings................................................................................................................................................... 13 +Attendance............................................................................................................................................................... 17 +Resolutions and Petitions...................................................................................................................................... 17 +Business of the Conference................................................................................................................................... 22 -Clergy on Leave......................................................................................................................................... 31 -Retired Clergy............................................................................................................................................ 31
+ Appointments to Local Churches........................................................................................................................ 37 +Appointments to Extension Ministries................................................................................................................ 44 +Other Appointments.............................................................................................................................................. 44 +Clergy Compensation............................................................................................................................................ 45 +Diaconate, Specialized Ministry, and Missions Directory (Pink).................................................................... 49 +Clergy Directory (Pink)......................................................................................................................................... 50 +Spouses of Deceased Ministers (Pink)................................................................................................................. 63 +Lay Directory (Blue).............................................................................................................................................. 65 - Equalization Lay Members (Blue)............................................................................................................... 74 -Certified Lay Servant Leaders (Blue)........................................................................................................... 75 +Parish Directory (Yellow)...................................................................................................................................... 79
+Common Table..................................................................................................................................................... 101 +Visioning Link....................................................................................................................................................... 101 +Director of Ministries Office............................................................................................................................... 101 +Communications.................................................................................................................................................. 102 +Equipping the Local Church Link...................................................................................................................... 103 -Camping and Retreat Ministries........................................................................................................... 104 -Conference Council on Youth Ministries............................................................................................. 104 -Laity Report.............................................................................................................................................. 105 -Campus Ministries.................................................................................................................................. 106 +Extending the Local Church Link (Connectional Ministries)....................................................................... 107 -Builders Club............................................................................................................................................ 107 -Disaster Response for North Dakota ................................................................................................... 107 -Disaster Response for South Dakota..................................................................................................... 108 -Haiti Solar Oven Partners....................................................................................................................... 108 -Tree of Life Ministry................................................................................................................................ 109 -Spirit Lake Ministry / Children of the Harvest.................................................................................... 110 -Ministry in Southeast Pierre.................................................................................................................. 111 +Stewardship Link.................................................................................................................................................. 111 -Board of Trustees..................................................................................................................................... 112
-Board of Pensions.................................................................................................................................... 112 -Human Relations Committee................................................................................................................ 119 -Commission on Archives and History................................................................................................. 119 +Conference Council on Finance and Administration..................................................................................... 120 -Financial Position.................................................................................................................................... 121 +Dakotas United Methodist Foundation............................................................................................................. 123
+Conference Director of Finance and Administration...................................................................................... 125 +Budget Summary.................................................................................................................................................. 127 +Detailed Budget.................................................................................................................................................... 128
VIII. HISTORICAL(White) +Record of Annual Conference Sessions............................................................................................................. 139
+General Conference Delegations........................................................................................................................ 139
IN MEMORIAM(White)....................................................................................................... 141 +Roll of Deceased Clergy....................................................................................................................................... 148 +Roll of Deceased Clergy Spouses........................................................................................................................ 149
+Retiring Pastors..................................................................................................................................................... 151 +Newly Ordained or Received Pastors................................................................................................................. 154 +Service Records — Full, Probationary, Retired, Associate, Local Pastors..................................................... 155 +Other Clergy Serving Dakotas Churches.......................................................................................................... 182 +Deaconesses........................................................................................................................................................... 183 +Jubilee Pastors....................................................................................................................................................... 184 XI. RULES AND POLICIES (Gray) +Structure and Rules of Order.............................................................................................................................. 185 +Council on Finance and Administration Recommendations......................................................................... 194 +Apportionment Method...................................................................................................................................... 196 +Salary Policy.......................................................................................................................................................... 197 +Equitable Compensation..................................................................................................................................... 198 +Pension Policies.................................................................................................................................................... 199 +Vacation Policy...................................................................................................................................................... 203 +Clergy Continuing Education Policies............................................................................................................... 203 +Students Aid Guidelines...................................................................................................................................... 206 +Clergy Ethics — Retired Pastors......................................................................................................................... 207 +Clergy Ethics — Appointed Pastors................................................................................................................... 208 +Sexual Misconduct Policy.................................................................................................................................... 208 +Separation /Divorce Guidelines.......................................................................................................................... 210 +Short Term Leave Policy...................................................................................................................................... 211 +Parsonage Standards............................................................................................................................................. 211 +Moving Policy....................................................................................................................................................... 213 +Crisis Management Guidelines........................................................................................................................... 214 +Disaster Response Action Plan........................................................................................................................... 215 +Membership and Participation .......................................................................................................................... 216 +Assets and Expenses Part I.................................................................................................................................. 221 +Assests and Participation Part II......................................................................................................................... 226 INDEX ..................................................................................................................................................................... 231 CAMPS, COLLEGES, WEB SITES............................................................................................................. Inside Back Cover FREQUENTLY CALLED NUMBERS.................................................................................................................... Back Cover
Dakotas - Minnesota Episcopal Area of the United Methodist Church 122 W. Franklin Ave. Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-870-4007
Bruce R. Ough Presiding Bishop bishop@dkmnareaumc.org
Sheilah Kyburz Adminstrative Assistant sheilah.kybruz@dkmnareaumc.org
Our journey together has begun! My wife, Char, and I are delighted to begin our service with and among the people called United Methodist in the Dakotas. Your hospitality has been radical. Your passion for Christ’s mission is palpable. Your commitment to the scriptural imperatives of cultivating spiritual vitality, reaching new people, and transforming the world is bearing fruit. You are engaged in “Making New Disciples for the Transformation” in every place. It is exciting to join you in unleashing new life in our churches, communities and the world. At my installation and welcome services throughout at the Dakotas Annual Conference in Bismarck, I invited those present—and all Dakotas United Methodists—to become part of what I am calling a bold Unleashing New Life Prayer Movement. I am seeking thousands of United Methodists to join me in praying every day for the Holy Spirit to break through, renew, and revive our churches and to use us boldly, without limits, delays, or excuses to reach and make new disciples and change the world. Every time the Cabinet (district superintendents) meets, we share and celebrate miraculous breakthroughs, places where new, resurrected life is being unleashed in and through our Dakotas congregations: breakthroughs in empowered, courageous leaders; breakthroughs in extravagant generosity, breakthroughs in new people being saved and baptized into Christ’s holy church, breakthroughs in congregations’ multiplying themselves, breakthroughs in justice prevailing over injustice and prejudice, and breakthroughs in churches reclaiming their missional DNA. One of the dynamics that fueled the growth of the first-century church were the breakthroughs, or what the Book of Acts calls “signs and wonders,” that the Holy Spirit performed through the apostles and early believers in Jesus’ resurrection. Thousands became followers of Jesus when they witnessed and experienced the signs and wonders—the breakthroughs—of Pentecost. The church became truly universal, truly global, when Paul and Barnabas described to the Jerusalem Council “all the signs and wonders God did among the Gentiles” (Acts 15:12). It was these breakthroughs—these signs and wonders—that altered people’s experience of reality and caused them to repent and embrace the new reality of a loving, saving, transforming, healing God. iv
Whenever the Holy Spirit breaks through, new life is unleashed and we marvel at the signs and wonders God is performing. I am already seeing and hearing of the signs and wonders God is performing in churches all across the Dakotas Conference. There are signs of vitality everywhere. I have begun to pray every day for the Holy Spirit to unleash new life in those we are called to serve. Join me! Pray with me! Become a part of the prayer movement to raise the “dead� to new life in Christ! Our journey together has begun! Let it begin on our knees!
Bishop Bruce R. Ough
OUR JOURNEY TOWARD VITALITY Grace and peace to you from Christ our Lord, who, when the days drew near for him to be taken up, set his face to go to Jerusalem and the cross (Luke 9:51). The Dakotas Conference is also on an intentional journey. It is a similar “face forward” journey to unleash new life. It is a no-looking-back journey to becoming a more faithful and fruitful expression of the Kingdom of God. It is a journey toward vitality. The journey is not chronological; it is likely to be more circular. It will not be a journey marked by a neat, clear sequence of strategies, goals or projects; but it will display an intense intentionality. It is a journey that will be marked by learnings, experimentation and “failed successes.” It is a journey that will require us to face into an uncharted future. It is a journey that will cause us to “rethink church.” And, it is a journey that we can only traverse together – conference leaders, pastors, lay leadership and congregations. It is a journey toward increasing the number of vital congregations effective in making and equipping new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Over the past months, since coming to the Dakotas-Minnesota Area, the Dakotas Extended Cabinet, the Common Table and I have been engaged in a lively, sustained conversation about where and how we will lead. Will we join Jesus on the road to Jerusalem and the way that leads to unleashing new life; or will we, like many of Jesus’ would-be followers, find excuses to not join him and simply maintain the status quo? Together, we are learning how difficult it is to move from managing the conference to moving the conference toward the places where God is already unleashing new life. Together, we are discovering how to remain focused on God’s purposes and not our own or everyone else’s preferences. Together, we are struggling with how best to unlock and unleash our unique Wesleyan evangelical and missional DNA all across Dakotas. Some things are becoming more clear and focused. A vision that builds on the journey already engaged is coming into focus. Vision, as you know, is our discerned picture of God’s preferred future for us as we fulfill our mission in our specific geographical, cultural and demographic context – or in our part of the harvest. We believe God has a clear preferred future for the congregations of the Dakotas Conference. It is a vision for every congregation to become a vital expression of three scriptural imperatives:
∙ cultivating spiritual vitality ∙ reaching new people, and ∙ healing a broken world.
Jesus’ Great Commandment (Luke 10:27) to love God and neighbor is the imperative for cultivating spiritual vitality. Within our Wesleyan tradition, we practice this great commandment through the practical and formational disciplines of three simple rules – do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God. Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to go and make disciples of all nations is the imperative for reaching new people. Within our Wesleyan tradition, we practice this great commission through summoning people to experience the prevenient, justifying and sanctifying grace of God and encouraging people to embrace a life of personal and social holiness. The thrust of the Wesleyan movement is to “reform the nation…and to spread scriptural holiness over the land.” Jesus’ “Great Announcement” (Luke 4:18-21) to preach good news to the poor and to liberate the oppressed is the imperative for healing a broken world. Within our Wesleyan tradition, we practice this great announcement through our historic commitments to make visible and incarnate the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. A vision of over 360 spiritually vital congregations expressing these scriptural imperatives is bold and audacious. Some would say it is foolish, given the state of despair and decline in many of our congregations. But, I am a person of faith. I believe God is not done with any of our congregations in Dakotas. God’s imagination is unlimited and we are called to open ourselves to this Sprit-inspired, Spirit-directed, Spirit-energized imagination in every place we currently have a mission outpost and every new place we are called to establish a mission outpost. To achieve this bold, audacious vision, the Extended Cabinet and I are committed to increasing the capacity of the conference, districts and local churches to live into God’s preferred future for us. Thus, we have currently identified four key vision pathways we believe we need to focus on in order to increase our capacity. I invite you to join the Extended Cabinet and me on this journey toward vitality. We covet your prayers, as we pray for each of you. May the Holy Spirit break through to renew and revive our great movement and unleash new life in Dakotas and around the world.
Bishop Bruce R. Ough vi
The Dakotas Conference Welcomes Bishop Bruce R. and Char Ough Each district in the Dakotas Conference held an installation and welcoming service for Bishop Bruce R. and Char Ough as follows: Glacial Lakes District Sioux Falls First UMC Sakakawea District Bismarck McCabe UMC Eastern Sunrise District Fargo First UMC Prairie Hills District Rapid City First UMC
Sept. 16, 2012 Oct. 6, 2012 Oct. 7, 2012 Oct. 21, 2012
Former Senator George McGovern attended the installation and welcoming service for Bishop Bruce R. and Char Ough at Sioux Falls First UMC. This was one of McGovern’s last public appearances before passing in October 2012.
Bishop Ough’s parents and extended family members were able to participate in the installation and welcoming service held at Bismarck McCabe UMC.
Gifts were given to the new Bishop at each installation and welcoming service. Vicki Renner, Britton UMC presents Bishop Ough with a gift basket of harvested products at the installation and welcoming service held at Fargo First UMC.
Members of the Korean Church in Rapid City pause for a photo with Bishop Ough before the welcoming and installation service held at Rapid City First UMC.
OFFICERS: President and Presiding Bishop, Bishop Bruce R. Ough 612-230-3334 122 W. Franklin Ave. Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55404 E: bishop@dkmnareaumc.org Director of Ministries Greg Kroger 605- 996-6552 1331 W. University Ave., Mitchell, SD 57301 E: greg.kroger@dakotasumc.org Conference Lay Leader Blaine Wilson 605-275-6078 105 S. Sycamore Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57110 E: wilsonbl@sio.midco.net Conference Secretary Mark Ellingson 218-779-5707 PO Box 24, Northwood, ND 58267 E: mellingson56@gmail.com Conference Statistician Sharon Blumer 605-996-6552 1331 W. University, PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301 E: sharon.blumer@dakotasumc.org DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS: (see back cover for more information) Glacial Lakes Superintendent Roy Caudill 605-334-5248 E: roy.caudill@dakotasumc.org Eastern Sunrise Co-Superintendents Marilyn Spurrell 701- 364-1941 E: marilyn.spurrell@dakotasumc.org Roger Spahr E: roger.spahr@dakotasumc.org 605-886-2242 Sakakawea Superintendent Keith Nelson 701-255-0800 E: keith.nelson@dakotasumc.org Prairie Hills Superintendent Randy Cross 605- 343-3172 E: randy.cross@dakotasumc.org CONFERENCE LEADERS: 1331 W. University Ave., Mitchell, SD 57301 605-996-6552 Fax: 605-996-1766 Director of Leadership Development: Jodi Cataldo E: jodi.cataldo@dakotasumc.org Director of Finance & Administration: Jeff Pospisil E: jeff.pospisil@dakotasumc.org Director of Camping and Youth: Becky Holten E: becky.holten@dakotasumc.org Associate Director of Communication: Doreen Gosmire E: doreen.gosmire@dakotasumc.org Dakotas United Methodist Foundation: Bruce Blumer 800-224-6552 1331 W. University, PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301 Fax: 605- 996-1766 Conference Associate Lay Leader: Jerry Bottger 605- 593-6873 P.O. Box 227, White River, SD 57579 E: lindambaldock@gmail.com United Methodist Women President: Bobbie Larson 605-853-3866 709 East 3rd St., Miller, SD 57442 E: bjlarson@hur.midco.net United Methodist Men Conference Historian: Charles Finney 605-845-3267 721 Tenth Ave. W., Mobridge, SD 57601 1
Extended Cabinet
Bishop Bruce R. Ough Dakotas-Minnesota Episcopal Area
Rev. Greg Kroger Director of Ministries
Rev. Roy Caudill Glacial Lakes Superintendent
Rev. Randy Cross Prairie Hills Superintendent
Rev. Keith Nelson Sakakawea Superintendent
Rev. Roger Spahr Eastern Sunrise Co-Superintendent
Rev. Marilyn Spurrell Eastern Sunrise Co-Superintendent
Bruce Blumer Executive Director United Methodist Foundation
Jodi Cataldo Director of Leadership Development
Doreen Gosmire Associate Director of Communication
Becky Holten Director of Camping and Youth Ministries
Jeff Pospisil Director of Finance and Administration Conference Treasurer
Conference Office
Sharon Blumer Financial Assistant Conference Statistician
JoAnn Schlimgen Assistant Director of Finance and Administration
Bonnie Carlson Admin. Assist. for Leadership Development Resource Librarian
Ginny Sekol Assistant Director of Camping And Youth Ministries
Karina Willoughby Admin. Assist. for the Director of Ministries and Cabinet
Barb Myers Administrative Assistant United Methodist Foundation
Leana Stunes Conference Benefits Officer
Chairperson: Ray Baker Two Lay and two clergy nominated by Bishop in consultation with nominations: Class of 2014: Ray Baker Class of 2015: Sheri Meister Class of 2016: Steve Behrens Class of 2017: Vicki Renner Ex officio members (with vote): Chair Visioning Link: Rich Zeck Conference Council on Finance and Administration: Karl Kroger District Superintendent: Marilyn Spurrell Associate Lay Leader: Jerry Bottger Ex officio members (without vote): Bishop: Bruce Ough Director of Ministries: Greg Kroger
Conference Chancellors North Dakota: Tim Ottmar South Dakota: Nancy Oviatt
The Visioning Link
(Nominated by Bishop in consultation w/nominations) Chairperson: Rich Zeck Class of 2014: Howard Baird Class of 2015: Jim Beddow Class of 2016: Rich Zeck, Don Simmons Class of 2017: Amy Atkins, Mary Hayenga
Extended Cabinet
Bishop: Bruce Ough Director of Ministries: Greg Kroger Eastern Sunrise Co-DS: Marilyn Spurrell Eastern Sunrise Co-DS: Roger Spahr Glacial Lakes DS: Roy Caudill Prairie Hills DS: Randy Cross Sakakawea DS: Keith Nelson Director of Camping/Youth Ministries: Becky Holten Director of Leadership Development: Jodi Cataldo Executive Director, Dakotas UM Foundation: Bruce Blumer Director of Financial and Administration: Jeff Pospisil Associate Director of Communications: Doreen Gosmire
Conference Council on Finance & Administration (CCFA) Chair: Bob Duemig Vice Chair: Bob Ruedebusch Secretary: Jeff Adel Judy Banwart 06, Rod Buck 06 Roberta Drew 07, Robert Duemig 09, Perry Schnabel 09, Warren Wenzel 09, Jeff Adel 09, Arlyn Coalter 10 Robert Ruedebusch 12 Karl Kroger 13, Dave Page 13, Ruth Barrett 13 Ex Officio (without vote) Bishop: Bruce Ough Director of Ministries: Greg Kroger Director of Finance and Administration: Jeff Pospisil Executive Director, Dakotas UM Foundation: Bruce Blumer Board of Pensions Chair: Marilyn Perry District Superintendent: Roy Caudill
Equipping the Local Church Link
Co-Chairpersons: Kevin Kloster and Scott McKirdy Class of 2014: Ross Reinhiller 12, Tom Hall 10, Roger Spahr 10 Class of 2015: Jenene Earl 10, Kevin Kloster 11 Class of 2016: Connie Maxwell 10, Sally Wickware-Thompson 13, Gwen Mader 10 Class of 2017: John Srstka 10, Thom Bowsher 11
Standing Committees (membership with vote): Representative from Board of Ordained Ministry: Doug Diehl Representative from Congregational Development Committee: Scott McKirdy Ex officio (without vote): Director of Leadership Development: Jodi Cataldo District Superintendent: Keith Nelson Missional Leaders: Matt Richards, Doug Diehl, Gwen Mader, Jenene Earl, Kevin Kloster, Ross Reinhiller, Sally Wickware-Thompson, Brook McBride, Becky Holten, Jodi Cataldo District Superintendents: Marilyn Spurrell, Roy Caudill Missional Congregations: John Srstka, Thom Bowsher, Tom Hall, Connie Maxwell, Scott McKirdy, Joel Higgins, Adam Weber, Dan Freed, Dave Lambert , Greg Ewing-Lee, Greg Kroger District Superintendents: Keith Nelson, Randy Cross, Marilyn Spurrell, Roy Caudill, Roger Spahr
Standing Committee under Equipping the Local Church Link Board of Ordained Ministry (BOM) (Nominated by the Bishop)
Chair: Doug Diehl Vice Chair: Jenny Hallenbeck Secretary: Bill Gran Registrar: Theta Miller Registrar/Local Pastors/Associate Members: Kris Larson Conference Relations Chair: Gary Ball-Kilbourne Continuing Education Coordinator: Lori Broschat Mentoring Coordinator: Dan Bader Vocational Discernment Coordinator: Jodi Cataldo Retired Liaison: Howard Grinager Local Licensed Pastor Liaison:Â Kris Larson Deacon Liaison:Â Michelle Brennan Extension Ministries Liaison: Bill Gran Eastern Sunrise Committee Chair: Nancy Manning Glacial Lakes Committee Chair: Jan Gross Prairie Hills Committee Chair: Eric Grinager Sakakawea Committee Chair: Marty Toepke-Floyd 2004: Bill Gran 2008: Doug Diehl, Bill Waugh, Gary Ball-Kilbourne, Eric Grinager, Dean Trapp 2009: Theta Miller 2010: Jenny Hallenbeck, Dan Bader, Marty Toepke-Floyd, Mina Hall, Michelle Brennan, Kris Larson 2011: Ernie Wight, Judy Christy 2012: Chang Yi, Lori Broschat, Andy Bartel, Dave Andrews, Brandon Vetter Kathy Hartgraves, Janelle Jones; Doug Erickson 2013: Kathy Hammond, Howard Grinager Ex Officio (with vote): District Superintendent: Marilyn Spurrell Ex Officio (without vote): Director of Leadership Development: Jodi Cataldo
School of Ministry
(Subsidiary of Board of Ordained Ministry-not a conference agency) Chairperson: Ken Ballard Registrar: Tim Vorlage Secretary: Jeff Adel 2014: Russell Stewart, Ken Ballard 2015: Kathy Hartgraves: Tim Vorlage 2016: Lou Whitmer, Bob Cappel, Jeff Adel BOM Representative: Kathy Hartgraves
Non-Permanent Standing Committees under Equipping Link: Congregational Development Committee: Chairperson: Scott McKirdy Class of 2015: Dave Lambert, Joel Higgins, Scott McKirdy Class of 2016: Adam Weber, Dan Freed, Greg Ewing-Lee Ex officio (without vote): Bishop: Bruce Ough Director of Ministries: Greg Kroger
Director of Leadership Development: Jodi Cataldo Eastern Sunrise DS: Marilyn Spurrell, Roger Spahr Glacial Lakes DS: Roy Caudill Prairie Hills DS: Randy Cross Sakakawea DS: Keith Nelson Chair of Equipping the Local Church Link: Scott McKirdy
Extending the Local Church Link
Chairperson: Lou Whitmer Class of 2014: Cindy Nelson 10, Sheila Freed 12 Class of 2015: Jen Tyler 12, Mark Ehrmantraut 12 Class of 2016: Elizabeth Ewing Lee 12, Ron Olson 12 Class of 2017: Keihwan Ryoo 10, Jerilyn Hansen 13 Standing Committees (membership with vote): United Methodist Women: Bobbi Larson United Methodist Men: __________ Non-permanent Standing committees (membership with vote): Board of Camping and Retreat Ministries: Sara Nelson Conference Council of Youth Ministries: Matt Richards Ex Officio (with vote): Conference Secretary of Global Ministries: Lou Whitmer UMW Mission Coordinator for Social Action: LaVina Kleese UMW Mission Coordinator for Education & Interpretation: Betty Brosz General Board of Higher Education & Ministry: Jodi Cataldo General Board: United Methodist Communications: Rebecca Trefz Ex officio members (without vote): Director of Ministries: Greg Kroger Director of Camping and Youth Ministries: Becky Holten Assistant Director of Communications: Doreen Gosmire District Superintendent: Randy Cross
Standing Committees under Extending the Local Church Link United Methodist Women (UMW)
President: Bobbi Larson Vice President: Colleen McKirdy Secretary: Vickie McQuarie Treasurer: Irma DeSmet Social Action: LaVina Kleese Membership, Nurture and Outreach: Mary Lee Nielson Education and Interpretation: Betty Brosz Spiritual Growth: Connie Smith Secretary of Program Resources: Marsha Timm Communications Coordinator: Janet Madsen Committee on Nominations: Kay Harr, Chair, Shirley Wiese, Rita Greer, Lynelle Ritter, Marsha Martin
United Methodist Men (UMM) President: ___________ Vice President: Treasurer: Robert Schultz Prayer Advocate: _____________
Non Permanent Standing Committees under Extending the Local Church Link Board of Camping and Retreat Ministries
Chairperson: Sara Nelson Secretary: (Rotated among board membership) Sherry McGuire 08 WAC, Linda Sandness 12 LPC Sara Nelson 11 LPC 2016: Brook McBride 12 SMC; Marty Warns 12 LPC; Mark Johnsen 12 LPC Development Coordinator Scott Jones (class of 2014) Development Co-Coordinator: Ex Officio: Executive Director: Becky Holten Director of Finance and Administration Jeff Pospisil District Superintendent: Randy Cross Auxiliary/Invited (without vote): Site Directors/Assistant Directors: Lake Poinsett: Kyle Sachs; Storm Mountain: Scott Jensen; Wesley Acres: Christy Heflin
Conference Council of Youth Ministries (CCYM)
Conference Coordinator of Youth Ministries: Kris Mutzenberger 04 Chair: Layne Droppers 13 Vice-Chair: Stephanie Anderson 13 District Coordinators: Eastern Sunrise: Matt Richards 08 Glacial Lakes: Diane Kisch 08 Prairie Hills: Brenda Swanson 04 Sakakawea: Lisa Rhodes 06 Adults elected At Large: Janice Antrim 11; Brenda Lint 10; Wade Miller 11; Virg Whetsel 10; Dayne Zachrison 03 District Youth Representatives: Glacial Lakes: Elliane Antrim, Cole Moderegger, Carly Ribstein, Stephanie Anderson Eastern Sunrise: Jessica Higgins & Anthony Bethke Sakakawea: Rydel Samuelson Prairie Hills: Nathan Bader, Samantha Nash, Shelby Stotz At Large Youth Representatives: Alleysia Ugofsky, Morgan Mundt, Layne Droppers, Alison Uecker, Lee Stuessi Ex-Officio: Director of Camping and Youth Ministries: Becky Holten
Stewardship of Resources Link
Chairperson: Laura Borman 10 Class of 2014: Terry Nebelsick 10, Kip Roozen 10 Class of 2015: Richard Craig 11, Steve Eliason 13 Class of 2016: Laurie Langland 10, ___________13 Class of 2017: Laura Borman 10, Pat Mersch 13 Standing Committees (with vote): Board of Pensions and Health Benefits: Marilyn Perry Board of Trustees: Ron McLean Human Resources Committee: Barry Whipkey Commission on Archives and History: Duane Coates Ex officio members (without vote): Director of Financial and Administrative Services: Jeff Pospisil District Superintendent: Roy Caudill
Standing Committees under the Stewardship of Resources Link Board of Pensions and Health Benefits (BOPHB)
Chair: Marilyn Perry 03 Vice Chair : Peary Wilson 07 Recording Secretary: Elaine Roberts 11 Bob Westall 02, Frank McKeehan 03, John Price 03, Marilyn Perry 03, Dennis Evenson 04, Elmer Brinkman 07, Joanne Ottmar 07, Peary Wilson 07, Cindy Yeager 07, Dick Boyd 08, Don Armstrong 09, Elaine Roberts 11, Richard Walstrom 11, Eric Walth 11, Anne Osborne 12 ND Registered Agent: Joanne Ottmar SD Registered Agent: Jeff Pospisil Ex officio (without vote) Executive Secretary/Conference Benefits Officer: Leana Stunes Board Treasurer: Jeff Pospisil Assistant Board Treasurer: JoAnn Schlimgen BOM Representative: Jan Gross CCFA Representative: Bob Ruedebusch CCFA President: Bob Duemig District Superintendent: Roy Caudill
Board of Trustees (BOT)
Chair: Ron McLean Vice Chair: Secretary Rita Greer Class of 2014: Rita Greer 06, Ron McLean 06, Alan Thornberg 10 Class of 2015: Jerry Stolp 07, Bob Cappel 08, Rod Tkach 09, Kevin Meisek 09, Class of 2016: Deb Mack 12, Marvin Winstryg 12; Mark Stearns 12 Class of 2017: Merril Knodle 09, Boyd Blumer 13 Ex Officio (without vote): Director Finance and Administrative Services: Jeff Pospisil Conference Chancellors: Tim Ottmar, Nancy Oviatt District Superintendent: Roy Caudill
Human Resources Committee (HRC)
Chair: Barry Whipkey Lay: Nancy Bohlen 13, Dulci Stewart 13 Clergy: Barry Whipkey 10, Jan Price 10 Director of Ministries: Greg Kroger Equipping the Local Church Link representative: Kevin Kloster Connectional Ministries Link representative: Lou Whitmer Stewardship of Resources Link representative: Laura Borman Visioning Link representative: Rich Zeck Common Table representative: _____________ Ex Officio (without vote): Bishop: Bruce Ough Director of Finance and Administration: Jeff Pospisil
Commission on Archives and History (CAH) Chair: Duane Coates Vice-Chair: Cheryl Finney Secretary: Betty Testerman 13 Class of 2014: Cheryl Finney 06, Duane Coates 06 Class of 2015: Tom Thaden 09 Class of 2016: Betty Testerman 12 Class of 2017: John Anderson 09, Steve Trefz 12 Ex Officio (with vote): Conference Historian: Charles Finney Ex Officio (without vote): Archivist: Laurie Langland Archivist emeritus: Pat Breidenbach Historical Society Chair: Darwin Kopfmann
Other Standing Committees Committee on Nominations
Chairperson: Bill Hoffman 10 Sakakawea District: Iva Wenzel 11, Hazel Behrens 12, Dave Birkeland 13 Eastern Sunrise District: Fern Bailey 10, Pat Siefken 11, Shirley Van Kamp 11 Glacial Lakes District: Russell Stewart 12, Mary Lee Lint 12, Sarah Hock 13 Prairie Hills District: Bill Hoffman 10, Linda Baldock 10, Val Rush 10 Ex officio members (without vote): Conference Lay Leader: Blaine Wilson Conference Secretary: Mark Ellingson Director of Leadership Development: Jodi Cataldo Director of Ministries: Greg Kroger
Other Standing Committees (not subject to 7.3 limitations) Administrative Review Committee (2013-2016) – Clergy (Nominated by the Bishop) Clergy: Stephen Perry-Chair, Peg Zerface, Gary Rae Alternate Clergy: Jeff Adel, Jerry Bass
Committee on Episcopacy (COE)
Chair: Rebecca Trefz Vice Chair: Dar Berkenpas Secretary: Blaine Wilson Lay Members: Jennifer Larsen 10, Janet Madsen 11 Clergy Members: Dar Berkenpas 10, Kris Larson 10 Conference Lay Leader: Blaine Wilson Members appointed by Bishop: Jim Dustin 07, Cody Schuler 12 Members from Jurisdictional Committee on the Episcopacy: Rebecca Trefz, Janelle Jones
Annual Conference Sessions Committee (by Bishop) Chairperson: Ryan Mutzenberger Bishop: Bruce Ough Director of Ministries: Greg Kroger Associate Conference Lay Leader: Jerry Bottger Host Superintendent: Randy Cross Host Pastor/Lay Person: Sharla McCaskell/Scott Sturlaugson Conference Office Staff: Sharon Blumer Worship Coordinator: Jenny Hallenbeck
Communications Coordinator: Doreen Gosmire Agenda Coordinator: Lee Gale Site Coordinator: Dayne Zachrison
Records, Rules and Procedures Committee Director of Ministries: Greg Kroger Members: Lazann Caudill, Duane Coates, Mark Ellingson
Conference Disaster Response
Leadership (appointed by the Bishop): Lee Gale (ND) Kathy Chesney (SD) Planning: Debra Ball-Kilbourne, Mark Ellingson, Linda Baldock Consultants: DeKaren Weemers, Red River Resiliency Logistics: Merle Rubish, Jim Dustin Operations: Jim Unkenholz, Mike Flowers, Libby Flowers, Jerry Bottger, Gary Fisher, Mary Hayenga, Bruce Blumer Administration and Communication: Jeff Pospisil, Doreen Gosmire, Kathy Nelson
Task Force for Missional Appointments (from 2012 General Conference) Named by Conference Lay Leader: Janelle Jones, Kay Becker, Howard Grinager, Carol Knodle Named by Board of Ordained Ministry: Gary Ball-Kilbourne, Dan Bader, Mina Hall District Superintendent: Marilyn Spurrell
Glacial Lakes District
District Lay Leader: Nancy Hallenbeck Glacial Lakes District Committee on Ordained Ministry Clergy: Jan Gross – Chair: Dean Trapp, Kris Mutzenberger, Rebecca Trefz, Bob Ruedebusch, Barry Whipkey Laity: Troy Hansen, Dave Holzwarth, Connie Smith District Superintendent: Roy Caudill Glacial Lakes Committee on Building and Location Clergy: Gary Rae, Barry Whipkey, Roy Caudill Laity: John Claggett, Cortland Carnes, Beth Niemeyer Glacial Lakes District Superintendency Committee District Lay Leaders: Nancy Hallenbeck Lay Women: Diane Kisch, Rena Nebelsick Lay Men: Charles Schnabel, Bob Crawford Clergy: Jerry Stolp, Kathy Hartgraves Members at Large: Arnold Horner, Arlayne Ruhack Glacial Lakes District Committee on Nominations Mary Lee Lint, Russell Stewart Ministry Team Presiding Elders/Lay Servant Ministry Coordinators Brookings: John Price (Canistota)/Chad Hansen (Dell Rapids) Huron: Stephen Perry (Redfield)/Laura Hemenway (Huron) Sioux Falls: Ross Reinhiller (Sioux Falls Southern Hills)/Nancy Olsen (Sioux Falls First) Mitchell: R. Duane Coates (Wagner/Tyndall)/Betty Janke (Olivet) Yankton: Steve Ziebarth (Canton)/Dave Stephenson (Wakonda)
Eastern Sunrise District
Co-District Lay Leaders: Melanie Reiners, Jerry Nankivel Eastern Sunrise District Committee on Ordained Ministry Clergy: Chair: Nancy Manning, Tom Haggar, Nancy Manning, Amy Atkins, Howie Baird, Marilyn Spurrell, Steve Olson, Jerry Bass Laity: Yvonne Smith, Don Larson, Gerald Fields Eastern Sunrise District Building and Location Committee Clergy: Mina Hall, Mark Ellingson, Marilyn Spurrell Laity: Roger Parkinson (Chair), Neil Jordheim, Barb Pharis Eastern Sunrise District Superintendency Committee Laity: Kay Braun, Jerry Nankival, Katherine Tweed, Melanie Reiners, Clark Moeckly Clergy: Lee Gale, Dave Motta, Kevin Kloster, Chair, Joel Higgins, Theta Miller Eastern Sunrise Committee on Nominations Fern Bailey, Pat Siefken, Shirley Van Kamp Ministry Team Presiding Elders/ Lay Servant Ministry Coordinators Aberdeen: Eldon Reich(Aberdeen First)/Vicki Renner (Britton) Watertown: Joel Higgins(Watertown First)/Melanie Reiners (Milbank)
Wahpeton: Steve Olson (Oaks)/Mike Beeson (Wahpeton) Fargo: Kevin Kloster (Fargo Faith)/Frank Kratky (Fargo) Upper Valley: Lee Gale (Grafton)/Kevin Wold (Holmes)
Sakakawea District
District Lay Leader: Iva Wenzel Sakakawea District Committee on Ordained Ministry Clergy: Marty Toepke-Floyd (Chair), Michelle Brennan, David Birkeland, Keith Nelson Laity: Dave Reeves, Ike Aichele, Janet Thielman Sakakawea District Locations and Building Committee Clergy: Rick Craig, Steve Behrens, Perry Schnable, Art Scanson, Keith Nelson Laity: Rick Ennen, Cliff Jacobson Sakakawea District Superintendency Committee Clergy: ____________ Laity: Scott Schaar, Ken McDougall, Roger Caine, Barb Winger, Iva Wenzel (District Lay Leader) Sakakawea Committee on Nominations Iva Wenzel Ministry Team Presiding Elders/ Lay Servant Ministry Coordinators Jamestown: Dayne Zachrison (Valley City) Anne Osborne (Wimbledon) Spirit Lake: Judy Banwart (Langdon) /Sharon Duval (New Rockford) Dickinson: Dan Freed (Dickson)/Holly Seifert (Dickinson) Minot: Ray Baker (Minot Vincent)/Lisa Endresen (Minot Faith) Bismarck: Perry Schnabel (Bismarck)/Carolyn Desper (Mandan)
Prairie Hills District
District Lay Leader Bob Wik (Gregory) Coordinators for Lay Servant Ministries: Larry Cass (Pierre); Myrnaloy Smith (RC South Maple); Larry Madsen (Gettysburg) District Mission Secretary: Sue Chaplin (Sturgis) Prairie Hills District Committee on Ordained Ministry Eric Grinager (Rapid City) Chair _______________Secretary Clergy: Eric Grinager (RC Canyon Lake); Linda Baldock (White River); Mark Phillips (Trinity Lead/Deadwood); Mary Ann Sheldon (Spearfish); Howard Baird (Piedmont); Scott McKirdy (Spearfish) Laity: Andrea Seeley (Piedmont); Bob Drabek (RC Canyon Lake); Larry Madsen (Gettysburg) District Superintendent: Randy Cross Prairie Hills District Committee on Building and Locations Clergy: Sharla McCaskell (Rapid City), Gordon Higgins (Spearfish), Jeff Adel (Wheatland Parish/Gettysburg); Darwin Kopfmann (Wall/Wasta) Laity: Robert Puffer (Hot Springs), Jean Kroger (Rapid City), David Bonde (Pierre) Eileen Wilson (Pringle) District Superintendent: Randy Cross Prairie Hills District Superintendency Committee District Lay Leader: Bob Wik (Gregory) D.S. Appointment: Dan Bader (Pierre), Jerry Laird (RC First) Lay Women: Ashley Alsup (Sturgis), Geniece Gebhart (Winner), Lay Men: Everett Follette (Spearfish), Larry Madsen (Gettysburg) Clergy: Jenene Earl (Sturgis); Val Rush (Winner) Members at Large: John McKnight (RC South Maple); Bonnie Ping (Highmore) Prairie Hills Committee on Nominations Bill Hoffman (Faulkton), Linda Baldock (White River/Mission); Val Rush (Winner) Ministry Team Presiding Elders/Lay Servant Ministry Coordinators Prairie Harvesters: Julie Nygaard (Cresbard/Tolstoy)/Nancy Trefz (Tolstoy) Northern Hills: Scott McKirdy (Spearfish )/Jim Hoff (Lead) Winner: Val Rush (Winner)/Vicki Dobesh (Burke) Pierre: Linda Baldock (White River/Mission)/ Kathy Kerr (Highmore) Rushmore: Darwin Kopfman (Wall )/Justin Trent (Prairieview)
RELATED AGENCIES Wesley Center of Religion
President: Rex Huss Vice President: Deb Glennen Secretary: Jerry Bass Treasurer and Bishop’s Representative: Jeff Pospisil Class of 2014: Janette Yaeger, Judy Christy Class of 2015: Jerry Bass, Deb Glennen Annual Conference Representatives: Lori Broschat, Lee Gale
Tree of Life Ministry
President: Tom Gilmore Vice President: Linda Baldock Secretary: Sheila Richards
Treasurer: Jeff Pospisil Executive Director: Russell Masartis Members: Linda Baldock, Jeanine Carpenter, Tom Gilmore, David Hansen, Allen Herrboldt, Phil Lint, John Stearns, Peary Wilson Ex Officio: Bishop: Bruce Ough Prairie Hills District Superintendent: Randy Cross
Foundation Board
President: Mike Goos Vice President: Howard Grinager Secretary: Kay Werremeyer Executive Director: Bruce L. Blumer Treasurer: Jeff Pospisil Class of 2014: Linda Inniger 06, Kay Werremeyer 06, David Nash 09, Howard Grinager 10 Class of 2015: Richard Platt 11, Tom Dravland 07, Kathy Roll 11, Don Caine 09 Class of 2016: Mike Goos 08, Sharla McCaskell 12, Taryce Malnaa 12, Don Bradley 12 Class of 2017: Bob Westall (09), Nancy Wahlstrom (13), Jeff Heesch (13), Ron Laqua (13)
Open Door Community Center Board of Directors
Chairs: Marvia Boettcher Secretary: Phil Sjursen Treasurer: Derrick Hobein Trustee Representative: Jerry Suko Director: Jolene Stading Puhalla Members: Carrol Burchinal, Carol Desper, Jim Unkenholz, Phil Sjursen, Kermit Culver, Myrna Petermann, Rick Fossum, Carol Nelson, Sue Allen, Martin Ketterling, Ken Hogue, Perry Schnabel District Superintendent:Keith Nelson Parent Representative: ____________
Haiti Solar Oven Partners Advisory Board
Glacial Lakes District:Gene Bethke, President Prairie Hills District: Trina Miller Sakakawea District: Dave Silbernagel, Karen Workman At Large Member: Phil Lint Expertise: Diane Rieken, Secretary CCMP Representative: Gloria Borgman Missionary and Director: Rick Jost
Spirit Lake Ministry Center Advisory Board
President: Jerry Bass Members: Kathy Hammond, Tom Hall, Jim Dustin, Gary Osborn, Jake Roemmich Ex Officio: Mike Flowers, Libby Flowers
Rev. Adam Weber, Embrace UMC, Sioux Falls, South Dakota receives the Harry Denman Evangelism Award for Clergy from Bishop Ough.
Rev. Scott McKirdy, Spearfish UMC, Spearfish, South Dakota receives the Harry Denman Evangelism Award for Clergy from Bishop Ough.
Left: Karrie Miller, Director of the HOPE Center in Rapid City, South Dakota receives the Harry Denman Evangelism Award for Laity from Bishop Ough.
Right: Molly McCaskell, Knollwood Heights UMC, Rapid City, South Dakota receives the Harry Denman Evangelism Award for Youth from Bishop Ough.
III. BUSINESS Annual Conference Minutes – 2013 Wednesday, June 5
Pre-conference meetings were held in many locations. The Historical Society Luncheon was held at noon. Three afternoon workshops were offered: 1) Building a Culture of Call in the Local Church; 2) Covenant Discipleship in the Wesleyan Model; 3) Developing a Culture of Call to be in Mission with Others. The Lay Ministries Dinner was held. Those participating in ordination rehearsed. Conference orientation was held.
Thursday, June 6
Opening Worship with Communion The opening worship was led by the “conference worship band.” The Worship Assistant was Rev. Laura Walters with Bishop Bruce R. Ough preaching using the book of Lamentations with the message “Keep a Grip on Hope.” Communion was served. Break The conference enjoyed a time of fellowship and refreshment. Introduction Rev. Rebecca Trefz of the Episcopacy committee introduced Bishop Bruce and Char Ough to the Annual Conference. Bishop Ough introduced Sheilah Kyburz, administrative assistant to the bishop. Call to Order Bishop Bruce Ough called the Dakotas Annual Conference to order at 10:38 AM. Bishop also read from the third chapter of Colossians as a guide to the way we should conduct ourselves as we are together. Organizational Resolutions Conference Secretary Mark Ellingson explained and then moved the organizational resolutions which are printed in this journal beginning on page 19. PASSED. Ellingson also opened the informal offering for the Bakken Oil Rush for anyone whose cell phone rings or who would like pictures of their grandchildren put on the screen. Common Table Report Ray Baker led the report of the Common Table. Baker introduced other members of the Common Table who helped in sharing the report with the conference. Conference Lay Leader Blaine Wilson spoke about the value of the connection. Sherri Meister explained the “Journey Toward Vitality” plan for the Dakotas. Jeff Pospisil, Vicki Renner, Rev. Bob Duemig and Nancy Bohlen formed a panel to discuss the proposed Apportionment Method. Rev. Keith Nelson led the conference in learning about the Bakken Oil Rush and the proposed ministry of the Dakotas Conference. Lunch Break Special luncheons were held for those in Extension Ministry and Clergy Spouses. THURSDAY AFTERNOON Episcopal Address Bishop Ough addressed the conference. Ough called the conference to be and to call others to be bold, missional leaders. He also challenged the conference to a season of repentance. Bishop Ough introduced Jim and Kathie Konsor who attend Cornerstone United Methodist in Watertown, S.D., and will be representing the conference at a planned ministry center in Watford City, ND. 13
The Dakotas Extended Cabinet passed out prayer cards challenging conference members to come forward to pray, to be prayed for and to “pray daily for the Holy Spirit” to work in conference churches, leaders and to “work through me to raise the dead to new life.” Break The Annual Conference members moved from session to lay and clergy sessions. Laity and Clergy Sessions. The minutes of the Clergy Session are on file with the Board of Ordained Ministry. Banquet Rev. Ryan Mutzenbuerger was the emcee. Jodi Cataldo led the attendees in a Celebration of Leaders in Ministry. The Denman Awards for Evangelism were presented by Bishop Bruce Ough: Rev. Adam Weber of Embrace UMC, Sioux Falls, S.D., (clergy); Rev. Scott McKirdy, Spearfish UMC, Spearfish, S.D., (clergy); Karrie Miller, HOPE Center/First UMC in Rapid City, S.D. (lay) and Molly McCaskell, Rapid City, S.D.(youth). Retiring clergy were acknowledged: Gary L. Ball-Kilbourne, Gerald R. Bass, Steven C. Johnson, Thomas E. Lavery, Susan K. O’Connell, Sunandkumar (Sunny) Samuel, Gerald S. Stolp, Peggy A. Zerface, Albartus L. (Bert) VanEssen and Local Pastor Fern Bailey. Jubilee Clergy (with 50 years of service) were honored: Donald Elmer, Leonard Haggin, Art Scanson, A. Julian Wigen, Emil Eberhart. Course of Study and Licensed Local Pastors were recognized.
Friday, June 7
Breakfast The United Methodist Men and the United Methodist Women each held a breakfast at 6:30 AM. Memorial Remembrance with Historic Questions A “Celebration of the Saints” service honored those who have died this past year. Clergy: Rev. D. Norman Shawchuck, Rev. Paul Custer, Rev. Grant Piehl, Rev. Orland Sloat, Rev. Dwayne Knight. Clergy Spouses: Helen Vessey, Effie Walker, Viola Elmer, Helen Vix, Leila “Tibbie” Fitch, Naomi Farnham, and Anne Hartung. Laity/ Conference Employee: Delia Huisinga. Candidates for Provisional Membership answered the appropriate historic questions: Clay Michael Lundberg, Rob Salmonson and Peggy Stempson. Candidates for Full Membership answered the appropriate historic questions: Amy Marie Atkins, Thomas E. Bowsher, Mark Walter Britton, Mark Jerald Gronseth, Gwen Mader and Sara Lamberson Nelson. Elmo Herman, whose orders were previously recognized, also was brought into full membership. Rev. Rich Zeck preached on the topic “Now You See the Trouble We’re In” based on scripture from Nehemiah. Rev. Lori Broschat and Raenelle Capes helped lead worship along with Bishop Ough. Bakken Miracle Offering Bishop Ough announced the offering taken at the conference banquet (also including the offering received earlier). The total including pledges and matching gifts was $253,356.36. Bishop Ough added, “So far.” Teaching Session Rev. Sue Nilson Kibbey, Director of Connectional Ministries for the West Ohio Conference, shared the first three of “Five Breakthrough Practices for the Missional Church.” Break The conference fellowshipped around some refreshments. Streams of Justice Award Rev. Gail Arnold, representing Peace with Justice presented the “Streams of Justice” award to Rev. Sara Nelson for her work with feeding children in the Watertown, S.D., area. The award included a $500 gift to the ministry. Corporate Session of the Foundation Mike Goos opened the session. Goos moved the slate of officers as printed in this journal. They were elected. The corporate session was closed. 14
Foundation Report Bruce Blumer gave a report on the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation. Because of positive finances, the foundation will request no funds from the Annual Conference for 2014. Blumer noted some of the workshop possibilities for local churches. United Methodist Credit Union Karen Lantz spoke to the conference about the work of the United Methodist Credit Union. John Rainbolt won the drawing for a picture. Consent Calendar Process Rev. Greg Kroger explained the consent calendar and the process for lifting items off the consent calendar. Nominations Report Rev. Bill Hoffman presented the initial nominations report. Constitutional Amendments Vote Rev. Rebecca Trefz and Janelle Jones brought the four constitutional amendments (pp.21-22) before the conference. A written ballot was taken. Apportionment Method Discussion Jeff Pospisil directed the conference to the apportionment method pages in the workbook and gave answers to questions which had come out of the earlier presentation. Pospisil, representing CCFA, moved the proposal. PASSED. Lunch Seminary luncheons were held, the retired clergy ate together and the ordinards also gathered together.
Prayer Word was received of the death, this morning, of retired pastor Rev. Wayne Rager. Bishop Ough prayed for his family. Teaching Session Rev. Sue Nilson Kibbey, Director of Connectional Ministries for the West Ohio Conference, shared the last two breakthrough practices of a missional church. Genesis Award Kathy Chesney presented the Genesis Award for work with disaster to Rev. Rich Zeck, Fargo (N.D.) First UMC. Bishop Ough led in prayer for churches facing disaster. Corporate Session of the Board of Pensions Marilyn Perry called the corporate session of the Board of Pensions to order. Perry recognized the Conference Benefits Officer, Leana Stunes, and noted the officers of the Board as listed in this journal. Perry also introduced Pat Gilleran from the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits. Marilyn explained other changes in the pensions report. Perry adjourned the session. Resolutions Report and Vote Matt Bader and Janelle Jones, representing the Resolutions Committee, presented the resolutions (pp.1819) as presented to the conference. Death Penalty resolution as printed in this journal PASSED. Human Trafficking was amended with changing “Partnering with organizations” to “Building relationships with organizations.” The resolution as amended and printed in this journal PASSED. Affordable and Accessible Health Care resolution as printed in this journal PASSED A fourth resolution concerning Campus Ministry and the budget had been referred to CCFA by the Resolutions Committee. Annual Conference Site Proposal Rev. Dayne Zachrison brought a proposal for future Annual Conference Sessions. The 2014 Annual Conference will be at Rapid City, S.D., per previous contract. The proposal would be to go to college campuses for 2015 and 2016. The proposal will be voted on Saturday. 2014 Budget Presentation and Discussion 15
Jeff Pospisil led the conference through the budget and answered questions. Youth Awards Rev. Kris Mutzenberger, along with some conference youth, reported on Youth Awards. Jordan Heim, a youth from Madison UMC, presented the “Darrell Leach Youth Worker of the Year” to Charlie Moore from Madison, SD. Rev. Dayne Zachrison announced Rev. Bruce Adams, pastor at Mandan (N.D.) UMC, as a new member of the “Youth Leader Hall of Fame.” Constitutional Amendment Report Bishop Ough reported the constitutional amendment vote totals. Amendment I: 310 yes; 1 no. Amendment II: 307 yes; 2 no. Amendment III: 304 yes; 7 no. Amendment IV: 298 yes; 7 no. The Conference Secretary will send these vote totals to the Council of Bishops. Monitoring Report Margaret McCay-Smidt, Annual Conference Monitor, gave the following statistics for speakers/ participants on Thursday, June 6. In Worship, 58% of worship leaders were women and 42% were men. During the Plenary 56% of the plenary leaders were men and 43% were women. Artwork Auction Rev. Paul Smith acted as auctioneer of a framed artwork created by Eddie Wold and donated by Jacki Keck, the Dakotas Conference Office and District Superintendents. The unique metal painting is of an oil derrick. The winning bid was $2,300 by Mark Tracy from Henry/Kellerton who donated the artwork to Bishop Ough. Closing Prayer and Supper Break Rev. David Knecht led in closing prayer. Ordination Service The Ordination Service was held at McCabe United Methodist Church in Bismarck, with Bishop Bruce R. Ough as Presiding Minister and Preacher. Bishop Bill Rindy of the Eastern North Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America was the ecumenical guest. Those helping with worship included: Blaine Wilson, Dakotas Conference Lay Leader, Rev. Michelle Brennan of the Order of Deacons, Rev. Doug Diehl of the Board of Ordained Ministry and Rev. Theta Miller of the Order of Elders. Members of the conference youth offered a creative dance, and the McCabe choir sang. The following persons were commissioned: Clay Michael Lundberg, Rob Salmonson and Peggy Stempson. The following persons were ordained Elder: Amy Marie Atkins, Thomas E. Bowsher, Mark Walter Britton, Mark Jerald Gronseth, Gwen Mader and Sara Lamberson Nelson.
Saturday, June 8
Worship and Reading of Appointments Rev. Roy Caudill, Dean of the Cabinet, gave the Cabinet Report. Bishop Ough and the Cabinet set the appointments for the coming year. Bakken Oil Rush Offering Update The informal offering for picturing grandchildren on the screen, cell phones ringing and simple generosity, along with other monies which have come in now total $8,864 and when added to the $253,356.36 from the offering at the banquet now totals $262,220.36 with more still coming in. Dakota Wesleyan University Amy Novak, President of Dakota Wesleyan, brought greetings and news from DWU. Consent Calendar and Nominations Rev. Greg Kroger noted corrections to the workbook and the consent calendar. Consent was moved and calendar was voted upon. PASSED. Rev. Bill Hoffman noted the updates to the Nomination Report and moved the report as printed in this journal. PASSED. 2014 Budget Vote Rev. Bob Duemig, new chair of CCFA, acknowledged Nancy Bohlen for her 12 years on CCFA. Duemig
moved the adoption of 2014 budget. Rev. Peggy Stempson moved to add $50,000 to the budget for Campus Ministry. Seconded. Nancy Bohlen called the question. PASSED. The Stempson amendment FAILED. The Budget PASSED. Annual Conference Site Proposal Vote Rev. Dayne Zachrison moved, on behalf of the Sessions Committee, that the 2014 Session of the Dakotas Annual Conference be held in Rapid City, South Dakota, June 4-7 at the Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center. PASSED. Zachrison moved that Annual Conference be held on the campus of Jamestown College in Jamestown, N.D. in 2015 and Sessions will seek a comparable South Dakota site for 2016, to be approved at the 2014 Dakotas Annual Conference. FAILED. Zachrison moved that the 2015 Session of the Dakotas Annual Conference be held in Fargo, ND. PASSED. Monitoring Report Margaret McCay Smidt submitted the following monitoring report for June 7. Morning Worship: 37% female of which 30% clergy; 63% male of which 60% were clergy. AM Session: Worship Leaders were 100% male and 100% clergy; Presenters were 44% female; Plenary Comments made by 42% female of whom 50% were clergy and 57% male of whom 38% were clergy. Afternoon Plenary: 46% females of which 33% were clergy and 54% male of whom 42% were clergy. Plenary comments made by 25% female of whom 33% were clergy and 75% male of whom 55% were clergy. Ordination Service: 33% female of whom 42% were clergy and 66% male of whom 95% were clergy. Closing Benediction Bishop Ough (with the help of Rev. Greg Kroger) gave final thanks to many folks (including our support staff) and then led the conference in a closing benediction. �Members excused from Annual Conference: Rev. Stan Bockwoldt, Rev. Lee Gale, Rev. Carl G. Harkins, Rev. Steve C. Johnson, Rev. Teri Johnson (left early), Rev. Richard Mayer, Rev. Eugene Moeller, Rev. Marilyn Moeller, Rev. Jay Moon, Rev. Rob Moorlach, Rev. Warren Rhodes (miss Thursday only), Rev. Bob Ruedebusch (left early ). Cabinet Resolutions 1. Whereas the following churches, in accordance with Paragraph 2549 of the Book of Discipline, have voted to recommend dissolution as a United Methodist Congregation; Therefore, be it resolved that the following congregations be recognized, with gratitude, for their decades of faithful service and be officially discontinued under the provisions of the above mentioned paragraph by the Dakotas Annual Conference. Glacial Lakes District None Eastern Sunrise District Joliette which had their final worship service on July 29, 2012 Prairie Hills District None Sakakawea Forbes which had their final worship service on July 4, 2010 Wishek which had their final worship service on July 31, 2011 1. That July 1, 2013 be the beginning of all new appointments for the year 2013-2014 year, unless other arrangements are made. The current charge will pay the compensation, health, and pension for the outgoing pastor through June 30, 2013. 2. That the moving schedule will be allowed to be flexible enough to meet the needs of both the pastors and families, and the parish to prepare parsonages for the arrival of the incoming pastor. In general, the moves will occur between June 15 and July 15. If a pastor is required to move prior to the last Sunday of June in order to accommodate the moving schedule, his/her compensation will be paid by the current charge through the end of the month. In all cases we would invite congregations and pastors to be sensitive to transition of pastoral leadership. The negotiations between the outgoing pastor, the incoming pastor, and the Staff Parish Relations Chair as to first Sunday and care for priestly functions will be done on a case-by-case basis. However, July 1 is the start date for
all new incoming pastors unless other arrangements have been made. Sensitivity to the emotional transition of our pastors and congregations should be respected by all involved. This being said a congregation could be given to a recently moved pastor to have his/her first Sunday be a welcoming Sunday and that formal preaching and worship leadership responsibilities be assumed by the pastor the following Sunday. Dakotas Conference Resolutions ABOLISHING THE DEATH PENALTY *Whereas all persons are created in the image of God; and *Whereas the death penalty seeks to deny these realities of human worth and value; and *Whereas Christ instructs his followers to love one another and to make disciples; and *Whereas the death penalty limits Christians from carrying out these commands; and *Whereas we are called as United Methodists to participate with our brothers and sisters in the building of the kingdom of God. *Whereas (¶ 164 G) of the The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church states our opposition to the death penalty; and *Whereas a growing number of states are no longer using or have abolished the death penalty, *Be it therefore resolved that the Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church renew its efforts to abolish the death penalty in the state of South Dakota through the following actions: -Sending notice of this resolution to the Governor’s Office of South Dakota -Endorsing the efforts of South Dakotas for Alternatives to the Death Penalty -Celebrating in worship the gift of reconciliation, restoration, and redemption that is offered to all. FIGHTING AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING *Whereas all persons are created in the image of God; and *Whereas human trafficking denies these realities of human worth and value; and *Whereas Jesus declared he was sent to release the oppressed; and *Whereas human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery whereby victims are subject to force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor; and *Whereas human trafficking takes place within the states of South Dakota and North Dakota as documented by law enforcement and human trafficking organizations, *Be it therefore resolved that the Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church will work to address human trafficking in the states of North Dakota and South Dakota through the following actions: -Sending notice of this resolution to the State’s Attorney Offices of North Dakota and South Dakota -Building relationships with organizations fighting human trafficking and caring for its victims in North Dakota and South Dakota, -Supporting legislative efforts to address human trafficking. SUPPORTING AFFORDABLE AND ACCESSIBLE HEALTH CARE *Whereas as Christ instructs his followers to love one another, and lifted up a Samaritan who provided health care to a stranger; and *Whereas Resolution #3201 of The 2012 Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church states our commitment to “health care for all in the United States and therefore advocates for a comprehensive health care delivery system that includes access for all, quality care, and effective management of costs;” and *Whereas a growing number of states (including North Dakota) are implementing the Medicaid Expansion; and *Whereas thousands of low-wage earners in South Dakota have difficulty accessing affordable health care; and *Where as the Medicaid Expansion of the Affordable Care Act is expected to provide critical care and save money, *Be it therefore resolved that the Dakotas Conference of the United Methodist Church support efforts to expand Medicaid in the state of South Dakota through the following actions: -Sending notice of this resolution to the Governor’s Office of South Dakota -Sending notice of this resolution to the Medicaid Opportunities and Challenges Task Force appointed by Governor Daugaard -Endorsing a letter of support from a coalition of organizations and businesses supporting the Medicaid Expansion Housing/Parsonage Allowance for Ordained Conference Staff and District Superintendents WHEREAS, section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code permits a minister of the gospel to exclude from gross income the rental value of a parsonage furnished to the minister; WHEREAS, a minister is also allowed to exclude from gross income the amount paid to him/her as a properly designated parsonage allowance to the extent used for actual expenses incurred in maintaining a parsonage; WHEREAS, a minister is also allowed to exclude from gross income the amount paid to him/her in lieu of a parsonage when properly designated as a housing allowance to the extent used for actual housing expenses not to exceed the fair rental value of the home
(including furnishing and appurtenances such as a garage, plus the cost of utilities); WHEREAS the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church is the qualified organization for the designation of housing and parsonage allowances for all ordained persons who serve as District Superintendents, as paid officers of the conference or as members of the conference staff; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that of the cash salary paid to the following persons the following parsonage allowances are hereby designated for the calendar year 2014 and for all future years unless otherwise provided: • Marilyn Spurrell - $8,800 • Randolph Cross - $8,800 • Russell Masartis - $7,000 • Roy Caudill - $13,000 • Michael Flowers - $7,000 • Gregory Kroger - $8,800 • Keith Nelson - $8,800 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in addition to cash salary, the following person(s) will be paid the following amount instead of being furnished a parsonage in which to live, and this additional amount is hereby designated as a housing allowance for the calendar year 2014 and all future years unless otherwise provided:
• Roy Caudill - $18,000
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, during the interim between meetings, the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church authorizes the Conference Human Resources Committee to designate housing and parsonage allowances in accordance with section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code. Such designations are to be recorded in the official minutes of that Committee. Organizational Resolutions 1. The printed agenda becomes the official agenda, with adjustments as necessary. All requests for additional items to be placed on th agenda shall be given to the agenda coordinator, Duane Coates.
2. There will be seating on the conference floor for clergy and lay members of Annual Conference. Signs for churches/ groups will be available.
3. The boundaries of the Annual Conference shall be the tables marked for clergy and lay members. Voting members only are to be seated in this area. During Plenary Sessions all non-voting persons, including spouses of clergy and lay members, are to be seated inthe area designated for visitors. 4. The District Superintendents shall receive and relay to the presiding officer all requests of members to be excused from the Annual Conference Session. Those names will be printed in the journal. 5. The following persons shall be given the privilege of voice and vote on the Conference floor: +Clergypersons related to other annual conferences or denominations but who serve United Methodist Churches or who are affiliate members of the Dakotas Conference. Such clergy shall be granted the same rights and privileges as Associate Members of the annual conference.
6. Persons in the following categories shall have privilege of the floor without vote: +Retired clergypersons who have served churches of the Dakotas Conference but who are members of other annual conferences.
7. Announcements shall be written legibly and submitted to registration desk. 8. Conference agencies are responsible to distribute printed reports prior to the plenary session in which they are used. Advance permission must be secured from the Agenda Coordinator before any other printed materials may be distributed. If time allows, tellers will distribute approved material, but every agency is responsible for their items. Bring materials to the front. The consent calendar shall be those items listed on the consent calendar document. 9. Lay and clergy members shall fill out church information for journal records (forms in registration packet). Any changes in JOURNAL information for clergy or churches should be at the registration desk by the end of Annual Conference. 10. All reports or other items intended for inclusion in the JOURNAL must be in the conference secretary’s hands by close of the Annual Conference Session on Saturday. 11. We recommend using the strikethrough feature for removing information from conference policies and underline new items that are being placed in conference policies. This should be done for items being consider by the annual conference, but it will not be necessary to have the same form in the Journal. Both of these features are readily available on MS Word, under Font tab, and in Outlook, under the Basic Text tab. 12. During debate to be recognized to speak you must select the card that represents your position on the item being considered. Green card is an affirmative position. Red card is a negative position. White card is a question. Then when recognized state your name, church, and clergy or laity. Resolutions Relating to Rental/Housing Allowances for Active, Retired, Disabled, or Former Clergypersons of the Dakotas Conference
Resolutions Relating to Rental/Housing Allowances for Active, Retired, Disabled, or Former Clergypersons of the Dakotas Conference The Dakotas Conference (the “Conference”) adopts the following resolutions relating to rental/housing allowances for active, retired, terminated, or disabled clergypersons of the Conference: WHEREAS, the religious denomination known as The United Methodist Church (the “Church”), of which this Conference is a part, has in the past functioned and continues to function through ministers of the gospel (within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code section 107) who were or are duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed ministers of the Church (“Clergypersons”); WHEREAS, the practice of the Church and of this Conference was and is to provide active Clergypersons with a parsonage or a rental/ housing allowance as part of their gross compensation; WHEREAS, pensions or other amounts paid to active, retired, terminated, and disabled Clergypersons are considered to be deferred compensation and are paid to active, retired, terminated, and disabled Clergypersons in consideration of previous active service; and WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized the Conference (or its predecessors) as an appropriate organization to designate a rental/housing allowance for Clergypersons who are or were members of this Conference and are eligible to receive such deferred compensation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: THAT an amount equal to 100% of the pension, severance, or disability payments received from plans authorized under The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church (the “Discipline”), which includes all such payments from the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits (“GBOPHB”), during the calendar year 2014 by each active, retired, terminated, or disabled Clergyperson who is or was a member of the Conference, or its predecessors, be and hereby is designated as a rental/housing allowance for each such Clergyperson; and THAT the pension, severance, or disability payments to which this rental/housing allowance designation applies will be any pension, severance, or disability payments from plans, annuities, or funds authorized under the Discipline, including such payments from the GBOPHB and from a commercial annuity company that provides an annuity arising from benefits accrued under a GBOPHB plan, annuity, or fund authorized under the Discipline, that result from any service a Clergyperson rendered to this Conference or that an active, a retired, a terminated, or a disabled Clergyperson of this Conference rendered to any local church, annual conference of the Church, general agency of the Church, other institution of the Church, former denomination that is now a part of the Church, or any other employer that employed the Clergyperson to perform services related to the ministry of the Church, or its predecessors, and that elected to make contributions to, or accrue a benefit under, such a plan, annuity, or fund for such an active, a retired, a terminated, or a disabled Clergyperson’s pension, severance, or disability plan benefit as part of his or her gross compensation. NOTE: The rental/housing allowance that may be excluded from a Clergyperson’s gross income in any year for federal (and, in most cases, state) income tax purposes is limited under Internal Revenue Code section 107(2), and regulations thereunder, to the least of: (a) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the Clergyperson’s employer or other appropriate body of the Church (such as this Conference in the foregoing resolutions) for such year; (b) the amount actually expended by the Clergyperson to rent or provide a home in such year; or (c) the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances (such as a garage), plus the cost of utilities in such year. Each clergyperson or former clergyperson is urged to consult with his or her own tax advisor to determine what deferred compensation is eligible to be claimed as a housing allowance exclusion.
Constitutional Admemenments 2012 General Conference of The United Methodist Church Proposed Constitutional Amendment – I On April 30, 2012, at a session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church held in Tampa, Florida, the following Constitutional Amendment was adopted by a recorded vote of 865 Yes, 50 No (Calendar Item 211, DCA p. 2340). It is now presented to the Annual Conferences for vote. In the 2008 Book of Discipline, Division One, ¶ 6, Article VI, (2012 Book of Discipline, Division One, ¶ 6, Article VI)) amend by addition as follows:
After “it will” add “pray.”
If voted and so declared by the Council of Bishops, ¶ 6 (¶ 6) would read:
Ecumenical Relations—As part of the church universal, The United Methodist Church believes that the Lord of the church is calling Christians everywhere to strive toward unity; and therefore it will pray, seek, and work for unity at all levels of church life: through world relationships with other Methodist churches and united churches related to The Methodist Church or The Evangelical United Brethren Church, through councils of churches, and through plans of union and covenantal relationships with churches of Methodist or other denominational traditions. Proposed Constitutional Amendment – II On May 1, 2012, at a session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church held in Tampa, Florida, the following Constitutional Amendment was adopted by a recorded vote of 731 Yes, 181 No (Calendar Item 205, DCA p. 2430). It is now presented to the Annual Conferences for vote. In the 2008 Book of Discipline, Division Two, Section II, ¶ 14, Article II, (2012 Book of Discipline, Division Two, Section II, ¶ 14, Article II)) amend by deletion and addition as follows: After “shall meet” delete “in the month of April or May” and after “duly authorized committees.” add a new sentence, “The change in the preceding sentence shall become effective at the close of General Conference in 2016.”
If voted and so declared by the Council of Bishops, ¶ 14 (¶ 14) would read:
The General Conference shall meet once in four years at such time and in such place as shall be determined by the General Conference or by its duly authorized committees. The change in the preceding sentence shall become effective at the close of General Conference in 2016. A special session of the General Conference, possessing the authority and exercising all the powers of the General Conference, may be called by the Council of Bishops, or in such other manner as the General Conference may from time to time prescribe, to meet at such time and in such place as may be stated in the call. Such special session of the General Conference shall be composed of the delegates to the preceding General Conference or their lawful successors, except that when a particular annual conference or missionary conference shall prefer to have a new election it may do so. The purpose of such special session shall be stated in the call, and only such business shall be transacted as is in harmony with the purpose stated in such call unless the General Conference by a twothirds vote shall determine that other business may be transacted. Proposed Constitutional Amendment – III On May 3, 2012, at a session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church held in Tampa, Florida, the following Constitutional Amendment was adopted by a recorded vote of 618 Yes, 306 No (Calendar Item 54, DCA pp. 2672-73). It is now presented to the Annual Conferences for vote. In the 2008 Book of Discipline, Division Two, Section VI, ¶ 32, Article I, (2012 Book of Discipline, Division Two, Section VI, ¶ 32, Article I) amend by deletion and addition as follows:
After “director of Lay” delete “Speaking” and add “Servant”.
If voted and so declared by the Council of Bishops, ¶ 32 (¶ 32) would read:
The annual conference shall be composed of clergy and lay members. The clergy membership shall consist of deacons and elders in full connection, provisional members, associate members, and local pastors under appointment. The lay membership shall consist of professing lay members elected by each charge, the diaconal ministers, the active deaconesses, and home missioners under episcopal appointment within the bounds of the annual conference, the conference president of United Methodist Women, the conference president of United Methodist Men, the conference lay leader, district lay leaders, the conference director of Lay Servant Ministries, conference secretary of Global Ministries (if lay), the president or equivalent officer of the conference young adult organization, the president of the conference youth organization, the chair of the annual conference college student organization, and one young person between the ages of twelve (12) and seventeen (17) and one young person between the ages of eighteen (18) and thirty (30) from each district to be selected in such a manner as may be determined by the annual conference. In the annual conferences of the central conferences, the four-year participation and the two-year membership requirements may be waived by the annual conference for young persons under thirty (30) years of age. Such persons must be professing members of The United Methodist Church and active participants at the time of election. Each charge served by more than one clergy shall be entitled to as many lay members as there are clergy members. The lay members shall have been for the two years next preceding their election members of The United Methodist
Church and shall have been active participants in The United Methodist Church for at least four years next preceding their election. If the lay membership should number less than the clergy members of the annual conference, the annual conference shall, by its own formula, provide for the election of additional lay members to equalize lay and clergy membership of the annual conference. Proposed Constitutional Amendment – IV On May 1, 2012, at a session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church held in Tampa, Florida, the following Constitutional Amendment was adopted by a recorded vote of 848 Yes, 57 No (Calendar Item 207, DCA p. 2431). It is now presented to the Annual Conferences for vote. In the 2008 Book of Discipline, Division Two, Section VII, ¶ 40, Article I, (2012 Book of Discipline, Division Two, Section VII, ¶ 40, Article I) amend by deletion and addition, as follows: Delete the first two words, “Changes in” and following “episcopal areas” delete “may be effected” and add “shall be determined” and after “and the central conferences” add “The authority of jurisdictional and central conferences provided herein is not circumscribed or limited by the authority provided to the College of Bishops to arrange a plan of episcopal supervision.”
If voted and so declared by the Council of Bishops, ¶ 40 (¶ 40) would read:
The number, names, and boundaries of the annual conferences and episcopal areas shall be determined by the jurisdictional conferences in the United States of America and by the central conferences outside the United States of America according to the provisions under the respective powers and pursuant to the respective structures of the jurisdictional and the central conferences. The authority of jurisdictional and central conferences provided herein is not circumscribed or limited by the authority provided to the College of Bishops to arrange a plan of episcopal supervision.
THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH THE BUSINESS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Minutes of the Dakotas Annual Conference Held in Bismarck, North Dakota From June 6, 2013 through June 8, 2013 Bishop Bruce R. Ough, Presiding Date When Organized: January 1, 1994 Number of This Session: Twenty
PART I ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Who are elected for the quadrennium (¶¶603.7, 619)? Secretary: Mark Ellingson Mailing Address: Box 24, Northwood, ND 58267 Telephone: 218-779-5707 Email: mellingson56@gmail.com Statistician: Sharon Blumer Mailing Address: PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301 Telephone: 605-996-6552 Email: sharon.blumer@dakotasumc.org Treasurer: Jeff Pospisil Mailing Address: PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301 Telephone: 605-996-6552 Email: jeff.pospisil@dakotasumc.org 2. Is the Annual Conference incorporated (¶603.1)? Yes 3. Bonding and auditing: What officers handling funds of the conference have been bonded, and in what amounts (¶¶618, 2511)? Name Position Amount Bonded Employee dishonesty coverage in the amount of $100,000 plus $1,000,000 for any natural person whether compensated or not who is an annual conference treasurer or trustee of a member of their staff who reports and is accountable to a conference treasurer or trustee and who receives or disburses or handles funds which are the responsibility of such conference treasurer
or trustee and any natural person whether compensated or not, who is an annual conference president or chairpersons of a Conference Council on Finance and Administration. Have the books of said officers or persons been audited (¶¶617, 2511)? Yes (See report in this Journal.) 4. What agencies have been appointed or elected? Council on Finance and Administration, Board of Ordained Ministry, Board of Pensions, Board of Trustees of the Annual Conference, Committee on Episcopacy, Administrative Review Committee, Commission on Archives and History a) Who have been elected chairpersons for the mandated structures listed? Structure Chairperson Mailing Address Phone Number Email Council on Bob Duemig 1804 7th Ave. 605-892-2405 bduemig@gwtc.net Finance and Belle Fourche, SD Administration 57717 (¶611) Board of Ordained Doug Diehl 629 Kansas City St. 605-342-4498 dougdiehl@ Ministry (¶635) Rapid City, SD 57701 me.com Board of Pensions Marilyn Perry 1305 W. First St. 605-472-2332 espmzp@ (¶639) Redfield,th SD 57469 abe.midco.net Board of Trustees Ron McLean 4291 58 St. S. 701-235-1730 rmclean@ of the Annual Fargo, ND 58104 serklandlaw.com Conference(¶2512) Committee on Rebecca Trefz 316 River Oak St. 605-582-7911 pastor_rebecca@ Episcopacy (¶637) Brandon, SD 57005 alliancecom.net Administrative Stephen Perry 1326 W. First St. 605-472-2332 pastor.redfieldumc@ Review Committee Redfield, SD 57469 midconetwork.com (¶636) Conference Commission on Duane Coates PO Box 757 605-384-5382 wagtynumc@ Archives and Wagner, SD 57380 hcinet.net History (¶641) b) Indicate the name of the agency (or agencies) and the chairperson(s) in your annual conference which is (are) responsible for the functions related to each of the following general church agencies (¶610.1): General Agency Conference Chairperson Mailing Address Phone Email Agency Number General Board of Extending Lou Whitmer 310 N. Rowley 605-996- pastorlou@nvc. Church and Society the Local Mitchell, SD 57301 7721 net Church Link General Board of Equipping Roger Spahr 1330 12th St. NE 605-886- kevin@ Discipleship the Local Watertown, SD 2242 fargofaithumc. Church Link 57201 org General Board of Extending Lou Whitmer 310 N. Rowley 605-996- pastorlou@nvc. Global Ministries the Local Mitchell, SD 57301 7721 net Church Link Higher Education Equipping Roger Spahr 1330 12th St. NE 605-886- rspahr@iw.net and Campus the Local Watertown, SD 2242 Ministry Church Link 57201 General Commission Extending Lou Whitmer 310 N. Rowley 605-996- pastorlou@nvc. on Christian Unity the Local Mitchell, SD 57301 7721 net and Inter-religious Church Link Concerns General Commission Equipping Roger Spahr 1330 12th St. NE 605-886- kevin@ on Religion and Race the Local Watertown, SD 2242 fargofaithumc. Church Link 57201 th org General Commission Equipping Roger Spahr 1330 12 St. NE 605-886- kevin@ on the Status and the Local Watertown, SD 2242 fargofaithumc. Role of Women Church Link 57201 org United Methodist Extending Lou Whitmer 310 N. Rowley 605-996- pastorlou@nvc. Communications the Local Mitchell, SD 57301 7721 net Church Link c) Indicate the conference agencies and chairpersons which have responsibilities for the following functions: General Agency Name of Chairperson Mailing Address Phone Email Agency Number
Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries (¶657)? Disability Concerns (¶653)? Equitable Compensation (¶625)? Laity (¶631)?
Native American Ministry (¶654)? Small Membership Church (¶645)?
Extending the Local Church Link Equipping the Local Church Link Stewardship of Resources Link Equipping the Local Church Link Extending the Local Church Link Equipping the Local Church Link
Lou Whitmer
310 N. Rowley Mitchell, SD 57301
pastorlou@nvc. net
Roger Spahr
1330 12th St. NE Watertown, SD 57201
kevin@ fargofaithumc. org
Laura Borman
1508 N. Oak Ridge Place Sioux Falls, SD 57110 th 1330 12 St. NE Watertown, SD 57201
LBORMAN@ att.net
kevin@ fargofaithumc. org
Lou Whitmer
310 N. Rowley Mitchell, SD 57301
pastorlou@nvc. net
Roger Spahr
1330 12th St. NE Watertown, SD 57201
kevin@ fargofaithumc. org
Roger Spahr
d) Indicate the president or equivalent for the following organizations. Organization Name of Chairperson Mailing Address Phone Email Agency Number Conference United Extending Lou Whitmer 310 N. Rowley 605-996- pastorlou@nvc. Methodist Women the Local Mitchell, SD 57301 7721 net (¶647) Church Link Conference United Extending Lou Whitmer 310 N. Rowley 605-996- pastorlou@nvc. Methodist Men the Local Mitchell, SD 57301 7721 net (¶648) Church Link Conference Council Equipping Roger Spahr 1330 12th St. NE 605-886- scott.mckirdy@ on Youth Ministry the Local Watertown, SD 2242 spearfishumc.org (¶649) Church 57201 Link Conference Council Equipping Roger Spahr 1330 12th St. NE 605-886- scott.mckirdy@ on Young Adult the Local Watertown, SD 2242 spearfishumc.org Ministry (¶650)? Church 57201 Link e) Have persons been elected for the following district boards and committees? Answer yes or no. (1) District Boards of Church Location & Building (¶2518)? Yes (2) Committees on District Superintendency (¶669)? Yes (3) District Committees on Ordained Ministry (¶666)? Yes f) What other councils, boards, commissions, or committees have been appointed or elected in the annual conference? Structure Chairperson Mailing Address Phone Email Number Common Table Ray Baker 1024 2nd St. SE 701-838ray@vincentumc.com Minot, ND 4425 58703 Human Resources Barry 1021 NW 7th St. 605-256pastorbarry@santel.net Whipkey Madison, SD 2162 57042 Committee on Bill Hoffman PO Box 615 revwilly3@gmail.com Nominations Faulkton, SD 57438 Extended Cabinet Bishop Ough PO Box 460 605-996bishop@dkmnareaumc.org Mitchell, SD 6552 57301
Board of Camping and Retreat Ministries Records, Rules and Procedures
Sara Nelson Greg Kroger
180 18th St. NE
pastorsara@watertownfirstumc. com greg.kroger@ dakotasumc.org
PO Box 460 Mitchell, SD 57301 Conference Disaster Lee Gale 716 Griggs 701-352revt1220@gmail.com Response (ND) Grafton, ND 2644 58237 chez@gwtc.net Kathy PO Box 727 605-859Chesney (SD) Philip, SD 57567 2310 5. Have the secretaries, treasurers, and statisticians kept and reported their respective data in accordance to the prescribed formats? (¶606.8)? Yes 6. What is the report of the statistician? (See report printed in Journal.) 7. What is the report of the treasurer? (See report printed in Journal.) 8. What are the reports of the district superintendents as to the status of the work within their districts? (See reports printed in Journal.) 9. What is the schedule of minimum base compensation for clergy for the ensuing year (¶¶342, 625.3)? $37,761-Full Connection Clergy; $36,018-Less Than Full; UMPIP Contribution-$1,956 10. What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of the district superintendents for the ensuing year (¶614.1a)? $721,006 11. a) What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of the pension and benefit programs of the conference for the ensuing year (¶¶614.1d, 1507)? $112,000 b) What are the apportionments to this conference for the ensuing year? (1) For the World Service Fund? $451,362 (2) For the Ministerial Education Fund? $154,960 (3) For the Black College Fund? $61,809 (4) For the Africa University Fund? $13,832 (5) For the Episcopal Fund? $131,797 (6) For the General Administration Fund? $54,471 (7) For the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund? $12,113 12. What are the findings of the annual audit of the conference treasuries? (See report printed in Journal.) 13. Conference and district lay leaders (¶¶603.9, 659): a) Conference lay leader: Name: Blaine Wilson Mailing Address: 105 S. Sycamore Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57110 b) Associate conference lay leaders: Jerry Bottger c) District and associate district lay leaders: Eastern Sunrise: Jerry Nankivel Prairie Hills: Bob Wik Glacial Lakes: Nancy Hallenbeck Sakakawea: Iva Wenzel 14. List local churches which have been: a) Organized or continued as New Church Starts or Mission Congregations (¶259,1-4, continue to list congregations here until listed in questions 14.c, d, or e) Church Name District Mailing Address Phone Number Date Founded Rapid City Korean Prairie Hills 629 Kansas City St. 605-342-4498 01/01/2010 Rapid City, SD 57701 b) Satellite congregations (¶259.5-10, continue to list here until listed in questions 14.c, d, or e) Church Name District Mailing Address Phone Number Date Chartered Fusion Glacial Lakes 310 N. Rowley 605-996-7721 n/a (Mitchell-1st) Mitchell, SD 57301 Encounter Eastern Sunrise 1350 11th St. NE 605-886-2242 n/a (Watertown-Cornerstone) Watertown, SD 57201 c) Chartered Church Name District Mailing Address Phone Number Date Chartered d) Merged (¶¶2546, 2547) (1) United Methodist with United Methodist Name of First Church Name of Second Church Name of Merged Church
Date Merged
(2) Other mergers (indicate denomination) Name of First Church Name of Second Church Name of Merged Church
Date Merged
e) Discontinued or abandoned (¶¶229, 341.2, 2549) (State which for each church listed.)
(1) New Church Start (¶259.2,3) Church Name District Location
Date Closed
(2) Mission Congregation (¶259.1a) Church Name District Location
Date Closed
(3) Satellite Congregation Church Name District Location
Date Closed
(4) Chartered Local Church (¶259.5) Church Name District Location Joliette ES Joliet, ND Zion UMC SAK Wishek, ND f) Relocated and to what address Church Name District Mailing Address Fargo-Edgewood ES 906 1st Ave. S., Fargo, ND 58103 g) Changed name of church? (Example: “First” to “Trinity”) Former Name New Name Address
Date Closed 06/30/2013 06/30/2103 Physical Location Fargo-1st
Date Relocated 09/02/2012
h) Transferred this year into this conference from other United Methodist conference(s) and with what membership (¶¶41, 260)? Name Membership Sending Conference i) What cooperative parishes in structured forms have been established? (¶206.b) District Parish Name Charge Name Church Name j) What other changes have taken place in the list of churches? 1 5. Are there Ecumenical Shared Ministries in the conference? (¶208) a) Federated church Name ARLINGTON/LAKE PRESTON UMC, UCC HILLSBORO UNITED-UMC, UCC GRAFTON FEDERATED-UMC, PCUSA HOPE UNITED UMC, UCC TIMBERLAKE/Timberlake ELCA/Isabel UCC/Timberlake AB EDGEMONT UNITED-UMC, UCC/Pringle HOT SPRINGS FEDERATED-UMC, AB, PCUSA PHILIP UNITED-UMC, PCUSA/Interior PCUSA CARRINGTON FEDERATED-UMC, UCC b) Union Church Name CANISTOTA UNITED-UMC, PC-USA ELKTON/Elkton UCC TULARE UNITED-UMC, UCC GARRETSON UNITED-UMC, UCC SALEM UNITED-UMC, PCUSA ELK POINT UNITED-UMC, UCC KIMBALL UNITED PROTESTANT BEACH COMMUNITY-UMC, UCC BOTTINEAU UNITED-UMC, PCUSA ELLENDALE UNITED-UMC, PCUSA RUGBY EMMANUEL UNITED-UMC, PCUSA c) Merged Church Name
Other Denomination(s)
d) Yoked Parish Name District Other Denomination(s) LEOLA/Frederick/Barnard UCC ES UCC MELLETTE NORTHWESTERN/Mansfield PCUSA/Brentford UCC ES PCUSA/UCC LISBON UMC/Lisbon UP/ENDERLIN UMC ES UP GRAFTON FEDERATED-UMC, PCUSA/Minto PCUSA/St. Thomas ES PCUSA HOLMES/Sharon Trinity ELCA/Beaver Creek ELCA ES ELCA LARIMORE/Arvilla PCUSA/Emerado PCUSA ES PCUSA PAGE/Hope United UMC, UCC/Finley ES UCC ALPENA/Alpena UCC GL UCC DESMET/DeSmet UCC GL UCC WOONSOCKET/Woonsocket ELCA/Forestburg ELCA GL ELCA CAMP CROOK/Buffalo UCC PH UCC DUNSEITH/Peace ELCA SAK ELCA ELGIN/Ebenezer UCC SAK UCC LANSFORD/Lansford ELCA/Glenburn ELCA SAK ELCA 16. What changes have been made in district and charge lines? Eureka becomes a standalone parish and Ashley becomes a standalone parish. Ashley becomes a part of Jamestown Ministry
(Note: A (v) notation following a question in this section signifies that the action or election requires a majority vote of the clergy session of the annual conference. If an action requires more than a simple majority, the notation (v 2/3) or (v 3/4) signifies that a twothirds or three-fourths majority vote is required. Indicate credential of persons in Part II: FD, FE, PD, PE, and AM when requested.) 1 7. Are all the clergy members of the conference blameless in their life and official administration (¶¶604.4, 605.7)? Yes 18. Who constitute: a) The Administrative Review Committee (¶636)? (v) Clergy: Stephen Perry (Chair), Gary Rae, Peg Zerface Alternate Clergy: Jerry Bass, Jeff Adel b) The Conference Relations Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶635.1d)? Gary Ball-Kilbourne (Chair), Michelle Brennan, Eric Grinager, Bill Waugh, Chang Hyuck Yi, Dean Trapp, Jodi Cataldo (Ex-Officio) 19. Who are the certified candidates (¶ ¶ 310, 313, 314) a) Who are currently certified as candidates for ordained or licensed ministry? (A=appointed) Name District Date Certified Jo Flesner GL 2005 Dan Fuchs ES 2011 Justin Iverson GL 2010 Travis Krogman PH 2011 Seth LaBounty GL 2012 Sandra Marquardt (A) ES 2013 Nathaniel Mason PH 2011 Alison McCormick GL 2010 Juwle Nagbe (A) ES 2013 Katie Rowen ES 2012 Justin Schnackenberg (A) SAK 2012 Thomas Sumers ES 2013 Teresa Whetsel (A) ES 2012 b) Who have had their candidacy for ordained or licensed ministry accepted by a District Committee on Ordained Ministry in another annual conference? (Include name of accepting conference.) Name Receiving Conference Date Originally Certified Date Accepted by District in Other Conference
c) Who have been discontinued as certified candidates for licensed or ordained ministry? Name District Date Certified Date Discontinued
d) Who are certified candidates in this conference serving in other conferences? Name District Date Certified Date Discontinued
20. Who have completed the studies for the license as a local pastor, are approved, but are not now appointed? (¶315 —Indicate for each person the year the license was approved.): Name District Year Last Licensed Jo Flesner GL 2005 Nathaniel Mason PH 2011 21. Who are approved and appointed as: (Indicate for each person the first year the license was awarded. Indicate what progress each has made in the course of study or the name of the seminary in which they are enrolled. Indicate with an asterisk those who have completed the five year course of study or the M.Div. (¶319.4)? PLEASE NOTE: Persons on this list must receive an episcopal appointment. (v) a) Full-time local pastors? (¶318.1) Name First Year License Awarded Years Completed with Course of Study *Ken Ballard 2006 *Completed John Bergh 2006 16 credits-4 yrs John Britt 2012 2 credits-1/2 yr *Rick Craig 2003 *Completed Mike Flowers 2011 3 credits-3/4 yr *Kathy Hammond 2003 *Completed Wayne Huber 2005 12 credits-3 yrs *Laurie Kidd 2005 *Completed *Kris Larson 1997 *Completed Jeff Lathrop 2012 SFS Kori LehrKamp 2011 SFS Sandra Marquardt 2013 0 *Sharla McCaskell 2004 *Completed Eugene Moeller 2008 16 credits-4 yrs Juwle Nagbe 2013 *Duke Grad. Marlin Sapp 2007 12 credits-3 yrs *Paul Smith 2003 *Completed Mark Turner 2006 SFS
Rodney Ulmer 2002 (Ext. approved by BOM) 16 credits-4 yrs Teresa Whetsel 2013 0 *Barry Whipkey 2004 *Completed Lou Whitmer 2007 8 credits-2 yrs b) Part-time local pastors? (¶318.2) (fraction of full-time in one-quarter increments) Name First Year License Awarded Years Completed with Course of Study Martin Avery (¾) 2012 Iliff Sem *Derek Baum (¾) 2009 *SFS Grad. Martha Brandt (¾) 2008 8 credits-2 yrs Raenelle Capes (¾) 2008 9 credits-2¼ yrs Robert Cappel (½) 2011 3 credits-3/4 yr Connie Eichinger 2012 0 Suzanne “Suzi” Grote (½) 2011 SFS Grad. Gary Johnson (½) RL 2006 10 credits-2½ yrs Joddy Meidinger (¾) 2012 Asbury Sem Marilyn Moeller (½) 2008 16 credits-4 yrs Kenneth Mund (¾) 2005 9 credits-2¼ yrs Tom Petersen (¾) 2005 4 credits-1 yr Justin Schnackenberg 2013 0 *David Severtson (¾) 2003 *Completed Joy Tracy (1/4) 2012 SFS Mark Tracy (1/4) 2012 SFS Jeff Vore (½) 2011 3 credits-3/4 yr c) Students from other annual conferences or denominations serving as local pastors and enrolled in a school of theology listed by the University Senate (¶318.3, ,4)? Name First Year License Awarded Seminary Home Conference d) Students who have been certified as candidates in your annual conference and are serving as local pastors in another annual conference while enrolled in a school of theology listed by the University Senate (¶318.3) Name First Year License Awarded Years Completed in Course of Study e) Persons serving as local pastors while seeking readmission to conference membership (¶¶366.4, 367, 369.3)? (If not in this conference indicate name of conference where serving.) Name Years Completed in Course of Study 22. Who have been discontinued as local pastors (¶320.1)? Name Date discontinued 23. Who have been reinstated as local pastors (¶320.4)? Name
Years Completed in Course of Study
24. What ordained ministers or provisional members from other Annual Conferences or Methodist denominations are approved for appointment in the Annual Conference while retaining their conference or denominational membership (¶¶331.8, 346.1)? (List alphabetically; indicate Annual Conference or denomination where membership is held. Indicate credential.) a) Annual Conferences Name Clergy Status Home Conference Thomas Peacock RE-LTFT Rocky Mountain b) Other Methodist Denominations Name Clergy Status Denomination 25. What clergy in good standing in other Christian denominations have been approved to serve appointments or ecumenical ministries within the bounds of the Annual Conference while retaining their denominational affiliation (¶¶331.8, 346.2)? (v) (Designate with an asterisk those who have been accorded voting rights within the annual conference. Indicate credential.) Name Clergy Status Denomination David Bambas LP UCC *Heather Brown ELCA *Deborah Burger PCUSA *Jon Damaska WESLEYAN *Susan Fandrich UCC *David Fisher AOG *Paul Henschen PCUSA Lorah Houser-Jankord LP UCC Ken Hunt AB *Daren Junker AB *Paul Keil AOG *Jean Layton UCC *Warren Maxted AOG *Wade Miller DOC *Ron Snethen NAZ *James Truesdell UCC *David Walters PENTECOSTAL Clint Walker AB *Rhonda Wellsandt-Zell ELCA *John Werth PCUSA
2 6. Who are affiliate members: (List alphabetically; indicate annual conference or denomination where membership is held.) a) With vote (¶586.4 [v])? Name Member Conference/Denomination First Year of Affiliation
b) Without vote (¶¶334.5, 344.4)? (v 2/3) Name Member Conference/Denomination
First Year of Affiliation
NOTE: If your conference has admitted or ordained persons as a courtesy to another conference, list these persons in Question 40 only. If persons have been admitted or ordained by another annual conference as a courtesy to your conference, list these persons in Questions 27-39, whichever are appropriate, giving the date and name of the accommodating conference. 27. Who are elected as associate members? ¶322 (v) (List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 27): Name 2 8. Who are elected as provisional members and what seminary are they attending, if in school? (under ¶¶322.4, 324, 325) a) Provisional Deacons under the provisions of ¶¶ 324.4a, c or ¶324.5?(v) Name Seminary b) Provisional Elders under the provisions of ¶¶ 324.4a, b or ¶324.6 (v)); ¶ 322.4 (v 3/4) Name Seminary Clay Lundberg SFS Grad Rob Salmonson SFS Grad Margaret Stempson Iliff Grad 29. Who are continued as provisional members, in what year were they admitted to provisional membership, and what seminary are they attending, if in school (¶326)? a) In preparation for ordination as a deacon or elder? (¶326) Name Clergy Status (PD or PE) Date and Seminary Jennifer Anderson PE 2012-Duke Grad Kathy Chesney PE 2010-SFS Martin Earl PE 2010-Asbury Grad Mark Ehrmantraut PE 2012-SFS Sarah Herman PE 2012-SFS Grad Mark Johnsen PE 2010-SFS Grad Karl Kroger PE 2010-Candler Grad Sara McManus PE 2012-Vanderbilt Grad Walter Jay Moon PD 2012 Ron Olson PE 2011-Asbury Grad Russell Stewart PE 2010-Illif Grad Jennifer Tyler PE 2012-GETS Grad b) Provisional deacons who became provisional elders? Name Original Year of Membership
c) Provisional elders who became provisional deacons? (Indicate year) Name Original Year of Membership
d) Provisional members who transferred from other conferences or denominations? (¶347.1) Name Clergy Status (PD or PE) Original Yr of Membership Previous Conference or Denom Henry Jenkins PE 2012 Non-Denom 30. What ordained clergy, coming from other Christian denominations, have had their orders recognized (¶348): (v) A person’s orders may be recognized when they are transferring their membership into your annual conference from another Christian denomination. A person who is listed in Q.30 must also be listed in either Q. 31 a or b, depending on the transfer status. Name Clergy Status Previous Denomination 31. What ordained clergy have been received from other Christian denominations (¶347.3): (List alphabetically—see note preceding Question 27): a) As provisional members (¶347.3a,b)? (v) Name Clergy Status (PD or PE) Date Received Former Denomination
b) As local pastors (¶347.3a)? (v) Name Clergy Status (FL or PL)
Date Received
Former Denomination
32. Who are elected as members in full connection? (List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 27. Anyone appearing on this question must also be listed somewhere in questions 33-34 or 35, unless the clergy’s orders from another denomination were recognized on question 39 in a previous year.) (v 2/3): a) Deacons Name b) Elders Name Amy Atkins Thom Bowsher Mark Britton Mark Gronseth Elmo Herman
Gwen Mader Sara Nelson 33. Who are ordained as deacons and what seminary awarded their degree? Or, if their master’s degree is not from a seminary, at what seminary did they complete the basic graduate theological studies?: (List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 27) a) After provisional membership (¶330)? (v 2/3) Name Seminary
b) Transfer from elder?(¶309) (v 2/3) Name
34. Who are ordained as elders and what seminary awarded their degree? a) After provisional membership? (¶335) (v 2/3) Name Seminary Amy Atkins GETS Thom Bowsher SFS Mark Britton ASBURY Gwen Mader SFS Sara Nelson SFS b) Transfer from deacon? (¶309) (v 2/3) Name Seminary Mark Gronseth SFS 35. What provisional members, previously discontinued, are readmitted (¶365)? (v) Name Clergy Status Year Previously Discontinued 36. Who are readmitted (¶¶366-368 [v], ¶369 [v 2/3]): Name Clergy Status
Previous Status
37. Who are returned to the effective relationship after voluntary retirement (¶358.7): (v) Name Clergy Status Year Retired 38. Who have been received by transfer from other annual conferences of The United Methodist Church (¶¶347.1, 416.5, 635.2n)? (List alphabetically. Indicate credential. See note preceding Question 27.) Name Clergy Status Previous Conference Date of Transfer Joel Allen FE Kentucky AC 7/1/2013 39. Who are transferred in from other Methodist denominations (¶347.2)? (List alphabetically. Indicate credential.) Name Clergy Status Previous Methodist Denomination Date of Transfer 40. Who have been ordained as a courtesy to other conferences, after election by the other conference? (See note preceding Question 27. Such courtesy elections or ordinations do not require transfer of conference membership.) a) Deacons? Name Member Conference b) Elders? Name
Member Conference
41. Who have been transferred out to other annual conferences of The United Methodist Church (¶416.5)? (List alphabetically. Indicate credential. See note preceding Question 27.) Name Clergy Status New Conference Date of Transfer 4 2. Who are discontinued as provisional members (¶327)? (v). a) By expiration of eight-year time limit (¶ 327) Name Clergy Status b) By voluntary discontinuance (¶ 327.6) (v) Name
Clergy Status
c) By involuntary discontinuance (¶ 327.6) (v) Name Clergy Status Kyoungwon Park PE d) By reaching Mandatory Retirement Age after December 31, 2012 (¶ 327.7) Name Clergy Status 4 3. Who are on location? a) Who has been granted honorable location (¶359.1)? (1) This year? (v) Name Clergy Status Charge Conference Membership Name
(2) Previously?
Mary Ann Bernard-FE
Year Originally Granted 1998
Charge Conference Membership
Date Effective Year of Most Recent Report
Elmer Brinkman-FE 1977 Watertown-1st Stanley Haidle-FE 2002 Mitchell-1st Perry Kimble-FE 1996 Bismarck-Legacy Linda Renaud-FE 2010 Huron-1st Daniel Rice-FE 1977 Grand Forks-Wesley Joel Rickenbach-FE 1974 Prairie View b) Who on honorable location are appointed ad interim as local pastors? (¶359.2) (Indicate date and appointment.) Name Appointment Year Originally Granted Location
c) Who has been placed on administrative location (¶360? (1) This year? (v) Name Date Effective
(2) Previously? Year Originally Placed
Charge Conference Membership
Charge Conference Membership
44. Who have been granted the status of honorable location–retired (¶359.3): a) This year? (v) Name Clergy Status Year Honorable Location Originally Granted b) Previously? Name
Year of Most Recent Report
Charge Conference Membership
Clergy Status
Year Honorable Location Charge Conference Originally Granted Membership Alvin Brucklacher RE 1987 Philip Carl Evans RE 1986 Onida Anne Geschwindner RE 1986 Artesian John Jarman RE 1992 Alexandria, MN Robert Wall RE 2002 Rapid City-1st 45. Who have had their status as honorably located and their orders terminated (¶359.2)? (v) Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status 4 6. Who have had their conference membership terminated? a) By withdrawal to unite with another denomination (¶361.1, .4)? (v) Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status
b) By withdrawal from the ordained ministerial office (¶361.2, .4)? (v) Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status Steve Foss 02/01/2013 FE c) By withdrawal under complaints or charges (¶¶361.3, .4; 2719.2)? (v) Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status
d) By termination of orders under recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶354.12 )? (v) Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status e) By trial (¶2713)? Name
Date Effective
Prior Clergy Status
47. Who have been suspended under the provisions of ¶363.1d, ¶2704.2c or ¶2711.3? (Give effective dates. Indicate credential.) Name Date Effective Clergy Status 48. Deceased (List alphabetically in the spaces provided) a) What associate members have died during the year? Effective: Name Date of Birth
Date of Death
Retired: Name
Date of Death
Date of Birth
b) What provisional members have died during the year? (Indicate credential.) Effective: Name Date of Birth Date of Death Retired: Name
Date of Birth
c) What elders have died during the year? Effective: Name Robert Herzberg (Honorable Location)
Date of Death
Date of Birth
Date of Death 3/7/13
Retired: Name Date of Birth Paul James Custer 4/11/1927 Dwayne Knight 2/15/1922 Grant J. Piehl 4/15/1943 Orland S. Sloat 6/23/1932 Benjamin Zimmerman 3/20/1918 d) What deacons have died during the year? Effective: Name Date of Birth Retired: Name
Date of Death 9/8/2012 4/14/2013 9/29/2012 1/5/2013 8/24/2012 Date of Death
Date of Birth
Date of Death
e) What local pastors have died during the year? Active: Name Date of Birth
Date of Death
Retired: Name
Date of Death
Date of Birth
49. What provisional or ordained members (elders and deacons) have received appointments in other Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church while retaining their membership in this Annual Conference (¶¶331.8, 346.1)? Name Clergy Status Conference Where Appointed Appointment Jennifer Anderson PE (1/2) North Carolina 7/1/2012 Gerald Bass RE-LTFT Minnesota 7/1/2013 Brian Hazard FE-LTFT Minnesota 7/1/2013 Teri Johnson FE Minnesota 7/1/2013 Jeffrey Levy FE Susquehanna 7/1/2011 Robert Moorlach FE Minnesota 7/1/2013 50. Who are the provisional, ordained members or associate members on leave of absence and for what number of years consecutively has each held this relation (¶354)? (Indicate credential. Record Charge Conference where membership is held.) a) Voluntary? (1) Personal, less than 5 years (¶354.2a 3) (v) Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference John Anderson FE 12/1/2012-3/31/2013 Fargo-Faith Mina Hall FE 11/15/2012 Fargo-1st Rod Tkach FE 7/1/2013 Grand Forks-Wesley Russell Whaley FE 4/1/2012 Grand Forks-Wesley (2) Personal, 5 years of more (¶354.2a 3) (v 2/3) Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference
(3) Family, less than 5 years (¶354.2b 3) (v) Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference Martin Earl PE 7/1/2013 Sturgis Theta Miller FE 7/1/2013 Arthur Laura Walters FD 7/1/2010 Rapid City-Canyon Lake (4) Family, 5 years or more (¶354.2b 3) (v 2/3) Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference Steve Trefz FE 7/1/2008 Rapid City-Canyon Lake (5) Transitional (¶354.2c) Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference Theta Miller FE 9/30/2012-11/30/2012 Arthur b) Involuntary (¶ 355)? (v 2/3) Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference 51. Who are granted sabbatical leave (¶352)? (v) Name Clergy Status Date Effective
Charge Conference
52. Who have been granted medical leave due to medical or disabling conditions (¶357)? (v) Name Clergy Status Date Effective Charge Conference Doug Diehl FE 7/1/2013 Rapid City-1st Glen Sayler FE 1998 Hazen James Waisanen FE 2/1/2006 Linton 53. What members in full connection have been retired (¶358): (List alphabetically giving full name—first, middle, last—in that order. If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶358.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement.) (Under ¶358.1, no vote required; under ¶358.2, v; under ¶358.3, v 2/3) Deacons a) This year? Name Date Effective Charge Conference b) Previously? Name Jeanne E. Higgins
Date Effective 7/1/2008
Charge Conference
Carol J. Iwerks Elders a) This year? Name Gary Lee Ball-Kilbourne Gerald R. Bass Steven Claire Johnson Thomas Edward Lavery Susan K. O’Connell Sunand Kumar Samuel Gerald Alvin Stolp Albartus Lee VanEssen Peggy Ann Zerface b) Previously? (*Indicates Jubilee Clergy) Name Darrel Aleson Dennis E. Aleson David Andrews Donald Andrews Gail Arnold William L. Bates, Jr. Darlis A. Berkenpas *Boyd Ardell Blumer Dick Willard Boyd *Allan R. Brockway Robert Charles Brown John R. Bushell *William M. Cascini Chet William Cataldo *J. Edwin Coates Elizabeth “Beth” Conrad Smart *Alvin R. Crandall Donald C. Crippen *Theodore F. Dockter *Emil H. Eberhart Penelope V. Eberhart *Edward T. Ehresman *Donald Elmer *Dale R. Emery John T. “Jack” Erickson *Duane A. Ewers *Gerald A. Fike *Charles L. Finney *Richard W. Fisher *Harold E. Fitch *R. John Gibson *Rodney R. Gist *Bruce C. Gray *Donald L. Greenough Howard L. Grinager *Donald E. Hadrick *Leonard K. Haggin *Wesley D. Hart *Gordon F. Higgins John Hisel F. Eve Hook *Grace E. Huck John A. Jacoway Linova L. Jennewein *Cameron W. Johnson J. Sue Kana-Mackey John C. Katter Peggy Kieras *Francis A. Kinzler *Otto Ed Kinzler, Jr. Genie Kistler Donna S. Kjonaas *Donald G. Klarup *David F. Knecht Henry K. Kor Gene E. Kroger Donald D. Lagge Phillip E. Lint *Robert A. Logan *Glenn I. Lord *Richard A. Lutz David E. Mack Deborah A. Mack Wilbur Ray Martin Richard M. Mayer *Wayne M. McKirdy Donna J. McLaird
7/1/2002 Date Effective 7/1/2013 7/1/2013 7/1/2013 7/1/2013 7/1/2013 7/1/2013 7/1/2013 10/1/2012 12/31/2012
Charge Conference Minot-Faith/Des Lacs Grand Forks-Wesley
Date Effective 2011 2009 2008 2007 2011 2012 2011 1997 2012 1989 1990 2000 1989 2011 2005 2010 1982 2012 1996 2005 2005 1984 2008 2004 2006 2006 2000 1994 2001 1987 1995 1989 1998 1991 2012 1996 1996 1998 1997 2012 2007 1981 1996 2001 1994 2009 2006 2012 1991 1986 2010 2009 1994 1991 2009 2003 2000 2006 1989 1994 2003 2000 2011 2010 2002 1991 2004
Charge Conference Fargo-Calvary
Lehr Hot Springs Milbank-Parkview Sioux Falls-Asbury Sioux Falls-Asbury Grand Forks-Wesley Britton Bismarck-Legacy Cavalier-Trinity Rapid City-Canyon Lake Watertown-1st Rapid City-Canyon Lake Sioux Falls-1st Sturgis Spearfish Spearfish Rapid City-Canyon Lake Grand Forks-Wesley Hartford Fargo-1st Sioux Falls-Asbury Madison Wagner Britton Britton Valley City Mitchell
*Dwight L. Meier 2002 Fargo-1st Mark W. Meier 2010 Max E. Meier 1999 Janet R. Miller 1987 Fargo-1st *Peter W. Moe 1998 Rapid City-Canyon Lake Lionel P.A. Muthiah 1992 Marilyn “Lyn” E. Nelson 1996 Morris E. Nelson 2011 *Walter A. Nelson 1987 Mitchell-1st *Robert P. Nielsen 1986 Sioux Falls-Wesley *Kenneth G. Oswald 2000 James D. Patrick 2008 Edward E. Pease 2006 *Russell M. Peirce 1994 Yankton James B. Persons 2012 *Calvin L. Petersen 1998 Vermillion *James R. Pomeroy 2002 Fargo-1st Lucian F. Prohaska 2000 Brookings Gary W. Rae 2011 Sioux Falls-Asbury *Wayne L. Rager 1990 Canton *Theodore B. Rath 1995 Devil’s Lake Sheila B. Richards 2006 Aberdeen-North Highland Penelope J. Ritter 2010 *Robert J. Roth 1996 Roger E. Russell 1991 Richard L. Salmonson 1996 Plankinton *Arthur H. Scanson 2010 *Walter J. Schott 1995 *DeVern E. Schwenn 2000 Milbank-Central Jeanne Gaard Semrad 2010 Brookings Robert J. Semrad 2005 Brookings Mary Ann Sheldon 2012 Spearfish Gail L. Shlanta-Peasley 1997 Sioux Falls-Asbury Lyla E. Siebrecht 1998 Robert L. Simmons 2004 *Ralph A. Sjursen 1991 *Roger A. Smith 1989 Charles R. Sommers 1999 *Clarence E. Stanley 1987 *K. James Stein 1995 Donna M. Stewart 1999 *R. Earl Stucke 1994 Rapid City-Canyon Lake Richard Sykes 2000 *Russell E. Tarver 1996 Wayne L. Tieszen 2003 Britton *James G. Towler 1994 *Minoru Tsukamoto 1996 Watertown-Cornerstone *Richard A. Unkenholz 1993 Bismarck-McCabe *Gustav K. VanTassel 1993 *L. Donald Veglahn 1995 Sioux Falls-1st *Roland R. Walkes 1984 Donald A. Watt 2011 Warren Wenzel 2001 Langdon *A. Julian Wigen 2003 Rapid City-Canyon Lake Peary A. Wilson 2006 Edgemont/Pringle *Russell C. Wilson 2000 *Norman E. Winkelman 1995 Jamestown-St. Paul *George B. Worner 1988 David C. Wu 2005 54. What associate members have been retired (¶358): (List alphabetically giving full name-first, middle, last-in that order. If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶358.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement.) (Under ¶358.1, no vote required; under ¶358.2, v; under ¶358.3, v 2/3) a) This year? Name Date Effective b) Previously? Name Date Effective Marvin Eldridge 1998 Stanley A. Johnson 1990 Muriel A. Oates 2003 Marvin Winstryg 2010 55. What provisional members have been retired before January 1, 2013 (¶358, 2008 Book of Discipline): (Indicate credential. If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶358.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement.) (Under ¶358.1, no vote required; under ¶358.2, v; under ¶358.3, v 2/3) a) This year? (NOTE: Provisional members who reach mandatory retirement age and have not retired by Jan. 1, 2013 shall be discontinued (¶ 327.7) and listed in Q. 42.) Name Date Effective b) Previously? Name
Date Effective
Wesley E. Halbritter 1999 56. Who have been recognized as retired local pastors (¶320.5): a) This year? Name Date Effective Fern Bailey 7/1/2013 b) Previously? Name Date Effective Larry Guenther 2007 Gary Johnson 2011 Marlyn Kuper 2001 Jan Price 2012 Grace Rhodes 2012 Rae Speiser 2011 57. What is the number of clergy members of the Annual Conference: a) By appointment category and conference relationship? (NOTES: (1) Where applicable, the question numbers on this report form corresponding to each category have been placed in parenthesis following the category title. Where these question numbers appear, the number reported in that category should agree with the number of names listed in the corresponding questions. (2) For the three categories of Appointments to Extension Ministries, report as follows: ¶344.1a, c): the number of clergy members appointed within United Methodist connectional structures, including district superintendents, or to an ecumenical agency. ¶344.1b): the number of clergy members appointed to extension ministries, under endorsement by the Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. ¶344.1d): the number of clergy members appointed to other valid ministries, confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Annual Conference. Note: Report those in extension ministry in one category only. (See the Discipline paragraphs indicated for more detailed description of these appointment categories.) Note: Those approved to serve as a local pastor, but not currently under appointment, are not counted as clergy members of the conference.
