Appendix Glossary 93
Glossary A Sense of Tomorrow Givaudan’s sustainability approach launched in 2017 which consists of three focus areas: ‘Sourcing for Shared Value’, ’Innovating Responsibly’ and ‘Acting for Our Environment’. Initiatives target the Company’s supply chain, investment in innovative new products, reduction of its carbon footprint and climate change mitigation and entails a strong commitment to our people and partners. Acting for Our Environment Third focus area of Givaudan's sustainability approach ‘A Sense of Tomorrow’, which calls for action to protect the environment in all areas of Givaudan’s' business and beyond. Business model Givaudan’s chosen system of transforming inputs, through its business activities, into outputs and outcomes that aims to fulfil the Company’s strategic purpose and create value over the short-, medium- and long-term. Capitals Capitals are stocks of value that are increased, decreased or transformed by the activities and outputs of an organisation. Givaudan has identified six kinds of capitals that feed its value chain: Financial capital, Our innovation capabilities (intellectual capital), Our people & culture (Human capital), Sourcing (Natural capital) , Operations (Manufactured capital) and Good governance (Social and relationship capital). CDP Formerly known as Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP possesses the world’s most comprehensive collection of environmental data from companies, organisations and governments and evaluates this data systematically for investors. Climate positive Givaudan’s commitment to do more than reducing or even eliminating emissions: the Company will also develop initiatives to remove carbon from the atmosphere.
Communication on Progress (COP) The UN Global Compact requires participating companies to produce an annual COP that details their work to embed the Ten Principles into their strategies and operations, as well as efforts to support societal priorities. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) The Convention on Biological Diversity is a multilateral treaty with three main goals: the conservation of biological diversity (or biodiversity); the sustainable use of its components; and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from genetic resources. Delivering with excellence Second pillar of Givaudan’s 2020 strategy ‘Responsible growth. Shared success.’ Embracing a mindset of excellence in execution and incorporate it into all processes, services and business processes to deliver a superior customer experience. Earnings per share Earnings per share are calculated by dividing the Group result attributable to the shareholders of Givaudan SA by the weighted average of the number of shares outstanding during the reporting period. EBITDA Defined as Earnings Before Interest (and other financial income (expense), net), Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation, corresponds to operating income before depreciation, amortisation and impairment of long-lived assets. See page 113 in the 2019 Financial report. EcoVadis EcoVadis aims at improving environmental and social practices of companies by leveraging the influence of global supply chains. EcoVadis’ reliable ratings and easy-to-use monitoring tools allow companies to manage risks and drive ecoinnovations in their global supply chains.
Givaudan – 2019 Integrated Annual Report