Provisional Deacons 0
Provisional Elders 12
Associate Members & Affiliate Members With Vote 1
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0
On Family Leave (50a3, a4) On Sabbatical Leave (51) On Medical Leave (52) On Transitional Leave (50a5)
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0
Retired (53, 54, 55) Total Number, Clergy Members Grand Total, All Conference Clergy Members
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 22
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 17
Categories Pastors and deacons whose primary appointment is to a Local Church (¶¶331.1c, 339) (76, 78c) Deacons (in full connection and provisional) serving Beyond the Local Church (¶331.1a, b) (78a,b)
Deacons in Full Connection 3
Elders in Full Connection 93
Appointments to Extension Ministries (¶316.1; 344.1a, c) (77a) Appointments to Extension Ministries (¶316.1; 344.1b) (77b) Appointments to Extension Ministries (¶316.1; 344.1d) (77c) Appointments to Attend School (¶331.3) (79) Appointed to Other Annual Conferences (49) On Leave of Absence (50a1, a2)
7 6
Full– time Local Pastors 21
Part– time Local Pastors 17
Note: Information on clergy by race and gender in the annual conference is available through the General Council on Finance and Administration at www.gcfa.org.
PART III CERTIFICATION IN SPECIALIZED MINISTRY Note: Indicate credential of persons in Part III: FD, FE, PD, PE, AM, FL, PL, and LM. 58. Who are the candidates in process for certification in specialized ministry? Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry Marilyn Spurrell FE Spiritual Formation Stanton Bockwoldt FE Camping 59. Who is certified in specialized ministry? (List the areas of specialized ministry. Indicate by an asterisk those certified this year.) Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry Michelle Brennan FD Associate in Christian Education Debra Ball-Kilbourne FE Minister in Christian Education Duane Ewers RE Minister in Christian Education Carolyn Knight SY Associate in Christian Education Valerie Reinhiller FD Minister in Christian Education Pat Unkenholz RD Associate in Music 60. Who are transferred in as a certified person in specialized ministry? Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry Sending Conference 61. Who are transferred out as a certified person in specialized ministry? Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry 62. Who have been removed as a certified person in specialized ministry? Name Clergy/Lay Status
Receiving Conference
Specialized Ministry
PART IV CERTIFIED LAY MINISTRY (¶(¶ 271, and 666.10 The Book of Discipline) 63. Who are certified as lay ministers (¶ 271, and 666.10)? (List alphabetically giving full name—first, middle, last—in that order, by district) Name District Chad Hansen Glacial Lakes Justin Trent Prairie Hills Jerry Willman Glacial Lakes Blaine Wilson Glacial Lakes
(Paragraph numbers in questions 65-72 refer to The 1992 Book of Discipline) 64. Who constitute the Committee on Investigation (¶2703.3)? (v) Name 65. Who are transferred in as diaconal ministers (¶312)? Name Previous Annual Conference
66. Who are transferred out as diaconal ministers (¶312)? Name Previous Annual Conference
67. Who have had their conference relationship as diaconal ministers terminated by Annual Conference action (¶313.3)? (Under ¶313.3a, no vote; under ¶313.3b, v 2/3) Name Date Effective 6 8. What diaconal ministers have died during the year? a) Effective: Name Date of Birth b) Retired: Name
Date of Death
Date of Birth
Date of Death
69. What diaconal ministers have been granted leaves of absence under ¶313.1a, c, d) (disability, study/sabbatical, or personal leave): (v) Name Type of Leave Date Originally Granted
What diaconal ministers have been granted an extended leave (¶313.1e):
Date Originally Granted
71. Who have returned to active status from extended leave (¶313.1e)? (v)? Name
Date Originally Granted
7 2. Who have taken the retired relationship to the Annual Conference as diaconal ministers (¶313.2): (Under ¶313.2b, v 2/3) a) This year? Name Date Effective b) Previously? Name Pat Unkenholz
Date Effective 7/1/1993
73. Who are approved for less than full-time service? a) What associate members, provisional, or full elders are approved for appointment to less than full-time service, what is the total number of years for which such approval has been granted to each, and for what fraction of full-time service (in onequarter increments) is approval granted (for purposes of equitable compensation claim and pension credit) ¶¶338.2, 342.2, 1506)? (v 2/3, after 8 years v 3/4): Name Appointment Fraction of Full-Time Service Jennifer Anderson (PE) North Carolina ½-2nd yr. st John Anderson (FE) Fargo-Faith ½-1 yr. DeAnn Eidem (FE) Rapid City-Canyon Lake ½-2 yrs. Brian Hazard (FE) Minnesota LTFT-1st yr. Kris Mutzenberger (FE) Sioux Falls-Sunnycrest ¾-5 yrs. Cody Schuler (FE) Fargo-1st ¾-2 yrs. b) What deacons in full connection and provisional deacons are approved for appointment to less than full-time service (¶331.7)? Name Appointment Fraction of Full-Time Service Valerie Reinhiller (FD) Sioux Falls-Sunnycrest 1/2 74. Who have been appointed as interim pastors under the provisions of ¶338.3 since the last session of the annual conference, and for what period of time? Name Appointment David Andrews (RE) 1/1/2013-6/30/2013 Lisbon/Lisbon UP/Enderlin (3/4) Theta Miller (FE) 12/1/2012-6/30/2013 West Fargo-Flame of Faith (3/4) 75. What changes have been made in appointments since the last annual conference session? (Attach list. Include and identify Appointments Beyond the Local Church (Deacons) and Appointments to Extension Ministries (Elders). Give effective dates of all changes.) Date Name Status From (Appointment/District) To (Appointment District) 9/16/2012 Valerie Reinhiller FD SFalls-Southern Hills/GL(LTFT) SFalls-Sunnycrest/GL(1/2) 10/1/2012 Theta Miller FE Extension Ministries Transitional Leave 11/15/2012 Mina Hall FE West Fargo-FOF/ES (LTFT) Voluntary LOA 12/1/2012 Theta Miller FE Transitional Leave West Fargo-FOF/ES (3/4) 12/31/2012 Peg Zerface FE Lisbon/Lisbon UP/Enderlin/ES Retirement 1/1/2013 Peg Zerface RE Retirement Serving in Retirement Fargo 1st/ES (3/4) 1/1/2013 Anne Dilenschneider RE (CAL-PAC) Fargo-Edgewood/ES Serving in Retirement Sioux Falls Psychological 1/1/2013 David Andrews RE Retirement Lisbon/Lisbon UP/ Enderlin/ES (3/4) 2/1/2013 Neil Blair FE Transitional Leave Extension Ministries 4/1/2013 John Anderson FE Voluntary LOA Fargo-Faith (1/2) 76. What elders (full connection and provisional), associate members, and local pastors are appointed to ministry to the local church and where are they appointed for the ensuing year? (Attach a list.) (Appointment List) 77. What elders (full connection and provisional), associate members, and local pastors are appointed to extension ministries for the ensuing year? (Attach a list) a) Within the connectional structures of United Methodism (¶344.1a, c) (See Appointment List) ? b) To ministries endorsed by the Board of Higher Education and Ministry (344.1b)? c) To other valid ministries under the provisions of ¶344.1d? (v 2/3) • Dennis Gellhaus (FE)-Gellhaus Carehaus, Aberdeen, SD/CC Aberdeen-North Highland • Elizabeth Kelsey (FE)-Huron Counseling Center, Huron, SD/CC Miller • Shelly Matthews (FE)-Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth, TX/CC Larimore • Leisa Richards (FE)-Leisa Richards Law, P.C., Albuquerque, NM/CC Aberdeen-North Highland • Randall Spahr (FE)-Hospice of the Red River Valley, Fargo, ND/CC Fargo-Calvary • Craig Vondergeest (FE)-Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC/CC Grand Forks-Wesley 78. Who are appointed as deacons (full connection and provisional) for the ensuing year? (Attach a list.) a) Through non-United Methodist agencies and settings beyond the local church (¶331.1a)? Jay Moon (PD)
b) Through United Methodist Church-related agencies and schools within the connectional structures of The United Methodist Church (¶331.1b) (See Appointment List) ? c) Within a local congregation, charge, or cooperative parish (¶331.1c)? Michelle Brennan (FD), Valerie Reinhiller (FD), Carl Harkins (FD) 79. Who are appointed to attend school (¶416.6)? (List alphabetically all those whose prime appointment is to attend school.) Name Clergy Status School 8 0. Where are the diaconal ministers appointed for the ensuing year (¶310) [1992 Discipline]? (See Appointment list) 81. What other personal notations should be made? (Include such matters as changes in pension credit (¶1506.5), corrections or additions to matters reported in the “Business of the Annual Conference” form in previous years, and legal name changes of clergy members and diaconal ministers.)Ranelle Cites to Reanelle Sorenson 82. Where and when shall the next Conference Session be held (¶603.2, 3)? Rapid City, South Dakota/June 4-7, 2014 2013-2016 March 2013
BISHOP – Bruce Ough ALL APPOINTMENTS ARE FOR JULY 1 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED The following code system has been adopted to designate the status of the ministers appointed: AF-Affiliate member-Par. 344.4, 586.4d OL-Other Local Pastor-Par. 318.4 AM-Associate member-Par. 321 OP-Provisional Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 346.1 CLM-Certified Lay Minister-Par. 271 OR-Retired Elder Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 346.1 & 358.6 DM-Diaconal Minister-Par. 309.1 (1992 Discipline) PD-Provisional Deacon-Par. 324, 325 DR-Retired Diaconal Minister-Par. 313.2 (1992 Discipline) PE-Provisional Elder-Par. 324, 325 FD-Deacon in full connection-Par. 331 PL-Part-time Local Pastor-Par. 318.2 FE-Elder in full connection-Par. 335 RA-Retired Associate Member-Par. 358.6 FL-Full time Local Pastor-Par. 318.1 RD-Retired Deacon in full connection-Par. 358.6 LTFT-Less than full time-Par. 331.7, 338.2b, 428.7 RE-Retired Full Elder-Par. 358.6 OA-Associate Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 346.1 RL-Retired Local Pastor-Par. 320.5 OD-Deacon Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 346.1 SP-Student Local Pastor-Par. 318.3 OE-Elder Member of other Ann. Conf.-Par. 346.1 SY-Other Supplies OF-Full Member of other denomination-Par. 346.2 TBS-To be supplied GLACIAL LAKES DISTRICT - Roy Caudill, Superintendent GL DISTRIST TOTAL CHURCHES: 70 TOTAL CHARGES: 52 Brookings Area Ministry Team -John Price, Presiding Elder Brookings Area Total Churches: 16 Total Charges: 11 Status ARLINGTON (112101)/LAKE PRESTON (112102)/ Teresa Whetsel FL LAKE PRESTON UCC BROOKINGS (112121) Richard Zeck FE Clay Lundberg PE CANISTOTA UNITED UMC/PCUSA (112161) John Price FE COLTON (112181)/CHESTER (112182) David Severtson 3/4 PL DELL RAPIDS (112201) Gwen Mader FE ELKTON (112221)/ELKTON UCC Daren Junker OF (AB) FLANDREAU (112241)/EGAN (112242) Robert Salmonson PE HARTFORD (112261) Jan Gross FE HOWARD (BEACH) (112281) Mary Lee Lint FE MADISON (112301) Barry Whipkey FL WHITE (112321)/AURORA (112322)/ Martha Brandt 3/4 PL STERLING (112323)
Years 1 1 1 7 10 2 11 1 4 6 1 4
Huron Area Ministry Team -Stephen Perry, Presiding Elder Huron Area Total Churches: 15 Total Charges: 10 Status Years ALPENA (116101)/ALPENA UCC Suzi Grote 1/2 PL 3 CARPENTER (116111) Served by Huron First DESMET (116121)/DESMET UCC James Truesdell OF (UCC) 6 HITCHCOCK (116161)/BROADLAND (116162) Tim Vorlage FE 2 HURON FIRST (116181) Mark Holland FE 2 Derek Baum 3/4 PL 4 HURON RIVERVIEW (116201)/VIRGIL (116202) Dean Trapp FE 1 IROQUOIS (116221)/ESMOND (116222)/ Kris Larson FL 14 DOLAND (116223) REDFIELD (116241)/FRANKFORT (116242) Stephen Perry FE 9 TULARE UNITED-UMC/UCC (116261) Lorah Houser Jankord OL (UCC) 5 WOONSOCKET (116281)/ Rhonda Wellsandt-Zell OF (ELCA) 6 WOONSOCKET ELCA/FORESTBERG ELCA Sioux Falls Area Ministry Team -Ross Reinhiller, Presiding Elder Sioux Falls Area Total Churches: 11 Total Charges: 11 Status BEN CLARE (120101) Bill Bates LTFT RE BRANDON THE CELEBRATION (120121) Rebecca Trefz FE
Years 2 4
Jean Layton Kyle Reinhiller Kip Roozen Adam Weber Robert Ruedebusch Sara McManus Brook McBride Ross Reinhiller Ryan Mutzenberger Kris Mutzenberger 3/4 Valerie Reinhiller 1/2 Laura Borman
12 3 7 7 2 2 3 4 1 1 2 13
Mitchell Area Ministry Team - R. Duane Coates, Presiding Elder Mitchell Area Total Churches: 16 Total Charges: 11 Status Years ALEXANDRIA (156101)/ETHAN (156102) Russell Stewart PE 2 GEDDES (156121) Wayne Huber FL 3 KIMBALL PROTESTANT PARISH (156141) Laurie Kidd FL 3 MITCHELL FIRST (156161) Kathy Hartgraves FE 2 MT VERNON (156181) Served by Stickney OLIVET (156201)/SCOTLAND (156202) Tom Petersen 3/4 PL 3 PLANKINTON (156221)/WHITE LAKE (156222) Jeff Lathrop FL 2 SALEM UNITED UMC/PCUSA (156241)/ TBS (PCUSA) MONTROSE (156242) STICKNEY (156261) Marlin Sapp FL 7 WAGNER (156301)/TYNDALL (156302) R. Duane Coates FE 4 WESSINGTON SPRINGS (156321) Martin Avery 3/4 PL 2
Yankton Area Ministry Team -Steve Ziebarth, Presiding Elder Yankton Area Total Churches: 12 Total Charges: 9 Status Years BERESFORD ZION (160101) Mark Ehrmantraut PE 1 CANTON (160121) Steve Ziebarth FE 4 ELK POINT UNITED UMC/UCC (160141) Dave Bambas OL (UCC) 3 GAYVILLE/VOLIN (160161) Served by Vermillion ARK (McCOOK LAKE) (160181) Jeff Vore 1/2 PL 3 PARKER (160211)/HURLEY (160212) Iva Laudermith FE 2 VERMILLION (160221) Rick Pittenger FE 3 WAKONDA (160241)/IRENE (160242)/ Judy Sayler 3/4 SY 1 VIBORG (160243) Supervised by: Ron Johnson YANKTON (160261) Ronald Johnson FE 4 Bob Cappel 1/2 PL 3 EASTERN SUNRISE DISTRICT - Marilyn Spurrell, Co-Superintendent 5 Roger Spahr, Co-Superintendent (eff. 8/1/13) 1 ES DISTRICT TOTAL CHURCHES: 62 TOTAL CHARGES: 41 Aberdeen Area Ministry Team - Eldon Reich, Presiding Elder Aberdeen Area Total Churches: 14 Total Charges: 9 Status Years ABERDEEN FAITH (204101) Jack Erickson LTFT RE 5 ABERDEEN FIRST (204121) Eldon Reich FE 28 Thomas Haggar FE 9 ABERDEEN NORTH HIGHLAND (204141) Lou Whitmer FL 1 BATH (204161) Supervised by: Tom Haggar Loren/Pat Siefken SY 3 BRITTON (204181)/CLAREMONT (204201)/ Nancy Manning FE 5 HECLA (204202) GROTON (204241)/CONDE (204242) Matt Richards FE 4 LEOLA (204261)/FREDERICK (204262)/ BARNARD UCC Supervised by TBA Don Peck SY 18 MELETTE NORTHWESTERN (204281)/ Jon Damaska OF 16 MANSFIELD PCUSA/BRENTFORD UCC (Wesleyan) WEBSTER (204301)/BRISTOL-BUTLER (204302) Eugene Moeller FL 2 Marilyn Moeller 1/4 PL 2
Watertown Area Ministry Team - Joel Higgins, Presiding Elder Watertown Area Total Churches: 12 Total Charges: 8 Status CLARK (208101)/GARDEN CITY (208102) Jennifer Tyler PE CLEAR LAKE (208121)/GARY (208122) Frank McKeehan FE FLORENCE (208141) Marilyn Moeller 1/4 PL HENRY (208162)/KELLERTON (208163) Mark Tracy 1/4 PL Joy Tracy 1/4 PL MILBANK CENTRAL (208181) Andrew Bartel FE MILBANK PARKVIEW (208201)/BIG STONE Amy Atkins FE CITY (208202)/ORTONVILLE, MN WATERTOWN CORNERSTONE (208221) Roger Spahr FE Kenneth Mund 3/4 PL WATERTOWN FIRST (208241) Joel Higgins FE Sara Nelson FE Wahpeton Area Ministry Team – Steve Olson, Presiding Elder Wahpeton Area Total Churches: 11 Total Charges: 6 Status BRECKENRIDGE, MN/FAIRMOUNT (224121) Mark Gronseth FE KINDRED CALVARY (224141)/ KINDRED ZION (224142) John Bergh FL LISBON (224161)/LISBON UP (224162)/ Juwle Nagbe FL ENDERLIN (224163) MILNOR (224181)/WYNDMERE (224182)/ Michael Ward FE SHELDON (224183) OAKES (224201)/COGSWELL (224202) Steven Olson FE WAHPETON EVERGREEN (224221) Jennifer Hallenbeck FE Fargo Area Ministry Team - Kevin Kloster, Presiding Elder Fargo Area Total Churches: 11 Total Charges: 8 Status ARTHUR (228101)/CASSELTON (228102) Wade Miller OF (DOC) FARGO CALVARY (228121) David Motta FE Joel Winckler FE FARGO EDGEWOOD (228141) Served by Fargo-1st FARGO FAITH (228161) Kevin Kloster FE John Anderson 1/2 FE FARGO FIRST (228181) (eff.8/1/13) Marilyn Spurrell FE Cody Schuler 3/4 FE 2 Peg Zerface 3/4 RE HILLSBORO UNITED-UMC/UCC (228221) Dale Emery LTFT RE PAGE (228231)/HOPE UNITED UMC/UCC (228232) Justin Schnackenberg PL FINLEY (228233) WEST FARGO FLAME OF FAITH (228141) Thomas Bowsher FE Upper Valley Area Ministry Team – Lee Gale, Presiding Elder Upper Valley Area Total Churches: 14 Total Charges: 10 Status CAVALIER TRINITY (240101)/ (eff.8/1/13) Sandra Marquardt FL CAVALIER FIRST (240102) CRYSTAL (240111): Supervised by TBA Margaret Smith SY
Years 2 4 2 2 2 2 2
26 9 5 4
Years 1 8 1 6
11 3
Years 4 18 4
4 2 1
1 Years
DRAYTON (240121)/PEMBINA (240122)/ Gary Johnson 1/2 RL HUMBOLDT MN (240124) Supervised by TBA Robbie Daugherty SY GRAFTON FED UMC/PCUSA (240141)/ MINTO PCUSA/ Lee Gale FE ST THOMAS (240143) (Northern Valley Parish) GRAND FORKS WESLEY (240161) Howard Baird FE GRAND FORKS ZION (240181) Chang Yi FE HAMILTON (240201) John Werth OF (PCUSA) HOLMES (240221)/SHARON TRINITY Cheryl Fadley FE ELCA/BEAVER CREEK ELCA LARIMORE (240261)/ARVILLA PCUSA/ Raenelle Capes 3/4 PL EMERADO PCUSA PARK RIVER FEDERATED-UMC/PCUSA (240281)/ Paul Keil OF (AOG) FORDVILLE PCUSA
2 2 3
1 8 8 5 11 1 2 11 3 6 14
SAKAKAWEA DISTRICT -Keith Nelson, Superintendent 4 SAK DISTRICT TOTAL CHURCHES: 66 TOTAL CHARGES: 44 Jamestown Area Ministry Team -_Dayne Zachrison, Presiding Elder Jamestown Area Total Churches: 16 Total Charges: 11 Status Years ASHLEY (332000) TBS CLEVELAND (332101) David Fisher OF (AOG) 12 EDGELEY (332121) Joddy Meidinger 3/4 PL 2 ELLENDALE UNITED UMC/PCUSA (332141) Paul Henschen OF (PCUSA) 5 JAMESTOWN FIRST (332181) Elmo Herman FE 1 Michelle Brennan FD 5 JAMESTOWN ST PAUL (332201) Arlyn Coalter FE 4 MARION (332221)/DICKEY (332222)/JUD (332223) Rodney Ulmer FL 13 NORTONVILLE (332241) TBS STREETER (332281)/MEDINA (332282)/ Hazel Behrens FE 1 TAPPEN (332283) VALLEY CITY (332301) Dayne Zachrison FE 2 WIMBLEDON (332321)/KENSAL (332322) Sarah Herman PE 3 Spirit Lake Area Ministry Team - Judy Banwart, Presiding Elder Spirit Lake Area Total Churches: 6 Total Charges: 4 Status Years CANDO (336101)/ROCK LAKE (336103)/ROLLA (336104) Richard Craig FL 6 CARRINGTON FEDERATED-UMC/UCC (336121) Susan Fandrich OF (UCC) 15 DEVILS LAKE (336141) Lori Broschat FE 1 LANGDON (336181) Judy Banwart FE 2 Dickinson Area Ministry Team -_Dan Freed, Presiding Elder Dickinson Area Total Churches: 8 Total Charges: 7 Status Years BEACH COMMUNITY-UMC/UCC (344101) Warren Maxted OF (AOG) 13 BOWMAN (344121) Ron Olson PE 3 DICKINSON (344141) Dan Freed FE 3 ELGIN (344161)/EBENEZER UCC Marvin Winstryg 3/4 RA 1 HAZEN (344181)/BEULAH (344182) David Birkeland AM 1 HEBRON (344201) TBS HETTINGER (344221) Paul Lint FE 2 Minot Area Ministry Team – Ray Baker, Presiding Elder Minot Area Total Churches: 17 Total Charges: 11 Status Years BOTTINEAU UNITED-UMC / PCUSA (348121) Deborah Burger OF (PCUSA) 5 BOWBELLS (348141)/DONNYBROOK (348142)/ Kathy Hammond FL 6 KENMARE (348143) DUNSEITH (348161)/PEACE ELCA TBS (ELCA) HARVEY (348181)/MARTIN (348182)/ David Walters OF (PENT) 5 DRAKE (348183) LANSFORD (348191)/LANSFORD ELCA/ Heather Brown OF (ELCA) 5 GLENBURN ELCA MINOT FAITH (348201)/DES LACS (348202) Debra Ball-Kilbourne FE 4 MINOT VINCENT (348221) Raymond L. Baker FE 1 MOHALL (348241)/SHERWOOD (348242) Pat Mersch FE 4 (Souris Valley Parish) RUGBY EMMANUEL UNITED UMC/PCUSA (348261) Donald Andrews LTFT RE 11 VELVA (348281) Supervised by TBA Geoff Hilton SY 9 WILLISTON UMC (348301) Mark Britton FE 2 Bismarck Area Ministry Team -__________, Presiding Elder Bismarck Area Total Churches: 19 Total Charges: 11 Status Years BISMARCK CALVARY (352101) Perry Schnabel FE 4 BISMARCK LEGACY (352121) Kermit Culver FE 18 BISMARCK MCCABE (352141) Rick Fossum FE 4 LINTON (352161)/STERLING (352162) Cori Waisanen FE 6 MANDAN (352181) Bruce Adams FE 2 MCCLUSKY (352201)/GOODRICH (352202)/ Warren Rhodes FE 4
CHASELEY (352203) MOFFIT (352211) Served by Bismarck-Legacy NAPOLEON (352221)/LEHR (352222) Martin Toepke-Floyd FE 6 STEELE (352241)/TUTTLE (352242)/ Steve Behrens FE 1 ROBINSON (352243) UNDERWOOD UMC (352261) Darrel Aleson LTFT RE 6 WASHBURN (352281)/CENTER (352282)/ Peder Anderson FE 4 TURTLE LAKE (352283) PRAIRIE HILLS DISTRICT - Randy Cross, Superintendent 2 PH DISTRICT TOTAL CHURCHES: 50 Total Charges: 36 Prairie Harvester Area Ministry Team - Julie Nygaard, Presiding Elder Prairie Harvester Area Total Churches: 11 Total Charges: 7 Status Years CRESBARD (564101)/TOLSTOY (564102) Julie Nygaard FE 9 EUREKA (564121) Kenrad Pederson FE 1 FAULKTON (564141) William Hoffman FE 3 GETTYSBURG (564161)/ONIDA (564162)/ Jeff Adel FE 3 AGAR (564163) MILLER (564181) Mark Johnsen PE 2 SELBY (564201)/MOBRIDGE (564202) Elizabeth Jassmann FE 4 TIMBER LAKE (564221)/TIMBER LAKE ELCA/ Ken Hunt 1/2 OF (AB) 3 ISABEL UCC/TIMBER LAKE AB Northern Hills Area Ministry Team – Scott McKirdy, Presiding Elder Northern Hills Area Total Churches: 7 Total Charges: 7 Status Years BELLE FOURCHE (568101) Robert Duemig FE 1 CAMP CROOK (568121)/BUFFALO UCC Gail Arnold 1/4 RE 3 FAITH (568141)/MARCUS PCUSA Connie Eichinger 1/4 PL 2 LEAD-DEADWOOD TRINITY (568161) Mark Phillips FE 2 PIEDMONT GRACE UMC (568181) Karl Kroger PE 1 SPEARFISH UMC (568201)/ Scott McKirdy FE 3 SUNDANCE, WY (568202) Kenneth Ballard FL 2 STURGIS UMC (568221) Jenene Earl FE 3 Winner Area Ministry Team - Val Rush, Presiding Elder Winner Area Total Churches 8 Total Charges 5 Status Years BURKE (572101)/HERRICK (572102) JAMISON, NE Mark Turner FL 8 COLOME (572121) Ron Snethen 1/4 OF (NAZ) 22 GREGORY (572141)/IONA (572142) Royal Archer FE 9 MURDO (572161)/DRAPER (572162) WINNER (572201)
Rick Hazen Val Rush
3 3
Pierre Area Ministry Team - Linda Baldock, Presiding Elder Pierre Area Total Churches 10 Total Charges 5 Status Years HIGHMORE (576101)/HARROLD (576102)/ Kori Lehrkamp FL 3 BLUNT (576103) PIERRE FIRST (576141) Dan Bader FE 2 Margaret Stempson PE 3 PIERRE SOUTHEAST (576161) Jeri Burns FE 1 PRESHO (576181)/KENNEBEC (576182)/ Served by Winner RELIANCE (576183) WHITE RIVER (576201)/MISSION (576202) Linda Baldock FE 4 (Todd-Mellette Parish) Rushmore Area Ministry Team – Darwin Kopfmann, Presiding Elder Rushmore Area Total Churches 14 Total Charges 12 Status Years EDGEMONT UNITED UMC-UCC (580101)/ Thomas Peacock 3/4 OR 2 PRINGLE (580102) FAIRBURN (580121) Supervising Elder: Ed Coates Justin Trent 1/4 CLM 2 HOT SPRINGS FEDERATED-UMC/AB/PCUSA (580141) Clint Walker OF (AB) 3
PRAIRIE VIEW (580160) Paul Smith FL PHILIP UNITED UMC/PCUSA (580171)/ Kathy Chesney PE INTERIOR PCUSA RAPID CITY CANYON LAKE (580181) Eric Grinager FE DeAnn Eidem 1/2 FE RAPID CITY FIRST (580201) Peary Wilson 3/4 RE Keihwan Ryoo 1/4 FE John Britt FL RAPID CITY KNOLLWOOD HEIGHTS (580221) Sharla McCaskell FL RAPID CITY KOREAN CHURCH (580231) Keihwan Ryoo 3/4 FE RAPID VALLEY (580222) Gary Walters FE RAPID CITY SOUTH MAPLE (580241) John McKnight, Jr. FE WALL (580261)/WASTA (580262) Darwin Kopfmann FE APPOINTMENTS TO EXTENSION MINISTRIES (¶344)
3 6 5 2 1 3 2 3 5 4 7 3
(1a.) Appointments within the Connectional Structures of United Methodism Status Years Allen, Joel -- CC Mitchell-1st DWU, Mitchell, SD FE 1 Blair, Neil -- CC Mitchell-1st GBHEM FE 2 Caudill, Roy Glacial Lakes DS FE 4 Cross, Randy Prairie Hills DS FE 2 Eberhart, Rebecca -- CC Mitchell-1st GET Seminary, Evanston, IL FE 4 Eberhart, Timothy -- CC Mitchell-1st GET Seminary, Evanston, IL FE 2 Flowers, Mike -- CC Fargo-First Children of the Harvest, Sheyenne, ND FL 3 Forbes, Bruce -- CC Mitchell-1st Morningside College, Sioux City, IA FE 23 Heetland, David -- CC Mitchell-1st GET Seminary, Evanston, IL FE 31 Jacobsen, David -- CC Pierre-1st Boston University School of Theology, Boston, MA FE 2 Kroger, Greg -- CC Mitchell-1st Director of Ministries FE 4 Maddox, Randy -- CC Sioux Falls-1st Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC FE 9 Masartis, Russell -- CC White River/Mission Tree of Life Ministry, Mission SD FE 7 Nelson, Keith Sakakawea DS FE 4 Spurrell, Marilyn Eastern Sunrise DS FE 5 Vetter, Brandon -- CC Mitchell-1st DWU Campus Minister, Mitchell, SD FE 8 (1b.) Under Endorsement by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry Aleson, Darrel -- CC Williston St. Alexius Medical Center, Bismarck, ND LTFT RE 26 Budd, Paul -- CC Watertown-1st John Knox Village, Lee’s Summit, MO FE 29 Ellingson, Mark -- CC Holmes Altru Health Systems, Grand Forks, ND FE 12 Gran, William -- CC Sioux Falls-Sunnycrest Good Samaritan Society, Sioux Falls, SD FE 11 Jenkins, Henry -- CC Rapid City-1st Ramstein Air Base, Germany PE 2 Kattelmann, Brad -- CC Brookings Army Chaplain, Joint Base Emendorf- FE 6 Richardson, AK Kersey-Russell, Jeanine -- CC Bismarck-McCabe St. Alexis Medical Center, Bismarck, ND FE 6 Kieras, Peggy -- CC Grand Forks-Zion St. Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MA LTFT RE 13 Nelson, Clifford -- CC Grand Forks-Zion Trinity Hospital, Minot, ND FE 5 Phillips, Randall -- CC Sturgis Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN FE 9 (1.c) Elders in Service Under the General Board of Global Ministries --- NONE (1.d) Other Extension Ministries Status Years Gellhaus, Dennis -- CC Aberdeen-North Highland Gellhaus Carehaus, Aberdeen, SD FE 18 Kelsey, Elizabeth -- CC Miller Huron Counseling Center, Huron, SD FE 10 Matthews, Shelly -- CC Larimore Brite Divinity School, Ft. Worth, TX FE 2 Richards, Leisa -- CC Aberdeen-North Highland Leisa Richards Law, P.C., Albuquerque, NM FE 2 Spahr, Randall -- Fargo Calvary Hospice of the Red River Valley, Fargo, ND FE 8 Vondergeest, Craig -- CC Grand Forks-Wesley Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC FE 9 Deacon Appointments Under the Provisions of ¶331 Harkins, Carl -- CC Jamestown-1st Genesis UMC, Ft. Worth, TX LTFT FD 3 Moon, Jay -- CC Sioux Falls-Sunnycrest Asbury Seminary, Wilmore, KY PD 1 Appointments Under the Provisions of ¶345 Bockwoldt, Stan -- CC Wessington Springs Peace Lutheran (ELCA), New Lenox, IL FE 6 Appointments Under the Provisions of ¶346.1 Anderson, Jennifer -- CC Yankton North Carolina Conference PE 2 Bass, Gerald -- CC Grand Forks-Wesley Minnesota Conference LTFT RE 1
Hazard, Brian -- CC Page Minnesota Conference FE Johnson, Teri -- CC Hennepin Ave., MN Minnesota Conference FE Levy, Jeff -- CC Wimbledon/Kensal Susquehanna Conference FE Moorlach, Rob -- CC Groton Minnesota Conference FE Harkins, Carl -- CC Jamestown-1st Genesis UMC, Ft. Worth, TX LTFT FD Moon, Jay -- CC Sioux Falls-Sunnycrest Asbury Seminary, Wilmore, KY PD Sabatical Leave Tkach, Rod -- CC Grand Forks Wesley FE Personal Leave of Absence ¶354 (2.a) Wahley, Russell -- CC Grand Forks Zion 3rd year FE Family Leave of Absence ¶354 (2.b) Trefz, Steven -- CC Rapid City Canyon Lake 6th year FE Walters, Laura -- CC Bismarck McCabe 4th year FD Medical Leave ¶357 Diehl, Doug -- CC Rapid City First FE Saylor, Glen -- CC Hazen FE Waisanen, James -- CC Linton FE
1 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 6 4 1 16 8
Certified Candidates for Ministry -- Not Appointed Eastern Sunrise District: Dan Fuhs, Katie Rowen, Thomas Sumers Galcial Lakes District: Jo Flesner, Justin Iverson, Seth LaBounty, Alison McCormick Prairie Hills District: Travis Krogma, Nathaniel Mason Sakakawea District: Justin Schnackenberg
Base Salary
Other Comp
7,800 6,000
4,000 5,000 3,600 6,000 -
500 3,500 700
9,000 1916
6,000 9,880 6,000 9,000 4,620
7,500 1,000
5,250 1,667
4,400 1916
5,000 10,000
10,300 4,600
51,000 38,171
1916 1916
7,235 3,000
7,700 2,750
4,000 3,900
13,500 4,500 6,750
1,500 1916
5,000 3,500
3,000 2,400
6,000 1,600
1,600 2,652 4,500
Diaconate & Specialized Ministry Directory
Diaconal Ministers and Deaconesses
Diaconal Minister Pat Unkenholz Retired 381 Northview Drive, Prescott AZ 86301
Deaconess Jeannine Reynolds Retired 10105 E Navajo PL, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248-7229 480-895-3072
Certified Persons
Michelle Brennan Associate in Christian Education 818 4th Ave SE, Jamestown, ND 58401
R: 701-252-1147
Debra Ball-Kilbourne Minister of Christian Education 801 University Ave. W., Minot, ND 58701 R: 701-838-8665 cell: 701-799-1400. E: dbk.central@gmail.com Duane A. Ewers Minister of Christian Education 4820 Sulphur Creek Rd, Nashville TN 37218 R: 615-244-9357 E: duaneaewers@msn.com Carolyn Knight Associate in Christian Education Dir. of Children’s Ministries 601 East Sixth Ave, Mitchell, SD 57301 R: 605-996-6409 O: 605-996-7721 Valerie Reinhiller Minister of Christian Education 921 S Charlotte Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57103 R: 605-271-9694 E: vreinhiller@msn.com Pat Unkenholz Associate in Music 381 Northview Drive, Prescott AZ 86301 R: 928-443-991
E: bellpat2@cableone.net
Missionaries W. Terrence & Evelyn Erbele GBGM Mission Interpreters 870 Summit Terrace, Ketchikan AK 99901-6366 E: erbele@gmail.com Gordon & Ardell Graner Dominican Republic Iglesia Evangelica Dominicana, Apartado 727, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic E: Ardell: agraner@umcmission.org E: �Gordon: ggraner@umcmission.org Website: www.granerfamily.org
Dakotas Missionaries
Rick Jost (Inside Front Cover) Haiti Solar Over Project Mike & Libby Flowers (Inside Front Cover) Children of the Harvest
Clergy Directory ADAMS, BRUCE (Cathy) 610 12th St NW Mandan ND 58554 O: 701-663-8909 R: 701-663-1903 C: 605-641-6500 E: bruceadams2261@yahoo.com ADEL, JEFF (Wanda) 101 W Garfield Gettysburg SD 57442 O: 605-765-9702 R: 605-765-2801 E: pastorjeffa@gmail.com ALESON, DARREL (Deborah) 307 N. Browning Ave Bismarck ND 58504 O: 701-530-7000 R: 701-258-9539 C: 701-390-4446 F: 701-530-8945 E: ddaleson@live.com ALESON, DENNIS (Carol) 8610 Massey Circle Colorado Springs CO 80920 R: 719-282-1226 E: dcaleson@msn.com ALLEN, JOEL (Kitty) 1200 W University Mitchell SD 57301 O: 605-995-2632 E: joallen@dwu.edu ANDERSON, JEN (Blair) 304 E Trinity Ave Durham NC 27701 O: 919-688-7138 C: 605-660-0116 E: jenanderson250@gmail.com ANDERSON, JOHN (Lorraine) 1206 2nd Ave S Fargo ND 58103 R: 701-540-7705 E: fiddlestix75@yahoo.com ANDERSON, PEDER (Bonnie) Box 66 Washburn ND 58577 O: 701-462-3220 R: 701-462-3524 C: 701-861-9821 E: pastorpeder.a@gmail.com ANDREWS, DAVID (Dorothy) 3557 Woodbury Court S Fargo ND 58103 R: 701-799-0930 ANDREWS, DONALD (Carolyn) 122 SE 9th St SE (Home) Minot ND 58701 C: 701-721-2349 R: 701-839-0937 E: chaplaindon@srt.com ARCHER, ROYAL (Sharleen) 1304 Rosebud Ave Gregory SD 57533-1129 O: 605-835-9221 R: 605-835-8195 C: 605-830-0538 E: royalone@gwtc.net ARNOLD, GAIL (Clara) 11794 Owl Creek Rd Belle Fourche SD 57717 R: 605-892-5007 E: gail.arnold.ga@gmail.com ATKINS, AMY 651 Margaret St PO Box 158 Big Stone City SD 57216 O: 605-862-8138 (Tabor) O: 605-432-6718 (Parkview) R: 605-862-8281 E: amatkins29@gmail.com
AVERY, MARTIN (Jessica) 106 State St PO Box 483 Wessington Springs SD 57382 O: 539-1567 R: 605-539-1680 C: 605-651-9096 E: wsumc@venturecomm.net BADER, DANIEL (Monica) PO Box 579 Pierre SD 57501 O: 605-224-5939 R: 605-224-7295 C: 701-840-9802 F: 605-224-5883 E: pastordbader@gmail.com BAIRD, HOWARD “Howie” (Megan) 1600 4th Ave N Grand Forks ND 58203 O: 701-772-1869 R: 701-772-3350 C: 605-593-3525 E: pastorhowie@midocnetwork.com BAKER, RAYMOND (Sarah) 1024 2nd St SE Minot ND 58701 O: 701-838-4425 R: F: 701-839-3195 C: 701-220-4803 E: ray@vincentumc.com BALDOCK, LINDA (Jerry Bottger) PO Box 227 White River SD 57579 O: 605-259-3682 E: lindambaldock@gmail.com BALL-KILBOURNE, DEBRA G. (Gary) 1021 2nd St SE Minot ND 58701 C: 701-838-8665 O: 701-838-1540 E: dbk.central@gmail.com BALL-KILBOURNE, GARY (Debra) 2605 Crescent Dr Minot ND 58703 C: 701-500-0985 E: gbk.central@gmail.com BALLARD, KENNETH (Joyce) PO Box 489 Sundance WY 82729 O: 307-283-1954 R: 307-283-1978 E: pastorballard@yahoo.com BAMBAS, DAVID (Carla) P.O. Box 147 Elk Point SD 57025 O: 605-365-2008 C: 605-659-5673 E: vikepastor@gmail.com BANWART, JUDY 201 15th Ave Langdon ND 58249 O: 701-256-2748 R:701-256-2464 E: pasjban@yahoo.com BARTEL, ANDREW J. “Andy” (Kate) 201 S 5th Milbank SD 57252 O: 605-432-4766 R: 605-432-5363 E: revandybartel@gmail.com BASS, JERRY (Gail) 166 Columbia Court Grand Forks ND 58203 C: 701-775-5696 E: jerry.bass@gra.midco.net BATES, WILLIAM L. JR. “Bill” 4904 W 40th St Sioux Falls SD 57106 R: 605-271-0439 C: 605-610-6209 E: igtwlb@knology.net
BAUM, DEREK (Lindsy) 257 9th St SE Huron SD 57350 O: 605-352-8604 R: 605-461-3951 F: 605-352-6977 C: 605-461-3951 E: derek@huronfumc.org B: hierostopos.blogspot.com BEHRENS, HAZEL, (Steve) PO Box 38 Streeter ND 58483 O: 701- 424-3619 R: 701-475-2670 C: 701-880-1256 E: hazel.behrens@me.com B: daytimedreams.wordpress.com BEHRENS, STEVE (Hazel) PO Box 133 Steele ND 58482 O: 701-475-2631 R: 701-475-2670 C: 701-880-1485 E: steve.behrens50@gmail.com BERGH, JOHN (Sharon) Box 146 Kindred ND 58051 O: 701-428-3624 R: 701-428-3624 E: berghmix@gmail.com BERKENPAS, DARLIS “Dar” (Boyd Bristow) 2004 S Hillview Rd Sioux Falls SD 57110 R: 605-941-9757 C: 605-941-9757 E: darberkenpas@gmail.com BERNARD, MARY ANN Box 193 Millport NY 14864 R: 607-739-9071 BIRKELAND, DAVID (Cheryl) 10 3rd St NE Hazen ND 58545 O: 701-748-2339 R: 701-748-2340 E: davidbirkeland@gmail.com BLAIR, NEIL 1001 Nineteenth Ave S PO Box 340007 Nashville TN 37203 O: 615-340-7356 E: neilblair@gmail.com BLUMER, BOYD (Evelyn) 601 Mitchell Blvd Mitchell SD 57301 R: 605-995-1961 E: besquare@mit.midco.net BOCKWOLDT, STANTON 25201 Faraday Rd Manhattan IL 60442 O: 815-485-5327 R: 815-478-3451 C: 312-636-4427 E: sbockwoldt@peacenewlenox.org BORMAN, LAURA J. (Darold) 1508 North Oak Ridge Pl Sioux Falls SD 57110 O: 605-338-4562 R: 605-582-6575 C: 605-321-5218 E: lborman@att.net BOWSHER, THOMAS “Thom” (Deborah) 709 17th St W West Fargo ND 58078 O: 701-282-5765 R: 701-566-5147 C: 701-721-3066 E: pastorthom@cableone.net BOYD, DICK (Cheryl) 4108 S Chestnut Sioux Falls SD 57103 R: 605-271-0833 C: 605-941-0258 E: dcboyd@sio.midco.net
BRANDT, MARTHA (Kenneth) Box 67 White SD 57276 O: 605-629-3581 R: 605-629-2991 C: 605-366-1337 E: marthalbrandt@gmail.com W: facebook.com/marthalbrandt BRENNAN, MICHELLE 818 4th Ave SE Jamestown ND 58401 R: 701-252-1147 O:701-952-3718 E: michellebrennan@hotmail.com BRINKMAN, ELMER (Barbara) 1212 7th Ave NE Watertown SD 57201 O: 605-886-9214 R: 701-882-2933 BRITT, JOHN (Kristin) 5120 Cale Ct Rapid City SD 57701 O: 605-342-4498 R: 605-348-7067 C: 605-787-2414 E: john@rapidcityfirst.org BRITTON, MARK (Joni) 325 E 9th St Williston ND 58801 O: 701-572-7694 R: 701-572-9407 C: 701-240-4939 E: mark_softball34@hotmail.com BROCKWAY, ALLAN R. (Martha) 301 2nd St N #3 St. Petersburg FL 33701 BROSCHAT, LORI 1502 5th Ave NE Devils Lake ND 58301 O: 701-662-2873 R: 701-662-2872 C: 701-520-5718 E: lbroschat@gmail.com B: revlorwrites.wordpress.com BROWN, HEATHER C/O Trinity Lutheran PO Box 157 Glenburn ND 58740 R: 701-720-0000 E: heatherebrown@srt.com BROWN, ROBERT C. (Melba) 9309 NW Old Hwy 36 Cameron MO 64429 R: 816-632-7117 BRUCKLACKER, ALVIN (Lenore) 22046 Park Ave Philip SD 57567 O: 605-859-2232 R: 605-859-2232 BUDD, PAUL (Kim) 400 NW Murray Rd. Lee’s Summit MO 64081 O: 816-246-4343 R: 816-836-2698 BURGER, Deborah PO Box 175 Bottineau ND 58318 O: 701-228-2800 R: 701-228-3159 E: burger.deb@gmail.com BURNS, JERI 1012 Woodview Dr #15 Pierre SD 57501 O: 605-494-0470 R: 605-430-5715 C: 605-430-5715 E: jrburns83@yahoo.com BUSHELL, JOHN PO Box 7182 Indian Lake Estates FL 33855 R: 863-692-9187 E: bushelljohn@yahoo.com
B: www.legacyumc.org/blog DAMASKA, JON (Paula) PO Box 4 Mellette SD 57461 O: 605-887-3148 R: 605-225-9614 E: Jond@nvc.net DIEHL, DOUGLAS “Doug” (Dawn) 1132 Lookout Ln Rapid City SD 57701 C: 605-431-1123 E: dugdeal@gmail.com DOCKTER, THEODORE “Ted” 1607 - 23rd St S Fargo ND 58103 R: 701-212-8290 E: opaomafritz@gmail.com. DUEMIG, ROBERT (Carolyn) 1838 7th Ave Belle Fourche SD 57717 O: 605– 892-2405 R: 605-723-4196 C: 605-890-1178 E: pastor.bfumc@midconetwork.com EARL, JENENE (Martin) 2580 Starline Ave Sturgis SD 57785 O: 605-720-5578 R: 605-720-6389 C: 605-870-6222 F: 605-720-6222 E: ljearl@juno.com EARL, MARTIN (Jenene) 2580 Starline Ave Sturgis SD 57785 R: 605-720-6389 C: 605-870-0012 E: mjearl4@gmail.com EBERHART, EMIL (Penelope) 5402 Nolan Parkway Oak Park Heights MN 55082 R: 651-275-5156 C: 651-346-8381 E: emil1942@gmail.com EBERHART, PENELOPE “Penny” (Emil) 5402 Nolan Parkway Oak Park Heights MN 55082 R: 651-275-5156 C: 605-310-8504 E: ebhartp@gmail.com EBERHART, REBECCA “Becky” (Tim) 2118 Lake St Evanston IL 60201 O: 847-859-2290 R: 847-570-0018 C: 847-946-8692 E: becky.eberhart@garrett.edu EBERHART, TIMOTHY (Becky) 2118 Lake St Evanston IL 60201 R: 847-859-2290 R: 847-570-0018 C: 847-946-7221 E: timothy.eberhart@garrett.edu EHRMANTRAUT, MARK (Brenda) 47104 298th St Beresford SD 57004 O:605-763-2861 C: 605-300-0155 E: marke.umc@gmail.com EICHINGER, CONNIE (James) 6813 Seeaire Black Hawk SD 57718 R: 605-787-5799 C: 605-863-0624 E: godaboveall@hotmail.com EIDEM, DEANN (Eric) 3500 Canyon Lake Dr Rapid City SD 57702 O: 605-348-1080 R: 605-718-3655 C: 605-484-6041 E: deann@rushmore.com ELDRIDGE, MARVIN (Betty Jo)
CAPPEL, ROBERT (Carolyn) 207 W 11th St Yankton SD 57078 R: 605-665-5677 O: 605-665-2991 C: 605-661-4181 E: bobcappel@iw.net CASCINI, WILLIAM M. (Edythe) 621 Hazelwood Dr Lincoln NE 68510 O:402-488-4471 R:402-486-2371 CATALDO, CHET (Jodi) 1435 Pinehurst Ave Mitchell SD 57301 605-996-4477 E: cataldos@gmail.com CAUDILL, ROY (Lazann) 4900 S Pheasant Ln Sioux Falls SD 57108 O: 605-334-5248 R: 605-362-1812 C: 605-940-1742 E: roy.caudill@dakotasumc.org CHESNEY, KATHY PO Box 727 Philip SD 57567 O: 605-859-2310 R: 605-859-2192 C: 605-280-7127 E: chez@gwtc.net COALTER, ARLYN (Deb) 1023 6th Ave NE Jamestown ND. 58401 O: 701-252-3088 R: 701-252-1798 C: 701-388-2161 E: revac54@hotmail.com COATES, J. EDWIN “Ed”(Ginny) 12754 Clubview Dr Hot Springs SD 57747 R: 605-745-4891 E: edcoates@gwtc.net COATES, R. DUANE PO Box 757 Wagner SD 57380 O: 605-384-5382 R: 605-384-5502 C: 605-695-5561 E: wagtynumc@hcinet.net CONRAD-SMART, ELIZABETH “Beth” (Timothy) 813 Jefferson Dr Milbank SD 57252 R: 320-305-1542 E: bethco@midco.net CRAIG, RICHARD “Rick” (Cindy) Po Box 212 Cando ND 58324 O: 701-968-3361 R: 701-968-4565 E: imrick@gondtc.com CRANDALL, ALVIN Grand Court of Mesa 262 E Brown Rd Apt 203 Mesa AZ 85201 R: 408-733-0836 CRIPPEN, DONALD C. (Pauline) 105 Catina Dr Meridianville AL 35759 C: 605-461-9119 E: crippen@santel.net CROSS, RANDOLPH “Randy” (Cheri) 5552 Limelight Ln Rapid City SD 57702 O: 605-343-3172 C: 615-838-1086 F: 605-343-4684 E: randy.cross@dakotasumc.org CULVER, KERMIT (Susan) 924 11th St N Bismarck ND 58501 O: 701-223-4401 R: 701-258-7710 C: 701-391-2340 E: kermit@legacyumc.org
PO Box 133 Fort Benton MT 59442 R: 406-622-1932
E: mkbj1932@mtintouch.net
ELLINGSON, MARK (Betty) PO Box 24 208 N. Berg St. Northwood ND 58267 C: 218-779-5707 E: mellingson56@gmail.com ELMER, DONALD (Kay Haynes) 2830 NW Pine Cone Dr Issaqu WA 98027 O: 425ah,-837-8905 F: 425-837-8905 C: 202-360-7869 E: delmer@communitychange.org W: www.organizergenealogy.org EMERY, DALE (Helen) 1815 21st Ave S #103 Grand Forks ND 58201 O: 701-636-5246 R: 701-772-7718 C: 701-269-1881 E: churchmouseretired@midco.net ERICKSON, JOHN T. “Jack” (Kathy) 811 4th Avenue South PO Box 35 Britton SD 57430-0035 R: 605-448-2900 C: 605-290-5506 E: jack@venturecomm.net EVANS, CARL (Boonie) 4680 NE 32nd St Des Moines IA 50317 O: 515-266-8520 EWERS, DUANE A. (Judy Smith) 4820 Sulphur Creek Rd Nashville TN 37218 R: 615-244-9357 E: duaneaewers@msn.com FADLEY, CHERYL “Sheri” (Dale) 2102 2nd Ave NE Reynolds ND 58275 O & R: 701-847-2720 C: 701-213-9344 E: sherifadley@gfwireless.com FANDRICH, SUSAN PO Box 46 Carrington ND 58421 O: 701-652-2288 FIKE, GERALD A. (Phyllis) 8467 W Columbine Dr Peoria AZ 85381 R: 623-334-9176 E: jerryphylf@gmail.com. FINNEY, CHARLES (Darlene) 721 10th Avenue West Mobridge SD 57601 R: 605-845-3267 E: CHASFINN@aol.com FISHER, DAVID 323 5 1/2th St N Cleveland ND 58424 O: 701-252-5881 R:701-320-0045 E: chaplain@hi-acres.com FISHER, RICHARD (Donna) 12311 Whitetail Rd Deadwood SD 57732 R: 605-355-9532 E: RIFISH@wildblue.net FITCH, HAROLD E. 323 Concordia Dr Bella Vista AR 72715 R: 479-855-4254 E: revfitch@juno.com FLOWERS, MIKE (Libby) 3365 81st Ave NE Sheyenne ND 58374 C: 701-799-1174 E: childharvest@msn.com W: Spiritlakeministrycenter.org
FORBES, BRUCE Dept of Religious Studies Morningside College. 1501 Morningside Ave Sioux City IA 51106 O: 712-274-5185 R: 612-798-5979 (summer) C: 612-708-3419 R: 712-276-2311 (academic year) E: forbes@morningside.edu FOSSUM, RICHARD “Rick” (Nancy) 2031 N 3rd St Bismarck ND 58501 O: 701-255-1160 R: 701-255-2866 E: rick@mccabeumc.com FREED, DAN (Sheila) Box 368 Dickinson ND 58602 O: 701-225-6150 R: 701-225-2429 E: aprayr4u@hotmail.com GALE, LEE (Terri) 716 Griggs Grafton ND 58237 O: 701-352-2644 R: 701-352-2477 C: 701-371-7845 E: revt1220@gmail.com GELLHAUS, DENNIS (Roberta) 1005 Redwood Ln Aberdeen SD 57401 O: 605-229-7977 R: 605-229-6843 GESCHWINDNER, ANNE (Peter) 93 Putnam St Tunkhannock PA 18657 R: 570-713-0027 GIBSON, JOHN 5409 Love Ln Unit B Indianapolis IN 46268-2409 R: 317-295-9630 GIST, RODNEY “Rod” (Doris) 1635 S. Cleveland Ave #301 Sioux Falls SD 57103 R: 605-332-4510 E: rdgist@sio.midco.net GRAN, WILLIAM (Brenda) 4800 West 57th St Sioux Falls SD 57108 O: 605-362-3151 R: 605-274-2504 F: 605-362-3344 E: bgran@good-sam.com GRAY, BRUCE (Margaret) 18537 - 486 Ave Gary SD 57237 R: 605-272-5817 E: revbcg@itctel.com GREENOUGH, DONALD (Vivian) C/O Steve Greenough 701 N Savannah Dr Sioux Falls SD 57103 R: 605-335-6717 E: gdonvivgreeno@sio.midco.net GRINAGER, ERIC (Ruth) 3703 Parkridge Dr Rapid City SD 57702 O: 605-348-1080 R: 605-721-8586 F: 605-343-1007 E: pastoreric@knology.net GRINAGER, HOWARD (Karen) 470 E 3rd PO Box 536 Parker SD 57053 R: 605-297-1060 C: 605-280-2624 E: grinager@juno.com
GRONSETH, MARK (Colleen “CoCo”) 920 Main St Breckenridge MN 56520 O: 218-643-5158 R: 218-643-6880 C: 605-359-9480 E: markgronseth@gmail.com GROTE, SUZIE 1714 S. 1st Ave Sioux Falls SD 57105 R: 605-553-6812 E: 2suziq@gmail.com GROSS, JAN (Deb) PO Box 453 Hartford SD 57033 O: 605-528-3822 R: 605-528-6680 C: 605-360-0821 E: revjan1956@aol.com HADRICK, DONALD (Virjean) 20761 Greenfield Ln Sturgis SD 57785 R: 605-347-8673 HAGGAR, THOMAS “Tom” (Charlene) 2016 16th Ave NW Aberdeen SD 57401 O: 605-225-5680 R: 605-225-1460 F: 605-229-3724 C: 605-216-2764 E: thagger@nvc.net HAGGIN, LEONARD (Jackie) 4609 S Galway Ave Sioux Falls SD 57106 R: 605-334-6011 E: lejack@knology.com HAIDLE, STANLEY (Ruth) 920 N Minnesota Mitchell SD 57301 O: 605-995-2603 R: 605-996-3909 HALBRITTER, WESLEY (Beverly) 5324 W 49th St Apt 111 Sioux Falls SD 57106 R: 605-338-9994 E: wehalbritter@sio.midco.net HALL, MINA (Tom) 327 19TH Ave W West Fargo ND 58078 R: 701-532-0701 C: 701-361-2205 E: tmehall@midco.net HALLENBECK, JENNIFER “Jenny” 1120 Evergreen Ct Wahpeton ND 58075 R: 701-642-4439 O: 701-642-6202 E: jhallen03@yahoo.com HAMMOND, KATHY (Wylie) PO Box 155 Bowbells ND 58721 O: 701-377-2986 R: 701-377-2981 C: 701-833-5357 E: umc@nccray.com HARKINS, CARL (Eileen) 8112 Hosta Way Fort Worth TX 76123 O: 817-881-8360 R: 817-423-3346 E: fortworthharkins@sbcglobal.net HART, WESLEY (Barbara) 4686 44th Ave South Fargo ND 58104-5123 R: 701-282-7893 HARTGRAVES, KATHLEEN “Kathy” (Greg) 310 N Rowley Mitchell SD 57301 C: 605-553-6135 O: 605-996-7721 E: kathy@mitchellfumc.org
HAZARD, BRIAN (Kandace) 23297 Agate Lake Rd Crosby MN 56441 O: 218-534-3507 C: 218-368-8234 E: brian_hazard@ecunet.org HAZEN, RICK (Jane) 406 2nd St Murdo SD 57559 O: 605-669-2501 R: 605-669-2848 C: 605-933-1803 E: murdoumc@goldenwest.net HEETLAND, DAVID (Kathy) 4333 Payne St Skokie IL 60076 O: 847-866-3970 R: 847-677-6252 E: david.heetland@garrett.edu HENSCHEN, PAUL (Susan A Simle) PO Box 782 Ellendale ND 58436 O: 701-349-4007 R: 701-349-2245 E: paulhenschen@drtel.net HERMAN, ELMO (Sarah) 210 15th Ave NE Jamestown ND 57401 O: 701-952-3718 C: 605-770-4228 E: pastorelmo@gmail.com HERMAN, SARAH (Elmo) 304 Gibson St PO Box 74 Wimbledon ND 58492 O: 701-435-2497 C: 701- 368-1698 E: seajayherman@gmail.com HIGGINS, GORDON (Jeanne) 1900 N Canyon St Spearfish, SD 57783 R: 605-578-3523 C: 605-499-8757 E: higgins557@msn.com HIGGINS, JEANNE (Gordon) 1900 N Canyon St Spearfish SD 57783 R: 605-578-3523 C: 605-499-8757 E: higgins557@msn.com HIGGINS, JOEL (Leslie) PO Box 1416 Watertown SD 57201 O: 605-886-4427 R: 605-882-4248 E: pastorjoel@watertownfirstumc.com HISEL, JOHN 1302 Willow Dr Aberdeen SD 57401 C: 605-957-5528 E: jhisel@yahoo.com HOFFMAN, WILLIAM F. (Sheila) 218 12th Ave S PO Box 411 Faulkton SD 57438 O: 605-598-6580 R: 605-598-6526 E: revwilly3@gmail.com HOLLAND, MARK (Janace) 1060 Riverview Huron SD 57350 O: 605-352-8604 R: 605-350-7211 C: 402-350-7211 E: mark@huronfumc.org HOOK, EVE 1149 Gold Hill Rd Shannon NC 28386 R: 910-875-6956 HUBER, WAYNE (Susan) 408 South Minnesota St Mitchell SD 57301 R: 605-996-5578
E: dhuber@mit.midco.net HUCK, GRACE E. 430 Oriole Dr #G5 Spearfish SD 57783 R: 605-717-9083 E: gehuck@mato.com HUNT, KEN Box 434 Timber Lake SD 57656 O: 605-865-3567 C: 605-220-2159 E: hunt.k@att.net IWERKS, CAROL (Don) 2625 385th Ave Aberdeen SD 57401 O: 605-225-5680 R: 605-225-7473 E: ciwerks@abe.midco.net JACOBSEN, DAVID (Cindy) 1600 Beacon St #502 Brookline MA 02446 O: 617-353-3050 R: 617-232-1811 E: david.schnasa.jacobsen@gmail.com JACOWAY, JOHN (Linda Kropenske) 5310 East Pop Fly Pl Sioux Fall, SD 57110 O: 605-371-1205 E: jajacoway@yahoo.com JANKORD, LORAH HOUSER (Richard) PO Box 153 Tulare SD 57476 O: 605-596-4156 R: 605-596-4256 C: 605-450-0408 E: tulareuc@venturecomm.net JARMAN, JOHN (Carol Windels) 3415 W Lake Jessie Dr SE Alexandria MN 56308 R: 320-759-0884 or 218-779-4520 E: jtjarman44@gmail.com JASSMANN, ELIZABETH (Royce Massingill) PO Box 291 Selby SD 57472 O: 605-649-7888 R: 605-649-7889 C: 605-222-6172 E:selbmoumc@midco.net JENKINS, HENRY (Michelle) 86 AW/HC Ramstein AB Germany 09012 C: 352-396-0607 E: hm_jenkins@yahoo.com JENNEWEIN, LIN 3502 Reder St Rapid City SD 57702 R: 605-721-7558 C: 605-209-3799 E: linjen@rushmore.com JOHNSEN, MARK (Lisa) 610 E 4th Ave Miller SD 57362 O: 605-853-3656 E: pastormarkjohnsen@gmail.com JOHNSON, CAMERON (Ruth) 10708 Blackburn Ct Las Vegas NV 89134 O: 702-233-3378 E: Camdak@aol.com JOHNSON, GARY (Julie) PO Box 327 Drayton ND 58225 O: 701-454-3880 R: 218-379-3291 E: gjjson@ruralaccess.net JOHNSON, RONALD “Ron” (Marsha) 1203 West St Yankton SD 57078 O: 605-605-665-2991 R: 605-665-8887 F: 605-665-9603 E:revron24@gmail.com JOHNSON, STEVE 1904 E Golf Course Ln PO Box 425 Alexandria MN 56308
E: scjohnson3@q.com JOHNSON, TERI (Marty) 425 Groveland Ave Minneapolis MN 55403 O: 612-871-5303 F: 612-871-4684 E: teri@haumc.org JUNKER, DAREN Box 218 Elkton SD 57026 O: 605-542-7101 R: 605-542-7102 F:408-869-0830 E:daren@aquazelle.com KANA-MACKEY, SUE (Ronald) 7485 93rd Ave NE Hampden ND 58338 O: 701-868-3118 R: 701-868-3118 E: jsue@gondtc.com KATTER, JOHN (Judy) 241 East Village Ridge St Springfield MO 65803 E: johnkatter@yahoo.com KATTELMANN, Bradley “Brad” D. (Alison) 1264B Airborne Dr. JBER AK 99505 R: 253-249-997 E: revbdk@gmail.com KEIL, PAUL PO Box P Park River ND 58270 O: 701-284-6499 E: pkeil@polarcomm.com KELSEY, ELIZABETH “Beth” 357 Kansas Ave SE Huron SD 57350 KERSEY-RUSSELL, JEANINE (Dan) 812 W Ave A Bismarck ND 58501 C: 701-391-6612 E: jenndannkids@bis.midco.net. KIDD, LAURIE Kimball Protestant Parish 301 S Babcock St PO Box 340 Kimball SD 57355 O: 605-778-6410 R: 605-778-6411 C: 605-376-0752 E: pastorlaurie@midstatesd.net KIERAS, PEGGY OLLMAN (James) 54 Parker Ave Holden MA 01520 R: 508-829-9658 E: PegJK44@aol.com KIMBLE, PERRY (Judy) PO Box 946 Linton, ND 58552 R: 701-254-5380 KINZLER, FRANCIS (Velma) Elim Rehab and Care Center 3534 University Dr S Fargo ND 58102 R: 701-271-1880 KINZLER, O. EDWARD (Beverly) PO Box 746 Larimore ND 58251 R: 701-343-2205 E: dred@polarcomm.com KISTLER, GENIE H (Butler) (Gary) 46248 SD Hwy 38 Hartford SD 57033 32 Palacio Circle (Winter Address) Hot Springs Village AR 71909 R: 605-528-3477 (W) 501-226 5313 E: ggkistler@goldenwest.net
KJONAAS, DONNA T. (Murry Smith) 7305 S. Witzke Pl Sioux Falls SD 57108 R: 605-339-4806 (Winter) 610 Middle Gulf Dr F-1 Sanibel FL 33957 E: kjkonaasd@gmail.com KLARUP, DONALD “Don” (Phyllis) Brookstone Estates #12 300 Lincoln Hwy Rd Charleston IL 61920 E: kla621@comcast.net KLOSTER, KEVIN W. (Tracy) 2007 10th St N Fargo ND 58102 O: 701-232-6844 R: 701-566-2163 E: kevin@fargofaithumc.org KNECHT, DAVID “Dave” (Jane) 51100 Wolf Ridge Dr Cass Lake MN 56633 R: 218-335-2504 (Winter) 1544 S 35th St #102 Fargo, ND 58103 R: 701-280-1281 E: djknecht48@yahoo.com KOPFMANN, DARWIN (Terri) 418 7th Ave PO Box 511 Wall SD 57790 –0511 O: 605-279-2359 R: 605-279-2358 C: 605-515-0436 E: dkopf@goldenwest.net KOR, HENRY (Bonnie) 317 E 5th Ave Mitchell SD 57301 R: 605-996-5258 E: hankkor46@gmail.com KROGER, GENE (Barbara) 1898 Stony Point Rd Madison SD 57042 R: 605-256-3667 E: GEK123@aol.com KROGER, GREGORY (Joyceann) 2925 Dailey Dr Mitchell, SD 57301 O: 605-996-6552 C: 605– 321-3342 R: 605-292-0552 F: 605-996-1766 E: greg.kroger@dakotasumc.org KROGER, KARL (Michelle) PO Box 401 Piedmont SD 57769 O:605-787-4858 C: 605-999-9898 E: karlkroger@gmail.com LAGGE, DONALD 600 1st St #2 Golden Co 80403 R: 720-448-5715 E: chaplain.lagge@gmail.com LARSON, KRIS (Denise) 19768 431 Ave DeSmet SD 57231 O: 605-546-2424 R: 605-854-3518 E: krislarson1@msn.com LATHROP, JEFF (Holly) 301 E 2nd PO Box 7 Plankinton SD 57368 O: 605-942-7365 E: pastorjefflathrop@gmail.com LAUDERMITH, IVA PO Box 205 Parker SD 57053 O: 605-294-4910 E: revival.laudermith@gmail.com
LAVERY, THOMAS “Tom” 7596 Cutters Edge Ct Apt A Dublin OH 43016 C: 201-602-5633 E: tlavery@srt.com LAYTON, JEAN 47831 US Hwy 18 Canton SD 57013 O: 605-594-2126 R: 605-987-3689 E: laytonj@iw.net LEHRKAMP, KORI ANN (Michael) PO Box 631 Highmore SD 57345 O: 605-852-2828 R: 605-852-2106 C: 605-430-4389 E: koriannlehrkamp@hotmail.com LEVY, JEFF (Leesa) 126 Church St Moscow PA 18444 E: moscowumc@verizon.net LINT, MARY-LEE (Phil) PO Box 116 Howard SD 57349 C: 605-491-5023 R: 605-772-5169 O: 605-772-5383 E: pmllint@alliancecom.net LINT, PAUL ( Brenda) 101 4th Ave N Hettinger ND 58639 O: 701-567-2964 R: 701-567-2806 E: paulnbrenda@hotmail.com LINT, PHILLIP “Phil” (Mary-Lee) PO Box 116 Howard SD 57349 C: 605-491-2324 R: 605-772-5169 E: pmllint@alliancecom.net LOGAN, ROBERT (Marjorie) 3017 Mann Ave Des Moines IA 50310 R: 515-279-5010 LORD, GLENN (Kaye) 29333 County HWY 35 Underwood MN 56586 R: 218-495-2820 LUNDBERG, CLAY (Linse) 1502 King Arthur Ct Brookings SD 57006 O: 605-692-4345 C: 605-830-1976 E: clay.lundberg@hotmail.com LUTZ, RICHARD “Dick”(Sharon) 7501 Pleasant Valley Rd Oklahoma City Ok 73151 O: 405-503-5904 R: 405-771-5904 E: CHAPLUTZ@aol.com MACK, DAVID (Marcia) 811 SW Arrowhead Drive Bentonville AR 72712 R: 479-273-2566 C: 479-276-0371 O: 479-925-1847 C: 479-276-0372 E: davmar0812@att.net MACK, DEBORAH “Deb”(Norm) PO Box 1026 Britton SD 57430 R: 605-448-5357 C: 605-470-0568 E: ndmack@venturecomm.net MADDOX, RANDY (Aileen) Duke Divinity School Durham NC 27708 E: rmaddox@div.duke.edu MADER, GWEN (Rod) 24943 465th Ave Colton SD 57018 O: 605-428-3185 C: 605-940-1744
E: revgmader@gmail.com MANNING, NANCY 201 6th Ave Claremont SD 57432 O:605-294-5831 R: 605-294-5303 E: nancyserving@gmail.com MARQUARDT, SANDRA (Fred) 107 River St Cavalier ND 58220 O: 701-265-4308 R: 701-265-3148 C: 701-331-1677 E: smarquardt3@gmail.com MARTIN, WILBUR RAY “Ray” (Nina) 3000 Farnam St #7F Omaha NE 68131 R: 402-659-9565 E: pastorwrm@yahoo.com MASARTIS, RUSSELL (Donna) 140 South Roosevelt PO Box 149 Mission SD 57555-0149 O: 605-856-4266, F:605-856-5835 E: masartisrev@juno.com MATTHEWS, SHELLY (George Frein) 2101 Lipscomb St Ft Worth TX 76110 O: 817-257-5808 C: 865-569-3974 E: s.matthews@tcu.edu MAXTED, WARREN PO Box 627 Beach ND 58621 O: 701-872-4275 E: revnbev@midstate.net MAYER, RICHARD 2340 Sans Souci Drive Aurora IL 60506 R: 630-896-5307 E: mayerdoc@att.net McBRIDE, BROOK ( Cyndy) 1312 S.Bahnson Sioux Falls SD 57103 O: 605-338-8689 C: 605-610-7793 E: bmcbride@hilltopumc.com McCASKELL, SHARLA (Scott) 5017 Stoney Creek Dr Rapid City SD 57702 O: 605-343-7145 R: 605-791-5880 C: 605-484-4588 E:knollwoodpastor@gmail.com McKEEHAN, FRANKLIN “Frank” (Sue) 711 5th Ave S Clear Lake SD 57226 O: 605-874-2750 R: 605-874-2520 E: sfmck@itctel.com MCKIRDY, SCOTT (Colleen) 845 N 5th St Spearfish SD 57783 O: 605-642-3457 R: 605-642-2112 C: 605-269-1358 E: Scott.McKirdy@SpearfishUMC.org MCKIRDY, WAYNE ND Veterans Home 1600 Veterans Dr Box 673 Lisbon ND 58054 R: 701-683-6642 C: 701-683-6642 E: mckirdyway@msn.com MCKNIGHT, JOHN JR (Cheryl) 1130 Dilger Ave Rapid City SD 57701 O: 605-343-1813 R: 605-342-4396 C: 605-786-4558 F: 605-343-0035 E: fuzzytheclown@hotmail.com E: smapleumc@gmail.com
MCLAIRD, DONNA (James) 2430 West 23rd Ave Mitchell SD 57301 R: 605-996-5838 E: donnamclaird@yahoo.com MCMANUS, SARA (Kyle) 401 S Spring Ave Sioux Falls SD 57104 O: 605-336-3652 F: 605-334-9805 C: 605-660-4900 E: pastorsara@sfumc.org MEIDINGER, JODDY (Tami) 420 Center Ave S Ashley ND 58413 R: 701-288-3167 O: 701-493-2360 E: joddy.meidinger@hotmail.com MEIER, DWIGHT (Signe) 2606 Sungate Dr SW Fargo ND 58103 R: 701-298-0450 E: dwightmeier@gmail.com MEIER, MARK (Deborah) 2861 Ravines Rd Middleburg FL 32068 R: 904-586-9865 E: markdebimeier@msn.com MEIER, MAX (Sallie) 1036 Belle Mar Dr West Des Moines IA 50266 R: 515-224-1340 E: max.meier@mediacombb.net MERSCH, PATRICIA “Pat” Box 336 Mohall ND 58761 O: 701-756-7272 E: revpatmersch@gmail.com MILLER, JANET REED One 2nd St S #5-409 Fargo ND 58103-1944 R: 701-298-0618 E: janrmil@ideaone.net MILLER, THETA (Wade) Box 55 Arthur ND 58006 R: 701-967-8551 C: 701-552-1746 E: revtheta@gmail.com MILLER, WADE (Theta) Box 38 Arthur ND 58006 O: 701-967-8559 R: 701-967-8551 C: 701-552-1749 E: wadewmiller@gmail.com MOE, PETER (Grace) 255 Texas St Apt J 344 Rapid City SD 57701 R: 605-721-3430 C: 605-489-3900 E: pmoe32@hotmail.com MOELLER, EUGENE (Marilyn) 105 E 9th Ave Webster SD 57274 O: 605-345-3747 R: 605-345-3142 E: eugene.moeller@yahoo.com MOELLER, MARILYN (Eugene) 105 E 9th Ave Webster SD 57274 O: 605-345-3747 R: 605-345-3142 C: 605-345-0875 E: marilyn_moeller@yahoo.com MOON, JAY (Pamela) 204 N. Lexington Ave. Wilmore, KY 40390 O: 859-858-3581
E: jmoon@ausburyseminary.edu MOORLACH, ROBERT 807 Frost Ave Jackson MN 56143 O: 507-847-2681 R: 507-848-5513 C: 605-480-2122 E: umcjackson@q.com MOTTA, DAVID (Mary) 4575 45th St S Fargo ND 58104 O: 701-232-5650 R: 701-232-1435 F: 701-237-9140 C: 701-306-0870 E: dave@calvaryfargo.com MUND, KENNETH (Rhonda) 1350 11th St NE Watertown SD 57201 O: 605-886-2242 ext.6 R: 605-886-897 F: 605-882-8359 C: 605-868-1527 E: musicman@iw.net MUTHIAH, LIONEL (Marion) 1015 E Cherry St Newberg OR 97132 R: 971-832-8533 E: lionel.muthiah@gmail.com MUTZENBERGER, KRIS (Ryan) 4801 W 41st St Sioux Falls SD 57106 O: 605-361-0899 R: 605-271-0233 C: 605-228-5139 F: 605-361-7191 E: krismutzenberger@gmail.com MUTZENBERGER, RYAN (Kris) 4801 W 41st St Sioux Falls SD 57106 O: 605-361-0899 R: 605-271-0233 C: 605-228-4779 F: 605-361-7191 E: ryanmutzenberger@gmail.com NAGBE, JUWLE (Martha) 910 1st St E West Fargo ND 58078 R: 701-306-2533 E: togbatembloh@gmail.com NELSON, CLIFFORD “Cliff ” (Terri) 511 3rd St SE Minot ND 58701 C: 701-740-1027 E: cliffordnelson@trinityhealth.com NELSON, KEITH (Nancy) 1223 Eagles View Ln Bismarck ND 58503 R: 701-224-0173 O: 701-255-0800 F: 701-255-5070 E: keith.nelson@dakotasumc.org NELSON, MARILYN (Lyn) 909 Penn Ave. S #332 Minneapolis MN 55431 R: 952-479-7038 E: 3mackey@gmail.com NELSON, MORRIS (Cathryn) 27532 Renee Ct Hot Springs SD 57747 R: 605-745-3073 C: 605-890-1696 E: mcnelson@gwtc.net NELSON, SARA (Mat) 180 18th St NE Watertown SD 57201 O: 605-886-4427 R: 605-882-4707 E: pastorsara@watertownfirstumc.com NELSON, WALTER A. (Janet) 1115 W Havens #66 Mitchell SD 57301 R: 605-995-0707 C: 605-999-8796 NIELSEN, ROBERT P. 200 S W Brookside Dr Apt #201 Grimes IA 50111 R: 515-369-3843 C: 605-941-0113 E: betybobn@gmail.com
NYGAARD, JULIE (Steve) Box 55 Cresbard SD 57435 O: 605-324-3665 R: 605-324-3235 C: 605-380-0826 E: jnygaard@venturecomm.net OATES, MURIEL (James) 3964 Brooke St Rapid City SD 57701 R: 605-341-3798 E: moates@rap.midco.net O’CONNELL, SUSAN (Bill) 2540 Oak Hills Dr SW Rochester MN 55902 C: 605-633-0028 R: 507-285-4838 E: billsuzyoc@gmail.com OLSON, RON (Michelle) Box 122 Bowman ND 58623 O: 701-523-5492 R: 701-523-5670 C: 701-440-1102 E: ron_olson@sil.org OLSON, STEVE (Shirley) 210 South 6th St Oakes ND 58474 O: 701-742-2925 R: 701-742-2310 E: norskie@drtel.net OSWALD, KENNETH 2706 21st Ave S Lethbridge Alberta, Canada T1K 1H8 R: 403-320-7798 E: kgosw@telus.net PATRICK, JAMES (Pamela) 5100 Summit View Dr McKinney TX 75071 PEACOCK, TOM (Cindy) 246 South 19th St Hot Springs SD 57747 R: 605-745-4639 C: 605-890-1864 E: revtpeacock@hotmail.com PEASE, EDWARD (Jane) 5608 Farnam Omaha NE 68132 O: 402-346-8800 R: 402-558-6817 PEDERSON, KENRAD (Mary) PO Box 265 Eureka SD 57437 O: 605-284-2820 E: kenradvp@hotmail.com PEIRCE, RUSSELL (Mary) 511 Douglas Ave A Yankton SD 57078 Winter: 12027 Greenway Circle S #104 Royal Palm Beach FL 33411 C: 561-847-1974 E: rpeir@iw.net PERRY, STEPHEN (Marilyn) 1326 W First St Redfield SD 57469 O: 605-472-0770 R: 605-472-2332 F: 605-472-2332 E: pastor.redfieldumc@midconetwork.com PERSONS, JAMES (Eileen) 22517 Deer Meadow Dr Deadwood SD 57732 R: 605-343-5016 C: 605-770-6737 E: jamespersons952@gmail.com B: PersonsToPersons.wordpress.com PETERSEN, CALVIN (Mary) 216 N Pine Vermillion SD 57069 R: 605-624-5347 C: 605-670-1962 E: calmar@vyn.midco.net PETERSEN, TOM (Jean) 190 S 4th St PO Box 56 Olivet SD 57052 R: 605-387-5208 C: 605-660-2393
E: pastortom@goldenwest.net PHILLIPS, MARK (Ginger) 111 S Main St Lead SD 57754 O: 605-584-1328 R: 605-584-3614 C: 605-641-7889 E: raok_7@hotmail.com PHILLIPS, RANDALL “Randy” (Robin) St. Mary Hospital M-61 1216—2nd St SW Rochester MN 55902 O: 507-255-4740 R: 507-280-4378 E: phillips.randall@mayo.edu PITTENGER, RICHARD “Rick” (Rebecca “Becky”) 806 Valley View Dr Vermillion SD 57069 R: 605-624-7776 O: 605-624-2179 C: 605-929-7400 E: pulpittvumc@gmail.com POMEROY, JAMES “Jim” (May) 1848—52nd St S Fargo ND 58103 R: 701-281-0286 E: mjpomeroy@cableone.net PRICE, JOHN (Loraine) PO Box 188 Canistota SD 57012 O: 605-296-3339 R: 605-296-3328 C: 605-630-8409 E:pastor.unitedchurch@goldenwest.net PROHASKA, LUCIAN (Karen) 530 Hansina Ave Volga SD 57071-2119 605-627-5652 E: louprohaska@mchsi.com RAE, GARY (Edith) 403 Laura St Harrisburg SD 57032 C: 605-940-7865 E: gwrae@juno.com RATH, THEODOR “Ted”(Bernice) 101 Pitcher Park SE Devils Lake ND 58301 Winter: 1823 East Augusta Ave. Chandler AZ 85249 R: 701-662-9484 Winter: 480-275-2760 E: tedrath@cox.net REICH, ELDON (Donna) 1135 Ashwood Dr Aberdeen SD 57401 O: 605-225-5680 R: 605-229-3118 Fax: 605-229-3724 E: ehreich@nvc.net REINHILLER, KYLE (Becky) 416 Arlene Ave Harrisburg SD 57032 O: 605-767-2253 R: 605-743-5724 E: kwrein@hotmail.com REINHILLER, ROSS (Valerie) 921 S Charlotte Ave Sioux Falls SD 57103 R: 605-271-9694 E: pastorsplay@hotmail.com REINHILLER, VALERIE “Val” (Ross) 921 S Charlotte Ave Sioux Falls SD 57103 R: 605-271-9694 E: vreinhiller@msn.com RENAUD, LINDA (Richard Rinearson) 411 Danbury Dr Goshen IN 46526 R: 574-537-9383 C: 574-312-1283 E: showandtellchrist@comcast.net RHODES, WARREN (Grace) Box 376 McClusky ND 58463 O: 701-363-2420
E: wgrhodes@westriv.com RICHARDS, LEISA 1505 Marcato Lane NW Albuquerque NM 87104. R: 505-228-1667 E: leisa@leisarichardslaw.com RICHARDS, MATTHEW G. 906 North 1st St Groton SD 57445 O: 605-397-8270 E: grotonumcpastor@nvc.net RICHARDS, SHEILA (Carlyle) 2705 Railroad Circle Aberdeen SD 57401 R: 605-225-6054 C: 605-228-1258 E: revrich@abe.midco.net RICE, DAN 1309 Walnut Grand Forks ND 58201 R: 701-746-5950 RICKENBACH, JOEL (Ann) PO Box 97 Oelrichs SD 57763 R: 605-535-6305 RITTER, PENNY JANE PO Box 311 Truman MN 50776 O: 507-776-6576 ROOZEN, PETER KIP (Barbara) 4209 S Bond Ave Sioux Falls SD 57103 O: 605-332-8861 R: 605-271-1441 F: 605-332-1939 C: 605-645-9530 kip@sfasbury.org ROTH, ROBERT (Enid) 1218 Silverbrook Lane Spearfish SD 57783 R: 605-559-0777 E: whippoorwillct@juno.com RUEDEBUSCH, ROBERT “Bob” (Paula) 401 S Spring Ave Sioux Falls SD 57104 O: 605-336-3652 R: C: 605-484-1502 F: 605-334-9805 E: pastorbob@sfumc.org RUSH, VAL (Teresa) PO Box 224 Winner SD 57580 O: 605-842-0854 R: 605-842-2498 C: 701-523-1346 E: valrush@gmail.com RUSSELL, ROGER (Stella) 1501 N 9th Ave Place E Newton IA 50208 R: 515-792-7079 RYOO, KEIHWAN “Kevin” (Misook) 3507 Westridge Rd Rapid City SD 57702 O: 605-342-4498 R: 605-791-1189 C: 605-877-2040 F: 605-342-4571 E: rapidcitykorean@hotmail.com SALMONSON, RICHARD “Dick” (Margaret) 1609 3rd Ave E Mitchell SD 57368 C: 605-999-4335 E: rm.salmonson6@gmail.com SALMONSON, ROBERT “Robbie” (Vickie) 213 E First Ave Flandreau SD 57028 O: 605-997-2857 C: 605-933-0077 E: robsalmonson@hotmail.com SAMUEL, SUNANDKUMAR “Sunny” (Leela) 2404 Alpine Ave Sioux Falls SD 57110 R: 605-371-1421
R: 480-380-5782 SIMMONS, ROBERT (Janet) 212 Vehr Dr. Colorado Springs CO 80916 C: 719-314-8663 E:Jlsimmons40@msn.com SJURSEN, RALPH (Harryette) 14751 24th St. SE Erie ND 58029 R: 701-967-8542 E: rsjursen@polarcomm.com SMITH, PAUL 29820 Hard Scrabble Rd Oelrichs SD 57763 R: (605) 535-2012 C: 605-890-0217 E: cowboyrev51@gmail.com SMITH, ROGER (Bonnie) 622 Kohlersburg Rd New Bethlehem PA 16242 R: 814-275-2522 E: ras1715@windstream.net SNETHEN, RON (Jeanne) 31686 SD Hwy 44 Winner SD 57580 O: 605-842-3883 R: 605-842-0825 E: ronjean@gwtc.net SOMMERS, CHARLES (Linda) 7477 Tyring Rd. Newburgh, IN 47630-8170 O: 812-490-4614 SORENSEN, RAENELLE Box 537 Larimore ND 58251 O: 701-343-2458 R: 701-343-2297 E: theyoke@centurylink.net SPAHR, RANDALL (Diane) 4890 43rd St S Fargo ND 58104 O: 701-356-1500 R: 701-412-7570 E: roger.spahr@dakotasumc.org SPAHR, ROGER (Joan) 232 N Lake Dr Watertown SD 57201 O: 605-886-2242 R: 605-886-5233 E: rspahr@cumcwat.com SPURRELL, MARILYN 1550 3rd St W West Fargo ND 58078 R: 701-532-0234 O: 701-364-1941 F: 701-364-1942 C: 605-270-3185 E: marilyn.spurrell@dakotasumc.org STANLEY, CLARENCE 1025 3rd Ave SE #C7 Rugby ND 58368 R: 701-776-6030 STEIN, K. JAMES (Loretta) 2519 Ridgeway Evanston IL 60201 O: 312-866-3952 R: 312-864-0649 F: 708-866-3957 STEMPSON, MARGARET “PEGGY” PO Box 579 Pierre SD 57501 O: 605-224-5939 R: 605-224-5413 C: 605-223-1222 E: peggy96222@aol.com STEWART, DONNA PO Box 287 DeSmet SD 57231 R: 605-854-9369 E: pastordonna@hotmail.com
SAPP, MARLIN (Carol) PO Box 128 Stickney SD 57375 R: 605-732-4350 E: zip2zap@midstatesd.net SAYLER, GLEN (Corinne) 7720 Midnight Rd Falcon CO 80831 R: 719-494-1431 SCANSON, ARTHUR “Art” (Lorraine) 3912 Coleman Bismarck ND 58503 C: 701-391-3912 R: 701– 255-1920 E: Lscanson@msn.com SCHNABEL, PERRY (Cynthia) 1223 N 22nd St Bismarck ND 58501 O: 701-255-4281 R: 701-751-2050 C: 701-426-5695 E: pastorperrys@msn.com SCHNACKENBERG, JUSTIN (Kyli) 920 3rd Ave SE Jamestown ND 58401 R: 701-659-3062 E: pastorschanck@gmail.com SCHOTT, WALTER “Walt” (Lola) 1701 Fifth Ave NW Mandan ND 58554 R: 701-663-3421 C: 701-425-1505 E: wschott@bis.midco.net SCHULER, CODY 906 1st Ave S Fargo ND 58103 O: 701-232-4416 C: 701-212-2866 E: cjschuler@gmail.com SCHWENN, DEVERN (Joan) 47872 - 151st S Milbank SD 57252 O: 605-432-4766 R: 605-432-5050 C: 605-949-1742 E: djacres@q.com SEMRAD, JEANNE (Robert) 803 4th St Brookings SD 57006 R: 605-692-5207 E: jeannesemrad@hotmail.com SEMRAD, ROBERT (Jeanne) 803 4th St Brookings SD 57006 R: 605-692-5207 E: b1semrad@hotmail.com SEVERTSON, DAVID (Karen) 2500 W 37th St Sioux Falls SD 57101 O: 605-446-3835 R: 605-334-5522 C: 605-940-7581 E: pastordave@sio.midco.net SHELDON, MARY ANN 18 Apple Valley Ln Spearfish SD 57783 C: 605-871-9941 E: minotmas@yahoo.com SHLANTA PEASLEY, GAIL (John Peasley) 5228 S Sweetbriar Ct Sioux Falls SD 57108 R: 605-336-0214 E: gshlanta@gmail.com SIEBRECHT, LYLA (Harlan) 38342 170th St Redfield SD 57469 R: 605-472-0419 E: lylaelaine@nvc.net Winter: 9333 E University Dr #45 Mesa AZ 85207
STEWART, RUSSELL (Dulci) PO Box 125 Alexandria SD 57311 O: 605-239-4343 R: 605-239-4496 C: 605-677-9045 E: stewarus35@msn.com STOLP, JERRY A. (Carolyn) 6204 W Misty Glen Place Sioux Falls SD 57106 C: 605-421-8757 E: stolpgas@yahoo.com STUCKE, EARL (Grace) 255 Texas St #F439 Rapid City SD 57701 R: 605-390-4634 E: egstucke@rushmore.com SYKES, RICHARD (Peggy) 402 Center Ave. Curtis NE 69025 O: 308-367-4227 SWEIR, JENNIFER 6900 W 6th St Sioux Falls SD 57104 O: 605-425-2245 C: 605-759-7808 E: mercyme32000@yahoo.com TARVER, RUSSELL (Virginia) 4904 S Oxbow Ave #109 Sioux Falls SD 57106 R: 605-338-1334 E: rjtarver@sio.midco.net TIESZEN, WAYNE 1115 Vander Horck PO Box 256 Britton SD 57430 R: 605-448-5249 E: tieszen@venturecomm.net TKACH, ROD (Marilyn) 306 Oak Vista Dr Dandridge TN 37725 R: 701-220-6220 TOEPKE-FLOYD, MARTIN “Marty” (Tammy) PO Box 245 Wishek ND 58495 O: 701-452-2432 R: 701-452-2432 C: 701-325-0378 E: mctfloyd@bektel.com TOWLER, JAMES (Arlene) 1701 49th St SE St. Cloud MN 56304 C: 320-291-8739 R: 320-240-6388 E: jgt2629@msn.com TRACY, JOY (Mark) 333 S Summit Ave Sioux Falls SD 57104 C: 605-881-0040 E: pastor.jtracy@gmail.com TRACY, MARK (Joy) 333 S Summit Ave Sioux Falls SD 57104 C: 605-881-5483 E: pastor.mtracy@gmail.com TRAPP, DEAN (Susie) 1640 Simmons Ave SE Huron SD 57350 O: 605-352-6227 R: 605-352-9080 C: 605-354-6227 E: pastordean@santel.net TREFZ, REBECCA (Steven) 316 River Oak St Brandon SD 57005 O: 605-582-7995 R: 605-582-7911 C: 605-201-5391 E: pastor_rebecca@alliancecom.net
TREFZ. STEVEN (Rebecca) 316 River Oak St Brandon SD 57005 R: 605-582-7911 C: 605-251-5316 E: sgtrefz@gmail.com TRUESDELL, JAMES PO Box 116 DeSmet SD 57231 O: 605-854-3927 R: 605-854-9334 E: pastor_desmet@q.com TSUKAMOTO, MINORU (Yoko) 115 2nd Ave SE Watertown SD 57201 O: 605-886-5777 R: 605-886-8154 TURNER, MARK (Angela) PO Box 196 Burke SD 57523 O: 605-775-2752 R: 605-775-2057 E: msturner75@yahoo.com TYLER, JEN 606 N Commercial St Clark SD 57225 O: 605-532-3915 R: 605-532-3968 C: 202-997-7642 E: pastorjent@gmail.com ULMER, RODNEY (Melissa) PO Box 176 Marion ND 58466 O: 701-669-2209 R: 701-669-2239 E: mrulmer@drtel.net UNKENHOLZ, RICHARD “Dick” (Pat) 1905 Pine Tree Dr Prescott AZ 86303 R: 928-443-9911 E: raunk@cableone.net VAN ESSEN, BERT 202 E Division St Gettysburg SD 57442 E bvesr@mncomm.com VAN TASSEL, GUSTAV (Sally) 4430 Bauer Farm Dr. Apt. 108 Lawrence KS 66049 R: 785-749-5927 E: vanslyvt@gmail.com VEGLAHN, DON (Nancy) 2604 S Lincoln Sioux Falls SD 57105 R: 605-331-3809 E: nveglahn@sio.midco.net VETTER, BRANDON (Vicki) 1200 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 O: 605-995-2919 E: brvetter@dwu.edu VONDERGEEST, CRAIG (Cinda) 205 S Adair St Clinton SC 29325 O: 864-833-8271 R: 864-833-5119 F: 864-938-3767 E: cavonderg@presby.edu VORE, JEFFREY “Jeff ” (Bonnie) 851 Willow Dr Dakota Dunes SD 57049 O: 605-780-4767 R: 605-232-4619 C: 712-266-6142 E: jcvore@cableone.net VORLAGE, TIMOTHY “Tim” (Kathleen) PO Box 115 Hitchcock SD 57348 O: 605-266-2135 R: 605-266-2511 C: 605-354-9437 E: hitchcockumc@venturecomm.net
E: russwhaley@gmail.com WHETSEL, TERESA (Virgil) 204 4th St Arlington SD 57212 O: 605-983-5471 R: 605-983-5252 E: pastorteresaw@gmail.com WHIPKEY, BARRY (Deb) 1021 NW 7th St Madison SD 57042 O: 605-256-2162 R: 605-256-0143 C: 605-270-2332 E: pastorbarry55@gmail.com WHITMER, LOU 620 15th Ave NE Aberdeen SD 57401 O: 605-226-1279 C: 701-240-5346 E: pastorlou@nvc.net WIGEN, A. JULIAN (Lois) 3010 Morningview Dr Rapid City SD 57702 R: 605-716-7388 E: jwigen@rushmore.com WILSON, PEARY (Eileen) 24927 Sylvan Lake Rd Custer SD 57730 R: 605-673-3401 O: 605-662-7716 E: pawdakota@yahoo.com WILSON, RUSSELL (Doris) 9240 Rudio Rd Billings MT 59101 R: 406-651-1352 WINCKLER, JOEL (Kris) 4575 45th St S Fargo ND 58104 O: 701-232-5650 R: 701-540-4112 C: 701-238-2176 F: 701-237-9140 E: joel@calvaryfargo.com WINKELMAN, NORMAN E. (DeLette) 1105 2nd Ave SW Jamestown ND 58401-5462 R: 701-252-1907 C: 701-320-2003 E: ndwink@csicable.net WINSTRYG, MARVIN (Helen) 4637 Trenton Dr Bismarck ND 58503 R: 701-516-7407 E: mwinstryg@yahoo.com WU, DAVID C. (Shirley) 315 Beckingham Loop Cary NC 27519-5411 R: 919-388-1767 E:dcwu2002@yahoo.com YI, CHANG HYNCK (Youna Rhee) 2588 S 19th St Grand Forks ND 58201 O: 701-772-1893 R: 701-775-2027 F: 701-772-8391 C: 605-999-7345 E: pastorchangyi@gmail.com ZACHRISON, DAYNE (Aimee) 654 9th Ave SW Valley City ND 58072 O: 701-845-0340 R: 701-845-0156 C: 701-840-7294 F: 701-845-0347 E: pastordayne@gmail.com ZECK, RICHARD “Rich” (Bonnie) 625 5th St Brookings SD 57006 O: 605-692-4345 F: 605-692-0909 E: pastorrich@brookings.net ZERFACE, PEGGY 95 Forest St Fargo ND 58102 O: 701-683-4479 R: 701-683-5996 C: 701-360-0700
WAISANEN, CORI (James) 128 E Spruce Ave Linton ND 58552 C: 701-851-0567 R: 701-254-0166 E: revcori@juno.com WAISANEN, JAMES (Cori) 128 E Spruce Ave Linton ND 58552 O: 701-254-5448 R: 701-254-0166 E: jwaisanen@juno.com WALKER, CLINT (Jennifer) 350 N Garden Hot Springs SD 57747 O: 605-745-5640 F: 605-745-5645 R: 605-755-6411 C: 719-468-9549 E: ucpastor@gwtc.com WALKES, ROLAND R. (Verlaine) 2115 2nd St SW #327 Rochester MN 55902 R: 507-289-8756 WALL, ROBERT (Gerrie) 1780 Augusta Dr SW #102 Ft. Myers FL 33907 R: 239-362-1459 E: crbobwall@gmail.com WALTERS, DAVID PO Box 35 Harvey ND 58341 O: 701-324-2494 R: 701-324-4232 E: onegod@gondtc.com WALTERS, GARY (Laura) 5103 Long View Dr Rapid City SD 57703 O: 605-393-1526 C: 605-415-7802 E: gary@valley-umc.com W: waltersupnorth.com WALTERS, LAURA (Gary) 14762 Mustang Ln Rapid City SD 57703 C: 605-415-7193 E: laura.walters77@gmail.com WARD, MICHAEL “Mike” (Karen) 724 Main St Milnor ND 58060 O: 701-427-9401 R: 701-427-5480 C: 701-680-2035 E: karmi@drtel.net WATT, DONALD (Trilla) 692 Stallion Springs Way Middleton ID 83644 C: 605-630-3424 E: dw71tw@ymail.com WEBER, ADAM (Becky) 7112 W 51st St Sioux Falls SD 57106 O: 605-271-3249 E: adam@iamembrace.com WELLSANDT-ZELL, RHONDA 704 Idaho Ave SE Huron SD 57350 R: 605-352-0760 C: 605-350-0542 E: wellzell@yahoo.com WENZEL, WARREN (Iva) 1002 9th St Langdon ND 58249 O: 701-370-0674 R: 701-256-2792 E: ivawenzel@yahoo.com WERTH, JOHN PO Box 36 Cavalier ND 58220 O: 701-265-4595 E: pastorjohnwerth@gmail.com WHALEY, RUSSELL (Pamela) 1639 28th Ave S #301 Grand Forks ND 58201 C: 701-866-0418 E:
E: pegz@firstumcfargo.org ZIEBARTH, STEVEN “Steve” (Kathryn) 621 E 4th St Canton SD 57013 O: 605-764-2859 R: 605-558-1422 F: 605-764-0059 C: 605-359-5276 E: steve.cumcoffice@iw.net
13008 403rd Ave Groton, SD 57445 129 E Arikara Bismarck ND 58501 1914 North 16th St Unit 1 Bismarck, ND 58501 Email: eboard@bis.midco.net C/O Heartland Trust Company Fargo ND 58106 PO Box 9135 3219 Stratford Hall Ct Las Vegas NV89135 Email: BBrown5724@aol.com 3003 Country Club Dr Rapid City SD 57702 12501 W 100th Terrace Lenexa KS 66215 2336 Westlake Circle South Ingelside TX 78362 E: lizard@the-i.net 200 19th St SE #204 Watertown,SD 57201 vmeswan@wat.midco.net 4001 S Marion Dr. #27 Sioux Falls SD 57106 E: perd@sio.midco.net PO Box 548 Chino Valley AZ 86323 1830 High Pointe Lane NW #205 Rochester MN 55901 mgabel@juno.com PO Box 486 Scotland SD 57059 % Steve Craf, 806 Taylor Dr Aberdeen SD 57401 E: seg@nvc.net 12804 Larene Dr. Black Hawk SD 57718 PO Box 247 Montrose SD 57048 hhansum@siouxvalley.net 101 West Hackberry St Brandon SD 57005 E: sirrah1955@alliancecom.net 605-582-2093 519 Heritage Dr #28 Brookings SD 57006 16 Horton Court Pleasant Hill CA 94523 512 2nd Ave S Leonard ND 58052 310 Windsor Ct Spearfish SD 57783 5424 Timberline Tr. Rapid City SD 57702 3434 28th St S #108 Fargo ND 58104 friedahultin@gmail.com 23046 Hisega Rd Rapid City SD 57702 C/O Ronald Hunter 332 Redruth Dr Dodgeville WI 53533 26 Sherry Ln Ottawa Ontario K2G3LG 4017 South April Place Sioux Falls SD 57103 K3j3leach@msn.com 901 Park Ave Farrell PA 16121 1110 N Lake Ave Apt. 110 B Sioux Falls SD 57104 313 West Plains Clovis NM 88101 PO Box 1587 Zuni NM 87327 4405 S Highland Ave Apt. 111 Sioux Falls SD 57103 E: elsiemcbride@gmail.com West Hills Retirement Rapid City SD 57701 355 Texas St Apt K One 2nd St. S. #5-409 Fargo ND 58103 1528 Lakeview Lane Mitchell SD 57301 109 W 42nd St Sioux Falls SD 57105 tfmoberly@yahoo.com 769 17th St Windom MN 56101 13791 Braun Drive Golden CO 80401 E: dmoreland1@comcast.net Luther Park, # 204 (510 Olive Av.) Sandpoint Idaho 83864 Eviecliffps23@msn.com 140 Pine Dr Port Townsend WA 98368 3604 S Helena Spokane WA 99303 2849 158th Ave SE Casselton ND 58012
E: Piehl@casselton.net POWER, AVON (Joseph Dudley) 141 W Wabasha St RAGER, MARY ANN (Wayne) 617 E 2nd St. Apt 121 RAHN, MARILYN (Donald) 7400 S Louise Ave Apt 229 RITTER, PEG (Charles) 1310 W Madison Apt 121 Pr.ct62@gmail.com RUDOLPH, VELMA (Ervin) Dayton Place, 1950 S. Dayton St #230
Phone: (303) 671-0457 E: rev@mailbug.com
Duluth MN 55803 Canton SD 57013 Sioux Falls SD 57108 Sioux Falls SD 57104 Denver CO 80247
SAMUEL, ESTHER (Jothya) 4214 South Arden Avenue Sioux Falls SD 57103 SHAWCHUCK, VERNA (Norman) 2801 37 ½ Ave S Fargo ND 58104 SLOAT, EDITH (Orland) 1321 14th Ave EApt 23 West Fargo ND 58078 SORTLAND, PHYLLIS (John) 305 8th Ave NE Room 230 East Minot ND 58703 TEICHMANN, JOAN (Richard) 3211 30th Ave S Fargo ND 58103 E: jvtpiano@aol.com TRAVER, GERALDINE (Frank) 1438 Wisconsin St Brookings SD 57006 TROTTER-WALLACE, KATHLEEN 10767 Sycamore Rd. Lowell AR 72745 (Richard Trotter) Phone: 479-631-1779 VOAS, BARB (Ken) 508 W. Trilbuy Road #313 Fort Collins CO 80525 VOS, DORIS (James) PO Box 282 White River SD 57579 WAGNER, FRANCES (Robert) 111 West 17th St. #353 Sioux Falls SD 57104 E: fwagner@sio.midco.net WERNER, LORRAINE (Edwin) 5030 14th St. West, Lot J17 Bradeton,FL 34207 WESLEY, RUBY (Art Wesley) PO 8323 Sebring FL 33872 E: ruby539@embarqmail.com WHITNEY, EVELYN (Frank L.) 255 Texas Street, Apt. M-202 Rapid City SD 57701 evelynfccr@aol.com WILLIAMS, LORNA (Harry) 3111 Broadway N #316 Fargo ND 58102 lcwill@e3digital.com WICKRE MAYER, LINDA (Jerry) 19839 Ivy Road Chelsea, MI 48118 WORKMAN, DOROTHY (David) 2927 SE Village Loop #218 Vancouver, WA 98683 E: ddeeworkman@gmail.com Worner, Linnea 2335 Parilament Dr Colorado Springs CO 80920
Lay Leadership Directory
This directory is a list of: Laity on Conference committees and agencies, church elected lay members to annaul conference, lay members by virture of office, lay equalization, and lay conference employees. Certified Lay Servant leaders are a separate list. Last Name Aichele Alsup Alverson Anderson Anderson Antrim Antrim Arlt Armstrong Asher Austin Baasch Baatrup Bader Bader Bader Bailey Baker Barber Barnard Beac Becker Becker Beddow Beeson Behl Bell Bent Bergh Bergh Bethke Bethke Beyer Bindenagel Blumer Blumer Boettcher Bohlen Bohn Borgman Bottger Bowen Braun
First Name C B (Ike) Ashley Charlene Stephanie Karen Elliane Janice Dave Donald Marilyn Janelle Lisa Gunner Monica Nathan Matt Fern Michael Shirley Jo Dee Christy Glynis Kay Jim Michael Terri Deb Claude Rod Sharon Anthony Gene Howard Deana Sharon Bruce Marvia Nancy Floyd Gloria Jerry Jason Kay
Address Line 1 Address City 467 E Brandon Dr Bismarck 9870 Greenpoint Ct Summerset 46257 240th ST Chester 43197 SD Hwy 52 Yankton 6977 164th Ave SE Colfax 1312 Lakota Ave Brandon 1312 Lakota Ave Brandon 1313 N Main St Aberdeen 5202 S Woodsedge Tr Sioux Falls 1411 S 6th St Aberdeen 1715 8th Ave Belle Fourche 45743 237th St Madison 1751 Ohio SW Huron 904 Winchester Dr Pierre 904 Winchester Dr Pierre 904 Winchester Dr Pierre 1640 N 6th St Wahpeton 909 19th Ave N Fargo 30368 Fieldstone Dr Onida 708 15th St NW Minot 820 W 2nd Ave Lennox 629 Kansas City St Rapid City 1119 4th St Brookings 2520 S Main St Sioux Falls 7977 County Rd 15 Wahpeton 1202 W SD Hwy 44 Parkston 42071 N Shore Dr Alexandria 27565 Cascade Rd Hot Springs 518 1st St Nortonville PO Box 146 Kindred 41249 178th St Raymond 41247 178th St Raymond 1001 Main St Bottineau 402 Oak St Frankfort PO Box 460 Mitchell PO Box 460 Mitchell 308 1/2 E Blvd Av. Apt A Bismarck 418 Elm Ave Brookings 605 S 2nd St Apt 10 Milbank PO Box 873 Spearfish PO Box 227 White River 401 8th Ave Marion 607 Hackberry Dr S Fargo
State Zipcode Phone # Email Address ND 58503 701-258-6418 cb.aich@bis.midco.net SD 57718 605-721-3955 ashleyalsup@hotmail.com SD 57016 605-489-2266 laalv@citctel.com SD 57078 605-660-8356 sa95livelaugh@gmail.com ND 58018 701-372-3840 SD 57005 605-582-3279 jantrim@alliancecom.net SD 57005 605-583-3279 pysankyprincess@aol.com SD 57401 605-225-3794 daa1313@abe.midco.net SD 57108 605-271-8846 donanddawn@sio.midco.net SD 57401 605-225-8711 fumcbus@nvc.net SD 57717 605-569-0618 janelle.austin@colloid.com SD 57042 605-270-3319 lisab@svtv.com SD 57324 605-352-5865 info@firstmethodisthuron.org SD 57501 605-224-7295 thebhive4@msn.com SD 57501 605-224-5939 thebhive4@msn.com SD 57501 605-224-7295 mcbader@live.com ND 58075 701-640-1640 fmbailey@wah.midco.net ND 58102 701-232-6844 m.baker491@live.com SD 57564 605-258-2556 sbarber@venturecomm.net ND 58701 701 839-4439 jodeebarnard@srt.com SD 57039 605-647-0282 ctabeach@iw.net SD 57701 605-342-4498 glynis@rapidcityfirst.org SD 57006 605-692-7612 tkbecker@brookings.net SD 57105 605-357-8110 jbeddow1@sio.midco.net ND 58075 701-274-8944 mbeeson@rrt.net SD 57366 605-660-1344 tpcard@yahoo.com SD 57311 605-239-4223 bell@triotel.net SD 57747 605-745-6002 ND 58454 701-685-2679 ND 58051 701-428-3624 sharonbergh@hotmail.com SD 57253 605-532-3889 SD 57258 605-233-0168 gbethke@itctel.com ND 58318 701-228-3384 unitedparishbottineau@gmail.com SD 57440 605-472-1917 SD 57301 605-996-6552 sharon.blumer@dakotasumc.org SD 57301 605-770-5156 bblumer@dakotasumf.org ND 58501 701-258-5594 marvanboe@gmail.com SD 57006 605-692-7744 nbohlen@swiftel.net SD 57252 FBohn31982@aol.com SD 57783 605-642-5321 ron.borgman@yahoo.com SD 57579 605-259-3682 lindambaldock@gmail.com ND 58466 701-669-2435 ND 58104 701-232-1915 braunk@cableone.net
Braun Breidenbach Brosz Broten Brown Buck Burkhead Burnison Busby Caine Caine Caine Callies Carlson Carlson Carnes Carpenter Carr Cass Cataldo Caudill Chaplin Christy Claggett Clifford Collins Crawford Crosser Cummins Czech Darling Daugherty Day DeSmet Desper Dieken Dirksen Dobesh Dorsman Dow Drabek Dravland Drew Droppers Dugas Dunn Dustin Duval Dyk Egan Eggers
Averell Pat Betty Louise Charlotte Rod Larry Gretchen Doyle Barb Roger Don/Sharon LaDonna Thomas Bonnie Cortland Jeanine Dave Larry Jodi Lazann Sue Judy John Nona Stacy Bob Barbara Tom Donovon David Robbie Doug Irma Carolyn Melvin Breanna Vicki Mary Jeff Robert Tom Roberta Layne Norma Jeri Jim Sharon Diane Barbara Peggy
PO Box 291 737 E 14th Ave 909 12th St NE 2503 Tyler Parkway PO Box 115 22 S 10th St 2701 Mt Meadow 39068 227th St 1315 Evergreen Dr 903 5th Ave SE 903 5th Ave SE 211 Hillcrest Dr 45115 Herman Blvd 1119 University Dr PO Box 460 410 W Hemlock 47856 281st St 629 Kansas City St 2013 E Dakota PO Box 460 4900 S Pheasant Ln 1820 Fulton St 2598 S 36th St 410 W 13th Ave 3420 13th Ave SW 1826 8th Ave 1465 Illinois Ave SW 21587 467th Ave 21386 393rd Ave 474 35th Ave NE 1118 20th St NE PO Box 176 903 S Wind 1600 Country Dr 913 Poplar St SE 202 W 2nd St Apt 1 46977 144th St 526 Lincoln St PO Box 75 612 Ash St 3526 Maddy Anne Ct 1213 W 2nd St PO Box 44 500 E 11th St 4008 Pioneer Dr PO Box 528 529 Maple Ln 410 2nd Ave S Apt B 1707 W Wichita Dr 714 E Turnpike 21507 464th Ave
Burke Mitchell Jamestown Bismarck Stickney Oakes Rapid City Alpena Sturgis Jamestown Jamestown Jamestown Madison Bismarck Mitchell Beresford Canton Rapid City Pierre Mitchell Sioux Falls Sturgis Grand Forks Mitchell Watertown Belle Fourche Huron Volga Alpena Bowdon Watertown Pembina Flandreau Mitchell Mandan Hartford Twin Brooks Burke Garretson Lisbon Rapid City Pierre Bowbells Yankton Grand Forks Hettinger Moorhead New Rockford Bismarck Bismarck Volga
57523 57301 58401 58503 57375 58474 57702 57312 57785 58401 58401 58401 57042 58504 57301 57004 57013 57701 57501 57301 57108 57785 58201 57301 57201 57717 57350 57071 57312 58418 57201 58271 57028 57301 58554 57033 57269 57523 57030 58054 57701 57501 58721 57078 58201 58639 56560 58356 58504 58501 57071
605-775-2206 605-996-9230 701-252-4582 701 255 7133 605-732-4237 701-742-3734 605-484-6318 605-849-3422 605-490-9910 701-252-7026 701-252-7026 701-269-2392 605-256-4303 701-226-2596 605-996-6552 605-763-5427 605-987-5110 605-342-4498 605-224-7777 605-996-6552 605-362-1812 605-720-2125 701-772-1984 605-996-3898 605-886-7579 605-210-0808 605-354-4015 605-693-4179 605-352-5740 701-850-2449 605-886-6868 701-825-6906 605-864-8175 605-770-3359 701-527-4095 605-528-6142 605-949-1277 605-775-2374 605-594-3580 605-348-8801 605-224-9584 701-377-4793 605-660-5414 701-772-3559 701-567-5357 218-236-9931 701-351-2967 701-222-4194 701-223-3430 605-690-1803
averellb@gwtc.net breidenbach@mit.midco.net bbrosz@csicable.net lhbroten@yahoo.com rodbuckcpa@hotmail.com larryburkhead@msn.com rbpepp@hotmail.com dmbuzz@rushmore.com barb_caine@yahoo.com roger_caine@hotmail.com caine@daktel.com kimlad@svtv.com thomas@legacyumc.org bonnie.carlson@dakotasumc.org
susan@rapidcityfirst.org lgcass@pie.midco.net jodi.cataldo@dakotasumc.org
scollins17@my.gcu.edu bobkathic@gmail.com crosser@itctel.com crittercamp@santel.net lvetch@gmail.com robbiedaugherty@hotmail.com maggiesclan@iw.net idesmet@msn.com cmc@bis.midco.net humc@unitel.com breleedir@gmail.com vrd@gwtc.net
bbdra@rap.midco.net dravland@pie.midco.net nddrew@nccray.com dropfam94@hotmail.com njdugas@msn.com jeri.dunn@sendit.nodak.edu dustinclan@gomoorhead.com cduval@gondtc.com dyke@bismarckschools.org peggy_eggers@yahoo.com
Eisenbarth Eisenbraun Eliason Ellis Endresen Enger Enzminger Erickson Evenson Evenson Ewing-Lee Farris Fields Fields Finn Finney Finney Finney Flieth Flowers Follette Fox Fox Frahm Freborg Freed Freier Gale Galegher Galinat Gault Geloff Gilbertson Gilmore Glennen Goos Gosmire Green Greer Greer Gross Guscette Haffield Hagen Hagler Haigh Hall Hallenbeck Hamers Hannesson Hansen
Ramona Linda Steve Heather Lisa Beverly Duane Doug Jane Dennis Greg Connie Marylynne Jerry Cynthia Jeri Frank Cheryl Rich Libby Everett Jean Donald Deb Layton Sheila Jo Terri John Penny Charlene Verlla Barbara Tom Deb Mike Doreen Judy Rita Ralph John Marjorie Jo Cliff Alvina Lisa Tom Nancy Paul Mary Jo Jerilyn
7310 82nd St SW 21362 Creighton Rd 2018 Morningside Dr 1707 5th St SE 1204 33rd Ave SW 3564 Sheyenne Cir 911 9th Ave SW 6304 Westview Rd PO Box 965 PO Box 965 4287 28th Ave S PO Box 153 913 S Viola 913 S Viola PO Box 994 621 E 7th St 621 E 7th St 235 S Hawthorne Ave 304 NW 1st St 3365 81st Ave ND 705 3rd St 1108 Sunset St NW 1108 Sunset St NW 14025 Antelope Ln Rd PO Box 677 910 6th St W 25667 407th Ave 716 Griggs Ave PO Box 242 1114 N Hwy 14 No 3 N 31 Country Rd 31201 17th Ave NE PO Box 61 30479 437th Ave 2204 2nd Ave N 1208 5th Ave E PO Box 460 206 1/2 3rd Ave SW 5021 101st Ave SE 5021 101st Ave SE Box 427 9804 22nd St SE PO Box 133 909 19th Ave N 2143rd St NW 38857 183rd St 327 19th Ave W 2509 W 31st PO Box 285 206 6th Ave NE 45406 295th St
New Leipzig Wall Brookings Minot Minot Valley City Jamestown Sioux Falls Clear Lake Clear Lake Fargo Woonsocket Milbank Milbank Philip Winner Winner Sioux Falls Hillsboro Sheyenne Spearfish Watertown Watertown Oelrichs Underwood Dickinson Mitchell Grafton Thompson Pierre Rugby Sterling Finley Yankton Grand Forks Washburn Mitchell Bowman Marion Marion White River Wimbledon Winner Fargo Hazen Tulare West Fargo Sioux Falls Napoleon Rolla Irene
58562 57790 57006 58701 58701 58072 58401 57107 57226 57226 58104 57385 57252 57252 57567 57580 57580 57104 58045 58374 57783 57201 57201 57763 58576 58601 57301 58237 58278 57501 58368 58572 58230 57078 58203 58577 57301 58623 58466 58466 57579 58492 57580 58102 58545 57476 58078 57105 58561 58367 57037
701-584-2382 605-457-2692 605-691-3280 701-852-6796 701-720-0768 701-845-2223 701-252-7852 605-332-2798 605-874-2417 605-874-2417 701-526-3300 605-796-4255 605-432-5777 605-432-5777 605-859-4000 605-842-2164 605-842-2164 605-332-9959 701-430-1508 701-799-1174 605-722-2090 605-886-2122 605-886-2122 605-535-2991 701-225-2429 605-996-6747 701-352-2644 701-741-1377 605-224-9586 701-776-2303 701-387-4749 701-524-2226 605-665-8303 701-775-0956 701-315-0529 605-996-6552 701-260-7597 701-669-2315 701-669-2315 605 259 3357 701-435-2609 605-842-2079 701-232-6844 701-870-0862 605-596-4309 701-532-0701 605-360-2352 701-754-2680 701-477-6544 605-263-3449
agnurse@westriv.com umcwall@gwtc.net stevepennye@swiftel.net heatherellis@srt.com lisam@min.midco.net
ericksonds@sio.midco.net jkevenson@hotmail.com geb@itctel.com ewinglee@hotmail.com mgfields@itcmilbank.com mgfields@itcmilbank.com tfinn@gwtc.net fhf@gwtc.net fhf@gwtc.net fcheryl6@aol.com flieth@rrv.net childharvest@msn.com skixc@rushmore.com foxdcpa@dailypost.com foxdcpa@dailypost.com
gfreier@santel.net tgale1220@hotmail.com johngjr@invisimax.com plgalinat@yahoo.com tvgeloff@bektel.com
debrah.glennen@email.und.edu goos@beu.midco.net doreen.gosmire@dakotasumc.org
greenju@ndsupernet.com rmgreer@drtel.net Jgross@aol.com mgus@daktel.com haffield@gwtc.net milk2tee@hotmail.com dhagler@westriv.com haigh66@hotmail.com tmehall@midco.net nghallenbeck@gmail.com paul.hamers@sendit.nodak.edu jozois@yahoo.com jerilynhansen@yahoo.com
Hansen Hansen Hansen Harmon Harr Harris Hauge Hayenga Hazen Heflin Heim Heitmann Hemenway Herman Herrboldt Higgins Hilton Hilton Hirsch Hock Hoefert Hoff Hoff Hoff Hohbach Holland Holm Holten Holzwarth Horner Howen Hughes-Mount
Hummel Isebrands Jacobson Jaeger Janke Janke Janzen Jenness Jensen Jensen Johnson Johnson Jones Jones Jones Jordheim Jost Karlen Karlen
Troy Chad David Bruce Kaye Jo Vickie Mary Jane Christy Jordan Deena Laura Janae Allen Jessica Don Geoff Heather Sarah Beverly William Jim Willy Elissa Larry Elaine Becky Dave Arnold Lisa Susan Valerie Suzanne Clifford Carrie Betty Delmar Diana Jim Scott Mary Louise Carol Elliot Janelle Julia Scott Neil Rick Nancy Dean
29797 451st Ave 1005 Westview Dr 45406 295th St 5505 17th St N 36829 175th St 101 W Hackberry St 11898 Holso Rd 574 Flattop Circle 406 2nd St 1821 115th Ave Se 1427 NE 4th St 604 8th St 20281 397th Ave 1711 Minuteman Dr 5904 W Elder Dr 31 Sunrise Dr 7505 Red Ridge Dr 1904 7th St NW 1209 Whiting St 304 S LincolnAve #9 24944 386th Ave 2508 E Harriet Lea 319 Bleeker St 5949 S Lois Ln 14 Horseshoe Lane PO Box 323 PO Box 133 1434 Pebble Beach Rd 43168 Valley View Rd 30173 391st Ave 16361 SD Hwy 15 629 Kansas City St 1200 W University Ave 105 Elm Ave 1111 6th St SW 1209 S Hillview Rd 42670 281st St 42670 281st St 363 N Cherry St 2503 Tyler Parkway 629 Kansas City St PO Box 6 212 McLaughlin St NW 1649 Moriarity Dr 835 W Hill St No 205 1122 Lakewood Dr 1122 Lakewood Dr 3620 Fairway Rd NE 928 4th St Ste 2 1503 Meadowbrook Ct PO Box 187
Irene Dell Rapids Irene Moorhead Rockham Brandon Deadwood Spearfish Murdo Dazey Madison Britton Huron Rapid City Sioux Falls Watertown Black Hawk Minot Yankton Madison Plankinton Sioux Falls Lead Sioux Falls Spearfish Howard Arthur Mitchell Yankton Wagner Revillo Rapid City Mitchell Wagner Minot Sioux Falls Olivet Olivet Parker Bismarck Rapid City Alpena Watertown Brookings Spearfish Pierre Pierre Fargo Brookings Aberdeen Aberdeen
57037 57022 57037 56560 57470 57005 57732 57783 57759 58429 57042 57430 57350 57701 57106 57201 57718 58703 57078 57042 57368 57103 57754 57108 57783 57349 58006 57301 57078 57380 57259 57701 57301 57380 58701 57110 57052 57052 57053 58503 57701 57312 57201 57006 57783 57501 57501 58102 57006 57401 57401
605-263-3104 605-428-4384 605-263-3449 218-233-9130 605-460-0107 605-582-2093 605-584-4886 605-380-2151 605-669-2848 701-733-2413 605-270-1513 605-470-0308 605-461-9053 605-341-6005 605-361-3654 605-882-4248 605-787-4858 701-838-8755 605-665-4869
ethansen@iw.net clhansen@siouxvalley.net jerilynhansen@yahoo.com bharmon65@gmail.com kkharr@nrctv.com sirrah1955@alliancecom.net vickie@dakotablue.net mhayenga@nvc.net murdoumc@goldenwest.net wac@dakcamps.org jheim1513@gmail.com deena.heitmann@k12.sd.us
605-942-7293 605-338-3693 605-722-1249 605- 271-0456 605-682-9854 605-254-5155 701-967-8903 605-292-0500 605-665-9896 605-384-3592 605-880-7488 605-342-4498 605-660-5419 605-384-3546 701-838-8734 605-940-4991 605-387-5490 703-622-5714 605-297-4723 701-490-2516 605-342-4498 605-849-3276 605-886 4088 605-690-6991 605-722-5911 605-280-2670 605-224-9346 701-298-0910 605-695-0783 605-226-0264 605-225-9011
b_hoefert@hotmail.com hoff@sio.midco.net jmhoff@rushmore.com awillhoff@sio.midco.net ehohbach@gmail.com holland@alliancecom.net
jaluca@rap.midco.net amherrb@knology.net joelhiggins@hotmail.com
becky.holten@dakcamps.org mdholz37@gmail.com lisamhowen@gmail.com susan@rapidcityfirst.org valerie.hummel.10@students.dwu.edu
isebrand@hcinet.net Carrie_F@hotmail.com bettyj131@hotmail.com DelmarJanke@prodigy.net lhbroten@yahoo.com scott.jensen@dakcamps.org caroljohnson@centurylink.net jljones@midco.net jtootiewoo@yahoo.com scottddp@yahoo.com neil@heartlandtrust.com rjost@brookings.net dean@nvc.net dean@nvc.net
Kaufman Keck Kerr Kerr Kisch Kleese Kloss Knodle Knoll Koens Kranzler Kratky Krueger Kunz Kuper Kurtz Laird Lambert Langland Larsen Larsen Larsen Larson Larson Lehner Lien Lindbloom Lindquist Lint Lintvedt Lintvedt Lippert Lovrien Lovrien Lower Luft Lutz Mack Madsen Madsen Malde Marquardt Marsh Martin Maxwell McCaskell
Jeanette Jacki Cathy Tim Diane Lavina Sheryl Merril John (Jack) Brent Bill Frank Autumn
Nina Jody Mike Jerry David Laurie Dean Mark Jennifer Bobbi Lorene Jon Bonnie Barbara Shirley Brenda Michelle Michelle Cherry Larry Marshall Bob and Ada Lisa Loren LeAnn Janet Larry Jann Sandra Carolyn Marsha Connie Molly McCay-Smidt Margaret McCormack Steven McCullar Katie McDougall Ken
606 N Commercial St 703 W 7th St PO Box 551 4274 58th St S 2019 Douglas Ave 824 5th St NW PO Box 185 2202 34 1/2 Ave S 1260 N Parkview Dr PO Box 187 3309 S Rivershore Dr 6604 Broadway St 1200 W University Ave
Clark Williston Highmore Fargo Yankton Jamestown Tulare Fargo Bismarck Faulkton Moorhead Moorhead Mitchell
10857 343rd Ave Eureka 201 S 5th St Milbank 163 Levee Trl Dakota Dunes 213 48th St Rapid City 1612 E 2nd Ave Mitchell 1200 W University Ave Mitchell 405 N Garfield Dell Rapids 215 4th St Edgeley 404 N Linwood Ct Sioux Falls 709 E 3rd St Miller 705 Code Ave S Park River 10407 Glen Haven Ct Rapid City 155 16th St NE Watertown 1002 S Cleveland Pierre 815 2nd Ave NE Kenmare PO Box 391 Hettinger 29718 SD Hwy 248 Presho 29718 SD Hwy 248 Presho 3900 S Terry Ave Apt A5 Sioux Falls 1021 N Main Aberdeen 12982 Idlewood Dr Aberdeen 252 Langer Ave. N. Casselton 1204 33rd Ave SW Minot 43591 145th St Webster 517 Crescent St Mobridge 906 E Commercial Gettysburg 906 E Commercial Gettysburg 3900 E 22nd St Sioux Falls 5847 148th Ave NE Forest River 420 1st Ave NE Linton 303 Sinclair St Bottineau 5111 S River Park Pl Sioux Falls 5017 Stoney Creek Dr Rapid City 205 N Eastern Ave #6 Hartford 600 170th St SW Des Lacs 9090 19th Ave N Fargo 1605 98th Ave SE Jamestown
57225 58801 57345 58104 57078 58401 57476 58104 58501 57438 56560 56560 57301
605-532-3915 701 572-7829 605-871-9066 701-793-0579 605-660-1242 701-252-3777 605-596-4213 701-799-9833 701-258-3740 605-598-4148 701-261-4160 218-233-8382 605-214-1353
pastorjent@gmail.com jkeck@wil.midco.net ckerr@venturecomm.net tkerr@nainorthcentral.com dlkisch@gmail.com
57437 57252 57049 57702 57301 57301 57022 58433 57103 57362 58270 57702 57201 57501 58746 58639 57568 57568 57106 57401 57401 58012 58701 57274 57601 57442 57442 57103 58233 58552 58318 57108 57702 57033 58733 58102 58401
605-577-6250 605-880-1256 605-232-9227 605-221-8001 605-292-0887 605-995-2134 605-428-3832 701-493-2053 605-331-1142 605-853-3866 701-284-7751 605-343-1834
knkranch@valleytel.net kuperjl@msn.com kurtzm@longlines.com lairdrc@@rap.midco.net dlambertmadc@santel.net LaLangla@dwu.edu danespal@siouxvalley.net markl@heartlandstatebank.com jlarsen@hwalaw.com bglarson@hur.midco.net
605-226-0111 605-225-7401 701-721-0441 701-720-0768 605-520-6315 605-850-3678 605-765-2746 605-765-2746 000 000 0000 701-331-1677 701-254-4443 701-228-2178 605-371-0964 605-391-5560 605-951-3039 701-725-4373 701-232-6844 701-953-1605
fumcbus@nvc.net mlovrien@abe.midco.net blower@dakotasumc.org Lisam@min.midco.net lorenlutz52@yahoo.com stanlee@westriv.com jmadsen@venturecomm.net larry_madsen@hotmail.com jannmalde@sio.midco.net smarquardt3@gmail.com nanaof7@bektel.com rmartin@min.midco.net maxwell@sio.midco.net mollymccaskell@hotmail.com margasmidt1@msn.com
abzsmk@venturecomm.net merrilkno@aol.com jeknoll@midco.net billydeank@gmail.com flkratky@centurylink.net autumn.krueger.10@students.dwu.edu
j8lehner@gmail.com BONNIEINSD@IW.NET 605-24-4489 bklindy@pie.midco.net 701-217-0141 lindq6@aol.com paulnbrenda@hotmail.com 605-895-2148 sewnsew@kennebectelephone.com 605-895-2148 sewnsew@kennebectelephone.com
McGuire McKirdy McKirdy McKnight McLean McMenamy McQuarie Meier Meisek Meister Meyer Meyer Meyer Miller Miller Moderegger Moeckly Moehring Moss Mund Mundt Myers Myers Myrick Nankivel Narem Nash Nash Nebelsick Nelson Nelson Nelson Nielson Niemeyer Olborne Olson Orrill Ortman Osborn Ottmar Ottmar Otto Oviatt Owen Owen Page Palleria Parish Patterson Paulson Peck
Sherry Emma Coleen Shirley Ron Michael Vickie Natalie Kevin Sheryl Tom Karen Roger John Chalene Cole Clark Sheila Thomas Rhonda Morgan Mary Lynn Barb Ellen Jerry Sharon Don Samantha Terry Kay Maxine Cindy MaryLee Beth Anne Nancy Stephen Katie Gary Joanne Tim Darin Nancy Barbara Jon David Frank Philip Norma Kimberly Don
1509 9th Ave SE Jamestown 14 Horseshoe Ln Spearfish 14 Horseshoe Ln Spearfish PO Box 735 Edgemont 4291 58th St S Fargo 1205 W Ralph Rogers RdSioux Falls PO Box 834 Hoven 3311 Baron Blvd Grand Forks 1308 11th St Langdon 5812 W 52nd St Sioux Falls 1603 N Dakota Aberdeen 23699 Mulligan Mile Rapid City 23699 Mulligan Mile Rapid City 13560 26th St SE Buffalo 412 S Truck St Kimball 1016 E 11th St Yankton 41648 SD Hwy 10 Britton PO Box 172 Blunt PO Box 42 Steele 1106 22nd St NE Watertown 2808 S Melanie Ln Sioux Falls 2817 S Ridgeview Way Sioux Falls PO Box 460 Mitchell 840 S 24th St Grand Forks 1508 14th St N Wahpeton 212 Billings Lead 829 Park Ave S No 5 Brookings 1915 Arizona St Sturgis 130 15th St SW Huron PO Box 273 Fairmount 162 Malibu Loop Sturgis 1601 Melanie Ln Sioux Falls 1228 Chatauqua Blvd Valley City 718 11th St Brookings 9555 22nd St SE Wimbledon 27106 Eagle Ridge Pl Harrisburg PO Box 341 Cando Box 157 Canistota 10150 178th Ave SE Fairmount 113 18th Ave NE Jamestown PO Box 1397 Jamestown PO Box 7 Crystal PO Box 1600 Watertown 1918 123rd Ave SE Luverne 1918 123rd Ave SE Luverne 801 S Viola St Milbank 1285 Idaho SE Huron PO BOX 727 Philip 1381 SD Hwy 26 Redfield 16349 423rd Ave Clark 409 S Kline Aberdeen
58401 57783 57783 57735 58104 58108 57450 58201 58249 58106 57401 57702 57702 58011 57355 57078 57430 57522 58482 57201 57103 57105 57301 58201 58075 57754 57006 57785 57350 58030 57785 57103 58072 57006 58492 57032 58324 57012 58030 58401 58402 58222 57201 58056 58056 57252 57324 57567 57469 57225 57401
701-252-0422 605-642-2112 605-642-2112 605-662-7714 701-235-1730 605-376-3606 605-948-2250 701-775-9177 701-256-5715 605-360-8995 605-225-6037 605-341-5308 605-341-5308 701-668-2311 605-778-6914 605-665-1091
605-280-2724 701-475-2309 605-886-8971 605-362-4010 000 000 0000 605-996-6552 218-791-3667 701-640-8585 605-722-8640 605-697-5284 605-661-0432 605-352-5891 701-474-5471 605-720-1425 605-351-2818 701-845-5717
angelonthego97@gmail.com thomasdmoss@gmail.com rhonmund@midco.net
hilltop@gwtc.net rmclean@serklandlaw.com MichaelMcMenamy@gmail.com
cmc@venturecomm.net lnmeier@hotmail.com khmsports@hotmail.com sherimeister07@gmail.com fumcbus@nvc.net rmeyer@rap.midco.net rmeyer@rap.midco.net ckaymiller@yahoo.com
bmyers@dakotasumf.org emyrick@gra.midco.net jsnank@wah.midco.net jsnarem@rushmore.com dfnash@brookings.net terry.nebelsick@k12.sd.us kaynels@hotmail.com maxwr@rushmore.com cynthianelson1@sio.midco.net marylee@quiltedceiling.com
701-435-2927 osborne@daktel.com 605-743-5739 jnolsen@sio.midco.net 000 000 0000 605-359-3288 unitedchurch@goldenwest.net garyo@vrt.coop 701-252-2174 jottmar@csicable.net 701-252-7229 tottmar@csicable.net 605.886.5812 701-845-0680 701-845-0680 605-432-7874 605-352-2168
oviatt.grocl@midconetwork.com barb_o11@hotmail.com jwowen1@hotmail.com info@firstmethodisthuron.org
605-472-2218 dmpmd@nrctv.com 605-532-5190 kpaulson224@hotmail.com 605-380-2051 dpeck25@abe.midco.net
Perry Marilyn Peterson Myrene Peterson Kendall Piehl Eileen Ping Bonnie Pospisil Jeff Pratt Carol Price Jan Puffer Robert Rainbolt John Rasmussen Dean Reeves David Reich Carol Reiners Melanie Reinhiller Lynne Rekow Brenda Renfrow Lucinda Renner Vicki Rhodes Lisa Ribstein Carly Richards Greg Richardson Mary Jane Rickenbach J.T. Rieken Diane Riley Madonna Ritter Lynelle Roberts Elaine Roemmich Jake Roozen Carol Sue Rotenberger Pat Royce Rosene Ruhaak Arlayne Sachs Kyle Sailer Audrey Samuelson Rydel Sandness Linda Sayler Judy Schaar Scott Schanzenbach Bill Scharmer Pam Schlecht Bruce Schlecht Tyrel Schlimgen JoAnn Scholotter Billy Schneider Nancy Schorg Carmen Schreiber Albert Schroeder Craig Schultz Bob Schwenn Joan Scott Elaine
1305 W 1st St 5140 136th Ave SE PO Box 126 2849 158th Ave SE 710 Ash Ave SE PO Box 460 PO Box 54 4230 Illinois SW 2233 Lincoln Ave PO Box 276 324 21st Ave NE 209 15th Ave 1412 9th Ave NE 508 E 9th Ave PO Box 1014 8851 97th St SE 1504B 4th St SW PO Box 946 405 2nd Ave NW 47967 Wildflower Pl 2712 S Western Ave 3108 S O'Gorman Dr 2007 Jennings Ave 2017 Elmwood Dr 306 W 12Tth St W 213 S Harmon Dr 2204 E First 2501 14th St W 45074 310th St 439 E Brandon Dr 605 12th Ave S 6205 W 10th St 50 S Lake Dr 5259 County Rd 20 706 3rd St NW 119 8th St PO Box 362 PO Box 43 PO Box 504 15311 Hwy 66 3727 59th Ave SE 1018 5 Ave SW PO Box 460 3204 W Rambler Pl #11 141 19th Ave SE PO Box 276 30416 175th St PO Box 235 48109 283rd St 47872 151st St 702 S 1st St
Redfield enderlin Northville Casselton Highmore Mitchell Faith Huron Hot Springs Presho Aberdeen Devils Lake Jamestown Milbank Bowman Ellendale Mercer Britton Mandan Harrisburg Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Hot Springs Brookings Mobridge Mitchell Sioux Falls Devils Lake Gayville Bismarck Faulkton Sioux Falls Arlington Hazen Mandan Brookings Wakonda Linton Bath Drayton Medina Jamestown Mitchell Sioux Falls Goodrich Selby Agar Doland Canton Milbank Ft Pierre
57469 58027 57465 58012 57345 57301 57626 57350 57747 57568 57401 58301 58401 57252 58623 58436 58559 57430 58554 57032 57105 57105 57747 57706 57601 57301 57103 58301 57031 58503 57438 57107 57212 58545 58554 57006 57073 58552 57427 58225 58467 58401 57301 57108 58444 57472 57520 57436 57013 57252 57532
605-472-2332 espmzp@abe.midco.net 701-437-2408 myrenep@yahoo.com
605-852-2999 bonniep@venturecomm.net 605-996-6552 jeff.pospisil@dakotasumc.org 605-460-1049 riversidejan@gmail.com 605-745-4819 puffer@gwtc.net 605-515-1432 higherproduction@live.com
701-952-4460 605-432-4796 701-523-5418 701-348-3014 701-448-2543 605-448-2322 701-221-5839 605-214-2575 605-929-1040 605-334-0156 605-890-0570 605-695-0652 605-845-2635 605-996-6268 605-331-5788 701-740-8497
creich@daktel.com mmreiners@itcmilbank.com bpets@drtel.net ccrenfrow@westriv.com vicksue7@gmail.com lgrhodes1@bis.midco.net crannleberry@gmail.com grich@midco.net maryjane@sio.midco.net rickenb@gwtc.net diane.rieken@sdstate.edu madonna.riley@yahoo.com jlritter@mitchelltelcom.net ejroberts@sio.midco.net wiredkrr@yahoo.com csroozen@iw.net
701-258-9352 605 598 4351 godleads2@venturecomm.net 605-956-1101 701-748-2553 701-667-9571 605-692-2439 605-661-3475 701-254-4842 605-225-6051 701-257-6875 701-486-3565 701-320-7636 605-996-6552 605-228-4324 763-412-0877 605-649-7702 605-258-2518
lpc@dakcamps.org rcs3nd@hotmail.com jses@iw.net smskbek@bektel.com dpscharm@polarcomm.com bctcs@daktel.com tschlecht@ndfu.org joann.schlimgen@dakotasumc.org
billy@iamembrace.com nancy.m.schneider@gmail.com acschorg@gmail.com pastorjeffa@gmail.com
605-212-8964 cumcoffice@iw.net 605-223-2130 elaine.scott17@centurylink.com
Scott Seaton Seeley Seifert Siefken Silbernagel Simmons Singrey-Johnson
Sloat Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Southam Sprenkle Springer Srstka Stangohr Star Stearns Steiger Stephenson Stewart Stewart Stickney Stolp Stoner Stotz Strand Stroh Stuessi Sturlaugson Sumers Sutton Swan Swanson Swanson Symes Taylor Taylor Testerman Testerman Thaden Thompson Thornburg Thue Timm Timm Trefz Trent
Becky Bob Andrea Holly Patricia Dave Don Joanne Stan Connie David Cassie Margaret Myrnaloy Connie Jeanette Deanna John Diane Andie Mark Ray David Steve Dulci Gwen Carolyn Robert Shelby Patsy Marilyn Lee Scott Tom Sean Allen D Carrie Brenda Lennie Gwen Betty Doug Wayne/Betty Tom Judy Alan Bob Ed Marsha Nancy Justin
37340 286th St 13805 389th Ave 13561 Frontier Loop 8806 133rd Ave SW 14521 405th Ave 10401 Hwy 83 SE 1200 W University Ave 2629 Air Haven Rd 924 2nd Ave NW 25360 Valley Rd 5409 W Nancy St 6480 Main St SE 106 Maple St E 2209 Michigan Ave 9190 County Rd 9 734 W 3rd St 305 1st Ave 5604 Circle Dr 43421 236th St 911 N Gale Rd 504 NE 9th St 403 Spruce Ln 29176 458th Ave 209 S 6th St PO Box 125 1 2nd St S #3-206 201 W Jefferson 18 W Bloomingdale St 4273 Rosemary Ln 1861 47th St NE 2828 E Indigo Pl 29586 474th Ave 8300 Schroeder Rd 4427 Sunset Blvd 910 W Jackson Blvd No 7
200 19th St SE No 204 10459 Upper Redwater Rd 10459 Upper Redwater Rd
2507 Judy Ave 46582 SD Hwy 28 41117 159th St 19145 369th Ave 860 Pheasant Ln 1336 Westgate Dr 1123 Illinois Ave SW 1424 Panorama Cir 1011 Broadway Ave Apt 1
21645 485th Ave 21645 485th Ave 15054 331st Ave 1038 W 16th No 91
Geddes Warner Piedmont Scranton Conde Moffit Mitchell Watertown Devils Lake Montrose Sioux Falls Carrington Cavalier Rapid City Mohall Winner Milnor Sioux Falls Howard Mitchell Madison Cavalier Viborg Ft Pierre Alexandria Fargo Salem Vermillion Rapid City Niagara Sioux Falls Beresford Rapid City West Fargo Spearfish Watertown Spearfish Spearfish Rapid City Estelline Conde St Lawrence Huron Vermillion Huron Rapid City Yankton Elkton Elkton Onaka Chadron
57342 57479 57769 58653 57434 58560 57301 57201 58301 57048 57106 58421 58220 57701 58761 57580 58060 57106 57349 57301 57042 58220 57070 57532 57311 58103 57058 57069 57702 58266 57108 57004 57702 58078 57783 57201 57783 57783 57702 57234 57434 57373 57350 57069 57350 57701 57078 57026 57026 57466 69337
605-337-2376 bscott49@hotmail.com 605-228-2944 gtrthursday321@hotmail.com 701-275-6136 605-395-6626 701-391-1858 605-995-2937 605.884.9577 701-381-9954 605-363-5097 605-334-1035 701-652-2412 701-265-8853 605-342-0479 701-822-2428 605-842-0529 701-680-0662 605-323-1315 605-772-4614 605-630-1406
frontier1@ndsupernet.com lpksiefken@nrctv.com drsilber@bektel.com dosimmon@dwu.edu josingjohn@gmail.com stanelysloat@gmail.com cmsmith@siouxvalley.net sdavid61@sio.midco.net
msmail@rushmore.com csoutham@srt.com jmsprenkle@gwtc.net hidee2@drtel.net j1srstka@aol.com bananasfourjesus@hotmail.com
701-265-2553 rayconi@polarcomm.com 605-660-9124 stephenson@iw.net 605-223-2888 vikingstooge@yahoo.com 701-298-8405 gstickney@alumni.iu.edu 605-624-3093 605-343-2548 701-397-5717 605-366-1870 605-957-2022 605-384-8864 701-306-8610 605-838-5216 605-886-2389 605-641-5228 605-642-5495 605-718-2508 605-695-0757 605-897-6687 605-853-0299 605-352-2436 605-624-3286 605-352-2689 605-343-8041 605-660-6051 605-542-2241 605-542-2241 605-442-2526 605-890-2193
robert.stoner@usd.edu thestotzs@rap.midco.net psgolden@polarcomm.com mjstroh516@gmail.com stuessi@iw.net sturlsco33@yahoo.com t.sumers@far.midco.net Seansuttonmusic@gmail.com adswan@wat.midco.net cjoyswan.09@bu.edu brenda.swanson@spearfishumc.org
lsinrc@gmail.com taylorjg@itctel.com ktaylor@nvc.net jo.testerman@gmail.com waybet@hur.midco.net tommyt123@vyn.midco.net jurothompson@hur.midco.net maathorn@rap.midco.net bgthue@hotmail.com edmatimm@yahoo.com edmatimm@yahoo.com trefzponyexpress@hotmail.com justintrent@live.co.uk
Trove Tschetter Tweed Uecker Ugofsky Van Camp Vanderlaan VanderVorst Vik VonEschen Wahlstrom Wallum Walters Walters Walth Warns Warns Watzel Watzel Waugh Wayne Weatherly Wentz Wentz Wenzel Werremeyer Westall Wheelock Whetsel Whitmer Wicks WickwareThompson Wiese Wight Wik Williams Willoughby Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wold Workman Workman Wuori Yaeger Yoder Zachrison Zeck
Vernal Sharon Katherine Alison Alleysia Shirley Al Darlene Randy Charles Richard Robin Phyllis Ruby Eric Cody Marty Eva Harold Bill Julie Janelle Irene Norman Iva Kay Robert Paula Virgil Alvin Brenda Sally
3006 Wisconsin Rapid City PO Box 37 Hitchcock 501 24th Ave S Fargo 908 S Gordon Dr Sioux Falls 43394 310th St Yankton 8372 160th Ave NE Drayton 2141 Cedar Dr Watertown Box 342 Mandan 2205 10th Ave SE Aberdeen 203 E Maple St Beresford 13178 Morse Pl Rapid City PO Box 161 De Smet 1225 Duffer Dr Rapid City PO Box 546 Mohall 315 Toronto Dr Bismarck 6050 Dakota Ave Madison 6050 Dakota Ave Madison 31750 279th St Winner 31750 279th St Winner 5017 Stoney Creek Dr Rapid City 1722 6th Ave NE Jamestown 2209 477th Ave Flandreau 1425 N 13th St Bismarck 310 G Ave W Napoleon 1002 9th St Langdon 2269 57thAve S Fargo 198 S Lake Dr Arlington 2408 S Crown Hill Circle Sioux Falls 204 4th St Arlington 101 3rd Ave NW Hettinger 41370 185th St Carpenter PO Box 417 Howard
57701 57348 58103 57110 57078 58225 57201 58554 57401 57004 57702 57231 57702 58761 58503 57042 57042 57580 57580 57702 58401 57028 58501 58561 58249 58104 57212 57106 57212 58639 57322 57349
605-718-9698 vernal@rushmore.com
Shirley Ernie Robert Claire Karina Sharon Blaine Tyler Bill Eileen Kevin Karen Allen Misti Cindy Yvonne Sharman Carter
58695 172nd St 140 S Lake Dr 502 Logan Ave 29667 353rd Ave PO Box 460 7200 Flicker Lane 105 S Sycamore Ave 105 S Sycamore Ave 609 N 34th St 24927 Sylvan Lake Rd 1411 138th Ave NE 102 Riverside Park Rd 20213 471st Ave PO Box 12 5220 18th St S PO Box 71 7311 55th Ave SE 1756 10th St S
57237 57201 57533 57538 57301 57718 57110 57110 58501 57730 58240 58504 57006 58045 58104 57724 58454 58103
605-272-5732 605-880-7543 605-835-8980 605-654-2537 605-996-6552 605-390-5919 605-275-6078 605-275-6078 701-255-4281
Gary Watertown Gregory Herrick Mitchell Black Hawk Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Bismarck Custer Hatton Bismarck Brookings Hillsboro Fargo Camp Crook Jud Fargo
701-235-2115 605-334-5618 605-661-0432 701-454-3902 605-882-3465 701-663-3653 605-725-2585 605-763-5412 605-355-9556 605-854-3725 605-343-6429 701-756-6599 701-220-6331 605-480-0369 605-256-2072 605-842-2850 605-842-2850 605-721-9394 701-269-9498 605-864-7113 701-223-1436 701-754-2205 701-382-9534 701-260-0275 605-203-0372 605-361-8848
rsvc@polarcomm.com creativealv@gmail.com sales.kndr@midconetwork.com rolande.vik@gmail.com cavon@bmtc.net rkw68@live.com drwallflower@mchsi.com mail@valley-umc.com dwrewalt@srt.com eric@rock30games.com cwarns@hotmail.com ehwatzel@qwtc.net bill@rapidcityfirst.org kjwayne@daktel.com
ivawenzel@yahoo.com kay.werremeyer@dickinsonstate.edu
bettywestall@yahoo.com spswheelock@sio.midco.net
605-353-1559 bwwicks@nrctv.com 605-480-1438
701-543-3215 701-250-9379 605-693-4609 701-771-2170 701-793-2805 605-797-4522 701-685-2258 701-235-5891
erniewight@gmail.com rnwik@gwtc.net karina.willoughby@dakotasumc.org
sharwils1@rap.midco.net wilsonbl@sio.midco.net wilsontj@sio.midco.net bismarckcalvary@msn.com kdwold@invisimax.com kworkman@sdnets.com allen.workman@sdstate.edu misti.wuori@mayvillestate.edu cyeager@i29.net sharman.zachrison@gmail.com
Zetterlund Ziebarth
Tess Kathryn
12293 364TH AVE 1012 N Kidder St
Leola Canton
57456 605-439-3541 57013 605-558-1422 kziebarth@midco.net
Lay Equalization Members Members by Virtue of Office
Per 7.11 of Rules and Policies, lay members by virtue of office shall be elected according to A. Book of Discipline and B. Dakotas Conference Policy. A. Book of Discipline (2008) Par. 32 Conference Lay Leader (CLL) – Blaine Wilson District Lay Leaders (DLL) Glacial Lakes (GL) – Nancy Hallenbeck Eastern Sunrise (ES) – Jerry Nankivel Sakakawea (S) – Iva Wenzel Prairie Hills (PH) – Bob Wik United Methodist Women (UMW) – Bobbi Larson United Methodist Men (UMM) – Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministries – Michael McMenamy Global Ministries Secretary – Chair of College Student Organization – Conference Council on Youth Ministries (CCYM) – Layne Droppers Young Adult (ages 18-30) one per district B. Dakotas Conference (additional lay members by virtue of office) Associate Conference Lay Leader (ACLL) – Jerry Bottger Common Table (CT) – Vicki Renner, Sheri Meister Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA) – Roberta Drew, Rod Buck, Dave Page, Ruth Barrett Missionaries – Rick Jost, Libby Flowers General Conference Delegate – Janelle Jones Campus Ministers if laity – Campus Ministry (1 laity per 1 campus pastor) – General Boards (2013-2016) – Jodi Cataldo, GBHEM Chair of Conference Boards – Marilyn Perry: Pensions, Ron McLean: Trustees Conference Director of Finance and Administration – Jeff Pospisil Conference Secretary – Conference Historian – Dakotas United Methodist Foundation Director – Bruce Blumer Director of Leadership Development – Jodi Cataldo Associate Director of Communications – Conference Statistician – Sharon Blumer Conference Journal Editor – Camping and Youth Ministries Director – Becky Holten Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries – Conference Chancellors – ND: Tim Ottmar, SD: Nancy Oviatt Youth (age 12-17) one per district -Young Adult (ages 18-30) one per district -Lay Servant Leader Team Coordinators - Per 7.11 of Rules and Policies, lay servant leader team coordinators replace lay equalization members previously elected by districts starting 2013. Glacial Lakes District: Brookings Area: Chad Hansen (Dell Rapids) Huron Area: Laura Hemenway (Huron)
Sioux Falls Area: Nancy Olsen (Sioux Falls First) Mitchell Area: Betty Janke (Olivet) Yankton Area: Dave Stephenson (Wakonda) Eastern Sunrise District: Aberdeen Area: Vicki Renner (Britton) Watertown Area: Melanie Reiners (Milbank) Wahpeton Area: Mike Beeson (Wahpeton) Fargo Area: Frank Kratky (Fargo) Upper Valley Area: Kevin Wold (Holmes) Sakakawea District: Jamestown Area: Anne Osborne (Wimbledon) Spirit Lake Area: Sharon Duval (New Rockford) Dickinson Area: Holly Seifert (Dickinson) Minot Area: Lisa Endresen (Minot) Bismarck Area: Carolyn Desper (Bismarck) Prairie Hills District: Prairie Harvester Area: Nancy Trefz (Tolstoy) Northern Hills Area: Jim Hoff (Lead) Winner Area: Vicki Dobesh (Burke) Pierre Area: Cathy Kerr (Highmore) Rushmore Area: Justin Trent (Prairieview)
*DPS – Certified Lay Minister as Designated Pulpit Supply
DISTRICT/AREA/NAME GLACIAL LAKES Brookings Area Eliason, Steve Hansen, Chad (DPS) Hock, Sarah Larsen, Dean Lyso, Janice McCay-Smidt, Margaret Nash, Donald Robbins, Viola Huron Area Brock, Gail Johnson, Claudia McMillan, Keith Reilly, Dale Scotter, Shirley Thompson, R. Kent Wicks, Brenda
Wickware-Thompson, Sally
Sioux Falls Area McMenamy, Michael Wilson, Blaine (DPS) Mitchell Area Carson, Rose
605-692-8157 605-360-2388 605-427-0209 605-428-3832 605-212-2533 605-951-3039 605-697-5284 605-629-4131
Brookings FUMC Dell Rapid UMC Madison UMC Dell Rapids UMC Hartford UMC Hartford UMC Brookings FUMC White UMC
stevepennye@swiftel.net clhansen@siouxvalley.net hockssd@iw.net deanl@trelectric.com jlyso@midco.net margasmidt@msn.com dfnash@brookings.net
605-266-2854 605-854-3993 605-352-9446 605-546-2282 605-352-7407 605-480-1345 605-353-1559 605-480-1438
Hitchcock UMC DeSmet UMC Huron RV UMC Esmond UMC Iroquois UMC Howard UMC Carpenter UMC Howard UMC
gbrock@venturecomm.net johnsonfarm91@gmail.com kmcmillan@hur.midco.net reillydb@yahoo.com sascotter@hur.midco.net rkent47@gmail.com
605-339-4327 605-275-6078
S Falls Asbury UMC Brandon The Celebration
michaelmcmenamy@gmail.com wilsonbl@sio.midco.net
Mitchell FUMC
Janke, Betty Yankton Area Cappel, Carolyn Goodman, Barbara Kisch, Diane Petersen, Jean Sayler, Judy Stephenson, David Willman, Jerry (DPS) EASTERN SUNRISE Aberdeen Area Cooper, Evelyn Siefken, Loren Siefken, Pat Vogt, Helen Watertown Area Dailie, Sheila Krause, Becky Luecke, Pam Olson, Carol Reiners, Melanie Strube, Jerry Wahpeton Area Boyer, Martin W. Fargo Area Kratky, Frank Kratky, Patti Upper Valley Area Bass, Amanda Bockwitz, Robert Daugherty, Robbie Jane Dugas, Norma Halcrow, Karen Irving, Stacie Keller, Jeff Myrick, Ellen Schlasner, Steven Sharp, Edna Smith, Margaret Twamley, Dan R. Van Camp, Shirley SAKAKAWEA Jamestown Area Aman, Karen Dockter, Richard Greer, Rita Hoff, VirLyn Kinzler, Ron Maki, Carlla Osborne, Anne Mittleider, Clarence
Olivet UMC
605-660-8312 605-624-8113 605-665-1500 605-387-5208 605-267-2787 605-660-9124 605-665-2869
Yankton FUMC Vermillion FUMC Yankton UMC Olivet UMC Wakonda UMC Wakonda UMC Yankton UMC
ccappel@iw.net barbegoodman@gmail.com dlkisch@gmail.com tjpetersen@goldenwest.net jses@iw.net dstephenson@iw.net jerrywillman@hotmail.com
605-216-0654 605-395-6626 605-395-6626 605-725-5526
Aberdeen Faith UMC Conde UMC Conde UMC Aberdeen NH UMC
lpksiefken@nvc.net lpksiefken@nvc.net wdvogt@nvc.net
605-432-6388 605-874-8227 605-874-2974 605-874-4321 605-432-5730 605-432-4474
Milbank Central UMC Clear Lake UMC Clear Lake UMC Clear Lake UMC Milbank Central UMC Milbank Central UMC
jodelkae@yahoo.com becky1@itctel.com
Wahpeton Evergreen
218-233-8382 218-233-8382
Fargo Faith UMC Fargo Faith UMC
flkratky@centurylink.net patricialrk@centurylink.net
701-775-5696 218-379-3207 701-825-6906 701-772-3559 701-454-6584 701-825-6585 701-825-6980 218-791-3667 218-399-0109 701-265-8445 701-265-8853 218-823-6812 701-360-1336
G Forks Wesley UMC Humboldt UMC Pembina PM UMC Grand Forks Wesley Drayton UMC Pembina UMC Pembina UMC G Forks Zion UMC G Forks Wesley UMC Joliette UMC Cavalier Trinity UMC Humboldt MN UMC Drayton UMC
amanda.bass@gra.midco.net bobbockwitz@yahoo.com rjd@polarcomm.com normajaned@hotmail.com
701-252-4783 701-952-2452 701-669-2315 701-845-1721 701-647-2230 701-252-6718 701-435-2927 701-952-4961
Jamestown St P UMC Jamestown St P UMC Marion UMC Valley City Epw UMC Kulm Zion UMC Jamestown St P UMC Wimbledon UMC Jamestown St P UMC
abcdgmntx@hotmail.com mmreiners@itcmilbank.com jbstrube@tnics.com
stac@polarcomm.com jkeller@kittson.k12.mn.us emyrick@gra.midco.net schlasner@midco.net ednasharp@hotmail.com twamld@polarcomm.com rsvc@polarcomm.com
darrick548@gmail.com rgreer@drtel.net hoff_family@hotmail.com lcmaki@daktel.com aosborne@daktel.com cmitt@daktel.com,
Ostenson, Bonnie Owen, Barbara Raiche, Teri Rekow, Brenda Schnackenberg, Deborah Schwehr, Heather Wayne, Julie Spirit Lake Area Duval, Sharon Hannesson, Mary Jo Wenzel, Iva Dickinson Area Nadvornik, Robyn Seifert, Holly Smith, Darwin Wyman, Richard Minot Area Keck, Jacki Kimpland, Merton Randy Leonard-Carlson, Inez Martin, Ronnie Narum, Jeanne Southam, Connie Bismarck Area Broten, Louise Desper, Carolyn Heidt, Norma (Susie) Heupel, Melvin Jenness, James Marsh, Adam Marsh, Carolyn Meissner, Randy Renfrow, Lucinda Sailer, Kevin PRAIRIE HILLS Northern Hills Area Ballard, Joyce Chaplin, Sue Halse, Darrell Jones, Janelle Pierre Area Cass, Larry Dravland, Tom Galinat, Penny Kerr, Cathy Mickelson, E. Jay Moering, Sheila Ping, Bonnie Scott, Elaine VanBockel, Faun Timmons, Dale
701-952-3494 701-845-0680 701-253-3270 701-349-3014 701-659-3064 701-840-3841 701-952-1579
Jamestown St P UMC Valley City Epw UMC Jamestown St P UMC Ellendale UMC Jamestown St P UMC Valley City Epw UMC Jamestown St P UMC
701-947-2745 701-477-6544 701-256-2792
New Rockford UMC Rolla UMC Langdon UMC
dcuval@gondtc.com maryjo.hannesson@sendit.nodak.edu ivawenzel@yahoo.com
701-690-8959 701-275-6136 701-290-1931 701-567-4386
Dickinson UMC Bowman UMC Beulah UMC Hettinger UMC
rrrnadvornik@pop.ctctel.,com frontier1@nd.supernet.com bernasmith@westriv.com
701-572-7829 701-228-5205 701-839-7131 701-228-2178 701-838-7387 701-756-7280
Williston Faith UMC Bottineau UMC Minot Faith UMC Bottineau United Minot Vincent UMC Mohall UMC
jkeck@wil.midco.net kimpland@utma.com
701-255-7133 701-527-4095 701-867-2798 701-387-4415 701-255-7133 701-254-4443 701-254-4443 701-663-2305 701-448-2543 701-255-1132
Bismarck McCabe Mandan UMC Tuttle Salem UMC Bismarck Calvary UMC Bismarck McCabe Linton UMC Linton UMC Mandan UMC Turtle Lake UMC Bismarck FUMC
lhbroten@yahoo.com cmc@bis.midco.net jsheidt@bektel.com meheupel@bektel.com lhbroten@yahoo.com seymore43@bektel.com nanaof7@hotmail.com rdmeissner@msn.com ccrenfrow@westriv.com candsailer@yahoo.com
701-709-0598 605-720-2125
Spearfish/Sundance WY Sturgis UMC Spearfish UMC Spearfish UMC
605-224-7777 605-224-9584 605-224-9586 605-852-2331 605-224-7732 605-962-6447 605-852-2999 605-223-2125 605-962-6473 605-224-7409
Pierre SE UMC Pierre FUMC Pierre FUM Highmore UMC Pierre FUMC Blunt UMC Highmore UMC Pierre FUMC Blunt UMC Pierre FUMC
lgcass@pie.midco.net dravland@pie.midco.net plgalinat@yahoo.com ckerr@venturecomm.net jay.mickelson@k12.sd.us angelonthego97@gmail.com
barb_011@hotmail.com bpets@drtel.net hotl_56@yahoo.com heather@ictc.com kjwayne@daktel.com
rmartin@min.midco.net jlnarum@hotmail.com csoutham@srt.com
madhalse@knology.net jljones@midco.net
dalfan31@aol.com davet259@pie.midco.net
Prairie Harvester Area Madsen, Janet Madsen, Larry Massengill, Royce Schorg, Carmen Trefz, Nancy Rushmore Area Bowen, Barb Densmore, Jerry Olafson, Laura Parsons, Sally Smith, Myrnaloy Trent, Ashley Trent, Justin (DPS) Trove, Vernal Warshaw, Elliot Winner Area Bottger, Jerry Wik, Robert
605-765-2746 605-765-2746 701-426-1311 605-649-7702 605-442-2526
Gettysburg UMC Gettysburg UMC Selby UMC Selby UMC Tolstoy UMC
jmadsen@venturecomm.net larry_madsen@hotmail.com rm4831@yahoo.com acschorg@gmail.com trefzponyexpress@hotmail.com
605-859-2550 605-339-2562 605-716-1690 605-721-6448 605-342-0479 308-432-8939 605-890-2193 605-718-9698 605-716-6922
Philip United RC RV UMC RC RV UMC RC S Maple UMC RC S Maple UMC Prairie View UMC Prairie View UMC RC S Maple UMC RC Knollwood Hts
barb.bowen@k12.sd.us jdensmore@rap.midco.net steveolafson@rushmore.com sparsons@enetis.net msmail@rushmore.com ashtrent@live.com justintrent@live.co.uk vernaltrove@gmail.com ewarshaw@rushmore.com
605-593-6873 605-835-8980
White River UMC Gregory UMC
lindambaldock@gmail.com rnwik@gwtc.net
Parish Directory
ABERDEEN (Faith) Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team 605-225-6033 Mailing Address: 503 S. Jay St., Aberdeen, SD 57401 Location: 503 S. Jay St. Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Jack Erickson, Lay Member: Robert Seaton ABERDEEN (First) Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team 605-225-5680 E: fumcoff@nvc.net W: www.aberdeenmethodist.info Mailing Address: 502 S. Lincoln, Aberdeen, SD 57401 Location: 502 S. Lincoln Parsonage Address: 1135 Ashwood Dr., Aberdeen 2016—16th Ave. NW, Aberdeen Pastors: Eldon Reich, Tom Haggar Lay Members: Larry Lovrien, Marshall Lovrien, Tom Meyer, Dean Karlen ABERDEEN (North Highland) Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team 605-226-1279 E: Nhumc@nvc.net W: www.northhighlandumc.org Mailing Address: 620 15th Ave NE, Aberdeen, SD 57401 Location: 620 15th Ave. NE Parsonage Address: 420 N. State Street, Aberdeen Pastor: Lou Whitmer Lay Member: Andrea Wagner, Dave Arlt AGAR — See Gettysburg Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Ministry Team ALEXANDRIA/Ethan Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team 605-239-4343 E: stewarus35@msn.com 605-239-4496 Mailing Address: Box 125, Alexandria SD 57311 Location: A: 6th and Main E: Ash St and 2nd Ave Parsonage Address: 240—8th St., Alexandria Pastor: Russell Stewart Lay Member: Deborah Bell ALPENA/Alpena UCC Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team Mailing Address: PO Box 74 Alpena, SD 57312 Location: Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Suzi Grote Lay Member: Mary Louise Jensen ARK UMC see McCook Lake Glacial Lakes District/Yankton Ministry Team ARLINGTON/Lake Preston Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team 605-983-5471 E: secretaryarlp@gmail.com Mailing Address: 202 S 4th St, Arlington, SD 57212 Location: A: 202 S. 4th LP: 109 2nd St NE Parsonage Address: 204 S. 4th St., Arlington Pastor: Teresa Whetsel Lay Member: Bob Westall ARTHUR/Casselton Eastern Sunrise District/Fargo Ministry Team 701-967-8559 E: arthurumc@hotmail.com W: www.casseltonumc.com Mailing Address: Box 38, Arthur, ND 58006 Location: A: 1 block east of Main at Mall C: 802 4th St. N. (Box 88) Parsonage Address: 130 4th Ave, Arthur Pastor: Wade W Miller Lay Member: A: Elaine Holm C: Paul /Delores Erb ARVILLA (PC-USA) — See Larimore Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team ASHLEY — See Edgeley Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team AURORA — See White Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team BARNARD UCC— See Leola Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team BATH Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team Mailing Address: 14521 405th Ave, Conde SD 57434 Parsonage Address: none
Pastor: Loren/Pat Siefken, Under Supervision of Tom Haggar BEACH COMMUNITY-UMC,UCC Sakakawea District/Dickinson Ministry Team Mailing Address: PO Box 627, Beach, ND 58621 701-872-4275 Location: 335 S Central Ave Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Warren Maxted No lay member under federated system. BEACH UMC—See Howard Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team BELLE FOURCHE Prairie Hills District/Northern Hills Ministry Team 605-892-2405 E: bfumc@midconetwork.com W: bellefourcheumc.com Mailing Address:1804 7th Ave., Belle Fourche, SD 57717 Location:1804 7th Ave. Parsonage Address:1838 7th Ave., Belle Fourche Pastor: Robert Duemig Lay Member:Janelle Austin BEN CLARE Glacial Lakes District/Sioux Falls Ministry Team E: igtwlb@knology.net 605-610-6209 Mailing Address: 4904 W. 40th St Sioux Falls, SD 57106-1138 Location: 26762 Ben Clare Ave, Valley Springs, SD 57068 Parsonage Address: none Pastor: William (Bill) L. Bates Lay Member: David Smith BERESFORD-ZION Glacial Lakes District/Yankton Ministry Team 605-763-2861 E: bzumc@bmtc.com W: bzumc.org Mailing Address: P.O. Box 135, Beresford SD 57004 Location: 47106 - 298th Street Parsonage Location: 47104 298th St., Beresford, SD 57004 Pastor: Mark Ehrmantraut Lay Member: Chuck Von Eschen BEULAH — See Hazen Sakakawea District/Dickinson Ministry Team BIG STONE CITY — See Milbank Parkview Eastern Sunrise District/Watertown Ministry Team BISMARCK (Calvary) Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team 701-255-4281 E: bismarckcalvary@msn.com W: www.bismarckcalvary.com Mailing Address: 609 34th St. N Bismarck ND 58501 Location: 609 34th St. N Parsonage Address: 1223 N. 22nd St. Bismarck Pastor: Perry Schnabel Lay Members: Bill Wilson, Wayne Kilber BISMARCK (Legacy) Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team 701-223-4401 E: office@legacyumc.org W: legacyumc.org Mailing Address: 924 11th St. N, Bismarck ND 58501 Location: 924 11th St. N Parsonage Address: 2012 East Hanaford, Bismarck Pastor: Kermit Culver Lay Members: Steve Myllert, Diane Dyk BISMARCK (McCabe) Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team 701-255-1160 E-mail: mccabeum@mccabeumc.com W: www.mccabeumc.com Mailing Address: 1030 6th St. N, Bismarck ND 58501 Location:1030 6th St. N. Parsonage Address: 1000 North 1st Street, Bismarck 2031 North 3rd Street, Bismarck Pastors: Rick Fossum Lay Members: John Knoll, Irene Wentz, Lida Mallory BLUNT — See Highmore Prairie Hills District/Pierre Ministry Team BOTTINEAU UNITED PARISH-UMC,PC-USA Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team Mailing Address: Box 175, Bottineau ND 58318 701-228-2800 Location: 801 Main Street Parsonage Address: 702 Kersten St., Bottineau Pastor: Deborah Burger Lay Member: Marsha Martin
BOWBELLS/Donnybrook/Kenmare (Des Lacs Valley Parish) 701-377-2986 Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team E: umc@nccray.com Mailing Address: Box 155, Bowbells ND 58721 Location: B: 215 Main St. N. D: 203 1st Ave. E. K: 401 1st Ave. NE Parsonage Address: 202 – 2nd St NW, Bowbells Pastor: Kathy Hammond Lay Member: Shirley Lindquist BOWMAN Sakakawea District/Dickinson Ministry Team 701-523-5492 E: BUMC@ndsupernet.com Mailing Address: Box 122, Bowman ND 58623 Location: 408 2nd St. SW Parsonage Address: 407—1st. St. SW, Bowman Pastor: Ron Olson Lay Member: Lynne Reinhiller BRANDON—THE CELEBRATION Glacial Lakes District/Sioux Falls Ministry Team E: pastor_rebecca@alliancecom.net W: www.celebrationbrandon.org 605-582-7995 Mailing Address: 500 Pasque Flower Trail, Brandon, SD 57005-2549 Location: 500 Pasque Flower Trail Parsonage Address: 316 River Oak, Brandon Pastor: Rebecca Trefz Lay Member: Tyler Wilson BRECKENRIDGE MN-See Fairmount Eastern Sunrise District/ Wahpeton Ministry Team BRENTFORD — See Mellette Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team BRISTOL-BUTLER—See Webster Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team BRITTON/Claremont/Hecla Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team 605-448-2458 E: B:brittonumc@venturecomm.net C:claremontumc@nvc.net Mailing Address: B: PO Box 170, Britton, SD 57430 C: 201 6th St, Claremont, SD 57437 Location: B: 604 8th Ave., Britton C: 201 6th St., Claremont H: 4th & Main, Hecla, SD 57446 Parsonage Address:702 3rd Ave, Claremont Pastor: Nancy Manning Lay Member: B: Deena Heitmann C: Judy Lloyd BROADLAND — See Hitchcock Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team BROOKINGS Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team 605-692-4345 E: firstum@brookings.net W: www.brookingsmethodist.org F:605-692-4345 Mailing Address: 625 5th St., Brookings, SD 57006 Location: 625 5th St., Brookings Parsonage Address: none Pastors: Rich Zeck Clay Lundberg Lay Members: Barb Crosser, Don Nash, Elliot Johnson, Elliot Johnson BUFFALO (UCC) — See Camp Crook Prairie Hills District/Northern Hills Ministry Team BURKE/Herrick/Jamison, NE Prairie Hills District/Winner Ministry Team 605-775-2752 W: www.bhjumc.shutterfly.com W: www.worshipwednesdayyouthumc.shutterfly.com Mailing Address: PO Box 196, Burke SD 57523 Location: B: 8th and Washington H: 10th and Sparks Parsonage Address: 202 E 8th St, Burke Pastor: Mark Turner Lay Member: Averell B. Braun CAMP CROOK/Buffalo UCC Prairie Hills District/Northern Hills Ministry Team Mailing Address: PO Box 202, Buffalo SD 57720 605-375-3686 Location: Corner of Crook and 2nd St Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Gail Arnold Lay Member: Marlee Cordell CANDO/ROCK LAKE/ROLLA Sakakawea District/Spirit Lake Ministry Team 701-968-3361 Mailing Address: Box 250, Cando ND 58324 Location: C: 401 4th Ave. RL: 136 Forest St. Ro: 102 1st Ave NE Parsonage Address: 403 – 4th St, Cando Pastor: Richard Craig Lay Member: Mary Jo Hanneson
CANISTOTA UNITED-UMC,PC-USA Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team E: unitedchurch@goldenwest.net W: uccanistota.com 605-296-3339 Mailing Address: PO Box 188, Canistota SD 57012 Location: 115 N Railway Ave Parsonage Address: 104 E. Main Pastor: John Price Lay Member: Katie Ortman CANTON Glacial Lake District/Yankton Ministry Team 605-764-2859 E: sziebarth@sio.midco.net W: cantonsdumc.org Mailing Address: 621 East 4th St., Canton SD 57013 Location: 621 E 4th St Parsonage Address: 1012 N. Kidder, Canton Pastor: Steve Ziebarth Lay Members: Bob Schultz, Kathy Ziebarth CARPENTER Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team Mailing Address: Location: Opsahl & 2nd Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Served by Huron First UMC Lay Member: CARRINGTON FEDERATED-UMC,UCC Sakakawea District/Spirit Lake Ministry Team Mailing Address: PO Box 46, Carrington ND 58421 701-652-2288 Location: 775 2nd St. N Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Susan Fandrich Lay Member: Mary Lee Scott CASSELTON — See Arthur Eastern Sunrise District/Fargo Ministry Team CAVALIER TRINITY/Cavalier First Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team E: parishum@polarcomm.com W: www.cavaliertrinityumc.com 701-265-4308 Mailing Address: PO Box 608, Cavalier ND 58220 Location: C-T: 108 Elizabeth St. 701-265-4292 C-F: 101 E. 1st Ave. South 701-265-453 Parsonage Address: 107 River St, Cavalier Pastor: Sandra Marquardt Lay Member: Ray Steiger CELEBRATION—See Brandon Glacial Lakes District/Sioux Falls Ministry Team CENTER — See Washburn Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team CHASELEY — See McClusky Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team CHESTER — See Colton Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team CLAREMONT—See Britton Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team CLARK/Garden City Eastern Sunrise District/Watertown Ministry Team 605-532-3915 E: clarkumc2@itctel.com Mailing Address: 606 N Commercial St, Clark SD 57225 Location: C: 606 N Commercial St GC: 1 block north of city flagpole Parsonage Address: 708 N Commercial, Clark Pastor: Jennifer Tyler Lay Member: Jeanette Kaufman CLEAR LAKE/Gary Eastern Sunrise District/Watertown Ministry Team 605-874-2750 E: clumc@itctel.com Mailing Address: PO Box 48, Clear Lake SD 57226 Location: CL: 407 5th Ave. S. G: Main Street Parsonage Address: 711—5th Ave. S., Clear Lake Pastor: Franklin J. McKeehan Lay Member: Jane Evenson CLEVELAND Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team 701-763-6267 Mailing Address: PO Box 116, Cleveland, ND 58424 Location: 1 blk east, ½ blk north of post office Parsonage Address: none Pastor: David Fisher Lay Member: Carol Reich
COGSWELL — See Oakes Eastern Sunrise District/Wahpeton Ministry Team COLOME Prairie Hills District/Winner Ministry Team 605-842-0825 Mailing Address: 31686 SD Highway 44,Winner SD 57580 Location: 31686 SD Highway 44 Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Ron Snethen Lay Member: Millie Atteberry COLTON/Chester Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team 605-446-3835 Mailing Address: PO Box 178, Colton SD 57018 Location: Co: 301 S.Dakota Ch: 303 2nd Ave Parsonage Address: 500 E 6th St, Colton Pastor: David Severtson Lay Member: Co: Jessie Bunjer Ch: Char Alverson CONDE — See Groton Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team CRESBARD/Tolstoy Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Ministry Team 605-324-3665 E:jnygaard@venturecomm.net Mailing Address: PO Box 68, Cresbard SD 57435 Location: C: 304 Bryant Avenue T: 110—5th Ave. West Parsonage Location: 105 W 5th St, Cresbard Pastor: Julie Nygaard Lay Member: C: Jerry Toennies T: Larry Trefz, Chuck Nold CRYSTAL Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team Mailing Address: 106 Maple St E, Cavalier, ND 58220 Location: 106 Maple St E, Cavalier, ND 58220 Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Margaret Smith Lay Member: Darin Otto DELL RAPIDS Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team 605-428-3185 E: drumc@siouxvalley.net W: www.umcdr.org Mailing Address: 505 E 5th St., Dell Rapids, SD 57022 Location: 505 E. 5th St. Parsonage Location: 507 E. 5th St. pastor not residing there Pastor: Gwen Mader Lay Member: Dean Larsen DES LACS VALLEY PARISH — See Bowbells Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team DES LACS — See Minot Faith Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team DESMET/DeSmet UCC Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team 605-854-3149 E: pastor_desmet@q.com W:www.desmetsharedministry.com Mailing Address: PO Box 116, DeSmet SD 57231 Location: 303 3rd SW Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Jim Truesdell Lay Member: Marlys Larsen DEVILS LAKE Sakakawea District/Spirit Lake Ministry Team 701-662-2873 Mailing Address: 601 5th St., Devils Lake ND 58301 Location: 601 5th St. NE Parsonage Location: 1502 5th Ave. NE Pastor: Lori Broschat Lay Member: Stan Sloat DICKEY — See Marion Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team DICKINSON Sakakawea District/Dickinson Ministry Team 701-225-6150 E: dan@dickinsonumc.org W: Dickinsonumc.org F:701-225-6150 Mailing Address: Box 368, Dickinson, ND 58602 Location: 75 3rd St. W. Parsonage Location: 910—6th St. W. Pastor: Dan Freed Lay Member: DOLAND — See Iroquious Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team DONNYBROOK — See Bowbells Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team DRAKE — See Harvey Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team
DRAPER — See Murdo Prairie Hills District/Winner Ministry Team DRAYTON/Pembina/Humboldt MN Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Team E: umc@polarcomm.com Fax: 701-454-3868 D:701-454-3880 P:701-825-6318 Mailing Address: Box 327, Drayton ND 58225 Location: D: 203 N. Main St. P: 152 Ramsey St. J: S end of town H: on Hwy 75 Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Gary Johnson, Robbie Daugherty Lay Member: Pam Scharmer P: Edna Sharp DUNSEITH/Peace ELCA Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team 701-244-5781 Mailing Address: Dunseith, ND 58329 Location: 1 block W. of Peace Garden Pharmacy Parsonage Address: none Pastor: TBS Lay Member: EBENEZER (UCC) — See Elgin Sakakawea District/Dickinson Ministry Team EDGELEY/ASHLEY Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team 701-493-2360 Mailing Address: 305 5th Ave. W. Edgeley, ND 58433. Location: E: 5th Ave. and 3rd St. A: 119 1st Ave SW, Ashley, ND 58413 Parsonage Address: 404 5th Ave. W., Edgeley Pastor: Joddy Meidinger Lay Member: Faye Bartle EDGEMONT UNITED-UMC,UCC/Pringle Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team Mailing Address: PO Box 656, Edgemont, SD 57735 605-662-7898 Location: E: 401 4th St. P: Antelope and Buffalo Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Thomas Peacock Lay Member: Doris Westphal, Jane Coates EGAN — See Flandreau Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team ELGIN (Bethesda)/Ebenezer UCC Sakakawea District/Dickinson Ministry Team Mailing Address: Box 211, Elgin ND 58533 701-584-2307 Location: B: Corner of Montana and 4th Ave NW E: 6 miles north 2 miles west of Elgin Parsonage Location: 204—4th Ave. NW Pastor: Marvin Winstryg Lay Member: Ramona Eisenbarth ELK POINT UNITED-UMC,UCC-Glacial Lakes District/Yankton Ministry Team 605-356-2008 E: epups@iw.net Mailing Address: PO Box 147, Elk Point, SD 57025 Location: 523 Pearl Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Dave Bambas Lay Member: Gary Nebelsick ELKTON/Elkton UCC Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team 605-542-7101 Mailing Address: 710 Cornell Ave, Elkton SD 57026 Location: 301 W. 2nd St Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Daren Junker Lay Member: Ed Timm ELLENDALE UNITED-UMC,PC-USA Sakakawea District/Jamestown Team 701-349-4007 E: pumc@drtel.net Mailing Address: Box 782, Ellendale, ND 58436 Location: 5th St. N. at 5th Ave. Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Paul. D Henschen Lay Member: Brenda Rekow EMBRACE UMC see Sioux Falls Embrace UMC Glacial Lakes District/ Sioux Falls Ministry Team EMERADO (PC-USA) — See Larimore Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team ENDERLIN — See Lisbon Eastern Sunrise District/Wahpeton Ministry Team ESMOND — See Iroquois Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team
ETHAN — See Alexandria Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team EUREKA Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Ministry Team 605-284-2820 Mailing Address: PO Box 265, Eureka SD 57437 Location: E: 808 8th A: 119 1st Ave. SW Parsonage Address: 308 – 11th St, Eureka Pastor: Kenrad Pederson Lay Member: Estella Merkel FAIRBURN Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team Mailing Address: Location: 2nd and Pine Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Justin Trent Lay Member: Sarah Marie Gorsuch FAIRMOUNT/BRECKENRIDGE MN Eastern Sunrise District/Wahpeton Ministry Team 701-474-5716 E breckumc@rrt.net Mailing Address: Box 108, Fairmount, ND 58030 B:218-643-5158 Location: Corner of Main and 2nd St. S. Fairmount ND 910 Main St, Breckenridge MN 56520 Parsonage Address: 920 Main St, Breckenridge MN 56520 Pastor: Mark Gronseth Lay Member: Kay Nelson FAITH/Marcus PC-USA Prairie Hills District/Northern Hills Ministry Team 605-967-2245 Mailing Address: Box 245, Faith SD 57626 Location: 205 E. 3rd St. Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Connie Eichinger Lay Member: FARGO (Calvary) Eastern Sunrise District/Fargo Ministry Team 701-232-5650 E: office@calvaryfargo.com W: www.calvaryfargo.com F:701-237-9140 Mailing Address: 4575—45th St. South, Fargo, ND 58104 Location: 4575—45th St. South Parsonage Location: 2201 27th Ave S Pastors: David Motta, Joel Winckler Lay Members: Bruce Harmon, Tim Kerr, Bill Kranzler FARGO (Edgewood) Eastern Sunrise District/Fargo Ministry Team 701-235‑2163 E: fargoedgewood@yahoo.com W: www.edgewoodumc.org Mailing Address: 3000 Elm St. N., Fargo ND 58102 Location: 3000 Elm St. N. Parsonage Address: 95 Forest Ave. N. Pastor: Served by Fargo First Lay Member: Katherine Tweed FARGO (Faith) Eastern Sunrise District/Fargo Ministry Team 701-232-6844 E:office@fargofaithumc.org W: www.fargofaithumc.org Mailing Address: 909 19th Ave. N, Fargo ND 58102 Location: 909 19th Ave. N Parsonage Address: 2007 N 10th St Pastor: Kevin Kloster, John Anderson Lay Member: Michael Baker, Cliff Hagan FARGO (First)/The Gathering Campus-Eastern Sunrise District/Fargo Ministry Team Mailing Address:906 1st Ave. S, Fargo, ND 58103 701-232-4416 Location: FF: 906 1st Ave. S, Fargo ND 58103 GC:3910-25th St. S, Fargo ND 58104 Parsonage Address: 1756 10th St. S., Fargo, ND 58103 Pastors: Marilyn Spurrell, Cody Schuler, Peg Zerface Lay Members: Kay Braun, Gwen Stickney
FAULKTON Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Ministry Team 605-598-6580 E: godleads2@venture.comm.net www.facebook/faulktonUMC Mailing Address: PO Box 411, Faulkton SD 57438 Location: 1011 St. John St. Parsonage Address: 218—12th Ave. S. Pastor: William Hoffman Lay Member: Brent Koens FINLEY—See Page Eastern Sunrise District/Jamestown Ministry Team FLANDREAU/Egan Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team 605-997-2857 E: Flandreau@knology.net Mailing Address: 210 N. Prairie, Flandreau SD 57028 Location: F: 210 N. Prairie E: 210 3rd St E. Parsonage Address: 213 E. 1st Ave. Pastor: Robert “Robbie” Salmonson Lay Member: Janelle Weatherly FLORENCE Eastern Sunrise District/Watertown Ministry Team Mailing Address: 2423 Stadheim Dr, Watertown SD 57201 Location: 5th St & Dolly Ave. Pastor: Marilyn Moeller Lay Member: Marvel Newell FORDVILLE — See Park River Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team FORESTBURG ELCA— See Woonsocket Glacial Lakes River District/Mitchell Ministry Team FRANKFORT — See Redfield Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team FREDERICK — See Leola Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team GARDEN CITY — See Clark Eastern Sunrise District/Watertown Ministry Team GARRETSON United Glacial Lakes District/Sioux Falls Ministry Team 605-594-6274 Mailing Address: 501 Essex St Box 255, Garretson, SD 57030 Location: 501 Essex St. Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Jean Layton Lay Member: Mary Dorsman GARY — See Clear Lake Eastern Sunrise District/Watertown Ministry Team GAYVILLE-VOLIN Glacial Lakes District/Yankton Ministry Team Mailing Address: Location: G: Davis and McCook Pastor: Served by Vermillion UMC Lay Member: Carol Sue Roozen GEDDES Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team 605-337-2255 E: geddesumc@midstatesd.net W: hisgoodnews.net/gumc Mailing Address: PO Box 198, Geddes, SD 57342 Location: 502 4th St Parsonage Address: 306 Michigan Ave Pastor: Wayne Huber Lay Member: Becky Scott GETTYSBURG/Onida/Agar(Wheatland)Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Team E:gettysburgumc@venturecomm.net 605-765-9702 Mailing Address: 101 W. Garfield, Gettysburg SD 57442 Location: G: 101 W. Garfield O: Corner of 8th St & Ash St A: 202 N. Byrne St Parsonage Address: 204 S Platte St, Gettysburg Pastor: Jeff Adel Lay Member: G: Betty Holzwarth O: Shirley Barber A: Albert Schreiber GOODRICH — See McClusky Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team GRAFTON FEDERATED (UMC,PCA‑USA)/Knox PC-USA, Minto, St. Thomas (Northern Valley Parish) Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team Mailing Address: 716 Griggs Ave., Grafton ND 58237 701-352-2644 Location: G: 716 Griggs Ave. St.T: 1 block west of American Legion Parsonage Address: 716 Griggs Ave. Pastor: Lee Gale Lay Member: G: Terri Gale St.T: Bobbi Carson
GRAND FORKS (Wesley) Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team 701-772-1869 E: gfwesley@midconetwork.com W: www.gfwesley.org F:701-772-1940 Mailing Address:1600 4th Ave. N., Grand Forks ND 58203 Location:1600 4th Ave. N Parsonage Address: 2092 Prairie Rose Ct. Grand Forks ND, 58201 Pastor: Howard Baird Lay Members: John Galegher, Sandra Marquardt, Judy Christy GRAND FORKS (Zion) Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team 701-772-1893 E: office@zion-umc.org W: www.zion-umc.org F:701-772-8391 Mailing Address:1001 24th Ave. S, Grand Forks ND 58201 Location: 1001 24th Ave. S. Parsonage Address: 2588 – 19th St S. Pastor: Chang Yi Lay Members: Ellen Myrick, Cathy Perry (alt) GREGORY/Iona (Gregory Larger Parish) Prairie Hills District/Winner Ministry Team E-mail: gumc@gwtc.net Mailing Address: 506 Church Ave., Gregory SD 57533 605-835-9221 Location: G: 506 Church Ave. I: Hwy 47 - 22 miles North of Gregory Parsonage Address: 1304 Rosebud Ave., Gregory Pastor: Royal Archer Lay Member: Bob Wik GROTON/Conde Eastern Sunrise District/ Aberdeen Ministry Team 605-397-8270 E: grotonumc@nvc.net Mailing Address 906 N 1st St, Groton SD 57445 Location:G: One block east Hwy 37 C: near junction Hwy 37 and US 21 Parsonage Address: Pastor: Matt Richards Lay Member: Pat Siefken HARROLD — See Highmore Prairie Hills District/Pierre Ministry Team HAMILTON/Cavalier PC-USA/Bathgate PC-USA Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team Mailing Address: P.O. Box 36. Cavalier, ND 58220 Location: Center of town Parsonage Address: none Pastor: John Werth Lay Member: HARRISBURG Glacial Lakes District/Sioux Falls Ministry Team 605-767-2253 E: humc@harrisburgumc.com W: www.harrisburgumc.com Mailing Address: Box 367, Harrisburg, SD 57032 Location: 204 Grand Ave. Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Kyle Reinhiller Lay Member: Sarah Noordermeer HARTFORD Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team 605-528-3822 E: humc@unitelsd.com W: humcsd.org Mailing Address: Box 159, Hartford, SD 57033 Location: 2nd and Mundt in Hartford Parsonage Address: 302 E. 3rd St. Pastor: Jan Gross Lay Member: Melvin Dieken HARVEY/Martin/Drake Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team 701-324-2494 Mailing Address: H: Box 183, Harvey, ND 58341 D: Box 157, Drake ND 58736 Location: H: Adam and 8th St. M: SE Martin Street D: 221 Main St Parsonage Address: none Pastor: David Walters Lay Member: James Lewis HAZEN/Beulah Sakakawea District/Dickinson Ministry Team 701-748-2339 E:salemumc@westriv.com Mailing Address: Box 454, Hazen, ND 58545 Location: H: 2 3rd St. NE B: 2nd Ave. NW and 3rd St. Parsonage Address: 10 - 3rd St NE Pastor: David Birkeland Lay Member: Alvina Hagler 87
HEBRON Sakakawea District/Dickinson Ministry Team 701-878-4019 Mailing Address: PO Box 23, Hebron, ND 58638 Location:123 N. Elm St. Parsonage Address: none Pastor: TBS Lay Member: Dolly Walth HECLA — See Claremont Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team HENRY/Kellerton Eastern Sunrise District/Watertown Ministry Team 605-628-2289 Web site: www.henrykellerton.org Mailing Address: 333 S. Summit Ave Sioux Falls SD, 57104 Location: He: 1 block north of #212 & 1 block west of school K: 1 ¼ mile east of Hazel on #22 & 3¾ miles south Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Mark/Joy Tracy Lay Member: Nona Clifford HERRICK — See Burke Prairie Hills District/Winner Ministry Team HETTINGER Sakakawea District/Dickinson Ministry Team 701-567-2964 E: hetumc@ndspernet.com Mailing Address: Box 391, Hettinger ND 58639 Location: H: 408 N. Airport Road Parsonage Address: 101—4th Ave. N. Pastor: Paul Lint Lay Member: Jeri Dunn HIGHMORE/Harrold/Blunt Prairie Hills District/Pierre Ministry Team 605-852-2828 E:highumc@venturecomm.net W: www.highumc.com Mailing Address: Box 397, Highmore, SD 57345 Location: Hi: 425 Commercial Ave SE Ha: 301 Cavenaugh B: Stebbins and Lone Tree Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Kori Ann Lehrkamp Lay Member: Cathy Kerr HILLSBORO UNITED-UMC,UCC Eastern Sunrise District/Fargo Ministry 701-636-5246 Mailing Address: Box 699, Hillsboro ND 58045 Location:121 1st St. NW Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Dale Emery Lay Member: Misti Wuori HITCHCOCK/Broadland Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team 605-266-2135 E: hitchcockumc@venturecomm.net W:http://hitchcockandbroadlandumc.com Mailing Address: PO Box 115, Hitchcock, SD 57348 Location: H: 39060 SD Hwy 28, Hitchcock B: ½ mi west of Co. Rd, 1½ bks No. Parsonage Address: 39075 SD Hwy 28, Hitchcock Pastor: Tim Vorlage Lay Member: Gail Brock, Lisa Haigh HOLMES/Sharon Trinity ELCA/ Beaver Creek ELCA Eastern Sunrise/Upper Valley Ministry Team 701-847-2720 E: prariefaith@gfwireless.com Mailing Address: 2102 2nd Ave NE, Reynolds, ND 58275 Location: H: 205 21st St NE, Reynold ND T: Sharon, ND BC: Hatton (rural) Parsonage: 2102 2nd Ave. NE, Reynolds Pastor: Cheryl (Sheri) Fadley Lay Member: Betty Ellingson HOPE United—See Page Eastern Sunrise/Fargo Ministry Team HOT SPRINGS FEDERATED- UMC, AB, PC-USA Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team 605-745-5640 E: uc@gwtc.net W: unitedchurcheshotsprings.org Mailing Address: 342 N. Garden, Hot Springs, SD 57747 Location: 28309 Sunny Brook Rd Parsonage Address: None Pastor: Clint Walker Lay Member: Bob Puffer
HOWARD (Beach) Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team 605-772-5383 Mailing Address: Box 116, Howard SD 57349 Location: 205 N. Pleasant Dr Parsonage Address: 103 North Pleasant St. Pastor: Mary-Lee Lint Lay Member: Loren Scott HUMBOLDT — See Drayton Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team HURLEY — See Parker Glacial Lakes District/Yankton Ministry Team HURON (First) Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team 605-352-8604 E: info@huronfumc.org W: www.huronfumc.org Mailing Address: 2660 Dakota Ave. S., Huron, SD 57350 Location: Highway 37 south of Huron Parsonage Address: 540—18th St. SW Pastor: Mark Holland, Derek Baum Lay Members: HURON (Riverview)/Virgil Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team 605-352-6227 Mailing Address:1640 Simmons Ave. SE, Huron SD 57350 Location: H:1640 Simmons Ave. SE, Huron V:1 Block North of Main St. Parsonage Address:1540 Simmons Ave. SE, Huron Pastor: Dean Trapp Lay Member:Tom Cummins IONA — See Gregory Prairie Hills District/Winner Ministry Team INTERIOR PC-USA— See Philip Prairie Hills District/Pierre Ministry Team IRENE — See Wakonda Glacial Lakes District/Yankton Ministry Team IROQUOIS/Esmond/Doland (Iroquois Parish) 605-546-2424 Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team Mailing Address: PO Box 173, Iroquois SD 57353 Location: I: Quapaw & Washita E: Center of town D: Corner of Fourth and Montana Pastor: Kris Larson Lay Member: Shirley Scotter ISABEL UCC — See Timber Lake Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Ministry Team JAMESTOWN (First) Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team 701-952-3718 E: firstumcjmst@daktel.com W: firstumcjmst.org F: 701-952-3717 Mailing Address:115 3rd St SE, Jamestown, ND 58401 Location:115 Third St. SE Parsonage Address: 210 15th Ave NE Pastor: Elmo Herman, Michelle Brennan Lay Members: Roger Caine, Barb Caine, Tyrel Schlecht JAMESTOWN (St. Paul’s) Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team 701-252-3088 E: stpaulsjamestown@gmail.com Web: www.wegrowdisciples.org Mailing Address:1000 5th Ave NE, Jamestown, ND 58401 Location:1000 5th Ave. NE Parsonage Address: 1023—6th Ave. NE Pastor: Arlyn Coalter Lay Member: Julie Wayne, Betty Brosz JAMISON, NE — See Burke Prairie Hills District/Winner Ministry Team JUD — See Marion Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team KELLERTON — See Henry Eastern Sunrise District/Watertown Ministry Team KENMARE — See Bowbells Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team KENNEBEC — See Presho Prairie Hills District/Pierre Ministry Team KENSAL—See Wimbledon Sakakawea/Jamestown Ministry Team KIMBALL PROTESTANT PARISH 605-778-6410 Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team E:protestantparish@midstatesd.net W: www.kimballprotestantparish.org Mailing Address: Box 340, Kimball SD 57355 Location:301 South Babcock Street Parsonage Address: 312 W 2nd St, Kimball, SD 57355 Pastor: Laurie Kidd Lay Member: Charlene Miller
KINDRED CALVARY/Kindred Zion--Eastern Sunrise District/Wahpeton Ministry Team Mailing Address: Box 146, Kindred ND 58051 701-428-3624 Location: K: 271 Linden, Kindred Z: 4½ miles West of Colfax Parsonage Address: 312 W 2nd St., Kindred Pastor: John Bergh Lay Member: Dan Haverland KVERNES ELCA — See New Rockford Sakakawea District/Spirit Lake Ministry Team LAKE PRESTON — See Arlington Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team LANGDON\Nekoma PC/USA) Sakakawea District/Spirit Lake Ministry Team 701-256-2748 E: langumc@utma.com Mailing Address: 301 15th Ave., Langdon ND 58249 Location: 301 15th Ave, Langdon Parsonage Address: 201—15th Ave., Langdon Pastor: Judy Banwart Lay Member: Iva Wenzel, LANSFORD UMC/Lansford ELCA /Glenburn ELCA Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team Mailing Address: Trinity Lutheran Church P.O. Box 157, Glenburn, ND 58740 701-362-7922 Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Heather Brown Lay Leader: Nina Brossart LARIMORE/Arvilla PC-USA/Emerado PC-USA 701-343-2458 Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team E: theyoke@centurylink.net Mailing Address: Box 537, Larimore, ND 58251 Location: 203 West Third Parsonage Address: 205 West Third Pastor: Raenelle Sorensen Lay Member: Patsy Strand LEAD-DEADWOOD (Trinity) Prairie Hills District/Northern Hills Ministry Team Mailing Address:111 S. Main St, Lead, SD 57754 605-584-1328 Location: 111 S. Main Parsonage Address: 408 Sunset Rd. Pastor: Mark Phillips Lay Member: Jim Hoff LEGACY—See Bismarck Legacy Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team LEHR — See Napoleon Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team LEOLA/Frederick/Barnard UCC Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team Mailing Address: 409 S. Kline, Aberdeen SD 57401 Location: L: Herried Ave & Moultoh St. F: 1 blk north of school bldg. Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Don Peck Lay Member: Deirdre Peck LINTON/Sterling Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team 701-254-5448 Mailing Address: L: Box 668, Linton, ND 58552 Location: L: 419 N Broadway S: In Sterling near Highway 83 Parsonage Address: 128 Spruce Ave. East, Linton Pastor: Cori Waisanen Lay Member: Luella Rath, Georgene Siebel LISBON, Lisbon UP / Enderlin Eastern Sunrise District/Wahpeton Ministry Team E: lismeth@drtel.net 701-683-4479 Mailing Address: 602 Forest St, Lisbon ND 58054 Enderlin: 701-437-3407 Location: 602 Forest St. E: 228 5th Ave. Parsonage Address: 209—6th Ave. West, Lisbon Pastor: Juwle Nagbe Lay Member: L: Mary Madsen E: Myrene Peterson LYMAN COUNTY PARISH—See Presho/Kennebec/Reliance Prairie Hills District/ Pierre Area Ministry Team MADISON Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team 605-256-2162 E: madison.umc@midconetwork.com W: madisonumc.com Mailing Address: 304 N Egan St, Madison SD 57042 Location: 304 N Egan Ave Parsonage Address: 1021 NW 7th St., Madison
Pastor: Barry Whipkey Lay Members: Lisa Baasch, LaDonna Callies, Cody Warns, Jordan Herm MANDAN Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team 701-663-8909 E: mumch@msn.com Mailing Address: 610 - 12th St. NW, Mandan ND 58554 Location: 610 12th St. NW Parsonage Address: 401 13th St. NW, Mandan Pastor: Bruce Adams Lay Members: Darlene VanderVorst MANSFIELD — See Mellette Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team MARCUS PC-USA — See Faith Prairie Hills District/Northern Hills Ministry Team MARION/Dickey/Jud Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team 701-669-2209 Mailing Address: Box 176, Marion, ND 58466 Location: M: 210—2nd St. D: 319 4th Ave. J: Church Street Parsonage Address: 305 1st St, Marion Pastor: Rodney Ulmer Lay Member: Sharman Zachrison, Ralph Greer, Bob Muhs MARTIN — See Harvey Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team MCCLUSKY/Goodrich/Chaseley Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team 701-363-2420 E: mcgcumc@westriv.com Mailing Address: PO Box 376, McClusky, ND 58463 Location: M: 124 Ave C G: 3rd and McKinley C: Main St Parsonage Address: 310—2nd St. SE, McClusky Pastor: Warren Rhodes Lay Member: Donavon Czech MCCOOK LAKE (See Ark UMC) Glacial Lakes District/Yankton Ministry Team 605-780-4767 E: arkumc@gmail.com W: arkumc.org Mailing Address: PO Box 488, N Sioux City, SD 57049 Location: 130 Sodrac Dr, N Sioux City, SD 57049 Parsonage Address: 12 Spruce Ave., North Sioux City pastor not residing there Pastor: Jeff Vore Lay Member: MEDINA — See Streeter Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team MELLETTE NORTHWESTERN/Mansfield PC-USA/Brentford UCC Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team 605-887-3461 Mailing Address: 232 4th Ave Location: South & across Street west from Northwestern School Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Jon Damaska Lay Member: Ken Halvorson MILBANK (Central) Eastern Sunrise District/Watertown Ministry Team 605-432-4766 E: centralchurch@sstel.net W: milbankcentralumc.org Mailing Address: 201 S. 5th St, Milbank SD 57252 Location: 201 S. 5th St Parsonage Address: 1011 Washington Drive, Milbank Pastor: Andy Bartel Lay Members: Gerald Fields, Jody Kuper MILBANK (Parkview)/Big Stone City (Tabor) Eastern Sunrise Dist./Watertown Ministry Team E: MP: parkviewumc@q.com BSC: taborumc@midconetwork.com Mailing Address: MP: 1101 S. 2nd St, Milbank, SD 57252 605-432-6718 BSC: PO Box 158, Big Stone City SD 57216 605-432-8138 Location: MP: 1101 S. 2nd St BSC: 109 2nd Ave, Parsonage Address: 651 Margaret Street, Big Stone City Pastor: Amy Atkins Lay Member: MP: Malcolm Dirksen BSC: Joyce Jensen MILLER Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Ministry Team 605-853-3656 E: millerumc@mncomm.com Mailing Address: 610 E 4th Ave., Miller SD 57362 Location: M: 610 E. 4th Ave. Miller Parsonage Address: 509 East 6th St., Miller Pastor: Mark Johnsen
Lay Member: Judy Jenner MILNOR/Wyndmere/Sheldon Eastern Sunrise District/Wahpeton Ministry Team 701-427-9401 E: milnorumc@drtel.net W: 701-439-2932 Mailing Address: Box 335, Milnor, ND 58060 Location: M: 720 Main St. W: 438 4th St S: 10 Omaha Parsonage Address: 724 Main, Milnor Pastor: Michael Ward Lay Member: Deanna Springer� MINOT (Faith)/Des Lacs Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team 701-838-1540 Mailing Address: 801 University Ave. W., Minot, ND 58703 Location: M: 801 University Ave. W. D: 33 Third Ave. SE 58733 Parsonage Address: 2605 Crescent Drive, Minot Pastor: Debra Ball-Kilbourne Lay Member: Cliff Jacobson MINOT (Vincent) Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team 701-838-4425 E: office@vincentumc.com Web: www.vincentumc.com Mailing Address: 1024—2nd St. SE, Minot ND 58701 Location: 1024 2nd St. SE Parsonage Address: 2605 Crescent Dr Pastor: Raymond L. Baker Lay Members: Heather Ellis, Carolyn Andrews MINTO (PC-USA) — See Grafton Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team MISSION — See White River Prairie Hills District/Winner Ministry Team MITCHELL (First) Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team 605-996-7721 W: www.mitchellumc.org Mailing Address: 310 N. Rowley St, Mitchell SD 57301 Location: 310 N. Rowley Parsonage Address: 1425 Pebble Beach Rd; 1415 E. 2nd Ave. Pastors: Kathy Hartgraves, Justin Brophy Lay Member: MOBRIDGE — See Selby Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Ministry Team MOFFIT --- Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team E: murdoumc@goldenwest.net Mailing Address: Box 55 Moffit, ND 58560 Location: West Main Ave. Parsonage Address: Pastor: Served by Bismarck Legacy Lay Member: MOHALL/Sherwood/Lansford (Souris Valley Parish) 701-756-7272 Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team Mailing Address:Box 336, Mohall, ND 58761 Location:M: 204 1st Ave. NW S: 40 4th Ave E L: West end of Huss Ave. Parsonage Address: 202 1st Ave NW, Mohall Pastor: Pat Mersch Lay Member: Connie Southam MONTROSE — See Salem United Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team MOUNT VERNON Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team 605-236-5386 Mailing Address: PO Box 28, Mt. Vernon, SD 57363 Location: 212 West 2ND Street Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Served by Stickney Lay Member: MURDO/Draper Prairie Hills District/Winner Ministry Team 605-669-2501 E: murdoumc@goldenwest.net Mailing Address: Box 216, Murdo, SD 57559 Location: M: 204 Jefferson D: North Central part of town Parsonage Address: 406—2nd St., Murdo Pastor: Rick Hazen Lay Member: Curt Chambliss
NAPOLEON/Lehr Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team 701-452-2432 E: mttoepke@bektel.com Mailing Address: PO Box 293, Napoleon, ND 58561 Location: N: 221 2nd St East L: 403 East St S W: 305 Centennial St. S Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Marty Toepke-Floyd Lay Member: Paul Hamers NORTONVILLE Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team Mailing Address: Location: 1st Street Parsonage Address: none Pastor: TBS Lay Member: Rod Berg NORTHERN VALLEY PARISH — See Grafton Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley OAKES/Cogswell Eastern Sunrise District/Wahpeton Ministry Team 701-742-2925 Mailing Address: 216 S. 6th, Oakes, ND 58474 Location: O: 6th St. and Juniper Ave. C: Main Street Parsonage Address: 1005 Lilac Ave., Oakes Pastor: Steve Olson Lay Member: Deloris Hassebroek OLIVET/Scotland Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team 605-387-5510 E: oumc@goldenwest.net S: 605-583-4611 Mailing Address: O:Box 40, Olivet SD 57052 S: PO Box 402, Scotland SD 57059 Location: O: 215 Olivet St. S: 711 3rd St, Scotland SD 57059 Parsonage Address: 190 S 4th St., Olivet Pastor: Tom Petersen Lay Member: Delmar Janke ONIDA — See Gettysburg Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Ministry Team PAGE/Hope United-UMC-UCC/Finley Eastern Sunrise District/Fargo Ministry Team Mailing Address: Box 44, Page ND 58064 701-668-2596 Location: P: Morton Ave. H: 5th St. and Steele Ave. F: Center Ave. and 4th St. Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Justin Schnackenberg Lay Member: John Miller PARK RIVER FEDERATED-UMC-PC-USA/Fordville PC-USA Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team 701-284-6499 Mailing Address: Box P, Park River ND 58270 Location: 4th and Harris Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Paul Keil Lay Member: Lorene Larson PARKER/Hurley Glacial Lakes District/Yankton Ministry Team 605-297-4910 Mailing Address: PO Box 205, Parker SD 57053 Location: P: Corner of 2nd & Spruce, west side of town H: 501 Park Blvd Parsonage Address: 365 W Second, Parker Pastor: Iva Laudermith Lay Member: Donna Dwyer PEACE ELCA — See Dunseith Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team PEMBINA — See Drayton Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team PHILIP/Philip PC-USA/Interior PC-USA Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team E: chez@gwtc.net 605-859-2310 Mailing Address: PO Box 727, Philip, SD 57567 Location:101 S. Howard Parsonage Address: 103 S Howard Ave. Pastor: Kathy Chesney Lay Member:
PIEDMONT Prairie Hills District/Northern Hills Ministry Team 605-787-4858 E: gumc@midconetwork.com W: www.gracepiedmont.com Mailing Address: Box 265, Piedmont SD 57769 Location: 10060 Foothill Drive Parsonage Address: 10371 Walnut St Pastor: Karl Kroger Lay Member: Connie Eichinger PIERRE (First) Prairie Hills District/Pierre Ministry Team 605-224-5939 E: pierre1umc@mncomm.com W: www.pierrefirstumc.org Mailing Address: PO Box 579, Pierre SD 57501 Location: 117 N. Central Parsonage Address: 904 Winchester Dr 201 N Oneida Pastor: Dan Bader, Margaret Stempson Lay Members: Monica Bader, Scott Jones, Julia Jones, Penny Galinaf PIERRE (Southeast) Prairie Hills District/Pierre Ministry Team 605-494-0470 E: sepumc.midconetwork.com W: www.sepumc.com Mailing Address: PO Box 306, Pierre SD 57501 Location: 2315 East Park St 605-224-7244 Parsonage Address: 1012 WoodView Drive Apt 15 Pierre SD, 57501 Pastor: Jeri Burns Lay Member: Steve Stewart PLANKINTON/White Lake Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team E: plankintonumc@gmail.com Mailing Address: P: Box 7, Plankinton SD 57368 605-942-7365 WL: PO Box 147, White Lake, SD 57383 605-249-2410 Location: P: 210 Northeast Road WL: 110 E. Deleyan Parsonage Address: 408 Sanborn St., Plankinton Pastor: Jeff Lathrop Lay Member: Bev Hoefert PRAIRIEVIEW PARISH Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team 605-424-2080 E: prairieview@goldenwest.net W: prairieviewumc.org Mailing Address: PO Box 143, Oelrichs SD 57763 Location: 28307 Sunnybrook Rd, Oelrichs Parsonage Address: 29820 Hardscrabble Rd, Oelrichs Pastor: Paul Smith Lay Member: Debra Frahm PRESHO/Kennebec/Reliance (Lyman Co. Parish) Prairie Hills District/Pierre Ministry Team E: umc@kennebectelephone.com 605-895-2353 Mailing Address: PO Box 276, Presho, SD 57568 Location: P: 100 W. Willow St. K: 104 Main R: Main and Chamberlain Parsonage Address: 106 W. Willow, Presho Pastor: Served by Winner Lay Member: Michelle Lintvedt PRINGLE — See Edgemont Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team RAPID CITY (Canyon Lake) Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team 605-348-1080 E: clumc@rushmore.com W: www.clumc.com Mailing Address: 3500 Canyon Lake Dr., Rapid City SD 57702 Location: 3500 Canyon Lake Dr Parsonage Address: 3703 Parkridge Dr. 3604 Powderhorn Dr. Pastor: Eric Grinager, Deann Eidem Lay Members: Sharon Wilson, Roger and Karen Meyer RAPID CITY (First) Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team E-mail: firstumc@rapidcityfirst.org Web: www.rapidcityfirst.org 605-342-4498 Mailing Address: Box 1648, Rapid City, SD 57701 Location: 629 Kansas City St Parsonage Address: 3507 Westridge Rd, Rapid City SD 57702 (with Korean UMC) Pastor: Peary Wilson, Keihwan Ryoo, John Britt Lay Member: Scott Jensen, Dave Cam, Sam Britt
RAPID CITY (Knollwood Heights)/ Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team E: knollwoodpastor@gmail.com Mailing Address: 320 E. College Ave, Rapid City SD 57701 605-343-7145 Location: 320 E. College Ave Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Sharla McCaskell Lay Member: Janae Herman RAPID CITY KOREAN Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team 605-342-4498 E: rapidcitykorean@hotmail.com Mailing Address: PO Box 1648 , Rapid City SD 57701 Location: 629 Kansas City St Parsonage Address: 3507 Westridge Rd, Rapid City SD 57702 Pastor: Keihwan (Kevin) Ryoo Lay Member: Steve Lee RAPID CITY (Rapid Valley) Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team 605-393-1526 E: mail@valley-umc.com W: valley-umc.com Mailing Address: 5103 Long View Drive, Rapid City, SD 57703 Location: 5103 Long View Drive Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Gary Walters Lay Member: Phyllis Walters RAPID CITY (South Maple) Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team 605-343-1813 E: southmapleumc@gmail.com. W: www.southmapleumc.com Mailing Address:202 E. Indiana, Rapid City, SD 57701 F:605-343-0035 Location: 202 E. Indiana Parsonage Address: 2216 Maple Ave., Rapid City Pastor: John McKnight Lay Member: Vernal Trove REDFIELD/Frankfort Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team 605-472-0770 Mailing Address:1326 W. 1st St, Redfield, SD 57469 Parsonage Address: 1305 W First St Location: R:1326 W. 1st St F: 17672 397th Ave 57440 Pastor: Stephen Perry Lay Member: Norma Patterson RELIANCE — See Presho Prairie Hills District/Pierre Ministry Team ROBINSON — See Steele Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team ROCK LAKE — See Cando Sakakawea District/Spirit Lake Ministry Team ROLLA — See Cando Sakakawea District/Spirit Lake Ministry Team RUGBY EMMANUEL UNITED-UMC,PC-USA Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team Mailing Address: 223 2nd St. SE, Rugby, ND 58368 701-776-5809 Location: 306 2nd St. SW Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Donald Andrews Lay Member: Charlene Gault SAINT THOMAS — See Grafton Eastern Sunrise District/Upper Valley Ministry Team SALEM UNITED-UMC,PC-USA/Montrose Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team E: salemunited@triotel.net W: sumumc.net Mailing Address: PO Box 615, Salem, SD 57058 605-425-2245 Location: S: 432 N. Main - across from Court House F: 605-425-9245 M: 109 2nd Ave S. Montrose, SD 57048 Parsonage Address: 201 W. Jefferson Ave., Salem Pastor: Jennifer Swier Lay Member: Connie Smith SCOTLAND — See Olivet Glacial Lakes District/Yankton Area Ministry Team SELBY/Mobridge Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Ministry Team 605-649-7888 E:selbmobrumc@midco.netW:www.gbgm-umc.org/mobridgeumc M: 605-845-3139 Mailing Address: PO Box 174, Selby, SD 57472 Location: S: 3301 4th Ave. M: 402 3rd Ave W. Mobridge SD 57601 Parsonage Address: 3305 Fourth Ave, Selby Pastor: Elizabeth Jassmann Lay Member: S:Carmen Schorg, M: Madonna Riley
SHELDON — See Milnor Eastern Sunrise District/Wahpeton Ministry Team SHERWOOD — See Mohall Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team SIOUX FALLS (Asbury) Glacial Lakes District/Sioux Falls Ministry Team 605-332-8861 E: info@sfasbury.org W:www.sfasbury.org F: 605-332-1939 Mailing Address: 2425 S. Western, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Location: 2425 S. Western Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Peter “Kip” Roozen Lay Member: Greg Richards, Al Herrboldt, Marilyn Stroh SIOUX FALLS (Embrace) Glacial Lakes District/Sioux Falls Ministry Team 605-271-3249 E: info@iamembrace..com W: www.iamembrace.com Mailing Address: 2800 E 57th St, Sioux Falls, SD 57108 Locaton: 2800 East 57th St. Parsonage Address: None Pastor: Adam Weber Lay Members: Billy Schlotter SIOUX FALLS (First) Glacial Lakes District/Sioux Falls Ministry Team 605-336-3652 E: fumc@sfumc.org W: www.sfumc.org F: 605-334-9805 Mailing Address: 401 S. Spring Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Location: 401 S. Spring Ave Parsonage Address: none Pastors: Robert Ruedebusch, Sara McManus Lay Members: Mary Jane Richardson, Bill Hoff, Carrie Jaeger, Jo Harris, Doug Ericson SIOUX FALLS (Hilltop) Glacial Lakes District/Sioux Falls Ministry Team 605-338-8689 Mailing Address: 1312 S. Bahnson Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57103 Location: 1312 S Bahnson Ave Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Brook McBride Lay Members: Hazel Hansen SIOUX FALLS (Southern Hills) Glacial Lakes District/Sioux Falls Ministry Team E: sohills@midconetwork.com 605-371-2065 Mailing Address: 3400 E. 49th St, Sioux Falls SD 57103 Location: 3400 E. 49th St. Parsonage Address: 921 S. Charlotte Ave. Pastor: Ross Reinhiller Lay Member: Connie Maxwell SIOUX FALLS (Sunnycrest) Glacial Lakes District/Sioux Falls Ministry Team 605-361-0899 E: office@sunnycrest.org W: www.sunnycrest.org F: 605-361-7191 Mailing Address: 4801 W 41st St, Sioux Falls SD 57106 Location: 4801 W 41st S Parsonage Address: 7712 W Leah St. Pastor: Ryan Mutzenberger, Kris Mutzenberger, Val Reinhiller Lay Members: Paula Wheelock SIOUX FALLS (Wesley) Glacial Lakes District/Sioux Falls Ministry Team 605-338-4562 E: wesleyumc@midconetwork.com Mailing Address: 1700 6th St. E, Sioux Falls SD 57103 Location: 1700 6th St E Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Laura Borman Lay Member: Elaine Roberts SOURIS VALLEY PARISH — See Mohall Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team SPEARFISH/SUNDANCE,WY Prairie Hills District/Northern Hills Ministry Team Sp. 605-642-3457 E: scott.mckirdy@spearfishumc.org W:www.spearfishumc.org Mailing Address: 845 N. 5th St., Spearfish SD 57783 Location: 845 N. 5th St, Spearfish Parsonage Location:14 Horseshoe Lane, Spearfish SD 57783 Pastor: Scott McKirdy Lay Member: Gloria Borgman, Sean Sutton, Elissa Hohbach SUNDANCE WY – Yoked with Spearfish UMC 307-283-1954 E: sumchurch@gmail.com W: sumchurch.info
Mailing Address: PO Box 567, Sundance WY 82729 Location: 306 E Ryan St, Sundance WY 82729 Parsonage Location: Pastor: Ken Ballard Lay Member: STEELE/Tuttle/Robinson Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team 701-475-2631 E: strumc@bektel.com W: strumc.org Mailing Address: PO Box 166, Steele, ND 58482 Location: S: 102 2nd St SW T: North Main R: 118 1st Ave. W. Parsonage Address: 302—3rd St. SE, Steele Pastor: Steve Behrens Lay Member: Tom Moss, Loren Morrison, Suzie Heidt STERLING, ND — See Linton Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team STERLING, SD — See White Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team STICKNEY Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team 605-732-4350 Mailing Address: Box 128, Stickney, SD 57375 Location: E. of Hiway 281 on Main St, So of 5th St. Intersesction Parsonage Address: 419 S. Main Pastor: Marlin Sapp Lay Member: Charlotte Brown STREETER/Medina/Tappen Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team 701-424-3619 Mailing Address: Box 38, Streeter, ND 58483 Location: S: 122 Mary St. N. Streeter, ND. M: 301 1st Ave S., Medina, ND 58467 T: 330 2nd St. NE, Tappen, ND 59487 Parsonage Address: 114 May Street N., Streeter Pastor: Hazel Behrens Lay Member: Bruce Schlecht STURGIS Prairie Hills District/Northern Hills Ministry Team 605-720-5578 E: sturgisumc@hotmail.com W: sturgisumc.com Mailing Address: 1755 Ball Park Rd, Sturgis, SD 57785 Location: 1755 Ball Park Road Parsonage Address: 2580 Starline Ave Pastor: Jenene Earl Lay Members: Doyle Busby SUNDANCE, WYOMING—See Spearfish Prairie Hills District/Northern Hills Ministry Team TAPPEN — See Streeter Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team TIMBER LAKE/Timber Lake ELCA/Isabel UCC/Timber Lake ABC Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Ministry Team 605-865-3567 Mailing Address: PO Box 434, Timber Lake, SD 57656 Location: 202 Main Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Ken Hunt Lay Member: Cherry Lippert TODD MELLETTE LARGER PARISH (See White River) TOLSTOY see Cresbard Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Ministry Team TULARE UNITED-UMC,UCC Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team 605-596-4156 E: tulareuc@venturecomm.net W: www. tulareunitedchurch.com Mailing Address: PO Box 109 Tulare, SD 57476 Location: 205 Ohio St Parsonage Address: 206 Ohio St, Tulare SD 57476 Pastor: Lorah Houser-Jankord Lay Member: TURTLE LAKE — See Washburn Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team TUTTLE — See Steele Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team TYNDALL — See Wagner Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team UNDERWOOD, ND Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team Mailing Address: P.O. Box 714, Underwood, ND 58576 Location: Corner of 2nd St. and Grant Ave. Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Darrel Aleson Lay Member: Layton Freborg
VALLEY CITY (Epworth) Sakakawea District/Jamestown Ministry Team 701-845-0340 E-mail: epworth_umc@msn.com Mailing Address: 680 8th Ave. SW, Valley City, ND 58072 Location: 680 8th Ave. SW Parsonage Address: 654 9th Ave SW Pastor: Dayne Zachrison Lay Member: Jon Owen, Karen Nicholson VELVA Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team Mailing Address:1904 7th St. NW, Minot, ND 58703 Location: Corner of 2nd Ave. and 1st St West., Velva Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Geoff Hilton Lay Member: Lynette Mart VERMILLION Glacial Lakes District/ Yankton Ministry Team E: vermumc@msn.com W: www.vermillionumc.com 605-624-2179 Mailing Address: 16 N. Dakota St. Parsonage Address: 806 Valley View Drive Pastor: Rick Pettinger Lay Member: Sue Jopling VIBORG — See Wakonda Glacial Lakes District/Yankton Ministry Team VIRGIL — See Huron Glacial Lakes District/Huron Ministry Team VOLIN — See Gayville Glacial Lakes District/Yankton Ministry Team WAGNER/Tyndall Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team 605-384-5382 E: wagtynumc@hcinet.net Mailing Address: Box 757, Wagner, SD 57380 Location: W: 406—SW 1st St. T: 1812 Main St. Parsonage Address: 204—1st. St. SE Pastor: R. Duane Coates Lay Member: Arnold Horner WAHPETON EVERGREEN Eastern Sunrise District/Wahpeton Ministry Team 701-642-6202 E: evergreenoffice@702com.net W: www.evergreen.com facebook.com/evergreenumc Mailing Address:1120 Evergreen Court, Wahpeton, ND 58075 Location: 1120 Evergreen Court Parsonage Address: 1415 Ave A , Wahpeton, ND 58075 Pastor: Jennifer Hallenbeck Lay Members: Jerry Nankivel, Jan Moore WAKONDA/Irene/Viborg Glacial Lakes District/Yankton Ministry Team 605-267-2584 E: pastorjudy.sd@gmail.com Mailing Address: Box 325, Wakonda, SD 57073 Location: W: 201 Kansas I: 228 Dakota St V: 200 S Main Parsonage Address: 205 Kansas St., Wakonda Pastor: Judy Sayler Lay Member: WALL/Wasta Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team 605-279-2359 E: umcwall@gwtc.net Mailing Address: PO Box 313, Wall, SD 57790 Location: Wall: 602 Norris S Wasta: Corner of Oak & B Street Parsonage Address: 418 7th Ave, Wall Pastor: Darwin Kopfmann Lay Member: Linda Eisenbraun WASHBURN/Center/Turtle Lake (Missouri Valley Parish) Sakakawea District/Bismarck Ministry Team 701-462-3220 Mailing Address: Box 66, Washburn, ND 58577 Location: W: 1002 John Wesley Ln, C: 1st and Center TL: 116 2nd Ave. W Parsonage Address: 420 – 6th St, Washburn, ND 58577 Pastor: Peder Anderson Lay Member: Cindy Renfrow WASTA — See Wall Prairie Hills District/Rushmore Ministry Team
WATERTOWN (Cornerstone)Eastern Sunrise District/Watertown Ministry Team 605-886-2242 E:lvetch@gmail.com W: www.cornerstoneumcwat.com Mailing Address: 1350—11th St. NE, Watertown, SD 50201 Location: 1350—11th St. NE Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Roger Spahr, Ken Mund Lay Members: Allen Swan, David Darling, Carol Johnson, Rhonda Mund WATERTOWN (First) Eastern Sunrise District/Watertown Ministry Team 605-886-4427 W: www.watertownfirstumc.com Mailing Address: Box 1416, Watertown, SD 57201 Location: 4 Second Ave SE Parsonage Address: 31 Sunrise Dr 180 – 18th St NE Pastors: Joel Higgins, Sara Nelson Lay Members: Jean Fox, Donald Fox, Bonnie Lien, Al Vanderlaan WEBSTER/Bristol-Butler Eastern Sunrise District/Aberdeen Ministry Team 605-345-3747 E: daycoumc@yahoo.com W: daycoum.org Mailing Address: 105 East 9th Ave., Webster, SD 57274 Location: W: 105 East 9th Ave. B: 1 blk from No. end of town on Main St Parsonage Address: 915 E. 2nd St., Webster Pastor: Eugene Moeller, Marilyn Moeller Lay Member: Loren Lutz WESSINGTON SPRINGS Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team 605-539-1567 E:umcnews@gmail.com Facebook: Wsumc Mailing Address: PO Box 396, Wessington Springs, SD 57382 Location: 110 West Main Parsonage Address: 106 State St, Wessington Springs, SD 57382 Pastor: Martin Avery Lay Member: Gretchen Burnison WEST FARGO (Flame of Faith) Eastern Sunrise District/Fargo Ministry Team 701-282-5765 E: fofumc@cableone.net W: www.flameoffaithumc.blogspot.com Mailing Address:1222 6th St E, West Fargo, ND 58078 Location: 1222 6th St. E Parsonage Address: 920 15th Ave W, W Fargo ND 58078 Pastor: Thomas Bowsher Lay Member: Merril Knodle, Bonnie Vanguud WHEATLAND (See Gettysburg) Prairie Hills District/Prairie Harvester Team WHITE/Aurora/Sterling Glacial Lakes District/Brookings Ministry Team 605-629-3581 E: www.facebook.com/aurorawhitesterlingumc W: www.awsumchurches.org Mailing Address: Box 827, White, SD 57276 Location: W: 101 E. 5th St A: 201 Pine St. S: 20200 471st Ave Parsonage Address: 101 E 5th St. White, SD Pastor: Martha Brandt Lay Member: Gwen Taylor WHITE LAKE — See Plankinton Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team WHITE RIVER/Mission (Todd Mellette Larger Parish) Prairie Hills District/Winner Ministry Team 605-259-3682 E: tmparish@gwtc.net W: gwtc.net/tmparish Mailing Address: Box 197, White River, SD 57579 Location: WR: 324 N Roosevel M: Main and Rosebud Parsonage Address: 324 N. Roosevelt, White River, SD 57579 Pastor: Linda Baldock Lay Member: John Gross WILLISTON Sakakawea District/Minot Ministry Team 701-572-7694 E: fumcwilliston@dia.net W: www.fumcwilliston.com Mailing Address: 219 1st Ave W., Williston, ND 58801 Location: W: 219 1st Ave W Parsonage Address: 325 E. 9th St., Williston Pastors: Mark Britton Lay Members: Vern Neff, Jacki Keck
WIMBLEDON/Kensal Sakakawea/Jamestown Ministry Team 701-435-2497 E: stjohns@daktel.com Mailing Address: Box 25, Wimbledon Location: W: 100 Center St K: Church St & 2nd Ave. Parsonage Address: 304 Gibson St, Box 74, Wimbledon ND 58492 Pastor: Sarah Herman Lay Member: Marge Guscette, W: Anne Osborne WINNER Prairie Hills District/Winner Ministry Team 605-842-0854 E: umc@gwtc.net Mailing Address: PO Box 526, Winner, SD 57580 Location: 301 W. 4th Parsonage Address: 326 W. 4th St., Winner Pastor: Val Rush Lay Member: Frank Finney, Jeri Finney WOONSOCKET/Woonsocket ELCA/Forestburg ELCA Glacial Lakes District/Mitchell Ministry Team 605–350-0542 Mailing Address: 704 Idaho Ave SE, Huron, SD 57350 Location: Highway 34 (7th St) between 5 & 6th Ave Parsonage Address: none Pastor: Rhonda Wellsandt-Zell Lay Member: Connie Farris WYNDMERE — see Milnor Eastern Sunrise District/Wahpeton Ministry Team 701-439-2932 YANKTON Glacial Lakes River District/Yankton Ministry Team 605-665-2991 E: firstumc@iw.net W: www.firstumcyankton.org Mailing Address: 207 W 11th, Yankton SD 57078 Location: 207 W. 11th Parsonage Address: 1203 West St., Yankton Pastor: Ron Johnson, Bob Cappel Lay Members: Diane Kisch, Dave Holzwarth, Bob Thue, Heather Hirsch
Vl. CONFERENCE REPORTS Common Table Report
What a joy it is to work with the Common Table. This group of highly dedicated individuals continues to seek out and listen for God’s guidance and wisdom as we develop our ministries. This year we had the pleasure of breaking in a new episcopal leader. Bishop Ough helped us review where we have been, as an Annual Conference; in order to understand God’s preferred future for the conference. We know we are building on the foundations laid by former Bishops, Committees, and Annual Conference Sessions as we chart the course for the next few years. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance we will continue to participate in God’s Kingdom on earth. The key to the next stage of our ministry is to set our minds and efforts on the Four Areas of Focus. The Four Areas of Focus express the vision and yearnings of the people of The United Methodist Church. Over this quadrennium, the church will seek to focus the work of making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world around these areas of ministry: • Combating the diseases of poverty by improving health globally. • Engaging in ministry with the poor. • Creating new places for new people and revitalizing existing congregations. • Developing principled Christian leaders for the church and the world (www.umc.org) Bishop Ough and the Dakotas Conference Extended Cabinet have been discerning how the Four Areas of Focus can become a more integral part of our ministry together. Four vision pathways have been identified to guide our work together: • Developing Missional Leaders • Equipping Missional Congregations • Extending our Missional Impact • Generating Missional Resources The vision and implementation for the four pathways are further articulated in our strategic plan, The Journey Towards Vitality. Our Conference Staff will be on the front lines to help us put The Journey Towards Vitality into action. The four pathways are guiding images for aligning and reimagining the ministry of our conference. Some ministries will need to adapt to the changing realities of the Dakotas and others will need to be set aside. The staff will work with our links, committees and task forces to make these alignments to help us Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. The Common Table will hold a forum this fall to kick off The Journey Towards Vitality. It will be a time when the key leadership of our conference can learn, listen, and reflect to develop a common understanding of The Journey Towards Vitality. This effort will be an opportunity for us to transform and align our conference ministries around the four vision pathways. We hope that “ya’ll will come to this meeting,” and participate in high quality worship services, training events, and breakout sessions. Rev. Ray Baker, Chair of the Common Table
Visioning Link The visioning link did not meet as a separate group but met with the Common Table throughout the year. This is a transitional year as we begin to define our vision for the platform for ministries under new Episcopal leadership. The chair of the visioning link will continue as a member of the Common Table.
Director of Ministries Office The Journey Toward Vitality has functioned as a developing road map for guiding the ministries of the Dakotas Conference. The strategic and focused approach of organizing our connectional efforts around the vision pathways of Developing Missional Leaders, Equipping Missional Congregations, Extending Missional Impact, and Generating Missional Resources is creating alignment of our efforts and enhanced effectiveness in keeping the mission of making new disciples of Jesus Christ front and center. A few years ago our work was distributed to and conducted by over 20 different boards, committees, and agencies – all working mostly independent from one another. While good ministry was happening, collectively we were in steady decline in the key markers of congregational vitality. Something had to change. With the advent of the Romans 12 Task Force and the subsequent adoption of a new platform for ministry, we took a major step in addressing the “silo effects” of the earlier structure. Still, it was all too easy for 20+ silos to become 4 silos. As we learned through
experience, we adapted. And then with arrival of Bishop Ough, we have continued in this journey to ask critical questions about how we might best form and execute initiatives that increase our capacity to support an increase in the number of vital congregations and to make new disciples. I learned many years ago in a volunteer-in-mission trip to Haiti the importance of cultivating “patience, patience, and flexibility.” I also learned that such an attitude is not mutually exclusive to also claiming the urgency of the mission. Applied to our current context as an annual conference, there is a need for grace and patience as we sort out the details of how we will be in ministry together, while holding fast to the call of Christ upon our lives to welcome and support others, especially newcomers, along the discipleship path. We will continue to ask penetrating and adaptive questions. What does it mean to be the Church in a time and culture where there is a significant and growing percentage of the population that expresses no religious preference or belief? What does it mean to be a denominational structure when denominational loyalty is on the wane? The road map for facing these questions is still being formed, but our orientation is fixed on Christ and the “Journey Toward Vitality” is providing a solid launching point. Greg Kroger, Director of Ministries
Communications Transitions and expansions have highlighted the work of Dakotas Conference Communications this past year. Transitions efforts involved: introducing the Conference to new Episcopal leadership, Bishop Bruce and Char Ough, launching a new website and a new server. It has been a joy to collaborate with Victoria Reebeck, Communications Director of the Minnesota Conference, Amanda Yanchury, Communications Coordinator, Minnesota Conference and Sheilah Kyburz, Administrative Assistant for the Dakotas-Minnesota Episcopal Area on communications strategies and processes for the new Episcopacy. Collectively a new domain was created, webpages developed, and press releases have been written for the Area Office. August was the launch of the new Dakotas Conference website. The website allows users to access information through drop down menus. In addition, the new website accommodates lots of visuals like photos, graphics and videos. Data about the number of users and the pages that are visited on the website is collected to help adjust where and what information is placed on the website. The host company for the Dakotas Conference website is 44 Interactive based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The move to a new server and an updated e-mail system was both an expansion and a transition. All employees of the conference are now operating off a new server that is part of a bank of servers hosted at CoSentry in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This switch allows conference employees the opportunity to access information from anywhere. District superintendents, Dakotas Conference mission ministries, Dakotas United Methodist Camps, and Dakotas United Methodist Foundation are all part of the same e-mail system. These enhancements have allowed all employees to stay connected in a secure environment, even when they travel. Special thanks goes to Rev. Gary Rae, Dakotas Conference Board of Trustees and his son Landon Rae for all of their support, expertise, and encouragement throughout the process. Another expansion effort that continues is the DAVID videoconference system. The Dakotas Conference will add four additional DAVID sites: Aberdeen, South Dakota; Grand Forks, North Dakota; Minot, North Dakota; and Pierre, South Dakota. Minnesota will also join the videoconference system with four additional sites. The Minnesota Conference already has a videoconference unit in Minneapolis. The installations in the Dakotas Conference will take place in July and August. This expansion was possible because of a grant received fro mthe North Central Jurisdiction and a donation from a faithful United Methodist in North Dakota. Efforts to share the story of the vitality throughout the Conference continue. Conference updates and news are posted daily on the Dakotas Conference website www.dakotasumc.org. A weekly newsletter Mondays @ Dakotas is sent to everyone who subscribes. If you would like to subscribe to the Mondays contact Karina Willoughby at karina.willoughby@dakotasumc.org. It is a pleasure to serve the Dakotas Conference and to share the greatest story ever told through your ministries. Doreen Gosmire, Associate Director of Communications
MISSIONAL LEADERS AND CONGREGATIONS (EQUIPPING THE LOCAL CHURCH LINK) Equipping the Local Church Link Report The Equipping the Local Church Link is now in its third year of existence and continues to evolve as it tries to be the most effective and efficient link possible in its efforts to resource missional churches and missional leaders for vital ministry in the Dakotas. Small groups began working and focusing on various areas of ministry such as Lay Servant Ministries, Safe and Sacred Spaces, Board of Ordained Ministry, Spiritual Formation and Discipleship, and Congregational Development. Congregational Development-New Church was brought back together with Congregational Development-Revitalization into the Congregational Development Committee to also be more effective in these areas. We have found that by using small groups as implementation groups, we are much further down the road toward growth and revitalization by drawing on the expertise of persons intimately involved in those areas of ministry. Further, by equipping and empowering our local churches in ministry, both ordained and lay, we have seen significant turnarounds among many of our churches. In fact, we can celebrate this year that for the SECOND time in more than fifty years, we are not in decline! We have grown! Of course, the credit cannot all go to the Equipping Link, but it does show us what can be done when both our clergy and our laity step up to the challenge of making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Glory be to God! Some significant equipping opportunities which came during this last year included: 1. Schools of Christian Mission in North Dakotas and South Dakota-July 2012 2. Our own Licensing School has now held two schools with third scheduled for July 21-27, 2013. In 2012, we stepped out and took a risk by combining the Licensing School with the Certified Lay Ministry training (Modules 2-4) into the Dakotas Conference Licensing and Lay Ministry School. Evaluations indicate this was an excellent move as it built collegiality between the clergy and the lay tracks of ministry. This year we anticipate participants from the Dakotas, Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin. 3. Cluster coaching for identified turnaround churches with Paul Nickerson, George Howard and Paul Nixon is finishing up their second year. Clusters included: Dell Rapids/Mitchell 1st/SF Hilltop/Watertown 1st; GF Wesley/Wahpeton-Evergreen/Jamestown 1st; RC-Rapid Valley/RC-South Maple/RC-Knollwood Heights. Reports indicate that all but two of the churches involved in the cluster coaching have shown growth in 2012. 4. Pilgrimage to the Church of the Resurrection for Leadership Institute-October 2012- with 100 persons (both clergy and laity) traveling together on two busses to learn, to fellowship and to reenergize. 5. Provisional Residency Training at Wesley Acres-November 2012, and Storm Mountain-March 2013 focused on developing missional leaders in the context of the Dakotas. 6. Dakotas/Minnesota Certified Lay Ministry Program continues to grow with Module 1 Retreats drawing more and more persons seeking to discern their call to ministry as laity. 7. School of Ministry with Bishop Schnase and Bishop Willimon in Sioux Falls-April 2013 8. Various Lay Servant Ministry courses were also held throughout the conference connection during the year. 9. New ministry of Watertown-Cornerstone at the old opera house. 10. New campus ministry through Fargo-Faith. 11. Centralized background checks for our conference through Trak 1 technology. The Equipping Link also continued to provide focus with conference-wide training events along the “Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations” and the identified areas of priority: #1- developing clergy for medium and large congregations, #2- equipping and empowering laity, #3- promoting personal and corporate spiritual disciplines, #4- starting “new” faith communities, #5- creating safe and sacred places. Jodi Cataldo, Director of Leadership Development
Camping and Retreat Ministries
Dear Friends, Thank you for partnering with us in the Dakotas Conference Camping ministry. During the past year we have celebrated: v Nearly 8,400 campers enjoying over 17,000 days at YOUR United Methodist Camps in the Dakotas: Lake Poinsett Camp, Storm Mountain Center and Wesley Acres Camp and Retreat Center. v Partnership with hundreds of volunteers that make camp happen by their dedication and service as prayer warriors, camp deans, counselors, shepherds, counselors in training, nurses, bus chaperones and on site volunteers. Special thanks to the many individuals at the local church who encourage, invite, help submit registrations and give generously to provide scholarships from the local church. v Numerous in-kind gifts and financial gifts. v Debt retirement and dedication of the Grinager Cabinet at Lake Poinsett Camp. v A new cabin at Wesley Acres Camp and Retreat Center spearheaded by the Arthur United Methodist Church. The cabin was moved on site in late October and volunteers are helping finish the interior in time for the start of the 2013 summer camp season. v The completion of the remodeling of Dan Patch Cabin at Storm Mountain Center into the Tupper Inn, a welcoming “homey” space for families, camp deans or individuals that may need a place of retreat. v The hiring process of a complete, permanent staff at all three of our sites with newly hired staff in bold: o Staff at Storm Mountain Center are Scott Jensen, site director; Pinky Horner, kitchen supervisor and cook; Steve Horner, facilities manager; Ashley Wilsey, guest services. o Permanent Staff at Wesley Acres Camp and Retreat Center are Christy Heflin, site director and Jim Heflin. Christy and Jim and their two sons join us from the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference where Christy had been a site director for eleven years. o At Lake Poinsett Camp full time staff members are Kyle Sachs, site director; Susan Fisher, office; John Feldhus, facilities manager and George Fernandez, hospitality coordinator. v A professional, new interactive website. Check it out at www.dakcamps.org. v A new on line registration process for background checks for adult volunteers, also available to churches that wish to participate. See the Conference website for more details at www.dakotasumc.org. Goals for the upcoming year include: o Strengthening of partnerships, particularly with youth ministries, campus ministries and the Board of Ordained Ministry, to discern how the camping ministry can more intentionally develop bold, spirit leaders. Internships and possible certification along with re-visioning of current ministries such as counselors in training and dean and counselor training are possibilities. Becky Holton, Director
Conference Council on Youth Ministry Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights. ~Pauline R. Kezer The Dakotas Conference Council on Youth Ministry has been in the process of making changes in ministry over the last several years. We have been evaluating our ministries to the youth and youth workers of the Dakotas. Taking a careful look at involvement, programming, communications, event quality, expressed needs and visions, we brainstormed and have formulated new ways to carry out our mission statement: to offer Christ to the youth of the Dakotas Conference. Our evaluative efforts and goal setting have required us to make difficult, yet exciting decisions about our future ministry. So it is with resolve, excitement, and hope that we report: · The 2014 Crossing (Middle School Youth Event) and the 2013 Journey Event (Senior High Youth Event) will be combined for a new single large event to be held in a Monday-Wednesday schedule in June at one location. This event is in its beginning
planning stages and will launch in June of 2014 and follow a similar format to the quadrennial denominational event. · Training, supporting and equipping the paid and volunteer youth workers across our conference is a recognized and valuable part of our ministry. o Youthworker Connection – A retreat offered in 2012 was held at Wesley Acres Camp § Given a place apart to re-energize and experience renewal, participants will make connections with other youth workers, share best practices and resources. o Youthworker Academy – A training event held May 3-5, 2013, at Lake Poinsett Camp and remotely for most workshops in Bismarck and Rapid City, featured Stephanie Caro author of “Thriving Youth Ministry in Smaller Churches” as our teacher. We had 30 participants from 13 churches. This builds on 2012’s event which had 35 participants from 21 churches. § Participants will receive training from a qualified United Methodist instructor from outside of the Dakotas Conference · CCYM election process has been revamped. · Winter Connection (grades 9-12) a brand new overnight event was held simultaneously at 3 regional locations (Storm Mountain Center, Bismarck McCabe UMC, and Sioux Falls Asbury). Fun, fellowship, movie/discussion and CCYM elections were the body of this event in 2013. · Leadership Training Camp continues to be a place in which the youth leaders elected to the CCYM practice leadership. Staffed by CCYM adults and others conference leaders the youth in attendance select classes to attend daily, learn about, plan, and lead worship, enjoy fun and fellowship, build lasting friendships and study biblical themes each day in large and small groups. · We continue to promote our events through the Mondays at Dakotas Email list, paper mailings and continual revisions and additions to our website: www.dakyouth.com · The CCYM continues to be an important area in which young leaders discern a call to the ordained ministry. As leaders, we take this responsibility seriously, as well as the responsibility to educate and nurture leaders for the future of the church. As we continue to work more closely with the Board of Ordained Ministry, we hope to strengthen their process of encouraging and connecting with those discerning a call into ministry, both as laypersons and as clergy. Rev. Kris Mutzenberger, Conference Youth Coordinator
Laity Report This Annual Conference marks the end of my first year as Conference Lay Leader. I learned very quickly that I had large shoes to fill as Janelle Jones’ successor in this position. My current committee assignments are the Extended Cabinet, Episcopacy Team and Nominations. I must confess that my first task in this new position was to learn to pronounce episcopacy. Our Laity have done a number of wonderful things this year to further the kingdom of Jesus Christ. One notable example was a program which was old and was then made new. What was formerly known as the InGathering underwent some major changes in this past year, including a name change and a venue change. It was moved from Mitchell to Sioux Falls First UMC and was renamed the Dakota Marketplace, and raised $186,000 this year for a variety of hunger initiatives. While in this position, I would tell you that my passion will be to continue Janelle’s work in the area of Leadership Development. This past July I was privileged to be one of 11 students at the first Certified Lay Ministry School at Living Waters Retreat Center, and this program continues to gain momentum as we will have another class of 12 people attending side by side with the Licensed Local Pastor candidates this July. Through the hard work of Steve Trefz and Mike McMenamy, we are continuing our work within the Lay Servant Leader program. We are adding a Pulpit Supply endorsement in order to further define the roles within the program and expand ministry and leadership opportunities for our Lay Servant Leaders regardless of whether or not they feel led to preach. We have also set a goal of having all 20 Ministry Teams hosting a Basic and an Advanced Class each year. We continue to grow this program, and as we do, I would remind you that we have posted gains in attendance for the second consecutive year. It is my belief that the growth in Leadership Development and attendance are not coincidental. I would like to thank you for the privilege of allowing me to serve the Dakotas Annual Conference in this capacity. Blaine Wilson, Conference Lay Leader
Campus Ministries Dakota Wesleyan University Campus Ministry In my seventh year as campus pastor at Dakota Wesleyan University, my wife Vicky and I are so thankful each day that God has placed us here. The Spirit is moving and is challenging students, staff, and faculty alike to further grow in their relationship Christ. At DWU, the ministries are organized around three areas: bring, grow and send. Bring – Worship is, by far, our largest event each Thursday at 11 a.m. in the Sherman Center. We average 140 people (students, staff & faculty) per week (up from 30 before I arrived) with the students making up the largest number of worshippers. We strive to make it a time where we worship God together and hear messages around themes like When Christians Get it Wrong, The End of the World as We Know It, and the Seven Deadly Sins. Grow – Transformation happens most powerfully and permanently in small groups. Continuing from the previous year are the following small groups: Fellowship of Christian Athletes with Intramurals, weekly Bible study, and Dinner and Discussion that meets at my home every Sunday. New small groups gather and begin whenever there is a need to do so. Send – One of the major hallmarks of the Christian life, and of life at DWU, is acts of service. Over the past year, the students, staff and faculty have served the Love Feast, caroled in nursing homes, put together Shoebox Christmas packages, and participated in multiple food drives, just to name a few. Over spring break in March of 2012, we took a team to New Orleans to continue rebuilding from Hurricane Katrina’s destruction years ago. It was a team of 33 folks (28 students and 4 staff) that worked on homes in various stages of repair. In May of 2013, we will undertake DWU’s largest mission trip ever, to Chincha, Peru, with 42 students and 7 staff. This will be DWU’s 6th trip to Peru in 12 years. Other Notable Items: In October, the students led the 6th Mitchell Area Youth Night with the Robbie Seay Band, packing the Sherman Center with more than 500 youth and leaders from Mitchell and surrounding communities. It was a great time of worship and of music with 40 Compassion children sponsored during the event. Last but not least, we’ve launched weekly Fusion, an alternative Sunday worship gathering at DWU in partnership with First UMC. College students have become engaged in leadership, people from First UMC are leading and new folks are worshipping that were not previously in any other church before! In 2013, we’re averaging almost 85 people per week. God is moving at DWU! Rev. Brandon Vetter
North Dakota State University Faith United Methodist Church in Fargo, North Dakota, has the perfect location for Campus Ministry. We are right on the north edge of the North Dakota State University (NDSU) campus. This university has over 15,000 students and hundreds of staff persons. We are at the crossroads of two busy streets near restaurants, coffee shops, and pubs. We are close to the heart of all the action around campus. We believe God has called us to extend our ministry to the students and staff of NDSU. In the spring of 2013, Faith United Methodist Church launched “Christ on Campus,” better known as COC. As of May 2013 there are about 20 students involved in this ministry at worship on Sunday mornings, helping in our food ministry on Friday afternoons and attending small group prayer and Bible study on campus. Mission outreach and other events are being planned for the fall of 2013. We believe that by Christmas 2013 we will have at least 50 persons involved in COC. There are other ministries on campus. These others have a conservative perspective that leaves some students and staff feeling alienated and unwelcome. COC feels called to reach out and welcome all persons regardless of gender, age, level of faith, sexual orientation, ethnic background, or any other distinction. We feel called to serve and love others, not judge them. We ask for your recognition of, and prayerful support for this vital new ministry God is starting at Faith United Methodist Church. In Christ, Reverend John Anderson, Campus Pastor, Faith United Methodist Church
United Ministries at Black Hills State University In the fall of 2012 we had an active program under the part-time directorship of Holly Moseley. She developed a core of interested students, and began to gather the pieces needed to become an official student organization on the BHSU campus. The semester ended with a very successful ‘Souper Study Session’ where our supporting churches donated crock pots of soup for free lunch for any students, faculty, or staff at the university. Unfortunately, just as the program was beginning to build, Holly and her husband moved to Wisconsin. After consulting with our local supporting churches, we found a new candidate for our part-time directorship, Elissa Hohbach. Elissa is very active in the youth program of the Spearfish United Methodist Church and had been involved in campus ministries at South Dakota State University. Since she only started her position in mid-March, she has not been able to accomplish much this year, but she has great plans to restore United Ministries back to an active, viable, ecumenical Christian organization, and we look forward to seeing progress in the next year. Micheal Zehfus, Chair, Board of Directors, United Ministries at Black Hills State University.
MISSIONAL IMPACT (EXTENDING THE LOCAL CHURCH LINK) Extending the Local Church Link Report The current major emphasis of the Extending Link is missional impact. This includes connecting congregations across the Annual Conference with doing missions as well as supporting missions. Missions of mercy, justice and disciple-building are the main focus. The Dakotas Conference continues to support several missional endeavors and two Conference missionaries Rick Jost-Haiti Solar Ovens and Mike Flowers-Spirit Lake Ministries. The Link provides leadership and support for the fall mission fundraising gatherings and transportation of the mission kit contributions Conference-wide. We look forward to being a part of the developing Oil Rush Ministry, and a Director of Missions working within the Dakotas Conference. Pastor Lou Whitmer, Chair
Builder’s Club The Extending Link determined it was preferable to review Builder’s Club applications quarterly, particularly to allow for emergency requests throughout the year. Since Annual Conference 2012 Builder’s Club funds have supported projects at Miller UMC, Donnybrook UMC, White River UMC and the current call is for SE Pierre. Applications, guidelines and information on becoming a part of Builder’s Club are available on the Dakotas UMC website. (The Builder’s Club will be working with the Stewardship Link in the future). Lou Whitmer, Link Chair
Disaster Response Report for North Dakota It’s been two years since major flooding in Minot began. During this time we, the Dakotas Conference and UMCOR, have been active in case management, mucking out, rebuilding and returning families to a normal life. In doing this the Dakotas Conference and UMCOR has provided funds to make this happen. We’ve purchased water pumps and equipment for cleaning and disinfecting properties. Many of you have donated much needed equipment and trucked it to Minot. Fargo was a large contributor to this effort securing a trucking company to get these supplies to Minot without charge. Without your assistance we would not have been able to move as quickly as we were able to. I personally want to thank those in Fargo who understand the necessity and speed of flooding who gave of themselves to help with this effort. Two years after the flood, case management continues to be in process and rebuilding is in full swing. With your generosity and grants from UMCOR we have been able to purchase building supplies for the materials warehouse and continue to support families with building materials and everyday necessities to assist in heading these people back to a normal life. We have been blessed with dedicated UMC people from Minot Vincent and Minot Faith who have worked hours and hours to get the job done. Time, talent and blessings present themselves when disaster strikes and we are so very fortunate as an annual conference to have these people.
Volunteers are always important and we have been blessed with the best. We’ve had volunteers come from all over the United States and many who returned a second and third time to help. UMVIM teams have reserved space at Hope Village for this summer so they may be able to help with the volunteer rebuilding effort. None of this could happen without you. Today, as I write this, I’m looking at flood forecasts for the Red River Valley. This is the fifth straight year that the valley has been the recipient of flooding. Many in the area, including myself, have become flood weary but yet we must be diligent and prepared for what may come. Funding is always a vital part of disaster response. Our churches have become the necessary factor in our success in disaster response. Without you we would not be able to do anything to help our friends and neighbors. WE ARE A VITAL AND IMPORTANT PART IN DISASTER RESPONSE IN THE DAKOTAS! In the past three years we have spent more than $700,000 for disaster response and recovery and there is much more to be done. Most of this has come from grants from UMCOR that they have graciously entrusted us with because of your giving to One Great Hour of Sharing. The rest of this has come from you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We are the United Methodist Church! Let’s celebrate! Lee Gale, Disaster Response Coordinator for North Dakota
Disaster Response Report for South Dakota The 2012-2013 disaster response efforts in South Dakota saw continued work with the SD Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), the recovery process from the Missouri River Flooding, and monitoring the wild land and forest fires of western South Dakota. Our conference has a long history of involvement in SD VOAD and our programs and experience are highly respected. Each response carries and opportunity to bring the peace of Christ into what can be an overwhelming situation. I currently am in a second term as vice-chair and the chair of the Case Management Committee and Spiritual/Emotional Committee and never cease to be amazed at the healing power of God as no two incidents or case management opportunities are the same. In November 2012 we closed efforts on the Missouri River flood recovery. In the Pierre/Ft. Pierre area 123 cases were closed either to completion of the rebuild or at the request of the client. Award amounts totaled $1,900 in Unmet Need Funds, $3,000 rebuild supplies, $2,000 for tree removal and volunteer labor for clean-out and construction. We had 9 case workers (7 UM, 1 LDR, 1 CSS) giving over 1,000 volunteer hours. We did hire 1 case worker for 30 hours to finish up details on files. In an effort to maximize resources the recovery efforts for the Dakota Dunes area were handled by the Woodbury County, IA, Emergency Manager and our SD Lutheran Disaster Response partners. The Pine-beetle infestation and severe drought created an extreme fire danger summer and fall. Well over 100,000 acres of western South Dakota burned. On several occasions evacuation shelters were opened as structures were threatened; thankfully only nonresidence structures were lost. A tragedy did occur when a North Carolina Air National Guard C-130 assisting on a fire outside of Edgemont, SD crashed and 4 of the 6 crew members were killed. The State of South Dakota has created a Voluntary Agency Liaison (VAL) position under the State Office of Emergency Management. This position has been created to improve communication and maximize resource efforts between SD VOAD and the state. South Dakota is among the first 10 states to create such a position. We continue to offer classes to establish trained response teams to speed up our ability to respond to needs within our conference. If you or your congregations are interested in more information please contact me through the listing in the journal. Kathy Chesney, Disaster Response Coordinator for South Dakota
Haiti Solar Oven Partners Our Be a Partner Campaign—initiated a year ago and though which we are working with you to increase the number of solar ovens distributed annually to 2000—gained considerable traction and experienced a growth in giving that can only be understood in the context of your heart for mission. The demand for training and solar ovens has virtually erased the skepticism of early years, so that instead of wondering if these devices really work, we are questioned as to where we’ve been and why we didn’t bring this program to that community a long time ago! Your gifts and service, combined with the demand created by satisfied participants, have fueled growth and optimism. Specifically, solar oven training and distribution between June 2012 and June 2013 is expected to reach about 1,300 solar ovens. This lower-than-expected number was caused by the severe tropical storm/hurricane season in the fall of 2012, which devastated the Les
Cayes area where we had targeted our year-end training opportunities. Nevertheless, exceeding the 1000-mark for a 12-month period of solar oven training and distribution is significant, and the regrouping and response by our Haitian staff to yet another disaster is a significant measure of maturity. With your unwavering support, it is possible that HSOP could reach the goal of 2000 ovens in calendar year 2013 and these are the reasons. · HSOP held strategic fundraising/planning retreats last fall and this spring with Advisory Board members and other interested parties to chart a course for moving forward. The mission statement from the first retreat: “The next fiscal year Haiti Solar Oven Partners will provide 2,280 units to Haitian families participating in training and ownership of a solar oven.” This is the number of units that can be shipped in two 40-ft. sea containers. · In September 2012, expanded communication with our partners and potential partners began with the launch of HSOP Update, an electronic newsletter. · A highly successful 2012 Alternative Christmas Giving promotion spread the word about HSOP through a calling campaign by volunteers to all Conference pastors. This had a significant impact for more than doubling 2012 gifts when compared to the 2011 Advent promotion (2012 gifts were 285% greater than 2011). · The opening of a workshop in Moffit, ND to manufacture a much-improved reflector design not only fulfills an important design innovation, but provides new volunteer opportunities in the northern areas of the Dakotas Conference. Volunteer opportunities are also being expanded at the Volga, SD workshop with a building addition and, for both locations, through the growing number of ovens produced, packaged, and shipped. All workshop space, plus utilities, is gifted to the ministry. · Continuing follow-up with our user base through the execution of a May 2013 Solar Oven User Survey, involving 300 solar cooking seminar graduates, expands our knowledge base. To each participant in the survey, a fruit tree sapling and a French bread pan w/ baking cloth was provided for encouragement and personal growth. · During Haiti Solar Oven Partners’ 13-year ministry, 179 United Methodist Volunteers in Mission have traveled to Haiti as part of 309 HSOP volunteer trips. Countless others have volunteered their time, talents and dollars to make a positive difference to the people of Haiti. To date, HSOP has placed more than 7000 solar ovens in the hands of Haitians as a more sustainable cooking source and a means of water purification. Thank YOU for being a partner as we strive to meet the growing need for ovens within the context of the age-old question of demonstrating mercy: “Who is my neighbor?” (Luke 10:29 RSV) Rick Jost, Director Haiti Solar Oven Partners (HSOP)
Tree of Life Ministry A ministry to Native Americans -- serving 27,000 Lakota in 5 counties of South Dakota. (1) Tree of Life is a Relief Agency. Serving the poorest counties in the entire United States, this United Methodist mission uses a combination of volunteers and staff to distribute over 1,500,000 pounds of groceries, 1,250,000 pounds of In-Kind donations, 52,000 free hot meals, and an untold amount of clothing and bedding each year. Tree of Life Ministry is also a premier site for Volunteers In Mission, hosting over 1,000 volunteers each year, that come from 25 different states and 12 different denominations. In 2012 free home repairs were made by volunteers to 45 Lakota homes. (2) Tree of Life is a witness of Christian Faith. For decades the word “Christian” was a derogatory word among Native Americans. History is filled with stories of those who claimed the name of Jesus while cheating, lying, and even being a part of the massacres that tried to exterminate those who claimed this land as their own. Tree of Life has worked to rebuild a positive attitude toward the church and those who share their faith through good works. There is now a solid bridge that has been built, ready for those who would present the message of Jesus. (3) Tree of Life provides Cross-Cultural Education. Along with being a Relief Agency, Tree of Life also serves to educate both Native Americans about “those who walk the Jesus Road”, and those who come to the Rosebud Reservation about the faith and culture of the Lakota people. Each evening finds presentations about the richness of their culture, crafts & design, Lakota faith and spirituality, history as viewed by Native Americans, and opportunities to pray together in a Sweat Lodge Ceremony. An invitation is given to all of our Dakotas Churches to consider sending a VIM team to Tree of Life to experience first-hand, this United Methodist Ministry to Native Americans. Tree of Life is a year-round ministry, where you can help with our Food Pantry, Clothing Distribution, Home Repairs, Winterization Program, Christmas Gift Distribution, and lots more. It is located in Mission SD. Just call and inquire about what you can do to help. Russell Masartis, Executive Director
Children of the Harvest – Spirit Lake Ministry The Children of the Harvest (COH) funds the food pantry at the Spirit Lake Ministry Center. The Spirit Lake Ministry Center food pantry operates all year and has regular set hours and acts as an emergency source of food. The food pantry distributes in excess of $10,000 in food per year and met the needs of more than 600 people per month last year on and around the Spirit Lake Reservation. This was an increase of 20 families. The food pantry depends on the funds from the Dakotas Conference, donations from churches and individuals, State and Local agencies and food drive items. Recipients of the food pantry receive more than just physical sustenance. They are given the opportunity to leave prayer requests and fellowship with the missionaries. This helps grow the faith community of The United Methodist Church on the reservation. Our goal for 2013 is to reach an additional 20 families each month. We have made contact with Tribal Social Services, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the Dakota Prairie Community Action Organization for referrals for peoples in need. The Children of the Harvest provided Shoebox Christmas Gifts for 5,215 children in poverty and need in 2012. The Shoebox Gifts were distributed to four reservations in the Dakotas Conference and the Red Lake Reservation in MN. The gifts provide the children with the story of Jesus’ birth, warm hats, scarves, mittens/gloves and fun toys. The gifts share the love of Jesus Christ and plant seeds of faith with the children who receive them. Shoebox Christmas gifts are donated by churches from all over the country with the bulk of the gifts coming from the Dakotas Conference. Some churches and individuals donate funds to help with the purchase of Shoebox “Filler” and to provide for the printing costs of the story of Jesus birth. The program is outlined in emails, on Facebook, meetings, speaking engagements and the Mondays in the Dakotas. Children of the Harvest provides spiritual follow-up with the children we come in contact with. Last year the program costs exceeded $2,060. The Community Children’s Fund provided emergency clothing and temporary housing for 92 children affected by a life-changing events. The Community Children’s Fund was used to purchase winter coats, hats, gloves, blankets, clothing, toys and other items lost in fires or any other major event that occurs in the child’s life. We take items from the food pantry/clothing closet when available, but on occasion must purchase these types of items. The program depends on funds donated from the Dakotas Conference, churches and individuals to help defray the cost of these items. Last year we spent in excess of $4,000. The Mustard Seed Grant Program provides churches money to kick start a children’s outreach program in their local community. Churches are eligible for a onetime grant of $500 to help with the cost of their program. Outreach programs can be, but are not limited to, children’s clothing closets, Vacation Bible School programs open to the entire community, faith-based day care centers and other programs that are designed to bring children and families into the church. We make churches aware of this grant though meetings, speaking engagements and Monday’s in the Dakotas. Churches apply via e-mail to the COH. Sidewalk Sunday School provided a fast paced Vacation Bible School experience for our Dakotas Conference communities in June, July and August of last year. We visited 18 different sites and were open to all peoples of the community. In most cases Sidewalk Sunday School was held in local parks to encourage participation of all children in the community. This week long, 3-hour program teaches basic Bible knowledge and prayer utilizing exciting child friendly songs, stories and crafts to reinforce the lessons. This program is designed to begin the process of making disciples of Jesus Christ and bring un-churched families to the congregations that sponsor the program. The program provided fun and spiritual learning to more than 300 children in the Dakotas Conference last year. The Sidewalk Sunday School program also provides the children of the Spirit Lake Reservation the opportunity to participate in the same fast-paced programs that minister to the children of our Dakotas Conference Churches. Last year the second trailer visited 5 different local communities on the reservation and shared the love of Jesus Christ with more than 200 children each week during a 10 week period. We were able to begin and reinforce basic spiritual learning to more than 1,000 children on the reservation. The success of this program can be seen in the interaction with the missionaries outside the program boundaries. The children see us in their local schools, on their playgrounds and in public areas on the reservation. They greet us and ask questions about the program and some of the older children seek spiritual advice. This program is a tremendous success and will continue to be a part of the Sidewalk Sunday School program in the upcoming years. The Spirit Lake Ministry Center hosted more than 400 Volunteers in Mission last summer. The volunteers from across the country built 14 wheel-chair ramps, 6 decks, roofed 6 houses, and painted 3 houses and provided spiritual fellowship to untold numbers of local residents. The focus of our teams is to build. We build relationships that are meant to last a lifetime and longer. We are building a faith community that allows the local residents to regain trust in the church and to bridge the gap of cultural differences. We focus not on the difference, but on the similarities of our cultures,.those being our faith and trust in God. The Spirit Lake Ministry Center provides a place for children and adults alike to come and feel comfortable. We sponsored the annual Culture Camp, the Equine Diversion Program and the Wellness Ride. These three programs brought more than 200 children and adults to the Ministry Center. We hosted a back-to-school bash for the children on the reservation. The free carnival had more than 25 youth and adult sponsors and 300 local children and their parents attend. It was a major success. More than 300 individuals from all over the reservation attended our annual August give-a-way. This year two semi trailers of goods were donated. One trailer of furniture and another of clothing, toys, books and household items were
emptied and given away in the two-day event. The programs at the Spirit Lake Ministry Center continue to grow and are developing a faith community that will one day become a congregation. Mike and Libby Flowers, Directors Spirit Lake Ministry
Ministry in Southeast Pierre It has been my privilege to serve in ministry as the pastor and director at Southeast UMC and Southeast Community Center. Southeast is one of those places where you get many wonderful glimpses into the kingdom of God. Many of the children in our care are discovering Christ’s love for them for the very first time. Individuals who have been written off by society, and sometimes even by other churches, have a place to call home here. Every week we seek to be the Body of Christ and to extend the grace of God to our community. As a small and missional faith community, we rely on the generosity of other individuals, community organizations, and United Methodist Churches across the Dakotas. We are extremely grateful for the support we receive from the Conference, and we are looking forward to receiving Builder’s Club funds next month to help us cover the cost of some much needed improvements to our building, including a new roof. Additional financial gifts are still needed and welcome. This past year we launched a worship service and children’s puppet ministry. Our young adult ministry with Pierre First United Methodist Church continues to bear fruit, and our primary worship service has grown. With our location, I have also had many wonderful opportunities to help our church offer a social witness to our legislators. Though our membership is still relatively small, through the support of others and by the grace of God we are in ministry to nearly 300 people each week. We know not what the future holds for us in Southeast Pierre, but we are confident that greater things are yet to come. We pray the Spirit will continue to stir our hearts and guide us in mission. And pray God’s blessing upon the new pastor and director, Jeri Burns. God’s blessings and peace be with you, Karl Kroger, Southeast United Methodist Church, Pastor and Southeast Community Center, Director
MISSIONAL RESOURCES (STEWARDSHIP OF RESOURCES LINK) Stewardship Report for Annual Conference 2013 The Stewardship Link met several times in person and a number of times using conference calls or the DAVID system since the 2012 Annual Conference. We continue to work with the various groups on expenditure requests. As these are recommended by our Link they are sent to Conference Council on Finance & Administration (CCFA) to be incorporated in the budgeting process. A large portion of our energy was dedicated to looking at a new formula for apportionments. Last year’s Annual Conference affirmed, by a clear majority, the idea of changing to a tithe plus as a way of calling churches and the Conference to do business. With this in mind, a task force was formed – which included several from the Stewardship Link along with others throughout the Conference who would bring different perspectives to the table. This group looked at, discussed, and called on others within the Conference to broaden the perspective on how a tithe plus could work. After a period of weekly conference calls and many long conversations the group recommended not a tithing plus but a change in the apportionment formula. This was discussed at length at our March Stewardship Link meeting and it was recommended to CCFA that the percentage for the 2014 budget be 16% of a church’s income as defined in Table 3, Line 67 of the annual statistical reports. This formula and all the questions regarding exactly what is or is not included in line 67 will be discussed as part of our Annual Conference gathering. The Link also looked at our role in the Strategic Plan of the Conference and how we can be an integral part of meeting the mission of our Conference. Laura Borman, Stewardship Link Chairperson
Board of Trustees This report is being brought to the Conference, keeping in mind the three-fold ministry of the Conference Trustees to: • Care for the property of the Conference, making it available for the agencies of the Conference. • Maintain the parsonages owned by the Conference, keeping in mind the needs of the families that live in the homes, and • • Investing funds so that the proceeds can be used to fund several committee ministries. The Trustees were involved in the following projects in 2012: 1. Sale of the Brookings Campus Ministry Building – Originally purchased in 2006 for $140,000. Sold for $180,000 with the proceeds being invested for the purpose of supporting a Brookings-area campus ministry. 2. Hail Damage in Rapid City and Mitchell – Damage to the Prairie Hills Parsonage, the Conference Center, the Leadership Development Parsonage, and the Camping/Youth Director Parsonage. Repair costs covered primarily by insurance. 3. Fargo Campus Ministry Building – $5,000 invested in the boilers. Ron McLean, Chair
Board of Pensions
Pensions Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, Inc. and South Dakota Annual Conference United Methodist Board of Pensions, Inc. The Dakotas Conference Board of Pensions (Board or BOP) administers the pension, health care and other benefit programs available to clergy and lay employees of United Methodist institutions (local churches, annual conference, and other UM related entities). The Board has adopted as our guide a purpose statement which reads: The purpose of the Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church is to wisely provide pension and health care benefits for its clergy, lay employees and their families so that they can more freely equip the local church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. (See Para. 639.1 in the 2012 Book of Discipline). Today, there is much uncertainty as to our nation and world’s economic situation. Also, much is unknown as to the future of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and its implication for how health care benefits will be received. In the midst of these unknowns, the Dakotas Conference Board of Pensions with the guidance and support of the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits and in partnership with the Dakotas Annual Conference, are committed to providing full funding for a pension plan, providing access to health benefits, and providing funding for all unfunded liabilities. In order to keep the promises of our pension plan, the Dakotas Board of Pensions in partnership with the Dakotas Annual Conference has undertaken and will continue a program of long-term planning. We are working with actuaries from the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits (GBOPHB) to set target balances for each of our obligations that will ensure a sufficient cash flow for present and future needs and will provide a “cushion” for apportionment stabilization. Benefit Programs administered by the Dakotas Conference Board of Pensions include: · Health Insurance: The Board currently provides health insurance for eligible active clergy, retired clergy under the age of 65, lay employees, their families and surviving spouses through the “HealthFlex” plan offered by the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits. The Board recommended effective 1/1/2013, providing retirees with access to coverage through Extend Health which will be facilitated by the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits. This was voted on and approved at Annual Conference June 2012. ·
Comprehensive Protection Plan (CPP): CPP provides several benefits for eligible active clergy, retired clergy, their families and survivors. These include: o
Disability benefits for clergy who are not able to perform full-time work as clergy for medical or behavioral health reasons.
Death benefits of lump-sum payments upon the death of a clergy, spouse, surviving spouse, or dependent child, a basic annuity rate for surviving spouses, an annual surviving child benefit for children under the age of 18, and an
educational benefit for surviving children enrolled in school and under age 25. According to the General Board, “Clergy who retire under the 20 year rule are not eligible for CPP death benefits.” o
Comprehensive Protection Plan (CPP) premiums for eligible active clergy serving less than full time under “Special Arrangements” will be required to be paid directly to the Dakotas Conference at a rate of 4.4% of the current year Denomination Average Compensation (DAC) by the clergy or the church/salary paying unit that the less than full time clergy is serving. This will need to be paid by the 30th of each month. To enroll in this benefit the clergy person must contact the Conference Benefits Officer within 30 days of appointment.
The Ministerial Reserve Pension Fund (Pre-1982 – MRPF): This “Defined Benefit” plan offers a benefit for each year of service before 1982. The annuity (Past Service) rate is adjusted according to the CAC (Conference Average Compensation). The annuity rate has a Disciplinary minimum of no less than 0.8% of the CAC.
Ministerial Pension Plan (MPP): A defined contribution plan for service between January 1, 1982 and December 31, 2006. Effective January 1, 2007, no further contributions are paid into this plan. However, the Annual Conference is still responsible to guarantee the annuity amounts paid from the Ministerial Pension Plan.
Clergy Retirement Security Program (CRSP): Approved by the 2012 General Conference, CRSP provides two levels of benefits for clergy effective 1/1/2014: a) a “Defined Benefit” (DB) component equal to 1.00% of the Denominational Average Compensation (DAC) at retirement for each year of credited service (1.25% of credited service from 2007-2013) and b) a “Defined Contribution” (DC) equal to 2% of a clergy’s plan compensation deposited into an investment account controlled by the clergyperson. In addition, the Church/salary paying unit will match participant contributions to the United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP) up to 1% of compensation – and deposit those matching funds into participant CRSP DC accounts. Therefore, if a participant contributes at least 1% of compensation to UMPIP, his or her CRSP DC contributions will be 3% as was under the 2007-2013 CRSP plan. This plan change is effective January 1, 2014.
Pension and Benefit Plans for Lay Employees: The Board of Pensions administers these plans; however, funding and enrollment for these plans are the responsibility of the employer (Annual Conference, UM related institution, or local church).
United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP): This voluntary plan is a 403(b) retirement savings and investment plan. If local churches, the annual conference, or UM related institutions are willing to become a plan sponsor, clergy and lay employees can make personal contributions to UMPIP without any “employer” contributions. The requirements to do this are very simple: complete the necessary application forms to be a PLAN SPONSOR, withhold an amount from the employee’s wages, and submit it to the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits monthly on the employee’s behalf. However, if clergy want to make sure they continue to receive the full 3% into their CRSP DC account they will need to participate and make personal contribution of a minimum 1% of their compensation into their UMPIP account.
UPDATES TO THE CRSP AND CPP PLAN Effective 1/1/2014 the CRSP benefit formula for determining the Defined Benefit (DB) component will change from 1.25% of the Denominational Average Compensation (DAC) at retirement to 1.00% multiplied by years of service after December 31, 2013. The clergyperson must be serving a minimum of half-time. The current CRSP benefit formula will remain effective for all covered service prior to January 1, 2014. Effective 1/1/2014 the Defined Benefit component of CRSP will change. The Church/salary paying unit will contribute 2% of the clergyperson’s compensation. The clergyperson must be serving a minimum of half-time. In addition, the Church/salary paying unit will match clergyperson’s contributions to the United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP) up to 1% of compensation and deposit those matching funds into participant CRSP DC account. Therefore, if a clergyperson contributes at least 1% of compensation to UMPIP, his or her CRSP DC contributions will be 3%, as currently under CRSP. Effective 1/1/2013 (CPP) Participant (retiree, retiree’s spouse, retiree’s surviving spouse, retiree’s child) Death Benefits will change to a flat dollar amount rather than a percentage of the Denomination Average Compensation in the year of death as was calculated in the past. Death benefits for Active Participant will remain the same. UPDATES ON THE HEALTHFLEX PROGRAM: HealthFlex is offered to Annual Conferences through the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits (GBOPHB). This plan is specifically designed for active and younger than age 65 retired United Methodist clergy and lay employees. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois is the health insurance carrier which has been contracted to administer the plan and process claims. Beginning in 2013 the Dakotas Conference discontinued providing the HealthFlex Medicare Companion Plan for retirees and began working with Extend Health through the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits to provide access to health coverage for our retirees, spouses and surviving spouses in the individual open market.
The HealthFlex insurance plan has strict guidelines regarding payment of premiums. In order for the Conference to have some perspective on the actual health insurance bill for our participants, the following numbers are the actual cost for each category of participant enrolled in HealthFlex for 2014: ACTIVES: Single $ 8,076 Participant plus one $15,324 Family $19,380 UPDATES ON EXTEND HEALTH FOR RETIREES: There were 197 eligible retirees, spouses and surviving spouses to enroll in a Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage Plan through Extend Health in August of 2012 for the 2013 year. 168 participants enrolled in a Medicare Supplement plan and 18 enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan. There were 64 different plans selected with 19 different carriers. The average cost of monthly premium for a Medicare Supplement plan for these individuals was $194.11. The average cost of monthly premium for the Medicare Advantage plan was $58.37. There were some that enrolled in a dental plan (average cost $30.85) and vision plan (average cost $14) as well. Many of the prescription plans have $0 co-pay on generic medications. The Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) that the Conference is contributing to for each eligible retiree, spouse and surviving spouse for the individual plan in 2013 will cover all or at least 90% of the average cost. The average HRA to a participant for 2013 was $2357, compared to the average annual cost of the Medicare Supplement plan selected for 2013 of $2329. In addition, retirees are no longer having premium costs deducted from their pension check. So the average individual retiree is getting an additional $98 in their pension check and also being reimbursed 90%-100% for their premiums through their HRA funds. UPDATE ON THE RETIREE HEALTH LIABILITY FUNDING PLAN AND NEW INFORMATION ON A RETIREE HEALTH FUNDING PLAN /( HEALTH REIMBURSMENT ACCOUNTS) In 2012 the Board recommended providing retirees with access to coverage through Extend Health which will be facilitated by the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits. This decision also affects the Retiree Health Liability which, as of December 31 2008, had an unfunded obligation of $17,434,158. Instead of paying a percent of the health insurance premiums for retirees, the Dakotas Conference will provide contributions to individual Health Reimbursement Accounts. The annual total amount to be provided will be determined annually by the Board. As a result of this change, we will no longer have an unfunded obligation for retiree health. This was voted on and approved at Annual Conference 2012. To fund the Health Reimbursement Account contributions, the Board will use funding from three sources:
1. Funds that had been accumulated for the Retiree Health Liability. As of December 31, 2012, the amount of these funds was $1,165,699.
2. Earnings from the Frank Lynch Trust and Georgia Lynch Trust. In 2012, the trusts distributed a combined total of $532,471. 3. On January 1, 2014, 3% will be added to the Active Participant Share in the “Salary Ratio” way that the Active Participant Share is currently calculated. The amount generated by the additional 3% will be directed to funding retiree health. Each year after 2014 the 3% addition will increase by 1% (in 2015 it would be an additional 4%; in 2016 it would be an additional 5%;) with the amount collected being deposited into the retiree health account. The 5% Retiree Health Liability Addition would continue to be added to the Active Participant Share in 2016 and future years. Pension Payments and Rental/Housing Allowance This document has been updated for 2014 and can be found in the “Resolutions” section of this Journal.
Dakotas Annual Conference
Comprehensive Benefit Funding Plan
Dakotas Annual Conference 2014 COMPREHENSIVE BENEFIT FUNDING PLAN The Dakotas annual conference has the following benefit obligations: Clergy Retirement Security Program (CRSP) Defined Benefit (DB) and Defined Contribution (DC) The total liability for CRSP DB annuities as of 1/1/2012 is $737 million, the total plan assets are $744 million, and the current funded ratio for the plan is 101%. The Dakotas Conference's portion of the total liability is .71%, and the conference has elected to include 50%+ for FTE eligibility for 2014. As a result, the required contribution due as of 12/31/14 is $774,094. It is anticipated that the amount will be funded from Future Incoming Money totaling $774,094. The total account and/or future incoming money covers the required contribution.
The contribution for 2012 CRSP DC is anticipated to be $249,936 and will be funded by Direct billing churches. Contributions for Conference employees will be apportioned. It is anticipated that increases for future years will be 3.25% (anticipated increase %). This increase is anticipated because 10-‐year average increase
Ministerial Pension Plan (MPP) The total liability for MPP annuities as of 1/1/2012 is $2.538 billion, the total plan assets are $2.639 billion, and the current funded ratio for the plan is 104%. The conference's % of the total liability is .75%,. There is no required contribution for 2014. Future MPP annuitants have a total account balance of $4.324 billion as of 1/1/2012. The conference’s portion of this account balance at 1/1/12 is $34.235 million or .79% of the total.
Supplement One to the Clergy Retirement Security Program (Pre-‐82) For 2013, the PSR is $599.00. For 2014, the conference is increasing its PSR to $623.00. On average, the conference expects future increases to be approximately 3%. The rationale for our expectation is: Our philosophy is that the PSR should increase at a rate similar to the increase in CAC. We have changed our estimate of future increases to the PSR for the following reason(s): Our philosophy is that the PSR should increase at a rate similar to the increase in CAC. Key assumptions: 7.0% discount rate, using the RP2000 mortality table with a AA generational projection. The conferences does not intend to increase its contingent annuitant percentage from 70%. Funding Plan Liability as of 1/1/2012
Plan Assets as of 1/1/2012
The current funded status is $2,450,153 with a 110% funded ratio. Redirecting Surplus Information The conference intends to redirect $3,878,568 on 12/31/2012. The conference intends to redirect $1,002,257 on 12/31/2013. Our philosophy is to maintain a funded level at 100% or less. Any funds available for redirection will be redirected to an investment account held in Wespath's MAF. This investment account is designated for Pre-‐82. When the the total of the plan assets and this investment fund exceed 140%, excess funds will be redesignated for other purposes related to pension and benefits. The conference expects to make future Pre-‐82 contibutions. Contributions will be made from an investment account held in Wespath's MAF. This investment account is designated for Pre-‐82. It is anticipated that the amount will be funded from Non-‐plan assets The Total Balance is positive, all liabilities have been accounted for.
Dakotas Annual Conference
Comprehensive Benefit Funding Plan Post-‐Retirement Medical Benefit Program
The Post Retiree Medical Plan currently offered and anticipated for 2014 can be described as: Stipend A more detailed description of this plan is: Provide access to health insurance through Extend Health. HRA Contributions may be available to retirees and the amount is based on years of service and age. Strategic plan for funding obligation is as follows: Active pastors will pay and additional 5% of their premium amount. This is designated for retiree HRA contributions. In addition, the Conference has already accumulated approximately $12.7 million for this purpose. The total of these funds will be managed like an endowment where annual distributions are declared and the goal is to grow the fund over time. Source for paying for obligations: 0 Additional comments around PRM: I anticipate that our unfunded liability for Retiree Medical Health will be zero going forward because of our funding plan.
Active Health Benefit Program The Dakotas conference offers the following active health program to its participants: HealthFlex. During the calendar year 2012, the total cost for the active health program was $1,816,160. The active health program was funded from Direct Billing churches. Future increases are expected in the range of 5.0%. Rationale for anticipated increases to this obligation: Based on assumptions made by actuaries as well as historical experience.
Comprehensive Protection Plan Currently (for 2012), the Dakotas Conference has an annual required contribution to the Comprehensive Protection Plan of $241,512. The anticipated increase in obligation for future years will be approximately 3.3% per year. This expected increase is due to: Based on the 10-‐year average increase It is anticipated the unfunded obligation will be funded as follows: Direct billing churches. Contributions for Conference employees will be apportioned.
Other Conference Benefit Obligations to Clergy and Staff The Dakotas conference has the following other benefit obligations
Section A. Other Benefit Obligations
Currently (for 2012), the Dakotas Conference has an annual estimated contribution of $50,000. This benefit obligation can be described as Medicare Part B Subsidy for Surviving Spouses. The anticipated increase in obligation for future years will be approximately .0% per year. This expected increase is due to: In recent history, there has been little to no increases.. This will be funded by: Apportionments Additional Comments concerning this obligation: We pay the Medicare Part B for surviving spouses.
Section B. Other Benefit Obligations
The Dakotas Conference has an benefit obligation that can be described as Premium and Medical Grants For this obligation the annual estimated contribution is $20,000. This obligation is funded: Earnings from Endowment The anticipated increase in obligation for future years will be approximately .0% per year. This expected increase is due to: With the change to Extend Health, there will be much fewer premium grants awarded to help retirees cover premiums. We are expecting an increase in medical expense grants though. These should offset each other.
Section C. Other Benefit Obligations
The Dakotas Conference has an benefit obligation that can be described as UMPIP contribution is made for each full-‐time elder. This is a DC obligation where the amount is equal to 3% of the DAC for that year. For this obligation the annual estimated contribution is $254,280. This obligation is funded: Direct billing to churches The anticipated increase in obligation for future years will be approximately 3.0% per year. This expected increase is due to: The DAC has been increasing about 3% annually over the last ten years.
Dakotas Annual Conference
Comprehensive Benefit Funding Plan
This funding plan incorporates, to the best of our understanding, the conference's obligations and funding of the following benefits provided to clergy and laity. Signatures included below are: Conference Benefit Officer (or equivalent), Conference Treasurer (if separate) and the Conference Board of Pension Chair, and others as appropriate. X CRSP DB
X Active Health
X MPP Annuities
X Other Obligations Section A
X MPP Future Annuities
X Other Obligations Section B
X Pre 1982
X Other Obligations Section C
X Post-‐Retirement Medical
Other Obligations Section D Other Obligations Section E
/s Leana Stunes, CBO, 5/3/13
/s Jeff Pospisil, Treasurer, 5/3/13
Signature, conference title, date
Signature, conference title, date
/s Marilyn Z. Perry, Chair, Dakotas Conference Board of Pension & Health Benefits, 4/26/13 Signature, conference title, date
Signature, conference title, date
Signatures on file at GBOPHB
Opinion on Dakotas Comprehensive Benefit Funding Plan This Funding Plan meets the standards for a Pre-‐82 funding plan as established by the General Board, and the requirements for a favorable opinion of a Funding Plan. Note: The statement above and any written opinion provided by the General Board do not imply any representation as to the ability or probability of the applicable Conference to fulfill the obligations included in the Funding Plan.
General Board of Pension and Health Benefits
Glenview, Illinois May 13, 2013
Actions of the 2013 Annual Conference 1. The Budget: If the proposed apportionment method (see elsewhere in this Journal for a detailed description) IS adopted, then the Board recommends that the 2014 Board of Pensions Budget be adopted as proposed (detail outlined in the budget section of the JOURNAL) with the total apportionment request of $112,000. If the proposed apportionment method (see elsewhere in this Journal for a detailed description) is NOT adopted, then the Board recommends that the 2014 Board of Pensions Budget be adopted as proposed (detail outlined in the budget section of the JOURNAL) with the total apportionment request of $1,450,000 AND that each charge served by an active full-time clergyperson enrolled in the HealthFlex plan continue to be Direct Billed.
2. Clergy Medical Leave: Glen Sayler and James Waisanen are approved to continue on medical leave and to receive CPP Disability Benefits, Doug Diehl is approved for medical leave and to apply for CPP Disability Benefits for the conference year of July 1, 2013- June 30, 2014. 3. The Pre-82 (Past Service) Annuity Rate: The Board recommends that the 2014 Past Service Annuity Rate (effective 1/1/2014) be set at $623.00 for each year of pre-82 service in the Dakotas Conference. This is a 4% increase over 2013. 4A. CRSP Benefits: Approved by 2012 General Conference full time clergy are eligible to earn benefits. Annual Conferences may also elect to cover clergy who are appointed three-quarters time and half-time. Clergy who are appointed one-quarter time are no longer eligible. The Board recommends that effective 1/1/2014 the Conference continue to cover those clergy appointed to three-quarter time and half-time in addition to full-time for CRSP benefits. Those clergy that are appointed to one-quarter time effective 1/1/2014 will no longer be covered for CRSP benefits due to the changes passed at General Conference in 2012. Any pension benefits will need to be decided by the local church served by the one-quarter time appointment. 4B. Approved by the 2012 General Conference, CRSP provides two levels of benefits for clergy: a) a “Defined Benefit” (DB) component equal to 1.00% of the Denominational Average Compensation (DAC) at retirement for each year of credited service and b) a “Defined Contribution” (DC) equal to 2% of a clergy’s plan compensation deposited into an investment account controlled by the clergyperson. In addition, the Church/salary paying unit will match participant contributions to the United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP) up to 1% of compensation – and deposit those matching funds into participant CRSP DC accounts. Therefore, if a participant contributes at least 1% of compensation to UMPIP, his or her CRSP DC contributions will be 3% as was under the 2007-2013 CRSP plan. This plan change is effective January 1, 2014. The Board is now notifying the church/salary paying unit that it must pay 1% of clergy compensation into the clergy’s CRSP DC account when the clergy contributes 1% or more into their UMPIP account. 5. HealthFlex Issues: For 2014, the annual Direct Bill for premiums to “active” participants will be 28% of the total active HealthFlex premium. Of this 28%, 25% will be used to offset the current premium while 3% will be deposited into an account for our retiree health funding plan. This 25% portion will be Direct Billed to the active participants in two parts: a) A stated amount of $1,015 for participant+1 coverage and $1,470 for family coverage, plus b) An amount determined by the ratio of the previous year’s participant’s total compensation in their current place of work and ministry to the total compensation paid to all active participants in the Conference. (See Active Participant Premium Table) This “participant’s share” calculation applies to the position, not to the individual occupying the position, for the purpose of calculating the amount to be paid after a move/change in personnel. The actual amount to be paid directly by active participants in 2014 is $352,882. Eligibility to participate will be as specified in the HealthFlex Plan Documents and Conference Policy. Premiums will be paid in accordance with Conference policies regarding such payments (see Policy section of this Journal). 6. Direct Billing for CRSP and CPP: CRSP: If the proposed apportionment method (see elsewhere in this Journal for a detailed description) IS adopted, then the Board recommends that an amount of 3% of each individual ½ time, ¾ time, Full time Active clergy compensation (as defined by the plan documents) be Direct Billed to the church/salary paying unit of that individual clergy. For ¼ time appointments pension benefits will need to be decided by the local church served by the one-quarter time appointment. CPP: If the proposed apportionment method (see elsewhere in this Journal for a detailed description) IS adopted, then the Board recommends that an amount of 3% of each individual Full time Active clergy compensation (as defined by the plan documents) be Direct Billed to the church/salary paying unit of that individual clergy. 7. Regarding Corpus Amounts: Endowment and Trust Fund: The corpus was established at $1,000,000 for the merged Dakotas Conference as of 1/1/1994. Additions since merger reported in 95, 96, 97 and 2005 Conferences total $57,222. The Corpus of the Endowment is $1,057,222, as of 12/31/2012. The Corpus is not viewed as a “target balance”. It is the “foundation” of all Dakotas Pension and Health Plans and cannot be expended for any reason. The Board of Pensions has adopted a strategy of “reserve savings” with accompanying policies endorsed by the Conference Council on Finance and administration which will enable the Dakotas Conference to “weather” large increases in health insurance premiums;
secure the Ministerial Pension Plan and the Pre-82 Plan; and provide funding for CRSP liabilities. Reports of the amount of this “Reserve Savings” and its use will be reported to the Annual Conference upon request. 8. Administration of all plans and work of the Board: The Board recommends that the following be authorized to sign necessary documents relative to the Dakotas Board of Pensions for 2013-2014: The Board Chair, the Conference Benefits Officer and the Treasurer of the Board. 9. Pensions and Health Benefits Guidelines: The Board of Pension and Health Benefits affirms the Pension and Health Benefits Guidelines found in the Journal.
d. Participants appointed to incapacity medical leave and receiving CPP disability benefits can participate and will be responsible for paying the participant’s share as long as conference policy and rules permit. The participant’s share (for 2013: 27% of participant’s actual premium, whether single or participant plus one or family; for 2014: 28%; for 2015: 29%; for 2016 and forward: 30% of participant’s actual premium, whether single or participant plus one or family) will be paid to the conference office. e. Participants appointed to incapacity medical leave and applying for CPP disability benefits can participate up to four (4) months and will be responsible for the participant’s share as long as conference policy and rules permit. The participant’s share (for 2013: 27% of participant’s actual premium, whether single or participant plus one or family; for 2014: 28%; for 2015: 29%; for 2016 and forward: 30% of participant’s actual premium, whether single or participant plus one or family) will be paid to the conference office. Applications for extensions of the four (4) month time limit should be made to the Conference Benefits Officer for Executive Committee review and consideration.
Participants who are part of a “clergy couple” will pay only one participant’s share, and that one participant’s share will be calculated on the salary of the participant with the higher salary and that participant will be considered to be the primary person on the policy. The Direct Bill will be charged wherever there is a full-time United Methodist clergy person
Human Resources Committee
The Human Resource Committee worked on revising the Organizational Chart and the Handbook to reflect our new structure under Bishop Ough. The bishop believes that committees and boards develop policies but are not really supervisory bodies. The supervisor actually sees the day to day work of the employees so they are better able to evaluate the employee. The new Organizational Chart will help identify supervisory roles and channels for evaluation of all current and future employees. The Human Resource Committee also reviewed and made recommendations for compensation for all employees not falling within a stated formula of compensation for the 2014 budget. Barry Whipkey, Chairman, Human Resources Committee
Conference Commission on Archives and History Equipping a ministry of unleashed bold spirit(ual) leaders takes power. And in human organizations, such as our Annual Conference, such power is supplied by muscle. For instance, when an athlete earns medals at a competition such as the Olympics, his or her muscles need to be strong and operating at peak efficiency. Sometimes commentators will look behind the glamour of an athlete’s (or leader’s) achievement and see the well-trained muscles that propelled him or her to victory. Yet, your Commission on Archives and History looks beyond even the muscles, the training and even the fuel that powers the muscles that propel effective organizations because we know that muscles have memories. Training not only refines the body, but also the mind. An organism’s activities are recorded in its memory. Training actually retrieves and re-records those memories over and over again until the pathways in the brain are so well traveled and the records so readily accessible that electrical impulses ignite instantaneously upon stimulus without the delay of secondguessing. In other words, the organism’s memory system allows an organism to snap into action almost spontaneously and unleash its mighty well trained power. The work of your Commission on Archives and History is to ensure that the activities of this organism are well recorded and the access to those memories is well traced and uninhibited so that the power of this conference can respond boldly without unnecessary delay. For instance, when we need to remember the process for voting on constitutional amendments or who were the last known members of the Tioga (N.D.) United Methodist Church, what curriculum and materials were used at a particular camp in years past or whether a certain pastor had ever served in the Dakotas, your ministry of memory empowers that. Your CAH, which comprises seven voting and three non-voting members, met three times in the past year (twice by phone and once in person) in pursuit of our 12 mandated Disciplinary provisions. (¶641). Our highest priority, and more than 88% our 2012 expenditures, went to support the archives space and its personnel costs. (The 2014 request envisions those items representing 90.6% of the budget.)
Archivist Laurie Langland holds an earned doctorate and has a dual role as Dakota Wesleyan University staff and non-teaching faculty. We share half of her time with the university. Her conference time is busy with research requests and processing donations of materials, including records from closed churches. Compiling memoirs for annual conference and the journal, according to recently articulated Sessions and Journal policies, is another regular task. Also, this past year, she assisted a local church in obtaining digital photographs of original records the church had inadvertently donated to a local secular historical society, and she is working with that society in reclaiming other records the local church held in trust for the conference that were improperly donated. As chair of the commission, I participated in one meeting with a local church history committee to discuss the importance and process of their work. Langland also stands ready to assist local churches as they develop their own history committees or conduct the ministry of memory at the local level. Furthermore, those looking for guidelines on what to save, may go to the conference website at http:// www.dakotasumc.org/media/files/Doreen/Guidelines_1_page_May_2010.pdf for a summary of some of the more common records. For a more extensive listing, go to the web site for the General Commission on Archives and History at http://www.gcah.org/site/c. ghKJI0PHIoE/b.3611175/k.37E7/Guidelines_for_Managing_Records.htm In the past year, the CAH reached out to the Conference Council on Youth Ministry, through its president Matthew Bader, to determine what the youth of this conference value about our history. The project evolved into reading what youth said they value about United Methodism that is worth preserving. The results fell into the following four broad categories: 1) diversity and openness, 2) piety, 3) work, service and mission, and 4) connection. The CAH is also preparing for the 2017 publication of an update to our conference history. The Rev. Dr. Stephen Perry has been researching this since 2004 and updates the CAH annually. Another priority is attendance at the annual North Central Jurisdictional Convocation on Archives and History, the site of which rotates throughout this jurisdiction’s episcopal areas. In 2012, the convocation was held in Indianapolis, IN, at United Methodist-related University of Indianapolis. Two commission members and one non-member spouse attended the convocation. Our conference makes annual reports to this group, which elects members to the General Commission on Archives and History. Our conference delegates then hear reports back from that general agency. Thus, attendance serves the conference’s purpose of “providing a connection for ministry beyond the local church” (¶601). The CAH is responsible for recognizing jubilee clergy. The CAH annually re-examines the published service records of retired clergy and makes appropriate changes in our records. Furthermore, the CAH buys the grave markers presented by the Cabinet to the families of our clergy members at the clergy’s individual memorial services. At each meeting, the CAH takes more than a tithe of its time to pray, to relate our work to the general United Methodist devotional rule of staying in love with God and, as directed by ¶610, to discussing the following questions: “How are we intentionally reaching new people for Jesus Christ through our ministries?” and “How are we helping new people grow and mature as disciples of Jesus Christ through our ministries and areas of responsibility?” This work is conducted with a portion of your connectional-mission giving (apportionments). In 2012, our ministry required $785 less than your registration fees and apportionments spent on food at the Annual Conference session. So, we thank you that you continue to prioritize the equipping of this ministry of memory so that we can equip this conference’s ministry muscles. R. Duane Coates Chair, Conference Commission on Archives and History
Conference Council on Finance and Administration The CCFA continues to be blessed with our Director of Finance, Jeff Pospisil assisted by JoAnn Schlimgen and Sharon Blumer. Jeff continues to stay in touch with local congregations through face-to-face meetings and messages delivered during worship to help churches understand our budgets, missions and apportionments. We have had a few members of CCFA resign due to personal conflicts and moves from the conference. We are presently looking at replacements to fill these vacancies. This year, a committee from several conference links worked on the proposed change to our apportionment formula. The old formula has worked well in the past, but has always been a bit confusing. The proposed formula is a biblical model rather than simply using numbers to come up with an apportionment value. The results of their work will be presented at Annual Conference. We will also be presenting a proposed change to the conference carryover policy to encourage conference agencies to better formulate budgets for expected future needs. Apportionment receipts have had a slight increase this year. In 2011, churches paid 91.3% apportionments. In 2012, apportionments have increased to 92.3%. General Conference apportionments paid continues to remain at about 89%.
We have continued our work to increase reserves. A benchmark for reserves is around 10% of the annual budget. Our reserves as of December 31, 2012 are as follows: Unrestricted Reserves
Designated funds
Permanently restricted Funds
Temporarily Restricted
In this report you will find the 2012 Audited Financial Statements. These are included as part of our permanent record. The full audit report can be found on our website.
Statement of Financial Position December 31, 20112 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable - apportionments
Other receivable
Prepaid expenses
300 1,637,744
Total Current Assets NONCURRENT ASSETS Investment accounts - affiliated organizations
Deposit accounts - Conference Board of Pensions
Beneficial interest in trust funds
11,668,341 113,850
Investments Total Noncurrent Assets PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT - net
54,532,597 5,702,332 61,872,673
LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILTIES Accounts payable Accrued payroll taxes Accrued real estate taxes Deferred camps revenue
194,582 7,573 38,378 14,203
Current portion of post-retirement benefit obligation
Total Current Liabilities
NONCURRENT LIABILITIES Post-retirement benefit obligation
Total Noncurrent Liabilities
NET ASSETS Unrestricted: Operating Board designated
(220,838) 18,354,802
Net investment in plant
Total Unrestricted
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total Net Assets
23,895,502 61,872,673
Statement of Activities Year Ended December 31, 2012
Revenues, Gains, and Other Support Apportioned giving
Contributions and bequests
Investment income
Program fees and sales - camping program Miscellaneous income Net Realized gain on property, plant, & equipment
Net unrealized on long-term investments
Net assets released from restrictions
Total Revenues, Gains and Other Support Expenses Program Services District superintendency Equipping churches
Connectional ministries
Camping program
Change in Net Assets (Before Other Gains/Losses)
Pension/Post-retirement benefit changes
Net Assets, Beginning of Year
Net Assets, End of Year
Total Program Service Expenses Support Expenses Stewardship of resources Pension and insurance Total Support Expenses Total Expenses
Our primary work is and continues to be the budget. A few years ago, CCFA decided that we would try to maintain the apportioned budget at around 6 million. We have been successful so far and we will continue to strive for our goal of keeping budget increases reasonable. In February, Jeff, Sharon and I attended the General Council on Finance and Administration’s Quadrennial Training event held in New Mexico. There was quite a bit of information passed out, some of which show us to be in a good position as we are already doing what we should be doing. They also gave us insight into new technology to help us better perform our financial and administrative functions. A special thank you to Nancy Bohlen. Nancy has served the CCFA for many years and recently had to step down as chair of CCFA because of term limits. She has continued to serve in an advisory capacity this past year and at the end of this term, she will be officially retired from CCFA. We at CCFA want to thank her for her leadership and dedication to CCFA and the Conference. Bob Duemig, Chair Conference Council on Finance and Administration
Dakotas United Methodist Foundation 2014 Budget Request = $0 -- The Dakotas United Methodist Foundation exists to multiply gifts for the Kingdom of God and to be faithful partners on the journey. This is accomplished by providing services and educational and financial resources to individuals, ministries, and churches affiliated with the Dakotas Annual Conference. In addition, the Foundation invests funds for churches and agencies, assists local churches in their financial and stewardship efforts, provide funding for churches and ministries through endowment funds, and assists individual donors in their financial planning and charitable giving.
Due to two generous estate gifts and increased number of churches/ministries investing funds with the Foundation, we have eliminated our apportionment ask. Our continued growth will allow us to return more to the churches and ministries of the Dakotas. So what is new with the Foundation? We are excited to share that: · We have two new workshops that are available to your church at no charge. - A New Look at the Offering Plate: Practical Stewardship Ideas - Don’t Leave Me this Way: Planning your Estate · Our website has been redesigned to serve you better – www.DakotasUMF.org · We have added a third investment option – Fixed Income Fund. Offered through Wespath Investments (www.wespath. com), it is a mix of their Fixed Income and Inflation Protection Fund to offer a conservative option. The Balanced Fund and Growth Fund are the two other options. More information is on our website – click on Churches, click on Investment Funds. These funds are invested and returned upon request. · Our grant programs have continued to expand. Ministry Development Matching Grants deadline is August 1 and Bremer Family Mission Grants deadline is February 1. Click on Grants button on our website for more information! Mr. Tom Dravland, President and Dr. Bruce Blumer, Executive Director
Dr. Bruce Blumer presents the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation Report to the 2013 Dakotas Annual Conference.
Dakotas Conference Finance Office L to R: Leana Stunes, Chief Benefits Officer; Jeff Pospisil, Director of Finance; JoAnn Schlimgen, Assist. Director of Finance; Sharon Blumer, Financial Assistant, Conference Statistician
Leana Stunes, Chief Benefits Officer and Marilyn Perry, Chair of the Board of Pensions address the members of the 20th Session of the Dakotas Conference.
Jeff Pospisil presents the 2014 Budget proposal in Bismarck, North Dakota. 124
VII. FINANCES AND BUDGET 2014 Budget Proposal Treasurer’s Discussion & Analysis
Dear Brothers and Sisters, The purpose of this document is to provide an overview and identify the highlights of the 2014 budget for those who will be voting on it. PROGRESS TOWARD AN AFFORDABLE & ALIGNED BUDGET The process of creating a budget has changed significantly over the last four years. Until 2010, the 20+ committees/agencies of the Dakotas Conference would usually work independently of each other to submit budget requests to the Conference Council on Finance & Administration (CCFA) who would then work to present an affordable budget to the Annual Conference. These independent efforts made it very difficult to align the work of the Conference around a vision/mission. This process also made CCFA’s task much more difficult in ensuring the budget was affordable. In 2010, the new platform for ministry was implemented with the “links” of Visioning, Equipping, Extending, and Stewardship. The budget process changed significantly. The newly established “links” worked with the committees/agencies to bring greater alignment in the areas of equipping and connecting churches. We have gone from 20+ silos to 4 components in putting together the budget. We also used SMART goals to help us focus on how our churches will be better equipped and connected to make disciples because of our work. The new platform also led CCFA to take a firm stand on affordability. We have seen reductions in the apportioned budget in 2011, 2012, and 2013. You can see this in the chart below. The apportioned budget grew steadily until 2010. During that time, approximately 4% of the budget was for equipping churches. In 2011 – 2013, you can see the total budget decreasing, and the percent spent on equipping churches increasing up to 10%. We’re also seeing growth in total attendance since 2010.
For 2014, the budget process was significantly changed again. “Our Journey Toward Vitality” has fleshed out our strategy for equipping and connecting churches in the work of making disciples. The strategy involves four pathways: Developing Missional Leaders, Equipping Missional Congregations, Extending Missional Impact, and Generating Missional Resources. The Extended Cabinet is now using these pathways in their work with the various committees/agencies to bring even greater alignment. The new apportionment method addresses the other issue of affordability. The total amount of the Conference apportioned budget is now directly linked to the income of our churches. Giving proportionally is based on Biblical tithing. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Here is a list of the items that you should be aware of: Change in Pension Plan – General Conference made several changes to the pension plan. This has resulted in a $228,163 decrease (23%) in the defined benefit cost. Pension Direct Bill Transition Grants – The Board of Pensions has reserve funds designated for pensions for the purpose of covering any unexpected costs or shortfalls. From these funds, grants will be given to churches to help with the transition to direct billing for pensions. Culture of Call and Ministry as a Career – In developing Missional leaders, there will be a strong focus on raising up the next
generation of leaders. Avenues will be provided for young people to explore their calling and start them on the path of vocational ministry. Camping, Youth, and Campus Ministries Focusing on Leadership – Many of our current pastors realized they were called to fulltime ministry through camping, youth, or campus ministries. The leadership development aspect of these ministries will become more prominent. Missional Church Initiative (MCI) – Each year, the Conference will invest in and partner with approximately three to five congregations that are best positioned for growth. In addition, tools will be provided for churches that were not chosen for the Missional Church Initiative but are ready to take the next steps in developing their ministry. Associate Director of Missional Impact – An associate director position will be created for the purpose of overseeing efforts at extending the Missional impact of churches. This position will work with the Bakken Oil Rush Ministry, Native American Ministries, and certain global ministries. General Church Apportionments Paid in Full – We are committing ourselves to this goal. This is an additional $90,000. We will trust God for this. CLOSING COMMENTS Many of us have been asking God to use our churches to bring revival to the Dakotas. Besides just the attendance numbers, there are stories from all across the Dakotas where God is stirring up churches. Are we seeing the beginnings of a mighty move of God? If so, God’s not moving because we finally produced an aligned and affordable budget. God is moving, period. With this budget, we hope to both remove some excuses for not taking part in this move and unleash Spirit-filled leaders to be boldly used by God. JoAnn Schlimgen, Sharon Blumer, and I enjoyed another great year serving the United Methodist Churches of the Dakotas Conference. It is a blessing and an honor to play a small part in this great work that God is doing in the Dakotas. The Finance Office is responsible for financial reporting, church billings and receipts, overseeing the budget, paying obligations (including payroll for over 100 employees), managing investments according to policy, caring for property and insurance matters, working with churches to help them with their finance and administration, and ensuring that we have adequate information technology. In our spare time, we visit some churches and implement new apportionment formulas. -- Jeff Pospisil, Treasurer
2014 Budget Proposal Budget Summary
2011 Actual Developing Missional Leaders
2012 Actual
2013 Budget
2014 Request
Extending Missional Impact
Generating Missional Resources
Support Services
Pension & Insurance
Direct Billing to Churches
Equipping Missional Congregations
Subtotal Total
2014 Budget Proposal Detailed Budget Information DEVELOPING MISSIONAL LEADERS 2011 Actual
2012 Actual
2013 Budget
2014 Request
Travel Expenses
Office Expenses
Equipment TOTAL EQUIPPING THE LOCAL CHURCH LINK Meeting Expenses Resources/Administrative Expenses
Events/Seminar Expenses
Resource Library Operations
Meeting Expenses
Training Expenses
Licensing School
Resources/Administrative Expenses
Candidate/Provisional Member Review
Worshops/Dues Spiritual Care and Formation
Recruiting/Internships Commerical Travel Event/Seminar Expenses Quadrennial Training Event
Endowment Income
2012 Actual
2013 Budget
2014 Request
CAMPUS MINISTRIES & HIGHER ED Campus Ministries Grants
Campus Ministries Property Maintenance
Support for Dakota Wesleyan University
TOTAL CAMPING & YOUTH OFFICE Compensation & Benefits Office Expenses
Travel Expenses
Tech Support
Transfers to Camping Operations
Transfers to Camping Capital
Property Taxes/Assessments
Background Checks Publicity
Journey (Senior High)
Crossing (Junior High)
Combined Senior/Junior High Event
Winter Connection
Leadership Training for Youth at COR God & Guys; God & Gals Events
Leadership Training Camp
Adult Training and Academy
2012 Actual
2013 Budget
2014 Request
Office Expenses
Travel Expenses
Transfers from Area Office/Cabinet
EQUIPPING TEN CHURCHES FOR TURNAROUND Equipping Churches for Turnaround Missional Church Initiative Tools for Equipping Churches
Education/Training for Churches
Natural Church Development
Epiphany Gathering
2012 Actual
2013 Budget
2014 Request
GENERAL APPORTIONMENTS Episcopal Fund Ministerial Education Fund - Gen Church
General Administration
Interdenominational Cooperation
Black College
Aftrica University
Travel Expenses
Meeting Expenses
VIM Scholarships
Background Checks Events Program Expenses TOTAL
2012 Actual
2013 Budget
2014 Request
FINANCE OFFICE Compensation & Benefits
Travel Expenses
Office Expenses
Workshops/Dues Audit Equipment/Maintenance
2012 Actual
2013 Budget
2014 Request
Journal & Workbook Production Journal Sales
Office Expenses Equipment TOTAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE SESSION Registrations
Travel Expenses
Banquet & Refreshments
Conference Speaker
Audio/Video Rental
Child Care
Office Expenses
Travel Expenses
Events/Seminar Expenses
DAVID System
Office Expenses TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Grants and Donations Compensation & Benefits
Tech Services Expansion of DAVID
TOTAL CHANCELLORS COMMON TABLE Meeting Expenses Taskforces General Conf / Jurisdictional Conf
SUPPORT SERVICES (continued) 2011 Actual
2012 Actual
2013 Budget
2014 Request
ARCHIVES & HISTORY Archivist Support
Space in McGovern Library
Meeting Expenses Dues
Archives Program Materials
Publication of Conference History
Postage Machine Expenses
Technical Support
Miscellaneous Office Internet Service Agreements
Investment/Other Income
Administrative Expenses
Conference Center Operations
Leadership Housing Maint. & Util
Repair & Replacement Fund
Other Property Disbursements
2012 Actual
2013 Budget
2014 Request
Clerical Support
Travel Expenses
Office Expenses
Office Rent
Shared Expenses
District Resources
BOARD OF PENSIONS 2011 Actual HealthFlex Premiums - Actives Retiree HRA Contributions Extend Health Admin Expenses Medicare Part B Transfers to Reserve Funds Allowance for Uncollected (2%)
2012 Actual 2,749,501
2014 Request
HealthFlex Expenses
2013 Budget
Direct Bill Participants
Retiree Health Fund Transfer
Direct Bill Churches - $11,430
Investment Earnings - Deposit Acct Wellness Rebate / Performance Dividend Medicare Part D Rebate HealthFlex Offsets Expenses Less Offsets
Pension Program Premiums CPP
CRSP-DB Direct Bill Transition Grants
MPP Allowance for Uncollected (2%) Pension Expenses Apportionments Direct Bill Churches
Transfers from Pension Reserve CPP Holiday Conference Budgets Endowment / Investment Earnings Pension Offsets Expenses Less Offsets
(100,000) (219,593)
2011 Actual
21,046 50,000
Program, Seminars, Stipends, Etc
8,111 6,000
Benefits Office
55,261 72,000
Administration Expenses
Retiree Health
Investment Earnings
Lynch Trust Transfer
Active Participant Contribution - 3%
Expenses Less Offsets
2014 Request
Expenses Less Offsets
2013 Budget
Benefit Grants
Transfer from Endowment
2012 Actual
Board Expenses
Expenses Less Offsets
Total Pension & Insurance Expenses
Direct Bill to Churches
Total to Churches
Total Offsets Balance
HealthFlex Participant’s Share
Rev. Gail Arnold, presents the “Streams of Justice” award to Rev. Sara Nelson for her leadership to feed children in Watertown, SD.
Bishop Ough and Rev. Dayne Zachirson and congratulate Rev. Bruce Adams (center), pastor at Mandon, N.D. as a new member of the “Youth Leader Hall of Fame.”
Jordan Heim, youth member from Madison UMC presents the “Darrell Leach Youth Worker of the Year” award to Charlie Moore from Madison, South Dakota.
Rev. Kathy Chesney presents the Genesis Award to Rev. Rich Zeck, Fargo, N.D for his efforts in disaster relief. 138
Record of the Sessions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church General and Jurisdictional Conference Delegations 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Special 17th 18th 19th 20th
Dates June 1-5, 1994 June 5-11, 1995 June 6-9, 1996 June 5-8, 1997 June 4-7, 1998 June 3-6, 1999 June 1-4, 2000 June 7-10, 2001 June 5-7, 2002 June 5-7, 2003 June 2-6, 2004 June 8-11, 2005 June 7-10, 2006 June 6-9, 2007 June 4-7, 2008 June 3-6, 2009 Nov 20-21, 2009 June 9-12, 2010 June 8-11, 2011 June 7-10, 2012 June 6-8, 2013
Location Aberdeen, SD Bismarck, ND Mitchell, SD Bismarck, ND Aberdeen, SD Bismarck, ND Aberdeen, SD Bismarck, ND Sioux Falls, SD Fargo, ND Pierre, SD Bismarck, ND Watertown, SD Sioux Falls, SD Fargo, ND Rapid City, SD Aberdeen, SD Bismarck, ND Watertown, SD Sioux Falls, SD Bismarck, ND
Presiding Bishop William B. Lewis William B. Lewis William B. Lewis Michael J. Coyner Michael J. Coyner Michael J. Coyner Michael J. Coyner Michael J. Coyner Michael J. Coyner Michael J. Coyner Michael J. Coyner Deborah L. Kiesey Deborah L. Kiesey Deborah L. Kiesey Deborah L. Kiesey Deborah L. Kiesey Deborah L. Kiesey Deborah L. Kiesey Deborah L. Kiesey Deborah L. Kiesey Bruce R. Ough
Conf. Secretary Linda R. Harris Dr. Mark Ahlsten Dr. Mark Ahlsten Dr. Mark Ahlsten Dr. Mark Ahlsten Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson Mark S. Ellingson
General Conference: Jurisdictional Conference: Reserves:
Laity - Janelle Jones Clergy - Rebecca Trefz Laity - Jodi Cataldo Clergy - Greg Kroger Laity - Matthew Bader, Angelica Laudermith, Larry Madsen Clergy - Rich Zeck, Doug Diehl, Jennifer Hallenbeck
General Conference: Jurisdictional Conference: Reserves:
Laity - Bruce Blumer Clergy - Teri Johnson Laity - Janelle Jones Clergy - Eldon Reich Laity - Kathleen Enzminger, Sheila Mennenga Clergy - Randy Cross, Bob Ruedebusch
General Conference: Jurisdictional Conference: Reserves: Randy Cross
Laity - Karl Kroger, Kathleen Enzminger Clergy - Teri Johnson, Eldon Reich Laity - Mary Hayenga, Barbara Goodman Clergy - Dar Berkenpas, Doug Diehl Laity - Don Nash, Bruce Blumer, Janelle Jones, Ray Wagner Clergy - Rob Moorlach, Rich Zeck, Debra Ball-Kilbourne,
General Conference: Jurisdictional Conference: Reserves:
Laity - John Ewing, Mary Hayenga Clergy - Douglas Diehl, Teri Johnson Laity - Ray Wagner, Marion Muthiah Clergy - Penelope Eberhart, Eldon Reich Clergy - William Bates, Peary Wilson, Dwight Meier, Debra Ball-Kilbourne Laity - Cynthia Nelson, Warren DeKrey, Barbara Goodman, Ron Williams
General Conference: General Conference Reserves: Jurisdictional Conference: Jurisdictional Reserves:
Laity - Ray Wagner, Mary Hayenga Clergy - Penelope Eberhart, William Bates Laity - Marion Muthiah, Jack Ewing Clergy - Peary Wilson, Eldon Reich Laity - Ray Wagner, Mary Hayenga, Marion Muthiah, Jack Ewing Clergy - Penelope Eberhart, William Bates, Peary Wilson, Eldon Reich Laity - Bubbles Jensen, Ron Williams Clergy - Darlis Berkenpas, Arthur Scanson
Participants at the North Central Jurisdiction Conference 2012 from the Dakotas Conference left to right. Back row: Rev. Teri Johnson, Brookings UMC; Rev. Rich Zeck, Fargo First UMC; Janelle Jones, Spearfish UMC; Larry Madsen, Wheatland Parish; Rev. Howard Grinager, retired,; Rev. Jenny Hallenbeck, Wahpteon UMC. Middle Row: Doreen Gosmire, Communications Director; Rev. Rebecca Trefz, Celebration UMC; Matt Bader, Pierre First UMC; Dianne Axlund, Administrative Assist. to the Cabinet and Connectional Ministries Office. Front Row: Angelica Laudermith, Vermillion UMC; Jen Tyler, Clark / Garden City UMC; Jodi Cataldo, Director of Leadership Development.
The Rev. Norman Shawchuck, 77, of Fargo, N.D., formerly of Elgin, N.D., died Sunday, May 20, 2012, at his daughter’s home. A memorial service was held on Friday, June 1, 2012, at Zion Lutheran Church in Elgin. Norman L. Shawchuck was born on May 13, 1935, to Aleck and Ava (Brown) Shawchuck. He spent his childhood on the family farm south of Heil, N.D. After graduating from Elgin High School in 1952, he worked as a surveyor in North Dakota and Illinois. He earned a diploma in biblical studies at Lakewood Park Bible School in Devils Lake, N.D., where he also met the love of his life, Verna Mae Dalin. They married on Jan. 19, 1956. Norman served the Mott, N.D., Assembly of God Church for four years and Cleveland-Woodworth-Crystal Springs, N.D., United Methodist Churches (1965-1968). He earned a bachelor of arts degree in sociology and religion from Jamestown College in 1968. During his graduate studies, he served a United Methodist parish in Davis Junction, Ill. (1968-1969). He earned a master’s of divinity degree from Garrett Theological Seminary in 1970. He was admitted to the North Dakota Conference as a probationary member in 1969, and ordained elder and admitted into full connection in 1971. He served at the Turtle Mountain Counseling and Rehabilitation Center on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation in Belcourt, N.D., while pursuing his Ph.D. from Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. Subsequent appointments included a position on the area program staff in the Dakotas (1975-1980); director of spiritual formation based in Indianapolis, Ind.; and lead pastor of a local parish in Michigan City, Ind. Norman received a special appointment allowing him to teach, write, and consult. He served as adjunct professor at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Ill., and was a full-time professor at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, Calif. Norman authored numerous books and traveled extensively, consulting with local churches and national organizations in conflict management, leadership and spiritual formation. One of his most exciting assignments was training Navy chaplains in conflict management at naval stations on the U.S. mainland, Hawaii, and Okinawa. He retired in 1997 and was recognized as Jubilee Clergy in 2006. Since October 2011 he resided at the home of his daughter and sonin-law, Kay and Ahmed Abdullah. Norman is survived by his wife, Verna; three daughters, Carita (and husband David Olson), Melody (and husband Paul Taralson), and Kay (and husband Ahmed Abdullah), all of Fargo; three grandsons; one sister, Jacque (and husband David Bauer); four nephews; and numerous great-nieces and great-nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, and two siblings: Jimmy and Helen Marie.
Rev. Ben Zimmerman 1918-2012
The Rev. Ben Zimmerman, 94, of Ramona, S.D., died Friday, Aug. 24, 2012, at Bethel Lutheran Home in Madison, S.D. A Masonic service was held on Monday, Aug. 27, 2012, at Ellsworth Funeral Home in Madison, with private family burial at Ramona Cemetery. A memorial service was held on Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Madison. Benjamin Zimmerman was born on March 20, 1918, at the family farm near Lehr, N.D., to Konrad and Christina (Maier) Zimmermann. He married Ida Rachel Kranzler on April 2, 1939. One son, Donald, was born on June 6, 1949. Ben received degrees from Carleton College, Rochester Theological School, and the University of North Dakota. He was employed as a school teacher, counselor, pastor, and retirement home administrator. Ben and Ida operated B & I Gifts in Ramona for 25 years and spent 10 years as caretakers of Camp Lakodia on Lake Herman near Madison. Ben served Baptist churches including Randolph, Minn. (1942-1952), New Britain, Conn. (1952-1955), Viborg (1955-1961), North Rapid (1961-1963), and Ramona First Baptist (1963-1965) before serving the Ramona Methodist Church (1965-1968). In 1968 he transferred to the South Dakota Conference of The United Methodist Church and was admitted on trial as a deacon. He was admitted into full connection and elected elder in 1970.
Ben continued serving at Ramona and Oldham, as well as at Madison as assistant pastor, until he retired in 1983. He was recognized as Jubilee Clergy in 1994. The Zimmermans traveled extensively to the Holy Land and Greece, and throughout the United States and Canada. Ben was active in many organizations including Kiwanis, Lions Club, Masons, Eastern Star, and El Riad Shrine. He was a Boy Scout leader for 25 years, organized fund drives to build hospitals in Spearfish and Viborg, and was a founder of the Interlakes Community Action Program (ICAP). Ben also was a carpenter, amateur astronomer, health food advocate, and jack-of-all trades. Survivors include one son, Dr. Donald Zimmerman, of Colorado Springs, Colo.; and several nieces and nephews. Ben was preceded in death by his wife, Ida, in 2008; his parents; seven brothers; and two sisters.
Rev. Paul Custer 1927-2012
The Rev. Paul Custer, 85, of Lenexa, Kan., died Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012. A memorial service was held on Monday, Sept. 10, 2012, at Valley View United Methodist Church in Overland Park, Kan., with the Rev. Dr. Connie Wilson officiating. His remains were cremated. Paul James Custer was born on April 11, 1927, to Earl and Jenny Custer in Everly, Iowa. He grew up in Rowena, S.D., and attended high school at Valley Springs and then Washington High School in Sioux Falls, S.D., where he graduated in 1945. He married Joy Johnson on June 1, 1951. He graduated from Sioux Falls College with a bachelor of arts degree in 1952 and taught school in Rapid City, S.D. Paul attended North American Baptist Seminary in Sioux Falls, earning a master’s in religious education in 1962 and a bachelor of divinity degree in 1965. He also took courses in mental health and drug and alcohol abuse. He was admitted on trial in the South Dakota Conference of the Methodist Church and elected deacon in 1963. In 1965 he was admitted into full connection and ordained an elder. Paul served Methodist and United Methodist churches in the South Dakota Conference at Egan-Riverview (1962-1963), Hartford (1963-1968), Parker-Brothersfield (Jan. 15, 1968-1974), Wessington Springs-Lane (1974-1981), Colton-Chester (1981-1987), OnidaAgar (1987-1989), and Wagner-Delmont (1989-1993). He retired in 1993. He was known for his love of music. He had an outstanding voice and sang many solos. Paul is survived by his wife of 61 years, Joy; one daughter, Carol Avery (and husband Tony), of Houston, Texas; two sons: Mark Custer and Bret Custer (and wife Katie), all of Overland Park, Kan.; three grandchildren; and one brother, the Rev. Earle Custer, of Dover, N.H.
Rev. Grant Piehl 1943-2012
The Rev. Grant Piehl, 69, of Casselton, N.D., passed away on Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012, at his home. Funeral services were held Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012, at Casselton United Methodist Church. Burial was in the Casselton Cemetery. Grant John Piehl was born on April 15, 1943, in Gaylord, Minn., to Lester and Olive (West) Piehl. He grew up in the Hector, Minn., area and graduated from Hector High School in 1961. He then attended Vennard College and Spring Arbor College in Spring Arbor, Mich., earning a bachelor of arts degree in 1966. He continued his education at Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Ky., graduating with a master of divinity degree in 1969. In 1968 he was elected deacon and admitted on trial to the North Dakota Conference of The United Methodist Church. He was ordained elder and admitted into full connection in the North Dakota Conference in 1970. Grant served United Methodist Churches in North Dakota at Kulm-Jud (1969-1973), Lansford-Donnybrook-Maxbass (1973-1976), Bowbells-Kenmare-Coteau (1976-1982), Langdon-Hannah (1982-1983), Langdon (1983-1992), Streeter-Medina-Tappen (1992-2002), Groton-Conde-Andover (2002-2005), and Napoleon-Lehr (2005-2008). He retired in 2008 after 40 years of service. Grant married the love of his life, Eileen Carol Jonas, on Jan. 29, 1966. They moved to the Jonas family farm near Amenia, N.D., when he retired. He loved playing with his grandchildren, pastoring churches, collecting 1/64 tractors, reading about North Dakota history, and visiting with his children. He is remembered as a gentle giant who was kind, loving and humble. Grant is survived by his wife, Eileen, of Amenia; four children: Latha Pederson (and husband Larry), of St. Michael, Minn., David, of Minneapolis, Joel (and wife Linda), of Jamestown, N.D., and Jeff (and wife Heather), of Clear Lake, Minn.; 9 grandchildren; and two sisters: Carrie Tyner, of Kansas City, Mo., and Nancy Mabuce (and husband Steve), of St. Louis, Mo. He was preceded in death by his parents; one sister, Lorrie Berntson; and two brothers-in-law: Paul Berntson and Don Tyner.
Rev. Orland Sloat 1932-2013
The Rev. Orland Sloat, 80, of West Fargo, N.D., died on Saturday, Jan. 5, 2013, at his home. Memorial services were held on Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013, at West Funeral Home Chapel in West Fargo. Burial was at Gettysburg, S.D. Orland Samuel Sloat was born on June 23, 1932, to Roy and Esther Belle (Hawes) Sloat in Gettysburg, S.D. He grew up on the Adeline Sloat homestead north of Gettysburg and attended North Lowell rural school and Gettysburg High School. In 1951, Orland enrolled at South Dakota State College in Brookings, graduating in 1954. He then went to seminary at Garrett Biblical Institute (Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary). In 1957, he married Lyla Elaine Melloon. They had two sons and adopted two daughters. They later divorced. Orland was ordained deacon and admitted on trial in the South Dakota Conference of the Methodist Church in 1955. He was elected elder and admitted into full connection in 1958. He served at the following Methodist and United Methodist churches in South Dakota: Northville-Mellette (1958-1961), Gregory-Fairmont-Iona (1961-1963), Britton-Langford (1963-1965), Dell Rapids-Garretson (1965-1968), Selby-Herreid (1968-1970), Selby (Nov. 15, 1970-1972), Selby-Lowry UCC (1971-1972), Beresford First-Beresford Zion (1972-1976), Highmore-Harrold (1976-1981), Highmore (Jan. 1-June 30, 1982), Bruce-Volga PC (1984-1988, less than full-time while on disability leave), and Bowdle-Tolstoy (1988-1994). He retired in 1994 and moved to the Fargo area. On June 24, 2000, Orland married Edith Lockwood in West Fargo. He was recognized as Jubilee Clergy in 2005. Orland is survived by his wife, Edith, of West Fargo; two sons: Philip (and wife Kelly), of Tekamah, Neb., and Dayton (and wife Michelle), of Fontana, Calif.; one daughter, Barbara Jean Greeley, of Hendricks, Minn.; two step-daughters: Leona Dodge, of Washougal, Wash., and Lucy Martinek, of Topeka, Kan.; three step-sons: Marvin Lockwood (and wife Teena), of Moorhead, Minn., Eugene Lockwood, of Fargo, and Calvin Lockwood (and wife Kathy), of West Fargo; seven grandchildren; 10 step-grandchildren; nine step-great-grandchildren; one sister, Mirth Westburg (and husband Gale), of Sioux Falls, S.D.; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Rachel; and a sister, Erleen.
Rev. Dwayne Knight 1922-2013
The Rev. Dwayne Knight, 91, died Sunday, April 14, 2013, at Bailey Community Hospice Center in St. Augustine, Fla. A memorial service was held on Saturday, April 20, 2013, at Shores United Methodist Church in St. Augustine, with the Rev. Randy Strickland officiating. Another memorial service is planned for Saturday, July 20, 2013, at the Mitchell First United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Boyd Blumer officiating. Interment of his cremains, along with those of his late wife, Fern, will take place that day in Graceland Cemetery in Mitchell. Dwayne Floyd Knight was born at Thomas, S.D., on Feb. 15, 1922, to Floyd Leslie and Harriet “Hattie” Elizabeth (Smith) Knight. He was the oldest of four children in a musical family. Dwayne sang his first solo at age 3 in the Thomas Methodist Episcopal Church and began piano lessons at age 8. He grew up on the family farm and graduated from Thomas High School in 1939. Dwayne studied classical piano at McPhail Conservatory in Minneapolis for three years and then transferred to Huron College when he felt called to the ministry. From 1942 to 1944, he served as student supply pastor at the Methodist churches at Cavour, Richland, and Pearl Creek, S.D. In 1944 he earned a bachelor’s degree in music from Huron College. On June 20, 1944, Dwayne married Fern Beall at Richland Methodist Church. They moved to New Jersey, where Dwayne attended Drew Theological Seminary. He served the Anderson Changewater, and Port Golden Methodist churches in western New Jersey, and graduated from Drew with highest honors in 1948. Dwayne was admitted on trial to the South Dakota Conference of The Methodist Church in 1943 and ordained a deacon and full member in 1946. He was elected elder in 1948. Together the Knights served Methodist and United Methodist churches in the South Dakota Conference at Conde (1948-1952), Miller-Greenleaf (1952-1955), Brookings (1955-1960), Mitchell (1960-1969), Aberdeen First (1969-1972), Lead-Terraville (1972-Dec. 31, 1981), and Lead Trinity (Jan. 1, 1982-1984). Dwayne retired in 1984. During his ministry Dwayne served an evangelistic mission to South America in 1958, spending a month in Panama, Peru, Chile, and Bolivia. He directed numerous junior high youth camps at Lake Poinsett. At Mitchell he served on the Dakota Wesleyan University board of trustees, the Methodist Hospital board of directors, and the board for Wesley Acres. He also chaired the conference Board of Ministerial Training. Dakota Wesleyan University presented Dwayne with an honorary doctor of divinity degree in 1961. In his retirement, Dwayne tuned pianos professionally and directed the choir at Sturgis United Methodist Church for 11 years. He was recognized as Jubilee Clergy in 1992. In 1995 Dwayne and Fern moved to St. Augustine and enjoyed their retirement years in the Shores area. He had been a resident of the Allegro, a Florida senior living community.
He is survived by his daughter, Noelle Farris (and husband Bill), of Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.; a daughter-in-law, Valerie Knight Blomquist, of Casco, Maine; five grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; a brother, Leighton Knight (and wife Nila), of Beresford, S.D., and one sister, Marian Trumm, of Eureka, S.D. Dwayne was preceded in death by Fern, his wife of 67 years, in 2011; two sons: Philip in 1967 and David in 1987; and one sister, Janet Shelsta.
Helen Vessey 1921-2012
Helen Vessey, 90, of Brookings, S.D., widow of the Rev. Dr. Robert Vessey, died Monday, June 11, 2012, at the United Living Community in Brookings. Memorial services were held on Friday, June 15, 2012, at the First United Methodist Church in Brookings. Helen Louise McConnell was born on Nov. 14, 1921, in East Lynn, Ill., to Walter Alexander and Edith Waymouth (Luxton) McConnell. She grew up on a farm and graduated from East Lynn High School in 1939. She attended secretarial school in Danville, Ill. From 1944 to 1950, Helen was a secretary at the Chicago Temple Methodist Church. She met a young seminary student named Robert Vessey and sent him an anonymous Valentine. It took nearly six months before he realized who had sent the card. The friendship turned to romance and eventually to a 61-year marriage, beginning on June 16, 1950, in East Lynn, Ill., and ending with Robert’s death on Feb. 20, 2012. Bob and Helen served the Methodist Church in Springfield, Ill. (1950-1951), and Methodist and United Methodist churches in South Dakota at Belle Fourche, Hurley-Davis-Viborg, Sioux Falls Asbury, Mitchell, Yankton, Gayville-Volin, and Spearfish. The family lived in Huron, S.D., while Bob served as district superintendent for the Northern District of the South Dakota Conference of the Methodist Church from 1964 to 1969. Helen was a member of the hospital auxiliary in every town in which they lived. She enjoyed being around people of all ages. She held jobs in a nursing home in Mitchell and the hospital nursery in Spearfish, and she worked at Gurney’s Seed Company in Yankton. She delivered Meals on Wheels, and was a Cub Scout leader, a 4-H leader, and a first-grade classroom helper. She volunteered in the church libraries at Brookings and Sioux Falls. She was an avid reader in the United Methodist Women’s reading program and helped raise awareness of people in need. She belonged to PEO Chapter P in Brookings and was active in TOPS most of her adult life. In addition to reading, she enjoyed singing, gardening, baking, and visiting with anyone who needed a friend. She will be remembered as humble, caring, and gracious. Helen is survived by two sons: Jon Vessey, of Fort Dodge, Iowa, and David Vessey, of Waterloo, Wisc.; one daughter, Mary Frederick (and husband Lynn), of Brookings; two grandsons; one great-grandson; two sisters: Ruth McConnell and Sue Randall, of Torrance, Calif.; and one brother, Tom McConnell, of Hoopeston, Ill. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Robert; and sister, Betty McConnell.
Effie Walker 1926-2012
Effie Walker, 86, of Spearfish, S.D., widow of the Rev. Willis Walker, passed away on Sunday, July 8, 2012, at Belle Fourche Healthcare Center. Funeral services were held on Friday, July 13, 2012, at the Open Bible Church in Belle Fourche, with Pastor Rick Brennan officiating. Interment followed at Black Hills National Cemetery. Effie L. Morton was born on July 4, 1926, in Conneaut Lake, Penn., to the Rev. Liberty and Alicia Morton. Effie married Willis E. Walker on Aug. 31, 1945, in Denver, Colo. Willis was a licensed local pastor for the Methodist Church at Leola, S.D. He also served Presbyterian churches at Watauga, Morristown, and McIntosh, S.D., and then United Methodist churches at Camp Crook-Harding and Rapid City Rapid Valley. Throughout her life Effie traveled to and lived in many places from Pennsylvania to New Mexico and in between, including Colorado, South Dakota, Minnesota and Nebraska. She always enjoyed the challenge of a new home. After Willis’ death on Nov. 22, 1998, she moved to Spearfish. She was a member of a knit-and-crochet group and was a regular presence at the afternoon coffee table at the Hickory House, enjoying the banter and laughter. She loved visits with her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She enjoyed driving up Spearfish Canyon, always seeing something new and wonderful. Effie is survived by her children: Rick (and wife Nancy), of Long Beach, Calif., Cindy (and husband Jim), of Fargo, N.D., Paul (and wife Simone), of Blaine, Minn., Jim (and wife Cindy), and John (and wife Paula), all of Belle Fourche; 11 grandchildren; and 15 greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Willis; one sister, Autumn; and two brothers: Manley and Gordon.
Viola Elmer 1919-2012
Viola Elmer, 93, of Bismarck, N.D., widow of the Rev. Walter Elmer, died Friday, July 13, 2012, at Missouri Slope Lutheran Care Center in Bismarck, N.D. Funeral services were held on Wednesday, July 18, 2012, at Calvary United Methodist Church in Bismarck, with the Rev. Perry Schnabel officiating. Burial was at Sunset Memorial Gardens in Bismarck. Viola Marjorie Voegeli was born on Jan. 23, 1919, in Beresford, S.D., to Mathias J.G. and Anna (Schiesser) Voegeli. The oldest of seven children, she spent her early years in Oakes, N.D., where she graduated from high school in 1937. She married Walter Dietrich Elmer of Hebron, N.D., on Sept. 14, 1940, in Ellendale, N.D. Together for 54 years, they shared their faith, family, and music with Evangelical, EUB, and United Methodist congregations in Elgin, Lehr, Wahpeton, Grand Forks Zion, Jamestown St. Paul’s, Bismarck Calvary, Mott, and Beulah, N.D., and in Spokane, Wash., and Portland, Ore. Throughout her life she was always working, from nursing to cooking for camps, doing secretarial work, and refinishing wood. She was involved with United Methodist Women at local and general-church levels and always had a choir to sing with or direct. After Walter passed away, she helped at the Burleigh County (N.D.) Senior Center as a volunteer, site manager, and choir director. Viola is survived by her children: the Rev. Donald (and wife Kay), of Seattle, Wash., Ann Elmer of Dallas, Texas, Cindy Griggs (and husband Jamie), of Lincoln, N.D., Jim (and wife Patti), of Redman, Ore., and Beth Allen (and husband Derek), of Sioux Falls, S.D.; two sisters: Adele Matthias (and husband Cal), of Morris, Minn., and Helen Vix of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; 14 grandchildren; five greatgrandchildren; one brother-in-law, Harold Elmer; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Walter, on Aug. 20, 1994; one daughter, Donna Jeanne McCoy; three brothers: Raleigh, Clayton, and Harris; and one sister, Shirley Greene.
Helen Vix 1920-2012
Helen Vix, 92, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, widow of the Rev. Henry Vix, died Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012, at Garnett Place. Memorial services were held Friday, Sept. 7, 2012, at Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church in Cedar Rapids, with the Rev. Harlan Gillespie officiating. A service celebrating Helen’s life was held Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012, at Stickney United Methodist Church in Stickney, S.D. Helen Leonore Voegeli was born on June 27, 1920, in Beresford, S.D. Her family moved to Oakes, N.D., when she was still an infant. She attended college in Ellendale, N.D., where she met her future husband, Henry J. Vix. They were married on Oct. 8, 1943, at Ellendale. Helen served alongside Henry in his years of ministry at Evangelical, EUB, and United Methodist churches in Oregon and Washington; Hebron, Martin-Anamoose, and Lehr in North Dakota; and at Stickney. She also taught public school and was a store clerk and bank teller. Henry retired in 1975 at Stickney, where they lived for another 11 years. Then they moved to Morris, Minn., to be near Helen’s mother. Henry passed away on April 13, 1993. Helen is survived by two daughters: Lois Bobbi Vix, of Yorba Linda, Calif., and Joyce Johnson (and husband Tim), of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; one sister, Adele Mattheis (and husband Cal); a sister-in-law, Luella Voegeli; three grandchildren; and a god-daughter, Nancy Quan, and her two children. She was preceded in death by her husband, Henry; and five siblings: Viola, Clayton, Shirley, Roland and Harris.
Leila “Tibbie” Fitch 1925-2012
Leila “Tibbie” Fitch, 87, wife of the Rev. Harold Fitch, died on Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012, at Concordia Health Care and Rehab in Bella Vista, Ark. Memorial services were held at First United Methodist Church in Bella Vista on Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. Cremains were interred at the Bella Vista Cemetery. Leila Dewey was born on March 23, 1925, in rural Cedar County, Neb. She was the second daughter born to J. Irvin and Mabel (Carlson) Dewey. She graduated from high school in Coleridge, Neb., and attended Wayne State Teacher’s College in Wayne, Neb. She taught school for one year before marrying her college sweetheart, Harold E. Fitch, at the Naval Base Chapel in Memphis, Tenn., on June 10, 1944. Tibbie and Harold had five children and moved 31 times in their marriage, living in Tennessee, Washington, California, Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa, South Dakota, and Arkansas. In South Dakota, Harold was appointed to Scotland, Flandreau-Egan, Sioux Falls Hilltop Heights, Sturgis, and Watertown First. Tibbie managed the Dakotas United Methodist Federal Credit Union for many years and served as director of Women’s Division of The United Methodist Church. They retired to Bella Vista in 1987.
Tibbie was active in church and community activities and enjoyed reading, playing bridge, music, and doing crossword puzzles. She served on the Village House Board and volunteered in the church and Habitat for Humanity offices. Harold and Tibbie spent many winters after retirement working on building projects all over the United States for Habitat for Humanity and SOWERS. She is survived by her husband of 68 years, the Rev. Harold E. Fitch; two daughters: Jean Justice (and husband John), of Bella Vista, and Kim Budd (and husband the Rev. Paul), of Sugar Creek, Mo.; one son, Van H. Fitch, of Eveleth, Minn.; one sister, Betty Heitman (and husband Don), of Coleridge, Neb.; two daughters-in-law: Sandra Fitch, of Bella Vista, and Sue Weast, of Hiawatha, Kan.; 11 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Tibbie was preceded in death by her parents; one sister, Shirley Sizemore; and two sons: Don D. Fitch and Hal E. Fitch.
Naomi Farnham 1930-2012
Naomi Farnham, 82, of Enderlin, N.D., formerly of Fargo, widow of the Rev. D. James Farnham, passed away on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012. Funeral services were Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012, at Fargo Faith United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Kevin Kloster officiating. Interment was at the West St. Olaf Cemetery, rural Enderlin, with the Rev. Frank Dobos officiating at the burial service. Naomi Mae Juenke was born on Jan. 15, 1930, to Walter and Meta (Schmidt) Juenke at Grafton, N.D. She grew up and attended school in Crystal, N.D. She attended Taylor University in Marion, Ind., and received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of North Dakota. She was a member of Sigma Alpha Iota, Phi Beta Kappa, and Pi Kappa Lambda. She married David James Farnham on Aug. 28, 1954. He served at Hope-Finley Methodist churches, the Wesley Foundation at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, and the Wesley Foundation at North Dakota State University in Fargo. Naomi taught music at Cass Lake, was a substitute teacher in West Fargo, and taught freshman English at NDSU. She participated in study programs at Oxford University in England and at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, in the 1980s, and she enjoyed grading SAT tests in Princeton, N.J. Naomi also owned and operated MotoFoto and a Christmas tree farm in the 1970s. She was active in the Washington Elementary PTA (serving two terms as president), the Fine Arts Club, Antique Club, League of Women Voters, the local Democratic Party, and Cub Scouts. Naomi is survived by three children: Tom Farnham (and wife Nancy), of Enderlin, Cynthia Dressen, of Belle Plaine, Minn., and Ken Farnham (and wife Lisa), of Fargo; nine grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; a sister, Vernadine Otto, of Bremerton, Wash.; and a brother, Arnold Juenke, of Crystal, N.D. She was preceded in death by her husband, James, on Feb. 20, 1974; her parents; a brother, Duane; a sister, Lyla; and son-in-law, Paul Dressen.
Anne Hartung 1930-2013
Anne Hartung, 82, widow of the Rev. Ron Hartung, died Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013, at Mercy Hospital in Gilbert, Ariz. A memorial service was held on Monday, Jan. 21, 2013, at Prescott United Methodist Church in Prescott, Ariz. Anne was born on Aug. 11, 1930, in St. Louis, Mo., to Ford and Katherine Markham. She married the Rev. Ronald H. Hartung. Ron transferred from the South Dakota Conference to the North Dakota Conference in 1979, and they served United Methodist churches at Williston-Grenora, Minot North Hill-Des Lacs, and Minot Faith-Des Lacs. Ron retired from the ministry in 1987. They moved from Minot, N.D., to Prescott, Ariz., in 1993. Anne was a member of Prescott Fine Arts and the Prescott United Methodist Church and was devoted to the church choir and the American Association of University Women. She enjoyed knitting, quilting, traveling, the opera, museums, fine arts, the symphony, and the love of friends and family. Anne is survived by her children: Nancy Wold (and husband Steve Distler), of Chandler, Ariz., Jeff Wold (and wife Becky), of Mendota Heights, Minn., Peter Wold, of Plymouth, Minn., Leif Wold (and wife Cathy), of Centennial, Colo., Mary Kate Wold, of New York City, Jody Hartung, of Chandler, Ariz., and Mark Hartung (and wife Peg), of Corinth, Texas; 15 grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; one brother, Joe Markham, of Carlsbad, Calif.; and a sister-in-law, Arlene Comon (and husband Tony), of Prescott, Ariz. She was preceded in death by her husband of 27 years, Ron, on Aug. 19, 2005; and one brother-in-law, Cecil Hartung.
Laity/Conference Employee
Delia Huisinga 1914-2012
Delia Huisinga, 97, of Champlin, Minn., formerly of Mitchell, S.D., died Monday, Aug. 13, 2012, at the Champlin Shores Senior Living Center. Funeral services were held Friday, Aug. 17, 2012, at the First United Methodist Church in Mitchell. Burial was in the Chancellor Reformed Cemetery in Chancellor, S.D. Delia Cecile Krull was born to Harm and Jenny (Begeman) Krull on Oct. 16, 1914, on a farm one mile north of Chancellor. She grew up in the Chancellor area and graduated from Chancellor High School in 1932. She earned a first-grade teaching certificate in 1933 from Eastern State Normal School in Madison, S.D., and also attended Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell. Delia taught at rural schools in Turner and Davison counties. She was employed by Dakota Wesleyan from 1967 to 1973 as information and postal clerk, and she was assistant treasurer for the South Dakota Conference in the 1970s. On August 10, 1940, Delia was united in marriage to David Huisinga at Sioux Falls, S.D. She was a member of the Mitchell First United Methodist Church, P.E.O., Chapter BK and the Eastern Star. Delia is survived by her children: Berend “Barry� (and wife, Ruth), of Champlin, Minn., and Betty Jo Rasmussen (and husband, James), of Rapid City, S.D.; three grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, David, in 1985; her parents; two sisters: Bertha Uhe and an infant sister; two brothers: Fred Krull and Harley Krull; two great-grandchildren; and a grandson-in-law.
Candles lit at the 2013 Dakotas Annual Conference Session to remember and celebrate the lives of those who have served the Dakotas Conference as a clergy, clergy spouse or employee of the conference.
Roll of the Dead - Dakotas Conference Clergy Prior to November 7, 1992 please refer to Conference Archivist, PO Box 460, Mitchell SD 57301 Â 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995
Don J. Kingensmith Donald Goold Henry Vix Stuart A. Parvin Walter Erbele Millard Aubey, Jr. Robert Strutz Reuben A. Tanquist H. Jack Berg Walter Elmer E. Walter Erdmann Grant Carlson Stanley Caine
1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001
Richard Moberly Robert Wegner Otto Lehner Randy Atherton Carolyn Hansum Oliver Brekke H. Howard Miller Jerry Wickre Richard Teichmann John V. Leach Gideon Eberhart Charles Horner Peder Ackerman Charles Levi Louderback Wesley Hunter Willis E. Walker Walter Larson Ardell Aleson Edward Parker Darrel Leach Darald Church Frank Traver Henry Hottman Harvey Sander Clarence Ketterling Willliam Fillingim Arthur Brooks Francis Tannehill Charles McDowell Earl Lewis Kenneth Eastin Gerald Hill
11/7/92 11/25/92 4/13/93 5/4/93 6/2/93 8/4/93 10/28/93 11/14/93 7/2/94 8/20/94 10/18/94 3/2/95 5/22/95 10/5/95 12/21/95 1/12/96 2/11/96 4/7/96 4/30/96 6/28/96 11/26/96 1/4/97 5/19/97 9/24/97 6/1/98 6/6/98 6/20/98 9/20/98 11/22/98 2/24/99 3/7/99 7/13/99 7/25/99 10/25/99 11/12/99 4/17/2000 7/18/2000 7/21/2000 8/12/2000 9/25/2000 9/30/2000 11/7/2000 12/16/2000 1/10/01 2/18/01
2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003
Clarence Palmer Cecil Miller Glenn Hammerlee Kenneth Farr Clifford Nielsen Lyle Miller Elmer Sprunk Otto Gehring Robert Olson William Meile Arthur Wesley, Jr. Ralph Cushing Ervin Rudolph
5/16/01 6/5/01 6/6/01 11/13/01 12/10/01 5/24/02 7/1/02 9/1/02 10/9/02 4/8/03 4/21/03 8/20/03 5/1/03
2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010Â 2010 2011 2011
David Workman C. Emory Anderson Harry Williams W. Russell Harris Robert H. Wagner Robert Collitt Charles Hunt Royal Marty Ralph F. Dunn Ronald H. Hartung Roger Thomas J. Carleton Green Christopher Miller Jacqueline Moon Kenneth Moreland Donald Geiman Elon Keeler Richard Stokey Clayton Berry Norman Pearson Vernon Morrison Joseph Dudley Kenneth Voas Samuel Graf Donald Rahn Ann Weisenfluh Norman Neumann Irvin Hultin Kenneth Hairgrove Marv Miller James Vos Henry Goldsack
8/3/03 11/28/03 10/28/03 2/4/04 6/30/04 8/11/04 10/8/04 2/17/05 3/20/05 8/19/05 10/19/05 10/23/05 6/22/06 8/14/06 8/14/06 12/29/06 12/25/06 4/16/07 2/28/08 4/2/08 10/10/08 11/8/08 3/25/09 4/12/09 8/18/09 10/23/09 7/15/10 7/15/10 7/24/10 12/13/10 2/12/11 8/28/11
2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013
Bob Vessey Jim Cissell Norm Shawchuck Ben Zimmerman Paul Custer Grant Piehl Orland Sloat Dwayne F. Knight Edward Ehresman Wayne Rager Stanley Johnson
2/20/12 3/19/12 5/20/12 8/24/12 9/8/12 9/29/12 1/5/13 4/14/13 6/5/13+ 6/7/13+ 6/15/13+
DIACONAL MINISTERS 1994 Virginia Storm Peasley 2008 Judy Kerr DEACONESS 1999 Alice Nearhood MISSONARIES 1992 Jessie Ames Pfaff 2002 Ethelyn Jacoway
12/30/94 3/20/08
9/6/92 11/6/02
+Memorial in next year’s journal
Roll of the Dead – Clergy Spouses Prior to listed dates, please refer to Conference Archivist, 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1998 1998
P.O. Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301
Nona (Emmanuel) Hansen 4/26/92 Florence (Robert) Bates 7/3/92 Nette (Theodore)Torgerson 8/23/92 Elsie (Richard) Rowe 10/21/92 Margaret (Roy) Long 2/20/93 Carol (Wesley) Hart 4/15/93 Effie Mae (J. Wendell) Walton 9/21/93 Rose (Ira) Herzberg 10/7/93 Anna L. (John) Madison 11/20/93 Blanche (Lewis) Dickinson 1/4/94 Lota (Christopher) Miller 2/6/94 Esther (Rudolph) Rieker 3/1/94 Rhea (Marion) Smith 3/7/94 Rosaline (Charles) Carter 3/23/94 Ester (Reuben A.) Tanquist 5/7/94 Edna (John) Leach 8/31/94 Barbara (Ernest) Jensen 10/20/94 Delores (Joel) Harris 12/5/94 Elva (Sven Samuelson) Nickel 1/10/95 Elizabeth (William) Kugel 1/17/95 Lorine (John B.) Cecil 5/14/95 Sylva (Henry) Allison 9/2/95 Helen Eunice (Charles) McDowell 3/1/96 Joyce B. (R. Marcus) Walker 8/1/96 Bernice (A.W.) Gugin 9/26/96 Myrtle (John) Stuart 10/1/96 Sarah (Frank) Rumer 10/29/96 Edna (Stuart) Parvin 11/18/96 Jessie (Everett) Jarman 5/20/97 Lula (A.L.) Walker 10/9/97 Mable (Harold) Eastburn 3/15/98 Ethel (Harold) Wagar 7/28/98
1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005
Cora (Harold) Strutz 12/19/98 Esther (Thomas) Benoy 7/15/99 Nona (Alvin R.) Crandall 7/17/99 Martha (Ronald) Rice 10/3/99 Bert (Donna) Stewart 11/20/99 Bertha (Elmer) Sprunk 1/28/2000 Dorothy (Henry J.) Gernhardt 2/17/2000 Lucille (Thomas) Barnard 3/4/2000 E. Darlene (Charles) McVay 4/20/2000 Virginia (Robert) Collitt 11/15/2000 Helen (Leonard) Kruckenberg 11/18/2000 Anna (Norman) Pearson 12/17/2000 Marjorie (John) DeVries 2/22/01 Ruth (William) Arnold 3/5/01 Pauline (Stanley) Caine 8/7/01 Mildred (Edwin O) Hessel 9/7/01 Erma (Garnett H.) Moritz 1/3/02 Carol (Harvey) Sander 1/25/02 Cordelia (Donald) Goold 2/21/02 Myrtle L. (Charles) Richardson 2/3/02 Savilla (Vernon) Morrison 5/14/02 Bette (H Jack) Berg 11/11/02 Stephen (Gail) Shlanta 5/31/03 Lona (Glenn W) Phillips 10/17/03 Dorothy (Bee S.) Locher 11/7/03 Elaine (Vincent) Schneider 12/9/03 Betty H. (J Ralph) McNeil 2/6/04 Stella (John) Bushell 2/14/04 Florence (Sumner) Williams 10/26/04 Carolyn (Roland) Voegeli 10/30/04 Pat (Earl) Lewis 4/5/05 Margaret (John) McMullen 4/9/05
2005 Alice (Robert) Feind 2005 Gerald (Linda) Baldock 2006 Shirley (Kenneth) Farr 2006 Rubye (William) C. Ellis 2006 Wanda (John) Hisel 2006 Lokiel (Elon) Keeler 2007 Jane (Tom) Lavery 2007 Hazel (Ralph) Dunn 2007 Verna (Otto) Gehring 2007 Tess (“Al”) Aleson 2007 Ruth (Darald) Church 2007 Ruth (Walter) Erbele 2007 Eunice (Millard) Aubey 2008 Ida (Ben) Zimmerman 2008 Florence (Kenneth) Oswald 2008 Mary (Steve) Johnson 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010
Carolyn (William) Meile Esther (Sterling) Wenzel Cecelia (Francis) Tannehill Lillie (James) Torbert Jane (Clarence) Ketterling Ruth (Grant) Carlson Snow Alice (Ted) Dockter Ruth (Royal) Marty Jennie (Richard) Stokey Donna (Glenn) Hammerlee Maybelle (Wayne) McKirdy Donna (Darwin) Kopfmann Luella (Don) Barbalace
5/5/05 10/29/05 5/3/06 9/24/06 9/26/06 10/28/06 2/3/07 2/18/07 3/1/07 3/3/07 3/18/07 7/11/07 10/31/07 1/14/08 1/25/08 2/10/08 2/26/08 3/15/08 3/29/08 7/7/08 10/2/08 11/14/08 12/26/08 2/9/09 3/15/09 9/4/09 9/10/09 11/1/09 1/30/10
2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012
Jeanette (Emory) Anderson Melva (Clarence) Stanley Ida (John) Iszler Alice (William) Kaye Freda (Clarence) Schaeffer Nadia (Clayton) Berry Grace (Howard) Miller Leona “Betty” (Robert) Nielsen Arlue (Roger) Thomas Fern (Dwayne) Knight Pauline (Carleton) Green Anita (John) Gibson Shirley (Henry) Goldsack Nancy (Paul) Smith Lois (Peder) Ackerman Mabel (Edward) Ehresman
3/7/10 3/8/10 4/27/10 10/6/10 11/25/10 12/1/10 1/4/11 1/19/11 4/27/11 8/12/11 12/10/11 12/16/11 12/26/11 2/17/12 2/21/12 3/30/12
2012 Helen (Robert) Vessey 2012 Effie (Willis) Walker 2012 Viola (Walter) Elmer 2012 Helen (Henry) Vix 2012 Leila “Tibbie” (Harold) Fitch 2012 Naomi (D. James) Farnham 2013 Anne (Ron) Hartung 2013 Annie (Wayne) Tieszen 2013 Agnes (Ed) Parker +Memorial in next year’s journal SPOUSE OF LAY SUPPLY 2008 Otto “Pat” (Elaine) Scott
6/11/12 7/8/12 7/13/12 8/30/12 10/9/12 10/10/12 1/15/13 6/26/13+ 8/14/13+
X. Pastoral Records
CELEBRATION OF CALL AND FAITHFUL SERVICE OF RETIRING PASTORS Ordained Pastors Gary Lee Ball-Kilbourne For the first half of my life, serving as a pastor in North Dakota never entered my mind. For the first half of my life, I never stepped foot onto the North Dakota prairies and buttes until Debra and I were invited to meet with the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee of the Washburn and Center United Methodist Churches and the Riverdale Community Church. We fell in love with the people and the land, and this has been home ever since. I grew up in Washington, DC, and its Maryland suburbs; so I knew a lot more about urban settings than rural life. Debra taught me as she had grown up in southwestern Minnesota. So did the people of the churches I have served: Washburn, Center, Riverdale, Jamestown First, Fargo First, Jamestown St. Paul’s, Minot Vincent. My life has been changed for the better. My life has also been changed and shaped by several privileges beyond the immediate experiences of pastoral ministry including Ph.D. studies in ethics at Vanderbilt; Volunteers-in-Mission trips, especially ones to teach Vacation Bible School on the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana, and to teach new Christians how to teach the Bible to other new Christians in Lithuania; completing the Two-Year Academy of Spiritual Formation, and serving as retreat master and faculty member for Academies in the Dakotas and Northern Illinois Conferences; six years in charge of developing and producing, writing and editing adult curriculum resources for The United Methodist Publishing House; speaking and leading workshops throughout the USA and Canada on Christian education, strategic planning, leadership skills, spiritual formation, and ethics; and, reading every Book of Discipline coverto-cover since 1972. I look forward to a retirement of enjoying life with Debra, of becoming better acquainted with grandchildren, and of writing, teaching, and learning. To God belongs the glory
Gerald R. Bass Jerry Bass has spent his entire life as a teacher, but it has only been the past 12 years that all of his teaching has been focused on the Word of God. Earlier in life, Jerry served as an elementary teacher, principal, and school district superintendent. He spent time as a faculty member and administrator at Oklahoma State University and the University of North Dakota. Called by the Holy Spirit, and encouraged by Revs. James Persons, Roy Caudill, Carlton Green, and others, he left his faculty position in 2001 to join them as United Methodist clergy. Throughout his careers, Jerry has had the loving support and partnership in marriage of Gail, with whom they raised daughters, Jodi and Amanda. It has been a special opportunity for Jerry to serve his “home” church of Grand Forks Wesley for the past eight years. For all with which he has been blessed, he offers thanks and praise to God!
Steven Claire Johnson I didn’t think I’d be retiring this early, but here I am. Today I am so thankful for the ministry of Bishop James Armstrong, who set the stage for so many of us to receive our calling into ministry. Our family was blessed to meet so many wonderful parishioners and friends. I have very few plans for the future and I hope to find different avenues for ministry. May the Lord continue to richly bless all of us!
Thomas Edward Lavery At age 47 I graduated from United Theological Seminary in Dayton Ohio, became a Deacon in the West Ohio Conference of The UMC and was called to serve the Todd-Mellette Parish in South Dakota. I became an Elder and transferred to the Dakotas Conference. It was the beginning of a wondrous chapter in my life. An east coast city boy I found “the west” to be a strange and yet beautiful place. I never did understand why I wasn’t supposed to wear pearl snap shirts east of the Missouri river or how to fully pronounce “Ya sure – you betcha!” But I learned
how to love the people and the land and the weather (OK – maybe not the weather so much). During some tougher times I learned how to allow my people, my congregations, to love me in return. I served two Parishes: The first at Todd-Mellette in South Dakota in White River and Mission S.D, and the second in Bottineau N.D. at The United Parish, a federated church of UMC and Presbyterians working together. In the Dakotas I learned from two particularly skilled and sincere bishops whom I continue to admire. I have been serving as a missionary to the Methodists in New Jersey for 5 years, living 2 blocks from the beach and enjoying those wonders. God has thus far given me an intriguing path to walk and some of the best was when I walked in the Dakotas. I thank you all for your friendship and your love. And a special thanks to Pete and Grace Moe who imported me here from Ohio. As I retire and return to Ohio to live nearer my family. I wonder what God has next!
Susan K. O’Connell Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that I would be serving God as United Methodist minister; but (that’s my favorite word) I never thought I’d live in South Dakota being born and raised in Michigan. After retiring from the Air Force, my husband, Bill, went to work for the Rapid City Police Department and we planned to live the rest of our lives in Rapid City. I had been teaching for almost twenty years, fifteen at Canyon Lake Elementary. Bill and I were settled in our own home and our daughters were grown and embarking on their own adventures when WHAM! Rev. Gene Kroger handed me a letter inviting his friend, Sue, to attend a discovery weekend at North American Baptist Seminary in Sioux Falls. Little did I know when I had asked God to keep our family together while Bill was stationed at Travis AFB, California with the promise I would go anywhere; that God would ask me to do just that…selling our home, moving to Sioux Falls, attending seminary and embarking on an incredible journey, serving God in places I never would have known: Geddes, Gettysburg (where the battle wasn’t), Onida, Agar, Flandreau and Egan, with people who have blessed me, challenged me and helped me to be who I am today. Psalm 71:18 tells us, “So even to old age and gray hair, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to all generations to come.” Ironically, Bill and I will not be returning to Michigan or moving back to our beloved Rapid City. Instead, we have purchased a home in Rochester, Minnesota to be near our three youngest grandchildren while still close to our two other grandsons in Sioux Falls. Although I don’t know what God has planned for this next leg of the journey, I do know I will never retire from serving God.
Pastor Sunandkumar (Sunny) Samuel
2 Timothy 4:7-8—“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” I was born in Bidar, India in a Christian home. My great grandfather was the very first person to become a Christian in our village. A missionary from United States witnessed to my great grandfather who was a Hindu priest, and once he was converted he gave up his idols and dedicated his life to serving Christ. His children and grandchildren followed him into ministry and served God in converting many non-Christians to accept Christ as their personal savior.
I was educated in India and was a physical education teacher in Pune, India. I came to The United States in 1980 and attended North American Baptist Seminary to go into ministry to follow my great-grandfathers’ and grandfathers’ footsteps. In 1984, I completed my Masters of Divinity and started my ministry. From 1985-1988, I served Mellette, Mansfield and Brentford UCC churches; from 1988-1991, Arlington and Lake Preston; from 1991-1999, Colton and Chester; from 1999-2004, Salem and Montrose; from 2004-2010, Clear Lake and Gary; and from 2010 up until my retirement I have been serving Beresford-Zion United Methodist Church. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve God and the wonderful people that He brought into our lives. My wife, Leela, and I have fond memories of churches we served and are grateful to people that have touched and blessed our lives in so many different ways.
Gerald Alvin Stolp I am very grateful for the time in ministry with the wonderful people of the churches and communities we were fortunate to serve. It was fun, rewarding and energizing to watch the Spirit of God work in the people’s lives through the ministries of the churches. Many wonderful and life-long friendships have been established. We have been blessed by the power of God in the lives of the people where we served. I am also thankful for the years of ministry with all the active and retired pastors who inspired and helped me in my
ministry over the years. I am also extremely grateful for the love and support of my family; my wife, Carolyn; my daughter, Robin, and her husband, Ryan, and their four children; my son, Jamie, and his wife, Carrie, and their two children; and, my son, Matthew, and his son, Matthew. We are looking forward to spending time with our family in the coming years, including watching our grandchildren in all their activities.
Albartus Lee “Bert” VanEssen
Peggy Ann Zerface I was born in Valley City, North Dakota, to parents who were farmers. I grew up with four brothers. My family consists of my mom, the brothers, four sisters-in-law, 9 nieces and nephews and 7 great nieces and nephews. My father passed away this past March. My grade school education occurred in Page, a country school, Pillsbury and Hope, ND. I graduated from Valley City State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in elementary education. I taught in Glen Ullin and Grafton, ND for a total of seven years. During the summer of 1979, I was introduced to the Dakotas Camping Program, serving as counselor and chief cook and bottle washer for several years. I attended seminary at St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, MO, from 1984-1988. I served congregations in: Marion and Dickey, ND; McCabe, Bismarck, ND; Clear Lake and Gary, SD; three point charge, Drayton, St. Thomas, Crystal, ND; Faith UMC, Fargo, ND; three point chanre, Enderlin UMC, Lisbon UMC and Lisbon ND, Presbyterian. I am presently serving on the staff of Fargo-First UMC. Each of my appointments presented joys and challenges and we walked together for the betterment of God’s kingdom on earth. I credit the Dakotas Camping program for providing a “place apart” to explore my gifts and graces for ministry. I give thanks to the many pastors, staff, campers and lay folks who encouraged me along this journey.
Local Pastor Fern Bailey God called me into pastoral ministry as I turned sixty years of age. My first reaction was, “What! Do you know how old I am?” It took a lot of prayer time in discerning that, yes, the call was genuine, and, no, you won’t go it alone. It truly has been a privilege to serve God in this capacity these past eight years. Having Bethany and Fairmount UMCs as my first and only churches has been a great blessing. Some of the highlights while serving there are ministries of Free Store, Hispanic, and Food Backpack as well as the Youth Mission Trips to Appalachia, the Gulf Region, etc. My husband, Harris, and I have always been active in some sort of ministry from the time of college to the present. We›ve enjoyed our UMC families in Grand Forks, Bloomington MN, Wahpeton and Fairmount/Bethany. It was sad to see Bethany close but it was the right move at the right time. It is now the right move at the right time for me to retire. Spending time with grandchildren and doing other ministries will continue to keep us active. We have wonderful children (Janet, Brenda, Angie & Damian) who have all invested time as counselors in the UMC camping program. Brenda is now investing additional time as a UMC clergy spouse (Paul Lint). Being faithful to our church membership vows is and always has been important to us, but most important is being faithful to our Savior Jesus Christ.
New Pastors
Ordained L to R: Gwen Mader, Thom Bowsher, Amy Atkins, Bishop Ough, Mark Britton, Sara Nelson, Mark Gronseth.
Commissioned L to R: Clay Lundberg, Bishop Ough, Robbie Salmonson, Peggy Stempson
Notes about the Service Records Abbreviations AF- Affiliate member; AM- Associate Member; DM- Diaconal Minister (1992 or earlier Discipline); EP- Elder/Full From Other Denomination Serving UM Probation; FD- Deacon in full connection; FE- Elder in Full Connection; FL- Full-Time Local Pastor; FM- Full member; LM- Certified Lay Minister; LP- Other Local Pastor; LTFT- Less Than Full Time; OA– associate member of another conference; OD- Deacon member of another conference; OE– Elder member of another conference; OF– Full member of other denomination; PD– Provisional Deacon; PE- Provisional Elder; PL- Part Time Local Pastor; PM– Provisional Member; SP- Student Local Pastor RA- Retired Associate; RL- Retired Local Pastor; RM- Retired Full Member; RP- Retired Probationary Member; SYSupply Pastor. Pension Records are Official. The following records are for informational purpose. The “official” record is held by the Board of Pensions. If you are concerned about Pension credit, contact Pensions. Submit Changes in writing! We try to keep up with changes, but your help is necessary! Please let the Dakotas Conference Office or Conference Secretary know about changes in your record, corrections from past years, changes in your family situation, etc. Please do so in writing (email counts). Family Information with Record. The names and birthdays of pastor’s families are included at the end of the service record along with any educational information provided. This information must come from you! Picture Perfect. We prefer pictures on disc and recommend all pastors have their picture taken at Annual Conference on the years we have a professional. A professionally done picture can be used, but disc is best. Dakotas Conference We generally put in the information about your service within the Dakotas Conference and not details about service elsewhere.
Appointed Clergy ADAMS, BRUCE J. FE 2/22/61 Deacon & PM 87; Elder & FM89. Appts: 81-82 Summer youth intern Fairfield Iowa, First Baptist Churh; 83-84 Starweather-Hampden; 86 Ellis-Brotherfiled; 87 Kulm‑Jud; 92 Edgeley Kulm; 01 Faulton/Seneca; 06 Lead-Deadwood Trinity; 12 Mandan. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv North American Baptist. Cathy 2/2/60; Calli 10/28/87, Amy 8/27/96. ADEL, JEFF FE 12/22/58 Commissioned and FE 2009. Appt. 08 McCook Lake; 2011 Gettysburg/Onida/Agar.
ALESON, DARREL RE 4/20/47 Deacon & PM 72; Elder & FM 75. Appts: 72 School; 74 Holmes/Pleasant View/Thompson; 77 Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, Kan.; 78 Cando‑Churches Ferry; 81 Williston/Grenora/Bainville; 84 Transfer to Yellowstone Conf.; 84 Whitefish; 88 Transfer to ND Conf.; 88 St. Alexius Medical Center, Bismarck; 92, St. Alexius Medical Center and Driscoll; 2011 Retired. 08: Underwood (LTFT) 69 BA Westmar; 71 BS North Dakota; 74 MDiv Iliff. 6 qts CPE Deborah 11/6/48; Wendy 11/4/74, Joshua 8/15/79. ALESON, DENNIS E. RE 4/20/47 Deacon & PM 73; Elder & FM 76. Appts: 73 School; 75 Hettinger‑Bethany; 77 Chaplain, USAF; 9/1/03 Retired from USAF; 04 Leave of Absence; 09 Retired. BA Westmar; MDiv Iliff.; CAPS Pacific School of Religion. ALLEN, JOEL FE 12/29/61. 02 Commissioned. 05 FE. Appts: 13 DakotaWesleyan University. 13 transferred from Kentucky Confenence. 90 Crown College, St. Bonifacius, MN; 95 MDiv Asbury; PhD Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion. Kitty; Johanna, Emma. ANDERSON, JENNIFER PE 9/30/85 Commissioned and PM 12; Appts: 07 New Rockford/Kvernes ELCA; 12 North Caroline Conference (Para. 346.1) Durham (NC) Calvary. 08 BA Jamestown; 11 MDiv Duke. Blair 7/13/85. ANDERSON, JOHN FE 11/10/65. Commissioned 2005; Elder and FM 08. Appts: 05 Lisbon; 10 LOA; 11 Extension, First Presbyterian, Moorhead, MN; 12 Leave of Absence; 13 Fargo Faith (4/1/13). BA NDSU, MDiv United, New Brighton, MN. Lorraine Lubka 2/24/66, Emily 5/8/89,Brian 3/4/93, Martha 10/19/99 ANDERSON, PEDER O FE 11/25/51 Deacon & PM 79; Elder & FM 81. Appts: 78 School; 79 Grace City/Sutton; 83 Tuttle/Robinson; 86 Hettinger/Bethany; 8/1/88 Kindred/Kindred Zion; 91 Sabbatical Leave; 92 Leave of Absence (JuneDecember); 12/92 Antelope (1/4 time); 3/1/01 Fargo Calvary (1/2)/Antelope (1/4); 7/1/01 Fargo Calvary (1/2); 1/1/2002 Fargo Calvary (3/4).; 1/1/06 Fargo Calvary; 10 Washburn/Center/Turtle Lake. 75 BS North Dakota; 79 MDiv Asbury. Bonnie 7/4/53; Luke 3/9/87, Nathaniel 12/17/91. ANDREWS, DAVID RE 6/3/44 Deacon & PM 69; Elder & FM 73. Appts: 69 School; 71 Transfer to SD; 71 Draper/Murdo; 10/73 Murdo/Draper/Vivian. 76 Arlington/Lake Preston; 79, Transfer to ND; 79 Hazen/Riverdale Community; 81 Hazen; 86 Fargo Edgewood, 96 Oakes/Cogswell; 03 Miller/Greenleaf; 08: Retired. 8/1/10 Wahpeton UMC Interim 3/4 time.; 1/1/13 Lisbon 3/4 time. BA North Dakota; MDiv Asbury. Dorothy 6/4/45; Alicia 5/21/70, Jessica 5/3/73, David 1/1/79. ANDREWS, DONALD RE 6/3/44 Deacon & PM 68; Elder & FM 70. Appts: 68 School; 70 Hillsboro; 79 Bismarck McCabe; 86 School; 10/87 St. James Community Hospital, Butte, MT; 10/88 Trinity Medical Center, Minot; 03 Rugby Emanuel United UMC/PCUSA (LTFT); 07 Retired. BS Minot State; MDiv St. Paul’s. Carolyn 4/27/45; Christa 11/3/68, Darin 3/21/72. ARCHER, ROYAL FE 10/7/53 Elder (orders recognized) & PM 96. FM 00. Appts: July 95 Geddes/Delmont, 2000 Aberdeen North Highland; 05 Gregory/Iona. 75 BA Mid-American Nazarene; 98 Mdiv NABS. Sharleen 2/24/51; Royal 9/23/79, Amber 11/9/81. ARNOLD, GAIL RE 10/15/46 Deacon & PM 91; Elder & FM 93. Appts: 91 New Rockford/Grace City, 96 DeSmet/DeSmet UCC; 03 Belle Fourche; 2011 Retired; 2011 Camp Crook/Buffalo UCC (1/4 time). BS University of LaVerne; MDiv St. Paul. Clara 9/5/48; Christopher 10/22/70, Jennifer 12/11/72, Rebecca 9/7/74, Sarah 3/12/84.
ATKINS, AMY FE 09/29/82 Commissioned PE 2010.; FE 2013. Appts: 2010 Plankinton/White Lake; 12 Milbank Parkview/Big Stone City/Ortonville, MN. 2005 BA Dakota Wesleyan; 2010 MDiv Garrett-Evangelical.
AVERY, MARTIN PL 10/20/67 PL Appts: 12 Wessington Springs. BS U of SD. Jessica 12/28/81; Addison 5/30/93; Evin 9/9/97.
BADER, DANIEL P. FE 7/10/60 Local Pastor License 1994; Deacon & PM 2000; Elder & FM 2002. Appts: 94 White Lake/ Underwood; 97 West Ohio Conference; 2000 Huron Riverview/Virgil; 04 Valley City; 12 Pierre 1st. 82 Dakota Wesleyan. 2000 MDiv Methodist Theological School in Ohio. Monica 9/29/61; Matthew 10/28/94, Nathaniel 2/1/98.
BAIRD, HOWARD FE 12/04/72 Commissioned PM 03; Elder & FM 06. Appts: 03 Mitchell; 10/1/04 DeSmet, 08 Piedmont; 13 Grand Forks Wesley. BA Concordia; MDiv Iliff. Megan 1/8/75; Eliese 6/10/04; Grace 4/13/09; Myles 7/12/11. BAKER, RAYMOND L. FE 7/26/60 Deacon and PM 87; Elder & FM90. Appts: 87 School; 88 Casselton/Leonard; 92 Arthur/Casselton/Hunter; 95 Watertown First; 96 Director of Camping and Youth Ministries; 04 NW District Superintendent; 10 Bismarck McCabe: 13 Minot Vincent. BS University of North Dakota; MDiv St. Paul. Sarah 8/12/62; Michael 4/6/91, Steven 6/13/93. BALDOCK, LINDA FE 7/6/51 License 93 (Iowa). Deacon & PM 96. Elder & FM 99. Appts: 96 School; 97 Pembina/ Joliette/Humboldt; 06 Milnor/Wyndmere/Sheldon; 08 Rapid Valley Knollwood Heights; 10 White River/Mission. 73 BA Moorhead State; 97 MDiv St. Paul. Jerry Bottger 7/24/45 BALLARD, KENNETH FL 01/19/56 FL 99. Transfer to Dakotas 06. Appts: 8/15/06 Edgeley/Kulm, 08 Edgeley/Kulm and Nortonville; 12 Sundance, Wyo. 82 Colorado School of Trades; 2005 Course of Study St Paul School of Theology. Joyce 6/19/56; Christine 8/30/86, Robert 4/10/91 BALL‑KILBOURNE, DEBRA G. FE 4/6/51 Deacon & PM 7 6 (Iowa Conf.); Elder & FM 79 (Baltimore Conf.). Appts: 83 Transfer to ND Conf.; 83 Washburn‑Center‑Riverdale Community; 85 Western District Superintendent; 87 Jamestown First; 91 Maternity Leave 2/ 92 426.1 Tennessee Conference; 97 West Fargo 00 Director of Mission Engagement; 03 Northeast District Superintendent; 09 Bishop’s Assistant for Disaster Relief; 10 Minot Faith/Des Lacs. 72 BA Buena Vista; 76 MCE Garrett-Evangelical; 78 MDiv Garrett-Evangelical. Gary 2/14/53; Matthew 12/1/84, Zachary 4/25/91. BALL‑KILBOURNE, GARY L. RE 2/14/53 Deacon & PM 76 (Baltimore Conf.); Elder & FM 79 (BC). Appts: 76 School; 78 Harpers Ferry (WV) Parish; 80 School; 83 Transfer to North Dakota Conf.; 83 Washburn/Center/Riverdale Community; 85 Center; 87 Jamestown First; 91 General Board of Discipleship; 97 Fargo First; 04 Jamestown St. Paul’s; 10 Minot Vincent.; 13 Retired. 74 BA McDaniel; 78 MDiv Garrett-Evangelical; 83 MA Vanderbilt; 88 PhD Vanderbilt. Debra 4/6/51; Matthew 12/1/84, Zachary 4/25/91. BANWART, JUDY FE 5/05/44; Commissioned and PM 06. Elder and FM 09. Appts: 04 Hettinger; 12 Langdon. 67 BA Univ of Iowa; 2004 MDiv Garrett-Evangelical. Tamara 3/14/72, Edward 7/15/78. BARTEL, ANDREW FE 10/8/73 Licensed 06; Commissioned and PM 09. Elder and FM 12. Appts: 8/15/06 Wakonda/ Irene/Viborg; 09 Mitchell First; 9/20/10 Extension Ministry (Wesley Acres Camp Director); 12 Milbank Central. 99 BS University of Alaska-Anchorage. 09 M.Div. Sioux Falls Seminary. Kate 10/4/79; James 6/29/05, Angus 8/29/07 BASS, GERALD RE 11/9/47 Licensed 01. Commissioned & PM 2004; Ordained Elder and FM 2007. Appts: 9/15/01 Grand Forks Wesley; 03 West Fargo; 05 Grand Forks Wesley; 13 Retired; 7/1/13 (Para. 346.1 MN Conference LTFT). 69 B.S. Ed. 70 M.ED. U of ND; 80 ED.D U of ND; 04 MDiv NABS. Gail 1/4/49; Jodi 12/16/74, Amanda 3/10/82. BATES, WILLIAM L., JR. RE 2/7/47 Deacon & PM 70; Elder & FM 74. Appts: 70 School; 73 Fairmount/Bethany/Rosholt; 76 Grand Forks Zion; 86 Eastern District Superintendent; 91 Fargo First; 00 Minot Vincent; 05 Sioux Falls First; 12 Retired; 11/1/12 Ben Claire LTFT. BA North Dakota; MDiv Garrett; 2011 D.Div DWU Zachary 9/27/76, Bethany 5/14/80.
BAUM, DEREK PL 5/11/82 SP 1/1/10. PL 1/1/12. Appts: 1/1/10 Huron (3/4 time). Lindsy 11/27/83; Zane 7/28/05, Josiah 3/11/08. BEHRENS, STEVE E. FE 11/9/50 Licensed to Preach, MN 91, Deacon & PM 94, Elder & FM 97. Appts: 93 Elkton-Elkton UCC, DS appointment; 94 United Parish of Elkton; 97 Parker/Hurley; 06 Hazen/Beulah; 13 Steele / Tuttle/ Robinson. BS Northern State; MDiv North American Baptist. Hazel 11/10/53; Hulbert 12/28/77, Carl 1/16/80, George 1/20/82, Leazah 9/27/84, Wanda 10/7/87, S. Victor 6/26/90. BEHRENS, HAZEL FE 11/10/53 Commissioned 2007. Elder & FM 2010. Appts: 99 Brothersfield; 00 Wakonda/Irene/ Viborg/Brothersfield; 04 no appointment; 05 Brothersfield; 06 Elgin (Bethesda) Zoar, Ebenezer UCC; 09 Elgin (Bethesda), Ebenezer UCC; 13 Streeter/Medina /Tappen. Steve 11/9/50; Hulbert 12/28/77, Carl 1/16/80, George 1/20/82, Leazah 9/27/84, Wanda 10/7/87, S. Victor 6/26/90. BERGH, JOHN FL 01/01/51 FL Appts: 8/4/06 Kindred Calvary/Zion (PL); 1/1/07 Kindred Calvary/Zion (FL). Sharon 12/5/46; Lisa 11/21/74, Lindsey 1/7/81, Monique 12/7/87, Brandy 8/8/89. BERKENPAS, DARLIS A. RE 10/31/49 Deacon & PM 84; Elder & FM 87. Appts: 84 School; 85 Yankton/Gayville/Volin Associate; 89 Huron Riverview-Virgil; 95 Sioux Falls Asbury. 07 Spearfish; 7/1/11 Sabbatical; 11/1/11 Retired. 71 BA Morningside College; 85 MDiv Vanderbilt. Boyd Bristow 4/11/49. BERNARD, MARY ANN FE 3/15/57 Deacon & PM 80; Elder & FM 84. Appts: 80 School; 82 Elgin-Zoar-Ebenezer (UCC); 12/83 Minot Vincent; 85 Transfer to Iowa Conference; 91 Transfer to ND Conference; 91 Center for Vision and Policy, Univ. of New England; 92 Ellendale United-Guelph, 96 Westminster Presbyterian Sioux Falls; 98 Honorable Location. BS North Dakota; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical. BIRKELAND, DAVID FL 4/9/55 Licensed 96. AM 2002. Appts: 96 Rock Lake/Rolla/Clyde, 2000 Bowbells/Donnybrook/ Kenmare. 08 Devils Lake, 13 Hazen /Beulah. 74/75 AA Williston; BS UND; 95-96Briercrest; 2001 St. Paul’s COSS. Cheryl 1/15/57; Jacob 4/2/83, Andy 1/5/85. BLAIR, NEIL FE Orders Recognized 2009. FM 2011. Appts: 2011 Extension Ministry, Foundation for Evangelism; 12 Transition Leave; 2/1/13 Extension Ministry GBHEM Excectuive Director of Institutional Advancement. David 4/2/82, Ben 3/15/84. BLUMER, BOYD ARDELL RE 5/15/31 Deacon & PM 51; Elder & FM 56. Appts: 56 Goodrich/Chaseley, ND; 60 Clear Lake EUB-Meth; 67 Clear Lake/Gary; 71 Aberdeen Faith; 76 Aberdeen Faith-Bath; 77 Sioux Falls First; 80 Hartford; 84 Sturgis; 8/1/89 Northern District Superintendent; 93 Central District Superintendent; 95 Mission-Tree of Life Ministry; 97 Retired. BA Westmar; MDiv Garrett; DMin McCormick. Evelyn 5/14/32; Craig 7/4/57, Bruce 8/23/58, Susan 11/13/63, Kurt 7/18/66. BOCKWOLDT, STANTON FE 7/24/71 Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 00. Appts: 96 School; 98 Drayton-Glasston; 01 Woonsocket; 02 Streeter/Tappan/Medina; 04 Wessington Springs; 08 Extension, Peace Lutheran, New Lenox, IL. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Candler. BORMAN, LAURA. FE 01/27/47 01 FL; Commissioned 03; Elder & FM 07. Appts: 01 Sioux Falls Wesley. M.Div North American Baptist Seminary. Darold 3/11/44; Eric 2/6/68, Amy 4/1/69, Travis 12/1/74. BOWSHER, THOMAS FE 5/29/67 PE Licensed 6/1/04. Commissioned and PM 09, FE 13. Appts: 6/1/04 Mohall/ Sherwood/Lansford; 09 Presho/Kennebec/Reliance; 1/1/10 Minot Vincent; 7/1/10 Steele/Tuttle/Robinson ; 13 West Fargo Flame of Faith. 99 BS Columbia Southern; MDiv. Sioux Falls Seminary. Deborah 12/10/67; Madison 6/17/94, Wesley 8/7/98, Carter 10/20/03, Braylen 3/19/08. BOYD, DICK WILLARD RE 6/16/48 Deacon & PM 76; Elder & FM 80. Appts: 76 School; 79 Conde-Andover; 3/1/82 Rapid City South Maple, 89 Milbank Central; 97 Jamestown First; 06 Sioux Falls First Associate; 12 Retired. 70 BA Dakota Wesleyan; 79 MDiv Asbury. Cheryl 12/26/47; Paula 12/23/74, Timothy 11/26/78.
BRANDT, MARTHA PL. 12/8/56. Appts. 08 Sioux Falls Asbury; 10 White/Aurora/Sterling (3/4 Time). COS St. Paul School of Theology. Ken 8/9/55. BRENNAN, MICHELLE FD 01/26/59 FD Commissioned 03; Deacon and FM 06. Appts: 03 Minot Vincent. 10/1/08 Jamestown First. BS Minot State Univ; Deacon Studies Garrett-Evangelical. Adam 3/5/86, Alison 11/7/87 BRINKMAN, ELMER FE 10/28/46 License 67; Deacon & PM 70; Elder & FM 73; Appts: 72 Leola/Frederick; 74 Watertown First; 77 Honorable Location; 81 Florence/Summit; 94 Honorable Location. 69 BA DWU; 72 MDiv Iliff Barbara 10/27/44; Donna 10/14/71, Paula 10/24/73. BRITT, JOHN FL 10/12/65 FL 8/1/2012. Appts: 12 Rapid City First. Kristin 12/31/63; Matt 5/23/93, Sam 4/30/96, Abby 2/6/98. BRITTON, MARK FE 10/14/60 Commissioned and PE 09, Elder and FM 13. Appts: 04 Velva; 05 Hitchcock/Broadland; 12 Williston. A.A.S Security Admin Community College of the Airforce, A.A.S. Personnel and Human Resource Management Community College the Air Force; B.S. General Studies Regent College, 2010 MDiv Asbury Joni; Amanda, Dennis, Stephanie, Joseph. BROCKWAY, ALLAN R. RE 3/23/32 PM 54 (North Arkansas Conf.); Deacon 56; Elder & FM 57. Appts: 53 Morrilton Ct. No. 2; 56 Bryan, Texas; 57 Transfer to Northwest Texas Conf.; 57 Wesley Foundation, West Texas State College; 60 Christian Faith‑and‑Life Community, Austin, Texas.; 61 School; 63 Board of Christian Social Concerns; 75 General Board of Church and Society; 77 transferred to the North Dakota Conference; 77 Editor, Engage/Social Action, 79 World Council of Churches; 89 Retired. BA Hendrix; BD Perkins; MA Chicago. BROSCHAT, LORI FE 9/29/63 FE Commissioned 03; Elder & FM 06. Appts: 97-99 Intern at Williston/Grenora/Bainville; 03 New Rockford/Grace City; 10/1/06 New Rockford/Grace City Kvernes ELCA; 07 Cavalier Trinity/Cavalier First; 13 Devils Lake. 90 AS Minot State; 99 BA UND; 03 MDiv Asbury. Ashley 9/27/85. BROWN, ROBERT CHARLES RE 3/30/25 Deacon 65; Elder & FM 68. Appts: 68 Gregory LP; 71 Hurley-Davis-Viborg; 73 Aberdeen First; 74 Claremont-Hecla; 80 National Division, Board of Global Ministries; 81 Dell Rapids-Colman; 86 PreshoKennebec-Reliance; 90 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Iliff. Melba 5/30/26; Glenn 9/23/52.
BRUCKLACKER, ALVIN P. RE 1/16/20 Elder (orders recognized) & PM 78; FM 80. Appts: 76 Philip; 78 Faith/Marcus UPC; 9/15/83 Wall/Wasta/Quinn; 85 Leave of Absence; 87 Honorable Location; 87-88 Tulare/Tulare UCC-St. John’s UCC; 2011 Retired. Lenore 7/3/29; Mark 6/11/56, John 5/17/57, Janis 8/19/60, Perry 8/22/62, Bruce 8/11/63. BUDD, PAUL E. FE 03/29/52 LP 80; Deacon & PM 84; Elder & FM 87. Appts: 80 Bowdle-Tolstoy; 82 School; 85 John Knox Village. BA Open Bible College; MDiv St. Paul. Kim Fitch Budd 8/30/56; Aaron 5/12/81. BURNS, JERI FE 2/25/51 Commissioned 03; Elder & FM 06. Appts: 03 Chaplain-Avera McKennan Hospital; 06 Chaplain Rapid City Regional Hospital; 09 Chaplain Avera Sacred Heart-Yankton; Dec. 09 - June 10 LOA; 10 Promise Regional Medical Center. CC: Canyon Lake; 13 Pierre Southeast. 74 BS Univ. of Omaha NE; 82 MBA Univ. of S.D. Vermillion; 2001 M.Div North American Baptist. Brett 2/10/83, Nielsen 2/16/84 BUSHELL, JOHN RD 8/3/35 Deacon 71 (Southern New Jersey Conf); PM 73 (SNJC); Elder & FM 7 7 (SNJC). Appts: 89 Transfer to ND Conf.; 89 Harvey/Martin/Chaseley; 2000 Retired. BA Rutgers; MDiv Eastern Baptist. CAPPEL, ROBERT PL 6/26/45 PL Licensed 11 Appts: 8/1/2011 Yankton (1/2 time). BS Univ of Nebraska. Carolyn 4/27/50; Angela 2/13/70, Aaron 3/23/73, Carrie 5/30/78; Meredith 9/2/82.
CASCINI, WILLIAM RE Deacon & PM 49; Elder & FM 51. Appts: 49 Gary; 50 Gary/Clear Lake; 51 School; 57 Nebraska Wesleyan; 89 Retired. BA Asbury College; THM/THD Iliff. Edythe 5/6/27; Brett 7/10/56, Wade 10/6/57, Janelle 6/9/62. CATALDO, CHET RE 7/6/55 License to Preach 90; PM 92; Elders Orders recognized by transfer from the General Assoc. of General Baptists, FM 94. Appts: 90 Wishek-Lehr; 93 Bowman; 99 Missionary to Lithuana (01-05 Superintendent); 10/1/05 Washburn/Center/Turtle Lake; 07 Greater New Jersey Conference; 09 Sabbatical Leave; 11 Retired. BA Friends Bible; MARS Central Baptist; ThD International Seminary; MDiv Equivalency 1992; PhD, University of Pretoria. Jodi 12/1/56; Jeremiah 12/25/76, Tobin 7/12/78, Natalya 4/5/94. CAUDILL, ROY B. FE 2/7/47 Deacon & PM 89; Elder & FM 92. Appts: 89 White Lake-Underwood and School; 90 White Lake Underwood; 92 Canistota United (UMC-PC); 98 Grand Forks Zion; 03 Sioux Falls Sunnycrest; 10 Glacial Lakes Superintendent. 84 BS Southern Ill.; 90 MDiv North Am. Baptist. Lazann 6/30/54; Shiloh 7/18/78, Shalaine 2/11/84. CHESNEY, KATHY PE 10/05/65 FL 08. PE 10. Appts: 08 Philip/Interior. 88 BME Olivet College; 96 MS SDSU; 13 MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary. COALTER, ARLYN FE 9/29/54 93 Olivet; Deacon & PM 94; Elder & FM 96. Appts: 94 Olivet; 95 Olivet-Tripp; 96 Aberdeen First; 97 Enderlin-Sheldon; 01 Hazen/Beulah; 03 Arthur/Casselton; 2/20/11 Jamestown St. Paul. BA Northwestern College; MDiv North American Baptist. Debra 5/24/57; Chris 1/3/81. COATES, J. EDWIN RE 4/16/37 Trial & Deacon 61; Elder & FM 66. Appts: 58 Student Supply Piedmont/Caputa; 61 Mission; 61 School; 61 Stockland, Ill; 66 Presho/Vivian; 71 Timber Lake; 72 Timber Lake (UMC-ALC)/Isabel UCC; 79 Winner, 88 Mitchell, 96 Redfield/Ashton; 05 Retired; 07 Custer-Fall River Parish; 09 Prairieview (Custer-Fall River churches merged). BS Eastern Illinois; BD Evangelical; 88 DD Dakota Wesleyan. Virginia 5/18/43; Gordon 10/20/66, Duane 1/4/70, Twyla 4/4/75. COATES, R. DUANE FE 1/4/70 Commissioned 05. Elder and FM 09. Appts: 7/1/05-6/30/06 School; 06 Brookings; 10 Wagner/Tyndall. 92 BS SDSU; 06 MDiv Garrett-Evangelical. CONRAD-SMART, ELIZABETH “BETH” RE 02/22/43 Deacon & PM 96. Elder & FM 99. Appts: 96 School/Brothersfield supply; 97 Mandan First/Mandan Good Shepherd/Mandan Rural; 99 Lisbon; 05 Milbank Parkview/Big Stone City; 10 Retired. BA University of Sioux Falls; MDiv North American Baptist. Timothy 7/19/43; Stephanie 9/19/62, Julie 9/29/63, Paul 6/17/65, Teresa 1/23/68, Nadine 10/27/71. CRAIG, RICHARD FL 11/23/56. FL. COS 2009. Appts: 03 Velva; 04 Linton/Moffit; 06 Linton/Sterling/Moffit. 08 Cando/ Rock Lake/Rolla. Cindy 4/23/59; Katie 12/2/86, Kyle 7/20/88, Kristen 1/11/90. CRANDALL, ALVIN R. RE 4/23/17 44 License to preach (Minnesota); 47 PM; 49 ordained; Elders orders recognized 64; FM 66 (West Wisconsin Conf.) Appts: 69 Transfer to ND Conf.; 69 Arthur/Hunter/Erie; 71 Transfer to SD Conf.; 71 Doland/Frankfurt; 74, Transfer to ND Conf.; 74 Drake/Goodrich; 76 Mott/Newburg UCC; 77 Cleveland/Woodworth/ Crystal Springs; 78 Cleveland/Woodworth; 80 Disability Leave; 82 Retired. AB Greenville; BD Asbury. CRIPPEN, DONALD C. RE 8/13/46 Deacon & PM 76 (Missouri East); Elder & FM 78. Appts: 76 Transfer to ND; 76 Marion/Dickey; 78 Minot North Hill‑Des Lacs; 80 Chaplain, U.S. Army; 7/16/00 Jamestown St. Paul’s. 04 Retired; 08 Returned to active service, 08 Huron First; 12 Retired. 73 BA Northwest Bible; 76 MDiv Midwestern Baptist; 89 MEd Van derbilt. Pauline 10/16/50; Tamara 12/14/70, Teri 9/11/72. CROSS, RANDOLPH M. FE 1/14/57 Deacon & PM 79; Elder & FM 83. Appts: 79 School; 81 West Fargo; 1/83 Fairmount‑Bethany‑Rosholt; 85 Grand Forks Wesley; 89 Fargo Faith ; 95 Rapid City First; 01 Director of Leadership Development; 05 Lower James District Superintendent/Director of Leadership Development and Connectional Ministries; 12/1/09 General Board of Higher Education and Ministry; 12/13/11 Transitional Leave; 12 Prairie Hills District Superintendent. BA North Dakota; MTh Perkins. Cheri 12/13/59; Aaron 9/22/86, Adam 12/12/88. CULVER, KERMIT LLOYD FE 9/13/55 Deacon & PM 79; Elder & FM 82. Appts: 79 School; 81 Stickney; 84 Rapid City First; 88 Dakota Wesleyan University, 96 Bismarck First; 10 Bismarck First is now Bismarck Legacy. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Asbury. Sue 12/7/56; Adam 10/11/80, Jordon 3/16/83.
DIEHL, DOUGLAS E. FE 7/29/53 Deacon & PM 76; Elder & FM 79. Appts: 76 School; 78 Bismarck First; 80 Transfer to SD; 3/80 Rapid City First; 9/83 Britton/Langford/Langford Presb.‑Pierpont Community; 91 Transfer to ND; 91 Grand Forks Zion; 98 Northwest District Superintendent; 01 Rapid City First; 13 medical leave. 75 BA University of Mary; 78 MDiv Asbury. Dawn 3/6/54; Dustin 5/29/80, Destri 1/30/83. DOCKTER, THEODORE F. RE 6/26/32 Deacon & PM 53; Elder & FM 58. Appts: 58 Stickney; 64 Leave of Absence; 67 Bismarck First; 69 Hebron/Taylor UCC; 77 Mott/Newburg UCC; 81 McClusky/Goodrich; 10/88 Edgeley; 92 Page/Hope/ Finley, 96 Retired. BA Westmar; MDiv Western Evangelical. Alice 9/9/30; Dwight 11/14/52, Ronald 12/17/54, Douglas 2/15/57, Timothy 10/18/63, Debora 10/6/67. DUEMIG, ROBERT FE PE 2/17/59 Commissioned 2006; Elder and FM 2011. Appts: 03 Murdo/Draper; 09 Eureka/ Ashley; 13 Belle Fourche. 94 BS Southern Illinois; 98 MBA City University; 08 Sioux Falls Sem Carolyn 8/1/48; Ray 10/26/66, Tully 7/23/69, Joe 3/21/84 Chris 5/30 84 EARL, JENENE FE 7/27/66 Licensed 04. Commissioned and PM 09. Elder and FM 12 Transfer from North Alabama 04 Appts: 04 Highmore/Harrold/Blunt; 2011 Sturgis 91 BS Lee College; 03 MDiv Asbury. Martin 10/4/54; Samuel 12/19/95; Rachel 6/2/98. EARL, MARTIN PE 10/4/54 PL 04; Commissioned and PE 2010. Transfer from N Alabama 04 Appts: 03 Highmore/ Harrold/Blunt; 11 Belle Fourche; Personal Leave.78 B.S. Univ. of Missouri; 03 MDiv Asbury. Jenene 7/27/66; Samuel 12/19/95; Rachel 6/2/98. EBERHART, EMIL H. RE 11/28/42 License 62. Elder 68. Appts: 65 School; 66 Student Intern Bismarck First; 68 Intern at Elgin, IL State Hosp; 69 Tripp County; 72 Arlington-Lake Preston; 75 Sioux Falls Minister at Large, Asbury & Sunnycrest/ Ellis; 76 Dell Rapids/Garretson; 78 Chaplain, SD State Penitentiary; 11/15/80 Aberdeen Faith; 87 Brookings; 95 Sabbatical Leave; 96 Groton/Conde; 97 Groton/Conde/Andover; 99 Sioux Falls First; 02 McCook Lake; 03 Sioux Falls Hilltop; 05 Retired; 10/06—6/07 Canistota United; 4/08-6/08 NorthHighland (1/2 time) 7/08-9/08 Flandreau/Egan (1/2 time); 4/106/10 Hartford; 10/10-6/11 1st UMC Mitchell Assoc. (1/2 time).BA Westmar; MDiv Evangelical; DMin McCormick. Penny 8/31/41; Catherine 9/1/67, Paul 4/9/70, Timothy 11/21/72. EBERHART, PENELOPE V. RE 8/31/41 Deacon & PM 76; Elder & FM 78. Appts: 76 Dell Rapids/Garretson; 81 Bath/ Barnard UCC, (1/2 time); 82 North Aberdeen North Highland; 87 Brookings; 95 Central District Superintendent; 99 Sioux Falls First; 02 Sioux Falls Hilltop; 05 Retired. 4/08-6/08 North Highland (1/2 time)BA Westmar; MRE Evangelical; MDiv North American Baptist. Emil 11/28/42; Catherine 9/1/67, Paul 4/9/70, Timothy 11/21/72. EBERHART, REBECCA FE 7/18/72 Commissioned 03; Elder and FM 2007. Appts: 00 Mitchell First; 03 Tennessee Conference (Para. 337.1); 04 Extension, Programs for Theological Exploration of Vocation; 07 Vanderbilt Divinity School; 10 Garrett-Evangelical Seminary. 94 BA Centre College; 2000 MDiv Vanderbilt. Timothy 11/21/72, Henry 03/24/02, Frederick 09/19/03, Audrey 5/1/09. EBERHART, TIMOTHY FE 11/21/72 Commissioned 2000; Elder & FM 03. Appts. 96-97 Doland/Frankfort (FL); 00 DWU Campus Ministry; 03 School; 12 Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. 95 BA St. Olaf; 2000 MDiv Vanderbilt; 12 PhD Vanderbilt. Rebecca 7/18/72, Henry 3/24/02, Frederick 9/19/03, Audrey 5/1/09 EHRMANTRAUT, MARK PE 11/26/66 FL 08; Commissioned and PM 12 Appts. 08 Aberdeen North Highland: 13 Beresford. 89 B.S. NDSU. 90 M.S.Miami University (Ohio). 92 Ed.S Miami University (Ohio). Brenda 5/29/67; Marin 7/19/00, Berk 2/16/97 EICHINGER, CONNIE K. PL 6/3/54 PL 12. Appt: 11/1/12 Faith/ Marcus Presbyterian (1/4 time). James 6/7/39; Matt 4/28/75, Eric 12/ 30/78. EIDEM, DEANN HARDY FE 11/ 15/69 Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 00. Appts: 96 Scotland/Tyndall; 98 Wagner/ Tyndall; 01 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 03 Family Leave; 12 Rapid City Canyon Lake (1/2 time). BA Augustana; MDiv St. Paul. Eric 1/11/70; Calla 8/20/03, Ben. ELDRIDGE, MARVIN RA 9/13/32 License to Preach 88; Deacon & AM 93. Appts: 86 Tuttle/Robinson; 92 Mohall/ Sherwood/Lansford; 98 Retired; 98 Edgemont United/Pringle. BA Trinity Bible College; CSS Garrett Evangelical. Betty Jo 5/7/32; Marvia 2/26/51, Marvin 8/4/53, Ronda 2/17/59, Jean 2/12/62.
ELLINGSON, MARK S FE. 4/2/56 Deacon & PM 81; Elder & FM 86. Appts: 81 School; 82 Bowbells/Coteau/Kenmare/ Donnybrook; 84 Holmes/Thompson; 2008 Holmes; 9/7/10 Extension Ministry-Hospice of the Red River Valley 3/4/ Holmes 1/4; 7/1/11 Extension Ministry-Hospice of the Red River Valley; 1/3/12 Altru Health Systems. BS Moorhead State; MDiv Asbury. Betty 12/8/54; Sarah Burger 7/16/79, Jason 7/3/82, Steven 2/22/85, Katie 1/23/90, David 12/20/91. ELMER, DONALD RE 7/7/41 Deaon & PM 63; Elder & FM 70. Appts: 63 School; 67 Peace Corps; 69 School; 70 Northwest Community Organization, Chicago; 75 Metropolitan Area Housing Alliance, Chicago; 77 Washington Innercity Self-Help, DC; 81 Metro Organizations for People, Denver; 85 United Campus Ministries, Denver; 87 Center for Community Change, San Francisco; 99 Leave of Absence; 00 Center for Community Change, San Francisco, Seattle; 08 Retired. BA Westmar; MDiv Garrett‑Evangelical. EMERY, DALE R. RE 12/2/36 Licensed 60; Deacon & PM Kansas East 72; Elder & FM 76. Appts: 72 Berryton; 75 Pittsburg First; 77 Marshall County Larger Parish; 87 Drayton/Bowesmon/Glasston, DS appointment; 90 Ashley-Forbes, DS appointment; 93 Transferred to ND Conf.; 93 Ashley/Forbes; 94 Hartford; 96 Webster/Bristol/Butler; 01 Edgeley/Kulm. 2004 Retired; 06 Enderlin, 08 New Rockford/Kvernes ELCA; 12 Hillsboro United UMC/UCC. BS Southeast Missouri State; MDiv St. Paul. Helen 5/12/37; Robin 1/24/57, Joe 3/21/59, John 6/5/60, Trent 12/30/66, Heidi 3/26/66. ERICKSON, JOHN (Jack) T. RE 11/25/42 Trial & Deacon 66; Elder & FM 69. Appts: 66 School; 69 Gayville/Volin/Irene/ Wakonda; 72 Sioux Falls First; 73 Milbank Parkview/Corona; 79 Deadwood; 85 Groton/Columbia UCC; 88 Murdo/ Draper; 91 Britton/Langford/Langford PC-Pierpont Community; 95 Fargo Faith; 00 Milnor/Wyndmere/Lidgerwood; 05 Milnor/Wyndmere/Sheldon. 06 Retired; 08 Aberdeen Faith (LTFT). BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Methodist Theolological School in Ohio. Kathy 1/16/44; John 12/16/62, Cheri 11/29/63, Douglas 11/11/68, Janna 7/31/72. EVANS, CARL RE 3/30/37 Local Deacon (Rocky Mt. Conf.) 63; Deacon & PM 65; Elder & FM 67. Appts. 65 Huron; 67 Murdo/Draper; 12/1/71 DeSmet Parish; 75 Alexandria/Fulton; 78 Onida/Agar; 80 Methodist Hospital, Des Moines (Sp. Appt.); 81 LOA; 86 Honorable Location; 1999 Retired. EWERS, DUANE A. RE 1/29/35 PM 61; Deacon 62; Elder & FM 6 5. Appts: 59 Velva/Benedict; 61 School; 61 Deselm/ Ritchie, Ill.; 65 Bottineau/Gardena/Russell; 71 Minot Vincent; 76 Fargo First; 80 Area Program Staff; 83 Bismarck First; 11/83 General Board of Discipleship; 1998 General Board of Higher Education; 2000 Retired. BA Minot State; MDiv Garrett; DMin Claremont. Judy Smith 8/11/44; Timothy 4/21/60, Jon 6/30/61, Brian 4/3/64, Beth 7/17/74. FADLEY, CHERYL L. “SHERI” FE. 2/26/62 Commissioned and PM 08. Elder & FM 2011. Appts: 08 Wall/Wasta; 2011 HolmesUMC/Sharon Trinity ELCA/Beaver Creek ELCA. 83 BA Univ. of New Hamphire, 92 MA Univ of Northern Mich.; 08 MDiv Asbury Theo Seminary. Dale 12/15/60; Andrew 8/21/89; Alicia 8/13/92 FIKE, GERALD RE 12/26/35; On trial 62; Deacon & PM 63; Elder and FM 66. Appts. 61 Rock Lake/Hnsboro/Clyde; 62 School; 65 Grace City/Juanita/Sutton; 67 Dryton/Bowmont; 73 McClusky/Turtle Lake; 78 Turtle Lake/Underwood; 83 Bismarck Calvary; 87 Elgin/Zoar; 92 Cavalier Trinity/Cavalier First/Neche. 98 Retired. BA Cascade College; BD Asbury Theological Seminary. Phyllis 2/36; Bruce 4/11/60, Brent 4/10/62, Beth 6/26/67, Becky 1/25/66. FINNEY, CHARLES L. RE 10/21/29 Deacon & PM 56; Elder & FM 60. Appts: 55 Approved Supply Frankfort/Ashton; 56 Mobridge/ Seneca; 57 Cresbard/DeVoe/Scatterwood; 60 Buffalo Gap/Fairburn/Pringle; 63 Hurley/Davis/Viborg; 65 Britton/Langford/Langford Presbyterian; 69 Hitchcock/Broadland/LaDell; 71 Burke Larger Parish; 74 White Lake/ Underwood (Dunlap); 78 Colman/Chester; 81 Mobridge/Grace Congregational UCC; 91 Faith/Marcus Presbyterian; 94 Retired. BA Asbury; Course of Study. Darlene 6/14/29; Cheryl 11/26/55, Richard 8/30/58, James 10/14/65. FISHER, RICHARD W. RE 5/25/39 Deacon & PM 62; Elder & FM 64. Appts: 64 Parker; 12/67 Arlington/Lake Preston; 72 Sioux Falls Asbury; 9/15/80 Western District Superintendent.; 86 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 9/1/89 Conference Council Director; 99 Director of Leadership Development; 01 Retired. BA Hamline; MDiv Drew; DD Dakota Welseyan. Donna 12/16/40; John 9/10/65, Robert 11/1/68. FITCH, HAROLD E. RE 7/25/21 Deacon & PM 62; Elder & FM 64. Appts: 58 Approved Supply Rocky Mtn Conf; 61 Scotland; 64 Flandreau-Egan; 11/66 Sioux Falls Hilltop Heights; 74 Sturgis; 84 Watertown First; 87 Retired. BA Wayne State; MDiv Garrett. Don 1/23/46, Jean 5/9/49, Hal 4/18/53, Kim 8/30/56, Van 3/16/63. FLOWERS, MIKE FL License 11. Appts: 11 Extension Ministry (Spirit Lake). Libby 4/8/58; Beth, Charles.
FORBES, BRUCE D. FE 3/30/48 Deacon & PM 71; Elder & FM 78. Appts: 71 School; 76 Minn. Hist. Soc & DD Candidate; 77 Macalester College, St. Paul MN; 78 Asst. Prof. Religious Studies, Morningside College; 88 Interim, Macalester College; 89 Interim, Hamline Univ.; 90 Morningside College. BA Morningside; MDiv Perkins; PhD Princeton. Matthew 8/18/83.
FOSSUM, RICHARD N. FE 9/8/48 Deacon & PM 83; Elder & FM 87. Appts: 83 School; 85 Kulm/Jud; 87 West Fargo; 97 Bismarck McCabe; 05 Minot Vincent; 2010 Bismarck McCabe. 73 BA North Dakota; 85 MDiv St. Paul. Nancy 3/16/50; Katie 11/21/78, Knute 7/5/83, Tracey 2/6/85. FREED, DAN S. FE 12/14/59 Deacon & PM 90; Elder & FM 92. Appts: 90 Burke Larger Parish; 94 Piedmont; 05 Sioux Falls Hilltop; 11 Dickinson. BS Wyoming; MDiv North Park. Sheila 12/18/62; Joy, 5/27/81 Jaime 9/16/86, Calvin 4/18/89, Karl 4/15/91. GALE, LEE FE 6/17/52 FL 1995; Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 00. Appts: 95 Brothersfield (FTLP); 96 Ben Clare/Rowena/ Sioux Falls Hilltop Associate; 98 Mohall-Sherwood-Lansford; 99 Hillsboro United-UMC/UCC; 03 Grafton Federated/ Minto PC-USA. BS Kansas State; MDiv North American Baptist. Terri 12/20/55; Nicki 9/12/73, Nanci 3/29/77. GELLHAUS, DENNIS R. FE 10/20/55 Deacon & PM 80; Elder & FM 83. Appts: 80 School; 82 Conde/Andover; 84 Huron First; 89 Sabbatical Leave; 90 Par. 426.1 Rocky Mtn. Conf.; 93 Leave of Absence; 96 Gellhaus Carehaus. BS Northern State; MDiv St. Paul. Robbi 3/14/57; Stephen 1/27/83, Aaron 8/15/87. GESCHWINDNER, ANNE A. RE 7/21/27 Deacon & PM 77; Elder & FM 80. Appts. 78 Yankton (intern); 79 Wakonda/ Irene/Viborg; 80 Special Appt.; 81 LOA; 8/15/82 Alexandreia/Fulton & Artsian/Farwell; 10/16/83 School; 86 Honorable Location; 87 Retired. 76 BA U of ND; MDiv Garrett-Evangelical Peter 8/5/52; Laura 12/30/50, Jon 12/26/52, Nancy 4/17/54, Mary Ann Bernard 3/15/57. GIBSON, R. JOHN RE 4/16/33 Deacon 56; Elder & FM 59. Appts: 54 Student Supply Bruce; 56 School; 57 Brown Deer, Wis; 59 Selby/Mobridge; 64 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 74 Ecumenical Inst, Chicago; 75 Ecumenical Inst., Green Bay; 78 Ecumenical Inst., Cincinnati; 81 Inst. of Cultural Affairs, Indianapolis; 95 Retired. BS South Dakota State; MDiv Garrett. Paul 7/16/59, Steven 4/26/62, Ruth 1/21/65. GIST, RODNEY R. RE10/4/26 Trial 50; Deacon & FM 52; Elder 53. Appts: 50 School; 53 Viborg-Irene; 55 Sioux Falls First; 60 Britton-Langford; 63 Canistota-Salem; 66 Canistota-Riverside (Pres); 69 Spearfish; 74 Gregory Larger Parish; 80 Canton; 89 Retired. BS South Dakota; MDiv Garrett; DMin McCormick; 82 DD Dakota Wesleyan. Doris 2/17/29; Barbara 12/20/54, Linda 10/19/56. GRAN, WILLIAM M. RE 8/22/49 Deacon & PM 72; Elder & FM 75. Appts: 72 School; 70 Student Supply Artesian/ Farwell; 72 Student Supply Napoleon, MO; 74 Tripp County Larger Parish; 76 United Parish Colome/Wewela UCC/ Millboro UCC/Ideal UPC; 77 Mitchell First; 83 Clear Lake/Gary; 86 Hartford; 94 Sioux Falls Wesley; 01 Bryan LGH Medical Center; 04 Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society. 71 BA Dakota Wes.; 74 MDiv St Paul. Brenda 11/24/49; Jennifer 9/1/73, Stephanie 4/27/76, Emily 2/8/80. GRAY, BRUCE C. RE 11/8/36 Deacon & PM 62 (Genesse Conf. of MC); Transferred to SD 64; Elder & FM 64. Appts: 64 Tulare; 65 Aberdeen Wesley Foundation; 67 School; 70 Univ of Albany, NY; 79 Clear Lake/Gary; 82 Exec. Dir. SD Association of Christian Churches; 91 Webster/Bristol/Butler, 96 Madison; 98 Retired. BA Buffalo; EoD State University of New York; MDiv Colgate-Rochester. Margaret 9/11/40; Douglas, Stuart, Kathryn. Â GREENOUGH, DONALD L. RE 4/16/26 Deacon & PM 62; Elder & FM 64. Appts: 51 Student Supply Egan/Riverview; 52 Melvin, IA; 8/58 Approved Supply Alpena/Virgil; 62 School; 64 Harrisburg; 68 Dell Rapids/Garretson; 73 Miller/Greenleaf; 82 Redfield/Ashton; 8/30/85 Elk Point United (UMC-UCC); 91 Retired. BA Augustana; MDiv St. Paul. Vivian 5/10/34; Steven 7/6/55, Robert 5/30/59, Dwight 1/24/61, Dawn 8/30/67. GRINAGER, ERIC S. FE 4/27/53 Deacon & PM 76; Elder & FM 80. Appts: 76 School; 77 Presho/Kennebec/Reliance; 78 School; 79 Yankton/Gayville/Volin; 82 Presho/Kennebec/Reliance; 86 Flandreau/Egan; 92 Lead; 99 Watertown First; 09 Rapid City Canyon Lake. BS Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv St Paul. Ruth 7/8/54; Heather 3/5/78, Robin 1/8/82, Michelle 9/5/87. GRINAGER, HOWARD L. RE 1/29/48 Deacon & PM Deacon 81; Elder & FM 84. Appts: 81 School; 83 Mt. Vernon/ Plankinton; 92 Yankton/Gayville/Volin, 96 Southeast District Superintendent; 00 Pierre First; 12 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MNS USD; MDiv Boston. Karen 6/8/47; Aaron 4/17/73, Rebecca 5/6/76. GRONSETH, MARK FE 7/27/53 FD 7/03 Transfer to Dakotas; FE 13. Appts: 03 St Dysmas Lutheran, 09 Wakonda/Irene/ Viborg; 13 Fairmount / Breckenridge, MN. 75 BA Concordia (Moorhead). Colleen 10/19/54; Nicholas 3/2/82; Nathaniel 3/12/89.
GROSS, JAN FE. 12/25/56 Commissioned & PM 2004; Elder & FM 2007. Appts: 10/16/00 Brothersfield & Wakonda/ Irene/Viborg; 04 Yankton/Gayville-Volin; 05 Beresford/Zion; 10 Hartford. BA DWU. MDiv North American Baptist. Deb 8/7/61; Emily 12/3/81; Kelly 7/12/84; Sarah 8/15/89. GROTE, SUZIE PL 9/23/53 PL 2001. Appts: 2011 Alpena (1/2 time). MA Christian Leadership Sioux Falls Seminary. Alexis 7/17/84. HADRICK, DONALD E. RE 2/15/34 Deacon & PM 65; Elder & FM 67. Appts: 59 Student Supply Kennebec/Reliance; 60-61 Approved Supply Kennebec/Reliance; 62 Faith; 8/66 Tulare; 72 Selby/Lowry UCC; 79 Webster/Bristol/Butler; 85 Deadwood; 10/15/89 Greater Redfield Parish; 96 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Garrett. Virjean 1/2/40; Mark 1/23/62, Laura 5/4/64, Darla 5/2/67, Brian 5/2/67. HAGGAR, EDWARD THOMAS, JR. FE 2/21/49 Deacon & PM 87; Elder & FM 89. Appts: 84 Student Supply Ellis/ Brothersfield; 86 Geddes; 91 Belle Fourche; 99 Rapid City South Maple; 05 Aberdeen First. BS Northern State; MDiv North American Baptist. Charlene 9/12/48; Bret 10/15/74, Jessica 8/27/83. HAGGIN, LEONARD K. RE 2/12/34 Deacon & PM 67; Elder & FM 69. Appts: 63 Student Supply Mt. Vernon; 66 School; 69 Aberdeen First; 70 Plankinton/Mt Vernon; 73 Redfield/Ashton; 75 Redfield; 82 Watertown First; 84 Brookings; 87 Pierre First, 96 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv St Paul; DMin United (St. Paul). Jacqueline 4/17/33. HAIDLE, STANLEY J. FE 6/14/49 Deacon & PM 74; Elder & FM 76. Appts: 74 School; 75 Onida/Agar; 78 Huron First; 9/1/83 DWU; 95 Leave of Absence; 02 Honorable Location. Ruth 9/30/49; Luke 12/13/79. HALBRITTER, WESLEY RP Deacon & PM 96. Appts: 96 School; 97 Brothersfield; 99 Retired. BA Augustana; MDiv North American Baptist. Beverly 9/19/32; Terry 8/27/55, David 11/19/57, Michael 3/4/60, Joel 7/30/62, Darryl 6/20/69. HALL, MINA FE. 9/22/53 Commissioned & PM 2005. Elder & FM 08. Appts: 04 Tree of Life; 05 West Fargo; 08 West Fargo (3/4 time); 11/15/12 Personal Leave. BS Winona State; MS SD State; MDiv. North America Baptist. Thomas 9/10/50; John 12/14/80, Patrick 3/3/82. HALLENBECK, JENNIFER FE 8/9/78 Commissioned & PM 03; Elder & FM 06. Appts: 03 Alexandria/Ethan; 05 Alexandria/Ethan/Dakota Wesleyan; 06 Pierre First; 2011 Wahpeton Evergreen. 2000 BA Augustana; 03 MDiv GETS. HAMMOND, KATHY FL 06/07/54 PL 04; FL 13. Appts: 2/1/04 Minot Vincent/Campus Ministry (3/4 time); 05 Campus Ministry; 08 Bowbells/Kenmare/Donnybrook 76. Brown Institute of Broadcasting; 86 MaSU; 88 Cochise College; 95 Minot St. Un; Bachelors Regents College, NY Comm with religious emphasis; 2013 COS Garrett Evangelical. Wylie 5/15/46; Chad 11/6/88; Lucas 6/15/79, Alyssia 4/17/77, Alexandra 1/1/74 HARKINS, CARL G. FD 1/5/62 DM 98; Deacon and FM 01. 98 Maranatha Custom Churches; 99 TCI Architects/ Engineers/Contractor; 02 G.L. Barron Co., Inc.; 11/10 Transitional Leave; 11 Extension Ministry Genesis UMC. Bachelor’s of Architecture Cal Poly State. Eileen; Eleanor, Gregory, Richard 2/28/10. HART, WESLEY RE 11/16/35 Deacon & PM 67; Elder & FM 70. Appts: 62 Casselton/Wheatland/Absaraka; 66 School; 69 Marion/Dickey; 76 Sterling/Moffit/McKenzie; 83 Grace City/Sutton; 91 Kindred/Kindred Zion; 92 Kindred/Kindred Zion/ Leonard; 95 Onida-Agar; 98 Retired. BS North Dakota State; MDiv Garrett‑Evangelical. Barbara 12/30/43; Shane 5/11/69. HARTGRAVES, KATHY FE 06/01/60 FE. 10 Transferred from Pacific NW Conf. Appts: 10 Dell Rapids; 12 Mitchell First. Greg 6/1/61; Matthew 11/19/85, Annie 8/8/93. HAZARD, BRIAN W. FE 1/19/56 Deacon & PM 89, Elder & FM 92. Appts: 89 Williston/Grenora/Bainville, Mont; 92 Lisbon; 96 Page/Hope/Finley; 02 Minnesota Conf (337.1); 06 School; 11 Extension; Buffalo/Tower City Presbyterian; 13 (Para 346.1. MN Conf.). 85 BA Bemidji State; 89 MDiv Garrett‑Evangelical. Kandace 9/21/56.
HAZEN, RICK E. FE 6/21/51 Deacon & PM 92; Elder & FM 95. Appts: 92 School; 93 Wagner-Delmont; 98 Langdon; 06 Geddes; 11 Murdo/Draper. 73 BA Mt. Marty College; 76 MA South Dakota; 93 MDiv Methodist Theological School in Ohio. E. Jane 10/15/51. HEETLAND, DAVID L. FE 2/17/48 Deacon & PM 71; Elder & FM 76. Appts: 71 School; 75 Stickney; 76 Flandreau-Egan; 77 DWU; 83 Garrett-Evangelical Theo. Sem. BA South Dakota; MDiv Iliff; ThD Iliff. Kathy 10/23/49; Tamara 9/13/74, Tonya 6/30/78. HERMAN, ELMO FE 3/25/55 Commissioned 2011 (UCC Orders Recognized); 13 FM. Appts. 2011 Streeter/Medina/ Tappen; 13 Jamestown First. 79 BA NABC; 81 MA Wheaton Grad School; 84 MDiv NABS Sarah 10/30/54 HERMAN, SARAH PE 10/30/54 Commission & PM 12 Appts: (UCC-LP) 05 Alpena/Alpena UCC; Licensed UMC FL 7/1/11; Appts: 11 Wimbledon/Kensal. Elmo 3/25/55 HIGGINS, GORDON F. RE 4/23/35 Trial & Deacon 65; Elder & FM 70. Appts: 62 Wakonda/Irene; 65 Watertown; Student Supply N. IL; 66 Manhattan, IL; 4/70 Custer-Fall River Larger Parish; 75 Tripp County Larger Parish; 76 Winner/ Conkicakse UPC/Mniska UPC; 79 Pierre-Blunt; 80 Pierre First; 87 Spearfish; 95 Jamestown First; 97 Retired; 2/03 Hot Springs Federated; 8/10 Wagner/Tyndall; 10 Murdo. AA Kendall; BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Garrett; DMin McCormick. Jeanne 11/26/42; John 3/7/67, Keren 1/4/70. HIGGINS, JEANNE E. DR 11/26/42 Consecrated 89, FD 97. Positions: 87 UMHE Campus Minister, Black Hills State; 95 Coordinator for Campus Support Services, Jamestown College; 96 Cleveland, Supply Pastor; 98 Huron First; 10/99 Lead/ Deadwood Trinity; 02 Meade/Lawrence County Jail Ministry/Sturgis First (Par. 322.1a); 04 Sturgis; 06 Director United Ministries-BHSU/Meade County Jail Ministry; 08 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MA Winona St. Mary’s. Gordon 4/23/35; John 3/7/67, Keren 1/4/70. HIGGINS, JOEL FE 1/19/66 LP 93; Deacon & PM 95; Elder & FE 98. Appts: 93 Sioux Falls Asbury; 94 School; 96 DWU Campus Ministry/Artesian/Roswell; 99 Watertown First; 04 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 06 Springcreek Extension Ministries. 09 Watertown First. BA Morningside; MDiv North Am. Baptist. Leslie 1/20/66; Erin 5/6/95, Jessica 3/9/97 Luke 3/10/02. HISEL, JOHN RE 11/17/39 LP 97 Elder (transfer from NABC) & PM 98; FM 00. Appts: 97 Wishek-Lehr-Napoleon; 98 Beresford Zion; 05 Webster/Bristol-Butler; 12 Retired. BA Sioux Falls; MDiv North American Baptist; DMin North American Baptist. Timothy 7/17/68, Tiffany 3/13/78. HOFFMAN, WILLIAM F. FE 2/10/53 Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 98. Appts: 94 Approved Supply Brothersfield; 95 Wakonda/Irene/Viborg; 00 Wessington Springs; 04 Arlington/Lake Preston; 08 Winner; 11 Faulkton. BS South Dakota State; MAT Northern State; MDiv/MACE North American Baptist. Sheila 10/5/53; Jared 3/17/80, Seth 1/23/90. HOLLAND, MARK FE 12/19/53 Elder (orders recognized) & PM 85; FM 87. Appts: 85 Highmore; 89 Howard/Roswell; 92 Canton; 97 Milbank Central; 2/1/04 Transfer to Nebraska Conf.; 7/1/12 Transfer to Dakotas Conf.; 12 Huron First. BA Mid-America Nazarene; MDiv Nazarene. Janace 4/16/55; Kristen 10/4/78, Kendra 2/11/80, Kimberly 6/2/81. HOOK, F. EVE RE 11/5/43 Deacon & PM 7 2; Elder & FM 74. Appts: 72 Jamestown First; 75 Bismarck McCabe; 79 Casselton/Absaraka; 83 Casselton/Leonard; 84 Cavalier Trinity/Hamilton; 91 Arthur/Hunter/Erie; 91 Disability Leave; 07 Retired. MRE Garrett Evangelical; BD Garrett Evangelical. HUBER, D. WAYNE FL 11/1/64 PL 07; FL 2011 Appts: 10/14/01 Tripp; 11/18/01 Tripp/Delmont; 02 Tripp; 03 Tripp/Mt. Vernon; 10 Mt. Vernon; 11 Geddes. COS St. Paul School of Theology. Susan 1/21/52. HUCK, GRACE E. RE 6/27/16 Approved Supply 41; Deacon 45; Elder 49; Trial 56; FM 58. Appts: 41 Rural Ft. Rice, ND; 44 School; 45 Velva/Voltaire/Benedict; 47 Juanita/Grace City/Sutton; 49 School; 49 ND Interchurch Council; 50 Spearfish SD; 52 Navajo Meth Mission School, NM; 53 Fargo First; 59 One month at Hope/Finley; 59 School; 60 Harris Memorial College; 72 Transferred to SD Conf; 72 Faith/Marcus United Par; 78 Cresbard/Northville; 81 Retired; 83 Claremont/Hecla; 84 Not appointed; 91 Camp Crook/Buffalo UCC; 94 Not appointed. Black Hills State; MS North Dakota State; MA Scarritt College.
IWERKS, CAROL J. RD 10/30/35 FD Consecrated 89, FD 97. Positions: 78-90 Education Associate Aberdeen First; 10/87 Aberdeen Church of All Nations; 91 Parish Caregiver, Aberdeen First; 02 Retired. BS South Dakota State; MDiv United of Dayton. Donald 6/6/33; Edie 12/11/60, Bryce 1/14/62, Elyce 8/26/63. JACOBSEN, DAVID SCHNASA FE 3/14/61 Deacon & PM 85; Elder & FM 88. Appts: 85 School; 86 Pierre First; 90 School; 96 School/New Johnsonville (TN); 96 Lutheran Seminary, Ontario, Canada; 8/1/2011 Boston Univ. School of Theology. BA Concordia; MDiv Vanderbilt; PhA Vanderbilt. Cindy 6/1/59; Christian 7/8/92, Grace 6/9/95. JACOWAY, JOHN A. RE 7/31/32 Deacon & PM 60; Elder & FM 62. Appts: 59 Student Supply Kennebec; 60 Denver Camerron Co. Asst; 60 School; 62 Wall/Wasta; 1/66 Mitchell; 69 Rapid City Rapid Valley/Capauta; 75 Presho/Kennebec/ Reliance; 82 Flandreau/Egan; 86 Sioux Falls Wesley; 91 Arlington/Lake Preston; 96 Retired.BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Iliff. Linda Kropenske 7/15/50; Janet 2/19/59, David 1/20/61, Layne 7/20/64, Susan 3/24/66. JARMAN, JOHN RE 1/16/44 Deacon & PM 67; Elder & FM 71. Appts: 68 Sterling/Moffit/Driscoll/Braddock; 69 School; 70 Transferred to SD Conf.; 70 Rapid City First; 75 United Methodist Higher Ed. Vermillion; 77 USD; 78 Honorable Location; 2011 Retired. JASSMANN, M. ELIZABETH FE 4/17/48 PE Commissioned 2004. Elder & FM 2010. Appts: 01 Edgemont/Pringle; 05 McClusky/Goodrich/Chasley; 10 Selby/Mobridge. BA U of SD; MDiv Perkins. Royce Massingill 12/6/48; Paul 3/18/74, Summer 9/24/76, Emily 11/21/77, Joshua 10/14/89, Jasmine 1/20/91, Paul J. 3/28/03. JENKINS, HENRY L., Jr. PE 2/16/72 Orders Recognized and PM 12. Appts: 12 Extension Ministry (Chaplain USAF). AA Community College of the Air Force; 13 Extension Minstry Ramstein Airbase Germany. 02 BS University of Phoenix; 06 MDiv Asbury Theological Seminary (Florida Campus) Michelle 4/29/67; Joseph 3/29/86, Amberance 10/27/93; Jordan 12/15/02. JENNEWEIN, LINOVA L. RE 6/25/36 Deacon & PM 80; Elder & FM 82. Appts: 80 School; 81 Pierre First; 82 Rapid City Rapid Valley; 85 Gettysburg; 87 McCook Lake; 92 Deadwood; 94 Sabbatical Leave; 95 Clark/Garden City; 99 Plankinton/ Mt. Vernon; 01 Retired; 09 Appt Faith/Marcus PC-USA (3/4). 57 BA Dakota Wesleyan; 81 MDiv Iliff. Jill 10/18/58, Karine 4/11/63, Paul 4/23/68. JOHNSEN, MARK PE Commissioned and PM 08. Appts. 08 Personal leave; 12 Miller. JOHNSON, CAMERON RE 5/2/28 Deacon & PM 60; Elder & FM 62. Appts: 54 Rugby/Pleasant Lake; 58 School; 61 Williston/Grenora; 67 Jamestown First; 75 Western District Super.; 80 Fargo First; 87 Administrative Assistant to the Bishop; 89 Green Valley, Ariz. (Par. 426.1 Desert Southwest Conf.); 94 Retired. PhB North Dakota; STM Wesley. Ruth 3/10/28; Kevin 11/8/54, Tina 1/5/57, Dane 3/9/58, Tyler 5/10/62, Rod 9/29/64. JOHNSON, GARY RL. PL 06. Appts: 06 Drayton/St. Thomas; 11 Retired; 12 Drayton/Pembina/Humboldt, MN LTFT.
JOHNSON, RONALD FE 6/2/51 Deacon & PM 75; Elder & FM 78. Appts: 97 Transfer from Iowa Conference; 97 Canton; 10 Yankton. 74 BA Northwestern; 77 MDiv Dubuque. Marsha 3/26/56; Aaron 9/15/77, Sarah 3/18/81, Joshua 6/19/84. JOHNSON, STEVEN C RE 8/11/52 Deacon & PM 7 5; Elder & FM 79. Appts: 75 School; 77 Mohall/Sherwood; 83 Mohall/ Sherwood/Lansford/Maxbass; 84 Williston/Grenora/Bainville, Mont.; 89 Hazen; 90 Hazen/Beulah; 94 Valley City Epworth/ Salem; 95 Valley City Epworth; 04 Mandan; 12 Arlington/Lake Preston; 13 Retired. 74 BA Dakota Wes.; 78 MDiv St. Paul. Chris 11/24/76, Pamela 2/21/85, Randy 10/27/87. JOHNSON, TERI FE 3/2/64 Deacon & PM 89; Elder & FM 92. Appts: 89 School; 90 Pierre First (Assoc.); 92 Mitchell (Assoc.); 95 Brookings; 01 Brookings Senior Pastor; 13 (Para. 346.1 MN Conference). 86 BS South Dakota State; 90 MDiv Iliff; 2000 DMin North American Baptist. Marty 5/23/63; Taylor 9/12/87, Alyssa 11/23/89, Alec 12/2/91, Emily 7/14/94, Elliot 7/14/94.
KANA‑MACKEY, J. SUE RE 12/7/54 Deacon & PM 78; Elder & FM 8 0. Appts: 78 School; 79 Starkweather/Edmore/ Hampden; 83 Edmore; 85 Edmore/Lakota UCC/Michigan UCC; 94 Edmore/Lakota UCC/Michigan ELCA/Sarnia United ELCA 12/31/09 Retired. BA North Dakota; MDiv Asbury. Ronald 8/17/40; Travis 1/24/84, Kyle 5/13/87. KATTELMANN, BRADLEY D FE 12/19/80 PE Commissioned 2005; Elder and FM 08. Appts: 05 Wall/Wasta.08 Extension Min (Chaplain, US Army); Emendorf- Richardson, AK. BA Creighton; MDiv Iliff. Alison 4/5/81, Joshua 1/5/09. KATTER, JOHN RE 7/23/40 (AOG) Orders recognized 2000; Elder and FM 04. Appts: 7/1/00 Olivet/Tripp; 01 Olivet Scotland; 03 Milbank Central. 2006 Retired. BA U of Minnesota; BA North Cenral; MDiv Fuller; DMin Midwestern Baptist. Judy 8/7/43; Chad 12/6/72; Jarrod3/25/76; Todd 11/03/78. KELSEY, ELIZABETH V. FE 5/8/47 Orders recognized 1977 (Presbyterian) Appts: 77 Flandreau/Egan; 78 Brookings Assoc; 80 Bottineau/Gardena; 83 Extension Ministry; 85 Uniting Church in Australia; 87 Miller/Greenleaf; 89 Kansas East Conference; 04 Huron Counseling Center. BS SDSU; MA University of Wisconsin; MDiv San Fran Theo Sem. KERSEY-RUSSELL, JEANINE FE 5/21/66 FL 95 Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 99. Appts: 95 Bismarck McCabe; 97 Turtle Lake/Underwood/Velva; 03 Hazen/Beulah; 06 School (CPE Residency). Iowa Methodist Hospital DesMoines IA; 07 Larimore/Arvilla-PC-USA/Emerado PC-USA, 08 Chaplain Home Health Care and Hospice, St. Alexis Medical Center, Bismarck. BA Jamestown; MDiv Dubuque. Dan 6/29/59; Bill 8/20/86, Henry 11/28/00, Preston 11/28/00, Kenneth 11/28/00, Cloe Ann 4/24/02. KIDD, LAURIE FL 8/25/59 FL 05 Appts: 05 Sioux Falls First; 2011 Kimball Protestant Parish. 81 BS William Jewell College; 09 St. Paul– KCMO; 2010 COS. KIERAS, PEGGY RE 3/8/44 Deacon & PM 69; Elder & FM 71. Appts: 69 School; 71 Worcester Memorial Hospital, Worc ester, Mass.; 12/89 University of Mass. Medical Center; 10/1/01 New England Conference (3/4 time) (Par. 337.1); 1/1/2002 Director of CPE St. Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MA.; 12 Retired. BA Westmar; MDiv Andover‑Newton. James 12/26/46; Matthew 12/1/80, Marie 9/1/82, Sarah 5/4/84. KIMBLE, PERRY FE 6/13/49 Deacon & PM 78 (Central Illinois); Elder & FM 83 (ND Conf.); Appts: 81 Lisbon/Milnor: 83 Lisbon; 86 Fairmount/Bethany/Rosholt (MN); 89 Wimbledon/Kensal; 11/1/91 LOA; 96 Honorable Location. 74 BA Western Illinois U; 80 MDiv. Dubuque Theological Seminary. Judy 6/27/48. KINZLER, FRANCIS A. RE 6/24/27 PM 49; Deacon 52; Elder & FM 53. Appts: 49 Larimore/McVille; 50 School; 53 Hettinger; 54 Noonan/Columbus; 56 Cleveland/Woodworth/Crystal Springs; 59 Steele/Robinson/Driscoll; 63 Washburn/ Underwood; 65 Underwood/Riverdale Community; 70 Holmes/Pleasant View/Thompson; 74 Starkweather/Edmore/ Hampden; 79 Salem/Dazey/Leal; 81 Rugby/Pleasant Lake/Bantry; 86 New Rockford/Cathay/Sheyenne; 91 Retired. BA Asbury; MSTh Westminster. Velma 12/29/28. KINZLER, OTTO E., JR. RE 9/14/24 PM 49; Deacon, Elder & FM 53. Appts: 49 Casselton/Wheatland/Absaraka; 51 School; 53 Chaplain, U.S. Navy; 72 Rock Lake/Clyde/Egeland UP; 74 Minot North Hill/Des Lacs; 78 Larimore; 81 Devils Lake; 86 Retired. BA Asbury; MDiv Asbury; DMin McCormick. Beverly 6/21/30; Christie 8/24/49, Rick 12/16/49, Eunice 12/13/51, Daniel 2/16/55, Valarie 9/14/55, Philip 3/6/57, Renae 2/4/58, Paul 8/20/63. KISTLER, GENIE (BUTLER) RE 9/27/46 PM 77 (Rocky Mountain Conf); Deacon78 (RMC); Elder & FM83. Appts: 77 School; 81 Transfer to ND Conf.; 80 Neche/Cavalier First; 86 Lisbon; 92 Langdon; 98 Pierre First; 06 Hartford. 3/21/10 Retired. 69 BA Southwestern; 82 MDiv Iliff. Gary L. 12/28/41 KJONAAS S., DONNA T. RE 9/3/47 Deacon & PM 88; Elder & FM 92. Appts: 90 Sioux Falls First; 92 Transferred to SD; 97 Harrisburg; 03 Leave of Absence; 05 Fargo Friendship (Par. 338.3); 06 Leave of Absence, 08 Flandreau/Egan; 09 Retired. BA North Dakota State; MA Wisconsin; MA Northern State; MDiv United. Murray T.K. Smith 6/7/39. KLARUP, DONALD G. RE 12/31/31 Deacon & PM 54; Elder & FM 56; 52 Student Supply Fulton-Farmer; 54 School; 56 Philip; 57 Philip-Quinn; 2/61 Arlington; 2/66 Yankton; 71 Transferred to ND Conf; 71 Fargo First; 5/76 Transferred to SD Conf; 76 Western District Superintendent; 9/15/80 Admininstrative Assistant to Bishop; 81 Sioux Falls First; 88 DWU; 94 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Boston. Phyllis 7/18/35; Pamela 5/14/58, Douglas 7/9/60, Patricia 9/8/63.
KLOSTER, KEVIN W. FE 6/15/63 Deacon & PM 91; Elder & FM 94. Appts: 91 School; 92 Bottineau United Parish; 96 Dickinson; 00 Brandon; 08 (Par. 346.1 Desert SW Conf.); 10 Fargo Faith. BA North Dakota State; MDiv United St. Paul. Tracy 8/22/62; Eric 8/26/85, Justin 10/22/88. KNECHT, DAVID F. RE 8/20/26 PM 50; Deacon 51; Elder & FM 53. Appts: 53 Fairmount‑Bethany; 57 Fargo Faith; 66 Bismarck McCabe; 79 Eastern District Superintendent; 81 Administrative Assistant to the Bishop; 87 Fargo First; 91, Retired; 91 Bismarck McCabe; 92 Not appointed. BA North Dakota; MDiv Garrett; DMin St. Paul; DD Dakota Wesleyan. Jane 9/2/28; Kathleen 12/3/53, Margaret 4/10/55, Jeanne 8/17/56, Laureen 6/22/59, Christine 10/31/60, Jonathan 11/6/64, Timothy 9/28/65. KOPFMANN, DARWIN FE 9/27/51 SLP 91; Deacon & PM 93; Elder & FM 96. Appts: 91 Iroquois-Esmond-Carpenter; 94 Ashley-Forbes; 01 Clear Lake/Gary; 04 Streeter/Medina/Tappen; 2011 Wall/Wasta. 92 BA Dakota Wesleyan; 94 MDiv North American Baptist. Amy 6/4/76, Daniel 12/7/79. KOR, HENRY K. RE 3/5/46 Deacon & PM 71; Elder & FM 74. Appts: 67 Student Supply Fulton/Farmer; 70 School and Student Supply Wellington, MO; 73 Clinical Pastoral Ed, Rochester Meth Hosp; 74 Harrisburg/Rowena/Ben Clare; 1/15/81 Sioux Falls Asbury; 90 Southern District Superintendent; 94 Southeast District Superintendent, 96 Mitchell; 09 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv St Paul. Bonnie 2/21/47; Jason 9/13/70, Kristen 3/10/73. KROGER, GENE E. RE 12/20/36 Deacon & PM 84; Elder & FM 87. Appts: 12/82 Student Supply Ellis; 84 Wakonda/Irene/ Viborg; 87 Dell Rapids/Colman; 93 Rapid City South Maple; 99 Central District Superintendent; 03 Retired. BA South Dakota; MDiv North American Baptist. Barbara 1/18/37; Gregory 4/18/58, Gary 7/14/61, Rennie 8/18/70. KROGER, GREGORY S. FE 4/18/58 LP 87; Deacon & PM 88; Elder & FM 92. Appts: 87 Wakonda/Irene/Viborg and School; 91 Aberdeen North Highland/Church of All Nations; 92 Rapid City First; 99 Lead/Deadwood; 02 Sioux Falls First Associate; 06 Glacial Lakes Superintendent; 10 Dir. of Ministrties. 80 B.S. Oral Roberts; 90 MDiv NABS. Joyceann 3/14/57; Karl 5/23/83; Kaleb 7/11/88. KROGER, KARL PE 5/23/83. Commissioned 6/11/10. Appts: 10 Pierre Southeast; 13 Piedmont. 06 BA Dakota Wesleyan; 10 MDiv Candler. Michelle 9/16/82; Maisie 1/3/13. LAGGE, DONALD D. RE 8/12/37 Deacon 67; PM 72; Elder & FM 76. Appts: 64 Gayville Volin FL; 66 Eagle/Gypsum CO; 71 Grant Ave CO; 73 White/Sterling; 74 White/Sterling/Aurora; 77 Custer-Fall River Larger Parish; 87 Belle Fourche; 11/25/90 Philip/Philip PC/Interior PC; 2000 Retired; 00 Stickney. BS Univ. S.D. Springfield; MDiv Iliff. Candace 12/23/68, Scott 8/7/70, Joshua 5/3/76. LARSON, KRIS. FL 10/17/52 FL 96. Appts: 96 Iroquois Parish; 2000 Iroquois; 01 Iroquois/Esmond/Carpenter; 10 Iroquois/Esmond/Doland. 05 COS St. Paul. Denise 10/17/54; Scott 4/78; April 5/12/80; Austin 10/22/94; Heidi 3/26/84.
LATHROP, JEFF FL 12/02/79. FL 01/12. Appt: 8/1/12 Plankinton /White Lake. Holly 7/15/83; Noah 9/21/
LAUDERMITH, IVA FE 12/23/51 Deacon & PM 98. Elder & FM 01. Appts: 95 School; 97 Kansas East; 98 School; 99 McClusky/Goodrich/Chaseley; 04 Huron Riverview/Virgil; 07 White River/Mission; 10 Milbank Parkview/Big Stone; 12 Parker/Hurley. 85 BS U of South Dakota; 99 M.Div St. Paul’s. Angelica 4/26/77, Aaron 11/10/79. LAVERY, THOMAS RE 6/27/48 Deacon & PM 95 (West Ohio); Elder & FM 97 (West Ohio). Appts: 95 Todd/Mellette Larger Parish; 98 Transfer to Dakotas; 99 Bottineau United; 13 Retired. BS Texas Tech; MS Air Force Institute; M.Div United/Dayton. Andy 8/29/72; Brian 9/24/76. LEHRKAMP, KORI ANN FL 4/09/79 FL 8/1/2011; Appts: 2011 Highmore/Harold/Blunt 01 Assoc. Huron Univ.; 10 BS SDSU. Michael 4/2/79; Paige 8/28/02, Grady 1/21/05, Maddie 10/12/07
LEVY, JEFFREY FE 7/31/53 Commissioned & PM 05. Elder & FM 09 Appts: 8/20/05 Enderlin (LTFT). 06 Wimbledon/ Kensal; 11 (Par. 346.1 Susquehanna Conf). 81 Elem Ed Certif. Michigan State Univ.; 2006 M.Div NABS. Leesa 4/27/58; Danielle 9/24/83, Rachel 4/19/92. LINT, MARY‑LEE FE 9/13/43 Deacon & PM 89. Elder & FM 92. Appts: 89 School; 90 New Salem/Wilton PC’s; 98 Onida/ Agar; 03 Olivet/Scotland; 06 Wagner/Tyndall, 08 Howard. 65 BME Westminster Choir College; 67 MSM Northwestern/ Garrett; 90 MDiv Garrett-Evangelical. Phil 6/13/42; Peter 4/28/72, Jennifer 7/3/75, Paul 2/10/78. LINT, PAUL FE 2/10/78 Commissioned & PM 2004; Elder & FM 2007. Appts: 03 McCook Lake; 06 Plankinton/White Lake; 10 Vermillion/USD Campus; 12 Hettinger. 2000 BA UND; 03 MDiv G-ETS. Brenda 10/14/73; Micah 6/3/02, Gideon 3/26/04, Shanara 10/8/05. LINT, PHILLIP RE 6/13/42 Deacon & PM 66; Elder & FM 69. Appts: 66 School; 68 Velva/Granville UCC/Deering UCC; 71 Bismarck McCabe; 75 Center‑Special Ministries to Impacted Communities; 77 Edgeley; 78 Edgeley/Kulm; 79 Edgeley/ Nortonville; 12/80 Oakes/Cogswell; 85 Washburn/Riverdale Community; 90 Washburn/Center; 98 Southeast Pierre/ Blunt; 01 Highmore/Harrold/Blunt; 03 Wagner/Tyndall; 06 Retired; 07 Winner. BS Jamestown; MDiv Garrett; DMin McCormick. Mary Lee 9/13/43; Peter 4/28/72, Jennifer 7/3/75, Paul 2/10/78.
LOGAN, ROBERT A. RE 11/26/27 PM 54; Elder & FM 57. Appts: 51 Hannah/Wales; 53 School; 54 New Rockford; 55 Bowbells/Coteau; 57 Eden, Wis.; 60 Kindred; 62 Williston; 64 Streeter/Medina; 68 Martin; 69 Harvey/Martin/Chaseley; 76 Bismarck First; 76 Transfer to MN Conf; 78 Transfer to ND Conf.; 78 McClusky/Goodrich; 81 Cavalier Trinity/Concrete/ Hamilton; 84 Napoleon/Braddock; 89 Retired. BS Mayville State; BD Garrett. Marjorie 6/30/30; Roberta 11/2/55, David 3/8/62, Jeffrey 5/26/66. LORD, GLENN I. RE 7/13/30 Elder (orders recognized) & PM 81; FM 84. Appts: 80 Edgeley; 10/88 Carrington Federated‑Heaton UCC; 94 Retired. AB Marion; BD Nazarene. Kaye 11/11/41; Glenn 3/13/61, Sherry 10/14/67, Ryan 1/15/70. LUNDBERG, CLAY PE 5/30/87 PL 8/1/12 Licensed; Commissioned & PM 13. Appt: Brookings (1/2 time) 12; 13 Brookings. BA Univ of SF; MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary. Linse 12/13/86. LUTZ, RICHARD RE 4/10/41 PM 60; Elder & FM 65. Appts: 65 Tuttle/Robinson; 68 Fargo Edgewood; 73 Veterans Administration Hospital, Oklahoma City, Okla; 03 Retired. BA Westmar; BD Evangelical. Sharon 1/29/42; Donald 10/5/66, Steven 12/5/68, Alan 3/21/70. MACK, DAVID E. RE 5/25/46 Deacon & PM 69; Elder & FM 71. Appts: 67 Lane; 69 Yates Center, Kan.; 70 Toronto‑Turkey Creek, Kan.; 71 Presho/Vivian; Oct. 73 Presho/Kennebec/Reliance; 75 Tulare/Tulare UCC; 78 Alexandria/ Fulton; 80 Parker/Hurley; 86 Transfer to ND Conf.; 86 Grand Forks Zion; 91 Eastern District Superintendent; 94 Northeast District Superintendent, 96 Pierre First; 2000 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv St. Paul. Marcia 5/27/47; Michelle 11/20/68, Dana 12/20/69, Jason 4/10/71, Brian 6/19/72, Rob 4/5/77, Erin 1/21/76. MACK, DEBORAH A. RE 2/10/49 Deacon & PM 88; Elder & FM 92. Appts: 87 Garretson and School; 89 Alexandria/ Fulton; 92 Gayville/Volin/Yankton; 99 Selby/Mobridge; 05 Rapid City South Maple; 07 Tulare United/UMC,UCC; 09 Britton; 2011 Retired. 71 BS Northern State; 89 MDiv North American Baptist. Norman 8/19/48; JaNann Jones 9/15/68, Kipp 7/6/71, Kurtis 7/2/73, JaKelle 8/25/80. MADDOX, RANDY FE 9/3/53 Elder (orders recognized) & PM 87; FM 89. Appts: 87 Sioux Falls College; 98 Seattle Pacific University; 05 Duke Divinity School. BA Northwest Nazarene College; MDiv Nazarene; PhD Emory. Aileen 7/30/53; Erin 7/7/82, Jared 8/16/84. MADER, GWEN FE 5/16/54 PE Commissioned and PM 2009; Elder & FM 13. Appts: 09 School; 2/1/10 Presho/ Kennebec/Reliance; 12 Dell Rapids. BA Scarritt College; MA Scarritt College in Christian Ed., MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary. Rodney 9/7/55 MANNING, NANCY FE 10/16/51 Commissioned & PM 2007; Elder & FM 2010. Appts: 06 Brothersfield (SP); 07 Parker/ Hurley. 09 Claremont/Hecla; 11 Britton/Claremont/Hecla. 2000 BA U of Sioux Falls; 07 M.Div North American Baptist Seminary.
MARQUARDT, SANDY LP 5/3/60. PL. Appt: 13 Cavalier Trinity /Cavalier First. 80 AAS NDSU. Fred 12/56; Danielle 2/83, Jared 11/ 85. MARTIN, W. RAY RE 1/20/43 Elder (orders recognized) & PM 88; FM 99. Appts: 88 Steele/Tappen/Driscoll; 92 Mandan First; 96 Leave of Absence; 97 Arthur/Casselton/Hunter; 03 School; 06 Extension Hospice Chaplain; 10 Retired. BA Warner Pacific; MRel Anderson; MDiv Anderson. Nina 7/11/46; Scott 7/25/69, Julie 4/10/74. MASARTIS, RUSSELL FE 9/19/46 Elder in Primitive Meth. Church 73. Transferred in from Primitive Methodist, 7/1/2006. Appts: 07 Tree of Life Ministry. 69 BA Penn.Univ at Calif; 73 Salem School of Theology; 77 BS Ed Penns. Univ at Calif; 79 MA Theology American Bible College. Donna 4/9/48 MATTHEWS, SHELLY FE 12/28/61 Deacon & PM 8 7; Elder & FM 89. Appts: 87 Larimore/Arvilla Presb/Emerado Presb; 90 School; 97 Tufts University; 98 Furman University; 8/1/2011 Brite Divinity School. BA North Dakota; MDiv Boston; ThD Harvard. George Frein 10/2/62; Nathan 1/21/94, Alice 9/22/96 MAYER, RICHARD M. RE 12/3/38 Elder & PM (orders recognized) 92; FM 94. Appts: 92 Sioux Falls College; 02 Retired. BA/Bth Aurora University; MDiv Garrett; PhD Northwestern. Linda 8/20/40; Michael 12/31/59, Ellen 3/11/62, Diane 10/14/66. McBRIDE, BROOK FE 5/26/61 Deacon & PM 91; Elder & FM 94. Appts: 91 Geddes; 95 Mitchell Assoc.; 00 Vermillion; 05 Vermillion & Gayville/Volin; 11 Sioux Falls Hilltop. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Perkins. Cyndy 1/1/63; Benjamin 5/15/84, Cassie 7/22/86, Samuel 2/6/91; Wesley 3/17/93. McCASKELL, SHARLA FL 3/22/66 FL 10. Appts: 04 Rapid City First; 2011 Rapid City Knollwood Heights.BS Northern State; 10 COS St. Paul’s. Scott 10/1/59; Molly 8/10/95; Thomas 7/19/99. McKEEHAN, FRANK J. FL 10/06/50 Deacon & PM 92; Elder & FM 95. Appts: 89 Southern Pacific Conf. La Mirada UMC; 91 Jonesburg/Pendleton/Zion UMC (Missouri East Conf); 93 Transferred from the Missouri Conf.; 93 Pembina/ Joliette/Humboldt; 96 Sturgis; 02 Dell Rapids; 10 Clear Lake/Gary. BS Truman State, 93 MDiv St Paul. Sue 6/8/52; Leigh 1/4/78, Paul 7/15/84. McKIRDY, SCOTT D. FE 5/13/60 Deacon & PM 89; Elder & FM 92. Appts: 89 School; 90 Wessington Springs/Lane; 95 Huron Riverview/Virgil; 2000 Dickinson; 11 Spearfish. 82 BA Jamestown; 90 MDiv Iliff. Colleen 9/10/62; Grace 8/20/89, Emma 4/29/92. McKIRDY, WAYNE M. RE 6/9/29 Deacon & PM 5 6; Elder & FM 58. Appts: 53 Napolean/Braddock LP; 54 Pettibone/Lake Williams/Malcolm UCC LP; 55 School; 56 Melbeta NE; 58 Napoleon/Braddock; 61 Tioga; 63 Edgeley/Jud/Nortonville; 68 Edgeley; 70 Transfer to SD Conf.; 70 Piedmont/Black Hills; 73 Faulkton/Seneca; 83 Big Stone City/Revillo; 86 Transfer to ND Conf.; 86 Conference Executive Director of Camping; 90 Conference Camp Facilities Manager; 91 Retired; 91 Wimbledon; 92 Salem/Dazey/Leal; 93 Salem/Leal/Valley City Epworth; 94 Not appointed; 95 Valley City Salem. BA Jamestown; ThM Iliff. Scott 5/13/60, Stuart 11/7/61, Bruce 12/4/63, Donna 8/27/65. McKNIGHT, JOHN E., JR. FE 1/30/59 Deacon & PM 83; Elder & FM 86. Appts: 83 School; 84 Leola/Frederick; 87 Colton/ Chester; 91 Rapid City Knollwood Heights/Rapid Valley; 96 Bowbells/Donnybrook-Kenmare; 00 Flandreau/Egan; 06 Parker/Hurley; 07 Rapid City South Maple. 81 BA DakotaWesleyan; MDiv Iliff. Cheryl 11/1/58; Alicia Rhea 4/11/89. McLAIRD, DONNA J. RE 7/31/41 Deacon 77; PM 85; Elder & FM 90. Appts: 77 Plankinton/Mt. Vernon; 77-81 Ethan; 82 No appointment; 84 Tyndall; 85 Tyndall/Ethan; 95 Hitchcock/Broadland; 96 Plankinton/Mt. Vernon; 99 Colton/Chester; 8/01/04 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MRE Garrett; MDiv San Francisco; Boston School of Theology. James 12/11/40; John 1/13/68, Steven 6/12/70. McMANUS, SARA PE 6/27/87 Commissioned and PM 12. Appts: 12 Sioux Falls First. 09 BA Simpson College; 12 MDiv Vanderbilt. Kyle 8/14/85.
MEIDINGER, JODDY PL 8/13/69 PL Appts: 12 Edgeley (3/4 time). 91 BA Jamestown Coll.; Tami 8/31/71; Jacob 1/23/96, Philip 3/27/98, Samuel 6/27/01, Benjamin 3/5/03. MEIER, DWIGHT L. RE 10/6/35 Deacon & PM 6 3; Elder & FM 65. Appts: 62 Grace City/Juanita/Sutton; 65 Enderlin/ Sheldon/Leonard; 67 Enderlin/Sheldon; 70 Grafton Federated/Minto Presb; 79 Fargo Calvary; 84 Grand Forks Wesley; 87 Western District Superintendent; 93 Fargo Friendship; 97 Northeast District Superintendent; 2002 Retired; 2002 Interim Assistant to the Bishop; 04 Bismarck McCabe; 05 not appointed. BA Taylor; MDiv Asbury. Signe 10/26/36; Lorena 10/27/61, Deanna 6/4/63, Sara 9/1/66, Bradley 5/2/70. MEIER, MARK W. RE 1/28/45 Deacon & PM 7 0; Elder & FM 73. Appts: 68 School; 68 Crystal/Hensal/Hoople; 69 School; 72 Rugby/Bantry/Pleasant Lake; 75 Jamestown First; 79 Transfer to Louisiana Conf.; 79 Lake Charles (University); 80 Abbeville‑Pecan Island; 86 Bunkie/Evergreen/White’s Chapel; 87 Transfer to ND Conf.; 87 Fargo Faith; 4/89 Chaplain, ND State Penitentiary; 3/91 Mandan Good Shepherd; 6/91 WellSpring Counseling Group, Denver, CO. 7/1/2010 Retired. BA Taylor; 10 Wellspring Counseling Group, Denver, CO. MDiv Asbury; DMin McCormick. Deborah 7/19/49; Michelle 5/31/69, Josef 1/30/71. MEIER, MAX E. RE 10/22/32 Deacon & PM 5 5; Elder & FM 59. Appts: 53 Grassy Butte; 56 School; 59 Chaplain, U.S. Army; 81 Mercy Hospital, Des Moines, Ia; 96 Iowa Methodist Medical Center, Des Moines; 99 Retired. BA Taylor; MDiv Garrett. Sallie 9/2/34; Allen 6/5/60, Ruth 8/25/64, Carol 5/19/66, Esther 3/20/68. MERSCH, PATRICIA FE 7/29/44 Deacon and PM 2002; Elder and FM 2004. Appts: 99 Williston/Grenora/Bainville; 02 Burke/Herrick/Jamison,NE; 04 McClusky/Goodrich/Chaseley; 05 Grand Forks Altru Chaplain; 09 Altru Chaplain (full) & Drayton/Pembina/Joliette/Humboldt (LTFT) 09 Mohall/Sherwood interim; 2010 Mohall/Sherwood. BS University of SD; M.Div NABS. MILLER, JANET R. RE 11/4/19 Deacon 79; AM 82; Elder & FM 84. Appts: 77 Fargo First/Chaffee; 79 Valley City; 84 Jamestown First; 87 Retired; 88 Conference Council Director; 88 Arthur/Hunter/Erie; 92 Not Appointed. BA Westminster; MA Columbia; DMin San Francisco. David 2/23/49, Rebecca 12/13/50, Marcus 5/5/54, Arthur 2/14/56, Peter 9/11/61. MILLER, THETA FE 10/27/69 Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 99. Appts: 96 School; 97 Missouri West Conference (Par. 337.1); 03 Family Leave, 08 Fargo United Campus Min; C.C. Fargo Edgewood; 10/1/12 Transitional Leave; 12 1/ 12 West Fargo Flame of Faith (3/4 time); 7/1/13 Family Leave; 8/ 1/ 13 Fargo First. BA Tennessee; MDiv St Paul. Wade 4/5/69; Clarissa 11/26/01; Quinn 9/16/04. MOE, PETER W. RE 9/19/32 Trial & Deacon 58; Elder & FM 60. Appts: 53 Student Supply Artesian/Farwell; 57 Hudson, CO; 58 School; 59 Edgemont; 63 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 64 USD Vermillion Wesley Foundation; 74 Spearfish; 83 Yankton/Gayville/Volin; 87 Watertown First; 92 Western District Superintendent; 94 Southwest District Superintendent; 98 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Iliff. Grace 5/3/32; Shelli 12/29/63, Shauna 7/20/65. MOELLER, EUGENE FL 10/23/54 FL Appts. 08 Arlington/Lake Preston; 12 Webster/Butler/Bristol. 77 B.S. SDSU Brookings; Marilyn 1/28/57; Jackson 8/7/81, Curtis 8/31/84. MOELLER, MARILYN PL 1/28/57 PL Appts. 08 Arlington/Lake Preston; 7/15/11 Arlington/Lake Preston (1/2 time) and Henry/Kellerton; 12 Webster/Bristol/Butler (1/4 time) and Florence (1/4 time). 79 B.S. SDSU; Eugene 10/23/54; Jackson 8/7/81, Curtis 8/31/84. MOON, JAY PD 6/12/61 Appts: 12 Sioux Falls Seminary; 13 Asbury Theological Seminary. 85 BS Virginia Tech; 00 MA Azua Pacific University; 05 PhD Asbury Theological Seminary. Pamela 3/24/6; Jeremy 11/22/87, Emily 4/6/90, Joshua 11/16/93, Bethany 10/27/96. MOORLACH, ROBERT FE 11/21/64 Deacon & PM 92; Elder & FM 94. Appts: 91 Crystal-Hoople/St. Thomas; 96 Howard/Ramona; 08 Groton/Conde; 1/2/2010 (Par. 346.1 Kentucky Conf.); 13 ( Para 346.1 MN Conference). BS Oklahoma Wesleyan U; MDiv Asbury. MOTTA, DAVID F. FE 6/25/55 Deacon & PM 83; Elder & FM 86. Appts: 83 School; 84 Stickney; 91 Aberdeen First; 96 Fargo Calvary. BA Westmar; MDiv Trinity. Mary 4/7/55; Elise 5/20/78, Leah 3/8/81, John 10/4/82.
MUND, KENNETH PL 7/14/56 PL Appts: 05 Watertown Cornerstone. 78 B.S. Dakota State U. Rhonda 12/27/57; Elise 11/19/83; Lindsey 3/21/80. MUTHIAH, LIONEL P. A. RE 7/18/29 Deacon & PM 6 5 (Tennessee); Elder & FM 67. Appts: 66 Transfer to ND Conf.; 66 Hope/Finley/Page; 68 Medan, Sumatra; 72 Sibu, Sarawak; 77 Transfer to SD Conf.; 77 Clark/Garden City; 79 General Board of Global Ministries; 9/80 Huron Riverview/Virgil; 82 Transfer to ND Conf.; 82 New Rockford/Cathay/Sheyenne; 86 Linton; 91 Cavalier Trinity/Hamilton; 92 Retired. BS George Peabody; MDiv Vanderbilt. Marion 8/23/33; Lorene 8/7/62, Lora 8/7/62, Robert 3/20/66, Richard 12/15/67. MUTZENBERGER, KRIS FE 12/23/77 FE Commissioned & PM 03; Elder & FM 06. Appts: 03 Britton (LTFT); 04 Britton; 9/1/05 Britton (LTFT), 09 Madison (LTFT); 13 Sioux Falls Sunnycrest (3/4 time). 2000 BA DWU; 03 MDiv United of Dayton. Ryan 8/29/74; Anna Lynn 8/17/04, Noah James 1/6/09. MUTZENBERGER, RYAN FE 8/29/74 FE Commissioned & PM 03; Elder & FM 06. Appts: 03 Claremont/Hecla, 09 Madison; 13 Sioux Falls Sunnycrest. 2000 BA DWU; 03 MDiv United of Dayton. Kris 12/23/77; Anna Lynn 8/17/04, Noah James 1/6/09.
NAGBE, JUWLE FL 3/15/51 PL. Appts: 13 Lisbon/ Enderlin/Lisbon PC USA. 00 MDiv Duke Divinty. Martha 6/18/55; Jewle 5/3/89, James 5/14/91, Dave-Marth 12/20/93, Grace 12//11/95. NELSON, CLIFFORD A. FE 11/18/51 Deacon & PM 77; Elder & FM 81. Appts: 77 School; 79 Fairmount/Bethany/ Rosholt; 1/83 West Fargo; 87 Minot Faith/Des Lacs; 99 Williston/Grenora/Bainville; 03 Grand Forks Zion; 09 Chaplain Trinity Hospital-Minot (CC: Grand Forks Zion). BS North Dakota; MDiv Asbury. Terri 11/5/54; Michael 4/22/79, Ryan 6/29/82, Kristen 11/19/84. NELSON, KEITH F. FE 4/16/60 Deacon & PM 85; Elder & FM 88. Appts: 85 School; 86 Good Samaritan Hospital, Downers Grove, Ill.; 89 Onida/Agar; 93 Devils Lake; 02 Sturgis; 08 Brandon; 10 Sakakawea District Superintendent. 86 BA U of Sioux Falls; 88 MDiv North American Baptist. Nancy 1/29/60; Richard 3/4/87, Melissa 10/16/89. NELSON, LYN E. RE 6/16/34 Deacon & PM 84; Elder & FM 87. Appts: 84 School; 85 Knollwood Heights; 87 White River/ Mission/Wood UCC; 89 Tree of Life Ministries; 95 Wessington Springs; 96 Retired. Marvin 12/19/30; Michelle 11/26/54, Debra 1/9/58, John 3/28/61. NELSON, MORRIS E. RE 6/15/49 Deacon & PM 87; Elder & FM 90. Appts: 87 Brothersfield and School; 88 Gregory Larger Parish (Gregory-Iona); 92 Flandreau/Egan; 00 Murdo/Draper; 03 Hot Springs Federated; 11 Retired. BS South Dakota; MDiv North American Baptist. Cathryn 9/4/49; Kenneth 3/1/79.
NELSON, SARA FE 12/18/79. Commissioned and PE 2010; Elder & FM 13. Appts: 2010 Watertown First. 02 BA USD 2002; 10 M.Div. Sioux Falls. Mat 10/31/78; Mara 11/26/04, Austine 10/24/09. NELSON, WALTER A. RE 4/9/26 Trial 50; FM 51; Deacon 55; Elder 56. Appts: 46 Student Supply Viborg; 47 Rowena/Ben Clare; 50 Approved Supply Elk Point/Richland/Burbank; 53 School and Roxbury NY; 57 Murdo/Okaton; 1/62 Milbank; 69 Beresford-Zion; 72 Diamond Care Center, Bridgewater; 74 Jenkins Home; 79 Flandreau/Egan; 82 Methodist Hosp Mitchell/Ethan; 85 Methodist Hosp Mitchell Assoc.; 3/87 Christian Ministry in the National Parks; 87 Retired. BA U of Sioux Falls; MDiv Drew. Janet 4/20/26; Bonney 8/13/54, Roger 5/13/56, Ellen 5/6/63. NIELSEN, ROBERT P. RE 1/29/21 Trial & Deacon 51; Elder & FM 53. Appts: 48 Student Supply Elk Point/Richland/ Burbank; 50 Chester/Colton; 51 School; 53 Wessington Springs; 59 Groton/Bath/Andover; 61 Groton/Bath; 63 Sioux Falls Wesley; 67 Huron First; 74 Mitchell; 83 Northern District Superintendent; 86 Retired; 87 Alexandria-Fulton. Robert 8/17/45, James 1/7/51, Lynette 4/27/56. NYGAARD, JULIE S. FE 4/16/53 LP 94 Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FE 98. Appts: 94 Valley City Epworth/Salem; 95 Summer Valley City Salem; 96 New Rockford/Grace City; 01 Webster/Bristol; 05 Cresbard/Rockham/Miranda; 06 Cresbard/Rockham; 09 Cresbard/ Tolstoy. 73 AA Jackson Community College; 85 BA Spring Arbor; 96 MDiv GarrettEvangelical. Steven 1/15/51.
OATES, MURIEL RA 8/4/37 FL 95. AM 00. Appts: 95 Faith; 03 Retired. BS Black Hills; MA South Dakota State. Jim 8/15/39; Mark 1/21/67, Janell 1/23/69, Mary, Diane, Mike, John, Robert. O’CONNELL, SUSAN RE 12/16/47 PE Commissioned & PM 2002; Elder and FM 2005. Appts: 10/16/00 Sioux Falls Hilltop; 01 Sioux Falls Hilltop (1/4) & Ben Clare/Rowena (1/4); 02 Geddes/Delmont; 06 Gettysburg/Onida/Agar; 09 Flandreau/Egan; 13 Retired. 70 BA Western Michigan; 02 MDiv. NABS. Bill 11/19/47. Jennifer 1/1/72, Melissa 8/6/74. OLSON, STEVE L. FE 10/3/57 Elder (orders recognized) & PM 91; FM 93. Appts: 89 Napoleon/Braddock; 95 Claremont/ Hecla; 7/99 Belle Fourche; 03 Oakes/Cogswell. BRE Hillcrest Christian; MDiv Western Evangelical. Shirley 9/12/56; Nicole 5/8/84, Bryan 5/9/86, Hope 8/18/88, Joy 2/22/94. OLSON, RON PE 6/11/58 Commissioned & PE 2011. Appts: 2011 Bowman. 89 ATS. Michelle 5/25/59; Ben 11/11/83, Joshua 7/20/91, Maija 4/09/03. OSWALD, KENNETH G. RE 8/13/34 Licensed 60; Elder 67 (Alberta Canada); FM 69 (ND). Apps: 59 Arnprior, Ontario; 62 School; 66 Hillcrest Christian College; 66 School; 68 McClusky (ND); 73 Streeter/Medina; 78 Wimbledon/Kensal; 6/15/80 Transferred to SD; 80 Plankinton/Mt. Vernon; 83 Olivet; 92 Eureka; 2000 Retired. BEd Alberta. Lavine 6/27/62, Lowell 11/6/65. PATRICK, JAMES D. RE 6/15/48 Transfer from Illinois Great Rivers, 9/16/2000. Appts: 2000 Rapid City Knollwood Heights/Rapid City Rapid Valley; 08 Retired. BS Texas Wesleyan; MDiv Garrett Evangelical. PEASE, EDWARD RE 8/13/43 Trial & Deacon 68; Elder & FM 74. Appts: 68 School; 73 School; 74 Psychiatry Resident, Independence, IA; 77 U of NE College of Medicine; 80 Psychologies U of NE Hosp., Omaha; 86 Physician & Psychiatrist, Omaha VA Hosp.; 06 Retired. Jane 4/4/73, Amy 8/4/75, Carrie 1/22/78. PEDERSON, KENRAD FE 2/7/52 Deacon & PM 75; Elder & FM 78. Appts: 75 School; 77 Pembina/Joliette/Humboldt; 82 Arthur/Hunter/Erie; 84 Bismarck First; 85 Turtle Lake/Underwood; 91 Bowbells‑Donnybrook/Kenmare; 96 Hartford.; 06 Jamestown First; 13 Eureka. 74 BA Dakota Wesleyan; 77 MDiv Wesley. Mary 7/3/54; Seth 2/24/82, Kyle 7/30/84. PEIRCE, RUSSELL M. RE 11/21/29 Trial 51; Deacon 53; FM 54; Elder 55. Appts: 51 School; 52 Student Supply Laird, CO; 54 Northville/Mellette; 57 Wall/Wasta; 62 Hot Springs; 64 Plankinton; 67 Gettysburg; 71 Gettysburg/Tolstoy; 73 Rapid City South Maple; 78 Philip/Philip UP-Interior UP; 86 Clear Lake/Gary; 90 Scotland/Tripp; 94 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; ThM Iliff. Mary 4/6/39; James 10/24/64, Timothy 2/16/66, Kenneth 5/23/72. PERRY, E. STEPHEN FE 10/4/51 Deacon & PM 81; Elder & FM 83. Appts: 81 Wessington Springs/Lane; 86 Milbank Parkview; 91 Vermillion; 99 Sabbatical Leave; 00 Presho/Kennebec/Reliance; 05 Redfield/Ashton; 10 Redfield/Frankfort. 73 BA Northwestern University; 78 PhD University of Cambridge; 81 MDiv Garrett. Marilyn 7/29/50. PERSONS, JAMES B. RE 12/3/48 Deacon & PM 71; Elder & FM 74. Appts: 71 School; 73 Huron First; 75 Conde/Andover; 79 Rapid City Knollwood Heights; 1/1/85 Clark/Garden City; 90 Madison, 96 Grand Forks Wesley; 01 NW District Superintendent; 04 SW District Superintendent; 09 Mitchell Firs; 12 Retired. 70 BA Dakota Wesleyan; 73 MDiv Iliff. Eileen 1/17/49. PETERSEN, CALVIN L. RE 7/3/33 Deacon & PM 60; Elder & FM 61. Appts: 63 Transferred to SD CROP; 67 Director, Lake Poinsett Camp; 69 School; 70 Tusculum Coll; 74 Deadwood; 1/79 Leave of Absence; 79 Vermillion; 91 Sioux Falls Wesley; 94 Beresford-Zion; 98 Retired. BA Bethel; MA USIU; MDiv Southern Baptist. Mary 8/25/44; Lynette 5/7/55, Lance 7/18/57, Larisa 1/26/59, Lincoln 10/5/61, Nathan 9/22/66. PETERSEN, THOMAS PL 7/3/48 PL 04; Appts: 04 Wakonda/Irene/Viborg; 8/15/06 No appointment; 9/1/10 Olivet/ Scotland. Jean 8/26/48.
PHILLIPS, MARK P. FE 4/29/59 Deacon & PM 85; Elder & FM 88. Appts: 82 Rum Creek UMC (OH); 85 School; 86 Aberdeen First; 91 Wakonda/Irene/Viborg; 95 Mandan Good Shepherd-Rural; 97 Mandan First/Mandan Good ShepherdMandan Rural; 99 Mandan/Mandan Rural; 03 Mandan; 04 Milbank Central; 12 Lead-Deadwood Trinity. BA Westmar; MALA/MDiv Methodist Theological School in Ohio. Ginger 6/4/59; Seth 4/19/94. PHILLIPS, RANDALL E. FE 2/25/57 Elder (orders recognized) & PM 96; FM 99. Appts: 94 McLaughlin; 95 Cando/Stark eather/Egeland; 2000 Minot Faith/Des Lacs; 9/02 School (CPE); 03 Erie, PA; 8/1/05 St. Marys Hospital, Rochester MN (Para. 344.1b). BA Anderson; MA Nebraska; MDiv Princeton. Robin 12/21/69; Mackenzie 8/22/96, Alexander 5/20/98, Benjamin 2/6/01. PITTENGER, RICHARD D., JR. “Rick” FE 12/25/56 Deacon & PM 83; Elder & FM 86. Appts: 81 School; 84 Arlington/ Lake Preston; 88 Harrisburg; 94 Minot Vincent; 00 Fargo Faith; April, 2006 LOA; April, 2008 Avera Sacred Heart (LTFT); March, 2009 Avera Sacred Heart (FT); 2011 Vermillion & Gayville/Volin. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Iliff. Rebecca 7/11/59; Ryan 12/7/83, Brandon 3/4/85, Kristen 6/10/87. POMEROY, JAMES R. RE 12/16/36 Deacon & PM 59; Elder & FM 61. Appts: 59 School; 61 Napoleon/Braddock; 64 Napoleon EUB‑Napoleon Methodist; 67 Ellendale/Guelph; 68 Conference Director of CE; 69 Associate Area Program Director; 75 Minot Trinity/Minot State College Campus Pastor; 79 Central District Superintendent; 84 Valley City; 94 Watertown First; 99 Dell Rapids-Colman; 02 Retired. BS North Dakota State; MDiv Drew; DMin McCormick. Mavis (May) 7/31/47; Kristen Fischer 7/8/75. PRICE, JOHN T. FE 5/30/52 Deacon & PM 85; Elder & FM 87. Appts: 85 Faith; 91 Murdo/Draper; 98 Cavalier Trinity/ Cavalier First/Neche; 12/25/05 Cavalier Trinity/Cavalier First; 07 Canistota UMC/PC-USA. BS Michigan Tech; MDiv Asbury. Loraine 9/15/54; Hannah 12/3/80, John 9/8/82, Megan 11/29/84, Elizabeth 3/4/86. PROHASKA, LUCIAN F. RE 2/19/38 Deacon & PM 89; Elder & FM 92. Appts: 89 School; 90 Edgemont United (UMCUCC)/Pringle; 94 Winner; 2000 Retired. BS South Dakota State; MDiv St Paul. Karen 2/11/39; Laura 3/19/59, Daniel 10/22/60, John 12/3/64. RAE, GARY W. RE 7/17/48 Deacon & PM 71; Elder & FM 74. Appts: 73 Rockham/Miranda; 77 Belle Fourche/Harding; 83 Faulkton/Seneca; 93 Winner; 94 Sioux Falls Hilltop; 03 Harrisburg; 11 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Iliff. Edith “Edee” 11/29/47; Justin 3/5/81, Landon 2/13/85. RATH, THEODOR B. RE 4/12/30 PM 55; Elder & FM 6 0. Appts: 57 School; 60 McClusky/Mercer; 65 McClusky EUB‑McClusky Methodist/Mercer; 68 Cavalier Trinity; 70 Cavalier Trinity/Concrete; 73 Cavalier Trinity/Concrete/ Hamilton; 81 Cando/Churches Ferry; 85 Cando‑Starkweather; 95 Retired. BA Westmar; BD Evangelical; DMin McCormick. Bernice 3/20/33; Corleen 11/12/59, Nolan 6/10/63, Mylen 8/29/66, LoAnn 12/6/68. REICH, ELDON H. FE 5/25/46 Deacon & PM 69; Elder & FM 71. Appts: 71 Onida/Agar; 75 Watertown Ninth Ave/ Kellerton; 78 Watertown Ninth Ave; 86 Aberdeen First. BA Westmar; MDiv Asbury. Donna 5/21/46; Heidi 1/3/72, Jonathan 12/19/73. REINHILLER, KYLE FE 11/11/70 Deacon and PM 97; Elder & FM 99. Appts: 97 Burke-Herrick-Jamison NE; 02 Eureka/ Ashley; 09 Sturgis; 2011 Harrisburg. BS Dickinson; MDiv Asbury. Rebecca 11/12/68, Paul REINHILLER, ROSS S. FE 3/22/61 Deacon & PM 84; Elder & FM 87. Appts: 84 School; 85 Ashley/Forbes; 88 Mandan Good Shepherd; 3/91 Union Church, Bogota, Colombia; 93 Williston/Grenora/Bainville MT; 99 School; 00 Winner; 8/15/05 Shiloh Christian School (Para. 344.1d); 10 Sioux Falls Southern Hills. BS Dickinson; MDiv Asbury; DMin Asbury. Valerie 7/9/63; Jayne 8/22/94, Anne 6/20/96. REINHILLER, VALERIE FD 7/9/63 Consecrated 91, Deacon & FM 97. Positions: 91 Director of Christian Education Bismarck First; 91 Director of Christian Education and Office Manager Union Church, Bogota, Colombia; 93 Diac. Minister, Williston; 99 Family Leave (Para 352); 9/1/00 Winner (1/4 time); 02 Winner; 05 Family Leave; 1/1/07 Bismarck Calvary; 09 Disaster Response Case Management Coordinator (1/2 time); 2010 Transitional Leave; 1/1/11 Southern Hills (LTFT); 9/16/12 Sioux Falls Sunnycrest (1/2 time). BA Northwestern College, MACE North American Baptist Seminary. Ross 3/22/61; Jayne 8/22/94, Anne 6/20/96. RENAUD, LINDA FE. 8/31/53 PM 78 (Iowa) Elder & FM 81. Appts: 80 Todd-Mellette Larger Parish; 83 Garrett-ETS; 87 Leave of Absence; 91 Honorable Location; 01 Huron; 1/1/02 Huron (3/4 time); 9/1/05 LOA; 10 Honorable Location. BA Morningside; MDiv Garrett-ETS. Richard Rinearson 11/24/52.
RHODES, WARREN A. FE. 12/24/48 Elder (orders recognized) & PM 85; FM 87. Appts: 84 Mohall/Sherwood/Lansford/ Maxbass; 88 Park River Federated/Fordville Presbyterian; 99 Clark-Garden City; 2010 McClusky/Goodrich/Chaseley. BS Dickinson; MDiv Bangor. Grace 9/7/49; Lisa 6/1/71, Vaughn 8/20/71. RICE, DANIEL FE 7/17/42 Deacon & PM 66; Elder & FM 68; Appt: 68 Brookings Assoc.; 10/19/70 Northern State College Campus Minister; 9/73 DWU Campus minister and Assoc. Prof. Religion and Philosophy; 11/76 Lutheran Social Services, Aberdeen; 77 LOA; 78 Honorable Location. BA DWU; BD Yale. Lisa 7/20/64, Kristi 12/11/65. RICHARDS, LEISA FE. 5/04/63 Deacon & PM 91; Elder & FM 93. Appts: 93 Hitchcock/Broadland; 99 Vermillion; 7/1/01 transfer from Yellowstone Conference. Appts: 01 Dakota Plains Legal Services; 03 Dakota Plains Legal Services and Hebron UMC; 05 Legal Director Resources, Inc. Albuquerque, NM; Leisa Richards Law, PC, Albuquerque, NM. BA Carleton. JD U of South Dakota. M.Div Harvard. RICHARDS, MATTHEW FE 05/21/74 FL 07; Commissioned & PM 08; Elder and FM 12. Appts: 03 Artesian/Roswell (SP); 07 White/Aurora/Sterling/SDSU Campus Ministry; 10 Groton/Conde. BS Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv GarrettEvangelical. Andrew 4/20/05. RICHARDS, SHEILA B. RE 6/10/40 LP 91; Deacon & PM 95; Elder & FM 98. Appts: 91 Eureka; 92 Aberdeen North Highland/Church of All Nations; 94 Aberdeen North Highland; 00 SE District Superintendent. 2006 Retired. BS Northern State; MDiv NABS. Carlyle 7/21/35; Leisa 5/4/63, Keith 9/29/64, Renee 12/14/65. RICKENBACH, JOEL FE 4/24/43 Deacon & PM 69; Elder & FM 71; Appts: 69 Ethan/Tripp; 70 White Lake/Underwood and Dunlap; 74 Honorable Location. 66 BA DWU; 69 MDiv. Hartford Seminary. Ann 4/5/50; Joel 6/19/69, Rachel 4/23/71. . RITTER, PENELOPE J. RE 3/17/47 Elder & PM (orders recognized) 83; FM 85. Appts: 83 White/Aurora/Sterling; 88 Beresford-Zion; 94 Sabbatical Leave; 95 Leave of Absence; 01 Community Baptist Church (Extension Ministry). 7/1/2010 Retired. ROOZEN, PETER KIP FE 10/31/58 Deacon & PM 83; Elder & FM 87. Appts: 83 Kennebec/Presho/Reliance; 84 School; 85 Doland/Frankfort; 90 Clear Lake/Gary; 95 Spearfish.; 07 Sioux Falls Asbury. 80 BA Dakota Wesleyan; 85 MDiv Iliff. Barbara 12/9/58; Christopher 9/25/84, Kerrie 11/26/87. ROTH, ROBERT J. RE 3/10/31 Trial & Deacon 64; Elder & FM 68. Appts: 58 Approved Supply Seneca (Part-time); 59 Student Supply Fulton/Farmer; 63 School; 67 Belle Fourche; 73 Belle Fourche/Harding; 77 Britton Langford/Langford UPC; 10/1/83 SD Program Coun Dir; 9/1/89 Sturgis; 96 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Garrett. Enid 3/25/31; Thomas 4/26/52, Gerald 4/22/53, Joanne 5/28/54, Janice 8/6/55, Ronald 7/2/58, Cheryl 6/4/70. RUEDEBUSCH, ROBERT B. FE 11/25/55 Deacon & PM 80; Elder & FM 83. Appts: 80 School; 82 Huron Riverview/ Virgil; 89 Canton; 92 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 09 Prairie Hills Superintendent; 12 Sioux Falls First. 78 BME Dakota Wesleyan; 82 MDiv Iliff. Paula 5/14/57; Katie 1/9/85, Megan 12/9/86, John 6/9/90. RUSH, VAL FE 7/8/49 93 LP; Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 98. Appts: 93 Garretson; 96 Garretson/Jasper/Salem; 99 Bowman; 2011 Winner. 72 BS Dakota State; 95 MDiv North American Baptist. Teresa 12/23/46, Aaron 4/24/79, Sarah 2/13/81, Jonathan 8/22/88. RUSSELL, ROGER E. RE 1/1/27 Deacon & PM 5 0 (Northern IA); Elder & FM 52 (Northern Ill.). Appts: 86 Transfer to ND Conf.; 86 Bismarck McCabe; 91 Retired; 91 Hillsboro United. BA Geneva; BD Drew; DD Morningside. Stella 4/22/49; Cynthia 4/9/57, Tim 3/21/ 70, Ron 7/15/70. RYOO, KEIHWAN “Kevin” FE 5/8/70. Orders Recognized and PM 01; FM 03. Appts: 99 Mohall/Sherwood/Lansford; 02 Fargo Edgewood; 8/16/05 Extension Ministry (Par. 344.1a); 9/1/09 Rapid City Korean (3/4 time); 2011 Rapid City Korean (3/4 time)/Rapid City First (1/4 time). 94 BA Hankuk University of Foreign Studies; 98 MDiv Wesley Theological Seminary. Misook 1/6/69; Sanha Joshua 1/28/97, Haneul Esther 5/12/99.
SALMONSON, RICHARD L. RE 6/12/34 Deacon & PM 69; Elder & FM 71. Appts: 65 Student Supply Ethan; 68 Meadville/Wheeling, MO; 71 Todd-Mellette Larger Parish; 74 Clear Lake/Gary; 79 Huron First; 84 Lead; 92 Mount Vernon/Plankinton; 96 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv St. Paul. Margaret 12/14/35; Joel 3/5/60, Michelle 11/4/64, Greta 10/5/67, Robbie 4/13/85, Jessica 12/31/86. SALMONSON, ROBERT PE 4/13/85 PL 2011; Comissioned & PM 13. Appts: 2011 Mt. Vernon; 13 Flandreau/Egan. 08 BA DWU; 13 MDiv Sioux Falls Seminary . Victoria 11/13/85. SAMUEL, SUNANDKUMAR D. RE 12/23/48 Deacon & PM 85; Elder & FM 87. Appts: 85 Mellette/Mansfield PC/ Brentford UCC; 88 Arlington/Lake Preston; 91 Colton/Chester; 99 Salem United UMC/PC-USA-Montrose; 04 Clear Lake/ Gary; 10 Beresford-Zion. BA. Karnataka University; MDiv NABS. Leela 1/5/43. SAPP, MARLIN FL 6/28/55 07 Licensed, Appts: 07 Stickney. 75 NDSCS. Carol 3/25/49, Chad 9/7/69, Dawn 2/11/82. SAYLER, GLEN E. FE 7/20/56 License to Preach 90; Elder (orders recognized) & PM 92; FM 95. Appts: 90 Marion/ Dickey; 92 Marion/Dickey/Jud; 94 Hazen/Beulah; 98 Medical Leave. BA Northwest Bible; MDiv Church of God. Corinne 4/27/57; Christopher 12/24/85, Nicholas 11/13/87. SCANSON, ARTHUR H. RE 6/8/42 Deacon & PM 67; Elder & FM 70. Appts: 63 Douglas/Banner/Makoti; 65 Lansford/ Maxbass/Grano; 67 School; 69 Bowman/Mound UP; 75 Minot Vincent; 81 Dickinson; 86 Bismarck McCabe; 90 Central District Superintendent; 94 Northwest District Superintendent; 98 Bismarck McCabe; 10 Retired. BS Minot State; MDiv Asbury. Lorraine 9/17/45; Lane 3/22/71, Mark 3/21/72. SCHNABEL, PERRY FE 8/31/52. Commissioned & PM 03; Elder & FM 05. Appts: 01 Steele/Tuttle/Robinson; 10 Bismark Calvary. 74 BA Sioux Falls College; 77 MDiv NABS. Cynthia 3/12/55; Kamaya 7/4/86, Kezia 11/17/88, Kylin 10/01/90.
SCHNACKENBERG, JUSTIN PL 11/16/80. PL 8/1/11. Appts: Page/ Hope United UMC/ UCC/ Finley. Kylie 8/10/81.
SCHOTT, WALTER J. RE 8/11/32 PM 54; Elder & FM 60. Appts: 56 School; 60 Lidgerwood EUB Spokane, WA; 61 Holmes/Pleasant View; 66 Mandan Good Shepherd/Center; 75 Mandan Good Shepherd; 85 Leave of Absence; 86 Rural Mandan; 95 Retired. BA Cascade; MDiv Western Evangelical. Lola 12/4/34. SCHULER, CODY J. FE 11/10/75 Commissioned 01; Elder and FM 2005. Appts: 01 Sioux Falls First; 03 DWU Campus Pastor; 8/24/05 Fargo Edgewood; 2011 Sabbatical; 12 Fargo First ( 3/4 time). 98 BA Dakota Wesleyan; 01 MDiv Duke. SCHWENN, DEVERN E. RE 2/17/38 Deacon & PM 65; Elder & FM 67. Appts: 60 School; 64 Hettinger/Bethany/ Lemmon, SD; 72 Enderlin/Sheldon; 75 Bismarck First; 83 Transferred to SD; 6/15/83 Milbank Central; 89 Rapid City First; 95 Jamestown St. Paul; 2000 Retired. BA Asbury; MDiv Asbury; DMin NABS. Joan 9/24/39; David 7/29/61, Judy 4/5/65, Lori 3/3/68. SEMRAD, JEANNE GAARD RE 4/9/45 Deacon & PM 86; Elder & FM 90. Appts: 86 Garretson; 87 School; 11/15/87 Hazel/Henry/Kellerton and Big Stone City/Revillo; 90 Hazel/Henry/Kellerton and Big Stone City; 91 Milbank Parkview and Big Stone City; 98 Madison; 4/1/01 Incapacity Leave. 10 Retired. BA South Dakota State; MEd South Dakota State; MDiv North American Baptist. Robert 6/11/44; Rexford 11/13/67, Charlotte 9/18/72. SEMRAD, ROBERT J. RE 6/11/44 Deacon & PM 81; Elder & FM 83. Appts: 81 Student Supply DeSmet and School; 82 Yankton/Gayville/Volin; 85 Harrisburg; 11/15/87 Big Stone City/Revillo and Hazel/Henry/Kellerton; 90 Big Stone City and Hazel/Henry/Kellerton; 91 Big Stone City and Milbank Parkview; 98 Madison; 01 Fairmont/Bethany; 05 Retired. Certificate in Bible Multnomah; BS Montana; MEd South Dakota State; MDiv North American Baptist. Jeanne 4/9/45; Rexford 11/13/67, Charlotte 9/18/72.
SEVERTSON, DAVID PL 6/7/54 Appts: 02 Ben Claire/Rowena; 04 Colton/Chester (3/4 time). 08 COS St Paul School of Theology. Karen 5/30/53 SHELDON, MARY ANN RE 4/14/46 Elder (orders recognized NACCC) & PM 96; FM 98. Appts: 96 Ellendale-Guelph; 9/1/02 Minot Faith/Des Lacs, 08 Miller/Greenleaf; 12 Reitred. BS Northern State; MDiv Andover Newton; DMin. Wesley Seminary. SHLANTA-PEASLEY, GAIL L. RE 4/4/35 Deacon & PM 86; Elder & FM 89. Appts: 86 Sioux Falls Asbury; 92 Leave of Absence; 93 Family Leave; 97 Retired. BA Carleton; MDiv North American Baptist. Kimberly 8/5/61, Mark 2/14/65, Kathryn 1/26/67. SIEBRECHT, LYLA E. RE 10/21/32 PM 84; Elder & FM 87. Appts: 81 Ree Heights; 82 Hazel/Henry/Kellerton; 85 ToddMellette Larger Parish; 87 DeSmet/Carpenter/Esmond/Iroquois; 89 Wall/Wasta/Quinn; 91 Wall/Wasta; 92 Custer-Fall River Larger Parish; 95 Britton/Pierpont Community; 98 Retired. BA Scarritt; MRE Garrett; MDiv San Francisco. Harlan 10/26/37; Philip 12/8/59, Dayton 9/17/61, Rachel 8/13/66, Barbara 10/6/68. SIMMONS, ROBERT L. RE 3/19/40 Deacon & PM 64; Elder & FM 66 (IA). Appts: 2/66 Pierre/Blunt; 70 Howard/Roswell; 73 Transferred to IA; 82 Transferred to SD; 82 Custer State Hospital; 87 Gettysburg; 6/15/91 Par. 426.1 - AK Missionary Conf; 95 Arthur/Casselton/Hunter; 97 Gregory/Iona. 2004 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; STB Boston. Janet 11/15/53; Chris 1/3/64, Samatha 4/7/70, J.J., Carii, Cory, George 6/3/80. SJURSEN, RALPH A. RE 6/10/28 Deacon & PM 5 6; Elder & FM 58. Appts: 53 School; 54 Gilbertson, PA; 56 Velva/ Benedict; 58 Hunter/Arthur; 65 Dickinson; 82 Grassy Butte; 1/84 Association for Retarded Citizen/‑Grassy Butte; 91 Retired; 91 Grassy Butte. BA St. Olaf; MDiv Drew. Harryette 4/3/32; Nancy 10/7/56, Phillip 9/29/59, Greta 5/13/61. SMITH, PAUL M.FL 8/22/51 FL Appts: 03 Faith/Marcus PC-USA; 08 Faulkton/Seneca; 2011 Prairieview. 2008 COS St. Paul. Deb. SMITH, ROGER A. RE 1/1/26 Deacon & PM 55; Elder & FM 58. Appts: 51 Rural‑Fort Rice; 52 School; 54 Rural/Fort Rice; 56 School; 58 Hettinger/Bethany/Lemmon, SD; 63 Bottineau/Gardena/Russell; 65 Sabbatical; 66 Supernumerary; 66 Delta Ministries; 71 Sp. Min. in Human Relations, Miss.; 89 Retired. AB Taylor; MDiv Drew. Bonnie 10/19/51.
SOMMERS, CHARLES R. RE 9/6/34 Deacon & PM 64 (Iowa Conf.); Elder & FM 66. Appts: 76 Transferred to SD; 76 Chaplain Sioux Valley Hosp, SF; 99 Retired.
SORENSEN, RAENELLE PL 1/7/52 PL Licensed 08 Appts: 08 Larimore Yoke Parish. Brandon 10/1980. SPAHR, RANDALL G. FE 7/10/56 Deacon & PM 80; Elder & FM 83. Appts: 80 School; 82 Geddes; 86 Parker/Hurley; 93 Wahpeton Evergreen; 06 Extension Ministry. Hospice of Red River Valley. BS South Dakota State; MDiv Asbury. Diane 7/11/58; Rebecca 10/31/81, Laura 10/3/83, Lisa 4/19/86. SPAHR, ROGER C. FE 7/14/53 Deacon & PM 78; Elder & FM 81. Appts: 78 School; 80 White/Aurora/Sterling; 83 Mitchell First.; 88 Watertown 9th Ave.; 94 9th Ave is now Cornerstone.; 8/1/13 Eastern Sunrise Co-Superintendent/ Watertown Cornerstone. 76 BS South Dakota State; 80 MDiv Asbury; 02 DMin Bethel Theological Seminary. Joan 10/23/52; Joshua 3/9/78, Joseph 4/7/80, Heidi 10/10/82. SPURRELL MARILYN FE 11/18/49 Deacon & PM 74, Elder & FM 79. Apps: 74 School; 77 Plymouth Pk (TX); 78 RC Canyon Lake Assoc.; 83 Piedmont; 88 Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX; 95 Sioux Falls First; 97 Brookings; 01 Madison; 09 Three Rivers Superintendent; 10 Eastern Sunrise District Superintendent; 8/1/13 Eastern Sunrise Co-Superintendent/Fargo First. 72 BS South Dakota State; 77 MTh. Perkins; 06 DMin Garrett. Nichole 2/11/80, Amy 9/29/82.
STANLEY, CLARENCE E. RE 9/3/24 PM 48; Elder & FM 56. Appts: 48 McClusky/Goodrich; 49 Chaseley/Goodrich; 50 Allendore, Ia.; 53 Fairhaven‑Malvern, Ill.; 56 Drake; 67 Elgin‑Zoar/Ebenezer UCC; 74 Cross Roads Range, Inc.; 87, Retired; 88 Rugby/Pleasant Lake/Bantry; 89 Rugby/Bantry; 92 Bantry. BA Westmar; Hillcrest Christian; BD Evangelical. STEIN, K. JAMES RE 12/22/29 PM51; Elder & FM 56. Appts: 52 Kidder; 53 Casselton/Chaffee; 53 School; 56 Patterson Christ, N.J.; 60 Professor Evangelical Theological Seminary; 72 Dean, ETS; 73 President ETS; 74 Dean, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary; 77 Professor, GETS; 95 Retired. BA Westmar; BD Evangelical; STM Union (New York); PhD Union; DD Westmar. Loretta 4/26/31; Mary 5/14/58, Paul 2/9/63. STEMPSON, MARGARET (PEGGY) PE 10/20/82. PL 11; Commissioned & PM 13. Appts: 11 Pierre First Associate. 11 MDiv Illif. STEWART, DONNA M. RE 4/10/33 Deacon & PM 88; Elder & FM 91. Appts: 88 School; 89 Leola/Frederick/Barnard UCC; 93 Faulkton/Seneca, 96 Hitchcock/Broadland; 99 Retired. BS South Dakota State; MDiv North American Baptist. Steven 11/30/56, Karen 9/29/60, Susan 1/11/63. STEWART, RUSSELL A. PE 1/19/70. Commissioned and PM 10. Appts: 10 Brookings/SDSU Campus Ministry; 12 Alexandria/Ethan. 02 BA USD ; 10 MDiv Iliff. Dulcinea 8/27/70; Nicholas 5/6/95; Nathan 12/31/99. STOLP, GERALD A. RE 8/3/53 LP 88; Deacon & PM 90; Elder & FM 94 Appts: 88 Brothersfield; 89 Sioux Falls Hilltop and School; 92 Ben Clare/Rowena/Sioux Falls Hilltop; 96 Arlington/Lake Preston; 04 Aberdeen First; 05 Salem UnitedUMC/Montrose; 13 Retired. BA U of Sioux Falls; 92 MDiv NABS. Carolyn 3/23/54; Robin 5/8/74, Jamie 8/16/76, Matthew 2/2/78. STUCKE, R. EARL RE 4/21/29 Trial & Deacon 60; Elder & FM 63. Appts: 60 School; 61 Student Supply Andover, NJ; 63 Colton/Chester; 10/66 Tripp Co. Larger Parish; 72 Huron Riverview/Virgil; 9/1/80 Sioux Falls Hilltop; 94 Retired. BS South Dakota State; MDiv Drew. Grace 3/2/29; Janet 11/15/55, Karen 7/13/58, Kathy 7/13/58, David 7/26/61, John 1/15/68. SYKES, RICHARD RE Deacon & PM 71; Elder & FM 74. Appts: 94 Transfered from Nebraska; 94 Wimbledon/Kensal; 98 Murdo/Draper; 1/15/00 Leave of Absence; 2000 Retired. BA Rutgers; MDiv Eastern Baptist. Peggy 6/5/53. TARVER, RUSSELL E. RE 6/30/31 Trial & Deacon 58; Elder & FM 60. Appts: Student Supply Whitesville/Cassville/ Pleasant Grove, NJ; 58 Chester/Colton; 62 Wesley Foundation, Brookings; 67 Vermillion; 73 Northern District Superintendent; 77 UMHE, USD Vermillion; 81 UMHE, USD Vermillion/McCook Lake; 87 UMHE, USD, Vermillion; 90 Sioux Falls Southern Hills; 96 Retired. BA South Dakota; MA South Dakota; MDiv Drew. Virginia 6/28/32; Shari 9/11/54, David 7/2/56, Genell 2/23/61, Paula 6/23/62, Lee 4/6/65. TIESZEN, WAYNE L. RE 11/30/40 Deacon & PM 75; Elder & FM 79 (Nebraska Conf.). Appts: 84 Transferred to SD; 84 Murdo/Draper; 88 Groton/Columbia UCC; 90 Kimball/Kimball PC/Kimball ELCA; 94 Presho/Kennebec/Reliance; 10/1/99 Claremont/Hecla; 03 Retired. BA Huron; MDiv Iliff. Terri 12/27/58, David 5/19/64, Mark 6/2/65, Ora 9/17/65, Lara 4/2/68, Jon 7/23/69, Joe 8/19/70. TKACH, ROD FE 1/5/56 Deacon & PM 81; Elder & FM 86. Appts: 81 Salem/Dazey/Leal; 82 School; 83 Elgin/Zoar/ Ebenezer; 86 Bowman; 93 School; 98 Washburn/Center; 01 Grand Forks Wesley; 03 Williston/Grenora; 12/18/05 Williston; 12 Sabbatical; 13 Personal Leave. BS Jamestown; MDiv Asbury; PhD Southern. Marilyn 1/7/56; Justin 3/15/81, Ben, 5/2/84. TOEPKE‑FLOYD, MARTIN C. FE 4/27/58 Deacon & PM 91; Elder & FM 93. Appts: 87 Ione, Calif.; 90 Cleveland/ Medina; 91 Linton; 92 Linton/Sterling/Moffit; 93, Wishek Nursing Home; 01 Wishek, 08 Napoleon/Wishek/Lehr; 12 Napoleon/Lehr. 80 BS University of Redlands; 87 MDiv Pacific School of Religion. Tammy 6/2/61; Andrea 12/1/92, Tyler 11/2/95. TOWLER, JAMES G. RE 4/26/29 Trial & Deacon 51 (MN); Elder & FM 55. Appts: 64 Transferred to ND, Fargo First; 68 Bowbells/Coteau/Kenmare; 71 Arthur/Hunter/Erie; 76 Langdon-Hannah; 82 Transferred to SD, Miller/Greenleaf; 87 Timber Lake/Timber Lake ALC (ELCA)/Isabel UCC/Timber Lake ABC; 92 Presho/Kennebec/Reliance; 94 Retired. BA Mankato; MDiv Drew; DMin McCormick. Arlene 3/8/28; Dwight 5/19/60, Karri 9/19/62.
TRACY, JOY PL 12/23/ 64. PL 8/1/12. Appts: 8/1/12 Henry/Kellerton (1/4 time). Mark 2/20/65.
TRACY, MARK PL 2/20/65. PL 8/1/12. Appts: 8/1/12 Henry/Kellerton (1/4 time). Joy 12/23/64. TRAPP, DEAN A. FE 4/8/61 Deacon & PM 85; Elder & FM 88. Appts: 85 School; 86 Conde/Andover; 90 Groton/ Columbia UCC; 95 Groton/Conde; 96 Yankton/Gayville/Volin; 05 Yankton; 10 Sioux Falls Sunnycrest.; 13 Huron Riverview/Virgil. 83 BA Westmar; 86 MDiv St Paul. Susan 7/13/62; Kimberly 3/19/89, Alyssa 8/31/91, Erika 9/27/94. TREFZ, REBECCA FE 5/6/76 Commissioned and PM 2005. FM 08 Appts: 05 Rapid City Canyon Lake Assoc.; 10 Brandon Celebration. 98 BA Simpson; 05 MDiv Garrett Evangelical. Steven 2/16/80; Brady 7/28/06, Henry 11/29/08. TREFZ, STEVE FE 2/16/80 Commissioned 2005. FM 08. Appts: 05 Piedmont; 08 Family Leave. BS SDSU; MDiv GarrettEvangleical. Rebecca 5/6/76; Brady 7/28/06, Henry 11/29/08. TSUKAMOTO, MINORU RE 12/27/25 Deacon 62; Elder 64; Orders Recognized & FM 87. Appts: 86 Rapid City First; 87 Trans from Free Meth. South American Conf; 88 Jenkins Methodist Home; 96 Retired. Yoko (Ogoshi) 7/10/35; Ruth 2/20/63, Daniel 4/18/70. TURNER, MARK FL 10/25/56 FL Appts: 06 Burke/Herrick/Jamison, NE. BA Iowa. Angela 11/11/60; Mary 5/16/83; Alex 3/10/88 TYLER, JENNIFER “Jen” PE 5/3/84 Commission & PM 12; Appts.: 12 Clark/Garden City. 06 BA Simpson College; 09 MDiv. Garrett-Evangelical. ULMER, RODNEY FL9/6/64 FL. Appts: 01 Marion/Dickey/Jud. Melissa 7/6/66; Morgyn 10/6/86, Greysen 8/23/91; Tanya 3/12/96. UNKENHOLZ, RICHARD A. RE 12/21/27 Deacon & PM 53 (North Indiana); Elder & FM 56 (North Indiana). Appts: 10/50 Monson; 52 Monson/Taylor; 55 Marion First; 57 Transfer to ND; 9/57 Edgeley/Jud/Nortonville; 63 Valley City; 69 Bismarck First; 75 Jamestown First; 84 Fargo Calvary; 89 Williston/Grenora/Bainville; 93 Retired. AB Taylor; MDiv Garrett; DMin McCormick. Patricia 7/7/30; Mark 3/23/54, Jeanne 1/20/56, Carol Sue 11/24/58, David 6/20/62. VAN ESSEN, ALBARTUS “Bert” L. RE 9/20/47 Deacon & PM 74 ; Elder & FM 77. Appts: 74 School; 76 Murdo/Draper; 82 Beresford-Zion; 88 Winner; 93 Gettysburg; 03 Medical Leave; 09 Parker/Hurley; 12 Sabbatical; 10/1/12 Retired. BS Westmar; MDiv Iliff. Bert 6/26/72, Gerad 6/26/76, Andrew 9/19/79. VAN TASSEL, GUSTAV K. RE 1/25/26 Trial 49; Deacon 53; FM 54; Elder 55. Appts: 45 Student Supply Artesian/ Farwell; 49 Rockham/Miranda; 51 School; 51 Epworth, Matamoras, PA; 54 Iroquois/Esmond; 57 Iroquois Larger Parish; 58 Redfield; 67 Watertown First; 82 Executive Director UM Foundation & Director Stewardship & Financial Services, Mitchell; 85 Executive Director UM Foundation; 7/1/92-Interim DFAS; 1/31/93 Retired. BA Dakota Wesleyan; BD Drew; DD Dakota Wesleyan. Doretta (Sally) 7/8/30; JoLynn 2/15/54, Keith 12/6/56, Jan 11/23/63. VEGLAHN, L. DONALD RE 12/22/33 Trial 60 (IA Conf); Transferred to SD 62; Elder & FM 62. Appts: 62 Howard/ Roswell; 65 Spearfish; 69 Brookings; 84 Southern District Superintendent; 90 Sioux Falls Asbury; 95 Retired. Nancy 7/17/39; Dan 4/9/61, Ruth 5/27/65.
VETTER, BRANDON FE 1/20/81 Commissioned & PM 05. Elder & FM 09 Appts: 05 School; 06 Dakota Wesleyan Campus Ministry. BA Dakota Wesleyan University; 06 M.Div Asbury Theological Sem. Victoria 4/29/81; Miranda 9/29/08. VONDERGEEST, CRAIG FE 11/22/67 LP 92; Deacon & PM 94; Elder & FM 99. Appts: 92 Williston/Grenora/Bainville; 93 School; 00 Alexandria/Ethan/Fulton; 03 Grand Forks Wesley; 05 Extension Ministry. Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC; BA Concordia; MDiv Princeton; PhD Union Theological Seminary. Nathan 1/10/00, Maren 11/15/02, Rachel 11/8/04. VORE, JEFF PL 2/5/50 PL 8/1/11. Appts: 11 McCook Lake ARK UMC (1/2 time). 72 BS Ohio State University. Bonnie 10/27/52; Bryan 3/27/83, Craig 5/31/83. VORLAGE, TIMOTHY FE 6/1/55 Deacon & PM 99; Elder & FM 02. Appts: 98 Britton; 03 Cando/Starkweather/Egeland PC-USA/Rock Lake/Rolla.; 06 Langdon; 12 Hitchcock/Broadland. 79 AS Gavilon CC; 95 BS University of NY, Regents College; 98 MDiv United Theological Seminary. Katie 6/4/50; Nicholas 11/4/82, Zachary 5/22/87. WAISANEN, CORI FE 4/10/50 Deacon & PM 91; Elder & FM 94. Appts: 91 School; 8/1/92 Pierre Southeast-Blunt; 98 Wessington Springs; 2000 Attend School.; 06 Flandreau/Egan, 08 Linton/Sterling/Moffit; 12 Linton / Sterling. BA Trinity Bible College; MDiv Asbury; D Miss Asbury; . James 1/15/51; Seth 4/29/76, Alisha 6/25/80, Kobe 6/29/05. WAISANEN, JAMES FE 1/15/51 Deacon & PM 91; Elder & FM 94. Appts: 91 School; 8/1/92 Pierre First; 98 Tulare United; 06 Medical Leave. BA Trinity Bible College; MDiv Asbury. Cori 4/10/50; Seth 4/29/76, Alisha 6/25/80. WALKES, ROLAND R. RE 1/11/23 Deacon 46; Elder & FM 50. Appts: 44 Butler; 47 School; 49 Tigard, OR; 50 Monroe/ Brothersfield; 52 Yankton; 60 McLaughlin; 66 Eureka/Artas; 79 Clark/Garden City; 84 Retired. BA Westmar; BD Evangelical. Verlaine 3/23/24; Janice 1/3/57, Jonathan 8/20/59. WALL, C. ROBERT RE 1/30/45 Elder & PM (Orders recognized) 83; FM 84. Appts: 82 Murdo-Draper; 84 Watertown First; 9/1/89 Rapid City South Maple; 93 Leave of Absence; 02 Honorable Location; Retired BA N Iowa; MDiv Bethel. Geraldine (Gerrie) 5/12/45; Jacqueline 7/23/69, Sonja 5/5/76, Carla 5/22/79. WALTERS, GARY FE 5/23/70 Commissioned 2000; Elder and FM 04. Appts: 00 White River/Mission; 03 Gettysburg/ Onida/Agar; 06 Bismarck McCabe; 10 RC Knollwood Heights/Rapid Valley; 11 Rapid Valley. 94 BA Dakota Wesleyan; 99 MDiv Asbury. Laura 7/21/71; Nicholas, 6/11/99, Alexandra 3/21/01, Andrew 1/28/03. WALTERS, LAURA FD 7/21/71 Commissioned 00; Deacon and FM 04. Appts: 00 White River/Mission (LTFT); 03 Gettysburg/Onida/Agar (LTFT); 06 Transitional Leave; 9/1/06 Bismarck McCabe ( 1/2 time); 10 Family Leave. 93 BA Dakota Wesleyan; 99 MDiv Asbury. Gary 5/23/70; Nicholas, 6/11/99, Alexandra 3/21/01, Andrew 1/28/03. WARD, MICHAEL FE 09/04/57 PM 85, Elder & FM 87. Appts: 98 Transfer to Dakotas Conf; 98 Wimbledon/Kensal; 06 Faulkton/Seneca, 08 Milnor/Wyndmere/Sheldon. 79 BA SUNY Plattsburgh; 85 MDiv Colgate Rochester Divinity School. Karen 5/5/58. WATT, DONALD A. RE 11/20/50 Transfer from Arkansas 04. Appts: 04 Vice President for Academic Affairs, DWU; 09 Gettysburg/Onida/Agar; 11 Retired. BS Mount Union College; MA, PhD U of Pennsylvania; MDiv Pacific School of Religion. Priscilla 1/26/49; Andrew 5/7/76, Nathan 7/8/78. Â WEBER, ADAM FE 3/23/82 Commissioned & PM 07. Elder & FM 10. Appts: 07 Sioux Falls Embrace Extension; 2/20/2011 Embrace. 04 BA Augustana; 07 MDiv. Asbury. Becky 10/31/81; Hudson 2/13/07, Wilson 5/26/08, Grayson 11/28/10.
WENZEL, WARREN RE 3/19/42 PM 64; Elder & FM 70. Appts: 65 School; 12/68 Williston Faith; 69 Williston First/ Grenora; 73 Mohall/Sherwood/Tolley; 75 Bowman; 82 Harvey/Martin/Chaseley; 89 Fairmount/Bethany/Rosholt; 01 Retired. 01 Linton/Moffit/Braddock. BA Westmar; MDiv Evangelical. Iva 6/4/43; Andrew 11/13/67, John 7/7/69, Timothy 6/12/74. WHALEY, RUSSELL FE 11/11/62 Deacon & PM 96; Elder & FM 01. Appts: 96 School; 99 Kindred Calvary/Kindred Zion; 02 Page/Hope/Finley; 04 Edgeley/Kulm; 06 Pembina/Joliette/Humboldt; 09 Grand Forks Zion; 4/1/12 Personal Leave. BS South Dakota. MDiv Perkins. Pamela 5/2/70; George 10/31/01, Chloe and Emily 2/5/04. WHETSEL, TERESA FL 11/2/71. PL 13. Appts: 13 Arlington/Lake Preston/Lake Preston UCC. Virgil 11/18/70; Aiden 10/7/97, Kade 1/9/99, Logan 8/9/01.
WHIPKEY, BARRY FL 10/4/55. Lincensed 04. Appts: 04 Larimore/Arvilla PC-USA/Emerado PC-USA; 07 Huron Riverview/Virgil; 13 Madison. Debbie 1/15/57; Cory 12/20/75, Annie 4/11/80, Barry Lee 7/15/85. WHITMER, LOU FL 1/29/54 FL Licensed 07 Appts: 07 Kimball/Kimball PC-USA/Kimball ELCA; 11 Mitchell; 13 Aberdeen North Highland. Business NDSSS. WIGEN, A. JULIAN RE 1/9/41 Trial & Deacon 64; Elder & FM 67. Appts: 63 School; 67 Tioga/Columbus; 70 EnderlinSheldon; 72 Transferred to SD, Rapid City Knollwood Heights; 79 Milbank Parkview; 85 Redfield/Ashton; 89 Redfield/ Ashton/Rockham/Miranda; 9/1/89 Rapid City Canyon Lake; 92 Executive Director UM Foundation; 03 Retired. PhB ND; MDiv Garrett; DMin McCormick. Lois 7/15/41; Amy 10/25/62, Diana 1/31/66, Malea 11/9/70. WILSON, PEARY A. RE 6/19/44 Deacon 67; Elder & FM 70. Appts: 70 Alexandria/Fulton; 73 Supernumerary; 76 Canistota United Church; 84 Brookings; 87 Yankton/Gayville/Volin; 92 Transfer to ND; 92 Bismarck McCabe; 98 Southwest District Superintendent; 04 Lead/Deadwood; 06 Retired; 11 Edgemont/Pringle (LTFT); 13 Rapid City First (3/4 time). BA Dakota Wesleyan; MDiv Garrett. Eileen 3/19/46; Brian 2/3/72, Darshan 2/19/75. WILSON, RUSSELL C. RE 12/25/37 Deacon & PM 62; Elder & FM 64. Appts: 64 Wakonda/Irene; 66 Howard; 70 Sabbatical Leave; 73 Kansas St. U. Manhattan; 76 Auburn Univ; 00 Retired. WINCKLER, JOEL FE 2/24/66 Deacon & PM 93; Elder & FM 96. Appts: 92 Cleveland/Jamestown St. Paul’s; 93 School; 94 Harrisburg; 97 Aberdeen First; 01 Bismarck Calvary/Sterling; 06 Bismarck Calvary; 10 Fargo Calvary. 88 BA Asbury; 94 MDiv Asbury. Kris 6/9/58. WINKELMAN, NORMAN E. RE 10/14/32 PM 53, Elder & FM 57. Appts: 54 School; 57 Bowbells/Coteau; 61 Fargo Edgewood; 68 Bismarck Calvary; 79 Wahpeton/Great Bend; 87 Jamestown St. Paul’s; 95 Retired. BA Westmar; MDiv Evangelical. DeLette 4/25/35; Brent 11/8/56, Mark 10/23/59, Darcy 12/15/67. WINSTRYG, MARVIN RA 2/27/47 License to Preach 90; PM 93; AM 96. Appts: 90 Salem/Dazey/Leal; 92 Steele/Tuttle/ Robinson; 99 Minot Faith/Des Lacs; 00 Geddes/Delmont; 9/29/01 Mooseheart Children’s Village; 02 Devil’s Lake; 08 Washburn/Center/Turtle Lake; 1/1/10 Retired; 12 Presho/Kennebec/Reliance; 13 Elgin / Ebenezer UCC. BA Bethany Nazarene. Helen 7/14/48; Eric 6/26/72, Trenten 7/10/75. WU, DAVID RE 7/9/40 Deacon & PM 69; Elder & FM 7 1. Appts: 68 St. Thomas/Glasston/Hamilton; 70 School; 71 Linton; 76 General Board of Global Ministries, World Division, Singapore; 96 General Board of Global Ministries, New York; 05 Retired. BA Barrington; MDiv Asbury; ThD Union.
YI, CHANG FE 02/02/77 Commissioned & PM 08; Elder and FM 2011. Appts: 06 Alexandria/Ethan; 12 Grand Forks Zion. 02 BS Ulsan Univ; 06 MDiv. Wesley Theological Sem. Youna Rhee 1/27/77; Grace Sun Woo 11/1/11. ZACHRISON, DAYNE FE 7/28/72 Commissioned & PM 02. Elder & FM 05. Appts: 01 Yankton/Gayville/Volin; 04 Watertown First; 10 Clark/Garden City; 12 Valley City Epworth. BA Jamestown, ND; MDiv. St. Paul. Aimee 3/27/72; Camille 1/3/05 ZECK, RICHARD “Rich” W. FE 10/8/63 Deacon & PM 88; Elder & FM 91. Appts: 88 School; 89 Yankton/Gayville/Volin; 92 McCook Lake; 02 Fargo First; 13 Brookings First. 86 BS South Dakota State; 89 MDiv Garrett-Evangelical. Bonnie 10/13/63; Addison 12/9/94, Carter 3/9/97, Foster 1/30/02, Sheridan 2/26/04. ZERFACE, PEGGY RE 9/23/50 Deacon & PM 87; Elder & FM 90. Appts: 87 School; 88 Marion/Dickey; 90 Bismarck McCabe; 95 Clear Lake/Gary; 01 Drayton/Crystal/St. Thomas; 5/7/06 Fargo Faith; 10 Lisbon/Enderlin UMC, Lisbon First PC/USA; 1/1/13 Retired; 1/1/13 Fargo First (3/4 time). 72 BS Valley City State; 88 MDiv St. Paul. ZIEBARTH, STEVEN J. FE 9/20/49 Deacon & PM 80; Elder & FM 82. Appts: 80 School; 81 Gregory/Iona; 88 Mitchell; 92 School of Mines Campus Ministry; 96 Sioux Falls Southern Hills; 10 Canton. 76 BS Dakota State; 81 MDiv Iliff. Kathryn 1/30/51; Hillari 6/17/73, Jonathan 12/19/77.
Others Serving Dakotas Churches
Other Than Full Members, Associate Members, Provisional Members, Licensed Local Pastors and Retired Members
BAMBAS, DAVID (UCC-LP): Appts: 12/1/2010 Elk Point United-UMC, UCC BROWN, HEATHER (ELCA): Appts: 09 Lansford UMC, ELCA BURGER, DEBORAH (PCUSA): Appts: 09 Bottineau United UMC, PCUSA DAMASKA, JON (Wesleyan) Appts: 98 Mellette Northwestern/Mansfield PC-USA. DAUGHERTY, ROBBIE SY Appts: 09 Drayton/Pembina/Joliette/Humboldt FANDRICH, SUSAN (UCC) 99 Carrington Federated FISHER, DAVID 11/19/62 (AOG) Appts: 11/4/02 Cleveland. BA Trinity Bible College; MDiv AOG Theological Seminary; DMin Southwest Theological Seminary. Patricia 9/23/61; Nikolas (Jordan) 8/24/80, Noah (Joshua) 11/8/89, Nazareth (Jared) 7/25/01. HENSCHEN, PAUL (PCUSA) Appt: 09 Ellendale United-UMC, PCUSA HESFORD, JOHN (ELCA) Appts: 06 Dunseith/Peace ELCA. HILTON, GEOFF 7/25/75 SY Appts: 2/1/04 Bantry; 05 Velva. BA Minot State. Jennifer 9/9/78. HOUSER-JANKORD, LORAH (UCC-LP) Appts: 09 Tulare United UMC, UCC HUNT, KEN (AB) Appts: 11 Timber Lake/Timber Lake ELCA/Isabel UCC/Timber Lake AB. JUNKER, DAREN 4/24/67 (AB) Appts: 02 Elkton/Elkton UCC Bonnie 5/04/66; Dana 9/27/92, Michael 8/31/94, Daniel 4/6/00, David 4/06/00. KEIL, PAUL (AOG) Appts: 9/12/00 Park River Federated. LAYTON, JEAN (UCC); Licensed 8/1/2011 Appts: 01 Garretson. M.Ed SDSU; MA USD; PhD Univ. of NE; M.Div NABS MAXTED, WARREN (AOG) Appts: 01 Beach Community MILLER, WADE 4/5/69 (DOC) 11 Arthur/Casselton 91 BA Texas Christian Univ.; 92 M.B.A. Texas Christian Univ.; 95 M.Div. Christian Theological Sem. Theta W. 10/27/69; Clarissa 11/26/01, Quinn 9/16/04. PECK, DONALD J. 8/10/58. SY Appts: 95 Leola/Frederick/Barnard UCC. BS Franklin Univ. Deirdre 5/16/62; Daniel 5/21/88, David 11/26/90, Douglas 7/16/92, Diana 4/4/95. RAINBOLT, JOHN SY Appts: 13 Presho/Kennebec/Reliance. SAYLOR, JUDY SY Appts: 13 Wakonda/Irene /Viborg SCHNACKENBERG, JUSTIN SY Appts: 11 Page/Hope United UCC/Finley SIEFKEN, LOREN/PAT SY Appts: 11 Bath SMITH, MARGARET SY Appts: 2000 Hoople; 06 Crystal SNETHEN, RON (Nazarene) Appts: 92 Colome. SWEIR, JEFFINER (PC-USA) Appts: 13 Salem United UMC / PC USA/ Montrose TRENT, JUSTIN 7/17/75 CLM 12 Appts: 12 Fairburn. Melody 11/24/74; Ashley 12/24/96, Duane 3/18/04. TRUESDELL, JAMES (UCC) Appt: 08 DeSmet UMC, UCC
WALKER, CLINT (AB) Appt: 11 Hot Springs Federated-UMC/AB/PCUSA. WALTERS, DAVID (PENT) Appt: 09 Harvey/Martin/Drake WELLSANDT-ZELL, RHONDA (ELCA) Appt: 08 Woonsocket UMC, ELCA/Forestburg ELCA WERTH, JOHN (PC-USA) Appts: 02 Hamilton.
REYNOLDS, JEANNINE 3/28/39 Deaconess 1996. Positions: 1996-1998 Social Worker, Virginia Conference; 1998-2002 Church and Community Worker, UM Cooperative Mins. of Madison County, Fla.; 2002 \Ch. & Comm. Wkr., UM Pierre Area Community Mins. (UMPACM); 06 Retired. BA in Social Work, University of Kentucky
Jubilee Clergy
Rev. Emil Eberhart
Rev. Donald Elmer
Rev. Art Scanson
Rev. Art Scanson, Rev. Emil Eberhart, Bishop Ough, Rev. Donald Elmer
Rev. Leonard Haggin
Rev. Julian Wigen
XI. RULES & POLICIES Structure and Rules of Order DEFINITIONS
Section 1: Mission of the Annual Conference 1.1. Name. Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. 1.2. Core Values. Through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, we, the Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church, are a community saved by grace through faith, centered in Christ, grounded in Scripture, and connected with one another in the Wesleyan tradition of doing no harm, doing good, and staying in love with God. 1.2.1. Christ-Centered: Theological Values. Putting fear aside, trusting God through faith, and following the divine mandate to love God and neighbor, we, the Body of Christ, covenant to commit our lives to make disciples of Christ, employing all the means of grace available to us as revealed through Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience. 1.2.2. Wesley’s Three Simple Rules: Relational Values. John Wesley’s three simple rules describe for us the foundation of our Christian life together. By intentionally examining our personal and corporate lives, we strive to do no harm. Therefore, we choose to relate to one another in a spirit of inclusiveness, integrity, intimacy, and accountability. Committed to doing good, we engage in mission, service, and social action, acknowledging that if we err we do so on the side of grace. We stay in love with God through spiritual development, including regular reading of Scripture, cultivating a life of prayer, tithing, and worshiping God in public and private settings. 1.2.3. Connection: Structural Values. Connected to God and each other through Christ, the Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church gathers the gifts and strengths of the local churches to fulfill more effectively our mission and ministry. By sharing leadership and resources, and providing mutual support and accountability, we do ministry better when we do it together. 1.3. Purpose. The purpose of the Annual Conference is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by equipping its local churches for ministry and by providing a connection for ministry beyond the local church; all to the glory of God. (¶601 of the 2012 Book of Discipline) 1.4. Viability of the Local Church. A viable congregation of The United Methodist Church in the Dakotas Conference makes disciples by intentionally and consistently doing these things: +Invites people to know Christ. +Includes people in the fellowship of the church. +Worships regularly. +Nurtures spiritual growth. +Prays for one another and the world. +Participates in local and global mission. +Meets financial obligations. +Shares in the mission and ministry of The United Methodist Church including paying apportionments. We expect every congregation to evaluate and apply these criteria to its ministry, and be accountable for showing progress in each area with the support of the District Superintendent. The work of a church is a labor shared by both its congregation and the clergy appointed to serve that congregation with the support of the District Superintendent. A church or clergyperson that does not take specific, measureable steps to meet these criteria lacks integrity and/or vitality. Therefore, a congregation adjudged not to have made specific, measureable steps to meet the criteria of vitality should consider closing, allowing its members and constituents to be nurtured, grow, and be in a mission in a viable congregation. 1.5. Dakotas Platform for Ministry. Connected to God and each other through Christ, the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church exists for the purpose of equipping the local church for mission and ministry in the world. By sharing leadership resources and providing mutual support and accountability, we do ministry better when we do it together. The Dakotas Annual Conference provides links between the local church and conference for equipping, connecting, stewarding, and visioning. Section 2: Conference Officers 2.1 President. The President shall be the Bishop of the Dakotas Area of The United Methodist Church 2.2. Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries 2.3. Conference Secretary. The Secretary shall be nominated by the Cabinet and elected by the Annual Coference at its first session following the General Conference. (¶603.7 of the 2012 Book of Discipline) 2.4. Conference Lay Leader. The Conference Lay Leader shall be nominated and elected by the lay members of the Annual Conference at its first session following the General Conference according to procedures outlined in these rules. 2.5. Conference Statistician. The Statistician shall be nominated by the Cabinet and elected by the Annual Conference at its first session following the General Conference. (¶603.7 of the 2012 Book of Discipline) 2.6. Conference Chancellor(s). The Chancellor(s) shall be nominated by the Bishop and elected by the Annual Conference at its first session following the General Conference. (¶603.9 of the 2012 Book of Discipline) Section 3: Conference Structure 3.1. Flexibility in Conference Structure. The Annual Conference is responsible for structuring its ministries and administrative procedures in order to accomplish its purpose (¶601), with the exception of the mandated provisions of ¶¶611,635, 637 636, 639, 640, 647, and 648. In so doing it shall provide for the connectional relationship of the local church, district, and conference with the general agencies. (¶610) The Annual Conference shall provide for the functions and General Conference connections with all general agencies provided
by the Discipline as follows: a) There shall be clear connections between the General Conference agencies, annual conference program and administrative entities, and the local congregation; b) There shall be clear checks and balances regarding program functions and financial/ administrative functions so long as the functions of ministry are fulfilled and the connectional relationships are maintained. (¶610.1) Nothing in these Structure and Rules shall be construed to contravene any provision of the Discipline relating to the work of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶635), the Administrative Review Committee (¶636), the Committees on Investigation (¶2703), the Board of Pensions and Health Benefits (¶639), the Board of Trustees (¶2512), the Conference Council on Finance and Administration (¶¶611-620), or the Committee on Episcopacy ¶637). 3.2. Equipping the Local Church Link. “The local church is the most significant area through which discipleship occurs.” (¶201 of the Discipline) A vital and viable local church is dependent upon the strength of its lay and clergy leadership. 3.2.1. Functions. The Equipping the Local Church Link shall equip the local church by working with its leadership to provide encouragement, assessment, training, and resources by: a) encouraging local churches to do ministry and be vital congregations. b) helping local churches with needs assessments to determine viability and future direction using the viable church criteria in Section 1.4. c) identifying, recruiting, training, and developing current and emerging leaders of the local church. d) resourcing local churches through people, programs, and financial support. e) starting new faith communities. f) giving intentional attention to the ministries involved in disciple-making, including, but not limited to,witness ministries, Christian education, evangelism, worship, stewardship, spiritual formation, justice ministries, and local and global missions. g) giving intentional attention to ministries to and with various categories of persons, including, but not limited to, youth, young adults, older adults, women, men, persons with disabilities, Native Americans, persons of color, persons in small- membership churches, persons victimized by crime, imprisoned persons, survivors of disasters, and other often overlooked or excluded persons. h) caring for the recruitment of pastors, staff, and lay leadership, including, but not limited to, conference extension ministers, campus ministers, conference missionaries, and conference evangelists. i) caring for the credentialing of clergy through the work of the Board of Ordained Ministry. j) promoting and providing for professional growth. k) holding clergy, staff, and lay leadership accountable. l) establishing procedures for managing clergy medical as specified in ¶652 of the Discipline. m) promoting Safe Sanctuary policies. n) caring for the functions of a board of discipleship specified in ¶630 of the Discipline, and maintaining the connectional relationship between the General Board of Discipleship and the conference, district, and local church. o) caring for the functions of a board of laity specified in ¶631 of the Discipline. p) caring for the functions of a commission on the small-membership church as specified in ¶645 of the Discipline. q) caring for the functions of a commission on religion and race as specified in ¶643 of the Discipline and maintaining the connectional relationship between the General Commission on Religion and Race and the conference, district, and local church. r) caring for the functions of a commission on the status and role of women as specified in ¶644 of the Discipline and maintaining the connectional relationship between the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women and the conference, district, and local church. 3.2.2. Membership. The Equipping the Local Church Link shall have twelve members, who include one rep-resentative from each of the standing committees relating to this Link; in addition, persons serving as members of any general agency related to the functions of this Link shall be voting members. The following shall be ex officio members without vote: the Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries, the Director of Leadership Development and a District Superintendent. 3.2.3. Standing Committees of the Equipping the Local Church Link: a) Board of Ordained Ministry. There shall be a Conference Board of Ordained Ministry as provided in ¶635 of the Discipline. The Board shall relate to the Equipping the Local Church Link, but shall report to and be amenable directly to the Annual Conference. The Board shall be constituted as prescribed in ¶635.1 of the Discipline, and consist of between 20 and 25 total members. 3.3. Extending the Local Church Link. When it is more effective to use resources across church and conference boundaries, or when the scope or costs of ministries exceed the ability of an individual church, we can do ministry better when we do it together. Our combined efforts increase our ability to fulfill the overall mission of the church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. 3.3.1. Functions. The Extending the Local Church Link shall provide communication and coordination of opportunities for participation among local churches, the Annual Conference, and the general church by: a) developing strategic ministry initiatives beyond the local church. b) providing generational ministries for all ages and genders, including through campus ministry. c) developing strategies for reaching new people. d) developing cooperative ministries. e) transforming lives through service and mission. f) sharing information and promoting connectional opportunities. g) providing places to gather beyond the local church. h) providing a camping ministry for the Annual Conference. i) promoting Christian unity and interreligious concerns. j) developing ministries with Native Americans in the Dakotas. k) monitoring inclusiveness of gender and race. l) caring for the functions of a board of church and society specified in ¶629 of the Discipline, and maintaining the connectional relationship between the General Board of Church and Society and the conference, district, and local church.
m) caring for the functions and connectional relationships of a committee on ethnic local church concerns specified in ¶632 of the Discipline. n) caring for the functions of a board of global ministries as specified in ¶633 of the Discipline and maintaining the connectional relationship between the General Board of Global Ministries and the conference, district, and local church. o) caring for the functions of a board of higher education and campus ministry as specified in ¶634 of the Discipline and maintaining the connectional relationship between the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the conference, district, and local church p) caring for the functions of a commission or committee on Christian unity and interreligious concerns as specified in ¶642 of the Discipline and maintaining the connectional relationship between the General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns and the conference, district, and local church. q) caring for the functions of a commission on communications as specified in ¶646 of the Discipline. r) caring for the functions of a council on youth ministry as specified in ¶649 of the Discipline and maintaining the connectional relationship between the Division on Ministries with Young People of the General Board of Discipleship and the conference, district, and local church. s) caring for the functions of a council on young-adult ministry as specified in ¶650 of the Discipline. t) caring for the functions of a committee on disability concerns as specified in ¶653 of the Discipline. u) caring for the functions of a committee on Native American Ministry as specified in ¶654 of the Discipline. 3.3.2. Membership. The Extending the Local Church Link shall have twelve members, who include one representative from each of the standing committees relating to this Link; in addition, persons serving as members of any General Agency related to the function of this Link shall be voting members. The following shall be ex officio members without vote: the Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries, the Director of Camping and Youth Ministries and a District Superintendent. 3.3.3. Standing Committees of the Extending the Local Church Link: a) United Methodist Women. There shall be a Conference United Methodist Women, auxiliary to the jurisdictional organization of United Methodist Women and to the Women’s Division of the General Board of Global Ministries, as provided in ¶647 of the 2008 Discipline. It shall relate to the Extending the Local Church Link. b) United Methodist Men. There shall be a Conference United Methodist Men, auxiliary to the jurisdictional committee of United Methodist Men and to the General Commission on United Methodist Men, as provided in ¶648 of the 2008 Discipline. It shall relate to the Extending the Local Church Link. 3.4. Stewardship of Resources Link. God has entrusted the Annual Conference with resources for the purpose of equipping the local church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Therefore, our task is to ensure the wise stewardship of those resources to fulfill this function. 3.4.1. Personnel Functions. The Stewardship of Resources Link shall be responsible for oversight of Annual Conference matters relating to: a) creation, review, and updating of conference staff job descriptions, b) hiring, discipline, supervision, and evaluation of conference staff, c) provision of adequate health care coverage for qualifying employees, 3.4.2. Property Functions. The Stewardship of Resources Link shall be responsible for oversight of Annual Conference matters relating to: a) purchase, maintenance, and sale of all Annual Conference property, b) attitudinal and architectural accessibility of Annual Conference-owned property c) investment and management of funds and accounts. d) providing for the equitable compensation of pastors, including caring for the functions of a commission on equitable compensation specified in ¶625 of the Discipline. 3.4.3. Insurance. The Stewardship of Resources Link shall be responsible for oversight of Annual Conference matters related to insurance and bonding. 3.4.4. Related Institutions. The Stewardship of Resources Link shall be responsible for oversight of Annual Conference matters concerning institutions related to the Dakotas Annual Conference. 3.4.5. Membership. The Stewardship of Resources Link shall have twelve members, who include one representative from each of the standing committees relating to this Link. In addition, persons serving as members of any general agency related to the function of this Link shall be voting members. The following shall be ex officio members without vote: the Director of Financial and Administrative Services, the Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries and a District Superintendent. 3.4.6. Standing Committees of the Stewardship of Resources Link a) Board of Pensions and Health Benefits. There shall be a Conference Board of Pensions and Health Benefits, auxiliary to the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits, as provided in ¶639 of the Discipline. The Board shall relate to the Stewardship of Resources Link, but as provided in ¶614.1d of the 2012 Book of Discipline, shall consult directly with the Conference Council on Finance and Administration as to the annual amount necessary to fund the conference pension and benefit programs. The Board shall be constituted as specified in ¶639.2, and shall consist of between 12 and 15 members. b) Board of Trustees. There shall be a Conference Board of Trustees as provided in ¶640 and ¶2512 of the Discipline. The Board shall relate to the Stewardship of Resources Link, but shall report to and be amenable directly to the Annual Conference. The Board shall be constituted as specified in ¶2512 of the Discipline. c) Human Resources Committee. There shall be a Human Resources Committee, which shall develop and implement personnel policies and procedures pertaining to standards of employment, evaluation, compensation, housing, benefits, vacation, sick leave, and all other matters of effectiveness and morale. It shall be made up of the Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries, a representative from each Link, a representative from the Common Table, and two lay and two clergy at-large members, with preference given to those possessing expertise or experience in human- resource management.
e) No member of the staff of the annual conference or any of its agencies, nor an immediate family member of such staff, shall serve as a member of the committee. The committee may consult as necessary with representatives of other agencies. The Bishop and the Director of Finance and Administrative Services shall be ex officio member without vote. f) Commission on Archives and History. There shall be a Conference Commission on Archives and History with responsibilities, membership, and connections as provided in ¶641 of the Discipline. It shall relate to the Stewardship of Resources Link. 3.5. Visioning Link. The Visioning Link intentionally seeks God’s guidance in extending the ministry of the Church in exploring new ideas, possibilities, and dreams, in order to discern God’s will for our ministry together. The Link’s responsibilities include discovery, assessment and interpretation of trends and factors that will shape the environment for ministry for the Dakotas Conference from a long-term perspective. 3.5.1. Functions a) to envision future needs and ministry opportunities from the perspective of an “over the horizon” view (3-20 years), to work closely with the Bishop and the Common Table, and to assist the Annual Conference to discern and follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit. 3.5.2. Membership. No less than five and no more than seven members, who hold no other position within the Annual Conference. In addition the following shall be ex officio member without vote: the Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries. Members of the Link shall be nominated by the Bishop in consultation with the Committee on Nominations. 3.6. The Common Table. Discerning and Keeping Accountability to the Vision. 3.6.1. Functions. The Common Table guides and holds accountable the work of the agencies of the Annual Conference as they fulfill the purpose of the Annual Conference: a) along with the Bishop and Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries, to be the keeper of the vision of the Annual Conference for the continual process of transformation and renewal. b) to work collaboratively with the Visioning Link in discerning the long-term future for the Annual Conference while keeping the Common Table’s focus on clarifying the current and near-term vision (0-3 years) for the Annual Conference. c) in concert with the Bishop and the Focus Team, to administer the Annual Conference’s ministries, resources, and business within the context of the Discipline and the actions taken by Annual Conference, and following the core values and purpose of the Annual Conference. d) to recommend to the Annual Conference visions, goals, priorities, and overall strategies. e) to ensure that actions and proposals of Annual Conference agencies are consistent with the Annual Conference’s purpose and core values. f) to be amenable to the Annual Conference. 3.6.2. Membership. The Common Table shall have eight members: a representative of the cabinet; the conference lay leader or associate lay leader; the chairperson of the Visioning Link; a representative from CCFA; two laypersons and two clergypersons to be nominated by the Bishop in consultation with the Committee on Nominations—one of whom shall be named the chair—who do not serve on any Link or standing committee related to one of the Links; ex officio without vote—the Bishop, the Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries. 3.6.3. Working Group Relating to the Common Table a) Focus Team. The Focus Team functions in relationship to the Common Table and serves as a connecting point for the Links. The Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries convenes the Focus Team on a routine basis to ensure the alignment of the total resources of the conference to its vision. The membership includes, but is not limited to: the chair of the Common Table, the Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries, the chairperson of the Equipping the Local Church Link, the chairperson of the Extending the Local Church Link, the chairperson of the Stewardship of Resources Link, the conference lay leader or associate lay leader, the district superintendents, the directors and associate directors for the Annual Conference. The Bishop shall be an ex officio, non-voting member of the Focus Team. 3.7. Other Standing Committees 3.7.1. Conference Council on Finance and Administration. There shall be a Conference Council on Finance and Administration as provide in ¶611-619 of the Discipline. CCFA shall relate to the Common Table, but shall report to and be amenable directly to the Annual Conference. The Council shall be constituted as specified in ¶612.2 of the Discipline, and shall consist of between 12 and 15 elected voting members, plus ex officio members as specified in ¶612.2c. For purposes of this structure, the Common Table shall serve the functions of the Council on Ministries; and the Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries shall serve the functions of the Director of Connectional Ministries. 3.7.2. Administrative Review Committee. There shall be a Conference Administrative Review Committee as provided in ¶636 of the Discipline. When necessary, the Committee shall report its findings directly to the clergy session of clergy members in full connection with the Annual Conference. 3.7.3. Committees on Investigation. There shall be Committees on Investigation until January 1, 2013 as provided in ¶2703.2 and ¶2703.3. 3.7.4. Committee on Nominations. There shall be a Conference Committee on Nominations entrusted with the task of nominating persons for election by the Annual Conference to serve on the Equipping the Local Church Link, the Extending the Local Church Link, the Stewardship of Resources Link and the Standing Committees, except where otherwise provided by the Discipline. The Committee on Nominations shall have twelve members, three from each district to be selected by the respective district lay leader and district superintendent. No member of the Committee on Nominations shall serve on the Common Table, a Link, or Standing Committee. Ex officio members without vote shall be the Conference Lay Leader, the Conference Secretary, the Director of Leadership Development and the Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries. 3.7.5. Committee on Records, Rules, and Procedures. Each year, the Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries shall recruit and work with a Committee on Records, Rules, and
Procedures, as provided in Conference Rule 4.3.2h. The purpose of this group shall be: a) To recommend interpretations of conference standing rules to the presiding officer during Annual Conference sessions and to the Bishop and/or Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries ad interim. b) Review and recommend action on proposed new structure, rules or changes in existing structure and/or rules. 3.7.6 Committee on Episcopacy. There shall be a Committee on Episcopacy as provided in ¶¶637-638 of the Discipline. It shall be related to the Stewardship of Resources Link, but shall report to and be amenable directly to the Annual Conference. It shall be constituted as prescribed in ¶637, and consist of between 7 and 17 total members. No member of the staff of the annual conference or any of its agencies, nor an immediate family member of such staff, shall serve as a member of the committee, except that a member of the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy or the conference lay leader shall not be disqualified from membership as a result of this provision. 3.7.7. Non-Permanent Standing Committees. The Common Table may recommend to the Annual Conference additional standing committees on the basis of (1) direct fulfillment of the purpose of the Annual Conference, and (2) demonstration of widespread involvement by persons within local churches of the Annual Conference. Standing committees established under these criteria will be reviewed at least once each quadrennium by the Common Table for recommendation to the Annual Conference for renewal. Recommendations to the Annual Conference shall include size and make-up of membership, as well as budget. For the quadrennium ending in 2016, standing committees will include a Board of Camping and Retreat Ministries, and a Conference Council of Youth Ministries—each relating to the Extending the Local Church Link. There will also be a Congregational Development Committee relating to the Equipping the Local Church Link. 3.8. Non-Standing Committees 3.8.1. Each Link may establish such non-standing committees, working groups, and task forces as it deems necessary to fulfill the functions entrusted to it. Recruitment of persons to serve on these bodies is the responsibility of the Link. 3.8.2. The establishing Link is responsible to review at least annually the purpose, results, and membership of each of its nonstanding committees. Section 4: Staffing 4.1. District Superintendents. The Dakotas Annual Conference shall have four districts, each with a full-time District Superintendent, with secretarial support laid out as such: one secretary for all four District Superintendents in a centralized location. 4.2. Hiring of Staff. The Bishop and the Human Resources Committee shall work together to set up the process for the selection of all staff positions, excluding the Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries and the Director of Financial and Administrative Services. 4.3. Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries 4.3.1 The Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries shall be selected and supervised by the Bishop in consultation with the Human Resources Committee. 4.3.2 Responsibilities a) under the direction of the Bishop, to provide oversight of the annual conference, including the conference staff, but excluding the Director of Financial and Administrative Services and District Superintendents. b) to resource the Extending the Local Church Link. c) to review and authorize communication of information disseminated on behalf of the Annual Conference. d) to serve as a non-voting member of the appointive Cabinet e) to undertake other duties as assigned by the Bishop. f) to serve as the connectional link between the Annual Conference, general boards and agencies, and the local church g) to recruit and work with a Sessions Committee to ensure the organization and logistics of planning the Annual Conference session. h) to recruit and work with a Committee on Records, Rules, and Procedures. i) to recruit and work with a Committee on Resolutions and General Conference Petitions. j) to recruit and work with a Journal Editorial Committee. 4.4. Director of Leadership Development 4.41 Responsibilities: a) to relate to the Equipping the Local Church Link through attending meetings, helping with research, and providing information and resources. b) to work with members of the Equipping the Local Church Link in developing a leadership education plan that focuses on the needs of the local church. c) to manage the process for assessing the viability of the local church (collection of the data, implementing strategies for responding to assessment tools) d) to provide, coordinate, and oversee the training, curriculum, and trainers, for developing strong, principled Christian leaders within the local churches of the Dakotas Conference, including lay servant leaders. e) to resource the Board of Ordained Ministry and candidates for ministry f) to link to the general church through the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, the General Board of Discipleship, and other appropriate denominational connections related to leadership development. g) to participate in the life and ministry of the conference office. h) to raise up and develop current and emerging leaders across the conference. i) to care for other duties relating to leadership development as appropriate or delegated by the Bishop. 4.5. Director of Financial and Administrative Services
4.5.1 The Director of Financial and Administrative shall be nominated and hired by the Conference Council on Finance and Administation as provided for in the Discipline. 4.5.2 Responsibilities a) to carry out functions as specified in the latest Discipline. b) to manage the conference office with the exception of personnel services. c) to relate to the Stewardship of Resources Link through attending meetings, helping with research, and providing information and resources. 4.6. Director of Camping, Retreats, and Youth Ministries 4.6.1 Responsibilities: a) to care for the program, leadership development, promotion, and administration relating to conference-wide programming relating to camping, retreats, and youth ministries. 4.7. Evaluation of Conference Staff. Evaluation of all conference staff shall be done in accordance with policies established by the Human Resources Committee. Section 5: Ministry Teams Clergy Ministry Teams. Recognizing that The United Methodist Church is a community saved by grace through faith, centered in Christ, grounded in Scripture, and connected with one another, the clergy under appointment within the bounds of the Dakotas Annual Conference affirm the Wesleyan heritage of covenantal relationships by participating in the Ministry Team to which they are appointed by the Bishop. 5.1.1. Purpose. The purpose of the Clergy Ministry Team is a) to provide fellowship and support. b) to encourage spiritual and personal growth. c) to coach and to nurture each other in working through the joys, challenges, and transitions of ministry. d) to help one another become more effective in ministry. e) to discern opportunities for shared ministry and mission. f) to hold each other accountable to the covenant of the Clergy Ministry Team, including mandatory participation. 5.1.2. Each Clergy Ministry Team is responsible for determining how it will fulfill the stated purpose of the Clergy Ministry Team. 5.1.3. Organizational Clarifications a) Each Ministry Team will be lead by a Presiding Elder appointed by the Bishop. b) The Dakotas Conference shall provide annual training for the Presiding Elder. c) Retired clergy appointed to serve a local church are also appointed to a Clergy Ministry Team. d) Clergy Ministry Teams shall gather regularly, with monthly meetings being the norm. Exceptions shall be negotiated among the Presiding Elder, the Clergy Ministry Team, and the District Superintendent. e) District Superintendents shall meet periodically with each Clergy Ministry Team to build relationships, share information, and enjoy fellowship with its members. 5.1.4. Expectations of Clergy Ministry Teams. Faithful attendance and participation of all appointed Team members. Each member shall exhibit a high level of professionalism by: a) respecting confidentiality. b) holding one another accountable to the professional responsibilities and expectations of pastoral ministry. c) speaking and acting out of mutual respect and courtesy. d) modeling Wesley’s “Three Simple Rules.” e) affirming the core values of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. f) strengthening connectionalism within the covenant community. g) nurturing relationships that will support Team members in times of personal, family, and professional transition and crises. Mutual care shall be extended in the critical times of appointment changes. h) Presiding Elders shall share pastoral care concerns with the District Superintendent with the consent of the Team members. 5.2. Lay Servant Leader Teams. We affirm the value of United Methodist connectionalism by encouraging laity to work together in mission and ministry beyond the local church, including but not limited to the Ministry Team’s area. Some ways in which laity have already chosen to share in ministry are: training events, combined confirmation classes or Bible study groups, mission events, shared mission projects, outreach, marketing, and worship. As the Dakotas Annual Conference, we already have a rich history of working together through United Methodist Women, United Methodist Men, Annual Conference youth events, camps, Lay Servant Leaders, Ingathering/Mission in Motion, and so forth. 5.2.2. Recognizing laity as a vital part of the ministry of the local and global church, Lay Ministry Teams are urged to strengthen connections and alliances for the purposes of: a) fostering relationships. b) improving communications. c) encouraging spiritual growth. d) promoting personal and leadership growth. e) exploring joint ministry opportunities. f) advocating community and global action to meet the ever changing needs in and beyond our local communities. 5.2.3. To allow flexibility for each Team’s circumstances, each Team may establish its own organizational and leadership procedures. By sharing leadership and resources, and by providing mutual support and accountability, we do ministry better when we
do it together. 5.2.4. Lay Servant Leader Team Coordinators shall be selected by the District Superintendent in consultation with the District Lay Leader. Training will be provided for the Lay Servant Leader Team Coordinators through the District Superintendent and District Lay Leader. Section 6: District Agencies 6.1. District Committee on Ordained Ministry. There shall in each district be a District Committee on Ordained Ministry with functions as specified in ¶665 of the Discipline. The Committee shall be constituted as specified in that paragraph, and shall consist of a total of seven clergy in full connection (including the chairperson and district superintendent) and three professing members of local churches. 6.2. Committee on District Superintendency. There shall in each district be a Committee on District Superintendency with functions as specified in ¶668 of the Discipline. The Committee shall be constituted of eleven members as specified in that paragraph. 6.3. District Board of Church Location and Building. There shall in each district be at least one District Board of Church Location and Building with functions as specified in ¶¶2518-2520. More than one Board may be elected in a district for geographic reasons at the discretion of the district superintendent. Each Board shall be constituted as specified in ¶2518, and consist of six to nine members. Section 7: Standing Rules 7.1. Terms. Terms for newly elected officers and members of Conference and district boards and agencies shall begin on the day following the close of the regular annual conference session. Unless otherwise specified in the Book of Discipline, or in this Structure and Rules, nominees shall be placed in four classes, with one-fourth of an agency’s members (excluding ex-officio members) being elected annually. 7.2. Tenure. Persons nominated and elected to chair or to serve as a member of any conference or district agency shall serve no more than 12 consecutive years on that agency, except in the instance where the person was appointed or elected to complete half or less of an unfinished term. If a person has served 12 consecutive years on an agency, she/he shall not be elected to that agency for a period of four years. Ex officio members of agencies shall not be subject to this tenure rule. 7.3. Limitations. No person shall serve on more than one agency of the Annual Conference with the exception of ex officio members. Membership on the Committee on Investigation, the Joint Review Committee, the Administrative Review Committee, Committee on Episcopacy, Sessions Committee, Rules, Records and Procedures Committee, Disaster Response or Task Force for Missional Appointments, or a district agency shall not be counted towards this limit. Changes to this rule adopted at the 2012 Annual Conference shall take effect with new terms beginning July 1, 2012. 7.4. Contact Information. Complete mailing addresses and phone numbers shall be submitted to the Conference Secretary for every person nominated for service on a Dakotas Conference board or committee, including district boards and committees. No nominations will be accepted or printed in the Conference Journal that is not accompanied by an address and phone number. 7.5. Vacancies. Should any vacancy occur during the year in any Conference office or agency, the Common Table shall elect persons upon nomination by the Committee on Nominations to fill the vacancies until the next session of the Annual Conference. 7.6. Unexcused Absences. If an elected member of a conference agency is absent from two consecutive meetings of that agency without a reason acceptable to that agency, that person shall cease to be a member thereof. In that case, the person shall be so notified, as well as the chairperson of the Committee on Nominations, and that place shall be filled in accordance with Conference Rule number 7.5. 7.7. General and Jurisdictional Conference Delegate Elections 7.7.1. All provisions of the Discipline regarding elections, eligible voters, and eligible persons to be delegates or alternates of General and Jurisdictional Conferences shall be carefully followed. 7.7.2. A general ballot will be taken early in the annual conference session for lay and clergy delegates without nominations. Laity may distribute information about interested candidates in advance of the annual conference in which elections are held so study can be done ahead of time in preparation for voting. The Conference Lay Leader will take responsibility for this task. 7.7.3. After the first ballot, candidates receiving five votes or more shall be introduced on the annual conference floor. After each subsequent ballot, candidates not previously introduced but receiving five votes or more shall be likewise introduced. 7.7.4. Balloting will continue until there is an election by simple majority of valid ballots. Ballots must have the exact number of names as there are positions being elected on that round of balloting to be considered valid. 7.7.5. When the election of either the lay or clergy delegates to General Conference has taken place, balloting for the remainder of Jurisdictional Conference delegates shall proceed in the same manner. Lay and clergy delegates to Jurisdictional Conference shall serve as the reserve delegates to General Conference in the order in which they are elected. 7.7.6. Balloting for Jurisdictional Conference delegates will proceed at intervals until sufficient delegates and reserve delegates are elected. The Conference shall elect as many reserve delegates to Jurisdictional Conference as it elects delegates to Jurisdictional Conference, or three lay reserve delegates and three clergy reserve delegates, whichever is greater. 7.7.7. The counting of ballots shall be undertaken by a team of tellers as directed by the Annual Conference Secretary. 7.7.8. When all elections are completed, the Annual Conference Secretary shall send certification of election to the General Conference Secretary. 7.7.9. After the close of the General Conference delegate election and before leaving the site of Annual Conference, the General Conference delegation shall meet to choose a chair of the delegation and to choose their legislative committee assignments. 7.7.10. CCFA shall provide funds for travel and per diem for reserve delegates to General Conference and Jurisdictional Conference to attend their respective sessions at a rate equal to that provided to the full delegates. 7.7.11. In the case of a special session of the General Conference being called, the next regular session of the Annual Conference shall hold a new election for lay and clergy delegates and alternates, as permitted in ¶14 of the Constitution. However, if no regular
session of the Annual Conference will be held prior to the special session of the General Conference, the delegates and alternates elected to the preceding General Conference, or their lawful successors, shall serve at the special session; unless the Bishop with the concurrence of three-fourths of the district superintendents calls a special session of the Annual Conference for the purpose of a new election in accordance with ¶603.5 of the Discipline. 7.8. Jurisdictional Nominating Pool. The provisions governing the election of persons by the Annual Conference for submission to the Jurisdictional Nominating Pool are found in ¶705.1 of the Discipline. Election to the pool shall take place at the Annual Conference preceding Jurisdictional Conference. Nominations shall first be made by a committee composed of the Bishop and the General and Jurisdictional Conference delegation, with opportunity for additional nominations from the floor of Annual Conference. If more than five persons have been nominated to any of the categories listed in ¶705.1 of the Discipline, there shall be a ballot cast in that category, with the five persons receiving the most votes being elected in that category. 7.9. Conference Lay Leader. The Conference Lay Leader and Associate Lay Leader shall be elected at the Laity Session of the Annual Conference immediately following the General Conference for a quadrennial term, and each may succeed himself/herself once. In the year of the election, the Common Table shall determine the method for the lay members of annual conference to nominate and elect the Conference Lay Leader and Associate Lay Leader. 7.10. District Lay Leader. In the same year as the Conference Lay Leader is elected, the Common Table shall determine the method for the lay members in each district to nominate and elect a district lay leader. District lay leaders serve a quadrennial term and may succeed themselves once. 7.11. Lay Members of Annual Conference and Lay Equalization In accordance with section VI of the Constitution of The United Methodist Church, Paragraph 32, Article I, of the Discipline (2008), the lay membership of annual conference shall be elected as follows: A. According to the Book of Discipline (2008), the lay membership of the annual conference shall consist of professing lay members elected by each charge. Each charge served by more than one clergy member under appointment shall be entitled to as many lay members as there are clergy members under appointment. (Each charge in the Dakotas Conference shall pay expenses for lay members it elects) Lay members by virtue of office: (The Dakotas Conference shall pay annual conference allowed per diem, annual conference allowed mileage, and registration fee): The lay members shall have been members of The United Methodist Church for the two years next preceding their election and shall have been active participants in The United Methodist Church for at least four years next preceding their election. -Diaconal ministers -Active deaconesses -Home missioners under episcopal appointment within the bounds of the annual conference -Conference lay leader -District lay leaders -Conference president of United Methodist Women -Conference president of United Methodist Men -Conference director of Lay Speaking Ministries -Conference secretary of Global Ministries -President or equivalent officer of the conference young adult organization -President of the conference youth organization -Chair of the annual conference college student organization -One young person between the ages of twelve (12) and seventeen (17) from each district* -One young person between the ages of eighteen (18) and thirty (30) from each district* *To be selected in such a manner as may be determined by the annual conference. The Conference Council of Youth Ministries is asked to designate one youth from each district in order to fulfill the younger portion of this requirement. B. In addition to those specified by the Discipline, the Dakotas Conference also includes the following persons as lay members of annual conference by virtue of office (The Dakotas Conference shall pay annual conference allowed per diem, annual conference allowed mileage, and registration fee): -Associate lay leader -Lay members of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration -Lay members of the Common Table -Commissioned missionaries serving within the bounds of the Dakotas Conference* *Dakotas Conference Missionaries who meet the criteria of training and ministry and are approved by the Dakotas Board of Global Ministries or equivalent structure -General and Jurisdictional Conference delegates if not otherwise elected from a local charge or by virtue of office -Campus ministers who are United Methodist lay persons and are serving a formally organized college or university campus ministry group -A student representative from each formally organized college or university campus ministry group (as selected by each campus ministry group) Any of these positions held by a Dakotas Conference United Methodist professing lay person: -Conference representative to general boards or agencies -Staff members of general board or agencies -Chairs of Conference Boards/Agencies who are lay
-Conference Director of Finance and Administrative Services -Conference Secretary -Conference Historian -Dakotas United Methodist Foundation Director -Director of Leadership Development -Associate Director of Communications -Conference Statistician -Conference Journal Editor -Camping and Youth Ministries Director -Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries -Conference Chancellors -One young adult member to be selected per district by the District Superintendents in consultation with the Conference Council on Young Adult Ministries and Dakotas United Methodist Student Movement -One youth member to be selected per district by the District Superintendent in consultation with the Conference Council on Youth Ministries. -Lay Servant Leader Team Coordinators The maximum projected number of additional lay members needed for equalization shall be determined annually by the Conference Secretary, based on the clergy members and the pastoral charges listed in the Business of the Annual Conference reported in the most recent Journal. The members needed for equalization shall then be allocated to those pastoral charges. Under this formula certain pastoral charges, beginning with the pastoral charge with the largest reported membership and proceeding in descending order of membership, shall be entitled to elect additional lay members in keeping with this formula until equalization is reached (those lay persons attend Annual Conference at pastoral charge expense). The formula is as follows: The total number of members of the Dakotas Annual Conference is divided by the number of charges in the conference to get the average members per charge. That average is then divided into the membership of each charge. That resulting quotient, rounded to the nearest whole number, is the maximum number of lay equalization members a charge is eligible to elect. Lay members elected in this section are in addition to the members elected under the provisions of section 7.11.a. and b. (by virtue of office) Illustration of this formula: Total Dakotas Conference Membership reported in the 2010 Journal = 38,602 Total Number of Pastoral Charges reported in the 2010 Journal = 172 38,602/172 = 224 average members per charge Examples: Sioux Falls First – 1229 members/224 = 5.48 or 5 additional lay members Bismarck McCabe – 1072 members/224 – 4.78 or 5 additional lay members Mitchell First – 829 members/224 = 3.71 or 4 additional lay members Pierre First – 708 members/224 = 3.16 or 3 additional lay members Winner – 452 members/224 = 2.02 or 2 additional lay members Williston – 336 members/224 = 1.51 or 2 additional lay members Celebration – 328 members/224 = 1.46 or 1 additional lay member C. If a charge requests not to have an additional lay equalization member, the charge may request this exemption by September 1 of each year, but still must follow section 7.11.a. When a charge declines to elect an additional equalization member, the next smaller charge, by membership, shall be given opportunity to elect an additional lay member. 7.12. Financial Year. January 1 to December 31. 7.13. Budget Process. By October 1 of each year, the Conference Council on Finance and Administration shall establish the budget-creation process to be followed in presenting a budget to the next annual conference session. This process shall adhere to the provisions of ¶614 of the Discipline, except that wherever the term council on ministries is used in the Discipline, it will be understood to mean the Common Table. 7.14. Conference Journal 7.14.1 Reports for Publication in the Journal. All reports, resolutions, memoirs, etc. not included in the pre-conference reports and intended for publication in the Conference Journal shall be in the hands of the Conference Secretary before final adjournment of the Conference session. 7.15. Editorial Revision Authority. Conference Secretary together with the Journal Editorial Committee shall have authority to make editorial changes in the proceedings, rules, and reports of the Annual Conference and its constituent bodies for the purposes of accuracy, clarifying grammar, and intent of meaning. 7.16. Definitions of and Changes to the Structure, Rules, and Policies 7.16.1. Mission, Staffing, and Structure. The description of the mission, boards, councils, committees, officers, and staffing configuration of the Annual Conference, as found in Sections 1 through 6 of these Structure and Rules, may be modified by a simple majority vote of the Annual Conference. 7.16.2. Standing Rules and Rules of Order. The method by which conference affairs are governed on an ongoing basis. Requires a two-thirds majority vote for approval, binding indefinitely unless suspended or repealed by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present and voting. Standing rules concern the conference’s administrative work. Rules of order concern the parliamentary procedure of the conference meeting in annual or special session.
7.16.3. Policy. An action of Annual Conference concerning only one subject and expressly intended to continue in force indefinitely until amended, repealed, or superseded, may be adopted, amended, repealed, or superseded by a simple majority of the Annual Conference. 7.16.4. Ex-Officio. Membership by virtue of office is voice with vote unless otherwise specified. Section 8: Rules of Order 8.1. Parliamentary Authority. In all matters not specifically covered by the latest Discipline or the conference rules, the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be considered authoritative. 8.2. Limitations on Speaking. No person shall speak more than twice on the same question, nor more than three minutes at one time, without permission of the Conference, nor shall any person speak more than once until every member choosing to speak has spoken. The Bishop shall have the privilege to request the following procedure for debate: to recognize alternately someone for and someone against the issue, and to recognize alternately lay and clergy members. 8.3. Division of the House. Any member is in order to request a count of the vote for and against any question before the Conference, and if the request is sustained by ten members present, the vote shall be duly counted. 8.4. All Motions in the Affirmative. All motions brought to the floor of the Conference shall be worded in the affirmative. 8.5. Business Items 8.5.1. All items to be brought to the floor of Annual Conference for action, whether by conference agencies, local churches, clergy members, or professing members of the Annual Conference, shall be in the hands of the Conference Secretary by the deadline(s) and in the form(s) set by the Sessions Committee and shall be published in the pre-conference workbook, and/or other print or electronic publications authorized by the Sessions Committee. These items include but are not limited to resolutions, recommendations for conference action, and General Conference petitions. 8.5.2. Any item not meeting the requirements of Rule No. 8.5.1 shall not be brought to the floor for action unless deemed urgent by the Sessions Committee, the Common Table, or the Cabinet, or brought up by a two-thirds vote of the Conference. 8.5.3. Appropriate items submitted by the Dakotas Youth Annual Conference will be reviewed by the Sessions Committee for possible consideration by the Annual Conference. 8.5.4. Annual Conference consideration of resolutions and petitions will be guided by the Conference Committee on Resolutions and Petitions. In the case of each resolution or General Conference petition, the Committee on Resolutions and Petitions shall offer to the Annual Conference its counsel of Pass or Don’t Pass. The Conference will then proceed to consider and act on the resolution or petition.
Policies are printed for informational purposes and are not to be considered as standing rules of the conference. Policies may therefore be changed or amended by majority vote of the annual conference.
Council on Finance and Administration Recommendations
Revised 3/08 I. Travel Fund A. Travel for conference business shall be reimbursed as follows: By automobile: 60% of the IRS business mileage rate for one round trip, with three additional cents per mile for each passenger. Per Diem: Actual expenses up to $60 per day maximum for lodging and meals. The Conference will pay actual babysitting expenses up to a maximum of $15 per day. Public conveyance: Actual cost of fare unless the cost of fare exceeds the 60% of the IRS business mileage rate for round trip. If the cost of public conveyance exceeds the standard reimbursable mileage rate, prior permission by the applicable Board or Committee Chairperson is required before the travel occurs or the expense is reimbursed. When retired pastors, spouses of deceased pastors, and pastors on disability are returning to Annual Conference, if travel is from outside the Conference geographical borders, the travel reimbursement will be based upon one round trip within the Conference borders with the calculations based upon the closest point of border entry for the individual involved. B. The cost of personal items such as personal telephone calls, etc. shall not be reimbursed from the travel account of that board. C. A receipt for travel expenses according to IRS guidelines shall be issued in lieu of a reimbursement check if requested. D. This policy does not apply to lay and ministerial members of Annual Conference traveling to and/or from the site of the Annual Conference session. II. Budgeting and administration of funds by any committee or group that is funded through the apportionment system. A. Financial Responsibilities of Conference Agency Chairpersons. All conference agency chairpersons (or presidents) shall have the following responsibilities to ensure that expenditures are maintained within the Conference budget for the agency: 1. Knowing what funds are available for their particular program. 2. Spending those funds in accordance with the planning that led to approval by the Annual Conference. 3. Vouchering all expenditure items on forms provided by the Conference Office of Finance and Administrative Services and signed/approved by the appropriate chairperson. 4. Sending all vouchers directly to the Conference Office of Finance and Administrative Services for payment. Appropriate identification of expenditures is expected. Documentation of expenditures (e.g., receipts) is also expected when circumstances warrant.
5. Vouchers submitted that exceed the total of funds approved for the affected line item in the budget must be approved by the Chairperson of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA) prior to the expenditures of funds. B. Budget Requests 1. All budget requests for the next fiscal year shall be presented to the CCFA for approval and modification, if necessary, prior to the Annual Conference session in which the total Conference budget is approved.No new budget requests shall be presented to the CCFA less than 30 days prior to the Annual Conference session. 1. No budget requests shall be brought to the CCFA without prior approval of the appropriate conference council, board, committee, commission or task force. 2. CCFA requests that a budget request be made for each new program or agency, as they are developed. C. CCFA Budgetary Authority Between Conference Sessions The Conference Council on Finance and Administration shall have authority to adjust line items within the Conference budget when the Conference is not in session under the following restrictions: 1. The grand total Conference budget may not be changed. 2. A line item may not be adjusted unless prior consultation has been made with the appropriate Conference agency affected by the proposed adjustment. D. Designating Reserve Funds: 1. Designated funds are monies set aside by a governing body from the unrestricted reserves for a specific purpose. All requests to designate funds shall be submitted to CCFA for approval. The two types of requests to be considered will be One-Time Requests and Ongoing Requests: 2. One-Time Requests: These are requests to designate unrestricted reserves for a specific purpose and funds are expected to be used within 12-months to satisfy the purpose. One-Time Requests are appropriate for specific purposes: 1) where the need cannot be met by the current budget or other funding sources and 2) that are time sensitive so that they cannot wait upon the normal budget cycle. Requests should be submitted to the CCFA Executive Committee. 3. Ongoing Requests: These are requests to designate unrestricted reserves for a long-term purpose. Ongoing Requests are appropriate for: 1) purposes that have expenses that are large and difficult to accurately predict and 2) purposes where a large amount of funds need to be accumulated over time. Requests should be submitted to the CCFA Executive Committee no later than February 28th. For approved requests, any investment income/(loss) will be applied to the designated funds. E. CCFA Apportionment Payout Policy: The Conference Policy allows funds to be paid out at 85% of budget (Fund 1–Ministerial Support and Administration and Fund 2 - World Service and Conference Benevolences) for specific ministries until the last 120 days of the year. During the last 120 days, the accounts are reviewed and if the income is less than the expenditures, payments are stopped until income exceeds expenditures. As soon as funds are available, additional payments are sent. Pensions and Insurance is paid out monthly at 90% of the budget until the last 90 days of the year. During the last 90 days, the accounts are reviewed and if income is less than the expenditures, payments are stopped until income exceeds expenditures. As soon as funds are available, additional payments are sent. Compensation packages provided by the Annual Conference will be paid at 100%. III. Audits, Bonding, and Insurance: A. Auditing Each board, agency, committee and task force which receives and administers conference funds in excess of $2,500 per year be required to: 1. Submit annual financial reports to CCFA 30 days prior to the Annual Conference session following completion of the affected organizations fiscal year. 2. Submit a report for printing in the annual conference journal. 3. Arrange for an annual audit. B. Bonding Requirements The Conference Treasurer shall be bonded in accordance with Para. 618 of the 2012 Book of Discipline through a blanket bond carried by the General Council on Finance and Administration of The United Methodist Church. This bond also covers the Conference Treasurer’s staff, any Conference Trustee and staff, Chairperson of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration and Treasurers of the Jurisdictional Conference and their staffs. C. Conference Insurance Insurance shall be provided for all residences owned by the Annual Conference, the Conference Center, all Conferences camp properties, and campus ministry properties and all other properties for which the Conference holds title. Workers’ Compensation insurance shall be provided for Conference and camp staff. The Conference insurance program shall be administered by the Conference Board of Trustees. CCFA will provide Officers and Directors liability insurance for the Dakotas Conference. IV. Personnel/Benefit Section A. A Rental/Housing Allowance Resolution for Ordained Conference Staff and District Superintendents can be found in the Resolutions section of this JOURNAL. B. We recommend that each local congregation investigate what state laws may require for coverage of Workers’ Compensation and Social Security regulations for full-time or part-time employees. We also recommend local churches investigate the same for ministers. C. Conference Treasurer/The Conference Director of Finance and Administrative Services (DFAS) shall be designated as the Conference Treasurer for all incorporated and unincorporated councils, boards, committees, commissions, and task forces of the Dakotas Annual Conference. V. Special Offerings A. We recommend that every church, after having made arrangements to meet World Service and Conference Benevolences in full, accept and support Advance Special projects as outlined and approved by the Board of Global Ministries of the Annual Conference. At
the mandate of the 2004 General Conference, we urge every pastor and church to celebrate the following Special Days with offerings to be sent to the Director of Finance and Administrative Services: Human Relations Day, One Great Hour of Sharing, United Methodist Student Day, World Communion Sunday, Native American Ministries Sunday, Peace with Justice Sunday, Golden Cross Sunday, Children’s Education Sunday, Rural Life Sunday and Disability Awareness Sunday. B. Special Fund Drive Appeals: No annual conference agency or interest shall make a special conference-wide appeal to the local churches for funds without approval of the annual conference upon recommendation of CCFA, except in case of an extreme emergency, when such approval may be given by a two-thirds vote of the district superintendents and of the council, acting jointly. (See Para 614.5 of the 2012 Book of Discipline). C. Offerings received at the Annual Conference Session will be used at the discretion of the Conference Board of Global Ministries for special mission projects. D. Golden Cross Sunday: The Conference Board of Global Ministries is granted permission to have a Golden Cross Sunday. Receipts from the offering shall be used at the discretion of the Conference Board of Global Ministries. E. Children’s Sunday Offering: This special offering will support ministries for children and the poor and is recommended to be taken on the second Sunday of September. F. Thanksgiving Offering: The appeal for this offering shall be designated by the Bishop. G. CCFA gives the right of permission for the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation to call on Local Churches for both Current Gifts and Deferred Gifts for the Foundation on behalf of the ministries of the Dakotas Annual Conference. H. Global Aids Awareness Sunday: The Global Aids Task Force is granted permission to have a Global Aids Sunday in February. Receipts from this offering shall be used at the discretion of the Global Aids Task Force. VI. Miscellaneous A. Any board or committee considering an honorarium for a special task demanding time and services of one of its officers or members can only do so upon submitting a proposal for an honorarium to the CCFA for its approval. Specifically, the CFC does not encourage the payment of honoraria because so many persons give dedicated time and services to the Annual Conference and receive no financial return. VII. Apportionment Method Part of how a United Methodist church fulfills their mission is through full and faithful participation in apportionments. In the Dakotas Conference, the method of apportionment shall be that each church gives a percentage of their income to the Annual Conference. For Federated and United churches, this percentage applies only to the income attributed to the United Methodist denomination. The percentage will be of the income received for the support of the operating budget. This is income as defined in Table 3 Line 67 of the annual statistical reports as follows: • Donations from identified and unidentified givers to support the operating budget • Interest and dividends allocated toward the operating budget • Net proceeds from the sale of church assets where the proceeds are used to support the operating budget • Building use fees and rental income • Net income from fundraisers and other programs used to support the operating budget CCFA will annually determine a percentage for churches to give of their income that is adequate to fund the apportioned budget. For the year 2014, the percentage will be 16%. In addition, each charge will be direct billed for the cost of pension, health insurance, and death/disability insurance. The amount of the direct billing will be calculated as follows: • Health Insurance: The total annual premiums for all pastors appointed full-time to a charge and participating in the Conference health plan will be reduced by the participant’s share. The result will be divided by the number of pastors and billed to each charge based on their number of full-time pastors on the Conference health plan. • Pension: The pension is made up of two parts: a defined benefit amount and a defined contribution amount. The defined benefit amount is provided to the Conference from the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits (GBOP). This amount will be divided by the Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) of pastors appointed to local churches and enrolled in the defined benefit pension plan and pastors appointed to extension ministry where the Conference is responsible for their pension contributions. The resulting amount will be billed out according to each charge’s FTE of pastors enrolled in the defined benefit pension plan. The defined contribution is billed to the Conference monthly by GBOP. The billing is a specific amount for each pastor and is based on the pastor’s compensation. This amount will be billed by the Conference to each charge according to the pastor(s) appointed. • Death/Disability Insurance: Death/Disability Insurance is billed to the Conference monthly by GBOP. The billing is a specific amount for each pastor and is based on the pastor’s compensation. This amount will be billed by the Conference to each charge according to the pastor(s) appointed. Mission congregations, as defined in the Book of Discipline ¶259.1.a, will not participate in apportionments but will be direct billed for any pension, health insurance, and death/disability insurance. Mission congregations will be reviewed annually by the cabinet to determine if they still meet the definition of a mission congregation. In the event that the congregation is determined to not be a mission congregation, they will begin participating in apportionments following the same schedule as new churches. Churches charted after 12/31/13 will use the following schedule: • First Partial Year – Begin paying direct bill for pension, health insurance, and death/disability insurance • First Full Year – Direct bill + 20% full apportionment • Second Full Year – Direct bill + 40% full apportionment • Third Full Year – Direct bill + 60% full apportionment • Fourth Full Year – Direct bill + 80% full apportionment
• Fifth Full Year – Direct bill + full apportionment Regarding Churches paying less than 100% of Apportionments. In recognition of the fact that not all churches within the Dakotas Conference are participating fully (100%) in the apportionment system of financing conference ministries, CFC will contact each of those churches regularly, to help them develop a plan that will make it possible for them to assume their share of apportionments. The goal will be to have each church fully participating within three years of the initial contact. It is further expected that if pastoral leadership is the problem, and if progress is not made yearly and the goal is not reached at the end of the third year, the bishop and cabinet will seriously consider making a change in pastoral leadership for that church.
Policies for Dakotas Conference Salaries EXEMPT EMPLOYEES District Superintendents and Conference Directors The following policy was adopted by the Dakotas Annual Conference in 2004 (see page #157 of the 2004 Dakotas Conference Journal. This action directed that the salaries for District Superintendents and Conference Directors shall be equal to the average salary of the top five salaries paid to Conference pastors in churches who pay 100% of their apportionments. Salaries in any one year would not decrease from the previous year. Associate Directors and Missionaries Associate Directors are exempt professional employees with special training or expertise to perform responsibilities in a specific area of ministry. Associate Directors include, but is not limited to, the camp site directors and the associate director of communications. Conference Missionaries are exempt professional employees who are certified by the General Board of Global Ministries for service as mission personnel. These persons are assigned by the bishop to a mission field of the Dakotas Annual Conference. Missionaries may supervise a staff of non-exempt employees. The respective employing agents will develop a salary pool for its employees. In consultation with the Human Resources Committee, the employing agents will recommend a salary level for the next year’s salary pool. NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEES Conference Support Staff Salaries The following Employee Salary Schedule shall apply to the Support Staff of the Conference Center. Every two years the Dakotas Conference Human Resources Committee shall review and evaluate the salary range structure, giving consideration to inflation, salary ranges within the community of Mitchell and related positions within The United Methodist Church. The Salary Schedule shall contain five (5) steps, with an ending figure, that represents the minimum and maximum salary for each position. New employees would be hired at Step 1 of the appropriate classification unless experience and qualifications give justification to beginning above the minimum, in which case the Employing Agent/Committee shall, in consultation with other Supervisors, make a request to the Conference Human Resources Committee. Each step within a position represents two (2) years. An employee may advance to the next stepfollowing two years in the first step and receiving two favorable reviews from the employee’s supervisors. An employee may advance in position/grade when a vacancy occurs. An employee must go through the hiring procedure to advance in position/grade when a new position is created. An employee may be upgraded in position/grade by action of the Conference Human Resources Committee. The following information lists the position classifications and progressive steps for Support Staff of the Dakotas United Methodist Conference Center. ENDING
Secretary I
15,125 16,125
Adm. Sec. I
18,175 20,175
Adm. Sec. II
20,275 22,275
Part-time Position relating to Archivist: 15,138 Adm. Sec. II 10,238 11,138 12,138 13,138 14,138 Note: The “schedule” works as follows: Employment begins with a stated salary (within the salary range for that position based on education and experience at time of employment) for a particular position. At the end of first year (year a) the employee, with a favorable review, may receive a cost of living raise as determined by the Conference Human Resource Committee. At the end of the second year (year b) if the employee has received two (2) favorable reviews, they may move to the next Step. If an employee has not received two favorable reviews the employee remains at the same salary or receives only the cost of living increase. An employee must receive two favorable reviews before moving to the next Step. When an employee reaches the maximum salary within the range for the position, further increases depend upon adjustments in the “salary range schedule.” Footnote: The following policy was adopted by the Dakotas Annual Conference in 1997 (See page #23 1997 Dakotas Conference Journal.): “That the current Support Staff Policy as approved by the Conference Center Personnel Committee on 11/06/95 be adopted and the current salary schedule and structure remain in place.” The reference is to that above policy and salary schedule. The Conference Human Resources Committee again approved the above policy, structure schedule on 01/12/99. Conference Camping Staff The Board of Camp and Retreat Ministries has developed a salary pool for its employees. On an annual basis the Board will
determine a percentage increase for the next year’s salary pool. The individual salaries are set at the discretion of the Director of Camping and Youth Ministries, based upon an individual’s performance and the availability of funds.
Equitable Compensation Revised: June, 2012
The purpose of Equitable Compensation is to work with the District Superintendents in the effort to support congregations as they strive to become viable (Rule 1.4). This is done by A)providing salary support grants to Churches/Charges served by a full-time United Methodist pastor and B)making an annual recommendation of the minimum compensation needed by a pastor to allow them to focus their efforts on the ministry instead of seeking secondary employment. ANNUAL RECOMMENDATION OF MINIMUM COMPENSATION 1) The Base Cash Salary for each year: 65% of the Conference Average Compensation for Full Connection Clergy; 62% of the Conference Average Compensation for Less than Full Connection Clergy 2) The Base Cash Salary for both clergy groups listed in paragraph #1 shall include any personal tax deferred annuities, personal IRA’s paid by the local church, or personal pension plan in addition to the recom¬mended contribution to the Pension program (UMPIP) in No. 3. 3) The pastor shall receive the following in addition to minimum compensation. A) Pension Program Contribution (UMPIP) equal to 3% of the Denominational Average Compensation; B)Continuing Education allowance (minimum of $150); C)Travel Allow¬ance by voucher at the current IRS rate; D)Utilities paid in full (minimum of heat, electricity, local phone service, water, garbage service, and internet); Accountable Reimbursement Plan (minimum of $500). SALARY SUPPORT GRANTS 1) The following requests will be considered by the Commission: a. Strategic Appointment Grant – Available when a new appointment results in significantly increased costs to the Church/Charge. These increased costs will be so burdensome that it is unlikely that the Church/Charge will have adequate resources available to take the necessary steps to becoming viable without outside assistance. The purpose of this grant is to assist the Church/Charge in its transition to being able to fully support the newly appointed pastor. The Church/Charge shall provide monthly written status reports to the District Superintendent and Conference Treasurer. Status reports shall at a minimum report progress towards benchmarks. b. Discernment Grant – Available when a Church/Charge has declined in its ability to support a full-time United Methodist pastor to the point where it is unlikely to be able to provide the recommended minimum compensation. The purpose of this grant is to provide time for the Church/Charge and District Superintendent to evaluate the viability of the congregation and decide upon a ministry plan that is appropriate for the Church/Charge. The District Superintendent shall provide a report on the viability and the ministry plan at the next Equitable Compensation meeting. Depending on the ministry plan adopted by the District Superintendent and the Church/ Charge, it may be appropriate for the Church/Charge to provide monthly written status reports to the District Superintendent and Conference Treasurer. c. Emergency Grant – Available when a Church/Charge provides evidence that they will not be able to provide their full-time United Methodist pastor with the recommended minimum compensation. The purpose of this grant is to ensure that the pastor is properly cared for. 2) Churches/Charges shall pay their apportion¬ments in full during the years they receive salary support grant payments. Churches/ Charges that do not comply with this shall not be considered for a Salary Support Grant the following year with the exception of Emergency Grants. 3) The maximum amount to be paid for Strategic Appointment Grants and Discernment Grants shall be $5,400 annually. Grant payments to Churches/Charges shall be made monthly. A Church/Charge shall not receive Salary Support Grant payments for more than 36 consecutive months. 4) Salary Support Grant requests shall be submitted in writing to the District Superintendent and the Conference Treasurer. In order for Salary Support Grant payments to continue into a new calendar year, the written request must be updated and resubmitted. 5) The Churches/Charges receiving support will be listed in the Conference Journal. Equitable Compensation Calculation: The Commission calculates the Equitable Compensation amount based on the Conference Average Compensation. See calculations below: Year
Full Connection Clergy
Less than Full Connection Clergy
58,094 x 65%
58,094 x 62%
58,724 x 65%
58,724 x 62%
57,158 x 65%
57,158 x 62%
55,606 x 65%
55,606 x 62%
53,695 x 53,695 x = 34,902 = 33,291 65% 62% The charges which received Equitable Compensation support in 2012 were: Alexandria/Ethan, Arlington/Lake Preston, Faulkton, Langdon, Lisbon/Lisbon PC-USA, Enderlin, Mandan, McClusky/Goodrich/Chaseley, Pierre Southeast, Presho/Kennebec/Reliance, Wall/Wasta, and White River/Mission. 2010
Pensions & Health Benefits Guidelines
Adopted: 1996/Amended through 2013 Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, Inc. CONFERENCE HEALTH BENEFITS PLAN ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE AND PREMIUM PAYMENT RULES FOR ACTIVE PASTOR AND LAY EMPLOYEES 1. 1. ADMINISTRATION OF PENSION AND BENEFIT FUNDS: The Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual
Conference of the United Methodist Church, Inc. shall be responsible for the administration of the pension and other benefit funds of the Conference in accordance with THE BOOK OF DISCIPLINE of The United Methodist Church. The conference health benefits plan will be provided through HealthFlex, a group plan under the auspices of the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of The United Methodist Church. 2. MANDATORY CLERGY PARTICIPATION IN THE CONFERENCE HEALTH BENEFITS PLAN: The Dakotas Annual Conference shall provide a conference health benefits plan for active United Methodist pastors under appointment by the presiding Bishop who meet eligibility requirements. Participation is mandatory for all United Methodist clergy appointed full time to a local church or to a unit of the conference when the conference is responsible for salary and benefits. 3. ELIGIBILITY FOR ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN THE CONFERENCE HEALTH BENEFITS PLAN a. No active United Methodist pastor can participate in the Conference Health Benefits Plan if they are appointed/employed less than full‑time. b. A lay employee of a salary paying unit normally scheduled to work 30 hours or more per week inclusively in a calendar year and who has reached age 18 and who has been employed for at least one month shall be eligible for coverage in HealthFlex. c. Active participants who do not enroll during the initial 30-day eligibility period can enroll only during the annual open enrollment period and the pre-existing conditions provisions of the plan would then take effect. In addition, active participants who experience a special enrollment event may enroll mid-year. d. Participants appointed to medical leave and receiving CPP disability benefits can participate and will be responsible for paying the participant’s share as long as conference policy and rules permit. The participant’s share (for 2013: 27% of participant’s actual premium, whether single or participant plus one or family; for 2014: 28%; for 2015: 29%; for 2016 and forward: 30% of participant’s actual premium, whether single or participant plus one or family) will be paid to the conference office. e. Participants appointed to medical leave and applying for CPP disability benefits can participate up to four (4) months and will be responsible for the participant’s share as long as conference policy and rules permit. The participant’s share (for 2013: 27% of participant’s actual premium, whether single or participant plus one or family; for 2014: 28%; for 2015: 29%; for 2016 and forward: 30% of participant’s actual premium, whether single or participant plus one or family) will be paid to the conference office. Applications for extensions of the four (4) month time limit should be made to the Conference Benefits Officer for Executive Committee review and consideration. f. Participants appointed to sabbatical leave may remain covered on the health plan for up to 12 months. Participants after the 12 months are eligible for the 12 month Continuation Coverage provided by the plan. Participants pay 100% of premium. g. Participants appointed to voluntary leave of absence/personal leave may remain covered on the health plan for up to 12 months. Participants after the 12 months are eligible for the 12 month Continuation Coverage provided by the plan. Participants pay 100% of premium. h. Participants appointed to voluntary leave of absence/transitional leave may remain covered on the health plan for up to 12 months. Participants after the 12 months are eligible for the 12 month Continuation Coverage provided by the plan. Participants pay 100% of premium. i. Participants appointed to voluntary leave of absence/family leave remain covered on the health plan for up to 12 months. Participants after the 12 months are eligible for the 12 month Continuation Coverage provided by the plan. Participants pay 100% of premium. j. Participants granted maternity/paternity leave will remain covered for the duration of the leave. Participant and salary paying unit will continue to pay their respective shares of premium for duration of leave. k. Participants appointed to involuntary leave may remain covered on the health plan for up to 12 months. Participants after the 12 months are eligible for the 12 month Continuation Coverage provided by the plan. Participants pay 100% of premium. l. Grant Policy: “In the event that a Conference health plan participant (clergy, surviving spouse, or lay employee) has a significant financial need related to medical costs, Conference Board of Pensions’ grant funding may be available by applying to the Conference Benefits Officer. Participants in sub adoption agreement health plans who have a significant medical financial need may apply to their employer for assistance.”
m. Participants who are part of a “clergy couple” will pay only one participant’s share, and that one participant’s share will be calculated on the salary of the participant with the higher salary and that participant will be considered to be the primary person on the policy. The Direct Bill will be charged wherever there is a fulltime United Methodist clergy person serving, regardless of whether that clergy person is part of a “clergy couple.” It should be noted that the HealthFlex Plan itself mandates that clergy couples without dependents must have single coverage if they are serving two different charges. 4. MONTHLY PAYMENT OF HEALTH BENEFIT PREMIUMS: The Conference Health Benefit Plan premium shall be remitted monthly to the conference Office of Finance and Administrative Services by: a. The church treasurer, who shall pay this amount from the church budget for the direct bill and deduct the appropriate amount from the participant’s salary for the participant’s share. b. The Conference Director of Finance and Administrative Services shall deduct the appropriate amount from the participant’s salaries paid by the Annual Conference. c. Treasurers of independent agencies enrolled in the conference health plan. d. Individuals who are responsible for payment of part or all of their premiums, but whose premiums are not paid by those listed in a. through c. above. CONFERENCE HEALTH BENEFITS PLAN ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE FOR RETIREES & SURVIVORS (CLERGY OR LAY) ADMINISTRATION OF PENSION AND BENEFIT FUNDS: The Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, Inc. shall be responsible for the administration of the pension and other benefit funds of the Conference in accordance with THE BOOK OF DISCIPLINE of The United Methodist Church. The conference health benefits plan will be provided through HealthFlex (retirees under 65), a group plan under the auspices of the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of The United Methodist Church and Extend Health (retirees 65 and older), a Medicare Individual Supplement Insurance Exchange. Eligibility Rules for Participating in the Conference Health Benefits Plan, HealthFlex (Retiree under 65) To participate in this health plan of the Conference in retirement: 1. CLERGY: To be able to participate in the health plan of this Conference in retirement, a person must have been an active clergy member of this Conference for at least five years immediately prior to retirement and a participant in HealthFlex for five (5) continuous uninterrupted years immediately prior to retirement 2. LAY: To be able to participate in the health plan of this Conference in retirement, a person must have been for at least five years immediately prior to retirement either an active lay employee of this Conference or an active lay employee of a Conference-related institution and must be a participant in HealthFlex for five (5) continuous uninterrupted years immediately prior to retirement. 3. SURVIVORS: To be able to participate in the health plan of this Conference as a surviving spouse or surviving dependent, the person survived must have been participating in the health insurance plan of this Conference at the time of the participant’s death. Surviving dependent children remain eligible as long as the child remains dependent and is not eligible for health care through government programs. Eligibility Rules for Participating in the Conference Health Benefits Plan, Extend Health To participate in this health plan of the Conference in retirement: 1. CLERGY: Shall be retiring as a member of the Dakotas Conference AND meet one of the following: a. Have been a member and on HealthFlex for five continuous years immediately prior to retirement; b. Was eligible but declined or dropped retiree HealthFlex coverage with 20+ years of service; c. Have 20+ years of full-time service but retire with less than five continuous years on HealthFlex immediately prior to retirement; d. Have 20+ years of full-time service but retire while serving a charge part-time; e. Have 20+ years of full-time service but retire while on Voluntary Leave of Absence; f. Have 20+ years of full-time service but retire while under appointment of another Conference (346.1); g. Have 20+ years of full-time service but retire while appointed to extension ministry under GBHEM (344.1b); h. Have 20+ years of full-time service but retire while appointed to other extension ministries (344.1b); i. Have 20+ years of full-time service but retire while appointed to extension ministry under GBGM (344.1c); j. Have 20+ years of full-time service but retire while appointed to extension ministry within the Connectional Structure (344.1a); k. Have 20+ years of full-time service but retire while appointed to a church of another denomination (345); l. Have been approved by the Conference Board of Pensions because of exceptional circumstances.
4. LAY: To be able to participate in the health plan of this Conference in retirement, a person must have been for at least five years immediately prior to retirement either an active lay employee of this Conference or an active lay employee of a Conference-related institution and must be a participant in HealthFlex for five (5) continuous uninterrupted years immediately prior to retirement. 5. SURVIVORS: To be able to participate in the health plan of this Conference as a surviving spouse or surviving dependent, the person survived must have been participating in the health insurance plan of this Conference at the time of the participant’s death. Surviving dependent children remain eligible as long as the child remains dependent and is not eligible for health care through government programs. 6. Any retiree not participating in Social Security, i.e., who has opted out of Social Security, and thereby not covered by Medicare Part A and enrolled in Medicare Part B, will NOT be eligible to participate in the health plan of this Conference, through HealthFlex, Extend Health or otherwise, in retirement. 7. Rules and policies included in the adoption agreements between the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of The United Methodist Church and the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church supersede these policies. CONFERENCE ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT (HRA) AND PREMIUM SUPPORT FUNDING FOR RETIREES & SURVIVORS (CLERGY OR LAY) Eligibility Rules for Receiving Funding in a Retiree Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) or through Premium Support 1. For determining eligibility, the following service qualifies as full-time service: A member of this Conference who is an elder in full connection, associate member, provisional member on the elder track, or local pastor and is appointed full-time to either a local charge located in this Conference or within the connectional structure to a unit of this Conference or on CPP (disability) for which the annual conference has provided the pension contributions to either CRSP, MPP, or Pre-82. 2. Any retiree not participating in the health plan of this Conference will NOT be eligible for receiving a retiree HRA or premium support. 3. In addition: a. CLERGY: To be eligible to receive a retiree HRA or premium support, a person must have the following years of full-time service: i. Persons retiring prior to 1/1/2016 must have 6 or more years of service. ii. Persons retiring from 1/1/2016 to 12/31/2019 must have 10 or more years of service. iii. Persons retiring from 1/1/2020 to 12/31/2023 must have 14 or more years of service. iv. Persons retiring from 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2025 must have 18 or more years of service. v. Persons retiring after 12/31/2025 must have 20 or more years of service. b. LAY: To be eligible to receive a retiree HRA or premium support, a person must have the following years of full-time service as determined by their employment record: i. Persons retiring prior to 1/1/2016 must have 6 or more years of service. ii. Persons retiring from 1/1/2016 to 12/31/2019 must have 10 or more years of service. iii. Persons retiring from 1/1/2020 to 12/31/2023 must have 14 or more years of service. iv. Persons retiring from 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2025 must have 18 or more years of service. v. Persons retiring after 12/31/2025 must have 20 or more years of service. c. SURVIVORS, SPOUSES, AND DEPENDENT CHILDREN: Eligibility extends to the surviving spouse or, if no surviving spouse, the surviving dependent children of eligible clergy persons and lay employees at the same rate as the person that they survived. Determining Amount of HRA Contributions and Premium Support 1. The amount for those persons eligible will be calculated based on: a. The person’s age as of January 1st (calculated to a quarter-year). For dependent children, the age of the clergy person or lay employee will be used. b. The years of full-time service as defined above in the eligibility rules section for clergy persons or the employment records for lay employees. For dependent children and spouses, the years of service of the clergy person or lay employee will be used. For clergy couples, the years of service of the spouse with the greater number of years of service will be used for both persons. c. Years of credit in place as of July 2012 will be grandfathered in to the HRA calculations. 2. An amount determined by the ratio of each participant’s individual calculations (age plus years of service minus the number 65) to the total of all individual calculations. Each participant’s individual ratio will be applied to the total amount available for contributions for the retiree’s HRA and premium support. 3. The total amount available for HRA contributions and premiums support will be determined by the Conference Board of Pensions as part of their annual budget recommendation.
4. For retirees age 65 and older that are on Extend Health, their amount will be deposited in an HRA administered through Extend Health. 5. For retirees under the age of 65 that are on HealthFlex, their premium support will reduce the amount of the premium that the retiree is responsible for. (e.g. In 2014, the premium for a single policy is $8,076 annually. If a retiree is 62 yr and has 30 years of service in and receives premium support in the amount of $1,341, the retiree must pay the remaining $6,735.) Retirees under the age of 65 who retired prior to 1/1/13 will be grandfathered in and calculations for premium support will be based on the old method used prior to the change to Extend Health. If a retiree is unable to pay the total participant’s share, the retiree may apply to the Conference Board of Pensions by contacting the Conference Benefits Officer for possible grant funding assistance.
Renewal Leave Policy
Revised: 2007 Aware of the ongoing pressures and responsibilities experienced in the parish ministry, the Dakotas Board of Ordained Ministry (BOM) recognizes the value of short term leaves for personal and spiritual renewal. 1. Eligibility. All clergy member in full connection (Deacons, Elders or Associate Members) who have served full-time for seven years or more are eligible for Renewal Leave funds. 2. Preparatory Consultation. Persons are encouraged to prayerfully consider the purpose of your leave. Persons considering a short term leave may desire to consult at North Central Career Development in New Brighton, MN. Persons are encouraged to think well ahead (at least six months to a year) in their planning. 3. Availability: The BOM will announce at the Clergy Session during Annual Conference the amount it has been able to set aside for Renewal Leaves for the coming calendar year. Renewal Leaves will be granted according to the funds available Consideration will be given to the length of service the order and timeliness in which requests are received, and the importance that the District Superintendent/Cabinet places on the requested leave. 4. Application for Renewal Leave. Persons should apply to the Continuing Education Chair at least two months prior to the Spring and Fall Board meetings of the BOM. The person must have prior approval of both his/her District Superintendent and the local Pastor/Staff-Parish Committee. Application for a renewal leave needs to include a budget for how BOM funds will be used to pay for pastoral supply during the leave time with the total amount requested. 5. Length of Leave and Salary. The maximum leave allowed is three months (including vacation time) with full salary being paid by the local church/parish or salary-paying unit. The pastoral supply compensation will be paid by Renewal Leave Funds as provided through the BOM. These funds are not to exceed $4,000 for the three months. Money is paid to the local/church parish or salary-paying unit to be distributed to those providing pastoral supply. 6. Evaluation. The BOM will regularly will regularly evaluate the Renewal Leave program and make adjustments or changes as it believes necessary. 7. Contact Person. For questions or to apply for a Renewal Leave grant please contact the BOM Chair of Continuing Education: BOM Continuing Education Officer, Lori Broschat 107 River St., Cavalier, ND 58220 (701) 265-4308 lbroschat@gmail.com
Guidelines for Applying for Disability Benefits Amended: June 2013
Dakotas Conference of the United Methodist Church, Conference Board of Pensions 1. Initiation of the disability application process should begin with the applicant. In emergency situations, it may be initiated by the custodian or designee of the applicant or by the District Superintendent in whose district the applicant serves. 2. Application shall proceed using the forms provided by the GBOP which will be provided, when so requested, by the Conference Benefits Officer. The forms shall be sent to the District Superintendent who shall serve as primary contact in the initial stages of application. 3. The Superintendent shall prepare the file by ensuring that materials which will include (but are not restricted to) the following are enclosed: signed request for disability application; written statement from the Superintendent endorsing the disability with citation from parish consultations; other supporting documentation that may be germane to a special situation. 4. Once the applicant has completed all the necessary forms they shall then be sent to the Conference Benefits Officer for approval and signature on appropriate forms on behalf of the Conference Board of Pensions. The CBO in turn will send the appropriate form for approval and signature to the Convener of the Joint Committee on Disability or the Chair of Board of Ordained Ministry if no such committee established. 5. The Convener or Chair of Board of Ordained Ministry shall arrange for either a face-to-face meeting or other communication setting with the Joint Committee on Medical Leave (chair and vice chair or other committee member of BOM, Chair and Executive Secretary of BOP and District Superintendent for applicant)to review the application process for applicant. 6. The Convener or Chair of Board of Ordained Ministry will contact the District Superintendent, full Board of Ordained Ministry, full Board of Pensions of the Committee’s action and recommendation on Medical Leave process. If the decision is to “not endorse”, the Superintendent, after consultation with the applicant, may request that the file be forwarded to the GBOP. 7. Assuming endorsement and support by the Joint Committee, the Convener will add signature to the application form and record recommendation for file and send form to the Conference Benefits Officer, who in turn will submit the form to the GBOP for application approval by the current disability insurance company. 8. The applicant shall be notified that the application and supporting materials have been submitted to the GBOP by the District Superintendent with whom she/he initiated the process. 9. Participants newly appointed to medical leave and in the process of applying for Comprehensive Protection Plan (CPP) disability benefits as outlined above will be paid by the Conference for up to four (4) months as disability benefits a monthly amount calculated from
the greater of: a) 70% of their plan compensation in their appointment immediately prior to appointment to medical leave, or b) 40% of the Denominational Average Compensation in effect at the time of appointment to medical leave. (See the “Resolutions Relating to Rental/ Housing Allowances for Active, Retired, Disabled, or Former Clergypersons of the Dakotas Conference” published elsewhere in this Journal for the designation of this amount as Housing Allowance.) The monthly Conference disability benefit will cease upon approval of CPP disability benefits as described in that Plan’s Document or upon disapproval of CPP benefits, whichever happens first within the time limit stated earlier. In extraordinary situations application for extension of the four (4) month time limit should be made to the Conference Benefits Officer for Executive Committee review and consideration.”
Vacation and Time Off Policy Adopted: 1995
Each Charge shall grant full time appointment clergy at least the following amount of paid vacation during each appointment year. Clergy with one to five years of service under appointment -- three (3) weeks including three Sundays for a total of 18 days. Clergy with six and more years of service under appointment -- four (4) week including four Sundays for a total of 24 days. Clergy with a less than full time appointment -- vacation time will be negotiated with the Pastor and Pastor Parish Relations Committee in consultation with the District Superintendent. Each Charge will grant its clergy two weeks, including one Sunday, for a total of 11 days for the purpose of continuing education and professional improvement during each appointment year. All clergy are expected to attend all sessions of the Annual Conference, including Sunday. Conference Sunday is not vacation or continuing education time. The Charge will pay the travel, registration and per diem expense for its clergy and lay members attending Annual Conference. The Charge will pay for the pulpit supply for vacation Sundays, Conference Sunday, and the Sunday of continuing education. Clergy, as members of the Annual Conference will have connectional responsibilities (e.g. meetings of the Annual, Jurisdictional or General Conference Boards and agencies, Conference Camps, etc.). Time spent on these responsibilities will not be counted as vacation time. Clergy will inform the Pastor Parish Relations Committee of time needed for these responsibilities. Clergy are expected to take holidays and at least one day off each week. Up to five days of “compensation time” may be accumulated to be taken at another time, not to include a Sunday. Clergy will inform the Pastor Parish Relations Committee when “compensation time” is taken. Any additional time for personal reasons or for educational purposes will be negotiated with the Clergy, the Pastor Parish Relations Committee, in consultation with the District Superintendent. It is recommended a written agreement be developed and signed for purpose of clarity and understanding, The vacation and time off policy applies to the Conference leadership clergy as well as the clergy serving charges.
Clergy Continuing Education Policies Adopted: 1996
The Board of Ordained Ministry of the Dakotas Annual Conference makes available $600.00 per quadrennium for each: 1. Elder or Deacon member of the conference in full connection, 2. Probationary member of the conference, 3. Diaconal minister who is a member of conference, and 4. Licensed Local Pastor who has completed the Conference Course of Study. Each clergy person is required to complete eight Continuing Education credits each quadrennium or two credits per year. One CEU/ CSU shall be the equivalent of: -Twenty hours of supervised reading/reflection in a knowledge-competency area agreed upon by pastor and PPR. (No more than one CEU/CSU can be given by this route in one year.) -Ten contact hours under qualified leadership. (An hour spent with an instructor or a course, workshop, or seminar.) The term CSU stands for Conference Standard Unit, which may be used in lieu of Continuing Education Units (CEU). CEUs often require that a fee be paid to a college or university. CSUs do not. CSUs reflect study time, but might not reflect formal credits outside our conference. GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING FOR A CONTINUING EDUCATION GRANT 1. Determine and select the desired event. Each clergy person is to think through her/his needs and desires concerning continuing education and consult with their PPRC concerning observed needs. Out of that reflection choose what best fits the needs for this period of time. 2. Use the CE Grant application form describing the event and listing number of CEUs available. Include a copy of the brochure or material describing the event and send it to the continuing education officer of the BOM. 3. The request will then be processed by the continuing education officer. If there are questions, the CE officer will clarify them before processing the request. When completed, the request will be sent on for payment to the clergy person. GENERAL EXPECTATIONS OF THE BOARD REGARDING CONTINUING EDUCATION FUNDS AND EVENTS: 1. Should an event be selected that does not grant CEUs, material describing “contact hours” within that event should be sent to the continuing education officer. 2. Should a clergy member be assigned after the beginning of a quadrennium, the CE grant amount available will be prorated to the years left in the quadrennium. 3. Each clergy member is encouraged to receive one-half (4) of her/his units outside the Annual Conference offerings. 4. Each January the clergy member is asked to submit a summary of continuing education experiences and units earned. This report is to be sent to the continuing education officer. Continuing Education forms can be found on our website: www.dakotasumc.org Mail to: Lori Broschat, 1502 5th Ave. NE, Devils Lake, ND 58301 (701) 662-2873 lbroschat@gmail.com
Dakotas Conference Board of Ordained Ministry 2013-2016 Quadrennium 1. NAME_________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER____________________________________________________ PHONE________________________________________________________________________ CONFERENCE RELATIONSHIP___________________________________________________ 2. NAME OF PROGRAM OR EVENT________________________________________________ (Please include copy of descriptive brochure.)
PLACE OF PROGRAM OR EVENT_________________________________________________ DATES_________________________________________________________________________
4. FUNDING BOM FUNDS REQUESTED_______________________________________________________ (Please send receipts to Conference Finance Office after event.) Personal Contribution____________________
Parish Contribution_____________________
Total___________________ 5. NUMBER OF CEU/CSU’s EARNED FROM THIS EVENT___________________________ Send completed form to: Lori Broschat, Continuing Education Coordinator 1502 5th Ave. NE, Devils Lake, ND 58301 (701) 662-2873 lbroschat@gmail.com
CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT REPORTING FORM Dakotas Conference Board of Ordained Ministry 2013-2016 Quadrennium
NAME_______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CHURCH_____________________________________________________________________ EVENT_______________________________________________________________________ LOCATION____________________________
NUMBER OF CREDITS__________________ If the event does not list a specific number of credits, the general ratio is one credit unit for every 6-8 hours of course work or study. To receive credit for a Continuing Education event photo-copy this page, fill in the information and send to the person listed below. Credit can be given whether or not funds were requested. Reminder: these units also need to be reported on a pastor’s annual MOVE/STAY for District Superintendent’s records.
Lori Broschat, Continuing Education Coordinator 1502 5th Ave. NE, Devils Lake, ND 58301 (701) 662-2873 lbroschat@gmail.com
Student Aid Guidelines
Revised: 2012 by the Board of Ordained Ministry The Ministerial Student Aid Fund (MSAF) is available for seminary and course of study students related to the Dakotas Annual Conference (DAC). The purpose of the fund is to provide financial assistance for a student’s seminary education through loans. 1. Eligibility. Any seminary student related to the DAC who is a certified candidate for ministry enrolled and completing satisfactory work at a recognized seminary toward the completion of a M.Div. Degree (or degree in specialized ministry) is eligible to receive aid from MSAF. A recognized seminary is defined as a seminary properly recognized and approved by the University Senate of the Division of Higher Education of The United Methodist Church. Aid from the MSAF will be provided after the student has consulted with the loan officer of the seminary. Aid will not be made beyond the basic seminary (or specialized) degree (M.Div. or other) and/or reception into Full Membership in the Conference. Loan approval is contingent upon full-time satisfactory progress being made toward the completion of the appropriate Degree. The DAC Board of Ordained Ministry will make the final decision regarding loan approval and the applicant will be bound by that decision. 2. Process. Funds provided to a student through the MSAF are first given on a loan basis. Students must sign a promissory note indicating their commitment to repay the loan under the terms and conditions of the note before the aid is given. Should certain conditions be met, all or a portion of the principal and interest due on a loan will be forgiven by service in the Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church. Conditions for forgiving the loan are outlined in number six below. 3. Loan Maximums. A. The DAC Board of Ordained Ministry will set the Yearly Maximum Aid available. The amount will be published in the JOURNAL. B. The DAC Board of Ordained Ministry will set a Loan-Grant Cap for aid available to a student while in seminary. C. In special circumstances (e.g. “matching aid scholarships”) additional loan/grant aid may be granted. The additional aid will be subtracted from available “debt reduction” aid available to the individual. If insufficient funds are available to meet all MSAF requests, approved applicants will receive aid in proportion to the funds available. 2nd and 3rd year students shall be given priority. Loans for the second, third, or fourth years in seminary will be approved only as a new loan upon receipt of the completed application and promissory note, (see number four below). 4. Applications. Students may apply for MSAF assistance by completing and signing the following forms: a) MSAF Loan Application; and b) MSAF Promissory Note. An application for aid will not be approved until the two documents listed above are properly completed and submitted to the Conference Loan Officer. The forms listed above may be obtained from the Conference Loan Officer. Applications for aid may be made at any time. In addition, an application for aid may be submitted as many times as needed until the Yearly Maximum Aid or the Loan-Grant Cap for a student has been reached. 5. Loan Repayment Provisions. The total of loans made to the student during his or her seminary education career will become due and payable upon graduation from seminary with a M.Div. Degree or other appropriate degree. Interest will begin to accrue upon the student’s graduation from seminary with the appropriate degree or immediately after any of the circumstances defined in 5A through 5G have occurred (see below). The DAC Board of Ordained Ministry will determine interest rates and Yearly Minimum Payments required. Payments will begin within six months after graduation or within six months after any of the circumstance defined in 5A through 5G have occurred. Principal and interest payments will continue until the loan is fully paid. Payment schedules will be prepared by the Conference Director of Finance and Administrative Services and forwarded to the Conference Loan Officer for transmittal to the aid recipient. Loan payments will be made to and the accounting thereof will reside with the Conference Office of Finance and Administrative Services. The Loan will be repaid in the following circumstances: A. If the aid recipient receives an appointment in an annual conference other than the Dakotas Annual Conference. B. If the aid recipient refuses to accept an appointment by the Dakotas Area Bishop within the boundaries of the DAC. C. If the aid recipient requests and receives a leave of absence, sabbatical leave or honorable location. D. If the aid recipient is refused admission to the DAC by the Conference Clergy or other Conference bodies as prescribed by the Discipline of The United Methodist Church and the Standing Rules of the Dakotas Conference. E. If the aid recipient is placed in an appointment beyond the local church by the Dakotas Area Bishop where the location of that appointment is outside the boundaries of the DAC. F. If the aid recipient leaves seminary regardless of his/her intention to complete degree. G. If the aid recipient’s membership in the conference is voluntarily or involuntarily terminated or if aid recipient no longer continues as a certified candidate for ordained ministry. The DAC Board of Ordained Ministry will make the final determination as to whether or not the aid recipient will repay the loan. The aid recipient is bound by the Board’s decision regarding the repayment of his or her loan. 6. Service Conversion Privilege. The aid recipient may earn forgiveness of portions of the loan under the following circumstances. After completion of the appropriate degree, the principal of the loan may be forgiven at a rate per year determined by the DAC Board of Ordained Ministry with no interest accrual while the recipient is serving an appointment under the authority of the Dakotas Area Bishop within the boundaries of the DAC. Forgiveness will be granted yearly at Annual Conference.
The DAC Board of Ordained Ministry will make the final determination as to whether or not the forgiveness privilege will be offered to the aid recipient. The aid recipient is bound by the Board’s decision regarding the forgiveness privilege. If the aid recipient has been previously extended the forgiveness privilege but leaves the Dakotas Annual Conference for any reason or otherwise fall within the provision of 5A through 5G above, the grant will revert back to cash repayment of the remaining principal balance with interest as required under the provisions of number five above. COURSE OF STUDY
Some persons seek to serve in the Annual Conference through the approved Course of Study as outlined The United Methodist Discipline. Student Aid funds are available for Course of Study students. All aspects of the forgoing Student Aid Policy apply to those pursuing Course of Study with the following exceptions/ clarifications. 1. Course of Study students will be eligible for the Yearly Maximum Aid as determined by the DAC Board of Ordained Ministry or actual expenses, whichever is less, at a 75/25 reimbursement ratio. The DAC Board of Ordained Ministry through MSAF will cover 75% of eligible expenses. The remaining 25% will be covered by the student, the student’s continuing education funds as a local pastor, and/or by local church sponsorships. 2. Eligible expenses include tuition and fees, books, room and board (subject to conference Per Diem as per CFC policies), and travel (at conference rate paid to a maximum of the cost of travel to one of the three closest United Methodist Seminaries — Iliff, Garrett-Evangelical, St. Paul’s - with additional travel expenses left to the candidate). 3. Course of Study and Advanced Course of Study students will be eligible for an Overall Cap as determined by the DAC Board of Ordained Ministry. 4. Special situations of need may be appealed to the DAC Board of Ordained of Ministry. EDUCATIONAL DEBT REDUCTION SUPPORT FOR NEW PASTORS
Provisional members of the Dakotas Conference may be eligible to receive up to a Yearly Maximum as determined by the DAC Board of Ordained Ministry per year for up to six successive years for educational debt retirement. Eligibility continues after Elder’s ordination. The following stipulations determine eligibility. 1. All educational requirements for Elder’s Orders have been completed. 2. The applicant must be in a full-time appointment within the bounds of the Dakotas Annual Conference, however, lessthan-full-time appointments may receive grants on a pro rata basis. Appointments to attend school do not qualify. Debt Reduction support will cease with any termination of relationship with the DAC, or appointment outside the bounds of the conference. 3. The applicant will supply evidence of educational debt related to ministerial education. 4. Debt Reduction support is considered a loan-grant must be repaid or forgiven by service in the conference. Yearly debt reduction forgiveness (per the levels of aid stated below) will apply only after requirements for forgiveness or repayment have been satisfied for any outstanding seminary or COS loan/ grants. Exception to this policy may be approved by the DAC Board of Ordained Ministry. Application forms must be requested annually from the Conference Loan Officer. Debt Reduction Grant decisions will be made by the Board of Ordained Ministry Ministerial Student Aid/Finance Group. 5. Special situations of need may be appealed to the DAC Board of Ordained of Ministry. Director of Leadership Development, Jodi Cataldo Box 460 Mitchell, SD 57301-0460 (605) 996-6552 jodi.cataldo@dakotasumc.org FOR INFORMATION, IN 2012-2013 THE DAKOTAS BOARD OF MINISTRY HAS ESTABLISHED THE FOLLOWING LEVELS OF AID. Yearly Loan Grant Maximum $2,000 Seminary Loan-Grant Cap $6,000 Course of Study Overall Cap $9,000 Interest Rate 7% Yearly Minimum Payments $500 Yearly Forgiveness $2,000 for Seminary and COS Loan/Grants Yearly Debt Reduction $1,000 Overall Debt Reduction $6,000 Yearly Forgiveness $1,000 for Debt Reduction Loan/Grants APPROVED 06/12
Clergy Ethics for Retired Pastors
in Relation to the Local Church and Appointed Pastors
Adopted by Board of Ordained Ministry on March 14, 2000 Affirmed by the Executive Session on June 8, 2006
-Remember, the Retired Pastor is not the Appointed Pastor of this parish. -Let the Appointed Pastor know your desires as to leadership responsibilities within the church; but, except under exceptional circumstances, Retired Pastors should not accept official church structure offices...chairing boards or committees which rightly belong to the laity. Establish a covenant between the Appointed and Retired Pastors regarding those agreed upon responsibilities and share that covenant with the Staff Parish Relations Committee. -Priestly functions and associated counseling are the responsibility of the Appointed Pastor. In special circumstances Retired Pastors may assist or perform funerals, weddings and baptism at the invitation of the Appointed Pastor.
-Retired Pastors shall not perform worship services within the bounds of a pastoral charge without permission of the Appointed Pastor or District Superintendent. (P. 341.4) -If the Retired Pastor is a former pastor of the parish, do not pass on any negative opinions about persons or the church to the Appointed Pastor. When the Appointed Pastor asks for information, respond to those questions as fully as you wish. -If the Retired Pastor feels their Appointed Pastor is in error, talk to the pastor. If you do not receive an adequate response, talk to the District Superintendent. Never discuss these issues related to the Appointed Pastor with the laity. If you feel you cannot continue under that Appointed Pastor’s ministry, change churches. -Be tolerant of different styles of ministry and be tolerant of occasional mistakes and errors by the Appointed Pastor. -Encourage parishioners to talk to the Appointed Pastor in pastoral care situations. Tell the parishioner that you will support them as a Christian friend, but they should use the Appointed Pastor as pastor. In limited situations referral to the Retired Pastor by the Appointed Pastor may be appropriate. -When visiting in pastoral care situations, the Retired Pastor should make it clear that s/he is representing her/ himself and not the church or pastor. It is appropriate to make hospital calls as a friend anytime. -Before making a hospital or nursing home visit that may be construed as a pastoral call, give the Appointed Pastor a chance to make the first call. -Do not expect to use church facilities without going through proper channels. -Make annual reports to Charge Conference and Cabinet. If you are in doubt about any of this, consult the District Superintendent.
Clergy Ethics for Appointed Pastors
in Relationship to Retired Pastors
Adopted by Board of Ordained Ministry on March 14, 2006 Affirmed by the Executive Session on June 8, 2006
-Remember, the Appointed Pastor is the pastor for these clergy members and their families of your appointed parish. -Welcome the newly Retired Pastor to the congregation and affirm their ministry career. -The Appointed Pastor should be aware that newly Retired Pastors/spouses may be going through a stressful time of adjustment in their lives and they may need pastoral care in that regard. -The Appointed Pastor may wish to ask the Retired Pastor if they are interested in continuing in any areas of ministry. Establish an informal covenant regarding these areas of responsibility agreed upon and share that covenant with the Staff Parish Relations Committee. Remember, the Retired Pastor’s spouse and family are laity with the same opportunities of service as any other laity. -The Appointed Pastor may use the Retired Pastor in areas they can contribute to the life of the church being sensitive to their needs to use their gifts and talents. -For those Retired Pastors who wish to continue to contribute ministry to the life of the local church, the Appointed Pastor may find valuable services for the Retired Pastor to perform. -Respect the wishes of some Retired Pastors to really be retired from the ministerial functions. -The Appointed Pastor should not be hypersensitive to Retired Pastor’s pastoral care for friends or colleagues. -The Appointed Pastor should remember that they have been given the responsibility for the care of the congregation and not shift too much of that pastoral care to willing Retired Pastors. -With the permission of the Retired Clergy, report to the District Superintendent any Retired Clergy family illness or death. If you are in doubt about any of this, consult the District Superintendent.
Sexual Misconduct Policy Adopted June 2012
All citations referring to The Book of Discipline (BOD) and the Book of Resolutions (BOR) are from the 2012 Edition. Statement of Policy and Commitment Clergy and laity in ministerial roles, lay employees and volunteers of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church (hereafter referred to as Dakotas Conference) shall not engage in sexual abuse, sexual harassment, gender harassment or sexual misconduct, as defined by the Book of Discipline (BOD) of The UMC, state, federal and tribal law. In both North Dakota and South Dakota certain acts of sexual misconduct by members of the clergy are defined as crimes. Further the Dakotas Conference bears affirmative responsibility to create an environment of hospitality for all persons, male or female, which is free of these sins and encourages respect, equality and kinship in Christ. The Dakotas Conference will not condone or tolerate instances of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, gender harassment, or sexual abuse and is committed to a prompt and thorough investigation of allegations, in compliance with the BOD. Biblical and Theological Foundation The Dakotas Conference is committed to the prevention of sexual misconduct in any form and to justly address allegations of the same. We believe that every person is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), that all Christians are equal in Christ (Galatians 3:26-28), and that we are called to love our neighbors as well as enemies (Matthew 5:42). “Contrary to the nurturing community, sexual harassment creates improper, coercive, and abusive conditions wherever it occurs in society. Sexual harassment undermines the social goal of equal opportunity and the climate of mutual respect between men and women.” (BOD, ¶161.I). Furthermore, “Violent, disrespectful, or abusive sexual expressions do not confirm sexuality as God’s good gift.” (BOD, ¶161.H). Definitions 1. “Sexual misconduct is a betrayal of sacred trust. It is a continuum of unwanted sexual or gender-directed behaviors by either a lay or clergy person within a ministerial relationship (paid or unpaid). It can include child abuse, adult sexual abuse,
harassment, rape or sexual assault, sexualized verbal comments or visuals, unwelcome touching and advances, use of sexualized materials including pornography, stalking, sexual abuse of youth or those without capacity to consent, or misuse of the pastoral or ministerial position using sexualized conduct to take advantage of the vulnerability of another.” (BOR, p. 134). Furthermore, “the use of pornography in church programs, on church premises or with church property by persons in ministerial roles (lay and clergy) is a form of sexual misconduct.” (BOR, p. 155) 2. “Sexual harassment [is] any unwanted sexual comment, advance, or demand, either verbal or physical, that is reasonably perceived by the recipient as demeaning, intimidating, or coercive. ... Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, the creation of a hostile or abusive working environment resulting from discrimination on the basis of gender.” (BOD, ¶161.I). “[I]t is unwanted sexual or genderdirected behavior within a pastoral, employment, ministerial (including volunteers), mentor, or colleague relationship that is so severe or pervasive that it alters the conditions of employment or volunteer work or unreasonably interferes with the employee or volunteer’s performance by creating a hostile environment that can include unwanted sexual jokes, repeated advances, touching, displays, or comments that insult, degrade, or sexually exploit women, men, elders, children, or youth.” (BOR, p. 135) 3. “Gender harassment is unwelcome or unwanted conduct which is gender specific, either cross gender or same gender. Although not specifically “sexual,” gender harassment may be recognized in patterns of behavior creating a hostile or abusive working environment. Both sexual and gender harassment are exploitations of power and are discriminatory by law.” (GCFA Legal Manual, p. III-45: http:// www.gcfa.org/gcfa-legal-manual) 4. “Sexual abuse [in ministry] is a form of sexual misconduct and occurs when a person within a ministerial role of leadership (lay or clergy, pastor, educator, counselor, youth leader, or other position of leadership) engages in sexual contact or sexualized behavior with a congregant, client, employee, student, staff member, coworker, or volunteer.” (BOR, p. 135) 5. Clergy and laity in ministerial roles shall include clergy as defined by the BOD ¶141, retired clergy members of the annual conference, and any other person in a ministerial role as explained and illustrated on p. 136 of the BOR. 6. Pornography is defined on pg. 149 of the BOR Abuse of Power Sexual abuse within the ministerial relationship involves a betrayal of sacred trust, a violation of the ministerial role and exploitation of those who are vulnerable. Similarly, sexual and gender harassment are usually understood as exploitations of power relationships rather than as exclusively sexual or gender issues. This does not mean that clergy could never be the victim of sexual harassment or sexual abuse by laity. (See BOD, ¶605.8) Implementation Clergy and laity in ministerial roles (including retired clergy), lay employees, and volunteers of the Dakotas Conference shall be provided a copy of this policy through the Dakotas Conference Journal and website, the Conference Office, and Human Resources Handbook. Training information shall be available to assist in the understanding and implementation of this policy. Making a Complaint Some instances of harassment can be resolved informally by conversation between the parties or facilitated mediation. In all other instances, if a violation of this policy is witnessed, or in good faith thought to have occurred, it shall be reported immediately to one of the offices listed below To make a complaint, contact one of the following and say, “I am calling to make a complaint of sexual misconduct”: District Superintendent, Glacial Lakes District 605-334-5248 District Superintendent, Prairie Hills District 605-343-3172 District Superintendent, Sakakawea District 701-255-0800 District Superintendent, Eastern Sunrise District 701-364-1941 or 605-886-2242 Bishop’s Assistant for Connectional Ministries 605-996-6552 Office of the Bishop, Dakotas Conference 605-996-6552 Honest and good faith complaints are welcomed. Clergy and laity in ministerial roles (including retired clergy), lay employees, and volunteers of the Dakotas Conference are required to report immediately any reasonable suspicion of harassment, abuse or misconduct to the appropriate person except when knowledge would violate confidentiality between pastor and parishioner. The Dakotas Conference, including the aforementioned persons, will not retaliate against any person who brings forward a complaint. Prompt and appropriate investigation and corrective action will be taken, including discipline pursuant to the BOD, state federal, and /or tribal law. Persons who make false accusations will be held accountable. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to waive pastor-parishioner privilege. “All clergy of The United Methodist Church are charged to maintain all confidences inviolate, including confessional confidences, except in the cases of suspected child abuse or neglect or in cases where mandatory reporting is required by civil law.” (BOD ¶341.5) Clergy and laity in ministerial roles (including retired clergy), lay employees, and volunteers of the Dakotas Conference will follow any applicable mandatory reporting laws. There is potential for conflict between the obligations imposed under church law and state law, and in these cases legal advice should be sought. Information Sharing While the Dakotas Conference cannot guarantee absolute confidentiality, it seeks to make every reasonable effort to maintain confidence by disclosing information about the complaint only on a “need to know” basis as necessary to promote God’s call for justice, reconciliation and healing. Commitment to Justice and Healing
The Dakotas Conference will take appropriate corrective action upon completion of an investigation and affirms the goals of reconciliation and resolution, leading to justice and healing for all parties involved. I have read and affirm my understanding of this policy. Signature __________________________________ _ Date_________________________________
Separation/Divorce Guidelines for Ordained Clergy Adopted: 1995
The Church has traditionally supported marriage and we continue to affirm it as a viable institution, even in the midst of social change. We lift up the statement of the 1984 General Conference: “We affirm the sanctity of the marriage covenant which is expressed in love, mutual support, personal commitment, and shared fidelity between a man and a woman. We believe that God’s blessing rests upon such marriage, whether or not there are children of the union. We reject social norms that assumed different standards for women than for men in marriage.” (The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, 1984, Paragraph 71c) And -- we live with the paradox reflected in the continuation of the same paragraph: “Where marriage partners, even after thoughtful consideration and counsel, are estranged beyond reconciliation, we recognize divorce as regrettable but recognize the right of the divorced persons to remarry. We express our deep concern for the care of nurture of the children of divorced or remarried persons. We encourage that either or both of the divorced parents be considered for custody of the minor children of the marriage. We encourage an active, adapting, and enabling commitment of the church and our society to the members of divorced families.” (The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, 1984, Paragraph 71d) We affirm that when persons enter into marriage, they enter into a covenant relationship which God has blessed. That relationship is meant to be an unbroken relationship in which two persons commit themselves not only to each other, but to the growth and development of the other’s unique gifts. Even in the best of situations, finding marital fulfillment demands tireless effort. People change. No marriage can remain static and be viable. Marriage enrichment seminars, clergy and spouse life planning seminars, and in-depth sharing provide opportunities for continued growth. Clergy are expected to model exemplary marital relationships. The covenant relationship -- spouse to spouse, and clergy to clergy — offers significant strength and spiritual resources for fulfilling the marriage vows. Churches and clergy also must remember that all persons are vulnerable to the same pressures of society. Clergy and spouses are humans, with strengths and weaknesses, who make wise decisions and commit errors in judgment. Clergy are human beings. As such, they are vulnerable to failure and mistakes as are any other person. The social pressures that affect the family today also affect clergy families. Church and society make demands upon clergy’s time and energies which, when personal life is not nurtured, can be destructive. In addition, persons change as they live life. Such change can be a challenge to marriage relationships. When minister and spouse find themselves experiencing destructive marital stress, they must respond to the signals with appropriate action. Clergy need to follow the advice they give to others: Seek help! They should not isolate their pain
from others or seek to deny its reality.
Other clergy persons, secular resources, the District Superintendent, or friends offer resources for the healing and enriching of marriage. A list of qualified counselors in your district may be obtained from each District Superintendent. Experience indicates that patterns of evasion often create catastrophic results and people seek to meet their personal needs in counterproductive relationships and work patterns. III. THE REALITY OF SEPARATION/DIVORCE
The United Methodist Church has dealt with the concept of divorce in its statement in Paragraph 71d (stated under Section I of these guidelines). Further, it is our attempt to permit separation/divorce without advocating it. For clergy, divorces are a reality. They are filled with anguish and clouded with ambiguity, as are all marital separations or divorces. Our history as an Annual Conference has been for the Bishop and Cabinet to deal with each separation/ divorce occurrence individually, but without publicly stating procedures or generally understood expectations and intents. The guidelines put forth here have emerged from consultation among the Bishop, the Cabinet, and the Board of Ordained Ministry over an extended period of time. They are the public declaration of the process and understandings that will inform the case-by-case evaluation of the ministry of clergy who are approaching separation/divorce. The procedures reflect the couple’s network of relationships touched by clergy divorce: family, colleagues, local congregations, and professional relationship to the Conference. Articulation of guidelines to be observed when separation/divorce is chosen by clergy is in no way to be interpreted as Dakotas Annual Conference’s diminishing the integrity of the marriage covenant as a lifetime commitment. Rather, the development of a process is an attempt to nurture responsible behavior in the face of marital stress/behavior that may lead to reconciliation or to mature and honorable steps toward termination of marriage. The intent is to preserve the honor of the marriage covenant and the ordination vows, and set forth a responsible method to resolve discord and disruption in clergy households. IV. DEALING HONORABLY WITH THE BREAKDOWN OF RELATIONSHIPS
When a minister and spouse recognize that the marriage relationship is degenerating in spite of intensive professional counseling and a will to make the marriage covenant survive, it is expected that mature action will be taken. The response to this awareness should be with behavior that maintains the highest professional standards of the ordained ministry. A clergy person contemplating separation/divorce, and the impact on professional status, will be evaluated case by case. To provide consistency and fairness, each person entering a period of separation/divorce, having fulfilled the preceding guidelines, will be expected to proceed according to the following steps: 1. Pastor inform own District Superintendent, and they, together, contact the Bishop.
2. District Superintendent initiates contact with non-clergy spouse, emphasizing pastoral care and indicating ongoing support and counsel with couples involved. 3. Pastor and District Superintendent contact Pastor-Parish Chairperson to discuss the pastor’s and spouse’s impending separation/divorce, and strategy for announcing to local congregation. In the case of an Extension Ministry, the District Superintendent will consult with the Pastor to determine what persons within the appointive setting should be informed. 4. Pastor, District Superintendent, and Chairperson inform Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, and establish ongoing support and counsel with couples involved. 5. Pastor, with support of District Superintendent and Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, informs local congregation, with intent toward enabling all parties to begin to deal with grief, anger, hurt and other feelings. In the case of an Appointment Beyond the Local Church, the Pastor will inform those parties previously designated by the pastor and the DS, with the same intent to deal with the resulting feelings. 6. District Superintendent, Pastor, and two members of the Board of Ordained Ministry (One from Conference Relations Committee and one of the pastor’s choosing) meet to consider options of pastor’s relationship to Annual Conference. In the case of an appointment in extension ministries, this meeting will be held, when deemed appropriate by the Board of Ordained Ministry at a location near the appointment site. The available relationship options include: (a) retaining of current appointment; (b) reappointment to another parish; (c) special appointment; (d) leave of absence; (e) sabbatical leave; (f) honorable location; (g) retirement; (h) withdrawal; (i) termination; (j) in cases of clergy immoral conduct, the review process will be initiated; and (k) in cases of clergy second or successive divorces, the Board of Ordained Ministry would reserve the right to counsel with the clergy person. The determination of Conference relationship and appointment is contingent upon the fulfillment of all the preceding guidelines. The report of this committee will be referred to the Cabinet and Conference Relations Committee, who by the Discipline have authority in matters of appointment and Conference relationship. 7. Encourage pastor and spouse to communicate to colleagues and friends their action, thus taking responsible steps within the covenant community. 8. If a change in Conference relationships is effected, return to the prior Conference relationship will be facilitated according to procedures prescribed by the Discipline. V. CONCERNS FOR FOLLOW-UP
1. To facilitate healing and recovery, post-divorce counseling is required for clergy. Counseling is to begin immediately following the divorce (at least within the first year). 2. Because of the covenantal relationship with non-clergy spouses, we recommend that the Dakotas Annual Conference seriously consider providing means of counseling for the spouse (and/or other family members). Furthermore, when applicable, moving expenses career training, health/medical benefits may be provided. Also, the Conference Board of Pensions will investigate an equitable means of ensuring non-clergy spouses receiving pension benefits accrued during the time of the clergy partner’s ministerial service to the Dakotas Annual Conference.
Short Term Leave Policy Revised: June 2013
Aware of the ongoing pressures and responsibilities experienced in the parish ministry, the Dakotas Conference Board of Ordained Ministry (BOM) recognizes the value of short term leaves for personal and spiritual renewal. 1. Eligibility. All clergy member in full connection (Deacons, Elders or Associate Members) who have served at least an equivalent of full-time for seven years or more are eligible for Short Term Leave funds. After a clergy member in full connection has received short term leave funds, he/she will be eligible to apply again after serving another equivalent of seven years under full-time appointment. 2. Preparatory Consultation. Persons are encouraged to prayerfully consider the purpose of their leave. Persons considering a short term leave may desire to consult at North Central Career Development in New Brighton, MN. Persons are encouraged to think well ahead (at least six months to a year) in their planning. 3. Availability: Short Term Leaves will be granted according to the funds available. Consideration will be given to the length of service, the order and the timeliness in which requests are received, and the importance that the District Superintendent/Cabinet places on the requested leave. 4. Application for Renewal Leave. Persons should apply to the local Staff/Pastor Parish Committee and District Superintendent for approval at least two months prior to the Spring, Summer or Fall board meetings of the BOM taking place in advance of the leave request. Application for a short term leave needs to include a budget for how BOM funds will be used to pay for pastoral supply during the leave time with the total amount requested. The District Superintendent will then forward the application to the Director of Leadership Development/Student Loan Officer for confirmation on availability of funds and for processing/approval of the BOM. 5. Length of Leave and Salary. The maximum leave allowed is three months (including vacation time) with full salary being paid by the local church/parish or salary-paying unit. The pastoral supply compensation will be paid by Short Term Leave Funds as provided through the BOM. These funds are not to exceed $4,000 for the three months. Money is paid to the local/church parish or salary-paying unit to be distributed to those providing pastoral supply. 6. Evaluation. The BOM will regularly evaluate the Short Term Leave program and make adjustments or changes as it believes necessary. 7. Contact Person. For questions on how to apply for a Short Term Leave grant, please contact the Director of Leadership Development, 1331 W. University Ave., PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301. (605) 996-6552 or jodi.cataldo@dakotasumc.org
Parsonage Standards
Adopted: 2011 Purpose: The Dakotas Conference policy is that a parsonage or housing allowance shall be provided for each clergy appointed
with each charge making that determination. However a parsonage is preferred. The following guidelines should be considered with providing a parsonage. “Housing shall not be considered as part of compensation or remuneration, but shall be considered as means provided by the local church, and for the convenience of the local church to enable its ministry and the itinerant ministry of the Annual Conference.” A clergy couple appointed to a Charge needs to be provided with only one parsonage. In Mission congregations or in congregations with characteristics of a mission congregation housing arrangements will be negotiated per paragraph 259.1.a. 4 (2008 Discipline) I. Standards for Parsonage Furnishings A. Heating system with humidifier and dehumidifier as needed. B. Central air conditioning or adequate window air conditioning. C. Hot water heater. In areas of problem water, proper water conditioning equipment should be provided and the church/charge is responsible for the salt. Also available is water conditioning equipment that could be used that doesn’t require salt. D. Modern kitchen range and oven with exhaust fan, garbage disposal, refrigerator with freezer, and dishwasher. E. Washer and dryer of at least standard laundry size. F. Bundled package of basic cable television or dish, along with landline phone and internet. G. Lawn mower and snow blower. Lawn care and snow removal could be provided after discussion with SPPRC. H. Appropriately placed smoke alarms. Carbon monoxide detectors in only those homes with natural gas, fuel oil or propane gas. I. Appropriate window treatments: including drapes, curtains, blinds, or decorator shades be provided in all windows. All materials shall be fire retardant. J. Floors on main level(s): 1) Carpet in living room and dining room or adequate substitute such as attractive hardwood floor with appropriate rugs. 2) Entry way halls should fit the décor of the living room and dining room 3) Kitchen: good grade of tile, linoleum or kitchen carpeting. 4) Bathroom: good grade of tile or linoleum. 5) Other rooms: (bedroom, den, etc) carpeting, other covering or well finished wood. Pets: The Clergy leaving a Charge shall be financially liable for any damage to the parsonage above and beyond the normal wear and tear of family living, and for problems created by pets or neglect. If such a situation occurs the District Superintendent shall be informed for inspection. If a church and the DS agree there is damage from a pastor’s pets upon entering a new appointment, if that pastoral family insists on having pets, they must provide a damage deposit equal to the repair and replacement costs incurred in their prior parsonage. II. On-Going Conditions: A It is suggested that at least 2% per annum of the insured value of the parsonage be placed in the church budget of the Trustees for parsonage repair, decorating and refurbishing. B. It is the responsibility of the clergy leaving a Charge to fully and properly clean the parsonage. How this will be accomplished will be determined in consultation with the Pastor Parish Relations Committee. C. When a pastoral change takes place, the Board of Trustees shall evaluate the needs of the parsonage and refurbish accordingly. The clergy leaving the Charge shall inform the Board of Trustees of structural problems or appliances that need repair or replacement. D. Suitable location with consultation of the District Board of Church Building and Location. E. Safe and dependable water supply. F. The parsonage should be a minimum of 2500 sq. feet of living space(less than 2500 sq. feet to be negotiated with District Superintendent and District Board of Church Location and Building. G. After approving a purchase proposal, the charge conference shall be deemed to have authorized and directed the Board of Trustees to proceed with the purchase. In the case of the purchase of a parsonage, the Board of Trustees shall either; 1. Purchase a parsonage that has on the ground floor level: - One room that can be used as a bedroom by a person with a disability; - One fully accessible bathroom; and - Fully accessible laundry facilities, or 2. Purchase a parsonage without the accessible features for persons with disabilities specified above and remodel it within one year’s time, so that it does have those features. III. Recommended Parsonage Standards A. General appearance inside and outside: Good B. Sidewalks to garage and front street. C. Play area in back. D. Yard maintained by church (fertilizer and insecticide provided by church). E. One car garage with storage. Garage has lights and electrical outlets. F. Insulated glass windows or regular glass with combination storm windows and storm doors. G. Fully insulated (walls and ceilings). H. Three bedrooms above ground. Master bedroom shall be at least 150 sq. feet. If two story, one bedroom shall be on the main floor. I. One full bath on main floor plus one three-quarter bath. J. Modern kitchen with dining area to seat at least four. There shall be adequate counter and storage space and an adequate number of electrical outlets. K. Living-dining room combination. L. Living room and a separate family room.
M. If there is no office/study in the church, the parsonage should have a room available for an office/study. The office/study should have built-in bookshelves. N. Adequate electrical wiring with a minimum of 200 ampere entrance box with circuit breakers. O. Adequate fire exits from all areas of the house, especially the basement. Fire extinguishers on all levels. P. Adequate storage areas. IV. Recommended Parsonage Standards: Preferred A. General appearance inside and outside: Excellent B. Sidewalks to garage and front street. C. Play area in back. D. Yard maintained by church (fertilizer and insecticide provided by church) E. Two-car garage and storage. Garage has lights and electrical outlets. F. Insulated glass windows or regular glass with combination storm windows and storm doors. G. Insulation installed which meets minimum standards recommended for maximum energy efficiency as determined by the Energy Commission. H. Three bedrooms above ground with a minimum of 130 sq. feet. Master bedroom shall be at least 180 sq. feet. Adequate light closets. If two-story, one full bathroom and one bedroom shall be on the main floor. I. One full bath plus one three-quarter bath adjoining master bedroom. One bath must be on main floor. J. Modern kitchen with dining area to seat at least six. There shall be adequate counter and storage space, and an ample number of electrical outlets. K. A separate dining room. L. Large living room with family room removed from it so that activities in one do not disturb person in the other. M. If there is no office/study in the church, the parsonage should have one that has a separate outside entrance. The office/ study should have built-in bookshelves. N. Adequate electrical wiring with a minimum of 200 ampere entrance box with circuit breakers. All wiring shall meet at least the National Electric Code minimum standard. O. Adequate fire exits from all areas of the house; especially the basement. Fire extinguishers on all levels. P. Adequate storage space. V. Pastor’s Responsibility A. The parsonage family shall practice good stewardship of parsonage property and will be held financially accountable for damage other than normal wear and tear. They shall keep the parsonage in neat appearance. Upkeep, repair, and redecorating will be done in consultation with the local church parsonage (trustees) Committee. The parsonage family shall leave the parsonage as good as or better than it was when they moved into the dwelling. B. The pastor should keep the parsonage (trustees) committee informed of maintenance needs throughout the year between annual reviews. C. The pastor and the parsonage (trustees) committee shall inspect the parsonage together at the time of a change of pastors. The location of guarantees and operating instructions for parsonage equipment should be designated for the benefit of the incoming pastor. D. Disputes between the pastor and the local church concerning the parsonage shall be referred to the District Superintendent for negotiation and settlement. VI. The Parsonage Review and Report A. In accordance with the 2012 Book of Discipline, Paragraph 258, 2.g 16: The chairperson of the Committee on Staff Pastor Parish Relations, chairperson of the Board of Trustees and pastor shall make an annual review of the church owned parsonage to assure proper maintenance. B. A log book shall be used by the local church and Board of Trustees recording the outcome of the inspection of the parsonage on an annual basis. Using the form by the conference, the inspection should be for termites, varmints and radon. The results of the inspection, should include a list of the repairs or upgrades to fix the problem.
Moving Policy
Adopted: June, 2012 The Dakotas Annual Conference will pay (100%)* of the moving expenses of the household goods and office for the active clergy (Including Full Member Deacons) serving local church(es)and their family, for the surviving spouse and family of deceased active clergy, for active clergy who are retiring, subject to the following limitations: 1. Maximum weight: 15,000 pounds. For clergy couples the weight limit will be 120% of the stated maximum weight. 2. The clergy will do their own packing (guidelines will be provided by the moving company). Boxes will be provided where necessary. In good stewardship of material and cost, the clergy will re-use boxes as much as possible. The moving committee reserves the right to limit cost of boxes and packing materials, if necessary. The movers will pack only large mirrors and large pictures up to a total of eight. (A large pack holds up to 60X48X3 inches where a small pack holds up to 40X25X3 inches) Flat screen TVs must be packed in their original boxes. If those boxes are unavailable you can pack them in mirror packs. If the movers pack the TV the clergy will be charged for that service. 3. The term “household goods� does not including the following: automobiles, trucks, vans, mobile homes, campers, trailers, boats, canoes, kayaks, airplanes, snowmobiles, motorcycles, mopeds, golf cars, other similar vehicles or any items not accepted by the carrier. 4. The moving expense of inventory, equipment and so forth of a business, activity or hobby, shall be the responsibility of
the clergy. 5. Items which are irreplaceable or of extreme value or of a sentimental nature are the responsibility of the clergy. Extra insurance can be purchased from the carrier. 6. The moving expense shall not cover storage, warehousing, handling, or insurance while in storage or warehousing. 7. For retired or disabled clergy, or survivors of active clergy members, the moving expense shall not exceed two times the cost of an average in-conference move. This average cost shall be calculated from the costs of the in-conference moves over the previous 5 years. The move must take place within two years to qualify for expense coverage. Also, the cost of the move is taxable income for the individual and will be reported as such to the IRS. 8. All clergy not appointed to a local church, or to an appointment within the conference structure shall be responsible for their own moving expenses as they move into their new appointment or status. If the clergy requests a return to an appointment to a local church or within the conference structure, the Annual Conference shall pay for moving expenses up to 50% of the previous year’s average in-conference move. However, if the Cabinet/Conference makes the request for the clergy to accept an appointment to a local church or within the conference structure, the Annual Conference shall cover the moving costs within the normal limits as set by this policy. At the time of their retirement or exiting from ministry, clergy not appointed to a local church or to an appointment within the conference structure shall be responsible for their own moving expenses. 9. Seminary students/graduates receiving their first appointment within the conference will move themselves. (For example, U-Haul, Rider Trucks, etc.) The Conference will reimburse the costs of the move. 10. The moving policy, including any adjustments or exceptions, shall be under the supervision of the Cabinet and the Director of Financial Services. *The cost of motel, meals, and vehicle expenses while moving are the expense of the clergy/family and at present are deductible from income taxes.
Crisis Management Guidelines
A Crisis is a Major Turning Point Resulting in Permanent Drastic Change A crisis occurs when you least expect it; the outcome will determine if affairs are better or worse. There is single way to solve a crisis, but they all have certain ear marks: 1. Crises come as a surprise. They occur unexpectedly and probably when we are least able to deal with them. Personnel may also not be readily available. 2. Surprise leads to insufficient information, and questions are difficult to answer. 3. Questions begin to surface from the media and constituents almost immediately, which is the time to take control and not be hesitant. 4. Demonstrating concern and ability to take control will probably result in being able to withstand outside pressures. 5. The crisis may cause short term focus and lead to short sighted actions. 6. After the initial shock, there are always varying degrees of trauma for those directly and indirectly affected. It is important to have a plan of action in mind before a crisis hits. When the questions come, never say “no comment.” Be truthful and be sure all church officials have been consulted. There Must Be an Official Who Will Speak To The Questions When Needed. The Episcopal office is the most logical source of information, with a line of responsibility assigned and others to assist with the task of dispensing information. These are Suggestions of Crises that have been encountered. 1. Crisis of a personal nature. 2. Crises of a corporate nature 3. Crises prompted by natural disasters. Success in planning before the crisis is one thing that can be controlled. This may be not only the success or failure in the management of the church, but also the basis for building integrity and strengthening the work of the church. The PROCESS should include the following. 1. Name a Crisis Management Team. This would include the bishop, bishop’s assistant for connectional ministries and communicator. The legal counsel may have to be involved. Also the district superintendents should be aware of the proceedings and have full knowledge of activities. Chair of the Common Table may be included with the possibility of the lay leader. All should be listed by name, address, telephone, e-mail address and FAX number. 2. Empower the team. The bishop should convene the team, gather information, consult with all; and provide the final decision. The bishop could serve as spokesperson. 3. Bishop’s Assistant and communicator should be gathering background material, if needed; assist in preparation of releases; assist in monitoring the information flow. They should monitor and report media activities; screen and direct media inquiries. 4 Legal Counsel. The Legal Counsel provide input on liability and regulatory issues related to the crisis. Remember that damage from a crisis is much worse if it loses in the court of public opinion than if it loses in a court of law. Legal counsel is not the spokesperson. 5. Support team. Screen and log calls. Know how to reach all crisis management members. This team needs to be available at all times. In the event a person in the chain of responsibility is not available, have backups and alternates in place. Make sure to inform the persons closest to the central office; also key leaders in the church (employees, clergy, church members, lay leaders). If possible, make a list of Crises that could possibly occur and how the response could be along with the effect. The Crisis Team Should be Guided by Predict, Prevent and Prepare Designated Places. Press room with the possibility of holding press conferences. It should be near public telephones, desks, electrical outlets for lap-top computers, FAX machines, chairs. Possibly soft drink machines could be available. Ample Opportunity for telephone and FAX lines. Do all members of the team have cellular telephones? Team members need to be available at all times.
Be Very Sure Arrangements Are Made to keep a log of all statements made, in addition to developments of the crisis. Be prepared to answer questions as to who is in charge; biographies of personalities; background information; knowledge of church. Arrange for Security Personnel to keep order and control access to all offices in addition to people to handle telephones and serve as “runners” or hospitality. In Conclusion: Be pro-active; don’t isolate the team or The United Methodist Church; your image is important (be natural); do not speculate; be sure to place the personal element above all else. Credit to: Tom McAnally, Director, United Methodist News Service and United Methodist Communications, “Not If, But When” manual.
Dakotas Disaster Response Action Plan
The “Action Plan” complements the Conference Disaster Plan, listed above and found on the conference website, both of which were revised in the spring of 2010. Definition of Disaster Response by UMCOR: “A disaster is a severe disruption of personal and community life, involving a significant number of people and causing spiritual, emotional, physical, and social crisis to which the church can respond with God’s love and help. Such disasters may include: tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, fires, toxic poisonings and other community-wide occurrences. The United Methodist Committee on Relief seeks to provide relief for acute human needs that might otherwise go unheeded. This assistance may come in the form of cash allocations, specialized services, volunteer ministries or other avenues of mission services.” (page 59, UMCOR Disaster Training Manual.)
Checklist of Responsibilities by Position
Local Church Pastor/or Lay Leader/or Chair of Trustees Assess general situation and physical needs of people, affected area and forward initial assessment (either by telephone or by email) to the District Superintendent and/or the Ministry Team Disaster Coordinator and/or the Presiding Elder. Done _____ Date _____ Establish contact with any local community emergency management committees or agencies as soon as possible. Done____ Date ____ Provide specific needs assessment (within 24 hours if possible) of any damage to the church or parsonage. Done____ Date ____ Begin seeking local response to needs: general and specific. Done____ Date ____ Coordinate relief efforts on the local level. Done____ Date ____ Implement your local church disaster plan. Done____ Date ____ When disaster response has concluded, review local church disaster plan and evaluate your response efforts. District Superintendent Contact pastor/s involved and the Conference Disaster Response Coordinator/s as soon as possible. Done____ Date ____ Receive the report of the local pastor/s and/or the Trustees Chair for churches within impacted areas. Done____ Date ____ Make initial contact with the Bishop (within 24-36 hours if possible.) Done____ Date ____ Conduct an on-site visit (within 36 hours if possible.) Done____ Date ____ Remain in close pastoral care of churches and pastoral families of the impacted areas. Done____ Date ____ Participate in the Conference Disaster Response Crisis Management Team. Done ___ Date ___ When the crisis is over, review your district’s disaster response plan and the plans of the congregations within the impacted area. Evaluate your response efforts. Done____ Date ____ Conference Disaster Response Coordinators Conduct an on-site visit with the Bishop, District Superintendent, Presiding Elder and (if possible) the Ministry Team Disaster Response Coordinator of the impacted area (within 36 hours if possible). Done____ Date ____ Coordinate efforts on area-wide or state-wide basis. Done____ Date ____ Work with Bishop and/or the District Superintendent/s of impacted area to coordinate communication and general response efforts to the disaster. Done____ Date ____ Activate the conference disaster response plan. Done____ Date ____ When the crisis has passed, work with other conference leadership to evaluate the conference disaster plan. Presiding Elder or Ministry Team Disaster Coordinator Accompany the Bishop and/or Conference Disaster Coordinator/s to survey the impacted area. Done____ Date ____ Meet with the Bishop, affected District Superintendent/s, Conference Disaster Response Coordinators and Conference Disaster Response Crisis Management Team to assess the needs and coordinate the response. Done____ Date ____ Implement the District Disaster Response Plan so that healing is brought to the affected disaster area. Done____ Date ____ When the crisis has passed, work with the District Superintendent of the affected area and the Conference Disaster Response Coordinator/s to evaluate the District Disaster Response Plan and local church disaster response plans within the affected area. Continue your ministry of training and mitigation. Done____ Date ____
MEMBERSHIP & PARTICIPATION: 1-Beginning Membership 2a-Received by Profession of Faith 2b-Restored by Affirmation 2c-Correct by addition 3-Transfer from Other UMC 4-Transfer from Non-UMC 5a-Removed by Charge Conference 5bWithdrawn 5c-Correct by subtraction 6-Transfer to Other UMC 7-Transfer to Non-UMC 8-Removed by Death 9-Total Membership 10-Average Worship Attendance 11-Baptisms 12-Prepaptory Members 13-Constituency Roll 14-Enrolled in Confirmation Class Small Group Participants {15-CHILDREN 16-YOUTH 17-YOUNG ADULTS 18-OTHER ADULTS 19-TOTAL} 20-Average attendance Sunday school Participants In {21-Covenant discipleship groups 22-Vacation Bible School 23Sunday School 24-Other ongoing classes 25-Short-term classes/groups} 26-UMM Members 27-Amount paid for UMM Projects 28-UMW Members 29-Amount paid for UMW projects 30a-UMVIM teams 30b-UMVIM participants 31a-Mission teams 31b-Mission Team participants 32-Daycare/Education ministries 33-Persons served by32 34-Outreach, justice, mercy ministries 35-Persons served by 34 Church Name 1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30a 30b 31a 31b 32 33 34 35 GLACIAL LAKES DISTRICT ARLINGTON 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 111 52 0 12 44 0 28 11 0 17 56 0 0 26 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 7 326 LAKE PRESTON 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 22 10 1 9 21 0 21 0 2 0 23 6 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,491 0 0 0 0 0 26 7 261 BROOKINGS 922 22 0 0 10 11 6 5 0 7 12 5 930 602 38 181 150 28 172 115 35 826 1148 336 0 195 31 24 48 65 4,000 94 9,185 3 12 5 32 4 0 27 8000 CANISTOTA UNITED 140 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 139 129 3 16 9 2 30 15 9 23 77 16 13 34 6 4 2 0 0 8 800 1 9 0 1 0 0 2 3 COLTON 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 64 38 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 635 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 CHESTER 61 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 56 2 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 20 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 1,354 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DELL RAPIDS 223 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 4 1 2 6 203 86 2 38 36 0 39 13 2 65 119 41 15 22 5 3 6 25 2,500 10 100 0 0 1 48 0 0 1 200 ELKTON UNITED 103 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 4 103 40 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FLANDREAU 120 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 119 60 4 0 49 0 27 10 0 0 37 21 0 75 5 2 4 0 0 18 400 0 0 1 6 4 20 3 350 EGAN 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 6 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HARTFORD 216 8 5 0 6 7 8 1 0 0 0 7 226 172 7 60 102 10 60 36 2 24 122 69 10 40 8 4 7 10 2,140 41 3,450 0 1 0 1 2 80 3 250 HOWARD 144 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 2 3 2 134 78 0 0 25 4 24 6 0 28 58 10 0 10 4 1 2 0 0 47 2,872 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 MADISON 404 11 0 0 1 7 0 9 0 0 0 11 403 184 3 93 85 21 53 32 2 78 165 49 48 32 7 4 6 15 0 69 500 0 0 1 10 0 0 2 180 WHITE 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 92 50 4 4 18 3 10 6 2 14 32 10 0 0 2 0 5 0 0 20 750 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 350 AURORA 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 38 18 2 0 5 0 5 0 0 10 15 5 0 10 1 1 5 0 0 9 750 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 350 STERLING 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 27 1 1 2 0 10 3 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 ALPENA 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 27 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CARPENTER 57 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 28 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 36 3 0 0 0 0 12 1,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DE SMET 100 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 97 54 2 24 15 0 13 14 0 14 41 30 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 21 1,675 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 32 HITCHCOCK 187 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 191 87 4 36 15 0 28 24 5 22 79 41 0 63 6 1 0 0 0 45 4,500 0 0 3 25 0 0 0 0 BROADLAND 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 15 0 0 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 356 8 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 HURON FIRST 817 28 0 0 6 9 0 1 0 0 3 11 845 448 28 236 245 13 174 108 22 121 425 104 0 137 9 30 7 0 0 81 0 0 0 1 30 2 72 2 771 HURON RIVERVIEW 218 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 225 118 2 24 69 7 20 19 0 69 108 35 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 200 VIRGIL 49 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 51 36 0 0 24 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 500 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 20 IROQUOIS 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 84 43 4 0 20 0 30 4 9 0 43 10 0 0 19 26 0 0 0 21 590 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESMOND 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 12 0 5 2 0 1 3 0 1 5 4 0 12 1 0 0 0 0 9 283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DOLAND 43 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 43 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3 133 209 56 4 110 16 6 8 0 0 45 1,500 0 0 2 31 2 97 23 3490 SIOUX FALLS EMBRACE 83 0 87 0 2 14 0 0 0 0 1 0 185 735 69 0 0 0 350 30 60 251 691 155 50 150 9 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 SIOUX FALLS FIRST 1168 19 0 0 8 2 0 1 0 4 12 23 1157 465 20 258 334 15 127 58 12 205 402 118 5 86 8 10 18 80 600 128 15,152 0 0 1 36 2 65 6 25 SIOUX FALLS HILLTOP 306 9 1 0 7 5 8 11 0 1 1 4 303 191 11 48 74 16 53 25 9 70 157 75 0 53 10 0 3 0 0 27 1,000 0 0 2 40 1 120 8 1500 SIOUX FALLS SOUTHERN HILLS 225 3 0 0 7 2 0 0 0 1 6 1 229 161 1 0 60 18 35 16 5 28 84 50 0 75 8 4 7 0 0 0 0 1 12 0 6 3 35 0 0 SIOUX FALLS SUNNYCREST 528 10 1 0 9 2 0 6 13 8 2 9 512 293 6 0 171 8 62 65 11 55 193 62 127 201 8 6 5 33 267 34 4,240 0 0 1 8 0 0 7 76 SIOUX FALLS WESLEY 347 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 7 342 200 14 110 110 0 125 59 12 69 265 127 31 165 8 8 8 0 0 57 1,100 0 0 0 0 4 175 1 225 ALEXANDRIA 86 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 86 54 0 0 5 0 11 12 0 6 29 5 0 35 1 0 0 0 0 15 600 0 0 0 0 1 12 0 300 ETHAN 82 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 83 35 5 3 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MEMBERSHIP & PARTICIPATION: 1-Beginning Membership 2a-Received by Profession of Faith 2b-Restored by Affirmation 2c-Correct by addition 3-Transfer from Other UMC 4-Transfer from Non-UMC 5a-Removed by Charge Conference 5bWithdrawn 5c-Correct by subtraction 6-Transfer to Other UMC 7-Transfer to Non-UMC 8-Removed by Death 9-Total Membership 10-Average Worship Attendance 11-Baptisms 12-Prepaptory Members 13-Constituency Roll 14-Enrolled in Confirmation Class Small Group Participants {15-CHILDREN 16-YOUTH 17-YOUNG ADULTS 18-OTHER ADULTS 19-TOTAL} 20-Average attendance Sunday school Participants In {21-Covenant discipleship groups 22-Vacation Bible School 23Sunday School 24-Other ongoing classes 25-Short-term classes/groups} 26-UMM Members 27-Amount paid for UMM Projects 28-UMW Members 29-Amount paid for UMW projects 30a-UMVIM teams 30b-UMVIM participants 31a-Mission teams 31b-Mission Team participants 32-Daycare/Education ministries 33-Persons served by32 34-Outreach, justice, mercy ministries 35-Persons served by 34 Church Name 1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30a 30b 31a 31b 32 33 34 35 MILNOR 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 72 30 0 0 0 2 5 5 4 0 14 7 2 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 WYNDMERE 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 36 30 3 20 33 0 9 3 0 3 15 12 0 16 1 0 0 0 0 13 689 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 304 SHELDON 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 12 1 2 11 0 4 0 0 2 6 5 0 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OAKES 215 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 215 85 1 106 31 0 0 12 0 15 27 12 0 30 4 0 3 12 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 50 COGSWELL 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 31 12 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WAHPETON EVERGREEN 306 5 0 0 0 3 20 0 0 3 0 4 287 133 5 47 42 10 49 31 0 23 103 56 0 45 4 1 1 0 0 68 2,231 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ARTHUR 196 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 196 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CASSELTON 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FARGO CALVARY 395 2 0 0 5 16 0 3 0 2 3 3 407 326 7 267 369 11 83 33 21 193 330 156 5 250 17 13 2 0 0 18 2,988 0 0 2 9 3 450 2 300 FARGO EDGEWOOD 127 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 124 50 0 18 21 4 4 8 2 6 20 15 5 0 4 1 1 0 0 17 1,286 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 FARGO FAITH 161 3 0 2 5 3 5 0 0 0 2 3 164 147 4 46 106 0 33 6 17 81 137 31 33 16 9 6 3 0 0 35 2,400 0 0 10 2100 4 0 20 5000 FARGO FIRST 749 27 4 0 7 7 0 4 0 9 4 14 763 329 20 257 11 54 94 62 6 210 372 78 600 20 4 4 8 99 981 79 2,300 0 2 0 1 1 100 2 6500 PAGE 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOPE UNITED 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FINLEY 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WEST FARGO FLAME OF FAITH 205 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 205 100 5 39 65 5 39 15 4 30 88 38 0 45 6 2 2 8 1,300 13 1,000 1 2 1 1 1 15 2 50 CAVALIER TRINITY 167 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 168 74 0 0 18 6 27 8 0 6 41 22 0 10 4 1 0 0 0 28 1,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CAVALIER FIRST 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CRYSTAL 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOOPLE 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAYTON 58 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 61 33 1 7 5 1 6 4 0 4 14 7 0 11 2 0 1 0 0 41 550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PEMBINA 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 27 15 1 0 0 0 25 0 0 7 32 25 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JOLIETTE 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HUMBOLDT MN 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 12 1 7 0 1 4 0 0 8 12 2 0 0 0 1 0 12 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRAFTON FEDERATED 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 45 33 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 8 18 14 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 10 1,104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ST THOMAS 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 20 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 18 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRAND FORKS WESLEY 405 14 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 7 413 161 6 62 79 11 25 16 4 54 99 40 0 45 7 4 1 0 0 76 1,557 0 0 1 6 1 20 0 0 GRAND FORKS ZION 254 2 0 0 2 0 0 17 13 0 0 2 226 93 2 2 150 7 38 11 0 45 94 57 0 45 9 2 0 15 450 39 945 0 0 1 0 1 20 7 3116 HAMILTON 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 10 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HILLSBORO UNITED 45 2 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 46 15 1 2 5 1 6 4 0 6 16 9 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 10 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOLMES 127 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 1 3 116 50 2 1 160 6 4 8 2 58 72 10 6 0 3 1 1 11 0 26 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 14 1535 LARIMORE 103 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 2 94 40 0 0 23 2 6 3 0 7 16 7 7 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 1,005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PARK RIVER FEDERATED 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MEMBERSHIP & PARTICIPATION: 1-Beginning Membership 2a-Received by Profession of Faith 2b-Restored by Affirmation 2c-Correct by addition 3-Transfer from Other UMC 4-Transfer from Non-UMC 5a-Removed by Charge Conference 5bWithdrawn 5c-Correct by subtraction 6-Transfer to Other UMC 7-Transfer to Non-UMC 8-Removed by Death 9-Total Membership 10-Average Worship Attendance 11-Baptisms 12-Prepaptory Members 13-Constituency Roll 14-Enrolled in Confirmation Class Small Group Participants {15-CHILDREN 16-YOUTH 17-YOUNG ADULTS 18-OTHER ADULTS 19-TOTAL} 20-Average attendance Sunday school Participants In {21-Covenant discipleship groups 22-Vacation Bible School 23Sunday School 24-Other ongoing classes 25-Short-term classes/groups} 26-UMM Members 27-Amount paid for UMM Projects 28-UMW Members 29-Amount paid for UMW projects 30a-UMVIM teams 30b-UMVIM participants 31a-Mission teams 31b-Mission Team participants 32-Daycare/Education ministries 33-Persons served by32 34-Outreach, justice, mercy ministries 35-Persons served by 34 Church Name 1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30a 30b 31a 31b 32 33 34 35 ROCK LAKE 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 24 9 1 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ROLLA 58 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 59 26 0 7 26 0 3 0 0 8 11 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 CARRINGTON FEDERATED 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEVILS LAKE 203 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 4 198 82 4 37 110 0 17 24 0 32 73 7 12 13 2 2 1 0 0 45 1,000 0 0 6 2 3 3 5 40 LANGDON 132 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 9 7 114 33 2 23 62 7 7 10 0 0 17 5 0 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 BEACH COMMUNITY 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BOWMAN 152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 149 75 0 20 78 6 33 7 2 30 72 35 20 40 6 4 1 0 0 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 200 DICKINSON 252 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 253 70 3 0 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELGIN 42 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 41 24 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 12 12 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 HAZEN 157 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 163 45 3 0 30 0 0 0 0 26 26 8 0 0 2 0 2 8 0 24 0 0 0 3 12 0 0 2 200 BEULAH 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HEBRON 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HETTINGER 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BOTTINEAU UNITED 83 3 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 3 74 36 1 0 0 0 6 8 0 0 14 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 11 1,095 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 BOWBELLS 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 2 68 30 0 0 10 0 12 2 0 0 14 12 0 5 1 0 2 0 0 5 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 500 DONNYBROOK 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 47 33 3 0 17 0 6 0 0 0 6 6 0 16 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 KENMARE 12 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 12 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DUNSEITH 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2 0 2 12 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1257 HARVEY 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MARTIN 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAKE 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LANSFORD 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MINOT FAITH 156 1 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 8 147 86 2 13 31 2 19 3 8 25 55 45 35 6 4 0 3 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 DES LACS 86 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 84 49 1 15 13 0 12 3 0 9 24 17 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1,882 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 MINOT VINCENT 469 8 0 0 6 4 0 2 0 3 2 6 474 220 9 194 200 8 12 23 0 48 83 60 10 18 5 3 0 0 0 66 1,635 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 MOHALL 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 75 24 0 0 22 0 5 0 0 3 8 6 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 13 730 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SHERWOOD 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 21 11 1 0 14 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RUGBY 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VELVA 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WILLISTON 320 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 6 313 98 11 49 86 0 45 21 5 49 120 52 0 41 9 4 5 12 9,210 27 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 72 BISMARCK CALVARY 248 9 0 0 4 2 0 3 0 4 0 3 253 139 2 52 129 8 21 19 12 46 98 33 58 5 7 4 0 0 0 13 2,100 0 0 0 0 2 35 3 500 BISMARCK LEGACY 514 12 2 0 2 9 13 19 0 10 1 8 488 254 21 2 295 7 146 70 17 75 308 100 6 150 15 8 3 0 0 48 2,484 0 0 2 15 1 55 4 100 BISMARCK MCCABE 955 12 4 12 20 2 15 4 0 1 1 18 966 401 27 35 170 9 119 58 7 87 271 86 30 65 16 5 8 0 0 59 2,469 0 2 3 12 1 14 1 3600 LINTON 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STERLING 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MANDAN 219 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 221 105 1 0 104 8 24 29 2 28 83 37 0 40 10 4 1 12 1,161 12 2,920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MCCLUSKY 28 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 25 24 0 0 35 0 5 3 8 0 16 7 0 8 1 2 0 0 0 14 800 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 GOODRICH 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 16 16 1 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 CHASELEY 37 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 29 23 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 14 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 MOFFIT 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 18 15 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 12 12 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 NAPOLEON 53 0 1 0 0 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 49 29 0 11 20 3 5 3 0 6 14 5 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 30 LEHR 69 8 0 1 17 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 89 43 4 9 36 0 0 9 0 0 9 20 0 15 4 1 1 0 0 8 1,961 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 24 WISHEK 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 16 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STEELE 106 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 103 92 1 15 7 2 67 26 0 67 160 41 0 17 3 0 10 0 0 7 741 0 0 12 97 3 56 0 0 TUTTLE 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 36 23 1 1 4 0 3 0 0 6 9 3 0 41 0 1 1 0 0 6 1,124 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ROBINSON 30 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 14 1 7 15 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 688 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNDERWOOD 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WASHBURN 156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 152 71 4 14 20 3 19 10 0 17 46 15 0 48 4 1 1 0 0 31 1,191 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CENTER 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 13 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 8 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 TURTLE LAKE 49 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 23 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MEMBERSHIP & PARTICIPATION: 1-Beginning Membership 2a-Received by Profession of Faith 2b-Restored by Affirmation 2c-Correct by addition 3-Transfer from Other UMC 4-Transfer from Non-UMC 5a-Removed by Charge Conference 5bWithdrawn 5c-Correct by subtraction 6-Transfer to Other UMC 7-Transfer to Non-UMC 8-Removed by Death 9-Total Membership 10-Average Worship Attendance 11-Baptisms 12-Prepaptory Members 13-Constituency Roll 14-Enrolled in Confirmation Class Small Group Participants {15-CHILDREN 16-YOUTH 17-YOUNG ADULTS 18-OTHER ADULTS 19-TOTAL} 20-Average attendance Sunday school Participants In {21-Covenant discipleship groups 22-Vacation Bible School 23Sunday School 24-Other ongoing classes 25-Short-term classes/groups} 26-UMM Members 27-Amount paid for UMM Projects 28-UMW Members 29-Amount paid for UMW projects 30a-UMVIM teams 30b-UMVIM participants 31a-Mission teams 31b-Mission Team participants 32-Daycare/Education ministries 33-Persons served by32 34-Outreach, justice, mercy ministries 35-Persons served by 34 Church Name 1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30a 30b 31a 31b 32 33 34 35 CRESBARD 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 60 26 0 4 5 0 0 7 0 7 14 0 0 7 0 1 0 4 0 15 382 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOLSTOY 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 29 0 9 4 1 7 1 1 5 14 10 0 36 1 1 1 9 1,200 14 350 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 EUREKA 171 5 0 0 0 2 7 0 0 3 0 2 166 112 9 27 43 6 29 18 4 35 86 32 0 10 5 4 5 0 0 25 676 0 0 1 26 0 0 6 614 ASHLEY 71 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 3 69 35 0 0 8 0 0 3 0 4 7 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 11 178 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FAULKTON 240 9 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 1 2 7 236 118 2 46 121 9 29 15 0 65 109 36 0 70 5 1 3 0 0 84 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GETTYSBURG 262 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 257 76 3 17 114 7 21 20 3 26 70 12 0 5 6 3 0 5 575 36 1,750 0 0 0 0 1 18 1 42 ONIDA 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 78 40 1 11 34 2 13 4 5 25 47 8 0 43 1 1 1 0 0 14 1,114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 AGAR 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 28 17 0 3 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MILLER 168 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 2 0 0 7 179 92 0 0 26 0 19 22 0 45 86 30 0 29 5 0 2 12 360 30 621 0 0 0 0 3 20 0 0 GREENLEAF 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SELBY 106 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 105 51 0 19 12 2 17 2 0 7 26 15 0 15 3 2 1 10 0 9 200 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 500 MOBRIDGE 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 5 0 1 30 24 0 0 13 0 3 2 1 11 17 14 0 0 3 0 2 10 1,527 16 1,183 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 TIMBER LAKE 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BELLE FOURCHE 139 4 0 1 1 6 0 0 0 1 2 9 139 80 1 121 46 5 15 14 0 26 55 20 16 30 5 0 1 0 0 32 1,500 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 CAMP CROOK 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 11 0 0 13 0 2 2 0 0 4 2 0 13 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FAITH 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 53 16 1 0 8 0 0 5 0 2 7 0 19 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LEAD TRINITY 160 20 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 3 0 1 183 106 11 40 118 15 30 16 0 22 68 26 0 5 4 0 1 0 0 31 464 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 420 PIEDMONT 217 9 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 4 2 223 128 4 0 111 6 32 20 15 30 97 42 15 82 7 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPEARFISH 353 7 5 0 20 3 4 9 0 1 0 7 367 260 3 3 329 24 50 62 14 108 234 62 0 72 8 6 16 10 1,245 60 1,657 5 18 1 6 5 294 12 1472 STURGIS 219 1 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 1 1 4 211 130 2 55 75 0 34 15 4 42 95 42 0 55 7 2 3 25 1,534 97 0 0 0 0 1 3 45 1 30 BURKE 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 29 1 15 0 4 15 14 0 5 34 0 0 12 0 2 0 0 0 40 445 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HERRICK 32 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 23 0 0 0 4 8 5 7 2 22 5 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COLOME 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 19 15 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GREGORY 261 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 11 252 95 6 0 0 9 40 24 0 8 72 55 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IONA 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MURDO 128 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 127 61 3 32 35 2 24 11 0 11 46 9 0 41 2 1 0 0 0 29 3,635 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAPER 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 52 26 1 10 20 1 5 2 0 2 9 3 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WINNER 454 9 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 7 454 253 12 10 0 24 65 46 0 199 310 104 0 65 7 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 2 86 HIGHMORE 119 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 110 45 4 0 28 0 45 0 0 40 85 10 7 9 2 3 1 20 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HARROLD 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 28 1 12 17 4 16 6 0 5 27 6 5 0 6 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BLUNT 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 38 15 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 2 4 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIERRE FIRST 662 30 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 5 0 11 685 315 13 12 321 23 90 78 25 70 263 49 65 58 8 7 8 0 0 67 2,258 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 75 PIERRE SOUTHEAST 31 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 44 0 5 50 0 16 5 20 18 59 14 0 25 4 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1000 PRESHO 89 2 0 0 0 1 14 0 0 2 0 3 73 27 1 2 24 0 0 7 0 10 17 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KENNEBEC 45 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 22 0 8 17 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RELIANCE 40 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 38 18 3 6 15 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WHITE RIVER 124 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 126 56 5 43 63 4 25 14 0 13 52 25 0 70 1 1 0 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 3 1 25 2 70 MISSION 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 18 0 13 19 0 11 1 0 10 22 5 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 EDGEMONT 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 36 45 1 6 40 0 20 5 6 12 43 24 0 49 3 0 2 5 0 7 2,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 62 PRINGLE 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 25 1 0 0 0 13 2 0 0 15 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 11 2,541 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FAIRBURN 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOT SPRINGS UNITED 155 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 124 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRAIRIE VIEW 140 7 1 0 7 2 0 0 9 0 0 7 141 100 8 55 107 0 16 8 12 25 61 15 0 30 2 1 1 8 250 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHILIP PARISH 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RAPID CITY CANYON LAKE 781 17 0 0 6 2 0 3 0 0 4 8 791 373 10 9 399 25 69 65 10 190 334 84 50 80 7 10 7 0 0 132 6,011 2 4 24 144 3 50 8 155 RAPID CITY FIRST 664 15 0 0 18 1 8 4 0 17 1 12 656 444 17 0 209 9 142 82 14 204 442 263 0 110 16 7 19 0 0 109 1,040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RAPID CITY KNOLLWOOD HTS 106 9 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 0 2 108 83 2 0 29 0 13 7 0 50 70 16 0 15 2 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 27 1650 RAPID VALLEY 106 4 0 0 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 119 107 7 0 0 7 18 18 0 16 52 18 20 40 3 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RAPID CITY KOREAN CHURCH 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RAPID CITY SOUTH MAPLE 252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 252 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WALL 182 7 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 4 181 60 4 13 113 5 28 8 10 8 54 34 0 28 4 1 1 21 700 19 3,786 0 0 1 4 2 38 13 620 WASTA 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 15 0 3 12 1 3 2 0 1 6 5 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 1 4 1 27 1 8
ASSETS & EXPENSES: 36 Market value of land, buildings, equipemnt 37 Market value of all other assets 38 Debt secured by Church Assets 39 Other debt 40a Total Apportionments 40b Apportionments Paid 40c Percent of Apportionments Paid 42 General Advance Specials 43 World Service Specials 44 Conference Advances Specials 45 Youth Service Fund 46 Other UM Ministries 47 Conference Special Sundays 48 Direct UM Gifts 49 Non UM Gifts 50 General Special Sundays 51 Clergy Non Health Benefits 52 Clergy Health Benefits 53 Pastor's Salary 54 Associate's Salary 55 Pastor Housing 56 Pastor Accountable Reimbursements 57 Pastor Other Cash Allowances Church Name 36 37 38 39 40a 40b 40c 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 GLACIAL LAKES DISTRICT ARLINGTON 1,918,000 139,663 0 45 23,131 23,131 100% 629 0 726 0 0 0 999 2,557 210 1,883 5,500 24,567 4,506 2,423 2,471 0 LAKE PRESTON 57,000 1,125 905 0 5,731 2,572 45% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,983 360 238 224 0 BROOKINGS 8,463,500 0 966,000 0 141,766 141,766 100% 15,325 0 1,756 0 0 529 691,754 7,936 4,674 2,825 15,000 74,209 14,861 25,000 742 225 CANISTOTA UNITED 1,297,060 140,000 0 0 25,681 25,681 100% 803 0 1,916 0 0 0 936 4,264 0 1,883 10,000 19,000 0 2,418 0 0 COLTON 457,210 0 0 0 8,614 8,614 100% 345 0 1,325 0 0 0 0 675 333 0 0 21,629 0 3,130 2,768 2,722 CHESTER 200,000 50,000 0 0 6,710 6,710 100% 78 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 16,348 0 1,210 2,531 0 DELL RAPIDS 1,300,000 130,954 0 0 31,773 12,709 40% 579 0 81 0 0 235 0 300 130 1,883 10,000 39,210 0 585 5,217 0 ELKTON UNITED 0 0 0 0 9,018 740 8% 46 0 116 0 0 0 0 740 0 0 0 10,847 0 3,178 0 9,136 FLANDREAU 1,384,220 600,000 0 0 20,835 20,835 100% 473 0 748 0 0 173 0 8,768 91 1,883 10,000 30,072 0 4,350 3,684 0 EGAN 177,600 20,500 0 0 4,408 350 8% 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,493 0 1,052 0 0 HARTFORD 1,680,000 18,000 75,000 0 37,849 37,849 100% 1,396 0 650 0 0 61 0 2,000 1,541 1,883 10,000 44,850 0 0 3,989 0 HOWARD 1,400,600 16,000 0 0 21,757 21,757 100% 4,272 0 3,154 0 0 122 0 0 947 1,883 10,000 38,275 0 2,864 3,189 0 MADISON 4,314,166 64,125 0 0 65,508 65,508 100% 320 0 1,167 0 0 0 3,236 4,839 451 1,883 10,000 44,383 29,270 4,971 3,465 0 WHITE 920,000 35,000 0 0 9,206 9,206 100% 234 0 81 0 0 31 0 0 417 0 0 17,316 0 3,353 0 0 AURORA 144,000 25,000 0 0 3,943 3,943 100% 131 0 104 0 0 0 0 0 86 0 0 7,370 0 3,509 0 0 STERLING 0 0 0 0 2,839 2,839 100% 63 0 25 0 0 8 0 0 82 0 0 6,815 0 1,320 1,298 0 ALPENA 0 0 0 0 4,926 600 12% 81 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,240 0 0 0 0 CARPENTER 149,421 0 0 0 5,195 5,195 100% 317 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 0 6,350 0 1,438 0 DE SMET 783,234 144,681 0 0 10,659 10,659 100% 589 0 535 0 0 0 0 384 876 0 0 27,775 0 1,429 0 6,694 HITCHCOCK 700,000 0 0 0 22,871 22,871 100% 357 0 1,151 0 0 0 1,296 2,155 0 1,506 8,000 28,089 0 4,403 5,210 0 BROADLAND 130,000 0 0 0 4,378 4,378 100% 7 0 74 0 0 0 0 200 0 377 2,000 7,645 0 2,057 0 0 HURON FIRST 4,847,600 416,841 0 0 126,849 126,849 100% 708 0 59,730 0 0 166 0 54,397 1,352 1,883 10,000 57,592 34,587 13,970 2,377 10,000 HURON RIVERVIEW 527,400 111,300 15,800 600 31,942 31,942 100% 767 0 734 0 0 150 625 810 251 1,883 8,000 37,610 0 3,286 2,214 0 VIRGIL 129,000 15,000 0 0 6,717 6,717 100% 159 0 540 0 0 53 0 1,000 159 0 2,000 8,822 0 1,000 1,900 0 IROQUOIS 300,000 30,000 0 0 11,894 11,894 100% 3,692 0 1,195 0 0 0 5,700 3,500 0 1,883 4,400 19,650 0 2,928 5,373 0 ESMOND 100,000 5,000 0 0 4,169 4,169 100% 108 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,300 5,824 0 868 1,592 0 DOLAND 500,000 20,000 0 0 8,530 8,530 100% 307 0 0 0 0 0 688 0 0 0 3,300 10,920 0 1,627 2,985 0 REDFIELD 1,207,000 923,730 0 0 43,561 43,561 100% 1,423 0 9,361 0 0 25 0 5,072 251 1,883 8,500 40,500 0 10,565 3,335 0 FRANKFORT 75,000 9,653 0 0 7,817 7,817 100% 210 0 243 27 0 0 0 0 94 0 1,500 7,125 0 1,800 0 0 TULARE UNITED 220,500 5,250 0 0 7,072 4,800 68% 338 0 602 0 0 0 0 6,349 117 0 0 14,045 0 2,038 1,952 6,381 WOONSOCKET 150,000 30,000 0 0 6,298 0 0% 83 0 0 0 0 30 60 0 0 0 0 14,400 0 0 0 0 BEN CLARE 434,000 15,000 0 0 6,878 6,878 100% 579 0 49 0 0 0 716 559 94 0 0 8,767 0 6,033 0 0 BRANDON CELEBRATION 1,855,522 90,721 939,267 1,644 47,018 47,018 100% 154 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,640 80 1,883 10,000 56,783 0 4,415 4,412 0 GARRETSON 0 0 0 0 3,243 1,185 37% 0 0 73 0 0 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HARRISBURG 2,978,000 71,997 11,213 0 48,098 48,098 100% 385 0 2,120 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,883 10,000 47,535 0 15,234 7,095 0 SIOUX FALLS ASBURY 2,198,329 38,087 90,000 24,706 107,488 107,488 100% 4,789 0 3,139 0 0 0 6,110 56,225 1,678 1,883 10,000 57,383 0 15,500 4,842 0 SIOUX FALLS EMBRACE 2,400,000 150,000 1,764,469 0 4,425 4,425 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,103 0 1,883 10,000 60,000 0 18,000 3,000 0 SIOUX FALLS FIRST 14,369,373 286,153 0 0 235,088 235,088 100% 4,110 0 4,741 0 0 0 0 42,303 2,715 3,766 20,000 71,135 49,561 40,167 2,933 0 SIOUX FALLS HILLTOP 1,500,000 190,646 0 0 64,257 34,523 54% 1,727 0 49 0 0 0 0 4,220 1,556 1,883 10,000 54,928 0 13,500 900 448 SIOUX FALLS SOUTHERN HILLS 1,500,000 28,000 1,800,000 22,000 23,508 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 1,883 0 44,215 0 5,300 4,000 0 SIOUX FALLS SUNNYCREST 1,700,000 49,604 235,967 0 72,812 72,812 100% 2,699 0 364 0 0 0 1,443 10,867 1,553 1,883 10,000 48,952 0 10,723 2,610 0 SIOUX FALLS WESLEY 2,540,000 110,000 60,000 0 51,594 15,086 29% 1,434 0 237 0 0 0 0 6,800 0 1,883 10,000 33,032 0 0 4,000 0 ALEXANDRIA 738,642 0 0 0 12,569 12,569 100% 25 0 100 0 0 0 800 0 0 979 5,200 17,890 0 3,060 2,800 0 ETHAN 200,000 0 0 0 10,994 10,994 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 235 0 0 904 4,800 19,138 0 2,314 1,744 0 GEDDES 1,045,000 83,892 0 0 22,256 22,256 100% 3,036 0 163 0 0 0 0 3,266 425 1,883 10,000 37,500 0 4,322 7,500 0 KIMBALL 492,508 0 0 0 10,781 10,781 100% 943 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 352 1,883 10,000 13,533 0 580 0 0 7,144,750 269,147 212,810 0 126,412 84,970 67% 8,222 0 3,119 184 424 705 4,692 19,658 2,591 3,766 20,000 62,444 34,755 16,878 5,518 0 MITCHELL FIRST MT VERNON 142,700 0 0 0 7,296 0 0% 459 0 50 0 0 0 262 146 0 0 0 14,000 0 3,000 1,200 0 OLIVET 720,750 0 0 0 11,883 11,883 100% 230 0 820 0 0 0 2,850 371 172 0 0 18,135 0 1,752 3,250 0 SCOTLAND 326,500 0 0 0 6,985 200 3% 84 0 21 0 0 0 385 100 0 0 0 9,765 0 964 1,750 0 PLANKINTON 766,000 155,000 0 0 23,509 23,509 100% 79 0 11 0 0 0 935 0 65 1,883 10,000 35,438 0 3,000 3,224 0 WHITE LAKE 29,700 302,140 0 0 5,960 5,960 100% 427 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 51 0 0 8,675 0 1,424 891 0 SALEM UNITED 960,000 60,000 0 0 13,506 6,000 44% 315 0 105 0 0 0 1,000 6,500 0 1,883 6,000 9,000 0 2,250 1,000 2,500
3,199,000 14,726,880 1,100,000 587,000 346,000 988,100 132,000 1,272,000 120,000 253,000
300,000 1,600,000 140,000 1,720,100 250,000 449,600 196,532
5,000 15,000 4,621,600 500,000 889,300 4,027,000 3,842,008 170,000 100,000 100,000 350,000 760,100 667,400 90,000 90,000 920,000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 689,293 13,279 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 10,270 10,270 100% 4,317 0 177,724 177,724 100% 13,126 0 21,830 21,830 100% 359 0 2,547 2,547 100% 31 0 19,506 19,506 100% 261 0 24,623 24,623 100% 280 0 7,782 7,782 100% 133 0 25,753 25,753 100% 620 0 8,329 8,329 100% 1,497 0 3,064 79 3% 6,556 1,627 1,627 100% 455 0 7,904 7,904 100% 0 0 24,350 24,350 100% 150 0 4,284 4,284 100% 55 0 29,727 15,939 54% 453 0 10,196 4 0% 0 0 25,242 25,242 100% 1,268 0 13,722 13,722 100% 4,245 1,369 1,369 100% 0 0 1,890 1,890 100% 234 0 2,023 2,023 100% 167 0 90,879 90,879 100% 5,230 0 15,420 15,420 100% 404 0 22,347 22,347 100% 850 0 194,943 194,943 100% 3,150 0 80,093 80,093 100% 2,131 0 7,529 7,529 100% 50 0 7,600 2,413 32% 0 0 16,315 16,315 100% 675 0 16,210 9,757 60% 1,155 0 9,135 9,135 100% 1,365 0 11,824 11,824 100% 695 0 6,727 6,727 100% 848 0 5,108 5,108 100% 50 0 30,530 30,530 100% 2,909
0 0 0 21,906 0 299 0 0 0 379 0 332 0 124 0 150 0 0 0 1,492 0 10 0 0 0 679 0 76 0 931 0 20 0 920 0 1,047 0 50 0 50 0 1,210 0 1,915 0 50 0 750 0 0 0 3,856 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 600 0 317 0 0 0 650
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 212 0 0 0 64 0 62 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,300 6,571 0 0 3,988 3,559 0 0 0 0 0 800 0 0 200
0 0 0 0 20 0 0
943 0 0 0 314 1,440 500 0 0 0
3,515 0 0 31,694 1,129 3,766 2,500 246 1,883 475 100 0 465 185 0 1,200 243 1,883 552 251 0 1,069 664 1,356 0 185 527 986 0 0 0 0 456 141 0 0 60 1,883 0 80 0 21 85 1,569 276 25 0 2,142 524 1,883 0 371 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 19,469 1,364 1,883 0 108 0 1,210 296 1,883 124,457 263 1,883 6,442 659 2,040 0 255 0 0 0 565 0 0 1,318 100 68 1,883 2,702 230 0 2,780 296 1,883 0 293 0 0 148 0 3,500 0 1,883
0 20,000 10,000 0 4,000 4,000 2,000 7,200 2,800 0 0 0 7,500 2,500 6,167 2,167 5,900 4,100 0 0 0 10,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 0 3,500 6,500 10,000 0 10,000 0 0 8,400
0 2,680 890 0 0 0 0
7,591 9,848 0 0 4,281 4,281 2,140 5,440 1,523 775
110 0 5,700 0 1,120 3,929 8,663 5,282 0 0 1,903 1,642 3,470 2,528 1,572 870
8,478 810 5,100 3,000 1,700 1,000 2,588 3,465 885 12,400 4,800 4,800 3,200 3,200 3,825 0 0 8,400 0 0 52,525 0 4,214 0 0 0 19,134 0 2,193 64,030 46,821 30,409 60,170 42,323 15,981 19,602 0 0 9,954 0 1,144 23,400 0 2,368 23,298 0 1,649 12,560 0 1,898 21,227 0 2,650 10,013 0 1,396 8,810 0 1,071 31,415 0 8,101
16,362 28,797 9,600 27,475 11,408 26,940 17,960
18,000 0 0 65,149 46,482 24,364 48,123 0 5,584 0 0 0 16,941 0 2,151 16,941 0 2,151 8,470 0 1,076 24,759 0 3,677 9,628 0 1,430 6,600 0 0
445 0 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,576 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ASSETS & EXPENSES: 36 Market value of land, buildings, equipemnt 37 Market value of all other assets 38 Debt secured by Church Assets 39 Other debt 40a Total Apportionments 40b Apportionments Paid 40c Percent of Apportionments Paid 42 General Advance Specials 43 World Service Specials 44 Conference Advances Specials 45 Youth Service Fund 46 Other UM Ministries 47 Conference Special Sundays 48 Direct UM Gifts 49 Non UM Gifts 50 General Special Sundays 51 Clergy Non Health Benefits 52 Clergy Health Benefits 53 Pastor's Salary 54 Associate's Salary 55 Pastor Housing 56 Pastor Accountable Reimbursements 57 Pastor Other Cash Allowances Church Name 36 7 3 38 39 40a 40b 40c 42 43 44 45 46 7 4 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 7 5 MONTROSE 875,000 30,000 0 0 12,384 12,384 100% 3,813 0 5,190 0 0 0 5,000 6,500 0 0 4,000 18,517 0 0 5,500 0 STICKNEY 720,500 0 0 0 14,241 14,241 100% 197 0 6 0 0 0 0 15,214 0 1,883 10,000 35,438 0 7,314 3,500 0 WAGNER 1,572,000 75,880 0 0 23,749 23,749 100% 1,448 0 1,123 0 0 159 0 0 806 1,883 7,000 28,700 0 2,798 4,405 0 TYNDALL 822,640 55,530 0 0 10,823 10,823 100% 82 0 140 0 0 30 0 0 443 0 3,000 12,300 0 1,199 1,888 0 WESSINGTON SPRINGS 1,197,800 219,200 0 0 17,295 17,295 100% 421 0 2,223 0 0 0 775 1,000 355 0 0 35,352 0 0 2,198 1,753 BERESFORD ZION 1,575,000 32,993 0 0 25,228 25,228 100% 143 0 25 0 0 0 514 237 282 1,883 10,000 37,153 0 1,135 2,691 0 CANTON 1,847,000 12,442 103,299 3,877 61,173 21,354 32% 900 0 191 0 0 0 0 2,447 872 1,883 10,833 54,000 0 8,589 3,817 0 ELK POINT UNITED 615,900 264,721 0 0 12,681 12,681 100% 908 0 500 0 0 0 0 14,900 13 0 0 40,548 0 2,379 2,931 0 GAYVILLE VOLIN 0 0 0 0 6,182 6,182 100% 1,710 0 613 0 0 0 0 0 144 0 0 3,282 600 300 0 0 N SIOUX CITY ARK 100,000 5,000 0 0 15,802 15,802 100% 329 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,500 0 0 0 10,000 0 7,596 500 0 PARKER 573,000 130,000 0 0 15,369 4,880 32% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,883 5,000 18,187 0 5,911 898 0 HURLEY 387,600 20,000 0 0 12,025 12,025 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 18,380 0 0 1,539 0 VERMILLION 2,429,500 706,194 0 0 34,410 34,410 100% 521 0 711 0 0 0 0 7,029 871 2,825 15,000 53,875 24,528 9,242 4,170 0 WAKONDA 295,000 56,041 0 0 10,376 10,376 100% 1,787 0 606 0 0 55 1,100 0 402 1,883 4,540 15,455 0 1,203 855 268 IRENE 30,000 8,500 0 0 5,419 5,419 100% 2,594 0 562 0 0 70 1,240 100 610 0 2,300 7,830 0 610 433 136 VIBORG 354,000 18,902 0 0 7,209 7,209 100% 854 0 364 0 0 0 0 370 322 0 3,160 11,804 0 947 595 187 YANKTON 3,000,935 525,535 0 1,000 71,195 71,195 100% 3,857 0 1,928 430 0 0 2,000 6,000 3,644 1,883 10,000 59,338 16,020 4,900 4,000 0
1,056,004 1,200,000 2,984,700 60,000 5,000 10,000
625,100 504,600 75,000 2,200,000 800,000 242,000 190,000 100,000 168,000
1,700,000 292,000
0 0
0 0 0 898,731 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 9,639 64,446 78,442 11,163 4,158 4,202 5,296 13,583 7,851 9,647 56,463 14,099 4,180 14,917 6,402 8,424 7,547 37,695 26,279 0
2,883 17,070
2,883 9,707 815 9,639 64,446 67,742 11,163 4,158 4,202 600 13,583 7,851 9,647 56,463 14,099 4,180 18,842 6,406 8,424 2,000 37,695 26,279 658 100% 100% 86% 100% 100% 100% 11% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 27% 100% 100%
100% 57%
37 506 0 0 3,801 2,298 51 0 29 0 3,487 400 10 3,915 614 0 1,643 100 300 0 100 582 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
262 0 0 0 8,000 0 0 0 2,856 0 1,384 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,500 0 0 0 400 0 1,160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 0 600 0 0 0 620 0 286 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 0 319 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5,987 0
3,800 0 400 0 0 0 750 0 0
0 1,775 150 500 0 0
307 0
16,000 550 2,750 2,200 2,271 0 0 0 250
1,667 5,230 1,414 0 0 700
0 0 0 75 1,042 2,362 330 205 0 0 0 0 0 389 291 0 0 0 0 0 0 229 0
0 941 0 0 3,766 1,883 1,017 414 452 0 1,883 0 0 1,883 1,883 0 1,883 0 0 0 1,883 1,883 0
0 4,000 1,000 0 10,000 10,000 5,400 2,200 2,400 0 4,100 2,400 3,500 10,000 7,300 2,700 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 0
47,500 38,653
18,450 10,351 15,300 48,307 28,440 7,565 17,280 5,760 12,960
27,414 51,500 57,503 21,222 7,088 8,860
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
4,079 4,173
2,500 1,500 2,084 3,477 3,987 903 2,520 880 1,980
1,775 4,000 3,931 4,509 1,920 1,800
8,317 2,825
2,526 1,400 2,094 4,005 4,994 973 0 1,968 4,428
3,081 3,475 3,717 0 0 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 50 395 0 0 0
0 0 0 2,838 0 0
ASSETS & EXPENSES: 36 Market value of land, buildings, equipemnt 37 Market value of all other assets 38 Debt secured by Church Assets 39 Other debt 40a Total Apportionments 40b Apportionments Paid 40c Percent of Apportionments Paid 42 General Advance Specials 43 World Service Specials 44 Conference Advances Specials 45 Youth Service Fund 46 Other UM Ministries 47 Conference Special Sundays 48 Direct UM Gifts 49 Non UM Gifts 50 General Special Sundays 51 Clergy Non Health Benefits 52 Clergy Health Benefits 53 Pastor's Salary 54 Associate's Salary 55 Pastor Housing 56 Pastor Accountable Reimbursements 57 Pastor Other Cash Allowances Church Name 6 3 37 38 39 40a 40b 40c 42 43 44 45 6 4 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 6 5 57 COGSWELL 90,000 0 0 0 4,260 1,552 36% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,067 5,669 0 0 400 0 WAHPETON EVERGREEN 2,216,100 139,681 0 0 49,174 49,174 100% 2,061 0 420 0 0 0 3,035 5,455 962 1,883 10,000 50,573 0 3,485 3,146 0 ARTHUR 24,996 24,996 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,883 10,000 CASSELTON 12,955 12,955 100% 1,438 0 483 0 0 0 0 0 0 FARGO CALVARY 8,007,727 426,492 4,204,264 0 99,836 0 0% 236 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,673 1,463 3,766 20,000 63,835 52,179 20,621 5,603 0 FARGO EDGEWOOD 2,055,100 32,778 0 0 17,708 17,708 100% 770 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 478 0 0 30,000 0 2,732 4,000 0 FARGO FAITH 1,750,000 130,000 0 0 40,563 40,563 100% 2,642 0 404 0 0 0 0 7,026 217 1,883 10,000 49,900 0 5,493 5,246 0 FARGO FIRST 2,420,000 436,786 0 69,000 142,302 142,302 100% 3,497 0 5,824 0 0 30 0 4,000 4,474 1,883 10,000 76,963 0 4,767 6,026 0 PAGE 5,157 5,157 100% 2,486 0 1,118 0 0 0 59 0 0 HOPE UNITED 1,316 1,316 100% 50 0 50 0 0 0 30 0 0 FINLEY 1,922 1,922 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WEST FARGO FLAME OF FAITH 925,000 0 60,697 1,431 22,786 18,228 80% 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 420 0 0 0 25,311 0 3,044 617 0 CAVALIER TRINITY 1,122,478 0 0 0 25,565 25,565 100% 22 0 218 0 0 0 0 725 762 1,638 8,700 32,884 0 2,809 2,752 0 CAVALIER FIRST 308,000 0 0 0 5,604 5,604 100% 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 87 0 245 1,300 4,914 0 365 358 0 CRYSTAL 2,200 600 27% 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOOPLE 0 DRAYTON 800,000 486,636 0 0 8,766 8,766 100% 153 0 280 0 0 0 0 539 397 0 0 13,340 0 1,380 5,302 3,387 PEMBINA 323,248 60,792 0 0 4,779 4,779 100% 0 0 292 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 0 6,380 0 660 2,536 1,620 JOLIETTE 0 HUMBOLDT MN 480,000 0 0 0 4,841 4,841 100% 36 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 6,670 0 690 2,651 1,694 GRAFTON FEDERATED 241,000 11,332 0 0 10,000 10,000 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 235 1,883 5,300 30,157 0 2,132 3,750 0 ST THOMAS 80,000 53,868 0 0 6,338 6,338 100% 50 0 365 0 0 0 0 0 129 0 2,800 10,811 0 0 0 0 GRAND FORKS WESLEY 520,000 768,861 0 0 67,290 67,290 100% 2,355 0 3,005 0 0 0 0 2,753 1,018 1,883 10,000 54,031 0 1,827 198 0 GRAND FORKS ZION 3,386,000 477,000 176,924 0 47,469 47,469 100% 436 0 0 0 0 191 0 1,642 1,906 1,412 7,500 32,823 4,070 15,181 252 0 HAMILTON 0 0 0 0 1,266 1,266 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,457 0 1,007 37 0 HILLSBORO UNITED 0 0 0 0 6,794 3,300 49% 124 0 195 0 0 0 0 0 699 0 0 11,452 0 0 5,038 0 HOLMES 775,400 1,000 0 0 16,034 16,034 100% 1,496 0 0 0 0 61 584 826 0 1,883 5,000 38,149 0 0 3,216 0 LARIMORE 192,592 80,165 85,832 0 15,197 15,200 100% 496 0 350 0 0 0 2,600 1,959 282 0 0 17,439 0 3,250 3,957 0 PARK RIVER FEDERATED 75,000 56,000 0 0 4,484 1,000 22% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 0 0 27,600 0 3,000 3,000 0
224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8,916 7,999 26,474 10,935 34,870 29,063 10,045 3,961
8,916 7,999 26,474 10,935 34,870 29,063 10,045 1,818
100% 193 0 100% 100 0 100% 1,691 0 100% 1,015 0 100% 12,983 208 100% 1,320 0 100% 995 0 46% 360 0
415 720 2,595 2,285 5,125 178 40 445
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1,612 0 1,000 0 0 2,413 140 1,544
0 2,908 6,584 202 14,942 1,325 200 1,953
186 280 0 0 0 510 130 420
1,883 6,000 22,292 0 4,000 14,861 1,883 10,000 32,199 0 0 7,299 1,883 10,000 44,800 1,883 6,600 27,417 0 2,400 10,499 0 1,000 4,299
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2,968 1,979 3,950 1,309 6,496 4,178 0 639
4,297 2,793 3,477 1,885 3,984 2,812 1,073 430
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
146,671 57,200 138,000 41,400 444,573 70,000 81,700 5,000
50,000 150,000 429,200 150,000 825,000 1,115,000 103,800 190,000
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
ASSETS & EXPENSES: 36 Market value of land, buildings, equipemnt 37 Market value of all other assets 38 Debt secured by Church Assets 39 Other debt 40a Total Apportionments 40b Apportionments Paid 40c Percent of Apportionments Paid 42 General Advance Specials 43 World Service Specials 44 Conference Advances Specials 45 Youth Service Fund 46 Other UM Ministries 47 Conference Special Sundays 48 Direct UM Gifts 49 Non UM Gifts 50 General Special Sundays 51 Clergy Non Health Benefits 52 Clergy Health Benefits 53 Pastor's Salary 54 Associate's Salary 55 Pastor Housing 56 Pastor Accountable Reimbursements 57 Pastor Other Cash Allowances Church Name 6 3 37 38 39 40a 40b 40c 42 43 44 45 6 4 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 6 5 57 BOWMAN 1,734,800 264,719 0 0 25,226 25,226 100% 492 0 920 0 0 100 0 16,195 300 1,883 10,000 35,000 0 4,382 8,250 DICKINSON 35,309 35,309 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,883 10,000 ELGIN 35,000 14,296 0 0 5,251 5,251 100% 0 0 435 0 0 0 0 0 305 0 0 20,031 0 3,459 4,500 HAZEN 500,000 0 0 0 23,453 23,453 100% 151 0 750 0 0 0 1,700 9,676 0 1,883 10,000 41,184 0 0 7,920 BEULAH 40,000 0 0 0 2,789 2,789 100% 255 0 402 0 0 0 0 1,730 0 0 0 5,616 0 0 1,080 HEBRON 3,361 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HETTINGER 966,379 0 0 0 18,531 18,531 100% 45 0 95 0 0 0 0 529 346 1,883 10,000 48,436 0 9,005 2,054 BOTTINEAU UNITED 757,000 4,644 0 0 8,902 4,889 55% 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 1,574 33 0 0 25,872 0 1,958 278 BOWBELLS 800,000 65,000 0 0 16,444 16,444 100% 1,269 0 7,626 0 0 120 0 0 578 949 5,042 22,623 0 3,980 3,013 DONNYBROOK 16,600 0 0 0 11,022 11,022 100% 173 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 227 656 3,483 15,630 0 1,368 2,082 KENMARE 0 0 0 0 3,919 3,919 100% 277 0 0 0 0 25 0 100 192 121 642 2,879 0 252 384 DUNSEITH 0 0 0 0 2,178 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,353 0 0 0 HARVEY 3,181 1,000 31% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MARTIN 2,782 2,782 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAKE 3,134 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LANSFORD 3,149 3,150 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MINOT FAITH 1,500,000 0 794,503 0 31,560 31,560 100% 588 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 544 1,883 7,000 29,998 0 554 1,750 DES LACS 97,000 66,666 0 0 10,133 10,133 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,000 1,500 0 0 3,000 13,346 0 780 1,166 MINOT VINCENT 4,369,861 0 213,026 0 79,963 79,963 100% 2,266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 857 1,883 10,000 72,854 0 5,555 3,322 MOHALL 400,000 52,256 0 0 13,400 13,400 100% 530 0 750 0 0 145 0 266 690 1,506 8,000 31,229 0 3,255 5,107 SHERWOOD 229,000 0 0 0 4,981 1,582 32% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 377 2,000 7,807 0 814 1,277 RUGBY 1,311 1,311 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VELVA 3,329 3,329 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WILLISTON 2,500,000 662,054 0 0 49,213 49,213 100% 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,764 340 1,883 10,000 52,758 0 9,897 4,237 BISMARCK CALVARY 1,802,000 127,053 0 0 39,049 39,049 100% 1,250 0 6,377 0 0 0 4,800 890 170 1,883 10,000 47,800 0 5,252 3,675 BISMARCK LEGACY 1,000,000 1,126,000 0 0 102,380 102,380 100% 3,389 0 3,000 0 0 0 4,500 6,500 0 1,883 10,000 68,410 0 6,638 906 BISMARCK MCCABE 6,260,000 284,659 1,726,913 0 162,138 162,145 100% 3,386 0 4,124 0 0 0 1,684 5,212 95 3,766 20,000 76,810 62,287 9,497 6,000 LINTON 20,059 20,059 100% 0 0 198 0 0 0 456 1,431 7,600 STERLING 6,476 6,476 100% 38 0 0 0 0 0 30 452 2,400 MANDAN 2,074,500 0 0 220,023 32,444 36,982 100% 1,640 0 1,491 0 0 90 1,088 1,132 821 1,883 10,000 47,983 0 4,265 3,240 MCCLUSKY 288,000 4,000 0 0 7,155 7,155 100% 6 0 0 0 0 0 400 1,200 0 791 4,200 16,214 0 3,150 3,375 GOODRICH 50,000 145,190 0 0 2,595 2,595 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 0 377 2,000 8,098 0 753 1,465 CHASELEY 80,000 26,774 0 0 4,666 4,666 100% 105 0 485 0 0 0 972 55,035 20 527 2,800 13,511 0 1,559 2,364 MOFFIT 40,000 3,000 0 0 3,889 3,889 100% 0 0 129 0 0 0 400 200 51 0 0 2,748 0 0 0 NAPOLEON 524,400 219,399 0 0 9,783 9,783 100% 601 0 6,250 0 0 0 890 2,150 190 1,883 4,500 16,719 0 810 2,979 LEHR 490,300 4,000 0 0 10,972 10,972 100% 3,201 0 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 284 0 5,500 17,117 0 990 3,641 WISHEK 0 1,000 0 5,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 STEELE 480,500 80,107 0 0 18,081 18,081 100% 10 0 900 0 0 0 0 7,500 0 1,883 10,000 31,720 0 3,355 3,965 TUTTLE 291,000 40,000 0 0 8,109 8,109 100% 398 0 200 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 10,920 0 1,155 1,365 ROBINSON 160,000 8,000 0 0 5,084 5,084 100% 25 0 200 0 0 0 0 2,700 0 0 0 9,360 0 990 1,170 UNDERWOOD 1,662 1,298 78% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WASHBURN 1,125,000 350,000 0 0 18,924 18,924 100% 4,475 0 200 0 0 0 500 6,500 300 942 5,000 21,344 0 1,475 2,636 CENTER 160,000 49,000 0 0 6,572 6,572 100% 555 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 471 2,500 10,672 0 738 1,318 TURTLE LAKE 460,000 0 0 0 6,888 6,888 100% 1,250 0 1,200 0 0 0 653 338 0 471 2,500 10,672 0 738 1,318
ASSETS & EXPENSES: 36 Market value of land, buildings, equipemnt 37 Market value of all other assets 38 Debt secured by Church Assets 39 Other debt 40a Total Apportionments 40b Apportionments Paid 40c Percent of Apportionments Paid 42 General Advance Specials 43 World Service Specials 44 Conference Advances Specials 45 Youth Service Fund 46 Other UM Ministries 47 Conference Special Sundays 48 Direct UM Gifts 49 Non UM Gifts 50 General Special Sundays 51 Clergy Non Health Benefits 52 Clergy Health Benefits 53 Pastor's Salary 54 Associate's Salary 55 Pastor Housing 56 Pastor Accountable Reimbursements 57 Pastor Other Cash Allowances Church Name 36 37 38 39 40a 40b 40c 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 MILLER 1,351,600 215,600 29,000 0 34,382 34,382 100% 1,027 0 6 0 0 0 1,930 740 752 1,883 9,300 35,619 0 3,148 5,486 0 GREENLEAF 1,178 132 0 50 0 0 0 65 0 583 SELBY 600,000 56,051 0 0 20,223 20,223 100% 3,796 0 668 0 0 123 25 200 804 1,883 7,000 26,007 0 4,585 3,233 0 MOBRIDGE 16,000 4,000 0 0 8,507 8,507 100% 1,203 0 595 0 0 117 658 159 675 0 3,000 11,711 0 1,578 2,753 0 TIMBER LAKE 2,914 1,500 51% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BELLE FOURCHE 1,140,000 38,782 0 16,085 26,570 8,648 33% 1,460 0 796 0 0 0 0 909 421 1,883 10,000 41,083 0 6,344 4,146 1,045 CAMP CROOK 40,130 0 0 0 1,779 1,171 34% 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 FAITH 199,000 0 0 0 8,904 3,097 35% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,625 1,125 833 2,419 0 LEAD TRINITY 1,385,522 191,926 0 2,461 33,633 33,633 100% 2,175 0 1,881 0 0 0 1,079 2,904 622 1,886 10,000 51,690 0 3,483 5,688 0 PIEDMONT 1,414,000 200,073 293,032 0 32,030 32,030 100% 59 0 0 0 0 0 469 10,979 166 1,883 10,000 41,859 0 3,772 5,589 0 SPEARFISH 2,541,201 187,134 43,692 0 72,483 72,483 100% 4,373 0 6,354 0 0 411 30,731 9,638 3,800 1,883 10,000 53,944 0 8,159 6,300 0 STURGIS 1,255,171 115,201 123,762 0 40,469 26,659 66% 507 0 207 0 0 25 1,655 7,189 301 1,883 10,000 46,870 0 6,000 3,558 0 BURKE 45,000 40,000 0 0 7,515 2,405 0% 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,883 13,333 19,080 0 3,210 550 0 HERRICK 0 0 0 0 4,465 4,465 100% 17 0 0 0 0 0 25,220 0 0 0 0 12,600 0 1,980 213 450 COLOME 40,000 32,220 0 0 2,708 1,354 50% 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,700 0 0 0 0 GREGORY 1,169,000 0 0 0 36,362 32,092 71% 1,044 0 271 0 0 0 0 0 40 1,695 9,000 45,000 0 3,870 5,900 0 IONA 109,000 0 0 0 3,580 3,580 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 188 1,000 5,100 0 430 590 0 MURDO 1,256,988 28,557 20,500 0 16,014 16,014 100% 211 0 409 0 0 75 411 223 485 1,883 6,500 24,375 0 3,164 3,250 0 DRAPER 200,000 30,000 0 0 7,628 7,628 100% 235 0 272 0 0 81 0 96 312 0 3,500 13,125 0 1,703 1,750 0 WINNER 1,480,000 9,000 0 0 63,318 63,318 100% 1,285 0 1,127 0 0 0 5,958 2,806 0 1,883 10,000 52,883 0 5,007 4,736 0 HIGHMORE 526,400 6,730 0 0 16,131 16,131 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 0 942 5,100 17,719 0 6,000 5,000 0 HARROLD 263,200 6,199 0 0 5,875 5,875 100% 530 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 471 2,500 8,859 0 3,000 2,500 0 BLUNT 325,000 0 0 0 6,318 6,318 100% 30 0 600 50 0 0 1,200 0 300 471 2,400 8,859 0 3,000 2,500 0 PIERRE FIRST 6,375,150 33,776 1,956,350 0 113,233 113,233 100% 4,577 0 38,231 0 0 245 0 51,423 1,590 3,766 20,000 63,760 36,258 11,095 1,264 0 PIERRE SOUTHEAST 25,000 25,000 0 0 4,976 4,976 100% 441 0 105 0 0 20 0 350 0 1,883 10,000 35,478 0 10,678 2,307 0 PRESHO 765,000 25,000 0 0 14,243 14,243 100% 244 0 0 0 0 0 0 376 132 942 2,550 13,381 0 1,740 3,105 0 KENNEBEC 82,500 0 0 0 6,156 6,156 100% 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 0 1,150 8,869 0 2,436 2,058 0 RELIANCE 70,000 0 0 0 5,554 5,554 100% 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 107 50 0 1,300 8,869 0 2,436 2,058 0 WHITE RIVER 313,000 43,500 0 0 15,573 15,573 100% 553 0 50 0 0 13 2,677 126 0 1,059 6,700 28,626 0 3,000 3,091 0 MISSION 397,485 0 0 0 5,199 5,199 100% 100 0 79 0 0 0 100 0 0 824 3,300 8,212 0 2,000 494 0 EDGEMONT 18,000 15,000 0 0 4,942 4,942 100% 150 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 199 0 0 0 18,500 0 0 0 PRINGLE 165,000 74,000 0 0 2,249 2,249 100% 100 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 82 0 0 4,800 0 0 0 0 FAIRBURN 185,000 47,200 0 0 1,572 1,570 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 7,356 0 0 0 0 HOT SPRINGS UNITED 16,781 5,000 30% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRAIRIE VIEW 451,250 90,000 0 0 13,802 13,802 100% 276 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,883 10,000 37,252 0 8,400 2,632 0 PHILIP PARISH 12,010 12,010 100% 100 0 0 0 0 0 71 1,883 10,000 RAPID CITY CANYON LAKE 4,146,723 162,916 500,151 0 141,599 141,599 100% 10,498 0 3,930 0 0 0 4,500 0 2,565 1,883 10,000 72,883 0 11,163 2,284 8,395 RAPID CITY FIRST 462,724 321,795 303,625 0 136,386 136,386 100% 3,568 0 3,645 0 0 0 8,179 28,700 502 2,668 24,167 68,583 21,524 23,000 5,588 0 RAPID CITY KNOLLWOOD HTS 491,684 206,088 0 0 16,366 16,366 100% 352 0 1,045 0 0 0 730 4,947 116 1,883 10,000 39,888 0 12,000 2,826 0 RAPID VALLEY 1,320,000 0 804,000 0 12,746 2,112 17% 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,883 10,000 46,750 0 15,000 3,600 0 0 0 0 0 6,632 6,632 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,883 0 40,000 RAPID CITY KOREAN CHURCH 0 0 0 0 RAPID CITY SOUTH MAPLE 37,641 15,599 41% 2,308 0 0 0 0 29 909 1,883 10,000 WALL 1,313,889 0 0 0 27,104 27,104 100% 660 0 70 0 0 80 0 0 160 1,883 9,200 39,136 0 4,506 3,920 0 WASTA 100,000 0 0 0 1,349 1,349 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 800 3,403 0 392 341 0
ASSETS & EXPENSES: 58 Deacon Salary & Benefits 60 Other Staff Salaries & Benefits 61 Program Expenses 62 Other Operating Expenses 63 Payments on Debt 64 Capital Expenditures 65 Grand Total Expenditures INCOME: 66 Giving Unites Opererating Income{67a Pledge Gifts 67b Gifts from Identified Givers but Not Pledged 67c Gifts from Unidentified Givers 67d Interest/Dividends 67e Sale of Church Assets 67f Building Use Fees 67g Fundraisers 67 Total} 68a Capital Campaign 68b Memorials, Endowments, Bequests 68c Other Sources of Designated for Capital Campain or Special Projects 68d Special Sundays 69a Equitable Compensation 69b Received from Connectional Sources 69c Other Grants from Instituational Sources Church Name 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67 68a 68b 68c 68d 69a 69b 69c GLACIAL LAKES DISTRICT ARLINGTON 0 9,601 3,526 13,355 0 530 96,614 52 0 67,432 2,139 10,335 0 1,705 3,646 85,257 873 2,770 110 2,962 0 1,500 0 LAKE PRESTON 0 573 0 2,695 4,260 0 13,905 0 0 6,746 0 0 0 0 0 6,746 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BROOKINGS 0 153,685 60,000 75,000 341,529 41,742 1,668,558 590 504,966 135,000 12,000 83 0 13,375 0 665,424 353,328 31,165 0 37,945 0 20,992 0 CANISTOTA UNITED 0 18,728 7,098 12,440 0 10,752 115,919 134 0 202,217 3,485 34 0 12,682 0 218,418 0 156 0 5,939 0 0 0 COLTON 0 0 0 13,670 0 0 55,211 35 53,612 4,400 1,537 299 0 0 0 59,848 0 2,500 0 2,740 0 0 0 CHESTER 0 0 50 7,224 0 4,139 38,353 40 0 38,620 2,532 0 0 0 0 41,152 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 DELL RAPIDS 0 12,275 4,514 23,740 0 4,082 115,540 70 0 98,148 1,828 455 0 1,830 2,495 104,756 0 6,695 2,850 1,416 0 0 0 ELKTON UNITED 0 0 0 4,300 0 0 29,103 0 0 29,053 768 10 0 500 2,800 33,131 28,257 0 70 0 0 0 0 FLANDREAU 0 12,394 2,957 15,194 0 0 111,622 119 90,672 0 0 0 0 0 0 90,672 0 19,018 0 1,243 0 0 0 EGAN 0 562 1,033 702 0 0 8,212 9 0 8,971 907 0 0 0 1,083 10,961 0 840 0 0 0 0 0 HARTFORD 0 22,538 7,862 27,295 14,934 14,000 190,742 194 102,000 49,329 10,000 30 0 50 600 162,009 3,525 2,672 0 1,400 0 0 0 HOWARD 0 1,948 1,094 20,032 0 0 109,447 75 82,573 2,286 1,739 356 0 640 600 88,194 2,394 95 0 7,787 0 0 0 MADISON 0 48,416 22,809 51,258 0 77,665 369,505 242 170,346 88,329 8,431 0 0 2,475 7,038 276,619 55,926 2,295 0 9,560 0 0 400 WHITE 0 0 0 8,902 0 12,200 51,740 40 0 32,750 3,780 83 0 250 2,864 39,727 0 2,140 0 846 0 0 0 AURORA 0 0 107 90 0 0 15,330 12 0 0 460 20 0 0 0 480 0 100 0 340 0 0 0 STERLING 0 0 0 1,629 0 1,694 15,773 12 0 8,553 3,572 0 0 0 0 12,125 0 350 0 168 0 0 0 ALPENA 0 480 0 6,000 0 0 28,426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CARPENTER 0 0 200 3,600 0 4,600 23,700 16 0 20,285 2,815 0 0 0 0 23,100 4,200 0 0 500 0 0 0 DE SMET 0 4,872 2,200 12,983 0 4,309 73,190 0 0 60,288 0 0 0 3,406 0 63,694 0 260 105 2,041 0 0 0 HITCHCOCK 0 0 1,310 7,727 0 1,164 85,239 66 0 79,617 8,306 0 0 806 0 88,729 0 210 0 1,979 0 0 0 BROADLAND 0 0 0 4,900 0 0 21,638 11 20,235 0 751 0 0 57 0 21,043 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HURON FIRST 0 173,518 39,926 105,700 0 90,968 783,723 422 440,178 145,534 14,615 172 127 570 25,234 626,430 6,332 4,635 142,049 60,456 0 0 13,805 HURON RIVERVIEW 0 22,081 4,700 28,752 0 6,000 149,805 145 0 129,813 7,662 7 0 175 1,550 139,207 132,200 1,900 0 4,382 0 0 0 VIRGIL 0 2,100 0 3,500 0 1,500 29,450 35 0 46,500 500 70 0 0 0 47,070 0 800 0 2,000 0 0 0 IROQUOIS 0 0 0 7,080 0 0 67,295 27 0 62,080 2,300 0 0 0 0 64,380 0 250 0 8,876 0 0 0 ESMOND 0 0 0 2,440 0 0 17,301 10 0 11,000 2,000 233 0 0 0 13,233 0 1,000 0 500 0 0 0 DOLAND 0 0 110 4,929 0 0 33,396 19 0 26,000 0 0 0 0 1,000 27,000 0 3,700 0 300 0 0 0 REDFIELD 0 27,358 1,579 27,207 0 11,710 192,267 151 0 139,583 3,337 5,819 0 0 0 148,739 0 6,710 15,292 2,582 0 0 0 FRANKFORT 0 480 549 5,779 0 0 25,619 0 0 12,126 230 0 0 0 4,070 16,426 0 0 0 735 0 0 0 TULARE UNITED 0 1,845 1,100 9,900 0 2,790 52,257 40 0 49,712 0 42 0 317 2,174 52,245 2,750 3,825 0 593 0 0 0 WOONSOCKET 0 0 0 5,744 0 0 20,317 12 0 15,429 0 0 0 270 1,205 16,904 840 0 0 0 0 0 0 BEN CLARE 0 1,022 1,619 6,709 0 0 33,025 0 0 48,562 4,986 0 0 0 0 53,548 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BRANDON CELEBRATION 0 33,444 7,692 43,680 65,847 2,435 279,403 272 169,238 112,483 5,801 47 0 5,405 2,868 295,842 0 1,000 0 234 0 0 0 GARRETSON 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,313 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HARRISBURG 0 22,819 11,153 24,523 150,618 8,327 349,790 169 33,749 305,179 15,502 51 0 0 0 354,481 134,779 370 0 541 0 0 0 SIOUX FALLS ASBURY 0 145,785 45,940 62,472 9,040 13,164 545,378 364 359,449 77,483 5,076 43 900 2,286 0 445,237 10,281 122 88,502 5,704 0 0 0 SIOUX FALLS EMBRACE 0 212,016 33,287 80,532 79,145 65,806 575,197 542 0 511,202 0 0 0 0 0 511,202 399,039 0 0 0 0 200,000 600 SIOUX FALLS FIRST 0 300,364 45,631 495,622 0 27,150 1,344,853 0 772,123 139,791 8,065 3,125 0 1,430 122,106 1,046,640 58,146 24,102 0 44,741 0 0 0 SIOUX FALLS HILLTOP 0 94,246 11,011 42,289 0 22,668 293,948 195 205,298 42,192 13,424 1 0 11,583 3,003 275,501 0 16,625 0 7,150 0 0 0 SIOUX FALLS SOUTHERN HILLS 0 33,502 10,000 18,000 175,525 5,000 297,525 130 0 182,400 0 0 0 45,000 33,334 260,734 0 0 0 0 0 0 33,334 SIOUX FALLS SUNNYCREST 6,499 85,446 20,100 37,181 58,692 10,000 381,648 380 318,641 68,909 7,718 11 1,080 2,795 3,705 402,859 68,577 2,265 40,000 3,134 0 0 0 SIOUX FALLS WESLEY 0 53,400 1,800 45,250 1,350 5,000 179,272 128 155,550 0 3,000 0 0 9,000 0 167,550 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 ALEXANDRIA 0 2,400 360 9,500 0 1,500 57,183 39 0 53,808 3,695 237 0 0 606 58,346 0 0 0 50 2,700 0 0 ETHAN 0 1,040 1,268 4,375 0 0 46,812 33 0 48,102 2,169 0 0 180 0 50,451 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GEDDES 0 6,121 0 17,413 0 4,896 118,776 92 0 152,965 4,621 164 0 25 644 158,419 0 100 0 5,794 0 0 0 KIMBALL 0 1,660 0 17,850 0 0 57,582 16 0 0 36,867 0 0 192 0 37,059 0 0 0 112 0 0 0 MITCHELL FIRST 0 119,673 74,476 55,538 15,324 21,947 554,734 277 395,992 11,549 41,056 89 0 2,630 12,639 463,955 31,083 2,692 0 16,507 0 0 0 MT VERNON 0 1,450 0 1,149 0 26,000 47,716 25 14,553 15,125 547 131 0 0 0 30,356 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OLIVET 0 0 700 7,212 0 0 47,375 32 63,603 0 1,506 0 0 0 0 65,109 6,770 180 0 7,494 0 0 0 SCOTLAND 0 0 315 7,800 0 0 21,384 21 32,340 0 78 0 0 0 0 32,418 0 8,743 0 124 0 0 0 PLANKINTON 0 0 1,151 10,033 0 1,638 90,966 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WHITE LAKE 0 1,159 0 9,220 0 0 27,828 21 0 24,264 0 943 0 16,088 0 41,295 0 100 0 84 0 0 0 SALEM UNITED 0 1,500 1,600 8,500 0 5,000 53,153 20 41,000 2,000 500 100 0 300 0 43,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MONTROSE 0 3,400 8,500 6,000 0 5,000 83,804 39 63,000 2,000 500 0 0 300 3,000 68,800 0 0 0 2,500 0 0 0
0 0 0 3,006 0 0 600 7,600 0 90,388 76,997 51,984 0 0 0 20,522 0 2,114 733 14,624 0 313,204 136,000 156,779 0 129,723 22,097 77,863 0 0 600 11,267 0 0 0 19,079 0 0 4,440 43,808 0 2,600 1,203 12,126 0 0 1,227 10,310 0 0 325 18,104 0 0 0 11,865 0 600 0 4,040 0 13,108 4,107 22,870 0 0 0 5,737 0 52,424 12,702 37,600
0 4,300 2,400 2,601 335 4,481 975
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 8,400 1,200 4,872 2,882 7,705 3,860
556 22,811 0 51,838 154,554 215,460 440 21,001 31,657 50 3,870 0 1,776 13,610 0 1,910 15,610 0 477 4,637 0 4,665 19,637 0 230 4,264 0 0 5,885 0 1,766 16,580 5,400 21,662 5,800 19,226 11,511
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 294,849 0 11,240 0 7,800 0 5,566 0 4,925 0 1,559 0 7,482 0 0 0 0
0 68,003 0 1,131,889 665 0 926,418 19,663 5,257 160,590 0 16,380 126,045 3,907 0 14,873 19 0 15,316 1,325 9,820 79,319 48 46,584 45,193 4,000 2,200 82,081 84 55,940 38,789 1,553 1,137 30,852 28 0 31,979 0 0 102,404 152 0 97,487 1,820 1,590 31,973 21 33,255 0 662 736 23,109 27 0 22,012 659 2,092 47,890 83,807 54 0 0 2,243 22,000 125,479 91 0 101,800 5,412 0 29,305 16 0 22,200 0 193 88,021 96 55,955 19,223 3,190 35,006 71,228 39 0 20,283 1,243 0 105,932 90 0 105,273 2,711 10,176 74,367 54 0 37,285 1,594 1,419 207 9,767 11 0 11,923 607 0 23,300 14 0 23,000 0 24,370 477,676 261 0 372,904 9,466 0 41,504 48 0 47,961 3,911 5,922 78,176 72 0 66,060 5,786 48,491 1,138,347 548 0 1,447,009 25,997 167,670 643,270 106 296,010 91,270 9,412 0 44,585 32 0 26,807 1,708 0 36,655 18 42,979 0 0 74,016 172,840 31 70,497 0 0 0 66,742 0 0 56,887 819 0 41,069 17 0 41,815 890 20,739 95,393 30 0 54,775 0 0 35,546 14 0 36,652 0 0 21,361 12 33,179 0 0 0 128,543 0 0 132,634 0 0 14,425 0 0 13,079 0 41,269 274,189 143 111,338 80,447 11,118 504 20 1,036 0 84 0 400 690 0 0 2 11 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 20 10 24 0 139
380 0 0 115 241 33 126 930 85
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55,211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
650 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
160 0 800 0 0 0 800 205 0 0 0 2,500 0 0 0 0 0 1,070
125 190 0 0 0 0 0
1,117 2,037 0 150 150 0 3,940 9,300 0
3,018 110,102 22,220 78,378 22,539 107,984 39,018
0 22,000 0 0 0 0 0
947,578 406,131 148,369 1,035 16,641 0 96,042 0 97,373 0 32,012 0 105,276 0 44,147 0 22,756 0
2,607 15,801 0 0 23,020 0 0 384,206 0 0 51,872 0 0 71,930 2,912 0 1,473,006 215,520 54,515 452,407 0 669 85,290 0 3,765 46,744 0 5,233 75,730 0 0 57,708 0 3,215 48,431 0 8,000 62,775 0 0 36,652 0 0 33,179 0 0 132,634 0 0 13,079 0 2,230 206,203 36,007
0 2,700 0 0 989 0 0
0 0 0 0 700 0 1,903 0 0
0 1,900 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 131 0 240 1,800 150 600 203 0 25 0 2,865 0 676 0
0 65,273 0 1,097 100 301 7,200 746 1,227 858 0 500 0 814 0 723 714 4,927
356 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 10,050 105,445 5,324 0 0 0 433 0 1,014 0 1,951 0 53,303 0 1,759 0 3,268 0 771 0 12,049 0 0 0 415 0 0 0 0 12,432 0 0 736 0 1,189 2,938 0 0 0 1,406 0 0 325 0 0 0 1,158 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,435 0 19,691 0
2,245 5,097 2,650 32,758 11,175 135 22,912
49,417 1,070 100 22,500 3,498 1,800 2,400 0 85
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 305 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 7,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1,000 2,125 0 0 0 200 0 0 0
ASSETS & EXPENSES: 58 Deacon Salary & Benefits 60 Other Staff Salaries & Benefits 61 Program Expenses 62 Other Operating Expenses 63 Payments on Debt 64 Capital Expenditures 65 Grand Total Expenditures INCOME: 66 Giving Unites Opererating Income{67a Pledge Gifts 67b Gifts from Identified Givers but Not Pledged 67c Gifts from Unidentified Givers 67d Interest/Dividends 67e Sale of Church Assets 67f Building Use Fees 67g Fundraisers 67 Total} 68a Capital Campaign 68b Memorials, Endowments, Bequests 68c Other Sources of Designated for Capital Campain or Special Projects 68d Special Sundays 69a Equitable Compensation 69b Received from Connectional Sources 69c Other Grants from Instituational Sources Church Name 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67 68a 68b 68c 68d 69a 69b 69c STICKNEY 0 3,113 0 14,700 0 0 105,606 32 0 51,250 28,379 0 0 0 0 79,629 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WAGNER 0 4,842 539 17,168 0 8,910 103,418 78 82,394 17,292 2,034 0 26 380 3,497 105,623 6,042 120 0 1,947 0 0 1,000 TYNDALL 0 0 1,733 10,877 0 2,098 44,542 47 0 39,840 614 839 0 0 1,558 42,851 0 2 6,701 662 0 0 25 WESSINGTON SPRINGS 0 9,954 368 22,624 0 44,665 138,916 97 88,110 47,846 2,065 926 0 0 622 139,569 3,563 5,242 1,928 0 0 0 0 BERESFORD ZION 0 3,000 2,067 18,999 0 73,152 176,509 72 0 106,590 2,292 0 0 265 0 109,147 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CANTON 0 70,709 4,148 24,026 23,220 0 226,883 144 133,883 69,475 9,065 23 0 100 0 212,546 0 1,838 0 872 0 0 0 ELK POINT UNITED 0 3,640 0 18,369 0 3,750 100,619 65 106,678 0 0 584 0 0 0 107,262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GAYVILLE VOLIN 0 0 0 3,273 0 0 16,104 28 0 24,760 1,186 2 0 0 3,580 29,528 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N SIOUX CITY ARK 0 2,400 2,205 35,387 0 3,000 78,719 34 45,292 5,545 2,880 13 0 0 3,860 57,590 0 9,272 0 360 0 0 0 PARKER 0 472 0 14,765 0 5,339 57,335 34 40,443 1,353 0 0 0 150 11,339 53,285 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HURLEY 0 472 0 10,075 0 486 47,977 40 0 41,823 1,584 184 0 380 1,923 45,894 0 0 0 229 0 0 0 VERMILLION 0 21,662 13,392 30,040 0 3,241 221,467 49 82,511 16,551 2,150 16,000 0 12,705 9,089 139,006 0 29,593 13,675 1,107 0 60,000 1,180 WAKONDA 0 0 2,121 4,158 0 0 44,779 30 40,000 4,111 206 839 0 0 559 45,715 0 6,295 271 5,997 0 0 0 IRENE 0 0 0 3,712 0 0 25,561 0 0 22,946 765 30 0 0 0 23,741 0 0 0 2,990 0 0 0 VIBORG 0 0 1,176 6,214 0 14,467 47,669 33 0 28,685 1,280 182 0 400 1,162 31,709 7,114 0 0 497 0 0 0 YANKTON 0 83,540 13,892 62,252 0 15,258 359,708 290 289,556 39,845 6,555 380 0 550 9,773 346,659 0 18,695 0 8,618 0 0 0
2,310 32,516 54,451 0 0 0
4,493 0 200 54,606 3,000 150 1,600 0 0
11,045 8,115
1,560 0
0 37,153 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
6,742 333
2,000 400 663 4,220 1,443 8,889 1,300 0 104
3,944 1,766 15,123 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
20,638 25,654
11,733 0
9,614 0 9,475 0 5,236 0 26,809 143,134 14,500 0 54 0 16,900 0 4,350 0 10,599 0
13,161 40,000 56,066 999 1,000 900
52,992 52,939
23,131 0 0 33,056 5,067 481 0 150 0
4,619 0 41,571 0 0 0
29,846 20 0 15,154 9,815 67,685 0 33,817 263,399 248 155,295 319,859 0 0 47,967 28 0 16,975 12 0 19,343 15 0 600 107,067 50 0 34,327 30 0 42,284 40 0 393,594 168 113,341 87,889 43 55,137 26,290 0 16,809 72,718 39 0 20,414 17 0 39,645 22 0 2,000 219,638 170 0 171,935 54 0 658 153,390 76 0 47,192 52,281 33 0
134,809 75,720
33 1,155
169,567 0 40,420 0 64,847 0 85,760 8,663 2,725 1,068 0 213 52,400 0 26,205 0 0 48,673
22,544 11,272 106,010 3,492 297,398 6,593 87,780 205 21,003 370 28,600 206
72 20
260 0 185 20 504 778 6,000 0 0
16 36 79 0 0 0
0 0
60 300
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,404 0 0 0 0 0 4,800
0 10,500 0 0 0 1,175 0 0 0 0 0 0
8,777 0
0 0 2,500 120 0 500 2,520 1,400 0
910 2,462 4,481 6,951 0 0
4,274 0 0 0 0 0
143,751 77,195
19,676 0 0 2,798 0 0 0 0 0
165 12,237 29,868 0 120 0
0 118,060 15,000 1,832
169,827 0 40,420 0 67,532 0 207,904 190,930 59,434 5,689 30,704 0 60,920 0 27,605 0 53,473 0
79,059 267,295 309,726 94,936 21,373 28,806
757 7,009 6,126 4,890 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
597 0 801 1,500 0 28,043
6,000 0
5,700 7,470 0 0 0 1,532 0 23,007 2,271 306 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0
135 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2,000
0 0 0 0 0 0 1,200 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
ASSETS & EXPENSES: 58 Deacon Salary & Benefits 60 Other Staff Salaries & Benefits 61 Program Expenses 62 Other Operating Expenses 63 Payments on Debt 64 Capital Expenditures 65 Grand Total Expenditures INCOME: 66 Giving Unites Opererating Income{67a Pledge Gifts 67b Gifts from Identified Givers but Not Pledged 67c Gifts from Unidentified Givers 67d Interest/Dividends 67e Sale of Church Assets 67f Building Use Fees 67g Fundraisers 67 Total} 68a Capital Campaign 68b Memorials, Endowments, Bequests 68c Other Sources of Designated for Capital Campain or Special Projects 68d Special Sundays 69a Equitable Compensation 69b Received from Connectional Sources 69c Other Grants from Instituational Sources Church Name 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67 68a 68b 68c 68d 69a 69b 69c ARTHUR 36,879 CASSELTON 14,876 FARGO CALVARY 0 98,224 15,602 152,235 337,651 33,198 823,286 427 0 837,726 56,400 10,489 546 10,450 7,694 923,305 148,937 7,152 9,135 24,516 0 0 500 FARGO EDGEWOOD 0 16,210 2,533 24,066 0 5,972 104,434 61 0 98,816 1,558 3 0 90 4,023 104,490 5,864 1,500 691 478 0 0 0 FARGO FAITH 0 49,717 17,471 47,896 0 6,950 245,379 144 169,902 35,007 7,494 10 0 4,960 3,269 220,642 0 1,055 0 6,745 0 0 10,500 FARGO FIRST 0 179,518 15,357 146,643 6,565 70,995 678,439 346 342,198 164,387 30,228 3,403 0 0 0 540,216 107,899 12,847 0 4,000 0 0 0 PAGE 8,820 HOPE UNITED 1,446 FINLEY 1,922 WEST FARGO FLAME OF FAITH 0 2,871 6,052 25,382 9,273 1,300 92,684 0 83,638 0 0 0 0 4,500 0 88,138 0 40 0 964 0 0 3,000 CAVALIER TRINITY 0 7,731 2,429 10,902 0 0 97,137 77 0 130,020 3,083 0 0 0 0 133,103 53,619 135 0 980 0 0 0 CAVALIER FIRST 0 734 0 22,220 0 0 35,872 12 0 19,889 900 68 0 855 1,975 23,687 0 175 0 0 0 0 0 CRYSTAL 990 HOOPLE 0 DRAYTON 0 7,230 754 9,786 0 0 51,284 41 0 56,903 2,571 4,148 0 250 635 64,507 0 2,000 0 2,222 0 0 0 PEMBINA 0 2,771 1,619 9,860 0 0 30,593 40 44,370 437 51 0 0 25 2,024 46,907 0 0 0 127 0 0 0 JOLIETTE 0 HUMBOLDT MN 0 2,896 0 7,322 0 0 27,335 0 0 29,712 0 0 0 0 3,278 32,990 0 0 0 296 0 0 0 GRAFTON FEDERATED 0 6,781 1,100 11,320 0 0 72,658 20 0 57,136 1,500 0 0 0 0 58,636 0 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 ST THOMAS 0 3,348 8,700 8,600 0 0 41,141 39 0 3,800 0 0 0 0 0 3,800 0 0 0 544 0 0 0 GRAND FORKS WESLEY 0 78,947 10,269 67,683 0 20,000 321,259 176 202,534 76,375 3,139 0 0 2,665 0 284,713 0 9,068 46,319 11,961 0 0 0 GRAND FORKS ZION 0 24,054 39,588 37,789 18,000 23,704 255,847 112 79,220 75,914 5,970 0 0 17,095 0 178,199 12,843 20,085 41,930 2,533 0 14,520 0 HAMILTON 0 610 0 610 0 0 5,987 7 6,518 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,518 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HILLSBORO UNITED 0 3,150 600 12,995 0 525 37,858 24 23,989 0 0 55 0 5,200 0 29,244 0 0 0 1,150 0 0 0 HOLMES 0 2,400 4,316 16,177 0 22,880 113,022 31 0 66,068 0 0 0 100 7,906 74,074 24,525 720 20,874 826 0 0 0 LARIMORE 0 2,498 165 19,158 6,260 0 73,614 43 0 56,975 4,125 2 0 0 2,110 63,212 1,385 510 2,009 638 0 0 0 PARK RIVER FEDERATED 0 2,400 0 28,344 0 6,102 71,846 70 0 69,465 3,140 932 0 0 0 73,537 0 1,412 0 550 0 0 0
0 0 17,400 3,397 9,701 7,393 1,260 1,078 17,410
3,866 4,451
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
1,652 1,800
200 929 2,751 1,680 5,221 2,626 1,753 2,078 3,919 10,545 5,093
3,497 3,787 32,289 5,199 15,214 14,497 7,768 4,111 18,336 0 0
0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,779 0 2,166
19,890 0 0 0 20,334 0 0 0 18,565
72,362 45 0 40,340 26 0 142,293 118 0 35,206 0 0 185,761 120 0 102,215 113 115,746 36,303 42 0 20,075 0 15,048 169,237 0 123,780 2,008 84,485 46 0 44,346 17 0
72,251 39,413
1,474 705
40,291 1,069 35,176 0 105,535 20,395 41,005 4,005 122,897 5,677 12,491 7,680 50,409 1,480 7,524 0 7,070 0
493 74
829 854 919 0 0 763 334 0 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9,530 0
0 0 0 770 2,250 1,835 6,600 0 1,650
0 0
0 0 360 0 0 0 0 0 3,699
83,748 40,192
42,189 36,030 127,209 45,780 130,824 138,515 58,823 22,572 136,199
2,165 0
0 0 0 0 8,241 0 0 0 47,941
1,244 5,090
0 0 3,706 0 45,991 0 0 2,500 2,614
0 0
0 2,082 0 2,411 9,156 0 0 0 0
9,674 3,061
0 0
807 0 2,772 0 1,055 0 544 0 782 4,200 1,949 0 546 0 1,700 0 3,010 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ASSETS & EXPENSES: 58 Deacon Salary & Benefits 60 Other Staff Salaries & Benefits 61 Program Expenses 62 Other Operating Expenses 63 Payments on Debt 64 Capital Expenditures 65 Grand Total Expenditures INCOME: 66 Giving Unites Opererating Income{67a Pledge Gifts 67b Gifts from Identified Givers but Not Pledged 67c Gifts from Unidentified Givers 67d Interest/Dividends 67e Sale of Church Assets 67f Building Use Fees 67g Fundraisers 67 Total} 68a Capital Campaign 68b Memorials, Endowments, Bequests 68c Other Sources of Designated for Capital Campain or Special Projects 68d Special Sundays 69a Equitable Compensation 69b Received from Connectional Sources 69c Other Grants from Instituational Sources Church Name 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67 68a 68b 68c 68d 69a 69b 69c HAZEN 0 3,000 1,800 16,800 0 0 118,317 74 0 93,433 0 0 0 0 0 93,433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BEULAH 0 0 800 8,895 0 0 21,567 10 0 15,490 0 0 0 630 0 16,120 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 HEBRON 0 HETTINGER 0 0 1,422 13,152 0 70,598 176,096 56 0 91,829 9,183 19 0 400 2,477 103,908 0 0 1,858 5,591 0 0 0 BOTTINEAU UNITED 0 5,848 1,341 18,351 0 2,886 63,060 37 0 50,882 0 1,171 0 0 0 52,053 439 420 0 0 0 0 0 BOWBELLS 0 2,354 250 15,000 0 0 79,223 30 0 61,378 0 1,080 0 0 0 62,458 0 1,265 0 1,001 0 0 0 DONNYBROOK 0 270 0 7,805 0 0 42,745 12 0 0 37,540 26 0 0 0 37,566 0 0 250 690 0 0 0 KENMARE 0 0 0 1,760 0 0 10,551 10 0 7,070 2,465 24 0 0 0 9,559 0 0 0 487 0 0 0 DUNSEITH 0 288 100 1,486 0 0 9,227 8 0 4,252 1,955 0 3,020 0 0 9,227 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HARVEY 1,000 MARTIN 2,782 DRAKE 0 LANSFORD 3,150 MINOT FAITH 0 7,312 12,610 55,680 125,000 30,263 304,792 75 0 146,644 38,744 15,455 290,000 0 5,100 495,943 525,000 5,100 0 1,132 0 0 13,000 DES LACS 0 3,656 350 150 0 187 41,268 32 0 49,686 1,500 0 0 0 0 51,186 0 1,490 0 0 0 7,000 0 MINOT VINCENT 0 82,830 4,823 41,443 26,000 26,629 358,394 242 181,350 93,381 3,873 0 0 11,624 12,880 303,108 18,378 3,470 0 3,123 0 0 0 MOHALL 0 3,696 260 11,489 0 0 80,273 26 0 84,099 3,294 29 0 100 1,508 89,030 0 1,570 0 4,115 0 0 0 SHERWOOD 0 924 0 4,606 0 0 19,387 10 17,558 0 14 0 0 0 1,115 18,687 0 1,128 0 681 0 0 0 RUGBY 1,311 VELVA 3,329 WILLISTON 0 40,425 17,597 27,715 0 44,347 262,424 198 0 209,435 15,390 0 0 0 0 224,825 0 5,012 0 4,773 0 0 0 BISMARCK CALVARY 0 20,807 8,381 27,117 0 1,229 178,660 152 0 157,852 10,577 1,142 50 300 0 169,921 0 260 0 140 0 0 0 BISMARCK LEGACY 0 175,368 23,640 74,437 0 0 481,051 0 0 472,000 2,000 0 0 0 0 474,000 895,000 34,000 0 90,000 0 0 0 BISMARCK MCCABE 0 196,000 31,500 107,024 249,801 0 939,331 563 496,550 137,384 11,873 27 0 2,266 10,199 658,299 275,346 9,796 0 5,751 0 0 0 LINTON 29,744 STERLING 9,396 MANDAN 0 33,240 8,406 5,107 37,032 21,427 215,764 115 0 172,521 3,854 0 0 0 1,356 177,731 27,425 1,420 0 4,042 4,400 0 0 MCCLUSKY 0 0 200 7,654 0 32,193 76,538 17 0 30,900 7,489 300 0 0 3,800 42,489 0 500 0 1,500 2,016 0 0 GOODRICH 0 0 68 1,984 0 0 17,740 16 0 19,503 335 23 0 0 0 19,861 0 0 0 0 960 0 0 CHASELEY 0 0 724 5,381 860 25,925 114,934 30 0 21,043 700 90 0 0 0 21,833 0 6,000 0 50 1,635 0 0 MOFFIT 0 1,617 1,978 2,440 0 11,665 25,117 8 0 16,979 2,640 5 0 0 10,379 30,003 0 496 0 400 0 0 0 NAPOLEON 0 0 1,408 18,680 0 6,693 73,506 22 0 42,000 1,000 2,633 0 0 0 45,633 0 130 0 7,041 0 0 0 LEHR 0 0 310 17,117 0 7,648 68,270 40 350 67,797 4,427 100 0 150 0 72,824 0 1,260 0 4,985 0 0 0 WISHEK 6,500 STEELE 0 1,830 3,400 12,289 0 0 94,933 48 0 83,918 2,574 29 0 0 1,909 88,430 0 2,882 0 800 0 0 0 TUTTLE 0 630 0 3,909 0 0 27,286 19 0 32,542 2,118 0 0 0 0 34,660 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ROBINSON 0 540 0 7,100 0 0 27,169 18 0 19,310 1,918 56 0 0 0 21,284 0 0 0 688 0 0 0 UNDERWOOD 1,298 WASHBURN 0 32,280 4,816 14,245 0 2,700 116,287 69 0 110,945 0 0 0 0 0 110,945 101,324 44,030 0 5,939 0 0 0 CENTER 0 0 57 3,369 0 0 26,252 19 0 29,935 899 0 0 0 0 30,834 0 10 0 695 0 0 0 TURTLE LAKE 0 0 634 4,656 0 0 31,318 20 0 37,847 1,172 165 0 0 0 39,184 0 820 0 0 0 0 0
ASSETS & EXPENSES: 58 Deacon Salary & Benefits 60 Other Staff Salaries & Benefits 61 Program Expenses 62 Other Operating Expenses 63 Payments on Debt 64 Capital Expenditures 65 Grand Total Expenditures INCOME: 66 Giving Unites Opererating Income{67a Pledge Gifts 67b Gifts from Identified Givers but Not Pledged 67c Gifts from Unidentified Givers 67d Interest/Dividends 67e Sale of Church Assets 67f Building Use Fees 67g Fundraisers 67 Total} 68a Capital Campaign 68b Memorials, Endowments, Bequests 68c Other Sources of Designated for Capital Campain or Special Projects 68d Special Sundays 69a Equitable Compensation 69b Received from Connectional Sources 69c Other Grants from Instituational Sources Church Name 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67 68a 68b 68c 68d 69a 69b 69c TIMBER LAKE 1,500 BELLE FOURCHE 0 21,940 2,800 22,107 3,688 5,398 132,641 94 0 68,966 21,043 0 20 220 0 90,249 0 26,608 0 2,080 0 0 500 CAMP CROOK 0 500 0 3,287 0 0 11,038 6 0 5,219 930 0 0 125 6,526 12,800 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 FAITH 0 0 917 6,553 0 6,151 33,720 15 32,560 275 0 0 0 0 10,407 43,242 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LEAD TRINITY 0 31,291 4,796 35,393 0 10,778 197,227 0 135,407 30,765 12,657 575 0 5,051 6,045 190,500 0 1,652 0 4,628 0 0 0 PIEDMONT 0 48,361 14,237 26,291 44,720 20,717 261,132 0 0 202,849 0 13,386 0 240 0 216,475 0 0 0 492 0 0 0 SPEARFISH 0 117,526 27,450 77,905 80,633 13,154 524,300 293 264,801 94,165 11,612 421 0 10,421 11,143 392,563 58,052 67,810 20,232 47,338 0 0 3,452 STURGIS 0 25,619 11,452 106,535 28,387 5,687 282,534 160 99,284 53,249 2,121 5 0 1,680 1,418 157,757 36,486 65,772 4,877 1,105 0 0 1,500 BURKE 0 0 0 6,610 0 0 47,079 26 0 0 37,250 0 0 0 0 37,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HERRICK 0 0 0 4,750 0 0 49,695 14 0 0 25,550 0 0 0 0 25,550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COLOME 0 0 2,010 7,028 0 0 19,312 14 0 13,592 448 249 150 2,100 0 16,539 0 100 0 220 0 0 0 GREGORY 0 11,895 4,175 17,500 0 0 132,482 0 0 106,525 18,365 0 0 0 0 124,890 0 0 0 1,200 0 0 0 IONA 0 1,320 0 3,525 0 1,700 17,433 0 0 15,760 0 0 0 0 0 15,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MURDO 0 0 3,069 17,370 12,394 8,079 97,849 57 0 72,843 3,612 130 0 175 2,577 79,337 0 1,797 13,363 1,402 0 0 0 DRAPER 0 0 1,256 4,819 0 0 34,755 35 0 24,826 1,310 3,906 0 1,710 1,260 33,012 0 1,530 0 1,081 0 0 0 WINNER 0 44,829 15,561 55,010 0 0 264,403 234 250,673 0 5,881 0 0 2,850 35 259,439 0 15,295 0 6,181 0 0 0 HIGHMORE 0 3,101 6,704 12,032 0 3,314 76,293 54 0 54,672 1,668 337 0 9,842 172 66,691 0 4,130 0 0 0 0 750 HARROLD 0 0 100 4,000 0 15,000 43,135 33 0 30,295 392 0 0 0 1,700 32,387 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 BLUNT 0 1,200 475 7,000 0 8,500 42,853 22 0 23,840 4,494 292 0 0 825 29,451 518 100 0 145 0 0 0 PIERRE FIRST 0 78,603 19,579 143,746 132,059 25,388 744,272 502 391,845 119,267 10,498 266 0 4,910 0 526,786 169,954 7,643 0 58,518 0 0 0 PIERRE SOUTHEAST 0 0 944 6,751 0 0 73,933 24 0 21,860 3,000 1 0 0 659 25,520 3,689 0 3,450 566 4,800 33,296 3,085 PRESHO 0 0 30 9,152 0 0 45,895 48 0 40,584 1,761 119 0 0 6,878 49,342 0 0 0 400 0 0 0 KENNEBEC 0 0 0 2,712 0 0 23,527 30 0 24,025 1,125 0 0 0 2,161 27,311 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RELIANCE 0 0 0 2,935 0 0 23,394 35 0 16,229 2,100 0 0 0 422 18,751 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WHITE RIVER 0 599 2,269 8,443 0 9,800 82,579 45 0 62,827 3,498 152 100 1,760 3,681 72,018 0 515 1,766 2,270 1,500 1,100 0 MISSION 0 0 194 15,232 0 0 35,734 14 14,230 3,955 0 0 0 0 4,000 22,185 0 0 0 150 600 0 0 EDGEMONT 0 3,750 0 3,500 0 0 31,091 60 40,000 500 0 0 0 0 5,000 45,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRINGLE 0 400 0 60 0 0 7,701 FAIRBURN 0 1,305 1,444 5,284 0 0 17,459 13 0 5,782 0 247 0 0 302 6,331 0 11,866 16,974 0 0 0 0 HOT SPRINGS UNITED 5,000 PRAIRIE VIEW 0 2,500 3,900 16,918 0 0 97,963 77 0 91,230 11,450 0 0 462 2,500 105,642 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHILIP PARISH 24,064 RAPID CITY CANYON LAKE 0 134,854 31,992 104,627 19,229 0 560,127 464 391,782 127,343 8,422 207 0 6,370 8,041 542,165 65,798 666 0 22,026 0 0 0 RAPID CITY FIRST 0 194,426 32,761 134,261 17,619 0 705,577 612 440,083 211,498 18,297 3,419 0 16,246 0 689,543 40,069 9,972 0 5,618 0 0 0 RAPID CITY KNOLLWOOD HTS 0 5,319 4,238 14,760 0 1,000 115,470 74 0 83,361 4,964 2,676 0 275 4,230 95,506 0 2,725 0 1,176 0 20,000 0 RAPID VALLEY 0 0 7,840 16,405 61,899 2,200 167,833 97 0 115,196 0 0 0 0 9,990 125,186 0 10,065 0 0 0 35,000 0 RAPID CITY KOREAN CHURCH 0 0 0 40,000 0 0 88,515 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RAPID CITY SOUTH MAPLE 30,542 WALL 0 0 3,135 16,980 0 0 106,834 85 0 111,794 0 29 0 0 34,377 146,200 0 0 0 5,209 3,600 0 0 WASTA 0 0 0 2,123 0 0 8,418 13 0 9,567 1,713 50 0 0 0 11,330 0 0 0 200 0 0 0
Administrative Review Committee........................................................................................................... 14, 188 Annual Conference Dates...................................................................................................................... Title Page Attendance............................................................................................................................................................ 17 Appointments....................................................................................................................................................... 39 Apportionments................................................................................................................................................ 196 Archives and History................................................................................................................................... 14, 119 Awards..........................................................................................................................................12, 14, 15, 16,138 Budget ................................................................................................................................................................. 125 Builders Club...................................................................................................................................................... 107 Business of the Annual Conference................................................................................................................... 22 Cabinet................................................................................................................................................................. 1,2 Camping.......................................................................................................................................................... 6, 104 Campus Ministries............................................................................................................................................. 106 Chancellors............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Children of the Harvest............................................................................................. 11,108, Inside Front Cover Clergy Ethics...................................................................................................................................................... 208 Closing Churches................................................................................................................................................. 17 Common Table.......................................................................................................................................... 4, 10,188 Communications............................................................................................................................................... 102 Compensation of Clergy..................................................................................................................................... 45 Continuing Education Policies......................................................................................................................... 203 Conference Council on Finance and Administration................................................................4, 120,188, 194 Conference Finance................................................................................................................................... 120, 125 Constitutional Admendments............................................................................................................................ 20 Crisis Management............................................................................................................................................ 214 Dakota-Minnesota Episcopal Area..................................................................................................................... iv Daily Proceedings................................................................................................................................................ 13 Deceased Clergy......................................................................................................................................... 141, 148 Denman Awards.................................................................................................................................................. 12 Directories Clergy....................................................................................................................................................... 50 Diaconate................................................................................................................................................. 49 Frequently Called Numbers....................................................................................................Back Cover Laity.......................................................................................................................................................... 65 Missions.......................................................................................................................Inside Front Cover Parish........................................................................................................................................................ 79 Director of Ministries Office............................................................................................................................ 101 Disaster Response.......................................................................................................................................... 9, 107 District Committees...................................................................................................................................... 9, 191 Episcopacy ..................................................................................................................................................... 8, 189 Equalization.................................................................................................................................................. 74, 192 Equipping Link...................................................................................................................................... 4, 103, 186 Equitable Compensation................................................................................................................................... 198 Expectations of Bishop......................................................................................................................................... iv Extended Cabinet................................................................................................................................................ 2,4 Extending the Local Church Link........................................................................................................ 6, 107, 186 Extension Ministries............................................................................................................................................ 44 First Choice United Methodist Federal Credit Union.........................................................Inside Front Cover Focus Team ........................................................................................................................................................ 188 Foundation................................................................................................................................................... 11, 123 General Conference Delegations............................................................................................................. 139, 191 Haiti Solar Oven Project............................................................................................................................. 11, 108 Health Ministry.........................................................................................................................Inside Back Cover Higher Education......................................................................................................................Inside Back Cover History and Archives............................................................................................................................. 8, 119, 139
Honorable Location............................................................................................................................................. 30 Housing Allowance.............................................................................................................................................. 20 Human Resources.................................................................................................................................. 8, 119, 187 Investigation, Committees of...................................................................................................................... 14, 188 Jubilee ................................................................................................................................................................. 184 Laity Report........................................................................................................................................................ 105 Lay Leaders........................................................................................................................................................... 75 Lay Ministry Coordinators................................................................................................................................. 74 Lay Servant Leaders.............................................................................................................................75, 105, 190 Medical Leave............................................................................................................................................... 32, 202 Memorium.......................................................................................................................................................... 141 Missionaries........................................................................................................................49, Inside Front Cover Ministry Teams................................................................................................................................39, 75, 79, 190 Moving Policy..................................................................................................................................................... 213 Officers............................................................................................................................................................ 1, 185 Open Door............................................................................................................................................................ 11 Ordinands........................................................................................................................................................... 154 Parsonage Standards.......................................................................................................................................... 211 Pensions...................................................................................................................................................... 187, 199 Rules and Policies.............................................................................................................................................. 185 Resolutions and Petitions.................................................................................................................................... 17 Related Agencies................................................................................................................10, Inside Front Cover Renewal Leave.................................................................................................................................................... 202 Retired Pastors............................................................................................................................................. 31, 151 Salary ................................................................................................................................................................. 197 Separation / Divorce Guidelines...................................................................................................................... 210 Service Records.................................................................................................................................................. 151 Sessions................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Sexual Misconduct Policy................................................................................................................................ 208 Southeast Pierre Ministry................................................................................................................................. 111 Spouses of Deceased Ministers........................................................................................................................... 63 Staff ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Standing Rules.................................................................................................................................................... 185 Statistics.............................................................................................................................................................. 216 Stewardship of Resources Link............................................................................................................. 6, 111, 187 Student Aid Guidelines..................................................................................................................................... 206 Structure............................................................................................................................................................. 185 Tree of Life.......................................................................................................................................................... 109 Trustees................................................................................................................................................... 7, 112, 187 United Methodist Men.................................................................................................................................. 6, 187 United Methodist Women............................................................................................................................ 6, 187 Unleash Prayer Movement.................................................................................................................................... v Vacation Policy................................................................................................................................................... 203 Vitality, Journey Toward....................................................................................................................................... v Visioning Link................................................................................................................................................ 4, 188 Volunteers in Mission..............................................................................................................Inside Front Cover Youth ............................................................................................................................................................. 7, 104
CAMPS www.dakcamps.org Lake Poinsett Camp/Retreat Center - Kyle Sachs (605) 983-5547 20 South Lake Drive, Arlington, SD 57212 E: lpc@dakcamps.org Fax: (605) 983-3911 Storm Mountain Center - Scott Jensen E: sjensen@dakcamps.org (605) 343-4391 23740 Storm Mt. Rd., Rapid City, SD 57702 Fax: (605) 343-0154 Wesley Acres Camp - Christy Heflin E: wac@dakcamps.org (701) 733-2413 1821 115th Ave. SE, Dazey, ND 58429-9733 Fax: (701) 733-2411 Camping Central Office E: info@dakcamps.org (605) 996-6552 PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301 Fax: (605) 996-1766
Jenkins Living Center - Loren W. Diekman, Administrator (605) 886-5777 12 Second Ave., Watertown, SD 57201 Sunnycrest Village - Sue Lund, Administrator (605) 361-1422 3900 S. Terry Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57106 E: sue.sunnycrest@midcon network.com Wesley Acres - Donna Weiland, CEO (605) 996-6164 1115 West Havens, Mitchell, SD 57301 E: wesleyacres@midconetwork.com
Dakota Wesleyan University - Amy Novak, President (605) 995-2600 1200 West University Ave., Mitchell, SD 57301 Fax: (605) 995-2699 Brandon Vetter, Campus Pastor E: brvetter@dwu.edu (605) 995-2919 Rollins Campus Center, 1220 West University Ave., Mitchell, SD 57301 North Dakota State University /Fargo Faith UMC (701) 232-6844 John Andersen, Campus Pastor 909 19th Ave. N., Fargo, ND 58102 E: john@fargofaithumc.org South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, Erin Schenzielos (605) 718-8676 United Campus Ministries, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology 329 E. St. Joseph Street, Rapid City, SD 57701 South Dakota State University (605) 692-8991 625 5th St., Brookings, SD 57006 E: unitedfaith_agape@yahoo.com
Dakotas Conference www.dakotasumc.org Foundation www.DakotasUMF.org Local Church Resources www.umc.org Tree of Life Ministry http://treeofliferelief.org/ Youth Ministries www.dakyouth.com United Methodist Church www.umc.org
Upper Room “Living Prayer Center” 1-800-251-2468 Infoserv 1-800-251-8140 Curic-U-Phone 1-800-251-8591 Cokesbury 1-800-672-1789 UMCOR Hotline 1-800-841-1235 UMCOR Depot 1-800-814-8765 131 Sager-Brown Road (PO Box 850) Baldwin, LA 70514-0850
Conference Office www.dakotasumc.org (605) 996-6552 Box 460, 1331 West University, Mitchell, SD 57301-0460 F: (605) 996-1766 Director of Ministries Greg Kroger E:greg.kroger@dakotasumc.org Camping/Youth, Becky Holten E: becky.holten@dakcamps.org Communications Doreen Gosmire E: doreen.gosmire@dakotasumc.org Resource Librarian, Bonnie Carlson E: bonnie.carlson@dakotasumc.org Director of Finance & Ad, Jeff Pospisil E: jeff.pospisil@dakotasumc.org Director of Leadership Dev., Jodi Cataldo E: jodi.cataldo@dakotasumc.org Conference Secretary Mark Ellingson (218) 779-5707 PO Box 24, Northwood, ND 58267 E: mellingson56@gmail.com Archivist Laurie Langland, McGovern Library F: (605) 995-2893 (605) 995-2134 1201 McGovern Ave., Mitchell, SD 57301-7904 E: LaLangla@dwu.edu Conference Lay Leader Blaine Wilson (605) 275-6078 105 S. Sycamore Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57110 E: wilsonbl@sio.midco.net Conference Associate Lay Leader Jerry Bottger (605) 593-6873 P.O. Box 227, White River, SD 57579 E: lindambaldock@gmail.com District Superintendents Sakakawea Keith Nelson, 1223 Eagles View Lane, Bismarck, ND 58503 (701) 255-0800 E: keith.nelson@dakotasumc.org F: (701) 255-5070 Glacial Lakes Roy Caudill 4900 S. Pheasant Ln, Sioux Falls, SD 57108 (605) 334-5248 E: roy.caudill@dakotasumc.org F: (605) 339-2718 Prairie Hills Randy Cross 5552 Limelight Lane, Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 343-3172 E: randy.cross@dakotasumc.org F: (605) 343-4684 Eastern Sunrise Marilyn Spurrell, 1550 3rd St W, West Fargo , ND58078 (701) 364-1941 E: marilyn.spurrell@dakotasumc.org F: (701)-364-1942 Roger Spahr, 1350 11th St. NE, Watertown, SD 50201 (605) 886-2242 E: roger.spahr@dakotasumc.org Foundation Director, Bruce Blumer E: bblumer@dakotasumf.org 605-990-7790 or 800-224-6552
Leana Stunes, Conference Benefits Officer (605) 996-6552 1331 West University, PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301-0460 F: (605) 996-0827 E: leana.stunes@dakotasumc.org General Bd/Pensions-Health Benefits 1901 Chestnut Ave., Glenview, IL 60025-1604 1-800-851-2201 EXTEND HEALTH www.extendhealth.com/gbophb 1-866-249-7785 Blue Cross/Blue Shield Customer Service www.bcbsil.com/members 1-866-804-0976 Medco Pharmacy www.medcohealth.com 1-800-841-2806 United Behavorial Health (UBH) 1-800-788-5614 Pastoral Consultation Services 1-800-842-2869 Flexible Spending Account - Ceridian (www.ceridian-benefits.com) 1-877-799-8820 Unresolved Health Claim Questions 1-800-851-2201 (prompt 2, then 0 for health team) Pension and Retirement Questions: 1-800-851-2201 (Prompt 1, then 0 for representative) Vision Benefit www.VSP.Com 1-800-877-7195 Web MD www. gbophb.org/ click on Health Flex/Web MD icon Virgin Health Miles www.virginhealthmiles.com 1-800-830-4312